Định nghĩa lại từ điển-Erin McKean

Redefining the dictionary - Erin McKean

Redefining the dictionary - Erin McKean


now<00:00:16.130> I<00:00:16.160> have<00:00:16.580> any<00:00:16.760> of<00:00:16.940> y'all<00:00:17.180> ever<00:00:17.570> looked<00:00:18.290> up
now I have any of y'all ever looked up now I have any of y'all ever looked up this<00:00:18.770> word<00:00:19.010> you<00:00:19.550> know<00:00:19.670> in<00:00:19.910> a<00:00:20.000> dictionary<00:00:21.340> but this word you know in a dictionary but this word you know in a dictionary but yeah<00:00:22.580> that's<00:00:22.700> what<00:00:22.850> I<00:00:22.940> thought<00:00:23.090> um<00:00:23.750> how<00:00:24.470> about yeah that's what I thought um how about yeah that's what I thought um how about this<00:00:24.830> word this word this word you<00:00:25.640> know<00:00:25.700> I'll<00:00:25.760> show<00:00:25.939> it<00:00:26.060> to<00:00:26.090> you you know I'll show it to you you know I'll show it to you lexicography<00:00:27.320> the<00:00:27.830> practice<00:00:28.310> of<00:00:28.460> compiling lexicography the practice of compiling lexicography the practice of compiling dictionaries<00:00:29.510> known<00:00:29.990> as<00:00:30.170> we're<00:00:30.320> very dictionaries known as we're very dictionaries known as we're very specific<00:00:30.980> that<00:00:31.310> word<00:00:31.460> compile<00:00:32.059> the specific that word compile the specific that word compile the dictionary<00:00:33.680> is<00:00:33.739> not<00:00:33.890> carved<00:00:34.400> out<00:00:34.520> of<00:00:34.550> a<00:00:34.700> piece dictionary is not carved out of a piece dictionary is not carved out of a piece of<00:00:35.120> granite<00:00:35.450> out<00:00:35.750> of<00:00:35.780> a<00:00:35.900> lump<00:00:36.140> of<00:00:36.290> rock<00:00:36.440> it's of granite out of a lump of rock it's of granite out of a lump of rock it's made<00:00:37.070> up<00:00:37.280> of<00:00:37.460> lots<00:00:37.730> of<00:00:38.030> little<00:00:38.090> bits<00:00:38.480> little made up of lots of little bits little made up of lots of little bits little discrete<00:00:39.379> that<00:00:39.710> spelled<00:00:39.980> D<00:00:40.160> is<00:00:40.370> CR<00:00:41.090> e<00:00:41.360> te<00:00:41.780> bits discrete that spelled D is CR e te bits discrete that spelled D is CR e te bits and<00:00:44.510> those<00:00:45.379> bits<00:00:45.620> are<00:00:45.769> words<00:00:45.980> now<00:00:46.550> one<00:00:46.790> of<00:00:46.820> the and those bits are words now one of the and those bits are words now one of the perks<00:00:47.420> of<00:00:47.720> being<00:00:47.809> a<00:00:48.470> lexicographer<00:00:48.830> besides perks of being a lexicographer besides perks of being a lexicographer besides getting<00:00:49.640> to<00:00:49.729> come<00:00:49.820> to<00:00:49.970> Ted<00:00:50.180> is<00:00:51.129> that<00:00:52.129> you<00:00:52.220> get getting to come to Ted is that you get getting to come to Ted is that you get to<00:00:52.460> say<00:00:52.580> really<00:00:52.850> fun<00:00:53.150> words<00:00:53.449> like to say really fun words like to say really fun words like lexicographical<00:00:55.540> lexicographical<00:00:56.540> has<00:00:56.690> this lexicographical lexicographical has this lexicographical lexicographical has this great<00:00:57.110> pattern<00:00:57.379> is<00:00:57.650> called<00:00:57.800> a<00:00:57.920> double<00:00:58.190> dactyl great pattern is called a double dactyl great pattern is called a double dactyl and<00:00:58.820> by<00:00:58.940> just<00:00:59.150> by<00:00:59.239> saying<00:00:59.390> double<00:00:59.720> dactyl<00:00:59.839> I've and by just by saying double dactyl I've and by just by saying double dactyl I've sent<00:01:00.470> the<00:01:00.620> geek<00:01:00.830> needle<00:01:01.190> all<00:01:01.370> the<00:01:01.400> way<00:01:01.550> into sent the geek needle all the way into sent the geek needle all the way into the<00:01:01.879> red the red the red but<00:01:04.870> lexicographical<00:01:05.870> is<00:01:06.080> the<00:01:06.530> same<00:01:06.710> pattern but lexicographical is the same pattern but lexicographical is the same pattern as<00:01:07.130> higgledy-piggledy<00:01:07.850> right<00:01:08.299> it's<00:01:08.479> a<00:01:08.570> fun as higgledy-piggledy right it's a fun as higgledy-piggledy right it's a fun word<00:01:09.020> to<00:01:09.049> say<00:01:09.170> and<00:01:09.380> I<00:01:09.470> get<00:01:09.620> to<00:01:09.740> say<00:01:09.860> it<00:01:09.979> a<00:01:10.040> lot word to say and I get to say it a lot word to say and I get to say it a lot now<00:01:11.180> one<00:01:11.960> of<00:01:11.990> the<00:01:12.200> non<00:01:12.500> perks<00:01:12.920> of<00:01:13.280> being<00:01:13.340> a now one of the non perks of being a now one of the non perks of being a lexicographer<00:01:14.000> is<00:01:14.390> that<00:01:14.810> people<00:01:15.140> don't lexicographer is that people don't lexicographer is that people don't usually<00:01:15.649> have<00:01:16.130> a<00:01:16.159> kind<00:01:16.610> of<00:01:16.729> warm<00:01:17.210> fuzzy usually have a kind of warm fuzzy usually have a kind of warm fuzzy snuggly<00:01:18.229> image<00:01:18.590> of<00:01:18.829> the<00:01:19.070> dictionary<00:01:19.579> right snuggly image of the dictionary right snuggly image of the dictionary right nobody<00:01:21.140> hugs<00:01:21.920> their<00:01:22.460> dictionaries<00:01:23.119> but<00:01:23.619> what nobody hugs their dictionaries but what nobody hugs their dictionaries but what people<00:01:24.920> really<00:01:25.130> often<00:01:25.759> think<00:01:25.939> about<00:01:26.000> the people really often think about the people really often think about the dictionary<00:01:26.659> is<00:01:26.780> they<00:01:26.930> think<00:01:26.990> more<00:01:27.619> like<00:01:27.890> this dictionary is they think more like this dictionary is they think more like this just<00:01:29.420> to<00:01:29.539> let<00:01:29.659> you<00:01:29.719> know<00:01:29.840> I<00:01:29.869> do<00:01:30.020> not<00:01:30.229> have<00:01:30.409> a just to let you know I do not have a just to let you know I do not have a lexicographical<00:01:31.369> whistle<00:01:31.729> but<00:01:32.270> people<00:01:32.659> think lexicographical whistle but people think lexicographical whistle but people think that<00:01:33.200> my<00:01:33.350> job<00:01:33.649> is<00:01:33.680> to<00:01:34.039> let<00:01:34.189> the<00:01:34.399> good<00:01:34.520> words that my job is to let the good words that my job is to let the good words make<00:01:35.090> that<00:01:35.270> difficult<00:01:35.509> left-hand<00:01:36.109> turn<00:01:36.320> into make that difficult left-hand turn into make that difficult left-hand turn into the<00:01:36.799> dictionary<00:01:37.060> and<00:01:38.060> keep<00:01:38.899> the<00:01:38.990> bad<00:01:39.170> words the dictionary and keep the bad words the dictionary and keep the bad words out<00:01:39.740> but<00:01:40.250> the<00:01:41.119> thing<00:01:41.270> is<00:01:41.299> I<00:01:41.719> don't<00:01:42.200> want<00:01:42.469> to<00:01:42.530> be out but the thing is I don't want to be out but the thing is I don't want to be a<00:01:42.649> traffic<00:01:42.859> cop<00:01:43.130> for<00:01:43.340> one<00:01:43.670> thing<00:01:43.880> I<00:01:44.030> just<00:01:44.299> do a traffic cop for one thing I just do a traffic cop for one thing I just do not<00:01:44.539> do<00:01:44.719> uniforms<00:01:45.289> and<00:01:45.789> for<00:01:46.789> another<00:01:48.340> deciding not do uniforms and for another deciding not do uniforms and for another deciding what<00:01:49.490> words<00:01:49.700> are<00:01:49.820> good<00:01:50.119> and<00:01:50.450> what<00:01:50.630> words<00:01:50.780> are what words are good and what words are what words are good and what words are bad<00:01:51.229> is<00:01:51.649> actually<00:01:52.009> not<00:01:52.159> very<00:01:52.189> easy<00:01:52.640> and<00:01:53.000> it's bad is actually not very easy and it's bad is actually not very easy and it's not<00:01:53.390> very<00:01:53.570> fun<00:01:53.899> and<00:01:54.200> when<00:01:54.890> part<00:01:55.520> of<00:01:55.640> your<00:01:55.789> job not very fun and when part of your job not very fun and when part of your job are<00:01:56.270> not<00:01:56.299> easy<00:01:56.810> or<00:01:57.079> fun<00:01:57.499> you<00:01:58.159> kind<00:01:58.429> of<00:01:58.520> look<00:01:58.700> for are not easy or fun you kind of look for are not easy or fun you kind of look for an<00:01:58.969> excuse<00:01:59.329> not<00:01:59.509> to<00:01:59.570> do<00:01:59.960> them<00:02:00.490> so<00:02:01.490> if<00:02:01.939> I<00:02:02.899> had<00:02:03.049> to an excuse not to do them so if I had to an excuse not to do them so if I had to think<00:02:03.439> of<00:02:03.590> some<00:02:03.770> kind<00:02:04.039> of<00:02:04.159> occupation<00:02:04.759> as<00:02:05.119> a think of some kind of occupation as a think of some kind of occupation as a metaphor<00:02:05.749> for<00:02:05.899> my<00:02:05.960> work<00:02:06.229> I<00:02:06.350> would<00:02:06.530> much<00:02:06.799> rather metaphor for my work I would much rather metaphor for my work I would much rather be<00:02:07.369> a<00:02:07.579> fisherman<00:02:08.270> I<00:02:08.750> want<00:02:09.259> to<00:02:09.350> throw<00:02:09.619> my<00:02:09.830> big be a fisherman I want to throw my big be a fisherman I want to throw my big net<00:02:10.399> into<00:02:11.030> the<00:02:11.150> deep<00:02:11.480> blue<00:02:11.930> ocean<00:02:12.200> of<00:02:12.860> English net into the deep blue ocean of English net into the deep blue ocean of English and<00:02:13.550> see<00:02:14.090> what<00:02:14.270> marvelous<00:02:14.840> creatures<00:02:15.230> I<00:02:15.350> can and see what marvelous creatures I can and see what marvelous creatures I can drag<00:02:15.740> up<00:02:15.950> from<00:02:16.160> the<00:02:16.250> bottom<00:02:16.480> but<00:02:17.480> why<00:02:18.020> do drag up from the bottom but why do drag up from the bottom but why do people<00:02:18.500> want<00:02:18.710> me<00:02:18.950> to<00:02:19.340> direct<00:02:19.550> traffic<00:02:20.000> when<00:02:20.660> I people want me to direct traffic when I people want me to direct traffic when I would<00:02:20.960> much<00:02:21.110> rather<00:02:21.140> go<00:02:21.470> fishing<00:02:21.860> well would much rather go fishing well would much rather go fishing well I<00:02:23.670> blame<00:02:24.060> the<00:02:24.210> Queen<00:02:24.530> well<00:02:25.530> why<00:02:25.740> do<00:02:25.800> I<00:02:25.920> blame I blame the Queen well why do I blame I blame the Queen well why do I blame the<00:02:26.220> Queen<00:02:26.370> well<00:02:26.520> first<00:02:26.700> of<00:02:26.760> all<00:02:26.820> I<00:02:26.880> blame<00:02:27.030> the the Queen well first of all I blame the the Queen well first of all I blame the Queen<00:02:27.300> because<00:02:27.420> it's<00:02:27.570> funny<00:02:27.810> but<00:02:28.380> secondly<00:02:29.070> I Queen because it's funny but secondly I Queen because it's funny but secondly I blame<00:02:29.940> the<00:02:30.060> Queen<00:02:30.300> because<00:02:31.010> dictionaries blame the Queen because dictionaries blame the Queen because dictionaries have<00:02:32.160> really<00:02:32.550> not<00:02:32.730> changed<00:02:32.760> our<00:02:33.240> idea<00:02:33.330> of<00:02:33.990> what have really not changed our idea of what have really not changed our idea of what a<00:02:34.200> dictionary<00:02:34.410> is<00:02:34.740> has<00:02:34.950> not<00:02:35.130> changed<00:02:35.670> since a dictionary is has not changed since a dictionary is has not changed since her<00:02:36.060> reign<00:02:36.420> the<00:02:37.380> only<00:02:37.860> thing<00:02:38.070> that<00:02:38.250> Queen her reign the only thing that Queen her reign the only thing that Queen Victoria<00:02:38.460> would<00:02:39.060> not<00:02:39.390> be<00:02:39.600> abused<00:02:40.110> by<00:02:40.410> in Victoria would not be abused by in Victoria would not be abused by in modern<00:02:41.490> dictionaries<00:02:41.970> is<00:02:42.120> our<00:02:42.210> inclusion<00:02:42.510> of modern dictionaries is our inclusion of modern dictionaries is our inclusion of the<00:02:42.810> f-word<00:02:43.230> which<00:02:43.590> has<00:02:43.710> happened<00:02:43.860> in the f-word which has happened in the f-word which has happened in American<00:02:44.490> Dictionary<00:02:44.850> since<00:02:45.060> 1965<00:02:45.990> so American Dictionary since 1965 so American Dictionary since 1965 so there's<00:02:47.670> this<00:02:47.820> guy<00:02:48.060> right<00:02:48.090> Victorian<00:02:48.960> era there's this guy right Victorian era there's this guy right Victorian era James<00:02:49.410> Murray<00:02:49.740> first<00:02:50.280> after<00:02:50.550> the<00:02:50.580> Oxford James Murray first after the Oxford James Murray first after the Oxford English<00:02:51.060> Dictionary<00:02:51.270> I<00:02:51.870> do<00:02:52.170> not<00:02:52.440> have<00:02:52.680> that English Dictionary I do not have that English Dictionary I do not have that hat<00:02:53.160> I<00:02:53.460> wish<00:02:53.910> I<00:02:54.090> had<00:02:54.270> that<00:02:54.420> hat<00:02:54.720> so<00:02:55.760> he's<00:02:56.760> really hat I wish I had that hat so he's really hat I wish I had that hat so he's really responsible<00:02:57.240> for<00:02:57.930> a<00:02:57.960> lot<00:02:58.110> of<00:02:58.140> what<00:02:58.350> we responsible for a lot of what we responsible for a lot of what we consider<00:02:58.740> modern<00:02:59.130> in<00:02:59.430> dictionaries<00:02:59.850> today consider modern in dictionaries today consider modern in dictionaries today when<00:03:00.900> a<00:03:00.930> guy<00:03:01.230> who<00:03:01.290> looks<00:03:01.890> like<00:03:01.980> that<00:03:02.100> in<00:03:02.520> that when a guy who looks like that in that when a guy who looks like that in that hat<00:03:03.120> is<00:03:03.360> the<00:03:03.540> face<00:03:03.750> of<00:03:03.810> modernity<00:03:04.290> you<00:03:05.190> have<00:03:05.370> a hat is the face of modernity you have a hat is the face of modernity you have a problem<00:03:07.580> and<00:03:09.050> so<00:03:10.050> James<00:03:10.620> Murray<00:03:10.890> could<00:03:11.070> get<00:03:11.220> a problem and so James Murray could get a problem and so James Murray could get a job<00:03:11.430> on<00:03:11.610> any<00:03:11.880> dictionary<00:03:12.209> today<00:03:12.720> there<00:03:13.470> would job on any dictionary today there would job on any dictionary today there would be<00:03:13.590> virtually<00:03:13.890> no<00:03:14.340> learning<00:03:14.640> curve<00:03:14.790> and<00:03:15.330> of be virtually no learning curve and of be virtually no learning curve and of course<00:03:15.959> people<00:03:16.170> are<00:03:16.260> saying<00:03:16.440> okay<00:03:16.650> Computers course people are saying okay Computers course people are saying okay Computers Computers<00:03:17.370> what<00:03:17.790> about<00:03:17.970> computers<00:03:18.450> the<00:03:19.080> thing Computers what about computers the thing Computers what about computers the thing about<00:03:19.350> computers<00:03:19.500> is<00:03:19.920> I<00:03:20.040> love<00:03:20.310> computers<00:03:20.760> I about computers is I love computers I about computers is I love computers I mean<00:03:21.060> I'm<00:03:21.180> a<00:03:21.240> huge<00:03:21.450> geek<00:03:21.630> I<00:03:21.780> love<00:03:22.020> computers<00:03:22.350> I mean I'm a huge geek I love computers I mean I'm a huge geek I love computers I would<00:03:23.250> go<00:03:23.370> on<00:03:23.490> a<00:03:23.550> hunger<00:03:23.850> strike<00:03:24.060> before<00:03:24.840> I<00:03:24.870> let would go on a hunger strike before I let would go on a hunger strike before I let them<00:03:25.050> take<00:03:25.320> away<00:03:25.440> google<00:03:25.800> book<00:03:25.920> search<00:03:25.950> from them take away google book search from them take away google book search from me<00:03:26.580> but<00:03:27.739> computers<00:03:28.739> don't<00:03:29.269> do<00:03:30.269> much<00:03:30.480> else me but computers don't do much else me but computers don't do much else other<00:03:31.050> than<00:03:31.320> speed<00:03:31.800> up<00:03:32.040> the<00:03:32.370> process<00:03:33.060> of other than speed up the process of other than speed up the process of compiling<00:03:33.660> dictionaries<00:03:34.410> they<00:03:35.160> don't<00:03:35.580> change compiling dictionaries they don't change compiling dictionaries they don't change the<00:03:36.810> end<00:03:37.019> result<00:03:38.120> because<00:03:39.120> what<00:03:39.780> a<00:03:39.810> dictionary the end result because what a dictionary the end result because what a dictionary is<00:03:40.350> is<00:03:40.500> it's<00:03:40.650> Victorian<00:03:41.370> design<00:03:41.630> merged<00:03:42.630> with is is it's Victorian design merged with is is it's Victorian design merged with a<00:03:42.959> little<00:03:43.350> bit<00:03:43.440> of<00:03:43.560> modern<00:03:43.769> propulsion<00:03:44.100> its a little bit of modern propulsion its a little bit of modern propulsion its steampunk<00:03:45.269> what<00:03:46.200> we<00:03:46.320> have<00:03:46.560> is<00:03:46.890> an<00:03:47.160> electric steampunk what we have is an electric steampunk what we have is an electric velocipede<00:03:48.269> you<00:03:49.050> know<00:03:49.140> we<00:03:49.620> have<00:03:49.769> Victorian velocipede you know we have Victorian velocipede you know we have Victorian design<00:03:50.550> with<00:03:50.790> an<00:03:50.880> engine<00:03:51.269> on<00:03:51.420> it<00:03:51.630> that's<00:03:52.019> all design with an engine on it that's all design with an engine on it that's all the<00:03:53.190> design<00:03:53.519> has<00:03:53.730> not<00:03:53.940> changed<00:03:54.660> and<00:03:54.870> okay<00:03:55.830> what the design has not changed and okay what the design has not changed and okay what about<00:03:56.100> online<00:03:57.060> dictionaries<00:03:57.510> right<00:03:57.660> online about online dictionaries right online about online dictionaries right online dictionaries<00:03:58.410> must<00:03:58.560> be<00:03:58.680> different<00:03:58.970> this<00:03:59.970> is dictionaries must be different this is dictionaries must be different this is the<00:04:00.209> Oxford<00:04:00.480> English<00:04:00.540> Dictionary<00:04:00.720> online<00:04:01.050> one the Oxford English Dictionary online one the Oxford English Dictionary online one of<00:04:01.440> the<00:04:01.560> best<00:04:01.739> online<00:04:01.950> dictionaries<00:04:02.550> this<00:04:02.700> is of the best online dictionaries this is of the best online dictionaries this is my<00:04:02.940> favorite<00:04:03.269> word<00:04:03.360> by<00:04:03.570> the<00:04:03.630> way<00:04:03.750> erinaceus my favorite word by the way erinaceus my favorite word by the way erinaceus pertaining<00:04:05.670> to<00:04:05.970> the<00:04:06.209> hedgehog<00:04:06.480> family<00:04:06.870> of<00:04:07.019> the pertaining to the hedgehog family of the pertaining to the hedgehog family of the nature<00:04:07.410> of<00:04:07.440> a<00:04:07.560> hedgehog<00:04:07.739> very<00:04:08.489> useful<00:04:08.940> word nature of a hedgehog very useful word nature of a hedgehog very useful word so<00:04:12.250> look<00:04:13.250> at<00:04:13.370> that so look at that so look at that online<00:04:14.840> dictionaries<00:04:15.260> right<00:04:15.380> now<00:04:15.500> our<00:04:15.650> paper online dictionaries right now our paper online dictionaries right now our paper thrown<00:04:16.340> up<00:04:16.579> on<00:04:16.850> a<00:04:16.880> screen<00:04:17.269> this<00:04:18.260> is<00:04:18.470> flat<00:04:18.859> look thrown up on a screen this is flat look thrown up on a screen this is flat look how<00:04:19.549> many<00:04:19.760> links<00:04:20.090> there<00:04:20.329> are<00:04:20.480> in<00:04:20.720> the<00:04:20.840> actual how many links there are in the actual how many links there are in the actual entry<00:04:21.380> -<00:04:21.739> right entry - right entry - right those<00:04:23.240> little<00:04:23.389> buttons<00:04:23.630> I<00:04:23.870> have<00:04:24.020> them<00:04:24.169> all those little buttons I have them all those little buttons I have them all expanded<00:04:25.100> except<00:04:25.340> for<00:04:25.490> the<00:04:25.550> date<00:04:25.730> chart<00:04:26.030> so expanded except for the date chart so expanded except for the date chart so there's<00:04:26.720> not<00:04:27.200> very<00:04:27.260> much<00:04:27.560> going<00:04:27.800> on<00:04:28.010> here there's not very much going on here there's not very much going on here there's<00:04:28.340> not<00:04:28.400> a<00:04:28.460> lot<00:04:28.639> of<00:04:28.669> click<00:04:28.910> enos<00:04:29.180> and<00:04:29.510> in there's not a lot of click enos and in there's not a lot of click enos and in fact<00:04:30.440> online<00:04:30.980> dictionaries<00:04:31.780> replicate fact online dictionaries replicate fact online dictionaries replicate almost<00:04:33.110> all<00:04:33.290> the<00:04:33.590> problems<00:04:33.980> of<00:04:34.130> print almost all the problems of print almost all the problems of print except<00:04:35.389> for<00:04:35.570> search<00:04:35.810> ability<00:04:36.080> and<00:04:36.500> when<00:04:37.250> you except for search ability and when you except for search ability and when you improve<00:04:37.760> search<00:04:38.030> ability<00:04:38.450> you<00:04:38.540> actually<00:04:38.960> take improve search ability you actually take improve search ability you actually take away<00:04:39.350> the<00:04:39.590> one<00:04:39.680> advantage<00:04:40.130> of<00:04:40.400> print<00:04:40.639> which<00:04:40.790> is away the one advantage of print which is away the one advantage of print which is serendipity<00:04:41.690> serendipity<00:04:42.680> is<00:04:42.770> when<00:04:42.979> you<00:04:43.130> find serendipity serendipity is when you find serendipity serendipity is when you find things<00:04:43.520> you<00:04:43.639> weren't<00:04:43.880> looking<00:04:44.180> for<00:04:44.210> because things you weren't looking for because things you weren't looking for because finding<00:04:44.990> what<00:04:45.080> you<00:04:45.169> are<00:04:45.200> looking<00:04:45.620> for<00:04:45.680> is<00:04:45.950> so finding what you are looking for is so finding what you are looking for is so damn<00:04:46.370> difficult<00:04:52.419> now<00:04:54.070> when<00:04:55.070> you<00:04:55.160> think<00:04:55.430> about damn difficult now when you think about damn difficult now when you think about this<00:04:55.820> what<00:04:56.330> we<00:04:56.510> have<00:04:56.750> here<00:04:57.229> is<00:04:57.350> a<00:04:57.889> hand<00:04:58.190> but this what we have here is a hand but this what we have here is a hand but problem<00:04:58.850> does<00:04:59.120> everybody<00:04:59.450> know<00:04:59.570> the<00:04:59.720> hand<00:04:59.930> but problem does everybody know the hand but problem does everybody know the hand but problem<00:05:00.530> woman's<00:05:01.280> making<00:05:01.550> a<00:05:01.610> hand<00:05:01.850> for<00:05:02.000> a<00:05:02.060> big problem woman's making a hand for a big problem woman's making a hand for a big family<00:05:02.419> dinner<00:05:02.600> she<00:05:03.260> goes<00:05:03.530> to<00:05:03.680> cut<00:05:03.860> the<00:05:03.979> butt family dinner she goes to cut the butt family dinner she goes to cut the butt off<00:05:04.310> the<00:05:04.460> hammer<00:05:04.639> throw<00:05:04.850> it<00:05:04.940> away<00:05:05.030> and<00:05:05.210> she off the hammer throw it away and she off the hammer throw it away and she looked<00:05:05.479> at<00:05:05.540> this<00:05:05.630> piece<00:05:05.810> of<00:05:05.900> ham<00:05:06.020> she's<00:05:06.200> like looked at this piece of ham she's like looked at this piece of ham she's like this<00:05:06.440> was<00:05:06.560> a<00:05:06.590> perfectly<00:05:06.860> good<00:05:06.919> piece<00:05:07.160> of<00:05:07.190> ham this was a perfectly good piece of ham this was a perfectly good piece of ham why<00:05:07.550> am<00:05:07.639> i<00:05:07.729> throwing<00:05:07.850> this<00:05:08.030> away<00:05:08.090> stop<00:05:08.930> well<00:05:09.050> my why am i throwing this away stop well my why am i throwing this away stop well my mom<00:05:09.380> always<00:05:09.410> did<00:05:09.919> this<00:05:10.070> so<00:05:10.610> she<00:05:10.669> calls<00:05:10.970> it<00:05:11.120> mom mom always did this so she calls it mom mom always did this so she calls it mom and<00:05:11.360> she<00:05:11.600> says<00:05:11.780> mom<00:05:11.900> why'd<00:05:12.169> you<00:05:12.290> cut<00:05:12.440> the<00:05:12.530> butt and she says mom why'd you cut the butt and she says mom why'd you cut the butt off<00:05:12.710> the<00:05:12.919> hand<00:05:13.130> when<00:05:13.310> you're<00:05:13.430> making<00:05:13.580> a<00:05:13.729> ham off the hand when you're making a ham off the hand when you're making a ham she<00:05:14.210> says<00:05:14.690> I<00:05:14.780> don't<00:05:14.960> know<00:05:15.050> my<00:05:15.200> mom<00:05:15.410> always<00:05:15.680> did she says I don't know my mom always did she says I don't know my mom always did it<00:05:16.070> so<00:05:16.190> they<00:05:16.280> called<00:05:16.520> grandma<00:05:16.850> my<00:05:17.270> grandma it so they called grandma my grandma it so they called grandma my grandma says<00:05:17.780> my<00:05:18.289> pan<00:05:18.620> was<00:05:18.830> too<00:05:19.010> small

so<00:05:22.260> it's<00:05:22.830> not<00:05:23.160> that<00:05:23.220> we<00:05:23.640> have<00:05:23.790> good<00:05:24.030> words<00:05:24.270> and
so it's not that we have good words and so it's not that we have good words and bad<00:05:24.780> words<00:05:25.430> we<00:05:26.430> have<00:05:26.640> a<00:05:26.670> pan<00:05:27.060> that's<00:05:27.390> too<00:05:27.690> small bad words we have a pan that's too small bad words we have a pan that's too small you<00:05:29.280> know<00:05:29.400> that<00:05:29.550> ham<00:05:29.760> but<00:05:29.970> is<00:05:30.060> delicious you know that ham but is delicious you know that ham but is delicious there's<00:05:31.470> no<00:05:31.590> reason<00:05:31.920> to<00:05:31.950> throw<00:05:32.130> it<00:05:32.250> away<00:05:32.340> the there's no reason to throw it away the there's no reason to throw it away the bad<00:05:32.730> words<00:05:33.090> see<00:05:33.600> when<00:05:33.720> people<00:05:33.750> think<00:05:34.170> about<00:05:34.290> a bad words see when people think about a bad words see when people think about a place<00:05:34.740> and<00:05:35.010> they<00:05:35.070> don't<00:05:35.250> find<00:05:35.400> a<00:05:35.520> place<00:05:35.550> on<00:05:35.910> the place and they don't find a place on the place and they don't find a place on the map<00:05:36.180> they<00:05:36.630> think<00:05:36.810> this<00:05:37.260> map<00:05:37.470> sucks<00:05:37.830> when<00:05:38.670> they map they think this map sucks when they map they think this map sucks when they find<00:05:38.970> a<00:05:39.060> nice<00:05:39.240> spot<00:05:39.510> or<00:05:39.630> a<00:05:39.690> bar<00:05:39.930> and<00:05:40.140> it's<00:05:40.260> not find a nice spot or a bar and it's not find a nice spot or a bar and it's not the<00:05:40.560> guidebook<00:05:40.920> they're<00:05:41.070> like<00:05:41.220> ooh<00:05:41.340> this<00:05:41.580> must the guidebook they're like ooh this must the guidebook they're like ooh this must place<00:05:41.940> must<00:05:42.150> be<00:05:42.240> cool<00:05:42.480> it's<00:05:42.720> not<00:05:42.870> in<00:05:43.020> the place must be cool it's not in the place must be cool it's not in the guidebook<00:05:43.530> when<00:05:44.460> they<00:05:44.640> find<00:05:44.910> a<00:05:45.030> word<00:05:45.270> that's guidebook when they find a word that's guidebook when they find a word that's not<00:05:45.600> in<00:05:45.810> the<00:05:45.900> dictionary<00:05:46.380> they<00:05:46.530> think<00:05:46.740> this not in the dictionary they think this not in the dictionary they think this must<00:05:47.100> be<00:05:47.250> a<00:05:47.280> bad<00:05:47.550> word<00:05:47.880> why<00:05:48.870> it's<00:05:49.740> more<00:05:50.070> likely must be a bad word why it's more likely must be a bad word why it's more likely to<00:05:50.610> be<00:05:50.760> a<00:05:50.910> bad<00:05:51.330> dictionary<00:05:51.930> why<00:05:52.110> are<00:05:52.170> you to be a bad dictionary why are you to be a bad dictionary why are you blaming<00:05:52.620> the<00:05:52.950> ham<00:05:53.250> for<00:05:53.910> being<00:05:54.120> too<00:05:54.240> big<00:05:54.450> for blaming the ham for being too big for blaming the ham for being too big for the<00:05:54.720> pan<00:05:56.810> so<00:05:57.810> you<00:05:58.290> can't<00:05:59.010> get<00:05:59.160> a<00:05:59.220> smaller<00:05:59.550> ham the pan so you can't get a smaller ham the pan so you can't get a smaller ham the<00:06:00.390> English<00:06:00.690> language<00:06:01.020> is<00:06:01.170> as<00:06:01.290> big<00:06:01.530> as<00:06:01.710> it<00:06:01.950> is the English language is as big as it is the English language is as big as it is so<00:06:03.030> if<00:06:03.300> you<00:06:03.390> have<00:06:03.570> a<00:06:03.600> ham<00:06:03.960> but<00:06:04.200> problem<00:06:04.650> and so if you have a ham but problem and so if you have a ham but problem and you're<00:06:04.860> thinking<00:06:04.980> about<00:06:05.160> the<00:06:05.370> hand<00:06:05.520> but you're thinking about the hand but you're thinking about the hand but problem<00:06:06.000> the<00:06:06.480> conclusion<00:06:07.110> that<00:06:07.140> it<00:06:07.320> leads<00:06:07.590> you problem the conclusion that it leads you problem the conclusion that it leads you to<00:06:07.980> is<00:06:08.010> inexorable<00:06:08.820> and<00:06:09.260> counterintuitive to is inexorable and counterintuitive to is inexorable and counterintuitive paper<00:06:11.460> is<00:06:11.940> the<00:06:12.240> enemy<00:06:12.630> of<00:06:12.750> words<00:06:13.670> how<00:06:14.670> can<00:06:14.880> this paper is the enemy of words how can this paper is the enemy of words how can this be<00:06:15.270> I<00:06:15.540> mean<00:06:15.690> I<00:06:15.750> love<00:06:16.110> books<00:06:16.560> I<00:06:16.860> really<00:06:17.370> love be I mean I love books I really love be I mean I love books I really love books<00:06:17.640> some<00:06:17.820> of<00:06:17.940> my<00:06:18.030> best<00:06:18.240> friends<00:06:18.810> are<00:06:18.900> books books some of my best friends are books books some of my best friends are books but but but the<00:06:22.090> book<00:06:22.479> is<00:06:22.750> not<00:06:23.110> the<00:06:23.440> best<00:06:23.830> shape<00:06:24.430> for<00:06:24.849> the the book is not the best shape for the the book is not the best shape for the dictionary<00:06:25.569> they're<00:06:26.349> like<00:06:26.500> oh<00:06:26.620> my<00:06:26.650> people<00:06:27.370> are dictionary they're like oh my people are dictionary they're like oh my people are going<00:06:27.580> to<00:06:27.639> take<00:06:27.819> away<00:06:28.030> my<00:06:28.240> my<00:06:28.630> my<00:06:29.020> beautiful going to take away my my my beautiful going to take away my my my beautiful paper<00:06:29.979> dictionaries<00:06:30.130> no<00:06:30.580> there<00:06:30.880> will<00:06:31.030> still paper dictionaries no there will still paper dictionaries no there will still be<00:06:31.300> paper<00:06:31.660> dictionaries<00:06:31.949> when<00:06:32.949> we<00:06:33.069> had<00:06:33.220> cars be paper dictionaries when we had cars be paper dictionaries when we had cars when<00:06:34.000> cars<00:06:34.210> became<00:06:34.479> the<00:06:34.599> dominant<00:06:35.050> mode<00:06:35.169> of when cars became the dominant mode of when cars became the dominant mode of transportation transportation transportation we<00:06:36.310> didn't<00:06:36.520> round<00:06:36.699> up<00:06:36.849> all<00:06:36.970> the<00:06:37.060> horses<00:06:37.330> and we didn't round up all the horses and we didn't round up all the horses and shoot<00:06:37.810> them<00:06:38.050> you<00:06:38.460> know<00:06:39.460> there's<00:06:39.639> still<00:06:39.819> going shoot them you know there's still going shoot them you know there's still going to<00:06:40.030> be<00:06:40.090> paper<00:06:40.590> dictionaries<00:06:41.590> but<00:06:41.770> it's<00:06:42.009> not to be paper dictionaries but it's not to be paper dictionaries but it's not going<00:06:42.430> to<00:06:42.490> be<00:06:42.580> the<00:06:42.759> dominant<00:06:43.060> cake<00:06:43.630> dictionary going to be the dominant cake dictionary going to be the dominant cake dictionary the<00:06:44.770> book-shaped<00:06:45.099> dictionaries<00:06:45.360> not<00:06:46.360> going the book-shaped dictionaries not going the book-shaped dictionaries not going to<00:06:46.539> be<00:06:46.630> the<00:06:46.750> only<00:06:46.930> shape<00:06:47.380> dictionaries<00:06:47.889> come to be the only shape dictionaries come to be the only shape dictionaries come in<00:06:48.370> and<00:06:48.750> it's<00:06:49.750> not<00:06:49.900> going<00:06:50.050> to<00:06:50.110> be<00:06:50.199> the in and it's not going to be the in and it's not going to be the prototype<00:06:50.949> for<00:06:51.789> the<00:06:51.910> shapes<00:06:52.150> dictionaries prototype for the shapes dictionaries prototype for the shapes dictionaries come<00:06:52.870> in<00:06:53.020> so<00:06:53.650> think<00:06:54.430> about<00:06:54.520> it<00:06:54.759> this<00:06:54.909> way<00:06:55.229> if come in so think about it this way if come in so think about it this way if you<00:06:56.610> have<00:06:57.610> an<00:06:57.669> artificial<00:06:58.120> constraint you have an artificial constraint you have an artificial constraint artificial<00:07:00.400> constraints<00:07:01.030> lead<00:07:01.479> to<00:07:01.599> arbitrary artificial constraints lead to arbitrary artificial constraints lead to arbitrary distinctions<00:07:02.889> and<00:07:03.099> a<00:07:03.220> skewed<00:07:03.669> worldview distinctions and a skewed worldview distinctions and a skewed worldview what<00:07:05.349> if<00:07:05.819> biologists<00:07:06.819> could<00:07:06.940> only<00:07:07.180> study what if biologists could only study what if biologists could only study animals<00:07:08.169> that<00:07:08.289> made<00:07:08.409> people<00:07:08.560> go<00:07:08.770> oh<00:07:09.449> right animals that made people go oh right animals that made people go oh right what<00:07:10.720> if<00:07:10.810> we<00:07:10.870> made<00:07:11.020> aesthetic<00:07:11.620> judgments what if we made aesthetic judgments what if we made aesthetic judgments about<00:07:12.190> animals<00:07:12.789> and<00:07:12.909> only<00:07:13.150> the<00:07:13.240> ones<00:07:13.419> we about animals and only the ones we about animals and only the ones we thought<00:07:13.720> were<00:07:13.780> cute<00:07:14.080> were<00:07:14.289> the<00:07:14.409> ones<00:07:14.560> that<00:07:14.710> we thought were cute were the ones that we thought were cute were the ones that we could<00:07:14.949> study<00:07:15.659> we<00:07:16.659> know<00:07:16.840> a<00:07:16.870> whole<00:07:17.169> lot<00:07:17.199> about could study we know a whole lot about could study we know a whole lot about charismatic<00:07:18.130> megafauna<00:07:18.940> and<00:07:19.300> not<00:07:20.139> very<00:07:20.380> much charismatic megafauna and not very much charismatic megafauna and not very much about<00:07:21.759> much<00:07:22.150> else<00:07:22.419> and<00:07:23.250> I<00:07:24.250> think<00:07:24.669> this<00:07:24.819> is<00:07:24.940> a about much else and I think this is a about much else and I think this is a problem<00:07:25.360> I<00:07:25.840> think<00:07:25.930> we<00:07:26.169> should<00:07:26.320> study<00:07:26.500> all<00:07:26.770> the problem I think we should study all the problem I think we should study all the words<00:07:27.250> because<00:07:27.729> when<00:07:28.630> you<00:07:28.719> think<00:07:28.840> about<00:07:28.960> words words because when you think about words words because when you think about words you<00:07:30.610> can<00:07:30.969> make<00:07:31.389> beautiful<00:07:32.349> expressions<00:07:33.280> from you can make beautiful expressions from you can make beautiful expressions from very<00:07:34.090> humble<00:07:34.539> parts<00:07:35.880> lexicography<00:07:36.880> is<00:07:37.030> really very humble parts lexicography is really very humble parts lexicography is really more<00:07:37.509> about<00:07:37.630> material<00:07:38.530> science<00:07:39.190> we<00:07:40.030> are more about material science we are more about material science we are studying<00:07:40.539> the<00:07:40.750> tolerances<00:07:41.680> of<00:07:41.979> the<00:07:42.639> materials studying the tolerances of the materials studying the tolerances of the materials that<00:07:43.539> you<00:07:43.780> use<00:07:44.050> to<00:07:44.320> build<00:07:44.560> the<00:07:44.889> structure<00:07:45.520> of that you use to build the structure of that you use to build the structure of your<00:07:45.880> expression<00:07:46.479> your<00:07:47.020> speeches<00:07:47.740> and<00:07:47.979> your your expression your speeches and your your expression your speeches and your writing<00:07:49.000> and<00:07:49.900> then<00:07:50.259> often<00:07:50.770> people<00:07:50.919> say<00:07:51.219> to<00:07:51.280> me writing and then often people say to me writing and then often people say to me well<00:07:51.669> okay<00:07:52.599> how<00:07:52.930> do<00:07:52.990> I<00:07:53.110> know<00:07:53.199> that<00:07:53.560> this<00:07:53.650> word well okay how do I know that this word well okay how do I know that this word is<00:07:54.039> real<00:07:55.139> that<00:07:57.389> I<00:07:59.130> think<00:08:00.240> okay<00:08:01.240> if<00:08:01.389> we<00:08:01.539> think is real that I think okay if we think is real that I think okay if we think words<00:08:02.169> are<00:08:02.500> the<00:08:02.830> tools<00:08:03.159> that<00:08:03.580> we<00:08:03.909> use<00:08:04.060> to<00:08:04.960> build words are the tools that we use to build words are the tools that we use to build the<00:08:05.319> expressions<00:08:05.800> of<00:08:05.889> our<00:08:06.039> thoughts<00:08:06.310> how<00:08:07.300> can the expressions of our thoughts how can the expressions of our thoughts how can you<00:08:07.569> say<00:08:07.750> that<00:08:07.930> screwdrivers<00:08:08.530> are<00:08:08.710> better you say that screwdrivers are better you say that screwdrivers are better than<00:08:09.310> hammers<00:08:09.780> how<00:08:10.780> can<00:08:10.960> you<00:08:11.050> say<00:08:11.229> that<00:08:11.409> a than hammers how can you say that a than hammers how can you say that a sledgehammer<00:08:11.740> is<00:08:12.250> better<00:08:12.699> than<00:08:12.909> a<00:08:12.940> ball-peen sledgehammer is better than a ball-peen sledgehammer is better than a ball-peen hammer hammer hammer they're<00:08:14.800> just<00:08:15.009> the<00:08:15.159> right<00:08:15.430> tool<00:08:15.759> for<00:08:15.789> the<00:08:16.120> job they're just the right tool for the job they're just the right tool for the job and<00:08:16.690> some<00:08:17.169> people<00:08:17.409> say<00:08:17.590> to<00:08:17.620> me<00:08:17.770> how<00:08:18.039> do<00:08:18.099> I<00:08:18.219> know and some people say to me how do I know and some people say to me how do I know if<00:08:18.610> a<00:08:18.699> word<00:08:18.909> is<00:08:19.120> real<00:08:20.039> you<00:08:21.039> know<00:08:21.130> anybody<00:08:21.580> who's if a word is real you know anybody who's if a word is real you know anybody who's read<00:08:21.909> a<00:08:21.969> children's<00:08:22.180> book<00:08:22.539> knows<00:08:23.319> that<00:08:23.560> love read a children's book knows that love read a children's book knows that love makes<00:08:24.550> things<00:08:25.180> real<00:08:25.780> if<00:08:26.620> you<00:08:26.889> love<00:08:27.280> a<00:08:27.310> word<00:08:27.810> use makes things real if you love a word use makes things real if you love a word use it<00:08:29.110> that<00:08:29.770> makes<00:08:30.099> it<00:08:30.310> real<00:08:30.659> being<00:08:31.659> in<00:08:31.810> the it that makes it real being in the it that makes it real being in the dictionary<00:08:32.469> is<00:08:32.680> an<00:08:32.800> artificial dictionary is an artificial dictionary is an artificial it<00:08:34.569> doesn't<00:08:34.839> make<00:08:34.930> a<00:08:34.959> word<00:08:35.199> any<00:08:35.409> more<00:08:35.649> real it doesn't make a word any more real it doesn't make a word any more real than<00:08:36.099> any<00:08:36.309> other<00:08:36.519> real<00:08:36.789> any<00:08:37.329> other<00:08:37.569> way<00:08:37.809> if<00:08:38.139> you than any other real any other way if you than any other real any other way if you love<00:08:38.979> a<00:08:39.039> word<00:08:39.339> it<00:08:39.879> becomes<00:08:40.269> real<00:08:40.569> so<00:08:41.559> if<00:08:41.860> we're love a word it becomes real so if we're love a word it becomes real so if we're not<00:08:42.309> worrying<00:08:42.819> about<00:08:42.939> directing<00:08:43.689> traffic<00:08:44.019> if not worrying about directing traffic if not worrying about directing traffic if we've<00:08:45.339> transcended<00:08:46.059> paper<00:08:46.660> if<00:08:47.379> we<00:08:48.100> are we've transcended paper if we are we've transcended paper if we are worrying<00:08:49.600> less<00:08:50.019> about<00:08:50.399> control<00:08:51.399> and<00:08:51.790> more worrying less about control and more worrying less about control and more about<00:08:52.569> description<00:08:53.319> then<00:08:54.100> we<00:08:54.249> can<00:08:54.430> think<00:08:54.610> of about description then we can think of about description then we can think of the<00:08:54.910> English<00:08:55.089> language<00:08:55.779> as<00:08:55.899> being<00:08:56.170> this the English language as being this the English language as being this beautiful<00:08:56.680> mobile<00:08:57.309> and<00:08:57.720> any<00:08:58.720> time<00:08:59.079> one<00:08:59.319> of beautiful mobile and any time one of beautiful mobile and any time one of those<00:08:59.499> little<00:08:59.800> parts<00:09:00.100> of<00:09:00.249> the<00:09:00.309> mobile<00:09:00.660> changes those little parts of the mobile changes those little parts of the mobile changes is<00:09:01.839> touched<00:09:02.139> anytime<00:09:02.709> you<00:09:02.800> touch<00:09:03.009> a<00:09:03.069> word<00:09:03.370> you is touched anytime you touch a word you is touched anytime you touch a word you use<00:09:04.029> it<00:09:04.180> in<00:09:04.300> a<00:09:04.360> new<00:09:04.480> context<00:09:05.079> you<00:09:05.199> give<00:09:05.319> it<00:09:05.439> a use it in a new context you give it a use it in a new context you give it a new<00:09:05.620> connotation<00:09:06.309> you<00:09:06.459> verb<00:09:06.819> it<00:09:07.170> you<00:09:08.170> make<00:09:08.410> the new connotation you verb it you make the new connotation you verb it you make the mobile<00:09:08.740> move<00:09:09.189> you<00:09:09.939> didn't<00:09:10.209> break<00:09:10.540> it<00:09:10.860> it's mobile move you didn't break it it's mobile move you didn't break it it's just<00:09:12.040> in<00:09:12.189> a<00:09:12.249> new<00:09:12.370> position<00:09:12.550> and<00:09:12.939> that<00:09:13.089> new just in a new position and that new just in a new position and that new position<00:09:13.680> can<00:09:14.680> be<00:09:14.709> just<00:09:15.220> as<00:09:15.399> beautiful<00:09:16.230> now<00:09:17.230> if position can be just as beautiful now if position can be just as beautiful now if you're<00:09:18.610> no<00:09:18.730> longer<00:09:18.970> a<00:09:19.120> traffic<00:09:19.569> cop<00:09:19.779> the you're no longer a traffic cop the you're no longer a traffic cop the problem<00:09:20.439> with<00:09:20.529> being<00:09:20.649> a<00:09:20.740> traffic<00:09:21.189> cop<00:09:21.370> is<00:09:21.579> that problem with being a traffic cop is that problem with being a traffic cop is that there<00:09:21.999> can<00:09:22.089> only<00:09:22.149> be<00:09:22.360> so<00:09:22.480> many<00:09:23.019> traffic<00:09:23.350> cops there can only be so many traffic cops there can only be so many traffic cops in<00:09:23.860> any<00:09:24.009> one<00:09:24.249> intersection<00:09:24.730> or<00:09:25.029> the<00:09:25.120> cars<00:09:25.389> get in any one intersection or the cars get in any one intersection or the cars get confused<00:09:26.170> right<00:09:26.680> but<00:09:27.639> if<00:09:27.819> your<00:09:28.059> goal<00:09:28.509> is<00:09:28.540> no confused right but if your goal is no confused right but if your goal is no longer<00:09:29.170> to<00:09:29.379> direct<00:09:29.769> the<00:09:29.920> traffic<00:09:30.220> but<00:09:30.610> maybe longer to direct the traffic but maybe longer to direct the traffic but maybe to<00:09:31.059> count<00:09:31.329> the<00:09:31.540> cars<00:09:31.809> that<00:09:32.079> go<00:09:32.139> by<00:09:32.439> then<00:09:33.370> more to count the cars that go by then more to count the cars that go by then more eyeballs<00:09:34.059> are<00:09:34.240> better<00:09:34.420> you<00:09:35.139> can<00:09:35.259> ask<00:09:35.410> for<00:09:35.589> help eyeballs are better you can ask for help eyeballs are better you can ask for help if<00:09:36.129> you<00:09:36.850> ask<00:09:37.149> for<00:09:37.480> help if you ask for help if you ask for help you<00:09:38.679> get<00:09:38.889> more<00:09:39.100> done<00:09:39.160> and<00:09:39.639> we<00:09:39.939> really<00:09:40.269> need you get more done and we really need you get more done and we really need help help help Library<00:09:41.860> of<00:09:41.889> Congress<00:09:42.629> 17<00:09:43.629> million<00:09:44.079> books<00:09:44.350> of Library of Congress 17 million books of Library of Congress 17 million books of which<00:09:45.069> half<00:09:45.370> are<00:09:45.579> in<00:09:45.639> English<00:09:46.029> if<00:09:46.600> only<00:09:46.959> one which half are in English if only one which half are in English if only one out<00:09:47.439> of<00:09:47.470> every<00:09:47.800> 10<00:09:48.399> of<00:09:48.639> those<00:09:48.790> books<00:09:49.120> had<00:09:49.749> a out of every 10 of those books had a out of every 10 of those books had a word<00:09:50.139> that's<00:09:50.439> not<00:09:50.529> in<00:09:50.889> the<00:09:50.980> dictionary<00:09:51.399> in<00:09:51.550> it word that's not in the dictionary in it word that's not in the dictionary in it that<00:09:52.269> would<00:09:52.389> be<00:09:52.420> equivalent<00:09:52.809> to<00:09:53.350> more<00:09:53.679> than that would be equivalent to more than that would be equivalent to more than two<00:09:54.399> unabridged<00:09:55.149> dictionaries<00:09:55.839> and<00:09:56.050> I<00:09:56.529> find two unabridged dictionaries and I find two unabridged dictionaries and I find an<00:09:57.189> undeclared<00:09:57.730> word<00:09:58.360> like<00:09:58.749> a<00:09:58.779> word<00:09:59.019> like<00:09:59.170> on an undeclared word like a word like on an undeclared word like a word like on dictionary<00:09:59.800> for<00:10:00.009> example<00:10:00.339> in<00:10:01.139> almost<00:10:02.139> every dictionary for example in almost every dictionary for example in almost every book<00:10:03.220> I<00:10:03.399> read<00:10:04.170> what<00:10:05.170> about<00:10:05.350> newspapers book I read what about newspapers book I read what about newspapers newspaper<00:10:07.389> archive<00:10:07.990> goes<00:10:08.470> back<00:10:08.620> to<00:10:09.179> 1759 newspaper archive goes back to 1759 newspaper archive goes back to 1759 fifty-eight<00:10:11.379> point<00:10:11.740> 1<00:10:12.009> million<00:10:12.759> newspaper fifty-eight point 1 million newspaper fifty-eight point 1 million newspaper pages<00:10:13.509> if<00:10:13.990> only<00:10:14.470> one<00:10:14.889> in<00:10:15.129> 100<00:10:16.120> of<00:10:16.179> those<00:10:16.360> pages pages if only one in 100 of those pages pages if only one in 100 of those pages had<00:10:16.990> an<00:10:17.079> undeclared<00:10:17.499> word<00:10:18.069> on<00:10:18.339> it<00:10:18.490> it<00:10:18.730> would<00:10:19.029> be had an undeclared word on it it would be had an undeclared word on it it would be an<00:10:19.209> entire<00:10:19.660> other<00:10:19.959> OAD<00:10:20.829> that's<00:10:21.759> a<00:10:21.910> more<00:10:22.149> than an entire other OAD that's a more than an entire other OAD that's a more than 500<00:10:23.259> thousand<00:10:23.769> more<00:10:23.949> words<00:10:24.189> so<00:10:25.120> that's<00:10:25.589> that's 500 thousand more words so that's that's 500 thousand more words so that's that's a<00:10:26.740> lot<00:10:26.980> I<00:10:27.129> don't<00:10:27.309> really<00:10:27.490> been<00:10:27.610> talking<00:10:27.759> about a lot I don't really been talking about a lot I don't really been talking about magazines<00:10:28.240> I'm<00:10:28.720> not<00:10:28.870> talking<00:10:29.110> about<00:10:29.170> blogs magazines I'm not talking about blogs magazines I'm not talking about blogs and<00:10:29.920> I<00:10:29.980> find<00:10:30.220> more<00:10:30.399> new<00:10:30.610> words<00:10:30.790> on<00:10:30.939> Boing<00:10:31.179> Boing and I find more new words on Boing Boing and I find more new words on Boing Boing in<00:10:31.600> a<00:10:31.660> given<00:10:31.899> week<00:10:32.050> than<00:10:32.259> I<00:10:32.350> do<00:10:32.410> in<00:10:32.649> newsmaker in a given week than I do in newsmaker in a given week than I do in newsmaker time<00:10:33.389> there's<00:10:34.389> a<00:10:34.449> lot<00:10:34.720> going<00:10:34.990> on<00:10:35.110> there<00:10:35.350> and time there's a lot going on there and time there's a lot going on there and I'm<00:10:35.589> not<00:10:35.740> even<00:10:35.949> talking<00:10:36.100> about<00:10:36.309> pol<00:10:36.670> SME<00:10:37.179> which I'm not even talking about pol SME which I'm not even talking about pol SME which is<00:10:37.899> the<00:10:38.079> greedy<00:10:38.410> habit<00:10:38.920> some<00:10:39.160> words<00:10:39.370> have<00:10:39.639> of is the greedy habit some words have of is the greedy habit some words have of taking<00:10:40.389> more<00:10:40.600> than<00:10:40.749> one<00:10:40.899> meaning<00:10:41.139> for taking more than one meaning for taking more than one meaning for themselves themselves themselves so<00:10:44.850> if<00:10:45.850> you<00:10:46.570> think<00:10:46.690> of<00:10:46.810> the<00:10:46.900> word<00:10:47.020> set<00:10:47.440> a<00:10:47.710> set so if you think of the word set a set so if you think of the word set a set can<00:10:48.250> be<00:10:48.400> a<00:10:48.430> Badgers<00:10:49.030> burrow<00:10:49.300> a<00:10:49.630> set<00:10:50.110> can<00:10:50.230> be<00:10:50.350> one can be a Badgers burrow a set can be one can be a Badgers burrow a set can be one of<00:10:50.590> the<00:10:50.680> pleats<00:10:50.980> and<00:10:51.190> an<00:10:51.280> Elizabethan<00:10:51.760> rough of the pleats and an Elizabethan rough of the pleats and an Elizabethan rough and<00:10:52.570> there's<00:10:53.080> one<00:10:53.350> number<00:10:53.650> definition<00:10:54.280> in<00:10:54.370> the and there's one number definition in the and there's one number definition in the OED<00:10:54.700> the<00:10:54.940> OED<00:10:55.150> has<00:10:55.420> 33<00:10:55.900> different<00:10:56.050> numbered OED the OED has 33 different numbered OED the OED has 33 different numbered definitions<00:10:57.070> for<00:10:57.250> set<00:10:57.610> tiny<00:10:58.360> little<00:10:58.630> word<00:10:58.750> 33 definitions for set tiny little word 33 definitions for set tiny little word 33 numbered<00:10:59.890> definitions<00:11:00.430> one<00:11:01.090> of<00:11:01.210> them<00:11:01.330> is<00:11:01.480> just numbered definitions one of them is just numbered definitions one of them is just labeled<00:11:02.050> miscellaneous<00:11:03.070> technical<00:11:03.730> senses labeled miscellaneous technical senses labeled miscellaneous technical senses you<00:11:05.290> know<00:11:05.380> do<00:11:05.500> you<00:11:05.560> know<00:11:05.650> what<00:11:05.740> that<00:11:05.860> says<00:11:06.010> to you know do you know what that says to you know do you know what that says to me<00:11:06.190> that<00:11:06.520> says<00:11:06.670> to<00:11:06.760> me<00:11:06.850> it<00:11:06.910> was<00:11:07.030> Friday me that says to me it was Friday me that says to me it was Friday afternoon<00:11:07.480> and<00:11:08.020> somebody<00:11:08.320> wanted<00:11:08.590> to<00:11:08.650> go<00:11:08.740> down afternoon and somebody wanted to go down afternoon and somebody wanted to go down the<00:11:09.070> pub<00:11:11.010> that's<00:11:12.010> a<00:11:12.250> lexicographical<00:11:13.120> cop-out the pub that's a lexicographical cop-out the pub that's a lexicographical cop-out to<00:11:13.690> say<00:11:13.840> miscellaneous<00:11:14.590> technical<00:11:15.040> senses<00:11:15.400> so to say miscellaneous technical senses so to say miscellaneous technical senses so we<00:11:16.030> have<00:11:16.240> all<00:11:16.630> these<00:11:17.350> words<00:11:18.070> and<00:11:18.550> we<00:11:18.790> really we have all these words and we really we have all these words and we really need<00:11:19.330> help<00:11:19.720> and<00:11:19.930> the<00:11:20.380> thing<00:11:20.530> is<00:11:20.740> we<00:11:20.890> can<00:11:21.070> we<00:11:21.370> can need help and the thing is we can we can need help and the thing is we can we can ask<00:11:21.670> for<00:11:21.910> help<00:11:22.030> ask<00:11:22.270> you<00:11:22.420> for<00:11:22.570> helps<00:11:22.720> not<00:11:22.900> that ask for help ask you for helps not that ask for help ask you for helps not that hard<00:11:23.290> I<00:11:23.560> mean<00:11:23.680> lexicography<00:11:24.670> is<00:11:24.820> not<00:11:25.060> rocket hard I mean lexicography is not rocket hard I mean lexicography is not rocket science science science see<00:11:26.470> I<00:11:26.680> just<00:11:26.770> gave<00:11:27.160> you<00:11:27.190> a<00:11:27.310> lot<00:11:27.430> of<00:11:27.610> words<00:11:27.820> and<00:11:28.090> a see I just gave you a lot of words and a see I just gave you a lot of words and a lot<00:11:28.210> of<00:11:28.360> numbers<00:11:28.540> and<00:11:29.020> this<00:11:29.470> is<00:11:29.620> more<00:11:29.770> of<00:11:29.890> a lot of numbers and this is more of a lot of numbers and this is more of a visual<00:11:30.190> explanation<00:11:30.490> if<00:11:31.030> we<00:11:31.180> think<00:11:31.510> of<00:11:31.660> the visual explanation if we think of the visual explanation if we think of the dictionary<00:11:32.890> as<00:11:32.980> being<00:11:33.160> the<00:11:33.280> map<00:11:33.460> of<00:11:33.640> the dictionary as being the map of the dictionary as being the map of the English<00:11:34.000> language<00:11:34.290> these<00:11:35.290> bright<00:11:35.530> spots<00:11:35.560> are English language these bright spots are English language these bright spots are what<00:11:36.100> we<00:11:36.220> know<00:11:36.340> about<00:11:36.490> and<00:11:36.850> the<00:11:37.090> dark<00:11:37.300> spots what we know about and the dark spots what we know about and the dark spots are<00:11:37.720> where<00:11:37.930> we<00:11:38.080> are<00:11:38.200> in<00:11:38.440> the<00:11:38.620> dark<00:11:38.800> if<00:11:39.100> that<00:11:39.820> was are where we are in the dark if that was are where we are in the dark if that was the<00:11:40.120> map<00:11:40.300> of<00:11:40.480> all<00:11:40.600> the<00:11:40.780> words<00:11:40.990> in<00:11:41.320> American the map of all the words in American the map of all the words in American English<00:11:41.850> we<00:11:42.850> don't<00:11:43.030> know<00:11:43.150> very<00:11:43.390> much<00:11:43.630> and<00:11:44.440> we English we don't know very much and we English we don't know very much and we don't<00:11:44.740> even<00:11:44.830> know<00:11:44.950> the<00:11:45.130> shape<00:11:45.460> of<00:11:45.640> the don't even know the shape of the don't even know the shape of the language<00:11:46.210> if<00:11:46.630> this<00:11:47.560> was<00:11:47.830> the<00:11:48.100> dictionary<00:11:48.670> if language if this was the dictionary if language if this was the dictionary if this<00:11:49.270> with<00:11:49.420> the<00:11:49.570> map<00:11:49.840> of<00:11:50.170> American<00:11:50.620> English this with the map of American English this with the map of American English look<00:11:51.550> we<00:11:51.730> have<00:11:51.940> a<00:11:52.120> kind<00:11:52.510> of<00:11:52.630> lumpy<00:11:53.020> idea<00:11:53.410> of look we have a kind of lumpy idea of look we have a kind of lumpy idea of Florida<00:11:53.980> but<00:11:54.490> there's<00:11:54.700> no<00:11:54.820> California<00:11:55.600> we're Florida but there's no California we're Florida but there's no California we're missing<00:11:56.760> California<00:11:57.760> from<00:11:58.420> American<00:11:58.990> English missing California from American English missing California from American English we<00:11:59.470> just<00:11:59.710> don't<00:11:59.980> know<00:12:00.130> enough<00:12:00.370> and<00:12:00.850> we<00:12:01.180> don't we just don't know enough and we don't we just don't know enough and we don't even<00:12:01.570> know<00:12:02.020> that<00:12:02.050> we're<00:12:02.500> missing<00:12:02.620> California even know that we're missing California even know that we're missing California we<00:12:04.000> don't<00:12:04.090> even<00:12:04.300> see<00:12:04.480> that<00:12:04.570> there's<00:12:04.750> a<00:12:04.810> gap<00:12:05.050> on we don't even see that there's a gap on we don't even see that there's a gap on the<00:12:05.290> map<00:12:05.550> so<00:12:06.550> I'm<00:12:06.970> again<00:12:07.420> lexicography<00:12:07.990> is<00:12:08.350> not the map so I'm again lexicography is not the map so I'm again lexicography is not rocket<00:12:09.040> science<00:12:09.430> but<00:12:09.910> even<00:12:10.090> if<00:12:10.180> it<00:12:10.300> were rocket science but even if it were rocket science but even if it were rocket<00:12:11.560> science<00:12:11.830> is<00:12:11.920> being<00:12:12.100> done<00:12:12.280> by rocket science is being done by rocket science is being done by dedicated<00:12:12.910> amateurs<00:12:13.300> these<00:12:13.510> days<00:12:15.090> you<00:12:16.090> know dedicated amateurs these days you know dedicated amateurs these days you know it<00:12:16.690> can't<00:12:16.960> be<00:12:17.140> that<00:12:17.170> hard<00:12:17.620> to<00:12:17.740> find<00:12:18.040> some<00:12:18.250> words it can't be that hard to find some words it can't be that hard to find some words so<00:12:19.810> now<00:12:20.680> scientists<00:12:21.130> in<00:12:21.340> other<00:12:21.670> disciplines so now scientists in other disciplines so now scientists in other disciplines are<00:12:22.390> really<00:12:22.780> asking<00:12:23.260> people<00:12:23.380> to<00:12:23.530> help<00:12:23.620> and are really asking people to help and are really asking people to help and they're<00:12:24.130> doing<00:12:24.370> a<00:12:24.460> good<00:12:24.610> job<00:12:24.670> of<00:12:25.060> it<00:12:25.500> for they're doing a good job of it for they're doing a good job of it for instance<00:12:26.650> there's<00:12:26.890> eBird<00:12:27.400> where<00:12:27.730> amateur instance there's eBird where amateur instance there's eBird where amateur bird<00:12:28.390> watchers<00:12:28.750> can<00:12:28.900> upload<00:12:29.200> information bird watchers can upload information bird watchers can upload information about<00:12:29.980> their<00:12:30.130> bird<00:12:30.310> sightings<00:12:30.730> and<00:12:30.820> then about their bird sightings and then about their bird sightings and then ornithologist<00:12:31.750> can<00:12:31.930> go<00:12:32.080> and<00:12:32.350> to<00:12:32.770> help<00:12:32.980> track ornithologist can go and to help track ornithologist can go and to help track populations<00:12:33.720> migrations<00:12:34.720> etc<00:12:35.230> and<00:12:35.440> there's populations migrations etc and there's populations migrations etc and there's this<00:12:36.220> guy<00:12:36.400> Mike<00:12:36.640> Oates<00:12:36.940> my<00:12:37.900> Coates<00:12:38.170> lives<00:12:38.440> in this guy Mike Oates my Coates lives in this guy Mike Oates my Coates lives in the<00:12:38.620> UK<00:12:39.130> he's<00:12:39.790> a<00:12:39.820> director<00:12:40.510> of<00:12:40.540> an the UK he's a director of an the UK he's a director of an electroplating<00:12:41.860> company<00:12:42.520> he's<00:12:43.060> found<00:12:43.300> more electroplating company he's found more electroplating company he's found more than<00:12:43.660> 140<00:12:44.530> comets<00:12:45.070> he's<00:12:46.030> got<00:12:46.240> so<00:12:46.420> many<00:12:46.540> comets than 140 comets he's got so many comets than 140 comets he's got so many comets they<00:12:47.230> named<00:12:47.440> a<00:12:47.560> comment<00:12:47.920> after<00:12:48.040> him<00:12:48.370> it's<00:12:48.670> kind they named a comment after him it's kind they named a comment after him it's kind of<00:12:48.970> out<00:12:49.060> past<00:12:49.330> Mars<00:12:49.570> it's<00:12:49.810> a<00:12:49.870> hike<00:12:50.050> I<00:12:50.200> don't of out past Mars it's a hike I don't of out past Mars it's a hike I don't think<00:12:50.470> he's<00:12:50.560> getting<00:12:50.680> his<00:12:50.860> picture<00:12:50.980> taken think he's getting his picture taken think he's getting his picture taken there<00:12:51.520> any<00:12:51.640> time<00:12:51.880> soon<00:12:52.060> but<00:12:52.720> he<00:12:52.960> found<00:12:53.440> 104 there any time soon but he found 104 there any time soon but he found 104 Komets<00:12:54.370> without<00:12:54.550> a<00:12:54.580> telescope<00:12:55.530> he<00:12:56.530> downloaded Komets without a telescope he downloaded Komets without a telescope he downloaded data<00:12:57.400> from<00:12:57.790> the<00:12:57.880> NASA<00:12:58.120> Soho<00:12:58.660> satellite<00:12:58.900> and data from the NASA Soho satellite and data from the NASA Soho satellite and that's<00:12:59.620> how<00:12:59.770> he<00:12:59.830> found<00:12:59.980> them<00:13:00.370> we<00:13:00.790> can<00:13:00.940> find that's how he found them we can find that's how he found them we can find comments<00:13:01.780> without<00:13:02.320> a<00:13:02.350> telescope<00:13:03.570> shouldn't comments without a telescope shouldn't comments without a telescope shouldn't we<00:13:04.630> be<00:13:04.780> able<00:13:04.810> to<00:13:05.050> find<00:13:05.350> words<00:13:06.180> now<00:13:07.180> y'all<00:13:07.480> know we be able to find words now y'all know we be able to find words now y'all know where<00:13:07.810> I'm<00:13:07.930> going<00:13:08.170> with<00:13:08.290> this<00:13:08.320> because<00:13:08.590> I'm where I'm going with this because I'm where I'm going with this because I'm going<00:13:09.340> to<00:13:09.430> the<00:13:09.520> internet<00:13:09.940> which<00:13:10.090> is<00:13:10.120> where going to the internet which is where going to the internet which is where everybody<00:13:10.840> goes<00:13:11.020> and<00:13:11.410> the<00:13:11.950> Internet<00:13:12.310> is<00:13:12.400> great everybody goes and the Internet is great everybody goes and the Internet is great for<00:13:12.820> collecting<00:13:12.970> words<00:13:13.300> because<00:13:13.630> the for collecting words because the for collecting words because the Internet's<00:13:14.020> full<00:13:14.170> of<00:13:14.290> collectors<00:13:14.740> and<00:13:14.980> this Internet's full of collectors and this Internet's full of collectors and this is<00:13:16.090> a<00:13:16.120> little-known<00:13:16.450> technological<00:13:17.260> fact is a little-known technological fact is a little-known technological fact about<00:13:17.680> the<00:13:17.800> internet<00:13:18.190> but<00:13:18.310> the<00:13:18.460> Internet<00:13:18.820> is about the internet but the Internet is about the internet but the Internet is actually<00:13:19.060> made<00:13:19.360> up<00:13:19.480> of<00:13:19.570> words<00:13:19.810> and<00:13:20.110> enthusiasm actually made up of words and enthusiasm actually made up of words and enthusiasm and<00:13:22.710> words<00:13:23.710> and<00:13:24.010> enthusiasm<00:13:24.760> actually and words and enthusiasm actually and words and enthusiasm actually happened<00:13:25.570> to<00:13:25.630> be<00:13:25.690> the<00:13:25.840> recipe<00:13:26.350> for happened to be the recipe for happened to be the recipe for lexicography<00:13:27.400> isn't<00:13:27.880> that<00:13:27.970> great lexicography isn't that great lexicography isn't that great so<00:13:29.310> the<00:13:30.310> problem<00:13:30.640> there<00:13:30.730> are<00:13:30.760> a<00:13:30.820> lot<00:13:30.910> of<00:13:30.940> good so the problem there are a lot of good so the problem there are a lot of good word<00:13:31.300> collecting<00:13:31.720> sites<00:13:31.930> out<00:13:32.050> there<00:13:32.080> now<00:13:32.380> but word collecting sites out there now but word collecting sites out there now but the<00:13:32.710> problem<00:13:33.100> with<00:13:33.250> some<00:13:33.400> of<00:13:33.430> them<00:13:33.580> is<00:13:33.700> that the problem with some of them is that the problem with some of them is that they're<00:13:34.000> not<00:13:34.120> scientific<00:13:34.570> enough<00:13:34.720> they<00:13:35.320> show they're not scientific enough they show they're not scientific enough they show the<00:13:35.710> word<00:13:35.920> but<00:13:36.340> they<00:13:36.430> don't<00:13:36.580> show<00:13:36.730> any<00:13:36.760> context the word but they don't show any context the word but they don't show any context where<00:13:37.660> did<00:13:37.780> it<00:13:37.900> came<00:13:38.050> from<00:13:38.290> who<00:13:38.530> said<00:13:38.830> it<00:13:39.010> what where did it came from who said it what where did it came from who said it what newspaper<00:13:39.850> was<00:13:40.300> it<00:13:40.420> in<00:13:40.600> what<00:13:40.840> book<00:13:41.110> because<00:13:41.980> a newspaper was it in what book because a newspaper was it in what book because a word<00:13:42.700> is<00:13:42.940> like<00:13:43.120> an<00:13:43.830> archaeological<00:13:44.830> artifact word is like an archaeological artifact word is like an archaeological artifact if<00:13:45.730> you<00:13:45.820> don't<00:13:46.000> know<00:13:46.120> the<00:13:46.210> provenance<00:13:46.570> or<00:13:46.990> the if you don't know the provenance or the if you don't know the provenance or the source<00:13:47.530> of<00:13:47.680> the<00:13:47.770> artifact<00:13:48.220> it's<00:13:48.820> not<00:13:49.180> science source of the artifact it's not science source of the artifact it's not science it's<00:13:50.560> a<00:13:50.680> pretty<00:13:50.920> thing<00:13:51.220> to<00:13:51.370> look<00:13:51.520> at<00:13:51.730> so<00:13:52.540> a<00:13:52.570> word it's a pretty thing to look at so a word it's a pretty thing to look at so a word without<00:13:53.260> its<00:13:53.560> source<00:13:53.830> is<00:13:54.040> like<00:13:54.190> a<00:13:54.220> cut<00:13:54.670> flower without its source is like a cut flower without its source is like a cut flower you<00:13:55.600> know<00:13:55.630> it's<00:13:55.810> pretty<00:13:55.990> to<00:13:56.080> look<00:13:56.200> out<00:13:56.350> for<00:13:56.500> a you know it's pretty to look out for a you know it's pretty to look out for a while<00:13:56.770> but<00:13:57.010> then<00:13:57.130> it<00:13:57.250> dies<00:13:57.460> it<00:13:58.000> dies<00:13:58.180> too<00:13:58.540> fast while but then it dies it dies too fast while but then it dies it dies too fast so<00:14:00.990> this<00:14:01.990> whole<00:14:02.290> time<00:14:02.680> I've<00:14:02.980> been<00:14:03.010> saying<00:14:03.340> the so this whole time I've been saying the so this whole time I've been saying the dictionary<00:14:04.090> though<00:14:04.240> a<00:14:04.270> dictionary<00:14:04.720> the dictionary though a dictionary the dictionary though a dictionary the dictionary<00:14:05.050> not<00:14:05.380> a<00:14:05.500> dictionary<00:14:06.040> or dictionary not a dictionary or dictionary not a dictionary or dictionaries<00:14:06.850> and<00:14:07.000> that's<00:14:07.540> because<00:14:07.930> well dictionaries and that's because well dictionaries and that's because well people<00:14:08.950> use<00:14:09.100> the<00:14:09.370> dictionary<00:14:10.000> to<00:14:10.090> stand<00:14:10.510> for people use the dictionary to stand for people use the dictionary to stand for the<00:14:10.810> whole<00:14:11.050> language<00:14:11.530> they<00:14:11.740> use<00:14:11.890> it<00:14:12.040> cynically the whole language they use it cynically the whole language they use it cynically and<00:14:13.410> one<00:14:14.410> of<00:14:14.530> the<00:14:14.590> problems<00:14:14.800> of<00:14:15.160> knowing<00:14:15.430> a and one of the problems of knowing a and one of the problems of knowing a word<00:14:15.610> like<00:14:15.790> Sanok<00:14:16.120> Dhaka<00:14:16.330> Kelly<00:14:16.690> is<00:14:16.840> that<00:14:16.870> you word like Sanok Dhaka Kelly is that you word like Sanok Dhaka Kelly is that you really<00:14:17.560> want<00:14:17.710> an<00:14:17.920> excuse<00:14:18.310> to<00:14:18.460> say<00:14:18.730> Sanok really want an excuse to say Sanok really want an excuse to say Sanok topically<00:14:19.690> and<00:14:19.930> so<00:14:20.650> this<00:14:20.980> whole<00:14:21.130> talk<00:14:21.370> has topically and so this whole talk has topically and so this whole talk has just<00:14:21.700> been<00:14:21.820> an<00:14:21.910> excuse<00:14:22.270> to<00:14:22.390> get<00:14:22.480> me<00:14:22.600> to<00:14:22.690> the just been an excuse to get me to the just been an excuse to get me to the point<00:14:22.930> where<00:14:23.110> I<00:14:23.140> could<00:14:23.290> say<00:14:23.320> syntactically<00:14:23.860> to point where I could say syntactically to point where I could say syntactically to all<00:14:24.430> of<00:14:24.580> you<00:14:24.670> so<00:14:24.700> I'm<00:14:24.910> really<00:14:25.150> sorry<00:14:25.480> but<00:14:26.230> when all of you so I'm really sorry but when all of you so I'm really sorry but when you<00:14:26.980> use<00:14:27.220> a<00:14:27.250> part<00:14:27.700> of<00:14:27.790> something<00:14:28.000> like<00:14:28.120> the you use a part of something like the you use a part of something like the dictionary<00:14:28.690> is<00:14:28.810> a<00:14:28.840> part<00:14:29.320> of<00:14:29.470> the<00:14:29.560> language<00:14:29.740> or dictionary is a part of the language or dictionary is a part of the language or a<00:14:30.100> flag<00:14:30.490> stands<00:14:31.180> for<00:14:31.690> the<00:14:31.750> United<00:14:32.110> States<00:14:32.350> it's a flag stands for the United States it's a flag stands for the United States it's a<00:14:32.590> symbol<00:14:33.070> of<00:14:33.160> the<00:14:33.310> country<00:14:33.730> then<00:14:34.330> you're a symbol of the country then you're a symbol of the country then you're using<00:14:34.660> it<00:14:34.870> cynically<00:14:35.680> but<00:14:36.390> thing<00:14:37.390> is<00:14:37.630> we<00:14:38.560> could using it cynically but thing is we could using it cynically but thing is we could make<00:14:39.730> the<00:14:40.000> dictionary<00:14:40.540> the<00:14:40.900> whole<00:14:41.080> language make the dictionary the whole language make the dictionary the whole language if<00:14:41.890> we<00:14:42.490> get<00:14:42.700> a<00:14:42.730> bigger<00:14:43.060> pan<00:14:43.950> then<00:14:44.950> we<00:14:45.220> can<00:14:45.370> put if we get a bigger pan then we can put if we get a bigger pan then we can put all<00:14:45.730> the<00:14:46.180> words<00:14:46.390> in<00:14:46.840> we<00:14:47.770> can<00:14:47.950> put<00:14:48.160> in<00:14:48.400> all<00:14:48.840> the all the words in we can put in all the all the words in we can put in all the meanings<00:14:50.320> doesn't<00:14:50.680> everybody<00:14:50.860> want<00:14:50.980> more meanings doesn't everybody want more meanings doesn't everybody want more meaning<00:14:51.640> in<00:14:51.760> their<00:14:51.910> lives meaning in their lives meaning in their lives and<00:14:54.620> we<00:14:54.920> can<00:14:55.160> make<00:14:55.490> the<00:14:56.029> dictionary<00:14:56.810> not<00:14:57.110> just and we can make the dictionary not just and we can make the dictionary not just be<00:14:57.560> a<00:14:57.589> symbol<00:14:58.160> of<00:14:58.279> a<00:14:58.370> language<00:14:58.640> we<00:14:58.760> can<00:14:58.910> make<00:14:59.240> it be a symbol of a language we can make it be a symbol of a language we can make it be<00:14:59.630> the<00:14:59.660> whole<00:14:59.930> language<00:15:00.200> and<00:15:01.160> you<00:15:01.310> see<00:15:01.490> what be the whole language and you see what be the whole language and you see what I'm<00:15:01.790> really<00:15:01.910> hoping<00:15:02.180> for<00:15:02.390> is<00:15:02.600> that<00:15:02.750> my<00:15:02.930> son<00:15:03.380> who I'm really hoping for is that my son who I'm really hoping for is that my son who turns<00:15:03.770> seven<00:15:04.160> this<00:15:04.279> month<00:15:04.520> I<00:15:04.790> want<00:15:05.660> him<00:15:05.960> to turns seven this month I want him to turns seven this month I want him to barely<00:15:06.470> remember<00:15:07.010> that<00:15:07.160> this<00:15:07.310> is<00:15:07.520> the<00:15:07.670> form barely remember that this is the form barely remember that this is the form factor<00:15:08.420> that<00:15:08.660> dictionaries<00:15:09.380> used<00:15:09.589> to<00:15:09.710> come<00:15:09.920> in factor that dictionaries used to come in factor that dictionaries used to come in this<00:15:10.430> is<00:15:10.550> what<00:15:10.730> dictionaries<00:15:11.180> used<00:15:11.600> to<00:15:11.900> look this is what dictionaries used to look this is what dictionaries used to look like<00:15:12.140> I<00:15:12.560> want<00:15:13.070> him<00:15:13.220> to<00:15:13.370> think<00:15:13.400> of<00:15:13.700> this<00:15:14.029> kind<00:15:14.300> of like I want him to think of this kind of like I want him to think of this kind of dictionary<00:15:14.810> as<00:15:14.870> an<00:15:14.960> 8-track<00:15:15.410> tape<00:15:15.710> it's<00:15:16.640> a dictionary as an 8-track tape it's a dictionary as an 8-track tape it's a format<00:15:17.300> that<00:15:17.480> died<00:15:18.050> because<00:15:18.500> it<00:15:18.710> wasn't format that died because it wasn't format that died because it wasn't useful<00:15:19.339> enough<00:15:19.820> it<00:15:20.150> wasn't<00:15:21.010> really<00:15:22.010> what useful enough it wasn't really what useful enough it wasn't really what people<00:15:22.430> needed<00:15:22.970> and<00:15:23.330> the<00:15:23.870> thing<00:15:24.020> is<00:15:24.140> if<00:15:24.290> we<00:15:24.320> can people needed and the thing is if we can people needed and the thing is if we can put<00:15:24.830> in<00:15:24.950> all<00:15:25.220> the<00:15:25.430> words<00:15:25.610> no<00:15:26.029> longer<00:15:26.360> have<00:15:26.510> that put in all the words no longer have that put in all the words no longer have that artificial<00:15:27.080> distinction<00:15:27.680> between<00:15:27.800> good<00:15:28.010> and artificial distinction between good and artificial distinction between good and bad<00:15:28.400> we<00:15:28.790> can<00:15:28.910> really<00:15:29.210> describe<00:15:29.660> the<00:15:29.990> language bad we can really describe the language bad we can really describe the language like<00:15:30.529> scientists<00:15:31.250> we<00:15:31.610> could<00:15:31.760> leave<00:15:31.880> the like scientists we could leave the like scientists we could leave the aesthetic<00:15:32.660> judgments<00:15:33.200> to<00:15:33.350> the<00:15:33.440> writers<00:15:33.980> and aesthetic judgments to the writers and aesthetic judgments to the writers and the<00:15:34.250> speakers<00:15:35.000> if<00:15:35.270> we<00:15:35.930> can<00:15:36.110> do<00:15:36.260> that<00:15:36.550> then<00:15:37.550> I the speakers if we can do that then I the speakers if we can do that then I can<00:15:37.820> spend<00:15:38.210> all<00:15:38.450> my<00:15:38.630> time<00:15:38.660> fishing<00:15:39.440> and<00:15:39.620> I can spend all my time fishing and I can spend all my time fishing and I don't<00:15:39.980> have<00:15:40.100> to<00:15:40.220> be<00:15:40.310> a<00:15:40.339> traffic<00:15:40.850> cop<00:15:41.029> anymore don't have to be a traffic cop anymore don't have to be a traffic cop anymore thank<00:15:42.980> you<00:15:43.160> very<00:15:43.370> much<00:15:43.640> for<00:15:44.089> your<00:15:44.210> kind thank you very much for your kind thank you very much for your kind attention

Wordnik Erin McKean, dictionary, lexicography, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, TED, Ed

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