Do the green thing – Andy Hobsbawm

Do the green thing - Andy Hobsbawm

Do the green thing - Andy Hobsbawm




great<00:00:16.039> creativity<00:00:16.960> in<00:00:17.160> times<00:00:17.400> of<00:00:17.680> need<00:00:18.680> we
great creativity in times of need we great creativity in times of need we need<00:00:19.240> great<00:00:19.480> creativity need great creativity need great creativity discuss<00:00:21.920> great<00:00:22.160> creativity<00:00:22.720> is discuss great creativity is discuss great creativity is astonishingly<00:00:24.119> absurdly<00:00:25.080> rationally astonishingly absurdly rationally astonishingly absurdly rationally irrationally<00:00:27.160> powerful<00:00:28.160> great<00:00:28.400> creativity irrationally powerful great creativity irrationally powerful great creativity can<00:00:29.359> spread<00:00:29.679> Toler can spread Toler can spread Toler Champion<00:00:31.399> Freedom<00:00:32.399> make<00:00:32.680> education<00:00:33.480> seem Champion Freedom make education seem Champion Freedom make education seem like<00:00:33.879> a<00:00:34.000> bright like a bright like a bright idea<00:00:36.520> great<00:00:36.760> creativity<00:00:37.280> can<00:00:37.440> turn<00:00:37.600> a idea great creativity can turn a idea great creativity can turn a spotlight<00:00:38.320> on<00:00:38.920> deprivation<00:00:39.920> or<00:00:40.160> show<00:00:40.399> that spotlight on deprivation or show that spotlight on deprivation or show that deprivation<00:00:41.200> ain't<00:00:41.520> necessarily deprivation ain't necessarily deprivation ain't necessarily so<00:00:43.760> great<00:00:44.000> creativity<00:00:44.559> can<00:00:44.680> make<00:00:44.960> politicians so great creativity can make politicians so great creativity can make politicians electable<00:00:46.559> or<00:00:46.879> parties electable or parties electable or parties unelectable<00:00:49.600> it<00:00:49.719> can<00:00:49.879> make<00:00:50.079> war<00:00:50.480> seem<00:00:50.760> like unelectable it can make war seem like unelectable it can make war seem like tragedy<00:00:52.079> or tragedy or tragedy or fast<00:00:54.079> creativity<00:00:54.680> is<00:00:54.800> the<00:00:54.920> meme<00:00:55.280> maker<00:00:55.840> that fast creativity is the meme maker that fast creativity is the meme maker that puts<00:00:56.199> slogans<00:00:56.680> on<00:00:56.800> our<00:00:56.960> t-shirts<00:00:57.879> and<00:00:58.079> phrases puts slogans on our t-shirts and phrases puts slogans on our t-shirts and phrases on<00:00:58.760> our<00:00:58.960> lips<00:01:00.280> it's<00:01:00.480> the<00:01:00.719> Pathfinder<00:01:01.359> that on our lips it's the Pathfinder that on our lips it's the Pathfinder that shows<00:01:01.760> us<00:01:01.879> a<00:01:02.079> simple<00:01:02.440> Road<00:01:02.760> through<00:01:02.920> an shows us a simple Road through an shows us a simple Road through an impenetrable<00:01:03.800> moral impenetrable moral impenetrable moral maze<00:01:05.680> science<00:01:06.040> is<00:01:06.240> clever<00:01:07.200> but<00:01:07.360> great maze science is clever but great maze science is clever but great creativity<00:01:08.600> is<00:01:08.799> something<00:01:09.200> less<00:01:09.439> knowable creativity is something less knowable creativity is something less knowable more<00:01:10.520> magical<00:01:11.520> and<00:01:11.680> now<00:01:11.840> we<00:01:12.000> need<00:01:12.320> that<00:01:12.520> magic more magical and now we need that magic more magical and now we need that magic this<00:01:13.000> is<00:01:13.119> a<00:01:13.360> time<00:01:13.600> of<00:01:13.799> need<00:01:14.520> our<00:01:14.759> climate<00:01:15.080> is this is a time of need our climate is this is a time of need our climate is changing<00:01:15.600> quickly<00:01:16.119> too<00:01:16.600> quickly<00:01:17.600> and<00:01:17.759> great changing quickly too quickly and great changing quickly too quickly and great creativity<00:01:18.520> is<00:01:18.640> needed<00:01:18.960> to<00:01:19.080> do<00:01:19.280> what<00:01:19.400> it<00:01:19.520> does creativity is needed to do what it does creativity is needed to do what it does so<00:01:20.040> well<00:01:20.400> to<00:01:20.600> provoke<00:01:21.000> us<00:01:21.159> to<00:01:21.400> think so well to provoke us to think so well to provoke us to think differently<00:01:22.119> with<00:01:22.320> dramatic<00:01:22.880> creative differently with dramatic creative differently with dramatic creative statements<00:01:24.360> to<00:01:24.560> tempt<00:01:24.920> us<00:01:25.119> to<00:01:25.360> act statements to tempt us to act statements to tempt us to act differently<00:01:26.400> with<00:01:26.640> delightful<00:01:27.240> creative differently with delightful creative differently with delightful creative scraps<00:01:29.000> here<00:01:29.200> is<00:01:29.479> one<00:01:29.920> such<00:01:30.119> scrap<00:01:30.560> from<00:01:30.680> an scraps here is one such scrap from an scraps here is one such scrap from an initiative<00:01:31.240> I'm<00:01:31.400> involved<00:01:31.720> in<00:01:31.920> using initiative I'm involved in using initiative I'm involved in using creativity<00:01:33.280> to<00:01:33.520> inspire<00:01:33.960> people<00:01:34.159> to<00:01:34.280> be creativity to inspire people to be creativity to inspire people to be greener<00:01:35.399> you<00:01:35.560> know<00:01:36.159> rather<00:01:36.399> than<00:01:36.560> drive<00:01:36.920> today greener you know rather than drive today greener you know rather than drive today I'm<00:01:37.960> going<00:01:38.079> to<00:01:38.280> walk<00:01:39.240> and<00:01:39.479> so<00:01:39.759> he<00:01:40.000> walked<00:01:40.640> and I'm going to walk and so he walked and I'm going to walk and so he walked and as<00:01:41.200> he<00:01:41.399> walked<00:01:41.799> he<00:01:41.960> saw<00:01:42.439> things<00:01:43.000> strange<00:01:43.399> and as he walked he saw things strange and as he walked he saw things strange and wonderful<00:01:44.280> things<00:01:44.759> he<00:01:44.840> would<00:01:45.040> not<00:01:45.240> otherwise wonderful things he would not otherwise wonderful things he would not otherwise have<00:01:45.920> seen<00:01:46.680> a<00:01:46.840> deer<00:01:47.240> with<00:01:47.520> an<00:01:47.680> itchy<00:01:48.000> leg<00:01:48.560> a have seen a deer with an itchy leg a have seen a deer with an itchy leg a flying<00:01:49.439> motorcycle<00:01:50.439> a<00:01:50.680> father<00:01:50.960> and<00:01:51.200> daughter flying motorcycle a father and daughter flying motorcycle a father and daughter separated<00:01:52.200> from<00:01:52.360> a<00:01:52.560> bicycle<00:01:53.119> by<00:01:53.240> a<00:01:53.399> mysterious separated from a bicycle by a mysterious separated from a bicycle by a mysterious wall<00:01:55.240> and<00:01:55.360> then<00:01:55.479> he<00:01:55.799> stopped<00:01:56.799> walking<00:01:57.159> in wall and then he stopped walking in wall and then he stopped walking in front<00:01:57.520> of<00:01:57.680> him<00:01:58.200> was<00:01:58.560> her<00:01:59.560> the<00:01:59.960> woman<00:02:00.200> who<00:02:00.360> has<00:02:00.479> a front of him was her the woman who has a front of him was her the woman who has a child<00:02:01.039> had<00:02:01.240> skipped<00:02:01.600> with<00:02:01.719> him<00:02:01.920> through child had skipped with him through child had skipped with him through fields<00:02:02.680> and<00:02:02.880> broken<00:02:03.280> his<00:02:03.479> heart<00:02:04.360> sure<00:02:04.799> she<00:02:04.960> had fields and broken his heart sure she had fields and broken his heart sure she had aged<00:02:05.360> a<00:02:05.520> little<00:02:06.200> in<00:02:06.360> fact<00:02:06.520> she'd<00:02:06.680> aged<00:02:06.960> a<00:02:07.039> lot aged a little in fact she'd aged a lot aged a little in fact she'd aged a lot but<00:02:07.479> he<00:02:07.600> felt<00:02:07.880> all<00:02:08.080> his<00:02:08.319> old<00:02:08.800> passion<00:02:09.080> for<00:02:09.239> her but he felt all his old passion for her but he felt all his old passion for her return<00:02:10.399> Ford<00:02:11.000> he<00:02:11.160> called<00:02:11.640> softly<00:02:12.640> that<00:02:12.760> was return Ford he called softly that was return Ford he called softly that was her<00:02:13.120> name<00:02:13.640> don't<00:02:13.840> say<00:02:14.080> another<00:02:14.480> word<00:02:14.840> Gusty her name don't say another word Gusty her name don't say another word Gusty she<00:02:15.480> said<00:02:15.800> for<00:02:16.000> that<00:02:16.120> was<00:02:16.360> his<00:02:16.599> name<00:02:17.239> I<00:02:17.319> know<00:02:17.519> a she said for that was his name I know a she said for that was his name I know a tent<00:02:18.000> next<00:02:18.200> to<00:02:18.319> a<00:02:18.519> caravan<00:02:19.080> exactly<00:02:19.519> 300<00:02:20.080> yd tent next to a caravan exactly 300 yd tent next to a caravan exactly 300 yd from<00:02:20.680> here<00:02:21.680> let's<00:02:21.959> go<00:02:22.239> there<00:02:22.720> and<00:02:22.920> make<00:02:23.200> love from here let's go there and make love from here let's go there and make love in<00:02:24.080> a<00:02:24.319> tent<00:02:25.040> Ford<00:02:25.519> undressed<00:02:26.519> she<00:02:26.680> spread<00:02:27.160> one in a tent Ford undressed she spread one in a tent Ford undressed she spread one leg<00:02:28.000> and<00:02:28.160> then<00:02:28.360> the<00:02:28.560> other<00:02:29.319> Gusty<00:02:29.879> Ed<00:02:30.160> her leg and then the other Gusty Ed her leg and then the other Gusty Ed her boldly<00:02:30.800> and<00:02:30.959> made<00:02:31.280> love<00:02:31.519> to<00:02:31.680> her<00:02:31.959> rhythmically boldly and made love to her rhythmically boldly and made love to her rhythmically while<00:02:33.080> she<00:02:33.239> filmed<00:02:33.599> him<00:02:33.800> because<00:02:34.040> she<00:02:34.200> was<00:02:34.319> a while she filmed him because she was a while she filmed him because she was a keen<00:02:34.680> amateur<00:02:35.400> pornographer<00:02:36.400> the<00:02:36.560> Earth keen amateur pornographer the Earth keen amateur pornographer the Earth moved<00:02:37.440> for<00:02:37.680> both<00:02:37.959> of<00:02:38.120> them<00:02:38.560> and<00:02:38.680> they<00:02:38.840> live moved for both of them and they live moved for both of them and they live together<00:02:39.760> happily<00:02:40.400> ever<00:02:40.800> after<00:02:41.480> and<00:02:41.640> all together happily ever after and all together happily ever after and all because<00:02:42.879> he<00:02:43.080> decided<00:02:43.440> to<00:02:43.640> walk<00:02:43.920> that because he decided to walk that because he decided to walk that [Music]

day<00:02:57.360> we've<00:02:57.599> got<00:02:57.760> the<00:02:57.920> science<00:02:58.440> we've<00:02:58.640> had<00:02:58.760> the
day we've got the science we've had the day we've got the science we've had the debate<00:02:59.840> the<00:02:59.920> moral<00:03:00.239> imperative<00:03:00.800> is<00:03:00.920> on<00:03:01.080> the debate the moral imperative is on the debate the moral imperative is on the table<00:03:02.080> great<00:03:02.400> creativity<00:03:02.959> is<00:03:03.120> needed<00:03:03.480> to<00:03:03.720> take table great creativity is needed to take table great creativity is needed to take it<00:03:04.040> all<00:03:04.799> make<00:03:05.000> it<00:03:05.239> simple<00:03:05.680> and<00:03:05.879> sharp<00:03:06.360> to<00:03:06.519> make it all make it simple and sharp to make it all make it simple and sharp to make it<00:03:06.879> connect<00:03:07.599> to<00:03:07.840> make<00:03:08.000> it<00:03:08.159> make<00:03:08.519> people<00:03:08.799> want it connect to make it make people want it connect to make it make people want to<00:03:09.280> act<00:03:10.000> so<00:03:10.200> this<00:03:10.319> is<00:03:10.440> a<00:03:10.640> call<00:03:11.120> a<00:03:11.280> plea<00:03:11.680> to<00:03:11.879> the to act so this is a call a plea to the to act so this is a call a plea to the incredibly<00:03:12.680> talented<00:03:13.319> uh<00:03:13.440> Ted<00:03:13.760> Community incredibly talented uh Ted Community incredibly talented uh Ted Community let's<00:03:14.799> get<00:03:15.000> creative<00:03:15.400> against<00:03:15.680> climate let's get creative against climate let's get creative against climate change<00:03:16.360> and<00:03:16.519> let's<00:03:16.680> do<00:03:16.799> it<00:03:16.959> soon<00:03:17.519> thank change and let's do it soon thank change and let's do it soon thank [Applause]

you<00:03:29.360> what<00:03:29.480> does<00:03:29.599> a<00:03:29.840> machine<00:03:30.400> know<00:03:30.680> about
you what does a machine know about you what does a machine know about itself<00:03:32.599> can<00:03:32.760> it<00:03:32.879> know<00:03:33.080> when<00:03:33.200> it<00:03:33.319> needs<00:03:33.519> to<00:03:33.640> be itself can it know when it needs to be itself can it know when it needs to be repaired<00:03:34.879> and<00:03:35.040> when<00:03:35.159> it repaired and when it repaired and when it doesn't<00:03:36.840> in<00:03:37.000> Industries<00:03:37.519> like<00:03:37.760> manufacturing doesn't in Industries like manufacturing doesn't in Industries like manufacturing and<00:03:38.560> energy<00:03:39.280> they're<00:03:39.480> using<00:03:39.799> Predictive and energy they're using Predictive and energy they're using Predictive Analytics<00:03:40.879> to<00:03:41.080> detect<00:03:41.439> signs<00:03:41.680> of<00:03:41.920> trouble Analytics to detect signs of trouble Analytics to detect signs of trouble helping<00:03:43.280> some<00:03:43.519> companies<00:03:44.040> save<00:03:44.319> Millions<00:03:44.680> on helping some companies save Millions on helping some companies save Millions on maintenance<00:03:45.879> because<00:03:46.200> machines<00:03:46.599> seek<00:03:46.879> help maintenance because machines seek help maintenance because machines seek help before<00:03:47.560> they're<00:03:47.720> broken<00:03:48.680> and<00:03:48.840> don't<00:03:49.319> when before they're broken and don't when before they're broken and don't when they're<00:03:49.640> not<00:03:50.480> that's<00:03:50.640> what<00:03:50.799> I'm<00:03:50.920> working<00:03:51.200> on they're not that's what I'm working on they're not that's what I'm working on I'm<00:03:51.879> an<00:03:52.040> IBM<00:03:52.760> let's<00:03:52.920> build<00:03:53.159> a<00:03:53.280> smarter<00:03:53.760> planet

green go green, environment, climate, change, climate, global, warming, andy, hobsbawm, green, thing, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, TED, Ed

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