Đôi khi thật tốt khi từ bỏ ghế lái-Baba Shiv

Sometimes it's good to give up the driver's seat - Baba Shiv

Sometimes it's good to give up the driver's seat - Baba Shiv


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

I'm<00:00:16.039> going<00:00:16.119> to<00:00:16.240> start<00:00:16.400> on<00:00:16.520> a<00:00:16.840> slightly<00:00:17.160> somber
I'm going to start on a slightly somber I'm going to start on a slightly somber note note note um<00:00:20.359> 2007<00:00:21.359> 5<00:00:21.600> years<00:00:21.880> ago<00:00:22.880> my<00:00:23.119> wife<00:00:24.000> gets um 2007 5 years ago my wife gets um 2007 5 years ago my wife gets diagnosed<00:00:25.000> with<00:00:25.199> breast<00:00:25.720> cancer<00:00:26.720> stage diagnosed with breast cancer stage diagnosed with breast cancer stage 2B<00:00:29.359> now<00:00:29.519> looking<00:00:29.759> back<00:00:30.160> the<00:00:30.240> most<00:00:30.519> harrowing 2B now looking back the most harrowing 2B now looking back the most harrowing part<00:00:31.279> of<00:00:31.400> that<00:00:31.640> experience<00:00:32.480> was<00:00:32.880> not<00:00:33.160> just<00:00:33.360> the part of that experience was not just the part of that experience was not just the hospital<00:00:34.040> visit<00:00:34.360> these<00:00:34.440> are<00:00:34.600> very<00:00:34.760> painful hospital visit these are very painful hospital visit these are very painful for<00:00:35.239> my<00:00:35.440> wife<00:00:36.040> understandably<00:00:36.399> so<00:00:37.399> it<00:00:37.520> was<00:00:37.680> not for my wife understandably so it was not for my wife understandably so it was not even<00:00:38.079> the<00:00:38.200> initial<00:00:38.600> shock<00:00:38.920> of<00:00:39.079> knowing<00:00:39.480> that even the initial shock of knowing that even the initial shock of knowing that she<00:00:39.879> had<00:00:40.039> breast<00:00:40.280> cancer<00:00:40.600> just<00:00:40.800> 39<00:00:41.200> years<00:00:41.399> old she had breast cancer just 39 years old she had breast cancer just 39 years old absolutely<00:00:42.480> no<00:00:42.640> history<00:00:42.960> of<00:00:43.200> cancer<00:00:43.480> in<00:00:43.640> her absolutely no history of cancer in her absolutely no history of cancer in her family<00:00:45.480> the<00:00:45.600> most<00:00:46.239> horrifying<00:00:46.800> and<00:00:47.079> agonizing family the most horrifying and agonizing family the most horrifying and agonizing uh<00:00:48.239> part<00:00:48.399> of<00:00:48.480> the<00:00:48.640> whole<00:00:48.920> experience<00:00:49.800> was<00:00:50.280> we uh part of the whole experience was we uh part of the whole experience was we were<00:00:50.920> making<00:00:51.440> decisions<00:00:51.960> after<00:00:52.239> decisions were making decisions after decisions were making decisions after decisions after<00:00:52.920> decisions<00:00:53.480> that<00:00:53.600> were<00:00:53.760> being<00:00:54.000> thrust after decisions that were being thrust after decisions that were being thrust upon<00:00:54.640> us<00:00:55.399> should<00:00:55.600> it<00:00:55.719> be<00:00:55.840> a<00:00:55.920> mtic<00:00:56.359> to<00:00:56.520> me<00:00:56.680> should upon us should it be a mtic to me should upon us should it be a mtic to me should it<00:00:56.920> be<00:00:57.000> a<00:00:57.079> lump<00:00:57.440> to<00:00:57.600> me<00:00:58.559> should<00:00:58.760> it<00:00:58.879> be<00:00:59.000> a<00:00:59.079> more it be a lump to me should it be a more it be a lump to me should it be a more aggressive<00:01:00.079> of<00:01:00.160> treatment<00:01:00.519> given<00:01:00.719> that<00:01:00.840> it aggressive of treatment given that it aggressive of treatment given that it was<00:01:01.079> stage<00:01:01.760> 2B<00:01:02.760> with<00:01:02.920> all<00:01:03.120> the<00:01:03.280> side<00:01:03.519> effects was stage 2B with all the side effects was stage 2B with all the side effects or<00:01:04.080> should<00:01:04.239> it<00:01:04.320> be<00:01:04.439> a<00:01:04.519> less<00:01:04.720> aggressive<00:01:05.080> form or should it be a less aggressive form or should it be a less aggressive form of of of treatment<00:01:07.159> and<00:01:07.360> these<00:01:07.520> were<00:01:07.720> being<00:01:07.960> thrusted treatment and these were being thrusted treatment and these were being thrusted Upon<00:01:08.799> Us<00:01:09.560> by<00:01:09.920> the Upon Us by the Upon Us by the doctors<00:01:11.640> now<00:01:11.759> you<00:01:11.840> could<00:01:12.040> ask<00:01:12.280> this<00:01:12.520> question doctors now you could ask this question doctors now you could ask this question why<00:01:13.240> were<00:01:13.439> the<00:01:13.600> doctors<00:01:13.960> doing<00:01:14.320> this<00:01:14.600> now<00:01:14.920> a why were the doctors doing this now a why were the doctors doing this now a simplistic<00:01:15.799> answer<00:01:16.200> would<00:01:16.320> be<00:01:16.520> the<00:01:16.680> doctors simplistic answer would be the doctors simplistic answer would be the doctors are<00:01:17.080> doing<00:01:17.320> this<00:01:17.560> because<00:01:18.000> you<00:01:18.080> know<00:01:18.280> they are doing this because you know they are doing this because you know they want<00:01:18.520> to<00:01:18.680> protect<00:01:19.040> themselves want to protect themselves want to protect themselves legally<00:01:21.240> I<00:01:21.360> think<00:01:21.520> that<00:01:21.640> is<00:01:21.799> too<00:01:22.040> simplistic legally I think that is too simplistic legally I think that is too simplistic these<00:01:23.000> are<00:01:23.119> well-meaning<00:01:23.479> doctors<00:01:24.079> some<00:01:24.200> of these are well-meaning doctors some of these are well-meaning doctors some of them<00:01:24.439> have<00:01:24.560> gone<00:01:24.680> on<00:01:24.799> to<00:01:24.920> become<00:01:25.159> very<00:01:25.360> good them have gone on to become very good them have gone on to become very good friends<00:01:26.320> they're<00:01:26.520> probably<00:01:26.799> simply friends they're probably simply friends they're probably simply following<00:01:27.520> the<00:01:27.840> wisdom<00:01:28.360> that<00:01:28.479> has<00:01:28.680> come<00:01:28.960> down following the wisdom that has come down following the wisdom that has come down the<00:01:29.439> ages<00:01:30.119> this<00:01:30.240> addage<00:01:30.680> that<00:01:30.840> when<00:01:30.960> you're the ages this addage that when you're the ages this addage that when you're making<00:01:31.439> decisions<00:01:32.079> especially<00:01:32.680> decisions<00:01:33.159> of making decisions especially decisions of making decisions especially decisions of importance<00:01:34.640> it's<00:01:34.840> best<00:01:35.040> to<00:01:35.200> be<00:01:35.399> in<00:01:35.600> charge importance it's best to be in charge importance it's best to be in charge it's<00:01:36.320> best<00:01:36.479> to<00:01:36.600> be<00:01:36.759> in<00:01:36.920> control<00:01:37.360> it's<00:01:37.520> best<00:01:37.680> to it's best to be in control it's best to it's best to be in control it's best to be<00:01:38.000> in<00:01:38.119> the<00:01:38.280> driver's be in the driver's be in the driver's seat<00:01:40.399> and<00:01:40.600> we<00:01:40.720> were<00:01:41.000> certainly<00:01:41.439> in<00:01:41.640> the seat and we were certainly in the seat and we were certainly in the driver's<00:01:42.200> seat<00:01:42.520> making<00:01:42.759> all<00:01:42.960> these<00:01:43.159> decisions driver's seat making all these decisions driver's seat making all these decisions and<00:01:43.720> let<00:01:43.840> me<00:01:44.000> tell<00:01:44.159> you<00:01:44.680> if<00:01:44.840> some<00:01:44.960> of<00:01:45.079> you<00:01:45.159> have and let me tell you if some of you have and let me tell you if some of you have been<00:01:45.560> there<00:01:45.960> it's<00:01:46.119> the<00:01:46.360> most<00:01:46.759> agonizing<00:01:47.280> and been there it's the most agonizing and been there it's the most agonizing and harrowing harrowing harrowing experience<00:01:49.960> which<00:01:50.119> got<00:01:50.320> me<00:01:50.479> thinking<00:01:50.920> said<00:01:51.200> is experience which got me thinking said is experience which got me thinking said is there<00:01:51.479> any<00:01:51.680> validity<00:01:52.399> to<00:01:53.040> this<00:01:53.479> this<00:01:53.640> whole there any validity to this this whole there any validity to this this whole adage<00:01:54.600> that<00:01:55.360> when<00:01:55.520> you're<00:01:55.680> making<00:01:56.000> decisions adage that when you're making decisions adage that when you're making decisions it's<00:01:56.920> best<00:01:57.119> to<00:01:57.560> take<00:01:57.759> the<00:01:57.920> driver's<00:01:58.320> seat<00:01:58.600> be it's best to take the driver's seat be it's best to take the driver's seat be in<00:01:58.880> charge<00:01:59.240> be<00:01:59.360> in<00:01:59.479> control<00:02:00.159> or<00:02:01.159> are<00:02:01.399> there in charge be in control or are there in charge be in control or are there contexts<00:02:02.360> where<00:02:02.479> we<00:02:02.560> are<00:02:02.759> far<00:02:03.079> better<00:02:03.360> off contexts where we are far better off contexts where we are far better off taking<00:02:04.159> the<00:02:04.479> passenger<00:02:04.960> seat<00:02:05.399> and<00:02:05.600> have taking the passenger seat and have taking the passenger seat and have someone<00:02:06.079> else<00:02:06.280> drive<00:02:06.600> for<00:02:06.759> example<00:02:07.039> a<00:02:07.200> trusted someone else drive for example a trusted someone else drive for example a trusted financial<00:02:08.000> advisor<00:02:08.720> could<00:02:08.840> be<00:02:08.959> a<00:02:09.080> trusted financial advisor could be a trusted financial advisor could be a trusted doctor doctor doctor Etc<00:02:11.560> and<00:02:11.720> since<00:02:11.920> I<00:02:12.040> was<00:02:12.280> I<00:02:12.360> study<00:02:12.680> human Etc and since I was I study human Etc and since I was I study human decision-<00:02:13.360> making<00:02:14.239> I<00:02:14.760> said<00:02:15.040> I'm<00:02:15.160> going<00:02:15.239> to<00:02:15.360> run decision- making I said I'm going to run decision- making I said I'm going to run some<00:02:15.720> studies<00:02:16.560> to<00:02:16.720> find<00:02:16.959> some<00:02:17.160> answers<00:02:18.040> and some studies to find some answers and some studies to find some answers and I'm<00:02:18.239> going<00:02:18.360> to<00:02:18.440> share<00:02:18.680> one<00:02:18.800> of<00:02:18.920> these<00:02:19.080> studies I'm going to share one of these studies I'm going to share one of these studies with<00:02:19.519> you<00:02:19.640> today<00:02:20.560> so<00:02:21.560> imagine<00:02:22.000> that<00:02:22.200> all<00:02:22.319> of with you today so imagine that all of with you today so imagine that all of you<00:02:22.840> are<00:02:23.360> participants<00:02:24.040> in<00:02:24.160> the<00:02:24.360> study<00:02:25.360> I'm you are participants in the study I'm you are participants in the study I'm going<00:02:25.599> to<00:02:25.720> tell<00:02:25.879> you<00:02:26.080> that<00:02:26.200> what<00:02:26.319> you're<00:02:26.440> going going to tell you that what you're going going to tell you that what you're going to<00:02:26.640> do<00:02:26.760> in<00:02:26.879> the<00:02:27.000> study<00:02:27.680> is<00:02:28.680> you're<00:02:28.920> going<00:02:29.040> to to do in the study is you're going to to do in the study is you're going to drink<00:02:29.599> a<00:02:30.040> of<00:02:30.200> tea<00:02:31.200> if<00:02:31.280> you're<00:02:31.440> wondering<00:02:31.840> why drink a of tea if you're wondering why drink a of tea if you're wondering why I'll<00:02:32.120> tell<00:02:32.280> you<00:02:32.599> why<00:02:32.760> in<00:02:32.920> a<00:02:33.040> few<00:02:33.200> seconds<00:02:33.519> from I'll tell you why in a few seconds from I'll tell you why in a few seconds from now<00:02:34.760> you<00:02:34.959> are<00:02:35.160> going<00:02:35.319> to<00:02:35.519> solve<00:02:35.920> a<00:02:36.080> series<00:02:36.440> of now you are going to solve a series of now you are going to solve a series of puzzles<00:02:37.040> and<00:02:37.160> I'm<00:02:37.280> going<00:02:37.400> to<00:02:37.519> show<00:02:37.720> you puzzles and I'm going to show you puzzles and I'm going to show you examples<00:02:38.560> of<00:02:38.720> these<00:02:38.920> puzzles<00:02:39.560> in examples of these puzzles in examples of these puzzles in momentarily<00:02:41.480> and<00:02:41.599> the<00:02:41.720> more<00:02:41.920> puzzles<00:02:42.239> you momentarily and the more puzzles you momentarily and the more puzzles you solve<00:02:42.840> the<00:02:42.959> greater<00:02:43.280> the<00:02:43.440> chances<00:02:43.800> that solve the greater the chances that solve the greater the chances that you'll<00:02:44.080> win<00:02:44.280> some you'll win some you'll win some prizes<00:02:46.560> now<00:02:46.879> why<00:02:47.000> do<00:02:47.080> you<00:02:47.200> have<00:02:47.280> to<00:02:47.400> consume prizes now why do you have to consume prizes now why do you have to consume the<00:02:47.840> tea<00:02:48.360> why<00:02:48.560> because<00:02:49.000> it<00:02:49.120> makes<00:02:49.280> a<00:02:49.400> lot<00:02:49.480> of the tea why because it makes a lot of the tea why because it makes a lot of sense<00:02:49.840> in<00:02:49.920> order<00:02:50.120> to<00:02:50.280> solve<00:02:50.680> these<00:02:50.879> puzzles sense in order to solve these puzzles sense in order to solve these puzzles effectively<00:02:52.519> if<00:02:52.599> you<00:02:52.760> think<00:02:52.959> about<00:02:53.159> it<00:02:53.319> your effectively if you think about it your effectively if you think about it your mind<00:02:53.959> needs<00:02:54.159> to<00:02:54.280> be<00:02:54.440> in<00:02:54.640> two<00:02:54.879> states mind needs to be in two states mind needs to be in two states simultaneously<00:02:56.800> right<00:02:57.280> it<00:02:57.400> needs<00:02:57.599> to<00:02:57.680> be simultaneously right it needs to be simultaneously right it needs to be alert<00:02:59.360> for<00:02:59.560> which<00:02:59.879> caffeine<00:03:00.200> is<00:03:00.400> very alert for which caffeine is very alert for which caffeine is very good<00:03:02.319> simultaneously<00:03:03.319> it<00:03:03.480> needs<00:03:03.720> to<00:03:03.879> be<00:03:04.440> calm good simultaneously it needs to be calm good simultaneously it needs to be calm not<00:03:05.080> agitated<00:03:05.720> calm<00:03:06.560> for<00:03:06.799> which<00:03:07.040> chamomile<00:03:07.640> is not agitated calm for which chamomile is not agitated calm for which chamomile is very very very good<00:03:10.840> now<00:03:11.159> comes<00:03:11.680> the<00:03:11.920> between<00:03:12.599> subject good now comes the between subject good now comes the between subject design<00:03:13.560> the<00:03:13.680> ab<00:03:14.040> design<00:03:14.360> the<00:03:14.440> AB<00:03:14.760> testing<00:03:15.239> so design the ab design the AB testing so design the ab design the AB testing so what<00:03:15.480> I'm<00:03:15.560> going<00:03:15.640> to<00:03:15.799> do<00:03:15.920> is<00:03:16.080> randomly<00:03:16.480> assign what I'm going to do is randomly assign what I'm going to do is randomly assign you<00:03:17.360> to<00:03:17.519> one<00:03:17.680> of<00:03:18.000> two<00:03:18.280> groups<00:03:19.000> so<00:03:19.239> imagine<00:03:19.560> that you to one of two groups so imagine that you to one of two groups so imagine that there's<00:03:19.840> an<00:03:19.959> imaginary<00:03:20.440> line<00:03:20.720> out<00:03:21.080> here<00:03:21.480> so there's an imaginary line out here so there's an imaginary line out here so everyone<00:03:22.280> here<00:03:23.280> will<00:03:23.440> be<00:03:23.879> group<00:03:24.159> a<00:03:24.920> everyone everyone here will be group a everyone everyone here will be group a everyone out<00:03:25.480> here<00:03:25.640> will<00:03:25.799> be<00:03:25.959> Group out here will be Group out here will be Group B<00:03:27.760> now<00:03:27.920> for<00:03:28.080> you<00:03:28.280> folks<00:03:28.560> what<00:03:28.680> I'm<00:03:28.760> going<00:03:28.879> to<00:03:29.040> do B now for you folks what I'm going to do B now for you folks what I'm going to do is<00:03:30.599> I'm<00:03:30.680> going<00:03:30.799> to<00:03:30.959> show<00:03:31.159> you<00:03:31.319> these<00:03:31.519> two<00:03:31.680> T's is I'm going to show you these two T's is I'm going to show you these two T's and<00:03:32.640> I'm<00:03:32.959> asking<00:03:33.280> you<00:03:33.519> I'll<00:03:33.760> go<00:03:33.879> ahead<00:03:34.040> and<00:03:34.159> ask and I'm asking you I'll go ahead and ask and I'm asking you I'll go ahead and ask you<00:03:34.400> to<00:03:34.519> choose<00:03:34.760> your<00:03:34.920> tea<00:03:35.560> so<00:03:35.720> you<00:03:35.840> can<00:03:35.959> choose you to choose your tea so you can choose you to choose your tea so you can choose whichever<00:03:36.519> tea<00:03:36.720> you<00:03:36.799> want<00:03:37.480> you<00:03:37.799> you<00:03:38.640> what<00:03:38.720> is whichever tea you want you you what is whichever tea you want you you what is your<00:03:38.920> mental<00:03:39.200> state<00:03:39.959> okay<00:03:40.120> I'm<00:03:40.200> going<00:03:40.319> to your mental state okay I'm going to your mental state okay I'm going to choose<00:03:40.599> the<00:03:40.760> caffeinated<00:03:41.200> tea<00:03:41.360> I'm<00:03:41.439> going<00:03:41.519> to choose the caffeinated tea I'm going to choose the caffeinated tea I'm going to choose<00:03:41.840> the<00:03:42.040> Camal<00:03:42.599> so<00:03:42.680> you're<00:03:42.760> going<00:03:42.879> to<00:03:42.959> be choose the Camal so you're going to be choose the Camal so you're going to be in<00:03:43.200> charge<00:03:43.959> you're<00:03:44.159> going<00:03:44.280> to<00:03:44.400> be<00:03:44.519> in<00:03:44.720> control in charge you're going to be in control in charge you're going to be in control you're<00:03:45.439> going<00:03:45.560> to<00:03:45.760> be<00:03:45.920> in<00:03:46.080> the<00:03:46.239> driver's<00:03:47.159> seat you're going to be in the driver's seat you're going to be in the driver's seat you<00:03:48.640> folks<00:03:49.640> I'm<00:03:49.760> going<00:03:49.840> to<00:03:50.000> show<00:03:50.159> you<00:03:50.360> these you folks I'm going to show you these you folks I'm going to show you these two<00:03:50.760> T's<00:03:51.319> but<00:03:51.480> you<00:03:51.599> don't<00:03:51.840> have<00:03:52.000> a<00:03:52.480> choice<00:03:53.480> I'm two T's but you don't have a choice I'm two T's but you don't have a choice I'm going<00:03:53.959> to<00:03:54.280> give<00:03:54.439> you<00:03:54.599> one<00:03:54.720> of<00:03:54.840> these<00:03:55.000> two<00:03:55.159> T's going to give you one of these two T's going to give you one of these two T's and<00:03:55.680> keep<00:03:55.840> in<00:03:55.959> mind<00:03:56.599> I'm<00:03:56.760> going<00:03:56.879> to<00:03:57.120> pick<00:03:57.319> one and keep in mind I'm going to pick one and keep in mind I'm going to pick one of<00:03:57.560> these<00:03:57.720> two<00:03:57.879> T's<00:03:58.200> at<00:03:58.480> random<00:03:58.920> for<00:03:59.079> you<00:03:59.760> and of these two T's at random for you and of these two T's at random for you and you<00:03:59.959> know<00:04:00.439> that<00:04:01.439> so<00:04:01.599> if<00:04:01.680> you<00:04:01.840> think<00:04:02.040> about<00:04:02.239> it you know that so if you think about it you know that so if you think about it this<00:04:02.519> is<00:04:02.640> an<00:04:02.840> extreme<00:04:03.319> case<00:04:03.560> scenario<00:04:04.079> because this is an extreme case scenario because this is an extreme case scenario because in<00:04:04.439> the<00:04:04.599> real<00:04:04.879> world<00:04:05.560> whenever<00:04:05.920> you<00:04:06.000> are in the real world whenever you are in the real world whenever you are taking<00:04:06.480> the<00:04:06.720> passenger<00:04:07.159> seat<00:04:07.480> very<00:04:07.760> often<00:04:08.159> the taking the passenger seat very often the taking the passenger seat very often the driver<00:04:08.640> is<00:04:08.799> going<00:04:08.920> to<00:04:09.000> be<00:04:09.120> someone<00:04:09.439> you<00:04:09.640> trust driver is going to be someone you trust driver is going to be someone you trust an<00:04:10.319> expert<00:04:10.720> Etc<00:04:11.319> so<00:04:11.439> this<00:04:11.560> an<00:04:11.720> extreme<00:04:12.079> case an expert Etc so this an extreme case an expert Etc so this an extreme case scenario scenario scenario now<00:04:17.239> you're<00:04:17.479> all<00:04:17.799> going<00:04:18.000> to<00:04:18.519> consume<00:04:18.959> the<00:04:19.079> tea now you're all going to consume the tea now you're all going to consume the tea so<00:04:19.479> imagine<00:04:19.799> that<00:04:19.919> you're<00:04:20.120> taking<00:04:20.320> the<00:04:20.400> tree so imagine that you're taking the tree so imagine that you're taking the tree now<00:04:20.919> we'll<00:04:21.079> wait<00:04:21.239> for<00:04:21.359> you<00:04:21.479> to<00:04:21.680> finish<00:04:21.959> the<00:04:22.079> tea now we'll wait for you to finish the tea now we'll wait for you to finish the tea we'll<00:04:22.880> give<00:04:23.000> you<00:04:23.120> another<00:04:23.440> 5<00:04:23.680> minutes<00:04:23.960> for<00:04:24.120> the we'll give you another 5 minutes for the we'll give you another 5 minutes for the ingredient<00:04:24.759> to<00:04:24.960> have<00:04:25.160> its ingredient to have its ingredient to have its effects<00:04:27.240> now<00:04:27.520> you're<00:04:27.720> going<00:04:27.919> to<00:04:28.199> have<00:04:28.880> 30 effects now you're going to have 30 effects now you're going to have 30 minutes<00:04:29.919> to<00:04:30.080> solve<00:04:30.560> 15<00:04:31.639> puzzles<00:04:32.639> here's<00:04:32.840> an minutes to solve 15 puzzles here's an minutes to solve 15 puzzles here's an example<00:04:33.720> of<00:04:33.880> the<00:04:34.000> puzzle<00:04:34.240> you're<00:04:34.360> going<00:04:34.479> to example of the puzzle you're going to example of the puzzle you're going to solve<00:04:36.120> anyone<00:04:36.360> in<00:04:36.440> the<00:04:36.520> audience<00:04:36.800> want<00:04:36.880> to solve anyone in the audience want to solve anyone in the audience want to take<00:04:37.120> a take a take a stab<00:04:38.840> whoa<00:04:39.560> okay<00:04:40.160> that's<00:04:40.400> cool<00:04:41.280> yeah<00:04:41.440> so<00:04:41.720> what stab whoa okay that's cool yeah so what stab whoa okay that's cool yeah so what we<00:04:42.039> do<00:04:42.199> if<00:04:42.360> we<00:04:42.520> had<00:04:42.720> you<00:04:43.000> who<00:04:43.120> will<00:04:43.280> get<00:04:43.479> the we do if we had you who will get the we do if we had you who will get the answer<00:04:44.320> uh<00:04:44.560> as<00:04:44.759> part<00:04:45.080> as<00:04:45.160> a<00:04:45.280> participant<00:04:45.800> we answer uh as part as a participant we answer uh as part as a participant we would<00:04:46.000> have<00:04:46.240> calibrated<00:04:47.000> the<00:04:47.479> difficulty would have calibrated the difficulty would have calibrated the difficulty level<00:04:48.000> of<00:04:48.120> the<00:04:48.280> puzzles<00:04:48.680> to<00:04:48.840> your<00:04:49.080> expertise level of the puzzles to your expertise level of the puzzles to your expertise because<00:04:50.320> we<00:04:50.479> want<00:04:50.800> these<00:04:51.039> puzzles<00:04:51.400> to<00:04:51.520> be because we want these puzzles to be because we want these puzzles to be difficult<00:04:52.400> these<00:04:52.520> are<00:04:52.720> tricky<00:04:53.000> puzzles difficult these are tricky puzzles difficult these are tricky puzzles because<00:04:53.720> your<00:04:53.919> first<00:04:54.199> instinct<00:04:54.600> is<00:04:54.720> to<00:04:54.840> say because your first instinct is to say because your first instinct is to say tulip<00:04:56.800> and<00:04:56.919> then<00:04:57.039> you'll<00:04:57.240> have<00:04:57.360> to<00:04:57.479> unstick tulip and then you'll have to unstick tulip and then you'll have to unstick yourself<00:04:59.360> right<00:05:00.000> so<00:05:00.160> these<00:05:00.280> have<00:05:00.440> been yourself right so these have been yourself right so these have been calibrated<00:05:01.479> to<00:05:01.680> your<00:05:01.840> level<00:05:02.039> of<00:05:02.320> expertise calibrated to your level of expertise calibrated to your level of expertise because<00:05:03.520> we<00:05:03.639> want<00:05:03.840> this<00:05:03.960> to<00:05:04.080> be<00:05:04.400> difficult<00:05:04.560> and because we want this to be difficult and because we want this to be difficult and tell<00:05:04.840> you<00:05:05.080> why tell you why tell you why momentarily<00:05:07.280> now<00:05:07.479> here's<00:05:07.759> another momentarily now here's another momentarily now here's another example<00:05:09.840> anyone<00:05:10.199> it's<00:05:10.400> much<00:05:10.560> more<00:05:11.199> difficult example anyone it's much more difficult example anyone it's much more difficult yeah<00:05:12.560> wow<00:05:13.080> okay<00:05:13.639> so<00:05:13.919> yeah<00:05:14.320> so<00:05:14.639> this<00:05:14.720> is<00:05:14.919> Again yeah wow okay so yeah so this is Again yeah wow okay so yeah so this is Again difficult<00:05:15.440> you'll<00:05:15.600> say<00:05:15.840> camber<00:05:16.360> then<00:05:16.479> you difficult you'll say camber then you difficult you'll say camber then you have<00:05:16.759> to<00:05:16.919> go<00:05:17.080> make<00:05:17.280> her<00:05:17.520> and<00:05:17.639> all<00:05:17.840> that<00:05:18.000> and have to go make her and all that and have to go make her and all that and then<00:05:18.199> you<00:05:18.280> can<00:05:18.440> unstuck<00:05:18.840> yourself<00:05:19.560> okay<00:05:19.759> so then you can unstuck yourself okay so then you can unstuck yourself okay so you<00:05:20.000> have<00:05:20.120> 30<00:05:20.360> minutes<00:05:20.720> now<00:05:21.080> to<00:05:21.240> solve<00:05:21.639> these you have 30 minutes now to solve these you have 30 minutes now to solve these 15 15 15 puzzles<00:05:24.120> now<00:05:24.319> the<00:05:24.560> question<00:05:24.919> we're<00:05:25.240> asking puzzles now the question we're asking puzzles now the question we're asking here<00:05:26.240> is<00:05:26.600> in<00:05:26.800> terms<00:05:27.120> of<00:05:27.400> the<00:05:27.639> outcome<00:05:28.240> in<00:05:28.400> terms here is in terms of the outcome in terms here is in terms of the outcome in terms of<00:05:28.759> the<00:05:28.840> number<00:05:29.039> of<00:05:29.199> puzzles<00:05:29.840> solved<00:05:30.840> will<00:05:31.160> you of the number of puzzles solved will you of the number of puzzles solved will you in<00:05:31.800> the<00:05:32.000> driver's<00:05:32.479> seat<00:05:33.319> end<00:05:33.520> up<00:05:33.680> solving<00:05:34.120> more in the driver's seat end up solving more in the driver's seat end up solving more puzzles<00:05:35.080> because<00:05:35.280> you<00:05:35.360> were<00:05:35.520> in<00:05:35.639> control<00:05:36.080> you puzzles because you were in control you puzzles because you were in control you could<00:05:36.360> decide<00:05:36.639> which<00:05:36.840> te<00:05:37.160> you<00:05:37.240> would<00:05:37.400> choose could decide which te you would choose could decide which te you would choose or<00:05:38.680> would<00:05:38.880> you<00:05:39.120> be<00:05:39.400> better<00:05:39.680> off<00:05:40.080> in<00:05:40.199> terms<00:05:40.440> of or would you be better off in terms of or would you be better off in terms of the<00:05:40.639> number<00:05:40.840> of<00:05:40.960> puzzles<00:05:41.759> solved<00:05:42.800> and the number of puzzles solved and the number of puzzles solved and systematically<00:05:44.560> what<00:05:44.720> we<00:05:44.840> will<00:05:45.000> show<00:05:45.759> across systematically what we will show across systematically what we will show across a<00:05:46.160> series<00:05:46.440> of<00:05:46.600> studies<00:05:47.360> is<00:05:47.600> that<00:05:47.919> you<00:05:48.319> the a series of studies is that you the a series of studies is that you the passengers<00:05:49.720> even<00:05:50.080> though<00:05:50.280> the<00:05:50.400> te<00:05:50.680> was<00:05:50.840> picked passengers even though the te was picked passengers even though the te was picked for<00:05:51.240> you<00:05:51.360> at for you at for you at random<00:05:53.160> will<00:05:53.360> end<00:05:53.520> up<00:05:53.759> solving<00:05:54.160> more<00:05:54.400> puzzles random will end up solving more puzzles random will end up solving more puzzles than<00:05:54.919> you<00:05:55.120> the than you the than you the drivers<00:05:57.440> we'll<00:05:57.759> also<00:05:58.160> observe<00:05:59.160> another<00:05:59.440> thing drivers we'll also observe another thing drivers we'll also observe another thing and<00:06:00.000> that<00:06:00.160> is<00:06:00.440> you<00:06:00.639> folks<00:06:01.000> not<00:06:01.080> only<00:06:01.319> solving and that is you folks not only solving and that is you folks not only solving fewer<00:06:01.880> puzzles<00:06:02.400> you're<00:06:02.639> also<00:06:02.880> putting<00:06:03.240> less fewer puzzles you're also putting less fewer puzzles you're also putting less juice<00:06:04.160> into<00:06:04.680> the<00:06:04.880> task<00:06:05.720> less<00:06:06.000> effort<00:06:06.400> you're juice into the task less effort you're juice into the task less effort you're less<00:06:06.840> persistent<00:06:07.440> and<00:06:07.599> so<00:06:07.720> on<00:06:07.880> how<00:06:07.960> do<00:06:08.039> we<00:06:08.160> know less persistent and so on how do we know less persistent and so on how do we know that<00:06:09.280> well<00:06:09.440> we<00:06:09.639> have<00:06:09.840> two<00:06:10.199> objective<00:06:10.919> measures that well we have two objective measures that well we have two objective measures one<00:06:11.880> is<00:06:12.599> what<00:06:12.720> is<00:06:12.840> the<00:06:13.120> time<00:06:13.479> on<00:06:13.800> average one is what is the time on average one is what is the time on average you're<00:06:14.400> taking<00:06:14.800> in<00:06:15.039> attempting<00:06:15.440> to<00:06:15.639> solve you're taking in attempting to solve you're taking in attempting to solve these<00:06:16.319> puzzles<00:06:17.319> you<00:06:17.599> will<00:06:17.800> spend<00:06:18.160> less<00:06:18.360> time these puzzles you will spend less time these puzzles you will spend less time compared<00:06:19.000> to<00:06:19.199> you<00:06:20.199> second<00:06:20.800> you<00:06:20.960> have<00:06:21.120> 30 compared to you second you have 30 compared to you second you have 30 minutes<00:06:21.599> to<00:06:21.759> solve<00:06:22.039> these<00:06:22.199> are<00:06:22.280> you<00:06:22.400> taking minutes to solve these are you taking minutes to solve these are you taking the<00:06:22.720> entire<00:06:23.000> 30<00:06:23.199> minutes<00:06:23.440> are<00:06:23.639> you<00:06:23.800> giving<00:06:24.080> up the entire 30 minutes are you giving up the entire 30 minutes are you giving up before<00:06:24.599> the<00:06:24.720> 30<00:06:25.000> minutes<00:06:25.280> elapse<00:06:26.000> you<00:06:26.240> will<00:06:26.400> be before the 30 minutes elapse you will be before the 30 minutes elapse you will be more<00:06:26.800> likely<00:06:27.039> to<00:06:27.240> give<00:06:27.400> up<00:06:27.880> before<00:06:28.080> the<00:06:28.199> 30 more likely to give up before the 30 more likely to give up before the 30 minute<00:06:28.680> elapses minute elapses minute elapses come<00:06:30.560> you<00:06:30.759> so<00:06:31.039> you're<00:06:31.240> putting<00:06:31.479> in<00:06:31.639> less<00:06:31.840> juice come you so you're putting in less juice come you so you're putting in less juice and<00:06:32.440> therefore<00:06:32.800> the<00:06:32.960> outcome<00:06:33.560> fewer<00:06:34.000> puzzles and therefore the outcome fewer puzzles and therefore the outcome fewer puzzles solved<00:06:37.039> now<00:06:37.280> now<00:06:37.560> brings<00:06:37.800> us<00:06:38.039> now<00:06:38.400> to<00:06:39.240> why<00:06:39.440> does solved now now brings us now to why does solved now now brings us now to why does this<00:06:39.840> happen<00:06:40.639> right<00:06:41.160> and<00:06:41.440> under<00:06:41.840> what this happen right and under what this happen right and under what situations<00:06:43.000> when<00:06:43.680> would<00:06:43.880> we<00:06:44.000> see<00:06:44.319> this situations when would we see this situations when would we see this pattern<00:06:44.960> of<00:06:45.120> results<00:06:45.720> where<00:06:45.919> the<00:06:46.199> passenger pattern of results where the passenger pattern of results where the passenger is<00:06:47.240> going<00:06:47.440> to<00:06:47.520> show<00:06:47.840> better<00:06:48.199> more<00:06:48.400> favorable is going to show better more favorable is going to show better more favorable outcomes<00:06:49.479> compared<00:06:49.800> to<00:06:50.000> the outcomes compared to the outcomes compared to the driver<00:06:52.120> it<00:06:52.319> all<00:06:52.720> has<00:06:52.880> to<00:06:53.080> do<00:06:53.639> with<00:06:54.039> when<00:06:54.199> you driver it all has to do with when you driver it all has to do with when you face<00:06:54.880> what<00:06:55.000> I<00:06:55.160> call<00:06:55.440> the face what I call the face what I call the income<00:06:57.560> it's<00:06:57.680> an<00:06:57.919> acronym<00:06:58.479> that<00:06:58.639> stands<00:06:59.000> for income it's an acronym that stands for income it's an acronym that stands for the<00:06:59.720> nature<00:07:00.160> of<00:07:00.319> the<00:07:00.520> feedback<00:07:01.000> you're the nature of the feedback you're the nature of the feedback you're getting<00:07:01.680> after<00:07:02.000> you<00:07:02.160> made<00:07:02.360> the<00:07:02.520> decision<00:07:03.440> so getting after you made the decision so getting after you made the decision so if<00:07:03.639> you<00:07:03.800> think<00:07:04.000> about<00:07:04.199> it<00:07:04.639> in<00:07:04.800> this<00:07:04.960> particular if you think about it in this particular if you think about it in this particular puzzle<00:07:05.599> task<00:07:05.960> it<00:07:06.039> could<00:07:06.240> happen<00:07:06.479> in<00:07:06.759> investing puzzle task it could happen in investing puzzle task it could happen in investing in<00:07:07.280> the<00:07:07.400> stock<00:07:07.720> market<00:07:08.080> very<00:07:08.319> volatile<00:07:08.840> out in the stock market very volatile out in the stock market very volatile out there<00:07:09.319> could<00:07:09.479> be<00:07:09.560> in<00:07:09.639> a<00:07:09.759> medical<00:07:10.120> situation there could be in a medical situation there could be in a medical situation the<00:07:11.120> feedback<00:07:11.639> here<00:07:11.879> is<00:07:12.319> immediate<00:07:13.319> you<00:07:13.440> know the feedback here is immediate you know the feedback here is immediate you know the<00:07:13.800> feedback<00:07:14.319> whether<00:07:14.479> you're<00:07:14.599> solving<00:07:14.879> the the feedback whether you're solving the the feedback whether you're solving the puzzles<00:07:15.280> or<00:07:15.800> not<00:07:16.800> right<00:07:17.319> second<00:07:17.840> it<00:07:17.960> is puzzles or not right second it is puzzles or not right second it is negative<00:07:19.520> remember<00:07:19.879> the<00:07:20.039> deck<00:07:20.319> was<00:07:20.520> stacked negative remember the deck was stacked negative remember the deck was stacked against<00:07:21.280> you<00:07:21.919> in<00:07:22.039> terms<00:07:22.319> of<00:07:22.479> the<00:07:22.879> difficulty against you in terms of the difficulty against you in terms of the difficulty level<00:07:23.360> of<00:07:23.560> these<00:07:23.720> puzzles<00:07:24.720> now<00:07:24.840> this<00:07:24.960> can level of these puzzles now this can level of these puzzles now this can happen<00:07:25.280> in<00:07:25.360> the<00:07:25.440> medical<00:07:25.759> domain<00:07:26.400> for<00:07:26.560> example happen in the medical domain for example happen in the medical domain for example very<00:07:27.160> early<00:07:27.400> on<00:07:27.560> in<00:07:27.680> the<00:07:27.759> treatment<00:07:28.199> things very early on in the treatment things very early on in the treatment things are<00:07:28.599> negative<00:07:29.000> the<00:07:29.120> feedback<00:07:29.560> back<00:07:29.759> before are negative the feedback back before are negative the feedback back before Things<00:07:30.240> become<00:07:31.080> positive<00:07:32.080> right<00:07:32.400> can<00:07:32.599> happen Things become positive right can happen Things become positive right can happen in<00:07:32.879> the<00:07:33.000> stock<00:07:33.280> market<00:07:33.960> volatile<00:07:34.400> stock in the stock market volatile stock in the stock market volatile stock market<00:07:34.919> getting<00:07:35.120> the<00:07:35.280> negative<00:07:35.599> feedback<00:07:35.960> it market getting the negative feedback it market getting the negative feedback it is<00:07:36.240> also<00:07:36.440> immediate<00:07:37.360> and<00:07:37.599> the<00:07:37.800> feedback<00:07:38.319> in is also immediate and the feedback in is also immediate and the feedback in all<00:07:38.680> these<00:07:38.879> cases<00:07:39.199> is<00:07:39.440> concrete<00:07:39.879> it's<00:07:40.000> not all these cases is concrete it's not all these cases is concrete it's not ambiguous<00:07:41.000> you<00:07:41.199> know<00:07:41.360> if<00:07:41.440> you<00:07:41.560> solve<00:07:41.800> the ambiguous you know if you solve the ambiguous you know if you solve the puzzles<00:07:42.199> or<00:07:42.759> not<00:07:43.759> now<00:07:44.280> the<00:07:44.479> added<00:07:44.840> one<00:07:45.199> apart puzzles or not now the added one apart puzzles or not now the added one apart from<00:07:46.039> this<00:07:46.800> immediacy<00:07:48.039> negative<00:07:49.039> this from this immediacy negative this from this immediacy negative this concreteness<00:07:50.879> now<00:07:51.280> you<00:07:51.520> have<00:07:51.680> a<00:07:51.919> sense<00:07:52.159> of concreteness now you have a sense of concreteness now you have a sense of agency<00:07:54.440> you<00:07:54.800> were<00:07:55.080> responsible<00:07:55.560> for<00:07:55.720> your agency you were responsible for your agency you were responsible for your decision<00:07:57.360> so<00:07:57.520> what<00:07:57.639> do<00:07:57.720> you<00:07:57.919> do<00:07:58.720> you<00:07:58.960> focus<00:07:59.680> on decision so what do you do you focus on decision so what do you do you focus on the<00:08:00.080> foregone<00:08:00.759> option<00:08:01.639> you<00:08:01.879> say<00:08:02.680> you<00:08:02.840> know the foregone option you say you know the foregone option you say you know what<00:08:03.360> I<00:08:03.440> should<00:08:03.639> have<00:08:03.840> chosen<00:08:04.240> the<00:08:04.360> other

team<00:08:08.879> that<00:08:09.400> casts<00:08:09.720> your<00:08:09.919> decision<00:08:10.240> in<00:08:10.520> doubt
team that casts your decision in doubt team that casts your decision in doubt reduces<00:08:12.000> the<00:08:12.240> confidence<00:08:12.720> you<00:08:12.840> have<00:08:13.000> in<00:08:13.080> the reduces the confidence you have in the reduces the confidence you have in the decision<00:08:13.479> reduces<00:08:13.800> the<00:08:13.960> confidence<00:08:14.440> you<00:08:14.599> have decision reduces the confidence you have decision reduces the confidence you have in<00:08:14.960> the<00:08:15.159> performance<00:08:16.159> performance<00:08:16.560> in<00:08:16.680> terms in the performance performance in terms in the performance performance in terms of<00:08:17.000> solving<00:08:17.280> the<00:08:17.440> puzzles<00:08:18.080> and<00:08:18.280> therefore of solving the puzzles and therefore of solving the puzzles and therefore less<00:08:18.879> juice<00:08:19.240> into<00:08:19.479> the<00:08:19.680> task<00:08:20.639> fewer<00:08:21.240> puzzles less juice into the task fewer puzzles less juice into the task fewer puzzles solved<00:08:22.400> less<00:08:22.599> favorable<00:08:23.080> outcomes<00:08:23.639> compared solved less favorable outcomes compared solved less favorable outcomes compared to<00:08:24.039> you<00:08:24.639> folks<00:08:25.639> and<00:08:25.759> this<00:08:25.879> can<00:08:26.000> happen<00:08:26.159> in<00:08:26.240> the to you folks and this can happen in the to you folks and this can happen in the medical<00:08:26.599> domain<00:08:26.840> if<00:08:26.919> you<00:08:27.039> think<00:08:27.159> about<00:08:27.319> it medical domain if you think about it medical domain if you think about it right<00:08:27.720> a<00:08:27.840> patient<00:08:28.080> in<00:08:28.199> the<00:08:28.280> driver's<00:08:28.560> seat<00:08:28.800> for right a patient in the driver's seat for right a patient in the driver's seat for example example example less<00:08:30.280> juice<00:08:30.720> which<00:08:30.840> means<00:08:31.120> you<00:08:31.240> know<00:08:31.680> you<00:08:31.800> know less juice which means you know you know less juice which means you know you know keeping<00:08:32.279> herself<00:08:32.680> or<00:08:32.880> himself<00:08:33.519> less keeping herself or himself less keeping herself or himself less physically<00:08:34.320> fit<00:08:34.640> Physically<00:08:35.200> Active<00:08:35.519> to physically fit Physically Active to physically fit Physically Active to hasten<00:08:36.039> the<00:08:36.159> recovery<00:08:36.640> process<00:08:37.120> which<00:08:37.240> is hasten the recovery process which is hasten the recovery process which is what<00:08:37.519> is<00:08:37.640> often<00:08:37.919> advocated<00:08:38.599> you<00:08:38.760> probably what is often advocated you probably what is often advocated you probably wouldn't<00:08:39.240> do wouldn't do wouldn't do that<00:08:41.039> and<00:08:41.240> therefore<00:08:42.200> there<00:08:42.320> are<00:08:42.760> times<00:08:43.599> when that and therefore there are times when that and therefore there are times when you're<00:08:44.360> facing<00:08:45.000> the you're facing the you're facing the inor<00:08:46.920> when<00:08:47.120> the<00:08:47.240> feedback<00:08:47.680> is<00:08:47.839> going<00:08:47.959> to<00:08:48.080> be inor when the feedback is going to be inor when the feedback is going to be immediate<00:08:49.440> negative<00:08:50.279> concrete<00:08:50.839> and<00:08:50.920> you<00:08:51.040> have immediate negative concrete and you have immediate negative concrete and you have the<00:08:51.279> sense<00:08:51.480> of<00:08:51.680> agency<00:08:52.320> where<00:08:52.440> you're<00:08:52.760> far the sense of agency where you're far the sense of agency where you're far better<00:08:53.360> off<00:08:54.240> taking<00:08:54.519> the<00:08:54.760> passenger<00:08:55.240> seat<00:08:55.920> and better off taking the passenger seat and better off taking the passenger seat and have<00:08:56.279> someone<00:08:56.519> else have someone else have someone else drive<00:08:58.959> now<00:08:59.480> I<00:08:59.600> started<00:09:00.000> off<00:09:00.680> on<00:09:00.839> the<00:09:01.000> somber drive now I started off on the somber drive now I started off on the somber note<00:09:02.120> I<00:09:02.240> want<00:09:02.360> to<00:09:02.519> finish<00:09:02.720> up<00:09:02.880> on<00:09:02.959> a<00:09:03.079> more note I want to finish up on a more note I want to finish up on a more upbeat<00:09:03.600> note<00:09:03.800> it<00:09:03.880> has<00:09:04.000> now<00:09:04.120> been<00:09:04.519> 5<00:09:04.839> years upbeat note it has now been 5 years upbeat note it has now been 5 years slightly<00:09:06.079> more<00:09:06.200> than<00:09:06.399> 5<00:09:06.680> years<00:09:07.320> and<00:09:07.519> the<00:09:07.640> good slightly more than 5 years and the good slightly more than 5 years and the good news<00:09:08.240> thank<00:09:08.560> God<00:09:08.920> is<00:09:09.200> that<00:09:09.720> um<00:09:10.680> is<00:09:11.200> uh<00:09:11.320> the news thank God is that um is uh the news thank God is that um is uh the cancer<00:09:11.760> is<00:09:11.880> still<00:09:12.000> in cancer is still in cancer is still in remission<00:09:13.920> so<00:09:14.480> um<00:09:14.640> it<00:09:14.760> all<00:09:14.920> ends<00:09:15.279> well<00:09:16.279> but<00:09:16.440> one remission so um it all ends well but one remission so um it all ends well but one thing<00:09:16.800> I<00:09:16.880> didn't<00:09:17.200> mention<00:09:18.160> was<00:09:19.120> that<00:09:20.040> very thing I didn't mention was that very thing I didn't mention was that very early<00:09:20.760> on<00:09:21.079> into<00:09:21.360> her<00:09:21.560> treatment<00:09:22.440> my<00:09:22.640> wife<00:09:22.839> and early on into her treatment my wife and early on into her treatment my wife and I<00:09:23.160> decided<00:09:23.800> that<00:09:23.920> we<00:09:24.040> will<00:09:24.279> take<00:09:24.519> the I decided that we will take the I decided that we will take the passenger<00:09:25.440> seat<00:09:26.440> and<00:09:26.640> that<00:09:26.839> made<00:09:27.320> so<00:09:27.640> much<00:09:27.839> of passenger seat and that made so much of passenger seat and that made so much of a<00:09:28.200> difference<00:09:28.600> in<00:09:28.720> terms<00:09:29.040> of<00:09:29.399> the<00:09:29.519> peace<00:09:29.720> of a difference in terms of the peace of a difference in terms of the peace of mind<00:09:30.200> that<00:09:30.360> came<00:09:30.519> with<00:09:30.760> that<00:09:31.200> we<00:09:31.320> could<00:09:31.519> focus mind that came with that we could focus mind that came with that we could focus on<00:09:32.040> her<00:09:32.279> recovery<00:09:33.079> we<00:09:33.279> let<00:09:33.519> the<00:09:33.760> doctors<00:09:34.279> make on her recovery we let the doctors make on her recovery we let the doctors make all<00:09:34.800> the<00:09:35.040> decisions<00:09:35.959> take<00:09:36.200> the<00:09:36.320> driver's<00:09:37.240> seat all the decisions take the driver's seat all the decisions take the driver's seat thank<00:09:38.440> you thank you thank you [Music]

Baba Shiv, TEDx, TEDxStanford, choice, tyrrany, of, choice, control, cede, control, decisions, decision, making, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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