Động vật xã hội-David Brooks

Social animal - David Brooks

Social animal - David Brooks


and<00:00:16.219> I<00:00:16.309> got<00:00:16.460> my<00:00:16.610> current<00:00:16.970> job<00:00:17.119> I<00:00:17.390> was<00:00:17.540> given<00:00:17.779> a
and I got my current job I was given a and I got my current job I was given a good<00:00:17.960> piece<00:00:18.140> of<00:00:18.170> advice<00:00:18.350> which<00:00:18.770> was<00:00:18.950> to good piece of advice which was to good piece of advice which was to interview<00:00:19.310> three<00:00:20.150> politicians<00:00:20.810> every<00:00:21.020> day interview three politicians every day interview three politicians every day and<00:00:22.340> from<00:00:22.520> that<00:00:22.640> much<00:00:22.790> contact<00:00:23.210> with and from that much contact with and from that much contact with politicians<00:00:23.960> I<00:00:24.050> can<00:00:24.200> tell<00:00:24.380> you<00:00:24.439> they're<00:00:24.590> all politicians I can tell you they're all politicians I can tell you they're all emotional<00:00:25.189> freaks<00:00:25.460> of<00:00:25.610> one<00:00:25.730> sort<00:00:26.000> or<00:00:26.060> another emotional freaks of one sort or another emotional freaks of one sort or another they<00:00:27.649> have<00:00:27.680> what<00:00:27.890> I<00:00:27.919> call<00:00:28.160> logorrhea<00:00:28.579> dementia they have what I call logorrhea dementia they have what I call logorrhea dementia which<00:00:29.419> is<00:00:29.599> they<00:00:29.810> talk<00:00:30.500> so<00:00:30.710> much<00:00:30.860> they<00:00:31.040> drive which is they talk so much they drive which is they talk so much they drive themselves<00:00:31.430> insane themselves insane themselves insane but<00:00:34.610> what<00:00:34.760> they<00:00:34.910> do<00:00:34.970> have<00:00:35.420> is<00:00:35.690> incredible but what they do have is incredible but what they do have is incredible social<00:00:36.829> skills<00:00:37.340> when<00:00:38.090> you<00:00:38.120> meet<00:00:38.390> them<00:00:38.570> they social skills when you meet them they social skills when you meet them they lock<00:00:38.989> into<00:00:39.350> you<00:00:39.500> they<00:00:40.309> look<00:00:40.670> you<00:00:40.850> in<00:00:40.969> the<00:00:41.000> eye lock into you they look you in the eye lock into you they look you in the eye they<00:00:41.540> invade<00:00:41.899> your<00:00:42.079> personal<00:00:42.320> space<00:00:42.590> they they invade your personal space they they invade your personal space they massage<00:00:43.580> the<00:00:43.910> back<00:00:44.060> of<00:00:44.240> your<00:00:44.390> head<00:00:44.630> I<00:00:44.990> had massage the back of your head I had massage the back of your head I had dinner<00:00:45.740> with<00:00:45.830> a<00:00:45.980> Republican<00:00:46.400> senator<00:00:46.640> several dinner with a Republican senator several dinner with a Republican senator several months<00:00:47.150> ago<00:00:47.360> who<00:00:47.600> kept<00:00:47.960> his<00:00:48.080> hand<00:00:48.350> on<00:00:48.470> my<00:00:48.620> inner months ago who kept his hand on my inner months ago who kept his hand on my inner thigh<00:00:48.890> throughout<00:00:49.610> the<00:00:49.730> whole<00:00:49.880> meal thigh throughout the whole meal thigh throughout the whole meal squeezing<00:00:50.900> it<00:00:51.520> I<00:00:52.520> once<00:00:53.150> this<00:00:53.690> was<00:00:53.870> years<00:00:54.080> ago<00:00:54.230> I squeezing it I once this was years ago I squeezing it I once this was years ago I saw<00:00:54.710> a<00:00:54.740> Ted<00:00:55.040> Kennedy<00:00:55.430> and<00:00:55.460> Dan<00:00:55.700> Quayle<00:00:56.000> meet<00:00:56.270> in saw a Ted Kennedy and Dan Quayle meet in saw a Ted Kennedy and Dan Quayle meet in the<00:00:56.480> well<00:00:56.600> of<00:00:56.630> the<00:00:56.810> Senate<00:00:57.020> and<00:00:57.170> they<00:00:57.260> were the well of the Senate and they were the well of the Senate and they were friends<00:00:57.770> and<00:00:57.800> they<00:00:57.920> hugged<00:00:58.160> each<00:00:58.250> other<00:00:58.460> and friends and they hugged each other and friends and they hugged each other and they<00:00:59.329> were<00:00:59.510> laughing<00:00:59.810> and<00:01:00.230> their<00:01:00.350> faces<00:01:00.770> were they were laughing and their faces were they were laughing and their faces were like<00:01:00.920> this<00:01:01.250> far<00:01:01.520> apart<00:01:01.910> and<00:01:02.329> they<00:01:02.540> were<00:01:02.600> moving like this far apart and they were moving like this far apart and they were moving and<00:01:03.350> grinding<00:01:03.950> and<00:01:04.100> moving<00:01:04.430> their<00:01:04.579> arms<00:01:04.879> up and grinding and moving their arms up and grinding and moving their arms up and<00:01:05.180> down<00:01:05.239> each<00:01:05.509> other<00:01:05.750> and<00:01:05.960> I<00:01:05.990> was<00:01:06.079> like<00:01:06.229> get<00:01:06.740> a and down each other and I was like get a and down each other and I was like get a room<00:01:07.040> I<00:01:07.280> don't<00:01:07.340> want<00:01:07.520> to<00:01:07.610> see<00:01:07.729> this<00:01:08.200> but<00:01:09.200> they room I don't want to see this but they room I don't want to see this but they have<00:01:09.619> those<00:01:09.890> social<00:01:09.950> skills<00:01:10.640> at<00:01:10.909> another<00:01:11.509> case have those social skills at another case have those social skills at another case last<00:01:13.280> election<00:01:13.729> cycle<00:01:13.759> I<00:01:14.180> was<00:01:14.210> following<00:01:14.930> Mitt last election cycle I was following Mitt last election cycle I was following Mitt Romney<00:01:15.590> around<00:01:16.400> New<00:01:16.520> Hampshire<00:01:16.909> and<00:01:16.970> he<00:01:17.030> was Romney around New Hampshire and he was Romney around New Hampshire and he was campaigning<00:01:17.390> with<00:01:17.930> his<00:01:18.050> five<00:01:18.260> perfect<00:01:19.010> sons campaigning with his five perfect sons campaigning with his five perfect sons bit<00:01:19.940> chip<00:01:20.270> rip<00:01:20.540> zip<00:01:20.900> lip<00:01:21.140> and<00:01:21.350> dip<00:01:21.500> and<00:01:22.340> and bit chip rip zip lip and dip and and bit chip rip zip lip and dip and and he's<00:01:24.260> going<00:01:24.560> into<00:01:24.740> a<00:01:24.830> diner<00:01:25.479> and<00:01:26.479> he<00:01:26.659> goes<00:01:26.870> to he's going into a diner and he goes to he's going into a diner and he goes to the<00:01:27.320> diner<00:01:27.500> introduce<00:01:27.950> himself<00:01:28.100> to<00:01:28.310> a<00:01:28.400> family the diner introduce himself to a family the diner introduce himself to a family and<00:01:29.150> says<00:01:29.330> what<00:01:29.510> village<00:01:29.750> are<00:01:29.990> you<00:01:30.049> from<00:01:30.110> in and says what village are you from in and says what village are you from in New<00:01:30.530> Hampshire<00:01:30.680> and<00:01:31.040> then<00:01:31.130> he<00:01:31.250> described<00:01:31.700> the New Hampshire and then he described the New Hampshire and then he described the home<00:01:32.030> he<00:01:32.270> owned<00:01:32.390> in<00:01:32.540> their<00:01:32.690> village<00:01:33.020> and<00:01:33.890> then home he owned in their village and then home he owned in their village and then he<00:01:34.159> so<00:01:34.760> he<00:01:34.880> goes<00:01:35.210> around<00:01:35.270> the<00:01:36.460> room<00:01:37.460> and<00:01:37.640> then he so he goes around the room and then he so he goes around the room and then as<00:01:37.850> he's<00:01:38.030> leaving<00:01:38.360> the<00:01:38.450> diner<00:01:38.630> he<00:01:39.440> first<00:01:39.770> names as he's leaving the diner he first names as he's leaving the diner he first names almost<00:01:40.490> everybody<00:01:40.880> he's<00:01:41.030> just<00:01:41.270> met<00:01:41.510> I<00:01:41.780> was almost everybody he's just met I was almost everybody he's just met I was like<00:01:42.799> okay<00:01:43.220> that's<00:01:43.490> social<00:01:44.030> skill<00:01:44.440> but<00:01:45.440> the like okay that's social skill but the like okay that's social skill but the paradox<00:01:46.130> is<00:01:46.430> when<00:01:46.460> a<00:01:47.030> lot<00:01:47.330> of<00:01:47.450> these<00:01:47.540> people paradox is when a lot of these people paradox is when a lot of these people slip<00:01:48.440> into<00:01:48.619> the<00:01:48.770> policy-making<00:01:49.549> mode<00:01:49.909> that slip into the policy-making mode that slip into the policy-making mode that social<00:01:51.170> awareness<00:01:51.369> vanishes<00:01:52.369> and<00:01:52.490> they<00:01:52.580> tart social awareness vanishes and they tart social awareness vanishes and they tart talking<00:01:53.210> about<00:01:53.360> like<00:01:53.630> accountants<00:01:54.229> so<00:01:54.920> in<00:01:55.070> the talking about like accountants so in the talking about like accountants so in the course<00:01:55.430> of<00:01:55.610> my<00:01:55.790> career<00:01:55.850> I've<00:01:56.390> covered<00:01:56.689> a course of my career I've covered a course of my career I've covered a series<00:01:57.200> of<00:01:57.229> failures<00:01:57.799> we<00:01:58.700> sent<00:01:58.909> economists<00:01:59.360> in series of failures we sent economists in series of failures we sent economists in the<00:01:59.570> Soviet<00:01:59.900> Union<00:02:00.229> with<00:02:00.560> privatization the Soviet Union with privatization the Soviet Union with privatization plans<00:02:01.580> when<00:02:01.850> it<00:02:01.970> broke<00:02:02.180> up<00:02:02.390> and<00:02:02.630> what<00:02:03.229> they plans when it broke up and what they plans when it broke up and what they really<00:02:03.680> lacked<00:02:03.890> was<00:02:04.100> social<00:02:04.490> trust<00:02:04.820> we really lacked was social trust we really lacked was social trust we invaded<00:02:05.960> Iraq<00:02:06.350> with<00:02:06.619> the<00:02:06.740> military<00:02:07.130> oblivious invaded Iraq with the military oblivious invaded Iraq with the military oblivious to<00:02:08.149> the<00:02:08.269> cultural<00:02:08.720> and<00:02:08.840> psychological to the cultural and psychological to the cultural and psychological realities<00:02:10.189> we<00:02:10.939> had<00:02:11.090> a<00:02:11.120> financial<00:02:11.689> regulatory realities we had a financial regulatory realities we had a financial regulatory regime<00:02:12.860> based<00:02:13.459> on<00:02:13.700> the<00:02:13.760> assumptions<00:02:14.180> that regime based on the assumptions that regime based on the assumptions that traders<00:02:15.049> were<00:02:15.470> rational<00:02:16.069> creatures<00:02:16.549> who traders were rational creatures who traders were rational creatures who wouldn't<00:02:17.120> do<00:02:17.180> anything<00:02:17.540> stupid<00:02:18.189> for<00:02:19.189> 30<00:02:19.459> years wouldn't do anything stupid for 30 years wouldn't do anything stupid for 30 years I've<00:02:20.029> been<00:02:20.060> covering<00:02:20.510> school<00:02:20.870> reform<00:02:21.319> and I've been covering school reform and I've been covering school reform and we've<00:02:21.620> basically<00:02:22.060> reorganized<00:02:23.060> the<00:02:23.239> bureau we've basically reorganized the bureau we've basically reorganized the bureau edek<00:02:23.969> boxes<00:02:24.510> charters<00:02:25.439> private<00:02:25.469> schools edek boxes charters private schools edek boxes charters private schools vouchers<00:02:27.019> but<00:02:28.019> we've<00:02:28.170> had<00:02:28.349> disappointing vouchers but we've had disappointing vouchers but we've had disappointing results<00:02:29.549> year<00:02:29.939> after<00:02:30.269> year<00:02:30.629> and<00:02:31.379> the<00:02:31.739> fact<00:02:31.980> is results year after year and the fact is results year after year and the fact is people<00:02:32.609> learn<00:02:33.030> from<00:02:33.060> people<00:02:33.629> they<00:02:33.780> love<00:02:34.049> and people learn from people they love and people learn from people they love and if<00:02:35.189> you're<00:02:35.310> not<00:02:35.549> talking<00:02:35.879> about<00:02:35.909> the if you're not talking about the if you're not talking about the individual<00:02:36.719> relationship<00:02:37.319> between<00:02:37.499> a individual relationship between a individual relationship between a teacher<00:02:37.920> and<00:02:38.129> a<00:02:38.430> student<00:02:38.489> you're<00:02:39.329> not<00:02:39.540> talking teacher and a student you're not talking teacher and a student you're not talking about<00:02:40.019> that<00:02:40.290> reality<00:02:40.829> but<00:02:41.189> that<00:02:41.250> reality<00:02:41.790> is about that reality but that reality is about that reality but that reality is expunged<00:02:42.959> from<00:02:43.019> our<00:02:43.290> policymaking<00:02:43.920> process expunged from our policymaking process expunged from our policymaking process and<00:02:44.760> so<00:02:45.659> that's<00:02:45.840> led<00:02:46.109> to<00:02:46.139> a<00:02:46.319> question<00:02:46.859> for<00:02:47.129> me and so that's led to a question for me and so that's led to a question for me why<00:02:48.060> are<00:02:48.359> the<00:02:48.480> most<00:02:48.629> socially<00:02:49.349> attuned<00:02:49.560> people why are the most socially attuned people why are the most socially attuned people on<00:02:50.489> earth<00:02:50.780> completely<00:02:51.780> dehumanized<00:02:52.680> when on earth completely dehumanized when on earth completely dehumanized when they<00:02:53.489> think<00:02:53.549> about<00:02:53.939> policy<00:02:54.749> and<00:02:55.019> I<00:02:55.859> came<00:02:56.159> to they think about policy and I came to they think about policy and I came to the<00:02:56.459> conclusion<00:02:57.030> this<00:02:57.510> is<00:02:57.750> a<00:02:57.780> symptom<00:02:58.230> of<00:02:58.439> a the conclusion this is a symptom of a the conclusion this is a symptom of a larger<00:02:58.620> problem<00:02:59.370> that<00:02:59.870> for<00:03:00.870> centuries<00:03:01.079> we've larger problem that for centuries we've larger problem that for centuries we've inherited<00:03:02.010> a<00:03:02.430> view<00:03:02.790> of<00:03:03.060> human<00:03:03.449> nature<00:03:03.480> based inherited a view of human nature based inherited a view of human nature based on<00:03:04.650> the<00:03:04.769> notion<00:03:04.949> that<00:03:05.189> were<00:03:05.430> divided<00:03:06.000> selves on the notion that were divided selves on the notion that were divided selves that<00:03:07.560> reason<00:03:08.189> is<00:03:08.400> separated<00:03:09.030> from<00:03:09.060> the that reason is separated from the that reason is separated from the emotions<00:03:09.840> and<00:03:10.169> that<00:03:10.769> society<00:03:11.219> progresses<00:03:12.120> to emotions and that society progresses to emotions and that society progresses to the<00:03:12.659> extent<00:03:13.260> that<00:03:13.379> reason<00:03:13.980> can<00:03:14.159> suppress<00:03:14.579> the the extent that reason can suppress the the extent that reason can suppress the passions<00:03:15.269> and<00:03:15.540> it's<00:03:16.379> led<00:03:16.680> to<00:03:16.709> a<00:03:16.919> view<00:03:17.310> of<00:03:17.579> human passions and it's led to a view of human passions and it's led to a view of human nature<00:03:17.939> that<00:03:18.480> were<00:03:19.019> rational<00:03:19.620> individuals nature that were rational individuals nature that were rational individuals who<00:03:20.489> respond<00:03:20.939> and<00:03:21.239> straightforward<00:03:21.930> ways<00:03:22.139> to who respond and straightforward ways to who respond and straightforward ways to incentives<00:03:23.250> and<00:03:23.549> it's<00:03:24.419> led<00:03:24.719> to<00:03:24.930> ways<00:03:25.079> of incentives and it's led to ways of incentives and it's led to ways of seeing<00:03:25.799> the<00:03:26.010> world<00:03:26.040> where<00:03:26.909> people<00:03:26.939> try<00:03:27.510> to<00:03:27.540> use seeing the world where people try to use seeing the world where people try to use the<00:03:28.019> assumptions<00:03:28.769> of<00:03:28.949> physics<00:03:29.430> to<00:03:30.120> measure the assumptions of physics to measure the assumptions of physics to measure how<00:03:31.829> human<00:03:32.400> behavior<00:03:32.879> is<00:03:33.150> and<00:03:34.009> it's<00:03:35.009> produced how human behavior is and it's produced how human behavior is and it's produced a<00:03:35.639> great<00:03:35.879> amputation<00:03:36.810> a<00:03:37.019> shallow<00:03:37.799> view<00:03:38.189> of a great amputation a shallow view of a great amputation a shallow view of human<00:03:38.609> nature<00:03:38.759> we're<00:03:39.750> really<00:03:40.019> good<00:03:40.379> at human nature we're really good at human nature we're really good at talking<00:03:40.739> about<00:03:40.859> material<00:03:41.459> things<00:03:41.489> but<00:03:42.060> we're talking about material things but we're talking about material things but we're really<00:03:42.720> bad<00:03:43.049> at<00:03:43.079> talking<00:03:43.470> about<00:03:43.680> emotions really bad at talking about emotions really bad at talking about emotions we're<00:03:45.120> really<00:03:45.359> good<00:03:45.689> at<00:03:45.720> talking<00:03:46.019> about we're really good at talking about we're really good at talking about skills<00:03:46.680> and<00:03:47.280> safety<00:03:48.060> and<00:03:48.209> health<00:03:48.449> were<00:03:49.169> really skills and safety and health were really skills and safety and health were really bad<00:03:49.829> at<00:03:49.889> talking<00:03:50.280> about<00:03:50.609> character<00:03:51.259> Allister bad at talking about character Allister bad at talking about character Allister McIntyre<00:03:52.739> the<00:03:52.769> famous<00:03:53.310> philosopher<00:03:54.049> said McIntyre the famous philosopher said McIntyre the famous philosopher said that<00:03:55.199> we<00:03:55.290> have<00:03:55.500> the<00:03:55.680> concepts<00:03:56.220> of<00:03:56.400> the<00:03:56.519> ancient that we have the concepts of the ancient that we have the concepts of the ancient morality<00:03:57.810> of<00:03:57.840> virtue<00:03:58.199> on<00:03:58.650> or<00:03:59.040> goodness<00:03:59.519> but<00:04:00.209> we morality of virtue on or goodness but we morality of virtue on or goodness but we no<00:04:00.509> longer<00:04:00.540> have<00:04:01.049> a<00:04:01.079> system<00:04:01.620> by<00:04:01.799> which<00:04:01.859> to no longer have a system by which to no longer have a system by which to connect<00:04:02.639> them<00:04:02.819> and<00:04:03.169> so<00:04:04.169> this<00:04:04.379> has<00:04:04.620> led<00:04:04.650> to<00:04:05.250> a connect them and so this has led to a connect them and so this has led to a shallow<00:04:05.939> path<00:04:06.299> and<00:04:06.569> politics<00:04:07.049> but<00:04:07.229> also<00:04:07.290> in<00:04:07.799> a shallow path and politics but also in a shallow path and politics but also in a whole<00:04:08.040> range<00:04:08.069> of<00:04:08.639> human<00:04:09.269> endeavors<00:04:09.840> you<00:04:10.139> can whole range of human endeavors you can whole range of human endeavors you can see<00:04:11.280> it<00:04:11.430> in<00:04:11.519> the<00:04:11.609> way<00:04:11.759> we<00:04:11.790> raise<00:04:12.180> our<00:04:12.389> young see it in the way we raise our young see it in the way we raise our young kids<00:04:12.840> you<00:04:13.620> go<00:04:13.829> to<00:04:13.889> an<00:04:14.069> elementary<00:04:14.519> school<00:04:14.759> at kids you go to an elementary school at kids you go to an elementary school at 3:00<00:04:15.090> in<00:04:15.180> the<00:04:15.209> afternoon<00:04:15.650> and<00:04:16.650> you<00:04:16.949> watch<00:04:17.130> the 3:00 in the afternoon and you watch the 3:00 in the afternoon and you watch the kids<00:04:17.549> come<00:04:17.820> out<00:04:17.849> and<00:04:18.239> they're<00:04:18.690> wearing<00:04:18.870> these kids come out and they're wearing these kids come out and they're wearing these eighty<00:04:19.349> pound<00:04:19.650> backpacks<00:04:20.250> that<00:04:21.150> if<00:04:21.630> the<00:04:21.780> wind eighty pound backpacks that if the wind eighty pound backpacks that if the wind blows<00:04:22.199> them<00:04:22.409> over<00:04:22.710> they're<00:04:22.860> like<00:04:23.009> beetles blows them over they're like beetles blows them over they're like beetles stuck<00:04:23.729> there<00:04:23.940> on<00:04:24.090> the<00:04:24.180> ground<00:04:24.620> you<00:04:25.620> see<00:04:25.830> these stuck there on the ground you see these stuck there on the ground you see these cars<00:04:26.340> that<00:04:26.580> drive<00:04:26.940> up<00:04:27.500> usually<00:04:28.500> it's<00:04:28.650> sobs<00:04:28.919> and cars that drive up usually it's sobs and cars that drive up usually it's sobs and Audi's<00:04:29.580> in<00:04:29.759> Volvo's<00:04:30.180> because<00:04:30.449> in<00:04:30.599> certain Audi's in Volvo's because in certain Audi's in Volvo's because in certain neighborhoods<00:04:31.320> it's<00:04:31.530> socially<00:04:31.919> acceptable neighborhoods it's socially acceptable neighborhoods it's socially acceptable to<00:04:32.520> have<00:04:32.610> a<00:04:32.669> luxury<00:04:32.760> car<00:04:33.330> so<00:04:33.930> long<00:04:34.139> as<00:04:34.289> it<00:04:34.409> comes to have a luxury car so long as it comes to have a luxury car so long as it comes from<00:04:34.620> a<00:04:34.800> country<00:04:34.949> hostile<00:04:35.520> to<00:04:35.610> US<00:04:35.789> foreign from a country hostile to US foreign from a country hostile to US foreign policy<00:04:36.150> that's<00:04:36.870> fine policy that's fine policy that's fine they<00:04:38.820> get<00:04:39.000> picked<00:04:39.780> up<00:04:39.990> by<00:04:40.170> these<00:04:40.350> creatures they get picked up by these creatures they get picked up by these creatures I've<00:04:40.920> called<00:04:41.160> uber<00:04:41.370> moms<00:04:41.700> who<00:04:42.000> are<00:04:42.030> highly I've called uber moms who are highly I've called uber moms who are highly successful<00:04:42.570> career<00:04:43.020> women<00:04:43.290> who've<00:04:43.500> taken successful career women who've taken successful career women who've taken time<00:04:43.800> off<00:04:43.980> to<00:04:44.280> make<00:04:44.400> sure<00:04:44.550> all<00:04:44.640> their<00:04:44.790> kids<00:04:44.970> get time off to make sure all their kids get time off to make sure all their kids get into<00:04:45.390> Harvard<00:04:45.780> and<00:04:46.020> you<00:04:46.560> can<00:04:46.710> usually<00:04:46.860> tell into Harvard and you can usually tell into Harvard and you can usually tell the<00:04:47.340> uber<00:04:47.580> moms<00:04:47.760> because<00:04:47.880> they<00:04:48.060> actually the uber moms because they actually the uber moms because they actually weigh<00:04:48.600> less<00:04:48.840> than<00:04:48.900> their<00:04:49.170> own<00:04:49.290> children<00:04:50.000> so<00:04:51.650> at weigh less than their own children so at weigh less than their own children so at the<00:04:52.860> moment<00:04:53.850> of<00:04:53.910> conception<00:04:54.120> they're<00:04:54.780> doing the moment of conception they're doing the moment of conception they're doing little<00:04:55.230> butt<00:04:55.410> exercises<00:04:56.310> the<00:04:56.670> babies<00:04:57.540> plop little butt exercises the babies plop little butt exercises the babies plop out<00:04:58.110> they're<00:04:58.410> flashing<00:04:58.710> Mandarin<00:04:59.340> flashcards out they're flashing Mandarin flashcards out they're flashing Mandarin flashcards with<00:05:00.270> the<00:05:00.420> things<00:05:01.670> driving<00:05:02.670> them<00:05:02.940> home<00:05:03.180> and with the things driving them home and with the things driving them home and they<00:05:03.570> wanted<00:05:03.780> to<00:05:03.840> be<00:05:03.990> enlightened<00:05:04.110> so<00:05:04.470> they they wanted to be enlightened so they they wanted to be enlightened so they take<00:05:04.770> them<00:05:04.890> to<00:05:04.950> Ben<00:05:05.130> &<00:05:05.280> Jerry's<00:05:05.640> ice<00:05:05.880> cream take them to Ben & Jerry's ice cream take them to Ben & Jerry's ice cream company<00:05:06.300> with<00:05:06.510> its<00:05:06.630> own<00:05:06.720> foreign<00:05:07.080> policy<00:05:07.650> and company with its own foreign policy and company with its own foreign policy and one<00:05:09.390> of<00:05:09.510> my<00:05:09.600> books<00:05:09.900> I<00:05:10.080> joke<00:05:10.320> that<00:05:10.350> Ben<00:05:10.650> and one of my books I joke that Ben and one of my books I joke that Ben and Jerry's<00:05:11.040> should<00:05:11.160> make<00:05:11.310> a<00:05:11.340> passive<00:05:11.640> his Jerry's should make a passive his Jerry's should make a passive his toothpaste<00:05:12.180> doesn't<00:05:12.840> kill<00:05:13.020> germs<00:05:13.320> just<00:05:13.590> ask toothpaste doesn't kill germs just ask toothpaste doesn't kill germs just ask them<00:05:14.010> to<00:05:14.100> leave<00:05:14.270> be<00:05:15.270> a<00:05:15.300> big<00:05:15.540> seller<00:05:17.330> and<00:05:18.330> then them to leave be a big seller and then them to leave be a big seller and then they<00:05:18.780> go<00:05:18.960> to<00:05:19.020> Whole<00:05:19.410> Foods<00:05:19.440> to<00:05:19.890> get<00:05:20.100> their<00:05:20.280> baby they go to Whole Foods to get their baby they go to Whole Foods to get their baby formula<00:05:21.210> and<00:05:21.240> you<00:05:21.870> know<00:05:21.900> Whole<00:05:22.200> Foods<00:05:22.230> is<00:05:22.590> one formula and you know Whole Foods is one formula and you know Whole Foods is one of<00:05:22.770> those<00:05:22.890> progressive<00:05:23.250> grocery<00:05:23.760> stores of those progressive grocery stores of those progressive grocery stores where<00:05:24.180> all<00:05:24.300> the<00:05:24.390> cashiers<00:05:24.870> look<00:05:25.110> like<00:05:25.260> they're where all the cashiers look like they're where all the cashiers look like they're on<00:05:25.530> loan<00:05:25.710> from<00:05:25.890> Amnesty<00:05:26.340> International<00:05:28.010> they on loan from Amnesty International they on loan from Amnesty International they buy<00:05:29.190> we<00:05:29.520> buy<00:05:29.700> these<00:05:29.760> seaweed<00:05:30.180> based<00:05:30.540> snacks buy we buy these seaweed based snacks buy we buy these seaweed based snacks they're<00:05:31.140> called<00:05:31.410> veggie<00:05:31.770> booty<00:05:31.950> with<00:05:32.220> kale they're called veggie booty with kale they're called veggie booty with kale which<00:05:32.790> is<00:05:32.910> their<00:05:33.060> kids<00:05:33.390> at<00:05:33.540> home<00:05:33.690> home<00:05:33.930> and<00:05:33.960> say which is their kids at home home and say which is their kids at home home and say mom<00:05:34.440> mom<00:05:35.040> I<00:05:35.070> want<00:05:35.460> to<00:05:35.550> snack<00:05:35.730> that<00:05:35.940> a<00:05:35.970> whole mom mom I want to snack that a whole mom mom I want to snack that a whole prevent<00:05:36.480> colon<00:05:36.660> rectal<00:05:37.080> cancer<00:05:37.640> and<00:05:38.640> so<00:05:39.630> the prevent colon rectal cancer and so the prevent colon rectal cancer and so the kids<00:05:39.960> are<00:05:40.140> raised<00:05:40.350> in<00:05:40.620> a<00:05:40.710> certain<00:05:40.890> way<00:05:41.190> jumping kids are raised in a certain way jumping kids are raised in a certain way jumping through<00:05:42.270> achievement<00:05:42.810> hopes<00:05:42.990> are<00:05:43.200> the<00:05:43.230> things through achievement hopes are the things through achievement hopes are the things we<00:05:43.650> can<00:05:43.800> measure<00:05:44.010> SAT<00:05:44.910> prep<00:05:45.390> OBO<00:05:45.900> soccer we can measure SAT prep OBO soccer we can measure SAT prep OBO soccer practice<00:05:47.490> they<00:05:47.760> get<00:05:47.940> into<00:05:48.120> competitive practice they get into competitive practice they get into competitive colleges<00:05:49.170> they<00:05:49.350> get<00:05:49.500> good<00:05:49.710> jobs<00:05:50.010> and colleges they get good jobs and colleges they get good jobs and sometimes<00:05:51.330> they<00:05:51.540> make<00:05:51.780> a<00:05:51.810> success<00:05:52.320> of sometimes they make a success of sometimes they make a success of themselves<00:05:52.890> in<00:05:53.040> a<00:05:53.130> superficial<00:05:53.460> manner<00:05:54.000> and themselves in a superficial manner and themselves in a superficial manner and they<00:05:54.960> make<00:05:55.110> a<00:05:55.140> ton<00:05:55.440> of<00:05:55.500> money<00:05:55.710> and<00:05:55.950> sometimes they make a ton of money and sometimes they make a ton of money and sometimes you<00:05:56.340> can<00:05:56.460> see<00:05:56.640> them<00:05:56.820> at<00:05:56.910> vacation<00:05:57.390> places<00:05:57.630> like you can see them at vacation places like you can see them at vacation places like Jackson<00:05:58.380> Hole<00:05:58.590> or<00:05:58.890> Aspen<00:05:59.760> and<00:05:59.850> they're Jackson Hole or Aspen and they're Jackson Hole or Aspen and they're they've<00:06:00.480> become they've become they've become elegant<00:06:01.410> and<00:06:01.530> slender<00:06:02.130> they<00:06:02.250> don't<00:06:02.370> really elegant and slender they don't really elegant and slender they don't really have<00:06:02.670> thighs<00:06:02.940> they<00:06:03.630> just<00:06:03.840> have<00:06:03.990> one<00:06:04.170> elegant have thighs they just have one elegant have thighs they just have one elegant calf<00:06:04.860> on<00:06:05.190> top<00:06:05.400> of<00:06:05.580> another<00:06:07.640> they<00:06:08.640> have<00:06:08.790> kids<00:06:09.420> of calf on top of another they have kids of calf on top of another they have kids of their<00:06:09.720> own<00:06:09.780> and<00:06:10.110> they've<00:06:10.200> sort<00:06:10.530> of<00:06:10.560> achieved<00:06:10.860> a their own and they've sort of achieved a their own and they've sort of achieved a genetic<00:06:11.400> miracle<00:06:11.940> by<00:06:12.180> marrying<00:06:12.600> beautiful genetic miracle by marrying beautiful genetic miracle by marrying beautiful people<00:06:13.290> so<00:06:13.440> their<00:06:13.560> grand<00:06:13.860> moms<00:06:14.100> look<00:06:14.790> like people so their grand moms look like people so their grand moms look like Gertrude<00:06:15.330> Stein<00:06:15.600> their<00:06:16.230> daughters<00:06:16.770> look<00:06:16.980> like Gertrude Stein their daughters look like Gertrude Stein their daughters look like Halle<00:06:17.370> Berry Halle Berry Halle Berry I<00:06:18.060> don't<00:06:18.300> know<00:06:18.360> how<00:06:18.450> they've<00:06:18.600> done<00:06:18.810> that<00:06:19.220> they I don't know how they've done that they I don't know how they've done that they get<00:06:20.430> there<00:06:20.610> and<00:06:20.640> they<00:06:20.820> realize<00:06:21.300> that<00:06:21.890> they get there and they realize that they get there and they realize that they it's<00:06:23.220> fashionable<00:06:23.700> now<00:06:23.850> to<00:06:23.910> have<00:06:24.150> dogs<00:06:24.390> 1/3<00:06:24.900> as it's fashionable now to have dogs 1/3 as it's fashionable now to have dogs 1/3 as tall<00:06:25.230> as<00:06:25.380> your<00:06:25.500> ceiling<00:06:25.950> heights<00:06:26.190> so<00:06:26.910> they've tall as your ceiling heights so they've tall as your ceiling heights so they've got<00:06:27.240> these<00:06:27.360> furries<00:06:27.930> 160<00:06:28.920> pound<00:06:29.160> dogs<00:06:29.460> look got these furries 160 pound dogs look got these furries 160 pound dogs look like<00:06:29.880> velociraptors<00:06:31.310> all<00:06:32.310> named<00:06:32.760> after<00:06:32.940> Jane like velociraptors all named after Jane like velociraptors all named after Jane Austen<00:06:34.080> characters<00:06:34.850> and<00:06:35.850> then<00:06:35.970> when<00:06:36.090> they<00:06:36.180> get Austen characters and then when they get Austen characters and then when they get old<00:06:36.570> they<00:06:36.690> haven't<00:06:36.930> really<00:06:37.110> developed<00:06:37.260> a old they haven't really developed a old they haven't really developed a philosophy<00:06:38.280> of<00:06:38.310> life<00:06:38.400> but<00:06:38.790> they've<00:06:38.940> decided philosophy of life but they've decided philosophy of life but they've decided that<00:06:39.540> I've<00:06:39.720> been<00:06:39.900> successful<00:06:40.440> at<00:06:40.500> everything that I've been successful at everything that I've been successful at everything I'm<00:06:41.040> just<00:06:41.100> not<00:06:41.730> going<00:06:41.910> to<00:06:42.000> die<00:06:42.320> and<00:06:43.320> so<00:06:43.500> they I'm just not going to die and so they I'm just not going to die and so they hire<00:06:43.800> personal<00:06:44.280> trainers<00:06:44.790> they're<00:06:45.570> popping hire personal trainers they're popping hire personal trainers they're popping cialis<00:06:46.500> like<00:06:46.710> breath<00:06:47.010> mints<00:06:47.430> you<00:06:48.150> see<00:06:48.600> them<00:06:48.780> on cialis like breath mints you see them on cialis like breath mints you see them on the<00:06:49.050> mountains<00:06:49.380> up<00:06:49.590> there<00:06:49.770> they're the mountains up there they're the mountains up there they're cross-country<00:06:50.610> ski cross-country ski cross-country ski up<00:06:51.539> the<00:06:51.749> mountain<00:06:52.019> with<00:06:52.110> these<00:06:52.259> grim up the mountain with these grim up the mountain with these grim expressions<00:06:53.789> that<00:06:53.969> make<00:06:54.149> Dick<00:06:54.599> Cheney<00:06:54.839> look expressions that make Dick Cheney look expressions that make Dick Cheney look like<00:06:55.199> Jerry<00:06:55.469> Lewis<00:06:56.299> and<00:06:57.349> sort<00:06:58.349> of<00:06:58.439> as<00:06:58.589> they like Jerry Lewis and sort of as they like Jerry Lewis and sort of as they whizzed<00:06:59.009> by<00:06:59.039> you<00:06:59.369> it's<00:06:59.639> like<00:06:59.789> being<00:07:00.029> passed<00:07:00.329> by whizzed by you it's like being passed by whizzed by you it's like being passed by a<00:07:00.599> little<00:07:00.959> iron<00:07:01.139> raisinet<00:07:01.799> going<00:07:02.789> up<00:07:02.909> the<00:07:03.059> hill a little iron raisinet going up the hill a little iron raisinet going up the hill and<00:07:05.429> so<00:07:06.419> this<00:07:06.719> is<00:07:06.989> part<00:07:07.619> of<00:07:07.769> what<00:07:08.219> life<00:07:08.429> is<00:07:08.699> but and so this is part of what life is but and so this is part of what life is but it's<00:07:09.119> not<00:07:09.269> all<00:07:09.749> of<00:07:10.079> what<00:07:10.259> life<00:07:10.709> is<00:07:10.979> and<00:07:11.479> over it's not all of what life is and over it's not all of what life is and over the<00:07:12.569> past<00:07:12.839> few<00:07:13.169> years<00:07:13.259> I<00:07:13.919> think<00:07:14.519> we've<00:07:14.639> been the past few years I think we've been the past few years I think we've been given<00:07:14.849> a<00:07:15.599> deeper<00:07:16.319> view<00:07:16.499> of<00:07:16.649> human<00:07:17.039> nature<00:07:17.069> and given a deeper view of human nature and given a deeper view of human nature and a<00:07:17.939> deeper<00:07:18.360> view<00:07:18.539> of<00:07:18.629> who<00:07:18.779> we<00:07:18.929> are<00:07:18.959> and<00:07:19.349> it's<00:07:19.769> not a deeper view of who we are and it's not a deeper view of who we are and it's not based<00:07:20.129> on<00:07:20.369> theology<00:07:21.029> or<00:07:21.269> philosophy<00:07:21.439> it's<00:07:22.439> in based on theology or philosophy it's in based on theology or philosophy it's in the<00:07:22.979> study<00:07:23.279> of<00:07:23.399> the<00:07:23.579> mind<00:07:23.849> across<00:07:24.299> all<00:07:24.779> these the study of the mind across all these the study of the mind across all these spheres<00:07:25.439> of<00:07:25.589> research<00:07:26.219> from<00:07:26.399> neuroscience spheres of research from neuroscience spheres of research from neuroscience the<00:07:27.269> cognitive<00:07:27.749> science<00:07:28.019> behavioral the cognitive science behavioral the cognitive science behavioral economists<00:07:28.979> psychologists<00:07:29.779> sociology<00:07:30.779> we're economists psychologists sociology we're economists psychologists sociology we're developing<00:07:32.009> a<00:07:32.269> revolution<00:07:33.269> in<00:07:33.360> consciousness developing a revolution in consciousness developing a revolution in consciousness and<00:07:34.229> when<00:07:34.860> you<00:07:34.979> synthesize<00:07:35.309> it<00:07:35.849> all<00:07:35.999> it's and when you synthesize it all it's and when you synthesize it all it's giving<00:07:36.659> us<00:07:36.779> a<00:07:36.899> new<00:07:37.079> view<00:07:37.110> of<00:07:37.409> human<00:07:37.649> nature<00:07:37.679> and giving us a new view of human nature and giving us a new view of human nature and far<00:07:38.819> from<00:07:39.029> being<00:07:39.209> a<00:07:39.329> coldly<00:07:39.869> materialistic far from being a coldly materialistic far from being a coldly materialistic view<00:07:40.979> of<00:07:41.069> nature<00:07:41.549> it's<00:07:42.119> a<00:07:42.299> new<00:07:42.449> humanism<00:07:42.929> it's view of nature it's a new humanism it's view of nature it's a new humanism it's a<00:07:43.649> new<00:07:43.829> enchantment<00:07:44.549> and<00:07:45.059> I<00:07:45.119> think<00:07:45.299> when<00:07:45.389> you a new enchantment and I think when you a new enchantment and I think when you synthesize<00:07:45.779> this<00:07:46.259> research<00:07:46.679> you<00:07:46.829> start<00:07:47.249> with synthesize this research you start with synthesize this research you start with three<00:07:47.819> key<00:07:48.059> insights<00:07:48.539> the<00:07:49.319> first<00:07:49.619> insight<00:07:50.099> is three key insights the first insight is three key insights the first insight is that<00:07:50.669> while<00:07:51.029> the<00:07:51.179> conscious<00:07:51.659> mind<00:07:51.689> writes<00:07:52.229> the that while the conscious mind writes the that while the conscious mind writes the autobiography<00:07:53.159> of<00:07:53.189> our<00:07:53.339> species<00:07:53.610> the autobiography of our species the autobiography of our species the unconscious<00:07:54.869> mind<00:07:55.079> does<00:07:55.649> most<00:07:55.949> of<00:07:56.129> the<00:07:56.249> work unconscious mind does most of the work unconscious mind does most of the work and<00:07:56.989> so<00:07:57.989> one<00:07:58.199> way<00:07:58.319> to<00:07:58.379> formulate<00:07:58.829> that<00:07:59.219> assists and so one way to formulate that assists and so one way to formulate that assists the<00:07:59.610> human<00:07:59.849> mind<00:08:00.029> can<00:08:00.269> take<00:08:00.449> in<00:08:00.569> millions<00:08:00.959> of the human mind can take in millions of the human mind can take in millions of pieces<00:08:01.289> of<00:08:01.469> information<00:08:01.709> a<00:08:02.069> minute<00:08:02.399> of<00:08:02.669> which pieces of information a minute of which pieces of information a minute of which can<00:08:03.269> be<00:08:03.300> consciously<00:08:03.869> aware<00:08:04.050> of<00:08:04.259> about<00:08:04.860> 40<00:08:05.279> and can be consciously aware of about 40 and can be consciously aware of about 40 and this<00:08:06.149> leads<00:08:06.389> to<00:08:06.479> oddities<00:08:07.050> one<00:08:07.769> of<00:08:07.860> my this leads to oddities one of my this leads to oddities one of my favorite<00:08:08.339> is<00:08:08.459> that<00:08:08.489> people<00:08:09.089> named<00:08:09.300> Dennis<00:08:09.719> are favorite is that people named Dennis are favorite is that people named Dennis are disproportionately<00:08:11.159> likely<00:08:11.249> to<00:08:11.729> become disproportionately likely to become disproportionately likely to become dentists<00:08:12.619> people<00:08:13.619> named<00:08:13.800> Lawrence<00:08:14.219> become dentists people named Lawrence become dentists people named Lawrence become lawyers<00:08:14.789> because<00:08:15.329> unconsciously<00:08:15.539> we lawyers because unconsciously we lawyers because unconsciously we gravitate<00:08:16.649> toward<00:08:16.919> things<00:08:17.129> that<00:08:17.309> sound gravitate toward things that sound gravitate toward things that sound familiar familiar familiar which<00:08:18.749> is<00:08:18.899> why<00:08:19.019> I've<00:08:19.110> named<00:08:19.439> my<00:08:19.559> daughter which is why I've named my daughter which is why I've named my daughter President<00:08:20.339> of<00:08:20.429> the<00:08:20.459> United<00:08:20.669> States<00:08:20.819> Brooks

another<00:08:25.270> finding<00:08:26.020> is<00:08:26.260> that<00:08:26.320> the<00:08:27.040> unconscious
another finding is that the unconscious another finding is that the unconscious far<00:08:27.820> from<00:08:28.000> being<00:08:28.150> dumb<00:08:28.480> and<00:08:28.590> sexualized<00:08:29.590> it's far from being dumb and sexualized it's far from being dumb and sexualized it's actually<00:08:30.610> quite<00:08:30.850> smart<00:08:31.180> so<00:08:31.960> one<00:08:32.080> of<00:08:32.110> the<00:08:32.200> most actually quite smart so one of the most actually quite smart so one of the most cognitively<00:08:32.919> demanding<00:08:33.039> things<00:08:33.550> we<00:08:33.729> do<00:08:33.909> is cognitively demanding things we do is cognitively demanding things we do is buy<00:08:34.300> furniture<00:08:34.570> it's<00:08:35.050> really<00:08:35.320> hard<00:08:35.500> to buy furniture it's really hard to buy furniture it's really hard to imagine<00:08:36.010> a<00:08:36.250> sofa<00:08:36.789> how<00:08:36.940> it's<00:08:37.090> gonna<00:08:37.150> look<00:08:37.330> in imagine a sofa how it's gonna look in imagine a sofa how it's gonna look in your<00:08:37.599> house<00:08:37.720> and<00:08:38.080> the<00:08:38.500> way<00:08:38.620> you<00:08:38.680> should<00:08:38.950> do your house and the way you should do your house and the way you should do that<00:08:39.280> is<00:08:39.520> sort<00:08:39.789> of<00:08:39.840> study<00:08:40.840> the<00:08:41.020> furniture<00:08:41.440> let that is sort of study the furniture let that is sort of study the furniture let it<00:08:41.800> marinate<00:08:42.190> in<00:08:42.340> your<00:08:42.460> mind<00:08:42.700> distract it marinate in your mind distract it marinate in your mind distract yourself<00:08:43.360> and<00:08:43.930> then<00:08:44.200> a<00:08:44.229> few<00:08:44.410> days<00:08:44.560> later<00:08:44.620> go yourself and then a few days later go yourself and then a few days later go with<00:08:45.250> your<00:08:45.400> gut<00:08:45.550> because<00:08:45.760> unconsciously with your gut because unconsciously with your gut because unconsciously you've<00:08:46.720> figured<00:08:46.900> it<00:08:47.170> out<00:08:47.260> the<00:08:48.100> second<00:08:48.580> insight you've figured it out the second insight you've figured it out the second insight is<00:08:49.210> that<00:08:49.540> emotions<00:08:50.410> are<00:08:50.620> at<00:08:51.040> the<00:08:51.190> center<00:08:51.610> of is that emotions are at the center of is that emotions are at the center of our<00:08:52.000> thinking<00:08:52.480> people<00:08:53.350> with<00:08:53.650> strokes<00:08:54.040> and our thinking people with strokes and our thinking people with strokes and lesions<00:08:55.000> in<00:08:55.120> the<00:08:55.150> emotion<00:08:55.570> processing<00:08:56.110> parts lesions in the emotion processing parts lesions in the emotion processing parts of<00:08:56.410> the<00:08:56.470> brain<00:08:56.650> are<00:08:56.680> not<00:08:56.890> super<00:08:57.370> smart<00:08:57.700> they're of the brain are not super smart they're of the brain are not super smart they're actually<00:08:58.810> quite<00:08:58.960> sometimes<00:08:59.470> quite<00:08:59.740> helpless actually quite sometimes quite helpless actually quite sometimes quite helpless and<00:09:00.430> the<00:09:00.940> giant<00:09:01.330> in<00:09:01.420> the<00:09:01.510> field<00:09:01.540> is<00:09:01.990> in<00:09:02.110> the and the giant in the field is in the and the giant in the field is in the room<00:09:02.320> tonight<00:09:02.530> and<00:09:02.860> is<00:09:02.950> speaking<00:09:03.160> tomorrow room tonight and is speaking tomorrow room tonight and is speaking tomorrow morning<00:09:03.970> Antonio<00:09:04.360> Damasio morning Antonio Damasio morning Antonio Damasio and<00:09:05.200> one<00:09:05.710> of<00:09:05.830> the<00:09:05.920> things<00:09:06.100> he's<00:09:06.310> really<00:09:06.640> shown and one of the things he's really shown and one of the things he's really shown us<00:09:06.970> is<00:09:07.450> that<00:09:08.170> emotions<00:09:08.770> are<00:09:08.920> not<00:09:08.950> separate us is that emotions are not separate us is that emotions are not separate from<00:09:09.580> reason<00:09:09.970> but<00:09:10.540> they<00:09:10.690> are<00:09:10.780> the<00:09:10.930> foundation from reason but they are the foundation from reason but they are the foundation of<00:09:11.710> reason<00:09:12.130> because<00:09:12.430> they<00:09:12.580> tell<00:09:12.820> us<00:09:12.970> what<00:09:13.150> to of reason because they tell us what to of reason because they tell us what to value<00:09:13.840> and<00:09:14.050> so<00:09:14.950> reading<00:09:15.280> and<00:09:15.670> educating<00:09:16.390> your value and so reading and educating your value and so reading and educating your emotions<00:09:16.990> is<00:09:17.140> one<00:09:17.290> of<00:09:17.380> the<00:09:17.440> central emotions is one of the central emotions is one of the central activities<00:09:18.370> of<00:09:18.610> wisdom<00:09:19.030> now<00:09:19.990> I'm<00:09:20.170> a activities of wisdom now I'm a activities of wisdom now I'm a middle-aged<00:09:20.740> guy<00:09:20.770> I'm<00:09:21.370> not<00:09:21.580> exactly middle-aged guy I'm not exactly middle-aged guy I'm not exactly comfortable<00:09:22.420> with<00:09:22.720> emotions<00:09:23.200> one<00:09:23.980> of<00:09:24.070> my comfortable with emotions one of my comfortable with emotions one of my favorite<00:09:24.460> brain<00:09:24.640> stories<00:09:25.060> described<00:09:25.930> these favorite brain stories described these favorite brain stories described these middle-aged<00:09:26.590> guys<00:09:26.860> they<00:09:27.160> put<00:09:27.370> him<00:09:27.460> into<00:09:27.610> a middle-aged guys they put him into a middle-aged guys they put him into a brain<00:09:29.020> scan<00:09:29.320> machine<00:09:29.740> this<00:09:30.010> is<00:09:30.070> apocryphal<00:09:30.670> by brain scan machine this is apocryphal by brain scan machine this is apocryphal by the<00:09:30.880> way<00:09:31.060> but<00:09:31.240> I<00:09:31.270> don't<00:09:31.360> care the way but I don't care the way but I don't care and<00:09:32.500> it<00:09:32.650> and<00:09:32.860> they<00:09:33.370> have<00:09:33.580> them<00:09:33.790> watch<00:09:34.030> a<00:09:34.240> horror and it and they have them watch a horror and it and they have them watch a horror movie<00:09:34.570> and<00:09:35.020> then<00:09:35.500> they<00:09:35.650> had<00:09:35.830> some<00:09:36.040> them movie and then they had some them movie and then they had some them describe<00:09:37.060> their<00:09:37.540> feelings<00:09:37.570> toward<00:09:38.350> their describe their feelings toward their describe their feelings toward their wives<00:09:38.740> and<00:09:39.310> the<00:09:40.180> the<00:09:40.480> brain<00:09:40.660> scans<00:09:40.990> were wives and the the brain scans were wives and the the brain scans were identical<00:09:41.530> in<00:09:41.770> both<00:09:41.830> activities<00:09:42.640> it<00:09:42.880> was<00:09:42.940> just identical in both activities it was just identical in both activities it was just sheer<00:09:43.510> terror<00:09:44.160> so<00:09:45.160> me<00:09:45.610> talking<00:09:46.060> about<00:09:46.300> emotion sheer terror so me talking about emotion sheer terror so me talking about emotion is<00:09:46.840> like<00:09:46.990> Gandhi<00:09:47.470> talking<00:09:47.800> about<00:09:47.950> gluttony is like Gandhi talking about gluttony is like Gandhi talking about gluttony but<00:09:49.390> it<00:09:49.510> is<00:09:49.630> the<00:09:49.840> central<00:09:50.350> organizing<00:09:50.830> process but it is the central organizing process but it is the central organizing process of<00:09:51.730> the<00:09:52.120> way<00:09:52.210> we<00:09:52.360> think<00:09:52.570> it<00:09:52.810> tells<00:09:52.990> us<00:09:53.170> what<00:09:53.320> to of the way we think it tells us what to of the way we think it tells us what to imprint<00:09:53.920> a<00:09:54.100> brain<00:09:54.700> is<00:09:54.940> the<00:09:55.090> record<00:09:55.450> of<00:09:55.570> the imprint a brain is the record of the imprint a brain is the record of the feelings<00:09:56.050> of<00:09:56.140> a<00:09:56.230> life<00:09:56.440> and<00:09:56.770> the<00:09:57.550> third<00:09:57.820> insight feelings of a life and the third insight feelings of a life and the third insight is<00:09:58.510> that<00:09:59.440> we're<00:09:59.560> not<00:09:59.800> primarily is that we're not primarily is that we're not primarily self-contained<00:10:01.270> individuals<00:10:01.990> we're<00:10:02.620> social self-contained individuals we're social self-contained individuals we're social animals<00:10:03.310> not<00:10:04.060> rational<00:10:04.660> animals<00:10:05.110> we<00:10:05.560> emerge animals not rational animals we emerge animals not rational animals we emerge out<00:10:06.310> of<00:10:06.460> relationships<00:10:06.760> and<00:10:07.450> we<00:10:07.570> are<00:10:07.600> deeply out of relationships and we are deeply out of relationships and we are deeply interpenetrated<00:10:09.040> one<00:10:09.250> with<00:10:09.730> another<00:10:10.000> and<00:10:10.390> so interpenetrated one with another and so interpenetrated one with another and so when<00:10:11.230> we<00:10:11.380> see<00:10:11.710> another<00:10:12.220> person<00:10:12.550> we<00:10:13.150> reenact<00:10:13.750> on when we see another person we reenact on when we see another person we reenact on our<00:10:14.080> own<00:10:14.230> minds<00:10:14.680> what<00:10:15.070> we<00:10:15.250> see<00:10:15.520> in<00:10:15.790> their<00:10:16.000> minds our own minds what we see in their minds our own minds what we see in their minds when<00:10:16.510> we<00:10:16.630> watch<00:10:16.839> a<00:10:16.990> car<00:10:17.200> chase<00:10:17.440> in<00:10:17.710> a<00:10:17.770> movie<00:10:18.100> we when we watch a car chase in a movie we when we watch a car chase in a movie we it's<00:10:18.880> almost<00:10:19.150> as<00:10:19.330> if<00:10:19.480> we<00:10:19.810> are<00:10:19.839> subtly<00:10:20.440> having<00:10:20.770> a it's almost as if we are subtly having a it's almost as if we are subtly having a car<00:10:21.070> chase<00:10:21.280> when<00:10:22.180> we<00:10:22.300> watch<00:10:22.450> pornography<00:10:23.080> it's car chase when we watch pornography it's car chase when we watch pornography it's a<00:10:23.380> little<00:10:23.620> like<00:10:23.740> having<00:10:24.100> sex<00:10:24.330> though<00:10:25.330> probably a little like having sex though probably a little like having sex though probably not<00:10:25.839> as<00:10:25.960> good<00:10:26.310> and<00:10:27.310> you<00:10:27.640> see<00:10:27.880> this<00:10:28.060> in<00:10:28.360> when not as good and you see this in when not as good and you see this in when lovers<00:10:29.320> walk<00:10:29.650> down<00:10:29.830> the<00:10:29.980> street<00:10:30.250> when<00:10:30.880> a<00:10:30.910> crowd lovers walk down the street when a crowd lovers walk down the street when a crowd in<00:10:31.630> Egypt<00:10:32.020> or<00:10:32.140> Tunisia<00:10:32.290> gets<00:10:33.070> caught<00:10:33.370> up<00:10:33.550> in<00:10:33.670> an in Egypt or Tunisia gets caught up in an in Egypt or Tunisia gets caught up in an emotional<00:10:34.180> contagion<00:10:34.540> the<00:10:34.900> deep emotional contagion the deep emotional contagion the deep interpenetrate interpenetrate interpenetrate and<00:10:36.370> this<00:10:37.180> revolution<00:10:37.990> and<00:10:38.139> who<00:10:38.290> we<00:10:38.470> are and this revolution and who we are and this revolution and who we are gives<00:10:40.089> us<00:10:40.300> a<00:10:40.420> different<00:10:40.660> way<00:10:40.990> of<00:10:41.019> seeing<00:10:41.440> I gives us a different way of seeing I gives us a different way of seeing I think<00:10:41.769> politics<00:10:42.250> a<00:10:42.490> different<00:10:43.209> way<00:10:43.329> most think politics a different way most think politics a different way most importantly<00:10:44.290> of<00:10:44.560> seeing<00:10:45.190> human<00:10:45.550> capital<00:10:46.260> we importantly of seeing human capital we importantly of seeing human capital we are<00:10:47.470> now<00:10:47.709> children<00:10:48.399> of<00:10:48.519> the<00:10:48.579> French are now children of the French are now children of the French enlightenment enlightenment enlightenment we<00:10:50.200> believe<00:10:50.620> that<00:10:50.649> reason<00:10:51.399> is<00:10:51.519> the<00:10:51.670> highest<00:10:52.180> of we believe that reason is the highest of we believe that reason is the highest of the<00:10:52.449> faculties<00:10:53.050> but<00:10:53.380> I<00:10:53.949> think<00:10:54.220> this<00:10:54.370> research the faculties but I think this research the faculties but I think this research shows<00:10:55.180> that<00:10:55.240> the<00:10:55.630> British<00:10:55.959> enlightenment<00:10:56.500> of shows that the British enlightenment of shows that the British enlightenment of the<00:10:56.589> Scottish<00:10:57.040> enlightenment<00:10:57.579> with<00:10:57.699> David the Scottish enlightenment with David the Scottish enlightenment with David Hume<00:10:58.269> Adam<00:10:59.050> Smith<00:10:59.410> actually<00:10:59.920> had<00:11:00.310> a<00:11:00.339> better Hume Adam Smith actually had a better Hume Adam Smith actually had a better handle<00:11:01.209> on<00:11:01.269> who<00:11:01.449> we<00:11:01.600> are<00:11:01.810> that<00:11:02.529> reason<00:11:03.040> is handle on who we are that reason is handle on who we are that reason is often<00:11:03.490> weak<00:11:03.699> our<00:11:04.269> sentiments<00:11:04.990> are<00:11:05.110> strong<00:11:05.529> and often weak our sentiments are strong and often weak our sentiments are strong and our<00:11:06.339> sentiments<00:11:06.880> are<00:11:07.000> often<00:11:07.300> trustworthy<00:11:07.959> and our sentiments are often trustworthy and our sentiments are often trustworthy and this<00:11:08.860> works<00:11:09.130> corrects<00:11:09.970> that<00:11:10.029> bias<00:11:10.449> in<00:11:10.779> our this works corrects that bias in our this works corrects that bias in our culture<00:11:11.350> that<00:11:11.610> dehumanizing<00:11:12.610> bias<00:11:12.850> it<00:11:13.660> gives culture that dehumanizing bias it gives culture that dehumanizing bias it gives us<00:11:14.230> a<00:11:14.380> deeper<00:11:14.620> sense<00:11:15.130> of<00:11:15.430> what<00:11:16.120> it<00:11:16.269> actually us a deeper sense of what it actually us a deeper sense of what it actually takes<00:11:16.990> for<00:11:17.500> us<00:11:17.529> to<00:11:17.589> thrive<00:11:18.100> in<00:11:18.550> this<00:11:19.000> life<00:11:19.329> when takes for us to thrive in this life when takes for us to thrive in this life when we<00:11:20.380> think<00:11:20.529> about<00:11:20.649> human<00:11:20.860> capital<00:11:21.519> we<00:11:22.269> think we think about human capital we think we think about human capital we think about<00:11:22.720> the<00:11:22.870> things<00:11:23.079> we<00:11:23.230> can<00:11:23.260> measure<00:11:23.500> easily about the things we can measure easily about the things we can measure easily things<00:11:25.060> like<00:11:25.269> grades<00:11:25.540> SATs<00:11:26.290> degrees<00:11:26.920> the things like grades SATs degrees the things like grades SATs degrees the number<00:11:27.459> of<00:11:27.579> year<00:11:27.850> and<00:11:27.970> for<00:11:28.149> schooling<00:11:28.750> what<00:11:29.649> it number of year and for schooling what it number of year and for schooling what it really<00:11:29.980> takes<00:11:30.339> to<00:11:30.730> do<00:11:31.510> well<00:11:31.750> to<00:11:31.990> leave<00:11:32.110> a really takes to do well to leave a really takes to do well to leave a meaningful<00:11:32.589> life<00:11:32.860> are<00:11:33.130> things<00:11:33.339> that<00:11:33.459> are meaningful life are things that are meaningful life are things that are deeper<00:11:34.029> things<00:11:34.839> we<00:11:35.050> don't<00:11:35.320> really<00:11:35.589> even<00:11:35.829> have deeper things we don't really even have deeper things we don't really even have words<00:11:36.399> for<00:11:36.579> and<00:11:37.480> so<00:11:37.630> let<00:11:37.779> me<00:11:37.870> list<00:11:38.110> just<00:11:38.320> a words for and so let me list just a words for and so let me list just a couple<00:11:38.649> of<00:11:38.829> things<00:11:39.040> I<00:11:39.190> think<00:11:39.399> this<00:11:39.519> research couple of things I think this research couple of things I think this research points<00:11:40.600> us<00:11:40.720> toward<00:11:41.649> trying<00:11:42.040> to<00:11:42.220> understand points us toward trying to understand points us toward trying to understand the<00:11:43.630> first<00:11:43.899> gift<00:11:44.230> our<00:11:45.040> talent<00:11:45.760> is<00:11:45.880> mind-sight the first gift our talent is mind-sight the first gift our talent is mind-sight the<00:11:47.290> ability<00:11:47.860> to<00:11:47.890> enter<00:11:48.250> into<00:11:48.880> other<00:11:49.120> people's the ability to enter into other people's the ability to enter into other people's minds<00:11:49.930> and<00:11:50.350> learn<00:11:50.920> what<00:11:51.190> they<00:11:51.310> have<00:11:51.339> to<00:11:51.760> offer minds and learn what they have to offer minds and learn what they have to offer babies<00:11:53.290> come<00:11:53.649> with<00:11:53.680> this<00:11:53.949> ability<00:11:54.220> meltzoff babies come with this ability meltzoff babies come with this ability meltzoff who's<00:11:55.180> at<00:11:55.329> the<00:11:55.390> University<00:11:55.690> of<00:11:55.720> Washington who's at the University of Washington who's at the University of Washington leaned<00:11:56.829> over<00:11:57.010> a<00:11:57.160> baby<00:11:57.459> who<00:11:57.670> was<00:11:57.790> 43<00:11:58.540> minutes leaned over a baby who was 43 minutes leaned over a baby who was 43 minutes old<00:11:59.079> he<00:11:59.920> wagged<00:12:00.190> his<00:12:00.399> tongue<00:12:00.670> at<00:12:00.820> the<00:12:00.850> baby<00:12:01.149> the old he wagged his tongue at the baby the old he wagged his tongue at the baby the baby<00:12:01.899> wagged<00:12:02.230> her<00:12:02.470> tongue<00:12:02.709> back<00:12:03.480> babies<00:12:04.480> are baby wagged her tongue back babies are baby wagged her tongue back babies are born<00:12:05.019> two<00:12:05.470> interpenetrating<00:12:05.949> two<00:12:06.519> moms<00:12:06.730> minds born two interpenetrating two moms minds born two interpenetrating two moms minds and<00:12:07.510> to<00:12:07.899> download<00:12:08.170> what<00:12:08.709> they<00:12:08.860> find<00:12:09.130> they're and to download what they find they're and to download what they find they're models<00:12:09.910> of<00:12:10.029> how<00:12:10.180> to<00:12:10.240> understand<00:12:10.750> reality<00:12:10.990> in models of how to understand reality in models of how to understand reality in the<00:12:11.980> United<00:12:12.279> States<00:12:12.579> fifty-five<00:12:13.240> percent<00:12:13.420> of the United States fifty-five percent of the United States fifty-five percent of babies<00:12:13.810> have<00:12:14.500> a<00:12:14.529> deep<00:12:14.860> two-way<00:12:15.370> conversation babies have a deep two-way conversation babies have a deep two-way conversation with<00:12:16.240> mom<00:12:16.449> and<00:12:16.720> they<00:12:17.110> learn<00:12:17.380> models<00:12:17.920> to<00:12:18.070> how<00:12:18.190> to with mom and they learn models to how to with mom and they learn models to how to relate<00:12:18.550> to<00:12:18.790> other<00:12:18.940> people<00:12:19.029> and<00:12:19.600> those<00:12:20.199> people relate to other people and those people relate to other people and those people have<00:12:20.680> models<00:12:21.160> of<00:12:21.220> how<00:12:21.430> to<00:12:21.459> relate<00:12:21.790> have<00:12:22.449> a<00:12:22.480> huge have models of how to relate have a huge have models of how to relate have a huge head<00:12:23.050> start<00:12:23.079> in<00:12:23.470> life<00:12:23.649> scientists<00:12:24.220> at<00:12:24.279> the head start in life scientists at the head start in life scientists at the University<00:12:24.640> of<00:12:24.670> Minnesota<00:12:24.790> did<00:12:25.329> a<00:12:25.360> study<00:12:25.630> in University of Minnesota did a study in University of Minnesota did a study in which<00:12:25.959> they<00:12:26.620> could<00:12:26.829> predict<00:12:27.220> was<00:12:27.399> 77<00:12:27.970> percent which they could predict was 77 percent which they could predict was 77 percent accuracy<00:12:28.720> at<00:12:29.110> age<00:12:29.740> 18<00:12:30.279> months<00:12:30.699> who<00:12:31.209> was<00:12:31.390> gonna accuracy at age 18 months who was gonna accuracy at age 18 months who was gonna graduate<00:12:31.990> from<00:12:32.110> high<00:12:32.350> school<00:12:32.380> based<00:12:33.100> on<00:12:33.339> who graduate from high school based on who graduate from high school based on who had<00:12:33.790> good<00:12:33.970> attachment<00:12:34.630> with<00:12:34.779> mom<00:12:35.250> 20<00:12:36.250> percent had good attachment with mom 20 percent had good attachment with mom 20 percent of<00:12:36.670> kids<00:12:36.790> do<00:12:37.000> not<00:12:37.180> have<00:12:37.240> those<00:12:37.740> relationships of kids do not have those relationships of kids do not have those relationships they<00:12:39.220> are<00:12:39.339> what<00:12:39.519> we<00:12:39.550> call<00:12:39.639> avoidant<00:12:40.389> lis they are what we call avoidant lis they are what we call avoidant lis attached<00:12:40.839> they<00:12:41.319> have<00:12:41.440> trouble<00:12:41.769> relating<00:12:42.069> to attached they have trouble relating to attached they have trouble relating to other<00:12:42.610> people<00:12:42.639> they<00:12:43.089> go<00:12:43.300> through<00:12:43.540> life<00:12:43.779> like other people they go through life like other people they go through life like sailboats<00:12:44.860> tacking<00:12:45.370> into<00:12:45.610> the<00:12:45.699> wind<00:12:45.910> wanting sailboats tacking into the wind wanting sailboats tacking into the wind wanting to<00:12:46.930> get<00:12:47.019> close<00:12:47.260> to<00:12:47.290> people<00:12:47.740> but<00:12:48.100> not<00:12:48.339> really to get close to people but not really to get close to people but not really having having having models<00:12:49.440> of<00:12:49.560> how<00:12:49.709> to<00:12:49.740> do<00:12:50.010> that<00:12:50.190> and<00:12:50.990> so<00:12:51.990> this<00:12:52.200> is models of how to do that and so this is models of how to do that and so this is one<00:12:52.589> skill<00:12:52.980> of<00:12:53.130> how<00:12:53.250> to<00:12:53.310> Hoover<00:12:53.730> up<00:12:53.850> knowledge one skill of how to Hoover up knowledge one skill of how to Hoover up knowledge one<00:12:54.630> from<00:12:54.870> another<00:12:55.080> a<00:12:55.410> second<00:12:56.160> skill<00:12:56.459> is one from another a second skill is one from another a second skill is equipoise<00:12:57.260> the<00:12:58.260> ability<00:12:58.830> to<00:12:59.339> have<00:12:59.459> the equipoise the ability to have the equipoise the ability to have the serenity<00:13:00.240> to<00:13:00.690> read<00:13:00.959> the<00:13:01.200> biases<00:13:01.800> and<00:13:01.980> failures serenity to read the biases and failures serenity to read the biases and failures in<00:13:02.490> your<00:13:02.760> own<00:13:03.149> mind<00:13:03.480> so<00:13:04.260> for<00:13:04.440> example<00:13:04.890> we<00:13:05.040> are in your own mind so for example we are in your own mind so for example we are overconfidence<00:13:05.970> machines<00:13:06.980> 95%<00:13:07.980> of<00:13:08.070> our overconfidence machines 95% of our overconfidence machines 95% of our professors<00:13:08.520> report<00:13:09.390> that<00:13:09.540> they<00:13:09.660> are<00:13:09.690> above professors report that they are above professors report that they are above average<00:13:10.350> teachers<00:13:11.870> 96%<00:13:12.870> of<00:13:12.930> college<00:13:13.290> students average teachers 96% of college students average teachers 96% of college students say<00:13:13.800> they<00:13:13.950> have<00:13:14.070> above-average<00:13:14.520> social say they have above-average social say they have above-average social skills skills skills Time<00:13:16.560> magazine<00:13:17.040> asked<00:13:17.550> Americans<00:13:18.029> are<00:13:18.180> you<00:13:18.330> in Time magazine asked Americans are you in Time magazine asked Americans are you in the<00:13:18.540> top<00:13:18.690> 1%<00:13:18.990> of<00:13:19.440> earners<00:13:20.060> 19%<00:13:21.060> of<00:13:21.149> Americans the top 1% of earners 19% of Americans the top 1% of earners 19% of Americans are<00:13:21.810> in<00:13:21.839> the<00:13:21.930> top<00:13:22.170> 1%<00:13:23.720> this<00:13:24.720> is<00:13:24.930> a<00:13:24.959> gender are in the top 1% this is a gender are in the top 1% this is a gender linked<00:13:25.560> trait<00:13:25.800> by<00:13:25.980> the<00:13:26.040> way<00:13:26.250> men<00:13:26.820> drown<00:13:27.240> at linked trait by the way men drown at linked trait by the way men drown at twice<00:13:27.660> the<00:13:27.690> rate<00:13:27.990> as<00:13:28.020> women<00:13:28.470> because<00:13:28.620> men twice the rate as women because men twice the rate as women because men think<00:13:29.100> they<00:13:29.220> can<00:13:29.250> swim<00:13:29.580> across<00:13:29.700> that<00:13:29.910> lake<00:13:30.330> but think they can swim across that lake but think they can swim across that lake but some<00:13:32.190> people<00:13:32.520> have<00:13:32.610> the<00:13:32.760> ability<00:13:32.880> and some people have the ability and some people have the ability and awareness<00:13:34.020> of<00:13:34.230> their<00:13:35.130> own<00:13:35.160> biases<00:13:36.000> their<00:13:36.180> own awareness of their own biases their own awareness of their own biases their own overconfidence<00:13:37.110> they<00:13:37.230> have<00:13:37.410> a<00:13:37.440> pistola overconfidence they have a pistola overconfidence they have a pistola logical<00:13:38.610> modesty logical modesty logical modesty they<00:13:39.779> are<00:13:39.899> open-minded<00:13:40.260> in<00:13:40.800> the<00:13:40.890> face<00:13:41.070> of they are open-minded in the face of they are open-minded in the face of ambiguity<00:13:42.000> they<00:13:42.480> are<00:13:42.660> able<00:13:42.810> to<00:13:43.050> adjust ambiguity they are able to adjust ambiguity they are able to adjust strength<00:13:43.800> of<00:13:44.070> the<00:13:44.160> conclusions<00:13:44.760> to<00:13:44.970> the strength of the conclusions to the strength of the conclusions to the strength<00:13:45.360> of<00:13:45.570> their<00:13:45.690> evidence<00:13:46.080> they<00:13:46.620> are strength of their evidence they are strength of their evidence they are curious<00:13:47.190> and<00:13:47.610> these<00:13:47.790> traits<00:13:48.209> are<00:13:48.510> often curious and these traits are often curious and these traits are often unrelated<00:13:49.740> and<00:13:49.890> uncorrelated<00:13:50.339> with<00:13:50.700> IQ<00:13:51.240> the unrelated and uncorrelated with IQ the unrelated and uncorrelated with IQ the third<00:13:52.260> trade<00:13:52.620> is<00:13:52.770> Metis<00:13:53.160> what<00:13:53.880> we<00:13:54.000> might<00:13:54.149> call third trade is Metis what we might call third trade is Metis what we might call street<00:13:54.720> smarts<00:13:55.140> it's<00:13:55.320> a<00:13:55.410> Greek<00:13:55.620> word<00:13:55.649> it's<00:13:56.040> a street smarts it's a Greek word it's a street smarts it's a Greek word it's a sensitivity<00:13:56.730> to<00:13:56.940> the<00:13:57.180> physical<00:13:57.600> environment sensitivity to the physical environment sensitivity to the physical environment the<00:13:58.350> ability<00:13:58.800> to<00:13:59.160> pick<00:13:59.279> out<00:13:59.640> patterns<00:14:00.000> in<00:14:00.420> an the ability to pick out patterns in an the ability to pick out patterns in an environment<00:14:01.050> derive<00:14:01.890> a<00:14:01.920> gist<00:14:02.399> one<00:14:03.360> of<00:14:03.450> my environment derive a gist one of my environment derive a gist one of my colleagues<00:14:03.959> at<00:14:04.110> The<00:14:04.230> Times<00:14:04.380> did<00:14:04.649> a<00:14:04.709> great colleagues at The Times did a great colleagues at The Times did a great story<00:14:05.190> about<00:14:05.250> soldiers<00:14:05.790> in<00:14:05.940> Iraq<00:14:06.180> who<00:14:06.660> could story about soldiers in Iraq who could story about soldiers in Iraq who could look<00:14:06.990> down<00:14:07.200> the<00:14:07.350> street<00:14:07.410> and<00:14:07.860> detect<00:14:08.640> somehow look down the street and detect somehow look down the street and detect somehow whether<00:14:09.690> there<00:14:09.899> was<00:14:09.990> an<00:14:10.140> ie<00:14:10.230> D<00:14:10.500> Al<00:14:10.709> and<00:14:10.920> mind<00:14:11.190> in whether there was an ie D Al and mind in whether there was an ie D Al and mind in the<00:14:11.490> street<00:14:11.820> they<00:14:12.450> couldn't<00:14:12.779> tell<00:14:12.899> you<00:14:12.990> how the street they couldn't tell you how the street they couldn't tell you how they<00:14:13.230> did<00:14:13.500> it<00:14:13.920> but<00:14:14.310> they<00:14:14.370> could<00:14:14.640> feel<00:14:14.880> cold they did it but they could feel cold they did it but they could feel cold they<00:14:15.480> felt<00:14:15.690> a<00:14:15.779> coldness<00:14:16.140> and<00:14:16.560> they<00:14:17.010> were<00:14:17.070> more they felt a coldness and they were more they felt a coldness and they were more often<00:14:17.579> right<00:14:17.640> than<00:14:18.060> wrong<00:14:18.770> the<00:14:19.770> third<00:14:20.070> is<00:14:20.459> what often right than wrong the third is what often right than wrong the third is what might<00:14:21.329> call<00:14:21.540> sympathy<00:14:22.110> the<00:14:22.589> ability<00:14:23.100> to<00:14:23.130> work might call sympathy the ability to work might call sympathy the ability to work within<00:14:23.820> groups<00:14:24.300> and<00:14:24.690> that<00:14:25.380> comes<00:14:25.770> in within groups and that comes in within groups and that comes in tremendously<00:14:26.490> handy<00:14:27.089> because<00:14:27.510> groups<00:14:27.899> are tremendously handy because groups are tremendously handy because groups are smarter<00:14:28.410> than<00:14:28.470> individuals<00:14:29.160> and smarter than individuals and smarter than individuals and face-to-face<00:14:30.060> groups<00:14:30.779> are<00:14:31.020> much<00:14:31.440> smarter face-to-face groups are much smarter face-to-face groups are much smarter than<00:14:31.950> groups<00:14:32.490> that<00:14:32.670> communicate than groups that communicate than groups that communicate electronically<00:14:34.020> because<00:14:34.709> 90%<00:14:35.070> of<00:14:35.370> our electronically because 90% of our electronically because 90% of our communication<00:14:36.180> is<00:14:36.329> nonverbal<00:14:37.140> and<00:14:37.890> the communication is nonverbal and the communication is nonverbal and the effectiveness<00:14:39.029> of<00:14:39.329> a<00:14:39.420> group<00:14:39.630> is<00:14:39.839> not effectiveness of a group is not effectiveness of a group is not determined<00:14:40.800> by<00:14:40.950> the<00:14:41.190> IQ<00:14:41.700> of<00:14:41.730> the<00:14:41.940> group<00:14:42.149> it's determined by the IQ of the group it's determined by the IQ of the group it's determined<00:14:43.380> by<00:14:43.740> how<00:14:44.040> well<00:14:44.399> they<00:14:44.670> communicate determined by how well they communicate determined by how well they communicate how<00:14:45.720> often<00:14:46.230> they<00:14:46.350> take<00:14:46.529> terms<00:14:46.920> and how often they take terms and how often they take terms and conversations<00:14:48.290> then<00:14:49.290> you<00:14:49.470> could<00:14:49.620> talk<00:14:49.800> about conversations then you could talk about conversations then you could talk about it<00:14:50.220> Oh<00:14:50.310> trait<00:14:50.610> like<00:14:50.760> blending<00:14:51.329> any<00:14:51.630> child<00:14:52.350> can it Oh trait like blending any child can it Oh trait like blending any child can say<00:14:52.860> I'm<00:14:53.040> a<00:14:53.070> tiger<00:14:53.399> pretend<00:14:54.089> to<00:14:54.240> be<00:14:54.360> a<00:14:54.390> tiger<00:14:54.779> it say I'm a tiger pretend to be a tiger it say I'm a tiger pretend to be a tiger it seems<00:14:55.140> so<00:14:55.350> Elementary<00:14:56.120> but<00:14:57.120> in<00:14:57.240> fact<00:14:57.420> it's seems so Elementary but in fact it's seems so Elementary but in fact it's phenomenally<00:14:58.320> complicated<00:14:58.500> to<00:14:59.040> take<00:14:59.190> a phenomenally complicated to take a phenomenally complicated to take a concept<00:14:59.790> I<00:15:00.060> and<00:15:00.420> a<00:15:00.810> concept<00:15:01.230> tiger<00:15:01.709> and concept I and a concept tiger and concept I and a concept tiger and them<00:15:02.680> together<00:15:02.860> but<00:15:03.670> this<00:15:03.880> is<00:15:04.060> the<00:15:04.180> source<00:15:04.390> of them together but this is the source of them together but this is the source of innovation<00:15:04.750> what<00:15:05.170> Picasso<00:15:05.740> did<00:15:05.950> for<00:15:06.190> example innovation what Picasso did for example innovation what Picasso did for example was<00:15:07.090> take<00:15:07.330> the<00:15:07.450> concept<00:15:07.930> western<00:15:08.410> art<00:15:08.620> and<00:15:08.830> the was take the concept western art and the was take the concept western art and the concept<00:15:09.760> African<00:15:10.210> masks<00:15:10.780> and<00:15:10.930> blend<00:15:11.530> them concept African masks and blend them concept African masks and blend them together<00:15:11.800> not<00:15:12.310> only<00:15:12.340> the<00:15:12.730> geometry<00:15:12.910> but<00:15:13.780> the together not only the geometry but the together not only the geometry but the moral<00:15:14.320> systems<00:15:14.800> entailed<00:15:15.250> in<00:15:15.490> them<00:15:15.640> and<00:15:15.880> these moral systems entailed in them and these moral systems entailed in them and these are<00:15:16.780> skills<00:15:17.050> again<00:15:17.530> we<00:15:17.680> can't<00:15:17.980> count<00:15:18.280> and are skills again we can't count and are skills again we can't count and measure<00:15:18.670> and<00:15:19.030> then<00:15:19.510> the<00:15:19.630> final<00:15:20.020> thing<00:15:20.050> I'll measure and then the final thing I'll measure and then the final thing I'll mention<00:15:20.470> is<00:15:20.800> something<00:15:21.040> you<00:15:21.580> might<00:15:21.760> call mention is something you might call mention is something you might call limerence<00:15:22.450> and<00:15:23.140> this<00:15:23.560> is<00:15:23.710> not<00:15:23.860> an<00:15:24.010> ability limerence and this is not an ability limerence and this is not an ability it's<00:15:24.880> a<00:15:24.970> drive<00:15:25.330> and<00:15:25.630> a<00:15:25.690> motivation<00:15:26.550> the it's a drive and a motivation the it's a drive and a motivation the conscious<00:15:28.150> mind<00:15:28.180> hungers<00:15:28.840> for<00:15:29.020> success<00:15:29.440> and conscious mind hungers for success and conscious mind hungers for success and prestige<00:15:30.130> the<00:15:31.000> unconscious<00:15:31.660> mind<00:15:31.840> hungers prestige the unconscious mind hungers prestige the unconscious mind hungers for<00:15:32.350> those<00:15:32.620> moments<00:15:32.950> of<00:15:33.220> transcendence<00:15:34.060> when for those moments of transcendence when for those moments of transcendence when the<00:15:34.960> skull<00:15:35.320> line<00:15:35.560> disappears<00:15:36.370> and<00:15:36.670> we<00:15:37.060> are the skull line disappears and we are the skull line disappears and we are lost<00:15:37.480> in<00:15:37.900> a<00:15:38.020> challenge<00:15:38.560> or<00:15:38.770> a<00:15:38.800> task<00:15:39.160> when<00:15:40.030> a lost in a challenge or a task when a lost in a challenge or a task when a craftsman<00:15:40.750> feels<00:15:40.990> lost<00:15:41.320> in<00:15:41.530> his<00:15:41.650> craft<00:15:41.980> when<00:15:42.700> a craftsman feels lost in his craft when a craftsman feels lost in his craft when a naturalist<00:15:43.480> feels<00:15:43.750> at<00:15:43.930> one<00:15:44.230> with<00:15:44.500> nature<00:15:44.710> when naturalist feels at one with nature when naturalist feels at one with nature when a<00:15:45.550> believer<00:15:45.910> feels<00:15:46.390> at<00:15:46.570> one<00:15:46.840> with<00:15:47.470> God's<00:15:47.740> love a believer feels at one with God's love a believer feels at one with God's love that<00:15:49.090> is<00:15:49.390> what<00:15:49.540> the<00:15:49.660> unconscious<00:15:50.200> mind that is what the unconscious mind that is what the unconscious mind hungers<00:15:50.920> for<00:15:50.950> and<00:15:51.460> many<00:15:51.970> of<00:15:52.240> us<00:15:52.390> feel<00:15:52.690> it<00:15:52.870> in hungers for and many of us feel it in hungers for and many of us feel it in love<00:15:53.530> when<00:15:53.830> lovers<00:15:54.100> feel<00:15:54.550> fused<00:15:55.150> and<00:15:55.650> one<00:15:56.650> of love when lovers feel fused and one of love when lovers feel fused and one of the<00:15:56.830> most<00:15:57.010> beautiful<00:15:57.490> description<00:15:58.030> I've<00:15:58.270> come the most beautiful description I've come the most beautiful description I've come across<00:15:58.750> in<00:15:59.230> this<00:15:59.380> research<00:15:59.770> of<00:16:00.070> how<00:16:00.970> Minds across in this research of how Minds across in this research of how Minds interpenetrate<00:16:02.470> was<00:16:02.860> written<00:16:03.070> by<00:16:03.220> a<00:16:03.250> great interpenetrate was written by a great interpenetrate was written by a great theorist<00:16:04.120> and<00:16:04.270> scientist<00:16:04.810> named<00:16:05.410> Douglas theorist and scientist named Douglas theorist and scientist named Douglas Hofstadter's<00:16:06.340> at<00:16:06.520> the<00:16:06.610> University<00:16:06.970> of Hofstadter's at the University of Hofstadter's at the University of Indiana<00:16:07.530> he<00:16:08.530> was<00:16:08.710> married<00:16:09.040> to<00:16:09.160> a<00:16:09.190> woman<00:16:09.340> named Indiana he was married to a woman named Indiana he was married to a woman named Carol<00:16:10.080> and<00:16:11.080> made<00:16:11.200> a<00:16:11.230> wonderful<00:16:11.440> relationship Carol and made a wonderful relationship Carol and made a wonderful relationship when<00:16:12.370> their<00:16:12.490> kids<00:16:12.730> were<00:16:12.790> five<00:16:12.880> and<00:16:13.090> two<00:16:13.450> Carol when their kids were five and two Carol when their kids were five and two Carol had<00:16:14.590> a<00:16:14.620> stroke<00:16:15.280> and<00:16:15.520> a<00:16:15.580> brain<00:16:15.760> tumor<00:16:16.090> and<00:16:16.210> died had a stroke and a brain tumor and died had a stroke and a brain tumor and died suddenly<00:16:16.870> and<00:16:17.350> Hofstadter<00:16:18.310> wrote<00:16:18.760> a<00:16:18.790> book suddenly and Hofstadter wrote a book suddenly and Hofstadter wrote a book called<00:16:19.180> I<00:16:19.300> am<00:16:19.420> a<00:16:19.510> strange<00:16:19.900> loop<00:16:20.490> in<00:16:21.490> the<00:16:21.670> course called I am a strange loop in the course called I am a strange loop in the course of<00:16:22.000> that<00:16:22.150> book<00:16:22.360> he<00:16:22.480> describes<00:16:22.630> a<00:16:23.110> moment<00:16:23.340> just of that book he describes a moment just of that book he describes a moment just months<00:16:24.970> after<00:16:25.210> Carol<00:16:25.780> has<00:16:25.960> died<00:16:26.200> he<00:16:26.830> comes months after Carol has died he comes months after Carol has died he comes across<00:16:27.220> her<00:16:27.580> picture<00:16:27.730> on<00:16:28.060> the<00:16:28.150> mantle<00:16:28.540> or<00:16:28.690> on<00:16:28.780> a across her picture on the mantle or on a across her picture on the mantle or on a bureau<00:16:29.140> in<00:16:29.230> his<00:16:29.500> bedroom<00:16:29.770> and<00:16:30.220> here's<00:16:30.880> what<00:16:31.060> he bureau in his bedroom and here's what he bureau in his bedroom and here's what he wrote<00:16:31.180> I<00:16:32.280> looked<00:16:33.280> at<00:16:33.400> her<00:16:33.520> face<00:16:33.550> and<00:16:34.090> I<00:16:34.570> looked wrote I looked at her face and I looked wrote I looked at her face and I looked so<00:16:34.990> deeply<00:16:35.500> that<00:16:36.010> I<00:16:36.040> felt<00:16:36.400> I<00:16:36.550> was<00:16:36.580> behind<00:16:37.090> her so deeply that I felt I was behind her so deeply that I felt I was behind her eyes<00:16:37.600> and<00:16:38.110> all<00:16:38.860> at<00:16:39.010> once<00:16:39.220> I<00:16:39.430> found<00:16:39.700> myself eyes and all at once I found myself eyes and all at once I found myself saying<00:16:40.390> as<00:16:40.690> tears<00:16:41.200> flowed<00:16:41.640> that's<00:16:42.640> me<00:16:43.030> that's saying as tears flowed that's me that's saying as tears flowed that's me that's me<00:16:43.840> and<00:16:44.170> those<00:16:45.160> simple<00:16:45.610> words<00:16:45.670> brought<00:16:46.330> back me and those simple words brought back me and those simple words brought back many<00:16:46.870> thoughts<00:16:47.230> that<00:16:47.410> I<00:16:47.560> had<00:16:47.740> had<00:16:47.920> before many thoughts that I had had before many thoughts that I had had before about<00:16:49.360> the<00:16:49.660> fusion<00:16:50.080> of<00:16:50.140> our<00:16:50.290> souls<00:16:50.560> into<00:16:50.920> one about the fusion of our souls into one about the fusion of our souls into one higher-level<00:16:51.790> entity<00:16:52.500> about<00:16:53.500> the<00:16:53.680> fact<00:16:53.890> that higher-level entity about the fact that higher-level entity about the fact that the<00:16:54.250> core<00:16:54.550> of<00:16:54.820> both<00:16:54.970> our<00:16:55.240> souls<00:16:55.510> they<00:16:56.320> are the core of both our souls they are the core of both our souls they are identical<00:16:57.100> hopes<00:16:57.400> and<00:16:57.670> dreams<00:16:57.820> for<00:16:58.120> our identical hopes and dreams for our identical hopes and dreams for our children<00:16:58.860> about<00:16:59.860> the<00:17:00.070> notion<00:17:00.280> that<00:17:00.490> those children about the notion that those children about the notion that those hopes<00:17:01.150> were<00:17:01.330> not<00:17:01.480> separate<00:17:01.930> and<00:17:02.110> distinct hopes were not separate and distinct hopes were not separate and distinct hopes<00:17:02.890> but<00:17:03.760> were<00:17:03.910> just<00:17:04.180> one<00:17:04.420> hope<00:17:04.750> one<00:17:05.590> clear hopes but were just one hope one clear hopes but were just one hope one clear thing<00:17:06.010> that<00:17:06.550> defined<00:17:06.970> us<00:17:07.120> both<00:17:07.420> that<00:17:08.200> welded thing that defined us both that welded thing that defined us both that welded us<00:17:08.830> into<00:17:09.130> a<00:17:09.160> unit<00:17:09.610> the<00:17:10.210> kind<00:17:10.600> of<00:17:10.780> unit<00:17:11.140> I<00:17:11.290> had us into a unit the kind of unit I had us into a unit the kind of unit I had but<00:17:11.650> dimly<00:17:11.890> imagined<00:17:12.610> before<00:17:12.730> being<00:17:13.180> married but dimly imagined before being married but dimly imagined before being married and<00:17:13.690> having and having and having children<00:17:14.439> I<00:17:14.850> realized<00:17:15.850> that<00:17:16.120> though<00:17:16.299> Carol children I realized that though Carol children I realized that though Carol had<00:17:16.959> died<00:17:17.170> that<00:17:18.010> core<00:17:18.429> piece<00:17:18.760> of<00:17:18.790> her<00:17:19.089> had<00:17:19.270> not had died that core piece of her had not had died that core piece of her had not died<00:17:19.750> at<00:17:19.929> all<00:17:20.130> but<00:17:21.130> had<00:17:21.280> it<00:17:21.309> lived<00:17:21.640> on<00:17:21.850> very died at all but had it lived on very died at all but had it lived on very determinately<00:17:23.049> in<00:17:23.260> my<00:17:23.439> brain<00:17:24.000> the<00:17:25.000> Greeks<00:17:25.270> say determinately in my brain the Greeks say determinately in my brain the Greeks say we<00:17:25.660> suffer<00:17:25.959> our<00:17:26.079> way<00:17:26.230> to<00:17:26.290> wisdom<00:17:26.740> through<00:17:27.670> his we suffer our way to wisdom through his we suffer our way to wisdom through his suffering<00:17:28.089> Hofstetter<00:17:28.690> understood<00:17:29.200> how suffering Hofstetter understood how suffering Hofstetter understood how deeply<00:17:30.309> interpenetrated<00:17:31.240> we<00:17:31.360> are<00:17:32.040> through deeply interpenetrated we are through deeply interpenetrated we are through the<00:17:33.130> policy<00:17:33.580> failures<00:17:33.970> of<00:17:34.090> last<00:17:34.330> 30<00:17:34.660> years<00:17:35.020> we the policy failures of last 30 years we the policy failures of last 30 years we have<00:17:35.920> come<00:17:36.160> to<00:17:36.340> acknowledge<00:17:36.850> I<00:17:37.150> think<00:17:37.799> how have come to acknowledge I think how have come to acknowledge I think how shallow<00:17:39.429> our<00:17:39.790> view<00:17:40.030> of<00:17:40.150> human<00:17:40.420> nature<00:17:40.540> has shallow our view of human nature has shallow our view of human nature has been<00:17:41.140> and<00:17:41.670> now<00:17:42.670> as<00:17:42.880> we<00:17:43.030> confront<00:17:43.390> that been and now as we confront that been and now as we confront that challenge<00:17:43.780> us<00:17:44.410> and<00:17:44.440> the<00:17:44.650> failures<00:17:45.100> that challenge us and the failures that challenge us and the failures that derive<00:17:45.640> from<00:17:45.670> our<00:17:46.120> inability<00:17:46.720> to<00:17:46.750> get<00:17:47.350> the derive from our inability to get the derive from our inability to get the depths<00:17:47.919> of<00:17:48.010> who<00:17:48.160> we<00:17:48.340> are<00:17:48.600> comes<00:17:49.600> this depths of who we are comes this depths of who we are comes this revolution<00:17:50.440> in<00:17:50.530> consciousness<00:17:50.770> these<00:17:51.309> people revolution in consciousness these people revolution in consciousness these people in<00:17:51.760> so<00:17:52.059> many<00:17:52.120> fields<00:17:53.640> exploring<00:17:54.640> the<00:17:54.760> depth<00:17:55.000> of in so many fields exploring the depth of in so many fields exploring the depth of our<00:17:55.299> nature<00:17:55.690> and<00:17:55.809> coming<00:17:56.230> away<00:17:56.620> with<00:17:56.950> this our nature and coming away with this our nature and coming away with this enchanted<00:17:58.120> this<00:17:58.270> new<00:17:58.480> humanism<00:17:58.900> and<00:17:59.230> when enchanted this new humanism and when enchanted this new humanism and when Freud<00:18:00.309> discovered<00:18:00.910> his<00:18:01.059> sense<00:18:01.299> of<00:18:01.419> the Freud discovered his sense of the Freud discovered his sense of the unconscious<00:18:01.960> it<00:18:02.140> had<00:18:02.500> a<00:18:02.530> vast<00:18:02.830> effect<00:18:03.370> on<00:18:03.520> the unconscious it had a vast effect on the unconscious it had a vast effect on the climate<00:18:03.730> of<00:18:04.030> the<00:18:04.090> times<00:18:04.559> now<00:18:05.559> we<00:18:05.620> are climate of the times now we are climate of the times now we are discovering<00:18:06.370> a<00:18:06.429> more<00:18:06.580> accurate<00:18:06.850> vision<00:18:07.540> of discovering a more accurate vision of discovering a more accurate vision of the<00:18:08.350> unconscious<00:18:08.950> of<00:18:09.130> who<00:18:09.309> we<00:18:09.460> are<00:18:09.490> deep the unconscious of who we are deep the unconscious of who we are deep inside<00:18:10.240> and<00:18:10.540> it's<00:18:11.020> going<00:18:11.169> to<00:18:11.230> have<00:18:11.410> a inside and it's going to have a inside and it's going to have a wonderful<00:18:11.770> and<00:18:12.250> profound<00:18:12.910> and<00:18:13.240> humanizing wonderful and profound and humanizing wonderful and profound and humanizing effect<00:18:14.440> on<00:18:14.590> our<00:18:14.710> culture<00:18:14.740> thank<00:18:15.490> you

David Brooks, conscious, consciousness, choices, making, choices, social, animal, people, social, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, Ed, TEDEducation

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