Doodlers, đoàn kết! – Sunni Nâu

Doodlers, unite! - Sunni Brown

Doodlers, unite! - Sunni Brown


[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so<00:00:15.840> I<00:00:15.869> just<00:00:16.170> want<00:00:16.349> to<00:00:16.410> tell<00:00:16.560> you<00:00:16.590> my<00:00:16.800> story<00:00:17.130> I so I just want to tell you my story I so I just want to tell you my story I spend<00:00:17.880> a<00:00:17.970> lot<00:00:18.000> of<00:00:18.180> time<00:00:18.540> teaching<00:00:19.410> adults<00:00:20.160> how spend a lot of time teaching adults how spend a lot of time teaching adults how to<00:00:20.369> use<00:00:20.640> visual<00:00:21.090> language<00:00:21.509> and<00:00:21.720> doodling<00:00:22.590> in to use visual language and doodling in to use visual language and doodling in the<00:00:22.919> workplace<00:00:23.369> and<00:00:23.640> naturally<00:00:24.539> I<00:00:24.570> encounter the workplace and naturally I encounter the workplace and naturally I encounter a<00:00:25.380> lot<00:00:25.500> of<00:00:25.680> resistance<00:00:25.769> right<00:00:26.550> because<00:00:26.910> it's a lot of resistance right because it's a lot of resistance right because it's sort<00:00:27.269> of<00:00:27.390> considered<00:00:27.900> to<00:00:28.019> be<00:00:28.140> anti sort of considered to be anti sort of considered to be anti intellectual<00:00:29.220> and<00:00:29.429> counter<00:00:30.210> to<00:00:30.359> serious intellectual and counter to serious intellectual and counter to serious learning<00:00:30.929> but<00:00:31.859> I<00:00:32.129> have<00:00:32.519> a<00:00:32.550> problem<00:00:32.820> with<00:00:33.120> that learning but I have a problem with that learning but I have a problem with that belief<00:00:33.600> because<00:00:34.230> I<00:00:34.260> know<00:00:34.410> that<00:00:34.920> doodling<00:00:35.400> has belief because I know that doodling has belief because I know that doodling has a<00:00:35.640> profound<00:00:36.239> impact<00:00:36.540> on<00:00:37.050> the<00:00:37.530> way<00:00:37.650> that<00:00:37.680> we<00:00:37.949> can a profound impact on the way that we can a profound impact on the way that we can process<00:00:38.430> information<00:00:38.760> and<00:00:39.390> the<00:00:39.540> way<00:00:39.660> that<00:00:39.809> we process information and the way that we process information and the way that we can<00:00:40.110> solve<00:00:40.650> problems<00:00:41.220> so<00:00:41.760> I<00:00:41.790> was<00:00:42.269> curious can solve problems so I was curious can solve problems so I was curious about<00:00:42.809> why<00:00:43.110> there<00:00:43.320> was<00:00:43.440> a<00:00:43.470> disconnect<00:00:44.040> between about why there was a disconnect between about why there was a disconnect between the<00:00:44.729> way<00:00:44.760> that<00:00:45.000> our<00:00:45.030> society<00:00:45.269> perceives the way that our society perceives the way that our society perceives doodling<00:00:46.409> and<00:00:46.589> the<00:00:47.159> way<00:00:47.280> that<00:00:47.519> the<00:00:47.790> reality<00:00:48.299> is doodling and the way that the reality is doodling and the way that the reality is so<00:00:48.780> I<00:00:49.049> discovered<00:00:49.949> some<00:00:50.070> very<00:00:50.159> interesting so I discovered some very interesting so I discovered some very interesting things<00:00:50.729> for<00:00:51.629> example<00:00:52.170> there<00:00:52.890> is<00:00:53.010> no<00:00:53.280> such things for example there is no such things for example there is no such thing<00:00:53.970> as<00:00:54.000> a<00:00:54.210> flattering<00:00:54.720> definition<00:00:55.409> of<00:00:55.589> a thing as a flattering definition of a thing as a flattering definition of a doodle<00:00:56.129> in<00:00:56.400> the<00:00:57.000> 17th<00:00:57.479> century<00:00:57.600> a<00:00:57.960> doodle<00:00:58.409> was doodle in the 17th century a doodle was doodle in the 17th century a doodle was a<00:00:58.589> simpleton<00:00:59.010> or<00:00:59.339> a<00:00:59.369> fool<00:00:59.670> as<00:00:59.939> in<00:01:00.119> Yankee a simpleton or a fool as in Yankee a simpleton or a fool as in Yankee Doodle<00:01:00.809> in<00:01:01.110> the<00:01:01.470> 18th<00:01:01.949> century<00:01:02.369> it<00:01:02.640> became<00:01:03.360> a Doodle in the 18th century it became a Doodle in the 18th century it became a verb<00:01:03.750> and<00:01:03.930> it<00:01:03.989> meant<00:01:04.140> to<00:01:04.290> swindle<00:01:04.739> or<00:01:04.890> ridicule verb and it meant to swindle or ridicule verb and it meant to swindle or ridicule or<00:01:05.610> to<00:01:05.729> make<00:01:05.880> fun<00:01:06.060> of<00:01:06.090> someone<00:01:06.360> in<00:01:06.869> the<00:01:07.409> 19th or to make fun of someone in the 19th or to make fun of someone in the 19th century<00:01:07.920> it<00:01:08.460> was<00:01:08.490> a<00:01:08.610> corrupt<00:01:09.090> politician<00:01:09.299> and century it was a corrupt politician and century it was a corrupt politician and today<00:01:10.320> we<00:01:10.590> have<00:01:10.799> what<00:01:10.979> is<00:01:11.070> perhaps<00:01:11.280> our<00:01:11.640> most today we have what is perhaps our most today we have what is perhaps our most offensive<00:01:12.390> definition<00:01:12.960> at<00:01:13.109> least<00:01:13.380> to<00:01:13.560> me offensive definition at least to me offensive definition at least to me which<00:01:14.399> is<00:01:14.579> the<00:01:14.700> following<00:01:15.030> to<00:01:15.840> doodle which is the following to doodle which is the following to doodle officially<00:01:16.890> means<00:01:17.100> to<00:01:17.700> dawdle<00:01:17.909> to officially means to dawdle to officially means to dawdle to dilly-dally<00:01:18.840> to<00:01:19.799> monkey<00:01:20.280> around<00:01:20.340> to<00:01:21.270> make dilly-dally to monkey around to make dilly-dally to monkey around to make meaningless<00:01:22.049> marks<00:01:22.439> to<00:01:23.009> do<00:01:23.130> something<00:01:23.549> of meaningless marks to do something of meaningless marks to do something of little<00:01:23.820> value<00:01:24.210> substance<00:01:25.079> or<00:01:25.229> import<00:01:25.859> and<00:01:26.100> my little value substance or import and my little value substance or import and my personal<00:01:26.789> favorite<00:01:27.240> to<00:01:27.780> do<00:01:27.960> nothing<00:01:28.920> no personal favorite to do nothing no personal favorite to do nothing no wonder<00:01:30.090> people<00:01:30.119> erver<00:01:30.869> is<00:01:30.929> to<00:01:31.170> Dueling<00:01:31.560> at wonder people erver is to Dueling at wonder people erver is to Dueling at work<00:01:31.999> doing<00:01:32.999> nothing<00:01:33.420> at<00:01:33.570> work<00:01:33.749> is<00:01:33.960> akin<00:01:34.200> to work doing nothing at work is akin to work doing nothing at work is akin to masturbating<00:01:34.950> at<00:01:35.039> work<00:01:35.189> it's<00:01:35.399> totally masturbating at work it's totally masturbating at work it's totally inappropriate<00:01:38.420> additionally<00:01:39.420> I've<00:01:39.539> heard inappropriate additionally I've heard inappropriate additionally I've heard horror<00:01:39.990> stories<00:01:40.109> from<00:01:40.530> people<00:01:40.710> whose horror stories from people whose horror stories from people whose teachers<00:01:41.310> scolded<00:01:41.969> them<00:01:42.060> of<00:01:42.270> course<00:01:42.479> for teachers scolded them of course for teachers scolded them of course for doodling<00:01:42.990> in<00:01:43.140> classrooms<00:01:43.770> and<00:01:44.009> they<00:01:44.130> have doodling in classrooms and they have doodling in classrooms and they have bosses<00:01:44.819> who<00:01:44.969> scold<00:01:45.270> them<00:01:45.420> for<00:01:45.569> doodling<00:01:45.869> in bosses who scold them for doodling in bosses who scold them for doodling in the<00:01:46.079> boardroom<00:01:46.560> there<00:01:47.189> is<00:01:47.340> a<00:01:47.369> powerful the boardroom there is a powerful the boardroom there is a powerful cultural<00:01:48.569> norm<00:01:48.929> against<00:01:49.560> doodling<00:01:49.920> in cultural norm against doodling in cultural norm against doodling in settings<00:01:50.579> in<00:01:50.729> which<00:01:50.880> we<00:01:51.060> are<00:01:51.149> supposed<00:01:51.479> to settings in which we are supposed to settings in which we are supposed to learn<00:01:51.749> something<00:01:52.109> and<00:01:52.909> unfortunately<00:01:53.909> the learn something and unfortunately the learn something and unfortunately the press<00:01:54.479> tends<00:01:54.869> to<00:01:55.020> reinforce<00:01:55.560> this<00:01:55.829> norm<00:01:56.130> when press tends to reinforce this norm when press tends to reinforce this norm when they're<00:01:56.789> reporting<00:01:57.299> on<00:01:57.359> a<00:01:57.420> doodling<00:01:57.899> scene they're reporting on a doodling scene they're reporting on a doodling scene you<00:01:58.649> know<00:01:58.770> of<00:01:58.889> an<00:01:59.009> important<00:01:59.429> person<00:01:59.729> at<00:01:59.819> a you know of an important person at a you know of an important person at a confirmation<00:02:00.509> hearing<00:02:00.539> and<00:02:00.899> the<00:02:00.990> like<00:02:01.170> they confirmation hearing and the like they confirmation hearing and the like they typically<00:02:02.069> use<00:02:02.189> words<00:02:02.549> like<00:02:02.780> discovered<00:02:03.780> or typically use words like discovered or typically use words like discovered or caught<00:02:04.439> or<00:02:04.709> found<00:02:05.069> out<00:02:05.310> as<00:02:05.609> if<00:02:06.149> there's<00:02:06.359> some caught or found out as if there's some caught or found out as if there's some sort<00:02:06.689> of<00:02:06.780> criminal<00:02:07.049> act<00:02:07.439> being<00:02:07.770> committed<00:02:08.280> and sort of criminal act being committed and sort of criminal act being committed and additionally<00:02:09.660> there<00:02:09.840> is<00:02:09.990> a<00:02:10.020> psychological additionally there is a psychological additionally there is a psychological aversion<00:02:11.370> to<00:02:11.459> doodling<00:02:11.819> Thank<00:02:12.300> You<00:02:12.450> Freud<00:02:12.780> in aversion to doodling Thank You Freud in aversion to doodling Thank You Freud in the<00:02:13.650> 1930s<00:02:14.490> Freud<00:02:15.209> told<00:02:15.630> us<00:02:15.780> all<00:02:15.930> that<00:02:16.110> you the 1930s Freud told us all that you the 1930s Freud told us all that you could<00:02:16.350> analyze<00:02:16.530> people's<00:02:17.190> psyches<00:02:17.640> based<00:02:17.940> on could analyze people's psyches based on could analyze people's psyches based on their<00:02:18.390> doodles<00:02:18.750> this<00:02:19.260> is their doodles this is their doodles this is not<00:02:19.620> accurate<00:02:20.069> but<00:02:20.190> it<00:02:20.310> did<00:02:20.490> happen<00:02:20.730> to<00:02:21.000> Tony not accurate but it did happen to Tony not accurate but it did happen to Tony Blair<00:02:21.450> at<00:02:21.930> the<00:02:22.110> Davos<00:02:22.260> forum<00:02:22.709> in<00:02:22.890> 2005<00:02:23.610> when Blair at the Davos forum in 2005 when Blair at the Davos forum in 2005 when his<00:02:24.390> doodles<00:02:24.720> were<00:02:24.870> of<00:02:24.990> course<00:02:25.170> discovered his doodles were of course discovered his doodles were of course discovered and<00:02:26.840> he<00:02:27.840> was<00:02:27.870> labeled<00:02:28.230> the<00:02:28.440> following<00:02:28.860> things and he was labeled the following things and he was labeled the following things now<00:02:29.780> it<00:02:30.780> turned<00:02:31.110> out<00:02:31.319> to<00:02:31.620> be<00:02:31.650> Bill<00:02:32.610> Gates's now it turned out to be Bill Gates's now it turned out to be Bill Gates's doodle<00:02:34.760> and<00:02:35.760> Bill<00:02:36.690> if<00:02:36.840> you're<00:02:36.959> here<00:02:37.170> nobody doodle and Bill if you're here nobody doodle and Bill if you're here nobody thinks<00:02:37.920> you're<00:02:37.950> megalomaniacal<00:02:39.380> but<00:02:40.380> that thinks you're megalomaniacal but that thinks you're megalomaniacal but that does<00:02:40.770> contribute<00:02:41.220> right<00:02:41.640> to<00:02:42.000> people<00:02:42.300> not does contribute right to people not does contribute right to people not wanting<00:02:42.720> to<00:02:42.780> share<00:02:43.080> their<00:02:43.260> doodles<00:02:43.590> and<00:02:43.950> here wanting to share their doodles and here wanting to share their doodles and here is<00:02:44.550> the<00:02:44.760> real<00:02:44.970> deal<00:02:45.300> here's<00:02:45.600> what<00:02:45.750> I<00:02:45.780> believe<00:02:45.870> I is the real deal here's what I believe I is the real deal here's what I believe I think<00:02:47.040> that<00:02:47.190> our<00:02:47.340> culture<00:02:47.880> is<00:02:48.090> so<00:02:48.270> intensely think that our culture is so intensely think that our culture is so intensely focused<00:02:49.290> on<00:02:49.709> verbal<00:02:50.100> information<00:02:50.730> that<00:02:50.910> we're focused on verbal information that we're focused on verbal information that we're almost<00:02:51.450> blinded<00:02:52.080> to<00:02:52.200> the<00:02:52.320> value<00:02:52.650> of<00:02:52.800> doodling almost blinded to the value of doodling almost blinded to the value of doodling and<00:02:53.430> I'm<00:02:53.910> not<00:02:54.120> comfortable<00:02:54.630> with<00:02:54.750> that<00:02:54.810> and<00:02:55.140> so and I'm not comfortable with that and so and I'm not comfortable with that and so because<00:02:55.920> of<00:02:56.160> that<00:02:56.190> belief<00:02:56.610> that<00:02:56.670> I<00:02:56.880> think because of that belief that I think because of that belief that I think needs<00:02:57.450> to<00:02:57.540> be<00:02:57.630> burst<00:02:58.080> I'm<00:02:58.560> here<00:02:58.830> to<00:02:58.950> send<00:02:59.160> us needs to be burst I'm here to send us needs to be burst I'm here to send us all<00:02:59.430> hurtling<00:02:59.940> back<00:03:00.180> to<00:03:00.390> the<00:03:00.480> truth<00:03:00.750> and all hurtling back to the truth and all hurtling back to the truth and here's<00:03:01.230> the<00:03:01.440> truth<00:03:01.739> doodling<00:03:02.700> is<00:03:02.910> an here's the truth doodling is an here's the truth doodling is an incredibly<00:03:03.600> powerful<00:03:03.900> tool<00:03:04.290> and<00:03:04.800> it<00:03:05.220> is<00:03:05.280> a incredibly powerful tool and it is a incredibly powerful tool and it is a tool<00:03:05.640> that<00:03:05.819> we<00:03:05.910> need<00:03:05.940> to<00:03:06.239> remember<00:03:06.540> and<00:03:06.870> to tool that we need to remember and to tool that we need to remember and to relearn<00:03:07.610> so<00:03:08.610> here's<00:03:08.819> a<00:03:08.880> new<00:03:09.060> definition<00:03:09.269> for relearn so here's a new definition for relearn so here's a new definition for doodling<00:03:10.140> and<00:03:10.319> I<00:03:10.800> hope<00:03:10.950> there's<00:03:11.130> someone<00:03:11.400> in doodling and I hope there's someone in doodling and I hope there's someone in here<00:03:11.610> from<00:03:11.730> the<00:03:11.880> Oxford<00:03:12.090> English<00:03:12.209> Dictionary here from the Oxford English Dictionary here from the Oxford English Dictionary because<00:03:13.050> I<00:03:13.110> want<00:03:13.260> to<00:03:13.319> talk<00:03:13.500> to<00:03:13.650> you<00:03:13.769> later because I want to talk to you later because I want to talk to you later here's<00:03:14.580> the<00:03:14.730> real<00:03:14.880> definition<00:03:15.060> doodling<00:03:15.900> is here's the real definition doodling is here's the real definition doodling is really<00:03:16.530> to<00:03:16.739> make<00:03:16.920> spontaneous<00:03:17.610> marks<00:03:17.970> to<00:03:18.150> help really to make spontaneous marks to help really to make spontaneous marks to help yourself<00:03:18.810> think<00:03:19.140> that<00:03:19.769> is<00:03:20.069> why<00:03:20.280> millions<00:03:20.550> of yourself think that is why millions of yourself think that is why millions of people<00:03:20.850> doodle<00:03:22.100> here's<00:03:23.100> another<00:03:23.340> interesting people doodle here's another interesting people doodle here's another interesting truth<00:03:24.030> about<00:03:24.269> the<00:03:24.420> doodle<00:03:24.690> people<00:03:25.079> who<00:03:25.200> doodle truth about the doodle people who doodle truth about the doodle people who doodle when<00:03:25.769> they're<00:03:25.860> exposed<00:03:26.190> to<00:03:26.340> verbal when they're exposed to verbal when they're exposed to verbal information<00:03:26.880> retain<00:03:27.750> more<00:03:28.079> of<00:03:28.200> that information retain more of that information retain more of that information<00:03:28.950> than<00:03:29.130> their<00:03:29.250> non<00:03:29.489> doodling information than their non doodling information than their non doodling counterparts<00:03:30.840> we<00:03:31.530> think<00:03:31.890> diddling<00:03:32.220> is counterparts we think diddling is counterparts we think diddling is something<00:03:32.670> you<00:03:32.760> do<00:03:32.940> when<00:03:32.970> you<00:03:33.239> lose<00:03:33.450> focus<00:03:33.959> but something you do when you lose focus but something you do when you lose focus but in<00:03:34.230> reality<00:03:34.410> it<00:03:34.890> is<00:03:35.010> a<00:03:35.130> pre-emptive<00:03:35.160> measure in reality it is a pre-emptive measure in reality it is a pre-emptive measure to<00:03:36.209> stop<00:03:36.269> you<00:03:36.690> from<00:03:36.840> losing<00:03:37.200> focus to stop you from losing focus to stop you from losing focus additionally<00:03:39.420> it<00:03:39.660> has<00:03:39.870> a<00:03:39.930> profound<00:03:40.530> effect<00:03:40.769> on additionally it has a profound effect on additionally it has a profound effect on creative<00:03:41.579> problem-solving<00:03:42.269> and<00:03:42.480> deep creative problem-solving and deep creative problem-solving and deep information<00:03:43.380> processing<00:03:44.190> there<00:03:44.400> are<00:03:44.549> four information processing there are four information processing there are four ways<00:03:45.269> that<00:03:45.299> learners<00:03:46.019> intake<00:03:46.530> information<00:03:46.709> so ways that learners intake information so ways that learners intake information so that<00:03:47.700> they<00:03:48.000> can<00:03:48.150> make<00:03:48.299> decisions<00:03:48.329> they<00:03:49.290> are that they can make decisions they are that they can make decisions they are visual<00:03:50.060> auditory<00:03:51.470> reading<00:03:52.470> and<00:03:52.590> writing<00:03:52.739> and visual auditory reading and writing and visual auditory reading and writing and kinesthetic<00:03:53.880> now<00:03:54.630> in<00:03:54.780> order<00:03:54.989> for<00:03:55.140> us<00:03:55.170> to kinesthetic now in order for us to kinesthetic now in order for us to really<00:03:55.500> chew<00:03:55.890> on<00:03:56.130> information<00:03:56.730> and<00:03:56.880> do really chew on information and do really chew on information and do something<00:03:57.570> with<00:03:57.720> it<00:03:57.750> we<00:03:58.380> have<00:03:58.410> to<00:03:58.769> engage<00:03:58.920> at something with it we have to engage at something with it we have to engage at least<00:03:59.609> two<00:03:59.940> of<00:04:00.090> those<00:04:00.209> modalities<00:04:00.450> or<00:04:01.049> we<00:04:01.530> have least two of those modalities or we have least two of those modalities or we have to<00:04:01.799> engage<00:04:01.950> one<00:04:02.430> of<00:04:02.459> those<00:04:02.790> modalities to engage one of those modalities to engage one of those modalities coupled<00:04:04.079> with<00:04:04.140> an<00:04:04.410> emotional<00:04:04.829> experience<00:04:05.280> the coupled with an emotional experience the coupled with an emotional experience the incredible<00:04:06.780> contribution<00:04:07.560> of<00:04:07.709> the<00:04:07.829> doodle<00:04:08.160> is incredible contribution of the doodle is incredible contribution of the doodle is that<00:04:08.850> it<00:04:09.000> engages<00:04:09.329> all<00:04:09.510> four<00:04:10.170> learning that it engages all four learning that it engages all four learning modalities<00:04:11.070> simultaneously<00:04:12.000> with<00:04:12.600> the modalities simultaneously with the modalities simultaneously with the possibility<00:04:13.410> of<00:04:13.440> an<00:04:13.680> emotional<00:04:14.130> experience possibility of an emotional experience possibility of an emotional experience that<00:04:15.269> is<00:04:15.390> a<00:04:15.420> pretty<00:04:15.780> solid<00:04:16.200> contribution<00:04:16.739> for that is a pretty solid contribution for that is a pretty solid contribution for a<00:04:17.250> behavior<00:04:17.640> equated<00:04:18.090> with<00:04:18.209> doing<00:04:18.510> nothing a behavior equated with doing nothing a behavior equated with doing nothing this<00:04:19.979> is<00:04:20.160> so<00:04:20.340> nerdy<00:04:20.579> but<00:04:20.910> this<00:04:21.090> made<00:04:21.329> me<00:04:21.479> cry this is so nerdy but this made me cry this is so nerdy but this made me cry when<00:04:21.840> I<00:04:21.900> discovered<00:04:22.440> this<00:04:22.610> so<00:04:23.610> they<00:04:23.760> did when I discovered this so they did when I discovered this so they did anthropological<00:04:24.750> research<00:04:24.780> into<00:04:25.620> the anthropological research into the anthropological research into the unfolding<00:04:26.280> of<00:04:26.340> artistic<00:04:26.700> activity<00:04:27.330> in unfolding of artistic activity in unfolding of artistic activity in children children children they<00:04:28.639> found<00:04:28.939> that<00:04:29.180> across<00:04:29.539> space<00:04:29.990> and<00:04:30.020> time they found that across space and time they found that across space and time all<00:04:31.039> children<00:04:31.610> exhibit<00:04:32.030> the<00:04:32.300> same<00:04:32.539> evolution all children exhibit the same evolution all children exhibit the same evolution and<00:04:33.409> visual<00:04:33.830> logic<00:04:34.250> as<00:04:34.400> they<00:04:34.639> grow<00:04:34.879> in<00:04:35.270> other and visual logic as they grow in other and visual logic as they grow in other words<00:04:36.020> they<00:04:36.590> have<00:04:36.800> a<00:04:36.830> shared<00:04:37.280> and<00:04:37.550> growing words they have a shared and growing words they have a shared and growing complexity<00:04:38.389> and<00:04:38.599> visual<00:04:38.930> language<00:04:39.259> that complexity and visual language that complexity and visual language that happens<00:04:39.800> in<00:04:39.979> a<00:04:40.099> predictable<00:04:40.520> order<00:04:40.939> and<00:04:41.120> I happens in a predictable order and I happens in a predictable order and I think<00:04:41.840> that<00:04:41.960> is<00:04:42.080> incredible<00:04:42.710> I<00:04:42.860> think<00:04:43.069> that think that is incredible I think that think that is incredible I think that means<00:04:43.400> doodling<00:04:43.789> is<00:04:43.939> native<00:04:44.449> to<00:04:44.629> us<00:04:44.659> and<00:04:45.050> we means doodling is native to us and we means doodling is native to us and we simply<00:04:45.650> are<00:04:45.889> denying<00:04:46.219> ourselves<00:04:46.639> that simply are denying ourselves that simply are denying ourselves that instinct<00:04:47.780> and<00:04:48.909> finally<00:04:49.909> a<00:04:50.090> lot<00:04:50.389> of<00:04:50.419> people instinct and finally a lot of people instinct and finally a lot of people aren't<00:04:50.930> privy<00:04:51.169> to<00:04:51.289> this<00:04:51.560> but<00:04:51.800> the<00:04:51.889> doodle<00:04:52.250> is<00:04:52.460> a aren't privy to this but the doodle is a aren't privy to this but the doodle is a precursor<00:04:53.000> to<00:04:53.240> some<00:04:53.539> of<00:04:53.659> our<00:04:53.719> greatest precursor to some of our greatest precursor to some of our greatest cultural<00:04:54.439> assets<00:04:55.219> this<00:04:55.879> is<00:04:56.090> but<00:04:56.300> one<00:04:56.509> this<00:04:57.169> is cultural assets this is but one this is cultural assets this is but one this is Frank<00:04:57.590> Gehry<00:04:57.860> the<00:04:58.069> architects<00:04:58.580> precursor<00:04:59.270> to Frank Gehry the architects precursor to Frank Gehry the architects precursor to the<00:04:59.599> Guggenheim<00:05:00.020> in<00:05:00.139> Abu<00:05:00.379> Dhabi<00:05:00.409> so<00:05:01.340> here's<00:05:01.580> my the Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi so here's my the Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi so here's my point<00:05:02.000> under<00:05:02.840> no<00:05:03.050> circumstances<00:05:03.949> should point under no circumstances should point under no circumstances should doodling<00:05:04.520> be<00:05:04.669> eradicated<00:05:05.539> from<00:05:06.080> a<00:05:06.169> classroom doodling be eradicated from a classroom doodling be eradicated from a classroom or<00:05:06.979> a<00:05:07.009> boardroom<00:05:07.639> or<00:05:07.789> even<00:05:08.569> the<00:05:08.840> war<00:05:09.050> room<00:05:09.379> on or a boardroom or even the war room on or a boardroom or even the war room on the<00:05:10.250> contrary<00:05:10.759> doodling<00:05:11.750> should<00:05:11.990> be the contrary doodling should be the contrary doodling should be leveraged<00:05:12.530> in<00:05:12.650> precisely<00:05:13.190> those<00:05:13.550> situations leveraged in precisely those situations leveraged in precisely those situations where<00:05:14.449> information<00:05:15.050> density<00:05:15.349> is<00:05:15.560> very<00:05:15.860> high where information density is very high where information density is very high and<00:05:16.430> the<00:05:16.969> need<00:05:17.120> for<00:05:17.150> processing<00:05:17.930> that and the need for processing that and the need for processing that information<00:05:18.169> is<00:05:18.740> very<00:05:19.009> high<00:05:19.280> and<00:05:19.580> I<00:05:20.029> will<00:05:20.210> go information is very high and I will go information is very high and I will go you<00:05:20.449> one<00:05:20.750> further<00:05:21.110> because<00:05:21.979> doodling<00:05:22.639> is<00:05:22.789> so you one further because doodling is so you one further because doodling is so universally<00:05:23.719> accessible<00:05:24.080> and<00:05:24.409> it<00:05:24.979> is<00:05:25.099> not universally accessible and it is not universally accessible and it is not intimidating<00:05:26.029> as<00:05:26.120> an<00:05:26.240> art<00:05:26.449> form<00:05:26.750> it<00:05:27.020> can<00:05:27.379> be intimidating as an art form it can be intimidating as an art form it can be leveraged<00:05:27.979> as<00:05:28.159> a<00:05:28.189> portal<00:05:28.729> through<00:05:29.060> which<00:05:29.090> we leveraged as a portal through which we leveraged as a portal through which we move<00:05:29.719> people<00:05:30.199> into<00:05:30.469> higher<00:05:31.009> levels<00:05:31.430> of<00:05:31.580> visual move people into higher levels of visual move people into higher levels of visual literacy<00:05:32.620> my<00:05:33.620> friends<00:05:34.069> the<00:05:34.400> doodle<00:05:34.699> has<00:05:34.879> never literacy my friends the doodle has never literacy my friends the doodle has never been<00:05:35.479> the<00:05:35.599> Nemesis<00:05:36.020> of<00:05:36.169> intellectual<00:05:36.800> thought been the Nemesis of intellectual thought been the Nemesis of intellectual thought in<00:05:37.310> reality<00:05:38.270> it<00:05:38.449> is<00:05:38.479> one<00:05:38.750> of<00:05:38.779> its<00:05:38.990> greatest in reality it is one of its greatest in reality it is one of its greatest allies<00:05:39.789> thank<00:05:40.789> you allies thank you allies thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you

Sunni Brown, Sunni, Brown, animator, doodle, doodles, doodling, sketching, drawing, TED-ED, TED, Ed, TED, TEDEducation, Talk

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