Đột quỵ của cái nhìn sâu sắc-Jill Bolte Taylor

Stroke of insight - Jill Bolte Taylor

Stroke of insight - Jill Bolte Taylor


[Music] [Music] I<00:00:14.840> grew<00:00:15.840> up<00:00:15.869> to<00:00:16.170> study<00:00:16.410> the<00:00:16.650> brain<00:00:16.890> because<00:00:17.550> I I grew up to study the brain because I I grew up to study the brain because I have<00:00:17.880> a<00:00:17.910> brother<00:00:18.180> who<00:00:18.840> has<00:00:19.050> been<00:00:19.259> diagnosed have a brother who has been diagnosed have a brother who has been diagnosed with<00:00:19.919> a<00:00:20.040> brain<00:00:20.189> disorder<00:00:20.480> schizophrenia<00:00:21.480> and with a brain disorder schizophrenia and with a brain disorder schizophrenia and as<00:00:23.520> a<00:00:23.669> sister<00:00:24.240> and<00:00:24.539> later<00:00:24.779> as<00:00:24.990> a<00:00:25.019> scientist<00:00:25.769> I as a sister and later as a scientist I as a sister and later as a scientist I wanted<00:00:27.210> to<00:00:27.300> understand<00:00:27.869> why<00:00:28.109> is<00:00:28.170> it<00:00:28.500> that<00:00:28.980> I wanted to understand why is it that I wanted to understand why is it that I can<00:00:29.340> take<00:00:29.580> my<00:00:29.820> dreams<00:00:30.210> I<00:00:30.869> can<00:00:31.199> connect<00:00:31.740> them<00:00:31.920> to can take my dreams I can connect them to can take my dreams I can connect them to my<00:00:32.160> reality<00:00:32.369> and<00:00:33.269> I<00:00:33.690> can<00:00:33.900> make<00:00:34.050> my<00:00:34.080> dreams<00:00:34.260> come my reality and I can make my dreams come my reality and I can make my dreams come true<00:00:35.180> what<00:00:36.180> is<00:00:36.300> it<00:00:36.510> about<00:00:36.660> my<00:00:37.019> brother's<00:00:37.470> brain true what is it about my brother's brain true what is it about my brother's brain and<00:00:38.129> his<00:00:38.339> schizophrenia<00:00:39.269> that<00:00:40.080> he<00:00:40.290> cannot and his schizophrenia that he cannot and his schizophrenia that he cannot connect<00:00:41.129> his<00:00:41.370> dreams<00:00:41.850> to<00:00:42.239> a<00:00:42.330> common<00:00:43.049> and connect his dreams to a common and connect his dreams to a common and shared<00:00:43.620> reality<00:00:44.519> so<00:00:45.089> they<00:00:45.269> instead<00:00:45.629> become shared reality so they instead become shared reality so they instead become delusion<00:00:47.159> so<00:00:48.000> I<00:00:48.030> dedicated<00:00:48.449> my<00:00:48.960> career<00:00:49.019> to delusion so I dedicated my career to delusion so I dedicated my career to research<00:00:49.769> into<00:00:50.400> the<00:00:50.610> severe<00:00:51.000> mental research into the severe mental research into the severe mental illnesses<00:00:51.960> and<00:00:52.320> I<00:00:53.100> moved<00:00:53.400> from<00:00:53.549> my<00:00:53.699> home<00:00:53.909> state illnesses and I moved from my home state illnesses and I moved from my home state of<00:00:54.180> Indiana<00:00:54.449> to<00:00:54.930> Boston<00:00:55.500> where<00:00:55.949> I<00:00:55.979> was<00:00:56.159> working of Indiana to Boston where I was working of Indiana to Boston where I was working in<00:00:56.640> the<00:00:56.729> lab<00:00:56.909> of<00:00:56.940> dr.<00:00:57.150> Francine<00:00:57.869> Venice<00:00:58.409> in<00:00:58.619> the in the lab of dr. Francine Venice in the in the lab of dr. Francine Venice in the Harvard<00:00:59.460> Department<00:01:00.059> of<00:01:00.269> Psychiatry<00:01:00.900> and<00:01:01.710> in Harvard Department of Psychiatry and in Harvard Department of Psychiatry and in the<00:01:02.549> lab<00:01:02.760> we<00:01:03.290> were<00:01:04.290> asking<00:01:04.710> the<00:01:04.860> question<00:01:05.369> what the lab we were asking the question what the lab we were asking the question what are<00:01:05.880> the<00:01:06.090> biological<00:01:06.770> differences<00:01:07.770> between are the biological differences between are the biological differences between the<00:01:08.610> brains<00:01:08.640> of<00:01:09.210> individuals<00:01:09.420> who<00:01:10.140> would<00:01:10.290> be the brains of individuals who would be the brains of individuals who would be diagnosed<00:01:10.979> as<00:01:11.220> normal<00:01:11.610> control<00:01:11.760> as<00:01:12.420> compared diagnosed as normal control as compared diagnosed as normal control as compared with<00:01:13.439> the<00:01:13.590> brains<00:01:13.679> of<00:01:14.159> individuals<00:01:14.850> diagnosed with the brains of individuals diagnosed with the brains of individuals diagnosed with<00:01:15.570> schizophrenia<00:01:16.009> schizoaffective<00:01:17.149> or with schizophrenia schizoaffective or with schizophrenia schizoaffective or bipolar<00:01:18.539> disorder<00:01:19.100> so<00:01:20.100> we<00:01:20.310> were<00:01:20.429> essentially bipolar disorder so we were essentially bipolar disorder so we were essentially mapping<00:01:21.960> the<00:01:22.229> micro<00:01:22.710> circuitry<00:01:23.429> of<00:01:23.609> the<00:01:23.909> brain mapping the micro circuitry of the brain mapping the micro circuitry of the brain which<00:01:24.719> cells<00:01:25.079> are<00:01:25.499> communicating<00:01:25.950> with<00:01:26.579> which which cells are communicating with which which cells are communicating with which cells<00:01:27.149> with<00:01:27.810> which<00:01:28.020> chemicals<00:01:28.679> and<00:01:29.009> then<00:01:29.369> in cells with which chemicals and then in cells with which chemicals and then in what<00:01:29.789> quantities<00:01:30.479> of<00:01:30.780> those<00:01:31.079> chemicals<00:01:31.799> so what quantities of those chemicals so what quantities of those chemicals so there<00:01:32.939> was<00:01:33.030> a<00:01:33.060> lot<00:01:33.270> of<00:01:33.420> meaning<00:01:33.869> in<00:01:33.990> my<00:01:34.140> life there was a lot of meaning in my life there was a lot of meaning in my life because<00:01:34.890> I<00:01:34.920> was<00:01:35.189> performing<00:01:35.909> this<00:01:36.030> type<00:01:36.329> of because I was performing this type of because I was performing this type of research<00:01:36.869> during<00:01:37.200> the<00:01:37.439> day<00:01:37.679> but<00:01:38.429> then<00:01:38.640> in<00:01:38.819> the research during the day but then in the research during the day but then in the evenings<00:01:39.420> and<00:01:39.719> and<00:01:40.170> on<00:01:40.530> the<00:01:40.560> weekends<00:01:41.219> I evenings and and on the weekends I evenings and and on the weekends I traveled<00:01:41.909> as<00:01:42.030> an<00:01:42.179> advocate<00:01:42.749> for<00:01:42.960> Nami<00:01:43.200> the traveled as an advocate for Nami the traveled as an advocate for Nami the National<00:01:43.890> Alliance<00:01:44.429> on<00:01:45.090> Mental<00:01:45.149> Illness<00:01:46.100> but National Alliance on Mental Illness but National Alliance on Mental Illness but on<00:01:47.219> the<00:01:47.340> morning<00:01:47.640> of<00:01:47.729> December<00:01:48.210> 10<00:01:48.509> 1996<00:01:49.380> I on the morning of December 10 1996 I on the morning of December 10 1996 I woke<00:01:50.429> up<00:01:50.640> to<00:01:50.819> discover<00:01:50.850> that<00:01:51.450> I<00:01:51.659> had<00:01:52.109> a<00:01:52.139> brain woke up to discover that I had a brain woke up to discover that I had a brain disorder<00:01:52.649> of<00:01:53.219> my<00:01:53.609> own<00:01:53.819> a<00:01:54.270> blood<00:01:55.109> vessel disorder of my own a blood vessel disorder of my own a blood vessel exploded<00:01:55.789> in<00:01:56.789> the<00:01:57.030> left<00:01:57.240> half<00:01:57.539> of<00:01:57.840> my<00:01:58.079> brain exploded in the left half of my brain exploded in the left half of my brain and<00:01:58.950> in<00:01:59.700> the<00:01:59.789> course<00:02:00.060> of<00:02:00.270> four<00:02:00.479> hours<00:02:01.109> I and in the course of four hours I and in the course of four hours I watched<00:02:01.710> my<00:02:02.009> brain<00:02:02.340> completely<00:02:03.259> deteriorate watched my brain completely deteriorate watched my brain completely deteriorate in<00:02:04.469> its<00:02:04.889> ability<00:02:05.429> to<00:02:05.459> process<00:02:05.909> all in its ability to process all in its ability to process all information<00:02:06.740> on<00:02:07.740> the<00:02:08.550> morning<00:02:08.880> of<00:02:09.000> the information on the morning of the information on the morning of the hemorrhage<00:02:09.539> I<00:02:09.810> could<00:02:10.050> not<00:02:10.200> walk<00:02:10.440> talk<00:02:11.220> read hemorrhage I could not walk talk read hemorrhage I could not walk talk read write<00:02:12.600> or<00:02:12.900> recall<00:02:13.470> any<00:02:13.920> of<00:02:14.490> my<00:02:14.760> life<00:02:15.000> I write or recall any of my life I write or recall any of my life I essentially<00:02:16.380> became<00:02:16.650> an<00:02:16.800> infant<00:02:17.220> in<00:02:17.490> a essentially became an infant in a essentially became an infant in a woman's<00:02:18.330> body<00:02:19.520> if<00:02:20.520> you've<00:02:20.730> ever<00:02:20.880> seen<00:02:21.150> a<00:02:21.210> human woman's body if you've ever seen a human woman's body if you've ever seen a human brain brain brain it's<00:02:22.590> obvious<00:02:23.099> that<00:02:23.129> the<00:02:23.430> two<00:02:23.459> hemispheres it's obvious that the two hemispheres it's obvious that the two hemispheres are<00:02:24.480> completely<00:02:25.140> separate<00:02:25.560> from<00:02:25.620> one<00:02:26.159> another are completely separate from one another are completely separate from one another and<00:02:26.700> I<00:02:27.060> have<00:02:27.269> brought<00:02:27.480> for<00:02:27.780> you<00:02:27.810> a<00:02:27.930> real<00:02:28.379> human and I have brought for you a real human and I have brought for you a real human brain

thank<00:02:35.280> you<00:02:35.460> sir<00:02:39.470> so<00:02:40.470> this<00:02:41.070> is<00:02:41.250> a<00:02:41.280> real<00:02:41.550> human
thank you sir so this is a real human thank you sir so this is a real human brain<00:02:42.830> this<00:02:43.830> is<00:02:43.890> the<00:02:44.040> front<00:02:44.340> of<00:02:44.430> the<00:02:44.520> brain<00:02:44.760> the brain this is the front of the brain the brain this is the front of the brain the back<00:02:45.750> of<00:02:45.930> the<00:02:45.990> brain<00:02:46.230> with<00:02:46.590> the<00:02:46.620> spinal<00:02:46.710> cord back of the brain with the spinal cord back of the brain with the spinal cord hanging<00:02:47.550> down<00:02:47.910> and<00:02:48.180> this<00:02:49.050> is<00:02:49.200> how<00:02:49.350> it<00:02:49.470> would<00:02:49.620> be hanging down and this is how it would be hanging down and this is how it would be positioned<00:02:49.980> inside<00:02:50.940> of<00:02:51.390> my<00:02:51.540> head<00:02:51.900> and<00:02:52.490> when positioned inside of my head and when positioned inside of my head and when you<00:02:53.610> look<00:02:53.790> at<00:02:53.910> the<00:02:54.000> brain<00:02:54.300> it's<00:02:54.810> obvious<00:02:55.470> that you look at the brain it's obvious that you look at the brain it's obvious that the<00:02:55.860> two<00:02:55.890> cerebral<00:02:56.640> cortices<00:02:57.030> are<00:02:57.960> completely the two cerebral cortices are completely the two cerebral cortices are completely separate<00:02:59.220> from<00:02:59.250> one<00:02:59.610> another<00:03:00.170> for<00:03:01.170> those<00:03:01.320> of separate from one another for those of separate from one another for those of you<00:03:01.590> who<00:03:01.740> understand<00:03:02.220> computers<00:03:02.660> our<00:03:03.660> right you who understand computers our right you who understand computers our right hemisphere<00:03:04.650> functions<00:03:05.220> like<00:03:05.340> a<00:03:05.400> parallel hemisphere functions like a parallel hemisphere functions like a parallel processor<00:03:06.780> while<00:03:07.530> our<00:03:07.770> left<00:03:08.010> hemisphere processor while our left hemisphere processor while our left hemisphere functions<00:03:09.120> like<00:03:09.270> a<00:03:09.330> serial<00:03:09.930> processor<00:03:10.680> the functions like a serial processor the functions like a serial processor the two<00:03:11.880> hemispheres<00:03:12.510> do<00:03:12.810> communicate<00:03:13.560> with<00:03:13.740> one two hemispheres do communicate with one two hemispheres do communicate with one another<00:03:13.980> through<00:03:14.340> the<00:03:14.670> corpus<00:03:15.060> callosum another through the corpus callosum another through the corpus callosum which<00:03:15.930> is<00:03:16.260> made<00:03:16.470> up<00:03:16.650> of<00:03:16.770> some<00:03:17.120> 300<00:03:18.120> million which is made up of some 300 million which is made up of some 300 million axonal<00:03:19.170> fibers<00:03:19.430> but<00:03:20.430> other<00:03:20.580> than<00:03:20.790> that<00:03:20.880> the axonal fibers but other than that the axonal fibers but other than that the two<00:03:21.420> hemispheres<00:03:21.450> are<00:03:22.410> completely<00:03:23.280> separate two hemispheres are completely separate two hemispheres are completely separate because<00:03:24.750> they<00:03:25.230> process<00:03:25.770> information because they process information because they process information differently<00:03:26.990> each<00:03:27.990> of<00:03:28.230> our<00:03:28.380> hemisphere<00:03:28.950> think differently each of our hemisphere think differently each of our hemisphere think about<00:03:29.910> different<00:03:30.330> things<00:03:30.540> they<00:03:31.350> care<00:03:31.740> about about different things they care about about different things they care about different<00:03:32.459> things<00:03:32.700> and<00:03:33.120> dare<00:03:33.600> I<00:03:33.630> say<00:03:34.040> they different things and dare I say they different things and dare I say they have<00:03:35.250> very<00:03:35.490> different<00:03:35.790> personalities<00:03:39.739> excuse have very different personalities excuse have very different personalities excuse me<00:03:40.950> thank<00:03:41.760> you<00:03:42.260> it's<00:03:43.260> been<00:03:43.440> a<00:03:43.500> joy

our<00:03:48.650> right<00:03:49.010> human<00:03:49.400> hemisphere<00:03:50.060> is<00:03:50.360> all<00:03:51.080> about
our right human hemisphere is all about our right human hemisphere is all about this<00:03:51.920> present<00:03:52.700> moment<00:03:53.150> it's<00:03:53.570> all<00:03:53.780> about<00:03:54.080> right this present moment it's all about right this present moment it's all about right here<00:03:55.370> right<00:03:55.580> now<00:03:56.360> our<00:03:57.290> right<00:03:57.590> hemisphere<00:03:58.190> it here right now our right hemisphere it here right now our right hemisphere it thinks<00:03:58.700> in<00:03:58.820> pictures<00:03:59.090> and<00:03:59.720> it<00:04:00.290> learns thinks in pictures and it learns thinks in pictures and it learns kinesthetically<00:04:01.060> through<00:04:02.060> the<00:04:02.210> movement<00:04:02.840> of kinesthetically through the movement of kinesthetically through the movement of our<00:04:03.260> bodies<00:04:04.720> information<00:04:05.720> in<00:04:05.990> the<00:04:06.110> form<00:04:06.410> of our bodies information in the form of our bodies information in the form of energy<00:04:06.860> streams<00:04:07.480> in<00:04:08.480> simultaneously<00:04:09.100> through energy streams in simultaneously through energy streams in simultaneously through all<00:04:10.310> of<00:04:10.340> our<00:04:10.640> sensory<00:04:10.700> systems<00:04:11.240> and<00:04:12.050> then<00:04:12.470> it all of our sensory systems and then it all of our sensory systems and then it explodes<00:04:12.650> into<00:04:13.640> this<00:04:13.790> enormous<00:04:14.150> collage<00:04:15.080> of explodes into this enormous collage of explodes into this enormous collage of what<00:04:15.800> this<00:04:16.040> present<00:04:16.250> moment<00:04:17.150> looks<00:04:17.209> like<00:04:17.690> what what this present moment looks like what what this present moment looks like what this<00:04:18.770> present<00:04:19.610> moment<00:04:19.640> smells<00:04:20.360> like<00:04:20.690> and this present moment smells like and this present moment smells like and tastes<00:04:21.350> like<00:04:21.680> what<00:04:22.460> it<00:04:22.490> feels<00:04:22.910> like<00:04:23.210> and<00:04:23.780> what tastes like what it feels like and what tastes like what it feels like and what it<00:04:24.590> sounds<00:04:24.920> like<00:04:25.280> I<00:04:25.990> am<00:04:26.990> an<00:04:27.140> energy<00:04:27.680> being it sounds like I am an energy being it sounds like I am an energy being connected<00:04:29.330> to<00:04:29.900> the<00:04:30.290> energy<00:04:30.590> all<00:04:30.950> around<00:04:31.430> me connected to the energy all around me connected to the energy all around me through<00:04:32.150> the<00:04:32.240> consciousness<00:04:32.960> of<00:04:33.110> my<00:04:33.590> right through the consciousness of my right through the consciousness of my right hemisphere<00:04:34.840> we<00:04:35.840> are<00:04:36.290> energy<00:04:36.980> beings hemisphere we are energy beings hemisphere we are energy beings connected<00:04:38.450> to<00:04:38.780> one<00:04:38.930> another<00:04:39.290> through<00:04:39.560> the connected to one another through the connected to one another through the consciousness<00:04:40.370> of<00:04:40.520> our<00:04:40.640> right<00:04:40.880> hemispheres consciousness of our right hemispheres consciousness of our right hemispheres as<00:04:41.870> one<00:04:42.470> human<00:04:43.250> family<00:04:43.670> and<00:04:44.320> right<00:04:45.320> here<00:04:45.770> right as one human family and right here right as one human family and right here right now<00:04:46.580> we<00:04:47.270> are<00:04:47.390> brothers<00:04:47.780> and<00:04:47.810> sisters<00:04:48.380> on<00:04:48.590> this now we are brothers and sisters on this now we are brothers and sisters on this planet<00:04:49.310> here<00:04:49.790> to<00:04:49.910> make<00:04:50.090> the<00:04:50.240> world<00:04:50.420> a<00:04:50.630> better planet here to make the world a better planet here to make the world a better place<00:04:50.900> and<00:04:51.590> in<00:04:52.340> this<00:04:52.550> moment<00:04:52.940> we<00:04:53.600> are<00:04:53.630> perfect place and in this moment we are perfect place and in this moment we are perfect we<00:04:55.190> are<00:04:55.220> whole<00:04:55.340> and<00:04:56.000> we<00:04:56.720> are<00:04:56.750> beautiful<00:04:58.660> my we are whole and we are beautiful my we are whole and we are beautiful my left<00:04:59.900> hemisphere<00:05:00.140> our<00:05:00.920> left<00:05:01.280> hemisphere<00:05:01.460> is<00:05:02.150> a left hemisphere our left hemisphere is a left hemisphere our left hemisphere is a very<00:05:02.780> different<00:05:03.050> place<00:05:03.370> our<00:05:04.370> left<00:05:04.730> hemisphere very different place our left hemisphere very different place our left hemisphere thinks<00:05:05.690> linearly<00:05:06.230> and<00:05:06.800> methodically<00:05:08.320> our thinks linearly and methodically our thinks linearly and methodically our left<00:05:09.620> hemisphere<00:05:09.770> is<00:05:10.340> all<00:05:10.490> about<00:05:10.760> the<00:05:10.880> past left hemisphere is all about the past left hemisphere is all about the past and<00:05:11.540> it's<00:05:12.380> all<00:05:12.560> about<00:05:12.800> the<00:05:13.370> future<00:05:13.880> our<00:05:14.660> left and it's all about the future our left and it's all about the future our left hemisphere<00:05:15.170> is<00:05:15.740> designed<00:05:16.250> to<00:05:16.550> take<00:05:16.730> that hemisphere is designed to take that hemisphere is designed to take that enormous<00:05:17.120> collage<00:05:18.080> of<00:05:18.110> the<00:05:18.560> present<00:05:18.980> moment enormous collage of the present moment enormous collage of the present moment and<00:05:19.670> start<00:05:20.270> picking<00:05:20.450> out<00:05:20.720> details<00:05:21.380> details and start picking out details details and start picking out details details and<00:05:22.490> more<00:05:22.640> details<00:05:22.700> about<00:05:23.360> those<00:05:23.720> details<00:05:24.290> it and more details about those details it and more details about those details it then<00:05:25.540> categorizes<00:05:26.540> and<00:05:26.690> organizes<00:05:26.840> all<00:05:27.620> that then categorizes and organizes all that then categorizes and organizes all that information<00:05:29.230> associates<00:05:30.230> it<00:05:30.500> with information associates it with information associates it with everything<00:05:30.950> in<00:05:31.220> the<00:05:31.310> past<00:05:31.520> we've<00:05:31.850> ever everything in the past we've ever everything in the past we've ever learned<00:05:32.360> and<00:05:32.780> projects<00:05:33.740> into<00:05:34.010> the<00:05:34.040> future<00:05:34.160> all learned and projects into the future all learned and projects into the future all of<00:05:34.940> our<00:05:35.420> possibilities<00:05:36.380> and<00:05:36.790> our<00:05:37.790> left of our possibilities and our left of our possibilities and our left hemisphere<00:05:38.590> thinks<00:05:39.590> in<00:05:39.770> language<00:05:40.520> it's<00:05:41.240> that hemisphere thinks in language it's that hemisphere thinks in language it's that ongoing<00:05:41.900> brain<00:05:42.800> chatter<00:05:43.130> that<00:05:43.520> connects<00:05:43.970> me ongoing brain chatter that connects me ongoing brain chatter that connects me in<00:05:44.510> my<00:05:44.840> internal<00:05:45.530> world<00:05:45.560> to<00:05:46.520> my<00:05:46.700> external in my internal world to my external in my internal world to my external world<00:05:47.600> it's<00:05:48.470> that<00:05:48.740> little<00:05:48.920> voice<00:05:49.040> that<00:05:49.640> says world it's that little voice that says world it's that little voice that says to<00:05:50.120> me<00:05:50.260> hey<00:05:51.260> you<00:05:51.590> got<00:05:52.010> to<00:05:52.100> remember<00:05:52.370> to<00:05:52.730> pick<00:05:53.000> up to me hey you got to remember to pick up to me hey you got to remember to pick up a<00:05:53.240> Nana's<00:05:53.570> on<00:05:53.660> your<00:05:53.840> way<00:05:53.960> home<00:05:54.170> I<00:05:54.500> need<00:05:55.070> them<00:05:55.370> in a Nana's on your way home I need them in a Nana's on your way home I need them in the<00:05:55.550> morning the morning the morning it's<00:05:56.330> that<00:05:56.570> calculating<00:05:57.350> intelligence<00:05:57.710> that it's that calculating intelligence that it's that calculating intelligence that knows<00:05:58.910> that knows that knows that reminds<00:05:59.740> me<00:05:59.890> when<00:06:00.130> I<00:06:00.160> have<00:06:00.430> to<00:06:00.550> do<00:06:00.670> my<00:06:00.790> laundry reminds me when I have to do my laundry reminds me when I have to do my laundry but<00:06:02.200> perhaps<00:06:02.410> most<00:06:02.830> important<00:06:03.580> it's<00:06:04.090> a<00:06:04.300> little but perhaps most important it's a little but perhaps most important it's a little voice<00:06:04.870> that<00:06:04.900> says<00:06:05.200> to<00:06:05.710> me<00:06:05.890> I<00:06:06.510> am<00:06:07.510> I<00:06:08.460> am<00:06:09.840> and<00:06:10.840> as voice that says to me I am I am and as voice that says to me I am I am and as soon<00:06:11.260> as<00:06:11.410> my<00:06:11.590> left<00:06:11.830> hemisphere<00:06:12.070> says<00:06:12.730> to<00:06:12.910> me<00:06:13.090> I soon as my left hemisphere says to me I soon as my left hemisphere says to me I am<00:06:13.780> I<00:06:14.350> become<00:06:15.220> separate<00:06:16.150> I<00:06:16.300> become<00:06:16.690> a<00:06:16.720> single am I become separate I become a single am I become separate I become a single solid<00:06:17.830> individual<00:06:18.400> separate<00:06:18.880> from<00:06:19.120> the solid individual separate from the solid individual separate from the energy<00:06:19.660> flow<00:06:19.900> around<00:06:20.290> me<00:06:20.620> and<00:06:20.860> separate<00:06:21.670> from energy flow around me and separate from energy flow around me and separate from you<00:06:22.090> and<00:06:22.390> this<00:06:23.230> is<00:06:23.410> a<00:06:23.440> portion<00:06:23.920> of<00:06:24.010> my<00:06:24.190> brain you and this is a portion of my brain you and this is a portion of my brain that<00:06:24.760> I<00:06:24.880> lost<00:06:25.180> on<00:06:25.540> the<00:06:26.020> morning<00:06:26.410> of<00:06:26.590> my<00:06:26.890> stroke that I lost on the morning of my stroke that I lost on the morning of my stroke on<00:06:28.030> the<00:06:28.150> morning<00:06:28.450> of<00:06:28.570> the<00:06:28.600> stroke<00:06:29.020> I<00:06:30.150> woke<00:06:31.150> up on the morning of the stroke I woke up on the morning of the stroke I woke up to<00:06:31.630> a<00:06:31.660> pounding<00:06:32.200> pain<00:06:32.530> behind<00:06:33.460> my<00:06:33.580> left<00:06:33.850> eye to a pounding pain behind my left eye to a pounding pain behind my left eye and<00:06:34.419> it<00:06:35.350> was<00:06:35.470> the<00:06:35.650> kind<00:06:35.890> of<00:06:36.100> pain<00:06:36.430> caustic<00:06:37.300> pain and it was the kind of pain caustic pain and it was the kind of pain caustic pain that<00:06:37.810> you<00:06:37.870> get<00:06:38.020> when<00:06:38.140> you<00:06:38.230> bite<00:06:38.410> into<00:06:38.620> ice that you get when you bite into ice that you get when you bite into ice cream<00:06:39.190> and<00:06:39.550> it<00:06:40.240> just<00:06:40.480> gripped<00:06:40.960> me<00:06:41.230> and<00:06:41.530> then<00:06:42.160> it cream and it just gripped me and then it cream and it just gripped me and then it released<00:06:42.910> me<00:06:43.090> and<00:06:43.450> then<00:06:44.320> it<00:06:44.440> just<00:06:44.650> gripped<00:06:45.280> me released me and then it just gripped me released me and then it just gripped me and<00:06:45.910> then<00:06:46.480> it<00:06:46.570> released<00:06:46.930> me<00:06:47.080> and<00:06:48.070> it<00:06:48.130> was<00:06:48.250> very and then it released me and it was very and then it released me and it was very unusual<00:06:48.669> for<00:06:49.090> me<00:06:49.390> to<00:06:49.419> ever<00:06:49.660> experience<00:06:50.380> any unusual for me to ever experience any unusual for me to ever experience any kind<00:06:50.620> of<00:06:50.919> pain<00:06:51.280> so<00:06:52.000> I<00:06:52.030> thought<00:06:52.330> okay<00:06:52.600> I'll<00:06:52.690> just kind of pain so I thought okay I'll just kind of pain so I thought okay I'll just start<00:06:53.140> my<00:06:53.260> normal<00:06:53.590> routine<00:06:53.980> so<00:06:54.970> I<00:06:55.000> got<00:06:55.240> up<00:06:55.480> and start my normal routine so I got up and start my normal routine so I got up and I<00:06:55.690> jumped<00:06:56.020> onto<00:06:56.140> my<00:06:56.380> cardia<00:06:56.860> glider<00:06:57.190> which<00:06:57.430> is I jumped onto my cardia glider which is I jumped onto my cardia glider which is a<00:06:57.640> full<00:06:58.210> body<00:06:58.510> full<00:06:58.900> exercise<00:06:59.530> machine<00:07:00.660> and a full body full exercise machine and a full body full exercise machine and I'm<00:07:01.810> jamming<00:07:02.200> away<00:07:02.380> on<00:07:02.560> this<00:07:02.710> thing<00:07:02.770> and<00:07:03.370> I'm I'm jamming away on this thing and I'm I'm jamming away on this thing and I'm realizing<00:07:04.810> that<00:07:05.050> my<00:07:05.350> hands<00:07:06.040> look<00:07:06.700> like realizing that my hands look like realizing that my hands look like primitive<00:07:07.300> claws<00:07:08.130> grasping<00:07:09.130> onto<00:07:09.580> the<00:07:09.970> bar primitive claws grasping onto the bar primitive claws grasping onto the bar and<00:07:11.260> I<00:07:11.350> thought<00:07:11.500> that's<00:07:11.710> very<00:07:11.770> peculiar<00:07:12.669> and<00:07:12.700> I and I thought that's very peculiar and I and I thought that's very peculiar and I looked<00:07:13.030> down<00:07:13.180> at<00:07:13.360> my<00:07:13.390> body<00:07:13.540> and<00:07:14.169> I<00:07:14.680> thought looked down at my body and I thought looked down at my body and I thought whoa<00:07:15.160> I'm<00:07:15.550> a<00:07:15.669> weird-looking<00:07:16.510> thing<00:07:17.040> and<00:07:18.040> it whoa I'm a weird-looking thing and it whoa I'm a weird-looking thing and it was<00:07:18.520> as<00:07:18.700> though<00:07:18.729> my<00:07:18.910> consciousness<00:07:19.660> had was as though my consciousness had was as though my consciousness had shifted<00:07:20.500> away<00:07:20.650> from<00:07:20.800> my<00:07:21.250> normal<00:07:21.520> perception shifted away from my normal perception shifted away from my normal perception of<00:07:22.390> reality<00:07:22.600> where<00:07:23.560> I'm<00:07:23.710> the<00:07:23.740> person<00:07:24.430> on<00:07:24.640> the of reality where I'm the person on the of reality where I'm the person on the machine<00:07:25.180> having<00:07:25.600> the<00:07:25.720> experience<00:07:26.380> to<00:07:26.919> some machine having the experience to some machine having the experience to some esoteric<00:07:27.520> space<00:07:28.210> where<00:07:28.540> I'm<00:07:28.690> witnessing esoteric space where I'm witnessing esoteric space where I'm witnessing myself<00:07:29.740> having<00:07:30.310> this<00:07:30.430> experience<00:07:31.320> there<00:07:32.320> was myself having this experience there was myself having this experience there was all<00:07:32.590> very<00:07:32.710> peculiar<00:07:33.340> and<00:07:33.490> my<00:07:33.580> headache<00:07:33.880> was all very peculiar and my headache was all very peculiar and my headache was just<00:07:34.270> getting<00:07:34.540> worse<00:07:34.690> so<00:07:34.930> I<00:07:34.960> get<00:07:35.169> off<00:07:35.290> the just getting worse so I get off the just getting worse so I get off the machine<00:07:35.560> and<00:07:36.430> I'm<00:07:36.729> walking<00:07:36.910> across<00:07:37.390> my<00:07:37.780> living machine and I'm walking across my living machine and I'm walking across my living room<00:07:38.320> floor<00:07:38.530> and<00:07:38.650> I<00:07:38.860> realized<00:07:39.280> that room floor and I realized that room floor and I realized that everything<00:07:40.300> inside<00:07:40.450> of<00:07:40.750> my<00:07:40.900> body<00:07:41.110> has<00:07:41.500> slowed everything inside of my body has slowed everything inside of my body has slowed way<00:07:42.700> down<00:07:42.729> and<00:07:43.690> every<00:07:44.410> step<00:07:44.770> is<00:07:45.010> very<00:07:45.220> rigid way down and every step is very rigid way down and every step is very rigid and<00:07:46.060> very<00:07:46.350> deliberate<00:07:47.350> there's<00:07:47.620> no<00:07:47.740> fluidity and very deliberate there's no fluidity and very deliberate there's no fluidity to<00:07:49.060> my<00:07:49.210> pace<00:07:49.540> and<00:07:49.570> there's<00:07:50.020> this<00:07:50.530> constriction to my pace and there's this constriction to my pace and there's this constriction in<00:07:51.460> my<00:07:51.669> area<00:07:52.000> of<00:07:52.090> perception<00:07:52.810> so<00:07:53.020> I'm<00:07:53.290> just in my area of perception so I'm just in my area of perception so I'm just focused<00:07:54.220> on<00:07:54.400> internal<00:07:55.090> systems<00:07:55.630> and<00:07:56.140> I'm focused on internal systems and I'm focused on internal systems and I'm standing<00:07:56.830> in<00:07:57.130> my<00:07:57.160> bathroom<00:07:57.430> getting<00:07:57.910> ready<00:07:58.030> to standing in my bathroom getting ready to standing in my bathroom getting ready to step<00:07:58.600> into<00:07:58.750> the<00:07:58.960> shower<00:07:59.229> and<00:07:59.530> I<00:07:59.800> could step into the shower and I could step into the shower and I could actually<00:08:00.190> hear<00:08:00.729> the<00:08:00.880> dialogue<00:08:01.450> inside<00:08:01.990> of<00:08:02.140> my actually hear the dialogue inside of my actually hear the dialogue inside of my body<00:08:02.530> I<00:08:02.680> heard<00:08:02.950> a<00:08:03.010> little<00:08:03.100> voice<00:08:03.250> saying<00:08:03.760> okay body I heard a little voice saying okay body I heard a little voice saying okay you<00:08:04.540> muscles<00:08:05.200> you<00:08:05.380> got<00:08:05.530> a<00:08:05.560> contract<00:08:06.070> and<00:08:06.250> you you muscles you got a contract and you you muscles you got a contract and you muscles<00:08:06.820> you<00:08:06.940> relaxed<00:08:07.270> and<00:08:07.570> now<00:08:07.930> I<00:08:07.960> lost<00:08:08.260> my muscles you relaxed and now I lost my muscles you relaxed and now I lost my balance balance balance propped<00:08:09.770> up<00:08:09.980> against<00:08:10.370> the<00:08:10.520> the<00:08:10.850> wall<00:08:11.060> and<00:08:11.570> I propped up against the the wall and I propped up against the the wall and I look<00:08:12.350> down<00:08:12.560> at<00:08:12.710> my<00:08:12.860> arm<00:08:12.890> and<00:08:13.790> I<00:08:14.090> realized<00:08:14.510> that look down at my arm and I realized that look down at my arm and I realized that I<00:08:14.990> can<00:08:15.170> no<00:08:15.320> longer<00:08:15.580> define<00:08:16.580> the<00:08:16.880> boundaries<00:08:17.480> of I can no longer define the boundaries of I can no longer define the boundaries of my<00:08:18.470> body<00:08:18.830> I<00:08:19.250> can't<00:08:19.970> define<00:08:20.420> where<00:08:20.810> I<00:08:20.840> begin<00:08:21.380> and my body I can't define where I begin and my body I can't define where I begin and where<00:08:22.220> I<00:08:22.250> end<00:08:22.430> because<00:08:23.420> the<00:08:23.600> atoms<00:08:23.990> and<00:08:24.170> the where I end because the atoms and the where I end because the atoms and the molecules<00:08:24.290> of<00:08:25.070> my<00:08:25.250> arm<00:08:25.430> blended<00:08:26.270> with<00:08:26.750> the molecules of my arm blended with the molecules of my arm blended with the atoms<00:08:27.260> and<00:08:27.440> molecules<00:08:27.500> of<00:08:28.340> the<00:08:28.490> wall<00:08:28.670> and<00:08:29.600> all atoms and molecules of the wall and all atoms and molecules of the wall and all I<00:08:29.780> could<00:08:30.080> detect<00:08:30.440> was<00:08:30.710> this<00:08:30.920> energy<00:08:31.730> energy I could detect was this energy energy I could detect was this energy energy and<00:08:33.260> I'm<00:08:33.710> asking<00:08:34.130> myself<00:08:34.310> what<00:08:34.789> is<00:08:34.940> wrong<00:08:35.330> with and I'm asking myself what is wrong with and I'm asking myself what is wrong with me<00:08:35.780> what<00:08:35.810> is<00:08:36.080> going<00:08:36.380> on<00:08:36.680> and<00:08:37.099> in<00:08:37.580> that<00:08:37.729> moment me what is going on and in that moment me what is going on and in that moment my<00:08:38.570> brain<00:08:38.960> shattered<00:08:39.500> my<00:08:39.620> left<00:08:39.830> hemisphere my brain shattered my left hemisphere my brain shattered my left hemisphere brain<00:08:40.550> chatter<00:08:40.789> went<00:08:41.330> totally<00:08:41.630> silent<00:08:42.310> just brain chatter went totally silent just brain chatter went totally silent just like<00:08:43.490> someone<00:08:43.669> took<00:08:43.910> a<00:08:43.970> remote<00:08:44.360> control<00:08:44.870> and like someone took a remote control and like someone took a remote control and pushed<00:08:45.680> the<00:08:45.860> mute<00:08:46.100> button<00:08:46.420> total<00:08:47.420> silence<00:08:47.780> and pushed the mute button total silence and pushed the mute button total silence and at<00:08:49.160> first<00:08:49.340> I<00:08:49.520> was<00:08:49.670> shocked<00:08:50.000> to<00:08:50.270> find<00:08:50.300> myself at first I was shocked to find myself at first I was shocked to find myself inside<00:08:51.170> of<00:08:51.800> a<00:08:51.950> silent<00:08:52.520> mind<00:08:52.790> but<00:08:53.780> then<00:08:53.900> I<00:08:54.020> was inside of a silent mind but then I was inside of a silent mind but then I was immediately<00:08:54.950> captivated<00:08:56.020> by<00:08:57.020> the immediately captivated by the immediately captivated by the magnificence<00:08:57.980> of<00:08:58.160> the<00:08:58.340> energy<00:08:58.970> around<00:08:59.810> me<00:09:00.230> and magnificence of the energy around me and magnificence of the energy around me and because<00:09:01.220> I<00:09:01.340> could<00:09:01.520> no<00:09:01.670> longer<00:09:02.270> identify<00:09:02.930> the because I could no longer identify the because I could no longer identify the boundaries<00:09:03.590> of<00:09:03.650> my<00:09:03.830> body<00:09:04.250> I<00:09:04.460> felt<00:09:05.020> enormous boundaries of my body I felt enormous boundaries of my body I felt enormous and<00:09:06.290> expansive<00:09:07.280> I<00:09:08.120> felt<00:09:08.570> at<00:09:08.690> one<00:09:09.020> with<00:09:09.440> all<00:09:09.470> the and expansive I felt at one with all the and expansive I felt at one with all the energy<00:09:10.040> that<00:09:10.550> was<00:09:10.790> and<00:09:11.120> it<00:09:11.180> was<00:09:11.530> beautiful energy that was and it was beautiful energy that was and it was beautiful there<00:09:12.880> and<00:09:13.880> then<00:09:13.970> all<00:09:14.090> of<00:09:14.120> a<00:09:14.240> sudden<00:09:14.270> my<00:09:14.660> left there and then all of a sudden my left there and then all of a sudden my left hemisphere<00:09:14.990> comes<00:09:15.530> back<00:09:15.740> online<00:09:15.950> and<00:09:16.400> it<00:09:16.520> says hemisphere comes back online and it says hemisphere comes back online and it says to<00:09:16.910> me<00:09:17.060> hey<00:09:17.300> we<00:09:17.840> had<00:09:17.990> a<00:09:18.020> problem<00:09:18.290> we<00:09:18.680> got<00:09:18.800> a to me hey we had a problem we got a to me hey we had a problem we got a problem<00:09:19.160> we<00:09:19.610> gotta<00:09:19.790> get<00:09:19.910> some<00:09:20.060> help<00:09:20.210> but<00:09:20.510> I'm problem we gotta get some help but I'm problem we gotta get some help but I'm going<00:09:20.840> oh<00:09:21.020> I<00:09:21.380> got<00:09:21.800> a<00:09:21.830> problem<00:09:22.100> I<00:09:22.370> got<00:09:22.490> a<00:09:22.550> problem going oh I got a problem I got a problem going oh I got a problem I got a problem so<00:09:23.240> it's<00:09:23.870> like<00:09:24.050> okay so it's like okay so it's like okay okay<00:09:24.860> I<00:09:24.890> got<00:09:25.250> a<00:09:25.280> problem<00:09:25.430> but<00:09:25.820> then<00:09:25.940> I okay I got a problem but then I okay I got a problem but then I immediately<00:09:26.650> drifted<00:09:27.650> right<00:09:27.680> back<00:09:28.130> out<00:09:28.430> into immediately drifted right back out into immediately drifted right back out into the<00:09:29.330> consciousness<00:09:30.140> and<00:09:30.350> I<00:09:30.770> fictionally the consciousness and I fictionally the consciousness and I fictionally refer<00:09:32.030> to<00:09:32.150> this<00:09:32.330> space<00:09:32.600> as<00:09:32.900> lala<00:09:33.680> land<00:09:34.210> but<00:09:35.210> it refer to this space as lala land but it refer to this space as lala land but it was<00:09:35.480> beautiful<00:09:36.170> there<00:09:36.350> imagine<00:09:37.310> what<00:09:37.460> it was beautiful there imagine what it was beautiful there imagine what it would<00:09:37.670> be<00:09:37.700> like<00:09:38.060> to<00:09:38.240> be<00:09:38.360> totally<00:09:38.870> disconnected would be like to be totally disconnected would be like to be totally disconnected from<00:09:39.710> your<00:09:39.980> brain<00:09:40.250> chatter<00:09:40.550> that<00:09:41.120> connects from your brain chatter that connects from your brain chatter that connects you<00:09:41.690> to<00:09:41.720> the<00:09:41.990> external<00:09:42.020> world<00:09:42.770> so<00:09:43.430> here<00:09:43.730> I<00:09:43.760> am you to the external world so here I am you to the external world so here I am in<00:09:44.030> this<00:09:44.330> space<00:09:44.720> and<00:09:45.020> my<00:09:45.350> job<00:09:45.680> and<00:09:46.100> any<00:09:46.220> stress in this space and my job and any stress in this space and my job and any stress related<00:09:47.210> to<00:09:47.330> mice<00:09:47.510> my<00:09:47.810> job<00:09:48.110> it<00:09:48.320> was<00:09:48.440> gone<00:09:48.770> and<00:09:49.430> I related to mice my job it was gone and I related to mice my job it was gone and I felt<00:09:49.790> lighter<00:09:50.510> in<00:09:51.110> my<00:09:51.440> body<00:09:52.090> and<00:09:53.090> imagine<00:09:53.750> all felt lighter in my body and imagine all felt lighter in my body and imagine all of<00:09:54.020> the<00:09:54.320> relationships<00:09:54.920> in<00:09:55.310> the<00:09:55.370> external of the relationships in the external of the relationships in the external world<00:09:56.150> and<00:09:56.450> any<00:09:56.570> stressors<00:09:57.110> related<00:09:57.680> to<00:09:57.800> any world and any stressors related to any world and any stressors related to any of<00:09:57.980> those<00:09:58.220> they<00:09:58.430> were<00:09:58.490> gone<00:09:58.820> and<00:09:59.810> I<00:09:59.900> felt<00:10:00.140> this of those they were gone and I felt this of those they were gone and I felt this sense<00:10:00.560> of<00:10:00.740> peacefulness<00:10:02.710> and<00:10:03.710> imagine<00:10:04.130> what sense of peacefulness and imagine what sense of peacefulness and imagine what it<00:10:04.310> would<00:10:04.490> feel<00:10:04.520> like<00:10:04.760> to<00:10:05.180> lose<00:10:06.040> 37<00:10:07.040> years<00:10:07.430> of it would feel like to lose 37 years of it would feel like to lose 37 years of emotional<00:10:08.420> baggage emotional baggage emotional baggage oh<00:10:10.350> I<00:10:11.760> felt<00:10:12.990> euphoria<00:10:14.370> euphoria<00:10:16.230> it<00:10:17.230> was oh I felt euphoria euphoria it was oh I felt euphoria euphoria it was beautiful<00:10:18.070> there<00:10:18.190> and<00:10:18.310> then<00:10:18.399> again<00:10:18.610> my<00:10:18.790> left beautiful there and then again my left beautiful there and then again my left hemisphere<00:10:19.120> comes<00:10:19.660> online<00:10:20.110> and<00:10:20.350> it<00:10:20.440> says<00:10:20.589> hey hemisphere comes online and it says hey hemisphere comes online and it says hey you've<00:10:21.160> got<00:10:21.490> to<00:10:21.519> pay<00:10:21.880> attention<00:10:21.930> we've<00:10:22.930> got<00:10:23.199> to you've got to pay attention we've got to you've got to pay attention we've got to get<00:10:23.560> help<00:10:23.800> and<00:10:23.980> I'm<00:10:24.070> thinking<00:10:24.310> I've<00:10:24.430> got<00:10:24.550> to get help and I'm thinking I've got to get help and I'm thinking I've got to get<00:10:24.820> help<00:10:25.060> I<00:10:25.180> gotta<00:10:25.329> focus<00:10:25.570> so<00:10:26.290> I<00:10:26.320> get<00:10:26.500> out<00:10:26.649> of get help I gotta focus so I get out of get help I gotta focus so I get out of the<00:10:26.829> shower<00:10:27.070> and<00:10:27.250> I<00:10:27.639> mechanically<00:10:28.360> dress<00:10:28.660> and the shower and I mechanically dress and the shower and I mechanically dress and I'm<00:10:28.930> walking<00:10:29.079> around<00:10:29.290> my<00:10:29.589> apartment<00:10:29.680> and<00:10:30.550> I'm I'm walking around my apartment and I'm I'm walking around my apartment and I'm thinking<00:10:30.940> I<00:10:31.000> got<00:10:31.029> to<00:10:31.240> get<00:10:31.300> to<00:10:31.360> work<00:10:31.600> I<00:10:31.750> got<00:10:31.930> to thinking I got to get to work I got to thinking I got to get to work I got to get<00:10:32.079> to<00:10:32.139> work get to work get to work can<00:10:33.250> I<00:10:33.399> Drive<00:10:33.699> can<00:10:34.600> I<00:10:34.720> Drive<00:10:35.050> and<00:10:35.470> in<00:10:35.680> that can I Drive can I Drive and in that can I Drive can I Drive and in that moment<00:10:36.040> my<00:10:36.310> right<00:10:36.579> arm<00:10:36.820> went<00:10:37.000> totally moment my right arm went totally moment my right arm went totally paralyzed<00:10:37.779> by<00:10:37.959> my<00:10:38.139> side<00:10:38.410> did<00:10:39.100> I<00:10:39.220> realize<00:10:39.699> oh<00:10:39.880> my paralyzed by my side did I realize oh my paralyzed by my side did I realize oh my gosh<00:10:40.420> am<00:10:40.959> I<00:10:41.019> having<00:10:41.260> a<00:10:41.320> stroke gosh am I having a stroke gosh am I having a stroke I'm<00:10:42.160> having<00:10:42.399> a<00:10:42.490> stroke<00:10:42.790> and<00:10:43.449> then<00:10:43.540> the<00:10:43.690> next I'm having a stroke and then the next I'm having a stroke and then the next thing<00:10:44.110> my<00:10:44.260> brain<00:10:44.529> says<00:10:44.829> to<00:10:44.949> me<00:10:45.100> is<00:10:45.250> wow<00:10:46.199> this<00:10:47.199> is thing my brain says to me is wow this is thing my brain says to me is wow this is so<00:10:47.560> cool so cool so cool this<00:10:50.079> is<00:10:50.260> so<00:10:50.470> cool<00:10:51.029> how<00:10:52.029> many<00:10:52.300> brain this is so cool how many brain this is so cool how many brain scientists<00:10:53.709> have<00:10:53.829> the<00:10:53.949> opportunity<00:10:54.699> to<00:10:54.850> study scientists have the opportunity to study scientists have the opportunity to study their<00:10:55.420> own<00:10:55.540> brain<00:10:55.899> from<00:10:56.199> the<00:10:56.260> inside<00:10:56.709> out their own brain from the inside out their own brain from the inside out and<00:10:59.540> then<00:10:59.839> it<00:10:59.990> crosses<00:11:00.260> my<00:11:00.649> mind<00:11:00.790> but<00:11:01.790> I'm<00:11:01.940> a and then it crosses my mind but I'm a and then it crosses my mind but I'm a very<00:11:02.270> busy<00:11:02.480> woman very busy woman very busy woman time<00:11:05.029> for<00:11:05.300> a<00:11:05.360> strong time for a strong time for a strong it's<00:11:06.800> like<00:11:06.950> okay<00:11:07.339> I<00:11:07.610> can't<00:11:07.880> stop<00:11:08.149> the<00:11:08.300> stroke it's like okay I can't stop the stroke it's like okay I can't stop the stroke from<00:11:08.690> happening<00:11:08.779> so<00:11:09.350> I'll<00:11:09.470> do<00:11:09.649> this<00:11:09.860> for<00:11:10.670> a from happening so I'll do this for a from happening so I'll do this for a week<00:11:10.880> or<00:11:11.060> two<00:11:11.240> and<00:11:11.720> then<00:11:11.870> I'll<00:11:12.020> get<00:11:12.170> back<00:11:12.350> to<00:11:12.380> my week or two and then I'll get back to my week or two and then I'll get back to my routine<00:11:12.920> okay<00:11:13.160> so<00:11:13.760> I<00:11:13.820> got<00:11:13.970> a<00:11:14.000> call<00:11:14.180> help<00:11:14.480> I<00:11:14.570> got routine okay so I got a call help I got routine okay so I got a call help I got a<00:11:14.750> call<00:11:14.990> work<00:11:15.200> I<00:11:15.410> couldn't<00:11:15.709> remember<00:11:15.980> the a call work I couldn't remember the a call work I couldn't remember the number<00:11:16.459> at<00:11:16.550> work<00:11:16.670> so<00:11:17.000> I<00:11:17.029> remembered<00:11:17.690> in<00:11:18.170> my number at work so I remembered in my number at work so I remembered in my office<00:11:18.709> I<00:11:18.980> had<00:11:19.100> a<00:11:19.130> business<00:11:19.339> card<00:11:19.820> with<00:11:19.910> my office I had a business card with my office I had a business card with my number<00:11:20.630> on<00:11:20.750> him<00:11:20.930> so<00:11:21.649> I<00:11:21.709> go<00:11:21.860> into<00:11:22.010> my<00:11:22.100> business number on him so I go into my business number on him so I go into my business room<00:11:22.760> I<00:11:23.000> pull<00:11:23.540> out<00:11:23.570> a<00:11:23.690> three<00:11:24.080> inch<00:11:24.260> stack<00:11:24.560> of room I pull out a three inch stack of room I pull out a three inch stack of business<00:11:24.860> cards<00:11:25.100> and<00:11:25.700> I'm<00:11:26.089> looking<00:11:26.420> at<00:11:26.570> the business cards and I'm looking at the business cards and I'm looking at the card<00:11:26.930> on<00:11:27.110> top<00:11:27.140> and<00:11:27.589> even<00:11:27.830> though<00:11:27.950> I<00:11:27.980> could<00:11:28.220> see card on top and even though I could see card on top and even though I could see clearly<00:11:28.459> in<00:11:29.270> my<00:11:29.420> mind's<00:11:29.690> eye<00:11:30.140> what<00:11:31.040> my clearly in my mind's eye what my clearly in my mind's eye what my business<00:11:31.430> card<00:11:31.940> looked<00:11:32.209> like<00:11:32.390> I<00:11:32.570> couldn't business card looked like I couldn't business card looked like I couldn't tell<00:11:33.260> if<00:11:33.890> this<00:11:34.100> was<00:11:34.160> my<00:11:34.490> card<00:11:34.760> or<00:11:34.940> not<00:11:35.060> because tell if this was my card or not because tell if this was my card or not because all<00:11:35.390> I<00:11:35.450> could<00:11:35.630> see<00:11:35.779> were<00:11:35.899> pixels<00:11:36.470> and<00:11:37.220> the all I could see were pixels and the all I could see were pixels and the pixels<00:11:37.790> of<00:11:37.940> the<00:11:38.089> words<00:11:38.300> blended<00:11:39.140> with<00:11:39.350> the pixels of the words blended with the pixels of the words blended with the pixels<00:11:39.860> of<00:11:40.040> the<00:11:40.130> background<00:11:40.730> and<00:11:40.940> the<00:11:41.029> pixels pixels of the background and the pixels pixels of the background and the pixels of<00:11:42.170> the<00:11:42.380> symbols<00:11:42.890> and<00:11:43.070> I<00:11:43.160> just<00:11:43.399> couldn't<00:11:43.760> tell of the symbols and I just couldn't tell of the symbols and I just couldn't tell and<00:11:44.510> then<00:11:44.930> I<00:11:44.959> would<00:11:45.200> wait<00:11:45.380> for<00:11:45.589> what<00:11:45.709> I<00:11:45.740> call<00:11:45.950> a and then I would wait for what I call a and then I would wait for what I call a wave<00:11:46.279> of<00:11:46.730> clarity<00:11:47.360> and<00:11:47.600> in<00:11:48.110> that<00:11:48.290> moment<00:11:48.560> I wave of clarity and in that moment I wave of clarity and in that moment I would<00:11:49.250> be<00:11:49.490> able<00:11:49.730> to<00:11:49.850> reattach<00:11:50.180> to<00:11:50.450> normal would be able to reattach to normal would be able to reattach to normal reality<00:11:51.320> and<00:11:51.950> I<00:11:52.310> could<00:11:52.520> tell<00:11:52.760> that's<00:11:53.209> not<00:11:53.540> the reality and I could tell that's not the reality and I could tell that's not the card<00:11:53.899> that's<00:11:54.230> not<00:11:54.380> the<00:11:54.529> card<00:11:54.709> that's<00:11:55.100> not<00:11:55.310> the card that's not the card that's not the card that's not the card that's not the card<00:11:55.640> it<00:11:56.149> took<00:11:56.600> me<00:11:56.750> 45<00:11:57.320> minutes<00:11:58.310> to<00:11:58.730> get<00:11:58.880> one card it took me 45 minutes to get one card it took me 45 minutes to get one inch<00:11:59.660> down<00:12:00.140> inside<00:12:00.649> of<00:12:00.800> that<00:12:00.890> stack<00:12:01.220> of<00:12:01.399> cards inch down inside of that stack of cards inch down inside of that stack of cards in<00:12:01.910> the<00:12:02.270> mean<00:12:02.450> time<00:12:02.750> for<00:12:03.080> 45<00:12:03.589> minutes<00:12:04.040> the in the mean time for 45 minutes the in the mean time for 45 minutes the hemorrhage<00:12:04.490> is<00:12:04.640> getting<00:12:04.910> bigger<00:12:05.150> in<00:12:05.360> my<00:12:05.480> left hemorrhage is getting bigger in my left hemorrhage is getting bigger in my left hemisphere<00:12:05.930> I<00:12:06.470> do<00:12:06.709> not<00:12:07.100> understand<00:12:07.670> numbers<00:12:08.089> I hemisphere I do not understand numbers I hemisphere I do not understand numbers I do<00:12:08.390> not<00:12:08.750> understand<00:12:09.260> a<00:12:09.350> telephone<00:12:09.800> but<00:12:10.040> it's do not understand a telephone but it's do not understand a telephone but it's the<00:12:10.220> only<00:12:10.370> plan<00:12:10.760> I<00:12:10.820> have<00:12:11.209> so<00:12:11.690> I<00:12:11.720> take<00:12:11.990> the<00:12:12.140> foam the only plan I have so I take the foam the only plan I have so I take the foam pad<00:12:12.680> and<00:12:12.950> I<00:12:13.010> put<00:12:13.220> it<00:12:13.310> right<00:12:13.339> here<00:12:13.820> I<00:12:14.029> take<00:12:14.480> the pad and I put it right here I take the pad and I put it right here I take the business<00:12:15.050> card<00:12:15.290> I<00:12:15.410> put<00:12:15.589> it<00:12:15.709> right<00:12:15.740> here<00:12:15.950> and business card I put it right here and business card I put it right here and I'm<00:12:16.760> matching<00:12:17.060> the<00:12:17.360> shape<00:12:17.570> of<00:12:18.260> the<00:12:18.650> squiggles I'm matching the shape of the squiggles I'm matching the shape of the squiggles on<00:12:19.520> the<00:12:19.640> card<00:12:19.940> to<00:12:20.660> the<00:12:20.779> shape<00:12:21.110> of<00:12:21.350> the on the card to the shape of the on the card to the shape of the squiggles<00:12:21.830> on<00:12:22.430> the<00:12:22.550> foam<00:12:22.820> pad<00:12:23.209> but<00:12:23.839> then<00:12:23.959> I squiggles on the foam pad but then I squiggles on the foam pad but then I would<00:12:24.230> drift<00:12:24.470> back<00:12:24.680> out<00:12:24.860> into<00:12:25.040> lala<00:12:25.400> land<00:12:25.820> and would drift back out into lala land and would drift back out into lala land and not<00:12:26.690> remember<00:12:27.260> if<00:12:27.410> when<00:12:27.620> I<00:12:27.650> come<00:12:27.770> back<00:12:28.160> and<00:12:28.370> if not remember if when I come back and if not remember if when I come back and if I'd<00:12:28.580> already<00:12:28.730> dialed<00:12:29.330> those<00:12:29.510> numbers<00:12:30.020> so<00:12:30.800> I I'd already dialed those numbers so I I'd already dialed those numbers so I had<00:12:31.190> to<00:12:31.310> wield<00:12:31.580> my<00:12:31.940> paralyzed<00:12:32.570> arm<00:12:33.050> like<00:12:33.200> a had to wield my paralyzed arm like a had to wield my paralyzed arm like a stump<00:12:33.740> and<00:12:34.070> cover<00:12:34.790> the<00:12:35.150> numbers<00:12:35.660> as<00:12:35.990> I<00:12:36.380> went stump and cover the numbers as I went stump and cover the numbers as I went along<00:12:36.890> and<00:12:36.950> pushed<00:12:37.610> them<00:12:37.910> so<00:12:38.510> that<00:12:38.720> as<00:12:38.870> I<00:12:39.050> would along and pushed them so that as I would along and pushed them so that as I would come<00:12:39.440> back<00:12:39.680> to<00:12:39.740> normal<00:12:40.310> reality<00:12:40.580> I'd<00:12:41.029> be<00:12:41.180> able come back to normal reality I'd be able come back to normal reality I'd be able to<00:12:41.450> tell<00:12:41.720> yes<00:12:42.320> I've<00:12:42.560> already<00:12:42.740> dialed<00:12:43.279> that to tell yes I've already dialed that to tell yes I've already dialed that number<00:12:44.620> eventually<00:12:45.620> the<00:12:45.920> whole<00:12:46.070> number<00:12:46.400> gets number eventually the whole number gets number eventually the whole number gets dialed<00:12:47.060> and<00:12:47.300> I'm<00:12:48.110> listening<00:12:48.709> to<00:12:48.740> the<00:12:48.920> song<00:12:49.130> and dialed and I'm listening to the song and dialed and I'm listening to the song and my<00:12:49.700> colleague<00:12:50.150> picks<00:12:50.420> up<00:12:50.570> the<00:12:50.690> phone<00:12:50.870> and<00:12:51.079> he my colleague picks up the phone and he my colleague picks up the phone and he says<00:12:51.470> to<00:12:51.650> me<00:12:52.390> whoa

and<00:12:58.290> I<00:12:58.380> think<00:12:58.770> that<00:12:58.980> myself<00:12:59.490> oh<00:12:59.850> my<00:13:00.510> gosh<00:13:00.930> he
and I think that myself oh my gosh he and I think that myself oh my gosh he sounds<00:13:01.620> like<00:13:01.650> a<00:13:01.740> golden<00:13:02.190> retriever sounds like a golden retriever sounds like a golden retriever and<00:13:04.730> so<00:13:04.970> I<00:13:05.000> say<00:13:05.600> to<00:13:05.630> him<00:13:05.870> clear<00:13:06.230> in<00:13:06.410> my<00:13:06.589> mind<00:13:06.620> I and so I say to him clear in my mind I and so I say to him clear in my mind I say<00:13:07.310> to<00:13:07.370> him<00:13:07.610> this<00:13:07.850> is<00:13:08.000> Jill<00:13:08.300> I<00:13:08.600> need<00:13:08.660> help say to him this is Jill I need help say to him this is Jill I need help and<00:13:09.410> what<00:13:09.800> comes<00:13:09.980> out<00:13:10.190> of<00:13:10.220> my<00:13:10.519> voice<00:13:10.790> is<00:13:11.980> I and what comes out of my voice is I and what comes out of my voice is I think<00:13:13.670> oh<00:13:13.790> my<00:13:14.000> gosh<00:13:14.209> I<00:13:14.509> sound<00:13:14.779> like<00:13:14.899> a<00:13:15.019> golden think oh my gosh I sound like a golden think oh my gosh I sound like a golden retriever<00:13:15.500> so<00:13:16.190> I<00:13:16.220> couldn't<00:13:16.699> know<00:13:16.970> I<00:13:17.300> didn't retriever so I couldn't know I didn't retriever so I couldn't know I didn't know<00:13:17.870> that<00:13:17.899> I<00:13:18.110> couldn't<00:13:18.529> speak<00:13:18.829> or<00:13:19.040> understand know that I couldn't speak or understand know that I couldn't speak or understand language<00:13:19.730> until<00:13:20.449> I<00:13:20.600> tried<00:13:20.899> so<00:13:21.860> he<00:13:22.040> recognizes language until I tried so he recognizes language until I tried so he recognizes that<00:13:22.850> I<00:13:22.940> need<00:13:23.120> help<00:13:23.360> and<00:13:23.509> he<00:13:23.690> and<00:13:24.110> he<00:13:24.230> gets<00:13:24.410> me that I need help and he and he gets me that I need help and he and he gets me help<00:13:24.860> and<00:13:25.069> a<00:13:25.639> little<00:13:25.880> while<00:13:26.029> later<00:13:26.269> I'm<00:13:26.720> I'm help and a little while later I'm I'm help and a little while later I'm I'm riding<00:13:27.920> in<00:13:28.069> an<00:13:28.190> ambulance<00:13:28.399> from<00:13:29.300> one<00:13:29.540> hospital riding in an ambulance from one hospital riding in an ambulance from one hospital across<00:13:30.470> Boston<00:13:31.100> to<00:13:31.339> Mass<00:13:31.490> General<00:13:31.519> Hospital across Boston to Mass General Hospital across Boston to Mass General Hospital and<00:13:33.589> I<00:13:33.680> curl<00:13:33.920> up<00:13:34.130> into<00:13:34.370> a<00:13:34.490> little<00:13:34.670> fetal<00:13:35.209> ball and I curl up into a little fetal ball and I curl up into a little fetal ball and<00:13:37.060> just<00:13:38.060> like<00:13:38.269> a<00:13:38.300> balloon<00:13:38.690> with<00:13:39.529> the<00:13:39.709> last and just like a balloon with the last and just like a balloon with the last last<00:13:40.670> bit<00:13:41.660> of<00:13:41.690> air<00:13:42.050> of<00:13:42.319> just<00:13:42.620> just<00:13:43.430> right<00:13:43.670> out last bit of air of just just right out last bit of air of just just right out of<00:13:43.880> the<00:13:44.060> balloon<00:13:44.329> I<00:13:44.600> just<00:13:44.959> felt<00:13:45.649> my<00:13:45.829> energy of the balloon I just felt my energy of the balloon I just felt my energy lift<00:13:46.670> and<00:13:47.060> just<00:13:47.720> I<00:13:47.990> felt<00:13:48.560> my<00:13:48.709> spirit<00:13:49.190> surrender lift and just I felt my spirit surrender lift and just I felt my spirit surrender and<00:13:51.490> in<00:13:52.490> that<00:13:52.730> moment<00:13:52.940> I<00:13:53.300> knew<00:13:53.329> that<00:13:54.290> I<00:13:54.319> was<00:13:54.709> no and in that moment I knew that I was no and in that moment I knew that I was no longer<00:13:55.160> the<00:13:55.399> choreographer<00:13:56.060> of<00:13:56.149> my<00:13:56.329> life<00:13:56.540> and longer the choreographer of my life and longer the choreographer of my life and either<00:13:58.160> the<00:13:58.610> doctors<00:13:58.970> rescue<00:13:59.389> my<00:13:59.540> body<00:13:59.779> and either the doctors rescue my body and either the doctors rescue my body and give<00:14:00.139> me<00:14:00.290> a<00:14:00.350> second<00:14:00.740> chance<00:14:00.920> at<00:14:01.279> life<00:14:01.519> or<00:14:01.910> this give me a second chance at life or this give me a second chance at life or this was<00:14:02.329> perhaps<00:14:02.540> my<00:14:02.930> moment<00:14:03.920> of<00:14:04.069> transition<00:14:09.190> when was perhaps my moment of transition when was perhaps my moment of transition when I<00:14:10.220> woke<00:14:10.579> later<00:14:11.209> that<00:14:11.449> afternoon<00:14:11.660> I<00:14:12.380> was I woke later that afternoon I was I woke later that afternoon I was shocked<00:14:13.339> to<00:14:13.880> discover<00:14:14.060> that<00:14:14.569> I<00:14:14.630> was<00:14:14.930> still shocked to discover that I was still shocked to discover that I was still alive<00:14:17.380> when<00:14:18.380> I<00:14:18.410> felt<00:14:18.860> my<00:14:18.980> spirit<00:14:19.040> surrender<00:14:19.519> I alive when I felt my spirit surrender I alive when I felt my spirit surrender I said<00:14:20.209> goodbye<00:14:20.420> to<00:14:20.990> my<00:14:21.290> life<00:14:21.709> and<00:14:22.220> my<00:14:23.029> mind<00:14:23.300> was said goodbye to my life and my mind was said goodbye to my life and my mind was now<00:14:23.779> suspended<00:14:24.500> between<00:14:24.709> two<00:14:25.040> very<00:14:25.910> opposite now suspended between two very opposite now suspended between two very opposite planes<00:14:27.110> of<00:14:27.470> reality<00:14:28.630> stimulation<00:14:29.630> coming<00:14:30.110> in planes of reality stimulation coming in planes of reality stimulation coming in through<00:14:30.589> my<00:14:30.740> sensory<00:14:31.490> systems<00:14:32.060> felt<00:14:32.449> like through my sensory systems felt like through my sensory systems felt like pure<00:14:33.019> pain<00:14:33.819> light<00:14:34.819> burned<00:14:35.540> my<00:14:35.899> brain<00:14:36.260> like pure pain light burned my brain like pure pain light burned my brain like wildfire<00:14:37.279> and<00:14:37.699> sounds<00:14:38.420> were<00:14:38.600> so<00:14:39.230> loud<00:14:39.709> and wildfire and sounds were so loud and wildfire and sounds were so loud and chaotic<00:14:40.610> that<00:14:41.360> I<00:14:41.420> could<00:14:41.779> not<00:14:41.959> pick<00:14:42.410> a<00:14:42.440> voice chaotic that I could not pick a voice chaotic that I could not pick a voice out<00:14:43.190> from<00:14:43.699> the<00:14:43.819> background<00:14:44.079> noise<00:14:45.079> and<00:14:45.620> I<00:14:45.740> just out from the background noise and I just out from the background noise and I just wanted<00:14:46.370> to<00:14:46.579> escape<00:14:47.380> because<00:14:48.380> I<00:14:48.860> could<00:14:49.430> not wanted to escape because I could not wanted to escape because I could not identify<00:14:49.819> the<00:14:50.449> position<00:14:50.839> of<00:14:51.319> my<00:14:51.500> body<00:14:51.740> in identify the position of my body in identify the position of my body in space<00:14:52.189> I<00:14:52.850> felt<00:14:53.660> enormous<00:14:54.350> and<00:14:55.300> expansive<00:14:56.410> like space I felt enormous and expansive like space I felt enormous and expansive like a<00:14:57.439> genie<00:14:58.189> just<00:14:58.850> liberated<00:14:59.000> from<00:14:59.779> her<00:14:59.959> bottle a genie just liberated from her bottle a genie just liberated from her bottle and<00:15:01.660> my<00:15:02.660> spirit<00:15:03.170> soared<00:15:03.680> free<00:15:04.339> like<00:15:04.759> a<00:15:04.790> great and my spirit soared free like a great and my spirit soared free like a great whale<00:15:06.339> gliding<00:15:07.339> through<00:15:07.610> a<00:15:07.639> sea<00:15:07.970> of<00:15:08.509> silent whale gliding through a sea of silent whale gliding through a sea of silent euphoria<00:15:11.709> nirvana<00:15:12.709> I<00:15:13.279> found<00:15:13.970> nirvana euphoria nirvana I found nirvana euphoria nirvana I found nirvana I<00:15:17.769> remember<00:15:18.769> thinking<00:15:19.069> there's<00:15:19.490> no<00:15:19.939> way<00:15:20.269> I I remember thinking there's no way I I remember thinking there's no way I would<00:15:20.930> ever<00:15:21.079> be<00:15:21.259> able<00:15:21.290> to<00:15:21.470> squeeze<00:15:21.800> the would ever be able to squeeze the would ever be able to squeeze the enormousness<00:15:22.449> of<00:15:23.449> myself<00:15:23.899> back<00:15:24.350> inside<00:15:24.800> this enormousness of myself back inside this enormousness of myself back inside this tiny<00:15:25.459> little<00:15:25.730> body<00:15:28.240> but<00:15:29.240> then<00:15:29.360> I<00:15:29.449> realized<00:15:29.899> but tiny little body but then I realized but tiny little body but then I realized but I'm<00:15:30.649> still<00:15:31.069> alive<00:15:31.749> I'm<00:15:32.749> still<00:15:32.809> alive<00:15:33.230> and<00:15:34.009> I I'm still alive I'm still alive and I I'm still alive I'm still alive and I have<00:15:34.459> found<00:15:34.610> nirvana<00:15:34.939> and<00:15:35.899> and<00:15:36.259> if<00:15:36.589> I<00:15:36.800> have have found nirvana and and if I have have found nirvana and and if I have found<00:15:37.370> Nirvana<00:15:38.089> and<00:15:38.240> I'm<00:15:38.329> still<00:15:38.720> alive<00:15:38.809> then found Nirvana and I'm still alive then found Nirvana and I'm still alive then everyone<00:15:40.279> who<00:15:40.430> is<00:15:40.579> alive<00:15:40.879> can<00:15:41.529> find<00:15:42.529> nirvana everyone who is alive can find nirvana everyone who is alive can find nirvana and<00:15:45.860> I<00:15:45.949> pictured<00:15:46.309> a<00:15:46.399> world<00:15:46.430> filled<00:15:47.240> with and I pictured a world filled with and I pictured a world filled with beautiful<00:15:48.769> peaceful<00:15:50.800> compassionate<00:15:51.800> loving beautiful peaceful compassionate loving beautiful peaceful compassionate loving people<00:15:52.519> who<00:15:53.120> knew<00:15:53.420> that<00:15:54.050> they<00:15:54.170> could<00:15:54.350> come<00:15:54.559> to people who knew that they could come to people who knew that they could come to this<00:15:54.829> space<00:15:55.189> at<00:15:55.519> any<00:15:55.759> time<00:15:56.499> and<00:15:57.499> that<00:15:58.040> they this space at any time and that they this space at any time and that they could<00:15:58.370> purposely<00:15:59.089> choose<00:16:00.459> to<00:16:01.459> step<00:16:01.790> to<00:16:02.029> the could purposely choose to step to the could purposely choose to step to the right<00:16:02.300> of<00:16:02.540> their<00:16:02.720> left<00:16:02.930> hemispheres<00:16:03.589> and<00:16:04.959> find right of their left hemispheres and find right of their left hemispheres and find this<00:16:06.170> peace<00:16:06.529> and<00:16:07.370> then<00:16:07.639> I<00:16:07.670> realized<00:16:08.059> what<00:16:08.600> a this peace and then I realized what a this peace and then I realized what a tremendous<00:16:08.749> gift<00:16:09.639> this<00:16:10.639> experience<00:16:11.269> could<00:16:11.509> be tremendous gift this experience could be tremendous gift this experience could be what<00:16:11.930> what<00:16:12.439> a<00:16:12.470> stroke<00:16:12.980> of<00:16:13.160> insight<00:16:13.999> this<00:16:14.629> could what what a stroke of insight this could what what a stroke of insight this could be<00:16:15.379> to<00:16:16.370> how<00:16:16.550> we<00:16:16.610> live<00:16:17.059> our<00:16:17.240> lives<00:16:18.129> and<00:16:19.129> it be to how we live our lives and it be to how we live our lives and it motivated<00:16:20.240> me<00:16:20.360> to<00:16:21.079> recover<00:16:24.759> two-and-a-half motivated me to recover two-and-a-half motivated me to recover two-and-a-half weeks<00:16:25.970> after<00:16:26.480> the<00:16:26.629> hemorrhage<00:16:27.189> the<00:16:28.189> surgeons weeks after the hemorrhage the surgeons weeks after the hemorrhage the surgeons went<00:16:28.879> in<00:16:29.120> and<00:16:29.509> they<00:16:29.870> removed<00:16:30.199> a<00:16:30.319> blood<00:16:30.500> clot went in and they removed a blood clot went in and they removed a blood clot the<00:16:30.800> size<00:16:30.949> of<00:16:31.250> a<00:16:31.339> golf<00:16:31.490> ball<00:16:31.639> that<00:16:32.209> was<00:16:32.300> pushing the size of a golf ball that was pushing the size of a golf ball that was pushing on<00:16:32.750> my<00:16:32.930> language<00:16:33.290> centers<00:16:33.709> Here<00:16:34.009> I<00:16:34.040> am<00:16:34.129> with<00:16:34.730> my on my language centers Here I am with my on my language centers Here I am with my momma<00:16:35.120> who's<00:16:35.870> a<00:16:35.990> true<00:16:36.290> angel<00:16:36.680> in<00:16:36.800> my<00:16:36.829> life<00:16:38.319> it momma who's a true angel in my life it momma who's a true angel in my life it took<00:16:39.500> me<00:16:39.680> eight<00:16:40.129> years<00:16:40.189> to<00:16:40.990> completely took me eight years to completely took me eight years to completely recover<00:16:43.120> so<00:16:44.120> who<00:16:45.079> are<00:16:45.319> we<00:16:45.350> we<00:16:46.279> are<00:16:46.839> the<00:16:47.839> life recover so who are we we are the life recover so who are we we are the life force<00:16:48.350> power<00:16:48.740> of<00:16:49.309> the<00:16:49.759> universe<00:16:50.240> with<00:16:51.230> manual force power of the universe with manual force power of the universe with manual dexterity<00:16:52.540> and<00:16:53.540> two<00:16:54.079> cognitive<00:16:54.709> minds<00:16:55.220> and<00:16:55.699> we dexterity and two cognitive minds and we dexterity and two cognitive minds and we have<00:16:56.870> the<00:16:56.990> power<00:16:57.230> to<00:16:57.470> choose<00:16:57.769> moment<00:16:58.639> by have the power to choose moment by have the power to choose moment by moment<00:16:58.790> who<00:16:59.480> and<00:16:59.839> how<00:17:00.439> we<00:17:00.500> want<00:17:01.009> to<00:17:01.069> be<00:17:01.279> in<00:17:01.490> the moment who and how we want to be in the moment who and how we want to be in the world<00:17:02.199> right<00:17:03.199> here<00:17:03.470> right<00:17:04.039> now<00:17:04.309> I<00:17:04.339> can<00:17:04.850> step world right here right now I can step world right here right now I can step into<00:17:05.630> the<00:17:05.809> consciousness<00:17:06.079> of<00:17:06.649> my<00:17:06.709> right into the consciousness of my right into the consciousness of my right hemisphere<00:17:07.449> where<00:17:08.449> we<00:17:09.079> are<00:17:09.409> I<00:17:09.799> am<00:17:10.280> the hemisphere where we are I am the hemisphere where we are I am the life-force<00:17:11.179> power<00:17:11.600> of<00:17:11.959> the<00:17:12.020> universe<00:17:12.439> I<00:17:12.589> am life-force power of the universe I am life-force power of the universe I am the<00:17:13.100> life-force<00:17:13.459> power<00:17:13.970> the<00:17:14.510> 50<00:17:15.140> trillion the life-force power the 50 trillion the life-force power the 50 trillion beautiful<00:17:16.039> molecular<00:17:16.689> geniuses<00:17:17.689> that<00:17:17.839> make beautiful molecular geniuses that make beautiful molecular geniuses that make up<00:17:18.169> my<00:17:18.319> form<00:17:18.709> and<00:17:19.039> one<00:17:19.699> with<00:17:20.270> all<00:17:20.539> that<00:17:20.780> is<00:17:21.280> or<00:17:22.280> I up my form and one with all that is or I up my form and one with all that is or I can<00:17:24.230> choose<00:17:24.409> to<00:17:24.620> step<00:17:24.799> into<00:17:25.039> the can choose to step into the can choose to step into the consciousness<00:17:25.549> of<00:17:25.819> my<00:17:25.880> left<00:17:26.240> hemisphere consciousness of my left hemisphere consciousness of my left hemisphere where<00:17:27.930> I<00:17:27.960> become<00:17:28.260> a<00:17:28.290> single<00:17:28.590> individual<00:17:29.430> a where I become a single individual a where I become a single individual a solid<00:17:30.560> separate<00:17:31.560> from<00:17:31.770> the<00:17:31.890> flow<00:17:32.390> separate solid separate from the flow separate solid separate from the flow separate from<00:17:33.630> you from you from you I<00:17:34.080> am<00:17:35.010> dr.<00:17:35.520> Jill<00:17:35.730> Bolte<00:17:36.090> Taylor<00:17:36.500> intellectual I am dr. Jill Bolte Taylor intellectual I am dr. Jill Bolte Taylor intellectual neuroanatomist

these<00:17:41.670> are<00:17:42.210> the<00:17:42.780> wee<00:17:43.310> inside<00:17:44.310> of<00:17:44.520> me<00:17:46.070> which
these are the wee inside of me which these are the wee inside of me which would<00:17:47.280> you<00:17:47.460> choose<00:17:50.090> which<00:17:51.090> do<00:17:51.450> you<00:17:51.480> choose<00:17:51.830> and would you choose which do you choose and would you choose which do you choose and when<00:17:54.600> I<00:17:57.530> believe<00:17:58.530> that<00:17:59.040> the<00:17:59.160> more<00:17:59.340> time<00:17:59.670> we when I believe that the more time we when I believe that the more time we spend<00:18:00.510> choosing<00:18:01.380> to<00:18:01.860> run<00:18:01.950> the<00:18:02.010> deep<00:18:02.160> inner spend choosing to run the deep inner spend choosing to run the deep inner peace<00:18:02.610> circuitry<00:18:03.390> of<00:18:03.480> our<00:18:03.630> right<00:18:03.840> hemispheres peace circuitry of our right hemispheres peace circuitry of our right hemispheres the<00:18:05.580> more<00:18:05.790> peace<00:18:06.090> we<00:18:06.570> will<00:18:06.780> project<00:18:07.080> into<00:18:07.650> the the more peace we will project into the the more peace we will project into the world<00:18:08.010> and<00:18:08.370> the<00:18:09.120> more<00:18:09.270> peaceful<00:18:09.840> our<00:18:10.290> planet world and the more peaceful our planet world and the more peaceful our planet will<00:18:10.920> be<00:18:11.040> and<00:18:11.940> I<00:18:12.780> thought<00:18:12.990> that<00:18:13.320> was<00:18:13.950> an<00:18:14.100> idea will be and I thought that was an idea will be and I thought that was an idea worth<00:18:14.760> spreading


Jill Bolte Taylor, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, stroke, brain

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