Finding life we can’t imagine – Christoph Adami

Finding life we can't imagine - Christoph Adami

Finding life we can't imagine - Christoph Adami


so<00:00:15.920> I<00:00:15.950> have<00:00:16.160> a<00:00:16.250> strange<00:00:16.730> career<00:00:17.030> I<00:00:17.540> know<00:00:17.990> it
so I have a strange career I know it so I have a strange career I know it because<00:00:18.470> people<00:00:18.740> come<00:00:18.920> up<00:00:18.980> to<00:00:19.100> me<00:00:19.189> like because people come up to me like because people come up to me like colleagues<00:00:20.360> and<00:00:20.540> say<00:00:20.660> Chris<00:00:21.020> give<00:00:21.680> a<00:00:21.740> strange colleagues and say Chris give a strange colleagues and say Chris give a strange career<00:00:23.560> and<00:00:24.560> I<00:00:24.890> can<00:00:25.099> see<00:00:25.250> that<00:00:25.369> point<00:00:25.700> because career and I can see that point because career and I can see that point because you<00:00:26.779> know<00:00:26.869> I<00:00:26.900> started<00:00:27.320> my<00:00:27.470> career<00:00:27.529> as<00:00:28.099> a you know I started my career as a you know I started my career as a theoretical<00:00:28.759> nuclear<00:00:29.360> physicist<00:00:30.169> and<00:00:30.380> I<00:00:30.500> was theoretical nuclear physicist and I was theoretical nuclear physicist and I was thinking<00:00:31.189> about<00:00:31.340> quarks<00:00:31.939> and<00:00:32.239> gluons<00:00:32.300> and thinking about quarks and gluons and thinking about quarks and gluons and heavy<00:00:33.739> ion<00:00:34.040> collisions<00:00:34.310> and<00:00:34.520> I<00:00:34.610> was<00:00:34.790> only<00:00:34.880> 14 heavy ion collisions and I was only 14 heavy ion collisions and I was only 14 years<00:00:35.540> old<00:00:36.160> no<00:00:37.160> no<00:00:37.579> no<00:00:37.850> no<00:00:38.000> I<00:00:38.030> wasn't<00:00:38.360> 14<00:00:38.840> years years old no no no no I wasn't 14 years years old no no no no I wasn't 14 years old<00:00:39.790> but<00:00:40.989> after<00:00:41.989> that<00:00:42.140> I<00:00:42.760> actually<00:00:43.760> had<00:00:44.000> my<00:00:44.120> own old but after that I actually had my own old but after that I actually had my own lab<00:00:44.510> in<00:00:44.930> a<00:00:45.020> computational<00:00:45.590> neuroscience lab in a computational neuroscience lab in a computational neuroscience department<00:00:46.700> and<00:00:46.910> I<00:00:46.970> wasn't<00:00:47.210> doing<00:00:47.420> any department and I wasn't doing any department and I wasn't doing any neuroscience<00:00:48.340> later<00:00:49.340> I<00:00:49.700> would<00:00:50.090> work<00:00:50.300> on neuroscience later I would work on neuroscience later I would work on evolutionary<00:00:50.840> genetics<00:00:51.530> and<00:00:51.860> work<00:00:52.280> on evolutionary genetics and work on evolutionary genetics and work on systems<00:00:53.000> biology<00:00:53.240> but<00:00:54.140> I'm<00:00:54.500> gonna<00:00:54.680> tell<00:00:54.950> you systems biology but I'm gonna tell you systems biology but I'm gonna tell you about<00:00:55.130> something<00:00:55.550> else<00:00:55.730> today<00:00:56.180> I'm<00:00:56.720> gonna about something else today I'm gonna about something else today I'm gonna tell<00:00:57.470> you<00:00:57.710> about<00:00:57.920> how<00:00:58.430> I<00:00:58.460> learned<00:00:59.050> something tell you about how I learned something tell you about how I learned something about<00:01:00.200> life<00:01:00.590> and<00:01:00.830> I<00:01:01.220> was<00:01:01.400> actually<00:01:01.610> a<00:01:02.170> rocket about life and I was actually a rocket about life and I was actually a rocket scientist<00:01:03.860> I<00:01:04.189> was<00:01:04.670> a<00:01:04.699> rocket<00:01:05.000> something<00:01:05.239> I scientist I was a rocket something I scientist I was a rocket something I wasn't<00:01:05.540> really<00:01:05.810> a<00:01:05.930> rocket<00:01:06.259> scientist<00:01:06.740> but<00:01:06.799> I wasn't really a rocket scientist but I wasn't really a rocket scientist but I was<00:01:07.340> working<00:01:07.850> at<00:01:08.659> the<00:01:09.079> Jet<00:01:09.290> Propulsion was working at the Jet Propulsion was working at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory<00:01:10.369> in<00:01:11.299> sunny<00:01:11.780> California<00:01:12.470> where Laboratory in sunny California where Laboratory in sunny California where it's<00:01:13.100> warm<00:01:13.610> whereas<00:01:14.360> now<00:01:14.600> I'm<00:01:14.840> in<00:01:14.960> the<00:01:15.020> Midwest it's warm whereas now I'm in the Midwest it's warm whereas now I'm in the Midwest and<00:01:15.770> it's<00:01:15.920> cold<00:01:16.840> but<00:01:17.920> it<00:01:18.920> was<00:01:19.100> an<00:01:19.249> exciting and it's cold but it was an exciting and it's cold but it was an exciting experience<00:01:19.789> one<00:01:20.719> day<00:01:20.990> a<00:01:21.259> NASA<00:01:22.069> manager<00:01:22.640> comes experience one day a NASA manager comes experience one day a NASA manager comes into<00:01:23.179> my<00:01:23.299> office<00:01:23.329> sits<00:01:24.200> down<00:01:24.469> and<00:01:24.909> says<00:01:26.229> can into my office sits down and says can into my office sits down and says can you<00:01:27.380> please<00:01:27.619> tell<00:01:27.920> us<00:01:27.979> how<00:01:28.850> do<00:01:28.909> we<00:01:29.240> look<00:01:29.420> for you please tell us how do we look for you please tell us how do we look for life<00:01:29.689> outside<00:01:30.139> earth<00:01:30.909> and<00:01:31.909> that<00:01:32.119> came<00:01:32.420> as<00:01:32.630> a life outside earth and that came as a life outside earth and that came as a surprise<00:01:32.840> to<00:01:33.259> me<00:01:33.350> because<00:01:33.469> I<00:01:33.649> was<00:01:33.770> actually surprise to me because I was actually surprise to me because I was actually hired<00:01:34.280> to<00:01:34.789> work<00:01:34.909> on<00:01:35.119> quantum<00:01:35.920> computation<00:01:36.999> yet hired to work on quantum computation yet hired to work on quantum computation yet I<00:01:38.030> had<00:01:38.270> a<00:01:38.299> very<00:01:38.479> good<00:01:38.600> answer<00:01:38.810> I<00:01:38.990> said<00:01:39.109> I<00:01:39.590> have I had a very good answer I said I have I had a very good answer I said I have no<00:01:40.249> idea<00:01:41.170> and<00:01:42.170> he<00:01:42.229> told<00:01:42.499> me<00:01:42.649> bio<00:01:43.429> signatures<00:01:44.270> we no idea and he told me bio signatures we no idea and he told me bio signatures we need<00:01:45.380> to<00:01:45.619> look<00:01:45.829> for<00:01:46.310> a<00:01:46.340> bio<00:01:46.759> signature<00:01:47.389> and<00:01:47.479> I need to look for a bio signature and I need to look for a bio signature and I said<00:01:47.689> what<00:01:47.840> is<00:01:47.990> that<00:01:48.020> and<00:01:48.229> he<00:01:48.530> said<00:01:48.770> it's<00:01:49.340> any said what is that and he said it's any said what is that and he said it's any measurable<00:01:50.840> phenomenon<00:01:50.990> that<00:01:51.590> allows<00:01:51.979> us<00:01:52.369> to measurable phenomenon that allows us to measurable phenomenon that allows us to indicate<00:01:53.090> the<00:01:53.299> presence<00:01:53.509> of<00:01:53.810> life<00:01:54.049> and<00:01:55.009> I<00:01:55.069> said indicate the presence of life and I said indicate the presence of life and I said really<00:01:55.929> because<00:01:56.929> it's<00:01:57.469> not<00:01:57.649> easy<00:01:57.950> I<00:01:58.310> mean<00:01:58.850> way really because it's not easy I mean way really because it's not easy I mean way of<00:01:59.630> life<00:01:59.810> can't<00:02:00.619> you<00:02:00.679> apply<00:02:00.920> like<00:02:01.130> a of life can't you apply like a of life can't you apply like a definition<00:02:02.060> like<00:02:02.359> for<00:02:02.600> example<00:02:02.719> a<00:02:03.200> Supreme definition like for example a Supreme definition like for example a Supreme Court<00:02:04.219> like<00:02:04.490> a<00:02:04.549> definition<00:02:05.209> of<00:02:05.539> life<00:02:05.929> and<00:02:06.579> then Court like a definition of life and then Court like a definition of life and then thought<00:02:07.789> about<00:02:07.969> it<00:02:08.090> a<00:02:08.149> little<00:02:08.240> bit<00:02:08.390> and<00:02:08.569> I<00:02:08.630> said thought about it a little bit and I said thought about it a little bit and I said well<00:02:09.319> is<00:02:09.890> it<00:02:10.069> really<00:02:10.280> that<00:02:10.369> easy<00:02:10.429> because<00:02:11.270> yes well is it really that easy because yes well is it really that easy because yes if<00:02:11.720> you<00:02:11.840> see<00:02:12.080> something<00:02:12.500> like<00:02:12.530> this<00:02:12.860> then<00:02:13.730> all if you see something like this then all if you see something like this then all right<00:02:14.270> fine right fine right fine I'm<00:02:14.930> gonna<00:02:15.050> call<00:02:15.230> it<00:02:15.380> a<00:02:15.410> life<00:02:15.590> no<00:02:16.099> doubt<00:02:16.310> about I'm gonna call it a life no doubt about I'm gonna call it a life no doubt about it<00:02:16.700> but<00:02:17.770> here's<00:02:18.770> something<00:02:18.950> it<00:02:19.220> goes<00:02:19.280> like it but here's something it goes like it but here's something it goes like right<00:02:20.420> that's<00:02:20.780> life<00:02:21.080> -<00:02:21.110> I<00:02:21.320> know<00:02:21.530> that<00:02:21.890> extent right that's life - I know that extent right that's life - I know that extent if<00:02:22.930> you<00:02:23.350> think<00:02:23.710> that<00:02:24.370> life<00:02:24.670> is<00:02:24.880> also<00:02:25.150> defined if you think that life is also defined if you think that life is also defined by<00:02:25.720> things<00:02:25.960> that<00:02:26.170> die<00:02:26.470> you're<00:02:27.220> not<00:02:27.460> in<00:02:27.910> luck by things that die you're not in luck by things that die you're not in luck with<00:02:28.270> this<00:02:28.420> thing<00:02:28.660> because<00:02:28.930> that's<00:02:29.170> actually with this thing because that's actually with this thing because that's actually very<00:02:29.560> strange<00:02:30.340> organism<00:02:30.670> it<00:02:31.120> grows<00:02:31.450> up<00:02:31.660> into very strange organism it grows up into very strange organism it grows up into its<00:02:31.990> adult<00:02:32.080> stage<00:02:32.470> like<00:02:32.710> that<00:02:32.920> and<00:02:33.130> then<00:02:33.490> goes its adult stage like that and then goes its adult stage like that and then goes through<00:02:33.730> like<00:02:34.150> a<00:02:34.180> Benjamin<00:02:34.450> Button<00:02:34.720> phase through like a Benjamin Button phase through like a Benjamin Button phase initially<00:02:35.710> goes<00:02:36.030> backwards<00:02:37.030> and<00:02:37.090> backwards initially goes backwards and backwards initially goes backwards and backwards until<00:02:37.660> it's<00:02:37.900> like<00:02:38.620> a<00:02:38.650> little<00:02:38.890> embryo<00:02:39.790> again until it's like a little embryo again until it's like a little embryo again and<00:02:40.360> then<00:02:40.450> actually<00:02:40.720> grows<00:02:40.870> back<00:02:41.080> up<00:02:41.290> and<00:02:41.590> back and then actually grows back up and back and then actually grows back up and back down<00:02:42.070> and<00:02:42.100> back<00:02:42.370> up<00:02:42.430> sort<00:02:42.820> of<00:02:42.850> yo-yo<00:02:43.300> and<00:02:43.570> it down and back up sort of yo-yo and it down and back up sort of yo-yo and it never<00:02:43.990> dies<00:02:44.280> so<00:02:45.280> it's<00:02:46.030> actually<00:02:46.300> life<00:02:46.780> but never dies so it's actually life but never dies so it's actually life but it's<00:02:47.620> actually<00:02:48.280> not<00:02:48.310> as<00:02:48.850> we<00:02:49.480> thought<00:02:49.930> life it's actually not as we thought life it's actually not as we thought life would<00:02:50.740> be<00:02:50.950> and<00:02:51.730> then<00:02:52.210> you<00:02:52.720> see<00:02:52.870> something<00:02:53.050> like would be and then you see something like would be and then you see something like that<00:02:53.290> and<00:02:53.890> it<00:02:53.950> was<00:02:54.010> like<00:02:54.190> my<00:02:54.310> god<00:02:54.520> what<00:02:54.760> kind<00:02:54.910> of that and it was like my god what kind of that and it was like my god what kind of a<00:02:55.060> life-form<00:02:55.240> is<00:02:55.570> that<00:02:55.980> anyone<00:02:56.980> know<00:02:57.330> it's a life-form is that anyone know it's a life-form is that anyone know it's actually<00:02:58.870> not<00:02:59.050> life<00:02:59.320> it's<00:03:00.160> a<00:03:00.310> crystal<00:03:00.810> so<00:03:01.810> once actually not life it's a crystal so once actually not life it's a crystal so once you<00:03:02.230> start<00:03:02.290> looking<00:03:02.800> and<00:03:03.190> looking<00:03:03.490> at<00:03:03.610> smaller you start looking and looking at smaller you start looking and looking at smaller and<00:03:04.120> smaller<00:03:04.330> things<00:03:04.660> so<00:03:05.110> this<00:03:05.350> particular and smaller things so this particular and smaller things so this particular person<00:03:06.460> wrote<00:03:06.880> a<00:03:06.910> whole<00:03:07.120> article<00:03:07.300> and<00:03:07.690> said person wrote a whole article and said person wrote a whole article and said hey<00:03:08.080> these<00:03:08.470> are<00:03:08.710> bacteria<00:03:09.060> except<00:03:10.060> if<00:03:10.180> you hey these are bacteria except if you hey these are bacteria except if you look<00:03:10.390> a<00:03:10.480> little<00:03:10.570> bit<00:03:10.750> closer<00:03:11.140> you<00:03:11.560> see<00:03:11.800> in<00:03:11.980> fact look a little bit closer you see in fact look a little bit closer you see in fact that<00:03:12.460> this<00:03:12.640> thing<00:03:12.880> is<00:03:13.030> way<00:03:13.390> too<00:03:13.450> small<00:03:14.050> to<00:03:14.110> be that this thing is way too small to be that this thing is way too small to be anything<00:03:14.500> like<00:03:14.740> that<00:03:14.800> so<00:03:15.070> he<00:03:15.190> was<00:03:15.310> convinced anything like that so he was convinced anything like that so he was convinced but<00:03:16.270> in<00:03:16.420> fact<00:03:16.690> most<00:03:17.200> people<00:03:17.350> aren't<00:03:18.100> and<00:03:18.540> then but in fact most people aren't and then but in fact most people aren't and then of<00:03:19.690> course<00:03:19.900> NASA<00:03:20.470> also<00:03:21.190> had<00:03:21.370> a<00:03:21.400> big of course NASA also had a big of course NASA also had a big announcement<00:03:22.090> in<00:03:22.630> fact<00:03:22.780> President<00:03:23.320> Clinton announcement in fact President Clinton announcement in fact President Clinton gave<00:03:24.220> a<00:03:24.280> press<00:03:24.610> conference<00:03:25.210> about<00:03:25.330> this gave a press conference about this gave a press conference about this amazing<00:03:25.930> discovery<00:03:26.440> of<00:03:26.980> life<00:03:27.850> in<00:03:28.210> a<00:03:28.720> Martian amazing discovery of life in a Martian amazing discovery of life in a Martian meteorite<00:03:30.150> except<00:03:31.150> that<00:03:31.300> nowadays<00:03:31.480> it's meteorite except that nowadays it's meteorite except that nowadays it's heavily<00:03:32.860> disputed<00:03:33.270> if<00:03:34.270> you<00:03:34.450> take<00:03:34.630> the<00:03:34.780> lessons heavily disputed if you take the lessons heavily disputed if you take the lessons of<00:03:35.320> all<00:03:35.590> these<00:03:35.830> pictures<00:03:36.070> then<00:03:36.790> you<00:03:36.910> realize of all these pictures then you realize of all these pictures then you realize well<00:03:37.540> actually<00:03:37.690> maybe<00:03:38.020> it's<00:03:38.230> not<00:03:38.500> that<00:03:38.770> easy well actually maybe it's not that easy well actually maybe it's not that easy maybe<00:03:39.280> I<00:03:39.400> do<00:03:39.550> need<00:03:40.450> a<00:03:40.870> definition<00:03:41.680> of<00:03:42.100> life<00:03:42.340> in maybe I do need a definition of life in maybe I do need a definition of life in order<00:03:43.420> to<00:03:43.570> make<00:03:43.750> that<00:03:43.990> kind<00:03:44.200> of<00:03:44.320> distinction order to make that kind of distinction order to make that kind of distinction so<00:03:45.520> can<00:03:46.210> life<00:03:46.540> be<00:03:46.780> defined<00:03:47.170> well<00:03:48.040> how<00:03:48.160> would so can life be defined well how would so can life be defined well how would you<00:03:48.370> do<00:03:48.460> about<00:03:48.610> it<00:03:48.880> well<00:03:49.210> of<00:03:49.300> course<00:03:49.330> you<00:03:49.870> go<00:03:50.050> to you do about it well of course you go to you do about it well of course you go to breathe<00:03:50.440> you<00:03:50.560> know<00:03:50.680> Encyclopedia<00:03:51.430> Britannica breathe you know Encyclopedia Britannica breathe you know Encyclopedia Britannica and<00:03:52.120> open<00:03:52.450> that<00:03:52.600> L<00:03:52.870> know<00:03:53.590> of<00:03:53.830> course<00:03:54.070> you<00:03:54.220> don't and open that L know of course you don't and open that L know of course you don't do<00:03:54.520> that<00:03:54.730> you<00:03:54.910> put<00:03:55.090> it<00:03:55.240> somewhere<00:03:55.360> in<00:03:55.570> Google do that you put it somewhere in Google do that you put it somewhere in Google and<00:03:56.170> then<00:03:56.470> you<00:03:56.620> might<00:03:56.800> get<00:03:56.980> something<00:03:57.690> and and then you might get something and and then you might get something and what<00:03:59.260> you<00:03:59.380> might<00:03:59.530> get<00:03:59.740> and<00:03:59.920> you<00:03:59.980> go<00:04:00.100> there what you might get and you go there what you might get and you go there anything<00:04:00.459> that<00:04:00.640> actually<00:04:01.209> refers<00:04:01.630> to<00:04:01.660> you anything that actually refers to you anything that actually refers to you know<00:04:02.530> things<00:04:03.160> that<00:04:03.310> we<00:04:03.400> are<00:04:03.520> used<00:04:03.730> to<00:04:03.880> you know things that we are used to you know things that we are used to you throw<00:04:04.570> away<00:04:04.690> and<00:04:04.930> then<00:04:05.020> you<00:04:05.110> can<00:04:05.260> might<00:04:05.709> come throw away and then you can might come throw away and then you can might come up<00:04:06.040> with<00:04:06.190> something<00:04:06.430> like<00:04:06.459> this<00:04:06.790> and<00:04:07.000> it<00:04:07.360> says up with something like this and it says up with something like this and it says something<00:04:08.020> complicated<00:04:08.740> with<00:04:09.340> lots<00:04:09.580> and<00:04:09.730> lots something complicated with lots and lots something complicated with lots and lots of<00:04:10.000> concepts<00:04:10.750> who<00:04:11.440> on<00:04:11.590> earth<00:04:11.830> would<00:04:12.130> write of concepts who on earth would write of concepts who on earth would write something<00:04:12.700> as<00:04:13.060> convoluted<00:04:13.660> and<00:04:14.230> complex<00:04:14.860> and something as convoluted and complex and something as convoluted and complex and inane<00:04:18.150> it's<00:04:19.150> actually<00:04:19.420> you<00:04:19.690> know<00:04:19.750> a<00:04:19.780> really inane it's actually you know a really inane it's actually you know a really really<00:04:20.739> important<00:04:21.280> set<00:04:21.430> of<00:04:21.549> concepts<00:04:22.000> so<00:04:22.150> I'm really important set of concepts so I'm really important set of concepts so I'm highlighting<00:04:23.350> just<00:04:23.380> a<00:04:23.620> few<00:04:23.920> words<00:04:24.100> and<00:04:24.430> saying highlighting just a few words and saying highlighting just a few words and saying definitions<00:04:25.750> like<00:04:26.020> that<00:04:26.550> rely<00:04:27.550> on<00:04:27.580> things definitions like that rely on things definitions like that rely on things that<00:04:28.480> are<00:04:28.690> not<00:04:28.990> based<00:04:29.380> on<00:04:29.590> amino<00:04:30.070> acids<00:04:30.669> or that are not based on amino acids or that are not based on amino acids or leaves leaves leaves or<00:04:32.680> anything<00:04:33.490> that<00:04:33.730> we<00:04:33.970> are<00:04:34.090> used<00:04:34.300> to<00:04:34.450> but<00:04:34.660> in or anything that we are used to but in or anything that we are used to but in fact<00:04:34.930> on<00:04:35.139> processes<00:04:35.740> only<00:04:35.980> and<00:04:36.639> if<00:04:37.000> you<00:04:37.120> take<00:04:37.330> a fact on processes only and if you take a fact on processes only and if you take a look<00:04:37.660> at<00:04:37.810> that<00:04:37.990> this<00:04:38.350> was<00:04:38.560> actually<00:04:39.010> in<00:04:39.100> a<00:04:39.160> book look at that this was actually in a book look at that this was actually in a book that<00:04:39.520> I<00:04:39.639> wrote<00:04:39.880> that<00:04:40.300> this<00:04:40.480> was<00:04:40.630> artificial that I wrote that this was artificial that I wrote that this was artificial life<00:04:41.410> and<00:04:41.560> that<00:04:41.680> explains<00:04:42.100> why<00:04:42.700> that<00:04:42.880> NASA life and that explains why that NASA life and that explains why that NASA manager<00:04:43.780> was<00:04:43.930> actually<00:04:44.290> in<00:04:44.380> my<00:04:44.530> office<00:04:44.710> to manager was actually in my office to manager was actually in my office to begin<00:04:45.250> with<00:04:45.430> because<00:04:46.000> the<00:04:46.330> idea<00:04:46.720> was<00:04:47.020> that begin with because the idea was that begin with because the idea was that with<00:04:47.470> concepts<00:04:48.100> like<00:04:48.130> that<00:04:48.520> maybe<00:04:49.240> we<00:04:49.450> can with concepts like that maybe we can with concepts like that maybe we can actually<00:04:49.780> manufacture<00:04:50.350> a<00:04:51.250> form<00:04:51.970> of<00:04:52.090> life<00:04:52.380> and actually manufacture a form of life and actually manufacture a form of life and so<00:04:53.740> if<00:04:54.100> you<00:04:54.340> go<00:04:54.520> and<00:04:55.180> ask<00:04:55.360> yourself<00:04:55.660> what<00:04:55.810> on so if you go and ask yourself what on so if you go and ask yourself what on earth<00:04:56.350> is<00:04:56.590> artificial<00:04:56.980> life<00:04:57.340> let<00:04:58.090> me<00:04:58.120> give<00:04:58.240> you earth is artificial life let me give you earth is artificial life let me give you like<00:04:58.510> a<00:04:58.540> whirlwind<00:04:59.410> to<00:04:59.620> of<00:04:59.770> how<00:04:59.950> all<00:05:00.190> this like a whirlwind to of how all this like a whirlwind to of how all this stuff<00:05:00.669> came<00:05:00.940> about<00:05:01.240> and<00:05:01.480> it<00:05:01.840> started<00:05:02.350> out stuff came about and it started out stuff came about and it started out quite<00:05:03.490> a<00:05:03.520> while<00:05:03.760> ago<00:05:03.900> when<00:05:04.900> someone<00:05:05.530> wrote<00:05:06.160> one quite a while ago when someone wrote one quite a while ago when someone wrote one of<00:05:06.460> the<00:05:06.669> first<00:05:06.700> successful<00:05:07.570> computer<00:05:08.260> viruses of the first successful computer viruses of the first successful computer viruses and<00:05:08.950> for<00:05:09.729> those<00:05:09.850> of<00:05:09.910> you<00:05:10.270> who<00:05:10.600> aren't<00:05:10.810> old and for those of you who aren't old and for those of you who aren't old enough<00:05:11.200> you<00:05:11.590> have<00:05:11.770> no<00:05:12.010> idea<00:05:12.400> how<00:05:12.610> this enough you have no idea how this enough you have no idea how this infection<00:05:13.389> was<00:05:13.540> working<00:05:13.930> namely<00:05:14.530> through infection was working namely through infection was working namely through these<00:05:15.100> floppy<00:05:15.490> disks<00:05:16.000> but<00:05:16.690> the<00:05:17.050> interesting these floppy disks but the interesting these floppy disks but the interesting thing<00:05:17.650> about<00:05:17.950> these<00:05:18.490> computer<00:05:19.270> virus thing about these computer virus thing about these computer virus infections<00:05:20.380> was<00:05:20.530> that<00:05:20.740> if<00:05:20.889> you<00:05:21.010> look<00:05:21.220> at<00:05:21.340> the infections was that if you look at the infections was that if you look at the rate<00:05:21.729> at<00:05:22.180> which<00:05:22.240> these<00:05:22.690> infection<00:05:23.440> work<00:05:23.650> they rate at which these infection work they rate at which these infection work they show<00:05:24.250> like<00:05:24.460> the<00:05:24.580> spiky<00:05:25.240> behavior<00:05:25.690> that<00:05:25.780> you're show like the spiky behavior that you're show like the spiky behavior that you're used<00:05:26.229> to<00:05:26.380> like<00:05:26.530> from<00:05:26.710> flu<00:05:27.040> virus<00:05:27.460> and<00:05:28.180> it<00:05:28.690> is<00:05:28.840> in used to like from flu virus and it is in used to like from flu virus and it is in fact<00:05:29.020> due<00:05:29.410> to<00:05:29.440> this<00:05:29.710> arms<00:05:30.160> race<00:05:30.280> between fact due to this arms race between fact due to this arms race between hackers<00:05:31.510> and<00:05:31.690> operating<00:05:32.500> system<00:05:32.979> designers hackers and operating system designers hackers and operating system designers that<00:05:34.000> things<00:05:34.270> go<00:05:34.450> back<00:05:34.660> and<00:05:34.900> forth<00:05:35.139> and<00:05:35.350> the that things go back and forth and the that things go back and forth and the results<00:05:36.130> is<00:05:36.280> kind<00:05:36.910> of<00:05:36.970> a<00:05:37.060> tree<00:05:37.450> of<00:05:37.660> life<00:05:37.690> of results is kind of a tree of life of results is kind of a tree of life of these<00:05:39.010> viruses<00:05:39.729> a<00:05:39.880> phylogeny<00:05:40.630> that<00:05:41.050> looks these viruses a phylogeny that looks these viruses a phylogeny that looks very<00:05:41.710> much<00:05:42.070> like<00:05:42.550> the<00:05:42.700> type<00:05:42.910> of<00:05:42.940> life<00:05:43.330> that very much like the type of life that very much like the type of life that we're<00:05:44.050> used<00:05:44.229> to<00:05:44.320> at<00:05:44.440> least<00:05:44.560> on<00:05:44.800> the<00:05:44.950> viral we're used to at least on the viral we're used to at least on the viral level<00:05:45.580> so<00:05:46.240> is<00:05:46.390> that<00:05:46.630> life<00:05:46.930> not<00:05:47.919> as<00:05:48.039> far<00:05:48.250> as<00:05:48.280> I'm level so is that life not as far as I'm level so is that life not as far as I'm concerned<00:05:49.030> why<00:05:49.510> because<00:05:50.050> these<00:05:50.169> things<00:05:50.380> don't concerned why because these things don't concerned why because these things don't evolve<00:05:51.070> by<00:05:51.370> themselves<00:05:51.910> in<00:05:52.240> fact<00:05:52.419> they<00:05:52.539> have evolve by themselves in fact they have evolve by themselves in fact they have hackers<00:05:52.930> writing<00:05:53.560> them<00:05:53.740> but<00:05:54.310> the<00:05:54.430> idea<00:05:54.729> was hackers writing them but the idea was hackers writing them but the idea was taken<00:05:55.150> very<00:05:55.600> quickly<00:05:55.930> a<00:05:56.110> little<00:05:56.530> bit<00:05:56.620> further taken very quickly a little bit further taken very quickly a little bit further when<00:05:57.700> a<00:05:58.000> scientist<00:05:58.840> working<00:05:58.990> at<00:05:59.320> the<00:05:59.470> Santa<00:05:59.830> Fe when a scientist working at the Santa Fe when a scientist working at the Santa Fe Institute<00:06:00.100> decided<00:06:00.850> why<00:06:01.300> don't<00:06:01.570> we<00:06:01.720> try<00:06:02.050> to Institute decided why don't we try to Institute decided why don't we try to package<00:06:02.590> these<00:06:03.039> little<00:06:03.340> viruses<00:06:03.880> in package these little viruses in package these little viruses in artificial<00:06:04.510> worlds<00:06:05.050> inside<00:06:05.169> of<00:06:05.380> the<00:06:05.440> computer artificial worlds inside of the computer artificial worlds inside of the computer and<00:06:06.130> let<00:06:06.550> them<00:06:06.729> evolve<00:06:06.880> and<00:06:07.660> this<00:06:07.870> was<00:06:08.020> stay<00:06:08.200> in and let them evolve and this was stay in and let them evolve and this was stay in rasmussen<00:06:08.919> and<00:06:09.070> he<00:06:09.610> designed<00:06:09.940> the<00:06:10.120> system<00:06:10.300> but rasmussen and he designed the system but rasmussen and he designed the system but it<00:06:10.690> didn't<00:06:10.900> really<00:06:10.990> work<00:06:11.160> because<00:06:12.160> these it didn't really work because these it didn't really work because these viruses<00:06:12.820> were<00:06:12.940> constantly<00:06:13.479> destroying<00:06:13.900> each viruses were constantly destroying each viruses were constantly destroying each other<00:06:14.380> but<00:06:14.889> there<00:06:14.979> was<00:06:15.070> another<00:06:15.280> scientist other but there was another scientist other but there was another scientist they<00:06:16.240> had<00:06:16.360> been<00:06:16.510> watching<00:06:16.690> this<00:06:17.050> an<00:06:17.260> ecologist they had been watching this an ecologist they had been watching this an ecologist and<00:06:17.979> he<00:06:18.370> went<00:06:18.550> home<00:06:18.789> and<00:06:19.030> said<00:06:19.360> I<00:06:19.510> know<00:06:19.660> how<00:06:19.780> to and he went home and said I know how to and he went home and said I know how to fix<00:06:20.110> this<00:06:20.380> and<00:06:20.590> he<00:06:21.010> wrote<00:06:21.220> the<00:06:21.370> chera<00:06:21.669> system fix this and he wrote the chera system fix this and he wrote the chera system and<00:06:22.389> in<00:06:22.750> my<00:06:23.020> book<00:06:23.289> is<00:06:23.500> in<00:06:23.800> fact<00:06:24.039> one<00:06:24.280> of<00:06:24.310> the and in my book is in fact one of the and in my book is in fact one of the first<00:06:24.820> truly<00:06:25.600> artificial<00:06:26.440> living<00:06:26.740> systems first truly artificial living systems first truly artificial living systems except<00:06:27.820> for<00:06:27.940> the<00:06:28.030> fact<00:06:28.210> that<00:06:28.270> these<00:06:28.450> programs except for the fact that these programs except for the fact that these programs didn't<00:06:29.139> really<00:06:29.380> grow<00:06:29.620> in<00:06:29.800> complexity<00:06:30.370> so didn't really grow in complexity so didn't really grow in complexity so having<00:06:31.690> seen<00:06:32.110> this<00:06:32.289> work<00:06:32.560> worked<00:06:32.889> a<00:06:33.039> little having seen this work worked a little having seen this work worked a little bit<00:06:33.310> on<00:06:33.400> us<00:06:33.580> this<00:06:34.060> is<00:06:34.240> where<00:06:34.389> I<00:06:34.419> came<00:06:34.570> in<00:06:35.020> and<00:06:35.200> I bit on us this is where I came in and I bit on us this is where I came in and I decided<00:06:36.280> to<00:06:36.460> create<00:06:36.880> a<00:06:36.910> system<00:06:37.450> that<00:06:37.630> has<00:06:38.200> all decided to create a system that has all decided to create a system that has all the<00:06:38.650> properties<00:06:39.070> that<00:06:39.310> are<00:06:39.460> necessary<00:06:40.060> to<00:06:40.450> see the properties that are necessary to see the properties that are necessary to see in<00:06:40.840> fact<00:06:41.140> the<00:06:41.500> evolution<00:06:42.099> of<00:06:42.190> complexity<00:06:42.909> more in fact the evolution of complexity more in fact the evolution of complexity more and<00:06:43.690> more<00:06:43.840> complex<00:06:44.229> programs<00:06:44.770> constantly and more complex programs constantly and more complex programs constantly evolving<00:06:46.000> and<00:06:46.210> of<00:06:46.930> course<00:06:47.139> since<00:06:47.229> I<00:06:47.409> really evolving and of course since I really evolving and of course since I really don't<00:06:47.770> know<00:06:48.039> how<00:06:48.159> to<00:06:48.220> write<00:06:48.460> code<00:06:48.669> I'll<00:06:48.879> help don't know how to write code I'll help don't know how to write code I'll help him<00:06:49.330> decide<00:06:49.629> two<00:06:49.840> undergraduate<00:06:50.289> students<00:06:50.830> at him decide two undergraduate students at him decide two undergraduate students at California<00:06:51.879> Institute<00:06:52.240> of<00:06:52.300> Technology<00:06:52.360> that California Institute of Technology that California Institute of Technology that worked<00:06:53.139> with<00:06:53.289> me<00:06:53.500> that's<00:06:54.069> Charles<00:06:54.520> or<00:06:54.759> free<00:06:55.000> on worked with me that's Charles or free on worked with me that's Charles or free on the<00:06:55.330> left<00:06:55.539> titus<00:06:56.199> brown<00:06:56.439> on<00:06:56.620> the<00:06:56.710> right<00:06:56.889> they the left titus brown on the right they the left titus brown on the right they are<00:06:57.490> now<00:06:57.610> actually<00:06:57.939> respectable<00:06:58.780> professors are now actually respectable professors are now actually respectable professors at<00:06:59.889> Michigan<00:07:00.280> State<00:07:00.400> University<00:07:00.810> but<00:07:01.810> I<00:07:02.139> can at Michigan State University but I can at Michigan State University but I can assure<00:07:02.650> you<00:07:03.159> back<00:07:03.460> in<00:07:03.669> the<00:07:03.759> days<00:07:04.000> you<00:07:04.360> know<00:07:04.569> we assure you back in the days you know we assure you back in the days you know we were<00:07:04.870> not<00:07:05.050> a<00:07:05.080> respectable<00:07:05.590> team<00:07:05.889> and<00:07:06.159> I'm were not a respectable team and I'm were not a respectable team and I'm really<00:07:06.610> happy<00:07:06.849> that<00:07:06.969> no<00:07:07.270> photo<00:07:07.569> survives<00:07:08.050> of really happy that no photo survives of really happy that no photo survives of the<00:07:08.409> three<00:07:08.680> of<00:07:08.710> us<00:07:08.919> anywhere<00:07:09.729> close<00:07:10.120> together the three of us anywhere close together the three of us anywhere close together but<00:07:11.590> what<00:07:12.039> is<00:07:12.159> the<00:07:12.280> system<00:07:12.699> like<00:07:12.879> well<00:07:13.509> I<00:07:13.689> can't but what is the system like well I can't but what is the system like well I can't really<00:07:14.409> go<00:07:14.530> into<00:07:14.560> the<00:07:14.919> details<00:07:15.340> but<00:07:15.520> what<00:07:15.849> you really go into the details but what you really go into the details but what you see<00:07:16.240> here<00:07:16.270> is<00:07:16.780> some<00:07:17.349> of<00:07:17.379> the<00:07:17.590> entrails<00:07:18.039> but see here is some of the entrails but see here is some of the entrails but what<00:07:18.460> I<00:07:18.520> want<00:07:18.849> you<00:07:18.879> to<00:07:18.969> focus<00:07:19.270> on<00:07:19.599> is<00:07:19.840> this<00:07:20.800> type what I want you to focus on is this type what I want you to focus on is this type of<00:07:21.159> population<00:07:21.490> structures<00:07:22.330> about<00:07:22.569> ten of population structures about ten of population structures about ten thousand<00:07:23.259> programs<00:07:23.500> sitting<00:07:24.430> here<00:07:24.639> and<00:07:24.849> all thousand programs sitting here and all thousand programs sitting here and all different<00:07:25.270> strains<00:07:25.960> are<00:07:26.229> colored<00:07:26.560> in different strains are colored in different strains are colored in different<00:07:26.979> colors<00:07:27.370> and<00:07:27.610> as<00:07:28.030> you<00:07:28.120> see<00:07:28.330> here different colors and as you see here different colors and as you see here there<00:07:28.750> are<00:07:28.780> groups<00:07:29.139> that<00:07:29.409> are<00:07:29.740> growing<00:07:30.039> on<00:07:30.370> top there are groups that are growing on top there are groups that are growing on top of<00:07:30.729> each<00:07:30.849> other<00:07:31.090> because<00:07:31.509> they're<00:07:31.810> spreading of each other because they're spreading of each other because they're spreading anytime<00:07:33.250> there's<00:07:33.490> a<00:07:33.580> program<00:07:33.849> that's<00:07:34.240> better anytime there's a program that's better anytime there's a program that's better that's<00:07:35.229> surviving<00:07:35.800> in<00:07:35.919> this<00:07:36.069> world<00:07:36.400> due<00:07:37.090> to that's surviving in this world due to that's surviving in this world due to whatever<00:07:37.509> mutation<00:07:38.139> that<00:07:38.199> is<00:07:38.349> acquired<00:07:38.710> it's whatever mutation that is acquired it's whatever mutation that is acquired it's going<00:07:39.099> to<00:07:39.190> spread<00:07:39.520> over<00:07:39.550> the<00:07:39.879> others<00:07:40.120> and going to spread over the others and going to spread over the others and drive<00:07:40.509> the<00:07:40.659> others<00:07:40.840> to<00:07:40.960> extinction<00:07:41.289> so<00:07:41.949> I'm drive the others to extinction so I'm drive the others to extinction so I'm going<00:07:42.159> to<00:07:42.190> show<00:07:42.400> you<00:07:42.430> a<00:07:42.580> movie<00:07:43.029> where<00:07:43.389> you're going to show you a movie where you're going to show you a movie where you're gonna<00:07:43.569> see<00:07:43.900> that<00:07:44.050> kind<00:07:44.349> of<00:07:44.500> dynamics<00:07:45.009> and<00:07:45.189> this gonna see that kind of dynamics and this gonna see that kind of dynamics and this movie<00:07:45.879> star<00:07:46.210> I<00:07:46.330> mean<00:07:46.479> these<00:07:46.569> kind<00:07:46.810> of movie star I mean these kind of movie star I mean these kind of experiments<00:07:47.529> are<00:07:47.590> started<00:07:47.889> with<00:07:48.069> programs experiments are started with programs experiments are started with programs that<00:07:49.090> we<00:07:49.389> you<00:07:49.539> wrote<00:07:49.779> ourselves<00:07:49.960> we<00:07:50.469> write<00:07:50.770> our that we you wrote ourselves we write our that we you wrote ourselves we write our own<00:07:51.069> self<00:07:51.400> replicator<00:07:51.879> are<00:07:52.060> now<00:07:52.180> very<00:07:52.330> proud own self replicator are now very proud own self replicator are now very proud of<00:07:52.690> ourselves<00:07:52.900> and<00:07:53.379> we<00:07:53.680> put<00:07:53.889> them<00:07:54.069> in<00:07:54.250> and<00:07:54.460> what of ourselves and we put them in and what of ourselves and we put them in and what you<00:07:55.569> see<00:07:55.810> immediately<00:07:55.960> is<00:07:56.620> that<00:07:56.680> there<00:07:57.669> are you see immediately is that there are you see immediately is that there are waves<00:07:58.210> and<00:07:58.659> waves<00:07:58.990> of<00:07:59.319> innovation<00:07:59.469> by<00:07:59.949> the<00:08:00.009> way waves and waves of innovation by the way waves and waves of innovation by the way this<00:08:00.250> is<00:08:00.400> highly<00:08:00.849> accelerated<00:08:01.150> so<00:08:01.629> it's<00:08:01.750> like this is highly accelerated so it's like this is highly accelerated so it's like a<00:08:02.050> thousand<00:08:02.500> generations<00:08:02.560> a<00:08:03.069> second<00:08:03.430> but<00:08:04.060> the a thousand generations a second but the a thousand generations a second but the system<00:08:04.960> goes<00:08:05.080> like<00:08:05.229> what<00:08:05.710> kind<00:08:05.889> of<00:08:05.919> a<00:08:05.979> dumb system goes like what kind of a dumb system goes like what kind of a dumb piece<00:08:06.699> of<00:08:06.729> code<00:08:07.210> was<00:08:07.419> this<00:08:07.629> this<00:08:08.080> can<00:08:08.289> be piece of code was this this can be piece of code was this this can be approved<00:08:08.710> upon<00:08:09.159> in<00:08:09.370> so<00:08:09.729> many<00:08:10.029> ways<00:08:10.360> so<00:08:11.080> quickly approved upon in so many ways so quickly approved upon in so many ways so quickly so<00:08:11.830> you<00:08:11.889> see<00:08:12.129> waves<00:08:12.520> of<00:08:12.909> new<00:08:13.150> types<00:08:13.509> taking so you see waves of new types taking so you see waves of new types taking over<00:08:14.379> the<00:08:14.500> other<00:08:14.650> types<00:08:15.009> and<00:08:15.219> this<00:08:16.000> type<00:08:16.270> of over the other types and this type of over the other types and this type of activity<00:08:16.870> goes<00:08:17.050> on<00:08:17.199> for<00:08:17.379> quite<00:08:17.589> a<00:08:17.620> while<00:08:17.800> until activity goes on for quite a while until activity goes on for quite a while until the<00:08:19.120> main<00:08:19.479> easy<00:08:20.020> things<00:08:20.560> have<00:08:20.889> been<00:08:21.159> acquired the main easy things have been acquired the main easy things have been acquired by<00:08:21.729> these<00:08:22.029> programs<00:08:22.509> and<00:08:22.719> then<00:08:23.289> you<00:08:23.620> see<00:08:23.830> sort by these programs and then you see sort by these programs and then you see sort of<00:08:24.129> like<00:08:24.279> a<00:08:24.310> stasis<00:08:24.870> coming<00:08:25.870> on<00:08:26.050> where<00:08:26.589> the of like a stasis coming on where the of like a stasis coming on where the system<00:08:27.430> essentially<00:08:27.849> ways<00:08:28.210> for<00:08:28.750> a<00:08:28.779> new<00:08:29.199> type system essentially ways for a new type system essentially ways for a new type of<00:08:29.770> innovation<00:08:30.460> like<00:08:30.639> this<00:08:30.969> one<00:08:31.240> which<00:08:31.779> is of innovation like this one which is of innovation like this one which is going<00:08:32.199> to<00:08:32.320> spread<00:08:32.709> over<00:08:32.979> all<00:08:33.909> the<00:08:34.269> innovations going to spread over all the innovations going to spread over all the innovations that<00:08:35.019> were<00:08:35.169> before<00:08:35.620> and<00:08:35.829> is<00:08:36.339> erasing<00:08:36.969> the that were before and is erasing the that were before and is erasing the genes<00:08:37.570> that<00:08:37.690> it<00:08:37.870> had<00:08:38.019> before<00:08:38.199> until<00:08:38.589> a<00:08:38.649> new genes that it had before until a new genes that it had before until a new type<00:08:39.640> of<00:08:39.669> higher<00:08:40.419> level<00:08:40.870> of<00:08:40.959> complexity<00:08:41.440> has type of higher level of complexity has type of higher level of complexity has been<00:08:41.829> achieved<00:08:42.159> and<00:08:42.370> this<00:08:42.849> process<00:08:43.149> goes<00:08:43.390> on been achieved and this process goes on been achieved and this process goes on and<00:08:44.229> on<00:08:44.440> and<00:08:44.740> on<00:08:45.060> so<00:08:46.060> what<00:08:46.269> we<00:08:46.390> see<00:08:46.660> here<00:08:46.690> is<00:08:47.199> a and on and on so what we see here is a and on and on so what we see here is a system<00:08:47.649> that<00:08:47.890> lives<00:08:48.610> in<00:08:48.910> very<00:08:49.240> much<00:08:49.449> the<00:08:49.660> way system that lives in very much the way system that lives in very much the way that<00:08:49.839> we're<00:08:50.140> used<00:08:50.410> to<00:08:50.560> life<00:08:50.740> goes<00:08:51.240> but<00:08:52.240> what that we're used to life goes but what that we're used to life goes but what the<00:08:52.510> NASA<00:08:52.949> people<00:08:53.949> had<00:08:54.130> asked<00:08:54.610> me<00:08:54.790> really<00:08:55.240> was the NASA people had asked me really was the NASA people had asked me really was do<00:08:56.770> these<00:08:57.010> guys do these guys do these guys have<00:08:57.830> a<00:08:58.070> bio<00:08:58.310> signature<00:08:59.230> can<00:09:00.230> we<00:09:00.410> measure<00:09:00.680> this have a bio signature can we measure this have a bio signature can we measure this type<00:09:01.280> of<00:09:01.310> life<00:09:01.610> because<00:09:02.000> if<00:09:02.150> we<00:09:02.300> can<00:09:02.570> may<00:09:03.230> we type of life because if we can may we type of life because if we can may we have<00:09:03.590> a<00:09:03.650> chance<00:09:04.040> of<00:09:04.310> actually<00:09:04.520> discovering have a chance of actually discovering have a chance of actually discovering life<00:09:05.630> somewhere<00:09:06.320> else<00:09:06.380> without<00:09:07.040> being<00:09:07.520> biased life somewhere else without being biased life somewhere else without being biased by<00:09:08.450> things<00:09:08.750> like<00:09:08.930> amino<00:09:09.200> acids<00:09:09.790> so<00:09:10.790> I<00:09:10.820> said by things like amino acids so I said by things like amino acids so I said well<00:09:11.390> perhaps<00:09:11.840> we<00:09:12.350> should<00:09:12.380> construct<00:09:13.370> a<00:09:13.700> bio well perhaps we should construct a bio well perhaps we should construct a bio signature<00:09:14.930> based<00:09:15.380> on<00:09:15.740> life<00:09:16.280> as<00:09:16.520> a<00:09:16.550> universal signature based on life as a universal signature based on life as a universal process<00:09:17.620> in<00:09:18.620> fact<00:09:19.010> it<00:09:19.190> should<00:09:19.220> perhaps<00:09:19.550> make process in fact it should perhaps make process in fact it should perhaps make use<00:09:20.810> of<00:09:20.840> the<00:09:21.170> concepts<00:09:21.950> that<00:09:22.610> I<00:09:22.640> developed use of the concepts that I developed use of the concepts that I developed just<00:09:23.540> in<00:09:23.720> order<00:09:23.900> to<00:09:24.050> sort<00:09:24.260> of<00:09:24.290> capture<00:09:24.560> what just in order to sort of capture what just in order to sort of capture what this<00:09:25.430> simple<00:09:25.880> living<00:09:26.060> system<00:09:26.540> might<00:09:26.720> be<00:09:26.750> and this simple living system might be and this simple living system might be and the<00:09:27.950> thing<00:09:28.130> I<00:09:28.220> came<00:09:28.400> up<00:09:28.580> with<00:09:28.610> I<00:09:28.790> have<00:09:28.970> to<00:09:29.060> first the thing I came up with I have to first the thing I came up with I have to first give<00:09:29.570> you<00:09:29.720> sort<00:09:30.530> of<00:09:30.590> a<00:09:30.800> introduction<00:09:31.640> about give you sort of a introduction about give you sort of a introduction about the<00:09:32.240> idea<00:09:32.630> and<00:09:32.870> maybe<00:09:33.260> that<00:09:33.530> would<00:09:33.770> be<00:09:33.800> a the idea and maybe that would be a the idea and maybe that would be a meaning<00:09:35.540> detector<00:09:36.470> rather<00:09:36.680> than<00:09:36.950> a<00:09:36.980> life meaning detector rather than a life meaning detector rather than a life detector detector detector and<00:09:38.510> the<00:09:38.900> way<00:09:39.020> we<00:09:39.170> would<00:09:39.290> do<00:09:39.440> that<00:09:39.560> it's<00:09:39.800> like and the way we would do that it's like and the way we would do that it's like okay<00:09:40.190> I<00:09:40.370> would<00:09:40.760> like<00:09:40.940> to<00:09:41.060> find<00:09:41.300> out<00:09:41.450> how<00:09:41.810> I<00:09:41.840> can okay I would like to find out how I can okay I would like to find out how I can distinguish<00:09:42.560> text<00:09:42.980> that<00:09:43.070> was<00:09:43.160> written<00:09:43.220> by<00:09:43.610> a distinguish text that was written by a distinguish text that was written by a million<00:09:44.030> monkeys<00:09:44.390> as<00:09:44.780> opposed<00:09:45.650> to<00:09:45.740> texts<00:09:46.220> that million monkeys as opposed to texts that million monkeys as opposed to texts that are<00:09:46.700> in<00:09:46.880> our<00:09:46.970> books<00:09:47.300> I<00:09:47.570> don't<00:09:48.200> like<00:09:48.380> to<00:09:48.470> do<00:09:48.590> it are in our books I don't like to do it are in our books I don't like to do it in<00:09:48.710> such<00:09:48.860> a<00:09:48.890> way<00:09:49.100> that<00:09:49.130> I<00:09:49.310> don't<00:09:49.400> actually<00:09:49.610> have in such a way that I don't actually have in such a way that I don't actually have to<00:09:49.970> be<00:09:50.210> able<00:09:50.330> to<00:09:50.450> read<00:09:50.660> the<00:09:50.780> language<00:09:50.960> because to be able to read the language because to be able to read the language because you<00:09:51.560> know<00:09:51.680> I'm<00:09:51.770> sure<00:09:51.800> I<00:09:52.130> won't<00:09:52.370> be<00:09:52.490> able<00:09:52.820> to<00:09:52.970> as you know I'm sure I won't be able to as you know I'm sure I won't be able to as long<00:09:53.600> as<00:09:53.690> I<00:09:53.780> know<00:09:53.840> that<00:09:54.320> there's<00:09:54.620> some<00:09:54.830> sort<00:09:55.010> of long as I know that there's some sort of long as I know that there's some sort of alphabet<00:09:55.550> so<00:09:56.060> here<00:09:56.420> would<00:09:56.840> be<00:09:57.110> a<00:09:57.350> frequency alphabet so here would be a frequency alphabet so here would be a frequency plot<00:09:59.090> of<00:09:59.330> how<00:09:59.930> often<00:10:00.200> you<00:10:00.440> find<00:10:00.710> each<00:10:00.920> of<00:10:01.070> the plot of how often you find each of the plot of how often you find each of the 26<00:10:01.700> letters<00:10:01.760> of<00:10:02.150> the<00:10:02.240> alphabet<00:10:02.270> in<00:10:02.840> a<00:10:03.320> text 26 letters of the alphabet in a text 26 letters of the alphabet in a text written<00:10:03.890> by<00:10:04.130> random<00:10:04.520> monkeys<00:10:04.850> and<00:10:05.720> obviously written by random monkeys and obviously written by random monkeys and obviously each<00:10:06.680> of<00:10:06.980> these<00:10:07.100> letters<00:10:07.340> comes<00:10:07.610> off<00:10:07.790> about each of these letters comes off about each of these letters comes off about roughly<00:10:08.750> equally<00:10:09.080> frequent<00:10:09.590> but<00:10:10.280> if<00:10:10.400> you<00:10:10.520> now roughly equally frequent but if you now roughly equally frequent but if you now look<00:10:10.970> at<00:10:11.120> the<00:10:11.240> same<00:10:11.510> distribution<00:10:11.960> in<00:10:12.560> English look at the same distribution in English look at the same distribution in English text<00:10:13.370> it<00:10:13.910> looks<00:10:14.120> like<00:10:14.330> that<00:10:14.540> and<00:10:15.040> I'm<00:10:16.040> telling text it looks like that and I'm telling text it looks like that and I'm telling you<00:10:16.460> this<00:10:16.730> is<00:10:16.940> very<00:10:16.970> robust<00:10:17.780> across<00:10:18.050> English you this is very robust across English you this is very robust across English text<00:10:18.890> and<00:10:19.100> if<00:10:19.400> I<00:10:19.460> look<00:10:19.580> at<00:10:19.700> French<00:10:20.000> text<00:10:20.420> it text and if I look at French text it text and if I look at French text it looks<00:10:20.690> a<00:10:20.780> little<00:10:20.900> bit<00:10:21.080> different<00:10:21.500> or<00:10:21.560> Italian looks a little bit different or Italian looks a little bit different or Italian or<00:10:22.250> German<00:10:22.430> they<00:10:22.670> all<00:10:22.790> have<00:10:22.970> their<00:10:23.120> own<00:10:23.150> type or German they all have their own type or German they all have their own type of<00:10:24.520> frequency<00:10:25.520> distribution<00:10:26.000> but<00:10:26.930> it's of frequency distribution but it's of frequency distribution but it's robust<00:10:27.620> it<00:10:27.800> doesn't<00:10:28.070> matter<00:10:28.250> what<00:10:28.490> it<00:10:28.610> writes robust it doesn't matter what it writes robust it doesn't matter what it writes about<00:10:28.940> politics<00:10:29.420> or<00:10:29.660> about<00:10:29.960> science<00:10:30.470> it about politics or about science it about politics or about science it doesn't<00:10:31.040> matter<00:10:31.550> whether<00:10:31.820> it's<00:10:32.060> a<00:10:32.470> a<00:10:33.470> poem<00:10:33.800> or doesn't matter whether it's a a poem or doesn't matter whether it's a a poem or whether<00:10:34.550> it<00:10:34.790> is<00:10:35.090> in<00:10:35.420> a<00:10:35.720> mathematical<00:10:36.650> text whether it is in a mathematical text whether it is in a mathematical text it's<00:10:37.430> a<00:10:37.580> robust<00:10:38.000> signature<00:10:38.600> and<00:10:39.290> it's<00:10:39.860> very it's a robust signature and it's very it's a robust signature and it's very stable<00:10:40.550> as<00:10:40.880> long<00:10:41.150> as<00:10:41.330> our<00:10:41.480> books<00:10:41.750> are<00:10:41.930> written stable as long as our books are written stable as long as our books are written in<00:10:42.350> English<00:10:42.500> because<00:10:43.160> people<00:10:43.580> are<00:10:43.700> rewriting in English because people are rewriting in English because people are rewriting them<00:10:44.510> and<00:10:44.630> recopying<00:10:45.140> them<00:10:45.350> it's<00:10:46.160> going<00:10:46.430> to<00:10:46.520> be them and recopying them it's going to be them and recopying them it's going to be there<00:10:46.850> so<00:10:47.540> that<00:10:47.780> inspired<00:10:48.410> me<00:10:48.800> to<00:10:48.920> think<00:10:49.190> about there so that inspired me to think about there so that inspired me to think about well<00:10:49.670> what<00:10:50.330> if<00:10:50.540> I<00:10:50.930> try<00:10:51.650> to<00:10:51.680> use<00:10:51.950> this<00:10:52.520> idea<00:10:52.850> in well what if I try to use this idea in well what if I try to use this idea in order<00:10:53.660> not<00:10:53.810> to<00:10:53.870> detect<00:10:54.490> random<00:10:55.490> text<00:10:55.790> from order not to detect random text from order not to detect random text from text<00:10:56.180> with<00:10:56.330> meaning<00:10:56.780> but<00:10:57.080> rather<00:10:57.760> detect<00:10:58.760> the text with meaning but rather detect the text with meaning but rather detect the fact<00:10:59.390> that<00:10:59.510> there<00:10:59.840> is<00:10:59.990> meaning<00:11:00.440> in<00:11:00.830> the fact that there is meaning in the fact that there is meaning in the biomolecules<00:11:02.000> that<00:11:02.150> make<00:11:02.420> up<00:11:02.540> life<00:11:02.780> but<00:11:03.380> first biomolecules that make up life but first biomolecules that make up life but first I<00:11:03.710> have<00:11:03.830> to<00:11:03.860> ask<00:11:04.100> what<00:11:04.310> are<00:11:04.340> these<00:11:04.580> building I have to ask what are these building I have to ask what are these building blocks<00:11:05.390> like<00:11:05.510> the<00:11:05.750> alphabet<00:11:06.170> elements<00:11:06.980> that<00:11:07.370> I blocks like the alphabet elements that I blocks like the alphabet elements that I showed<00:11:07.790> you<00:11:07.820> well showed you well showed you well that<00:11:08.900> we<00:11:09.050> have<00:11:09.260> many<00:11:09.710> different<00:11:10.190> alternatives that we have many different alternatives that we have many different alternatives for<00:11:11.420> such<00:11:11.780> a<00:11:12.050> set<00:11:12.650> of<00:11:12.800> building<00:11:13.100> blocks<00:11:13.130> we for such a set of building blocks we for such a set of building blocks we could<00:11:13.550> use<00:11:13.700> amino<00:11:14.030> acids<00:11:14.510> we<00:11:14.930> could<00:11:15.170> use could use amino acids we could use could use amino acids we could use nucleic<00:11:15.860> acid<00:11:16.340> covered<00:11:16.700> silica<00:11:17.060> acid<00:11:17.360> fatty nucleic acid covered silica acid fatty nucleic acid covered silica acid fatty acids<00:11:17.930> and<00:11:18.050> for<00:11:18.200> chemistry<00:11:18.620> is<00:11:18.680> extremely acids and for chemistry is extremely acids and for chemistry is extremely rich<00:11:19.400> and<00:11:19.640> our<00:11:19.970> body<00:11:20.210> uses<00:11:20.420> a<00:11:20.600> lot<00:11:20.900> of<00:11:20.930> them<00:11:21.170> so rich and our body uses a lot of them so rich and our body uses a lot of them so that<00:11:21.830> we<00:11:22.010> actually<00:11:22.190> to<00:11:22.880> test<00:11:23.210> this<00:11:23.390> idea<00:11:23.570> first that we actually to test this idea first that we actually to test this idea first take<00:11:24.170> took<00:11:24.380> a<00:11:24.440> look<00:11:24.590> at<00:11:24.710> amino<00:11:25.340> acids<00:11:25.760> and<00:11:25.910> some take took a look at amino acids and some take took a look at amino acids and some other<00:11:26.210> carboxylic<00:11:26.750> acids<00:11:27.260> and<00:11:27.380> here's<00:11:27.590> the other carboxylic acids and here's the other carboxylic acids and here's the result<00:11:28.300> here<00:11:29.300> is<00:11:29.540> in<00:11:30.200> fact<00:11:30.530> what<00:11:31.100> you<00:11:31.250> get<00:11:31.490> if result here is in fact what you get if result here is in fact what you get if you<00:11:32.480> for<00:11:33.020> example<00:11:33.410> look<00:11:33.530> at<00:11:33.590> the<00:11:33.680> distribution you for example look at the distribution you for example look at the distribution of<00:11:34.250> amino<00:11:34.490> acids<00:11:34.850> on<00:11:34.970> a<00:11:35.000> comet<00:11:35.480> or<00:11:35.690> in of amino acids on a comet or in of amino acids on a comet or in interstellar<00:11:37.100> space<00:11:37.250> or<00:11:38.120> in<00:11:38.510> fact<00:11:38.690> in<00:11:38.930> a interstellar space or in fact in a interstellar space or in fact in a laboratory<00:11:39.440> where<00:11:39.770> you<00:11:39.890> made<00:11:40.070> very<00:11:40.100> sure<00:11:40.490> that laboratory where you made very sure that laboratory where you made very sure that in<00:11:41.060> your<00:11:41.090> primordial<00:11:41.810> soup<00:11:42.380> that<00:11:42.590> there<00:11:42.740> is<00:11:42.860> no in your primordial soup that there is no in your primordial soup that there is no living<00:11:43.490> stuff<00:11:43.730> in<00:11:43.970> there<00:11:44.210> what<00:11:44.570> you<00:11:44.690> find<00:11:45.050> is living stuff in there what you find is living stuff in there what you find is the<00:11:45.350> mostly<00:11:45.830> lysine<00:11:46.430> and<00:11:46.610> then<00:11:46.730> alanine<00:11:47.150> and the mostly lysine and then alanine and the mostly lysine and then alanine and that's<00:11:47.480> a<00:11:47.570> trace<00:11:47.780> element<00:11:47.810> of<00:11:48.290> the<00:11:48.410> other<00:11:48.560> ones that's a trace element of the other ones that's a trace element of the other ones okay<00:11:49.610> that<00:11:49.880> is<00:11:50.210> also<00:11:50.930> very<00:11:51.110> robust<00:11:51.740> what<00:11:52.370> you okay that is also very robust what you okay that is also very robust what you find<00:11:52.880> in<00:11:53.570> systems<00:11:54.500> like<00:11:55.400> Earth<00:11:55.610> where<00:11:56.300> there find in systems like Earth where there find in systems like Earth where there are<00:11:56.600> amino<00:11:56.930> acids<00:11:57.380> but<00:11:57.770> there<00:11:57.980> is<00:11:58.100> no<00:11:58.250> life<00:11:58.490> but are amino acids but there is no life but are amino acids but there is no life but suppose<00:11:59.660> you<00:11:59.690> take<00:12:00.050> a<00:12:00.080> you<00:12:00.590> know<00:12:00.710> some<00:12:01.250> dirt suppose you take a you know some dirt suppose you take a you know some dirt and<00:12:02.080> dig<00:12:03.080> through<00:12:03.380> it<00:12:03.410> and<00:12:03.740> then<00:12:04.370> put<00:12:05.060> it<00:12:05.180> into and dig through it and then put it into and dig through it and then put it into these<00:12:05.590> spectrometers<00:12:06.590> because<00:12:07.130> there's these spectrometers because there's these spectrometers because there's bacteria<00:12:07.880> all<00:12:08.060> over<00:12:08.090> the<00:12:08.450> place<00:12:08.630> or<00:12:08.780> you<00:12:08.840> take bacteria all over the place or you take bacteria all over the place or you take water<00:12:09.430> anywhere<00:12:10.430> on<00:12:10.550> earth<00:12:10.730> because<00:12:11.540> it's water anywhere on earth because it's water anywhere on earth because it's teeming<00:12:12.050> with<00:12:12.290> life<00:12:12.350> and<00:12:12.770> you<00:12:12.830> make<00:12:12.980> the<00:12:13.100> same teeming with life and you make the same teeming with life and you make the same analysis<00:12:13.970> this<00:12:14.690> spectrum<00:12:15.350> looks<00:12:15.530> completely analysis this spectrum looks completely analysis this spectrum looks completely different<00:12:16.340> of<00:12:16.790> course<00:12:17.360> there's<00:12:17.840> still different of course there's still different of course there's still glycine<00:12:19.250> and<00:12:19.460> alanine<00:12:20.240> but<00:12:20.720> in<00:12:20.840> fact<00:12:21.050> there glycine and alanine but in fact there glycine and alanine but in fact there are<00:12:21.260> these<00:12:21.500> heavy<00:12:21.980> elements<00:12:22.610> this<00:12:22.760> heavy are these heavy elements this heavy are these heavy elements this heavy amino<00:12:23.330> acids<00:12:23.720> that<00:12:24.050> are<00:12:24.170> being<00:12:24.290> produced amino acids that are being produced amino acids that are being produced because<00:12:25.490> they<00:12:25.610> are<00:12:25.730> valuable<00:12:26.360> to<00:12:26.690> the because they are valuable to the because they are valuable to the organism<00:12:27.320> and<00:12:27.940> some<00:12:28.940> other<00:12:29.180> ones<00:12:29.450> that<00:12:30.290> are organism and some other ones that are organism and some other ones that are not<00:12:31.070> used<00:12:31.310> in<00:12:31.460> the<00:12:31.610> set<00:12:31.820> of<00:12:31.940> twenty<00:12:32.300> there<00:12:32.450> will not used in the set of twenty there will not used in the set of twenty there will not<00:12:32.690> appear<00:12:33.050> at<00:12:33.260> all<00:12:33.410> at<00:12:33.590> any<00:12:33.770> type<00:12:34.070> of not appear at all at any type of not appear at all at any type of concentrations<00:12:34.880> so<00:12:35.570> this<00:12:35.990> also<00:12:36.290> turns<00:12:36.680> out<00:12:36.890> to concentrations so this also turns out to concentrations so this also turns out to be<00:12:37.130> extremely<00:12:37.250> robust<00:12:38.000> it<00:12:38.120> doesn't<00:12:38.390> matter be extremely robust it doesn't matter be extremely robust it doesn't matter what<00:12:38.900> kind<00:12:39.050> of<00:12:39.200> sediment<00:12:39.710> you're<00:12:39.830> using<00:12:40.040> to what kind of sediment you're using to what kind of sediment you're using to grind<00:12:40.580> up<00:12:40.790> with<00:12:41.240> its<00:12:41.390> bacteria<00:12:41.990> or<00:12:42.140> any<00:12:42.290> other grind up with its bacteria or any other grind up with its bacteria or any other you<00:12:42.830> know<00:12:42.860> plants<00:12:43.430> or<00:12:43.550> animals<00:12:44.000> anywhere you know plants or animals anywhere you know plants or animals anywhere there's<00:12:45.140> a<00:12:45.200> life<00:12:45.380> you're<00:12:46.040> going<00:12:46.190> to<00:12:46.280> have<00:12:46.340> this there's a life you're going to have this there's a life you're going to have this distribution<00:12:47.180> as<00:12:47.720> opposed<00:12:48.350> to<00:12:48.560> that distribution as opposed to that distribution as opposed to that distribution<00:12:49.130> and<00:12:49.820> it<00:12:50.000> is<00:12:50.120> detectable<00:12:50.630> not distribution and it is detectable not distribution and it is detectable not just<00:12:51.560> in<00:12:51.680> the<00:12:51.770> amino<00:12:51.950> acids<00:12:52.370> now<00:12:53.210> you<00:12:53.270> could just in the amino acids now you could just in the amino acids now you could ask<00:12:53.720> well<00:12:54.440> what<00:12:55.280> about<00:12:55.460> these<00:12:56.390> variants ask well what about these variants ask well what about these variants they're<00:12:57.410> variants<00:12:57.830> being<00:12:58.220> the<00:12:58.339> denizens<00:12:58.730> of they're variants being the denizens of they're variants being the denizens of this<00:12:59.720> computer<00:13:00.260> world<00:13:00.470> where<00:13:00.710> they<00:13:00.800> are this computer world where they are this computer world where they are perfectly<00:13:01.250> happy<00:13:01.520> replicating<00:13:02.300> and<00:13:02.450> growing perfectly happy replicating and growing perfectly happy replicating and growing in<00:13:02.810> complexity<00:13:03.290> so<00:13:03.950> this<00:13:04.220> is<00:13:04.520> the in complexity so this is the in complexity so this is the distribution<00:13:05.589> that<00:13:06.589> you<00:13:06.800> get<00:13:07.040> if<00:13:07.339> in<00:13:07.760> fact distribution that you get if in fact distribution that you get if in fact there<00:13:08.180> is<00:13:08.300> no<00:13:08.480> life there is no life there is no life they<00:13:09.140> have<00:13:09.320> about<00:13:09.589> twenty<00:13:10.010> eight<00:13:10.040> of<00:13:10.670> these they have about twenty eight of these they have about twenty eight of these instructions<00:13:11.270> and<00:13:11.720> if<00:13:11.990> you<00:13:12.080> have<00:13:12.170> a<00:13:12.200> system instructions and if you have a system instructions and if you have a system where<00:13:12.770> they're<00:13:13.100> being<00:13:13.220> replaced<00:13:13.430> one<00:13:14.000> by<00:13:14.150> the where they're being replaced one by the where they're being replaced one by the other<00:13:14.420> it's<00:13:14.600> like<00:13:14.660> the<00:13:14.930> monkeys<00:13:15.380> riding<00:13:16.040> on<00:13:16.339> a other it's like the monkeys riding on a other it's like the monkeys riding on a typewriter<00:13:16.760> each<00:13:17.510> of<00:13:17.810> these<00:13:17.900> instructions typewriter each of these instructions typewriter each of these instructions appears<00:13:18.980> was<00:13:19.550> roughly<00:13:20.030> the<00:13:20.420> equal<00:13:20.810> frequency appears was roughly the equal frequency appears was roughly the equal frequency but<00:13:22.699> if<00:13:22.970> you<00:13:23.389> now<00:13:23.570> take<00:13:24.050> us<00:13:24.259> take<00:13:24.829> a<00:13:24.860> set<00:13:25.279> of but if you now take us take a set of but if you now take us take a set of replicating<00:13:26.269> guys<00:13:27.019> like<00:13:27.350> in<00:13:27.500> the<00:13:27.620> video<00:13:28.070> that replicating guys like in the video that replicating guys like in the video that you<00:13:28.370> saw<00:13:28.730> it<00:13:29.360> looks<00:13:29.690> like<00:13:29.959> this<00:13:30.230> so<00:13:30.880> are<00:13:31.880> there you saw it looks like this so are there you saw it looks like this so are there some<00:13:32.420> instructions<00:13:33.079> that<00:13:33.139> are<00:13:33.290> extremely some instructions that are extremely some instructions that are extremely valuable<00:13:34.100> to<00:13:34.550> these<00:13:34.670> organisms<00:13:35.029> and<00:13:35.300> their valuable to these organisms and their valuable to these organisms and their frequency<00:13:36.110> is<00:13:36.470> going<00:13:36.620> to<00:13:36.769> be<00:13:36.860> high<00:13:37.160> and frequency is going to be high and frequency is going to be high and there's<00:13:38.000> actually<00:13:38.240> some<00:13:38.300> instructions<00:13:38.930> that there's actually some instructions that there's actually some instructions that Yuri<00:13:39.290> only<00:13:39.529> want<00:13:39.680> to<00:13:39.769> use<00:13:39.800> once<00:13:40.339> if<00:13:40.790> ever<00:13:41.209> so Yuri only want to use once if ever so Yuri only want to use once if ever so they<00:13:41.899> write<00:13:42.110> either<00:13:42.319> poisonous<00:13:42.980> or<00:13:43.100> really they write either poisonous or really they write either poisonous or really you<00:13:44.000> know<00:13:44.120> should<00:13:44.600> be<00:13:44.779> used<00:13:45.170> at<00:13:45.470> less<00:13:45.920> of<00:13:46.190> a you know should be used at less of a you know should be used at less of a level<00:13:46.910> than<00:13:47.060> random<00:13:47.509> and<00:13:47.690> in<00:13:47.899> this<00:13:48.050> case<00:13:48.380> the level than random and in this case the level than random and in this case the frequency<00:13:49.459> is<00:13:49.579> lower<00:13:49.899> and<00:13:50.899> so<00:13:51.649> now<00:13:51.800> we<00:13:51.860> can<00:13:52.069> see frequency is lower and so now we can see frequency is lower and so now we can see is<00:13:52.310> that<00:13:52.459> really<00:13:52.819> a<00:13:52.850> robust<00:13:53.389> signature<00:13:53.779> I<00:13:53.930> can is that really a robust signature I can is that really a robust signature I can tell<00:13:54.290> you<00:13:54.380> indeed<00:13:54.649> it<00:13:54.769> is<00:13:54.920> because<00:13:55.310> this<00:13:55.880> type tell you indeed it is because this type tell you indeed it is because this type of<00:13:56.329> spectrum<00:13:56.870> just<00:13:57.110> like<00:13:57.290> what<00:13:57.470> you've<00:13:57.589> seen of spectrum just like what you've seen of spectrum just like what you've seen in<00:13:57.980> box<00:13:58.250> and<00:13:58.759> just<00:13:58.910> like<00:13:59.089> what<00:13:59.180> you've<00:13:59.360> seen<00:13:59.389> in in box and just like what you've seen in in box and just like what you've seen in many<00:13:59.779> ways<00:13:59.930> it's<00:14:00.139> it<00:14:00.589> doesn't<00:14:00.769> really<00:14:00.980> matter many ways it's it doesn't really matter many ways it's it doesn't really matter how<00:14:01.759> you<00:14:01.819> change<00:14:02.360> the<00:14:02.509> environment<00:14:03.199> it's<00:14:03.319> very how you change the environment it's very how you change the environment it's very robust<00:14:04.160> it's<00:14:04.550> going<00:14:04.759> to<00:14:04.850> reflect<00:14:05.060> the robust it's going to reflect the robust it's going to reflect the environment<00:14:05.449> so<00:14:06.199> I'm<00:14:06.259> going<00:14:06.380> to<00:14:06.440> show<00:14:06.560> you<00:14:06.620> now environment so I'm going to show you now environment so I'm going to show you now a<00:14:06.829> little<00:14:07.040> experiment<00:14:07.550> that<00:14:07.639> we<00:14:07.790> did<00:14:07.819> and<00:14:08.449> I a little experiment that we did and I a little experiment that we did and I have<00:14:08.660> to<00:14:08.750> explain<00:14:09.019> to<00:14:09.079> you<00:14:09.259> the<00:14:09.380> top<00:14:09.709> of<00:14:09.980> this have to explain to you the top of this have to explain to you the top of this graph<00:14:10.910> shows<00:14:11.630> you<00:14:11.810> that<00:14:11.959> frequency graph shows you that frequency graph shows you that frequency distribution<00:14:12.920> that<00:14:13.430> I<00:14:13.519> talked<00:14:13.790> about<00:14:13.910> okay distribution that I talked about okay distribution that I talked about okay here<00:14:15.350> in<00:14:15.589> fact<00:14:15.889> that's<00:14:16.339> the<00:14:16.490> lifeless here in fact that's the lifeless here in fact that's the lifeless environment<00:14:17.569> where<00:14:18.500> each<00:14:18.649> instruction environment where each instruction environment where each instruction occurs<00:14:19.910> at<00:14:20.269> an<00:14:20.480> equal<00:14:20.779> frequency<00:14:21.319> and<00:14:22.240> below occurs at an equal frequency and below occurs at an equal frequency and below there<00:14:23.509> I<00:14:23.810> show<00:14:24.680> in<00:14:24.829> fact<00:14:25.040> the<00:14:25.459> mutation<00:14:26.000> rate there I show in fact the mutation rate there I show in fact the mutation rate in<00:14:26.420> the<00:14:26.810> environment<00:14:27.440> and<00:14:28.010> I'm<00:14:28.160> starting<00:14:28.610> this in the environment and I'm starting this in the environment and I'm starting this Anna<00:14:29.449> mutation<00:14:29.899> rate<00:14:30.079> that<00:14:30.199> is<00:14:30.290> so<00:14:30.529> high<00:14:30.800> that Anna mutation rate that is so high that Anna mutation rate that is so high that even<00:14:31.100> if<00:14:31.430> you<00:14:31.519> would<00:14:31.670> drop<00:14:31.970> a<00:14:32.470> replicating even if you would drop a replicating even if you would drop a replicating program<00:14:34.490> that<00:14:35.209> would<00:14:35.300> otherwise<00:14:35.449> happily program that would otherwise happily program that would otherwise happily grow<00:14:36.860> up<00:14:37.069> to<00:14:37.519> fill<00:14:37.819> the<00:14:37.970> entire<00:14:38.300> world<00:14:38.630> if<00:14:39.290> you grow up to fill the entire world if you grow up to fill the entire world if you drop<00:14:39.589> it<00:14:39.709> in<00:14:39.829> it<00:14:39.920> gets<00:14:40.100> mutated<00:14:40.430> less drop it in it gets mutated less drop it in it gets mutated less immediately<00:14:41.300> okay<00:14:42.139> so<00:14:42.589> there<00:14:42.980> is<00:14:43.010> no<00:14:43.250> life immediately okay so there is no life immediately okay so there is no life possible<00:14:44.329> at<00:14:44.540> that<00:14:45.519> type<00:14:46.519> of<00:14:46.699> mutation<00:14:47.240> rate possible at that type of mutation rate possible at that type of mutation rate but<00:14:47.480> then<00:14:47.630> I<00:14:47.660> slowly<00:14:48.560> turn<00:14:49.430> down<00:14:49.819> the<00:14:50.360> heat<00:14:50.630> so but then I slowly turn down the heat so but then I slowly turn down the heat so to<00:14:50.959> speak<00:14:51.290> and<00:14:51.620> then<00:14:51.889> there<00:14:52.010> is<00:14:52.100> this to speak and then there is this to speak and then there is this viability<00:14:52.880> threshold<00:14:53.300> where<00:14:53.870> now<00:14:54.050> it<00:14:54.230> would viability threshold where now it would viability threshold where now it would be<00:14:54.410> possible<00:14:54.829> for<00:14:55.339> a<00:14:55.699> replicator<00:14:56.300> to<00:14:56.569> actually be possible for a replicator to actually be possible for a replicator to actually live<00:14:57.410> and<00:14:58.069> indeed<00:14:58.399> we're<00:14:58.579> going<00:14:58.730> to<00:14:58.790> be live and indeed we're going to be live and indeed we're going to be dropping<00:14:59.180> these<00:14:59.690> guys<00:15:00.019> into<00:15:00.529> that<00:15:00.949> soup<00:15:01.310> all dropping these guys into that soup all dropping these guys into that soup all the<00:15:02.389> time the time the time so<00:15:03.649> let's<00:15:03.829> see<00:15:03.980> how<00:15:04.069> what<00:15:04.279> that<00:15:04.459> looks<00:15:04.670> like<00:15:04.910> so so let's see how what that looks like so so let's see how what that looks like so first<00:15:05.649> nothing<00:15:06.649> nothing<00:15:07.519> nothing<00:15:07.850> too<00:15:08.329> hot first nothing nothing nothing too hot first nothing nothing nothing too hot too<00:15:09.019> hot<00:15:09.339> now<00:15:10.339> the<00:15:10.399> viability<00:15:11.029> threshold<00:15:11.420> is too hot now the viability threshold is too hot now the viability threshold is reached<00:15:11.899> and<00:15:12.380> the<00:15:13.040> frequency<00:15:13.850> distribution reached and the frequency distribution reached and the frequency distribution has<00:15:15.319> dramatically<00:15:16.040> changed<00:15:16.189> and<00:15:17.000> in<00:15:17.300> fact has dramatically changed and in fact has dramatically changed and in fact stabilized<00:15:18.259> so<00:15:18.439> now<00:15:18.589> I<00:15:18.620> what<00:15:19.220> I<00:15:19.250> did<00:15:19.490> there<00:15:19.730> is stabilized so now I what I did there is stabilized so now I what I did there is I<00:15:19.939> just<00:15:19.970> I<00:15:20.329> was<00:15:20.990> being<00:15:21.199> nasty<00:15:21.680> I<00:15:21.709> just<00:15:21.949> turned I just I was being nasty I just turned I just I was being nasty I just turned up<00:15:22.339> the<00:15:22.519> heat<00:15:22.550> again<00:15:22.939> again<00:15:23.540> and<00:15:23.689> of<00:15:23.750> course<00:15:23.959> it up the heat again again and of course it up the heat again again and of course it reaches<00:15:24.620> the<00:15:24.740> viability<00:15:25.069> threshold<00:15:25.370> and<00:15:25.790> I'm reaches the viability threshold and I'm reaches the viability threshold and I'm just<00:15:26.000> showing<00:15:26.300> this<00:15:26.420> to<00:15:26.899> again<00:15:27.170> because<00:15:27.439> it's just showing this to again because it's just showing this to again because it's so<00:15:27.740> nice<00:15:27.949> you<00:15:28.250> hit<00:15:28.819> the<00:15:29.000> viability<00:15:29.269> threshold so nice you hit the viability threshold so nice you hit the viability threshold the<00:15:30.079> distribution<00:15:30.680> changes<00:15:31.220> to<00:15:31.459> alive the distribution changes to alive the distribution changes to alive then<00:15:33.180> once<00:15:34.140> you<00:15:34.650> hit<00:15:34.920> the<00:15:35.370> threshold<00:15:35.850> where then once you hit the threshold where then once you hit the threshold where the<00:15:36.330> mutation<00:15:36.750> rate<00:15:36.780> is<00:15:36.990> so<00:15:37.200> high<00:15:37.230> that<00:15:37.710> you the mutation rate is so high that you the mutation rate is so high that you cannot<00:15:38.550> sell<00:15:39.090> for<00:15:39.300> produce<00:15:39.420> you<00:15:40.050> cannot<00:15:40.550> copy cannot sell for produce you cannot copy cannot sell for produce you cannot copy the<00:15:41.880> information<00:15:42.440> forward<00:15:43.440> to<00:15:44.130> your the information forward to your the information forward to your offspring<00:15:44.610> without<00:15:45.240> making<00:15:45.630> so<00:15:45.840> many offspring without making so many offspring without making so many mistakes<00:15:46.440> that<00:15:46.680> your<00:15:47.370> ability<00:15:47.880> to<00:15:47.910> replicate mistakes that your ability to replicate mistakes that your ability to replicate vanishes<00:15:49.560> and<00:15:49.710> then<00:15:50.160> that<00:15:50.400> signature<00:15:50.790> is<00:15:50.940> lost vanishes and then that signature is lost vanishes and then that signature is lost what<00:15:53.550> do<00:15:53.640> we<00:15:53.730> learn<00:15:53.880> from<00:15:53.940> that<00:15:54.300> well<00:15:55.290> I<00:15:55.560> think what do we learn from that well I think what do we learn from that well I think we<00:15:56.640> learn<00:15:56.820> a<00:15:57.060> number<00:15:57.510> of<00:15:57.780> things<00:15:57.960> from<00:15:58.170> that we learn a number of things from that we learn a number of things from that one<00:15:59.100> of<00:15:59.220> them<00:15:59.400> is<00:15:59.610> if<00:16:00.270> we<00:16:00.780> are<00:16:00.900> able<00:16:01.140> to<00:16:01.670> think one of them is if we are able to think one of them is if we are able to think about<00:16:02.940> life<00:16:03.240> in<00:16:03.480> abstract<00:16:04.080> terms<00:16:04.370> and<00:16:05.370> we're about life in abstract terms and we're about life in abstract terms and we're not<00:16:06.030> talking<00:16:06.450> about<00:16:06.540> things<00:16:07.020> like<00:16:07.200> plants<00:16:07.950> and not talking about things like plants and not talking about things like plants and we<00:16:08.490> are<00:16:08.610> talking<00:16:08.910> about<00:16:08.970> amino<00:16:09.330> acids<00:16:09.780> and we are talking about amino acids and we are talking about amino acids and we're<00:16:10.350> not<00:16:10.410> talking<00:16:10.710> about<00:16:10.860> bacteria<00:16:11.040> but<00:16:11.670> we we're not talking about bacteria but we we're not talking about bacteria but we think<00:16:11.970> in<00:16:12.150> terms<00:16:12.390> of<00:16:12.540> processes<00:16:13.310> then<00:16:14.310> we<00:16:14.460> can think in terms of processes then we can think in terms of processes then we can start<00:16:14.850> to<00:16:15.000> think<00:16:15.060> about<00:16:15.540> life<00:16:15.870> not<00:16:16.560> as start to think about life not as start to think about life not as something<00:16:17.400> that<00:16:17.580> is<00:16:17.850> so<00:16:18.090> special<00:16:18.480> to<00:16:18.750> earth something that is so special to earth something that is so special to earth but<00:16:19.170> that<00:16:19.200> in<00:16:19.470> fact<00:16:19.500> could<00:16:20.100> exist<00:16:20.610> anywhere but that in fact could exist anywhere but that in fact could exist anywhere because<00:16:21.690> it<00:16:22.230> really<00:16:22.770> only<00:16:22.920> has<00:16:23.100> to<00:16:23.430> do<00:16:23.610> with because it really only has to do with because it really only has to do with these<00:16:23.880> concepts<00:16:24.420> of<00:16:24.540> information<00:16:24.690> of<00:16:25.820> storing these concepts of information of storing these concepts of information of storing information<00:16:27.110> within<00:16:28.110> physical<00:16:28.950> substrates information within physical substrates information within physical substrates anything<00:16:30.540> bits<00:16:30.980> nucleic<00:16:31.980> acids<00:16:32.430> anything anything bits nucleic acids anything anything bits nucleic acids anything that's<00:16:32.910> an<00:16:33.030> alphabet<00:16:33.570> and<00:16:33.780> make<00:16:34.410> sure<00:16:34.650> that that's an alphabet and make sure that that's an alphabet and make sure that there's<00:16:35.040> some<00:16:35.250> process<00:16:35.730> so<00:16:35.910> that<00:16:36.060> this there's some process so that this there's some process so that this information<00:16:36.810> can<00:16:36.960> be<00:16:36.990> stored<00:16:37.350> for<00:16:37.470> much information can be stored for much information can be stored for much longer<00:16:38.339> than<00:16:38.490> you<00:16:38.520> would<00:16:38.670> expect<00:16:39.170> the<00:16:40.170> time longer than you would expect the time longer than you would expect the time scales<00:16:40.950> for<00:16:41.310> the<00:16:41.450> deterioration<00:16:42.450> you<00:16:43.350> know<00:16:43.500> of scales for the deterioration you know of scales for the deterioration you know of information<00:16:44.370> and<00:16:44.700> if<00:16:44.790> you<00:16:44.880> couldn't<00:16:45.060> do<00:16:45.210> that information and if you couldn't do that information and if you couldn't do that then<00:16:46.230> you<00:16:46.350> have<00:16:46.380> life<00:16:46.940> so<00:16:47.940> the<00:16:48.300> first<00:16:48.570> thing then you have life so the first thing then you have life so the first thing that<00:16:48.870> we<00:16:49.140> learn<00:16:49.380> is<00:16:50.160> that<00:16:50.220> it<00:16:50.970> is<00:16:51.120> possible<00:16:51.900> to that we learn is that it is possible to that we learn is that it is possible to define<00:16:52.560> life<00:16:52.920> in<00:16:53.220> terms<00:16:53.790> of<00:16:53.940> processes<00:16:54.630> alone define life in terms of processes alone define life in terms of processes alone without<00:16:55.620> referring<00:16:56.460> at<00:16:56.670> all<00:16:56.970> to<00:16:57.540> the<00:16:57.870> type<00:16:58.170> of without referring at all to the type of without referring at all to the type of things<00:16:58.680> that<00:16:58.770> you<00:16:59.100> know<00:16:59.400> we<00:16:59.550> hold<00:16:59.820> dear<00:17:00.210> as<00:17:00.540> far things that you know we hold dear as far things that you know we hold dear as far as<00:17:00.990> the<00:17:01.140> type<00:17:01.350> of<00:17:01.380> life<00:17:01.740> on<00:17:01.920> Earth<00:17:02.070> is<00:17:02.339> and<00:17:02.670> that as the type of life on Earth is and that as the type of life on Earth is and that in<00:17:03.480> a<00:17:03.570> sense<00:17:03.600> removes<00:17:04.199> us<00:17:04.380> again<00:17:04.850> like<00:17:05.850> all<00:17:06.060> of in a sense removes us again like all of in a sense removes us again like all of our<00:17:06.270> scientific<00:17:06.569> discoveries<00:17:07.260> or<00:17:07.470> many<00:17:07.770> of our scientific discoveries or many of our scientific discoveries or many of them<00:17:08.130> it<00:17:08.520> leads<00:17:09.060> to<00:17:09.180> a<00:17:09.300> continuous<00:17:09.930> death them it leads to a continuous death them it leads to a continuous death rolling<00:17:10.589> of<00:17:10.860> man<00:17:11.100> of<00:17:11.339> like<00:17:11.490> how<00:17:11.790> I<00:17:11.819> think<00:17:12.540> we're rolling of man of like how I think we're rolling of man of like how I think we're special<00:17:12.930> because<00:17:13.319> we<00:17:13.410> are<00:17:13.530> live<00:17:13.740> well<00:17:14.220> we<00:17:14.520> can special because we are live well we can special because we are live well we can make<00:17:14.939> life<00:17:15.240> we<00:17:15.720> can<00:17:15.870> make<00:17:15.900> life<00:17:16.380> in<00:17:16.530> the make life we can make life in the make life we can make life in the computer<00:17:17.100> granted<00:17:17.640> it's<00:17:18.120> limited<00:17:18.810> but<00:17:19.079> we computer granted it's limited but we computer granted it's limited but we have<00:17:19.350> learned<00:17:19.760> what<00:17:20.760> it<00:17:20.880> takes<00:17:20.910> in<00:17:21.870> order<00:17:22.110> to have learned what it takes in order to have learned what it takes in order to actually<00:17:22.560> construct<00:17:23.400> it<00:17:23.610> and<00:17:24.329> once<00:17:24.930> we<00:17:25.199> have actually construct it and once we have actually construct it and once we have that<00:17:26.150> then<00:17:27.150> it<00:17:27.449> is<00:17:27.480> not<00:17:27.839> such<00:17:28.140> a<00:17:28.170> difficult that then it is not such a difficult that then it is not such a difficult task<00:17:28.980> anymore<00:17:29.580> to<00:17:29.730> say<00:17:29.910> if<00:17:30.330> we<00:17:30.570> understand<00:17:31.140> the task anymore to say if we understand the task anymore to say if we understand the fundamental<00:17:31.980> processes<00:17:32.840> that<00:17:33.840> do<00:17:34.050> not<00:17:34.200> refer fundamental processes that do not refer fundamental processes that do not refer to<00:17:34.710> any<00:17:35.280> particular<00:17:35.730> substrate<00:17:36.570> then<00:17:37.470> we<00:17:37.920> can to any particular substrate then we can to any particular substrate then we can go<00:17:38.250> out<00:17:38.280> and<00:17:38.730> try<00:17:39.360> other<00:17:39.870> worlds<00:17:40.470> figure<00:17:41.310> out go out and try other worlds figure out go out and try other worlds figure out what<00:17:41.670> kind<00:17:41.910> of<00:17:42.000> chemical<00:17:42.720> alphabets<00:17:43.200> might what kind of chemical alphabets might what kind of chemical alphabets might there<00:17:44.070> be<00:17:44.780> figure<00:17:45.780> enough<00:17:46.020> about there be figure enough about there be figure enough about the<00:17:46.800> normal<00:17:47.430> chemistry<00:17:48.030> the<00:17:48.120> geochemistry<00:17:48.750> of the normal chemistry the geochemistry of the normal chemistry the geochemistry of the<00:17:49.020> planet<00:17:49.440> so<00:17:50.400> that<00:17:50.430> we<00:17:50.670> know<00:17:50.880> what<00:17:51.180> this the planet so that we know what this the planet so that we know what this distribution<00:17:51.720> would<00:17:52.260> look<00:17:52.470> like<00:17:52.680> in<00:17:52.890> the distribution would look like in the distribution would look like in the absence<00:17:53.400> of<00:17:53.520> life<00:17:53.730> and<00:17:54.060> then<00:17:54.240> look<00:17:54.450> like<00:17:54.690> two absence of life and then look like two absence of life and then look like two large<00:17:55.620> deviations<00:17:56.430> from<00:17:56.580> this<00:17:56.760> this<00:17:57.120> thing large deviations from this this thing large deviations from this this thing sticking<00:17:58.470> out<00:17:58.680> which<00:17:58.980> says<00:17:59.130> this<00:17:59.730> chemical sticking out which says this chemical sticking out which says this chemical really<00:18:00.810> shouldn't<00:18:01.140> be<00:18:01.290> there<00:18:01.500> now<00:18:02.190> we<00:18:02.250> don't really shouldn't be there now we don't really shouldn't be there now we don't know<00:18:02.730> that<00:18:02.910> there<00:18:03.060> is<00:18:03.120> life<00:18:03.150> then<00:18:03.600> but<00:18:04.230> we know that there is life then but we know that there is life then but we could<00:18:04.530> say<00:18:04.710> well<00:18:05.070> at<00:18:05.250> least<00:18:05.400> I'm<00:18:05.640> gonna<00:18:05.790> have could say well at least I'm gonna have could say well at least I'm gonna have to<00:18:06.090> take<00:18:06.270> a<00:18:06.300> look<00:18:06.600> very<00:18:07.560> precisely<00:18:08.040> at<00:18:08.310> this to take a look very precisely at this to take a look very precisely at this chemical<00:18:08.760> and<00:18:09.000> see<00:18:09.150> well<00:18:09.390> you<00:18:09.900> know<00:18:09.990> where<00:18:10.200> it chemical and see well you know where it chemical and see well you know where it comes<00:18:10.530> from comes from comes from and<00:18:10.980> that<00:18:11.460> might<00:18:11.730> be<00:18:11.760> our<00:18:12.180> chance<00:18:12.510> of<00:18:12.810> actually and that might be our chance of actually and that might be our chance of actually discovering<00:18:13.770> life<00:18:14.310> when<00:18:15.060> we<00:18:15.150> cannot<00:18:15.480> visibly discovering life when we cannot visibly discovering life when we cannot visibly see<00:18:16.440> it<00:18:16.590> and<00:18:16.830> so<00:18:17.460> that's<00:18:17.640> really<00:18:17.730> the<00:18:18.120> only see it and so that's really the only see it and so that's really the only take-home<00:18:19.440> message<00:18:19.800> that<00:18:20.310> I<00:18:20.340> have<00:18:20.610> for<00:18:20.670> you take-home message that I have for you take-home message that I have for you life<00:18:21.960> can<00:18:22.920> be<00:18:22.950> less<00:18:23.460> mysterious<00:18:23.970> that<00:18:24.480> we<00:18:24.660> make life can be less mysterious that we make life can be less mysterious that we make it<00:18:24.960> out<00:18:25.080> to<00:18:25.260> be<00:18:25.290> when<00:18:26.070> we<00:18:26.190> try<00:18:26.370> to<00:18:26.400> think<00:18:26.730> about it out to be when we try to think about it out to be when we try to think about how<00:18:27.570> it<00:18:27.750> would<00:18:27.780> be<00:18:27.960> on<00:18:28.200> other<00:18:28.380> planets<00:18:28.860> and<00:18:29.460> if how it would be on other planets and if how it would be on other planets and if we<00:18:30.870> remove<00:18:31.380> the<00:18:31.590> mystery<00:18:32.070> of<00:18:32.280> life<00:18:32.330> then<00:18:33.330> I we remove the mystery of life then I we remove the mystery of life then I think<00:18:33.930> it<00:18:34.560> is<00:18:35.040> a<00:18:35.100> little<00:18:35.250> bit<00:18:35.400> easier<00:18:35.700> for<00:18:35.760> us think it is a little bit easier for us think it is a little bit easier for us to<00:18:36.030> think<00:18:36.150> about<00:18:36.540> how<00:18:36.690> we<00:18:36.750> live<00:18:37.080> and<00:18:37.260> how to think about how we live and how to think about how we live and how perhaps<00:18:38.370> we're<00:18:38.700> not<00:18:38.820> as<00:18:38.940> special<00:18:39.330> as<00:18:39.420> we perhaps we're not as special as we perhaps we're not as special as we always<00:18:39.750> think<00:18:40.050> we<00:18:40.170> are<00:18:40.320> and<00:18:40.640> I'm<00:18:41.640> gonna<00:18:41.820> leave always think we are and I'm gonna leave always think we are and I'm gonna leave you<00:18:42.270> with<00:18:42.480> that<00:18:42.810> and<00:18:42.870> thank<00:18:43.380> you<00:18:43.440> very<00:18:43.560> much

Christoph Adami, TED, TEDx, TEDxUIUC, alien, alien, life, artificial

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