Gạch đồ chơi nói chuyện với nhau-David Merrill

Toy tiles that talk to each other - David Merrill

Toy tiles that talk to each other - David Merrill


I<00:00:15.100> want<00:00:16.100> to<00:00:16.160> start<00:00:16.309> by<00:00:16.490> asking<00:00:16.610> you<00:00:16.910> to<00:00:16.940> think
I want to start by asking you to think I want to start by asking you to think back<00:00:17.420> to<00:00:17.450> when<00:00:17.689> you<00:00:17.720> were<00:00:17.840> a<00:00:17.869> kid<00:00:18.080> playing<00:00:18.500> with back to when you were a kid playing with back to when you were a kid playing with blocks<00:00:18.770> as<00:00:19.640> you<00:00:19.820> figured<00:00:20.090> out<00:00:20.210> how<00:00:20.360> to<00:00:20.420> reach blocks as you figured out how to reach blocks as you figured out how to reach out<00:00:20.810> and<00:00:21.080> grasp<00:00:21.320> pick<00:00:21.950> them<00:00:22.099> up<00:00:22.220> and<00:00:22.430> move<00:00:22.490> them out and grasp pick them up and move them out and grasp pick them up and move them around<00:00:22.820> you're<00:00:23.540> actually<00:00:23.930> learning<00:00:24.110> how<00:00:24.290> to around you're actually learning how to around you're actually learning how to think<00:00:24.650> and<00:00:24.890> solve<00:00:25.040> problems<00:00:25.520> by think and solve problems by think and solve problems by understanding<00:00:26.060> and<00:00:26.599> manipulating<00:00:27.200> spatial understanding and manipulating spatial understanding and manipulating spatial relationships<00:00:28.689> spatial<00:00:29.689> reasoning<00:00:29.840> is relationships spatial reasoning is relationships spatial reasoning is deeply<00:00:30.950> connected<00:00:31.310> to<00:00:31.369> how<00:00:31.669> we<00:00:31.730> understand<00:00:32.270> a deeply connected to how we understand a deeply connected to how we understand a lot<00:00:32.689> of<00:00:32.720> the<00:00:32.870> world<00:00:33.020> around<00:00:33.260> us<00:00:33.470> so<00:00:34.460> as<00:00:34.790> a lot of the world around us so as a lot of the world around us so as a computer<00:00:35.630> scientist<00:00:36.079> inspired<00:00:36.649> by<00:00:36.860> this computer scientist inspired by this computer scientist inspired by this utility<00:00:37.640> of<00:00:37.760> our<00:00:37.850> interactions<00:00:38.360> with utility of our interactions with utility of our interactions with physical<00:00:38.870> objects<00:00:39.290> along<00:00:39.829> with<00:00:40.010> my<00:00:40.130> adviser physical objects along with my adviser physical objects along with my adviser Patty<00:00:40.790> and<00:00:41.030> my<00:00:41.180> collaborator<00:00:41.719> Jeevan<00:00:42.140> kallana Patty and my collaborator Jeevan kallana Patty and my collaborator Jeevan kallana thei<00:00:42.620> I<00:00:42.800> started<00:00:43.520> to<00:00:43.640> wonder<00:00:43.790> what<00:00:44.210> if<00:00:44.630> when<00:00:45.170> we thei I started to wonder what if when we thei I started to wonder what if when we use<00:00:45.440> a<00:00:45.470> computer<00:00:45.850> instead<00:00:46.850> of<00:00:47.000> having<00:00:47.270> this use a computer instead of having this use a computer instead of having this one<00:00:47.690> mouse<00:00:47.900> cursor<00:00:48.320> that<00:00:48.470> it<00:00:48.530> was<00:00:48.620> like<00:00:48.740> a one mouse cursor that it was like a one mouse cursor that it was like a digital<00:00:49.010> fingertip<00:00:49.640> moving<00:00:49.940> around<00:00:50.090> a<00:00:50.210> flat digital fingertip moving around a flat digital fingertip moving around a flat desktop<00:00:50.900> what<00:00:51.380> if<00:00:51.470> we<00:00:51.560> could<00:00:51.710> reach<00:00:51.920> in<00:00:52.100> with desktop what if we could reach in with desktop what if we could reach in with both<00:00:52.460> hands<00:00:52.970> and<00:00:53.120> grasp<00:00:53.660> information both hands and grasp information both hands and grasp information physically<00:00:54.830> arranging<00:00:55.760> it<00:00:55.880> the<00:00:56.000> way<00:00:56.120> we physically arranging it the way we physically arranging it the way we wanted<00:00:56.540> this<00:00:57.020> question<00:00:57.440> was<00:00:57.829> so<00:00:58.040> compelling wanted this question was so compelling wanted this question was so compelling that<00:00:58.610> we<00:00:58.730> decided<00:00:59.120> to<00:00:59.240> explore<00:00:59.570> the<00:00:59.690> answer<00:01:00.079> by that we decided to explore the answer by that we decided to explore the answer by building<00:01:00.980> SIF<00:01:01.160> tables<00:01:01.430> in<00:01:02.360> a<00:01:02.480> nutshell building SIF tables in a nutshell building SIF tables in a nutshell acceptable<00:01:03.739> is<00:01:03.890> an<00:01:03.980> interactive<00:01:04.309> computer acceptable is an interactive computer acceptable is an interactive computer the<00:01:05.299> size<00:01:05.540> of<00:01:05.659> a<00:01:05.720> cookie<00:01:06.159> they're<00:01:07.159> able<00:01:07.280> to<00:01:07.430> be the size of a cookie they're able to be the size of a cookie they're able to be moved<00:01:07.790> around<00:01:07.939> by<00:01:08.180> hand<00:01:08.450> they<00:01:09.439> can<00:01:09.530> sense<00:01:09.770> each moved around by hand they can sense each moved around by hand they can sense each other<00:01:10.130> they<00:01:10.340> can<00:01:10.490> sense<00:01:10.700> their<00:01:10.880> motion<00:01:11.210> and other they can sense their motion and other they can sense their motion and they<00:01:11.869> have<00:01:11.990> a<00:01:12.020> screen<00:01:12.320> and<00:01:12.470> a<00:01:12.530> wireless<00:01:12.710> radio they have a screen and a wireless radio they have a screen and a wireless radio most<00:01:14.210> importantly<00:01:14.689> their<00:01:15.110> physical<00:01:15.590> select most importantly their physical select most importantly their physical select the<00:01:16.040> blocks<00:01:16.280> you<00:01:16.760> can<00:01:16.790> move<00:01:17.060> them<00:01:17.270> just<00:01:17.479> by the blocks you can move them just by the blocks you can move them just by reaching<00:01:17.750> out<00:01:17.960> and<00:01:18.110> grasping<00:01:18.560> and<00:01:18.740> the<00:01:19.520> septa reaching out and grasping and the septa reaching out and grasping and the septa bowls<00:01:20.000> are<00:01:20.240> an<00:01:20.330> example<00:01:20.630> of<00:01:20.990> a<00:01:21.200> new<00:01:21.380> ecosystem bowls are an example of a new ecosystem bowls are an example of a new ecosystem of<00:01:22.250> tools<00:01:22.610> for<00:01:22.880> manipulating<00:01:22.940> digital of tools for manipulating digital of tools for manipulating digital information<00:01:23.960> and<00:01:24.530> as<00:01:24.979> these<00:01:25.100> tools<00:01:25.370> become information and as these tools become information and as these tools become more<00:01:25.820> physical<00:01:26.240> more<00:01:26.450> aware<00:01:26.960> of<00:01:26.990> their<00:01:27.229> motion more physical more aware of their motion more physical more aware of their motion aware<00:01:27.830> of<00:01:27.920> each<00:01:28.010> other<00:01:28.220> and<00:01:28.490> aware<00:01:29.030> of<00:01:29.120> the aware of each other and aware of the aware of each other and aware of the nuance<00:01:29.630> of<00:01:29.840> how<00:01:29.960> we<00:01:30.020> move<00:01:30.260> them<00:01:30.500> we<00:01:30.920> can<00:01:31.070> start nuance of how we move them we can start nuance of how we move them we can start to<00:01:31.400> explore<00:01:31.460> some<00:01:31.940> new<00:01:31.970> and<00:01:32.390> fun<00:01:32.690> interaction to explore some new and fun interaction to explore some new and fun interaction styles<00:01:33.830> so<00:01:34.430> I'm<00:01:34.490> going<00:01:34.610> to<00:01:34.670> start<00:01:34.850> with<00:01:34.940> some styles so I'm going to start with some styles so I'm going to start with some simple<00:01:35.270> examples<00:01:35.930> this<00:01:36.440> system<00:01:36.770> was simple examples this system was simple examples this system was configured<00:01:37.220> to<00:01:37.880> show<00:01:38.060> video<00:01:38.360> and<00:01:38.659> if<00:01:39.140> I<00:01:39.229> tilt configured to show video and if I tilt configured to show video and if I tilt it<00:01:39.560> in<00:01:39.619> one<00:01:39.740> direction<00:01:39.860> he'll<00:01:40.280> roll<00:01:40.490> the<00:01:40.610> video it in one direction he'll roll the video it in one direction he'll roll the video this<00:01:40.970> way<00:01:41.180> if<00:01:41.780> I<00:01:41.840> tilt<00:01:42.049> it<00:01:42.140> the<00:01:42.260> other<00:01:42.380> way<00:01:42.560> it this way if I tilt it the other way it this way if I tilt it the other way it rolls<00:01:43.340> it<00:01:43.520> backwards<00:01:43.909> and<00:01:44.869> these<00:01:45.020> interactive rolls it backwards and these interactive rolls it backwards and these interactive portraits<00:01:45.890> are<00:01:46.040> aware<00:01:46.190> of<00:01:46.250> each<00:01:46.400> other<00:01:46.640> so<00:01:46.880> if portraits are aware of each other so if portraits are aware of each other so if I<00:01:47.570> put<00:01:47.750> them<00:01:47.869> next<00:01:47.960> to<00:01:48.080> each<00:01:48.200> other<00:01:48.350> they<00:01:49.010> get I put them next to each other they get I put them next to each other they get interested<00:01:49.729> if<00:01:50.170> they<00:01:51.170> get<00:01:51.320> surrounded<00:01:51.909> they interested if they get surrounded they interested if they get surrounded they notice<00:01:53.210> that<00:01:53.240> -<00:01:53.600> you<00:01:53.869> might<00:01:54.110> get<00:01:54.200> a<00:01:54.260> little notice that - you might get a little notice that - you might get a little flustered<00:01:54.680> and<00:01:55.100> they<00:01:55.700> can<00:01:55.850> also<00:01:55.970> sense<00:01:56.390> their flustered and they can also sense their flustered and they can also sense their motion<00:01:57.080> and<00:01:57.760> tilt<00:01:59.619> so<00:02:00.640> one<00:02:01.640> of<00:02:01.670> the motion and tilt so one of the motion and tilt so one of the interesting<00:02:02.000> implications<00:02:02.960> on<00:02:03.080> interaction interesting implications on interaction interesting implications on interaction we<00:02:03.680> started<00:02:04.010> to<00:02:04.100> realize<00:02:04.280> was<00:02:05.030> that<00:02:05.060> we<00:02:05.240> could we started to realize was that we could we started to realize was that we could use<00:02:05.570> everyday<00:02:06.080> gestures<00:02:06.290> on<00:02:06.680> data<00:02:06.950> like use everyday gestures on data like use everyday gestures on data like pouring<00:02:07.939> a<00:02:08.060> color<00:02:08.299> the<00:02:08.899> way<00:02:09.049> we<00:02:09.200> might<00:02:09.349> pour<00:02:09.619> a pouring a color the way we might pour a pouring a color the way we might pour a liquid<00:02:10.299> so<00:02:11.299> in<00:02:11.390> this<00:02:11.510> case<00:02:11.689> we've<00:02:11.870> got<00:02:12.019> three liquid so in this case we've got three liquid so in this case we've got three septa<00:02:12.530> bowls<00:02:12.680> configured<00:02:13.040> to<00:02:13.069> be<00:02:13.220> paint septa bowls configured to be paint septa bowls configured to be paint buckets<00:02:13.790> and<00:02:14.120> I<00:02:14.299> can<00:02:14.450> use<00:02:14.569> them<00:02:14.720> to<00:02:14.900> pour<00:02:15.110> color buckets and I can use them to pour color buckets and I can use them to pour color into<00:02:15.680> that<00:02:15.830> central<00:02:16.159> one<00:02:16.280> where<00:02:16.459> they<00:02:16.580> get into that central one where they get into that central one where they get mixed<00:02:17.319> if<00:02:18.319> we<00:02:18.439> overshoot<00:02:18.680> we<00:02:19.310> can<00:02:19.459> pour<00:02:19.639> a mixed if we overshoot we can pour a mixed if we overshoot we can pour a little<00:02:19.819> bit<00:02:19.999> back little bit back little bit back there<00:02:22.980> are<00:02:23.070> also<00:02:23.160> some<00:02:23.460> neat<00:02:23.640> possibilities there are also some neat possibilities there are also some neat possibilities for<00:02:24.630> education<00:02:25.140> like<00:02:25.950> language<00:02:26.370> math<00:02:26.610> and for education like language math and for education like language math and logic<00:02:26.880> games<00:02:27.240> so<00:02:27.390> you<00:02:27.420> want<00:02:27.660> to<00:02:27.750> give<00:02:27.840> people logic games so you want to give people logic games so you want to give people the<00:02:28.170> ability<00:02:28.260> to<00:02:29.070> try<00:02:29.310> things<00:02:29.550> quickly<00:02:29.820> and the ability to try things quickly and the ability to try things quickly and view<00:02:31.770> the<00:02:31.890> results<00:02:31.980> immediately<00:02:32.280> so<00:02:32.820> here<00:02:32.970> I'm

this<00:02:36.630> is<00:02:36.810> a<00:02:36.840> Fibonacci<00:02:37.140> sequence<00:02:37.620> that<00:02:38.010> I'm
this is a Fibonacci sequence that I'm this is a Fibonacci sequence that I'm making<00:02:38.370> with<00:02:38.490> a<00:02:38.520> simple<00:02:38.880> equation<00:02:39.500> program making with a simple equation program making with a simple equation program here<00:02:41.550> we<00:02:41.610> have<00:02:41.700> a<00:02:41.760> word<00:02:41.970> game<00:02:42.150> that's<00:02:42.420> kind<00:02:42.570> of here we have a word game that's kind of here we have a word game that's kind of like<00:02:42.780> a<00:02:42.840> mash-up<00:02:43.260> between<00:02:43.410> Scrabble<00:02:44.130> and like a mash-up between Scrabble and like a mash-up between Scrabble and boggle<00:02:44.670> basically<00:02:45.450> in<00:02:45.570> every<00:02:45.780> round<00:02:45.990> you<00:02:46.410> get boggle basically in every round you get boggle basically in every round you get a<00:02:46.950> randomly<00:02:47.340> assigned<00:02:47.400> letter<00:02:47.820> on<00:02:48.180> each<00:02:48.330> sip a randomly assigned letter on each sip a randomly assigned letter on each sip table<00:02:48.810> and<00:02:49.020> as<00:02:49.500> you<00:02:49.620> try<00:02:49.770> to<00:02:49.800> make<00:02:49.980> words<00:02:50.160> it table and as you try to make words it table and as you try to make words it checks<00:02:50.580> against<00:02:50.850> the<00:02:50.940> dictionary<00:02:51.410> then<00:02:52.410> after checks against the dictionary then after checks against the dictionary then after about<00:02:52.740> 30<00:02:53.010> seconds<00:02:53.460> it<00:02:53.940> reshuffles<00:02:54.540> and<00:02:54.870> you about 30 seconds it reshuffles and you about 30 seconds it reshuffles and you have<00:02:55.050> a<00:02:55.110> new<00:02:55.260> set<00:02:55.440> of<00:02:55.530> letters<00:02:55.680> and<00:02:56.010> new have a new set of letters and new have a new set of letters and new possibilities<00:02:56.310> to<00:02:56.760> try<00:02:58.670> thank<00:02:59.670> you<00:03:00.920> so<00:03:01.920> these possibilities to try thank you so these possibilities to try thank you so these are<00:03:02.190> some<00:03:02.340> kids<00:03:02.610> that<00:03:02.760> came<00:03:02.940> on<00:03:03.150> a<00:03:03.180> field<00:03:03.420> trip are some kids that came on a field trip are some kids that came on a field trip to<00:03:03.750> the<00:03:03.840> Media<00:03:04.080> Lab<00:03:04.140> and<00:03:04.530> I<00:03:04.860> managed<00:03:05.130> to<00:03:05.160> get to the Media Lab and I managed to get to the Media Lab and I managed to get them<00:03:05.550> to<00:03:05.760> try<00:03:06.180> it<00:03:06.240> out<00:03:06.390> and<00:03:06.540> shoot<00:03:06.720> a<00:03:06.810> video

they<00:03:15.150> really<00:03:15.420> loved<00:03:15.630> it<00:03:15.780> and<00:03:16.020> one<00:03:16.860> of<00:03:16.950> the
they really loved it and one of the they really loved it and one of the interesting<00:03:17.130> things<00:03:17.580> about<00:03:17.730> this<00:03:17.910> kind<00:03:18.120> of interesting things about this kind of interesting things about this kind of application<00:03:18.690> is<00:03:18.900> that<00:03:19.650> you<00:03:20.130> don't<00:03:20.280> have<00:03:20.370> to application is that you don't have to application is that you don't have to give<00:03:20.580> people<00:03:20.730> many<00:03:21.060> instructions<00:03:21.570> all<00:03:21.750> I<00:03:21.780> have give people many instructions all I have give people many instructions all I have to<00:03:22.020> say<00:03:22.200> is<00:03:22.380> make<00:03:22.920> words<00:03:23.160> and<00:03:23.580> they<00:03:23.820> know to say is make words and they know to say is make words and they know exactly<00:03:24.060> what<00:03:24.480> to<00:03:24.510> do<00:03:24.950> so<00:03:25.950> here's<00:03:26.130> another<00:03:26.340> few exactly what to do so here's another few exactly what to do so here's another few people<00:03:27.030> trying<00:03:27.270> it<00:03:27.360> out<00:03:34.580> that's<00:03:35.580> our<00:03:35.730> youngest people trying it out that's our youngest people trying it out that's our youngest beta<00:03:36.450> tester<00:03:36.870> down<00:03:37.410> there<00:03:37.590> on<00:03:37.680> the<00:03:37.740> right beta tester down there on the right beta tester down there on the right turns<00:03:40.290> out<00:03:40.820> all<00:03:41.820> he<00:03:42.090> wanted<00:03:42.330> to<00:03:42.420> do<00:03:42.570> was<00:03:42.810> to turns out all he wanted to do was to turns out all he wanted to do was to stack<00:03:43.890> the<00:03:44.070> SIF<00:03:44.220> tables<00:03:44.490> up<00:03:44.959> so<00:03:45.959> to<00:03:46.020> him<00:03:46.260> there stack the SIF tables up so to him there stack the SIF tables up so to him there were<00:03:46.860> just<00:03:47.040> blocks<00:03:48.860> now<00:03:49.860> this<00:03:50.070> is<00:03:50.220> an were just blocks now this is an were just blocks now this is an interactive<00:03:50.750> cartoon<00:03:51.750> application<00:03:52.350> and<00:03:53.570> we interactive cartoon application and we interactive cartoon application and we wanted<00:03:54.810> to<00:03:54.959> build<00:03:55.440> a<00:03:55.590> learning<00:03:55.920> tool<00:03:56.040> for<00:03:56.150> for wanted to build a learning tool for for wanted to build a learning tool for for language<00:03:57.480> learners<00:03:57.690> and<00:03:58.020> this<00:03:59.010> is<00:03:59.160> Felix language learners and this is Felix language learners and this is Felix actually<00:04:00.120> and<00:04:00.420> he<00:04:01.350> can<00:04:01.500> bring<00:04:01.680> new<00:04:01.860> characters actually and he can bring new characters actually and he can bring new characters into<00:04:02.580> the<00:04:02.700> scene<00:04:02.910> just<00:04:03.900> by<00:04:04.020> lifting<00:04:04.200> the<00:04:04.440> SIP into the scene just by lifting the SIP into the scene just by lifting the SIP tools<00:04:04.739> off<00:04:04.860> the<00:04:04.980> table<00:04:05.280> that<00:04:05.310> have<00:04:05.550> that tools off the table that have that tools off the table that have that character<00:04:06.060> shown<00:04:06.450> on<00:04:06.600> them<00:04:06.950> here<00:04:07.950> he's character shown on them here he's character shown on them here he's bringing<00:04:08.370> the<00:04:08.489> Sun<00:04:08.700> out<00:04:09.350> the<00:04:10.350> Sun<00:04:10.650> is<00:04:10.800> rising bringing the Sun out the Sun is rising bringing the Sun out the Sun is rising now<00:04:13.110> he's<00:04:13.260> brought<00:04:13.440> a<00:04:13.470> tractor<00:04:13.860> into<00:04:13.980> the now he's brought a tractor into the now he's brought a tractor into the scene

the<00:04:17.570> orange<00:04:17.900> tractor<00:04:21.520> so<00:04:22.520> by<00:04:22.639> shaking<00:04:22.910> the<00:04:23.120> SIP
the orange tractor so by shaking the SIP the orange tractor so by shaking the SIP Sable's<00:04:23.539> and<00:04:23.690> putting<00:04:23.870> them<00:04:23.960> next<00:04:24.139> to<00:04:24.199> each Sable's and putting them next to each Sable's and putting them next to each other<00:04:24.440> he<00:04:25.250> can<00:04:25.430> make<00:04:25.610> the<00:04:25.729> characters other he can make the characters other he can make the characters interact<00:04:26.770> inventing<00:04:27.770> his<00:04:27.800> own<00:04:28.039> narrative interact inventing his own narrative interact inventing his own narrative it's<00:04:31.280> an<00:04:31.400> open-ended<00:04:31.699> story<00:04:32.150> and<00:04:32.479> he<00:04:32.630> gets<00:04:32.810> to it's an open-ended story and he gets to it's an open-ended story and he gets to decide<00:04:33.020> how<00:04:33.620> it<00:04:33.740> unfolds<00:04:45.310> so<00:04:46.310> the<00:04:46.759> last decide how it unfolds so the last decide how it unfolds so the last example<00:04:47.419> I<00:04:47.509> have<00:04:47.600> time<00:04:47.780> to<00:04:47.810> show<00:04:47.960> you<00:04:48.080> today<00:04:48.410> is example I have time to show you today is example I have time to show you today is a<00:04:48.949> music<00:04:49.400> sequencing<00:04:49.880> and<00:04:50.090> live<00:04:50.210> performance a music sequencing and live performance a music sequencing and live performance tool<00:04:51.050> that<00:04:51.259> we've<00:04:51.380> built<00:04:51.500> recently<00:04:52.120> in<00:04:53.120> which tool that we've built recently in which tool that we've built recently in which sift<00:04:53.599> Able's<00:04:53.810> act<00:04:54.050> as<00:04:54.460> sounds<00:04:55.460> like<00:04:55.639> lead<00:04:55.910> bass sift Able's act as sounds like lead bass sift Able's act as sounds like lead bass and<00:04:56.870> drums<00:04:57.400> each<00:04:58.400> of<00:04:58.610> these<00:04:58.699> has<00:04:58.940> four and drums each of these has four and drums each of these has four different<00:04:59.479> variations<00:04:59.720> you<00:05:00.080> get<00:05:00.259> to<00:05:00.349> choose different variations you get to choose different variations you get to choose which<00:05:00.800> one<00:05:01.009> you<00:05:01.099> want<00:05:01.130> to<00:05:01.340> use<00:05:01.490> and<00:05:01.729> you<00:05:02.210> can which one you want to use and you can which one you want to use and you can inject<00:05:02.750> these<00:05:02.960> sounds<00:05:03.530> into<00:05:03.949> a<00:05:04.220> sequence<00:05:04.940> that inject these sounds into a sequence that inject these sounds into a sequence that you<00:05:05.900> can<00:05:06.020> assemble<00:05:06.289> into<00:05:06.650> the<00:05:06.740> pattern<00:05:07.070> that you can assemble into the pattern that you can assemble into the pattern that you<00:05:07.310> want<00:05:07.520> and<00:05:08.210> you<00:05:08.330> inject<00:05:08.570> it<00:05:08.720> by<00:05:08.840> just you want and you inject it by just you want and you inject it by just bumping<00:05:09.380> up<00:05:09.530> the<00:05:09.680> sound<00:05:09.889> Cybil<00:05:10.250> against<00:05:10.580> a bumping up the sound Cybil against a bumping up the sound Cybil against a sequence<00:05:11.000> if<00:05:11.210> table<00:05:11.470> there<00:05:12.470> are<00:05:12.650> effects<00:05:13.130> that sequence if table there are effects that sequence if table there are effects that you<00:05:13.340> can<00:05:13.370> control<00:05:13.759> live<00:05:14.030> like<00:05:14.300> reverb<00:05:14.720> and you can control live like reverb and you can control live like reverb and filter<00:05:15.440> you<00:05:16.220> attach<00:05:16.520> it<00:05:16.550> to<00:05:16.789> a<00:05:16.849> particular filter you attach it to a particular filter you attach it to a particular sound<00:05:17.360> and<00:05:17.630> then<00:05:17.720> tilt<00:05:17.960> to<00:05:18.110> adjust<00:05:18.440> it<00:05:18.590> and sound and then tilt to adjust it and sound and then tilt to adjust it and then<00:05:20.599> overall<00:05:20.960> effects<00:05:21.320> like<00:05:21.500> tempo<00:05:21.800> and then overall effects like tempo and then overall effects like tempo and volume<00:05:22.250> that<00:05:22.370> apply<00:05:22.639> to<00:05:22.669> the<00:05:22.909> entire<00:05:23.150> sequence volume that apply to the entire sequence volume that apply to the entire sequence so<00:05:24.260> let's<00:05:24.409> have<00:05:24.500> a<00:05:24.590> look<00:05:27.430> start<00:05:28.430> by<00:05:28.550> putting<00:05:29.060> a so let's have a look start by putting a so let's have a look start by putting a lead<00:05:30.099> into<00:05:31.099> two<00:05:31.580> sequence<00:05:31.940> if<00:05:32.120> tables<00:05:32.360> arrange lead into two sequence if tables arrange lead into two sequence if tables arrange them<00:05:32.900> into<00:05:33.050> a<00:05:33.370> series<00:05:34.810> extend<00:05:35.810> it<00:05:35.930> add<00:05:36.229> a them into a series extend it add a them into a series extend it add a little<00:05:36.500> more<00:05:36.740> lead<00:05:37.659> now<00:05:38.659> I<00:05:38.690> put<00:05:38.900> a<00:05:38.930> bassline<00:05:39.349> in

now<00:05:45.419> I'll<00:05:45.539> put<00:05:45.660> some<00:05:45.810> percussion<00:05:46.050> in<00:05:51.080> and<00:05:52.080> now
now I'll put some percussion in and now now I'll put some percussion in and now I'll<00:05:52.289> attach<00:05:52.560> the<00:05:52.800> filter<00:05:52.949> to<00:05:53.400> the<00:05:53.520> drum<00:05:53.729> so<00:05:53.910> I I'll attach the filter to the drum so I I'll attach the filter to the drum so I can<00:05:54.120> control<00:05:54.419> the<00:05:54.600> effect<00:05:54.900> live<00:05:55.110> I<00:05:57.080> can<00:05:58.080> speed can control the effect live I can speed can control the effect live I can speed up<00:05:58.380> the<00:05:58.560> whole<00:05:58.710> sequence<00:05:59.070> by<00:05:59.220> tilting<00:05:59.460> the up the whole sequence by tilting the up the whole sequence by tilting the tempo<00:05:59.970> to<00:06:00.330> 1<00:06:00.509> one<00:06:01.500> way<00:06:01.650> or<00:06:01.800> the<00:06:01.889> other<00:06:03.020> and<00:06:04.020> now tempo to 1 one way or the other and now tempo to 1 one way or the other and now I'll<00:06:04.289> attach<00:06:04.560> the<00:06:04.770> filter<00:06:05.039> to<00:06:05.190> the<00:06:05.280> base<00:06:05.430> for I'll attach the filter to the base for I'll attach the filter to the base for some<00:06:05.850> more<00:06:06.000> expression<00:06:06.449> I<00:06:11.240> can<00:06:12.240> rearrange<00:06:12.479> the some more expression I can rearrange the some more expression I can rearrange the sequence<00:06:13.139> while<00:06:13.380> it<00:06:13.530> plays<00:06:13.650> I<00:06:14.070> don't<00:06:14.310> have<00:06:14.430> to sequence while it plays I don't have to sequence while it plays I don't have to plan<00:06:14.759> it<00:06:14.910> out<00:06:14.970> in<00:06:15.090> advance<00:06:15.389> but<00:06:15.630> I<00:06:15.660> can plan it out in advance but I can plan it out in advance but I can improvise<00:06:16.169> changing<00:06:16.770> it<00:06:16.889> making<00:06:17.160> it<00:06:17.250> longer improvise changing it making it longer improvise changing it making it longer or<00:06:17.729> shorter<00:06:17.759> as<00:06:18.150> I<00:06:18.270> go<00:06:19.280> and<00:06:20.280> now<00:06:20.849> finally<00:06:21.120> I<00:06:21.330> can or shorter as I go and now finally I can or shorter as I go and now finally I can fade<00:06:21.720> the<00:06:21.840> whole<00:06:21.960> sequence<00:06:22.289> out<00:06:22.490> using<00:06:23.490> the fade the whole sequence out using the fade the whole sequence out using the volume<00:06:23.880> shift<00:06:24.240> of<00:06:24.330> all<00:06:24.449> tilted<00:06:24.810> to<00:06:24.900> the<00:06:24.930> left

thank<00:06:31.880> you<00:06:32.030> so
thank you so thank you so as<00:06:35.220> you<00:06:35.430> can<00:06:35.610> see<00:06:35.820> my<00:06:36.420> passion<00:06:36.690> is<00:06:36.990> for<00:06:37.140> making as you can see my passion is for making as you can see my passion is for making new<00:06:37.710> human-computer<00:06:38.430> interfaces<00:06:39.030> that<00:06:39.330> are<00:06:39.420> a new human-computer interfaces that are a new human-computer interfaces that are a better<00:06:39.630> match<00:06:39.900> to<00:06:40.230> the<00:06:40.320> ways<00:06:40.470> our<00:06:40.680> brains<00:06:40.950> and better match to the ways our brains and better match to the ways our brains and bodies<00:06:41.670> work<00:06:41.940> and<00:06:42.210> today<00:06:42.720> I<00:06:42.960> had<00:06:43.230> time<00:06:43.470> to<00:06:43.680> show bodies work and today I had time to show bodies work and today I had time to show you<00:06:43.890> one<00:06:44.520> point<00:06:44.850> in<00:06:45.030> this<00:06:45.150> new<00:06:45.360> design<00:06:45.660> space you one point in this new design space you one point in this new design space and<00:06:46.170> a<00:06:46.470> few<00:06:46.680> of<00:06:46.920> the<00:06:47.190> possibilities<00:06:47.790> that and a few of the possibilities that and a few of the possibilities that we're<00:06:48.060> working<00:06:48.360> to<00:06:48.480> bring<00:06:48.660> out<00:06:48.780> of<00:06:48.870> the we're working to bring out of the we're working to bring out of the laboratory<00:06:49.380> so<00:06:49.980> the<00:06:50.130> thought<00:06:50.310> I<00:06:50.340> want<00:06:50.610> to laboratory so the thought I want to laboratory so the thought I want to leave<00:06:50.820> you<00:06:50.850> with<00:06:51.120> is<00:06:51.270> that<00:06:51.690> we're<00:06:51.810> on<00:06:51.900> the<00:06:51.930> cusp leave you with is that we're on the cusp leave you with is that we're on the cusp of<00:06:52.500> this<00:06:52.680> new<00:06:52.950> generation<00:06:53.430> of<00:06:53.790> tools<00:06:54.210> for of this new generation of tools for of this new generation of tools for interacting<00:06:55.560> with<00:06:55.590> digital<00:06:56.430> media<00:06:56.870> that<00:06:57.870> are interacting with digital media that are interacting with digital media that are going<00:06:58.080> to<00:06:58.140> bring<00:06:58.350> information<00:06:58.650> into<00:06:59.280> our going to bring information into our going to bring information into our world<00:06:59.700> on<00:07:00.030> our<00:07:00.090> terms world on our terms world on our terms thank<00:07:01.860> you<00:07:01.950> very<00:07:01.980> much<00:07:02.340> I<00:07:02.490> look<00:07:02.640> forward<00:07:02.670> to thank you very much I look forward to thank you very much I look forward to talking<00:07:03.060> with<00:07:03.240> all<00:07:03.420> of<00:07:03.540> you

David Merrill, TED, TED, Talk, Siftables, toy, toys, learning, toys, learning, teaching, education, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, Ed

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