Gặp Chim Hoàng Yến Nước-Sonaar Luthra

Meet the Water Canary - Sonaar Luthra

Meet the Water Canary - Sonaar Luthra



K<00:00:16.680> was<00:00:16.800> reported<00:00:17.160> in<00:00:17.320> Haiti<00:00:17.680> for<00:00:17.840> the<00:00:18.039> first
K was reported in Haiti for the first K was reported in Haiti for the first time<00:00:18.480> in<00:00:18.720> over<00:00:19.000> 50<00:00:19.439> years<00:00:20.160> last time in over 50 years last time in over 50 years last October<00:00:22.080> there<00:00:22.240> was<00:00:22.480> no<00:00:22.720> way<00:00:22.840> to<00:00:23.080> predict<00:00:23.760> how October there was no way to predict how October there was no way to predict how far<00:00:24.119> it<00:00:24.240> would<00:00:24.359> spread<00:00:24.680> through<00:00:24.880> water far it would spread through water far it would spread through water supplies<00:00:26.359> and<00:00:26.560> how<00:00:26.760> bad<00:00:26.960> the<00:00:27.119> situation<00:00:27.760> would supplies and how bad the situation would supplies and how bad the situation would get<00:00:29.679> and<00:00:30.000> not<00:00:30.160> knowing<00:00:30.400> where<00:00:30.599> help<00:00:30.840> was get and not knowing where help was get and not knowing where help was needed<00:00:32.079> always<00:00:32.399> ensured<00:00:33.079> that<00:00:33.640> help<00:00:34.040> was<00:00:34.200> in needed always ensured that help was in needed always ensured that help was in short<00:00:34.680> supply<00:00:35.280> in<00:00:35.399> the<00:00:35.559> areas<00:00:35.840> that<00:00:35.960> needed<00:00:36.200> it short supply in the areas that needed it short supply in the areas that needed it most<00:00:37.960> we've<00:00:38.160> gotten<00:00:38.480> good<00:00:38.800> at<00:00:39.040> predicting<00:00:39.760> and most we've gotten good at predicting and most we've gotten good at predicting and preparing<00:00:40.360> for<00:00:40.600> storms<00:00:41.239> before<00:00:41.800> they<00:00:41.960> take preparing for storms before they take preparing for storms before they take innocent<00:00:42.640> lives<00:00:42.879> and<00:00:43.079> cause<00:00:43.440> irreversible innocent lives and cause irreversible innocent lives and cause irreversible damage<00:00:45.480> but<00:00:45.600> we<00:00:45.760> still<00:00:46.079> can't<00:00:46.320> do<00:00:46.559> that<00:00:46.760> with damage but we still can't do that with damage but we still can't do that with water<00:00:48.000> and<00:00:48.160> here's<00:00:48.480> why<00:00:49.120> right<00:00:49.239> now<00:00:49.360> if<00:00:49.440> you water and here's why right now if you water and here's why right now if you want<00:00:49.680> to<00:00:49.800> test<00:00:50.079> water<00:00:50.239> in<00:00:50.360> the<00:00:50.440> field<00:00:51.039> you<00:00:51.199> need want to test water in the field you need want to test water in the field you need a<00:00:51.600> trained<00:00:52.000> technician<00:00:52.960> expensive<00:00:53.480> equipment a trained technician expensive equipment a trained technician expensive equipment like<00:00:54.199> this<00:00:54.920> and<00:00:55.039> you<00:00:55.120> have<00:00:55.199> to<00:00:55.280> wait<00:00:55.440> about<00:00:55.600> a like this and you have to wait about a like this and you have to wait about a day<00:00:55.920> for<00:00:56.160> chemical<00:00:56.520> reactions<00:00:56.920> to<00:00:57.120> take<00:00:57.399> place day for chemical reactions to take place day for chemical reactions to take place and<00:00:57.920> provide and provide and provide results<00:01:00.359> it's<00:01:00.559> too<00:01:00.800> slow<00:01:01.399> to<00:01:01.600> get<00:01:01.719> a<00:01:01.879> picture results it's too slow to get a picture results it's too slow to get a picture of<00:01:02.840> conditions<00:01:03.079> on<00:01:03.239> the<00:01:03.399> ground<00:01:04.239> before<00:01:04.479> they of conditions on the ground before they of conditions on the ground before they change<00:01:05.600> too<00:01:05.920> expensive<00:01:06.439> to<00:01:06.640> implement<00:01:07.280> in<00:01:07.520> all change too expensive to implement in all change too expensive to implement in all the<00:01:07.920> places<00:01:08.240> that<00:01:08.400> require<00:01:08.880> testing<00:01:09.880> and<00:01:09.960> it the places that require testing and it the places that require testing and it ignores<00:01:10.479> the<00:01:10.600> fact<00:01:10.759> that<00:01:10.880> in<00:01:10.960> the<00:01:11.040> meanwhile ignores the fact that in the meanwhile ignores the fact that in the meanwhile people<00:01:11.640> still<00:01:11.840> need<00:01:12.000> to<00:01:12.159> drink<00:01:12.880> water<00:01:13.880> most<00:01:14.040> of people still need to drink water most of people still need to drink water most of the<00:01:14.439> information<00:01:15.000> that<00:01:15.159> we<00:01:15.360> collected<00:01:16.000> on<00:01:16.159> the the information that we collected on the the information that we collected on the Coler<00:01:16.680> outbreak<00:01:17.479> didn't<00:01:17.840> come<00:01:18.040> from<00:01:18.280> testing Coler outbreak didn't come from testing Coler outbreak didn't come from testing water<00:01:19.360> it<00:01:19.520> came<00:01:19.720> from<00:01:19.880> forms<00:01:20.439> like<00:01:20.720> this<00:01:21.280> which water it came from forms like this which water it came from forms like this which documented<00:01:22.040> all<00:01:22.200> the<00:01:22.400> people<00:01:22.680> we<00:01:22.840> failed<00:01:23.200> to documented all the people we failed to documented all the people we failed to help<00:01:25.560> countless<00:01:26.000> lives<00:01:26.200> have<00:01:26.360> been<00:01:26.520> saved<00:01:26.880> by help countless lives have been saved by help countless lives have been saved by canaries<00:01:27.439> and<00:01:27.600> coal<00:01:27.880> mines<00:01:28.400> as<00:01:28.720> simple<00:01:29.320> and<00:01:29.520> in canaries and coal mines as simple and in canaries and coal mines as simple and in valuable<00:01:30.320> way<00:01:30.439> for<00:01:30.640> miners<00:01:31.000> to<00:01:31.159> know<00:01:31.360> whether valuable way for miners to know whether valuable way for miners to know whether they're<00:01:31.799> safe<00:01:32.680> I've<00:01:32.799> been<00:01:32.960> inspired<00:01:33.320> by<00:01:33.439> that they're safe I've been inspired by that they're safe I've been inspired by that Simplicity<00:01:34.200> as<00:01:34.320> I've<00:01:34.439> been<00:01:34.560> working<00:01:34.799> on<00:01:34.960> this Simplicity as I've been working on this Simplicity as I've been working on this problem<00:01:35.640> with<00:01:35.759> some<00:01:35.880> of<00:01:35.960> the<00:01:36.079> most problem with some of the most problem with some of the most hardworking<00:01:36.960> and<00:01:37.119> brilliant<00:01:37.520> people<00:01:37.799> I've hardworking and brilliant people I've hardworking and brilliant people I've ever<00:01:38.200> known<00:01:38.880> we<00:01:39.040> think<00:01:39.159> there's<00:01:39.320> a<00:01:39.439> simpler ever known we think there's a simpler ever known we think there's a simpler solution<00:01:40.079> to<00:01:40.240> this<00:01:40.439> problem<00:01:41.119> one<00:01:41.479> that<00:01:41.720> can<00:01:41.880> be solution to this problem one that can be solution to this problem one that can be used<00:01:42.320> by<00:01:42.439> people<00:01:42.640> who<00:01:42.840> face<00:01:43.280> conditions<00:01:43.600> like used by people who face conditions like used by people who face conditions like this<00:01:44.000> every<00:01:44.360> day<00:01:45.320> it's<00:01:45.439> in<00:01:45.600> its<00:01:45.719> early<00:01:46.320> stages this every day it's in its early stages this every day it's in its early stages but<00:01:47.479> this<00:01:47.560> is<00:01:47.680> what<00:01:47.799> it<00:01:47.920> looks<00:01:48.119> like<00:01:48.360> right but this is what it looks like right but this is what it looks like right now<00:01:50.320> we<00:01:50.479> call<00:01:50.600> it<00:01:50.680> the<00:01:50.799> water<00:01:51.240> Canary<00:01:52.240> it's<00:01:52.560> a now we call it the water Canary it's a now we call it the water Canary it's a fast<00:01:53.280> cheap<00:01:53.680> device<00:01:54.640> that<00:01:54.920> answers<00:01:55.399> an fast cheap device that answers an fast cheap device that answers an important<00:01:56.000> question<00:01:56.600> is<00:01:56.759> this<00:01:56.960> water important question is this water important question is this water contaminated<00:01:59.000> it<00:01:59.240> doesn't<00:01:59.840> require<00:02:00.280> any contaminated it doesn't require any contaminated it doesn't require any special<00:02:00.960> training<00:02:01.840> and<00:02:02.240> instead<00:02:02.840> of<00:02:03.039> waiting special training and instead of waiting special training and instead of waiting for<00:02:03.520> chemical<00:02:03.840> reactions<00:02:04.240> to<00:02:04.479> take<00:02:04.719> place<00:02:05.119> it for chemical reactions to take place it for chemical reactions to take place it uses<00:02:06.000> light<00:02:07.000> uh<00:02:07.200> that<00:02:07.280> means<00:02:07.520> there's<00:02:07.799> no uses light uh that means there's no uses light uh that means there's no waiting<00:02:08.720> for<00:02:09.280> chemical<00:02:09.560> reactions<00:02:09.920> to<00:02:10.119> take waiting for chemical reactions to take waiting for chemical reactions to take place<00:02:11.200> no<00:02:11.360> need<00:02:11.560> to<00:02:11.680> use<00:02:11.879> reagents<00:02:12.480> that<00:02:12.560> can place no need to use reagents that can place no need to use reagents that can run<00:02:12.879> out<00:02:13.520> and<00:02:13.640> no<00:02:13.800> need<00:02:14.000> to<00:02:14.120> be<00:02:14.280> an<00:02:14.519> expert<00:02:14.920> to run out and no need to be an expert to run out and no need to be an expert to get<00:02:15.280> actionable get actionable get actionable information<00:02:17.519> to<00:02:17.720> test<00:02:18.000> water<00:02:18.400> you<00:02:18.519> simply information to test water you simply information to test water you simply insert<00:02:19.280> a<00:02:19.480> sample<00:02:20.120> and<00:02:20.280> within<00:02:20.640> seconds<00:02:21.200> it insert a sample and within seconds it insert a sample and within seconds it displays<00:02:21.920> either<00:02:22.120> a<00:02:22.319> red<00:02:22.560> light<00:02:23.000> indicating displays either a red light indicating displays either a red light indicating contaminated<00:02:24.120> water<00:02:24.519> or<00:02:24.760> green<00:02:25.000> light contaminated water or green light contaminated water or green light indicating<00:02:25.599> the<00:02:25.760> sample<00:02:26.120> is<00:02:26.480> safe<00:02:27.480> this<00:02:27.560> will indicating the sample is safe this will indicating the sample is safe this will make<00:02:27.840> it<00:02:28.000> possible<00:02:28.280> for<00:02:28.560> anyone<00:02:28.959> to<00:02:29.120> collect make it possible for anyone to collect make it possible for anyone to collect life<00:02:29.840> saving<00:02:30.319> information<00:02:31.319> and<00:02:31.400> to<00:02:31.560> monitor life saving information and to monitor life saving information and to monitor water<00:02:32.160> quality<00:02:32.599> conditions<00:02:32.959> as<00:02:33.120> they water quality conditions as they water quality conditions as they unfold<00:02:35.319> we're<00:02:35.680> also<00:02:36.680> on<00:02:36.959> top<00:02:37.120> of<00:02:37.360> that unfold we're also on top of that unfold we're also on top of that integrating<00:02:39.319> Wireless<00:02:39.800> networking<00:02:40.599> into<00:02:40.879> an integrating Wireless networking into an integrating Wireless networking into an affordable<00:02:41.640> device<00:02:42.640> with<00:02:42.840> GPS<00:02:43.599> and<00:02:43.760> GSM<00:02:44.680> what affordable device with GPS and GSM what affordable device with GPS and GSM what that<00:02:45.000> means<00:02:45.319> is<00:02:45.440> that<00:02:45.599> each<00:02:45.920> reading<00:02:46.360> can<00:02:46.519> be that means is that each reading can be that means is that each reading can be automatically<00:02:47.319> transmitted<00:02:47.840> to<00:02:47.959> servers<00:02:48.239> to automatically transmitted to servers to automatically transmitted to servers to be<00:02:48.560> mapped<00:02:48.879> in<00:02:49.080> real<00:02:49.680> time<00:02:50.680> with<00:02:50.920> enough<00:02:51.360> users be mapped in real time with enough users be mapped in real time with enough users Maps<00:02:52.280> like<00:02:52.560> this<00:02:53.200> will<00:02:53.360> make<00:02:53.480> it<00:02:53.640> possible<00:02:53.959> to Maps like this will make it possible to Maps like this will make it possible to take<00:02:54.280> preventive<00:02:54.959> action<00:02:55.959> containing take preventive action containing take preventive action containing hazards<00:02:57.000> before<00:02:57.239> they<00:02:57.360> turn<00:02:57.599> into hazards before they turn into hazards before they turn into emergencies<00:02:58.760> that<00:02:58.920> take<00:02:59.159> years<00:02:59.360> to<00:02:59.760> recover emergencies that take years to recover emergencies that take years to recover from<00:03:01.120> and<00:03:01.360> then<00:03:01.640> instead<00:03:01.879> of<00:03:02.000> taking<00:03:02.360> days<00:03:02.599> to from and then instead of taking days to from and then instead of taking days to disseminate<00:03:03.360> this<00:03:03.519> information<00:03:03.959> to<00:03:04.080> the disseminate this information to the disseminate this information to the people<00:03:04.400> who<00:03:04.519> need<00:03:04.680> it<00:03:04.879> most<00:03:05.360> it<00:03:05.480> can<00:03:05.640> happen people who need it most it can happen people who need it most it can happen automatically<00:03:07.799> we've<00:03:07.959> seen<00:03:08.319> how<00:03:08.519> distributed automatically we've seen how distributed automatically we've seen how distributed networks<00:03:09.760> big<00:03:10.040> data<00:03:11.040> and<00:03:11.280> information<00:03:11.799> can networks big data and information can networks big data and information can transform<00:03:12.640> Society<00:03:13.599> I<00:03:13.680> think<00:03:13.840> it's<00:03:14.120> time<00:03:14.360> for transform Society I think it's time for transform Society I think it's time for us<00:03:14.680> to<00:03:14.879> apply<00:03:15.200> them<00:03:15.319> to<00:03:15.640> water<00:03:16.640> our<00:03:16.799> goal<00:03:17.000> over us to apply them to water our goal over us to apply them to water our goal over the<00:03:17.280> next<00:03:17.480> year<00:03:17.599> is<00:03:17.720> to<00:03:17.840> get<00:03:18.000> water<00:03:18.200> Canary the next year is to get water Canary the next year is to get water Canary ready<00:03:18.799> for<00:03:18.959> the<00:03:19.080> field<00:03:19.879> and<00:03:20.000> to<00:03:20.159> open<00:03:20.400> source ready for the field and to open source ready for the field and to open source the<00:03:20.720> hardware<00:03:21.080> so<00:03:21.200> that<00:03:21.360> anyone<00:03:21.680> can the hardware so that anyone can the hardware so that anyone can contribute<00:03:22.239> to<00:03:22.319> the<00:03:22.480> development<00:03:23.360> and<00:03:23.480> the contribute to the development and the contribute to the development and the evaluation<00:03:24.200> so<00:03:24.319> we<00:03:24.440> can<00:03:24.640> tackle<00:03:24.959> this<00:03:25.200> problem evaluation so we can tackle this problem evaluation so we can tackle this problem together<00:03:26.319> thank




Sonaar Luthra, water, canary, water, cholera, Haiti, Haiti, earthquake, TED, TED, Fellow, safe, to, drink, TED-Ed, Ed, TEDEducation

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