Gặp Shayna Cody

Meet Shayna Cody

Meet Shayna Cody

Transcriber: Andrea McDonough Reviewer: Jessica Ruby
My name is Shayna Cody,
and I go to Bard High School Early College. I'm a twin. I'm so competitive with my twin sister. We compete about everything. When my sister finishes homework before me, she usually rubs it in my face. We're just so competitive about everything. I think a fully-rounded education is not just sitting there doing the work that's required of you, but actually taking the time to, like, focus in and learn what you can out of your classes. I feel like, whatever I do, I want to be the best at what I do. Failure is not an option. My dream job when I leave school is to become a cardiologist. Every Saturday morning, I go to a program called The Lang Youth Medical Program. It's a pre-medical program where we prepare to become doctors. It's a six-year program. I got in at 7th grade in my middle school, and they stay with you all the way up until 12th grade. We learn about viruses, we learn about the body. I feel I've grown a whole lot since I've been in high school. I feel like I've had to grow up. You can't be the same person that you were when you went in there, otherwise, you're not going to get anything out of it.

Shayna Cody, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, TED, PBS, #TEDTalksEd

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