Giáo viên cần phản hồi thực Sự-Bill Gates

Teachers need real feedback - Bill Gates

Teachers need real feedback - Bill Gates




everyone<00:00:17.119> needs<00:00:17.400> a<00:00:17.840> coach<00:00:18.840> it<00:00:18.960> doesn't<00:00:19.240> matter
everyone needs a coach it doesn't matter everyone needs a coach it doesn't matter whether<00:00:19.720> you're<00:00:19.960> a<00:00:20.320> basketball<00:00:21.119> player<00:00:22.119> a whether you're a basketball player a whether you're a basketball player a tennis<00:00:22.800> player<00:00:23.800> a<00:00:24.439> gymnast<00:00:25.439> or<00:00:25.640> a<00:00:25.760> bridge

player<00:00:30.240> my<00:00:30.400> bridge<00:00:30.759> coach<00:00:31.240> Sharon<00:00:31.640> osberg
player my bridge coach Sharon osberg player my bridge coach Sharon osberg says<00:00:32.439> there<00:00:32.559> are<00:00:32.719> more<00:00:32.960> pictures<00:00:33.360> of<00:00:33.520> the<00:00:33.680> back says there are more pictures of the back says there are more pictures of the back of<00:00:34.000> her<00:00:34.200> head<00:00:34.920> than<00:00:35.160> anyone<00:00:35.480> else<00:00:35.719> is<00:00:35.879> in<00:00:36.000> the of her head than anyone else is in the of her head than anyone else is in the world<00:00:38.239> sorry world sorry world sorry Sharon<00:00:40.239> here<00:00:40.360> you<00:00:41.000> go<00:00:42.000> we<00:00:42.200> all<00:00:42.520> need<00:00:42.920> people Sharon here you go we all need people Sharon here you go we all need people who<00:00:43.600> will<00:00:43.760> give<00:00:43.920> us<00:00:44.480> feedback<00:00:45.480> that's<00:00:45.960> how<00:00:46.120> we who will give us feedback that's how we who will give us feedback that's how we improve<00:00:48.039> unfortunately<00:00:49.039> there's<00:00:49.360> one<00:00:49.719> group improve unfortunately there's one group improve unfortunately there's one group of<00:00:50.199> people<00:00:50.600> who<00:00:50.800> get<00:00:51.199> almost<00:00:51.600> no<00:00:51.960> systematic of people who get almost no systematic of people who get almost no systematic feedback<00:00:53.399> to<00:00:53.600> help<00:00:53.800> them<00:00:53.960> do<00:00:54.160> their<00:00:54.359> jobs feedback to help them do their jobs feedback to help them do their jobs better<00:00:55.800> and<00:00:56.039> these<00:00:56.359> people<00:00:57.120> have<00:00:57.280> one<00:00:57.399> of<00:00:57.520> the better and these people have one of the better and these people have one of the most<00:00:58.039> important<00:00:58.480> jobs<00:00:58.760> in<00:00:58.879> the<00:00:59.000> world<00:01:00.199> I'm most important jobs in the world I'm most important jobs in the world I'm talking<00:01:00.640> about talking about talking about teachers<00:01:02.600> when<00:01:02.800> Melinda<00:01:03.239> and<00:01:03.399> I<00:01:03.600> learned<00:01:04.360> how teachers when Melinda and I learned how teachers when Melinda and I learned how little<00:01:05.000> useful<00:01:05.479> feedback<00:01:06.240> most<00:01:06.520> teachers<00:01:06.960> get little useful feedback most teachers get little useful feedback most teachers get we<00:01:07.560> were<00:01:07.880> blown<00:01:08.640> away<00:01:09.640> until<00:01:10.400> recently<00:01:11.400> over we were blown away until recently over we were blown away until recently over 98%<00:01:12.680> of<00:01:12.880> teachers<00:01:13.680> just<00:01:13.920> got<00:01:14.240> one<00:01:14.520> word<00:01:14.799> of 98% of teachers just got one word of 98% of teachers just got one word of feedback feedback feedback satisfactory<00:01:19.080> if<00:01:19.240> all<00:01:19.439> my<00:01:19.600> bridge<00:01:19.960> coach<00:01:20.280> ever satisfactory if all my bridge coach ever satisfactory if all my bridge coach ever told<00:01:20.840> me<00:01:21.600> was<00:01:21.799> that<00:01:21.960> I<00:01:22.079> was<00:01:23.000> satisfactory<00:01:24.000> I told me was that I was satisfactory I told me was that I was satisfactory I would<00:01:24.280> have<00:01:24.479> no<00:01:24.720> hope<00:01:25.159> of<00:01:25.320> ever<00:01:25.560> getting would have no hope of ever getting would have no hope of ever getting better<00:01:26.759> how<00:01:26.880> would<00:01:27.040> I<00:01:27.479> know<00:01:28.479> who<00:01:28.680> is<00:01:28.920> the<00:01:29.159> best better how would I know who is the best better how would I know who is the best how<00:01:30.320> would<00:01:30.520> I<00:01:30.680> know<00:01:31.200> what<00:01:31.320> I<00:01:31.439> was<00:01:31.640> doing how would I know what I was doing how would I know what I was doing differently<00:01:33.720> today<00:01:34.520> districts<00:01:35.000> are differently today districts are differently today districts are revamping<00:01:35.920> the<00:01:36.040> way<00:01:36.240> they<00:01:36.439> evaluate<00:01:37.320> teachers revamping the way they evaluate teachers revamping the way they evaluate teachers but<00:01:38.479> we<00:01:38.680> still<00:01:39.079> give<00:01:39.360> them<00:01:39.880> almost<00:01:40.280> no but we still give them almost no but we still give them almost no feedback<00:01:41.720> that<00:01:41.960> actually<00:01:42.320> helps<00:01:42.640> them feedback that actually helps them feedback that actually helps them improve<00:01:43.439> their<00:01:43.960> practice<00:01:44.960> our<00:01:45.280> teachers improve their practice our teachers improve their practice our teachers deserve deserve deserve better<00:01:48.399> the<00:01:48.600> system<00:01:48.920> we<00:01:49.119> have<00:01:49.320> today<00:01:49.880> isn't better the system we have today isn't better the system we have today isn't fair<00:01:50.479> to<00:01:50.640> them<00:01:51.520> it's<00:01:51.759> not<00:01:52.000> fair<00:01:52.200> to<00:01:52.399> students fair to them it's not fair to students fair to them it's not fair to students and<00:01:53.280> it's<00:01:53.479> putting<00:01:53.920> America's<00:01:54.560> Global and it's putting America's Global and it's putting America's Global Leadership<00:01:56.039> at Leadership at Leadership at risk<00:01:58.039> so<00:01:58.280> today<00:01:58.560> I<00:01:58.640> want<00:01:58.759> to<00:01:59.000> talk<00:01:59.200> about<00:01:59.479> how risk so today I want to talk about how risk so today I want to talk about how we<00:01:59.920> can<00:02:00.079> help<00:02:00.399> all<00:02:00.719> teachers<00:02:01.600> get<00:02:01.759> the<00:02:01.920> tools we can help all teachers get the tools we can help all teachers get the tools for<00:02:02.479> improvement<00:02:03.479> they<00:02:03.719> want<00:02:04.200> and<00:02:04.840> deserve for improvement they want and deserve for improvement they want and deserve let's<00:02:06.079> start<00:02:06.360> by<00:02:06.600> asking<00:02:07.600> who's<00:02:08.000> doing<00:02:08.879> well let's start by asking who's doing well let's start by asking who's doing well well<00:02:10.080> unfortunately<00:02:10.720> there's<00:02:10.959> no well unfortunately there's no well unfortunately there's no international<00:02:11.959> ranking<00:02:12.440> tables<00:02:13.080> for<00:02:13.319> Teacher international ranking tables for Teacher international ranking tables for Teacher feedback<00:02:14.319> systems<00:02:15.319> so<00:02:15.519> I<00:02:15.680> looked<00:02:16.000> at<00:02:16.120> the feedback systems so I looked at the feedback systems so I looked at the countries<00:02:16.879> whose<00:02:17.160> students<00:02:17.599> perform<00:02:18.000> well countries whose students perform well countries whose students perform well academically<00:02:20.000> and<00:02:20.400> looked<00:02:20.720> at<00:02:20.959> what<00:02:21.239> they're academically and looked at what they're academically and looked at what they're doing<00:02:22.319> to<00:02:22.519> help<00:02:22.840> their<00:02:23.120> teachers doing to help their teachers doing to help their teachers improve<00:02:25.400> consider<00:02:25.840> the<00:02:26.000> rankings<00:02:26.519> for improve consider the rankings for improve consider the rankings for reading reading reading proficiency<00:02:28.720> the<00:02:28.840> US<00:02:29.400> isn't<00:02:29.920> number<00:02:30.160> one proficiency the US isn't number one proficiency the US isn't number one we're<00:02:31.120> not<00:02:31.319> even<00:02:31.519> in<00:02:31.680> the<00:02:31.879> top<00:02:32.160> 10<00:02:33.160> we're<00:02:33.440> tied we're not even in the top 10 we're tied we're not even in the top 10 we're tied for<00:02:34.560> 15th<00:02:35.560> with<00:02:35.879> Iceland<00:02:36.800> and<00:02:37.440> Poland<00:02:38.440> now<00:02:39.159> out for 15th with Iceland and Poland now out for 15th with Iceland and Poland now out of<00:02:39.480> all<00:02:39.680> the<00:02:39.920> places<00:02:40.480> that<00:02:40.599> do<00:02:40.840> better<00:02:41.120> than of all the places that do better than of all the places that do better than the<00:02:41.440> US<00:02:41.800> in<00:02:42.239> Reading<00:02:43.239> how<00:02:43.400> many<00:02:43.599> of<00:02:43.760> them<00:02:43.959> have the US in Reading how many of them have the US in Reading how many of them have a<00:02:44.319> formal<00:02:44.840> system<00:02:45.400> for<00:02:45.599> helping<00:02:46.000> teachers a formal system for helping teachers a formal system for helping teachers improve<00:02:48.840> 11<00:02:49.400> out<00:02:49.599> of<00:02:50.040> 14<00:02:51.040> the<00:02:51.200> US<00:02:51.560> is<00:02:51.760> tied<00:02:52.080> for improve 11 out of 14 the US is tied for improve 11 out of 14 the US is tied for 15th<00:02:52.879> in<00:02:53.080> reading<00:02:53.800> but<00:02:53.920> we're<00:02:54.159> 23rd<00:02:54.720> in 15th in reading but we're 23rd in 15th in reading but we're 23rd in science<00:02:55.760> and<00:02:56.040> 31st<00:02:56.920> in<00:02:57.440> math<00:02:58.440> so<00:02:58.680> there's science and 31st in math so there's science and 31st in math so there's really<00:02:59.360> only<00:02:59.800> one<00:03:00.000> area<00:03:00.239> where<00:03:00.360> we're<00:03:00.519> near really only one area where we're near really only one area where we're near the<00:03:01.000> top<00:03:01.840> and<00:03:02.040> that's<00:03:02.200> in<00:03:02.400> failing<00:03:02.840> to<00:03:03.040> give the top and that's in failing to give the top and that's in failing to give our<00:03:03.400> teachers<00:03:04.040> the<00:03:04.200> help<00:03:04.480> they<00:03:04.680> need<00:03:05.319> to our teachers the help they need to our teachers the help they need to develop<00:03:05.959> their develop their develop their skills<00:03:07.720> let's<00:03:08.000> look<00:03:08.239> at<00:03:08.440> the<00:03:08.680> best<00:03:09.239> academic skills let's look at the best academic skills let's look at the best academic performer<00:03:11.040> the<00:03:11.239> province<00:03:11.640> of<00:03:11.799> Shanghai<00:03:13.159> China performer the province of Shanghai China performer the province of Shanghai China now<00:03:14.400> they<00:03:14.560> rank<00:03:15.159> number<00:03:15.519> one<00:03:16.080> across<00:03:16.480> the now they rank number one across the now they rank number one across the board<00:03:17.360> in<00:03:17.560> reading<00:03:18.519> math<00:03:19.000> and<00:03:19.480> science<00:03:20.480> and board in reading math and science and board in reading math and science and one<00:03:20.760> of<00:03:20.879> the<00:03:21.080> keys<00:03:21.440> to<00:03:21.599> shanghai's<00:03:22.239> incredible one of the keys to shanghai's incredible one of the keys to shanghai's incredible success<00:03:23.720> is<00:03:23.879> the<00:03:24.000> way<00:03:24.239> they<00:03:24.519> help<00:03:25.400> teachers success is the way they help teachers success is the way they help teachers keep<00:03:26.400> improving<00:03:27.400> they<00:03:27.560> make<00:03:27.760> sure<00:03:28.080> that keep improving they make sure that keep improving they make sure that younger<00:03:28.680> teachers<00:03:29.400> get<00:03:30.080> a<00:03:30.200> chance<00:03:30.599> to<00:03:30.920> watch younger teachers get a chance to watch younger teachers get a chance to watch Master<00:03:31.840> teachers<00:03:32.239> at<00:03:32.439> work<00:03:33.439> they<00:03:33.560> have<00:03:33.799> weekly Master teachers at work they have weekly Master teachers at work they have weekly study<00:03:34.680> groups<00:03:35.400> where<00:03:35.599> teachers<00:03:36.080> get<00:03:36.400> together study groups where teachers get together study groups where teachers get together and<00:03:36.840> talk<00:03:37.080> about<00:03:37.319> what's<00:03:37.879> working<00:03:38.879> they<00:03:39.080> even and talk about what's working they even and talk about what's working they even require<00:03:40.000> each<00:03:40.319> teacher<00:03:40.720> to<00:03:41.040> observe<00:03:42.040> and<00:03:42.239> give require each teacher to observe and give require each teacher to observe and give feedback<00:03:42.959> to<00:03:43.159> their feedback to their feedback to their colleagues<00:03:45.120> you<00:03:45.280> might<00:03:45.519> ask<00:03:46.159> why<00:03:46.360> is<00:03:46.519> a<00:03:46.720> system colleagues you might ask why is a system colleagues you might ask why is a system like<00:03:47.280> this<00:03:47.439> so<00:03:48.120> important<00:03:49.120> it's<00:03:49.400> because like this so important it's because like this so important it's because there's<00:03:50.080> so<00:03:50.319> much<00:03:50.599> variation<00:03:51.560> in<00:03:51.680> the there's so much variation in the there's so much variation in the teaching teaching teaching profession<00:03:54.000> some<00:03:54.280> teachers<00:03:55.000> are<00:03:55.519> far<00:03:55.840> more profession some teachers are far more profession some teachers are far more effective<00:03:56.599> than<00:03:56.840> others<00:03:57.840> in<00:03:58.040> fact<00:03:58.239> there<00:03:58.360> are effective than others in fact there are effective than others in fact there are teachers<00:03:59.239> throughout<00:03:59.879> the<00:04:00.000> country<00:04:00.599> who<00:04:00.760> are teachers throughout the country who are teachers throughout the country who are helping<00:04:01.239> their<00:04:01.439> students<00:04:01.879> make helping their students make helping their students make extraordinary<00:04:03.120> gains<00:04:04.079> if<00:04:04.280> today's<00:04:05.000> average extraordinary gains if today's average extraordinary gains if today's average teacher<00:04:06.319> could<00:04:06.519> become<00:04:06.840> as<00:04:07.000> good<00:04:07.239> as<00:04:07.680> those teacher could become as good as those teacher could become as good as those teachers<00:04:08.959> our<00:04:09.200> students<00:04:09.599> would<00:04:09.760> be<00:04:09.959> blowing teachers our students would be blowing teachers our students would be blowing away<00:04:11.360> the<00:04:11.519> rest<00:04:11.720> of<00:04:11.879> the<00:04:12.120> world<00:04:13.120> so<00:04:13.280> we<00:04:13.400> need<00:04:13.599> a away the rest of the world so we need a away the rest of the world so we need a system<00:04:14.159> that<00:04:14.319> helps<00:04:14.760> all<00:04:15.000> our<00:04:15.200> teachers<00:04:15.799> be<00:04:16.000> as system that helps all our teachers be as system that helps all our teachers be as good<00:04:16.359> as<00:04:16.519> the<00:04:17.040> best<00:04:18.040> what<00:04:18.160> would<00:04:18.400> that<00:04:18.600> system good as the best what would that system good as the best what would that system look<00:04:19.479> like<00:04:20.479> well<00:04:20.639> to<00:04:20.840> find<00:04:21.079> out<00:04:21.680> our look like well to find out our look like well to find out our foundation<00:04:22.479> has<00:04:22.639> been<00:04:22.840> working<00:04:23.199> with<00:04:23.759> 3,000 foundation has been working with 3,000 foundation has been working with 3,000 teachers<00:04:25.160> in<00:04:25.400> districts<00:04:25.919> across<00:04:26.280> the<00:04:26.479> country teachers in districts across the country teachers in districts across the country on<00:04:27.520> a<00:04:27.759> project<00:04:28.160> called<00:04:28.880> measures<00:04:29.720> of on a project called measures of on a project called measures of effective<00:04:30.759> teaching<00:04:31.759> we<00:04:31.919> had<00:04:32.160> observers effective teaching we had observers effective teaching we had observers watch<00:04:33.240> videos<00:04:33.800> of<00:04:33.960> teachers<00:04:34.360> in<00:04:34.479> the watch videos of teachers in the watch videos of teachers in the classroom<00:04:35.560> and<00:04:35.680> rate<00:04:36.039> how<00:04:36.199> they<00:04:36.360> did<00:04:36.600> on<00:04:37.039> a classroom and rate how they did on a classroom and rate how they did on a range<00:04:37.639> of<00:04:38.000> practices<00:04:39.000> for<00:04:39.199> example<00:04:39.600> did<00:04:39.840> they range of practices for example did they range of practices for example did they ask<00:04:40.320> their<00:04:40.520> students<00:04:40.960> challenging<00:04:41.800> questions ask their students challenging questions ask their students challenging questions did<00:04:43.000> they<00:04:43.199> find<00:04:43.840> multiple<00:04:44.400> ways<00:04:45.039> to<00:04:45.240> explain did they find multiple ways to explain did they find multiple ways to explain an an an idea<00:04:47.680> we<00:04:47.880> also<00:04:48.160> had<00:04:48.400> students<00:04:48.919> fill<00:04:49.199> out idea we also had students fill out idea we also had students fill out surveys<00:04:50.680> with<00:04:50.919> questions<00:04:51.400> like<00:04:51.919> does<00:04:52.160> your surveys with questions like does your surveys with questions like does your teacher<00:04:52.680> know<00:04:53.680> when<00:04:53.840> the<00:04:54.039> class<00:04:54.680> understands teacher know when the class understands teacher know when the class understands a<00:04:55.160> lesson<00:04:56.160> do<00:04:56.360> you<00:04:56.560> learn<00:04:56.960> to<00:04:57.199> correct<00:04:57.520> your a lesson do you learn to correct your a lesson do you learn to correct your mistakes<00:04:59.160> and<00:04:59.280> what<00:04:59.400> we<00:04:59.600> we<00:04:59.759> found<00:05:00.199> is<00:05:00.520> very mistakes and what we we found is very mistakes and what we we found is very exciting<00:05:02.120> first<00:05:03.039> the<00:05:03.199> teachers<00:05:03.560> who<00:05:03.720> did<00:05:03.960> well exciting first the teachers who did well exciting first the teachers who did well on<00:05:04.440> these<00:05:05.240> observations<00:05:06.240> had<00:05:06.639> far<00:05:07.039> better on these observations had far better on these observations had far better student<00:05:07.759> outcomes<00:05:08.759> so<00:05:08.919> it<00:05:09.039> tells<00:05:09.360> us<00:05:09.600> we're student outcomes so it tells us we're student outcomes so it tells us we're asking<00:05:10.360> the<00:05:10.560> right<00:05:11.160> questions<00:05:12.160> and<00:05:12.400> second asking the right questions and second asking the right questions and second teachers<00:05:13.520> in<00:05:13.680> the<00:05:13.800> program<00:05:14.199> told<00:05:14.440> us<00:05:14.680> that teachers in the program told us that teachers in the program told us that these<00:05:15.240> videos<00:05:16.240> and<00:05:16.440> these<00:05:16.720> surveys<00:05:17.280> from<00:05:17.479> the these videos and these surveys from the these videos and these surveys from the students<00:05:18.240> were<00:05:18.720> very<00:05:19.039> helpful<00:05:19.479> diagnostic students were very helpful diagnostic students were very helpful diagnostic tools<00:05:20.840> because<00:05:21.120> they<00:05:21.360> pointed<00:05:21.759> to<00:05:22.160> specific tools because they pointed to specific tools because they pointed to specific places<00:05:23.720> where<00:05:24.000> they<00:05:24.199> can<00:05:24.960> improve<00:05:25.960> I'm<00:05:26.039> going places where they can improve I'm going places where they can improve I'm going to<00:05:26.319> show<00:05:26.520> you<00:05:26.800> what<00:05:27.280> this<00:05:27.520> video<00:05:28.000> component<00:05:28.520> of to show you what this video component of to show you what this video component of met<00:05:29.680> looks<00:05:30.080> like<00:05:30.639> in met looks like in met looks like in [Music] [Music] [Music] action<00:05:35.280> good<00:05:35.440> morning<00:05:35.960> everybody<00:05:36.960> let's<00:05:37.199> talk action good morning everybody let's talk action good morning everybody let's talk about<00:05:37.639> what's<00:05:37.840> going<00:05:38.039> on<00:05:38.240> today<00:05:38.919> to<00:05:39.160> get about what's going on today to get about what's going on today to get started<00:05:40.319> uh<00:05:40.639> doing<00:05:40.840> a<00:05:41.000> peer<00:05:41.199> review<00:05:41.560> day<00:05:41.919> okay started uh doing a peer review day okay started uh doing a peer review day okay a<00:05:42.120> peer<00:05:42.319> review<00:05:42.639> day<00:05:42.800> and<00:05:42.960> our<00:05:43.240> goal<00:05:43.759> by<00:05:43.880> the a peer review day and our goal by the a peer review day and our goal by the end<00:05:44.160> of<00:05:44.360> class<00:05:44.759> is<00:05:44.919> for<00:05:45.199> you<00:05:45.520> to<00:05:45.680> be<00:05:45.840> able<00:05:46.120> to end of class is for you to be able to end of class is for you to be able to determine<00:05:46.880> whether<00:05:47.080> or<00:05:47.240> not<00:05:47.440> you<00:05:47.560> have<00:05:47.759> moves determine whether or not you have moves determine whether or not you have moves to<00:05:48.319> prove<00:05:48.639> in<00:05:48.759> your<00:05:48.919> essays<00:05:49.759> my<00:05:49.880> name<00:05:50.039> is<00:05:50.199> Sarah to prove in your essays my name is Sarah to prove in your essays my name is Sarah Brown<00:05:50.759> wesling<00:05:51.280> I<00:05:51.400> am<00:05:51.520> a<00:05:51.720> high<00:05:51.880> school<00:05:52.160> English Brown wesling I am a high school English Brown wesling I am a high school English teacher<00:05:52.840> at<00:05:52.960> Johnston<00:05:53.520> High<00:05:53.680> School<00:05:53.880> in teacher at Johnston High School in teacher at Johnston High School in Johnston<00:05:54.560> Iowa<00:05:55.000> turn<00:05:55.160> to<00:05:55.360> somebody<00:05:55.800> next<00:05:56.000> to Johnston Iowa turn to somebody next to Johnston Iowa turn to somebody next to you<00:05:56.680> tell<00:05:56.880> them<00:05:57.080> what<00:05:57.199> you<00:05:57.360> think<00:05:57.520> I<00:05:57.639> mean<00:05:57.880> when you tell them what you think I mean when you tell them what you think I mean when I<00:05:58.160> talk<00:05:58.319> about<00:05:58.520> moves<00:05:58.759> to<00:05:58.919> prove<00:05:59.120> I've<00:05:59.240> talked I talk about moves to prove I've talked I talk about moves to prove I've talked I<00:05:59.600> think<00:05:59.800> that<00:06:00.039> there<00:06:00.440> is<00:06:01.120> a<00:06:01.319> difference<00:06:01.600> for I think that there is a difference for I think that there is a difference for teachers<00:06:02.280> between<00:06:03.039> the<00:06:03.360> abstract<00:06:04.120> of<00:06:04.319> how<00:06:04.479> we teachers between the abstract of how we teachers between the abstract of how we see<00:06:04.840> our<00:06:05.120> practice<00:06:05.639> and<00:06:05.759> then<00:06:05.919> the<00:06:06.120> concrete see our practice and then the concrete see our practice and then the concrete reality<00:06:06.960> of<00:06:07.080> it<00:06:07.560> okay<00:06:07.720> so<00:06:07.960> I<00:06:08.039> would<00:06:08.240> like<00:06:08.360> you reality of it okay so I would like you reality of it okay so I would like you to<00:06:08.680> please<00:06:09.000> bring<00:06:09.400> up<00:06:09.639> your<00:06:10.000> papers<00:06:11.000> I<00:06:11.080> think to please bring up your papers I think to please bring up your papers I think what<00:06:11.479> video<00:06:12.000> offers<00:06:12.479> for<00:06:12.759> us<00:06:13.400> is<00:06:13.800> a<00:06:14.080> a<00:06:14.160> certain what video offers for us is a a certain what video offers for us is a a certain degree<00:06:14.720> of<00:06:14.919> reality<00:06:15.720> you<00:06:15.840> can't<00:06:16.039> really degree of reality you can't really degree of reality you can't really dispute<00:06:16.720> what<00:06:16.800> you<00:06:16.919> see<00:06:17.160> on<00:06:17.319> the<00:06:17.520> video<00:06:18.520> and dispute what you see on the video and dispute what you see on the video and there<00:06:19.400> is<00:06:19.800> a<00:06:19.960> lot<00:06:20.160> to<00:06:20.280> be<00:06:20.440> learned<00:06:20.840> from<00:06:21.039> that there is a lot to be learned from that there is a lot to be learned from that and<00:06:21.319> there's<00:06:21.520> a<00:06:21.759> lot<00:06:22.000> of<00:06:22.199> ways<00:06:22.440> that<00:06:22.599> we<00:06:22.720> can and there's a lot of ways that we can and there's a lot of ways that we can grow<00:06:23.240> as<00:06:23.360> a<00:06:23.639> profession<00:06:24.440> when<00:06:24.599> we<00:06:24.800> actually grow as a profession when we actually grow as a profession when we actually get<00:06:25.199> to<00:06:25.400> see<00:06:26.000> this<00:06:27.000> I<00:06:27.120> just<00:06:27.360> have<00:06:27.479> a<00:06:27.599> flip get to see this I just have a flip get to see this I just have a flip camera<00:06:28.240> and<00:06:28.360> a<00:06:28.440> little<00:06:28.680> tripod<00:06:29.560> and<00:06:29.880> invested camera and a little tripod and invested camera and a little tripod and invested in<00:06:30.400> a<00:06:30.759> tiny<00:06:31.039> little<00:06:31.360> wide<00:06:31.560> angle<00:06:32.160> lens<00:06:33.160> at<00:06:33.280> the in a tiny little wide angle lens at the in a tiny little wide angle lens at the beginning<00:06:33.720> of<00:06:33.960> class<00:06:34.240> I<00:06:34.360> just<00:06:34.639> perch<00:06:35.000> it<00:06:35.160> in beginning of class I just perch it in beginning of class I just perch it in the<00:06:35.440> back<00:06:35.599> of<00:06:35.720> the<00:06:35.840> classroom<00:06:36.280> it's<00:06:36.440> not<00:06:36.599> a the back of the classroom it's not a the back of the classroom it's not a perfect<00:06:37.080> shot<00:06:37.800> it<00:06:37.919> doesn't<00:06:38.199> catch<00:06:38.520> every perfect shot it doesn't catch every perfect shot it doesn't catch every little<00:06:39.039> thing<00:06:39.240> that's<00:06:39.520> going<00:06:39.800> on<00:06:40.440> but<00:06:40.840> I<00:06:40.919> can little thing that's going on but I can little thing that's going on but I can hear<00:06:41.360> the<00:06:41.560> sound<00:06:42.080> I<00:06:42.160> can<00:06:42.319> see<00:06:42.720> a<00:06:42.880> lot<00:06:43.360> and<00:06:43.800> I'm hear the sound I can see a lot and I'm hear the sound I can see a lot and I'm able<00:06:44.160> to<00:06:44.400> learn<00:06:44.759> a<00:06:44.880> lot<00:06:45.080> from<00:06:45.240> it<00:06:45.520> so<00:06:46.039> it<00:06:46.240> really able to learn a lot from it so it really able to learn a lot from it so it really has<00:06:46.680> been<00:06:46.960> a<00:06:47.160> a<00:06:47.440> simple<00:06:48.440> but<00:06:48.800> powerful<00:06:49.319> tool<00:06:49.800> in has been a a simple but powerful tool in has been a a simple but powerful tool in my<00:06:50.160> own<00:06:50.440> reflection<00:06:51.240> all<00:06:51.360> right<00:06:51.479> let's<00:06:51.680> take<00:06:51.800> a my own reflection all right let's take a my own reflection all right let's take a look<00:06:52.080> at<00:06:52.199> the<00:06:52.319> long<00:06:52.560> one<00:06:52.919> first<00:06:53.520> okay<00:06:54.280> once<00:06:54.479> I'm look at the long one first okay once I'm look at the long one first okay once I'm finished<00:06:55.120> taping<00:06:55.599> then<00:06:55.759> I<00:06:55.960> put<00:06:56.080> it<00:06:56.199> in<00:06:56.319> my finished taping then I put it in my finished taping then I put it in my computer<00:06:57.039> and<00:06:57.160> then<00:06:57.280> I'll<00:06:57.599> scan<00:06:57.919> it<00:06:58.199> and<00:06:58.440> you computer and then I'll scan it and you computer and then I'll scan it and you know<00:06:58.680> take<00:06:58.800> a<00:06:58.919> peek<00:06:59.160> at<00:06:59.240> it know take a peek at it know take a peek at it if<00:07:00.039> I<00:07:00.120> don't<00:07:00.319> write<00:07:00.479> things<00:07:00.680> down<00:07:00.840> I<00:07:00.919> don't if I don't write things down I don't if I don't write things down I don't remember<00:07:01.479> them<00:07:02.160> so<00:07:02.759> having<00:07:03.080> the<00:07:03.280> notes<00:07:03.599> is remember them so having the notes is remember them so having the notes is part<00:07:04.000> of<00:07:04.199> my<00:07:04.400> thinking<00:07:04.919> process<00:07:05.680> and<00:07:06.120> I part of my thinking process and I part of my thinking process and I discover<00:07:07.240> what<00:07:07.479> I'm<00:07:07.680> seeing<00:07:08.599> as<00:07:08.759> I'm<00:07:08.919> writing discover what I'm seeing as I'm writing discover what I'm seeing as I'm writing I<00:07:09.879> really<00:07:10.120> have<00:07:10.240> used<00:07:10.479> it<00:07:10.599> for<00:07:10.759> my<00:07:10.879> own I really have used it for my own I really have used it for my own personal<00:07:11.400> growth<00:07:11.720> and<00:07:11.840> my<00:07:11.960> own<00:07:12.199> personal personal growth and my own personal personal growth and my own personal reflection<00:07:13.280> on<00:07:13.639> teaching<00:07:14.080> strategy<00:07:14.639> and reflection on teaching strategy and reflection on teaching strategy and methodology<00:07:16.160> and<00:07:16.479> classroom<00:07:16.960> management<00:07:17.840> and methodology and classroom management and methodology and classroom management and just<00:07:18.360> all<00:07:18.520> of<00:07:18.720> those<00:07:18.960> different<00:07:19.400> facets<00:07:20.039> of<00:07:20.560> of just all of those different facets of of just all of those different facets of of the<00:07:20.759> classroom<00:07:21.360> I'm<00:07:21.560> glad<00:07:21.840> that<00:07:21.960> we've the classroom I'm glad that we've the classroom I'm glad that we've actually<00:07:22.479> done<00:07:22.800> the<00:07:23.039> process<00:07:23.599> before<00:07:23.879> so<00:07:24.080> we actually done the process before so we actually done the process before so we can<00:07:24.360> kind<00:07:24.479> of<00:07:24.680> compare<00:07:25.400> what<00:07:25.520> works<00:07:25.879> what can kind of compare what works what can kind of compare what works what doesn't<00:07:26.400> so<00:07:26.759> I<00:07:26.840> think<00:07:27.039> that<00:07:27.759> video<00:07:28.759> exposes doesn't so I think that video exposes doesn't so I think that video exposes so<00:07:30.400> much<00:07:30.520> of<00:07:30.759> what's<00:07:31.199> intrinsic<00:07:32.039> to<00:07:32.319> us<00:07:32.639> as so much of what's intrinsic to us as so much of what's intrinsic to us as teachers<00:07:33.520> in<00:07:33.720> ways<00:07:34.080> that<00:07:34.280> help<00:07:34.599> us<00:07:34.800> learn<00:07:35.120> and teachers in ways that help us learn and teachers in ways that help us learn and help<00:07:35.520> us<00:07:36.039> understand<00:07:36.639> and<00:07:36.800> then<00:07:37.000> help<00:07:37.240> our help us understand and then help our help us understand and then help our broader<00:07:37.840> communities<00:07:38.840> understand<00:07:39.400> what<00:07:39.599> this broader communities understand what this broader communities understand what this complex<00:07:40.240> work<00:07:40.440> is<00:07:40.599> really<00:07:40.800> all complex work is really all complex work is really all about<00:07:43.160> I<00:07:43.280> think<00:07:43.440> it<00:07:43.560> is<00:07:43.680> a<00:07:43.960> way<00:07:44.319> to<00:07:45.120> exemplify about I think it is a way to exemplify about I think it is a way to exemplify and<00:07:46.240> illustrate<00:07:47.080> things<00:07:47.400> that<00:07:47.599> we<00:07:47.840> cannot and illustrate things that we cannot and illustrate things that we cannot convey<00:07:48.800> in<00:07:48.919> a<00:07:49.039> lesson<00:07:49.400> plan<00:07:50.000> things<00:07:50.199> you convey in a lesson plan things you convey in a lesson plan things you cannot<00:07:50.800> convey<00:07:51.120> in<00:07:51.240> a<00:07:51.479> standard<00:07:52.319> things<00:07:52.520> that cannot convey in a standard things that cannot convey in a standard things that you<00:07:52.879> cannot<00:07:53.199> even<00:07:53.720> sometimes<00:07:54.039> convey<00:07:54.560> in<00:07:54.680> a<00:07:54.960> in you cannot even sometimes convey in a in you cannot even sometimes convey in a in a<00:07:55.560> in<00:07:55.680> a<00:07:55.840> book<00:07:56.039> of<00:07:56.240> pedagogy<00:07:57.199> all<00:07:57.360> righty a in a book of pedagogy all righty a in a book of pedagogy all righty everybody<00:07:58.120> have<00:07:58.240> a<00:07:58.400> great<00:07:58.639> weekend<00:07:59.720> I'll<00:07:59.919> see everybody have a great weekend I'll see everybody have a great weekend I'll see you you you [Music]

later<00:08:08.879> one<00:08:09.120> day<00:08:09.520> we'd<00:08:09.720> like<00:08:10.080> every<00:08:10.400> classroom
later one day we'd like every classroom later one day we'd like every classroom in<00:08:11.039> America<00:08:11.680> to<00:08:11.840> look<00:08:12.120> something<00:08:12.520> like in America to look something like in America to look something like that<00:08:14.319> but<00:08:14.520> we<00:08:14.680> still<00:08:15.039> have<00:08:15.520> more<00:08:15.720> work<00:08:15.960> to<00:08:16.120> do that but we still have more work to do that but we still have more work to do diagnosing<00:08:17.520> areas<00:08:17.919> where<00:08:18.039> a<00:08:18.199> teacher<00:08:18.520> needs diagnosing areas where a teacher needs diagnosing areas where a teacher needs to<00:08:19.000> improve<00:08:19.520> is<00:08:20.000> only<00:08:20.479> half<00:08:20.720> the<00:08:21.240> battle<00:08:22.240> we to improve is only half the battle we to improve is only half the battle we also<00:08:22.639> have<00:08:22.759> to<00:08:22.879> give<00:08:23.000> them<00:08:23.120> the<00:08:23.280> tools<00:08:23.639> they also have to give them the tools they also have to give them the tools they need<00:08:24.479> to<00:08:24.800> act<00:08:25.000> on<00:08:25.159> the need to act on the need to act on the diagnosis<00:08:27.039> if<00:08:27.159> you<00:08:27.319> learn<00:08:27.720> that<00:08:27.840> you<00:08:27.960> need<00:08:28.159> to diagnosis if you learn that you need to diagnosis if you learn that you need to improve<00:08:28.879> the<00:08:28.960> way<00:08:29.360> teach<00:08:29.840> fractions<00:08:30.840> you improve the way teach fractions you improve the way teach fractions you should<00:08:31.199> be<00:08:31.360> able<00:08:31.639> to<00:08:31.919> watch<00:08:32.120> a<00:08:32.360> video<00:08:33.120> of<00:08:33.279> the should be able to watch a video of the should be able to watch a video of the best<00:08:34.000> person<00:08:34.279> in<00:08:34.399> the<00:08:34.519> world<00:08:34.839> teaching best person in the world teaching best person in the world teaching fractions<00:08:36.959> so<00:08:37.279> building<00:08:37.760> this<00:08:38.039> complete fractions so building this complete fractions so building this complete teacher<00:08:38.959> feedback<00:08:39.640> and<00:08:39.839> Improvement<00:08:40.440> system teacher feedback and Improvement system teacher feedback and Improvement system won't<00:08:41.479> be<00:08:41.959> easy<00:08:42.959> for<00:08:43.120> example<00:08:43.519> I<00:08:43.640> know<00:08:43.959> some won't be easy for example I know some won't be easy for example I know some teachers<00:08:44.800> aren't<00:08:45.240> immediately<00:08:45.800> comfortable teachers aren't immediately comfortable teachers aren't immediately comfortable with<00:08:46.399> the<00:08:46.600> idea<00:08:47.320> of<00:08:47.440> a<00:08:47.600> camera<00:08:47.920> in<00:08:48.000> the with the idea of a camera in the with the idea of a camera in the classroom<00:08:50.000> that's<00:08:50.600> understandable<00:08:51.560> but<00:08:51.680> our classroom that's understandable but our classroom that's understandable but our experience<00:08:52.279> with<00:08:52.519> met<00:08:53.519> suggest<00:08:54.000> that<00:08:54.240> if experience with met suggest that if experience with met suggest that if teachers<00:08:54.959> manage<00:08:55.519> the<00:08:55.800> process<00:08:56.720> if<00:08:56.880> they teachers manage the process if they teachers manage the process if they collect<00:08:57.440> video<00:08:57.800> in<00:08:57.920> their<00:08:58.079> own<00:08:58.440> classrooms collect video in their own classrooms collect video in their own classrooms and<00:08:59.560> they<00:08:59.760> pick<00:08:59.959> the<00:09:00.120> lessons<00:09:00.720> they<00:09:00.880> want<00:09:01.120> to and they pick the lessons they want to and they pick the lessons they want to submit<00:09:02.279> a<00:09:02.480> lot<00:09:02.640> of<00:09:02.839> them<00:09:03.240> will<00:09:03.519> be<00:09:03.720> eager<00:09:04.079> to submit a lot of them will be eager to submit a lot of them will be eager to participate<00:09:06.279> building<00:09:06.640> a<00:09:06.880> system<00:09:07.480> will<00:09:07.800> also participate building a system will also participate building a system will also require<00:09:08.920> a<00:09:09.240> considerable require a considerable require a considerable investment<00:09:12.079> our<00:09:12.360> foundation<00:09:13.000> estimates<00:09:13.959> that investment our foundation estimates that investment our foundation estimates that it<00:09:14.279> could<00:09:14.600> cost<00:09:15.360> up<00:09:15.519> to5 it could cost up to5 it could cost up to5 Billion<00:09:17.720> now<00:09:17.920> that's<00:09:18.079> a<00:09:18.360> big<00:09:18.680> number<00:09:19.680> but<00:09:19.839> to Billion now that's a big number but to Billion now that's a big number but to put<00:09:20.200> it<00:09:20.360> in<00:09:20.680> perspective<00:09:21.680> it's<00:09:21.959> less<00:09:22.240> than<00:09:22.920> 2% put it in perspective it's less than 2% put it in perspective it's less than 2% of<00:09:24.079> what<00:09:24.240> we<00:09:24.399> spend<00:09:25.000> every<00:09:25.320> year<00:09:26.000> on<00:09:26.200> teacher of what we spend every year on teacher of what we spend every year on teacher salaries<00:09:28.200> the<00:09:28.440> impact<00:09:28.839> for<00:09:29.200> teachers<00:09:29.720> would salaries the impact for teachers would salaries the impact for teachers would be<00:09:30.680> phenomenal<00:09:31.680> we<00:09:31.800> would<00:09:32.160> finally<00:09:32.640> have<00:09:32.800> a be phenomenal we would finally have a be phenomenal we would finally have a way<00:09:33.600> to<00:09:33.839> give<00:09:34.079> them<00:09:34.680> feedback<00:09:35.680> as<00:09:35.839> well<00:09:36.000> as<00:09:36.160> the way to give them feedback as well as the way to give them feedback as well as the means<00:09:36.640> to<00:09:36.880> act<00:09:37.200> on<00:09:37.360> it<00:09:38.279> but<00:09:38.519> this<00:09:38.680> system<00:09:39.000> would means to act on it but this system would means to act on it but this system would have<00:09:39.360> an<00:09:39.640> even<00:09:39.920> more<00:09:40.279> important<00:09:40.800> benefit<00:09:41.480> for have an even more important benefit for have an even more important benefit for our<00:09:42.279> country<00:09:43.279> it<00:09:43.399> would<00:09:43.600> put<00:09:43.760> us<00:09:43.880> on<00:09:44.040> a<00:09:44.399> path<00:09:45.160> to our country it would put us on a path to our country it would put us on a path to making<00:09:45.680> sure<00:09:46.360> all<00:09:46.600> our<00:09:46.839> students<00:09:47.680> get<00:09:47.880> a<00:09:48.040> great making sure all our students get a great making sure all our students get a great education<00:09:49.640> find<00:09:49.880> a<00:09:50.040> career<00:09:50.399> that's education find a career that's education find a career that's fulfilling<00:09:51.040> and<00:09:51.200> rewarding<00:09:52.200> and<00:09:52.399> have<00:09:52.519> a fulfilling and rewarding and have a fulfilling and rewarding and have a chance<00:09:53.360> to<00:09:53.560> live<00:09:53.760> out<00:09:54.000> their chance to live out their chance to live out their dreams<00:09:55.839> this<00:09:56.040> wouldn't<00:09:56.519> just<00:09:56.800> make<00:09:57.040> us<00:09:57.600> a<00:09:57.760> more dreams this wouldn't just make us a more dreams this wouldn't just make us a more successful<00:09:58.720> country successful country successful country it<00:10:00.079> would<00:10:00.360> also<00:10:00.680> make<00:10:00.920> us<00:10:01.200> a<00:10:01.360> more<00:10:01.720> fair<00:10:02.360> and it would also make us a more fair and it would also make us a more fair and just<00:10:02.920> one just one just one too<00:10:05.560> I'm<00:10:05.800> excited<00:10:06.519> about<00:10:06.760> the<00:10:07.000> opportunity<00:10:08.000> to too I'm excited about the opportunity to too I'm excited about the opportunity to give<00:10:08.600> all<00:10:08.839> our<00:10:09.079> teachers<00:10:09.920> the<00:10:10.120> support<00:10:10.600> they give all our teachers the support they give all our teachers the support they want<00:10:11.000> and want and want and deserve<00:10:12.800> I<00:10:12.920> hope<00:10:13.120> you<00:10:13.279> are<00:10:13.800> too<00:10:14.800> thank deserve I hope you are too thank deserve I hope you are too thank [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]


Bill Gates, TED, TED, PBS, education, teachers, teacher, feedback, TED-Ed, Ed, TEDEducation

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