Giới thiệu ngắn Về Trường Studio-Geoff Mulgan

A short intro to the Studio School - Geoff Mulgan

A short intro to the Studio School - Geoff Mulgan


what<00:00:16.340> I<00:00:16.369> want<00:00:16.580> to<00:00:16.640> talk<00:00:16.880> about<00:00:17.180> today<00:00:17.540> is<00:00:17.600> is
what I want to talk about today is is what I want to talk about today is is one<00:00:18.170> idea<00:00:18.590> it's<00:00:18.830> an<00:00:18.920> idea<00:00:19.189> for<00:00:19.400> a<00:00:19.460> new<00:00:19.640> kind<00:00:19.910> of one idea it's an idea for a new kind of one idea it's an idea for a new kind of school<00:00:20.330> which<00:00:20.630> turns<00:00:21.020> on<00:00:21.200> its<00:00:21.380> head<00:00:21.619> much<00:00:22.250> of school which turns on its head much of school which turns on its head much of our<00:00:22.520> conventional<00:00:23.029> thinking<00:00:23.270> about<00:00:23.570> what our conventional thinking about what our conventional thinking about what schools<00:00:24.290> are<00:00:24.410> for<00:00:24.650> and<00:00:24.890> how<00:00:25.700> they<00:00:25.849> work<00:00:26.029> and<00:00:26.180> it schools are for and how they work and it schools are for and how they work and it might<00:00:26.420> just<00:00:26.660> be<00:00:26.810> coming<00:00:26.989> to<00:00:27.200> a<00:00:27.230> neighborhood might just be coming to a neighborhood might just be coming to a neighborhood near<00:00:28.040> you<00:00:28.099> soon<00:00:28.820> where<00:00:29.810> it<00:00:29.930> comes<00:00:30.169> from<00:00:30.259> is<00:00:30.619> an near you soon where it comes from is an near you soon where it comes from is an organization<00:00:31.369> called<00:00:31.489> a<00:00:31.579> young<00:00:31.730> foundation organization called a young foundation organization called a young foundation which<00:00:32.450> over<00:00:32.810> many<00:00:33.440> decades<00:00:33.680> has<00:00:34.160> come<00:00:34.340> up<00:00:34.489> with which over many decades has come up with which over many decades has come up with new<00:00:34.880> innovations<00:00:35.570> in<00:00:35.720> education<00:00:36.320> like<00:00:36.500> the new innovations in education like the new innovations in education like the Open<00:00:36.920> University<00:00:36.950> and<00:00:37.700> things<00:00:38.450> like<00:00:38.570> extended Open University and things like extended Open University and things like extended schools<00:00:39.470> schools<00:00:39.980> for<00:00:40.070> social<00:00:40.460> entrepreneurs schools schools for social entrepreneurs schools schools for social entrepreneurs summer<00:00:41.960> universities<00:00:42.739> and<00:00:43.040> the<00:00:43.460> school<00:00:43.760> of summer universities and the school of summer universities and the school of everything<00:00:44.360> and<00:00:44.510> about<00:00:45.050> five<00:00:45.320> years<00:00:45.530> ago<00:00:45.680> we everything and about five years ago we everything and about five years ago we asked<00:00:46.190> what<00:00:46.310> was<00:00:46.400> the<00:00:46.460> most<00:00:46.700> important<00:00:47.360> need asked what was the most important need asked what was the most important need for<00:00:47.840> innovation<00:00:48.740> in<00:00:49.070> schooling<00:00:49.730> here<00:00:50.240> in<00:00:50.330> the for innovation in schooling here in the for innovation in schooling here in the UK<00:00:50.600> and<00:00:51.230> we<00:00:51.920> felt<00:00:52.250> the<00:00:52.880> most<00:00:53.030> important UK and we felt the most important UK and we felt the most important priority<00:00:53.720> was<00:00:54.020> to<00:00:54.110> bring<00:00:54.260> together<00:00:54.410> two<00:00:54.770> sets priority was to bring together two sets priority was to bring together two sets of<00:00:55.130> problems<00:00:55.490> one<00:00:55.670> was<00:00:55.870> large<00:00:56.870> numbers<00:00:57.290> of of problems one was large numbers of of problems one was large numbers of bored<00:00:57.620> teenagers<00:00:58.310> who<00:00:58.460> just<00:00:58.670> didn't<00:00:58.880> like bored teenagers who just didn't like bored teenagers who just didn't like school<00:00:59.450> couldn't<00:00:59.780> see<00:01:00.020> any<00:01:00.170> relationship school couldn't see any relationship school couldn't see any relationship between<00:01:00.860> what<00:01:01.160> they<00:01:01.310> learnt<00:01:01.520> in<00:01:01.730> school<00:01:02.030> and between what they learnt in school and between what they learnt in school and future<00:01:02.900> jobs<00:01:03.170> and<00:01:03.410> employers<00:01:04.220> who<00:01:04.400> kept future jobs and employers who kept future jobs and employers who kept complaining<00:01:05.269> that<00:01:05.420> the<00:01:05.720> kids<00:01:05.930> coming<00:01:06.259> out<00:01:06.290> of complaining that the kids coming out of complaining that the kids coming out of school<00:01:06.470> weren't<00:01:06.950> actually<00:01:07.280> ready<00:01:07.490> for<00:01:08.060> real school weren't actually ready for real school weren't actually ready for real work<00:01:08.479> didn't<00:01:08.810> have<00:01:08.930> the<00:01:09.020> right<00:01:09.170> attitudes<00:01:09.710> and work didn't have the right attitudes and work didn't have the right attitudes and experience<00:01:10.850> and<00:01:11.060> so<00:01:11.210> we<00:01:11.720> try<00:01:11.930> to<00:01:11.960> ask<00:01:12.200> what experience and so we try to ask what experience and so we try to ask what kind<00:01:12.740> of<00:01:12.829> school<00:01:13.130> would<00:01:13.280> have<00:01:13.310> the<00:01:13.520> teenagers kind of school would have the teenagers kind of school would have the teenagers fighting<00:01:14.479> to<00:01:14.570> get<00:01:14.689> in<00:01:14.840> not<00:01:15.560> fighting<00:01:16.070> to<00:01:16.430> stay fighting to get in not fighting to stay fighting to get in not fighting to stay out<00:01:16.880> and<00:01:17.260> after<00:01:18.260> hundreds<00:01:18.830> of<00:01:18.890> conversations out and after hundreds of conversations out and after hundreds of conversations with<00:01:19.790> teenagers<00:01:20.210> and<00:01:20.510> teachers<00:01:20.960> and<00:01:21.229> parents with teenagers and teachers and parents with teenagers and teachers and parents and<00:01:21.860> employers<00:01:22.580> and<00:01:22.850> schools<00:01:23.150> from<00:01:23.420> Paraguay and employers and schools from Paraguay and employers and schools from Paraguay to<00:01:24.409> Australia<00:01:25.159> and<00:01:25.370> looking<00:01:26.330> at<00:01:26.420> some<00:01:26.570> of<00:01:26.630> the to Australia and looking at some of the to Australia and looking at some of the academic<00:01:27.200> research<00:01:27.620> which<00:01:28.010> showed<00:01:28.340> the academic research which showed the academic research which showed the importance<00:01:29.570> of<00:01:29.720> what's<00:01:29.900> now<00:01:30.080> called<00:01:30.290> non importance of what's now called non importance of what's now called non cognitive<00:01:30.890> skills<00:01:31.610> the<00:01:31.850> skills<00:01:32.180> of cognitive skills the skills of cognitive skills the skills of motivation<00:01:33.500> resilience<00:01:34.190> and<00:01:34.549> that<00:01:35.090> these<00:01:35.210> are motivation resilience and that these are motivation resilience and that these are as<00:01:35.510> important<00:01:36.229> as<00:01:36.350> the<00:01:36.470> cognitive<00:01:36.950> skills as important as the cognitive skills as important as the cognitive skills formal<00:01:37.670> academic<00:01:38.120> skills<00:01:38.390> we<00:01:38.510> came<00:01:38.720> up<00:01:38.870> with formal academic skills we came up with formal academic skills we came up with an<00:01:39.350> answer<00:01:39.710> very<00:01:39.920> simple<00:01:40.490> answer<00:01:40.640> in<00:01:40.850> a<00:01:40.909> way an answer very simple answer in a way an answer very simple answer in a way which<00:01:41.659> we<00:01:41.840> called<00:01:42.110> the<00:01:42.350> studio<00:01:42.799> school<00:01:43.460> and<00:01:44.360> we which we called the studio school and we which we called the studio school and we called<00:01:44.810> it<00:01:44.960> a<00:01:45.049> studio<00:01:45.470> school<00:01:45.799> to<00:01:45.950> go<00:01:46.100> back<00:01:46.369> to called it a studio school to go back to called it a studio school to go back to the<00:01:47.060> original<00:01:47.450> idea<00:01:47.540> of<00:01:47.840> a<00:01:47.960> studio<00:01:48.380> in<00:01:48.500> the the original idea of a studio in the the original idea of a studio in the Renaissance<00:01:49.280> where<00:01:49.909> work<00:01:50.150> and<00:01:50.450> learning<00:01:50.960> are Renaissance where work and learning are Renaissance where work and learning are integrated<00:01:51.799> you<00:01:52.010> work<00:01:52.220> by<00:01:52.400> learning<00:01:52.670> and<00:01:52.940> you integrated you work by learning and you integrated you work by learning and you learn<00:01:53.659> by<00:01:54.260> working<00:01:54.530> and<00:01:55.070> the<00:01:55.760> design<00:01:56.060> we<00:01:56.240> came learn by working and the design we came learn by working and the design we came up<00:01:56.510> with<00:01:56.840> had<00:01:57.439> the<00:01:57.590> following up with had the following up with had the following characteristics<00:01:58.430> first<00:01:59.030> of<00:01:59.150> all<00:01:59.270> we<00:01:59.750> wanted characteristics first of all we wanted characteristics first of all we wanted small<00:02:00.350> schools<00:02:00.740> about<00:02:00.950> three<00:02:01.220> four<00:02:01.460> hundred small schools about three four hundred small schools about three four hundred pupils<00:02:02.170> 14<00:02:03.170> to<00:02:03.290> 19<00:02:03.439> year<00:02:03.890> olds<00:02:04.159> and<00:02:04.540> critically pupils 14 to 19 year olds and critically pupils 14 to 19 year olds and critically about<00:02:05.900> 80%<00:02:06.710> of<00:02:06.799> the<00:02:06.890> curriculum<00:02:07.400> done<00:02:07.640> not about 80% of the curriculum done not about 80% of the curriculum done not through<00:02:08.179> sitting<00:02:08.539> in<00:02:08.659> classrooms<00:02:09.229> but through sitting in classrooms but through sitting in classrooms but through<00:02:09.920> real-life<00:02:10.220> practical<00:02:11.030> projects through real-life practical projects through real-life practical projects working<00:02:12.230> on<00:02:12.349> Commission<00:02:12.799> to<00:02:13.280> businesses<00:02:13.819> NGOs working on Commission to businesses NGOs working on Commission to businesses NGOs and<00:02:14.750> others<00:02:15.379> that<00:02:16.189> every<00:02:16.489> pupil<00:02:16.700> would<00:02:17.000> have<00:02:17.150> a and others that every pupil would have a and others that every pupil would have a coach<00:02:17.540> as<00:02:17.900> well<00:02:18.319> as<00:02:18.439> teachers<00:02:18.919> there<00:02:19.549> would coach as well as teachers there would coach as well as teachers there would have<00:02:19.760> timetables<00:02:20.540> much<00:02:20.719> more<00:02:20.930> like<00:02:21.109> a<00:02:21.139> work have timetables much more like a work have timetables much more like a work environment<00:02:21.799> in<00:02:22.340> a<00:02:22.400> business<00:02:22.819> and environment in a business and environment in a business and this<00:02:23.819> will<00:02:23.970> be<00:02:24.060> done<00:02:24.240> within<00:02:24.450> the<00:02:24.690> public this will be done within the public this will be done within the public system<00:02:25.470> funded<00:02:26.130> by<00:02:26.280> public<00:02:26.910> money<00:02:26.940> but system funded by public money but system funded by public money but independently<00:02:28.319> run<00:02:28.500> and<00:02:28.800> all<00:02:29.490> at<00:02:29.670> no<00:02:29.819> extra independently run and all at no extra independently run and all at no extra costs<00:02:30.540> no<00:02:30.660> selection<00:02:31.020> and<00:02:31.410> allowing<00:02:32.280> the costs no selection and allowing the costs no selection and allowing the pupils<00:02:32.819> the<00:02:32.880> route<00:02:33.209> into<00:02:33.540> university<00:02:34.200> even<00:02:34.800> if pupils the route into university even if pupils the route into university even if many<00:02:35.490> of<00:02:35.640> them<00:02:35.819> would<00:02:36.090> want<00:02:36.300> to<00:02:36.390> become many of them would want to become many of them would want to become entrepreneurs<00:02:36.810> and<00:02:37.500> have<00:02:38.040> manual<00:02:38.610> jobs<00:02:38.850> as entrepreneurs and have manual jobs as entrepreneurs and have manual jobs as well<00:02:39.470> underlying<00:02:40.470> it<00:02:40.680> was<00:02:40.860> at<00:02:40.980> some<00:02:41.160> very well underlying it was at some very well underlying it was at some very simple<00:02:41.640> ideas<00:02:42.150> that<00:02:42.360> large<00:02:42.660> numbers<00:02:43.140> of simple ideas that large numbers of simple ideas that large numbers of teenagers<00:02:43.830> learn<00:02:44.040> best<00:02:44.340> by<00:02:44.430> doing<00:02:44.910> things teenagers learn best by doing things teenagers learn best by doing things they<00:02:46.020> learn<00:02:46.230> best<00:02:46.530> in<00:02:46.709> teams<00:02:47.070> and<00:02:47.490> they<00:02:47.580> learn they learn best in teams and they learn they learn best in teams and they learn best<00:02:48.660> by<00:02:48.780> doing<00:02:49.200> things<00:02:49.410> for<00:02:49.709> real<00:02:49.890> all<00:02:50.250> the best by doing things for real all the best by doing things for real all the opposite<00:02:51.209> of<00:02:51.390> what<00:02:51.900> mainstream<00:02:52.110> schooling opposite of what mainstream schooling opposite of what mainstream schooling actually<00:02:53.640> does<00:02:54.410> now<00:02:55.410> that<00:02:55.860> was<00:02:55.980> a<00:02:56.010> nice<00:02:56.220> idea actually does now that was a nice idea actually does now that was a nice idea so<00:02:56.880> we<00:02:56.970> moved<00:02:57.239> into<00:02:57.480> the<00:02:57.959> rapid<00:02:58.290> prototyping so we moved into the rapid prototyping so we moved into the rapid prototyping phase<00:02:59.310> we<00:03:00.030> tried<00:03:00.360> it<00:03:00.510> out<00:03:00.660> first<00:03:01.350> in<00:03:01.590> luton phase we tried it out first in luton phase we tried it out first in luton famous<00:03:02.790> for<00:03:03.000> its<00:03:03.150> airport<00:03:03.720> and<00:03:03.959> not<00:03:04.050> much<00:03:04.200> else famous for its airport and not much else famous for its airport and not much else I<00:03:04.650> fear<00:03:05.130> and<00:03:05.400> in<00:03:05.880> Blackpool<00:03:06.390> famous<00:03:07.110> for<00:03:07.290> its I fear and in Blackpool famous for its I fear and in Blackpool famous for its beaches<00:03:07.560> and<00:03:08.160> leisure<00:03:08.489> and<00:03:08.820> what<00:03:09.390> we<00:03:09.510> found<00:03:09.780> we beaches and leisure and what we found we beaches and leisure and what we found we got<00:03:10.230> a<00:03:10.260> quite<00:03:10.470> a<00:03:10.500> lot<00:03:10.650> of<00:03:10.680> things<00:03:10.860> wrong<00:03:11.070> and got a quite a lot of things wrong and got a quite a lot of things wrong and then<00:03:11.640> improved<00:03:12.209> them<00:03:12.450> but<00:03:12.989> we<00:03:13.140> found<00:03:13.440> that<00:03:13.620> the then improved them but we found that the then improved them but we found that the young<00:03:13.920> people<00:03:14.280> loved<00:03:14.550> it<00:03:14.730> they<00:03:14.850> found<00:03:15.060> it<00:03:15.150> much young people loved it they found it much young people loved it they found it much more<00:03:15.540> motivational<00:03:16.230> much<00:03:16.380> more<00:03:16.590> exciting more motivational much more exciting more motivational much more exciting than<00:03:17.340> traditional<00:03:18.300> education<00:03:18.930> and<00:03:19.220> perhaps than traditional education and perhaps than traditional education and perhaps most<00:03:20.400> important<00:03:20.880> of<00:03:20.940> all<00:03:21.090> two<00:03:21.780> years<00:03:21.810> later most important of all two years later most important of all two years later when<00:03:22.769> the<00:03:22.860> exam<00:03:23.160> results<00:03:23.370> came<00:03:23.820> through<00:03:24.180> the when the exam results came through the when the exam results came through the pupils<00:03:25.290> who<00:03:25.440> had<00:03:25.530> been<00:03:25.650> put<00:03:25.890> on<00:03:26.010> these<00:03:26.160> field pupils who had been put on these field pupils who had been put on these field trials<00:03:26.940> who<00:03:27.120> were<00:03:27.239> in<00:03:27.360> the<00:03:27.510> lowest<00:03:28.260> performing trials who were in the lowest performing trials who were in the lowest performing groups<00:03:29.190> had<00:03:29.670> jumped<00:03:29.910> right<00:03:30.090> to<00:03:30.150> the<00:03:30.329> top<00:03:30.570> in groups had jumped right to the top in groups had jumped right to the top in fact<00:03:31.290> at<00:03:31.410> the<00:03:31.500> top<00:03:31.680> pretty<00:03:31.860> much<00:03:31.980> top<00:03:32.190> decile fact at the top pretty much top decile fact at the top pretty much top decile of<00:03:33.150> performance<00:03:33.810> in<00:03:34.019> terms<00:03:34.049> of<00:03:34.610> GCSEs<00:03:35.610> which of performance in terms of GCSEs which of performance in terms of GCSEs which is<00:03:36.060> the<00:03:36.180> British<00:03:36.329> it<00:03:36.840> sort<00:03:37.079> of<00:03:37.110> marking<00:03:37.590> system is the British it sort of marking system is the British it sort of marking system now<00:03:39.060> not<00:03:39.390> surprisingly<00:03:39.769> that<00:03:40.769> influenced now not surprisingly that influenced now not surprisingly that influenced some<00:03:41.700> people<00:03:42.000> to<00:03:42.120> think<00:03:42.360> we<00:03:42.510> were<00:03:42.600> onto some people to think we were onto some people to think we were onto something<00:03:42.930> the<00:03:43.920> Minister<00:03:44.370> of<00:03:44.489> Education<00:03:45.140> down something the Minister of Education down something the Minister of Education down south<00:03:46.500> in<00:03:46.709> London<00:03:47.130> described<00:03:47.910> himself<00:03:48.120> as<00:03:48.390> a south in London described himself as a south in London described himself as a big<00:03:48.930> fan<00:03:49.260> and<00:03:49.560> the<00:03:49.980> business<00:03:50.340> organizations big fan and the business organizations big fan and the business organizations thought<00:03:51.390> we<00:03:51.510> were<00:03:51.630> onto<00:03:51.750> something<00:03:51.870> in<00:03:52.290> terms thought we were onto something in terms thought we were onto something in terms of<00:03:52.680> way<00:03:52.860> of<00:03:53.010> preparing<00:03:53.640> children<00:03:54.180> much<00:03:54.510> better of way of preparing children much better of way of preparing children much better for<00:03:55.380> real<00:03:55.560> life<00:03:55.829> work<00:03:56.160> today<00:03:56.430> and<00:03:56.700> indeed<00:03:56.940> the for real life work today and indeed the for real life work today and indeed the head<00:03:57.239> of<00:03:57.360> the<00:03:57.510> chambers<00:03:58.290> of<00:03:58.380> commerce<00:03:58.590> is<00:03:58.890> now head of the chambers of commerce is now head of the chambers of commerce is now the<00:03:59.160> chairman<00:03:59.670> of<00:03:59.820> the<00:04:00.269> studio<00:04:00.630> Schools<00:04:00.989> Trust the chairman of the studio Schools Trust the chairman of the studio Schools Trust and<00:04:01.709> helping<00:04:02.370> it<00:04:02.519> work<00:04:02.730> not<00:04:02.910> just<00:04:02.970> with<00:04:03.480> big and helping it work not just with big and helping it work not just with big businesses<00:04:04.170> but<00:04:04.769> small<00:04:05.040> businesses<00:04:05.549> all<00:04:05.700> over businesses but small businesses all over businesses but small businesses all over the<00:04:06.030> country the country the country we<00:04:07.560> started<00:04:07.950> with<00:04:08.130> two<00:04:08.579> schools<00:04:08.970> that's we started with two schools that's we started with two schools that's growing<00:04:10.110> this<00:04:10.320> year<00:04:10.560> to<00:04:10.709> about<00:04:10.799> ten<00:04:11.280> and<00:04:11.549> next growing this year to about ten and next growing this year to about ten and next year<00:04:12.329> we're<00:04:12.510> expecting<00:04:13.019> about<00:04:13.110> 35<00:04:13.739> schools year we're expecting about 35 schools year we're expecting about 35 schools open<00:04:15.060> across<00:04:15.450> England<00:04:15.989> and<00:04:16.200> another<00:04:16.890> 40<00:04:17.519> areas open across England and another 40 areas open across England and another 40 areas want<00:04:18.390> to<00:04:18.959> have<00:04:19.140> their<00:04:19.530> own<00:04:19.680> schools<00:04:20.100> opening<00:04:21.030> a want to have their own schools opening a want to have their own schools opening a pretty<00:04:21.600> rapid<00:04:22.109> spread<00:04:22.770> of<00:04:23.070> this<00:04:23.610> idea pretty rapid spread of this idea pretty rapid spread of this idea interestingly<00:04:25.500> it's<00:04:26.130> happened<00:04:26.550> almost interestingly it's happened almost interestingly it's happened almost entirely<00:04:27.450> without<00:04:28.289> media<00:04:29.130> coverage<00:04:29.520> it's entirely without media coverage it's entirely without media coverage it's happened<00:04:30.720> almost<00:04:31.050> entirely<00:04:31.500> without<00:04:31.950> big happened almost entirely without big happened almost entirely without big money<00:04:32.610> behind<00:04:32.820> it<00:04:33.240> it's<00:04:33.660> spread<00:04:34.140> was<00:04:34.890> entirely money behind it it's spread was entirely money behind it it's spread was entirely through<00:04:35.580> word-of-mouth<00:04:36.110> virally<00:04:37.110> a through word-of-mouth virally a through word-of-mouth virally a Crosse<00:04:37.980> teachers<00:04:38.790> parents<00:04:39.510> people<00:04:39.960> involved Crosse teachers parents people involved Crosse teachers parents people involved in<00:04:40.500> education<00:04:41.220> and<00:04:41.370> it<00:04:41.970> spread<00:04:42.300> because<00:04:42.630> of in education and it spread because of in education and it spread because of the<00:04:42.870> power<00:04:43.170> of<00:04:43.290> idea<00:04:43.800> so<00:04:44.490> the<00:04:44.640> very<00:04:44.850> very the power of idea so the very very the power of idea so the very very simple<00:04:45.510> idea<00:04:45.630> about<00:04:46.560> turning<00:04:47.040> education<00:04:47.670> on simple idea about turning education on simple idea about turning education on its<00:04:47.940> head<00:04:48.180> and<00:04:48.390> putting<00:04:48.570> the<00:04:48.720> things<00:04:48.990> which its head and putting the things which its head and putting the things which were<00:04:49.350> marginal<00:04:49.950> things<00:04:50.700> like<00:04:50.970> working<00:04:51.600> in were marginal things like working in were marginal things like working in teams<00:04:52.200> doing<00:04:52.530> practical<00:04:53.130> projects<00:04:53.730> and teams doing practical projects and teams doing practical projects and putting<00:04:54.330> them<00:04:54.480> right<00:04:54.960> at<00:04:55.110> the<00:04:55.170> heart<00:04:55.500> of putting them right at the heart of putting them right at the heart of learning<00:04:56.670> rather<00:04:57.150> than<00:04:57.510> on<00:04:57.900> the<00:04:58.410> edges<00:04:59.120> now learning rather than on the edges now learning rather than on the edges now there's<00:05:00.480> a<00:05:00.510> whole<00:05:00.660> set<00:05:00.900> of<00:05:00.930> new<00:05:01.140> schools there's a whole set of new schools there's a whole set of new schools opening<00:05:02.190> up<00:05:02.340> this<00:05:02.970> autumn<00:05:03.330> this<00:05:03.930> is<00:05:04.140> one<00:05:04.380> from opening up this autumn this is one from opening up this autumn this is one from Yorkshire<00:05:05.310> where<00:05:05.940> in<00:05:06.270> fact<00:05:06.510> my<00:05:06.660> nephew<00:05:07.170> I<00:05:07.200> hope Yorkshire where in fact my nephew I hope Yorkshire where in fact my nephew I hope will<00:05:07.860> be<00:05:07.980> able<00:05:08.220> to<00:05:08.340> attend<00:05:08.700> it<00:05:08.850> and<00:05:09.000> this<00:05:09.600> one will be able to attend it and this one will be able to attend it and this one is<00:05:09.930> focused<00:05:10.350> on<00:05:10.530> creative<00:05:11.040> and<00:05:11.340> media is focused on creative and media is focused on creative and media industries<00:05:12.420> other<00:05:12.570> ones<00:05:12.810> have<00:05:13.020> a<00:05:13.050> focus<00:05:13.530> on industries other ones have a focus on industries other ones have a focus on healthcare<00:05:14.660> tourism<00:05:15.890> engineering<00:05:16.890> and<00:05:17.100> other healthcare tourism engineering and other healthcare tourism engineering and other fields<00:05:18.110> we<00:05:19.110> think<00:05:19.440> we're<00:05:19.620> onto<00:05:19.950> something<00:05:19.980> is fields we think we're onto something is fields we think we're onto something is not<00:05:20.910> perfect<00:05:21.450> yet<00:05:21.660> but<00:05:21.900> we<00:05:22.230> think<00:05:22.410> this<00:05:22.560> is<00:05:22.620> one not perfect yet but we think this is one not perfect yet but we think this is one idea<00:05:23.520> which<00:05:24.090> can<00:05:24.420> transform<00:05:24.990> the<00:05:25.170> lives<00:05:25.380> of idea which can transform the lives of idea which can transform the lives of thousands<00:05:26.370> possibly<00:05:26.520> millions<00:05:26.850> of<00:05:27.510> teenagers thousands possibly millions of teenagers thousands possibly millions of teenagers who<00:05:28.590> are<00:05:28.620> really<00:05:29.040> bored<00:05:29.310> by<00:05:29.580> schooling<00:05:30.090> it who are really bored by schooling it who are really bored by schooling it doesn't<00:05:31.440> animate<00:05:31.830> them<00:05:32.010> they're<00:05:32.160> not<00:05:32.280> like doesn't animate them they're not like doesn't animate them they're not like all<00:05:32.700> of<00:05:32.730> you<00:05:33.030> who<00:05:33.570> can<00:05:33.750> sit<00:05:33.990> in<00:05:34.410> rows<00:05:34.740> and<00:05:35.100> hear all of you who can sit in rows and hear all of you who can sit in rows and hear things<00:05:36.180> you<00:05:36.480> know<00:05:36.690> said<00:05:36.960> to<00:05:36.990> you<00:05:37.290> for<00:05:38.220> hour things you know said to you for hour things you know said to you for hour after<00:05:38.670> hour<00:05:38.910> they<00:05:39.510> want<00:05:39.690> to<00:05:39.780> do<00:05:39.900> things<00:05:40.200> they after hour they want to do things they after hour they want to do things they want<00:05:40.500> to<00:05:40.560> get<00:05:40.650> their<00:05:40.800> hands<00:05:41.010> dirty<00:05:41.130> they<00:05:41.490> want want to get their hands dirty they want want to get their hands dirty they want education<00:05:42.360> to<00:05:42.750> be<00:05:42.930> for<00:05:43.590> real<00:05:43.770> and<00:05:44.070> my<00:05:44.790> hope<00:05:45.060> is education to be for real and my hope is education to be for real and my hope is that<00:05:45.540> some<00:05:46.230> of<00:05:46.350> you<00:05:46.500> out<00:05:46.680> there<00:05:46.790> may<00:05:47.790> be<00:05:47.820> able that some of you out there may be able that some of you out there may be able to<00:05:48.480> help<00:05:48.660> us<00:05:48.900> we<00:05:49.440> feel<00:05:49.680> we're<00:05:49.890> on<00:05:50.010> the to help us we feel we're on the to help us we feel we're on the beginning<00:05:50.490> of<00:05:50.610> a<00:05:50.670> journey<00:05:51.000> of<00:05:51.410> experiment<00:05:52.410> and beginning of a journey of experiment and beginning of a journey of experiment and improvement<00:05:53.700> to<00:05:54.540> turn<00:05:54.810> the<00:05:54.990> studio<00:05:55.350> school improvement to turn the studio school improvement to turn the studio school idea<00:05:56.160> into<00:05:56.400> something<00:05:56.580> which<00:05:57.360> is<00:05:57.630> present<00:05:58.140> not idea into something which is present not idea into something which is present not as<00:05:58.440> a<00:05:58.470> universal<00:05:59.160> answer<00:05:59.310> for<00:05:59.550> every<00:05:59.850> child as a universal answer for every child as a universal answer for every child but<00:06:00.810> at<00:06:00.960> least<00:06:01.050> for<00:06:01.230> an<00:06:01.320> answer<00:06:01.650> for<00:06:01.770> some but at least for an answer for some but at least for an answer for some children<00:06:02.580> in<00:06:02.760> every<00:06:03.120> part<00:06:03.660> of<00:06:03.750> the<00:06:03.870> world<00:06:03.990> and children in every part of the world and children in every part of the world and I<00:06:04.290> hope<00:06:04.440> that<00:06:04.680> a<00:06:04.890> few<00:06:05.280> of<00:06:05.340> you<00:06:05.460> at<00:06:05.550> least<00:06:05.640> can I hope that a few of you at least can I hope that a few of you at least can help<00:06:06.210> us<00:06:06.390> make<00:06:06.900> that<00:06:07.020> happen<00:06:07.230> thank<00:06:07.560> you<00:06:07.680> very help us make that happen thank you very help us make that happen thank you very much


Geoff Mulgan, Studio, School, UK, school, learning, education, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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