Gửi đồng hồ mặt trời Đến Sao Hỏa-Bill Nye

Sending a sundial to Mars - Bill Nye

Sending a sundial to Mars - Bill Nye


[Music] [Music] good<00:00:16.209> morning<00:00:16.779> I<00:00:17.050> would<00:00:17.619> like<00:00:17.680> to<00:00:18.040> discuss good morning I would like to discuss good morning I would like to discuss with<00:00:18.670> you<00:00:18.880> your<00:00:19.619> place<00:00:20.619> in<00:00:21.070> space<00:00:22.439> now<00:00:23.439> I'm<00:00:23.560> not with you your place in space now I'm not with you your place in space now I'm not going<00:00:24.010> to<00:00:24.070> talk<00:00:24.189> about<00:00:24.460> black<00:00:24.670> holes<00:00:25.000> are going to talk about black holes are going to talk about black holes are gonna<00:00:25.360> be<00:00:25.570> no<00:00:25.780> multiverses<00:00:26.770> there<00:00:26.950> will<00:00:27.130> not gonna be no multiverses there will not gonna be no multiverses there will not even<00:00:27.640> be<00:00:27.820> plunk<00:00:28.300> time<00:00:28.750> I'm<00:00:29.380> talking<00:00:29.950> about even be plunk time I'm talking about even be plunk time I'm talking about fundamental<00:00:30.910> astronomy<00:00:31.510> that<00:00:31.539> lets<00:00:31.900> us<00:00:32.050> know fundamental astronomy that lets us know fundamental astronomy that lets us know where<00:00:33.129> we<00:00:33.160> are<00:00:33.370> in<00:00:33.879> the<00:00:34.059> cosmos<00:00:34.600> our<00:00:35.010> story where we are in the cosmos our story where we are in the cosmos our story begins<00:00:36.370> on<00:00:36.910> earth<00:00:38.489> many<00:00:39.489> people<00:00:39.879> you<00:00:40.000> know<00:00:40.210> are begins on earth many people you know are begins on earth many people you know are from<00:00:40.900> Earth<00:00:41.110> including<00:00:41.830> my<00:00:42.460> father<00:00:42.790> now<00:00:43.180> my from Earth including my father now my from Earth including my father now my father<00:00:45.239> was<00:00:46.239> in<00:00:46.659> law<00:00:47.080> school<00:00:47.559> in<00:00:47.820> 1940<00:00:48.820> I<00:00:48.850> don't father was in law school in 1940 I don't father was in law school in 1940 I don't want<00:00:49.210> to<00:00:49.269> shock<00:00:49.479> anybody<00:00:49.839> over<00:00:50.260> here<00:00:50.290> but<00:00:50.650> he want to shock anybody over here but he want to shock anybody over here but he didn't<00:00:51.159> really<00:00:51.430> like<00:00:51.760> it<00:00:51.940> so<00:00:52.409> he<00:00:53.409> got<00:00:53.680> a<00:00:53.710> summer didn't really like it so he got a summer didn't really like it so he got a summer job<00:00:54.640> working<00:00:55.030> for<00:00:55.300> the<00:00:55.570> US<00:00:55.930> Navy<00:00:56.229> on<00:00:56.589> earth<00:00:57.309> on job working for the US Navy on earth on job working for the US Navy on earth on Wake<00:00:58.570> Island<00:00:58.930> now<00:00:59.830> Wake<00:01:00.159> Island<00:01:00.460> is<00:01:00.970> in<00:01:01.269> the Wake Island now Wake Island is in the Wake Island now Wake Island is in the middle<00:01:01.809> of<00:01:01.989> Pacific<00:01:02.559> Ocean<00:01:03.129> nowhere<00:01:03.670> so<00:01:04.000> my middle of Pacific Ocean nowhere so my middle of Pacific Ocean nowhere so my dad<00:01:04.420> was<00:01:04.920> working<00:01:05.920> for<00:01:06.280> a<00:01:06.340> contractor dad was working for a contractor dad was working for a contractor building<00:01:07.870> an<00:01:08.020> airstrip<00:01:08.200> which<00:01:08.950> is<00:01:09.130> still building an airstrip which is still building an airstrip which is still there<00:01:09.640> on<00:01:09.880> Wake<00:01:10.750> Island<00:01:10.990> and<00:01:11.470> they<00:01:12.010> had<00:01:12.100> a there on Wake Island and they had a there on Wake Island and they had a great<00:01:12.340> time<00:01:12.549> says<00:01:12.969> it's<00:01:13.149> the<00:01:13.210> greatest<00:01:13.509> summer great time says it's the greatest summer great time says it's the greatest summer job<00:01:13.930> he<00:01:14.110> ever<00:01:14.140> had<00:01:14.469> but<00:01:14.920> then<00:01:15.100> in<00:01:15.430> the<00:01:16.000> late job he ever had but then in the late job he ever had but then in the late fall<00:01:16.570> of<00:01:16.780> 1941<00:01:17.530> December<00:01:18.159> 7th<00:01:18.840> Wake<00:01:19.840> Island fall of 1941 December 7th Wake Island fall of 1941 December 7th Wake Island was<00:01:20.500> bombed<00:01:20.770> same<00:01:21.640> day<00:01:21.820> as<00:01:21.939> Pearl<00:01:22.180> Harbor<00:01:22.539> many was bombed same day as Pearl Harbor many was bombed same day as Pearl Harbor many other<00:01:22.960> Pacific<00:01:23.500> Ocean<00:01:23.859> targets<00:01:24.640> my<00:01:25.299> father other Pacific Ocean targets my father other Pacific Ocean targets my father and<00:01:25.930> his<00:01:26.049> comrades<00:01:26.560> fought<00:01:27.490> back<00:01:28.109> for<00:01:29.109> two and his comrades fought back for two and his comrades fought back for two weeks<00:01:30.250> and<00:01:30.579> they<00:01:31.210> shot<00:01:31.479> down<00:01:31.719> at<00:01:32.020> least<00:01:32.320> two weeks and they shot down at least two weeks and they shot down at least two Japanese<00:01:33.310> bombers<00:01:33.789> every<00:01:34.119> day<00:01:34.270> for<00:01:34.570> two<00:01:34.719> weeks Japanese bombers every day for two weeks Japanese bombers every day for two weeks but<00:01:35.859> they<00:01:36.130> the<00:01:36.640> Japanese<00:01:37.090> Navy<00:01:37.630> eventually but they the Japanese Navy eventually but they the Japanese Navy eventually showed<00:01:38.500> up<00:01:38.679> with<00:01:38.950> foe<00:01:39.729> Atilla<00:01:40.060> many<00:01:40.450> ships<00:01:40.750> and showed up with foe Atilla many ships and showed up with foe Atilla many ships and they<00:01:41.140> captured<00:01:41.590> everybody<00:01:42.009> on<00:01:42.189> Christmas<00:01:42.640> Eve they captured everybody on Christmas Eve they captured everybody on Christmas Eve my<00:01:43.060> dad<00:01:43.270> wrote<00:01:43.570> in<00:01:43.689> his<00:01:43.810> diary<00:01:44.130> saddest<00:01:45.130> day<00:01:45.310> of my dad wrote in his diary saddest day of my dad wrote in his diary saddest day of my<00:01:45.460> life<00:01:46.079> well<00:01:47.079> they<00:01:47.289> were<00:01:47.350> taken<00:01:47.950> to<00:01:48.490> China my life well they were taken to China my life well they were taken to China someplace<00:01:50.380> and<00:01:50.679> my<00:01:51.579> dad<00:01:51.820> was<00:01:52.060> in<00:01:52.210> prison<00:01:52.240> camp someplace and my dad was in prison camp someplace and my dad was in prison camp for<00:01:52.929> almost<00:01:53.590> four<00:01:54.070> years<00:01:54.119> 44<00:01:55.119> months<00:01:55.479> longer for almost four years 44 months longer for almost four years 44 months longer than<00:01:56.049> anyone<00:01:56.439> else<00:01:56.619> from<00:01:56.799> the<00:01:56.890> United<00:01:57.219> States than anyone else from the United States than anyone else from the United States and<00:01:58.210> he<00:01:58.299> had<00:01:58.390> very<00:01:58.420> dark<00:01:59.229> skies<00:01:59.770> at<00:02:00.249> night<00:02:00.280> they and he had very dark skies at night they and he had very dark skies at night they had<00:02:00.789> no<00:02:00.909> electricity<00:02:01.119> and<00:02:01.689> the<00:02:02.049> Japanese had no electricity and the Japanese had no electricity and the Japanese military<00:02:02.920> confiscated<00:02:03.640> all<00:02:03.759> their<00:02:03.909> jewelry military confiscated all their jewelry military confiscated all their jewelry and<00:02:04.329> watches<00:02:05.109> and<00:02:05.560> so<00:02:05.740> on<00:02:05.859> so<00:02:06.729> they<00:02:06.939> had<00:02:07.060> no<00:02:07.210> way and watches and so on so they had no way and watches and so on so they had no way to<00:02:07.359> tell<00:02:07.659> time<00:02:07.960> so<00:02:08.740> the<00:02:09.220> family<00:02:09.640> myth<00:02:09.850> is<00:02:10.090> my to tell time so the family myth is my to tell time so the family myth is my dad<00:02:10.600> would<00:02:10.840> tell<00:02:10.990> time<00:02:11.260> by<00:02:11.470> sticking<00:02:11.770> a<00:02:12.010> shovel dad would tell time by sticking a shovel dad would tell time by sticking a shovel handle<00:02:12.670> in<00:02:13.090> the<00:02:13.900> dirt<00:02:14.170> and<00:02:14.550> watching<00:02:15.550> the handle in the dirt and watching the handle in the dirt and watching the shadow<00:02:16.470> he<00:02:17.470> watched<00:02:18.130> the<00:02:18.340> shadows<00:02:18.760> of<00:02:18.910> sticks shadow he watched the shadows of sticks shadow he watched the shadows of sticks and<00:02:19.300> Pera<00:02:19.540> they<00:02:19.690> would<00:02:19.840> tell<00:02:20.050> the<00:02:20.200> guard<00:02:20.440> what and Pera they would tell the guard what and Pera they would tell the guard what it<00:02:21.550> was<00:02:21.730> and<00:02:22.180> when<00:02:22.330> it<00:02:22.420> was<00:02:22.540> time<00:02:22.780> to<00:02:22.810> eat<00:02:22.989> lunch it was and when it was time to eat lunch it was and when it was time to eat lunch and<00:02:23.620> he<00:02:24.280> was<00:02:24.430> also<00:02:24.640> the<00:02:25.030> family<00:02:25.390> myth<00:02:25.599> able<00:02:25.959> to and he was also the family myth able to and he was also the family myth able to infer<00:02:26.590> when<00:02:27.040> you<00:02:27.160> know<00:02:27.280> the<00:02:27.430> time<00:02:27.610> of<00:02:27.819> year infer when you know the time of year infer when you know the time of year they're<00:02:28.180> able<00:02:28.270> to<00:02:28.450> figure<00:02:28.630> out<00:02:28.900> their they're able to figure out their they're able to figure out their latitude<00:02:30.000> so<00:02:31.000> this<00:02:31.180> guy<00:02:31.390> who<00:02:31.450> my<00:02:31.900> dad<00:02:32.110> said latitude so this guy who my dad said latitude so this guy who my dad said wasn't<00:02:32.650> even<00:02:32.830> this<00:02:32.950> tall<00:02:33.250> was<00:02:33.550> able<00:02:33.819> to<00:02:33.910> crawl wasn't even this tall was able to crawl wasn't even this tall was able to crawl through<00:02:34.569> a<00:02:34.660> vent<00:02:35.020> in<00:02:35.349> this<00:02:35.920> train<00:02:36.250> car<00:02:36.520> and<00:02:36.819> get through a vent in this train car and get through a vent in this train car and get back<00:02:37.630> to<00:02:38.110> the<00:02:38.410> east<00:02:38.980> coast<00:02:39.310> of<00:02:39.489> China<00:02:39.790> and<00:02:39.940> make back to the east coast of China and make back to the east coast of China and make it<00:02:40.239> all<00:02:40.360> the<00:02:40.390> way<00:02:40.480> to<00:02:40.569> the<00:02:40.690> United<00:02:40.840> States<00:02:41.140> and it all the way to the United States and it all the way to the United States and tell<00:02:41.500> everybody<00:02:41.680> what<00:02:42.069> happened<00:02:42.099> because tell everybody what happened because tell everybody what happened because these<00:02:43.209> guys<00:02:43.769> essentially<00:02:44.769> disappeared<00:02:45.430> I these guys essentially disappeared I these guys essentially disappeared I mean<00:02:46.360> I<00:02:46.390> don't<00:02:46.750> know<00:02:46.900> why<00:02:47.080> they<00:02:47.319> didn't<00:02:47.590> tweet mean I don't know why they didn't tweet mean I don't know why they didn't tweet where<00:02:48.280> they<00:02:48.430> were<00:02:48.489> just<00:02:49.090> or<00:02:49.269> use<00:02:49.450> Facebook<00:02:50.459> but where they were just or use Facebook but where they were just or use Facebook but eventually<00:02:51.819> the<00:02:52.360> deal<00:02:52.569> is<00:02:52.780> my<00:02:52.959> dad<00:02:53.200> lived eventually the deal is my dad lived eventually the deal is my dad lived through<00:02:53.799> it<00:02:53.950> and<00:02:54.069> he<00:02:54.940> got<00:02:55.120> back<00:02:55.390> to<00:02:55.420> the<00:02:55.600> states through it and he got back to the states through it and he got back to the states he<00:02:56.049> married<00:02:56.440> his<00:02:56.500> college<00:02:56.739> sweetheart<00:02:57.209> Here<00:02:58.209> I he married his college sweetheart Here I he married his college sweetheart Here I am<00:02:58.959> along<00:02:59.650> with<00:02:59.830> my<00:02:59.980> older<00:03:00.250> brother<00:03:00.489> and am along with my older brother and am along with my older brother and sister<00:03:01.060> and<00:03:01.299> through<00:03:01.630> all<00:03:01.810> this<00:03:02.190> my<00:03:03.190> father sister and through all this my father sister and through all this my father became<00:03:04.060> fascinated<00:03:04.569> with<00:03:05.459> sundials<00:03:06.630> so<00:03:07.630> yes became fascinated with sundials so yes became fascinated with sundials so yes he<00:03:08.319> created<00:03:08.830> the<00:03:09.459> well<00:03:09.640> known<00:03:09.910> sand<00:03:10.599> dial he created the well known sand dial he created the well known sand dial which<00:03:12.190> you<00:03:12.370> take<00:03:12.610> to<00:03:12.790> the<00:03:12.819> beach<00:03:13.090> so<00:03:14.080> you<00:03:14.140> don't which you take to the beach so you don't which you take to the beach so you don't have<00:03:14.380> to<00:03:14.470> get<00:03:14.590> sand<00:03:14.890> in<00:03:15.160> your<00:03:15.190> watch<00:03:15.549> Oh have to get sand in your watch Oh have to get sand in your watch Oh everybody<00:03:17.200> needs<00:03:17.500> one<00:03:17.650> believe<00:03:18.190> me<00:03:18.370> and<00:03:18.519> then everybody needs one believe me and then everybody needs one believe me and then he<00:03:19.330> wrote<00:03:19.510> articles<00:03:19.720> for<00:03:20.140> the<00:03:20.380> Washington<00:03:20.860> DC he wrote articles for the Washington DC he wrote articles for the Washington DC area<00:03:21.250> newspapers<00:03:22.150> and<00:03:22.360> he<00:03:22.390> eventually<00:03:23.019> wrote area newspapers and he eventually wrote area newspapers and he eventually wrote a<00:03:23.230> book<00:03:23.590> about<00:03:23.739> sundials<00:03:24.549> and<00:03:24.760> that's<00:03:25.570> when<00:03:25.810> he a book about sundials and that's when he a book about sundials and that's when he was<00:03:26.109> given<00:03:26.470> a<00:03:26.790> lifetime<00:03:27.790> membership<00:03:28.180> in<00:03:28.690> the was given a lifetime membership in the was given a lifetime membership in the North<00:03:29.019> American<00:03:29.470> sundial<00:03:29.950> Society<00:03:31.049> anybody North American sundial Society anybody North American sundial Society anybody now<00:03:34.000> ecology<00:03:34.900> does<00:03:35.200> tell<00:03:35.500> you<00:03:35.620> there's<00:03:36.310> a<00:03:36.370> lot now ecology does tell you there's a lot now ecology does tell you there's a lot of<00:03:36.970> CFO's<00:03:37.720> here<00:03:38.079> chief<00:03:38.380> financial<00:03:38.650> officers<00:03:39.430> a of CFO's here chief financial officers a of CFO's here chief financial officers a lot<00:03:39.640> of<00:03:39.940> operating<00:03:40.870> there's<00:03:41.140> a<00:03:41.170> lot<00:03:41.290> of lot of operating there's a lot of lot of operating there's a lot of accountants<00:03:41.950> and<00:03:42.220> you<00:03:42.970> know<00:03:43.180> how<00:03:44.019> the accountants and you know how the accountants and you know how the accountants<00:03:44.739> can<00:03:45.040> party<00:03:45.780> it's<00:03:46.780> crazy<00:03:47.440> yeah accountants can party it's crazy yeah accountants can party it's crazy yeah well<00:03:48.640> let<00:03:49.090> me<00:03:49.120> tell<00:03:49.299> you<00:03:49.420> it<00:03:49.480> when<00:03:49.600> you're<00:03:49.720> with well let me tell you it when you're with well let me tell you it when you're with the<00:03:50.019> sundial<00:03:50.500> people<00:03:51.660> it<00:03:52.660> is<00:03:52.840> nuts<00:03:53.290> man<00:03:53.829> I<00:03:54.040> mean the sundial people it is nuts man I mean the sundial people it is nuts man I mean everybody's

it's<00:04:02.260> movie<00:04:02.560> look<00:04:02.740> it's<00:04:03.250> moving<00:04:04.590> so<00:04:06.959> so<00:04:07.959> I<00:04:08.650> of
it's movie look it's moving so so I of it's movie look it's moving so so I of course<00:04:09.190> was<00:04:10.000> a<00:04:10.060> rebellious<00:04:10.660> teenager<00:04:11.080> and<00:04:11.410> so course was a rebellious teenager and so course was a rebellious teenager and so on<00:04:11.709> but<00:04:11.860> I<00:04:11.890> did<00:04:12.160> notice<00:04:12.400> that<00:04:12.810> last<00:04:13.810> summer<00:04:14.200> I on but I did notice that last summer I on but I did notice that last summer I brought<00:04:14.650> out<00:04:14.860> one<00:04:15.069> of<00:04:15.100> the<00:04:15.310> old<00:04:15.459> sand<00:04:15.820> aisles brought out one of the old sand aisles brought out one of the old sand aisles and<00:04:16.540> seemed<00:04:16.840> to<00:04:16.930> still<00:04:17.200> work<00:04:17.440> just<00:04:17.470> fine<00:04:17.950> and and seemed to still work just fine and and seemed to still work just fine and someone<00:04:19.299> I<00:04:19.480> know<00:04:19.690> converted<00:04:20.560> a<00:04:20.709> conventional someone I know converted a conventional someone I know converted a conventional pizza<00:04:21.880> box<00:04:22.120> into<00:04:22.780> a<00:04:22.810> polar<00:04:23.320> sundial<00:04:24.060> now<00:04:25.060> this pizza box into a polar sundial now this pizza box into a polar sundial now this might<00:04:25.450> be<00:04:25.480> evidence<00:04:25.990> of<00:04:26.200> a<00:04:26.560> Saudi<00:04:27.550> sundial might be evidence of a Saudi sundial might be evidence of a Saudi sundial obsessive<00:04:28.750> disorder<00:04:29.200> but<00:04:29.560> I'm<00:04:29.680> fine<00:04:29.980> now<00:04:30.010> I'm obsessive disorder but I'm fine now I'm obsessive disorder but I'm fine now I'm fine<00:04:30.970> I<00:04:31.270> could<00:04:31.570> quit<00:04:31.810> if<00:04:31.930> I<00:04:32.050> wanted<00:04:32.350> I<00:04:32.560> just fine I could quit if I wanted I just fine I could quit if I wanted I just don't<00:04:33.970> want<00:04:34.150> to<00:04:34.240> that's<00:04:34.540> all<00:04:35.310> so<00:04:36.310> I<00:04:36.340> got don't want to that's all so I got don't want to that's all so I got invited<00:04:37.060> to<00:04:37.270> a<00:04:37.390> meeting<00:04:37.840> many<00:04:38.440> years<00:04:38.680> ago<00:04:38.980> at invited to a meeting many years ago at invited to a meeting many years ago at Cornell<00:04:39.580> University<00:04:40.240> and<00:04:40.360> they<00:04:40.570> had<00:04:40.750> this Cornell University and they had this Cornell University and they had this thing<00:04:41.230> this<00:04:41.980> is<00:04:42.160> the<00:04:42.310> test<00:04:42.640> pattern<00:04:42.790> for<00:04:43.480> the thing this is the test pattern for the thing this is the test pattern for the cameras<00:04:44.169> that<00:04:45.070> were<00:04:45.220> going<00:04:45.550> to<00:04:45.730> Mars<00:04:46.000> this<00:04:46.450> is cameras that were going to Mars this is cameras that were going to Mars this is the<00:04:46.750> photometric<00:04:47.200> calibration<00:04:48.070> target<00:04:48.390> and<00:04:49.390> I the photometric calibration target and I the photometric calibration target and I think<00:04:49.690> you<00:04:49.750> can<00:04:49.870> see<00:04:50.050> their<00:04:50.260> color<00:04:50.560> coupons think you can see their color coupons think you can see their color coupons that<00:04:52.330> you<00:04:52.450> get<00:04:52.660> the<00:04:52.750> colors<00:04:53.050> right<00:04:53.290> and<00:04:53.530> there that you get the colors right and there that you get the colors right and there are<00:04:54.160> three<00:04:54.520> gray<00:04:54.880> rings<00:04:55.300> of<00:04:55.720> different<00:04:56.050> values are three gray rings of different values are three gray rings of different values and<00:04:56.860> so<00:04:57.010> they<00:04:57.190> were<00:04:57.250> casting<00:04:57.940> a<00:04:58.030> shadow<00:04:58.060> with and so they were casting a shadow with and so they were casting a shadow with this<00:04:58.900> little<00:04:59.169> metal<00:04:59.530> post<00:05:00.270> so<00:05:01.270> you<00:05:01.360> could<00:05:01.660> look this little metal post so you could look this little metal post so you could look at<00:05:02.080> the<00:05:02.410> color<00:05:02.710> of<00:05:03.010> the<00:05:03.130> Martian<00:05:03.610> sky<00:05:04.229> now<00:05:05.229> if at the color of the Martian sky now if at the color of the Martian sky now if you<00:05:05.410> look<00:05:05.560> at<00:05:05.650> the<00:05:05.800> at<00:05:06.190> a<00:05:06.250> shadow<00:05:06.580> on<00:05:06.820> earth you look at the at a shadow on earth you look at the at a shadow on earth that's<00:05:07.270> something<00:05:07.540> very<00:05:07.690> white<00:05:07.900> you'll<00:05:08.080> see that's something very white you'll see that's something very white you'll see it's<00:05:08.350> blue<00:05:08.650> just<00:05:09.040> a<00:05:09.130> little<00:05:09.340> bit<00:05:09.460> from<00:05:09.850> the it's blue just a little bit from the it's blue just a little bit from the Earth's<00:05:10.150> sky<00:05:10.770> so<00:05:11.770> I'm<00:05:11.830> in<00:05:12.010> this<00:05:12.310> meeting<00:05:12.550> and<00:05:12.850> I Earth's sky so I'm in this meeting and I Earth's sky so I'm in this meeting and I go<00:05:13.290> you<00:05:14.290> guys<00:05:14.470> we<00:05:14.680> gotta<00:05:14.860> turn<00:05:15.070> the go you guys we gotta turn the go you guys we gotta turn the photometric<00:05:15.520> calibration<00:05:16.270> target<00:05:16.660> into<00:05:17.260> a photometric calibration target into a photometric calibration target into a sundial<00:05:20.460> and<00:05:21.460> they're<00:05:21.669> looking<00:05:22.180> at<00:05:22.270> me<00:05:22.450> no<00:05:23.140> you sundial and they're looking at me no you sundial and they're looking at me no you guys<00:05:23.500> it'll<00:05:23.740> be<00:05:23.830> cool guys it'll be cool guys it'll be cool we<00:05:25.090> can<00:05:25.270> reckon<00:05:25.720> time<00:05:26.050> on<00:05:26.410> another<00:05:26.740> world we can reckon time on another world we can reckon time on another world it'll<00:05:27.520> be<00:05:27.669> like<00:05:28.510> speaking<00:05:28.990> Klingon<00:05:30.180> except it'll be like speaking Klingon except it'll be like speaking Klingon except it'll<00:05:31.660> be<00:05:31.750> real<00:05:32.020> and<00:05:33.030> so<00:05:34.030> the<00:05:34.419> head<00:05:34.600> guy<00:05:34.780> Steve it'll be real and so the head guy Steve it'll be real and so the head guy Steve Squire<00:05:35.530> said<00:05:35.860> okay<00:05:36.160> so<00:05:36.640> my<00:05:37.360> friends<00:05:37.780> there<00:05:37.960> are Squire said okay so my friends there are Squire said okay so my friends there are two<00:05:38.260> sundials<00:05:38.919> on<00:05:39.160> Mars<00:05:39.479> while<00:05:40.479> we're<00:05:40.660> here<00:05:44.250> so two sundials on Mars while we're here so two sundials on Mars while we're here so here's<00:05:46.600> what<00:05:46.810> I<00:05:46.840> want<00:05:47.110> you<00:05:47.200> to<00:05:47.350> do<00:05:47.850> when<00:05:48.850> you<00:05:49.330> go here's what I want you to do when you go here's what I want you to do when you go to<00:05:49.600> Mars<00:05:49.930> next<00:05:50.410> time<00:05:50.590> and<00:05:50.919> you're<00:05:51.130> standing to Mars next time and you're standing to Mars next time and you're standing there<00:05:51.960> you<00:05:52.960> got<00:05:53.140> to<00:05:53.229> take<00:05:53.380> some<00:05:53.590> food<00:05:53.830> and there you got to take some food and there you got to take some food and water<00:05:54.160> it's<00:05:54.430> 687<00:05:55.419> Earth<00:05:55.479> days<00:05:55.630> you<00:05:56.050> will<00:05:56.169> see water it's 687 Earth days you will see water it's 687 Earth days you will see the<00:05:56.530> Sun<00:05:56.830> make<00:05:57.100> this<00:05:57.340> pattern<00:05:57.910> through<00:05:58.180> the the Sun make this pattern through the the Sun make this pattern through the sky<00:05:58.600> as<00:05:58.960> the<00:05:59.650> year<00:05:59.890> goes<00:05:59.919> on<00:06:00.340> if<00:06:00.669> you<00:06:01.390> do<00:06:01.510> it<00:06:01.630> on sky as the year goes on if you do it on sky as the year goes on if you do it on earth<00:06:02.110> you<00:06:02.770> will<00:06:02.979> see<00:06:03.250> this<00:06:03.580> pattern<00:06:03.910> that's<00:06:04.270> I earth you will see this pattern that's I earth you will see this pattern that's I started<00:06:04.810> on<00:06:04.930> the<00:06:05.020> 2nd<00:06:05.350> of<00:06:05.410> March<00:06:05.620> it'll<00:06:06.250> go started on the 2nd of March it'll go started on the 2nd of March it'll go north<00:06:06.760> and<00:06:07.000> this<00:06:07.180> pattern<00:06:07.450> is<00:06:07.750> called<00:06:08.050> the north and this pattern is called the north and this pattern is called the analemma<00:06:08.880> the<00:06:09.880> analemma<00:06:10.300> zone<00:06:10.570> Latin<00:06:10.930> word analemma the analemma zone Latin word analemma the analemma zone Latin word that<00:06:11.110> means<00:06:11.320> the<00:06:11.500> pedestal<00:06:12.130> of that means the pedestal of that means the pedestal of niall<00:06:13.000> so<00:06:13.870> what<00:06:14.020> I<00:06:14.050> want<00:06:14.410> you<00:06:14.590> guys<00:06:14.770> to<00:06:14.830> do<00:06:15.220> is niall so what I want you guys to do is niall so what I want you guys to do is to<00:06:16.180> build<00:06:16.360> one<00:06:16.720> of<00:06:16.900> these<00:06:17.110> and<00:06:17.620> so<00:06:18.040> what<00:06:18.250> we to build one of these and so what we to build one of these and so what we have<00:06:18.490> done<00:06:18.670> if<00:06:18.880> you<00:06:19.000> go<00:06:19.120> to<00:06:19.180> our<00:06:19.360> website have done if you go to our website have done if you go to our website Planetary<00:06:20.590> org<00:06:21.070> and<00:06:21.340> we'll<00:06:21.430> find<00:06:21.730> the Planetary org and we'll find the Planetary org and we'll find the instructions<00:06:22.480> for<00:06:22.750> laying<00:06:22.960> out<00:06:23.170> the<00:06:23.350> lines instructions for laying out the lines instructions for laying out the lines and<00:06:24.070> getting<00:06:24.910> the<00:06:25.150> hours<00:06:25.780> right<00:06:26.050> for<00:06:26.350> your and getting the hours right for your and getting the hours right for your sundial<00:06:26.950> anywhere<00:06:27.580> in<00:06:27.730> the<00:06:27.820> world<00:06:28.030> you<00:06:28.750> can sundial anywhere in the world you can sundial anywhere in the world you can furnish<00:06:29.500> it<00:06:29.950> anything<00:06:30.640> that's<00:06:30.790> not<00:06:30.910> on<00:06:31.120> the furnish it anything that's not on the furnish it anything that's not on the dial<00:06:31.420> to<00:06:31.630> tell<00:06:31.810> time<00:06:32.050> is<00:06:32.290> its<00:06:32.440> furniture<00:06:32.950> you dial to tell time is its furniture you dial to tell time is its furniture you can<00:06:33.910> furnish<00:06:34.420> it<00:06:34.600> with<00:06:34.720> here<00:06:34.810> some<00:06:34.990> sailboats can furnish it with here some sailboats can furnish it with here some sailboats and<00:06:35.590> anchors<00:06:35.980> and<00:06:36.220> here's<00:06:36.370> the<00:06:36.520> traditional and anchors and here's the traditional and anchors and here's the traditional latitude<00:06:37.420> and<00:06:37.510> longitude<00:06:37.960> and<00:06:38.550> it's<00:06:39.550> the latitude and longitude and it's the latitude and longitude and it's the ping-pong<00:06:40.090> ball<00:06:40.570> is<00:06:40.870> the<00:06:41.080> gnomon<00:06:41.500> because ping-pong ball is the gnomon because ping-pong ball is the gnomon because ping-pong<00:06:42.310> balls<00:06:42.550> are<00:06:42.730> available<00:06:43.210> anywhere ping-pong balls are available anywhere ping-pong balls are available anywhere in<00:06:44.350> the<00:06:44.470> world<00:06:44.680> so<00:06:44.980> we<00:06:45.790> did<00:06:45.970> this<00:06:46.180> back<00:06:46.390> in<00:06:46.530> 2004 in the world so we did this back in 2004 in the world so we did this back in 2004 when<00:06:47.890> the<00:06:48.040> Spirit<00:06:48.400> and<00:06:48.460> Opportunity<00:06:48.550> Rovers when the Spirit and Opportunity Rovers when the Spirit and Opportunity Rovers landed<00:06:49.840> on<00:06:50.050> Mars<00:06:50.350> and<00:06:50.680> people<00:06:51.520> all<00:06:51.700> over<00:06:51.730> the landed on Mars and people all over the landed on Mars and people all over the world<00:06:52.150> built<00:06:52.630> these<00:06:52.810> but<00:06:53.740> those<00:06:53.980> days<00:06:54.190> webcams world built these but those days webcams world built these but those days webcams were<00:06:55.090> kind<00:06:55.300> of<00:06:55.360> a<00:06:55.450> hassle were kind of a hassle were kind of a hassle this<00:06:56.290> year<00:06:56.590> we're<00:06:56.800> hoping<00:06:56.950> it<00:06:57.250> will<00:06:57.370> be<00:06:57.490> really this year we're hoping it will be really this year we're hoping it will be really cool<00:06:58.170> so<00:06:59.170> here's<00:06:59.380> what<00:06:59.530> I'm<00:06:59.590> telling<00:06:59.950> you cool so here's what I'm telling you cool so here's what I'm telling you almost<00:07:01.030> everybody<00:07:01.780> has<00:07:02.320> observed<00:07:02.800> the<00:07:03.040> Sun<00:07:03.340> go almost everybody has observed the Sun go almost everybody has observed the Sun go up<00:07:03.790> and<00:07:04.090> down<00:07:04.270> as<00:07:04.570> the<00:07:04.690> year<00:07:04.840> goes<00:07:04.870> on<00:07:05.260> in<00:07:05.410> the up and down as the year goes on in the up and down as the year goes on in the sky<00:07:05.740> very<00:07:06.610> few<00:07:06.970> of<00:07:07.090> us<00:07:07.180> have<00:07:07.390> heard<00:07:07.630> the<00:07:07.900> word sky very few of us have heard the word sky very few of us have heard the word analemma<00:07:08.710> yet<00:07:09.070> we<00:07:09.280> all<00:07:09.550> depend<00:07:10.090> on<00:07:10.390> it<00:07:10.570> you<00:07:11.440> go analemma yet we all depend on it you go analemma yet we all depend on it you go to<00:07:11.620> office<00:07:11.800> supply<00:07:12.280> stores<00:07:12.580> you<00:07:12.760> get<00:07:12.880> your to office supply stores you get your to office supply stores you get your calendars<00:07:13.660> with<00:07:13.900> the<00:07:14.050> kittens<00:07:14.440> and<00:07:14.770> the calendars with the kittens and the calendars with the kittens and the puppies<00:07:15.340> and<00:07:15.700> the<00:07:16.270> firefighters<00:07:16.960> with<00:07:17.140> no puppies and the firefighters with no puppies and the firefighters with no shirts<00:07:17.620> on<00:07:17.830> and<00:07:18.250> all<00:07:19.000> of<00:07:19.240> that<00:07:19.270> has<00:07:19.540> figured shirts on and all of that has figured shirts on and all of that has figured out<00:07:20.020> we<00:07:20.140> had<00:07:20.230> a<00:07:20.260> leap<00:07:20.530> day<00:07:20.800> this<00:07:21.070> year<00:07:21.400> all<00:07:21.970> of out we had a leap day this year all of out we had a leap day this year all of that<00:07:22.300> is<00:07:22.450> figured<00:07:22.750> out<00:07:22.900> by<00:07:23.380> knowing that is figured out by knowing that is figured out by knowing intimately<00:07:24.460> our<00:07:25.360> relationship<00:07:26.260> to<00:07:26.740> the<00:07:26.890> Sun intimately our relationship to the Sun intimately our relationship to the Sun knowing<00:07:27.940> intimately<00:07:28.450> our<00:07:28.900> place<00:07:29.770> in<00:07:30.010> space<00:07:30.390> so knowing intimately our place in space so knowing intimately our place in space so I<00:07:31.420> submit<00:07:31.990> to<00:07:32.020> you<00:07:32.230> my<00:07:32.470> friends<00:07:32.920> if<00:07:33.280> you<00:07:33.580> take I submit to you my friends if you take I submit to you my friends if you take the<00:07:34.240> time<00:07:34.420> you<00:07:34.960> can<00:07:35.230> dare<00:07:35.560> I<00:07:35.590> say<00:07:35.980> it<00:07:36.010> change the time you can dare I say it change the time you can dare I say it change the<00:07:37.780> world<00:07:38.070> thank<00:07:39.070> you<00:07:39.280> all<00:07:39.460> very<00:07:39.490> much<00:07:39.850> thank the world thank you all very much thank the world thank you all very much thank you you you [Applause]

Bill Nye, Nye, Bill Nye The Science Guy, The Science Guy, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, TED Ed, Mars, Mars rover, sundial, Spirit, Opportunity, Spirit Mars, Opportunity Mars

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