Hành động thứ ba của cuộc đời-Jane Fonda

Life's third act - Jane Fonda

Life's third act - Jane Fonda



[Applause] [Applause] there<00:00:16.560> have<00:00:16.760> been<00:00:17.160> many<00:00:17.520> revolutions<00:00:18.400> over there have been many revolutions over there have been many revolutions over the<00:00:18.800> last<00:00:19.080> century<00:00:19.560> but<00:00:19.800> perhaps<00:00:20.240> none<00:00:20.760> as the last century but perhaps none as the last century but perhaps none as significant<00:00:22.000> as<00:00:22.119> the<00:00:22.279> longevity significant as the longevity significant as the longevity Revolution<00:00:24.599> we<00:00:24.840> are<00:00:25.039> living<00:00:25.519> on<00:00:25.840> average Revolution we are living on average Revolution we are living on average today<00:00:26.960> 34<00:00:27.760> years<00:00:28.560> longer<00:00:29.000> than<00:00:29.119> our<00:00:29.320> great today 34 years longer than our great today 34 years longer than our great grandpar<00:00:29.960> parents<00:00:30.279> did<00:00:30.480> think<00:00:30.679> about<00:00:30.960> that grandpar parents did think about that grandpar parents did think about that that's<00:00:31.599> an<00:00:31.840> entire<00:00:32.840> second<00:00:33.280> adult<00:00:33.719> lifetime that's an entire second adult lifetime that's an entire second adult lifetime that's<00:00:34.879> been<00:00:35.120> added<00:00:35.399> to<00:00:35.600> our<00:00:36.040> lifespan<00:00:37.040> and that's been added to our lifespan and that's been added to our lifespan and yet<00:00:37.360> for<00:00:37.520> the<00:00:37.640> most<00:00:37.879> part<00:00:38.160> our<00:00:38.399> culture<00:00:38.879> has yet for the most part our culture has yet for the most part our culture has not<00:00:39.280> come<00:00:39.480> to<00:00:39.680> terms<00:00:40.520> with<00:00:40.719> what<00:00:40.920> this<00:00:41.079> means not come to terms with what this means not come to terms with what this means we're<00:00:42.079> still<00:00:42.360> living<00:00:42.719> with<00:00:42.879> the<00:00:43.079> old<00:00:43.600> Paradigm we're still living with the old Paradigm we're still living with the old Paradigm of<00:00:44.559> age<00:00:45.440> as<00:00:45.559> an<00:00:45.760> arch<00:00:46.600> that's<00:00:46.800> the<00:00:46.960> metaphor of age as an arch that's the metaphor of age as an arch that's the metaphor the<00:00:47.640> old<00:00:47.960> metaphor<00:00:48.440> you're<00:00:48.640> born<00:00:49.399> you<00:00:49.640> Peak<00:00:49.879> at the old metaphor you're born you Peak at the old metaphor you're born you Peak at midlife<00:00:50.640> and<00:00:50.840> decline<00:00:51.399> into midlife and decline into midlife and decline into decrepitude<00:00:54.559> age<00:00:55.000> as decrepitude age as decrepitude age as pathology<00:00:57.480> but<00:00:57.760> many<00:00:58.120> people<00:00:58.440> today pathology but many people today pathology but many people today philosophers<00:00:59.600> AR<00:01:00.280> doctors<00:01:00.800> scientists<00:01:01.800> are philosophers AR doctors scientists are philosophers AR doctors scientists are taking<00:01:02.359> a<00:01:02.559> new<00:01:02.800> look<00:01:03.039> at<00:01:03.239> what<00:01:03.399> I<00:01:03.559> call<00:01:03.840> the taking a new look at what I call the taking a new look at what I call the third<00:01:04.400> act<00:01:05.119> the<00:01:05.320> last<00:01:05.560> three<00:01:05.880> decades<00:01:06.280> of<00:01:06.680> Life third act the last three decades of Life third act the last three decades of Life they<00:01:07.960> realize<00:01:08.720> that<00:01:08.920> this<00:01:09.040> is<00:01:09.400> actually<00:01:09.960> a they realize that this is actually a they realize that this is actually a developmental<00:01:11.240> stage<00:01:11.600> of<00:01:11.920> life<00:01:12.759> with<00:01:12.960> its<00:01:13.240> own developmental stage of life with its own developmental stage of life with its own significance<00:01:15.200> as<00:01:15.520> different<00:01:16.360> from<00:01:16.680> midlife significance as different from midlife significance as different from midlife as as as adolescences<00:01:19.159> from adolescences from adolescences from childhood<00:01:21.040> and<00:01:21.200> they<00:01:21.320> are<00:01:21.560> asking<00:01:22.079> we<00:01:22.360> we childhood and they are asking we we childhood and they are asking we we should<00:01:22.720> all<00:01:23.119> be<00:01:23.520> asking<00:01:24.520> how<00:01:24.680> do<00:01:24.880> we<00:01:25.079> use<00:01:25.799> this should all be asking how do we use this should all be asking how do we use this time<00:01:27.040> how<00:01:27.159> do<00:01:27.360> we<00:01:27.759> live<00:01:28.000> it<00:01:28.320> successfully<00:01:29.079> what time how do we live it successfully what time how do we live it successfully what is<00:01:29.400> the<00:01:29.600> approach<00:01:29.920> appropriate<00:01:30.360> new<00:01:30.600> metaphor is the approach appropriate new metaphor is the approach appropriate new metaphor for<00:01:31.920> aging<00:01:32.920> I've<00:01:33.119> spent<00:01:33.399> the<00:01:33.600> last<00:01:33.880> year for aging I've spent the last year for aging I've spent the last year researching<00:01:34.720> and<00:01:34.920> writing<00:01:35.280> about<00:01:35.560> this researching and writing about this researching and writing about this subject<00:01:36.560> and<00:01:36.759> I<00:01:36.880> have<00:01:37.079> come<00:01:37.600> to<00:01:37.880> find<00:01:38.399> that<00:01:38.720> a subject and I have come to find that a subject and I have come to find that a more<00:01:39.360> appropriate<00:01:39.960> metaphor<00:01:40.920> for<00:01:41.200> aging<00:01:41.880> is<00:01:42.320> a more appropriate metaphor for aging is a more appropriate metaphor for aging is a staircase<00:01:44.320> the<00:01:44.520> upward<00:01:44.960> Ascension<00:01:45.560> of<00:01:45.719> the staircase the upward Ascension of the staircase the upward Ascension of the human<00:01:46.439> Spirit<00:01:47.399> bringing<00:01:47.840> us<00:01:48.119> into<00:01:48.520> wisdom human Spirit bringing us into wisdom human Spirit bringing us into wisdom wholeness<00:01:50.360> and<00:01:50.880> authenticity<00:01:51.880> aged<00:01:52.439> not<00:01:52.680> at wholeness and authenticity aged not at wholeness and authenticity aged not at all<00:01:53.119> as<00:01:53.360> pathology<00:01:54.159> age<00:01:54.880> as<00:01:55.200> potential<00:01:55.840> and all as pathology age as potential and all as pathology age as potential and guess<00:01:56.399> what<00:01:57.240> this<00:01:57.520> potential<00:01:58.320> is<00:01:58.560> not<00:01:58.799> for<00:01:59.000> the guess what this potential is not for the guess what this potential is not for the lucky<00:01:59.439> few<00:01:59.960> it<00:02:00.079> turns<00:02:00.439> out<00:02:01.200> most<00:02:01.600> people<00:02:02.000> over lucky few it turns out most people over lucky few it turns out most people over 50<00:02:03.880> feel<00:02:04.280> better<00:02:04.880> are<00:02:05.119> less<00:02:05.399> stressed<00:02:06.240> less 50 feel better are less stressed less 50 feel better are less stressed less hostile<00:02:07.119> less<00:02:07.399> anxious<00:02:08.319> we<00:02:08.479> tend<00:02:08.679> to<00:02:08.840> see hostile less anxious we tend to see hostile less anxious we tend to see commonalities<00:02:10.399> more<00:02:10.640> than<00:02:10.879> differences<00:02:11.560> some commonalities more than differences some commonalities more than differences some of<00:02:12.239> the<00:02:12.400> studies<00:02:13.120> even<00:02:13.360> say<00:02:13.599> we're of the studies even say we're of the studies even say we're happier<00:02:15.640> this<00:02:15.879> is<00:02:16.280> not<00:02:16.680> what<00:02:16.879> I<00:02:17.239> expected happier this is not what I expected happier this is not what I expected trust<00:02:17.959> me<00:02:18.440> I<00:02:18.560> come<00:02:18.760> from<00:02:18.879> a<00:02:19.040> long<00:02:19.280> line<00:02:19.519> of trust me I come from a long line of trust me I come from a long line of depressives<00:02:21.319> as<00:02:21.480> I<00:02:21.599> was<00:02:21.840> approaching<00:02:22.360> my<00:02:22.519> late depressives as I was approaching my late depressives as I was approaching my late 40s<00:02:23.560> when<00:02:23.720> I<00:02:23.920> would<00:02:24.080> wake<00:02:24.280> up<00:02:24.440> in<00:02:24.560> the<00:02:24.680> morning 40s when I would wake up in the morning 40s when I would wake up in the morning my<00:02:25.360> first<00:02:26.040> six<00:02:26.440> thoughts<00:02:26.760> would<00:02:26.920> all<00:02:27.120> be my first six thoughts would all be my first six thoughts would all be negative<00:02:27.800> and<00:02:27.920> I<00:02:28.040> got<00:02:28.239> scared<00:02:28.720> I<00:02:28.800> thought<00:02:29.000> oh negative and I got scared I thought oh negative and I got scared I thought oh my<00:02:29.280> gosh<00:02:29.480> I'm<00:02:29.560> going<00:02:29.680> to<00:02:30.000> become<00:02:30.519> a<00:02:30.680> crotchety my gosh I'm going to become a crotchety my gosh I'm going to become a crotchety old<00:02:31.879> lady<00:02:32.879> but<00:02:33.080> now<00:02:33.319> that<00:02:33.519> I<00:02:33.640> am<00:02:33.920> actually old lady but now that I am actually old lady but now that I am actually smack<00:02:34.800> dab<00:02:35.040> in<00:02:35.160> the<00:02:35.239> middle<00:02:35.480> of<00:02:35.680> my<00:02:35.800> own<00:02:36.080> third smack dab in the middle of my own third smack dab in the middle of my own third act<00:02:37.400> I<00:02:37.560> realize<00:02:38.560> I've<00:02:38.760> never<00:02:39.000> been<00:02:39.519> happier<00:02:40.519> I act I realize I've never been happier I act I realize I've never been happier I have<00:02:41.440> such<00:02:41.640> a<00:02:41.920> powerful<00:02:42.360> feeling<00:02:42.720> of have such a powerful feeling of have such a powerful feeling of well-being<00:02:44.840> and<00:02:45.000> I've<00:02:45.400> discovered<00:02:45.720> that<00:02:46.680> when well-being and I've discovered that when well-being and I've discovered that when you're<00:02:47.159> inside<00:02:47.959> oldness<00:02:48.680> as<00:02:48.840> opposed<00:02:49.200> to you're inside oldness as opposed to you're inside oldness as opposed to looking<00:02:49.680> at<00:02:49.840> it<00:02:50.000> from<00:02:50.159> the<00:02:50.360> outside<00:02:50.959> fear looking at it from the outside fear looking at it from the outside fear subsides<00:02:52.360> you<00:02:52.519> realize<00:02:53.000> you're<00:02:53.159> still subsides you realize you're still subsides you realize you're still yourself<00:02:54.760> maybe<00:02:55.080> even<00:02:55.360> more<00:02:55.599> so<00:02:56.480> you<00:02:56.599> know yourself maybe even more so you know yourself maybe even more so you know Picasso<00:02:57.440> once<00:02:57.680> said<00:02:57.959> it<00:02:58.120> takes<00:02:58.400> a<00:02:58.760> long<00:02:59.200> time Picasso once said it takes a long time Picasso once said it takes a long time to<00:02:59.879> become to become to become young<00:03:03.000> I<00:03:03.080> don't<00:03:03.239> want<00:03:03.360> to<00:03:03.560> romanticize<00:03:04.319> aging young I don't want to romanticize aging young I don't want to romanticize aging obviously<00:03:05.200> there's<00:03:05.440> no<00:03:05.680> guarantee<00:03:06.200> that<00:03:06.319> it obviously there's no guarantee that it obviously there's no guarantee that it can<00:03:06.599> be<00:03:06.720> a<00:03:06.879> time<00:03:07.080> of<00:03:07.239> fruition<00:03:07.920> and<00:03:08.360> growth<00:03:09.360> uh can be a time of fruition and growth uh can be a time of fruition and growth uh some<00:03:09.920> of<00:03:10.040> it<00:03:10.200> is<00:03:10.319> a<00:03:10.480> matter<00:03:10.720> of<00:03:10.920> luck<00:03:11.440> some<00:03:11.640> of some of it is a matter of luck some of some of it is a matter of luck some of it<00:03:12.000> obviously<00:03:12.519> is<00:03:13.000> genetic<00:03:14.000> onethird<00:03:14.640> of<00:03:14.760> it it obviously is genetic onethird of it it obviously is genetic onethird of it in<00:03:15.200> fact<00:03:15.440> is<00:03:15.640> genetic<00:03:16.200> and<00:03:16.360> there<00:03:16.519> isn't<00:03:16.920> much in fact is genetic and there isn't much in fact is genetic and there isn't much we<00:03:17.319> can<00:03:17.440> do<00:03:17.680> about<00:03:18.040> that<00:03:18.720> but<00:03:18.959> that<00:03:19.159> means<00:03:20.159> that we can do about that but that means that we can do about that but that means that 2third<00:03:21.480> of<00:03:21.720> how<00:03:21.920> well<00:03:22.159> we<00:03:22.319> do<00:03:22.640> in<00:03:22.799> the<00:03:22.920> third 2third of how well we do in the third 2third of how well we do in the third act<00:03:23.840> we<00:03:24.040> can<00:03:24.480> do<00:03:24.760> something<00:03:25.280> about<00:03:26.280> we're act we can do something about we're act we can do something about we're going<00:03:26.519> to<00:03:26.799> discuss<00:03:27.560> what<00:03:27.720> we<00:03:27.879> can<00:03:28.080> do<00:03:28.400> to<00:03:28.640> make going to discuss what we can do to make going to discuss what we can do to make these<00:03:29.200> added<00:03:29.519> years these added years these added years really<00:03:31.000> successful<00:03:32.000> and<00:03:32.200> use<00:03:32.599> them<00:03:33.040> to<00:03:33.239> make<00:03:33.400> a really successful and use them to make a really successful and use them to make a difference<00:03:35.200> now<00:03:35.400> let<00:03:35.519> me<00:03:35.680> say<00:03:35.920> something difference now let me say something difference now let me say something about<00:03:36.439> the<00:03:36.599> staircase<00:03:37.280> which<00:03:37.439> may<00:03:37.760> seem<00:03:38.000> like about the staircase which may seem like about the staircase which may seem like an<00:03:38.360> odd<00:03:39.280> metaphor<00:03:40.280> for<00:03:40.840> seniors<00:03:41.439> given<00:03:41.680> the an odd metaphor for seniors given the an odd metaphor for seniors given the fact<00:03:42.080> that<00:03:42.239> many<00:03:42.480> seniors<00:03:42.840> are<00:03:43.040> challenged<00:03:43.560> by fact that many seniors are challenged by fact that many seniors are challenged by stairs<00:03:45.760> myself<00:03:46.480> included stairs myself included stairs myself included um<00:03:49.239> as<00:03:49.360> you<00:03:49.519> may<00:03:49.720> know<00:03:50.680> the<00:03:50.879> entire<00:03:51.319> world um as you may know the entire world um as you may know the entire world operates<00:03:52.439> on<00:03:52.599> a<00:03:52.840> universal<00:03:53.799> law<00:03:54.400> entropy<00:03:55.200> the operates on a universal law entropy the operates on a universal law entropy the second<00:03:55.720> law<00:03:56.200> of second law of second law of Thermodynamics<00:03:57.959> entropy<00:03:58.519> means<00:03:58.879> that Thermodynamics entropy means that Thermodynamics entropy means that everything<00:03:59.400> in<00:03:59.519> the<00:03:59.879> world<00:04:00.360> everything<00:04:00.840> is<00:04:01.000> in everything in the world everything is in everything in the world everything is in a<00:04:01.319> state<00:04:01.560> of<00:04:01.760> Decline<00:04:02.319> and<00:04:02.519> Decay<00:04:03.120> the<00:04:03.680> arch a state of Decline and Decay the arch a state of Decline and Decay the arch there's<00:04:04.920> only<00:04:05.319> one<00:04:05.640> exception<00:04:06.239> to<00:04:06.439> this there's only one exception to this there's only one exception to this universal<00:04:07.519> law<00:04:08.519> and<00:04:08.680> that<00:04:08.799> is<00:04:08.959> the<00:04:09.120> human universal law and that is the human universal law and that is the human Spirit<00:04:10.680> which<00:04:10.840> can<00:04:11.120> continue<00:04:11.760> to<00:04:12.000> evolve Spirit which can continue to evolve Spirit which can continue to evolve upwards<00:04:13.360> the<00:04:13.760> staircase<00:04:14.760> bringing<00:04:15.239> us<00:04:15.840> into upwards the staircase bringing us into upwards the staircase bringing us into wholeness wholeness wholeness authenticity<00:04:18.519> and<00:04:18.799> wisdom<00:04:19.799> and<00:04:20.320> here's<00:04:20.519> an authenticity and wisdom and here's an authenticity and wisdom and here's an example<00:04:21.359> of<00:04:21.519> what<00:04:21.680> I<00:04:21.759> mean<00:04:22.320> this<00:04:22.759> this<00:04:23.040> upward example of what I mean this this upward example of what I mean this this upward Ascension<00:04:24.320> can<00:04:24.600> happen<00:04:25.000> even<00:04:25.240> in<00:04:25.400> the<00:04:25.600> face<00:04:25.800> of Ascension can happen even in the face of Ascension can happen even in the face of extreme<00:04:26.520> physical<00:04:26.960> challenges<00:04:27.880> about<00:04:28.160> three extreme physical challenges about three extreme physical challenges about three years<00:04:28.639> ago<00:04:28.960> I<00:04:29.080> read<00:04:29.280> an<00:04:29.400> article<00:04:29.919> in<00:04:30.000> the<00:04:30.080> New years ago I read an article in the New years ago I read an article in the New York<00:04:30.680> Times<00:04:31.680> um<00:04:32.160> was<00:04:32.320> about<00:04:32.520> a<00:04:32.680> man<00:04:32.960> named<00:04:33.240> Neil York Times um was about a man named Neil York Times um was about a man named Neil singer<00:04:34.240> 57<00:04:34.840> years<00:04:35.039> old<00:04:35.320> a<00:04:35.520> retired<00:04:35.960> lawyer<00:04:36.960> who singer 57 years old a retired lawyer who singer 57 years old a retired lawyer who had<00:04:37.280> joined<00:04:37.720> the<00:04:37.840> writers<00:04:38.320> group<00:04:38.639> at<00:04:38.840> Sarah had joined the writers group at Sarah had joined the writers group at Sarah Lawrence<00:04:40.039> where<00:04:40.199> he<00:04:40.360> found<00:04:40.800> his<00:04:41.000> writer's Lawrence where he found his writer's Lawrence where he found his writer's voice<00:04:42.840> two<00:04:43.120> years<00:04:43.440> later<00:04:43.840> he<00:04:44.000> was<00:04:44.240> diagnosed voice two years later he was diagnosed voice two years later he was diagnosed with<00:04:45.560> ALS<00:04:46.560> commonly<00:04:46.960> known<00:04:47.199> as<00:04:47.320> lugar's with ALS commonly known as lugar's with ALS commonly known as lugar's disease<00:04:48.479> it's<00:04:48.639> a<00:04:48.800> terrible<00:04:49.240> disease<00:04:49.639> it's disease it's a terrible disease it's disease it's a terrible disease it's fatal<00:04:50.840> it<00:04:51.039> wastes<00:04:51.639> the<00:04:51.800> body<00:04:52.199> but<00:04:52.400> the<00:04:52.560> Mind fatal it wastes the body but the Mind fatal it wastes the body but the Mind remains<00:04:53.919> intact<00:04:54.919> in<00:04:55.160> this<00:04:55.440> article<00:04:55.960> Mr remains intact in this article Mr remains intact in this article Mr Selinger<00:04:56.800> wrote<00:04:57.120> The<00:04:57.360> Following<00:04:58.360> to<00:04:58.639> describe Selinger wrote The Following to describe Selinger wrote The Following to describe what<00:04:59.479> was<00:04:59.880> happening<00:05:00.240> to<00:05:00.560> him<00:05:01.560> and<00:05:01.800> I what was happening to him and I what was happening to him and I quote<00:05:03.759> as<00:05:04.000> my<00:05:04.240> muscles quote as my muscles quote as my muscles weakened<00:05:06.400> my<00:05:06.600> writing<00:05:07.120> became<00:05:08.080> stronger<00:05:09.080> as<00:05:09.240> I weakened my writing became stronger as I weakened my writing became stronger as I slowly<00:05:10.039> lost<00:05:10.560> my<00:05:11.120> speech<00:05:12.120> I<00:05:12.280> gained<00:05:12.759> my slowly lost my speech I gained my slowly lost my speech I gained my voice<00:05:14.560> as<00:05:14.720> I<00:05:14.919> diminished<00:05:15.800> I<00:05:16.240> grew<00:05:17.240> as<00:05:17.440> I<00:05:17.680> lost voice as I diminished I grew as I lost voice as I diminished I grew as I lost so<00:05:18.560> much<00:05:19.120> I<00:05:19.440> finally<00:05:20.000> started<00:05:20.440> to<00:05:20.639> find so much I finally started to find so much I finally started to find myself<00:05:23.720> Neil<00:05:23.960> singer<00:05:24.560> to<00:05:24.720> me<00:05:24.840> is<00:05:25.039> the myself Neil singer to me is the myself Neil singer to me is the embodiment<00:05:26.360> of<00:05:26.520> mounting<00:05:27.000> the<00:05:27.400> staircase<00:05:28.400> in embodiment of mounting the staircase in embodiment of mounting the staircase in his<00:05:28.800> third<00:05:29.160> Act his third Act his third Act now<00:05:31.120> we're<00:05:31.360> all<00:05:31.600> born<00:05:32.039> with<00:05:32.280> spirit<00:05:32.720> all<00:05:32.880> of<00:05:33.080> us now we're all born with spirit all of us now we're all born with spirit all of us but<00:05:34.199> sometimes<00:05:34.479> it<00:05:34.680> gets<00:05:34.960> tamped<00:05:35.360> down but sometimes it gets tamped down but sometimes it gets tamped down beneath<00:05:36.039> the<00:05:36.199> challenges<00:05:36.720> of<00:05:36.960> life<00:05:37.840> violence beneath the challenges of life violence beneath the challenges of life violence abuse abuse abuse neglect<00:05:40.840> perhaps<00:05:41.199> our<00:05:41.440> parents<00:05:41.800> suffered neglect perhaps our parents suffered neglect perhaps our parents suffered from<00:05:42.440> depression<00:05:43.440> perhaps<00:05:43.840> they<00:05:44.000> weren't from depression perhaps they weren't from depression perhaps they weren't able<00:05:44.600> to<00:05:44.840> love<00:05:45.120> us<00:05:45.400> Beyond<00:05:45.960> how<00:05:46.199> we<00:05:46.800> performed able to love us Beyond how we performed able to love us Beyond how we performed in<00:05:47.560> the<00:05:47.800> world<00:05:48.800> um<00:05:49.280> perhaps<00:05:49.720> we<00:05:49.919> still<00:05:50.240> suffer in the world um perhaps we still suffer in the world um perhaps we still suffer from<00:05:51.000> a<00:05:51.360> a<00:05:51.560> psychic<00:05:52.120> pain<00:05:52.440> a<00:05:52.600> wound<00:05:53.319> perhaps<00:05:53.759> we from a a psychic pain a wound perhaps we from a a psychic pain a wound perhaps we feel<00:05:54.160> that<00:05:54.360> many<00:05:54.600> of<00:05:54.759> our<00:05:55.000> relationships<00:05:55.960> have feel that many of our relationships have feel that many of our relationships have not<00:05:56.400> had<00:05:56.600> closure<00:05:57.440> and<00:05:57.560> so<00:05:57.919> we<00:05:58.080> can<00:05:58.280> feel not had closure and so we can feel not had closure and so we can feel unfinished unfinished unfinished perhaps<00:06:01.520> the<00:06:01.840> task<00:06:02.639> of<00:06:02.800> the<00:06:02.960> third<00:06:03.520> Act<00:06:04.520> is<00:06:04.960> to perhaps the task of the third Act is to perhaps the task of the third Act is to finish<00:06:05.560> up<00:06:05.759> the<00:06:05.960> task<00:06:06.199> of<00:06:06.319> finishing finish up the task of finishing finish up the task of finishing ourselves<00:06:08.680> for<00:06:08.880> me<00:06:09.120> it<00:06:09.319> began<00:06:10.280> as<00:06:10.440> I<00:06:10.560> was ourselves for me it began as I was ourselves for me it began as I was approaching<00:06:11.840> my<00:06:12.039> third<00:06:12.400> act<00:06:12.759> my<00:06:12.960> 60th approaching my third act my 60th approaching my third act my 60th birthday<00:06:15.039> how<00:06:15.199> was<00:06:15.360> I<00:06:15.599> supposed<00:06:15.880> to<00:06:16.000> live<00:06:16.199> it birthday how was I supposed to live it birthday how was I supposed to live it what<00:06:17.039> was<00:06:17.160> I<00:06:17.319> supposed<00:06:17.639> to<00:06:17.880> accomplish<00:06:18.360> in what was I supposed to accomplish in what was I supposed to accomplish in this<00:06:18.720> Final<00:06:19.120> Act<00:06:19.800> and<00:06:19.960> I<00:06:20.160> realized<00:06:20.720> that<00:06:20.880> in this Final Act and I realized that in this Final Act and I realized that in order<00:06:21.680> to<00:06:21.840> know<00:06:22.120> where<00:06:22.319> I<00:06:22.440> was<00:06:23.000> going<00:06:24.000> I<00:06:24.120> had<00:06:24.280> to order to know where I was going I had to order to know where I was going I had to know<00:06:24.639> where<00:06:24.840> I'd<00:06:25.199> been<00:06:26.199> and<00:06:26.400> so<00:06:27.000> I<00:06:27.120> went<00:06:27.479> back know where I'd been and so I went back know where I'd been and so I went back and<00:06:27.960> I<00:06:28.160> studied<00:06:28.759> my<00:06:28.919> first<00:06:29.120> two<00:06:29.360> Act and I studied my first two Act and I studied my first two Act trying<00:06:30.639> to<00:06:30.880> see<00:06:31.479> who<00:06:31.759> I<00:06:31.960> was<00:06:32.400> then<00:06:32.919> who<00:06:33.120> I trying to see who I was then who I trying to see who I was then who I really<00:06:33.840> was<00:06:34.199> not<00:06:34.440> who<00:06:35.400> my<00:06:35.680> parents<00:06:36.080> or<00:06:36.319> other really was not who my parents or other really was not who my parents or other people<00:06:36.919> told<00:06:37.199> me<00:06:37.440> I<00:06:37.720> was<00:06:38.360> or<00:06:38.639> treated<00:06:39.039> me<00:06:39.319> like people told me I was or treated me like people told me I was or treated me like I<00:06:39.639> was<00:06:39.880> but<00:06:40.039> who<00:06:40.240> was<00:06:40.440> I<00:06:40.800> who<00:06:40.960> were<00:06:41.160> my<00:06:41.400> parents I was but who was I who were my parents I was but who was I who were my parents not<00:06:42.280> as<00:06:42.520> parents<00:06:42.880> but<00:06:43.039> as not as parents but as not as parents but as people<00:06:45.000> who<00:06:45.160> were<00:06:45.360> my<00:06:45.759> grandparents<00:06:46.759> how<00:06:46.880> did people who were my grandparents how did people who were my grandparents how did they<00:06:47.280> treat<00:06:47.639> my<00:06:47.840> parents<00:06:48.599> these<00:06:48.840> kinds<00:06:49.039> of

things<00:06:52.599> I<00:06:53.039> discovered<00:06:53.840> a<00:06:53.960> couple<00:06:54.199> of<00:06:54.400> years
things I discovered a couple of years things I discovered a couple of years later<00:06:55.280> that<00:06:55.680> this<00:06:56.080> process<00:06:56.560> that<00:06:56.720> I<00:06:56.840> had<00:06:57.039> gone later that this process that I had gone later that this process that I had gone through<00:06:58.199> is<00:06:58.400> called<00:06:58.840> by<00:06:59.080> Psych<00:06:59.560> ol<00:06:59.639> ologists through is called by Psych ol ologists through is called by Psych ol ologists doing<00:07:00.599> a<00:07:00.800> Life<00:07:01.080> review<00:07:02.000> and<00:07:02.160> they<00:07:02.319> say<00:07:02.560> it<00:07:02.720> can doing a Life review and they say it can doing a Life review and they say it can give<00:07:03.199> new<00:07:03.599> significance<00:07:04.240> and<00:07:04.479> Clarity<00:07:04.919> and give new significance and Clarity and give new significance and Clarity and meaning<00:07:05.840> to<00:07:06.000> a<00:07:06.199> person's<00:07:06.960> life<00:07:07.960> you<00:07:08.120> may meaning to a person's life you may meaning to a person's life you may discover<00:07:09.360> as<00:07:09.560> I<00:07:09.800> did<00:07:10.680> that<00:07:10.879> a<00:07:11.039> lot<00:07:11.240> of<00:07:11.479> things discover as I did that a lot of things discover as I did that a lot of things that<00:07:12.000> you<00:07:12.240> used<00:07:12.479> to<00:07:12.599> think<00:07:12.800> were<00:07:13.000> your<00:07:13.639> fault<00:07:14.639> a that you used to think were your fault a that you used to think were your fault a lot<00:07:14.879> of<00:07:15.000> things<00:07:15.199> that<00:07:15.319> you<00:07:15.560> used<00:07:15.759> to<00:07:15.919> think lot of things that you used to think lot of things that you used to think about<00:07:16.440> yourself<00:07:17.440> really<00:07:17.879> had<00:07:18.120> nothing<00:07:18.440> to<00:07:18.599> do about yourself really had nothing to do about yourself really had nothing to do with<00:07:19.319> you<00:07:20.319> it<00:07:20.440> wasn't<00:07:20.800> your<00:07:21.080> fault<00:07:22.080> you're with you it wasn't your fault you're with you it wasn't your fault you're just<00:07:22.639> fine<00:07:23.639> and<00:07:23.759> you're<00:07:24.039> able<00:07:24.720> to<00:07:24.919> go<00:07:25.160> back<00:07:25.440> and just fine and you're able to go back and just fine and you're able to go back and forgive<00:07:26.240> them<00:07:27.240> and<00:07:27.400> forgive<00:07:28.120> yourself<00:07:29.120> you're forgive them and forgive yourself you're forgive them and forgive yourself you're able<00:07:29.879> to<00:07:30.720> free<00:07:31.440> yourself<00:07:32.440> from<00:07:32.639> your<00:07:33.160> past<00:07:34.160> you able to free yourself from your past you able to free yourself from your past you can<00:07:34.479> work<00:07:34.720> to<00:07:34.960> change<00:07:35.639> your<00:07:35.919> relationship<00:07:36.800> to can work to change your relationship to can work to change your relationship to your<00:07:37.479> past<00:07:38.479> now<00:07:38.720> while<00:07:38.919> I<00:07:39.039> was<00:07:39.240> writing<00:07:39.639> about your past now while I was writing about your past now while I was writing about this<00:07:40.240> I<00:07:40.400> Came<00:07:40.599> Upon<00:07:40.879> a<00:07:41.039> book<00:07:41.280> called<00:07:41.639> Man's this I Came Upon a book called Man's this I Came Upon a book called Man's Search<00:07:42.479> for<00:07:42.680> meaning<00:07:43.560> by<00:07:43.759> Victor<00:07:44.080> Frankle Search for meaning by Victor Frankle Search for meaning by Victor Frankle Victor<00:07:45.479> Frankle<00:07:45.919> was<00:07:46.080> a<00:07:46.240> German<00:07:46.639> psychiatrist Victor Frankle was a German psychiatrist Victor Frankle was a German psychiatrist who<00:07:47.759> who'd<00:07:47.960> spent<00:07:48.280> five<00:07:48.520> years<00:07:48.720> in<00:07:48.840> a<00:07:49.000> Nazi who who'd spent five years in a Nazi who who'd spent five years in a Nazi concentration<00:07:50.120> camp<00:07:51.039> and<00:07:51.159> he<00:07:51.319> wrote<00:07:51.599> that concentration camp and he wrote that concentration camp and he wrote that while<00:07:52.080> he<00:07:52.199> was<00:07:52.360> in<00:07:52.520> the<00:07:53.000> camp<00:07:54.000> he<00:07:54.159> could<00:07:54.560> tell while he was in the camp he could tell while he was in the camp he could tell should<00:07:55.840> they<00:07:56.000> ever<00:07:56.240> be<00:07:56.520> released<00:07:57.520> which<00:07:57.680> of should they ever be released which of should they ever be released which of the<00:07:58.039> people<00:07:58.639> would<00:07:58.840> be<00:07:59.120> okay the people would be okay the people would be okay and<00:08:00.479> which<00:08:01.120> would<00:08:01.400> not<00:08:02.319> and<00:08:02.479> he<00:08:02.639> wrote

this<00:08:07.520> everything<00:08:07.919> you<00:08:08.159> have<00:08:08.360> in<00:08:08.560> life<00:08:08.879> can<00:08:09.000> be
this everything you have in life can be this everything you have in life can be taken<00:08:09.599> from<00:08:09.800> you<00:08:10.120> except<00:08:10.560> one<00:08:11.199> thing<00:08:12.199> your taken from you except one thing your taken from you except one thing your freedom<00:08:12.919> to<00:08:13.319> choose<00:08:14.319> how<00:08:14.639> you<00:08:14.759> will<00:08:15.080> respond freedom to choose how you will respond freedom to choose how you will respond to<00:08:16.080> the to the to the situation<00:08:18.479> this<00:08:18.680> is<00:08:18.919> what<00:08:19.120> determines<00:08:19.720> the situation this is what determines the situation this is what determines the quality<00:08:20.280> of<00:08:20.440> the<00:08:20.599> life<00:08:20.840> we've<00:08:21.080> lived<00:08:22.000> not quality of the life we've lived not quality of the life we've lived not whether<00:08:22.560> we've<00:08:22.759> been<00:08:22.919> rich<00:08:23.080> or<00:08:23.240> poor<00:08:24.080> famous whether we've been rich or poor famous whether we've been rich or poor famous or<00:08:24.879> unknown<00:08:25.879> healthy<00:08:26.319> or or unknown healthy or or unknown healthy or suffering<00:08:28.080> what<00:08:28.319> determines<00:08:28.960> our<00:08:29.159> quality<00:08:29.759> of suffering what determines our quality of suffering what determines our quality of life<00:08:30.759> is<00:08:31.120> how<00:08:31.360> we<00:08:31.639> relate<00:08:32.479> to<00:08:32.760> these<00:08:33.039> realities life is how we relate to these realities life is how we relate to these realities what<00:08:33.959> kind<00:08:34.120> of<00:08:34.320> meaning<00:08:35.120> we<00:08:35.320> assign<00:08:35.719> them<00:08:35.919> what what kind of meaning we assign them what what kind of meaning we assign them what kind<00:08:36.279> of<00:08:36.839> attitude<00:08:37.479> we<00:08:37.599> cling<00:08:37.880> to<00:08:38.200> about<00:08:38.479> them kind of attitude we cling to about them kind of attitude we cling to about them what<00:08:39.320> state<00:08:39.560> of<00:08:39.800> mind<00:08:40.320> we<00:08:40.519> allow<00:08:40.880> them<00:08:41.039> to what state of mind we allow them to what state of mind we allow them to trigger<00:08:43.120> perhaps<00:08:43.560> the<00:08:43.680> Central<00:08:44.080> purpose<00:08:44.399> of trigger perhaps the Central purpose of trigger perhaps the Central purpose of the<00:08:44.680> third<00:08:45.040> Act<00:08:45.720> is<00:08:45.880> to<00:08:46.120> go<00:08:46.399> back<00:08:47.279> and<00:08:47.399> to<00:08:47.680> try the third Act is to go back and to try the third Act is to go back and to try if<00:08:48.760> appropriate<00:08:49.760> to<00:08:50.320> change<00:08:50.839> our if appropriate to change our if appropriate to change our relationship<00:08:52.240> to<00:08:52.480> the<00:08:53.080> past<00:08:54.080> it<00:08:54.240> turns<00:08:54.640> out relationship to the past it turns out relationship to the past it turns out that<00:08:55.480> cognitive<00:08:56.000> research<00:08:56.440> shows<00:08:57.320> when<00:08:57.519> we that cognitive research shows when we that cognitive research shows when we are<00:08:57.880> able<00:08:58.200> to<00:08:58.399> do<00:08:58.680> this<00:08:58.880> it<00:08:59.079> manif<00:08:59.640> ests are able to do this it manif ests are able to do this it manif ests neurologically<00:09:01.680> neural<00:09:02.320> pathways<00:09:02.959> are neurologically neural pathways are neurologically neural pathways are created<00:09:04.120> in<00:09:04.240> the<00:09:04.399> brain<00:09:04.760> you<00:09:04.880> see<00:09:05.120> if<00:09:05.279> you<00:09:05.519> have created in the brain you see if you have created in the brain you see if you have over<00:09:06.160> time<00:09:06.720> reacted<00:09:07.399> negatively<00:09:08.360> to<00:09:08.680> past over time reacted negatively to past over time reacted negatively to past events<00:09:09.279> in<00:09:09.519> people<00:09:10.200> neural<00:09:10.760> pathways<00:09:11.480> are events in people neural pathways are events in people neural pathways are laid<00:09:12.000> down<00:09:12.399> by<00:09:12.959> chemical<00:09:13.360> and<00:09:13.600> electrical laid down by chemical and electrical laid down by chemical and electrical signals<00:09:14.600> that<00:09:14.680> are<00:09:14.839> sent<00:09:15.079> through<00:09:15.240> the<00:09:15.440> brain signals that are sent through the brain signals that are sent through the brain and<00:09:16.560> over<00:09:16.839> time<00:09:17.279> these<00:09:17.440> neural<00:09:17.920> Pathways and over time these neural Pathways and over time these neural Pathways become<00:09:18.760> hardwired<00:09:19.760> they<00:09:19.959> become<00:09:20.240> the<00:09:20.399> norm become hardwired they become the norm become hardwired they become the norm even<00:09:21.519> if<00:09:21.640> it's<00:09:21.880> bad<00:09:22.120> for<00:09:22.320> us<00:09:22.560> because<00:09:22.760> it even if it's bad for us because it even if it's bad for us because it causes<00:09:23.320> us<00:09:23.880> Stress<00:09:24.360> and causes us Stress and causes us Stress and Anxiety<00:09:26.360> if<00:09:27.000> however<00:09:27.800> we<00:09:27.959> can<00:09:28.200> go<00:09:28.480> back<00:09:29.480> and Anxiety if however we can go back and Anxiety if however we can go back and alter<00:09:30.320> our<00:09:30.600> relationship<00:09:31.680> revision<00:09:32.680> our alter our relationship revision our alter our relationship revision our relationship<00:09:33.839> to<00:09:34.120> past<00:09:34.480> people<00:09:35.000> and<00:09:35.200> events relationship to past people and events relationship to past people and events neural<00:09:36.240> Pathways<00:09:36.760> can<00:09:36.959> change<00:09:37.720> and<00:09:37.880> if<00:09:38.040> we<00:09:38.160> can neural Pathways can change and if we can neural Pathways can change and if we can maintain<00:09:39.399> the<00:09:39.560> more<00:09:40.120> positive<00:09:41.120> uh<00:09:41.279> feelings maintain the more positive uh feelings maintain the more positive uh feelings about<00:09:42.079> the<00:09:42.320> past<00:09:42.920> that<00:09:43.120> becomes<00:09:43.519> the<00:09:43.680> new<00:09:43.880> Norm about the past that becomes the new Norm about the past that becomes the new Norm it<00:09:44.920> it's<00:09:45.079> like<00:09:45.360> resetting<00:09:46.160> a it it's like resetting a it it's like resetting a thermostat<00:09:48.079> you<00:09:48.200> know<00:09:48.399> it's<00:09:48.920> it's<00:09:49.120> not<00:09:49.519> having thermostat you know it's it's not having thermostat you know it's it's not having experiences<00:09:51.240> that<00:09:51.440> make<00:09:51.920> us<00:09:53.360> Wise<00:09:54.360> It's experiences that make us Wise It's experiences that make us Wise It's reflecting<00:09:55.519> on<00:09:55.720> the<00:09:56.000> experiences<00:09:56.839> that<00:09:57.000> we've reflecting on the experiences that we've reflecting on the experiences that we've had<00:09:58.079> that<00:09:58.240> makes<00:09:58.560> us<00:09:58.839> wise<00:09:59.120> and<00:09:59.399> that<00:09:59.560> helps<00:09:59.880> us had that makes us wise and that helps us had that makes us wise and that helps us become<00:10:00.760> whole<00:10:01.640> brings<00:10:02.079> wisdom<00:10:02.440> and become whole brings wisdom and become whole brings wisdom and authenticity<00:10:03.800> it<00:10:04.000> helps<00:10:04.279> us<00:10:04.560> become<00:10:05.200> what<00:10:05.360> we authenticity it helps us become what we authenticity it helps us become what we might<00:10:05.800> have might have might have been<00:10:07.720> women<00:10:08.120> start<00:10:08.519> off<00:10:08.880> whole<00:10:09.399> don't<00:10:09.640> we<00:10:09.800> I been women start off whole don't we I been women start off whole don't we I mean<00:10:10.000> as<00:10:10.200> girls<00:10:10.560> we're<00:10:10.760> feisty<00:10:11.480> yaho<00:10:12.320> says<00:10:13.320> we mean as girls we're feisty yaho says we mean as girls we're feisty yaho says we have<00:10:13.800> agency<00:10:14.800> we<00:10:14.920> are<00:10:15.160> the<00:10:15.519> subjects<00:10:16.040> of<00:10:16.160> our have agency we are the subjects of our have agency we are the subjects of our own<00:10:16.680> lives<00:10:17.519> but<00:10:17.839> very<00:10:18.200> often<00:10:18.720> many<00:10:19.040> if<00:10:19.200> not own lives but very often many if not own lives but very often many if not most<00:10:19.680> of<00:10:19.800> us<00:10:20.000> when<00:10:20.120> we<00:10:20.279> hit<00:10:20.519> puberty<00:10:21.480> we<00:10:21.600> start most of us when we hit puberty we start most of us when we hit puberty we start worrying<00:10:22.279> about<00:10:22.519> fitting<00:10:22.880> in<00:10:23.120> and<00:10:23.279> being worrying about fitting in and being worrying about fitting in and being popular<00:10:24.880> and<00:10:25.079> we<00:10:25.399> we<00:10:25.600> become<00:10:25.959> the<00:10:26.399> subjects popular and we we become the subjects popular and we we become the subjects and<00:10:27.079> objects<00:10:27.480> of<00:10:27.680> other<00:10:27.920> people's<00:10:28.399> lives<00:10:29.360> but and objects of other people's lives but and objects of other people's lives but now<00:10:29.959> in<00:10:30.120> our<00:10:30.320> third<00:10:31.079> acts<00:10:32.079> it<00:10:32.279> may<00:10:32.560> be<00:10:32.920> possible now in our third acts it may be possible now in our third acts it may be possible for<00:10:33.600> us<00:10:34.480> to<00:10:34.760> Circle<00:10:35.320> back<00:10:35.519> to<00:10:35.720> where<00:10:35.920> we for us to Circle back to where we for us to Circle back to where we started<00:10:37.440> and<00:10:37.600> know<00:10:37.880> it<00:10:38.720> for<00:10:38.959> the<00:10:39.120> first<00:10:39.480> time started and know it for the first time started and know it for the first time and<00:10:40.519> if<00:10:40.680> we<00:10:40.839> can<00:10:41.040> do<00:10:41.360> that<00:10:41.600> it<00:10:41.720> will<00:10:42.000> not<00:10:42.399> just and if we can do that it will not just and if we can do that it will not just be<00:10:43.079> for<00:10:43.839> ourselves<00:10:44.839> older<00:10:45.360> women<00:10:45.920> are<00:10:46.120> the be for ourselves older women are the be for ourselves older women are the largest<00:10:46.800> demographic<00:10:47.480> in<00:10:47.639> the<00:10:48.200> world<00:10:49.200> if<00:10:49.399> we largest demographic in the world if we largest demographic in the world if we can<00:10:49.800> go<00:10:50.120> back<00:10:50.480> and<00:10:50.720> redefine<00:10:51.480> ourselves<00:10:52.480> and can go back and redefine ourselves and can go back and redefine ourselves and become<00:10:53.279> whole<00:10:54.279> this<00:10:54.639> will<00:10:55.639> create<00:10:56.040> a<00:10:56.240> cultural become whole this will create a cultural become whole this will create a cultural shift<00:10:57.120> in<00:10:57.279> the<00:10:57.839> world<00:10:58.839> and<00:10:59.000> it<00:10:59.320> will<00:10:59.600> give<00:10:59.800> an shift in the world and it will give an shift in the world and it will give an example<00:11:00.639> to<00:11:00.839> younger<00:11:01.279> Generations<00:11:02.040> so<00:11:02.200> that example to younger Generations so that example to younger Generations so that they<00:11:02.519> can<00:11:02.720> reconceive<00:11:03.200> their<00:11:03.639> own<00:11:04.040> lifespan they can reconceive their own lifespan they can reconceive their own lifespan thank<00:11:05.200> you<00:11:05.399> very thank you very thank you very [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] much<00:11:12.240> thank<00:11:12.440> you

Jane Fonda, TED, TEDx, TEDxWomen, life, expectancy, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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