Hành trình trên dây – Philippe Petit

The journey across the high wire - Philippe Petit

The journey across the high wire - Philippe Petit


this<00:00:18.020> sound<00:00:19.869> this<00:00:20.869> smell<00:00:24.310> this<00:00:25.310> sight<00:00:28.090> all
this sound this smell this sight all this sound this smell this sight all remind<00:00:29.779> me<00:00:29.960> of<00:00:29.989> the<00:00:30.230> campfires<00:00:30.829> of<00:00:31.160> my remind me of the campfires of my remind me of the campfires of my childhood<00:00:31.910> when<00:00:32.899> anyone<00:00:33.620> could<00:00:34.430> become<00:00:34.610> a childhood when anyone could become a childhood when anyone could become a storyteller<00:00:35.899> in<00:00:36.140> front<00:00:36.380> of<00:00:36.500> the<00:00:36.620> dancing storyteller in front of the dancing storyteller in front of the dancing flames

there<00:00:41.120> was<00:00:41.270> this<00:00:41.450> wondrous<00:00:42.020> ending<00:00:42.770> when
there was this wondrous ending when there was this wondrous ending when people<00:00:43.640> and<00:00:43.820> fire<00:00:44.150> will<00:00:45.080> fall<00:00:45.350> asleep<00:00:45.740> almost people and fire will fall asleep almost people and fire will fall asleep almost in<00:00:46.520> unison<00:00:47.020> it<00:00:48.020> was<00:00:48.520> dreaming<00:00:49.520> time<00:00:51.040> now<00:00:52.040> my in unison it was dreaming time now my in unison it was dreaming time now my story<00:00:52.670> has<00:00:53.360> a<00:00:53.390> lot<00:00:53.630> to<00:00:53.660> do<00:00:53.900> with<00:00:54.110> dreaming story has a lot to do with dreaming story has a lot to do with dreaming although<00:00:54.800> unknown<00:00:55.670> to<00:00:55.880> make<00:00:56.030> my<00:00:56.180> dreams<00:00:56.510> come although unknown to make my dreams come although unknown to make my dreams come true true true last<00:00:59.030> year<00:00:59.450> I<00:00:59.720> created<00:01:00.620> a<00:01:00.860> one-man<00:01:01.310> show<00:01:01.610> for last year I created a one-man show for last year I created a one-man show for an<00:01:02.750> hour<00:01:03.020> and<00:01:03.380> a<00:01:03.500> half<00:01:03.739> I<00:01:04.189> shared<00:01:05.119> with<00:01:05.360> the an hour and a half I shared with the an hour and a half I shared with the audience<00:01:05.930> a<00:01:06.229> lifetime<00:01:07.220> of<00:01:07.490> creativity<00:01:08.119> how<00:01:08.810> I audience a lifetime of creativity how I audience a lifetime of creativity how I pursue<00:01:09.619> perfection<00:01:09.850> how<00:01:10.850> I<00:01:10.880> cheat<00:01:11.420> the pursue perfection how I cheat the pursue perfection how I cheat the impossible<00:01:12.380> and<00:01:12.680> then<00:01:13.549> Ted<00:01:14.329> challenged<00:01:15.020> me impossible and then Ted challenged me impossible and then Ted challenged me Philippe<00:01:15.890> can<00:01:16.040> you<00:01:16.159> swing<00:01:16.610> this<00:01:16.820> lifetime<00:01:17.090> to Philippe can you swing this lifetime to Philippe can you swing this lifetime to 18<00:01:17.840> minutes<00:01:19.300> 18<00:01:20.300> minutes<00:01:20.630> clearly<00:01:21.200> impossible 18 minutes 18 minutes clearly impossible 18 minutes 18 minutes clearly impossible but<00:01:24.020> here<00:01:24.229> I<00:01:24.290> am<00:01:25.420> one<00:01:26.420> solution<00:01:26.900> was<00:01:27.049> to but here I am one solution was to but here I am one solution was to rehearse<00:01:27.380> a<00:01:27.440> machine<00:01:27.799> gun<00:01:27.920> delivery<00:01:28.250> in<00:01:28.400> which rehearse a machine gun delivery in which rehearse a machine gun delivery in which every<00:01:28.909> syllable<00:01:29.210> of<00:01:29.330> a<00:01:29.420> second<00:01:29.659> will<00:01:29.780> have<00:01:29.870> its every syllable of a second will have its every syllable of a second will have its importance<00:01:30.320> and<00:01:30.530> hope<00:01:30.740> the<00:01:30.860> audience<00:01:31.040> will<00:01:31.159> be importance and hope the audience will be importance and hope the audience will be able<00:01:31.549> to<00:01:31.640> follow<00:01:31.760> me<00:01:31.940> what<00:01:32.060> I<00:01:32.150> no<00:01:32.210> no<00:01:32.450> no<00:01:32.570> no<00:01:32.780> now able to follow me what I no no no no now able to follow me what I no no no no now the<00:01:33.350> best<00:01:33.620> way<00:01:34.090> for<00:01:35.090> me<00:01:35.240> to<00:01:35.270> start<00:01:35.780> is<00:01:36.500> to<00:01:36.770> pay the best way for me to start is to pay the best way for me to start is to pay my<00:01:37.220> respects<00:01:37.790> to<00:01:38.150> the<00:01:38.479> gods<00:01:38.720> of<00:01:38.960> creativity<00:01:39.619> so my respects to the gods of creativity so my respects to the gods of creativity so please<00:01:40.220> join<00:01:40.460> me<00:01:40.670> for<00:01:40.850> a<00:01:41.180> minute<00:01:41.630> of<00:01:41.810> silence

okay<00:02:01.520> I<00:02:01.549> cheated<00:02:01.940> it<00:02:02.240> was<00:02:02.420> a<00:02:02.450> mayor<00:02:02.720> 20<00:02:03.110> seconds
okay I cheated it was a mayor 20 seconds okay I cheated it was a mayor 20 seconds but<00:02:03.560> hey<00:02:03.680> we<00:02:03.830> on<00:02:03.950> Ted<00:02:04.190> time<00:02:05.860> when<00:02:06.860> I<00:02:06.890> was<00:02:07.100> six but hey we on Ted time when I was six but hey we on Ted time when I was six years<00:02:07.460> old<00:02:07.880> I<00:02:08.300> fell<00:02:09.080> in<00:02:09.229> love<00:02:09.259> with<00:02:09.860> magic<00:02:10.660> for years old I fell in love with magic for years old I fell in love with magic for Christmas<00:02:12.290> I<00:02:12.440> got<00:02:12.620> a<00:02:12.650> magic<00:02:12.890> box<00:02:13.280> and<00:02:13.459> a<00:02:14.000> very Christmas I got a magic box and a very Christmas I got a magic box and a very old<00:02:14.600> book<00:02:15.050> on<00:02:15.380> card<00:02:15.890> manipulation<00:02:17.620> somehow<00:02:18.620> I old book on card manipulation somehow I old book on card manipulation somehow I was<00:02:18.980> more<00:02:19.220> interested<00:02:19.520> in<00:02:19.880> pure<00:02:20.209> manipulation was more interested in pure manipulation was more interested in pure manipulation that<00:02:21.410> in<00:02:21.530> all<00:02:21.770> the<00:02:21.980> silly<00:02:22.640> little<00:02:22.880> tricks<00:02:23.420> in<00:02:23.750> a that in all the silly little tricks in a that in all the silly little tricks in a box<00:02:24.440> so<00:02:25.340> I<00:02:25.370> look<00:02:25.640> in<00:02:25.760> the<00:02:25.880> book<00:02:26.060> for<00:02:26.239> the<00:02:26.360> most box so I look in the book for the most box so I look in the book for the most difficult<00:02:27.440> move<00:02:28.220> and<00:02:28.610> it<00:02:29.390> was<00:02:29.739> this<00:02:31.360> now<00:02:32.360> I'm difficult move and it was this now I'm difficult move and it was this now I'm not<00:02:32.750> supposed<00:02:33.080> to<00:02:33.200> share<00:02:33.410> that<00:02:33.620> with<00:02:33.800> you<00:02:33.860> but not supposed to share that with you but not supposed to share that with you but I<00:02:34.400> have<00:02:34.850> to<00:02:35.000> show<00:02:35.209> you<00:02:35.239> the<00:02:35.480> card<00:02:35.750> is<00:02:36.080> hidden<00:02:36.860> in I have to show you the card is hidden in I have to show you the card is hidden in the<00:02:37.459> back<00:02:37.730> of<00:02:37.970> the<00:02:38.330> hand<00:02:38.860> now<00:02:39.890> that the back of the hand now that the back of the hand now that manipulation<00:02:41.680> was<00:02:42.680> broken<00:02:43.160> down<00:02:43.340> into<00:02:43.610> seven manipulation was broken down into seven manipulation was broken down into seven moves<00:02:45.190> described<00:02:46.190> over<00:02:46.550> seven<00:02:46.940> pages<00:02:47.890> one<00:02:48.890> two moves described over seven pages one two moves described over seven pages one two three<00:02:50.660> four<00:02:51.470> five<00:02:52.220> six<00:02:52.760> and<00:02:53.000> seven<00:02:53.959> and<00:02:54.200> let<00:02:54.950> me three four five six and seven and let me three four five six and seven and let me show<00:02:55.220> you<00:02:55.280> something<00:02:55.730> else<00:02:55.880> the<00:02:56.300> cards<00:03:00.250> were show you something else the cards were show you something else the cards were bigger<00:03:03.040> than<00:03:04.040> my<00:03:04.280> hands<00:03:06.459> two<00:03:07.459> months<00:03:07.790> later bigger than my hands two months later bigger than my hands two months later six<00:03:08.690> years<00:03:08.930> old<00:03:09.140> I<00:03:09.410> am<00:03:09.500> able<00:03:10.130> to<00:03:10.190> do<00:03:10.459> one<00:03:10.700> two six years old I am able to do one two six years old I am able to do one two three<00:03:11.150> four<00:03:11.360> five<00:03:11.570> six<00:03:11.780> seven<00:03:12.019> and<00:03:12.470> I<00:03:13.070> go<00:03:13.220> to three four five six seven and I go to three four five six seven and I go to see<00:03:13.549> if<00:03:13.730> famous<00:03:14.150> magicians<00:03:14.750> and<00:03:14.900> proudly<00:03:15.650> at see if famous magicians and proudly at see if famous magicians and proudly at but<00:03:16.040> what<00:03:16.160> do<00:03:16.250> you<00:03:16.280> think<00:03:16.870> six<00:03:17.870> years<00:03:17.989> old but what do you think six years old but what do you think six years old the<00:03:18.950> magician<00:03:19.280> looks<00:03:19.670> at<00:03:19.820> me<00:03:19.970> and<00:03:20.090> said<00:03:20.299> this the magician looks at me and said this the magician looks at me and said this is<00:03:21.230> a<00:03:21.260> disaster<00:03:21.980> I<00:03:22.160> mean<00:03:22.910> you<00:03:22.970> cannot<00:03:23.150> do<00:03:23.390> that is a disaster I mean you cannot do that is a disaster I mean you cannot do that in<00:03:23.870> two<00:03:24.290> seconds<00:03:24.890> and<00:03:25.100> have<00:03:25.760> a<00:03:25.790> minuscule<00:03:26.390> part in two seconds and have a minuscule part in two seconds and have a minuscule part of<00:03:26.930> the<00:03:27.079> card<00:03:27.350> showing<00:03:27.680> for<00:03:28.640> the<00:03:28.730> move<00:03:28.940> to<00:03:29.150> be of the card showing for the move to be of the card showing for the move to be professional<00:03:29.989> it<00:03:30.260> has<00:03:30.769> to<00:03:30.980> be<00:03:31.450> less<00:03:32.450> than<00:03:32.930> one professional it has to be less than one professional it has to be less than one second<00:03:33.590> and<00:03:34.000> it<00:03:35.000> has<00:03:35.690> to<00:03:36.140> be<00:03:36.320> perfect second and it has to be perfect second and it has to be perfect two<00:03:38.600> years<00:03:38.840> later<00:03:39.790> one<00:03:40.790> loop<00:03:41.860> and<00:03:42.970> I'm<00:03:43.970> not two years later one loop and I'm not two years later one loop and I'm not cheating<00:03:44.540> it's<00:03:44.690> in<00:03:44.780> the<00:03:44.870> back<00:03:45.019> it's<00:03:45.350> perfect


is<00:03:55.870> the<00:03:56.260> motto<00:03:56.470> of<00:03:56.620> all<00:03:57.160> my<00:03:57.430> actions<00:03:57.970> as<00:03:59.280> as<00:04:00.280> I'm
is the motto of all my actions as as I'm is the motto of all my actions as as I'm studying<00:04:01.770> magic<00:04:03.240> juggling<00:04:04.240> is<00:04:04.570> mentioned studying magic juggling is mentioned studying magic juggling is mentioned repeatedly<00:04:05.410> as<00:04:06.010> a<00:04:06.070> great<00:04:06.910> way<00:04:07.150> to<00:04:07.180> acquire repeatedly as a great way to acquire repeatedly as a great way to acquire dexterity<00:04:08.950> and<00:04:09.130> coordination<00:04:09.940> now<00:04:10.630> I<00:04:10.660> had dexterity and coordination now I had dexterity and coordination now I had long<00:04:11.260> admire<00:04:11.860> how<00:04:12.550> fast<00:04:13.450> and<00:04:13.750> fluidly long admire how fast and fluidly long admire how fast and fluidly jugglers<00:04:15.550> makes<00:04:15.820> objects<00:04:16.360> fly<00:04:16.570> so<00:04:17.410> that's<00:04:17.650> it jugglers makes objects fly so that's it jugglers makes objects fly so that's it I'm<00:04:18.010> 14<00:04:18.640> I'm<00:04:18.940> becoming<00:04:19.600> a<00:04:19.660> juggler<00:04:20.020> i<00:04:21.150> befriend I'm 14 I'm becoming a juggler i befriend I'm 14 I'm becoming a juggler i befriend a<00:04:22.510> young<00:04:22.960> Joe<00:04:23.260> Blow<00:04:23.440> in<00:04:23.620> a<00:04:23.770> juggling<00:04:24.220> troupe a young Joe Blow in a juggling troupe a young Joe Blow in a juggling troupe and<00:04:24.820> he<00:04:25.390> agrees<00:04:25.780> to<00:04:26.260> sell<00:04:26.590> me<00:04:26.800> three<00:04:27.400> clubs<00:04:28.020> but and he agrees to sell me three clubs but and he agrees to sell me three clubs but in<00:04:29.170> America<00:04:29.590> you<00:04:29.710> have<00:04:29.830> to<00:04:29.950> explain<00:04:30.280> your<00:04:30.430> what in America you have to explain your what in America you have to explain your what are<00:04:30.850> clubs<00:04:31.180> nothing<00:04:31.540> to<00:04:31.630> do<00:04:31.750> with<00:04:31.870> golf<00:04:32.400> there are clubs nothing to do with golf there are clubs nothing to do with golf there are<00:04:33.520> those<00:04:34.320> beautiful<00:04:35.320> oblong<00:04:36.450> objects<00:04:37.450> but are those beautiful oblong objects but are those beautiful oblong objects but quite<00:04:38.110> difficult<00:04:38.290> to<00:04:38.590> make<00:04:38.830> they<00:04:39.040> have<00:04:39.160> to<00:04:39.280> be quite difficult to make they have to be quite difficult to make they have to be precisely<00:04:39.880> lathe<00:04:40.360> Oh<00:04:41.040> when<00:04:42.040> I<00:04:42.070> was<00:04:42.280> buying<00:04:42.460> the precisely lathe Oh when I was buying the precisely lathe Oh when I was buying the clubs<00:04:43.030> somehow<00:04:43.870> the<00:04:43.930> young<00:04:44.290> juggler<00:04:44.620> was clubs somehow the young juggler was clubs somehow the young juggler was hiding<00:04:45.400> from<00:04:45.550> the<00:04:45.730> others<00:04:46.150> but<00:04:46.720> I<00:04:46.780> didn't hiding from the others but I didn't hiding from the others but I didn't think<00:04:47.230> much<00:04:47.440> of<00:04:47.500> it<00:04:47.710> at<00:04:47.860> the<00:04:47.950> time<00:04:48.570> anyway<00:04:49.570> here think much of it at the time anyway here think much of it at the time anyway here I<00:04:49.990> was<00:04:50.460> progressing<00:04:51.460> with<00:04:51.670> my<00:04:51.880> new<00:04:52.090> clubs<00:04:52.450> but I was progressing with my new clubs but I was progressing with my new clubs but I<00:04:52.720> could<00:04:53.410> not<00:04:53.620> understand<00:04:54.250> I<00:04:54.610> mean<00:04:55.480> I<00:04:55.540> was I could not understand I mean I was I could not understand I mean I was pretty<00:04:55.900> fast<00:04:56.140> but<00:04:56.860> I<00:04:56.920> was<00:04:57.100> not<00:04:57.280> fluid<00:04:57.820> at<00:04:58.180> all pretty fast but I was not fluid at all pretty fast but I was not fluid at all the<00:04:59.290> clubs<00:04:59.530> were<00:04:59.770> escaping<00:05:00.250> me<00:05:00.760> at<00:05:01.000> each<00:05:01.270> throw the clubs were escaping me at each throw the clubs were escaping me at each throw and<00:05:01.840> I<00:05:01.900> was<00:05:02.020> trying<00:05:02.290> constantly<00:05:03.040> to<00:05:03.220> bring and I was trying constantly to bring and I was trying constantly to bring them<00:05:03.970> back<00:05:04.210> to<00:05:04.450> me<00:05:04.600> until<00:05:05.260> one<00:05:05.470> day<00:05:05.710> I<00:05:06.240> practice them back to me until one day I practice them back to me until one day I practice in<00:05:07.420> front<00:05:07.540> of<00:05:07.720> Francis<00:05:08.290> burned<00:05:08.650> grave<00:05:09.160> the in front of Francis burned grave the in front of Francis burned grave the world's<00:05:09.790> greatest<00:05:10.120> juggler<00:05:10.570> and<00:05:11.470> he<00:05:11.620> was world's greatest juggler and he was world's greatest juggler and he was frowning<00:05:12.160> and<00:05:13.000> he<00:05:13.180> finally<00:05:13.390> asked<00:05:13.630> can<00:05:14.140> I<00:05:14.230> see frowning and he finally asked can I see frowning and he finally asked can I see those those those so<00:05:15.490> I<00:05:15.520> proudly<00:05:16.240> show<00:05:16.420> him<00:05:16.600> my<00:05:16.750> clubs<00:05:17.080> is<00:05:17.800> that so I proudly show him my clubs is that so I proudly show him my clubs is that Philippe<00:05:18.250> you've<00:05:18.940> been<00:05:19.210> had<00:05:19.510> these<00:05:20.020> are Philippe you've been had these are Philippe you've been had these are widgets<00:05:20.920> they<00:05:21.460> are<00:05:21.580> completely<00:05:22.060> out<00:05:22.210> of widgets they are completely out of widgets they are completely out of alignment alignment alignment they<00:05:23.320> are<00:05:23.500> impossible<00:05:24.220> to<00:05:24.640> juggle<00:05:28.260> tenacity

is<00:05:33.479> how<00:05:33.810> I<00:05:33.840> kept<00:05:34.229> at<00:05:34.410> it<00:05:34.440> against<00:05:34.830> all<00:05:35.100> odds<00:05:36.110> so
is how I kept at it against all odds so is how I kept at it against all odds so I<00:05:37.139> went<00:05:37.440> to<00:05:37.530> the<00:05:37.680> circus<00:05:37.889> to<00:05:38.250> see<00:05:38.430> more I went to the circus to see more I went to the circus to see more magicians<00:05:39.449> more<00:05:39.750> jugglers<00:05:40.169> and<00:05:40.350> I<00:05:40.680> saw<00:05:41.009> oh<00:05:41.220> no magicians more jugglers and I saw oh no magicians more jugglers and I saw oh no no<00:05:41.550> no<00:05:41.669> I<00:05:41.880> didn't<00:05:42.210> see<00:05:42.330> it<00:05:42.419> was<00:05:42.539> more no no I didn't see it was more no no I didn't see it was more interesting<00:05:43.229> I<00:05:43.470> heard<00:05:43.800> I<00:05:44.220> heard<00:05:45.090> about<00:05:45.389> those interesting I heard I heard about those interesting I heard I heard about those amazing<00:05:45.930> men<00:05:46.350> and<00:05:46.380> women<00:05:46.860> who<00:05:47.310> walk<00:05:47.639> on<00:05:47.880> thin amazing men and women who walk on thin amazing men and women who walk on thin air<00:05:48.930> the<00:05:49.889> high<00:05:50.340> wire<00:05:50.970> walkers<00:05:51.690> now<00:05:52.650> I<00:05:52.860> have air the high wire walkers now I have air the high wire walkers now I have been<00:05:53.310> playing<00:05:53.850> with<00:05:54.000> ropes<00:05:54.509> and<00:05:54.780> climbing<00:05:55.110> all been playing with ropes and climbing all been playing with ropes and climbing all my<00:05:55.710> childhood<00:05:56.130> so<00:05:56.280> that's<00:05:56.460> it<00:05:56.639> I'm<00:05:57.000> 16<00:05:57.660> and my childhood so that's it I'm 16 and my childhood so that's it I'm 16 and becoming<00:05:58.620> a<00:05:58.800> wire<00:05:59.039> Walker<00:05:59.370> I<00:06:00.800> found<00:06:01.800> two<00:06:02.130> trees

but<00:06:05.789> not<00:06:05.970> any<00:06:06.120> kind<00:06:06.389> of<00:06:06.539> trees<00:06:06.860> trees<00:06:07.860> with
but not any kind of trees trees with but not any kind of trees trees with character<00:06:08.849> and<00:06:09.240> then<00:06:10.229> a<00:06:10.320> very<00:06:10.470> long<00:06:10.800> rope<00:06:11.160> and character and then a very long rope and character and then a very long rope and I<00:06:11.610> put<00:06:11.820> the<00:06:11.970> rope<00:06:12.150> around<00:06:12.389> and<00:06:12.930> around<00:06:13.020> and I put the rope around and around and I put the rope around and around and around<00:06:13.620> and<00:06:14.039> around<00:06:14.130> until<00:06:14.880> have<00:06:15.000> no<00:06:15.150> more around and around until have no more around and around until have no more work<00:06:15.479> now<00:06:16.259> I<00:06:16.289> have<00:06:16.560> all<00:06:16.710> those<00:06:16.830> ropes<00:06:17.160> Mahalo work now I have all those ropes Mahalo work now I have all those ropes Mahalo like<00:06:17.880> this<00:06:18.090> I<00:06:18.330> get<00:06:18.690> a<00:06:18.720> pair<00:06:18.990> of<00:06:19.020> pliers<00:06:19.349> and like this I get a pair of pliers and like this I get a pair of pliers and some<00:06:20.070> code<00:06:20.340> anger<00:06:20.759> and<00:06:20.880> I<00:06:20.940> gather<00:06:21.300> them some code anger and I gather them some code anger and I gather them together<00:06:22.050> in<00:06:22.590> some<00:06:23.310> kind<00:06:23.639> of<00:06:23.789> ropey<00:06:24.389> bath<00:06:25.580> so<00:06:26.580> I together in some kind of ropey bath so I together in some kind of ropey bath so I just<00:06:27.060> created<00:06:27.479> the<00:06:28.080> widest<00:06:28.500> tightrope<00:06:28.919> in<00:06:29.039> the just created the widest tightrope in the just created the widest tightrope in the world<00:06:29.370> what<00:06:30.000> did<00:06:30.120> I<00:06:30.210> need<00:06:30.270> what<00:06:31.110> I<00:06:31.139> needed<00:06:31.440> the world what did I need what I needed the world what did I need what I needed the wider<00:06:32.250> shoes<00:06:32.610> in<00:06:32.880> the<00:06:32.970> world<00:06:33.240> so<00:06:33.960> I<00:06:33.990> found<00:06:34.410> some wider shoes in the world so I found some wider shoes in the world so I found some enormous<00:06:35.190> ridiculous<00:06:35.970> giant<00:06:36.449> ski<00:06:37.020> boots<00:06:37.289> and enormous ridiculous giant ski boots and enormous ridiculous giant ski boots and then<00:06:38.099> wobbly<00:06:38.789> wobbly<00:06:39.120> I<00:06:39.270> get<00:06:39.539> on<00:06:39.690> the<00:06:39.780> ropes then wobbly wobbly I get on the ropes then wobbly wobbly I get on the ropes well<00:06:41.280> within<00:06:41.610> a<00:06:41.789> few<00:06:42.030> days<00:06:42.240> I'm<00:06:42.659> able<00:06:43.409> to<00:06:43.440> do well within a few days I'm able to do well within a few days I'm able to do one<00:06:43.770> crossing<00:06:44.310> so<00:06:45.150> I<00:06:45.180> cut<00:06:45.479> one<00:06:45.900> rope<00:06:46.169> off<00:06:46.380> and one crossing so I cut one rope off and one crossing so I cut one rope off and the<00:06:47.190> next<00:06:47.430> day<00:06:47.580> one<00:06:47.760> whoop<00:06:47.970> up<00:06:48.120> and<00:06:48.270> a<00:06:48.330> few<00:06:48.570> days the next day one whoop up and a few days the next day one whoop up and a few days later<00:06:49.050> I<00:06:49.409> was<00:06:49.979> practicing<00:06:50.699> on<00:06:50.909> a<00:06:50.940> single later I was practicing on a single later I was practicing on a single tightrope<00:06:52.550> now<00:06:53.550> you<00:06:53.610> can<00:06:53.849> imagine<00:06:54.060> at<00:06:54.419> that tightrope now you can imagine at that tightrope now you can imagine at that time<00:06:54.960> I<00:06:55.289> had<00:06:55.889> to<00:06:55.919> switch<00:06:56.460> the<00:06:56.760> ridiculous time I had to switch the ridiculous time I had to switch the ridiculous boots<00:06:57.840> with<00:06:58.110> for<00:06:58.320> some<00:06:58.500> slippers<00:06:58.979> right<00:06:59.060> so boots with for some slippers right so boots with for some slippers right so that<00:07:00.449> is<00:07:00.630> how<00:07:00.900> in<00:07:01.650> case<00:07:01.830> there<00:07:02.039> are<00:07:02.130> people that is how in case there are people that is how in case there are people here<00:07:02.580> in<00:07:02.639> the<00:07:02.849> audience<00:07:02.970> who<00:07:03.300> would<00:07:03.330> love<00:07:03.570> to here in the audience who would love to here in the audience who would love to try<00:07:03.930> this<00:07:04.440> is<00:07:04.650> how<00:07:04.830> not<00:07:05.460> to<00:07:05.759> learn<00:07:06.120> why<00:07:06.720> are try this is how not to learn why are try this is how not to learn why are working<00:07:09.169> intuition<00:07:14.570> is<00:07:15.570> it<00:07:15.780> tool<00:07:16.020> essential working intuition is it tool essential working intuition is it tool essential in<00:07:17.159> my<00:07:17.340> life<00:07:18.080> in<00:07:19.080> the<00:07:19.380> meantime<00:07:19.590> I<00:07:20.310> am<00:07:20.400> being in my life in the meantime I am being in my life in the meantime I am being thrown<00:07:21.060> out<00:07:21.120> of<00:07:21.300> five<00:07:21.720> different<00:07:21.960> school thrown out of five different school thrown out of five different school because<00:07:22.680> instead<00:07:23.009> of<00:07:23.070> listening<00:07:23.550> to<00:07:23.610> the because instead of listening to the because instead of listening to the teachers<00:07:24.150> I<00:07:24.300> am<00:07:24.419> my<00:07:24.599> own<00:07:24.780> teacher<00:07:26.150> progressing teachers I am my own teacher progressing teachers I am my own teacher progressing in<00:07:27.240> my<00:07:27.389> new<00:07:27.570> art<00:07:27.840> and<00:07:28.699> becoming<00:07:29.699> a<00:07:29.880> street in my new art and becoming a street in my new art and becoming a street juggler<00:07:30.830> on<00:07:31.830> the<00:07:32.340> high<00:07:32.520> wire<00:07:32.789> within<00:07:33.330> months<00:07:33.630> I juggler on the high wire within months I juggler on the high wire within months I am<00:07:34.050> able<00:07:34.320> to<00:07:34.710> master<00:07:35.099> all<00:07:35.310> the<00:07:35.490> tricks<00:07:35.789> they<00:07:35.909> do am able to master all the tricks they do am able to master all the tricks they do in<00:07:36.120> the<00:07:36.240> circus<00:07:36.539> except<00:07:37.320> I<00:07:37.500> am<00:07:37.680> not<00:07:37.860> satisfied in the circus except I am not satisfied in the circus except I am not satisfied I<00:07:39.020> am<00:07:40.020> starting<00:07:40.800> I<00:07:41.159> was<00:07:41.370> starting<00:07:42.240> to<00:07:42.469> invent I am starting I was starting to invent I am starting I was starting to invent my<00:07:43.680> own<00:07:43.710> move<00:07:44.159> and<00:07:44.580> bring<00:07:45.180> them<00:07:45.419> to<00:07:45.659> perfection my own move and bring them to perfection my own move and bring them to perfection but<00:07:48.599> nobody<00:07:48.930> wanted<00:07:49.229> to<00:07:49.260> hire<00:07:49.529> me<00:07:49.940> so<00:07:50.940> I but nobody wanted to hire me so I but nobody wanted to hire me so I started<00:07:51.479> putting<00:07:51.690> wire<00:07:52.139> in<00:07:52.469> secret<00:07:52.979> and started putting wire in secret and started putting wire in secret and performing<00:07:53.940> without<00:07:54.270> permission<00:07:55.159> not<00:07:56.159> Adama

the<00:07:59.849> Sydney<00:08:00.270> Harbour<00:08:00.690> Bridge<00:08:03.469> the<00:08:04.469> World
the Sydney Harbour Bridge the World the Sydney Harbour Bridge the World Trade<00:08:05.099> Center<00:08:05.669> and<00:08:06.510> I<00:08:06.840> developed<00:08:07.110> a<00:08:07.500> certitude Trade Center and I developed a certitude Trade Center and I developed a certitude a<00:08:08.159> faith<00:08:08.430> that<00:08:09.419> convinced<00:08:10.199> me<00:08:10.260> that<00:08:10.620> I<00:08:10.830> will a faith that convinced me that I will a faith that convinced me that I will get<00:08:11.190> safely<00:08:11.639> to<00:08:11.760> the<00:08:12.000> other<00:08:12.029> side<00:08:12.240> if<00:08:12.599> not<00:08:12.810> I get safely to the other side if not I get safely to the other side if not I will<00:08:13.139> never<00:08:13.469> do<00:08:13.710> that<00:08:13.740> first<00:08:14.159> step<00:08:14.870> well will never do that first step well will never do that first step well nonetheless<00:08:16.940> on<00:08:17.940> the<00:08:18.690> top<00:08:18.870> of<00:08:19.020> the<00:08:19.110> World nonetheless on the top of the World nonetheless on the top of the World Trade<00:08:19.469> Center<00:08:20.060> my<00:08:21.060> first<00:08:21.449> step<00:08:21.690> was Trade Center my first step was Trade Center my first step was terrifying<00:08:28.039> all<00:08:29.039> of<00:08:29.219> a<00:08:29.310> sudden<00:08:29.610> the<00:08:29.699> density terrifying all of a sudden the density terrifying all of a sudden the density of<00:08:30.180> the<00:08:30.389> air<00:08:30.419> is<00:08:30.750> no<00:08:30.930> longer<00:08:31.110> the<00:08:31.289> same of the air is no longer the same of the air is no longer the same Manhattan<00:08:33.570> no<00:08:33.690> longer<00:08:33.930> spreads<00:08:34.260> its<00:08:34.409> infinity Manhattan no longer spreads its infinity Manhattan no longer spreads its infinity the<00:08:36.120> murmur<00:08:36.539> of<00:08:36.570> the<00:08:36.690> city<00:08:37.079> dissolve<00:08:37.500> into<00:08:37.709> a the murmur of the city dissolve into a the murmur of the city dissolve into a squall<00:08:38.250> whose<00:08:38.669> chill<00:08:39.029> and<00:08:39.209> power<00:08:39.390> I<00:08:39.719> no<00:08:39.870> longer squall whose chill and power I no longer squall whose chill and power I no longer feel<00:08:40.620> I<00:08:41.990> lift<00:08:42.990> a<00:08:43.050> balancing<00:08:43.500> pole<00:08:43.709> I<00:08:43.740> approach feel I lift a balancing pole I approach feel I lift a balancing pole I approach the<00:08:44.400> edge<00:08:44.579> I<00:08:44.970> step<00:08:45.900> over<00:08:46.260> the<00:08:46.380> beam<00:08:46.560> I<00:08:46.920> put<00:08:47.430> my the edge I step over the beam I put my the edge I step over the beam I put my left<00:08:47.850> foot<00:08:47.970> on<00:08:48.390> the<00:08:49.260> cable<00:08:50.120> the<00:08:51.120> weight<00:08:51.360> of<00:08:51.660> my left foot on the cable the weight of my left foot on the cable the weight of my body<00:08:52.320> waist<00:08:52.680> on<00:08:52.860> my<00:08:53.010> right<00:08:53.250> leg body waist on my right leg body waist on my right leg anchored<00:08:54.150> to<00:08:54.420> the<00:08:54.690> flank<00:08:54.990> of<00:08:55.140> the<00:08:55.170> building anchored to the flank of the building anchored to the flank of the building shall<00:08:57.750> I<00:08:57.870> ever<00:08:58.079> so<00:08:58.380> slightly<00:08:58.709> shift<00:08:59.310> my<00:08:59.640> weight shall I ever so slightly shift my weight shall I ever so slightly shift my weight to<00:09:00.180> the<00:09:00.300> left<00:09:00.540> my<00:09:00.870> right<00:09:01.170> leg<00:09:01.470> will<00:09:01.709> be<00:09:02.190> on to the left my right leg will be on to the left my right leg will be on burden<00:09:02.880> my<00:09:03.480> right<00:09:03.690> foot<00:09:03.959> will<00:09:04.199> freely<00:09:04.620> meet burden my right foot will freely meet burden my right foot will freely meet the<00:09:05.130> wire<00:09:06.529> on<00:09:07.529> one<00:09:07.560> side<00:09:08.070> the<00:09:08.250> mass<00:09:08.490> of<00:09:08.790> a the wire on one side the mass of a the wire on one side the mass of a mountain<00:09:09.630> a<00:09:09.750> life<00:09:09.959> I<00:09:10.170> know<00:09:10.230> on<00:09:11.180> the<00:09:12.180> other<00:09:12.329> the mountain a life I know on the other the mountain a life I know on the other the universe<00:09:13.260> of<00:09:13.500> the<00:09:13.620> cloud<00:09:13.890> so<00:09:14.279> full<00:09:14.640> of<00:09:14.790> unknown universe of the cloud so full of unknown universe of the cloud so full of unknown we<00:09:15.329> think<00:09:15.600> it's<00:09:15.930> empty<00:09:17.029> at<00:09:18.029> my<00:09:18.270> feet<00:09:18.600> the<00:09:19.470> path we think it's empty at my feet the path we think it's empty at my feet the path to<00:09:20.430> the<00:09:20.579> North<00:09:20.790> Tower to the North Tower to the North Tower 60-yard<00:09:22.440> of<00:09:22.770> wire<00:09:23.100> rope<00:09:23.400> it's<00:09:23.850> a<00:09:24.000> straight 60-yard of wire rope it's a straight 60-yard of wire rope it's a straight line<00:09:24.770> which<00:09:25.770> sucks<00:09:26.900> which<00:09:27.900> sways<00:09:28.910> which line which sucks which sways which line which sucks which sways which vibrate<00:09:30.540> which<00:09:30.959> walls<00:09:31.320> on<00:09:31.620> itself<00:09:31.949> which<00:09:32.940> is vibrate which walls on itself which is vibrate which walls on itself which is ice<00:09:34.040> which<00:09:35.040> is<00:09:35.070> sweetens<00:09:36.029> tight<00:09:36.600> ready<00:09:36.930> to ice which is sweetens tight ready to ice which is sweetens tight ready to explode<00:09:38.120> ready<00:09:39.120> to<00:09:39.329> swallow<00:09:39.690> me<00:09:39.990> in<00:09:41.120> inner explode ready to swallow me in inner explode ready to swallow me in inner howl<00:09:42.660> as<00:09:43.110> sells<00:09:43.560> me<00:09:43.949> the<00:09:44.370> wild<00:09:44.820> longing<00:09:45.150> to howl as sells me the wild longing to howl as sells me the wild longing to flee<00:09:46.760> but<00:09:47.760> it<00:09:48.000> is<00:09:48.180> too<00:09:48.420> late flee but it is too late flee but it is too late the<00:09:50.029> wire<00:09:50.300> is<00:09:50.630> ready<00:09:52.600> decisively<00:09:53.950> my<00:09:54.950> other the wire is ready decisively my other the wire is ready decisively my other foot<00:09:55.399> sets<00:09:55.640> itself<00:09:56.000> onto<00:09:56.330> the<00:09:56.480> cable

faith<00:10:06.350> is<00:10:07.350> what<00:10:07.430> replaces<00:10:08.430> doubt<00:10:08.730> in<00:10:09.090> my
faith is what replaces doubt in my faith is what replaces doubt in my dictionary<00:10:10.850> so<00:10:11.850> after<00:10:12.090> the<00:10:12.180> war<00:10:12.330> people<00:10:12.450> ask dictionary so after the war people ask dictionary so after the war people ask me<00:10:12.870> well<00:10:12.990> how<00:10:13.110> can<00:10:13.440> you<00:10:13.560> top<00:10:13.800> that me well how can you top that me well how can you top that well<00:10:14.760> I<00:10:15.240> didn't<00:10:15.690> have<00:10:15.870> that<00:10:15.900> problem<00:10:16.230> I<00:10:16.590> mean<00:10:16.740> I well I didn't have that problem I mean I well I didn't have that problem I mean I was<00:10:16.950> not<00:10:17.070> interested<00:10:17.610> in<00:10:17.730> collecting<00:10:18.210> the was not interested in collecting the was not interested in collecting the gigantic<00:10:19.260> in<00:10:19.680> a<00:10:19.740> breaking<00:10:20.670> records<00:10:21.120> in<00:10:21.540> fact<00:10:21.930> I gigantic in a breaking records in fact I gigantic in a breaking records in fact I put<00:10:23.250> my<00:10:24.440> World<00:10:25.440> Trade<00:10:25.650> Center<00:10:26.040> crossing<00:10:26.490> at put my World Trade Center crossing at put my World Trade Center crossing at the<00:10:26.820> same<00:10:27.030> artistic<00:10:27.330> level<00:10:27.720> as<00:10:28.020> some<00:10:28.530> of<00:10:28.650> my the same artistic level as some of my the same artistic level as some of my smaller<00:10:29.220> walks<00:10:29.600> or<00:10:30.800> some<00:10:31.800> completely smaller walks or some completely smaller walks or some completely different<00:10:32.970> type<00:10:33.540> of<00:10:33.750> performance<00:10:34.520> let's<00:10:35.520> see different type of performance let's see different type of performance let's see such<00:10:36.660> as<00:10:36.900> well<00:10:37.320> my<00:10:38.010> street<00:10:38.430> juggling<00:10:38.910> for such as well my street juggling for such as well my street juggling for example<00:10:40.700> so<00:10:41.700> each<00:10:41.880> time<00:10:42.240> I<00:10:43.370> draw<00:10:44.370> my<00:10:44.610> circle<00:10:44.910> of example so each time I draw my circle of example so each time I draw my circle of chalk<00:10:45.540> on<00:10:45.750> the<00:10:45.930> pavement<00:10:46.470> and<00:10:46.680> enter<00:10:47.430> the chalk on the pavement and enter the chalk on the pavement and enter the improvising<00:10:50.160> comic<00:10:50.610> silent<00:10:51.150> character<00:10:51.570> I improvising comic silent character I improvising comic silent character I created<00:10:51.930> 45<00:10:52.800> years<00:10:52.980> ago<00:10:53.190> I<00:10:53.400> am<00:10:53.760> as<00:10:53.910> happy<00:10:54.330> as created 45 years ago I am as happy as created 45 years ago I am as happy as when<00:10:55.950> I<00:10:55.980> am<00:10:56.190> in<00:10:56.310> the<00:10:56.370> clouds<00:10:57.350> but<00:10:58.350> this<00:10:58.590> here when I am in the clouds but this here when I am in the clouds but this here this<00:11:00.420> is<00:11:00.600> not<00:11:00.750> the<00:11:00.900> street<00:11:01.170> so<00:11:01.830> I<00:11:01.980> cannot this is not the street so I cannot this is not the street so I cannot street<00:11:02.760> your<00:11:02.940> goal<00:11:03.090> here<00:11:03.300> you<00:11:03.510> understand<00:11:03.990> so street your goal here you understand so street your goal here you understand so you<00:11:04.530> don't<00:11:04.680> want<00:11:04.800> me<00:11:04.890> to<00:11:05.010> Street<00:11:05.250> joggle<00:11:05.550> here you don't want me to Street joggle here you don't want me to Street joggle here right<00:11:05.940> you<00:11:06.120> you<00:11:06.330> you<00:11:06.600> you<00:11:06.900> know<00:11:07.020> that<00:11:07.230> right right you you you you know that right right you you you you know that right you<00:11:07.980> don't<00:11:08.130> want<00:11:08.280> me<00:11:08.340> to<00:11:08.460> juggle<00:11:08.670> right

thank<00:13:15.839> you<00:13:16.020> thank<00:13:16.950> you

it's<00:13:30.149> time<00:13:30.450> I<00:13:30.570> street<00:13:30.899> juggle<00:13:31.290> I<00:13:32.660> use

improvisation<00:13:43.610> improvisation<00:13:44.610> is
improvisation improvisation is improvisation improvisation is empowering<00:13:45.959> because<00:13:46.640> it<00:13:47.640> welcomes<00:13:48.209> the empowering because it welcomes the empowering because it welcomes the unknown<00:13:49.110> and<00:13:51.260> since<00:13:52.260> what's<00:13:52.500> impossible<00:13:52.800> is unknown and since what's impossible is unknown and since what's impossible is always<00:13:53.430> unknown<00:13:54.260> it<00:13:55.260> allows<00:13:55.709> me<00:13:55.950> to<00:13:56.839> believe<00:13:57.839> I always unknown it allows me to believe I always unknown it allows me to believe I can<00:13:58.890> cheat<00:13:59.370> the<00:13:59.910> impossible<00:14:01.730> now<00:14:02.730> I<00:14:02.760> have<00:14:03.060> done can cheat the impossible now I have done can cheat the impossible now I have done the<00:14:03.390> impossible<00:14:03.450> not<00:14:04.080> once<00:14:04.380> but<00:14:04.560> many<00:14:04.920> times the impossible not once but many times the impossible not once but many times so<00:14:06.870> what<00:14:07.230> should<00:14:07.350> I<00:14:07.440> share<00:14:07.709> though<00:14:07.920> I<00:14:08.070> know so what should I share though I know so what should I share though I know Israel<00:14:08.850> some<00:14:09.839> years<00:14:10.050> ago<00:14:10.230> I<00:14:10.670> was<00:14:11.670> invited<00:14:12.120> to Israel some years ago I was invited to Israel some years ago I was invited to open<00:14:12.810> the<00:14:12.900> Israel<00:14:13.320> festival<00:14:13.950> by<00:14:14.670> a<00:14:14.700> high<00:14:14.970> wire open the Israel festival by a high wire open the Israel festival by a high wire walk<00:14:15.300> and<00:14:15.720> I<00:14:15.810> choose<00:14:16.110> to<00:14:16.170> put<00:14:16.650> my<00:14:16.830> wire<00:14:17.130> between walk and I choose to put my wire between walk and I choose to put my wire between the<00:14:18.270> Arab<00:14:18.660> quarter's<00:14:19.170> and<00:14:19.410> the<00:14:20.040> Jewish the Arab quarter's and the Jewish the Arab quarter's and the Jewish quarter<00:14:20.850> of<00:14:21.089> Jerusalem<00:14:21.600> over<00:14:21.750> the<00:14:21.959> band quarter of Jerusalem over the band quarter of Jerusalem over the band Hinnom<00:14:22.500> Valley<00:14:22.529> and<00:14:23.040> I<00:14:23.850> thought<00:14:24.180> it<00:14:24.779> would<00:14:24.930> be Hinnom Valley and I thought it would be Hinnom Valley and I thought it would be incredible<00:14:25.680> if<00:14:25.860> in<00:14:26.220> the<00:14:26.339> middle<00:14:26.580> of<00:14:26.700> the<00:14:26.820> wire incredible if in the middle of the wire incredible if in the middle of the wire I<00:14:27.390> stopped<00:14:27.959> and<00:14:28.110> I'd<00:14:28.500> like<00:14:28.740> a<00:14:28.800> magician<00:14:29.339> I I stopped and I'd like a magician I I stopped and I'd like a magician I produce<00:14:29.730> I<00:14:30.300> make<00:14:30.660> appear<00:14:30.990> a<00:14:31.200> dog<00:14:31.500> and<00:14:31.740> send<00:14:32.279> her produce I make appear a dog and send her produce I make appear a dog and send her in<00:14:32.610> the<00:14:32.700> sky<00:14:32.940> as<00:14:33.120> a<00:14:33.270> living<00:14:34.080> symbol<00:14:34.380> of<00:14:34.620> peace in the sky as a living symbol of peace in the sky as a living symbol of peace well<00:14:36.089> now<00:14:36.440> I<00:14:37.440> must<00:14:37.589> say<00:14:38.250> it<00:14:38.459> was<00:14:38.550> a<00:14:38.670> little<00:14:38.790> bit well now I must say it was a little bit well now I must say it was a little bit hard<00:14:39.150> to<00:14:39.240> find<00:14:39.360> a<00:14:39.660> dove<00:14:39.839> in<00:14:40.020> Israel<00:14:40.320> but<00:14:40.470> I<00:14:40.529> got hard to find a dove in Israel but I got hard to find a dove in Israel but I got one<00:14:41.160> and<00:14:42.200> in<00:14:43.200> my<00:14:43.500> hotel<00:14:43.800> room one and in my hotel room one and in my hotel room each<00:14:44.940> time<00:14:45.330> I<00:14:45.360> practice<00:14:46.050> making<00:14:46.950> it<00:14:47.070> appear each time I practice making it appear each time I practice making it appear and<00:14:47.610> then<00:14:47.700> throwing<00:14:48.510> her<00:14:48.630> in<00:14:48.750> the<00:14:48.870> air<00:14:49.050> she and then throwing her in the air she and then throwing her in the air she will<00:14:49.380> graze<00:14:49.680> the<00:14:49.980> walls<00:14:50.220> and<00:14:50.520> hand<00:14:50.730> upon<00:14:50.970> the will graze the walls and hand upon the will graze the walls and hand upon the bed<00:14:51.290> so<00:14:52.290> I<00:14:52.350> thought<00:14:52.500> no<00:14:52.620> it's<00:14:52.800> ok<00:14:53.040> I<00:14:53.070> mean<00:14:53.250> the bed so I thought no it's ok I mean the bed so I thought no it's ok I mean the room<00:14:53.970> is<00:14:54.060> too<00:14:54.270> small<00:14:54.540> I<00:14:54.600> mean<00:14:54.839> a<00:14:54.900> bird<00:14:55.110> needs room is too small I mean a bird needs room is too small I mean a bird needs space<00:14:55.709> to<00:14:55.920> fly<00:14:56.130> it<00:14:56.400> will<00:14:56.579> go<00:14:56.700> perfectly<00:14:57.240> on<00:14:57.480> the space to fly it will go perfectly on the space to fly it will go perfectly on the day<00:14:57.690> of<00:14:57.720> the<00:14:57.900> walk<00:14:58.079> now<00:14:58.980> comes<00:14:59.790> the<00:15:00.270> day<00:15:00.450> of<00:15:00.690> the day of the walk now comes the day of the day of the walk now comes the day of the walk<00:15:02.690> 80,000<00:15:03.690> people<00:15:03.899> spread<00:15:04.589> over<00:15:04.709> the walk 80,000 people spread over the walk 80,000 people spread over the entire<00:15:04.920> Valley<00:15:05.640> the<00:15:06.240> mayor<00:15:06.540> of<00:15:06.959> Jerusalem entire Valley the mayor of Jerusalem entire Valley the mayor of Jerusalem Teddy<00:15:08.040> Kollek<00:15:08.339> comes<00:15:08.700> to<00:15:08.940> wish<00:15:09.420> me<00:15:09.660> the<00:15:09.720> best Teddy Kollek comes to wish me the best Teddy Kollek comes to wish me the best but<00:15:10.620> he<00:15:10.709> seemed<00:15:11.209> nervous<00:15:12.209> I<00:15:12.750> mean<00:15:13.320> there<00:15:13.440> was but he seemed nervous I mean there was but he seemed nervous I mean there was tension<00:15:13.829> in<00:15:14.100> my<00:15:14.130> wire<00:15:14.550> but<00:15:15.029> also<00:15:15.329> could<00:15:15.600> feel tension in my wire but also could feel tension in my wire but also could feel tension<00:15:16.079> on<00:15:16.410> the<00:15:16.560> ground<00:15:16.860> because<00:15:17.790> actually tension on the ground because actually tension on the ground because actually all<00:15:18.300> those<00:15:18.480> people<00:15:18.990> where all those people where all those people where made<00:15:20.160> of<00:15:20.399> people<00:15:20.610> who<00:15:20.910> were<00:15:21.119> for<00:15:21.389> the<00:15:21.480> most made of people who were for the most made of people who were for the most part<00:15:21.930> considered<00:15:22.800> each<00:15:22.949> other<00:15:23.160> enemies<00:15:24.119> so<00:15:25.079> I part considered each other enemies so I part considered each other enemies so I start<00:15:25.680> the<00:15:25.829> walk<00:15:26.009> everything<00:15:26.999> is<00:15:27.119> fine<00:15:27.360> I<00:15:27.779> stop start the walk everything is fine I stop start the walk everything is fine I stop in<00:15:28.589> the<00:15:28.649> middle<00:15:28.949> I<00:15:29.279> make<00:15:30.089> the<00:15:30.720> Dove<00:15:30.990> appear in the middle I make the Dove appear in the middle I make the Dove appear people<00:15:32.309> applaud<00:15:32.819> in<00:15:33.059> delight<00:15:33.420> and<00:15:33.779> then<00:15:34.589> in people applaud in delight and then in people applaud in delight and then in the<00:15:35.069> most<00:15:35.300> magnificent<00:15:36.300> gesture<00:15:36.660> I<00:15:37.259> send<00:15:37.920> the the most magnificent gesture I send the the most magnificent gesture I send the bird<00:15:38.339> of<00:15:38.519> peace<00:15:38.759> into<00:15:39.300> the<00:15:39.480> azure<00:15:39.629> but<00:15:40.499> the bird of peace into the azure but the bird of peace into the azure but the bird<00:15:40.920> instead<00:15:41.309> of<00:15:41.429> flying<00:15:41.639> ago<00:15:41.939> because<00:15:42.179> flop bird instead of flying ago because flop bird instead of flying ago because flop flop<00:15:43.079> flop<00:15:43.139> and<00:15:43.559> and<00:15:43.860> on<00:15:44.160> my<00:15:44.369> head<00:15:44.809> and<00:15:46.850> people flop flop and and on my head and people flop flop and and on my head and people scream<00:15:48.709> so<00:15:49.709> I<00:15:49.860> grab<00:15:50.369> his<00:15:51.089> dove<00:15:51.389> and<00:15:51.809> for<00:15:52.379> the scream so I grab his dove and for the scream so I grab his dove and for the second<00:15:52.860> time<00:15:53.220> I<00:15:53.990> send<00:15:54.990> her<00:15:55.170> in<00:15:55.319> the<00:15:55.499> air<00:15:56.059> but second time I send her in the air but second time I send her in the air but the<00:15:57.209> Dove<00:15:57.389> who<00:15:57.629> obviously<00:15:57.869> didn't<00:15:58.410> go<00:15:58.499> to the Dove who obviously didn't go to the Dove who obviously didn't go to Flying<00:15:58.920> School<00:15:59.249> does<00:15:59.730> flip<00:16:00.420> flip<00:16:00.839> flop<00:16:01.170> and Flying School does flip flip flop and Flying School does flip flip flop and ends<00:16:01.740> up<00:16:01.889> at<00:16:02.129> the<00:16:02.160> end<00:16:02.279> of<00:16:02.519> my<00:16:02.730> balancing<00:16:03.209> pole ends up at the end of my balancing pole ends up at the end of my balancing pole so<00:16:05.069> now<00:16:05.279> it's<00:16:05.519> you<00:16:05.999> love<00:16:06.179> you<00:16:06.329> love<00:16:06.480> but<00:16:06.720> hey<00:16:06.990> I so now it's you love you love but hey I so now it's you love you love but hey I sit<00:16:08.189> down<00:16:08.339> immediately<00:16:08.579> it's<00:16:09.089> a<00:16:09.179> reflex<00:16:09.600> of sit down immediately it's a reflex of sit down immediately it's a reflex of wire<00:16:09.959> walkers<00:16:10.439> now<00:16:11.069> in<00:16:11.249> the<00:16:11.339> meantime<00:16:11.579> the wire walkers now in the meantime the wire walkers now in the meantime the audience<00:16:12.509> they<00:16:12.899> go<00:16:13.110> crazy<00:16:13.559> I<00:16:14.040> mean<00:16:14.279> the audience they go crazy I mean the audience they go crazy I mean the messing<00:16:14.879> this<00:16:14.999> guy<00:16:15.360> with<00:16:15.720> his<00:16:15.749> double<00:16:16.410> spent messing this guy with his double spent messing this guy with his double spent years<00:16:17.160> working<00:16:17.519> and<00:16:17.910> what<00:16:18.269> ingenious<00:16:18.779> for<00:16:18.929> a years working and what ingenious for a years working and what ingenious for a professional<00:16:21.439> so<00:16:22.439> I<00:16:22.470> take<00:16:22.829> a<00:16:22.860> bow<00:16:23.069> you<00:16:23.429> know<00:16:23.519> I professional so I take a bow you know I professional so I take a bow you know I sell<00:16:23.879> it<00:16:23.999> with<00:16:24.149> my<00:16:24.300> hand<00:16:24.509> and<00:16:24.569> at<00:16:24.720> the<00:16:24.749> end<00:16:24.959> I sell it with my hand and at the end I sell it with my hand and at the end I banged<00:16:25.470> my<00:16:25.740> head<00:16:25.769> against<00:16:26.279> the<00:16:26.399> pole<00:16:26.610> to<00:16:26.999> these banged my head against the pole to these banged my head against the pole to these slots<00:16:27.449> the<00:16:27.660> world<00:16:27.899> now<00:16:28.290> the<00:16:28.589> Dove<00:16:28.800> who<00:16:29.009> now<00:16:29.459> you slots the world now the Dove who now you slots the world now the Dove who now you know<00:16:29.790> obviously<00:16:29.910> cannot<00:16:30.899> fly<00:16:31.850> goes<00:16:32.850> for<00:16:33.120> the know obviously cannot fly goes for the know obviously cannot fly goes for the third<00:16:33.420> time<00:16:33.629> a<00:16:33.749> little<00:16:33.839> flip<00:16:34.230> flop<00:16:34.529> flop<00:16:34.800> and third time a little flip flop flop and third time a little flip flop flop and ends<00:16:35.339> up<00:16:35.459> on<00:16:35.610> the<00:16:35.790> wire<00:16:35.999> behind<00:16:36.449> me<00:16:36.600> and<00:16:36.839> the ends up on the wire behind me and the ends up on the wire behind me and the entire<00:16:37.439> valley<00:16:37.740> goes<00:16:37.889> crazy<00:16:39.199> now<00:16:40.199> but<00:16:40.230> hold<00:16:40.559> on entire valley goes crazy now but hold on entire valley goes crazy now but hold on have<00:16:40.980> not<00:16:41.160> finished<00:16:41.370> so<00:16:42.089> now<00:16:42.240> I'm<00:16:42.420> like<00:16:42.569> what have not finished so now I'm like what have not finished so now I'm like what 50<00:16:43.499> yards<00:16:43.800> for<00:16:43.920> my<00:16:44.040> rival<00:16:44.459> and<00:16:44.639> I'm<00:16:44.999> exhausted 50 yards for my rival and I'm exhausted 50 yards for my rival and I'm exhausted so<00:16:45.660> my<00:16:45.929> steps<00:16:46.259> are<00:16:46.439> slow<00:16:46.889> and<00:16:47.279> something so my steps are slow and something so my steps are slow and something happened<00:16:48.709> somebody<00:16:49.709> somewhere<00:16:50.040> a<00:16:50.249> group<00:16:50.699> of happened somebody somewhere a group of happened somebody somewhere a group of people<00:16:51.029> start<00:16:51.420> clapping<00:16:51.990> in<00:16:52.350> rhythm<00:16:52.829> with<00:16:53.370> my people start clapping in rhythm with my people start clapping in rhythm with my step<00:16:54.179> and<00:16:54.449> within<00:16:54.720> seconds<00:16:55.199> the<00:16:55.350> entire step and within seconds the entire step and within seconds the entire valley<00:16:56.129> is<00:16:56.670> applauding<00:16:57.569> in<00:16:58.230> unison<00:16:59.009> with<00:16:59.370> each valley is applauding in unison with each valley is applauding in unison with each of<00:16:59.819> my<00:16:59.850> step<00:17:00.240> but<00:17:00.389> not<00:17:00.569> an<00:17:00.929> approach<00:17:01.199> of of my step but not an approach of of my step but not an approach of delight<00:17:01.709> that<00:17:01.920> before<00:17:02.249> in<00:17:03.240> a<00:17:03.569> close<00:17:03.839> of delight that before in a close of delight that before in a close of encouragement<00:17:05.299> for<00:17:06.299> a<00:17:06.329> moment<00:17:06.809> the<00:17:06.959> entire encouragement for a moment the entire encouragement for a moment the entire crowd<00:17:07.770> had<00:17:08.370> forgotten<00:17:09.089> their<00:17:09.390> differences crowd had forgotten their differences crowd had forgotten their differences they<00:17:10.319> had<00:17:10.470> become<00:17:10.649> one<00:17:12.140> pushing<00:17:13.140> me<00:17:13.289> to they had become one pushing me to they had become one pushing me to triumph<00:17:14.809> you<00:17:15.809> know<00:17:15.899> what<00:17:16.049> I<00:17:16.079> want<00:17:16.649> you<00:17:16.799> just triumph you know what I want you just triumph you know what I want you just for<00:17:17.100> a<00:17:17.220> second<00:17:17.549> to<00:17:17.699> experience<00:17:18.480> this<00:17:18.839> amazing for a second to experience this amazing for a second to experience this amazing human<00:17:19.949> Symphony<00:17:20.490> so<00:17:20.640> let's<00:17:20.789> say<00:17:20.939> I<00:17:21.120> am<00:17:21.449> here human Symphony so let's say I am here human Symphony so let's say I am here and<00:17:21.959> the<00:17:22.199> chair<00:17:22.470> is<00:17:22.589> my<00:17:22.770> arrival<00:17:22.980> okay<00:17:23.429> so<00:17:23.819> I and the chair is my arrival okay so I and the chair is my arrival okay so I woke<00:17:24.539> you<00:17:24.809> Club<00:17:25.380> everybody<00:17:26.100> in<00:17:26.370> unison

so<00:17:40.460> after<00:17:40.700> the<00:17:40.790> walk<00:17:41.030> today<00:17:41.900> and<00:17:42.140> I<00:17:42.230> become
so after the walk today and I become so after the walk today and I become friends<00:17:43.070> and<00:17:43.400> he<00:17:43.670> tells<00:17:43.940> me<00:17:44.150> he<00:17:44.630> has<00:17:44.840> on<00:17:45.140> his friends and he tells me he has on his friends and he tells me he has on his desk<00:17:45.320> a<00:17:45.860> picture<00:17:46.340> of<00:17:46.520> me<00:17:46.790> in<00:17:47.030> the<00:17:47.240> middle<00:17:47.480> of desk a picture of me in the middle of desk a picture of me in the middle of the<00:17:47.690> why<00:17:47.870> over<00:17:48.080> the<00:17:48.230> door<00:17:48.440> on<00:17:48.620> my<00:17:48.800> head<00:17:49.040> he the why over the door on my head he the why over the door on my head he didn't<00:17:49.490> know<00:17:49.580> the<00:17:49.730> full<00:17:49.940> story<00:17:50.060> and<00:17:50.590> whenever didn't know the full story and whenever didn't know the full story and whenever is<00:17:51.740> down<00:17:52.070> to<00:17:52.280> it<00:17:52.340> by<00:17:52.460> an<00:17:52.640> impossible<00:17:53.300> situation is down to it by an impossible situation is down to it by an impossible situation to<00:17:54.320> solve<00:17:54.590> in<00:17:54.800> his<00:17:54.920> you<00:17:55.280> know<00:17:55.370> hard<00:17:55.670> to<00:17:55.730> manage to solve in his you know hard to manage to solve in his you know hard to manage city<00:17:56.420> instead<00:17:57.050> of<00:17:57.200> giving<00:17:57.440> up<00:17:57.680> he<00:17:58.310> looks<00:17:58.520> at city instead of giving up he looks at city instead of giving up he looks at the<00:17:58.730> picture<00:17:59.060> and<00:17:59.210> he<00:17:59.270> said<00:17:59.330> if<00:17:59.810> Philip<00:18:00.260> can<00:18:00.470> do the picture and he said if Philip can do the picture and he said if Philip can do that<00:18:00.770> I<00:18:00.980> can<00:18:01.490> do<00:18:01.640> this<00:18:01.790> and<00:18:02.150> he<00:18:02.270> goes<00:18:02.420> back<00:18:02.600> to that I can do this and he goes back to that I can do this and he goes back to work<00:18:05.170> inspiration<00:18:14.320> by<00:18:15.320> inspiring<00:18:15.800> ourselves work inspiration by inspiring ourselves work inspiration by inspiring ourselves we<00:18:17.810> inspire<00:18:18.170> others<00:18:18.410> I<00:18:18.830> mean<00:18:19.100> I<00:18:19.280> will<00:18:19.490> never we inspire others I mean I will never we inspire others I mean I will never forget<00:18:20.060> this<00:18:20.420> music<00:18:20.870> and<00:18:21.020> I<00:18:21.080> hope<00:18:21.230> now<00:18:21.470> neither forget this music and I hope now neither forget this music and I hope now neither will<00:18:22.730> you<00:18:23.530> please<00:18:24.530> take<00:18:24.980> this<00:18:25.250> music<00:18:25.700> with<00:18:25.910> you will you please take this music with you will you please take this music with you home<00:18:26.360> and<00:18:26.720> start<00:18:27.350> gluing<00:18:28.280> feathers<00:18:28.970> to<00:18:29.150> your home and start gluing feathers to your home and start gluing feathers to your arms<00:18:29.690> and<00:18:29.870> take<00:18:30.140> off<00:18:30.290> and<00:18:30.770> fly<00:18:31.040> and<00:18:32.050> look<00:18:33.050> at arms and take off and fly and look at arms and take off and fly and look at the<00:18:33.500> world<00:18:33.820> from<00:18:34.820> a<00:18:34.970> different<00:18:35.000> perspective the world from a different perspective the world from a different perspective and<00:18:37.600> when<00:18:38.600> you<00:18:38.690> see<00:18:38.870> mountains and when you see mountains and when you see mountains remember<00:18:41.120> mountains<00:18:41.720> can<00:18:42.110> be<00:18:42.320> moved

thank<00:18:51.800> you<00:18:51.920> thank<00:18:52.820> you
thank you thank you thank you thank you oh<00:18:55.370> okay


Philippe Petit, Man, on, Wire, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, Twin, Towers, tightrope, high, tightrope

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