Hãy biến đổi năng lượng bằng khí tự nhiên – T. Boone Pickens

Let's transform energy -- with natural gas - T. Boone Pickens

Let's transform energy -- with natural gas - T. Boone Pickens


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

I'm<00:00:16.160> a<00:00:16.640> believer<00:00:17.640> I'm<00:00:17.800> a<00:00:17.960> Believer<00:00:18.400> in<00:00:18.640> global
I'm a believer I'm a Believer in global I'm a believer I'm a Believer in global warming<00:00:20.080> and<00:00:20.560> my<00:00:20.800> record<00:00:21.560> is<00:00:21.840> good<00:00:22.240> on<00:00:22.439> the warming and my record is good on the warming and my record is good on the subject<00:00:23.760> but<00:00:24.160> my<00:00:24.519> subject<00:00:25.359> is<00:00:25.840> National subject but my subject is National subject but my subject is National Security<00:00:27.800> we<00:00:28.199> have<00:00:28.560> to<00:00:28.800> get<00:00:29.199> off<00:00:30.039> of<00:00:30.240> oil Security we have to get off of oil Security we have to get off of oil purchased<00:00:31.199> from<00:00:31.400> the<00:00:31.719> enemy<00:00:32.719> I'm<00:00:32.880> talking purchased from the enemy I'm talking purchased from the enemy I'm talking about<00:00:33.440> OPEC<00:00:34.079> oil<00:00:35.079> and<00:00:35.520> let<00:00:35.680> me<00:00:35.920> take<00:00:36.120> you<00:00:36.399> back about OPEC oil and let me take you back about OPEC oil and let me take you back a<00:00:37.160> 100<00:00:37.640> years<00:00:38.640> to a 100 years to a 100 years to 1912<00:00:42.200> you're<00:00:42.680> probably<00:00:43.200> thinking<00:00:43.719> that<00:00:43.879> was 1912 you're probably thinking that was 1912 you're probably thinking that was my<00:00:44.280> birth my birth my birth year<00:00:46.920> it<00:00:47.079> wasn't<00:00:47.719> it<00:00:47.840> was<00:00:48.480> 1928<00:00:49.480> but<00:00:49.680> go<00:00:50.000> back year it wasn't it was 1928 but go back year it wasn't it was 1928 but go back to<00:00:51.079> 1912<00:00:52.079> 100<00:00:52.359> years<00:00:52.800> ago<00:00:53.800> and<00:00:54.280> look<00:00:54.960> at<00:00:55.199> that to 1912 100 years ago and look at that to 1912 100 years ago and look at that point<00:00:56.039> what<00:00:56.280> we<00:00:56.600> our<00:00:56.879> country<00:00:57.280> was<00:00:57.520> faced<00:00:57.960> with point what we our country was faced with point what we our country was faced with it's<00:00:58.879> the<00:00:59.079> same<00:00:59.399> energy<00:01:00.039> question<00:01:00.719> that it's the same energy question that it's the same energy question that you're<00:01:01.079> looking<00:01:01.440> at<00:01:02.000> today<00:01:03.000> but<00:01:03.359> it's you're looking at today but it's you're looking at today but it's different<00:01:04.559> sources<00:01:05.040> of<00:01:05.479> fuel<00:01:06.479> 100<00:01:06.720> years<00:01:06.960> ago different sources of fuel 100 years ago different sources of fuel 100 years ago we<00:01:07.720> were<00:01:07.920> looking<00:01:08.159> at<00:01:08.320> coal<00:01:09.280> of<00:01:09.479> course<00:01:10.000> and<00:01:10.159> we we were looking at coal of course and we we were looking at coal of course and we were<00:01:10.439> looking<00:01:10.720> at<00:01:10.920> whale<00:01:11.400> oil<00:01:12.400> and<00:01:12.600> we<00:01:12.720> were were looking at whale oil and we were were looking at whale oil and we were looking<00:01:13.360> at<00:01:13.720> crude<00:01:14.119> oil<00:01:15.119> at<00:01:15.320> that<00:01:15.560> point<00:01:16.360> we looking at crude oil at that point we looking at crude oil at that point we were<00:01:16.720> looking<00:01:17.320> for<00:01:17.759> a<00:01:18.479> fuel<00:01:19.479> that<00:01:19.920> was<00:01:20.400> cleaner were looking for a fuel that was cleaner were looking for a fuel that was cleaner it<00:01:21.520> was it was it was cheaper<00:01:23.479> and<00:01:23.920> it<00:01:24.079> wasn't<00:01:24.560> ours<00:01:25.560> though<00:01:26.400> it<00:01:26.520> was cheaper and it wasn't ours though it was cheaper and it wasn't ours though it was theirs<00:01:27.960> so<00:01:28.520> at<00:01:28.720> that<00:01:29.000> point<00:01:29.479> 19<00:01:30.119> 12<00:01:30.720> we theirs so at that point 19 12 we theirs so at that point 19 12 we selected<00:01:31.680> crude<00:01:32.000> oil<00:01:32.640> over<00:01:32.960> whale<00:01:33.360> oil<00:01:34.079> and<00:01:35.040> uh selected crude oil over whale oil and uh selected crude oil over whale oil and uh some<00:01:36.079> more<00:01:36.520> coal<00:01:37.520> but<00:01:38.159> as<00:01:38.280> we<00:01:38.479> moved<00:01:39.040> on<00:01:39.560> to<00:01:39.759> the some more coal but as we moved on to the some more coal but as we moved on to the period<00:01:40.399> now<00:01:41.000> 100<00:01:41.240> years<00:01:41.479> later<00:01:42.360> we're<00:01:42.680> back period now 100 years later we're back period now 100 years later we're back really<00:01:44.079> at<00:01:44.439> another<00:01:44.880> decision<00:01:45.439> Point<00:01:46.439> what<00:01:46.600> is really at another decision Point what is really at another decision Point what is the<00:01:47.000> decision<00:01:47.520> point<00:01:48.119> it's<00:01:48.399> what<00:01:48.560> we're<00:01:48.799> going the decision point it's what we're going the decision point it's what we're going to<00:01:49.320> use<00:01:50.159> in<00:01:50.320> the<00:01:50.520> future<00:01:51.799> so<00:01:52.799> from<00:01:53.159> here<00:01:53.960> it's to use in the future so from here it's to use in the future so from here it's pretty<00:01:54.520> clear<00:01:54.880> to<00:01:55.079> me<00:01:56.079> if<00:01:56.280> we<00:01:56.439> would<00:01:56.680> prefer<00:01:57.000> to pretty clear to me if we would prefer to pretty clear to me if we would prefer to have<00:01:57.560> cleaner<00:01:58.840> cheaper have cleaner cheaper have cleaner cheaper domestic domestic domestic hours<00:02:03.479> and<00:02:03.680> we<00:02:03.920> have<00:02:04.200> that<00:02:05.000> we<00:02:05.240> have<00:02:05.520> that hours and we have that we have that hours and we have that we have that which<00:02:06.399> is<00:02:06.680> natural<00:02:07.160> gas<00:02:08.160> so<00:02:08.640> here<00:02:08.800> you<00:02:08.959> are which is natural gas so here you are which is natural gas so here you are that<00:02:10.000> the<00:02:10.760> cost<00:02:11.760> of<00:02:12.360> all<00:02:12.720> this<00:02:13.000> to<00:02:13.239> the<00:02:13.400> world that the cost of all this to the world that the cost of all this to the world is<00:02:14.760> 89<00:02:15.440> million<00:02:15.879> barrels<00:02:16.200> of<00:02:16.360> oil<00:02:16.959> you<00:02:17.120> ever is 89 million barrels of oil you ever is 89 million barrels of oil you ever take<00:02:17.560> a<00:02:17.680> few<00:02:17.920> barrels<00:02:18.400> every<00:02:18.640> day<00:02:19.640> and<00:02:19.879> the take a few barrels every day and the take a few barrels every day and the cost<00:02:20.560> annually<00:02:21.280> is<00:02:21.440> $3 cost annually is $3 cost annually is $3 trillion<00:02:23.560> and<00:02:24.360> one<00:02:24.680> trillion<00:02:25.040> of<00:02:25.280> that<00:02:25.879> goes trillion and one trillion of that goes trillion and one trillion of that goes to to to OPEC<00:02:27.959> that<00:02:28.560> has<00:02:28.760> got<00:02:28.920> to<00:02:29.080> be<00:02:29.280> stopped OPEC that has got to be stopped OPEC that has got to be stopped now<00:02:31.160> if<00:02:31.319> you<00:02:31.599> look<00:02:31.840> at<00:02:32.000> the<00:02:32.280> cost<00:02:32.680> of<00:02:32.920> OPEC<00:02:33.760> it now if you look at the cost of OPEC it now if you look at the cost of OPEC it cost<00:02:34.800> $7<00:02:36.080> trillion<00:02:37.080> on<00:02:37.239> the<00:02:37.360> milk<00:02:37.640> and cost $7 trillion on the milk and cost $7 trillion on the milk and Institute<00:02:38.560> studi<00:02:39.040> last<00:02:39.280> year<00:02:39.480> $7 Institute studi last year $7 Institute studi last year $7 trillion<00:02:41.519> since<00:02:42.159> 1976<00:02:43.159> is<00:02:43.360> what<00:02:43.519> we've<00:02:43.840> paid trillion since 1976 is what we've paid trillion since 1976 is what we've paid for<00:02:44.519> oil<00:02:45.239> from<00:02:45.519> OPC<00:02:46.360> now<00:02:46.599> that<00:02:46.760> includes<00:02:47.200> the for oil from OPC now that includes the for oil from OPC now that includes the cost<00:02:47.560> of<00:02:47.760> military<00:02:48.599> and<00:02:48.760> the<00:02:48.920> cost<00:02:49.120> of<00:02:49.280> the cost of military and the cost of the cost of military and the cost of the fuel<00:02:49.840> both<00:02:50.800> but<00:02:51.080> it's<00:02:51.239> the<00:02:51.480> greatest<00:02:52.280> transfer fuel both but it's the greatest transfer fuel both but it's the greatest transfer of<00:02:53.720> wealth<00:02:54.720> the<00:02:54.879> greatest<00:02:55.200> transfer<00:02:55.680> of of wealth the greatest transfer of of wealth the greatest transfer of wealth<00:02:56.159> from<00:02:56.319> one<00:02:56.599> group<00:02:57.159> to<00:02:57.440> another<00:02:58.120> in<00:02:58.280> the wealth from one group to another in the wealth from one group to another in the history<00:02:58.760> of<00:02:58.920> mankind<00:03:00.000> and<00:03:00.360> it<00:03:00.959> continues<00:03:01.959> now history of mankind and it continues now history of mankind and it continues now when<00:03:02.800> you<00:03:03.040> look<00:03:03.799> at<00:03:04.640> where<00:03:05.080> is<00:03:05.280> the<00:03:05.440> transfer when you look at where is the transfer when you look at where is the transfer of<00:03:06.080> wealth<00:03:06.760> you<00:03:06.920> can<00:03:07.159> see<00:03:07.560> here<00:03:08.560> that<00:03:09.120> we<00:03:09.440> have of wealth you can see here that we have of wealth you can see here that we have the<00:03:10.319> Aras<00:03:11.080> going<00:03:11.400> into<00:03:11.760> the<00:03:11.920> mid<00:03:12.159> East<00:03:13.040> and the Aras going into the mid East and the Aras going into the mid East and away<00:03:13.760> from<00:03:14.200> us<00:03:15.200> and<00:03:15.720> with<00:03:16.040> that<00:03:16.640> we<00:03:16.799> have<00:03:17.000> found away from us and with that we have found away from us and with that we have found ourselves<00:03:18.280> to<00:03:18.440> be<00:03:18.680> the<00:03:18.840> world's<00:03:19.879> policemen<00:03:20.879> we ourselves to be the world's policemen we ourselves to be the world's policemen we are<00:03:21.239> policing<00:03:21.760> the<00:03:21.959> world<00:03:22.640> and<00:03:22.799> how<00:03:22.959> are<00:03:23.080> we are policing the world and how are we are policing the world and how are we doing<00:03:23.879> that<00:03:24.920> there<00:03:25.920> I<00:03:26.519> I<00:03:26.680> know<00:03:27.640> the<00:03:27.879> response doing that there I I know the response doing that there I I know the response to<00:03:28.519> this<00:03:29.519> I<00:03:29.879> would<00:03:30.599> bet<00:03:30.959> there<00:03:31.080> aren't<00:03:31.439> 10%<00:03:32.159> of to this I would bet there aren't 10% of to this I would bet there aren't 10% of you<00:03:32.879> in<00:03:33.040> the<00:03:33.239> room<00:03:33.680> that<00:03:33.879> know<00:03:34.519> how<00:03:34.680> many you in the room that know how many you in the room that know how many aircraft<00:03:35.560> carriers<00:03:36.560> there<00:03:36.720> are<00:03:36.959> in<00:03:37.120> the aircraft carriers there are in the aircraft carriers there are in the world<00:03:38.799> raise<00:03:39.040> your<00:03:39.280> hand<00:03:39.519> if<00:03:39.640> you<00:03:39.799> think<00:03:40.000> you world raise your hand if you think you world raise your hand if you think you know<00:03:42.680> there<00:03:42.799> are<00:03:42.959> 12<00:03:43.920> one<00:03:44.239> is<00:03:44.400> under know there are 12 one is under know there are 12 one is under construction<00:03:45.319> by<00:03:45.439> the<00:03:45.720> Chinese<00:03:46.200> and<00:03:46.400> the construction by the Chinese and the construction by the Chinese and the other<00:03:46.760> 11<00:03:47.200> belong<00:03:47.560> to other 11 belong to other 11 belong to us<00:03:49.319> why<00:03:50.000> do<00:03:50.239> we<00:03:50.439> have<00:03:50.680> 11<00:03:51.319> aircraft<00:03:52.239> carriers us why do we have 11 aircraft carriers us why do we have 11 aircraft carriers do<00:03:53.439> we<00:03:53.599> have<00:03:53.760> a<00:03:53.879> corner<00:03:54.239> on<00:03:54.400> the<00:03:54.720> market<00:03:55.720> are<00:03:55.920> we do we have a corner on the market are we do we have a corner on the market are we smarter<00:03:56.519> than<00:03:56.680> anybody<00:03:57.319> else<00:03:58.319> I'm<00:03:58.480> not<00:03:58.680> sure smarter than anybody else I'm not sure smarter than anybody else I'm not sure if<00:03:59.280> you<00:03:59.400> look<00:03:59.560> at<00:03:59.720> at<00:03:59.840> where<00:03:59.959> they're<00:04:00.159> located if you look at at where they're located if you look at at where they're located and<00:04:00.840> on<00:04:01.079> this<00:04:01.319> slide<00:04:01.920> it's<00:04:02.200> the<00:04:02.439> red<00:04:03.079> blobs<00:04:03.599> on and on this slide it's the red blobs on and on this slide it's the red blobs on there<00:04:04.040> they're<00:04:04.400> five<00:04:04.840> that<00:04:04.959> are<00:04:05.480> operating<00:04:06.360> in there they're five that are operating in there they're five that are operating in the<00:04:06.680> midle<00:04:06.959> East<00:04:07.760> and<00:04:07.879> the<00:04:08.040> rest<00:04:08.239> of<00:04:08.439> them<00:04:08.799> are the midle East and the rest of them are the midle East and the rest of them are in<00:04:09.159> the<00:04:09.280> United<00:04:09.680> States<00:04:10.599> they<00:04:10.879> just<00:04:11.319> move<00:04:11.720> back in the United States they just move back in the United States they just move back to<00:04:12.040> the<00:04:12.159> mid<00:04:12.400> East<00:04:12.680> and<00:04:12.840> those<00:04:13.120> come<00:04:13.400> back<00:04:13.720> so to the mid East and those come back so to the mid East and those come back so it's<00:04:14.680> actually<00:04:15.120> the<00:04:15.480> most<00:04:16.160> of<00:04:16.359> the<00:04:16.479> 11<00:04:17.000> we<00:04:17.199> have it's actually the most of the 11 we have it's actually the most of the 11 we have are<00:04:17.680> tied<00:04:18.040> up<00:04:18.479> in<00:04:18.639> the<00:04:18.759> mid<00:04:19.000> East<00:04:19.959> why<00:04:20.959> why<00:04:21.440> are are tied up in the mid East why why are are tied up in the mid East why why are they<00:04:21.919> in<00:04:22.040> the<00:04:22.160> mid<00:04:22.440> East<00:04:23.440> they're<00:04:23.800> there<00:04:24.280> to they in the mid East they're there to they in the mid East they're there to control<00:04:25.520> keep<00:04:25.840> the<00:04:26.240> shipping<00:04:26.600> lanes<00:04:27.120> open<00:04:27.720> and control keep the shipping lanes open and control keep the shipping lanes open and make<00:04:28.199> oil<00:04:28.560> available<00:04:29.440> the<00:04:29.639> United<00:04:29.919> States make oil available the United States make oil available the United States uses<00:04:30.560> about<00:04:30.840> 20<00:04:31.160> million<00:04:31.440> barrels<00:04:31.800> a<00:04:32.280> day uses about 20 million barrels a day uses about 20 million barrels a day which<00:04:33.680> is<00:04:34.400> about<00:04:35.080> 25%<00:04:35.960> of<00:04:36.120> all<00:04:36.400> the<00:04:36.479> oil<00:04:36.840> used which is about 25% of all the oil used which is about 25% of all the oil used every<00:04:37.919> day<00:04:38.080> in<00:04:38.199> the<00:04:38.520> world<00:04:39.520> and<00:04:39.639> we're<00:04:39.840> doing every day in the world and we're doing every day in the world and we're doing it<00:04:40.320> with<00:04:40.479> 4%<00:04:41.039> of<00:04:41.120> the it with 4% of the it with 4% of the population<00:04:43.320> somehow<00:04:43.960> that<00:04:44.400> doesn't<00:04:44.720> seem population somehow that doesn't seem population somehow that doesn't seem right<00:04:46.360> that's<00:04:46.600> not<00:04:47.039> sustainable<00:04:48.039> so<00:04:48.600> where<00:04:48.759> do right that's not sustainable so where do right that's not sustainable so where do we<00:04:49.039> go<00:04:49.280> from<00:04:49.600> here<00:04:50.199> does<00:04:50.440> that<00:04:51.080> continue<00:04:52.080> yes we go from here does that continue yes we go from here does that continue yes it's<00:04:52.520> going<00:04:52.680> to<00:04:52.880> continue<00:04:53.639> the<00:04:53.800> slide<00:04:54.080> you're it's going to continue the slide you're it's going to continue the slide you're looking<00:04:54.560> at<00:04:54.880> here<00:04:55.479> is<00:04:55.720> 1990<00:04:56.560> to looking at here is 1990 to looking at here is 1990 to 2040<00:04:58.600> over<00:04:58.919> that<00:04:59.199> period<00:04:59.759> you<00:04:59.919> are<00:05:00.199> going<00:05:00.560> to 2040 over that period you are going to 2040 over that period you are going to double<00:05:01.199> your<00:05:01.560> demand<00:05:02.560> and<00:05:02.759> when<00:05:02.919> you<00:05:03.199> look<00:05:03.479> at double your demand and when you look at double your demand and when you look at what<00:05:03.960> we're<00:05:04.240> using<00:05:04.680> the<00:05:04.840> oil<00:05:05.320> for<00:05:06.320> 70%<00:05:07.199> of<00:05:07.320> it what we're using the oil for 70% of it what we're using the oil for 70% of it is<00:05:07.639> used<00:05:07.960> for<00:05:08.199> transportation<00:05:09.000> fuel<00:05:09.919> so<00:05:10.120> when is used for transportation fuel so when is used for transportation fuel so when somebody<00:05:10.720> says<00:05:11.639> let's<00:05:12.199> go<00:05:12.919> more<00:05:13.320> nuclear somebody says let's go more nuclear somebody says let's go more nuclear let's<00:05:14.560> go<00:05:14.880> wind<00:05:15.639> Let's<00:05:15.919> Go<00:05:16.280> Solar<00:05:17.280> fine<00:05:18.000> I'm let's go wind Let's Go Solar fine I'm let's go wind Let's Go Solar fine I'm for<00:05:18.520> anything<00:05:19.240> American<00:05:20.240> anything<00:05:20.800> American for anything American anything American for anything American anything American but<00:05:21.759> if<00:05:21.880> you're<00:05:22.120> going<00:05:22.479> to<00:05:22.680> do<00:05:23.000> anything<00:05:23.680> about but if you're going to do anything about but if you're going to do anything about the<00:05:24.680> dependency<00:05:25.479> on<00:05:25.720> foreign<00:05:26.120> oil<00:05:26.840> you<00:05:27.120> have the dependency on foreign oil you have the dependency on foreign oil you have to<00:05:27.520> address<00:05:28.240> Transportation<00:05:29.240> so<00:05:29.680> here<00:05:29.800> we<00:05:29.960> are to address Transportation so here we are to address Transportation so here we are using<00:05:31.680> 20<00:05:32.039> million<00:05:32.759> barrels<00:05:33.280> a<00:05:33.520> day<00:05:34.319> producing using 20 million barrels a day producing using 20 million barrels a day producing eight<00:05:35.520> importing<00:05:36.240> 12<00:05:37.080> and<00:05:37.240> from<00:05:37.520> the<00:05:37.720> 12<00:05:38.319> five eight importing 12 and from the 12 five eight importing 12 and from the 12 five comes<00:05:39.680> from<00:05:40.560> the<00:05:41.080> uh<00:05:41.840> comes<00:05:42.120> from<00:05:42.880> OPEC<00:05:43.880> when comes from the uh comes from OPEC when comes from the uh comes from OPEC when you<00:05:44.160> look<00:05:44.319> at<00:05:44.440> the<00:05:44.600> biggest<00:05:44.919> user<00:05:45.600> the<00:05:45.759> second you look at the biggest user the second you look at the biggest user the second largest<00:05:46.520> user<00:05:47.360> we<00:05:47.560> use<00:05:47.880> 20<00:05:48.199> million<00:05:48.520> barrels largest user we use 20 million barrels largest user we use 20 million barrels and<00:05:49.120> the<00:05:49.280> Chinese<00:05:49.840> use<00:05:50.199> 10<00:05:51.199> the<00:05:51.400> Chinese<00:05:52.039> have and the Chinese use 10 the Chinese have and the Chinese use 10 the Chinese have a<00:05:52.759> a<00:05:52.919> little<00:05:53.199> bit<00:05:53.520> better<00:05:54.400> plan<00:05:55.120> or<00:05:55.400> they<00:05:55.600> have a a little bit better plan or they have a a little bit better plan or they have a<00:05:55.960> plan<00:05:56.400> we<00:05:56.680> have<00:05:56.880> no<00:05:57.479> plan<00:05:58.479> in<00:05:58.680> the<00:05:59.080> history<00:05:59.600> of a plan we have no plan in the history of a plan we have no plan in the history of America<00:06:00.160> we've<00:06:00.400> never<00:06:00.759> had<00:06:01.120> an<00:06:01.280> energy<00:06:01.720> plan America we've never had an energy plan America we've never had an energy plan we<00:06:02.319> don't<00:06:02.560> even<00:06:02.919> realize<00:06:03.680> the<00:06:03.919> resources<00:06:04.680> that we don't even realize the resources that we don't even realize the resources that we<00:06:05.080> have<00:06:05.479> available<00:06:05.960> to<00:06:06.199> us<00:06:06.759> if<00:06:06.840> you<00:06:07.000> take<00:06:07.199> the we have available to us if you take the we have available to us if you take the last<00:06:07.759> 10<00:06:08.319> years<00:06:09.319> and<00:06:09.599> bring<00:06:10.240> forward<00:06:11.240> you last 10 years and bring forward you last 10 years and bring forward you transferred<00:06:12.919> to<00:06:13.199> OPEC<00:06:13.759> a<00:06:13.960> trillion<00:06:14.520> dollars transferred to OPEC a trillion dollars transferred to OPEC a trillion dollars if<00:06:15.639> you<00:06:15.759> go<00:06:16.000> forward<00:06:16.440> the<00:06:16.599> next<00:06:16.840> 10<00:06:17.120> years<00:06:17.400> and if you go forward the next 10 years and if you go forward the next 10 years and cap<00:06:18.000> the<00:06:18.160> price<00:06:18.400> of<00:06:18.560> oil<00:06:18.880> at<00:06:19.000> $100<00:06:19.680> a<00:06:20.199> barrel cap the price of oil at $100 a barrel cap the price of oil at $100 a barrel you<00:06:21.360> will<00:06:21.639> pay<00:06:22.000> 2.2<00:06:22.800> trillion<00:06:23.800> that's<00:06:24.080> not you will pay 2.2 trillion that's not you will pay 2.2 trillion that's not sustainable<00:06:25.160> either<00:06:25.960> but<00:06:26.080> the<00:06:26.319> days<00:06:26.560> of<00:06:26.759> cheap sustainable either but the days of cheap sustainable either but the days of cheap oil<00:06:27.840> are<00:06:28.120> over<00:06:29.080> there<00:06:29.520> over<00:06:30.120> that<00:06:30.560> they<00:06:30.880> they oil are over there over that they they oil are over there over that they they make<00:06:31.199> it<00:06:31.400> very<00:06:31.639> clear<00:06:32.000> to<00:06:32.400> you<00:06:33.400> uh<00:06:34.199> the<00:06:34.759> the<00:06:35.199> uh make it very clear to you uh the the uh make it very clear to you uh the the uh Saudis<00:06:36.199> do<00:06:37.000> they<00:06:37.199> have<00:06:37.440> to<00:06:37.639> have<00:06:37.800> $94<00:06:38.759> a<00:06:38.919> barrel Saudis do they have to have $94 a barrel Saudis do they have to have $94 a barrel to<00:06:39.960> make<00:06:40.280> their<00:06:40.520> social<00:06:40.960> commitments<00:06:41.919> now<00:06:42.080> I to make their social commitments now I to make their social commitments now I have<00:06:42.440> people<00:06:43.039> that<00:06:43.919> I<00:06:44.039> have<00:06:44.240> people<00:06:44.520> in have people that I have people in have people that I have people in Washington<00:06:45.440> last<00:06:45.599> week<00:06:45.800> told<00:06:46.080> me<00:06:46.280> said<00:06:47.120> the Washington last week told me said the Washington last week told me said the Saudis<00:06:47.840> can<00:06:48.080> produce<00:06:48.400> the<00:06:48.520> oil<00:06:48.759> for<00:06:48.919> $5<00:06:49.520> a Saudis can produce the oil for $5 a Saudis can produce the oil for $5 a barrel<00:06:51.080> that<00:06:51.240> has<00:06:51.479> nothing<00:06:51.759> to<00:06:51.919> do<00:06:52.120> with<00:06:52.280> it barrel that has nothing to do with it barrel that has nothing to do with it it's<00:06:53.160> what<00:06:53.440> they<00:06:53.680> have<00:06:53.800> to<00:06:54.039> pay<00:06:54.280> for<00:06:54.919> is<00:06:55.160> what it's what they have to pay for is what it's what they have to pay for is what we<00:06:55.560> are<00:06:55.720> going<00:06:55.840> to<00:06:56.000> pay<00:06:56.160> for<00:06:56.400> oil<00:06:57.199> there<00:06:57.319> is<00:06:57.520> no we are going to pay for oil there is no we are going to pay for oil there is no free<00:06:58.080> market<00:06:58.400> for<00:06:58.639> oil<00:06:58.960> the<00:06:59.080> oil<00:06:59.479> is<00:06:59.639> priced free market for oil the oil is priced free market for oil the oil is priced off<00:07:00.120> the<00:07:00.280> margin<00:07:01.280> and<00:07:02.080> the<00:07:02.440> OPEC<00:07:02.879> nations<00:07:03.599> are off the margin and the OPEC nations are off the margin and the OPEC nations are the<00:07:03.919> ones<00:07:04.160> that<00:07:04.360> price<00:07:04.680> the<00:07:04.840> oil<00:07:05.840> so<00:07:06.039> where<00:07:06.199> are the ones that price the oil so where are the ones that price the oil so where are we<00:07:06.520> headed<00:07:07.080> from<00:07:07.479> here<00:07:08.319> we're<00:07:08.800> headed<00:07:09.800> to we headed from here we're headed to we headed from here we're headed to natural<00:07:10.800> gas<00:07:11.520> natural<00:07:12.000> gas<00:07:12.840> will<00:07:13.080> do natural gas natural gas will do natural gas natural gas will do everything<00:07:14.520> we<00:07:14.759> want<00:07:15.440> it<00:07:15.560> to<00:07:15.759> do<00:07:16.240> it's<00:07:16.520> 130 everything we want it to do it's 130 everything we want it to do it's 130 octane<00:07:17.800> fuel<00:07:18.800> it's<00:07:19.039> 25%<00:07:20.039> cleaner<00:07:20.479> than<00:07:20.680> oil octane fuel it's 25% cleaner than oil octane fuel it's 25% cleaner than oil it's<00:07:21.879> ours<00:07:22.520> we<00:07:22.680> have<00:07:22.840> an<00:07:23.039> abundance<00:07:23.680> of<00:07:23.960> it<00:07:24.879> and it's ours we have an abundance of it and it's ours we have an abundance of it and it<00:07:25.720> does<00:07:26.000> not<00:07:26.240> require<00:07:26.680> Refinery<00:07:27.520> it<00:07:27.680> comes it does not require Refinery it comes it does not require Refinery it comes out<00:07:28.080> of<00:07:28.160> the<00:07:28.280> ground<00:07:28.520> at1<00:07:28.720> 130<00:07:29.400> octane<00:07:30.039> run<00:07:30.280> it out of the ground at1 130 octane run it out of the ground at1 130 octane run it through<00:07:30.560> a<00:07:30.759> separator<00:07:31.280> and<00:07:31.400> you're<00:07:31.599> ready<00:07:31.840> to through a separator and you're ready to through a separator and you're ready to use<00:07:32.280> it<00:07:32.680> it's<00:07:32.800> going<00:07:32.919> to<00:07:33.000> be<00:07:33.199> very<00:07:33.479> simple<00:07:34.000> for use it it's going to be very simple for use it it's going to be very simple for us<00:07:35.080> to<00:07:35.319> use<00:07:35.680> it's<00:07:35.800> going<00:07:35.919> to<00:07:36.039> be<00:07:36.240> simple<00:07:36.800> to us to use it's going to be simple to us to use it's going to be simple to accomplish<00:07:37.720> this<00:07:38.240> you're<00:07:38.440> going<00:07:38.560> to<00:07:38.759> find<00:07:39.080> and accomplish this you're going to find and accomplish this you're going to find and I'll<00:07:39.440> tell<00:07:39.599> you<00:07:39.759> in<00:07:39.919> just<00:07:40.039> a<00:07:40.199> minute<00:07:40.520> what I'll tell you in just a minute what I'll tell you in just a minute what you're<00:07:40.840> looking<00:07:41.199> for<00:07:41.960> to<00:07:42.240> make<00:07:42.400> it<00:07:42.720> happen<00:07:43.520> but you're looking for to make it happen but you're looking for to make it happen but here<00:07:44.120> you<00:07:44.280> can<00:07:44.520> look<00:07:44.759> at<00:07:44.919> the<00:07:45.039> list<00:07:45.680> natural here you can look at the list natural here you can look at the list natural gas<00:07:46.479> will<00:07:46.759> fit<00:07:47.240> all<00:07:47.919> of<00:07:48.240> those<00:07:48.599> it<00:07:48.720> will gas will fit all of those it will gas will fit all of those it will replace<00:07:49.879> or<00:07:50.080> be<00:07:50.240> able<00:07:50.479> to<00:07:50.639> be<00:07:50.919> used<00:07:51.680> for<00:07:52.039> that replace or be able to be used for that replace or be able to be used for that it's<00:07:53.120> for<00:07:53.440> power<00:07:53.720> generation<00:07:54.400> Transportation it's for power generation Transportation it's for power generation Transportation it's<00:07:55.440> peaking<00:07:55.919> fuel<00:07:56.800> it's<00:07:57.080> all<00:07:57.520> those<00:07:58.360> do<00:07:58.560> we it's peaking fuel it's all those do we it's peaking fuel it's all those do we have<00:07:59.000> enough<00:07:59.560> natural<00:07:59.960> gas<00:08:00.879> look<00:08:01.199> at<00:08:01.360> the<00:08:01.520> bar have enough natural gas look at the bar have enough natural gas look at the bar on<00:08:01.960> the<00:08:02.199> left<00:08:02.479> is<00:08:02.759> 24<00:08:03.400> trillion<00:08:03.919> is<00:08:04.120> what<00:08:04.319> we on the left is 24 trillion is what we on the left is 24 trillion is what we use<00:08:04.800> a<00:08:05.039> year<00:08:05.759> and<00:08:05.960> go<00:08:06.560> forward<00:08:07.560> and<00:08:08.240> the use a year and go forward and the use a year and go forward and the estimates<00:08:09.599> that<00:08:09.759> you<00:08:10.000> have<00:08:10.280> from<00:08:10.479> the<00:08:10.680> eia<00:08:11.680> and estimates that you have from the eia and estimates that you have from the eia and on<00:08:12.039> to<00:08:12.240> the<00:08:12.479> industry<00:08:13.080> estimates<00:08:13.599> the on to the industry estimates the on to the industry estimates the industry<00:08:14.120> knows<00:08:14.440> what<00:08:14.599> they're<00:08:14.800> talking industry knows what they're talking industry knows what they're talking about<00:08:15.800> we've<00:08:16.039> got<00:08:16.280> 4,000<00:08:17.199> trillion<00:08:17.919> cubic about we've got 4,000 trillion cubic about we've got 4,000 trillion cubic feet<00:08:18.479> of<00:08:18.639> natural<00:08:19.080> gas<00:08:19.919> that's<00:08:20.199> available<00:08:20.639> to feet of natural gas that's available to feet of natural gas that's available to us<00:08:21.440> how<00:08:21.599> does<00:08:21.840> that<00:08:22.080> translate<00:08:22.879> to<00:08:23.120> barrels<00:08:23.560> of us how does that translate to barrels of us how does that translate to barrels of oil<00:08:24.120> equivalent<00:08:25.120> it<00:08:25.240> would<00:08:25.479> be<00:08:25.960> three<00:08:26.280> times oil equivalent it would be three times oil equivalent it would be three times what<00:08:26.840> the<00:08:26.960> Saudis<00:08:27.520> claim<00:08:27.919> they<00:08:28.240> have<00:08:29.319> and<00:08:29.479> they what the Saudis claim they have and they what the Saudis claim they have and they claim<00:08:29.960> they<00:08:30.120> have<00:08:30.400> 250<00:08:31.400> billion<00:08:31.759> barrels<00:08:32.080> of claim they have 250 billion barrels of claim they have 250 billion barrels of oil<00:08:32.560> which<00:08:32.719> I<00:08:32.839> do<00:08:33.039> not<00:08:33.320> believe<00:08:33.760> I<00:08:33.880> think<00:08:34.080> it's oil which I do not believe I think it's oil which I do not believe I think it's probably probably probably 175<00:08:37.240> uh<00:08:37.760> billion<00:08:38.159> barrels<00:08:38.959> but<00:08:39.360> anyway 175 uh billion barrels but anyway 175 uh billion barrels but anyway whether<00:08:40.200> they<00:08:40.360> say<00:08:40.640> they're<00:08:40.880> right<00:08:41.080> or whether they say they're right or whether they say they're right or whatever<00:08:41.880> we<00:08:42.080> have<00:08:42.320> plenty<00:08:42.599> of<00:08:42.800> natural<00:08:43.240> gas whatever we have plenty of natural gas whatever we have plenty of natural gas so<00:08:44.720> I<00:08:44.839> have<00:08:45.000> tried<00:08:45.360> to<00:08:45.640> Target<00:08:46.279> on<00:08:46.519> where<00:08:46.720> we so I have tried to Target on where we so I have tried to Target on where we use<00:08:47.279> the<00:08:47.440> natural<00:08:47.880> gas<00:08:48.680> and<00:08:48.839> where<00:08:49.040> I've use the natural gas and where I've use the natural gas and where I've targeted<00:08:50.320> is<00:08:50.519> on<00:08:50.680> the<00:08:50.880> heavyduty<00:08:51.440> trucks targeted is on the heavyduty trucks targeted is on the heavyduty trucks they're<00:08:52.560> 8<00:08:52.880> million<00:08:53.320> of<00:08:53.480> them<00:08:54.080> you<00:08:54.279> take<00:08:54.640> the<00:08:54.720> 8 they're 8 million of them you take the 8 they're 8 million of them you take the 8 million<00:08:55.399> trucks<00:08:55.959> and<00:08:56.200> you<00:08:56.440> these<00:08:56.560> are<00:08:56.720> 18 million trucks and you these are 18 million trucks and you these are 18 wheelers<00:08:57.880> and<00:08:58.079> take<00:08:58.279> them<00:08:58.480> to<00:08:58.800> Natural<00:08:59.480> gas wheelers and take them to Natural gas wheelers and take them to Natural gas reduce<00:09:01.399> carbon<00:09:02.040> by<00:09:02.519> 30%<00:09:03.519> it<00:09:03.680> is<00:09:04.240> cheaper<00:09:05.240> and reduce carbon by 30% it is cheaper and reduce carbon by 30% it is cheaper and it<00:09:06.240> will<00:09:06.519> cut<00:09:07.440> our<00:09:07.920> our<00:09:08.240> Imports<00:09:08.880> 3<00:09:09.120> million it will cut our our Imports 3 million it will cut our our Imports 3 million barrels<00:09:10.360> so<00:09:10.600> you<00:09:10.720> will<00:09:10.959> cut<00:09:11.440> 60%<00:09:12.440> off<00:09:12.600> of<00:09:12.839> OPEC barrels so you will cut 60% off of OPEC barrels so you will cut 60% off of OPEC with<00:09:14.040> 88<00:09:14.399> million<00:09:14.720> trucks<00:09:15.240> there<00:09:15.360> are<00:09:15.519> 250 with 88 million trucks there are 250 with 88 million trucks there are 250 million<00:09:16.720> vehicles<00:09:17.320> in<00:09:17.560> America<00:09:18.519> so<00:09:18.839> what<00:09:18.959> you million vehicles in America so what you million vehicles in America so what you have<00:09:19.560> is<00:09:19.800> natural<00:09:20.320> gas<00:09:20.920> is<00:09:21.240> the<00:09:21.399> bridge<00:09:21.880> fuel have is natural gas is the bridge fuel have is natural gas is the bridge fuel is<00:09:23.040> the<00:09:23.200> way<00:09:23.360> I<00:09:23.480> see<00:09:23.720> it<00:09:24.399> I<00:09:24.560> don't<00:09:25.120> have<00:09:25.279> to is the way I see it I don't have to is the way I see it I don't have to worry<00:09:26.480> about<00:09:26.800> the<00:09:26.959> bridge<00:09:27.360> to<00:09:27.600> where<00:09:28.560> at<00:09:28.760> my

that's<00:09:32.399> your<00:09:33.519> concern<00:09:34.519> but<00:09:35.040> when<00:09:35.200> you<00:09:35.399> look<00:09:35.600> at
that's your concern but when you look at that's your concern but when you look at the<00:09:35.959> natural<00:09:36.399> gas<00:09:36.720> we<00:09:36.959> have<00:09:37.720> it<00:09:37.880> could<00:09:38.120> very the natural gas we have it could very the natural gas we have it could very well<00:09:38.680> be<00:09:39.279> the<00:09:39.440> bridge<00:09:39.839> to<00:09:40.040> natural<00:09:40.519> gas well be the bridge to natural gas well be the bridge to natural gas because<00:09:41.600> you<00:09:41.800> have<00:09:42.000> plenty<00:09:42.279> of<00:09:42.440> natural<00:09:42.880> gas because you have plenty of natural gas because you have plenty of natural gas but<00:09:44.040> as<00:09:44.160> I<00:09:44.399> said<00:09:44.920> I'm<00:09:45.200> for<00:09:45.600> anything<00:09:46.600> American but as I said I'm for anything American but as I said I'm for anything American now<00:09:47.399> let<00:09:47.519> me<00:09:47.680> take<00:09:48.000> you<00:09:48.600> I've<00:09:48.760> been<00:09:48.920> a<00:09:49.120> realist now let me take you I've been a realist now let me take you I've been a realist I<00:09:49.760> went<00:09:50.000> from<00:09:50.200> theorist<00:09:50.760> early<00:09:51.440> to<00:09:51.680> realist I went from theorist early to realist I went from theorist early to realist I'm<00:09:52.519> back<00:09:52.760> the<00:09:52.959> theorist<00:09:53.600> again<00:09:54.279> if<00:09:54.399> you<00:09:54.640> look I'm back the theorist again if you look I'm back the theorist again if you look at<00:09:55.320> the<00:09:55.519> world<00:09:56.399> you<00:09:56.720> have<00:09:57.040> methane<00:09:57.920> hydrates at the world you have methane hydrates at the world you have methane hydrates in<00:09:58.800> the<00:09:59.160> ocean<00:09:59.839> around<00:10:00.360> every<00:10:00.880> continent<00:10:01.880> and in the ocean around every continent and in the ocean around every continent and here<00:10:02.800> you<00:10:02.959> can<00:10:03.160> see<00:10:04.000> methane<00:10:04.519> if<00:10:04.680> that's<00:10:04.920> the here you can see methane if that's the here you can see methane if that's the way<00:10:05.279> you're<00:10:05.440> going<00:10:05.560> to<00:10:05.800> go<00:10:06.680> that<00:10:06.880> there's way you're going to go that there's way you're going to go that there's plenty<00:10:08.120> of<00:10:08.560> methane<00:10:09.560> natural<00:10:10.000> gas<00:10:10.360> is<00:10:10.880> methane plenty of methane natural gas is methane plenty of methane natural gas is methane natural<00:10:11.680> gas<00:10:11.839> are<00:10:12.200> interchangeable<00:10:13.200> but<00:10:13.720> if natural gas are interchangeable but if natural gas are interchangeable but if you<00:10:14.079> decide<00:10:14.560> that<00:10:14.680> you're<00:10:14.839> going<00:10:14.959> to<00:10:15.200> use<00:10:15.519> the you decide that you're going to use the you decide that you're going to use the methane<00:10:16.440> and<00:10:16.600> I'm<00:10:16.800> gone<00:10:17.480> so<00:10:17.720> it's<00:10:17.880> up<00:10:18.040> to<00:10:18.240> you methane and I'm gone so it's up to you methane and I'm gone so it's up to you but<00:10:19.399> we<00:10:19.600> do<00:10:20.040> have<00:10:20.720> plenty<00:10:21.240> of<00:10:21.480> methane but we do have plenty of methane but we do have plenty of methane hydrates<00:10:23.600> so<00:10:24.600> uh<00:10:24.920> I<00:10:25.079> think<00:10:25.399> I've<00:10:25.600> made<00:10:25.880> my hydrates so uh I think I've made my hydrates so uh I think I've made my point<00:10:27.160> that<00:10:27.640> uh<00:10:28.360> that<00:10:28.600> we<00:10:28.880> have<00:10:29.160> have<00:10:29.320> to<00:10:29.480> get point that uh that we have have to get point that uh that we have have to get on<00:10:29.920> our<00:10:30.079> own<00:10:30.399> resources<00:10:30.959> in<00:10:31.200> America<00:10:32.200> if<00:10:32.480> we<00:10:32.720> do on our own resources in America if we do on our own resources in America if we do we<00:10:33.480> can<00:10:33.720> cut<00:10:33.959> out<00:10:34.519> we're<00:10:34.720> it's<00:10:34.959> costing<00:10:35.279> us<00:10:35.480> a we can cut out we're it's costing us a we can cut out we're it's costing us a billion<00:10:36.040> dollars<00:10:36.360> a<00:10:36.560> day<00:10:36.760> for<00:10:37.279> oil<00:10:38.279> and<00:10:39.040> it<00:10:39.200> we billion dollars a day for oil and it we billion dollars a day for oil and it we have<00:10:39.600> no<00:10:39.839> energy<00:10:40.320> plan<00:10:41.160> so<00:10:41.959> there's<00:10:42.480> there's have no energy plan so there's there's have no energy plan so there's there's nothing<00:10:43.560> going<00:10:43.880> on<00:10:44.399> that<00:10:45.120> that<00:10:45.839> uh<00:10:46.279> impresses nothing going on that that uh impresses nothing going on that that uh impresses me<00:10:47.600> in<00:10:47.880> Washington<00:10:48.680> on<00:10:48.920> that<00:10:49.160> plan<00:10:50.079> other<00:10:50.399> than me in Washington on that plan other than me in Washington on that plan other than I'm<00:10:50.880> trying<00:10:51.200> to<00:10:51.519> focus<00:10:52.279> on<00:10:52.600> that<00:10:53.040> 8<00:10:53.399> milon<00:10:54.000> 18 I'm trying to focus on that 8 milon 18 I'm trying to focus on that 8 milon 18 wheelers<00:10:55.720> if<00:10:55.839> we<00:10:56.000> could<00:10:56.160> do<00:10:56.399> that<00:10:56.760> I<00:10:56.880> think<00:10:57.079> we wheelers if we could do that I think we wheelers if we could do that I think we would<00:10:57.440> take<00:10:57.639> our<00:10:57.920> first<00:10:58.240> step<00:10:58.680> to<00:10:58.839> an<00:10:59.040> an would take our first step to an an would take our first step to an an energy<00:10:59.560> plan<00:11:00.519> if<00:11:00.720> we<00:11:00.959> did<00:11:01.680> we<00:11:01.839> could<00:11:02.040> see<00:11:02.639> that energy plan if we did we could see that energy plan if we did we could see that our<00:11:03.040> own<00:11:03.440> resources<00:11:04.440> are<00:11:04.720> easier<00:11:05.160> to<00:11:05.360> use<00:11:05.760> than our own resources are easier to use than our own resources are easier to use than anybody<00:11:06.440> can<00:11:06.720> imagine<00:11:07.720> thank

you<00:11:18.399> thank<00:11:18.680> thanks<00:11:18.880> for<00:11:19.120> that<00:11:19.760> so<00:11:20.000> from<00:11:20.160> your
you thank thanks for that so from your you thank thanks for that so from your point<00:11:20.480> of<00:11:20.639> view<00:11:21.000> you<00:11:21.240> had<00:11:21.480> this<00:11:21.800> great<00:11:22.480> uh<00:11:22.720> you point of view you had this great uh you point of view you had this great uh you know<00:11:23.040> Pickin<00:11:23.519> plan<00:11:23.839> that<00:11:23.959> was<00:11:24.120> based<00:11:24.399> on<00:11:24.720> wind know Pickin plan that was based on wind know Pickin plan that was based on wind energy<00:11:26.399> and<00:11:26.880> you<00:11:27.519> abandoned<00:11:28.040> it<00:11:28.279> basically energy and you abandoned it basically energy and you abandoned it basically because<00:11:29.160> the<00:11:29.240> economics because the economics because the economics changed<00:11:31.920> what<00:11:32.160> happened<00:11:33.160> I<00:11:33.279> lost<00:11:33.560> $150 changed what happened I lost $150 changed what happened I lost $150 million<00:11:37.160> that'll<00:11:37.399> make<00:11:37.600> you<00:11:38.320> abandon million that'll make you abandon million that'll make you abandon something<00:11:40.480> know<00:11:40.720> what<00:11:40.920> happened<00:11:41.240> to<00:11:41.399> us<00:11:41.639> Chris something know what happened to us Chris something know what happened to us Chris is<00:11:42.600> that<00:11:43.160> that<00:11:43.720> power<00:11:44.680> is<00:11:45.360> uh<00:11:46.040> uh<00:11:46.519> it's<00:11:46.959> it's is that that power is uh uh it's it's is that that power is uh uh it's it's priced<00:11:47.720> off<00:11:47.959> the<00:11:48.160> margin<00:11:49.160> and<00:11:49.279> so<00:11:49.519> the<00:11:49.680> margin priced off the margin and so the margin priced off the margin and so the margin is<00:11:50.360> natural<00:11:50.800> gas<00:11:51.680> and<00:11:51.839> at<00:11:52.000> the<00:11:52.200> time<00:11:52.519> I<00:11:52.680> went is natural gas and at the time I went is natural gas and at the time I went into<00:11:53.200> the<00:11:53.279> wind<00:11:53.639> business<00:11:54.160> natural<00:11:54.560> gas<00:11:54.839> was into the wind business natural gas was into the wind business natural gas was $9<00:11:56.160> today<00:11:56.480> it's $9 today it's $9 today it's $2.40<00:11:58.560> you<00:11:59.000> cannot<00:11:59.399> do<00:11:59.600> a<00:11:59.720> wind<00:12:00.040> deal<00:12:00.839> under<00:12:01.160> $6 $2.40 you cannot do a wind deal under $6 $2.40 you cannot do a wind deal under $6 an<00:12:02.399> mcf<00:12:03.399> so<00:12:03.600> so<00:12:03.760> what<00:12:03.920> happened<00:12:04.279> was<00:12:04.519> that<00:12:05.160> we an mcf so so what happened was that we an mcf so so what happened was that we we<00:12:05.800> through<00:12:06.800> um<00:12:07.639> increased<00:12:08.320> ability<00:12:08.720> to<00:12:08.880> use we through um increased ability to use we through um increased ability to use fracking<00:12:09.839> technology<00:12:10.839> the<00:12:11.399> calculated fracking technology the calculated fracking technology the calculated reserves<00:12:12.360> of<00:12:12.519> natural<00:12:12.920> gas<00:12:13.199> kind<00:12:13.320> of<00:12:13.519> exploded reserves of natural gas kind of exploded reserves of natural gas kind of exploded and<00:12:14.160> the<00:12:14.320> price<00:12:15.600> plummeted<00:12:16.600> which<00:12:16.880> which<00:12:17.040> made and the price plummeted which which made and the price plummeted which which made wind<00:12:17.839> uncompetitive<00:12:18.839> in<00:12:18.959> a<00:12:19.160> in<00:12:19.240> a<00:12:19.360> nutshell wind uncompetitive in a in a nutshell wind uncompetitive in a in a nutshell that's<00:12:19.920> what<00:12:20.040> happened<00:12:20.920> that's<00:12:21.399> that's<00:12:21.639> what that's what happened that's that's what that's what happened that's that's what happened<00:12:22.160> we<00:12:22.320> found<00:12:22.639> out<00:12:22.920> that<00:12:23.079> we<00:12:23.199> could<00:12:23.399> go happened we found out that we could go happened we found out that we could go to<00:12:23.839> the<00:12:23.959> source<00:12:24.440> Rock<00:12:25.160> which<00:12:25.279> were<00:12:25.480> the<00:12:25.600> carbon to the source Rock which were the carbon to the source Rock which were the carbon eer<00:12:26.360> shells<00:12:27.160> in<00:12:27.360> the<00:12:27.519> basins<00:12:28.160> first<00:12:28.360> one<00:12:28.519> was eer shells in the basins first one was eer shells in the basins first one was bar<00:12:29.160> Shale<00:12:30.000> in<00:12:30.320> Texas<00:12:30.920> and<00:12:31.040> then<00:12:31.199> the<00:12:31.399> marcelis bar Shale in Texas and then the marcelis bar Shale in Texas and then the marcelis up<00:12:32.560> in<00:12:32.680> the<00:12:32.839> Northeast<00:12:33.519> across<00:12:34.199> uh<00:12:34.639> New<00:12:34.880> York up in the Northeast across uh New York up in the Northeast across uh New York Pennsylvania<00:12:36.079> West<00:12:36.320> Virginia<00:12:37.160> hanesville Pennsylvania West Virginia hanesville Pennsylvania West Virginia hanesville and<00:12:37.920> Louisiana<00:12:38.839> this<00:12:39.040> stuff<00:12:39.279> is<00:12:39.519> everywhere and Louisiana this stuff is everywhere and Louisiana this stuff is everywhere we<00:12:40.560> are<00:12:41.000> overwhelmed<00:12:42.000> with<00:12:42.240> natural<00:12:42.680> gas<00:12:43.160> and we are overwhelmed with natural gas and we are overwhelmed with natural gas and and<00:12:43.399> now<00:12:43.680> you're<00:12:43.839> a<00:12:43.959> big<00:12:44.199> investor<00:12:45.040> in<00:12:45.279> in<00:12:45.519> that and now you're a big investor in in that and now you're a big investor in in that and<00:12:46.199> then<00:12:46.320> bringing<00:12:46.560> that<00:12:46.639> to<00:12:46.720> my<00:12:47.000> well<00:12:47.120> you and then bringing that to my well you and then bringing that to my well you say<00:12:47.440> a<00:12:47.639> big<00:12:47.920> investor<00:12:48.920> uh<00:12:49.199> it's<00:12:49.480> my<00:12:49.800> life<00:12:50.360> I'm<00:12:50.480> a say a big investor uh it's my life I'm a say a big investor uh it's my life I'm a geologist<00:12:51.240> got<00:12:51.399> out<00:12:51.600> School<00:12:51.800> in<00:12:51.959> 51<00:12:52.920> and<00:12:53.040> I've geologist got out School in 51 and I've geologist got out School in 51 and I've been<00:12:53.360> in<00:12:53.519> the<00:12:53.720> industry<00:12:54.480> my<00:12:54.680> entire<00:12:55.040> life<00:12:55.360> now been in the industry my entire life now been in the industry my entire life now I<00:12:56.240> do<00:12:56.600> have<00:12:56.959> own<00:12:57.440> stocks<00:12:58.240> that<00:12:59.079> uh<00:12:59.360> I'm<00:12:59.519> not<00:12:59.680> a I do have own stocks that uh I'm not a I do have own stocks that uh I'm not a big<00:13:00.120> natural<00:13:00.480> gas<00:13:00.760> producer<00:13:01.399> somebody<00:13:01.720> the big natural gas producer somebody the big natural gas producer somebody the other<00:13:02.000> day<00:13:02.079> said<00:13:02.240> I<00:13:02.360> was<00:13:02.560> second<00:13:02.839> largest other day said I was second largest other day said I was second largest natural<00:13:03.560> gas<00:13:03.760> producer<00:13:04.079> in<00:13:04.199> the<00:13:04.279> United natural gas producer in the United natural gas producer in the United States<00:13:05.120> don't<00:13:05.399> I<00:13:05.639> wish<00:13:06.639> but<00:13:07.000> no<00:13:07.360> I'm<00:13:07.560> not<00:13:08.079> I<00:13:08.320> I States don't I wish but no I'm not I I States don't I wish but no I'm not I I own<00:13:08.760> stocks<00:13:09.519> but<00:13:10.000> I<00:13:10.320> also<00:13:11.199> am<00:13:11.399> in<00:13:11.600> the<00:13:11.839> fueling own stocks but I also am in the fueling own stocks but I also am in the fueling business<00:13:13.000> but<00:13:13.360> natural<00:13:13.800> gas<00:13:14.480> is<00:13:15.120> a<00:13:15.279> fossil business but natural gas is a fossil business but natural gas is a fossil fuel<00:13:16.320> you<00:13:16.440> burn<00:13:16.720> it<00:13:17.199> you<00:13:17.360> release fuel you burn it you release fuel you burn it you release CO2<00:13:19.920> so<00:13:20.800> you<00:13:21.120> you<00:13:21.240> believe<00:13:21.560> in<00:13:22.000> the<00:13:22.240> threat<00:13:22.600> of CO2 so you you believe in the threat of CO2 so you you believe in the threat of climate<00:13:23.160> change<00:13:23.760> why<00:13:23.959> why<00:13:24.120> doesn't<00:13:24.639> that climate change why why doesn't that climate change why why doesn't that Prospect<00:13:26.320> concern Prospect concern Prospect concern you<00:13:28.519> well you well you well you're<00:13:29.600> going<00:13:29.720> to<00:13:29.800> have<00:13:29.920> to<00:13:30.040> use<00:13:30.360> something you're going to have to use something you're going to have to use something what<00:13:31.560> what<00:13:31.639> do<00:13:31.760> you<00:13:31.959> have<00:13:32.160> to<00:13:32.440> replace what what do you have to replace what what do you have to replace it<00:13:34.720> well<00:13:35.600> um<00:13:36.600> the it well um the it well um the ISS<00:13:39.480> no<00:13:39.639> no<00:13:39.959> the<00:13:40.120> the<00:13:40.240> the<00:13:40.360> argument<00:13:40.839> that<00:13:41.040> it's ISS no no the the the argument that it's ISS no no the the the argument that it's it's<00:13:41.399> a<00:13:41.639> bridge<00:13:42.000> fuel<00:13:42.320> makes<00:13:42.600> sense<00:13:43.000> because it's a bridge fuel makes sense because it's a bridge fuel makes sense because the<00:13:43.959> the<00:13:44.399> amount<00:13:44.800> of<00:13:45.440> CO2<00:13:46.440> uh<00:13:46.560> per<00:13:46.720> unit<00:13:46.959> of the the amount of CO2 uh per unit of the the amount of CO2 uh per unit of energy<00:13:47.560> is<00:13:47.720> lower<00:13:48.120> than<00:13:48.360> oil<00:13:48.639> and<00:13:48.839> coal energy is lower than oil and coal energy is lower than oil and coal correct<00:13:49.959> and<00:13:50.120> so<00:13:50.959> everyone<00:13:51.320> can<00:13:51.519> be<00:13:52.279> at<00:13:52.399> least correct and so everyone can be at least correct and so everyone can be at least happy<00:13:52.920> to<00:13:53.000> see<00:13:53.160> a<00:13:53.279> shift<00:13:53.560> from<00:13:53.759> coal<00:13:54.040> or<00:13:54.240> oil<00:13:54.519> to happy to see a shift from coal or oil to happy to see a shift from coal or oil to natural<00:13:55.279> gas<00:13:56.279> but<00:13:56.839> but<00:13:57.000> if<00:13:57.240> that<00:13:57.519> if<00:13:57.680> that's<00:13:58.000> it natural gas but but if that if that's it natural gas but but if that if that's it and<00:13:58.560> and<00:13:58.880> that<00:13:59.079> becomes<00:13:59.399> the<00:13:59.560> reason<00:13:59.880> that and and that becomes the reason that and and that becomes the reason that Renewables<00:14:00.680> don't<00:14:00.959> get<00:14:01.160> invested<00:14:01.680> in<00:14:02.680> then Renewables don't get invested in then Renewables don't get invested in then longterm<00:14:04.000> we're<00:14:04.199> screwed<00:14:04.600> anyway<00:14:05.360> right<00:14:06.360> well longterm we're screwed anyway right well longterm we're screwed anyway right well I'm<00:14:06.839> not<00:14:07.000> ready<00:14:07.199> to<00:14:07.399> give<00:14:07.639> up<00:14:08.000> but<00:14:08.279> Jim<00:14:08.519> and<00:14:08.680> I I'm not ready to give up but Jim and I I'm not ready to give up but Jim and I talked<00:14:09.959> there<00:14:10.279> as<00:14:10.560> as<00:14:10.720> he<00:14:10.959> left<00:14:11.519> and<00:14:11.959> and<00:14:12.120> I talked there as as he left and and I talked there as as he left and and I said<00:14:12.720> how<00:14:12.839> do<00:14:12.959> you<00:14:13.120> feel<00:14:13.399> about<00:14:13.680> natural<00:14:14.040> gas said how do you feel about natural gas said how do you feel about natural gas and<00:14:14.360> he<00:14:14.480> said<00:14:14.680> well<00:14:14.839> it's<00:14:14.959> a<00:14:15.079> bridge<00:14:15.440> fuel<00:14:16.160> is and he said well it's a bridge fuel is and he said well it's a bridge fuel is what<00:14:16.560> it<00:14:16.800> is<00:14:17.440> and<00:14:17.639> I<00:14:17.759> said<00:14:18.240> bridge<00:14:18.639> to<00:14:18.920> what what it is and I said bridge to what what it is and I said bridge to what where<00:14:19.480> are<00:14:19.560> we<00:14:19.759> headed<00:14:20.680> see<00:14:20.920> but<00:14:21.120> again<00:14:21.399> I<00:14:21.519> told where are we headed see but again I told where are we headed see but again I told you<00:14:21.959> I<00:14:22.040> don't<00:14:22.240> have<00:14:22.360> to<00:14:22.519> worry<00:14:22.920> with<00:14:23.480> that<00:14:24.480> you you I don't have to worry with that you you I don't have to worry with that you are<00:14:25.079> no<00:14:25.519> I<00:14:25.639> I<00:14:25.720> don't<00:14:25.880> think<00:14:26.079> that's<00:14:26.360> right<00:14:26.759> Bo<00:14:27.040> I are no I I don't think that's right Bo I are no I I don't think that's right Bo I think<00:14:27.399> I<00:14:27.480> think<00:14:27.680> you<00:14:27.959> you're<00:14:28.120> a<00:14:28.240> person<00:14:28.480> who think I think you you're a person who think I think you you're a person who believes<00:14:29.040> in<00:14:29.160> your<00:14:29.519> legacy<00:14:30.120> you've<00:14:30.440> you've believes in your legacy you've you've believes in your legacy you've you've you've<00:14:30.839> made<00:14:31.120> the<00:14:31.199> money<00:14:31.480> you<00:14:31.600> need<00:14:32.040> you're you've made the money you need you're you've made the money you need you're one<00:14:32.320> of<00:14:32.440> the<00:14:32.560> few<00:14:32.800> people<00:14:33.320> in<00:14:33.480> a<00:14:33.680> position<00:14:34.240> to one of the few people in a position to one of the few people in a position to um<00:14:35.440> really<00:14:35.680> swing<00:14:36.040> the<00:14:36.399> debate<00:14:37.399> um<00:14:37.759> I<00:14:37.839> mean<00:14:38.000> do um really swing the debate um I mean do um really swing the debate um I mean do do<00:14:38.199> you<00:14:38.320> support<00:14:38.680> the<00:14:38.800> idea<00:14:39.160> of<00:14:39.440> of<00:14:39.600> some<00:14:39.839> kind do you support the idea of of some kind do you support the idea of of some kind of<00:14:40.320> carbon<00:14:40.839> some<00:14:41.040> kind<00:14:41.160> of<00:14:41.320> price<00:14:41.519> on<00:14:41.920> carbon of carbon some kind of price on carbon of carbon some kind of price on carbon does<00:14:42.519> that<00:14:42.639> make<00:14:42.800> sense<00:14:43.240> I<00:14:43.360> don't<00:14:43.720> like<00:14:44.079> that does that make sense I don't like that does that make sense I don't like that because<00:14:44.759> it<00:14:44.880> ends<00:14:45.120> up<00:14:45.360> the<00:14:45.560> government<00:14:46.079> is because it ends up the government is because it ends up the government is going<00:14:46.360> to<00:14:46.480> run<00:14:46.680> the<00:14:46.839> program<00:14:47.199> and<00:14:47.360> I<00:14:47.440> can<00:14:47.600> tell going to run the program and I can tell going to run the program and I can tell you<00:14:47.880> it'll<00:14:48.079> be<00:14:48.199> a<00:14:48.720> failure<00:14:49.720> the<00:14:49.880> government<00:14:50.399> is you it'll be a failure the government is you it'll be a failure the government is not<00:14:50.959> successful<00:14:52.279> on<00:14:53.279> on<00:14:53.560> these<00:14:54.399> on<00:14:54.639> these not successful on on these on these not successful on on these on these things<00:14:55.279> they<00:14:55.440> just<00:14:55.600> aren't<00:14:56.040> I<00:14:56.120> mean<00:14:56.320> they're things they just aren't I mean they're things they just aren't I mean they're it's<00:14:56.839> a<00:14:57.000> bad<00:14:57.240> deal<00:14:57.480> look<00:14:57.639> at<00:14:58.440> uh<00:14:59.040> what<00:14:59.240> cylindra it's a bad deal look at uh what cylindra it's a bad deal look at uh what cylindra or<00:14:59.959> whatever<00:15:00.240> it<00:15:00.399> was<00:15:00.720> I<00:15:00.800> mean<00:15:01.279> that<00:15:01.399> was<00:15:01.600> told or whatever it was I mean that was told or whatever it was I mean that was told to<00:15:02.040> be<00:15:02.199> a<00:15:02.320> bad<00:15:02.560> idea<00:15:02.959> 10<00:15:03.199> times<00:15:03.560> they<00:15:03.680> went to be a bad idea 10 times they went to be a bad idea 10 times they went ahead<00:15:03.959> and<00:15:04.040> did<00:15:04.199> it<00:15:04.320> anyway<00:15:05.279> and<00:15:05.800> that<00:15:06.000> but ahead and did it anyway and that but ahead and did it anyway and that but that<00:15:06.279> only<00:15:06.839> blew<00:15:07.160> out<00:15:07.519> 500<00:15:08.000> million<00:15:08.440> I<00:15:08.519> think that only blew out 500 million I think that only blew out 500 million I think it's<00:15:08.880> closer<00:15:09.199> to<00:15:09.360> a<00:15:09.480> billion<00:15:10.480> but<00:15:10.920> but<00:15:11.199> Chris<00:15:12.199> I it's closer to a billion but but Chris I it's closer to a billion but but Chris I I<00:15:12.680> think<00:15:13.480> where<00:15:13.639> we<00:15:13.880> headed<00:15:14.399> I<00:15:14.440> mean<00:15:14.959> the<00:15:15.120> long I think where we headed I mean the long I think where we headed I mean the long term<00:15:16.519> uh<00:15:16.959> I<00:15:17.079> don't<00:15:17.320> mind<00:15:17.639> going<00:15:17.920> back<00:15:18.120> to term uh I don't mind going back to term uh I don't mind going back to nuclear<00:15:19.079> and<00:15:19.240> I<00:15:19.360> can<00:15:19.519> tell<00:15:19.720> you<00:15:19.920> what<00:15:20.079> the<00:15:20.240> last nuclear and I can tell you what the last nuclear and I can tell you what the last page<00:15:20.880> of<00:15:21.040> the<00:15:21.199> report<00:15:21.519> that'll<00:15:21.800> take<00:15:21.920> them<00:15:22.160> 5 page of the report that'll take them 5 page of the report that'll take them 5 years<00:15:22.639> to<00:15:22.839> write<00:15:23.360> will<00:15:23.839> be<00:15:24.839> one<00:15:25.240> don't<00:15:25.600> build<00:15:25.959> a years to write will be one don't build a years to write will be one don't build a reformer<00:15:26.880> on<00:15:27.040> a<00:15:27.600> fault reformer on a fault reformer on a fault and<00:15:30.079> number<00:15:30.319> one<00:15:30.560> two<00:15:31.480> do<00:15:31.720> not<00:15:32.079> build<00:15:32.480> a and number one two do not build a and number one two do not build a reformer<00:15:33.279> on<00:15:33.480> the reformer on the reformer on the ocean<00:15:35.360> and<00:15:35.560> now<00:15:36.199> I<00:15:36.319> think<00:15:36.639> reformers<00:15:37.079> are<00:15:37.279> safe ocean and now I think reformers are safe ocean and now I think reformers are safe move<00:15:38.160> them<00:15:38.600> Inland<00:15:39.600> and<00:15:39.759> on<00:15:40.079> very<00:15:40.680> stable<00:15:41.680> uh move them Inland and on very stable uh move them Inland and on very stable uh you<00:15:42.120> know<00:15:42.759> uh<00:15:42.920> ground<00:15:43.880> and<00:15:44.399> build<00:15:44.759> the you know uh ground and build the you know uh ground and build the reformers<00:15:45.720> there<00:15:45.839> ain't<00:15:46.040> anything<00:15:46.319> wrong reformers there ain't anything wrong reformers there ain't anything wrong with<00:15:47.160> you're<00:15:47.319> going<00:15:47.440> to<00:15:47.639> have<00:15:47.759> to<00:15:47.959> have<00:15:48.199> energy with you're going to have to have energy with you're going to have to have energy there<00:15:48.839> is<00:15:49.040> no<00:15:49.319> question<00:15:50.079> you<00:15:50.279> can't<00:15:51.000> okay<00:15:51.360> so there is no question you can't okay so there is no question you can't okay so one<00:15:51.880> of<00:15:52.000> the<00:15:52.120> questions<00:15:52.519> from<00:15:52.839> the<00:15:53.199> um one of the questions from the um one of the questions from the um audience<00:15:54.319> is<00:15:54.839> is<00:15:55.639> with<00:15:55.800> with<00:15:55.959> fracking<00:15:56.600> in<00:15:56.720> the audience is is with with fracking in the audience is is with with fracking in the natural<00:15:57.160> gas<00:15:57.440> process<00:15:57.759> what<00:15:57.880> about<00:15:58.040> the natural gas process what about the natural gas process what about the problem<00:15:58.319> of<00:15:58.600> methane<00:15:59.040> leaking<00:15:59.920> from<00:16:00.160> that problem of methane leaking from that problem of methane leaking from that methane<00:16:01.040> being<00:16:01.240> a<00:16:01.680> worse<00:16:02.680> uh<00:16:02.839> global<00:16:03.160> warming methane being a worse uh global warming methane being a worse uh global warming gas<00:16:04.120> than<00:16:04.399> CO2<00:16:05.399> does<00:16:05.560> that<00:16:05.759> is<00:16:05.839> that<00:16:06.000> a<00:16:06.360> concern gas than CO2 does that is that a concern gas than CO2 does that is that a concern fracking<00:16:08.079> yeah<00:16:08.279> what<00:16:08.440> is<00:16:08.600> fracking fracking yeah what is fracking fracking yeah what is fracking fracking<00:16:11.800> I'm

teasing<00:16:16.000> we<00:16:16.160> got<00:16:16.279> a<00:16:16.399> little<00:16:16.560> bit<00:16:16.720> of<00:16:16.920> accent
teasing we got a little bit of accent teasing we got a little bit of accent incompatibility<00:16:18.560> here<00:16:18.720> you<00:16:18.880> know<00:16:19.240> no<00:16:19.519> I<00:16:20.040> let incompatibility here you know no I let incompatibility here you know no I let me<00:16:20.319> tell<00:16:20.560> you<00:16:21.399> uh<00:16:21.759> I<00:16:22.120> I've<00:16:22.360> told<00:16:22.639> you<00:16:22.839> what<00:16:23.079> my me tell you uh I I've told you what my me tell you uh I I've told you what my age<00:16:23.519> was<00:16:23.720> I<00:16:23.839> got<00:16:23.959> out<00:16:24.079> of<00:16:24.199> school<00:16:24.399> I'm<00:16:24.519> 51<00:16:25.480> I age was I got out of school I'm 51 I age was I got out of school I'm 51 I witnessed<00:16:26.160> my<00:16:26.319> first<00:16:26.560> Frack<00:16:26.959> job<00:16:27.399> at<00:16:27.560> border witnessed my first Frack job at border witnessed my first Frack job at border Texas<00:16:28.839> in<00:16:29.399> 1953<00:16:30.399> fracking<00:16:30.959> came<00:16:31.199> out<00:16:31.360> in<00:16:31.560> 47 Texas in 1953 fracking came out in 47 Texas in 1953 fracking came out in 47 and<00:16:32.360> don't<00:16:32.639> believe<00:16:33.000> for<00:16:33.160> a<00:16:33.360> minute<00:16:34.240> when<00:16:34.759> when and don't believe for a minute when when and don't believe for a minute when when our<00:16:35.199> president<00:16:35.639> gets<00:16:35.839> up<00:16:36.000> there<00:16:36.120> and<00:16:36.240> says<00:16:36.519> a our president gets up there and says a our president gets up there and says a department<00:16:37.279> of<00:16:37.519> energy<00:16:38.040> 30<00:16:38.440> years<00:16:38.720> ago department of energy 30 years ago department of energy 30 years ago developed<00:16:40.000> fracking<00:16:40.839> I<00:16:40.920> don't<00:16:41.079> know<00:16:41.279> what<00:16:41.440> any developed fracking I don't know what any developed fracking I don't know what any hell<00:16:42.040> he's<00:16:42.279> talking<00:16:42.920> about<00:16:43.920> I<00:16:43.959> mean<00:16:44.199> seriously hell he's talking about I mean seriously hell he's talking about I mean seriously the<00:16:44.839> department<00:16:45.199> of<00:16:45.360> energy<00:16:45.800> did<00:16:46.040> not<00:16:46.319> have the department of energy did not have the department of energy did not have anything<00:16:46.880> to<00:16:47.040> do<00:16:47.240> with<00:16:47.360> fracking<00:16:48.319> it<00:16:48.480> was<00:16:49.199> the anything to do with fracking it was the anything to do with fracking it was the first<00:16:49.600> Frack<00:16:49.920> job<00:16:50.160> was<00:16:50.279> in<00:16:50.440> 47<00:16:51.199> I<00:16:51.319> saw<00:16:51.880> my<00:16:52.120> first first Frack job was in 47 I saw my first first Frack job was in 47 I saw my first 15<00:16:52.800> 153<00:16:53.680> I<00:16:53.880> fracked<00:16:54.279> over<00:16:54.480> 3,000<00:16:55.079> Welles<00:16:55.519> in<00:16:55.680> my 15 153 I fracked over 3,000 Welles in my 15 153 I fracked over 3,000 Welles in my life<00:16:56.480> never<00:16:56.759> had<00:16:56.920> a<00:16:57.160> problem<00:16:58.000> with<00:16:58.560> messing<00:16:58.880> up life never had a problem with messing up life never had a problem with messing up an<00:16:59.240> aquafer<00:16:59.880> or<00:17:00.120> anything<00:17:00.560> else<00:17:01.240> now<00:17:01.959> the an aquafer or anything else now the an aquafer or anything else now the largest<00:17:03.000> aquafer<00:17:03.560> in<00:17:03.680> North<00:17:04.000> America<00:17:04.439> is<00:17:04.559> from largest aquafer in North America is from largest aquafer in North America is from Midland<00:17:05.199> Texas<00:17:05.760> to<00:17:05.919> the<00:17:06.039> South<00:17:06.319> Dakota<00:17:06.760> border Midland Texas to the South Dakota border Midland Texas to the South Dakota border across<00:17:07.919> eight across eight across eight states<00:17:09.799> Big<00:17:10.439> aquafer<00:17:11.439> O<00:17:11.679> ogalala<00:17:12.280> Triassic states Big aquafer O ogalala Triassic states Big aquafer O ogalala Triassic age<00:17:14.240> I<00:17:14.480> there<00:17:14.600> have<00:17:14.679> been<00:17:14.880> over<00:17:15.120> 800,000<00:17:16.120> wells age I there have been over 800,000 wells age I there have been over 800,000 wells fracked<00:17:17.400> in<00:17:17.559> Oklahoma<00:17:18.199> Texas<00:17:18.640> Kansas<00:17:19.559> in<00:17:19.880> that fracked in Oklahoma Texas Kansas in that fracked in Oklahoma Texas Kansas in that aquafer<00:17:22.240> there<00:17:22.559> there's<00:17:22.760> no<00:17:23.120> problems<00:17:23.679> I aquafer there there's no problems I aquafer there there's no problems I don't<00:17:24.360> understand<00:17:24.799> why<00:17:25.520> the<00:17:25.720> media<00:17:26.319> is don't understand why the media is don't understand why the media is focused<00:17:27.079> on<00:17:27.400> Eastern<00:17:27.880> Pennsylvania<00:17:28.679> you<00:17:29.480> all focused on Eastern Pennsylvania you all focused on Eastern Pennsylvania you all right<00:17:30.039> so<00:17:30.360> you<00:17:30.559> you<00:17:30.720> don't<00:17:31.080> support<00:17:31.520> a<00:17:31.679> carbon right so you you don't support a carbon right so you you don't support a carbon tax<00:17:32.360> of<00:17:32.520> any<00:17:32.720> kind<00:17:32.919> or<00:17:33.080> a<00:17:33.240> price<00:17:33.520> on<00:17:33.880> on<00:17:34.240> on tax of any kind or a price on on on tax of any kind or a price on on on carbon<00:17:35.559> your<00:17:36.559> picture<00:17:36.919> then<00:17:37.080> I<00:17:37.240> guess<00:17:37.720> is<00:17:37.880> how carbon your picture then I guess is how carbon your picture then I guess is how the<00:17:38.160> world<00:17:38.360> eventually<00:17:38.760> gets<00:17:38.960> off<00:17:39.160> fossil the world eventually gets off fossil the world eventually gets off fossil fuels<00:17:39.799> is<00:17:39.960> through<00:17:40.320> through<00:17:40.559> Innovation fuels is through through Innovation fuels is through through Innovation ultimately<00:17:42.280> to<00:17:42.880> that<00:17:42.960> will<00:17:43.160> someday<00:17:43.559> make ultimately to that will someday make ultimately to that will someday make solar<00:17:44.600> and<00:17:45.080> uh solar and uh solar and uh nuclear<00:17:47.240> cost<00:17:47.480> competitive<00:17:48.280> solar<00:17:48.600> and<00:17:48.760> wind nuclear cost competitive solar and wind nuclear cost competitive solar and wind Jim<00:17:49.320> and<00:17:49.440> I<00:17:49.559> agreed<00:17:49.840> on<00:17:50.039> that<00:17:50.200> in<00:17:50.640> 13<00:17:51.200> seconds Jim and I agreed on that in 13 seconds Jim and I agreed on that in 13 seconds that<00:17:52.080> is<00:17:52.320> going<00:17:52.480> to<00:17:52.600> be<00:17:52.679> a<00:17:52.799> small<00:17:53.160> part<00:17:53.559> because that is going to be a small part because that is going to be a small part because you<00:17:54.080> can't<00:17:54.400> rely<00:17:54.720> on<00:17:54.880> it<00:17:55.280> so<00:17:55.480> so<00:17:55.679> so<00:17:55.919> how<00:17:56.200> how you can't rely on it so so so how how you can't rely on it so so so how how how<00:17:56.760> does<00:17:56.919> the<00:17:57.039> world<00:17:57.280> get<00:17:57.400> off<00:17:58.120> fu how does the world get off fu how does the world get off fu well<00:17:59.159> you're<00:17:59.320> going<00:17:59.400> to<00:17:59.600> use<00:18:00.120> we<00:18:00.280> have<00:18:00.480> so<00:18:00.640> much well you're going to use we have so much well you're going to use we have so much natural<00:18:01.320> gas<00:18:02.280> a<00:18:02.480> day<00:18:02.919> will<00:18:03.080> not<00:18:03.320> come<00:18:03.520> where natural gas a day will not come where natural gas a day will not come where you<00:18:03.760> say<00:18:03.919> well<00:18:04.039> let's<00:18:04.200> don't<00:18:04.400> use<00:18:04.640> that you say well let's don't use that you say well let's don't use that anymore<00:18:05.600> you'll<00:18:05.880> keep<00:18:06.159> using<00:18:06.600> it<00:18:06.919> it<00:18:07.080> is<00:18:07.320> the anymore you'll keep using it it is the anymore you'll keep using it it is the cleanest<00:18:07.960> of<00:18:08.120> all<00:18:08.640> and<00:18:08.720> if<00:18:08.840> you<00:18:09.000> look<00:18:09.159> at cleanest of all and if you look at cleanest of all and if you look at California<00:18:10.559> they<00:18:10.720> use California they use California they use 2500<00:18:13.000> uh<00:18:13.159> buses<00:18:14.039> LTA<00:18:15.039> have<00:18:15.240> been<00:18:15.440> on<00:18:16.080> uh 2500 uh buses LTA have been on uh 2500 uh buses LTA have been on uh natural<00:18:16.679> gas<00:18:17.360> for<00:18:17.640> 25<00:18:18.280> years<00:18:19.280> uh<00:18:19.480> the<00:18:19.679> Fort natural gas for 25 years uh the Fort natural gas for 25 years uh the Fort Worth<00:18:20.280> T<00:18:20.960> has<00:18:21.120> been<00:18:21.320> on<00:18:21.520> for<00:18:21.720> 25<00:18:22.360> years<00:18:22.799> why<00:18:23.320> air Worth T has been on for 25 years why air Worth T has been on for 25 years why air quality<00:18:24.360> was<00:18:24.520> the<00:18:24.679> reason<00:18:25.120> they<00:18:25.240> used<00:18:25.679> natural quality was the reason they used natural quality was the reason they used natural gas<00:18:26.559> and<00:18:26.720> got<00:18:26.919> away<00:18:27.159> from<00:18:27.360> diesel<00:18:27.960> why<00:18:28.440> all<00:18:28.600> the gas and got away from diesel why all the gas and got away from diesel why all the trash<00:18:29.000> trucks<00:18:29.360> today<00:18:29.679> in<00:18:29.840> Southern trash trucks today in Southern trash trucks today in Southern California<00:18:31.039> on<00:18:31.280> natural<00:18:31.679> gas<00:18:32.360> it's<00:18:32.559> because California on natural gas it's because California on natural gas it's because of<00:18:32.960> air<00:18:33.240> quality<00:18:33.840> I<00:18:33.960> know<00:18:34.159> what<00:18:34.280> you're of air quality I know what you're of air quality I know what you're telling<00:18:34.799> me<00:18:35.320> and<00:18:35.440> I'm<00:18:35.600> not<00:18:36.000> disagreeing<00:18:37.000> how telling me and I'm not disagreeing how telling me and I'm not disagreeing how in<00:18:37.200> the<00:18:37.360> hell<00:18:37.559> can<00:18:37.720> we<00:18:37.919> get<00:18:38.080> off<00:18:38.240> the<00:18:38.440> natural in the hell can we get off the natural in the hell can we get off the natural gas<00:18:39.480> at<00:18:39.640> some<00:18:39.880> point<00:18:40.520> and<00:18:40.840> I<00:18:41.000> say<00:18:41.600> that<00:18:41.799> is<00:18:42.080> your gas at some point and I say that is your gas at some point and I say that is your problem<00:18:44.919> all<00:18:45.120> right<00:18:45.760> so<00:18:46.440> it's<00:18:46.640> the<00:18:46.799> bridge problem all right so it's the bridge problem all right so it's the bridge fuel<00:18:48.600> what<00:18:48.720> is<00:18:48.840> at<00:18:49.000> the<00:18:49.080> other<00:18:49.240> end<00:18:49.400> of<00:18:49.559> that fuel what is at the other end of that fuel what is at the other end of that bridge<00:18:50.400> is<00:18:50.720> for<00:18:51.039> this<00:18:51.200> audience<00:18:51.720> to<00:18:51.840> figure bridge is for this audience to figure bridge is for this audience to figure out<00:18:52.559> if<00:18:52.720> someone<00:18:53.039> comes<00:18:53.280> to<00:18:53.400> you<00:18:53.559> with<00:18:53.679> a<00:18:53.840> plan out if someone comes to you with a plan out if someone comes to you with a plan that<00:18:54.480> really<00:18:54.720> looks<00:18:55.000> like<00:18:55.159> it<00:18:55.280> might<00:18:55.440> be<00:18:55.640> part that really looks like it might be part that really looks like it might be part of<00:18:55.960> the<00:18:56.159> solution<00:18:56.799> are<00:18:56.919> you<00:18:57.080> ready<00:18:57.240> to<00:18:57.480> invest of the solution are you ready to invest of the solution are you ready to invest in<00:18:58.520> those<00:18:59.200> Technologies<00:18:59.960> even<00:19:00.120> if<00:19:00.280> they in those Technologies even if they in those Technologies even if they aren't<00:19:00.799> maximized<00:19:01.640> for<00:19:01.880> profits<00:19:02.280> they<00:19:02.360> might aren't maximized for profits they might aren't maximized for profits they might be<00:19:02.720> maximized<00:19:03.280> for<00:19:03.400> the<00:19:03.520> future<00:19:03.840> health<00:19:04.039> of be maximized for the future health of be maximized for the future health of the<00:19:04.280> planet<00:19:04.880> I<00:19:05.039> lost<00:19:05.360> 150<00:19:05.919> million<00:19:06.200> on<00:19:06.360> the the planet I lost 150 million on the the planet I lost 150 million on the Wind<00:19:08.280> okay<00:19:08.600> yeah<00:19:08.840> sure<00:19:09.320> I'm<00:19:09.600> I'm<00:19:10.000> I'm<00:19:10.200> game<00:19:10.600> for Wind okay yeah sure I'm I'm I'm game for Wind okay yeah sure I'm I'm I'm game for it<00:19:11.360> because<00:19:12.120> I<00:19:12.280> you<00:19:12.400> know<00:19:13.159> again<00:19:13.760> I'm<00:19:13.919> trying it because I you know again I'm trying it because I you know again I'm trying to<00:19:14.600> get<00:19:15.240> uh<00:19:15.760> uh<00:19:15.960> energy<00:19:16.679> solved<00:19:17.280> for<00:19:17.600> America to get uh uh energy solved for America to get uh uh energy solved for America and<00:19:19.039> it<00:19:19.880> anything<00:19:20.760> American<00:19:21.440> will<00:19:21.640> work<00:19:21.919> for and it anything American will work for and it anything American will work for me<00:19:22.880> but<00:19:23.320> I<00:19:23.520> really<00:19:23.880> really<00:19:24.120> appreciate<00:19:24.559> you me but I really really appreciate you me but I really really appreciate you coming<00:19:25.039> here<00:19:25.360> engaging<00:19:25.799> in<00:19:25.960> this coming here engaging in this coming here engaging in this conversation<00:19:26.760> I<00:19:26.840> think<00:19:27.000> there's<00:19:27.159> a<00:19:27.280> lot<00:19:27.400> of conversation I think there's a lot of conversation I think there's a lot of people<00:19:27.760> who<00:19:27.919> want<00:19:28.039> to<00:19:28.320> to<00:19:28.720> engage<00:19:29.120> with<00:19:29.280> you people who want to to engage with you people who want to to engage with you and<00:19:30.039> uh<00:19:30.200> that<00:19:30.360> that<00:19:30.480> was<00:19:30.760> a<00:19:30.880> real<00:19:31.080> gift<00:19:31.320> you and uh that that was a real gift you and uh that that was a real gift you gave<00:19:31.760> this<00:19:31.880> audience<00:19:32.480> thank<00:19:32.640> you<00:19:32.760> so<00:19:32.880> much<00:19:33.200> you gave this audience thank you so much you gave this audience thank you so much you bet<00:19:34.120> thank


T. Boone Pickens, natural, gas, energy, oil, consumption, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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