Hãy cùng nhau trồng 20 triệu cây! #TeamTrees

Let’s plant 20 million trees together! #TeamTrees

Let’s plant 20 million trees together! #TeamTrees


[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] according<00:00:08.310> to<00:00:08.340> YouTube's<00:00:08.880> press<00:00:09.270> page<00:00:09.540> over<00:00:10.050> a according to YouTube's press page over a according to YouTube's press page over a billion<00:00:10.559> people<00:00:10.590> visit<00:00:11.400> YouTube<00:00:11.820> every<00:00:12.389> month billion people visit YouTube every month billion people visit YouTube every month this<00:00:13.200> month<00:00:13.260> today<00:00:14.010> to<00:00:14.070> be<00:00:14.340> precise<00:00:14.730> you<00:00:15.330> are this month today to be precise you are this month today to be precise you are one<00:00:15.900> of<00:00:15.990> those<00:00:16.110> people<00:00:16.500> what<00:00:17.160> at<00:00:17.250> all<00:00:17.460> 1 one of those people what at all 1 one of those people what at all 1 billion<00:00:18.150> plus<00:00:18.570> of<00:00:18.869> those<00:00:19.050> humans<00:00:19.500> you<00:00:19.980> us<00:00:20.400> and billion plus of those humans you us and billion plus of those humans you us and your<00:00:20.970> favorite<00:00:21.420> creators<00:00:21.720> included<00:00:22.529> join your favorite creators included join your favorite creators included join forces<00:00:23.579> to<00:00:23.880> achieve<00:00:24.270> something<00:00:24.660> incredible forces to achieve something incredible forces to achieve something incredible and<00:00:25.710> what<00:00:26.189> if<00:00:26.279> that<00:00:26.430> achievement<00:00:26.820> not<00:00:27.210> only and what if that achievement not only and what if that achievement not only immediately<00:00:28.140> made<00:00:28.349> our<00:00:28.529> shared<00:00:28.860> world<00:00:29.189> better immediately made our shared world better immediately made our shared world better for<00:00:30.000> each<00:00:30.149> of<00:00:30.390> us<00:00:30.540> but<00:00:31.110> it<00:00:31.230> also<00:00:31.439> made<00:00:31.829> the for each of us but it also made the for each of us but it also made the world<00:00:32.189> better<00:00:32.550> for<00:00:32.850> all<00:00:33.420> of<00:00:33.600> us world better for all of us world better for all of us restoring<00:00:35.040> our<00:00:35.190> forests<00:00:35.790> is<00:00:35.910> the<00:00:36.030> most restoring our forests is the most restoring our forests is the most effective<00:00:36.750> natural<00:00:36.930> solution<00:00:37.710> to<00:00:37.950> the effective natural solution to the effective natural solution to the climate<00:00:38.370> crisis<00:00:38.790> let's<00:00:39.420> join<00:00:39.690> forces<00:00:39.750> right climate crisis let's join forces right climate crisis let's join forces right now<00:00:40.770> all<00:00:41.100> billion<00:00:41.850> plus<00:00:42.150> of<00:00:42.330> us<00:00:42.480> and<00:00:42.770> reforest now all billion plus of us and reforest now all billion plus of us and reforest our<00:00:43.950> beautiful<00:00:44.430> world<00:00:44.580> leave<00:00:45.510> us<00:00:45.660> a<00:00:45.780> comment our beautiful world leave us a comment our beautiful world leave us a comment share<00:00:46.620> this<00:00:46.770> video<00:00:47.070> and<00:00:47.370> most<00:00:47.700> importantly share this video and most importantly share this video and most importantly visit<00:00:48.840> team<00:00:49.110> trees<00:00:49.590> org<00:00:50.280> to<00:00:50.580> take<00:00:50.790> action<00:00:51.210> and visit team trees org to take action and visit team trees org to take action and to<00:00:51.720> save<00:00:51.990> trees<00:00:52.350> across<00:00:52.920> the<00:00:53.100> planet


team trees, trees, reforestation, climate change, teamtrees, arbor day, arbor day foundation, 20 million trees, planting trees, forests, wildlife, ted ed, ted ed team trees, beautiful world, environment, science, earth

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