Hãy dạy trẻ em viết mã-Mitch Resnick

Let's teach kids to code - Mitch Resnick

Let's teach kids to code - Mitch Resnick


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

it<00:00:16.359> was<00:00:16.480> a<00:00:16.720> Saturday<00:00:17.520> afternoon<00:00:18.039> in<00:00:18.720> May<00:00:19.720> and<00:00:20.600> I
it was a Saturday afternoon in May and I it was a Saturday afternoon in May and I suddenly<00:00:21.160> realized<00:00:22.000> that<00:00:22.160> the<00:00:22.359> next<00:00:22.760> day<00:00:23.560> was suddenly realized that the next day was suddenly realized that the next day was Mother's<00:00:24.359> Day<00:00:25.039> and<00:00:25.160> I<00:00:25.320> hadn't<00:00:25.560> gotten Mother's Day and I hadn't gotten Mother's Day and I hadn't gotten anything<00:00:26.240> from<00:00:26.439> my<00:00:26.599> mom<00:00:27.160> so<00:00:27.359> I<00:00:27.480> started anything from my mom so I started anything from my mom so I started thinking<00:00:28.119> about<00:00:28.439> what<00:00:28.560> should<00:00:28.720> I<00:00:28.880> get<00:00:29.080> my<00:00:29.240> mom thinking about what should I get my mom thinking about what should I get my mom from<00:00:29.640> mother<00:00:30.240> day<00:00:30.880> I<00:00:30.960> thought<00:00:31.320> why<00:00:31.439> don't<00:00:31.599> I from mother day I thought why don't I from mother day I thought why don't I make<00:00:32.000> her<00:00:32.719> an<00:00:33.040> interactive<00:00:34.040> Mother's<00:00:34.440> Day make her an interactive Mother's Day make her an interactive Mother's Day card<00:00:35.760> using<00:00:36.239> the<00:00:36.440> scratch<00:00:36.920> software<00:00:37.440> that<00:00:37.520> had card using the scratch software that had card using the scratch software that had been<00:00:37.760> developing<00:00:38.640> with<00:00:38.800> my<00:00:39.000> research<00:00:39.520> group been developing with my research group been developing with my research group at<00:00:40.160> the<00:00:40.280> MIT<00:00:40.719> media<00:00:41.480> lab<00:00:42.480> we<00:00:42.640> developed<00:00:43.079> it<00:00:43.239> so at the MIT media lab we developed it so at the MIT media lab we developed it so that<00:00:43.559> people<00:00:43.879> could<00:00:44.440> easily<00:00:44.879> create<00:00:45.280> their that people could easily create their that people could easily create their own<00:00:45.680> interactive<00:00:46.399> stories<00:00:47.399> and<00:00:47.640> games<00:00:48.280> and own interactive stories and games and own interactive stories and games and animations<00:00:49.960> and<00:00:50.079> then<00:00:50.239> share<00:00:50.600> their animations and then share their animations and then share their creations<00:00:51.719> with<00:00:51.920> one creations with one creations with one another<00:00:53.960> so<00:00:54.399> I<00:00:54.520> thought<00:00:54.879> this<00:00:55.000> would<00:00:55.160> be<00:00:55.480> an another so I thought this would be an another so I thought this would be an opportunity<00:00:56.160> to<00:00:56.320> use<00:00:56.559> scratch<00:00:57.559> to<00:00:57.760> make<00:00:57.960> an opportunity to use scratch to make an opportunity to use scratch to make an interactive<00:00:58.760> card<00:00:59.000> for<00:00:59.199> my<00:00:59.399> mom interactive card for my mom interactive card for my mom before<00:01:00.840> making<00:01:01.160> my<00:01:01.320> own<00:01:01.640> Mother's<00:01:02.039> Day<00:01:02.199> card<00:01:02.760> I before making my own Mother's Day card I before making my own Mother's Day card I thought<00:01:03.039> I<00:01:03.120> would<00:01:03.320> take<00:01:03.440> a<00:01:03.680> look<00:01:04.360> at<00:01:04.519> the thought I would take a look at the thought I would take a look at the scratch<00:01:05.240> website<00:01:06.240> so<00:01:06.680> over<00:01:06.920> the<00:01:07.119> last<00:01:07.400> several scratch website so over the last several scratch website so over the last several years<00:01:08.560> kids<00:01:08.840> around<00:01:09.119> the<00:01:09.240> world<00:01:09.560> ages<00:01:09.920> eight years kids around the world ages eight years kids around the world ages eight and<00:01:10.280> up<00:01:10.880> have<00:01:11.040> shared<00:01:11.479> their<00:01:12.040> projects<00:01:13.040> and<00:01:13.200> I and up have shared their projects and I and up have shared their projects and I thought<00:01:13.720> well<00:01:13.880> I<00:01:14.000> wonder<00:01:14.640> if<00:01:14.799> of<00:01:14.960> those<00:01:15.159> three thought well I wonder if of those three thought well I wonder if of those three million<00:01:15.680> projects<00:01:16.080> whether<00:01:16.280> anyone<00:01:16.560> else<00:01:16.759> is million projects whether anyone else is million projects whether anyone else is thought<00:01:17.119> to<00:01:17.320> put<00:01:17.479> up<00:01:17.680> Mother's<00:01:18.040> Day<00:01:18.680> cards<00:01:19.680> so thought to put up Mother's Day cards so thought to put up Mother's Day cards so in<00:01:20.200> the<00:01:20.360> search<00:01:20.759> box<00:01:21.560> I<00:01:21.759> typed<00:01:22.040> in<00:01:22.280> Mother's in the search box I typed in Mother's in the search box I typed in Mother's Day<00:01:24.159> and<00:01:24.520> I<00:01:24.640> was<00:01:24.840> surprised<00:01:25.439> and<00:01:25.600> delighted<00:01:26.000> to Day and I was surprised and delighted to Day and I was surprised and delighted to see<00:01:26.439> a<00:01:26.680> list<00:01:26.920> of<00:01:27.240> dozens<00:01:27.600> and<00:01:27.799> dozens<00:01:28.439> of see a list of dozens and dozens of see a list of dozens and dozens of Mother's<00:01:29.040> Day<00:01:29.280> cards<00:01:29.759> that<00:01:29.920> that<00:01:30.040> showed<00:01:30.240> up Mother's Day cards that that showed up Mother's Day cards that that showed up on<00:01:30.400> the<00:01:30.520> scratch<00:01:31.079> website<00:01:32.079> many<00:01:32.320> of<00:01:32.439> them<00:01:32.640> just on the scratch website many of them just on the scratch website many of them just in<00:01:32.960> the<00:01:33.119> past<00:01:33.320> 24<00:01:33.799> hours<00:01:34.399> by<00:01:34.680> procrastinators in the past 24 hours by procrastinators in the past 24 hours by procrastinators just<00:01:35.840> like<00:01:36.600> myself<00:01:37.600> so<00:01:37.799> I<00:01:37.960> started<00:01:38.280> taking<00:01:38.520> a just like myself so I started taking a just like myself so I started taking a look<00:01:38.840> at look at look at them<00:01:40.840> I<00:01:40.920> saw<00:01:41.240> one<00:01:41.360> of<00:01:41.520> them<00:01:41.720> that<00:01:41.880> featured<00:01:42.240> a them I saw one of them that featured a them I saw one of them that featured a kitten<00:01:44.040> and<00:01:44.200> her<00:01:44.479> mom<00:01:45.479> and<00:01:45.640> wishing<00:01:45.960> her<00:01:46.079> mom kitten and her mom and wishing her mom kitten and her mom and wishing her mom Happy<00:01:46.600> Mother's Happy Mother's Happy Mother's Day<00:01:49.920> and<00:01:50.040> the<00:01:50.200> Creator<00:01:50.960> very<00:01:51.320> you<00:01:51.439> know Day and the Creator very you know Day and the Creator very you know considerately<00:01:52.479> offered<00:01:52.799> a<00:01:52.920> replay<00:01:53.360> for<00:01:53.560> her considerately offered a replay for her considerately offered a replay for her mom<00:01:56.439> another<00:01:56.680> one<00:01:56.840> was<00:01:56.960> an<00:01:57.159> interactive mom another one was an interactive mom another one was an interactive project<00:01:58.360> where<00:01:58.520> when<00:01:58.600> you<00:01:58.759> move<00:01:59.000> the<00:01:59.159> mouse project where when you move the mouse project where when you move the mouse over<00:01:59.560> the<00:01:59.920> letters<00:02:00.200> of<00:02:00.439> happy<00:02:00.719> mom<00:02:01.079> day<00:02:01.719> it over the letters of happy mom day it over the letters of happy mom day it reveals<00:02:02.360> a<00:02:02.600> special<00:02:03.520> happy<00:02:03.799> Mother's<00:02:04.240> Day

slogan<00:02:08.039> in<00:02:08.280> this<00:02:08.479> one<00:02:09.160> the<00:02:09.319> Creator<00:02:09.679> told<00:02:09.920> a
slogan in this one the Creator told a slogan in this one the Creator told a narrative<00:02:11.039> about<00:02:11.280> how<00:02:11.400> she<00:02:11.560> had<00:02:11.800> Googled<00:02:12.680> to narrative about how she had Googled to narrative about how she had Googled to find<00:02:13.200> out<00:02:13.720> when<00:02:13.959> Mother's<00:02:14.360> Day<00:02:14.560> was

happening<00:02:17.920> and<00:02:18.040> then<00:02:18.200> once<00:02:18.360> she<00:02:18.519> found<00:02:18.720> out
happening and then once she found out happening and then once she found out when<00:02:19.040> Mother's<00:02:19.360> Day<00:02:19.519> was<00:02:19.720> happening<00:02:20.599> she when Mother's Day was happening she when Mother's Day was happening she delivered<00:02:21.360> a<00:02:21.560> special<00:02:22.280> Mother's<00:02:22.680> Day delivered a special Mother's Day delivered a special Mother's Day greeting<00:02:23.160> of<00:02:23.360> how<00:02:23.560> much<00:02:23.760> she<00:02:24.000> loved<00:02:24.239> her greeting of how much she loved her greeting of how much she loved her mom<00:02:26.760> I<00:02:26.879> really<00:02:27.120> enjoyed<00:02:27.640> looking<00:02:27.879> at<00:02:28.080> these mom I really enjoyed looking at these mom I really enjoyed looking at these projects<00:02:28.720> and<00:02:28.920> interacting<00:02:29.360> with<00:02:29.480> these projects and interacting with these projects and interacting with these projects<00:02:30.840> in<00:02:30.959> fact<00:02:31.160> I<00:02:31.280> liked<00:02:31.480> it<00:02:31.640> so<00:02:31.879> much<00:02:32.200> that projects in fact I liked it so much that projects in fact I liked it so much that instead<00:02:32.760> of<00:02:33.000> making<00:02:33.280> my<00:02:33.400> own<00:02:33.800> project<00:02:34.640> I<00:02:34.760> sent instead of making my own project I sent instead of making my own project I sent my<00:02:35.239> mom<00:02:35.519> links<00:02:35.840> to<00:02:36.040> about<00:02:36.200> a<00:02:36.400> dozen<00:02:36.680> of<00:02:36.879> these my mom links to about a dozen of these my mom links to about a dozen of these projects<00:02:39.120> and<00:02:39.319> actually<00:02:39.560> she<00:02:39.840> reacted projects and actually she reacted projects and actually she reacted exactly<00:02:41.120> the<00:02:41.239> way<00:02:41.400> that<00:02:41.519> I<00:02:41.640> hoped<00:02:41.920> that<00:02:42.080> she exactly the way that I hoped that she exactly the way that I hoped that she would<00:02:42.879> she<00:02:43.000> wrote<00:02:43.319> back<00:02:43.440> to<00:02:43.560> me<00:02:43.680> and<00:02:43.800> she<00:02:43.920> said would she wrote back to me and she said would she wrote back to me and she said I'm<00:02:44.360> so<00:02:44.680> proud<00:02:44.959> to<00:02:45.080> have<00:02:45.200> a<00:02:45.400> son<00:02:46.040> that<00:02:46.200> created I'm so proud to have a son that created I'm so proud to have a son that created the<00:02:46.760> software<00:02:47.480> that<00:02:47.640> allowed<00:02:48.000> these<00:02:48.200> kids<00:02:48.400> to the software that allowed these kids to the software that allowed these kids to make<00:02:48.720> Mother's<00:02:49.080> Day<00:02:49.239> cards<00:02:49.560> for<00:02:49.720> their make Mother's Day cards for their make Mother's Day cards for their mothers<00:02:51.920> so<00:02:52.159> my<00:02:52.360> mom<00:02:52.599> was<00:02:52.920> happy<00:02:53.879> and<00:02:54.040> that mothers so my mom was happy and that mothers so my mom was happy and that made<00:02:54.360> me<00:02:55.000> happy<00:02:56.000> but<00:02:56.239> actually<00:02:57.239> I<00:02:57.319> was<00:02:57.599> even made me happy but actually I was even made me happy but actually I was even happier<00:02:58.280> for<00:02:58.480> another<00:02:58.879> reason<00:02:59.920> I<00:03:00.040> was<00:03:00.280> happy happier for another reason I was happy happier for another reason I was happy because<00:03:01.360> these<00:03:01.720> kids<00:03:02.440> were<00:03:02.680> using<00:03:03.120> scratch because these kids were using scratch because these kids were using scratch just<00:03:04.280> in<00:03:04.440> the<00:03:04.560> way<00:03:04.720> that<00:03:04.840> we'<00:03:05.080> hoped<00:03:05.319> that<00:03:05.519> they just in the way that we' hoped that they just in the way that we' hoped that they would<00:03:06.680> that<00:03:06.920> as<00:03:07.120> they<00:03:07.280> created<00:03:07.799> their would that as they created their would that as they created their interactive<00:03:08.560> Mother's<00:03:08.959> Day<00:03:09.239> cards<00:03:10.080> you<00:03:10.239> could interactive Mother's Day cards you could interactive Mother's Day cards you could see<00:03:10.720> that<00:03:10.840> they<00:03:10.959> were<00:03:11.159> really<00:03:11.680> becoming see that they were really becoming see that they were really becoming fluent<00:03:13.080> with<00:03:13.280> new<00:03:13.959> technologies<00:03:14.959> you<00:03:15.040> know fluent with new technologies you know fluent with new technologies you know what<00:03:15.319> do<00:03:15.440> I<00:03:15.519> mean<00:03:15.799> by<00:03:16.000> fluent<00:03:17.000> I<00:03:17.080> mean<00:03:17.319> that what do I mean by fluent I mean that what do I mean by fluent I mean that they<00:03:17.560> were<00:03:17.760> able<00:03:18.000> to<00:03:18.200> start<00:03:18.680> expressing they were able to start expressing they were able to start expressing themselves<00:03:20.640> and<00:03:20.720> to<00:03:20.879> start<00:03:21.200> expressing<00:03:21.760> their themselves and to start expressing their themselves and to start expressing their ideas<00:03:23.560> you<00:03:23.720> know<00:03:24.080> when<00:03:24.200> you<00:03:24.360> become<00:03:24.680> fluent ideas you know when you become fluent ideas you know when you become fluent with<00:03:25.400> language<00:03:26.400> it<00:03:26.560> means<00:03:27.319> that<00:03:27.440> you<00:03:27.599> can with language it means that you can with language it means that you can write<00:03:28.319> an<00:03:28.480> entry<00:03:28.799> in<00:03:28.959> your<00:03:29.159> Journal<00:03:29.959> or<00:03:30.159> tell<00:03:30.400> a write an entry in your Journal or tell a write an entry in your Journal or tell a joke<00:03:30.840> to<00:03:31.040> someone<00:03:31.400> or<00:03:31.560> write<00:03:31.720> a<00:03:31.879> letter<00:03:32.159> to<00:03:32.319> a joke to someone or write a letter to a joke to someone or write a letter to a friend<00:03:33.799> and<00:03:33.920> it's<00:03:34.159> similar<00:03:35.080> with<00:03:35.239> new friend and it's similar with new friend and it's similar with new technologies<00:03:37.040> you<00:03:37.159> know<00:03:37.360> by<00:03:37.519> the<00:03:37.799> by<00:03:37.920> writing technologies you know by the by writing technologies you know by the by writing by<00:03:38.439> creating<00:03:38.840> these<00:03:39.040> interactive<00:03:39.640> Mother's by creating these interactive Mother's by creating these interactive Mother's Day<00:03:40.280> cards<00:03:41.040> these<00:03:41.239> kids<00:03:41.439> were<00:03:41.599> showing<00:03:41.920> that Day cards these kids were showing that Day cards these kids were showing that they<00:03:42.120> were<00:03:42.319> really<00:03:42.640> fluent<00:03:43.439> with<00:03:43.640> new they were really fluent with new they were really fluent with new technologies<00:03:45.519> now<00:03:45.760> maybe<00:03:45.959> you<00:03:46.040> won't<00:03:46.280> be<00:03:46.400> so technologies now maybe you won't be so technologies now maybe you won't be so surprised<00:03:47.200> by<00:03:47.439> this<00:03:48.159> because<00:03:48.480> you<00:03:48.599> know<00:03:49.000> a<00:03:49.120> lot surprised by this because you know a lot surprised by this because you know a lot of<00:03:49.360> times<00:03:49.680> people<00:03:50.000> feel<00:03:50.439> that<00:03:50.799> young<00:03:51.040> people of times people feel that young people of times people feel that young people today<00:03:51.560> can<00:03:51.680> do<00:03:51.920> all<00:03:52.079> sorts<00:03:52.319> of<00:03:52.480> things<00:03:52.720> with today can do all sorts of things with today can do all sorts of things with technology<00:03:54.560> we<00:03:54.879> all<00:03:55.040> of<00:03:55.159> us<00:03:55.319> have<00:03:55.480> heard<00:03:55.840> young technology we all of us have heard young technology we all of us have heard young people<00:03:56.319> referred<00:03:56.640> to<00:03:56.840> as<00:03:57.040> digital<00:03:57.760> natives people referred to as digital natives people referred to as digital natives but<00:03:59.040> actually<00:03:59.840> I'm<00:03:59.959> sort<00:04:00.120> of<00:04:00.360> skeptical<00:04:00.840> about but actually I'm sort of skeptical about but actually I'm sort of skeptical about this<00:04:01.360> term<00:04:02.239> I'm<00:04:02.360> not<00:04:02.519> so<00:04:02.680> sure<00:04:02.959> we<00:04:03.079> should<00:04:03.200> be this term I'm not so sure we should be this term I'm not so sure we should be thinking<00:04:03.680> of<00:04:03.840> young<00:04:04.040> people<00:04:04.280> as<00:04:04.439> digital thinking of young people as digital thinking of young people as digital natives<00:04:06.120> when<00:04:06.239> you<00:04:06.439> really<00:04:06.640> look<00:04:06.799> at<00:04:06.959> it<00:04:07.159> how natives when you really look at it how natives when you really look at it how is<00:04:07.480> it<00:04:07.640> that<00:04:07.840> young<00:04:08.079> people<00:04:08.319> spend<00:04:08.720> most<00:04:08.920> of is it that young people spend most of is it that young people spend most of their<00:04:09.360> time<00:04:09.879> using<00:04:10.280> new their time using new their time using new technologies<00:04:12.079> you<00:04:12.360> often<00:04:12.599> see<00:04:12.879> them<00:04:13.360> in technologies you often see them in technologies you often see them in situations<00:04:14.159> like<00:04:14.560> this<00:04:15.560> or<00:04:15.920> like<00:04:16.600> this<00:04:17.600> and situations like this or like this and situations like this or like this and there's<00:04:17.959> no<00:04:18.199> doubt<00:04:18.479> that<00:04:18.639> young<00:04:18.880> people<00:04:19.120> are there's no doubt that young people are there's no doubt that young people are very<00:04:19.720> comfortable<00:04:20.440> and<00:04:20.720> familiar<00:04:22.040> browsing very comfortable and familiar browsing very comfortable and familiar browsing and<00:04:23.400> chatting<00:04:24.400> and<00:04:24.680> texting<00:04:25.639> and and chatting and texting and and chatting and texting and gaming<00:04:27.600> but<00:04:27.800> that<00:04:27.919> doesn't<00:04:28.240> really<00:04:28.479> make<00:04:28.639> you gaming but that doesn't really make you gaming but that doesn't really make you fluent fluent fluent so<00:04:31.880> young<00:04:32.120> people<00:04:32.360> today<00:04:32.759> have<00:04:33.039> lots<00:04:33.280> of so young people today have lots of so young people today have lots of experience<00:04:34.479> and<00:04:34.639> lots<00:04:34.800> of<00:04:34.960> familiarity<00:04:35.720> with experience and lots of familiarity with experience and lots of familiarity with interacting<00:04:36.560> with<00:04:36.720> new<00:04:37.400> technologies<00:04:38.400> but<00:04:38.560> a interacting with new technologies but a interacting with new technologies but a lot<00:04:38.880> less<00:04:39.080> so<00:04:39.320> of<00:04:39.600> creating<00:04:40.080> with<00:04:40.280> new lot less so of creating with new lot less so of creating with new technologies<00:04:41.639> and<00:04:41.840> expressing<00:04:42.520> themselves technologies and expressing themselves technologies and expressing themselves with<00:04:42.960> new<00:04:43.600> technologies<00:04:44.600> it's<00:04:44.840> almost<00:04:45.199> as<00:04:45.280> if with new technologies it's almost as if with new technologies it's almost as if they<00:04:45.680> can<00:04:45.919> read<00:04:46.639> but<00:04:46.840> not<00:04:47.160> write<00:04:47.800> with<00:04:48.000> new they can read but not write with new they can read but not write with new technologies<00:04:50.120> and<00:04:50.400> I'm<00:04:50.600> really<00:04:50.759> interested technologies and I'm really interested technologies and I'm really interested in<00:04:51.160> seeing<00:04:51.479> how<00:04:51.639> can<00:04:51.759> we<00:04:52.000> help<00:04:52.280> young<00:04:52.479> people in seeing how can we help young people in seeing how can we help young people become<00:04:53.080> fluent<00:04:54.000> so<00:04:54.240> they<00:04:54.360> can<00:04:54.520> write<00:04:54.880> with<00:04:55.039> new become fluent so they can write with new become fluent so they can write with new technologies<00:04:56.960> and<00:04:57.160> that<00:04:57.320> really<00:04:57.600> means<00:04:58.320> that technologies and that really means that technologies and that really means that they<00:04:58.639> need<00:04:58.800> to<00:04:58.960> be<00:04:59.120> able<00:04:59.360> to<00:05:00.080> write<00:05:00.360> their<00:05:00.520> own they need to be able to write their own they need to be able to write their own computer<00:05:01.440> programs<00:05:02.240> or computer programs or computer programs or code<00:05:04.360> so<00:05:04.840> increasingly<00:05:05.479> people<00:05:05.680> are<00:05:05.800> starting code so increasingly people are starting code so increasingly people are starting to<00:05:06.360> recognize<00:05:07.000> the<00:05:07.199> importance<00:05:08.080> of<00:05:08.240> learning to recognize the importance of learning to recognize the importance of learning to<00:05:09.360> code<00:05:10.360> you<00:05:10.479> know<00:05:10.639> in<00:05:10.840> recent<00:05:11.280> years<00:05:12.000> there to code you know in recent years there to code you know in recent years there have<00:05:12.199> been<00:05:12.520> a<00:05:12.919> you<00:05:13.039> know<00:05:13.360> hundreds<00:05:13.840> of<00:05:14.000> new have been a you know hundreds of new have been a you know hundreds of new organizations<00:05:14.960> and<00:05:15.199> websites<00:05:16.080> that<00:05:16.240> are organizations and websites that are organizations and websites that are helping<00:05:16.759> young<00:05:17.039> people<00:05:17.639> learn<00:05:17.960> to<00:05:18.479> code<00:05:19.479> you helping young people learn to code you helping young people learn to code you look<00:05:20.080> online<00:05:20.479> you'll<00:05:20.639> see<00:05:20.919> places<00:05:21.319> like<00:05:21.520> code look online you'll see places like code look online you'll see places like code academy<00:05:22.960> and<00:05:23.199> events<00:05:23.560> like<00:05:23.800> coder<00:05:24.319> dojo<00:05:25.319> and academy and events like coder dojo and academy and events like coder dojo and sites<00:05:25.880> like<00:05:26.080> girls<00:05:26.479> who<00:05:26.759> code<00:05:27.520> or<00:05:27.800> black<00:05:28.080> girls sites like girls who code or black girls sites like girls who code or black girls code<00:05:29.440> is<00:05:29.720> seems<00:05:29.880> that<00:05:30.080> everybody<00:05:30.520> is<00:05:30.680> getting code is seems that everybody is getting code is seems that everybody is getting into<00:05:31.199> the<00:05:31.440> ACT<00:05:32.160> you<00:05:32.319> know<00:05:32.759> just<00:05:32.960> at<00:05:33.080> the into the ACT you know just at the into the ACT you know just at the beginning<00:05:33.600> of<00:05:33.840> this<00:05:34.120> year<00:05:35.080> at<00:05:35.199> the<00:05:35.319> turn<00:05:35.560> of beginning of this year at the turn of beginning of this year at the turn of the<00:05:35.840> New<00:05:36.039> Year<00:05:36.600> New<00:05:36.800> York<00:05:37.039> City<00:05:37.280> Mayor<00:05:37.680> Michael the New Year New York City Mayor Michael the New Year New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg<00:05:38.919> you<00:05:39.039> know<00:05:39.160> made<00:05:39.280> a<00:05:39.400> New<00:05:39.560> Year's Bloomberg you know made a New Year's Bloomberg you know made a New Year's resolution<00:05:40.319> that<00:05:40.520> he<00:05:40.680> was<00:05:40.840> going<00:05:41.039> to<00:05:41.160> learn<00:05:41.400> to resolution that he was going to learn to resolution that he was going to learn to code<00:05:42.240> in code in code in 2012<00:05:44.319> a<00:05:44.440> few<00:05:44.639> months<00:05:44.960> later<00:05:45.360> the<00:05:45.520> country<00:05:45.880> of 2012 a few months later the country of 2012 a few months later the country of Estonia<00:05:46.680> decided<00:05:47.160> that<00:05:47.680> all<00:05:47.919> of<00:05:48.080> its<00:05:48.319> first Estonia decided that all of its first Estonia decided that all of its first graders<00:05:49.319> should<00:05:49.560> learn<00:05:49.800> to<00:05:50.360> code<00:05:51.360> and<00:05:51.520> that graders should learn to code and that graders should learn to code and that triggered<00:05:52.039> a<00:05:52.240> debate<00:05:52.600> in<00:05:52.840> UK<00:05:53.840> about<00:05:54.160> whether triggered a debate in UK about whether triggered a debate in UK about whether all<00:05:54.960> the<00:05:55.080> children<00:05:55.560> there<00:05:55.960> should<00:05:56.199> learn<00:05:56.479> to all the children there should learn to all the children there should learn to code<00:05:58.280> now<00:05:58.680> for<00:05:58.919> some<00:05:59.120> of<00:05:59.319> you<00:05:59.840> when<00:06:00.000> you<00:06:00.120> hear code now for some of you when you hear code now for some of you when you hear about<00:06:00.639> this<00:06:01.039> it<00:06:01.199> might<00:06:01.360> seem<00:06:01.600> sort<00:06:01.759> of<00:06:01.960> strange about this it might seem sort of strange about this it might seem sort of strange about<00:06:02.720> everybody<00:06:03.120> learning<00:06:03.479> to<00:06:03.759> code<00:06:04.759> when about everybody learning to code when about everybody learning to code when many<00:06:05.199> people<00:06:05.520> think<00:06:05.680> of<00:06:05.919> coding<00:06:06.840> they<00:06:07.000> think many people think of coding they think many people think of coding they think of<00:06:07.319> it<00:06:07.880> as<00:06:08.280> something<00:06:09.280> that<00:06:09.440> only<00:06:09.639> a<00:06:09.800> very of it as something that only a very of it as something that only a very narrow<00:06:10.520> subcommunity<00:06:11.240> of<00:06:11.479> people<00:06:12.120> are<00:06:12.360> going narrow subcommunity of people are going narrow subcommunity of people are going to<00:06:12.759> be<00:06:12.960> doing<00:06:13.639> and<00:06:13.759> they<00:06:13.919> think<00:06:14.080> of<00:06:14.280> coding to be doing and they think of coding to be doing and they think of coding looking<00:06:15.360> like<00:06:15.680> this<00:06:16.560> and<00:06:16.720> in<00:06:16.880> fact<00:06:17.080> if<00:06:17.240> this<00:06:17.360> is looking like this and in fact if this is looking like this and in fact if this is what<00:06:17.680> coding<00:06:18.000> is<00:06:18.240> like<00:06:18.759> it<00:06:18.880> will<00:06:19.080> only<00:06:19.280> be<00:06:19.440> a what coding is like it will only be a what coding is like it will only be a narrow<00:06:19.960> subc<00:06:20.280> commut<00:06:20.560> of<00:06:20.759> people<00:06:21.440> with narrow subc commut of people with narrow subc commut of people with special<00:06:22.039> mathematical<00:06:22.720> skills<00:06:23.080> and special mathematical skills and special mathematical skills and technological<00:06:24.039> background<00:06:25.000> that<00:06:25.160> can<00:06:25.560> code technological background that can code technological background that can code but<00:06:26.759> coding<00:06:27.120> doesn't<00:06:27.440> have<00:06:27.599> to<00:06:27.759> be<00:06:28.039> like<00:06:28.319> this but coding doesn't have to be like this but coding doesn't have to be like this let<00:06:29.319> me<00:06:29.639> show<00:06:29.800> you<00:06:29.960> about<00:06:30.440> what<00:06:30.880> it's<00:06:31.080> like<00:06:31.280> to let me show you about what it's like to let me show you about what it's like to codee<00:06:31.759> in<00:06:32.319> scratch<00:06:33.319> so<00:06:33.520> in<00:06:33.800> scratch<00:06:34.800> to<00:06:35.080> code codee in scratch so in scratch to code codee in scratch so in scratch to code you<00:06:35.599> just<00:06:35.880> snap<00:06:36.319> blocks<00:06:36.880> together<00:06:37.319> in<00:06:37.560> this you just snap blocks together in this you just snap blocks together in this case<00:06:37.880> you<00:06:38.000> take<00:06:38.120> a<00:06:38.240> move<00:06:38.560> block<00:06:39.400> snap<00:06:39.759> it<00:06:39.919> into case you take a move block snap it into case you take a move block snap it into a<00:06:40.400> stack<00:06:41.080> and<00:06:41.280> those<00:06:41.520> stacks<00:06:41.840> of<00:06:42.080> blocks a stack and those stacks of blocks a stack and those stacks of blocks control<00:06:43.319> the<00:06:43.440> behaviors<00:06:43.840> of<00:06:44.000> the<00:06:44.160> different control the behaviors of the different control the behaviors of the different characters<00:06:45.360> in<00:06:45.560> your<00:06:45.720> game<00:06:45.919> or<00:06:46.080> your<00:06:46.319> story<00:06:47.240> in characters in your game or your story in characters in your game or your story in this<00:06:47.599> case<00:06:47.800> controlling<00:06:48.199> the<00:06:48.360> big<00:06:48.599> fish<00:06:49.599> after this case controlling the big fish after this case controlling the big fish after you<00:06:50.000> created<00:06:50.400> your<00:06:50.800> program<00:06:51.720> you<00:06:51.840> can<00:06:52.039> click you created your program you can click you created your program you can click on<00:06:52.479> share<00:06:53.479> and<00:06:53.639> then<00:06:53.800> share<00:06:54.120> your<00:06:54.400> project on share and then share your project on share and then share your project with<00:06:55.199> other<00:06:55.520> people<00:06:56.280> so<00:06:56.479> that<00:06:56.720> they<00:06:56.840> can<00:06:57.039> use with other people so that they can use with other people so that they can use the<00:06:57.560> project<00:06:58.199> and<00:06:58.360> start<00:06:58.639> working<00:06:58.960> on<00:06:59.120> the the project and start working on the the project and start working on the project<00:06:59.879> as project as project as well<00:07:01.840> so<00:07:02.360> of<00:07:02.520> course<00:07:02.800> making<00:07:03.080> a<00:07:03.280> fish<00:07:03.520> game well so of course making a fish game well so of course making a fish game isn't<00:07:03.960> the<00:07:04.080> only<00:07:04.280> thing<00:07:04.440> you<00:07:04.560> can<00:07:04.680> do<00:07:04.879> with isn't the only thing you can do with isn't the only thing you can do with scratch<00:07:05.960> of<00:07:06.120> the<00:07:06.240> millions<00:07:06.560> of<00:07:06.759> projects<00:07:07.039> in scratch of the millions of projects in scratch of the millions of projects in the<00:07:07.280> scratch<00:07:07.680> website<00:07:08.080> there's<00:07:08.319> everything the scratch website there's everything the scratch website there's everything from<00:07:08.879> animated<00:07:09.759> stories<00:07:10.759> to<00:07:11.199> school<00:07:11.680> science from animated stories to school science from animated stories to school science projects<00:07:13.199> to<00:07:13.479> anime<00:07:13.960> soap<00:07:14.400> operas<00:07:15.400> to<00:07:15.680> Virtual projects to anime soap operas to Virtual projects to anime soap operas to Virtual construction<00:07:16.800> kits<00:07:17.599> to<00:07:17.800> Recreations<00:07:18.479> of construction kits to Recreations of construction kits to Recreations of classic<00:07:19.160> video<00:07:19.520> games<00:07:20.400> to<00:07:20.639> political<00:07:21.160> opinion classic video games to political opinion classic video games to political opinion polls<00:07:22.680> to<00:07:23.160> trigonometry<00:07:24.440> tutorials<00:07:25.440> to polls to trigonometry tutorials to polls to trigonometry tutorials to interactive<00:07:26.360> artwork<00:07:27.360> and<00:07:27.720> yes<00:07:28.360> interactive interactive artwork and yes interactive interactive artwork and yes interactive Mother's<00:07:29.280> Day Mother's Day Mother's Day cards<00:07:31.599> so<00:07:31.800> I<00:07:31.919> think<00:07:32.080> there's<00:07:32.240> s<00:07:32.400> of<00:07:32.639> know<00:07:32.960> so cards so I think there's s of know so cards so I think there's s of know so many<00:07:33.440> different<00:07:33.800> ways<00:07:34.400> that<00:07:34.599> people<00:07:34.800> can many different ways that people can many different ways that people can express<00:07:35.759> themselves<00:07:36.599> using<00:07:37.080> this<00:07:37.520> to<00:07:37.599> be<00:07:37.720> able express themselves using this to be able express themselves using this to be able to<00:07:38.000> take<00:07:38.199> their<00:07:38.440> ideas<00:07:38.800> and<00:07:38.919> share<00:07:39.280> their to take their ideas and share their to take their ideas and share their ideas<00:07:39.800> with<00:07:39.960> the<00:07:40.080> world<00:07:41.080> and<00:07:41.199> it<00:07:41.319> doesn't<00:07:41.639> just ideas with the world and it doesn't just ideas with the world and it doesn't just St<00:07:42.039> on<00:07:42.199> the<00:07:42.400> screen<00:07:43.360> you<00:07:43.520> can<00:07:43.720> also<00:07:44.120> code<00:07:44.639> to St on the screen you can also code to St on the screen you can also code to interact<00:07:45.319> with<00:07:45.479> the<00:07:45.599> physical<00:07:45.919> world<00:07:46.240> around interact with the physical world around interact with the physical world around you<00:07:47.879> here's<00:07:48.120> an<00:07:48.280> example<00:07:48.639> from<00:07:48.840> Hong<00:07:49.159> Kong you here's an example from Hong Kong you here's an example from Hong Kong where<00:07:49.879> some<00:07:50.080> kids<00:07:50.319> made<00:07:50.479> a<00:07:50.680> game<00:07:51.240> and<00:07:51.360> then where some kids made a game and then where some kids made a game and then built<00:07:51.879> their<00:07:52.000> own<00:07:52.319> physical<00:07:52.800> interface built their own physical interface built their own physical interface device<00:07:54.720> and<00:07:54.840> had<00:07:54.960> a<00:07:55.159> light<00:07:55.479> sensor<00:07:56.360> so<00:07:56.560> the device and had a light sensor so the device and had a light sensor so the light<00:07:56.879> sensor<00:07:57.280> detects<00:07:57.599> the<00:07:57.759> hole<00:07:58.000> in<00:07:58.159> the light sensor detects the hole in the light sensor detects the hole in the board<00:07:58.960> so<00:07:59.120> as<00:07:59.280> they<00:07:59.520> move<00:07:59.759> the<00:08:00.000> physical<00:08:00.560> saw board so as they move the physical saw board so as they move the physical saw the<00:08:01.680> light<00:08:01.919> sensor<00:08:02.319> detects<00:08:02.680> the<00:08:02.840> hole<00:08:03.680> and the light sensor detects the hole and the light sensor detects the hole and controls<00:08:04.240> the<00:08:04.400> virtual<00:08:04.720> saw<00:08:05.039> on<00:08:05.159> the<00:08:05.400> screen controls the virtual saw on the screen controls the virtual saw on the screen and<00:08:06.680> saws<00:08:07.199> down<00:08:07.400> the and saws down the and saws down the treay<00:08:09.159> we're<00:08:09.319> going<00:08:09.440> to<00:08:09.639> continue<00:08:09.960> to<00:08:10.120> look<00:08:10.240> at treay we're going to continue to look at treay we're going to continue to look at new<00:08:10.720> ways<00:08:11.319> of<00:08:11.879> bringing<00:08:12.479> together<00:08:12.800> the new ways of bringing together the new ways of bringing together the physical<00:08:13.360> world<00:08:13.639> and<00:08:13.759> the<00:08:13.919> virtual<00:08:14.280> world<00:08:14.520> and physical world and the virtual world and physical world and the virtual world and connecting<00:08:15.080> to<00:08:15.199> the<00:08:15.319> world<00:08:15.840> around<00:08:16.479> us<00:08:17.479> this connecting to the world around us this connecting to the world around us this is<00:08:17.759> an<00:08:17.960> example<00:08:18.400> from<00:08:18.560> a<00:08:18.720> new<00:08:18.960> version<00:08:19.240> of is an example from a new version of is an example from a new version of scratch<00:08:19.800> that<00:08:19.879> we'll<00:08:20.039> be<00:08:20.280> releasing<00:08:21.280> in<00:08:21.400> the scratch that we'll be releasing in the scratch that we'll be releasing in the next<00:08:21.879> few<00:08:22.159> months<00:08:23.159> and<00:08:23.280> we're<00:08:23.560> looking<00:08:23.919> again next few months and we're looking again next few months and we're looking again to<00:08:24.319> sort<00:08:24.520> of<00:08:24.840> be<00:08:24.960> able<00:08:25.120> to<00:08:25.360> push<00:08:25.520> you<00:08:25.680> in<00:08:25.879> New to sort of be able to push you in New to sort of be able to push you in New Directions<00:08:27.319> here's<00:08:27.520> an Directions here's an Directions here's an example<00:08:29.520> he<00:08:29.599> uses<00:08:29.960> the

webcam<00:08:33.440> and<00:08:33.560> as<00:08:33.680> I<00:08:33.800> move<00:08:34.039> my<00:08:34.240> hand<00:08:34.760> I<00:08:34.839> can<00:08:35.080> pop
webcam and as I move my hand I can pop webcam and as I move my hand I can pop the the the balloons<00:08:37.880> or<00:08:38.039> I<00:08:38.159> can<00:08:38.320> move<00:08:38.560> the balloons or I can move the balloons or I can move the bug<00:08:41.719> so<00:08:41.880> it's<00:08:42.000> a<00:08:42.120> little<00:08:42.279> bit<00:08:42.479> like<00:08:42.760> Microsoft bug so it's a little bit like Microsoft bug so it's a little bit like Microsoft Connect<00:08:43.760> where<00:08:43.880> you<00:08:44.120> interact<00:08:44.640> with<00:08:44.839> gestures Connect where you interact with gestures Connect where you interact with gestures in<00:08:45.320> the<00:08:45.480> world<00:08:46.440> but<00:08:46.640> instead<00:08:46.920> of<00:08:47.080> just<00:08:47.240> playing in the world but instead of just playing in the world but instead of just playing someone<00:08:47.760> else's<00:08:48.240> game<00:08:48.880> you<00:08:49.120> get<00:08:49.240> to<00:08:49.480> create someone else's game you get to create someone else's game you get to create the<00:08:49.959> games<00:08:50.880> and<00:08:51.000> if<00:08:51.120> you<00:08:51.240> see<00:08:51.519> someone<00:08:51.800> else's the games and if you see someone else's the games and if you see someone else's game<00:08:52.360> you<00:08:52.480> can<00:08:52.600> just<00:08:52.720> say<00:08:52.920> see<00:08:53.640> inside<00:08:54.640> and<00:08:54.800> can game you can just say see inside and can game you can just say see inside and can look<00:08:55.160> at<00:08:55.279> the<00:08:55.480> stacks<00:08:55.800> of<00:08:56.040> blocks<00:08:56.680> that look at the stacks of blocks that look at the stacks of blocks that control<00:08:57.279> it<00:08:57.760> so<00:08:57.920> there's<00:08:58.079> a<00:08:58.200> new<00:08:58.440> block<00:08:58.760> that control it so there's a new block that control it so there's a new block that says<00:08:59.240> how<00:08:59.560> much<00:08:59.760> video<00:09:00.120> motion<00:09:00.519> there<00:09:00.720> is<00:09:01.680> and says how much video motion there is and says how much video motion there is and then<00:09:02.680> if<00:09:02.839> there's<00:09:03.040> so<00:09:03.240> much<00:09:03.399> video<00:09:03.760> motion<00:09:04.399> it then if there's so much video motion it then if there's so much video motion it will<00:09:04.680> then<00:09:04.839> tell<00:09:05.040> the<00:09:05.160> balloon<00:09:05.519> to will then tell the balloon to will then tell the balloon to pop<00:09:07.760> the<00:09:07.920> same<00:09:08.120> way<00:09:08.320> that<00:09:08.480> this<00:09:08.640> uses<00:09:09.040> the pop the same way that this uses the pop the same way that this uses the camera<00:09:10.200> to<00:09:10.399> get<00:09:10.640> information<00:09:11.399> into<00:09:12.079> scratch camera to get information into scratch camera to get information into scratch you<00:09:13.200> can<00:09:13.399> also<00:09:13.760> use<00:09:14.079> the you can also use the you can also use the microphone<00:09:16.279> here's<00:09:16.480> an<00:09:16.680> example<00:09:17.000> of<00:09:17.079> a microphone here's an example of a microphone here's an example of a project<00:09:17.760> using<00:09:18.040> the<00:09:18.640> microphone<00:09:19.640> so<00:09:19.839> I'm project using the microphone so I'm project using the microphone so I'm going<00:09:20.040> to<00:09:20.160> let<00:09:20.440> all<00:09:20.560> of<00:09:20.800> you<00:09:21.040> control<00:09:21.519> this going to let all of you control this going to let all of you control this game<00:09:22.120> using<00:09:22.480> your

voices voices [Music] [Music] [Music] so<00:09:35.200> maybe<00:09:35.480> control


your<00:09:58.120> as<00:09:58.360> kids<00:09:58.560> are<00:09:59.000> Crea<00:09:59.680> projects<00:10:00.160> like<00:10:00.399> this
your as kids are Crea projects like this your as kids are Crea projects like this they're<00:10:01.440> learning<00:10:01.760> to<00:10:02.200> code<00:10:03.200> but<00:10:03.399> even<00:10:03.680> more they're learning to code but even more they're learning to code but even more importantly<00:10:04.920> they're<00:10:05.240> coding<00:10:05.640> to<00:10:06.040> learn importantly they're coding to learn importantly they're coding to learn because<00:10:07.600> as<00:10:07.800> they<00:10:07.920> learn<00:10:08.200> to<00:10:08.440> code<00:10:09.320> it<00:10:09.480> enables because as they learn to code it enables because as they learn to code it enables them<00:10:10.800> to<00:10:10.959> learn<00:10:11.279> many<00:10:11.600> other<00:10:11.959> things<00:10:12.519> opens<00:10:12.839> up them to learn many other things opens up them to learn many other things opens up many<00:10:13.360> new<00:10:13.640> opportunities<00:10:14.160> for<00:10:14.640> learning many new opportunities for learning many new opportunities for learning again<00:10:16.240> it's<00:10:16.480> useful<00:10:16.880> to<00:10:17.040> make<00:10:17.160> an<00:10:17.360> analogy<00:10:18.240> to again it's useful to make an analogy to again it's useful to make an analogy to reading<00:10:18.760> and<00:10:19.079> writing<00:10:20.079> when<00:10:20.240> you<00:10:20.399> learn<00:10:20.680> to reading and writing when you learn to reading and writing when you learn to read<00:10:21.120> and<00:10:21.399> write<00:10:22.160> it<00:10:22.360> opens<00:10:22.680> up<00:10:22.920> opportunities read and write it opens up opportunities read and write it opens up opportunities for<00:10:23.560> you<00:10:23.680> to<00:10:23.760> learn<00:10:24.079> so<00:10:24.279> many<00:10:24.600> other<00:10:24.920> things for you to learn so many other things for you to learn so many other things when<00:10:26.040> you<00:10:26.200> learn<00:10:26.480> to<00:10:26.760> read<00:10:27.519> you<00:10:27.680> can<00:10:27.880> then<00:10:28.120> read when you learn to read you can then read when you learn to read you can then read to<00:10:28.640> learn<00:10:29.800> as<00:10:30.079> the<00:10:30.240> same<00:10:30.440> thing<00:10:30.640> with<00:10:30.800> coding to learn as the same thing with coding to learn as the same thing with coding if<00:10:31.680> you<00:10:31.800> learn<00:10:32.079> to<00:10:32.279> code<00:10:32.600> you<00:10:32.720> can<00:10:32.920> code<00:10:33.160> to if you learn to code you can code to if you learn to code you can code to learn<00:10:34.360> now<00:10:34.560> some<00:10:34.680> of<00:10:34.800> the<00:10:34.920> things<00:10:35.079> you<00:10:35.200> can learn now some of the things you can learn now some of the things you can learn<00:10:35.519> are<00:10:35.680> sort<00:10:35.839> of<00:10:36.120> obvious<00:10:36.839> you<00:10:37.000> learn<00:10:37.360> more learn are sort of obvious you learn more learn are sort of obvious you learn more about<00:10:37.800> how<00:10:38.040> computers<00:10:38.639> work<00:10:39.639> but<00:10:39.880> that's<00:10:40.120> just about how computers work but that's just about how computers work but that's just where<00:10:40.519> it<00:10:40.839> starts<00:10:41.839> when<00:10:41.959> you<00:10:42.079> learn<00:10:42.320> to<00:10:42.560> code where it starts when you learn to code where it starts when you learn to code it<00:10:43.560> opens<00:10:43.880> up<00:10:44.040> for<00:10:44.120> you<00:10:44.240> to<00:10:44.320> learn<00:10:44.760> many<00:10:45.079> other it opens up for you to learn many other it opens up for you to learn many other things<00:10:46.399> let<00:10:46.519> me<00:10:46.680> show<00:10:46.880> you<00:10:47.040> an<00:10:47.720> example<00:10:48.720> here's things let me show you an example here's things let me show you an example here's another another another project<00:10:51.240> and<00:10:51.720> I<00:10:51.839> saw<00:10:52.160> this<00:10:52.320> when<00:10:52.480> I<00:10:52.600> was project and I saw this when I was project and I saw this when I was visiting<00:10:53.720> one<00:10:53.880> of<00:10:54.079> the<00:10:54.480> computer<00:10:54.959> clubhouses visiting one of the computer clubhouses visiting one of the computer clubhouses these<00:10:55.920> are<00:10:56.240> after<00:10:56.560> school<00:10:56.839> Learning<00:10:57.200> Centers these are after school Learning Centers these are after school Learning Centers that<00:10:57.720> we<00:10:57.839> help<00:10:58.120> start<00:10:58.959> that<00:10:59.079> help<00:10:59.519> young that we help start that help young that we help start that help young people<00:11:00.120> from<00:11:00.360> low-income<00:11:00.959> communities<00:11:01.720> learn people from low-income communities learn people from low-income communities learn to<00:11:02.240> express<00:11:02.760> themselves<00:11:03.160> creatively<00:11:03.720> with to express themselves creatively with to express themselves creatively with new<00:11:04.600> technologies<00:11:05.600> and<00:11:05.720> when<00:11:05.839> I<00:11:05.959> went<00:11:06.120> to<00:11:06.240> one new technologies and when I went to one new technologies and when I went to one of<00:11:06.480> the<00:11:06.600> club<00:11:06.880> houses<00:11:07.079> a<00:11:07.279> couple<00:11:07.560> years<00:11:07.760> ago<00:11:08.600> I of the club houses a couple years ago I of the club houses a couple years ago I saw<00:11:08.920> a<00:11:09.040> 13-year-old<00:11:09.760> boy<00:11:10.000> who<00:11:10.160> was<00:11:10.279> using<00:11:10.560> our saw a 13-year-old boy who was using our saw a 13-year-old boy who was using our scratch<00:11:11.279> software<00:11:12.079> to<00:11:12.279> create<00:11:12.519> a<00:11:12.760> game scratch software to create a game scratch software to create a game somewhat<00:11:13.839> like<00:11:14.120> this<00:11:14.320> one<00:11:15.200> and<00:11:15.320> he<00:11:15.440> was<00:11:15.600> very somewhat like this one and he was very somewhat like this one and he was very happy<00:11:16.079> with<00:11:16.240> his<00:11:16.399> game<00:11:16.600> and<00:11:16.800> proud<00:11:17.000> of<00:11:17.120> his happy with his game and proud of his happy with his game and proud of his game<00:11:18.399> but<00:11:18.680> also<00:11:19.240> he<00:11:19.360> wanted<00:11:19.720> to<00:11:19.880> do<00:11:20.120> more<00:11:21.000> he game but also he wanted to do more he game but also he wanted to do more he wanted<00:11:21.480> to<00:11:21.680> keep<00:11:22.079> score<00:11:23.079> this<00:11:23.240> was<00:11:23.360> a<00:11:23.519> game wanted to keep score this was a game wanted to keep score this was a game where<00:11:24.040> the<00:11:24.240> big<00:11:24.440> fish<00:11:24.720> eats<00:11:25.000> the<00:11:25.160> little<00:11:25.440> fish where the big fish eats the little fish where the big fish eats the little fish but<00:11:26.560> he<00:11:26.720> wanted<00:11:27.000> to<00:11:27.160> keep<00:11:27.399> score<00:11:28.240> so<00:11:28.480> that<00:11:28.680> each but he wanted to keep score so that each but he wanted to keep score so that each time<00:11:29.360> the<00:11:29.519> big<00:11:29.760> fish<00:11:30.040> eats<00:11:30.320> a<00:11:30.480> little time the big fish eats a little time the big fish eats a little fish<00:11:32.360> the<00:11:32.519> score<00:11:32.880> would<00:11:33.040> go<00:11:33.200> up<00:11:33.360> and<00:11:33.440> it<00:11:33.519> would fish the score would go up and it would fish the score would go up and it would keep<00:11:33.959> track<00:11:34.880> and<00:11:35.000> he<00:11:35.120> didn't<00:11:35.360> know<00:11:35.480> how<00:11:35.600> to<00:11:35.800> do keep track and he didn't know how to do keep track and he didn't know how to do that<00:11:37.480> so<00:11:37.680> I<00:11:37.800> showed<00:11:38.680> him<00:11:39.680> that<00:11:39.839> in<00:11:40.079> scratch<00:11:40.880> you that so I showed him that in scratch you that so I showed him that in scratch you can<00:11:41.200> create<00:11:41.519> something<00:11:41.839> called<00:11:42.040> a can create something called a can create something called a variable<00:11:44.079> I'll<00:11:44.320> call<00:11:44.519> it

score<00:11:47.760> and<00:11:47.920> that<00:11:48.079> creates<00:11:48.360> some<00:11:48.519> new<00:11:48.720> blocks
score and that creates some new blocks score and that creates some new blocks for<00:11:49.399> you<00:11:50.279> and<00:11:50.360> it<00:11:50.560> also<00:11:50.880> creates<00:11:51.720> a<00:11:51.880> little for you and it also creates a little for you and it also creates a little scoreboard<00:11:52.800> that<00:11:52.959> keeps<00:11:53.279> track<00:11:53.480> of<00:11:53.639> the<00:11:53.920> score scoreboard that keeps track of the score scoreboard that keeps track of the score so<00:11:55.160> each<00:11:55.360> time<00:11:55.600> I<00:11:55.839> click<00:11:56.279> on<00:11:57.279> change<00:11:57.800> score<00:11:58.680> it so each time I click on change score it so each time I click on change score it increments<00:11:59.519> the<00:11:59.639> score<00:12:00.480> so<00:12:00.639> I<00:12:00.720> showed<00:12:01.160> this<00:12:01.360> to increments the score so I showed this to increments the score so I showed this to the<00:12:01.720> clubhouse<00:12:02.240> member<00:12:03.040> uh<00:12:03.160> let's<00:12:03.399> call<00:12:03.600> him the clubhouse member uh let's call him the clubhouse member uh let's call him Victor<00:12:04.639> and<00:12:04.839> Victor<00:12:05.519> when<00:12:05.639> he<00:12:05.800> saw<00:12:06.120> that<00:12:06.320> this Victor and Victor when he saw that this Victor and Victor when he saw that this block<00:12:06.800> would<00:12:06.959> let<00:12:07.079> him<00:12:07.320> increment<00:12:07.720> the<00:12:07.839> score block would let him increment the score block would let him increment the score he<00:12:08.279> knew<00:12:08.519> exactly<00:12:08.920> what<00:12:09.040> to<00:12:09.320> do<00:12:10.320> he<00:12:10.560> took<00:12:10.800> the he knew exactly what to do he took the he knew exactly what to do he took the block<00:12:12.720> and<00:12:12.880> he<00:12:13.079> put<00:12:13.279> it<00:12:14.000> into<00:12:14.320> the<00:12:14.720> program block and he put it into the program block and he put it into the program exactly<00:12:16.240> where<00:12:16.399> the<00:12:16.600> big<00:12:16.839> fish<00:12:17.079> eats<00:12:17.360> the exactly where the big fish eats the exactly where the big fish eats the little little little fish<00:12:20.440> so<00:12:20.760> then<00:12:21.519> each<00:12:21.839> time<00:12:22.320> the<00:12:22.480> big<00:12:22.680> fish<00:12:22.880> eats fish so then each time the big fish eats fish so then each time the big fish eats the<00:12:23.320> little the little the little fish<00:12:25.240> it<00:12:25.320> will<00:12:25.600> increment<00:12:26.040> the<00:12:26.199> score<00:12:26.600> and<00:12:26.760> the fish it will increment the score and the fish it will increment the score and the score<00:12:28.440> will<00:12:28.680> go<00:12:28.800> up<00:12:28.959> by score will go up by score will go up by on<00:12:31.000> and<00:12:31.120> it's<00:12:31.240> in<00:12:31.440> fact<00:12:31.880> working<00:12:32.880> and<00:12:32.959> he<00:12:33.120> saw on and it's in fact working and he saw on and it's in fact working and he saw this<00:12:33.680> and<00:12:33.760> he<00:12:33.880> was<00:12:34.040> so<00:12:34.320> excited<00:12:34.720> he<00:12:34.880> reached this and he was so excited he reached this and he was so excited he reached his<00:12:35.360> hand<00:12:35.600> out<00:12:35.760> to<00:12:35.959> me<00:12:36.360> and<00:12:36.440> he<00:12:36.560> said<00:12:36.920> thank<00:12:37.120> you his hand out to me and he said thank you his hand out to me and he said thank you thank<00:12:37.639> you<00:12:37.959> thank<00:12:38.199> you<00:12:39.199> and<00:12:39.360> what<00:12:39.480> went thank you thank you and what went thank you thank you and what went through<00:12:39.920> my<00:12:40.120> mind<00:12:40.440> was<00:12:41.360> how<00:12:41.560> often<00:12:41.839> is<00:12:41.959> it<00:12:42.160> that through my mind was how often is it that through my mind was how often is it that teachers<00:12:42.680> are<00:12:42.959> thanked<00:12:43.240> by<00:12:43.399> their<00:12:43.519> students teachers are thanked by their students teachers are thanked by their students for<00:12:44.040> teaching<00:12:44.360> the for teaching the for teaching the variables<00:12:47.279> it<00:12:47.440> doesn't<00:12:47.760> happen<00:12:48.000> in<00:12:48.199> most variables it doesn't happen in most variables it doesn't happen in most classrooms<00:12:49.800> but<00:12:49.959> that's<00:12:50.240> because<00:12:50.480> in<00:12:50.680> most classrooms but that's because in most classrooms but that's because in most classrooms<00:12:51.480> when<00:12:51.639> kids<00:12:51.839> learn<00:12:52.120> about classrooms when kids learn about classrooms when kids learn about variables<00:12:53.720> they're<00:12:54.040> they<00:12:54.160> don't<00:12:54.320> know<00:12:54.600> why variables they're they don't know why variables they're they don't know why they're<00:12:54.920> learning<00:12:55.279> it<00:12:55.480> it's<00:12:55.680> nothing<00:12:55.959> that they're learning it it's nothing that they're learning it it's nothing that really<00:12:56.440> they<00:12:56.600> can<00:12:56.760> make<00:12:57.000> use<00:12:57.279> of<00:12:58.079> when<00:12:58.199> you really they can make use of when you really they can make use of when you learn<00:12:58.600> ideas<00:12:58.920> like<00:12:59.240> this<00:12:59.360> in<00:12:59.560> scratch<00:13:00.519> you<00:13:00.639> can learn ideas like this in scratch you can learn ideas like this in scratch you can learn<00:13:01.040> it<00:13:01.560> in<00:13:01.639> a<00:13:01.800> way<00:13:02.000> that's<00:13:02.199> really learn it in a way that's really learn it in a way that's really meaningful<00:13:03.000> and<00:13:03.199> motivating<00:13:03.720> for<00:13:03.920> you<00:13:04.519> you meaningful and motivating for you you meaningful and motivating for you you can<00:13:05.000> understand<00:13:05.120> the<00:13:05.279> reason<00:13:05.600> for<00:13:05.880> V<00:13:06.120> for can understand the reason for V for can understand the reason for V for learning<00:13:06.680> variables<00:13:07.560> and<00:13:07.680> we<00:13:07.760> see<00:13:08.000> that<00:13:08.160> kids learning variables and we see that kids learning variables and we see that kids learn<00:13:08.639> it<00:13:08.800> more<00:13:09.079> deeply<00:13:09.760> and<00:13:09.880> learn<00:13:10.079> it<00:13:10.279> better learn it more deeply and learn it better learn it more deeply and learn it better Victor<00:13:11.800> had<00:13:12.000> I'm<00:13:12.120> sure<00:13:12.320> had<00:13:12.440> been<00:13:12.600> taught Victor had I'm sure had been taught Victor had I'm sure had been taught about<00:13:13.040> variables<00:13:13.399> in<00:13:13.519> schools<00:13:13.920> but<00:13:14.079> he<00:13:14.199> really about variables in schools but he really about variables in schools but he really didn't<00:13:14.639> he<00:13:14.720> wasn't<00:13:14.959> paying<00:13:15.279> attention<00:13:16.120> now<00:13:16.440> we didn't he wasn't paying attention now we didn't he wasn't paying attention now we had<00:13:16.639> a<00:13:16.800> reason<00:13:17.079> for<00:13:17.240> learning<00:13:17.600> variables<00:13:18.480> so had a reason for learning variables so had a reason for learning variables so when<00:13:18.760> you<00:13:18.920> learn<00:13:19.199> through<00:13:19.480> coding<00:13:20.240> and<00:13:20.440> coding when you learn through coding and coding when you learn through coding and coding to<00:13:21.000> learn<00:13:22.000> that<00:13:22.160> you're<00:13:22.320> learning<00:13:22.639> it<00:13:22.760> in to learn that you're learning it in to learn that you're learning it in meaningful<00:13:23.519> context<00:13:23.920> and<00:13:24.079> that's<00:13:24.240> the<00:13:24.440> best meaningful context and that's the best meaningful context and that's the best way<00:13:24.839> of<00:13:24.959> learning<00:13:25.720> things<00:13:26.720> so<00:13:26.920> as<00:13:27.120> kids<00:13:27.399> like way of learning things so as kids like way of learning things so as kids like Victor<00:13:28.079> are<00:13:28.240> creating<00:13:28.680> projects<00:13:29.240> like<00:13:29.480> this Victor are creating projects like this Victor are creating projects like this they're<00:13:30.120> learning<00:13:30.480> important<00:13:31.000> Concepts<00:13:31.720> like they're learning important Concepts like they're learning important Concepts like variables<00:13:32.959> but<00:13:33.120> that's<00:13:33.360> just<00:13:33.519> the<00:13:33.920> start<00:13:34.920> as variables but that's just the start as variables but that's just the start as Victor<00:13:35.440> worked<00:13:35.680> on<00:13:35.880> this<00:13:36.199> project<00:13:37.199> and Victor worked on this project and Victor worked on this project and created<00:13:37.800> the<00:13:38.000> scripts<00:13:38.839> he<00:13:39.000> was<00:13:39.160> also<00:13:39.399> learning created the scripts he was also learning created the scripts he was also learning about<00:13:40.000> the<00:13:40.320> process<00:13:40.680> of<00:13:41.000> design<00:13:42.000> how<00:13:42.120> to<00:13:42.399> start about the process of design how to start about the process of design how to start with<00:13:42.880> a<00:13:43.160> glimmer<00:13:43.519> of<00:13:43.600> an<00:13:43.800> idea<00:13:44.760> and<00:13:44.880> turn<00:13:45.160> it with a glimmer of an idea and turn it with a glimmer of an idea and turn it into<00:13:45.480> a<00:13:45.600> fully-fledged<00:13:46.120> functioning<00:13:47.040> project into a fully-fledged functioning project into a fully-fledged functioning project you<00:13:47.920> know<00:13:48.120> like<00:13:48.240> you<00:13:48.399> see<00:13:48.800> here<00:13:49.760> so<00:13:49.959> he<00:13:50.079> was you know like you see here so he was you know like you see here so he was learning<00:13:50.959> many<00:13:51.320> different<00:13:51.880> to<00:13:52.199> core learning many different to core learning many different to core principles<00:13:52.959> of<00:13:53.240> design<00:13:54.240> about<00:13:54.519> how<00:13:54.639> to principles of design about how to principles of design about how to experiment<00:13:55.959> with<00:13:56.120> new<00:13:56.440> ideas<00:13:57.360> how<00:13:57.480> to<00:13:57.680> take experiment with new ideas how to take experiment with new ideas how to take complex<00:13:58.600> ideas<00:13:59.360> and<00:13:59.519> break<00:13:59.720> them<00:13:59.920> down<00:14:00.160> into complex ideas and break them down into complex ideas and break them down into simpler<00:14:00.959> Parts<00:14:01.800> how<00:14:01.880> to<00:14:02.120> collaborate<00:14:02.639> with simpler Parts how to collaborate with simpler Parts how to collaborate with other<00:14:03.120> people<00:14:03.440> on<00:14:03.600> your<00:14:03.959> projects<00:14:04.959> about<00:14:05.199> how other people on your projects about how other people on your projects about how to<00:14:05.519> find<00:14:05.800> and<00:14:06.000> fix<00:14:06.360> bugs<00:14:06.759> when<00:14:06.920> things<00:14:07.240> go to find and fix bugs when things go to find and fix bugs when things go wrong<00:14:08.399> how<00:14:08.519> to<00:14:08.759> keep<00:14:09.079> persistent<00:14:10.000> and<00:14:10.120> to wrong how to keep persistent and to wrong how to keep persistent and to persevere<00:14:11.279> in<00:14:11.399> the<00:14:11.560> face<00:14:11.720> of<00:14:11.920> frustrations persevere in the face of frustrations persevere in the face of frustrations when<00:14:12.720> things<00:14:12.880> aren't<00:14:13.160> working<00:14:13.759> well<00:14:14.759> now when things aren't working well now when things aren't working well now those<00:14:15.160> are<00:14:15.759> important<00:14:16.240> skills<00:14:16.800> that<00:14:16.959> aren't those are important skills that aren't those are important skills that aren't just<00:14:17.920> relevant<00:14:18.320> for<00:14:18.519> coding<00:14:19.160> they're just relevant for coding they're just relevant for coding they're relevant<00:14:19.800> for<00:14:20.160> all<00:14:20.360> sorts<00:14:20.639> of<00:14:20.839> different relevant for all sorts of different relevant for all sorts of different activities<00:14:22.560> now<00:14:23.160> who<00:14:23.320> knows<00:14:23.600> if<00:14:23.800> Victor<00:14:24.160> is activities now who knows if Victor is activities now who knows if Victor is going<00:14:24.360> to<00:14:24.519> grow<00:14:24.759> up<00:14:24.959> and<00:14:25.160> become<00:14:25.480> a<00:14:25.759> programmer going to grow up and become a programmer going to grow up and become a programmer or<00:14:26.680> a<00:14:26.839> professional<00:14:27.320> computer<00:14:27.800> scientist or a professional computer scientist or a professional computer scientist it's<00:14:28.600> probably<00:14:28.759> not<00:14:29.120> so<00:14:29.399> likely<00:14:30.240> but it's probably not so likely but it's probably not so likely but regardless<00:14:30.920> of<00:14:31.160> what<00:14:31.320> he<00:14:31.560> does<00:14:32.160> he'll<00:14:32.360> be<00:14:32.480> able regardless of what he does he'll be able regardless of what he does he'll be able to<00:14:32.800> make<00:14:33.000> use<00:14:33.199> of<00:14:33.440> these<00:14:33.920> design<00:14:34.360> skills<00:14:34.720> that to make use of these design skills that to make use of these design skills that he<00:14:35.000> learned<00:14:35.680> regardless<00:14:36.160> of<00:14:36.279> whether<00:14:36.440> he he learned regardless of whether he he learned regardless of whether he grows<00:14:36.800> up<00:14:36.959> to<00:14:37.079> be<00:14:37.199> a<00:14:37.320> marketing<00:14:37.800> manager<00:14:38.279> or<00:14:38.399> a grows up to be a marketing manager or a grows up to be a marketing manager or a mechanic<00:14:39.440> or<00:14:39.600> a<00:14:39.759> community<00:14:40.480> organizer<00:14:41.480> that mechanic or a community organizer that mechanic or a community organizer that these<00:14:41.920> ideas<00:14:42.240> are<00:14:42.399> useful<00:14:42.720> for<00:14:43.240> everybody these ideas are useful for everybody these ideas are useful for everybody again<00:14:44.480> it's<00:14:44.600> useful<00:14:44.920> to<00:14:45.079> think<00:14:45.279> about<00:14:45.600> this again it's useful to think about this again it's useful to think about this analogy<00:14:46.759> with<00:14:47.079> language<00:14:48.079> when<00:14:48.240> you<00:14:48.440> become analogy with language when you become analogy with language when you become fluent<00:14:49.680> with<00:14:49.880> reading<00:14:50.240> and<00:14:50.839> writing<00:14:51.839> uh<00:14:52.079> you fluent with reading and writing uh you fluent with reading and writing uh you know<00:14:52.600> it's<00:14:53.079> it's<00:14:53.240> not<00:14:53.480> something<00:14:53.839> that<00:14:53.959> you're know it's it's not something that you're know it's it's not something that you're doing<00:14:54.759> just<00:14:54.920> to<00:14:55.079> become<00:14:55.399> a<00:14:55.600> professional doing just to become a professional doing just to become a professional writer<00:14:56.759> very<00:14:57.000> few<00:14:57.279> people<00:14:57.560> will<00:14:57.720> become writer very few people will become writer very few people will become professional<00:14:58.519> writers<00:14:59.440> but<00:14:59.560> it's<00:14:59.759> useful<00:15:00.120> for professional writers but it's useful for professional writers but it's useful for everybody<00:15:01.040> to<00:15:01.199> learn<00:15:01.440> how<00:15:01.560> to<00:15:01.720> read<00:15:01.920> and<00:15:02.160> write everybody to learn how to read and write everybody to learn how to read and write again<00:15:03.240> the<00:15:03.399> same<00:15:03.600> thing<00:15:03.800> with<00:15:03.959> coding<00:15:04.920> most again the same thing with coding most again the same thing with coding most people<00:15:05.480> won't<00:15:05.759> grow<00:15:06.000> up<00:15:06.120> to<00:15:06.279> become people won't grow up to become people won't grow up to become professional<00:15:07.720> you<00:15:07.839> know<00:15:08.199> you<00:15:08.279> know<00:15:08.519> computer professional you know you know computer professional you know you know computer scientists<00:15:09.360> or<00:15:09.600> programmers<00:15:10.600> but<00:15:10.839> those scientists or programmers but those scientists or programmers but those skills<00:15:11.360> of<00:15:11.600> thinking<00:15:12.000> creatively<00:15:12.680> reasoning skills of thinking creatively reasoning skills of thinking creatively reasoning systematically<00:15:14.000> working<00:15:14.519> collaboratively systematically working collaboratively systematically working collaboratively skills<00:15:15.839> you<00:15:16.000> develop<00:15:16.399> when<00:15:16.560> you<00:15:16.720> code<00:15:16.959> and skills you develop when you code and skills you develop when you code and scratch<00:15:18.040> are<00:15:18.279> things<00:15:18.639> that<00:15:19.199> people<00:15:19.480> can<00:15:19.639> use scratch are things that people can use scratch are things that people can use no<00:15:20.120> matter<00:15:20.480> what<00:15:20.639> they're<00:15:20.839> doing<00:15:21.160> in<00:15:21.279> their no matter what they're doing in their no matter what they're doing in their work<00:15:21.920> lives<00:15:22.920> and<00:15:23.120> it's<00:15:23.279> not<00:15:23.519> just<00:15:23.720> about<00:15:23.920> your work lives and it's not just about your work lives and it's not just about your work<00:15:24.440> life<00:15:25.320> coding<00:15:25.720> can<00:15:25.959> also<00:15:26.279> enable<00:15:26.639> you<00:15:26.800> to work life coding can also enable you to work life coding can also enable you to you<00:15:27.480> know<00:15:27.800> express<00:15:28.160> your<00:15:28.399> ideas<00:15:28.720> and<00:15:29.040> feelings you know express your ideas and feelings you know express your ideas and feelings in<00:15:29.560> your<00:15:29.800> personal<00:15:30.319> life<00:15:31.000> let<00:15:31.120> me<00:15:31.319> end<00:15:31.600> with in your personal life let me end with in your personal life let me end with just<00:15:32.000> one<00:15:32.199> more just one more just one more example<00:15:34.639> so<00:15:34.959> this<00:15:35.079> is<00:15:35.199> an<00:15:35.399> example<00:15:36.240> that<00:15:36.440> came example so this is an example that came example so this is an example that came from<00:15:37.160> after<00:15:37.560> I<00:15:37.680> had<00:15:37.880> sent<00:15:38.680> the<00:15:38.880> Mother's<00:15:39.279> Day from after I had sent the Mother's Day from after I had sent the Mother's Day cards<00:15:39.920> to<00:15:40.079> my<00:15:40.319> mom<00:15:41.079> she<00:15:41.440> decided<00:15:42.120> that<00:15:42.279> she cards to my mom she decided that she cards to my mom she decided that she wanted<00:15:42.759> to<00:15:42.880> learn<00:15:43.440> scrats<00:15:44.440> so<00:15:44.639> she<00:15:44.959> made<00:15:45.199> this wanted to learn scrats so she made this wanted to learn scrats so she made this project<00:15:46.079> for<00:15:46.360> my<00:15:46.639> birthday<00:15:47.399> and<00:15:47.519> sent<00:15:47.759> me<00:15:48.199> a project for my birthday and sent me a project for my birthday and sent me a happy<00:15:48.800> birthday<00:15:49.360> scratch<00:15:50.120> card<00:15:51.120> now<00:15:51.440> this happy birthday scratch card now this happy birthday scratch card now this project<00:15:52.199> is<00:15:52.360> not<00:15:52.519> going<00:15:52.639> to<00:15:52.759> win<00:15:53.040> any<00:15:53.319> prizes project is not going to win any prizes project is not going to win any prizes for<00:15:54.079> design<00:15:55.079> and<00:15:55.240> you<00:15:55.319> can<00:15:55.519> rest<00:15:55.800> assured<00:15:56.319> that for design and you can rest assured that for design and you can rest assured that my<00:15:56.560> 83-year-old<00:15:57.240> mom<00:15:57.959> is<00:15:58.120> not<00:15:58.279> training<00:15:58.680> to my 83-year-old mom is not training to my 83-year-old mom is not training to become<00:15:59.160> a<00:15:59.279> professional<00:15:59.800> programmer<00:16:00.279> or become a professional programmer or become a professional programmer or computer computer computer scientist<00:16:02.480> but<00:16:02.800> working<00:16:03.120> on<00:16:03.360> this<00:16:03.680> project scientist but working on this project scientist but working on this project enabled<00:16:04.800> her<00:16:04.920> to<00:16:05.079> make<00:16:05.240> a<00:16:05.399> connection<00:16:05.839> to enabled her to make a connection to enabled her to make a connection to someone<00:16:06.279> that<00:16:06.399> she<00:16:06.560> cares<00:16:06.880> about<00:16:07.680> and<00:16:07.800> enabled someone that she cares about and enabled someone that she cares about and enabled her<00:16:08.639> to<00:16:08.839> keep<00:16:09.000> on<00:16:09.240> learning<00:16:09.639> new<00:16:09.920> things<00:16:10.639> and her to keep on learning new things and her to keep on learning new things and continuing<00:16:11.240> to<00:16:11.480> practice<00:16:11.800> her<00:16:12.160> creativity continuing to practice her creativity continuing to practice her creativity and<00:16:13.319> developing<00:16:13.839> new<00:16:14.040> ways<00:16:14.240> of<00:16:14.440> expressing and developing new ways of expressing and developing new ways of expressing herself<00:16:16.880> so<00:16:17.720> you<00:16:17.839> know<00:16:18.560> as<00:16:18.680> we<00:16:18.839> take<00:16:19.000> a<00:16:19.160> look herself so you know as we take a look herself so you know as we take a look and<00:16:19.480> we<00:16:19.600> see<00:16:19.959> that<00:16:20.680> Michael<00:16:20.959> Bloomberg<00:16:21.519> is and we see that Michael Bloomberg is and we see that Michael Bloomberg is learning<00:16:21.920> to<00:16:22.120> code<00:16:23.040> all<00:16:23.160> of<00:16:23.319> the<00:16:23.480> children<00:16:23.839> of learning to code all of the children of learning to code all of the children of Estonia<00:16:24.560> learned<00:16:24.839> to<00:16:25.000> code<00:16:25.639> even<00:16:25.880> my<00:16:26.040> mom<00:16:26.279> has Estonia learned to code even my mom has Estonia learned to code even my mom has learned<00:16:26.680> to<00:16:26.880> code<00:16:27.680> don't<00:16:27.839> you<00:16:28.000> think<00:16:28.120> it's learned to code don't you think it's learned to code don't you think it's about<00:16:28.519> time<00:16:28.720> that<00:16:28.959> you<00:16:29.120> might<00:16:29.279> be<00:16:29.680> think<00:16:29.959> about about time that you might be think about about time that you might be think about learning<00:16:30.440> to<00:16:30.759> code<00:16:31.759> if<00:16:31.880> you're<00:16:32.040> interested<00:16:32.360> in learning to code if you're interested in learning to code if you're interested in giving<00:16:32.680> it<00:16:32.759> a<00:16:32.920> try<00:16:33.600> I'd<00:16:33.839> encourage<00:16:34.199> you<00:16:34.639> to<00:16:34.839> go giving it a try I'd encourage you to go giving it a try I'd encourage you to go to<00:16:35.120> the<00:16:35.279> scratch<00:16:35.759> website<00:16:36.160> at to the scratch website at to the scratch website at scratch.mit.edu<00:16:37.600> and<00:16:38.519> give<00:16:38.639> a<00:16:38.759> try<00:16:39.000> at<00:16:39.160> coding scratch.mit.edu and give a try at coding scratch.mit.edu and give a try at coding thanks<00:16:40.240> very thanks very thanks very [Applause]


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