Hãy là một nghệ sĩ, ngay bây giờ! -Thanh niên-hà Kim

Be an artist, right now! - Young-ha Kim

Be an artist, right now! - Young-ha Kim


[Music] The

topic <00:00:15.861>I'm <00:00:16.123>going <00:00:16.385>to <00:00:16.647>talk <00:00:16.909>about <00:00:17.171>today <00:00:17.433>is
topic I'm going to talk about today is topic I'm going to talk about today is let's <00:00:18.819>become <00:00:19.199>an <00:00:19.579>artist <00:00:19.959>right <00:00:20.339>now. <00:00:20.719>When let's become an artist right now. When let's become an artist right now. When I <00:00:21.274>bring <00:00:21.509>this <00:00:21.744>up, <00:00:21.979>most <00:00:22.214>people <00:00:22.449>get <00:00:22.684>nervous <00:00:22.919>and I bring this up, most people get nervous and I bring this up, most people get nervous and start <00:00:23.979>to <00:00:24.359>resist <00:00:24.739>a <00:00:25.119>little. start to resist a little. start to resist a little. Oh, <00:00:26.233>does <00:00:26.546>art <00:00:26.859>feed <00:00:27.172>me? <00:00:27.485>And <00:00:27.798>I'm Oh, does art feed me? And I'm Oh, does art feed me? And I'm busy <00:00:28.119>right <00:00:28.238>now, <00:00:28.357>so <00:00:28.476>what <00:00:28.595>kind <00:00:28.714>of <00:00:28.833>art <00:00:28.952>should <00:00:29.071>I <00:00:29.190>do <00:00:29.309>next? <00:00:29.428>You <00:00:29.547>have <00:00:29.666>to busy right now, so what kind of art should I do next? You have to busy right now, so what kind of art should I do next? You have to go <00:00:30.156>to <00:00:30.352>school, <00:00:30.548>you <00:00:30.744>have <00:00:30.940>to <00:00:31.136>get <00:00:31.332>a <00:00:31.528>job, <00:00:31.724>you <00:00:31.920>have go to school, you have to get a job, you have go to school, you have to get a job, you have a <00:00:32.187>lot <00:00:32.295>of <00:00:32.403>things <00:00:32.511>to <00:00:32.619>do, <00:00:32.727>you <00:00:32.835>have <00:00:32.943>to <00:00:33.051>send <00:00:33.159>your <00:00:33.267>kid <00:00:33.375>to <00:00:33.483>academy, <00:00:33.591>and a lot of things to do, you have to send your kid to academy, and a lot of things to do, you have to send your kid to academy, and you're <00:00:33.996>busy, <00:00:34.152>but <00:00:34.308>you <00:00:34.464>may <00:00:34.620>be <00:00:34.776>wondering, <00:00:34.932>"What <00:00:35.088>kind <00:00:35.244>of <00:00:35.400>art <00:00:35.556>is <00:00:35.712>that?" you're busy, but you may be wondering, "What kind of art is that?"

There <00:00:41.688>are <00:00:41.776>hundreds <00:00:41.864>of <00:00:41.952>reasons <00:00:42.040>why <00:00:42.128>we <00:00:42.216>can't <00:00:42.304>become <00:00:42.392>artists <00:00:42.480>right <00:00:42.568>now. <00:00:42.656>It <00:00:42.744>just <00:00:42.832>pops <00:00:42.920>into <00:00:43.008>my <00:00:43.096>head. <00:00:43.184>There <00:00:43.272>are
There are hundreds of reasons why we can't become artists right now. It just pops into my head. There are There are hundreds of reasons why we can't become artists right now. It just pops into my head. There are so so so many <00:00:45.644>reasons. <00:00:45.848>I <00:00:46.052>don't <00:00:46.256>know <00:00:46.460>why <00:00:46.664>it <00:00:46.868>should <00:00:47.072>be <00:00:47.276>done. many reasons. I don't know why it should be done. many reasons. I don't know why it should be done. In <00:00:48.033>fact, <00:00:48.386>if <00:00:48.739>I <00:00:49.092>think <00:00:49.445>about <00:00:49.798>it, In fact, if I think about it, In fact, if I think about it, I'm <00:00:50.054>not <00:00:50.188>sure <00:00:50.322>why <00:00:50.456>it <00:00:50.590>should <00:00:50.724>be <00:00:50.858>done. <00:00:50.992>Anyway, <00:00:51.126>there <00:00:51.260>are <00:00:51.394>so I'm not sure why it should be done. Anyway, there are so I'm not sure why it should be done. Anyway, there are so many <00:00:52.022>reasons <00:00:52.364>why <00:00:52.706>it <00:00:53.048>shouldn't <00:00:53.390>be <00:00:53.732>done. <00:00:54.074>Why <00:00:54.416>do <00:00:54.758>people many reasons why it shouldn't be done. Why do people many reasons why it shouldn't be done. Why do people already <00:00:55.308>start <00:00:55.417>to <00:00:55.526>feel <00:00:55.635>so <00:00:55.744>repulsed <00:00:55.853>when <00:00:55.962>they <00:00:56.071>hear <00:00:56.180>the <00:00:56.289>word <00:00:56.398>art? already start to feel so repulsed when they hear the word art? already start to feel so repulsed when they hear the word art? In <00:00:57.586>other <00:00:58.492>words, <00:00:59.398>art In other words, art In other words, art is <00:01:00.042>an <00:01:00.124>incredible <00:01:00.206>talent. <00:01:00.288>Maybe <00:01:00.370>you <00:01:00.452>think <00:01:00.534>it's <00:01:00.616>something <00:01:00.698>that <00:01:00.780>only <00:01:00.862>people <00:01:00.944>who <00:01:01.026>are <00:01:01.108>born <00:01:01.190>with is an incredible talent. Maybe you think it's something that only people who are born with is an incredible talent. Maybe you think it's something that only people who are born with or <00:01:02.143>have <00:01:02.567>received <00:01:02.991>very <00:01:03.415>specialized <00:01:03.839>training or have received very specialized training or have received very specialized training do, do, do, and <00:01:08.320>that and that and that you <00:01:08.611>all <00:01:08.702>here <00:01:08.793>may <00:01:08.884>be <00:01:08.975>thinking <00:01:09.066>that <00:01:09.157>you've <00:01:09.248>already <00:01:09.339>strayed <00:01:09.430>too <00:01:09.521>far <00:01:09.612>from <00:01:09.703>the <00:01:09.794>path <00:01:09.885>of <00:01:09.976>an <00:01:10.067>artist, <00:01:10.158>but you all here may be thinking that you've already strayed too far from the path of an artist, but

I <00:01:15.080>don't <00:01:15.520>think <00:01:15.960>so.
I don't think so. I don't think so. That's <00:01:16.724>the <00:01:16.928>topic <00:01:17.132>I'm <00:01:17.336>going <00:01:17.540>to <00:01:17.744>talk <00:01:17.948>about <00:01:18.152>today. <00:01:18.356>Well, That's the topic I'm going to talk about today. Well, That's the topic I'm going to talk about today. Well, we're <00:01:19.853>all <00:01:20.346>born <00:01:20.839>artists. we're all born artists. we're all born artists. If <00:01:21.580>you <00:01:21.800>have <00:01:22.020>kids <00:01:22.240>at <00:01:22.460>home, <00:01:22.680>you'll <00:01:22.900>know <00:01:23.120>right <00:01:23.340>away <00:01:23.560>that If you have kids at home, you'll know right away that

almost <00:01:26.766>everything <00:01:26.892>they're <00:01:27.018>doing <00:01:27.144>is <00:01:27.270>art. <00:01:27.396>They're <00:01:27.522>just <00:01:27.648>drawing <00:01:27.774>wallpaper <00:01:27.900>on <00:01:28.026>the <00:01:28.152>walls <00:01:28.278>with
almost everything they're doing is art. They're just drawing wallpaper on the walls with almost everything they're doing is art. They're just drawing wallpaper on the walls with crayons crayons crayons and <00:01:30.966>on <00:01:31.173>the <00:01:31.380>TV. <00:01:31.587>When <00:01:31.794>something <00:01:32.001>comes <00:01:32.208>out, <00:01:32.415>he <00:01:32.622>imitates <00:01:32.829>Son <00:01:33.036>Dam-bi's and on the TV. When something comes out, he imitates Son Dam-bi's and on the TV. When something comes out, he imitates Son Dam-bi's dance, <00:01:33.759>and <00:01:33.958>then <00:01:34.157>he <00:01:34.356>does <00:01:34.555>something <00:01:34.754>like <00:01:34.953>Son <00:01:35.152>Dam-bi's dance, and then he does something like Son Dam-bi's dance, and then he does something like Son Dam-bi's dance. <00:01:35.680>In <00:01:35.760>fact, <00:01:35.840>it <00:01:35.920>can't <00:01:36.000>be <00:01:36.080>said <00:01:36.160>to <00:01:36.240>be <00:01:36.320>Son <00:01:36.400>Dam-bi's <00:01:36.480>dance. <00:01:36.560>It's <00:01:36.640>his <00:01:36.720>own <00:01:36.800>kind <00:01:36.880>of dance. In fact, it can't be said to be Son Dam-bi's dance. It's his own kind of dance. In fact, it can't be said to be Son Dam-bi's dance. It's his own kind of dance, <00:01:37.599>and <00:01:38.079>he <00:01:38.559>does <00:01:39.039>this <00:01:39.519>strange dance, and he does this strange dance, and he does this strange dance <00:01:40.326>and <00:01:40.732>sings <00:01:41.138>and <00:01:41.544>annoys <00:01:41.950>everyone. <00:01:42.356>The dance and sings and annoys everyone. The

level <00:01:44.652>of <00:01:44.825>the <00:01:44.998>art <00:01:45.171>is <00:01:45.344>the <00:01:45.517>level <00:01:45.690>of <00:01:45.863>the <00:01:46.036>art.
level of the art is the level of the art. level of the art is the level of the art. In <00:01:46.680>fact, <00:01:46.840>everyone <00:01:47.000>is <00:01:47.160>a <00:01:47.320>little <00:01:47.480>tired <00:01:47.640>of <00:01:47.800>the <00:01:47.960>children <00:01:48.120>because <00:01:48.280>they <00:01:48.440>are <00:01:48.600>doing In fact, everyone is a little tired of the children because they are doing In fact, everyone is a little tired of the children because they are doing art <00:01:49.349>at <00:01:49.619>such <00:01:49.889>an <00:01:50.159>unbearable <00:01:50.429>level <00:01:50.699>all <00:01:50.969>day <00:01:51.239>long. art at such an unbearable level all day long.

Now, <00:01:56.320>the
Now, the Now, the child <00:01:56.745>may <00:01:56.970>just <00:01:57.195>put <00:01:57.420>on <00:01:57.645>a <00:01:57.870>one-person <00:01:58.095>play. <00:01:58.320>The child may just put on a one-person play. The child may just put on a one-person play. The fact <00:01:58.836>that <00:01:59.072>it <00:01:59.308>is <00:01:59.544>a <00:01:59.780>play <00:02:00.016>is <00:02:00.252>a <00:02:00.488>play, <00:02:00.724>and <00:02:00.960>some fact that it is a play is a play, and some fact that it is a play is a play, and some plays <00:02:01.535>are <00:02:01.830>performed. <00:02:02.125>And <00:02:02.420>some <00:02:02.715>children <00:02:03.010>are <00:02:03.305>different <00:02:03.600>in plays are performed. And some children are different in plays are performed. And some children are different in age. <00:02:04.306>If <00:02:04.692>you <00:02:05.078>eat <00:02:05.464>a <00:02:05.850>little, <00:02:06.236>he age. If you eat a little, he age. If you eat a little, he starts <00:02:07.649>to <00:02:08.138>lie. <00:02:08.627>Many <00:02:09.116>parents starts to lie. Many parents starts to lie. Many parents remember <00:02:09.624>the <00:02:09.849>first <00:02:10.074>time <00:02:10.299>their <00:02:10.524>child <00:02:10.749>lied. <00:02:10.974>They <00:02:11.199>are remember the first time their child lied. They are remember the first time their child lied. They are shocked. <00:02:12.520>The <00:02:13.680>child shocked. The child shocked. The child finally <00:02:14.510>shows <00:02:14.781>his <00:02:15.052>true <00:02:15.323>colors. <00:02:15.594>He <00:02:15.865>takes <00:02:16.136>after <00:02:16.407>his <00:02:16.678>father. finally shows his true colors. He takes after his father. finally shows his true colors. He takes after his father. What <00:02:17.464>are <00:02:17.888>you <00:02:18.312>trying <00:02:18.736>to <00:02:19.160>do What are you trying to do What are you trying to do to <00:02:19.804>torment <00:02:20.089>the <00:02:20.374>child? <00:02:20.659>Oh, <00:02:20.944>that's <00:02:21.229>not <00:02:21.514>true. <00:02:21.799>The to torment the child? Oh, that's not true. The to torment the child? Oh, that's not true. The moment <00:02:22.647>children <00:02:22.975>start <00:02:23.303>lying <00:02:23.631>is <00:02:23.959>the moment children start lying is the moment children start lying is the

beginning <00:02:28.600>of <00:02:29.480>storytelling.
beginning of storytelling. beginning of storytelling. It's <00:02:29.956>an <00:02:30.033>amazing <00:02:30.110>moment <00:02:30.187>when <00:02:30.264>we're <00:02:30.341>talking <00:02:30.418>about <00:02:30.495>something <00:02:30.572>we <00:02:30.649>haven't <00:02:30.726>seen. <00:02:30.803>It's <00:02:30.880>an <00:02:30.957>awe- It's an amazing moment when we're talking about something we haven't seen. It's an awe- It's an amazing moment when we're talking about something we haven't seen. It's an awe- inspiring <00:02:32.059>moment. <00:02:32.799>Parents inspiring moment. Parents inspiring moment. Parents should <00:02:33.692>celebrate. <00:02:34.145>Hey, <00:02:34.598>my should celebrate. Hey, my should celebrate. Hey, my child <00:02:36.020>has <00:02:36.480>finally <00:02:36.940>started <00:02:37.400>lying. child has finally started lying.

For <00:02:41.532>example, <00:02:41.905>Mom, <00:02:42.278>I
For example, Mom, I For example, Mom, I came <00:02:43.069>across <00:02:43.259>an <00:02:43.449>alien <00:02:43.639>today <00:02:43.829>while <00:02:44.019>coming <00:02:44.209>from <00:02:44.399>the <00:02:44.589>playroom. <00:02:44.779>Usually <00:02:44.969>moms <00:02:45.159>are <00:02:45.349>saying came across an alien today while coming from the playroom. Usually moms are saying came across an alien today while coming from the playroom. Usually moms are saying useless <00:02:47.080>things <00:02:47.800>and useless things and useless things and harassing <00:02:48.429>Mak, <00:02:48.699>but <00:02:48.969>don't <00:02:49.239>do <00:02:49.509>that. <00:02:49.779>Uh, <00:02:50.049>an <00:02:50.319>ideal harassing Mak, but don't do that. Uh, an ideal harassing Mak, but don't do that. Uh, an ideal parent <00:02:50.953>is <00:02:51.106>like <00:02:51.259>this. <00:02:51.412>So, <00:02:51.565>what <00:02:51.718>does <00:02:51.871>an <00:02:52.024>alien <00:02:52.177>look <00:02:52.330>like? <00:02:52.483>What <00:02:52.636>does <00:02:52.789>an parent is like this. So, what does an alien look like? What does an parent is like this. So, what does an alien look like? What does an alien <00:02:54.920>say? alien say? alien say? Where <00:02:55.469>did <00:02:55.578>you <00:02:55.687>meet <00:02:55.796>it? <00:02:55.905>Oh, <00:02:56.014>you <00:02:56.123>said <00:02:56.232>something <00:02:56.341>like <00:02:56.450>that <00:02:56.559>in <00:02:56.668>front <00:02:56.777>of <00:02:56.886>the <00:02:56.995>supermarket. Where did you meet it? Oh, you said something like that in front of the supermarket.

When <00:02:58.976>you <00:02:59.112>exchange <00:02:59.248>words <00:02:59.384>with <00:02:59.520>a <00:02:59.656>child, <00:02:59.792>you <00:02:59.928>end <00:03:00.064>up <00:03:00.200>saying <00:03:00.336>the <00:03:00.472>next <00:03:00.608>thing <00:03:00.744>in <00:03:00.880>order <00:03:01.016>to <00:03:01.152>take <00:03:01.288>responsibility <00:03:01.424>for <00:03:01.560>the <00:03:01.696>nonsense <00:03:01.832>you <00:03:01.968>said <00:03:02.104>at <00:03:02.240>the <00:03:02.376>beginning.
When you exchange words with a child, you end up saying the next thing in order to take responsibility for the nonsense you said at the beginning.

And <00:03:05.460>as <00:03:06.360>you
And as you And as you say <00:03:06.944>the <00:03:07.208>next <00:03:07.472>thing, <00:03:07.736>the <00:03:08.000>story say the next thing, the story say the next thing, the story unfolds. <00:03:08.912>Of <00:03:09.344>course, <00:03:09.776>this <00:03:10.208>is <00:03:10.640>a unfolds. Of course, this is a unfolds. Of course, this is a childish <00:03:11.639>story, <00:03:12.319>but <00:03:12.999>you childish story, but you childish story, but you can <00:03:13.595>think <00:03:13.750>of <00:03:13.905>other <00:03:14.060>sentences <00:03:14.215>based <00:03:14.370>on <00:03:14.525>one <00:03:14.680>sentence. <00:03:14.835>And can think of other sentences based on one sentence. And can think of other sentences based on one sentence. And thinking <00:03:15.493>about <00:03:15.946>other <00:03:16.399>sentences thinking about other sentences thinking about other sentences is <00:03:16.807>the <00:03:16.974>same <00:03:17.141>thing <00:03:17.308>that <00:03:17.475>a <00:03:17.642>professional <00:03:17.809>writer <00:03:17.976>like <00:03:18.143>me <00:03:18.310>does. <00:03:18.477>In is the same thing that a professional writer like me does. In is the same thing that a professional writer like me does. In fact, <00:03:19.754>it <00:03:20.148>is <00:03:20.542>essentially <00:03:20.936>no <00:03:21.330>different <00:03:21.724>from <00:03:22.118>normal. fact, it is essentially no different from normal. fact, it is essentially no different from normal. Roland <00:03:23.519>Barthes Roland Barthes Roland Barthes said <00:03:24.360>this <00:03:24.600>about <00:03:24.840>Flaubert's <00:03:25.080>novels. said this about Flaubert's novels. said this about Flaubert's novels. Flaubert <00:03:25.959>did <00:03:26.399>not <00:03:26.839>write <00:03:27.279>novels, <00:03:27.719>but <00:03:28.159>one Flaubert did not write novels, but one Flaubert did not write novels, but one sentence <00:03:28.719>and <00:03:28.999>another <00:03:29.279>sentence. <00:03:29.559>I <00:03:29.839>just <00:03:30.119>connected <00:03:30.399>it. sentence and another sentence. I just connected it.

I <00:03:35.288>said <00:03:35.376>that <00:03:35.464>Eros <00:03:35.552>between <00:03:35.640>those <00:03:35.728>sentences <00:03:35.816>is <00:03:35.904>now <00:03:35.992>the <00:03:36.080>essence <00:03:36.168>of <00:03:36.256>Flaubert's <00:03:36.344>novels, <00:03:36.432>and <00:03:36.520>that's <00:03:36.608>right. <00:03:36.696>A <00:03:36.784>novel <00:03:36.872>basically
I said that Eros between those sentences is now the essence of Flaubert's novels, and that's right. A novel basically I said that Eros between those sentences is now the essence of Flaubert's novels, and that's right. A novel basically writes <00:03:37.494>the <00:03:37.669>first <00:03:37.844>sentence <00:03:38.019>and <00:03:38.194>then <00:03:38.369>writes <00:03:38.544>the <00:03:38.719>next <00:03:38.894>sentence <00:03:39.069>as <00:03:39.244>long <00:03:39.419>as <00:03:39.594>it writes the first sentence and then writes the next sentence as long as it writes the first sentence and then writes the next sentence as long as it doesn't <00:03:40.426>violate <00:03:41.092>that <00:03:41.758>sentence. doesn't violate that sentence.

Continue <00:03:43.773>doing <00:03:44.066>this. <00:03:44.359>So <00:03:44.652>let's <00:03:44.945>connect <00:03:45.238>it.
Continue doing this. So let's connect it. Continue doing this. So let's connect it. Let's <00:03:46.019>take <00:03:46.439>a <00:03:46.859>look <00:03:47.279>at <00:03:47.699>this <00:03:48.119>sentence. Let's take a look at this sentence. Let's take a look at this sentence. You <00:03:49.113>know <00:03:49.306>where <00:03:49.499>it <00:03:49.692>is. <00:03:49.885>It's <00:03:50.078>the <00:03:50.271>first <00:03:50.464>sentence <00:03:50.657>of <00:03:50.850>Franz <00:03:51.043>Kafka's <00:03:51.236>Metamorphosis. You know where it is. It's the first sentence of Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis.

After <00:03:54.103>writing <00:03:54.526>such <00:03:54.949>an <00:03:55.372>unbearable <00:03:55.795>sentence,
After writing such an unbearable sentence, After writing such an unbearable sentence, what <00:03:56.467>he <00:03:56.615>wrote <00:03:56.763>to <00:03:56.911>cope <00:03:57.059>with <00:03:57.207>this <00:03:57.355>sentence <00:03:57.503>is <00:03:57.651>actually <00:03:57.799>Frans what he wrote to cope with this sentence is actually Frans what he wrote to cope with this sentence is actually Frans Kafka's <00:03:58.543>masterpiece <00:03:58.927>of <00:03:59.311>modern <00:03:59.695>literature. <00:04:00.079>It's Kafka's masterpiece of modern literature. It's Kafka's masterpiece of modern literature. It's a <00:04:01.132>transformation. <00:04:01.385>It's <00:04:01.638>not <00:04:01.891>a <00:04:02.144>big <00:04:02.397>deal. a transformation. It's not a big deal. a transformation. It's not a big deal. I <00:04:03.556>wrote <00:04:03.712>this <00:04:03.868>sentence, <00:04:04.024>but <00:04:04.180>I <00:04:04.336>didn't <00:04:04.492>show <00:04:04.648>it <00:04:04.804>to <00:04:04.960>my <00:04:05.116>father. I wrote this sentence, but I didn't show it to my father. I wrote this sentence, but I didn't show it to my father. Frans <00:04:05.516>Kafka <00:04:05.632>didn't <00:04:05.748>have <00:04:05.864>a <00:04:05.980>good <00:04:06.096>relationship <00:04:06.212>with <00:04:06.328>my <00:04:06.444>father. <00:04:06.560>So <00:04:06.676>I Frans Kafka didn't have a good relationship with my father. So I

wrote <00:04:09.469>the <00:04:09.538>next <00:04:09.607>sentence <00:04:09.676>alone. <00:04:09.745>When <00:04:09.814>I <00:04:09.883>showed <00:04:09.952>it <00:04:10.021>to <00:04:10.090>my <00:04:10.159>father, <00:04:10.228>he <00:04:10.297>said, <00:04:10.366>"This <00:04:10.435>guy <00:04:10.504>has
wrote the next sentence alone. When I showed it to my father, he said, "This guy has wrote the next sentence alone. When I showed it to my father, he said, "This guy has finally <00:04:12.879>gone <00:04:13.679>crazy. finally gone crazy. finally gone crazy. Yes, <00:04:14.512>Jesus <00:04:14.705>is <00:04:14.898>crazy <00:04:15.091>to <00:04:15.284>some <00:04:15.477>extent." Yes, Jesus is crazy to some extent." Yes, Jesus is crazy to some extent." And <00:04:16.059>then <00:04:16.239>the <00:04:16.419>next <00:04:16.599>sentence. <00:04:16.779>They <00:04:16.959>are <00:04:17.139>dealing <00:04:17.319>with <00:04:17.499>it, <00:04:17.679>but And then the next sentence. They are dealing with it, but And then the next sentence. They are dealing with it, but this this this is <00:04:20.072>something <00:04:20.185>that <00:04:20.298>is <00:04:20.411>not <00:04:20.524>much <00:04:20.637>different <00:04:20.750>from <00:04:20.863>what <00:04:20.976>a <00:04:21.089>child <00:04:21.202>does. <00:04:21.315>The is something that is not much different from what a child does. The is something that is not much different from what a child does. The child <00:04:22.064>who <00:04:22.288>started <00:04:22.512>lying. <00:04:22.736>He <00:04:22.960>is child who started lying. He is child who started lying. He is taking <00:04:23.439>his <00:04:23.679>first <00:04:23.919>steps <00:04:24.159>as <00:04:24.399>a <00:04:24.639>storyteller. taking his first steps as a storyteller. taking his first steps as a storyteller. Now <00:04:25.624>the <00:04:25.888>children <00:04:26.152>are <00:04:26.416>talking <00:04:26.680>about <00:04:26.944>Jesus. <00:04:27.208>They <00:04:27.472>are Now the children are talking about Jesus. They are Now the children are talking about Jesus. They are tireless <00:04:28.569>and <00:04:29.058>have <00:04:29.547>fun. <00:04:30.036>I tireless and have fun. I tireless and have fun. I went <00:04:30.399>to <00:04:30.518>Jeju <00:04:30.637>Island <00:04:30.756>a <00:04:30.875>few <00:04:30.994>days <00:04:31.113>ago <00:04:31.232>and <00:04:31.351>when <00:04:31.470>I went to Jeju Island a few days ago and when I went to Jeju Island a few days ago and when I let <00:04:32.379>the <00:04:32.518>children <00:04:32.657>go, <00:04:32.796>Now, <00:04:32.935>they <00:04:33.074>just <00:04:33.213>play <00:04:33.352>in <00:04:33.491>the <00:04:33.630>water, let the children go, Now, they just play in the water, let the children go, Now, they just play in the water, but <00:04:34.960>most <00:04:36.080>children but most children but most children like <00:04:36.669>the <00:04:36.938>water. <00:04:37.207>But <00:04:37.476>some like the water. But some like the water. But some children <00:04:37.848>spend <00:04:37.976>a <00:04:38.104>lot <00:04:38.232>of <00:04:38.360>time <00:04:38.488>on <00:04:38.616>the <00:04:38.744>sandy <00:04:38.872>beach. <00:04:39.000>They children spend a lot of time on the sandy beach. They children spend a lot of time on the sandy beach. They build <00:04:39.840>mountains <00:04:40.400>there, <00:04:40.960>and <00:04:41.520>the build mountains there, and the build mountains there, and the sea <00:04:42.059>is <00:04:42.199>not <00:04:42.339>the <00:04:42.479>sea. <00:04:42.619>They <00:04:42.759>build <00:04:42.899>mountains, <00:04:43.039>and <00:04:43.179>this <00:04:43.319>and sea is not the sea. They build mountains, and this and sea is not the sea. They build mountains, and this and that, <00:04:44.300>and <00:04:44.760>people, <00:04:45.220>and <00:04:45.680>dogs. that, and people, and dogs. that, and people, and dogs. Parents <00:04:46.337>try <00:04:46.554>to <00:04:46.771>stop <00:04:46.988>them, <00:04:47.205>but <00:04:47.422>when <00:04:47.639>the <00:04:47.856>waves <00:04:48.073>come, Parents try to stop them, but when the waves come, Parents try to stop them, but when the waves come, everything <00:04:48.712>disappears. <00:04:49.024>In <00:04:49.336>other <00:04:49.648>words, <00:04:49.960>it's everything disappears. In other words, it's everything disappears. In other words, it's useless. <00:04:50.639>They <00:04:50.918>say <00:04:51.197>it's <00:04:51.476>useless, <00:04:51.755>but useless. They say it's useless, but useless. They say it's useless, but the <00:04:53.400>kids the kids the kids don't <00:04:54.012>care <00:04:54.144>about <00:04:54.276>that. <00:04:54.408>They <00:04:54.540>have <00:04:54.672>fun <00:04:54.804>the <00:04:54.936>moment <00:04:55.068>they <00:04:55.200>make <00:04:55.332>it. <00:04:55.464>They <00:04:55.596>keep don't care about that. They have fun the moment they make it. They keep don't care about that. They have fun the moment they make it. They keep playing <00:04:56.660>with <00:04:57.440>it. playing with it. playing with it. Kids <00:04:59.280>do Kids do Kids do n't <00:04:59.741>do <00:04:59.802>it <00:04:59.863>because <00:04:59.924>someone <00:04:59.985>tells <00:05:00.046>them <00:05:00.107>to <00:05:00.168>do <00:05:00.229>it. <00:05:00.290>They <00:05:00.351>do <00:05:00.412>it <00:05:00.473>at <00:05:00.534>work <00:05:00.595>because <00:05:00.656>their <00:05:00.717>boss <00:05:00.778>tells <00:05:00.839>them <00:05:00.900>to <00:05:00.961>do <00:05:01.022>it. n't do it because someone tells them to do it. They do it at work because their boss tells them to do it. n't do it because someone tells them to do it. They do it at work because their boss tells them to do it. No, <00:05:01.463>I <00:05:01.606>didn't <00:05:01.749>tell <00:05:01.892>anyone <00:05:02.035>to <00:05:02.178>do <00:05:02.321>it. <00:05:02.464>I'm <00:05:02.607>sure <00:05:02.750>you <00:05:02.893>all <00:05:03.036>must No, I didn't tell anyone to do it. I'm sure you all must

have <00:05:08.494>had <00:05:08.588>a <00:05:08.682>moment <00:05:08.776>when <00:05:08.870>you <00:05:08.964>were <00:05:09.058>young <00:05:09.152>when <00:05:09.246>you <00:05:09.340>felt <00:05:09.434>the <00:05:09.528>primal <00:05:09.622>joy <00:05:09.716>of <00:05:09.810>art. <00:05:09.904>When <00:05:09.998>I
have had a moment when you were young when you felt the primal joy of art. When I

ask <00:05:13.056>students <00:05:13.193>at <00:05:13.330>school <00:05:13.467>to <00:05:13.604>write <00:05:13.741>about <00:05:13.878>their <00:05:14.015>happiest <00:05:14.152>moment,
ask students at school to write about their happiest moment, ask students at school to write about their happiest moment, many <00:05:15.800>students <00:05:16.480>say <00:05:17.160>it's many students say it's many students say it's about <00:05:17.770>the <00:05:17.901>primal <00:05:18.032>artistic <00:05:18.163>experience <00:05:18.294>they <00:05:18.425>had <00:05:18.556>when <00:05:18.687>they <00:05:18.818>were <00:05:18.949>young. <00:05:19.080>We <00:05:19.211>talk <00:05:19.342>about <00:05:19.473>the about the primal artistic experience they had when they were young. We talk about the about the primal artistic experience they had when they were young. We talk about the first <00:05:20.048>time <00:05:20.376>learning <00:05:20.704>the <00:05:21.032>piano <00:05:21.360>and first time learning the piano and first time learning the piano and playing <00:05:22.000>a <00:05:22.280>song <00:05:22.560>with <00:05:22.840>a <00:05:23.120>friend, <00:05:23.400>then <00:05:23.680>the playing a song with a friend, then the

experience <00:05:26.174>of <00:05:26.309>doing <00:05:26.444>some <00:05:26.579>ridiculous <00:05:26.714>skit <00:05:26.849>with <00:05:26.984>a <00:05:27.119>friend <00:05:27.254>and <00:05:27.389>becoming <00:05:27.524>an <00:05:27.659>idiot, <00:05:27.794>etc.
experience of doing some ridiculous skit with a friend and becoming an idiot, etc. experience of doing some ridiculous skit with a friend and becoming an idiot, etc. Then, <00:05:28.243>the <00:05:28.406>first <00:05:28.569>time <00:05:28.732>printing <00:05:28.895>a <00:05:29.058>photo <00:05:29.221>taken <00:05:29.384>with <00:05:29.547>a <00:05:29.710>film <00:05:29.873>camera, <00:05:30.036>an Then, the first time printing a photo taken with a film camera, an Then, the first time printing a photo taken with a film camera, an experience <00:05:30.786>like <00:05:31.253>this. <00:05:31.720>We experience like this. We experience like this. We talk <00:05:32.324>a <00:05:32.488>lot <00:05:32.652>about <00:05:32.816>things. <00:05:32.980>I'm <00:05:33.144>sure <00:05:33.308>you <00:05:33.472>all talk a lot about things. I'm sure you all talk a lot about things. I'm sure you all have <00:05:34.253>moments <00:05:34.546>like <00:05:34.839>that. have moments like that. have moments like that. Until <00:05:35.840>then, <00:05:36.560>art Until then, art Until then, art makes <00:05:37.239>you <00:05:37.559>happy <00:05:37.879>because <00:05:38.199>it's <00:05:38.519>not <00:05:38.839>work. makes you happy because it's not work. makes you happy because it's not work. Work <00:05:39.631>doesn't <00:05:39.862>make <00:05:40.093>you <00:05:40.324>happy. <00:05:40.555>Most <00:05:40.786>of <00:05:41.017>it <00:05:41.248>is <00:05:41.479>hard. Work doesn't make you happy. Most of it is hard. Work doesn't make you happy. Most of it is hard. French <00:05:42.373>writer <00:05:42.786>Michel <00:05:43.199>Tourouier French writer Michel Tourouier French writer Michel Tourouier left <00:05:44.104>a <00:05:44.328>famous <00:05:44.552>quote. <00:05:44.776>Yes, <00:05:45.000>just <00:05:45.224>buy <00:05:45.448>it <00:05:45.672>straight <00:05:45.896>away. <00:05:46.120>Middle left a famous quote. Yes, just buy it straight away. Middle left a famous quote. Yes, just buy it straight away. Middle comment <00:05:46.432>If <00:05:46.584>you <00:05:46.736>say <00:05:46.888>that <00:05:47.040>work <00:05:47.192>does <00:05:47.344>not <00:05:47.496>fit <00:05:47.648>human <00:05:47.800>nature, comment If you say that work does not fit human nature, comment If you say that work does not fit human nature, the <00:05:50.240>proof the proof the proof is <00:05:50.946>that <00:05:51.133>you <00:05:51.320>get <00:05:51.507>tired. <00:05:51.694>If <00:05:51.881>it <00:05:52.068>matches <00:05:52.255>your <00:05:52.442>nature, <00:05:52.629>why <00:05:52.816>are <00:05:53.003>you <00:05:53.190>tired? is that you get tired. If it matches your nature, why are you tired? is that you get tired. If it matches your nature, why are you tired? Playing <00:05:53.686>is <00:05:53.893>not <00:05:54.100>tiring. <00:05:54.307>You <00:05:54.514>can <00:05:54.721>play <00:05:54.928>all <00:05:55.135>night <00:05:55.342>long. <00:05:55.549>If <00:05:55.756>you Playing is not tiring. You can play all night long. If you Playing is not tiring. You can play all night long. If you work <00:05:56.506>all <00:05:57.052>night, <00:05:57.598>you work all night, you work all night, you should <00:05:58.294>be <00:05:58.669>paid <00:05:59.044>overtime. <00:05:59.419>It's <00:05:59.794>hard, <00:06:00.169>so <00:06:00.544>your <00:06:00.919>body should be paid overtime. It's hard, so your body should be paid overtime. It's hard, so your body gets <00:06:01.399>tired. <00:06:01.599>Now, <00:06:01.799>children <00:06:01.999>are <00:06:02.199>usually <00:06:02.399>I <00:06:02.599>do <00:06:02.799>it <00:06:02.999>for <00:06:03.199>my <00:06:03.399>own gets tired. Now, children are usually I do it for my own gets tired. Now, children are usually I do it for my own enjoyment. <00:06:04.919>I enjoyment. I enjoyment. I do <00:06:05.479>it <00:06:05.678>as <00:06:05.877>a <00:06:06.076>game. <00:06:06.275>I <00:06:06.474>don't do it as a game. I don't do it as a game. I don't draw <00:06:07.453>pictures <00:06:07.666>to <00:06:07.879>deliver <00:06:08.092>to <00:06:08.305>clients <00:06:08.518>or draw pictures to deliver to clients or

play <00:06:11.533>the <00:06:11.626>piano <00:06:11.719>to <00:06:11.812>earn <00:06:11.905>a <00:06:11.998>living <00:06:12.091>for <00:06:12.184>my <00:06:12.277>family. <00:06:12.370>Of <00:06:12.463>course, <00:06:12.556>it <00:06:12.649>doesn't <00:06:12.742>mean <00:06:12.835>there <00:06:12.928>haven't <00:06:13.021>been <00:06:13.114>children <00:06:13.207>like <00:06:13.300>that. <00:06:13.393>You
play the piano to earn a living for my family. Of course, it doesn't mean there haven't been children like that. You play the piano to earn a living for my family. Of course, it doesn't mean there haven't been children like that. You know <00:06:14.879>this <00:06:15.999>person. know this person. know this person. He <00:06:16.614>went <00:06:16.788>all <00:06:16.962>over <00:06:17.136>Europe <00:06:17.310>to <00:06:17.484>earn <00:06:17.658>a <00:06:17.832>living <00:06:18.006>for <00:06:18.180>his <00:06:18.354>family. He went all over Europe to earn a living for his family.

Wolfgang <00:06:20.914>Amadeus, <00:06:21.028>who <00:06:21.142>went <00:06:21.256>on <00:06:21.370>a <00:06:21.484>performance <00:06:21.598>trip, <00:06:21.712>is <00:06:21.826>said <00:06:21.940>to <00:06:22.054>have <00:06:22.168>trouble <00:06:22.282>sleeping. <00:06:22.396>Well, <00:06:22.510>this
Wolfgang Amadeus, who went on a performance trip, is said to have trouble sleeping. Well, this Wolfgang Amadeus, who went on a performance trip, is said to have trouble sleeping. Well, this happened <00:06:22.960>hundreds <00:06:23.240>of <00:06:23.520>years <00:06:23.800>ago, <00:06:24.080>so happened hundreds of years ago, so happened hundreds of years ago, so let's <00:06:25.068>make <00:06:25.336>an <00:06:25.604>exception. <00:06:25.872>But <00:06:26.140>at <00:06:26.408>some <00:06:26.676>point, let's make an exception. But at some point, let's make an exception. But at some point, our <00:06:27.500>happy <00:06:27.840>play <00:06:28.180>with <00:06:28.520>art our happy play with art our happy play with art comes <00:06:29.018>to <00:06:29.156>an <00:06:29.294>end. <00:06:29.432>My <00:06:29.570>son <00:06:29.708>has <00:06:29.846>to <00:06:29.984>go <00:06:30.122>to <00:06:30.260>an <00:06:30.398>academy, comes to an end. My son has to go to an academy, comes to an end. My son has to go to an academy, go <00:06:30.729>to <00:06:30.859>school, <00:06:30.989>and <00:06:31.119>do <00:06:31.249>his <00:06:31.379>homework. <00:06:31.509>You <00:06:31.639>have <00:06:31.769>to <00:06:31.899>do <00:06:32.029>it. go to school, and do his homework. You have to do it. go to school, and do his homework. You have to do it. Of <00:06:33.054>course, <00:06:33.349>you <00:06:33.644>take <00:06:33.939>piano <00:06:34.234>lessons <00:06:34.529>and <00:06:34.824>ballet <00:06:35.119>lessons, Of course, you take piano lessons and ballet lessons, Of course, you take piano lessons and ballet lessons, but <00:06:35.649>it's <00:06:36.018>no <00:06:36.387>longer <00:06:36.756>fun. but it's no longer fun. but it's no longer fun. You <00:06:37.413>have <00:06:37.666>to <00:06:37.919>do <00:06:38.172>it <00:06:38.425>and <00:06:38.678>competition <00:06:38.931>gets <00:06:39.184>involved <00:06:39.437>and You have to do it and competition gets involved and You have to do it and competition gets involved and it's <00:06:41.088>not <00:06:41.736>fun. <00:06:42.384>But <00:06:43.032>if <00:06:43.680>you it's not fun. But if you it's not fun. But if you keep <00:06:44.279>doing <00:06:44.398>things <00:06:44.517>like <00:06:44.636>coloring <00:06:44.755>the <00:06:44.874>walls <00:06:44.993>at <00:06:45.112>home <00:06:45.231>even <00:06:45.350>after <00:06:45.469>you <00:06:45.588>become <00:06:45.707>an <00:06:45.826>elementary <00:06:45.945>school <00:06:46.064>student, <00:06:46.183>you keep doing things like coloring the walls at home even after you become an elementary school student, you

'll <00:06:50.335>get <00:06:50.351>scolded <00:06:50.367>very <00:06:50.383>loudly <00:06:50.399>by <00:06:50.415>your <00:06:50.431>mom. <00:06:50.447>Well, <00:06:50.463>it <00:06:50.479>does
'll get scolded very loudly by your mom. Well, it does 'll get scolded very loudly by your mom. Well, it does n't <00:06:52.519>have <00:06:52.839>to <00:06:53.159>be <00:06:53.479>like <00:06:53.799>that, <00:06:54.119>but <00:06:54.439>as <00:06:54.759>we n't have to be like that, but as we n't have to be like that, but as we get <00:06:55.334>older, <00:06:55.548>if <00:06:55.762>we <00:06:55.976>act <00:06:56.190>like <00:06:56.404>artists, <00:06:56.618>we <00:06:56.832>start <00:06:57.046>to <00:06:57.260>feel <00:06:57.474>that get older, if we act like artists, we start to feel that get older, if we act like artists, we start to feel that someone <00:06:58.308>is <00:06:58.616>keeping <00:06:58.924>us <00:06:59.232>in <00:06:59.540>check. <00:06:59.848>We <00:07:00.156>are someone is keeping us in check. We are someone is keeping us in check. We are oppressed, <00:07:01.680>and <00:07:02.800>we oppressed, and we

are <00:07:06.671>constantly <00:07:06.863>asked <00:07:07.055>to <00:07:07.247>behave <00:07:07.439>properly. <00:07:07.631>Let <00:07:07.823>me <00:07:08.015>tell <00:07:08.207>you <00:07:08.399>one <00:07:08.591>thing,
are constantly asked to behave properly. Let me tell you one thing, are constantly asked to behave properly. Let me tell you one thing, when <00:07:09.127>I <00:07:09.294>was <00:07:09.461>in <00:07:09.628>my <00:07:09.795>second <00:07:09.962>year <00:07:10.129>of <00:07:10.296>middle <00:07:10.463>school, <00:07:10.630>I <00:07:10.797>was <00:07:10.964>taught <00:07:11.131>that <00:07:11.298>at <00:07:11.465>school. when I was in my second year of middle school, I was taught that at school. when I was in my second year of middle school, I was taught that at school. I <00:07:11.866>went <00:07:11.973>to <00:07:12.080>a <00:07:12.187>drawing <00:07:12.294>contest <00:07:12.401>as <00:07:12.508>a <00:07:12.615>member <00:07:12.722>of <00:07:12.829>Gyeongbok, <00:07:12.936>and <00:07:13.043>I <00:07:13.150>was <00:07:13.257>drawing <00:07:13.364>hard <00:07:13.471>in <00:07:13.578>my <00:07:13.685>own <00:07:13.792>way. I went to a drawing contest as a member of Gyeongbok, and I was drawing hard in my own way.

Then <00:07:16.240>the <00:07:16.680>teacher <00:07:17.120>came <00:07:17.560>and <00:07:18.000>asked, <00:07:18.440>"
Then the teacher came and asked, " Then the teacher came and asked, " What <00:07:19.028>are <00:07:19.216>you <00:07:19.404>doing <00:07:19.592>now?" <00:07:19.780>So <00:07:19.968>I <00:07:20.156>was What are you doing now?" So I was What are you doing now?" So I was drawing <00:07:20.840>hard, <00:07:21.120>but <00:07:21.400>why <00:07:21.680>were <00:07:21.960>you drawing hard, but why were you drawing hard, but why were you using <00:07:22.940>black? <00:07:23.720>So using black? So using black? So I <00:07:24.806>painted <00:07:25.252>the <00:07:25.698>book <00:07:26.144>in <00:07:26.590>black. <00:07:27.036>Then, I painted the book in black. Then, I painted the book in black. Then, I <00:07:28.071>said, <00:07:28.422>"Well, <00:07:28.773>night." <00:07:29.124>It <00:07:29.475>would I said, "Well, night." It would

have <00:07:39.109>been <00:07:39.138>great <00:07:39.167>if <00:07:39.196>the <00:07:39.225>teacher <00:07:39.254>who <00:07:39.283>said <00:07:39.312>there <00:07:39.341>was <00:07:39.370>a <00:07:39.399>crow <00:07:39.428>sitting <00:07:39.457>on <00:07:39.486>a <00:07:39.515>tree <00:07:39.544>had <00:07:39.573>said, <00:07:39.602>"Oh, <00:07:39.631>yes, <00:07:39.660>I <00:07:39.689>don't <00:07:39.718>really <00:07:39.747>have <00:07:39.776>any <00:07:39.805>talent <00:07:39.834>for <00:07:39.863>drawing <00:07:39.892>movies, <00:07:39.921>but <00:07:39.950>I <00:07:39.979>do <00:07:40.008>have <00:07:40.037>talent <00:07:40.066>as <00:07:40.095>a <00:07:40.124>storyteller." <00:07:40.153>But <00:07:40.182>come <00:07:40.211>out <00:07:40.240>here,
have been great if the teacher who said there was a crow sitting on a tree had said, "Oh, yes, I don't really have any talent for drawing movies, but I do have talent as a storyteller." But come out here, have been great if the teacher who said there was a crow sitting on a tree had said, "Oh, yes, I don't really have any talent for drawing movies, but I do have talent as a storyteller." But come out here, you <00:07:41.289>bastard, <00:07:41.778>just <00:07:42.267>like <00:07:42.756>that. you bastard, just like that. you bastard, just like that. Come <00:07:44.014>out <00:07:44.269>here, <00:07:44.524>just <00:07:44.779>like <00:07:45.034>that. <00:07:45.289>Now, <00:07:45.544>Gyeongbokguk <00:07:45.799>or Come out here, just like that. Now, Gyeongbokguk or Come out here, just like that. Now, Gyeongbokguk or something <00:07:46.488>like <00:07:46.576>that. <00:07:46.664>I <00:07:46.752>was <00:07:46.840>supposed <00:07:46.928>to <00:07:47.016>draw <00:07:47.104>something <00:07:47.192>like <00:07:47.280>this <00:07:47.368>with <00:07:47.456>awe, <00:07:47.544>but <00:07:47.632>I <00:07:47.720>kept something like that. I was supposed to draw something like this with awe, but I kept something like that. I was supposed to draw something like this with awe, but I kept painting <00:07:48.319>black <00:07:48.638>by <00:07:48.957>myself, <00:07:49.276>so <00:07:49.595>they painting black by myself, so they painting black by myself, so they dragged <00:07:50.799>me <00:07:51.559>out. <00:07:52.319>There dragged me out. There dragged me out. There were <00:07:52.835>a <00:07:53.031>lot <00:07:53.227>of <00:07:53.423>middle <00:07:53.619>school <00:07:53.815>girls <00:07:54.011>there, <00:07:54.207>and <00:07:54.403>in <00:07:54.599>short, were a lot of middle school girls there, and in short, were a lot of middle school girls there, and in short,

I <00:08:00.859>was <00:08:01.038>such <00:08:01.217>a <00:08:01.396>mess. <00:08:01.575>I <00:08:01.754>got <00:08:01.933>scolded <00:08:02.112>a <00:08:02.291>lot. <00:08:02.470>An
I was such a mess. I got scolded a lot. An I was such a mess. I got scolded a lot. An ideal <00:08:06.479>teacher ideal teacher ideal teacher would <00:08:06.784>have <00:08:06.929>done <00:08:07.074>what <00:08:07.219>I <00:08:07.364>said <00:08:07.509>at <00:08:07.654>the <00:08:07.799>beginning. <00:08:07.944>There <00:08:08.089>is <00:08:08.234>a would have done what I said at the beginning. There is a

girl <00:08:10.440>named <00:08:10.520>Kim <00:08:10.600>Young-ah <00:08:10.680>who <00:08:10.760>has <00:08:10.840>no <00:08:10.920>talent <00:08:11.000>for <00:08:11.080>drawing, <00:08:11.160>but <00:08:11.240>she <00:08:11.320>said <00:08:11.400>that <00:08:11.480>Jeju <00:08:11.560>is <00:08:11.640>a <00:08:11.720>place <00:08:11.800>where <00:08:11.880>she <00:08:11.960>makes <00:08:12.040>up <00:08:12.120>words, <00:08:12.200>so <00:08:12.280>I
girl named Kim Young-ah who has no talent for drawing, but she said that Jeju is a place where she makes up words, so I

would <00:08:14.852>have <00:08:15.024>been <00:08:15.196>furious, <00:08:15.368>but <00:08:15.540>teachers <00:08:15.712>like <00:08:15.884>that <00:08:16.056>are <00:08:16.228>very <00:08:16.400>rare.
would have been furious, but teachers like that are very rare. would have been furious, but teachers like that are very rare. Later, <00:08:17.580>when <00:08:17.800>I <00:08:18.020>went <00:08:18.240>to <00:08:18.460>a <00:08:18.680>modern Later, when I went to a modern Later, when I went to a modern art <00:08:19.119>museum <00:08:19.278>in <00:08:19.437>Europe <00:08:19.596>and <00:08:19.755>was <00:08:19.914>a <00:08:20.073>college <00:08:20.232>student, <00:08:20.391>I <00:08:20.550>realized <00:08:20.709>it <00:08:20.868>was art museum in Europe and was a college student, I realized it was art museum in Europe and was a college student, I realized it was unfair <00:08:21.791>to <00:08:22.062>see <00:08:22.333>paintings <00:08:22.604>like <00:08:22.875>this. <00:08:23.146>It's <00:08:23.417>hanging <00:08:23.688>like <00:08:23.959>this.

Why <00:08:31.529>did <00:08:31.938>I <00:08:32.347>have <00:08:32.756>to <00:08:33.165>be <00:08:33.574>beaten <00:08:33.983>up <00:08:34.392>and
Why did I have to be beaten up and Why did I have to be beaten up and put <00:08:34.923>in <00:08:35.046>front <00:08:35.169>of <00:08:35.292>Gyeongbokgung <00:08:35.415>Palace <00:08:35.538>with <00:08:35.661>a <00:08:35.784>painting <00:08:35.907>in <00:08:36.030>my <00:08:36.153>mouth? put in front of Gyeongbokgung Palace with a painting in my mouth? put in front of Gyeongbokgung Palace with a painting in my mouth? Look <00:08:36.616>at <00:08:36.833>this, <00:08:37.050>isn't <00:08:37.267>this <00:08:37.484>red <00:08:37.701>clay <00:08:37.918>wallpaper? Look at this, isn't this red clay wallpaper? Look at this, isn't this red clay wallpaper? And And And when <00:08:41.031>I <00:08:41.182>found <00:08:41.333>out <00:08:41.484>later <00:08:41.635>that <00:08:41.786>it <00:08:41.937>was <00:08:42.088>modern <00:08:42.239>art, when I found out later that it was modern art, when I found out later that it was modern art, of <00:08:42.879>course, <00:08:43.239>these <00:08:43.599>people, <00:08:43.959>like <00:08:44.319>me, of course, these people, like me, of course, these people, like me, said <00:08:44.800>things <00:08:44.920>like <00:08:45.040>crows <00:08:45.160>and <00:08:45.280>things <00:08:45.400>like <00:08:45.520>that. <00:08:45.640>I <00:08:45.760>did said things like crows and things like that. I did said things like crows and things like that. I did n't <00:08:46.108>do <00:08:46.296>it. <00:08:46.484>Most <00:08:46.672>of <00:08:46.860>the <00:08:47.048>titles <00:08:47.236>are n't do it. Most of the titles are n't do it. Most of the titles are something <00:08:47.955>like <00:08:48.190>Innocence <00:08:48.425>and <00:08:48.660>Untitled, <00:08:48.895>but <00:08:49.130>in <00:08:49.365>any <00:08:49.600>case, something like Innocence and Untitled, but in any case,

modern <00:08:51.850>art <00:08:52.020>in <00:08:52.190>the <00:08:52.360>20th <00:08:52.530>century <00:08:52.700>is <00:08:52.870>about <00:08:53.040>doing <00:08:53.210>something <00:08:53.380>strange <00:08:53.550>and
modern art in the 20th century is about doing something strange and modern art in the 20th century is about doing something strange and then <00:08:53.982>filling <00:08:54.204>the <00:08:54.426>empty <00:08:54.648>space <00:08:54.870>with <00:08:55.092>explanations <00:08:55.314>and <00:08:55.536>interpretations. <00:08:55.758>It's then filling the empty space with explanations and interpretations. It's

essentially <00:08:58.951>similar <00:08:59.342>to <00:08:59.733>what <00:09:00.124>I <00:09:00.515>did.
essentially similar to what I did. essentially similar to what I did. It's <00:09:01.153>low <00:09:01.586>level, <00:09:02.019>but <00:09:02.452>for <00:09:02.885>example, <00:09:03.318>let's It's low level, but for example, let's It's low level, but for example, let's look <00:09:03.869>at <00:09:04.219>a <00:09:04.569>more <00:09:04.919>famous <00:09:05.269>person. <00:09:05.619>This <00:09:05.969>is <00:09:06.319>Pablo look at a more famous person. This is Pablo look at a more famous person. This is Pablo Picasso's <00:09:07.580>work. <00:09:08.480>He Picasso's work. He Picasso's work. He attached <00:09:09.234>a <00:09:09.348>handlebar <00:09:09.462>to <00:09:09.576>a <00:09:09.690>bicycle <00:09:09.804>seat <00:09:09.918>and <00:09:10.032>said <00:09:10.146>it <00:09:10.260>was <00:09:10.374>a <00:09:10.488>bull's <00:09:10.602>head. <00:09:10.716>It <00:09:10.830>seems <00:09:10.944>plausible. attached a handlebar to a bicycle seat and said it was a bull's head. It seems plausible. attached a handlebar to a bicycle seat and said it was a bull's head. It seems plausible. Yes, Yes, Yes, then <00:09:14.631>he <00:09:14.983>put <00:09:15.335>a <00:09:15.687>toilet <00:09:16.039>and <00:09:16.391>it's <00:09:16.743>a <00:09:17.095>spring. <00:09:17.447>It's <00:09:17.799>a then he put a toilet and it's a spring. It's a then he put a toilet and it's a spring. It's a readymade. readymade. readymade. Looking <00:09:20.385>at <00:09:20.570>the <00:09:20.755>example <00:09:20.940>you <00:09:21.125>said, <00:09:21.310>crying <00:09:21.495>over <00:09:21.680>the <00:09:21.865>gap <00:09:22.050>between <00:09:22.235>this <00:09:22.420>explanation <00:09:22.605>and <00:09:22.790>strange Looking at the example you said, crying over the gap between this explanation and strange Looking at the example you said, crying over the gap between this explanation and strange things, <00:09:23.553>crying <00:09:23.866>with <00:09:24.179>a <00:09:24.492>story, <00:09:24.805>this <00:09:25.118>is things, crying with a story, this is things, crying with a story, this is actually <00:09:25.920>what <00:09:26.240>modern <00:09:26.560>art <00:09:26.880>did, <00:09:27.200>but actually what modern art did, but actually what modern art did, but Picasso <00:09:29.360>even Picasso even Picasso even left <00:09:29.900>it <00:09:30.120>in <00:09:30.340>words. <00:09:30.560>I <00:09:30.780>don't <00:09:31.000>paint <00:09:31.220>what <00:09:31.440>I <00:09:31.660>see, <00:09:31.880>I left it in words. I don't paint what I see, I left it in words. I don't paint what I see, I paint <00:09:32.520>what <00:09:32.840>I <00:09:33.160>think. <00:09:33.480>Yes, <00:09:33.800>sir. <00:09:34.120>You paint what I think. Yes, sir. You paint what I think. Yes, sir. You don't <00:09:35.000>have <00:09:35.240>to <00:09:35.480>draw <00:09:35.720>out <00:09:35.960>of <00:09:36.200>fear. <00:09:36.440>If don't have to draw out of fear. If don't have to draw out of fear. If I <00:09:36.929>had <00:09:37.019>known <00:09:37.109>this <00:09:37.199>when <00:09:37.289>I <00:09:37.379>was <00:09:37.469>a <00:09:37.559>lieutenant, <00:09:37.649>I <00:09:37.739>would <00:09:37.829>have I had known this when I was a lieutenant, I would have I had known this when I was a lieutenant, I would have tried <00:09:38.630>it <00:09:39.020>with <00:09:39.410>my <00:09:39.800>teacher. tried it with my teacher. tried it with my teacher. Unfortunately, <00:09:41.680>the <00:09:42.480>young Unfortunately, the young Unfortunately, the young artists <00:09:43.760>in <00:09:43.880>us <00:09:44.000>suffocate <00:09:44.120>to <00:09:44.240>death <00:09:44.360>before <00:09:44.480>we <00:09:44.600>can <00:09:44.720>fight <00:09:44.840>against <00:09:44.960>the <00:09:45.080>disciples <00:09:45.200>of <00:09:45.320>art. <00:09:45.440>They <00:09:45.560>are artists in us suffocate to death before we can fight against the disciples of art. They are

already <00:09:50.140>trapped. <00:09:51.600>That
already trapped. That already trapped. That is <00:09:52.439>our <00:09:53.039>tragedy. is our tragedy.

What <00:09:56.231>happens <00:09:56.422>when <00:09:56.613>an <00:09:56.804>artist <00:09:56.995>is <00:09:57.186>trapped, <00:09:57.377>exiled, <00:09:57.568>or <00:09:57.759>dead? <00:09:57.950>Our
What happens when an artist is trapped, exiled, or dead? Our What happens when an artist is trapped, exiled, or dead? Our desires <00:09:58.514>don't <00:09:58.788>disappear. <00:09:59.062>We <00:09:59.336>want <00:09:59.610>to <00:09:59.884>cry <00:10:00.158>and desires don't disappear. We want to cry and desires don't disappear. We want to cry and reveal <00:10:01.240>ourselves, <00:10:01.840>but <00:10:02.440>in reveal ourselves, but in reveal ourselves, but in doing <00:10:02.934>this, <00:10:03.108>our <00:10:03.282>artistic <00:10:03.456>desires <00:10:03.630>are <00:10:03.804>revealed <00:10:03.978>in <00:10:04.152>a <00:10:04.326>somewhat <00:10:04.500>shady <00:10:04.674>way. doing this, our artistic desires are revealed in a somewhat shady way.

There <00:10:10.257>are <00:10:10.354>people <00:10:10.451>who <00:10:10.548>go <00:10:10.645>to <00:10:10.742>karaoke <00:10:10.839>and <00:10:10.936>sing <00:10:11.033>songs <00:10:11.130>like <00:10:11.227>this. <00:10:11.324>Ina <00:10:11.421>and <00:10:11.518>Hotel <00:10:11.615>California, <00:10:11.712>while
There are people who go to karaoke and sing songs like this. Ina and Hotel California, while There are people who go to karaoke and sing songs like this. Ina and Hotel California, while doing <00:10:13.580>guitar <00:10:14.800>riffs, doing guitar riffs, doing guitar riffs, most <00:10:15.933>of <00:10:16.226>them <00:10:16.519>are <00:10:16.812>a <00:10:17.105>nuisance <00:10:17.398>and <00:10:17.691>a <00:10:17.984>nuisance, <00:10:18.277>but most of them are a nuisance and a nuisance, but most of them are a nuisance and a nuisance, but there <00:10:18.696>are <00:10:18.873>people <00:10:19.050>who <00:10:19.227>just <00:10:19.404>become <00:10:19.581>lockers <00:10:19.758>like <00:10:19.935>that. <00:10:20.112>Or, there are people who just become lockers like that. Or,

people <00:10:24.982>who <00:10:25.044>would <00:10:25.106>have <00:10:25.168>had <00:10:25.230>a <00:10:25.292>lot <00:10:25.354>more <00:10:25.416>fun <00:10:25.478>if <00:10:25.540>they <00:10:25.602>had <00:10:25.664>received <00:10:25.726>steps <00:10:25.788>in <00:10:25.850>a <00:10:25.912>dance <00:10:25.974>hall <00:10:26.036>or <00:10:26.098>told <00:10:26.160>stories, <00:10:26.222>but <00:10:26.284>they <00:10:26.346>spend <00:10:26.408>all <00:10:26.470>night
people who would have had a lot more fun if they had received steps in a dance hall or told stories, but they spend all night people who would have had a lot more fun if they had received steps in a dance hall or told stories, but they spend all night talking <00:10:28.668>evil <00:10:29.016>or <00:10:29.364>writing <00:10:29.712>in <00:10:30.060>the <00:10:30.408>direction <00:10:30.756>appears. talking evil or writing in the direction appears. talking evil or writing in the direction appears. Sometimes, <00:10:32.720>that's <00:10:33.680>why. Sometimes, that's why. Sometimes, that's why. There <00:10:34.010>are <00:10:34.181>dads <00:10:34.352>who <00:10:34.523>get <00:10:34.694>more <00:10:34.865>excited <00:10:35.036>while <00:10:35.207>watching <00:10:35.378>their <00:10:35.549>kids <00:10:35.720>play. There are dads who get more excited while watching their kids play.

They <00:10:38.234>play <00:10:38.348>with <00:10:38.462>Lego <00:10:38.576>blocks, <00:10:38.690>plastic <00:10:38.804>models, <00:10:38.918>etc. <00:10:39.032>Then <00:10:39.146>they <00:10:39.260>say, <00:10:39.374>"I'll <00:10:39.488>go, <00:10:39.602>dad." <00:10:39.716>Then <00:10:39.830>the
They play with Lego blocks, plastic models, etc. Then they say, "I'll go, dad." Then the They play with Lego blocks, plastic models, etc. Then they say, "I'll go, dad." Then the kid <00:10:40.692>loses <00:10:41.305>interest <00:10:41.918>and kid loses interest and kid loses interest and goes <00:10:42.387>somewhere <00:10:42.574>else, <00:10:42.761>but <00:10:42.948>dad <00:10:43.135>is <00:10:43.322>making <00:10:43.509>castles <00:10:43.696>and <00:10:43.883>everything <00:10:44.070>by <00:10:44.257>himself. <00:10:44.444>It's <00:10:44.631>a goes somewhere else, but dad is making castles and everything by himself. It's a

magic <00:10:48.048>thing <00:10:48.176>in <00:10:48.304>our <00:10:48.432>hearts. <00:10:48.560>It's <00:10:48.688>just <00:10:48.816>that <00:10:48.944>the <00:10:49.072>impulse <00:10:49.200>is <00:10:49.328>suppressed <00:10:49.456>and <00:10:49.584>it <00:10:49.712>does
magic thing in our hearts. It's just that the impulse is suppressed and it does magic thing in our hearts. It's just that the impulse is suppressed and it does n't <00:10:50.236>go <00:10:50.352>away, <00:10:50.468>but <00:10:50.584>it <00:10:50.700>also <00:10:50.816>manifests <00:10:50.932>itself <00:10:51.048>in <00:10:51.164>a <00:10:51.280>negative <00:10:51.396>way. <00:10:51.512>It n't go away, but it also manifests itself in a negative way. It n't go away, but it also manifests itself in a negative way. It usually <00:10:52.319>manifests <00:10:52.559>itself <00:10:52.799>as <00:10:53.039>jealousy. usually manifests itself as jealousy. usually manifests itself as jealousy. There's <00:10:54.466>this <00:10:55.052>song. <00:10:55.638>I There's this song. I There's this song. I really <00:10:57.519>wish <00:10:58.399>I <00:10:59.279>was really wish I was really wish I was on <00:11:00.490>television. <00:11:00.620>Why <00:11:00.750>is <00:11:00.880>it <00:11:01.010>great? <00:11:01.140>Television <00:11:01.270>is <00:11:01.400>full <00:11:01.530>of <00:11:01.660>people <00:11:01.790>who <00:11:01.920>do <00:11:02.050>the <00:11:02.180>things <00:11:02.310>we <00:11:02.440>want <00:11:02.570>to <00:11:02.700>be <00:11:02.830>and on television. Why is it great? Television is full of people who do the things we want to be and on television. Why is it great? Television is full of people who do the things we want to be and do <00:11:03.256>but <00:11:03.392>haven't <00:11:03.528>been <00:11:03.664>able <00:11:03.800>to <00:11:03.936>do. <00:11:04.072>Not <00:11:04.208>only <00:11:04.344>do <00:11:04.480>they do but haven't been able to do. Not only do they do but haven't been able to do. Not only do they sing, sing, sing, dance, and dance, and dance, and act, <00:11:08.915>but <00:11:09.110>the <00:11:09.305>more <00:11:09.500>they <00:11:09.695>do <00:11:09.890>it, <00:11:10.085>the <00:11:10.280>more <00:11:10.475>they act, but the more they do it, the more they act, but the more they do it, the more they get <00:11:11.533>praised. <00:11:12.266>So <00:11:12.999>we get praised. So we get praised. So we start <00:11:13.537>to <00:11:13.714>become <00:11:13.891>fiercely <00:11:14.068>jealous <00:11:14.245>of <00:11:14.422>them. <00:11:14.599>So <00:11:14.776>we <00:11:14.953>turn start to become fiercely jealous of them. So we turn start to become fiercely jealous of them. So we turn into <00:11:16.046>dictators <00:11:16.492>with <00:11:16.938>a <00:11:17.384>remote <00:11:17.830>control <00:11:18.276>and into dictators with a remote control and into dictators with a remote control and start <00:11:18.705>cursing. <00:11:18.850>Hey, <00:11:18.995>is <00:11:19.140>that <00:11:19.285>acting? <00:11:19.430>Is <00:11:19.575>that <00:11:19.720>acting? <00:11:19.865>What <00:11:20.010>is <00:11:20.155>that? <00:11:20.300>Is <00:11:20.445>that <00:11:20.590>singing? start cursing. Hey, is that acting? Is that acting? What is that? Is that singing? start cursing. Hey, is that acting? Is that acting? What is that? Is that singing? What <00:11:23.000>is What is What is singing? singing? singing? Now <00:11:25.273>we're <00:11:25.386>talking <00:11:25.499>about <00:11:25.612>what <00:11:25.725>kind <00:11:25.838>of <00:11:25.951>singer <00:11:26.064>is <00:11:26.177>it <00:11:26.290>that <00:11:26.403>can't <00:11:26.516>even <00:11:26.629>do <00:11:26.742>it? <00:11:26.855>I <00:11:26.968>now <00:11:27.081>think <00:11:27.194>that <00:11:27.307>the Now we're talking about what kind of singer is it that can't even do it? I now think that the Now we're talking about what kind of singer is it that can't even do it? I now think that the jealousy <00:11:27.636>in <00:11:27.753>our <00:11:27.870>hearts <00:11:27.987>is <00:11:28.104>a <00:11:28.221>phenomenon <00:11:28.338>that <00:11:28.455>appears <00:11:28.572>not <00:11:28.689>because <00:11:28.806>we <00:11:28.923>understand <00:11:29.040>it, <00:11:29.157>but <00:11:29.274>because jealousy in our hearts is a phenomenon that appears not because we understand it, but because jealousy in our hearts is a phenomenon that appears not because we understand it, but because these <00:11:29.891>young <00:11:30.222>artists <00:11:30.553>are <00:11:30.884>trapped <00:11:31.215>in <00:11:31.546>our <00:11:31.877>hearts. these young artists are trapped in our hearts.

So <00:11:38.225>what <00:11:38.811>will <00:11:39.397>happen?
So what will happen? So what will happen? Yes, <00:11:40.253>we <00:11:40.946>need <00:11:41.639>to Yes, we need to Yes, we need to start <00:11:42.111>our <00:11:42.383>own <00:11:42.655>art <00:11:42.927>right <00:11:43.199>now. start our own art right now. start our own art right now. Turn <00:11:43.776>off <00:11:44.112>the <00:11:44.448>television <00:11:44.784>right <00:11:45.120>now, Turn off the television right now, Turn off the television right now, turn <00:11:45.805>off <00:11:46.250>the <00:11:46.695>Internet, <00:11:47.140>get <00:11:47.585>up <00:11:48.030>and <00:11:48.475>uh turn off the Internet, get up and uh turn off the Internet, get up and uh start <00:11:49.360>doing <00:11:49.960>something. <00:11:50.560>uh start doing something. uh start doing something. uh when <00:11:51.044>I <00:11:51.249>was <00:11:51.454>teaching <00:11:51.659>students <00:11:51.864>at <00:11:52.069>the <00:11:52.274>theater <00:11:52.479>school, when I was teaching students at the theater school,

there <00:11:54.504>was <00:11:54.568>a <00:11:54.632>subject <00:11:54.696>called <00:11:54.760>theater, <00:11:54.824>which <00:11:54.888>is <00:11:54.952>not <00:11:55.016>a <00:11:55.080>subject <00:11:55.144>I <00:11:55.208>taught, <00:11:55.272>but <00:11:55.336>this <00:11:55.400>subject <00:11:55.464>is <00:11:55.528>All <00:11:55.592>students <00:11:55.656>who <00:11:55.720>come <00:11:55.784>into <00:11:55.848>the <00:11:55.912>theater
there was a subject called theater, which is not a subject I taught, but this subject is All students who come into the theater

must <00:11:58.246>produce <00:11:58.452>a <00:11:58.658>play. <00:11:58.864>However, <00:11:59.070>students <00:11:59.276>who <00:11:59.482>come <00:11:59.688>in <00:11:59.894>with <00:12:00.100>acting <00:12:00.306>skills <00:12:00.512>are
must produce a play. However, students who come in with acting skills are must produce a play. However, students who come in with acting skills are not <00:12:01.585>allowed <00:12:02.211>to <00:12:02.837>act. not allowed to act. not allowed to act. Those <00:12:03.366>students, <00:12:03.532>for <00:12:03.698>example, <00:12:03.864>write <00:12:04.030>plays <00:12:04.196>or Those students, for example, write plays or Those students, for example, write plays or write <00:12:05.720>well. write well. write well. Students <00:12:06.260>who <00:12:06.480>come <00:12:06.700>in <00:12:06.920>to <00:12:07.140>do <00:12:07.360>stage <00:12:07.580>art <00:12:07.800>or Students who come in to do stage art or Students who come in to do stage art or do <00:12:08.679>stage <00:12:09.279>art. do stage art. do stage art. Acting <00:12:09.968>means <00:12:10.256>making <00:12:10.544>a <00:12:10.832>play. <00:12:11.120>At Acting means making a play. At Acting means making a play. At first, <00:12:11.680>students <00:12:11.920>wonder <00:12:12.160>if <00:12:12.400>they <00:12:12.640>can <00:12:12.880>do <00:12:13.120>it, first, students wonder if they can do it, first, students wonder if they can do it, but <00:12:13.879>later <00:12:14.479>they but later they

really <00:12:21.554>enjoy <00:12:21.589>it. <00:12:21.624>I've <00:12:21.659>rarely <00:12:21.694>seen <00:12:21.729>people <00:12:21.764>who <00:12:21.799>don't <00:12:21.834>like <00:12:21.869>it <00:12:21.904>when <00:12:21.939>they <00:12:21.974>order <00:12:22.009>a <00:12:22.044>play. <00:12:22.079>Even <00:12:22.114>in <00:12:22.149>schools, <00:12:22.184>the <00:12:22.219>military, <00:12:22.254>and <00:12:22.289>even <00:12:22.324>mental <00:12:22.359>hospitals, <00:12:22.394>they'll <00:12:22.429>probably <00:12:22.464>enjoy <00:12:22.499>it <00:12:22.534>a <00:12:22.569>lot <00:12:22.604>if <00:12:22.639>you <00:12:22.674>ask <00:12:22.709>them <00:12:22.744>to <00:12:22.779>do <00:12:22.814>it. <00:12:22.849>I've
really enjoy it. I've rarely seen people who don't like it when they order a play. Even in schools, the military, and even mental hospitals, they'll probably enjoy it a lot if you ask them to do it. I've really enjoy it. I've rarely seen people who don't like it when they order a play. Even in schools, the military, and even mental hospitals, they'll probably enjoy it a lot if you ask them to do it. I've seen <00:12:23.445>it <00:12:23.730>in <00:12:24.015>the <00:12:24.300>military <00:12:24.585>and <00:12:24.870>in <00:12:25.155>many <00:12:25.440>cases. seen it in the military and in many cases. seen it in the military and in many cases. I <00:12:25.940>saw <00:12:26.080>people <00:12:26.220>having <00:12:26.360>fun <00:12:26.500>while <00:12:26.640>doing <00:12:26.780>a <00:12:26.920>play. I saw people having fun while doing a play. I saw people having fun while doing a play. Then, <00:12:28.207>I <00:12:28.614>also <00:12:29.021>have <00:12:29.428>this <00:12:29.835>experience. Then, I also have this experience. Then, I also have this experience. When <00:12:30.751>I <00:12:30.942>take <00:12:31.133>a <00:12:31.324>writing <00:12:31.515>class, When I take a writing class, When I take a writing class, I <00:12:32.946>give <00:12:33.652>assignments <00:12:34.358>to I give assignments to I give assignments to students <00:12:34.817>like <00:12:34.995>this. <00:12:35.173>The <00:12:35.351>students <00:12:35.529>are <00:12:35.707>gathered <00:12:35.885>together <00:12:36.063>like <00:12:36.241>this. <00:12:36.419>But <00:12:36.597>there <00:12:36.775>are <00:12:36.953>many students like this. The students are gathered together like this. But there are many students like this. The students are gathered together like this. But there are many students <00:12:37.675>who <00:12:37.910>write <00:12:38.145>and <00:12:38.380>whose <00:12:38.615>major <00:12:38.850>is <00:12:39.085>not <00:12:39.320>writing. students who write and whose major is not writing. students who write and whose major is not writing. Students <00:12:40.040>who <00:12:40.320>do <00:12:40.600>art. <00:12:40.880>Music. Students who do art. Music. Students who do art. Music. There <00:12:41.610>are <00:12:41.860>many <00:12:42.110>students <00:12:42.360>who <00:12:42.610>do <00:12:42.860>this. <00:12:43.110>These <00:12:43.360>students There are many students who do this. These students There are many students who do this. These students think <00:12:43.863>they <00:12:44.087>can't <00:12:44.311>write, <00:12:44.535>so <00:12:44.759>I think they can't write, so I think they can't write, so I give <00:12:45.116>them <00:12:45.312>a <00:12:45.508>blank <00:12:45.704>piece <00:12:45.900>of <00:12:46.096>paper <00:12:46.292>and <00:12:46.488>give <00:12:46.684>them <00:12:46.880>a <00:12:47.076>topic. give them a blank piece of paper and give them a topic. give them a blank piece of paper and give them a topic. For <00:12:48.292>example, <00:12:48.505>the <00:12:48.718>topic <00:12:48.931>is <00:12:49.144>something <00:12:49.357>simple. For example, the topic is something simple.

Write <00:12:51.733>about <00:12:51.986>the <00:12:52.239>most <00:12:52.492>unfortunate <00:12:52.745>experience <00:12:52.998>you <00:12:53.251>had <00:12:53.504>as <00:12:53.757>a <00:12:54.010>child. <00:12:54.263>Instead, <00:12:54.516>they
Write about the most unfortunate experience you had as a child. Instead, they Write about the most unfortunate experience you had as a child. Instead, they have <00:12:55.029>to <00:12:55.258>write <00:12:55.487>like <00:12:55.716>crazy. <00:12:55.945>As <00:12:56.174>I <00:12:56.403>go <00:12:56.632>around, have to write like crazy. As I go around, have to write like crazy. As I go around, my <00:12:57.872>colleagues <00:12:58.345>write <00:12:58.818>quickly, <00:12:59.291>like <00:12:59.764>crazy, <00:13:00.237>in my colleagues write quickly, like crazy, in my colleagues write quickly, like crazy, in two <00:13:00.704>hours, <00:13:00.889>two <00:13:01.074>hours, <00:13:01.259>in <00:13:01.444>one <00:13:01.629>hour, <00:13:01.814>for <00:13:01.999>an two hours, two hours, in one hour, for an two hours, two hours, in one hour, for an hour. <00:13:02.266>At <00:13:02.412>first, <00:13:02.558>I <00:13:02.704>just <00:13:02.850>refine <00:13:02.996>the <00:13:03.142>idea <00:13:03.288>for <00:13:03.434>about <00:13:03.580>5 <00:13:03.726>minutes <00:13:03.872>and hour. At first, I just refine the idea for about 5 minutes and hour. At first, I just refine the idea for about 5 minutes and write <00:13:04.813>it <00:13:05.386>down. <00:13:05.959>The write it down. The

reason <00:13:07.905>why <00:13:08.050>I <00:13:08.195>teach <00:13:08.340>writing <00:13:08.485>classes <00:13:08.630>like <00:13:08.775>this <00:13:08.920>like <00:13:09.065>crazy <00:13:09.210>is <00:13:09.355>because <00:13:09.500>we <00:13:09.645>write <00:13:09.790>slowly <00:13:09.935>and <00:13:10.080>the <00:13:10.225>more <00:13:10.370>we <00:13:10.515>think,
reason why I teach writing classes like this like crazy is because we write slowly and the more we think, reason why I teach writing classes like this like crazy is because we write slowly and the more we think, the <00:13:11.376>more <00:13:11.752>we <00:13:12.128>think. <00:13:12.504>The <00:13:12.880>artist's the more we think. The artist's the more we think. The artist's devil <00:13:14.012>appears <00:13:14.505>inside. <00:13:14.998>This <00:13:15.491>devil <00:13:15.984>is <00:13:16.477>the devil appears inside. This devil is the devil appears inside. This devil is the hundreds <00:13:16.973>of <00:13:17.266>reasons <00:13:17.559>why <00:13:17.852>you <00:13:18.145>can't <00:13:18.438>write. hundreds of reasons why you can't write.

Others <00:13:20.367>will <00:13:20.494>laugh <00:13:20.621>at <00:13:20.748>you <00:13:20.875>as <00:13:21.002>you <00:13:21.129>talk <00:13:21.256>about <00:13:21.383>the <00:13:21.510>hundreds <00:13:21.637>of <00:13:21.764>reasons <00:13:21.891>why <00:13:22.018>you <00:13:22.145>can't <00:13:22.272>write.
Others will laugh at you as you talk about the hundreds of reasons why you can't write. Others will laugh at you as you talk about the hundreds of reasons why you can't write. This <00:13:23.028>is <00:13:23.256>not <00:13:23.484>writing. <00:13:23.712>This <00:13:23.940>is <00:13:24.168>a <00:13:24.396>sentence. This is not writing. This is a sentence. This is not writing. This is a sentence. Look <00:13:25.239>at <00:13:25.399>the <00:13:25.559>writing. <00:13:25.719>It <00:13:25.879>says <00:13:26.039>various <00:13:26.199>things. <00:13:26.359>You Look at the writing. It says various things. You

have <00:13:29.522>to <00:13:29.765>run <00:13:30.008>fast <00:13:30.251>so <00:13:30.494>that <00:13:30.737>the <00:13:30.980>devil <00:13:31.223>can't <00:13:31.466>catch <00:13:31.709>up. <00:13:31.952>The
have to run fast so that the devil can't catch up. The have to run fast so that the devil can't catch up. The really <00:13:32.637>good <00:13:32.794>writing <00:13:32.951>I <00:13:33.108>saw <00:13:33.265>in <00:13:33.422>Hanjeong <00:13:33.579>wasn't <00:13:33.736>from <00:13:33.893>assignments <00:13:34.050>that <00:13:34.207>were <00:13:34.364>given <00:13:34.521>enough <00:13:34.678>time, <00:13:34.835>but really good writing I saw in Hanjeong wasn't from assignments that were given enough time, but

from <00:13:40.350>the <00:13:40.460>writing <00:13:40.570>that <00:13:40.680>the <00:13:40.790>students <00:13:40.900>wrote <00:13:41.010>with <00:13:41.120>pencil <00:13:41.230>in <00:13:41.340>front <00:13:41.450>of <00:13:41.560>me <00:13:41.670>after <00:13:41.780>sitting <00:13:41.890>for <00:13:42.000>40 <00:13:42.110>minutes <00:13:42.220>for <00:13:42.330>an <00:13:42.440>hour.
from the writing that the students wrote with pencil in front of me after sitting for 40 minutes for an hour.

We <00:13:45.072>fall <00:13:45.185>into <00:13:45.298>a <00:13:45.411>state <00:13:45.524>of <00:13:45.637>despair. <00:13:45.750>30 <00:13:45.863>to <00:13:45.976>40 <00:13:46.089>minutes <00:13:46.202>later, <00:13:46.315>we <00:13:46.428>do
We fall into a state of despair. 30 to 40 minutes later, we do We fall into a state of despair. 30 to 40 minutes later, we do n't <00:13:47.488>even <00:13:47.777>know <00:13:48.066>what <00:13:48.355>we're <00:13:48.644>writing <00:13:48.933>and <00:13:49.222>just <00:13:49.511>write. <00:13:49.800>But n't even know what we're writing and just write. But n't even know what we're writing and just write. But at <00:13:50.487>that <00:13:50.775>moment, <00:13:51.063>the <00:13:51.351>devil <00:13:51.639>does at that moment, the devil does at that moment, the devil does n't <00:13:52.105>appear <00:13:52.251>to <00:13:52.397>disturb <00:13:52.543>us. <00:13:52.689>That's <00:13:52.835>why <00:13:52.981>we <00:13:53.127>can <00:13:53.273>say <00:13:53.419>this. <00:13:53.565>There <00:13:53.711>are n't appear to disturb us. That's why we can say this. There are

not <00:13:56.586>hundreds <00:13:56.812>of <00:13:57.038>reasons <00:13:57.264>why <00:13:57.490>you <00:13:57.716>can't <00:13:57.942>be <00:13:58.168>an <00:13:58.394>artist, <00:13:58.620>but <00:13:58.846>there <00:13:59.072>are
not hundreds of reasons why you can't be an artist, but there are not hundreds of reasons why you can't be an artist, but there are only <00:13:59.679>one <00:13:59.839>thing <00:13:59.999>you <00:14:00.159>can <00:14:00.319>do. <00:14:00.479>One <00:14:00.639>thing <00:14:00.799>is <00:14:00.959>what only one thing you can do. One thing is what only one thing you can do. One thing is what makes <00:14:01.520>a <00:14:01.920>person <00:14:02.320>an <00:14:02.720>artist. <00:14:03.120>It makes a person an artist. It makes a person an artist. It doesn't <00:14:03.451>matter <00:14:03.662>why <00:14:03.873>it <00:14:04.084>can't <00:14:04.295>be <00:14:04.506>done. <00:14:04.717>That's doesn't matter why it can't be done. That's doesn't matter why it can't be done. That's how <00:14:05.539>most <00:14:05.879>artists <00:14:06.219>become <00:14:06.559>artists. how most artists become artists. how most artists become artists. Now, <00:14:07.186>when <00:14:07.652>we <00:14:08.118>put Now, when we put Now, when we put the <00:14:08.700>devil <00:14:08.800>to <00:14:08.900>rest <00:14:09.000>in <00:14:09.100>our <00:14:09.200>hearts <00:14:09.300>and <00:14:09.400>start <00:14:09.500>living <00:14:09.600>our <00:14:09.700>own <00:14:09.800>Jesus, the devil to rest in our hearts and start living our own Jesus, the devil to rest in our hearts and start living our own Jesus, now <00:14:10.706>the <00:14:11.213>enemy <00:14:11.720>is now the enemy is now the enemy is out <00:14:12.360>there. <00:14:12.560>Most <00:14:12.760>of <00:14:12.960>the <00:14:13.160>time, <00:14:13.360>they <00:14:13.560>have out there. Most of the time, they have out there. Most of the time, they have the <00:14:14.422>faces <00:14:14.604>of <00:14:14.786>their <00:14:14.968>parents, <00:14:15.150>and <00:14:15.332>sometimes <00:14:15.514>they the faces of their parents, and sometimes they the faces of their parents, and sometimes they have <00:14:16.124>the <00:14:16.489>faces <00:14:16.854>of <00:14:17.219>their <00:14:17.584>spouses, <00:14:17.949>but <00:14:18.314>they have the faces of their spouses, but they

are <00:14:20.686>not <00:14:20.812>your <00:14:20.938>parents <00:14:21.064>or <00:14:21.190>spouse. <00:14:21.316>They
are not your parents or spouse. They are not your parents or spouse. They are <00:14:22.845>devils. <00:14:23.210>They <00:14:23.575>transform <00:14:23.940>for <00:14:24.305>a <00:14:24.670>while <00:14:25.035>and are devils. They transform for a while and are devils. They transform for a while and come <00:14:25.485>down <00:14:25.730>to <00:14:25.975>our <00:14:26.220>Earth <00:14:26.465>to <00:14:26.710>become <00:14:26.955>artists. come down to our Earth to become artists.

These <00:14:29.405>are <00:14:29.531>the <00:14:29.657>people <00:14:29.783>who <00:14:29.909>are <00:14:30.035>blocking <00:14:30.161>us <00:14:30.287>from <00:14:30.413>bringing <00:14:30.539>them <00:14:30.665>in, <00:14:30.791>but <00:14:30.917>they <00:14:31.043>have <00:14:31.169>a <00:14:31.295>magic <00:14:31.421>question. <00:14:31.547>What
These are the people who are blocking us from bringing them in, but they have a magic question. What These are the people who are blocking us from bringing them in, but they have a magic question. What it <00:14:32.139>is <00:14:32.319>is, <00:14:32.499>are <00:14:32.679>we <00:14:32.859>going <00:14:33.039>to <00:14:33.219>put <00:14:33.399>on <00:14:33.579>a <00:14:33.759>play? <00:14:33.939>There's <00:14:34.119>a it is is, are we going to put on a play? There's a

school <00:14:36.064>for <00:14:36.169>English <00:14:36.274>plays <00:14:36.379>that <00:14:36.484>the <00:14:36.589>district <00:14:36.694>office <00:14:36.799>is <00:14:36.904>running, <00:14:37.009>and <00:14:37.114>we're <00:14:37.219>going <00:14:37.324>to <00:14:37.429>go <00:14:37.534>see <00:14:37.639>it,
school for English plays that the district office is running, and we're going to go see it, school for English plays that the district office is running, and we're going to go see it, or <00:14:38.051>maybe <00:14:38.302>we're <00:14:38.553>going <00:14:38.804>to <00:14:39.055>learn <00:14:39.306>Icheri <00:14:39.557>song. or maybe we're going to learn Icheri song. or maybe we're going to learn Icheri song. But But But what <00:14:42.265>are <00:14:42.451>you <00:14:42.637>trying <00:14:42.823>to <00:14:43.009>do? <00:14:43.195>It's <00:14:43.381>a <00:14:43.567>magic <00:14:43.753>question. what are you trying to do? It's a magic question. what are you trying to do? It's a magic question. What <00:14:43.941>are <00:14:44.043>you <00:14:44.145>trying <00:14:44.247>to <00:14:44.349>do <00:14:44.451>by <00:14:44.553>doing <00:14:44.655>that? <00:14:44.757>I What are you trying to do by doing that? I What are you trying to do by doing that? I ask <00:14:45.640>you <00:14:46.240>this. <00:14:46.840>But <00:14:47.440>art <00:14:48.040>is ask you this. But art is ask you this. But art is not <00:14:48.660>about <00:14:49.000>doing <00:14:49.340>something. <00:14:49.680>Art <00:14:50.020>is <00:14:50.360>the not about doing something. Art is the not about doing something. Art is the ultimate <00:14:51.539>goal. <00:14:52.198>It ultimate goal. It ultimate goal. It saves <00:14:52.830>our <00:14:53.060>souls <00:14:53.290>and <00:14:53.520>allows <00:14:53.750>us <00:14:53.980>to <00:14:54.210>live <00:14:54.440>happily. saves our souls and allows us to live happily.

It <00:14:59.771>helps <00:14:59.862>you <00:14:59.953>express <00:15:00.044>yourself <00:15:00.135>so <00:15:00.226>that <00:15:00.317>you <00:15:00.408>can <00:15:00.499>live <00:15:00.590>happily <00:15:00.681>without <00:15:00.772>the <00:15:00.863>help <00:15:00.954>of <00:15:01.045>alcohol <00:15:01.136>and <00:15:01.227>drugs.
It helps you express yourself so that you can live happily without the help of alcohol and drugs. It helps you express yourself so that you can live happily without the help of alcohol and drugs. So, <00:15:02.519>when <00:15:02.839>it <00:15:03.159>comes <00:15:03.479>to <00:15:03.799>questions <00:15:04.119>like <00:15:04.439>these, So, when it comes to questions like these, So, when it comes to questions like these, we we we need <00:15:07.472>to <00:15:07.584>be <00:15:07.696>bold <00:15:07.808>when <00:15:07.920>it <00:15:08.032>comes <00:15:08.144>to <00:15:08.256>these <00:15:08.368>questions. <00:15:08.480>Uh, <00:15:08.592>I <00:15:08.704>just <00:15:08.816>do <00:15:08.928>it <00:15:09.040>because <00:15:09.152>I need to be bold when it comes to these questions. Uh, I just do it because I need to be bold when it comes to these questions. Uh, I just do it because I enjoy <00:15:09.564>it. <00:15:09.729>I <00:15:09.894>do <00:15:10.059>it <00:15:10.224>because <00:15:10.389>it's <00:15:10.554>fun. enjoy it. I do it because it's fun. enjoy it. I do it because it's fun. I'm <00:15:11.365>sorry. <00:15:11.690>It's <00:15:12.015>just <00:15:12.340>fun <00:15:12.665>for <00:15:12.990>me. <00:15:13.315>I I'm sorry. It's just fun for me. I

need <00:15:16.076>to <00:15:16.232>be <00:15:16.388>someone <00:15:16.544>who <00:15:16.700>can <00:15:16.856>say, <00:15:17.012>"I'll <00:15:17.168>do <00:15:17.324>it <00:15:17.480>first." <00:15:17.636>My
need to be someone who can say, "I'll do it first." My need to be someone who can say, "I'll do it first." My ideal <00:15:18.399>future <00:15:18.918>is <00:15:19.437>that <00:15:19.956>we ideal future is that we ideal future is that we all <00:15:20.465>have <00:15:20.731>multiple <00:15:20.997>identities, <00:15:21.263>and <00:15:21.529>at <00:15:21.795>least all have multiple identities, and at least all have multiple identities, and at least one <00:15:22.546>of <00:15:23.013>these <00:15:23.480>identities one of these identities one of these identities becomes <00:15:24.464>an <00:15:24.729>artist. <00:15:24.994>I <00:15:25.259>went <00:15:25.524>to <00:15:25.789>New <00:15:26.054>York <00:15:26.319>and becomes an artist. I went to New York and becomes an artist. I went to New York and got <00:15:26.945>into <00:15:27.170>a <00:15:27.395>taxi. <00:15:27.620>I <00:15:27.845>sat <00:15:28.070>in <00:15:28.295>the <00:15:28.520>taxi's <00:15:28.745>seat. <00:15:28.970>There's <00:15:29.195>a got into a taxi. I sat in the taxi's seat. There's a got into a taxi. I sat in the taxi's seat. There's a sign <00:15:29.712>on <00:15:29.905>the <00:15:30.098>front <00:15:30.291>of <00:15:30.484>the <00:15:30.677>board, <00:15:30.870>and <00:15:31.063>it's <00:15:31.256>something <00:15:31.449>related <00:15:31.642>to <00:15:31.835>a <00:15:32.028>play. sign on the front of the board, and it's something related to a play. sign on the front of the board, and it's something related to a play. So <00:15:32.659>I <00:15:32.878>said, <00:15:33.097>"What <00:15:33.316>is <00:15:33.535>this?" <00:15:33.754>I So I said, "What is this?" I So I said, "What is this?" I said, <00:15:34.036>"It's <00:15:34.152>your <00:15:34.268>profile." <00:15:34.384>I <00:15:34.500>asked, <00:15:34.616>"What <00:15:34.732>are <00:15:34.848>you?" <00:15:34.964>and <00:15:35.080>I <00:15:35.196>said, <00:15:35.312>" said, "It's your profile." I asked, "What are you?" and I said, " said, "It's your profile." I asked, "What are you?" and I said, " Yes, <00:15:36.406>I'm <00:15:36.652>a <00:15:36.898>theater <00:15:37.144>actor. <00:15:37.390>I'm <00:15:37.636>a Yes, I'm a theater actor. I'm a Yes, I'm a theater actor. I'm a taxi <00:15:38.854>driver, <00:15:39.069>but <00:15:39.284>I <00:15:39.499>do <00:15:39.714>plays." <00:15:39.929>I <00:15:40.144>asked <00:15:40.359>him taxi driver, but I do plays." I asked him taxi driver, but I do plays." I asked him what <00:15:40.725>kind <00:15:40.850>of <00:15:40.975>roles <00:15:41.100>he <00:15:41.225>usually <00:15:41.350>plays, <00:15:41.475>and <00:15:41.600>he what kind of roles he usually plays, and he what kind of roles he usually plays, and he proudly <00:15:42.253>said <00:15:42.586>that <00:15:42.919>he <00:15:43.252>plays <00:15:43.585>King <00:15:43.918>Lear. proudly said that he plays King Lear. proudly said that he plays King Lear. King <00:15:44.616>Lear <00:15:44.913>Who <00:15:45.210>can <00:15:45.507>say <00:15:45.804>who <00:15:46.101>I <00:15:46.398>am? King Lear Who can say who I am? King Lear Who can say who I am? It's <00:15:46.765>a <00:15:47.011>great <00:15:47.257>line <00:15:47.503>from <00:15:47.749>King <00:15:47.995>Lear. It's a great line from King Lear. It's a great line from King Lear. That's <00:15:48.900>the <00:15:49.080>world <00:15:49.260>I <00:15:49.440>dream <00:15:49.620>of. <00:15:49.800>This That's the world I dream of. This That's the world I dream of. This person <00:15:50.492>is <00:15:50.785>a <00:15:51.078>golfer <00:15:51.371>by <00:15:51.664>day, <00:15:51.957>a person is a golfer by day, a person is a golfer by day, a writer <00:15:52.869>by <00:15:53.378>night, <00:15:53.887>a <00:15:54.396>taxi writer by night, a taxi writer by night, a taxi driver, <00:15:55.071>an <00:15:55.383>English <00:15:55.695>learner, <00:15:56.007>a <00:15:56.319>banker, driver, an English learner, a banker, driver, an English learner, a banker, angry, <00:15:57.799>secretly <00:15:58.519>or <00:15:59.239>openly. angry, secretly or openly. angry, secretly or openly. We <00:16:00.024>are <00:16:00.248>doing <00:16:00.472>our <00:16:00.696>own <00:16:00.920>Jesus. We are doing our own Jesus. We are doing our own Jesus. In <00:16:03.959>1990, In 1990, In 1990, Martha <00:16:04.519>Graham, <00:16:04.719>the <00:16:04.919>legendary <00:16:05.119>master <00:16:05.319>of <00:16:05.519>modern <00:16:05.719>dance, Martha Graham, the legendary master of modern dance, Martha Graham, the legendary master of modern dance, came <00:16:06.639>to <00:16:07.079>Korea. <00:16:07.519>I <00:16:07.959>saw came to Korea. I saw came to Korea. I saw this <00:16:08.661>90-year-old <00:16:08.882>master <00:16:09.103>entering <00:16:09.324>the <00:16:09.545>country <00:16:09.766>in <00:16:09.987>a <00:16:10.208>wheelchair <00:16:10.429>at <00:16:10.650>Gimpo <00:16:10.871>Airport, <00:16:11.092>and <00:16:11.313>a this 90-year-old master entering the country in a wheelchair at Gimpo Airport, and a this 90-year-old master entering the country in a wheelchair at Gimpo Airport, and a reporter <00:16:13.519>asked. reporter asked. reporter asked. Reporters <00:16:14.160>usually <00:16:14.280>do <00:16:14.400>this <00:16:14.520>now. <00:16:14.640>People <00:16:14.760>ask <00:16:14.880>such <00:16:15.000>questions Reporters usually do this now. People ask such questions Reporters usually do this now. People ask such questions a <00:16:15.552>lot. <00:16:15.664>What <00:16:15.776>do <00:16:15.888>I <00:16:16.000>need <00:16:16.112>to <00:16:16.224>do <00:16:16.336>to <00:16:16.448>be <00:16:16.560>good <00:16:16.672>at <00:16:16.784>dancing? <00:16:16.896>Please <00:16:17.008>tell <00:16:17.120>me a lot. What do I need to do to be good at dancing? Please tell me

a <00:16:20.525>word <00:16:20.890>to <00:16:21.255>Korean <00:16:21.620>dance <00:16:21.985>students. <00:16:22.350>This <00:16:22.715>is
a word to Korean dance students. This is a word to Korean dance students. This is a <00:16:23.295>photo <00:16:23.631>taken <00:16:23.967>in <00:16:24.303>1948, <00:16:24.639>and a photo taken in 1948, and a photo taken in 1948, and the <00:16:25.324>master <00:16:25.608>had <00:16:25.892>already <00:16:26.176>asked <00:16:26.460>that <00:16:26.744>question <00:16:27.028>in <00:16:27.312>1990. the master had already asked that question in 1990. the master had already asked that question in 1990. Now, <00:16:28.133>when <00:16:28.466>I <00:16:28.799>did <00:16:29.132>that, <00:16:29.465>this <00:16:29.798>person Now, when I did that, this person Now, when I did that, this person said <00:16:30.623>this. <00:16:30.967>He <00:16:31.311>said <00:16:31.655>Just <00:16:31.999>do said this. He said Just do said this. He said Just do it. <00:16:34.537>It <00:16:35.034>was <00:16:35.531>touching. <00:16:36.028>He <00:16:36.525>said <00:16:37.022>those <00:16:37.519>three it. It was touching. He said those three it. It was touching. He said those three words <00:16:37.902>and <00:16:38.124>immediately <00:16:38.346>left <00:16:38.568>the <00:16:38.790>arrival <00:16:39.012>hall. <00:16:39.234>Now, words and immediately left the arrival hall. Now, words and immediately left the arrival hall. Now, that's <00:16:41.759>right. that's right. that's right. What <00:16:42.159>do <00:16:42.318>we <00:16:42.477>need <00:16:42.636>right <00:16:42.795>now? <00:16:42.954>Let's What do we need right now? Let's What do we need right now? Let's become <00:16:44.431>artists. <00:16:44.982>Right <00:16:45.533>now. <00:16:46.084>Right <00:16:46.635>now. become artists. Right now. Right now. become artists. Right now. Right now. How <00:16:47.125>do <00:16:47.370>you <00:16:47.615>just <00:16:47.860>do <00:16:48.105>it? <00:16:48.350>Thank <00:16:48.595>you How do you just do it? Thank you How do you just do it? Thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]

Young-ha Kim, TED, TEDx, TEDxSeoul, artist, be, an, artist, how, to, be, art, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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