Hãy thử một cái gì đó mới trong 30 ngày-Matt Cutts

Try something new for 30 days - Matt Cutts

Try something new for 30 days - Matt Cutts


thank<00:00:11.280> you

a<00:00:16.440> few<00:00:16.560> years<00:00:16.740> ago<00:00:17.100> I<00:00:17.820> felt<00:00:18.119> like<00:00:18.180> I<00:00:18.420> was<00:00:18.539> stuck
a few years ago I felt like I was stuck a few years ago I felt like I was stuck in<00:00:19.320> a<00:00:19.500> rut in a rut in a rut so<00:00:20.580> I<00:00:20.760> decided<00:00:21.180> to<00:00:21.300> follow<00:00:21.420> in<00:00:21.660> the<00:00:21.779> footsteps so I decided to follow in the footsteps so I decided to follow in the footsteps of<00:00:22.439> the<00:00:22.680> Great<00:00:22.920> American<00:00:23.340> philosopher<00:00:24.240> Morgan of the Great American philosopher Morgan of the Great American philosopher Morgan Spurlock<00:00:25.439> and<00:00:26.340> try<00:00:26.580> something<00:00:26.820> new<00:00:27.119> for<00:00:27.480> 30 Spurlock and try something new for 30 Spurlock and try something new for 30 days days days the<00:00:29.220> idea<00:00:29.519> is<00:00:29.760> actually<00:00:29.939> pretty<00:00:30.300> simple<00:00:30.539> think the idea is actually pretty simple think the idea is actually pretty simple think about<00:00:31.560> something<00:00:31.920> you've<00:00:32.279> always<00:00:32.460> wanted<00:00:32.759> to about something you've always wanted to about something you've always wanted to add<00:00:33.300> to<00:00:33.480> your<00:00:33.660> life<00:00:33.899> and<00:00:34.559> try<00:00:34.739> it<00:00:34.920> for<00:00:35.579> the<00:00:35.700> next add to your life and try it for the next add to your life and try it for the next 30<00:00:36.000> days 30 days 30 days it<00:00:37.559> turns<00:00:37.800> out<00:00:37.920> 30<00:00:38.399> days<00:00:38.640> is<00:00:39.000> just<00:00:39.239> about<00:00:39.480> the it turns out 30 days is just about the it turns out 30 days is just about the right<00:00:39.899> amount<00:00:40.200> of<00:00:40.320> time<00:00:40.500> to<00:00:40.739> add<00:00:40.920> a<00:00:41.040> new<00:00:41.160> habit right amount of time to add a new habit right amount of time to add a new habit or<00:00:42.300> subtract<00:00:42.840> a<00:00:43.020> habit<00:00:43.320> like<00:00:43.620> watching<00:00:44.219> the or subtract a habit like watching the or subtract a habit like watching the news<00:00:44.520> from<00:00:45.180> your<00:00:45.420> life news from your life news from your life there's<00:00:46.620> a<00:00:46.739> few<00:00:46.860> things<00:00:46.980> that<00:00:47.160> I<00:00:47.280> learned there's a few things that I learned there's a few things that I learned while<00:00:47.700> doing<00:00:47.879> these<00:00:48.180> 30-day<00:00:48.539> challenges while doing these 30-day challenges while doing these 30-day challenges the<00:00:50.340> first<00:00:50.460> was<00:00:50.820> instead<00:00:51.539> of<00:00:51.600> the<00:00:51.780> months the first was instead of the months the first was instead of the months flying<00:00:52.739> by<00:00:52.980> forgotten<00:00:54.239> the<00:00:54.780> time<00:00:54.960> was<00:00:55.260> much flying by forgotten the time was much flying by forgotten the time was much more<00:00:56.219> memorable more memorable more memorable this<00:00:57.780> was<00:00:57.899> part<00:00:58.140> of<00:00:58.199> a<00:00:58.320> challenge<00:00:58.500> I<00:00:58.739> did<00:00:58.860> to this was part of a challenge I did to this was part of a challenge I did to take<00:00:59.160> a<00:00:59.280> picture<00:00:59.399> every<00:00:59.879> day<00:01:00.059> for<00:01:00.239> a<00:01:00.420> month<00:01:00.539> and take a picture every day for a month and take a picture every day for a month and I<00:01:01.320> remember<00:01:01.500> exactly<00:01:02.460> where<00:01:03.120> I<00:01:03.359> was<00:01:03.539> and<00:01:04.080> what I remember exactly where I was and what I remember exactly where I was and what I<00:01:04.379> was<00:01:04.440> doing<00:01:04.619> that<00:01:04.860> day I was doing that day I was doing that day I<00:01:06.840> also<00:01:07.020> noticed<00:01:07.439> that<00:01:07.860> as<00:01:08.040> I<00:01:08.220> started<00:01:08.460> to<00:01:08.580> do I also noticed that as I started to do I also noticed that as I started to do more<00:01:09.000> and<00:01:09.240> harder<00:01:09.600> 30-day<00:01:10.020> challenges<00:01:10.560> my more and harder 30-day challenges my more and harder 30-day challenges my self-confidence<00:01:11.820> grew<00:01:12.780> I<00:01:13.260> went<00:01:13.380> from<00:01:13.560> Death self-confidence grew I went from Death self-confidence grew I went from Death dwelling<00:01:14.340> computer<00:01:14.520> nerd<00:01:15.060> to<00:01:15.360> the<00:01:15.900> kind<00:01:16.020> of dwelling computer nerd to the kind of dwelling computer nerd to the kind of guy<00:01:16.260> who<00:01:16.500> bikes<00:01:16.920> to<00:01:17.100> work guy who bikes to work guy who bikes to work for<00:01:18.540> fun for fun for fun even<00:01:20.939> last<00:01:21.240> year<00:01:21.420> I<00:01:21.840> ended<00:01:21.960> up<00:01:22.080> hiking<00:01:22.380> up even last year I ended up hiking up even last year I ended up hiking up Mount<00:01:22.799> Kilimanjaro<00:01:23.700> the<00:01:23.880> highest<00:01:24.180> mountain Mount Kilimanjaro the highest mountain Mount Kilimanjaro the highest mountain in<00:01:24.600> Africa<00:01:25.439> I<00:01:26.040> would<00:01:26.220> never<00:01:26.520> have<00:01:27.000> been<00:01:27.240> that in Africa I would never have been that in Africa I would never have been that adventurous<00:01:28.140> before<00:01:28.740> I<00:01:28.920> started<00:01:29.220> my<00:01:29.400> 30-day adventurous before I started my 30-day adventurous before I started my 30-day challenges challenges challenges I<00:01:31.799> also<00:01:31.979> figured<00:01:32.340> out<00:01:32.460> that<00:01:33.240> if<00:01:33.659> you<00:01:33.840> really I also figured out that if you really I also figured out that if you really want<00:01:34.380> something<00:01:34.619> badly<00:01:35.100> enough want something badly enough want something badly enough you<00:01:36.299> can<00:01:36.360> do<00:01:36.600> anything<00:01:37.079> for<00:01:37.680> 30<00:01:37.799> days you can do anything for 30 days you can do anything for 30 days have<00:01:39.720> you<00:01:39.840> ever<00:01:39.960> wanted<00:01:40.140> to<00:01:40.320> write<00:01:40.439> a<00:01:40.560> novel have you ever wanted to write a novel have you ever wanted to write a novel every<00:01:42.720> November<00:01:43.200> tens<00:01:43.920> of<00:01:44.100> thousands<00:01:44.520> of every November tens of thousands of every November tens of thousands of people<00:01:44.880> try<00:01:45.540> to<00:01:45.659> write<00:01:45.840> their<00:01:46.020> own<00:01:46.140> fifty people try to write their own fifty people try to write their own fifty thousand<00:01:46.799> word<00:01:46.920> novel<00:01:47.340> from<00:01:48.000> scratch<00:01:48.600> in<00:01:49.439> 30 thousand word novel from scratch in 30 thousand word novel from scratch in 30 days days days it<00:01:51.240> turns<00:01:51.600> out<00:01:51.720> all<00:01:52.560> you<00:01:52.680> have<00:01:52.799> to<00:01:52.920> do<00:01:53.040> is<00:01:53.399> write it turns out all you have to do is write it turns out all you have to do is write sixteen<00:01:54.240> hundred<00:01:54.479> and<00:01:54.659> sixty<00:01:55.020> seven<00:01:55.079> words<00:01:55.320> a sixteen hundred and sixty seven words a sixteen hundred and sixty seven words a day<00:01:55.680> for<00:01:56.220> a<00:01:56.340> month day for a month day for a month so<00:01:58.200> I<00:01:58.320> did<00:01:58.759> by<00:01:59.759> the<00:01:59.880> way<00:01:59.939> the<00:02:00.180> secret<00:02:00.420> is<00:02:01.079> not<00:02:01.259> to so I did by the way the secret is not to so I did by the way the secret is not to go<00:02:01.619> to<00:02:01.740> sleep<00:02:01.979> until<00:02:02.520> you've<00:02:02.820> written<00:02:03.060> your go to sleep until you've written your go to sleep until you've written your words<00:02:03.299> for<00:02:03.479> the<00:02:03.659> day words for the day words for the day you<00:02:05.159> might<00:02:05.219> be<00:02:05.340> sleep<00:02:05.520> deprived<00:02:06.119> but<00:02:06.899> you'll you might be sleep deprived but you'll you might be sleep deprived but you'll finish<00:02:07.380> your<00:02:07.619> novel finish your novel finish your novel now<00:02:09.720> is<00:02:10.259> my<00:02:10.500> book<00:02:10.619> The<00:02:10.979> Next<00:02:11.099> Great<00:02:11.459> American now is my book The Next Great American now is my book The Next Great American novel novel novel no<00:02:13.800> I<00:02:14.160> wrote<00:02:14.280> it<00:02:14.459> in<00:02:14.640> a<00:02:14.760> month<00:02:14.879> it's<00:02:15.599> awful no I wrote it in a month it's awful no I wrote it in a month it's awful but<00:02:18.420> for<00:02:19.080> the<00:02:19.140> rest<00:02:19.260> of<00:02:19.500> my<00:02:19.680> life<00:02:19.920> if<00:02:20.220> I<00:02:20.400> meet but for the rest of my life if I meet but for the rest of my life if I meet John<00:02:20.819> Hodgman<00:02:21.300> at<00:02:21.540> a<00:02:21.660> Ted<00:02:21.840> party<00:02:22.080> I<00:02:22.860> don't<00:02:22.920> have John Hodgman at a Ted party I don't have John Hodgman at a Ted party I don't have to<00:02:23.220> say to say to say I'm<00:02:24.720> a<00:02:24.959> computer<00:02:25.080> scientist<00:02:25.680> no<00:02:26.640> no<00:02:26.760> if<00:02:27.120> I<00:02:27.239> want I'm a computer scientist no no if I want I'm a computer scientist no no if I want to<00:02:27.480> I<00:02:27.780> can<00:02:27.900> say<00:02:28.140> I'm<00:02:28.920> a<00:02:29.160> novelist

so<00:02:33.300> here's<00:02:33.660> one<00:02:33.840> last<00:02:34.020> thing<00:02:34.200> I'd<00:02:34.379> like<00:02:34.560> to
so here's one last thing I'd like to so here's one last thing I'd like to mention<00:02:34.860> I<00:02:35.760> learned<00:02:36.000> that<00:02:36.120> when<00:02:36.360> I<00:02:36.540> made<00:02:36.780> small mention I learned that when I made small mention I learned that when I made small sustainable<00:02:38.400> changes<00:02:38.760> things<00:02:39.060> I<00:02:39.239> could<00:02:39.420> keep sustainable changes things I could keep sustainable changes things I could keep doing<00:02:39.959> they<00:02:40.739> were<00:02:40.860> more<00:02:41.040> likely<00:02:41.340> to<00:02:41.519> stick doing they were more likely to stick doing they were more likely to stick there's<00:02:42.840> nothing<00:02:42.959> wrong<00:02:43.260> with<00:02:43.739> big<00:02:44.099> crazy there's nothing wrong with big crazy there's nothing wrong with big crazy challenges<00:02:45.239> in<00:02:45.720> fact<00:02:45.959> they're<00:02:46.739> a<00:02:46.980> ton<00:02:47.099> of<00:02:47.280> fun challenges in fact they're a ton of fun challenges in fact they're a ton of fun but<00:02:48.360> they're<00:02:48.599> less<00:02:48.780> likely<00:02:49.019> to<00:02:49.200> stick but they're less likely to stick but they're less likely to stick when<00:02:50.760> I<00:02:50.879> gave<00:02:51.060> up<00:02:51.180> sugar<00:02:51.480> for<00:02:51.900> 30<00:02:52.019> days when I gave up sugar for 30 days when I gave up sugar for 30 days day<00:02:53.580> 31<00:02:54.000> looked<00:02:54.360> like<00:02:54.480> this

so<00:02:57.720> here's<00:02:58.019> my<00:02:58.140> question<00:02:58.319> to<00:02:58.680> you
so here's my question to you so here's my question to you what<00:03:00.300> are<00:03:00.420> you<00:03:00.540> waiting<00:03:00.840> for<00:03:01.040> I<00:03:02.040> guarantee<00:03:02.519> you what are you waiting for I guarantee you what are you waiting for I guarantee you the<00:03:03.000> next<00:03:03.180> 30<00:03:03.420> days<00:03:03.720> are<00:03:04.140> going<00:03:04.379> to<00:03:04.500> pass the next 30 days are going to pass the next 30 days are going to pass whether<00:03:05.400> you<00:03:05.640> like<00:03:05.760> it<00:03:05.940> or<00:03:06.120> not whether you like it or not whether you like it or not so<00:03:07.800> why<00:03:07.980> not<00:03:08.099> think<00:03:08.340> about<00:03:08.519> something<00:03:08.819> you so why not think about something you so why not think about something you have<00:03:09.420> always<00:03:09.900> wanted<00:03:10.560> to<00:03:11.040> try have always wanted to try have always wanted to try and<00:03:12.360> give<00:03:12.540> it<00:03:12.659> a<00:03:12.780> shot and give it a shot and give it a shot for<00:03:14.280> the<00:03:14.340> next<00:03:14.459> 30<00:03:14.700> days for the next 30 days for the next 30 days thanks


30 day challenge, goals, achieve, goals, how, to, achieve, Matt, Cutts, TED-Ed, TED, TED, Talk, Ed, TEDEducation

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