Hình ảnh ở một nghìn tỷ khung hình mỗi giây-Ramesh Raskar

Imaging at a trillion frames per second - Ramesh Raskar

Imaging at a trillion frames per second - Ramesh Raskar


doc doc ederton<00:00:18.400> inspired<00:00:19.080> us<00:00:19.520> with<00:00:19.800> awe<00:00:20.680> and ederton inspired us with awe and ederton inspired us with awe and curiosity<00:00:22.160> with<00:00:22.400> this<00:00:22.840> photo<00:00:23.840> of<00:00:24.080> a<00:00:24.480> bullet curiosity with this photo of a bullet curiosity with this photo of a bullet piercing<00:00:26.160> through<00:00:26.359> an<00:00:26.560> apple<00:00:27.439> an<00:00:27.840> exposure piercing through an apple an exposure piercing through an apple an exposure just<00:00:29.039> a<00:00:29.240> millionth<00:00:30.160> of<00:00:30.359> a just a millionth of a just a millionth of a second<00:00:33.000> but<00:00:33.280> now<00:00:34.120> 50<00:00:34.480> years<00:00:34.840> later<00:00:35.840> we<00:00:36.000> can<00:00:36.239> go second but now 50 years later we can go second but now 50 years later we can go a<00:00:36.760> million<00:00:37.239> times a million times a million times faster<00:00:39.879> and<00:00:40.000> see<00:00:40.320> the<00:00:40.640> world<00:00:41.640> not<00:00:41.879> at<00:00:42.000> a faster and see the world not at a faster and see the world not at a million<00:00:43.239> or<00:00:43.480> a<00:00:43.680> billion<00:00:44.680> but<00:00:44.920> one<00:00:45.320> trillion million or a billion but one trillion million or a billion but one trillion frames<00:00:47.000> per frames per frames per second<00:00:49.079> I'll<00:00:49.320> present<00:00:49.680> you<00:00:50.640> a<00:00:50.879> new<00:00:51.280> type<00:00:51.480> of second I'll present you a new type of second I'll present you a new type of photography<00:00:52.800> fto photography fto photography fto photography<00:00:54.800> a<00:00:55.000> new<00:00:55.239> Imaging<00:00:55.840> technique<00:00:56.840> so photography a new Imaging technique so photography a new Imaging technique so fast<00:00:59.519> that<00:00:59.680> you<00:00:59.760> can<00:01:00.039> create<00:01:00.359> slow<00:01:00.719> motion fast that you can create slow motion fast that you can create slow motion videos<00:01:02.079> of<00:01:02.359> light<00:01:03.000> in<00:01:03.680> motion<00:01:04.680> and<00:01:04.879> with<00:01:05.119> that videos of light in motion and with that videos of light in motion and with that we<00:01:05.920> can<00:01:06.119> create<00:01:06.720> cameras<00:01:07.720> that<00:01:07.960> can<00:01:08.119> look we can create cameras that can look we can create cameras that can look around<00:01:08.600> corners<00:01:09.520> Beyond<00:01:09.880> line<00:01:10.080> of<00:01:10.520> sight<00:01:11.520> or around corners Beyond line of sight or around corners Beyond line of sight or see<00:01:12.080> inside<00:01:12.400> our see inside our see inside our body<00:01:14.200> without<00:01:14.640> an body without an body without an x-ray<00:01:16.479> and<00:01:16.680> really<00:01:17.240> challenge<00:01:18.240> what<00:01:18.439> we<00:01:18.600> mean x-ray and really challenge what we mean x-ray and really challenge what we mean by<00:01:19.520> a by a by a camera<00:01:21.720> now<00:01:21.840> if<00:01:21.920> I<00:01:22.040> take<00:01:22.159> a<00:01:22.280> laser<00:01:22.640> pointer<00:01:23.520> and camera now if I take a laser pointer and camera now if I take a laser pointer and turn<00:01:23.960> it<00:01:24.119> on<00:01:24.280> and<00:01:24.560> off<00:01:24.880> in<00:01:25.040> one<00:01:25.320> trillionth<00:01:26.320> of turn it on and off in one trillionth of turn it on and off in one trillionth of a<00:01:26.759> second<00:01:27.759> which<00:01:27.920> is<00:01:28.320> several<00:01:28.680> ftocs a second which is several ftocs a second which is several ftocs I'll<00:01:30.720> create<00:01:31.119> a<00:01:31.400> packet<00:01:31.680> of<00:01:31.840> photons<00:01:32.799> barely<00:01:33.240> a I'll create a packet of photons barely a I'll create a packet of photons barely a millimeter millimeter millimeter wide<00:01:35.720> and<00:01:36.000> that<00:01:36.200> packet<00:01:36.439> of<00:01:36.560> photons<00:01:37.079> that wide and that packet of photons that wide and that packet of photons that bullet<00:01:38.040> will<00:01:38.280> travel<00:01:38.720> at<00:01:38.880> a<00:01:39.000> speed<00:01:39.240> of<00:01:39.399> light bullet will travel at a speed of light bullet will travel at a speed of light and<00:01:40.119> again<00:01:40.360> a<00:01:40.520> million<00:01:40.920> times<00:01:41.240> faster<00:01:42.200> than<00:01:42.640> an and again a million times faster than an and again a million times faster than an ordinary ordinary ordinary bullet<00:01:45.040> now<00:01:46.040> if<00:01:46.119> you<00:01:46.360> take<00:01:46.840> that<00:01:47.000> bullet<00:01:48.000> and bullet now if you take that bullet and bullet now if you take that bullet and take<00:01:48.360> those<00:01:48.600> packet<00:01:48.840> of<00:01:49.000> photons<00:01:49.479> and<00:01:49.920> fire take those packet of photons and fire take those packet of photons and fire into<00:01:51.240> this into this into this bottle<00:01:52.960> how<00:01:53.159> will<00:01:53.399> those<00:01:53.600> photons<00:01:54.399> shatter bottle how will those photons shatter bottle how will those photons shatter into<00:01:55.680> this<00:01:56.240> bottle<00:01:57.240> how<00:01:57.439> does<00:01:57.719> light<00:01:58.079> look<00:01:58.439> in into this bottle how does light look in into this bottle how does light look in slow<00:01:59.119> motion

now<00:02:21.480> the<00:02:21.599> whole<00:02:21.920> event

now<00:02:30.120> remember<00:02:30.440> the<00:02:30.599> whole<00:02:31.120> event<00:02:32.120> is
now remember the whole event is now remember the whole event is effectively<00:02:32.800> taking<00:02:33.120> place<00:02:33.400> in<00:02:33.680> less<00:02:34.000> than<00:02:34.239> a effectively taking place in less than a effectively taking place in less than a nanc<00:02:35.120> that's<00:02:35.360> how<00:02:35.480> much<00:02:35.640> time<00:02:35.760> it<00:02:35.879> takes<00:02:36.080> for nanc that's how much time it takes for nanc that's how much time it takes for light<00:02:36.440> to<00:02:36.599> travel<00:02:37.519> but<00:02:37.680> I'm<00:02:37.879> slowing<00:02:38.360> down<00:02:39.280> in light to travel but I'm slowing down in light to travel but I'm slowing down in this<00:02:39.640> video<00:02:40.040> by<00:02:40.159> a<00:02:40.319> factor<00:02:40.640> of<00:02:40.840> 10<00:02:41.239> billion<00:02:42.200> so this video by a factor of 10 billion so this video by a factor of 10 billion so you<00:02:42.480> can<00:02:42.680> see<00:02:43.519> the<00:02:43.680> light<00:02:43.959> in you can see the light in you can see the light in motion<00:02:46.040> but<00:02:46.360> Coca-Cola<00:02:46.959> did<00:02:47.120> not<00:02:47.280> sponsor motion but Coca-Cola did not sponsor motion but Coca-Cola did not sponsor This This This research<00:02:50.400> now<00:02:50.560> there's<00:02:50.760> a<00:02:50.879> lot<00:02:51.120> going<00:02:51.319> on<00:02:51.480> in research now there's a lot going on in research now there's a lot going on in this<00:02:51.800> movie<00:02:52.080> so<00:02:52.239> let<00:02:52.360> me<00:02:52.519> break<00:02:52.800> this<00:02:52.959> down<00:02:53.280> and this movie so let me break this down and this movie so let me break this down and show<00:02:53.599> you<00:02:53.720> what's<00:02:54.000> going<00:02:54.159> on<00:02:54.800> so<00:02:55.080> the<00:02:55.239> pulse show you what's going on so the pulse show you what's going on so the pulse enters<00:02:56.480> the<00:02:56.599> bottle<00:02:56.920> our<00:02:57.200> bullet<00:02:57.920> with<00:02:58.040> a enters the bottle our bullet with a enters the bottle our bullet with a packet<00:02:58.480> of<00:02:58.640> photon<00:02:59.000> they<00:02:59.200> start<00:02:59.440> traveling packet of photon they start traveling packet of photon they start traveling through<00:03:00.480> and<00:03:00.599> they<00:03:00.800> start<00:03:01.120> scattering<00:03:01.720> inside through and they start scattering inside through and they start scattering inside some<00:03:02.599> of<00:03:02.720> the<00:03:02.840> light<00:03:03.040> leaks<00:03:03.720> goes<00:03:03.920> on<00:03:04.080> the some of the light leaks goes on the some of the light leaks goes on the table<00:03:04.560> and<00:03:04.680> you<00:03:04.799> start<00:03:05.000> seeing<00:03:05.280> this<00:03:05.440> ripples table and you start seeing this ripples table and you start seeing this ripples of<00:03:06.280> waves<00:03:07.280> many<00:03:07.519> of<00:03:07.640> the<00:03:07.840> photons<00:03:08.480> eventually of waves many of the photons eventually of waves many of the photons eventually reach<00:03:09.720> the<00:03:09.959> cap<00:03:10.319> and<00:03:10.440> then<00:03:10.599> they<00:03:10.840> explode<00:03:11.480> in reach the cap and then they explode in reach the cap and then they explode in various<00:03:12.280> directions<00:03:13.280> as<00:03:13.400> you<00:03:13.480> can<00:03:13.640> see various directions as you can see various directions as you can see there's<00:03:14.080> a<00:03:14.239> bubble<00:03:14.640> of<00:03:14.840> air<00:03:15.159> and<00:03:15.239> it's there's a bubble of air and it's there's a bubble of air and it's bouncing<00:03:15.799> around<00:03:16.040> inside<00:03:16.799> meanwhile<00:03:17.519> the bouncing around inside meanwhile the bouncing around inside meanwhile the ripples<00:03:18.040> are<00:03:18.200> traveling<00:03:18.519> on<00:03:18.680> the<00:03:18.799> table<00:03:19.200> and ripples are traveling on the table and ripples are traveling on the table and because<00:03:19.560> of<00:03:19.720> the<00:03:19.840> Reflections<00:03:20.360> at<00:03:20.519> the<00:03:20.680> top because of the Reflections at the top because of the Reflections at the top you'll<00:03:21.480> see<00:03:21.760> at<00:03:21.920> the<00:03:22.120> back<00:03:22.319> of<00:03:22.519> the<00:03:22.640> bottle you'll see at the back of the bottle you'll see at the back of the bottle after<00:03:23.959> several<00:03:24.319> frames<00:03:25.000> the<00:03:25.159> reflections<00:03:25.840> are after several frames the reflections are after several frames the reflections are focused<00:03:28.640> now<00:03:29.879> if<00:03:30.000> you<00:03:30.159> take<00:03:30.879> an<00:03:31.159> ordinary focused now if you take an ordinary focused now if you take an ordinary bullet<00:03:34.000> and<00:03:34.319> Let<00:03:34.519> It<00:03:34.680> Go<00:03:34.879> the<00:03:35.040> same<00:03:35.319> distance bullet and Let It Go the same distance bullet and Let It Go the same distance and<00:03:35.879> slow<00:03:36.239> down<00:03:36.400> the<00:03:36.519> video<00:03:36.959> again<00:03:37.159> by<00:03:37.280> a and slow down the video again by a and slow down the video again by a factor<00:03:37.640> of<00:03:37.799> 10<00:03:38.120> billion<00:03:39.120> do<00:03:39.239> you<00:03:39.360> know<00:03:39.599> how factor of 10 billion do you know how factor of 10 billion do you know how long<00:03:39.959> you<00:03:40.159> have<00:03:40.360> to<00:03:40.519> sit<00:03:41.040> here<00:03:42.040> to<00:03:42.319> watch<00:03:42.879> that long you have to sit here to watch that long you have to sit here to watch that movie<00:03:45.159> a<00:03:45.439> day<00:03:46.319> a<00:03:46.560> week<00:03:47.480> actually<00:03:47.799> a<00:03:47.959> whole<00:03:48.599> year movie a day a week actually a whole year movie a day a week actually a whole year it'll<00:03:49.840> be<00:03:50.280> a<00:03:50.560> very<00:03:50.920> boring<00:03:51.400> movie<00:03:52.400> of<00:03:53.159> a<00:03:53.599> slow it'll be a very boring movie of a slow it'll be a very boring movie of a slow ordinary<00:03:55.079> bullet<00:03:55.879> uh<00:03:56.000> in ordinary bullet uh in ordinary bullet uh in motion<00:03:57.959> and<00:03:58.159> what<00:03:58.319> about<00:03:58.640> some<00:03:59.239> still<00:04:00.079> Life

photography<00:04:08.400> you<00:04:08.519> can<00:04:08.799> watch<00:04:09.200> the<00:04:09.360> ripples
photography you can watch the ripples photography you can watch the ripples again<00:04:10.599> washing again washing again washing over<00:04:12.599> the<00:04:12.760> table<00:04:13.480> the<00:04:13.640> tomato<00:04:14.599> and<00:04:14.760> the<00:04:14.879> wall over the table the tomato and the wall over the table the tomato and the wall in<00:04:15.280> the<00:04:15.439> back<00:04:16.000> it's<00:04:16.199> like<00:04:16.359> throwing<00:04:16.680> a<00:04:16.880> stone in the back it's like throwing a stone in the back it's like throwing a stone in<00:04:17.519> a<00:04:17.720> pond<00:04:18.120> of

Water<00:04:22.720> by<00:04:22.880> the<00:04:22.960> way<00:04:23.160> this<00:04:23.280> is<00:04:23.479> how<00:04:23.919> nature
Water by the way this is how nature Water by the way this is how nature paints<00:04:25.400> a<00:04:25.639> photo<00:04:26.400> one<00:04:26.840> fto<00:04:27.360> frame<00:04:28.040> at<00:04:28.160> a<00:04:28.400> time paints a photo one fto frame at a time paints a photo one fto frame at a time but<00:04:29.039> of<00:04:29.240> course<00:04:30.039> our<00:04:30.440> eye<00:04:31.240> sees<00:04:31.840> an<00:04:32.039> integral but of course our eye sees an integral but of course our eye sees an integral composite<00:04:35.199> but<00:04:35.320> if<00:04:35.400> you<00:04:35.520> look<00:04:35.639> at<00:04:35.759> this<00:04:35.919> tomato composite but if you look at this tomato composite but if you look at this tomato one<00:04:36.479> more<00:04:36.720> time<00:04:37.280> you<00:04:37.400> will<00:04:37.560> notice<00:04:38.039> as<00:04:38.160> the one more time you will notice as the one more time you will notice as the light<00:04:38.520> washes<00:04:38.880> over<00:04:39.160> the<00:04:39.280> Tomato<00:04:40.160> it light washes over the Tomato it light washes over the Tomato it continues<00:04:40.840> to<00:04:41.039> Glow<00:04:41.800> it<00:04:41.919> doesn't<00:04:42.199> become<00:04:42.479> dark continues to Glow it doesn't become dark continues to Glow it doesn't become dark why<00:04:42.919> is<00:04:43.120> that<00:04:43.919> because<00:04:44.160> the<00:04:44.320> tomato<00:04:44.759> is why is that because the tomato is why is that because the tomato is actually<00:04:45.680> ripe<00:04:46.080> and<00:04:46.199> the<00:04:46.280> light<00:04:46.479> is<00:04:46.600> bouncing actually ripe and the light is bouncing actually ripe and the light is bouncing around<00:04:47.199> inside<00:04:47.479> the<00:04:47.600> tomato<00:04:48.240> and<00:04:48.360> it<00:04:48.520> comes around inside the tomato and it comes around inside the tomato and it comes out<00:04:49.440> after<00:04:50.360> several<00:04:50.680> trillions<00:04:51.360> of<00:04:51.520> a<00:04:51.960> second out after several trillions of a second out after several trillions of a second so<00:04:53.160> in<00:04:53.280> the<00:04:53.759> future<00:04:54.759> when<00:04:54.919> this<00:04:55.080> fto<00:04:55.440> camera<00:04:55.800> is so in the future when this fto camera is so in the future when this fto camera is in<00:04:56.080> your<00:04:56.240> camera<00:04:56.560> phone<00:04:57.240> you<00:04:57.400> might<00:04:57.560> be<00:04:57.639> able in your camera phone you might be able in your camera phone you might be able to<00:04:57.919> go<00:04:58.000> to<00:04:58.120> a<00:04:58.240> supermarket<00:04:59.240> and<00:04:59.360> check<00:05:00.000> if<00:05:00.120> the to go to a supermarket and check if the to go to a supermarket and check if the fruit<00:05:00.479> is<00:05:00.680> ripe<00:05:01.080> without<00:05:01.320> actually<00:05:01.560> touching fruit is ripe without actually touching fruit is ripe without actually touching it<00:05:04.160> so<00:05:04.400> how<00:05:04.560> did<00:05:04.720> my<00:05:04.880> team<00:05:05.120> at<00:05:05.400> MIT<00:05:06.400> create<00:05:06.919> this it so how did my team at MIT create this it so how did my team at MIT create this camera<00:05:09.240> now<00:05:09.440> as<00:05:09.600> photographers<00:05:10.199> you<00:05:10.360> know<00:05:11.160> if camera now as photographers you know if camera now as photographers you know if you<00:05:11.400> take<00:05:11.520> a<00:05:11.639> short<00:05:11.919> exposure<00:05:12.440> photo<00:05:12.800> you<00:05:13.000> get you take a short exposure photo you get you take a short exposure photo you get very<00:05:13.840> little<00:05:14.160> light<00:05:15.160> but<00:05:15.320> we're<00:05:15.440> going<00:05:15.560> to<00:05:15.720> go very little light but we're going to go very little light but we're going to go a<00:05:16.120> billion<00:05:16.440> times<00:05:16.720> faster<00:05:17.039> than<00:05:17.160> your a billion times faster than your a billion times faster than your shortest<00:05:17.720> exposure<00:05:18.479> so<00:05:18.600> you<00:05:18.680> going<00:05:18.800> to<00:05:18.880> get shortest exposure so you going to get shortest exposure so you going to get hardly<00:05:19.479> any<00:05:19.680> light<00:05:20.360> so<00:05:20.560> what<00:05:20.680> we<00:05:20.840> do<00:05:21.160> is<00:05:21.319> we hardly any light so what we do is we hardly any light so what we do is we send<00:05:21.840> that<00:05:22.000> bullet<00:05:22.360> those<00:05:22.520> packet<00:05:22.759> of<00:05:22.880> photons send that bullet those packet of photons send that bullet those packet of photons millions<00:05:24.000> of<00:05:24.240> times<00:05:25.080> and<00:05:25.240> record<00:05:25.680> again<00:05:25.880> and millions of times and record again and millions of times and record again and again<00:05:26.319> with<00:05:26.560> very<00:05:26.720> clever<00:05:27.199> synchronization again with very clever synchronization again with very clever synchronization and<00:05:28.319> from<00:05:28.520> the<00:05:28.680> gigabytes<00:05:29.160> of<00:05:29.360> data and from the gigabytes of data and from the gigabytes of data we<00:05:30.639> computationally<00:05:31.280> weave<00:05:31.759> together<00:05:32.400> to we computationally weave together to we computationally weave together to create<00:05:33.160> those<00:05:33.319> fto<00:05:33.759> videos<00:05:34.600> I<00:05:34.759> showed<00:05:35.520> you<00:05:36.520> and create those fto videos I showed you and create those fto videos I showed you and we<00:05:36.759> can<00:05:36.880> take<00:05:37.039> all<00:05:37.199> that<00:05:37.360> raw<00:05:37.680> data<00:05:38.280> and<00:05:38.440> treat we can take all that raw data and treat we can take all that raw data and treat it<00:05:38.919> in<00:05:39.160> very<00:05:39.360> interesting<00:05:40.319> ways<00:05:41.319> so<00:05:41.680> Superman it in very interesting ways so Superman it in very interesting ways so Superman can<00:05:42.319> fly<00:05:43.120> some<00:05:43.400> other<00:05:43.680> Heroes<00:05:44.080> can<00:05:44.240> become can fly some other Heroes can become can fly some other Heroes can become invisible<00:05:46.000> but<00:05:46.199> what<00:05:46.400> about<00:05:46.800> a<00:05:47.000> new<00:05:47.400> power<00:05:48.280> for invisible but what about a new power for invisible but what about a new power for a<00:05:48.680> future<00:05:49.639> superhero<00:05:50.639> to<00:05:50.840> see<00:05:51.319> around a future superhero to see around a future superhero to see around corners<00:05:53.440> the<00:05:53.720> idea<00:05:54.680> is<00:05:54.960> that<00:05:55.600> we're<00:05:55.800> going<00:05:55.960> to corners the idea is that we're going to corners the idea is that we're going to shine<00:05:56.319> some<00:05:56.560> light<00:05:56.840> on<00:05:57.039> the<00:05:57.199> door<00:05:57.840> it's<00:05:58.000> going shine some light on the door it's going shine some light on the door it's going to<00:05:58.319> bounce<00:05:59.160> go<00:05:59.360> inside<00:05:59.600> inside<00:05:59.840> the<00:05:59.960> room<00:06:00.440> some to bounce go inside inside the room some to bounce go inside inside the room some of<00:06:00.800> that<00:06:00.919> are<00:06:01.000> going<00:06:01.120> to<00:06:01.280> reflect<00:06:01.840> back<00:06:02.000> on<00:06:02.160> the of that are going to reflect back on the of that are going to reflect back on the door<00:06:02.919> and<00:06:03.080> then<00:06:03.280> back<00:06:03.440> to<00:06:03.600> the<00:06:03.800> camera<00:06:04.240> and door and then back to the camera and door and then back to the camera and we're<00:06:04.479> going<00:06:04.600> to<00:06:04.759> exploit<00:06:05.479> this<00:06:05.680> multiple we're going to exploit this multiple we're going to exploit this multiple bounces<00:06:06.880> of<00:06:07.080> light<00:06:07.919> and<00:06:08.039> it's<00:06:08.199> not<00:06:08.360> science bounces of light and it's not science bounces of light and it's not science fiction<00:06:09.039> we<00:06:09.160> have<00:06:09.319> actually<00:06:09.560> built<00:06:09.800> it<00:06:10.280> on<00:06:10.440> the fiction we have actually built it on the fiction we have actually built it on the left<00:06:10.960> you<00:06:11.080> see<00:06:11.319> our<00:06:11.520> fto<00:06:11.960> camera<00:06:12.800> there's<00:06:12.960> a left you see our fto camera there's a left you see our fto camera there's a mannequin<00:06:13.639> hidden<00:06:14.080> behind<00:06:14.400> a<00:06:14.560> wall<00:06:15.039> and<00:06:15.160> we're mannequin hidden behind a wall and we're mannequin hidden behind a wall and we're going<00:06:15.440> to<00:06:15.599> bounce<00:06:16.000> light<00:06:16.599> off<00:06:16.880> the<00:06:17.039> door<00:06:18.039> so going to bounce light off the door so going to bounce light off the door so after<00:06:18.479> our<00:06:18.680> paper<00:06:18.919> was<00:06:19.160> published<00:06:19.919> uh<00:06:20.000> in after our paper was published uh in after our paper was published uh in nature<00:06:20.479> communication<00:06:21.440> it<00:06:21.560> was<00:06:21.800> highlighted nature communication it was highlighted nature communication it was highlighted by<00:06:22.759> nature.com<00:06:23.759> and<00:06:23.919> they<00:06:24.120> created<00:06:24.759> this by nature.com and they created this by nature.com and they created this animation

we're<00:06:33.360> going<00:06:33.479> to<00:06:33.599> fire<00:06:34.000> those<00:06:34.199> bullets<00:06:35.080> of
we're going to fire those bullets of we're going to fire those bullets of light<00:06:36.160> and<00:06:36.280> they're<00:06:36.440> going<00:06:36.599> to<00:06:36.759> hit<00:06:37.080> this light and they're going to hit this light and they're going to hit this wall<00:06:39.560> and<00:06:39.680> because<00:06:39.880> of<00:06:39.960> the<00:06:40.080> packet<00:06:40.319> of<00:06:40.440> the wall and because of the packet of the wall and because of the packet of the photons<00:06:42.160> they<00:06:42.280> will<00:06:42.479> scatter<00:06:42.880> in<00:06:43.039> all<00:06:43.199> the photons they will scatter in all the photons they will scatter in all the directions<00:06:44.199> and<00:06:44.360> some<00:06:44.520> of<00:06:44.680> them<00:06:44.800> will<00:06:45.000> reach directions and some of them will reach directions and some of them will reach our<00:06:45.759> hidden<00:06:46.000> mannequin<00:06:46.479> which<00:06:46.639> in<00:06:46.759> turn<00:06:47.240> will our hidden mannequin which in turn will our hidden mannequin which in turn will again<00:06:47.680> scatter<00:06:48.080> that again scatter that again scatter that light<00:06:50.160> and<00:06:50.360> again<00:06:50.599> in<00:06:50.759> turn<00:06:51.639> the<00:06:51.800> door<00:06:52.120> will light and again in turn the door will light and again in turn the door will reflect<00:06:53.280> some<00:06:53.560> of<00:06:53.840> that<00:06:54.160> scattered<00:06:55.080> light<00:06:56.080> and reflect some of that scattered light and reflect some of that scattered light and a<00:06:56.560> tiny<00:06:56.840> fraction<00:06:57.160> of<00:06:57.240> the<00:06:57.360> photons<00:06:57.759> will a tiny fraction of the photons will a tiny fraction of the photons will actually<00:06:58.120> come<00:06:58.319> back<00:06:58.440> to<00:06:58.560> the<00:06:58.720> camera<00:06:59.319> but actually come back to the camera but actually come back to the camera but most<00:06:59.879> interestingly<00:07:00.440> they<00:07:00.560> will<00:07:00.759> all<00:07:01.000> arrive most interestingly they will all arrive most interestingly they will all arrive at<00:07:01.680> a<00:07:01.879> slightly<00:07:02.319> different<00:07:02.639> time

slot<00:07:09.080> and<00:07:09.240> because<00:07:09.440> we<00:07:09.560> have<00:07:09.680> a<00:07:09.840> camera<00:07:10.240> that
slot and because we have a camera that slot and because we have a camera that can<00:07:10.560> run<00:07:10.840> so<00:07:11.120> fast<00:07:11.520> our<00:07:11.720> fto<00:07:12.199> camera<00:07:12.960> it<00:07:13.120> has can run so fast our fto camera it has can run so fast our fto camera it has some<00:07:13.400> unique<00:07:13.759> abilities<00:07:14.639> it<00:07:14.800> has<00:07:15.280> very<00:07:15.720> good some unique abilities it has very good some unique abilities it has very good time<00:07:16.560> resolution<00:07:17.560> and<00:07:17.680> it<00:07:17.879> can<00:07:18.479> look<00:07:18.680> at<00:07:18.879> the time resolution and it can look at the time resolution and it can look at the world<00:07:19.280> at<00:07:19.520> speed<00:07:19.720> of world at speed of world at speed of light<00:07:21.400> and<00:07:21.599> this<00:07:21.759> way<00:07:21.960> we<00:07:22.080> know<00:07:22.360> the<00:07:22.919> distances light and this way we know the distances light and this way we know the distances of<00:07:24.080> course<00:07:24.240> to<00:07:24.360> the<00:07:24.479> door<00:07:24.759> but<00:07:24.919> also<00:07:25.120> to<00:07:25.280> the of course to the door but also to the of course to the door but also to the hidden<00:07:25.680> objects<00:07:26.400> but<00:07:26.520> we<00:07:26.639> don't<00:07:26.840> know<00:07:27.039> which hidden objects but we don't know which hidden objects but we don't know which point<00:07:27.440> corresponds<00:07:27.960> to<00:07:28.120> which<00:07:28.319> distance

by<00:07:33.919> shining<00:07:34.319> one<00:07:34.479> laser<00:07:34.840> we<00:07:34.960> can<00:07:35.120> record<00:07:35.479> one
by shining one laser we can record one by shining one laser we can record one raw<00:07:36.199> photo<00:07:37.199> which<00:07:37.479> you<00:07:37.599> look<00:07:37.720> on<00:07:37.800> the<00:07:37.879> screen raw photo which you look on the screen raw photo which you look on the screen doesn't<00:07:38.400> really<00:07:38.599> make<00:07:38.759> any<00:07:39.039> sense<00:07:40.039> but<00:07:40.160> then doesn't really make any sense but then doesn't really make any sense but then we<00:07:40.479> going<00:07:40.560> to<00:07:40.639> take<00:07:40.879> lot<00:07:41.039> of<00:07:41.199> such<00:07:41.360> pictures we going to take lot of such pictures we going to take lot of such pictures dozens<00:07:42.120> of<00:07:42.280> such<00:07:42.479> pictures<00:07:43.280> put<00:07:43.520> them dozens of such pictures put them dozens of such pictures put them together<00:07:44.599> and<00:07:44.759> try<00:07:44.919> to<00:07:45.080> analyze<00:07:45.560> the<00:07:45.680> multiple together and try to analyze the multiple together and try to analyze the multiple bounces<00:07:46.440> of<00:07:46.599> light<00:07:47.000> and<00:07:47.120> from<00:07:47.400> that<00:07:48.120> can<00:07:48.280> we bounces of light and from that can we bounces of light and from that can we see<00:07:49.159> the<00:07:49.360> hidden<00:07:49.759> object<00:07:50.479> can<00:07:50.599> we<00:07:50.759> see<00:07:51.319> it<00:07:51.520> in see the hidden object can we see it in see the hidden object can we see it in full<00:07:52.319> 3d<00:07:53.319> so<00:07:53.599> this<00:07:53.720> is<00:07:53.960> our<00:07:54.199> reconstruction

now<00:08:08.280> we<00:08:08.400> have<00:08:08.520> some<00:08:08.720> ways<00:08:08.960> to<00:08:09.120> go<00:08:09.560> before<00:08:09.840> we
now we have some ways to go before we now we have some ways to go before we take<00:08:10.319> this<00:08:10.639> outside<00:08:11.039> the<00:08:11.199> lab<00:08:11.840> on<00:08:12.000> the<00:08:12.159> road take this outside the lab on the road take this outside the lab on the road but<00:08:12.800> in<00:08:12.879> the<00:08:13.039> future<00:08:13.879> we<00:08:14.000> could<00:08:14.240> create<00:08:14.599> cars but in the future we could create cars but in the future we could create cars that<00:08:15.599> avoid<00:08:15.879> collision<00:08:16.479> with<00:08:16.639> whats<00:08:16.919> around that avoid collision with whats around that avoid collision with whats around the the the band<00:08:19.000> or<00:08:19.360> we<00:08:19.520> can<00:08:20.159> look<00:08:20.360> for<00:08:20.560> survivors<00:08:21.280> in band or we can look for survivors in band or we can look for survivors in hazardous<00:08:22.199> conditions<00:08:23.000> by<00:08:23.199> looking<00:08:23.599> at<00:08:23.840> light hazardous conditions by looking at light hazardous conditions by looking at light reflected<00:08:24.960> through<00:08:25.199> open<00:08:25.879> windows<00:08:26.879> or<00:08:27.120> we<00:08:27.240> can reflected through open windows or we can reflected through open windows or we can build<00:08:27.800> endoscopes<00:08:28.800> that<00:08:28.960> can<00:08:29.120> see<00:08:29.560> deep build endoscopes that can see deep build endoscopes that can see deep inside<00:08:30.159> the<00:08:30.319> body<00:08:31.039> around<00:08:31.760> occluders<00:08:32.760> and inside the body around occluders and inside the body around occluders and also<00:08:33.200> for also for also for cardioscopy<00:08:35.719> and<00:08:36.519> blood<00:08:36.880> this<00:08:37.000> is<00:08:37.120> quite cardioscopy and blood this is quite cardioscopy and blood this is quite challenging<00:08:38.080> so<00:08:38.240> this<00:08:38.360> is<00:08:38.479> really<00:08:38.640> a<00:08:38.800> call<00:08:39.080> for challenging so this is really a call for challenging so this is really a call for scientists<00:08:40.120> to<00:08:40.279> start<00:08:40.560> thinking<00:08:40.839> about<00:08:41.039> fto scientists to start thinking about fto scientists to start thinking about fto photography<00:08:42.399> as<00:08:42.599> really<00:08:42.839> a<00:08:42.959> new<00:08:43.159> Imaging photography as really a new Imaging photography as really a new Imaging modality<00:08:44.279> to<00:08:44.480> solve<00:08:45.080> next<00:08:45.320> generation<00:08:45.920> of modality to solve next generation of modality to solve next generation of Health<00:08:46.560> Imaging<00:08:47.519> problems<00:08:48.519> now<00:08:49.080> like<00:08:49.360> Doc Health Imaging problems now like Doc Health Imaging problems now like Doc aerton<00:08:50.480> a<00:08:50.680> scientist<00:08:51.399> himself<00:08:52.399> science aerton a scientist himself science aerton a scientist himself science became<00:08:53.560> art<00:08:54.560> an<00:08:54.760> art<00:08:55.480> of<00:08:55.760> ultra<00:08:56.240> fast became art an art of ultra fast became art an art of ultra fast photography<00:08:58.279> and<00:08:58.480> I<00:08:58.640> realized<00:08:59.200> that<00:08:59.640> this<00:08:59.839> all photography and I realized that this all photography and I realized that this all the<00:09:00.160> gigabytes<00:09:00.600> of<00:09:00.720> data<00:09:00.959> that<00:09:01.079> we're the gigabytes of data that we're the gigabytes of data that we're collecting<00:09:01.760> every<00:09:02.040> time<00:09:02.800> is<00:09:03.079> not<00:09:03.320> just<00:09:03.480> for collecting every time is not just for collecting every time is not just for scientific<00:09:04.279> Imaging<00:09:05.279> but<00:09:05.480> we<00:09:05.560> can<00:09:05.760> also<00:09:06.040> do<00:09:06.360> a scientific Imaging but we can also do a scientific Imaging but we can also do a new<00:09:06.839> form<00:09:07.720> of<00:09:08.200> computational new form of computational new form of computational Photography<00:09:10.959> with<00:09:11.320> time<00:09:11.640> lapse<00:09:12.320> and<00:09:12.560> color Photography with time lapse and color Photography with time lapse and color coding<00:09:14.480> and<00:09:14.640> when<00:09:14.720> you<00:09:14.839> look<00:09:14.959> at<00:09:15.120> those coding and when you look at those coding and when you look at those ripples<00:09:16.000> remember<00:09:16.959> the<00:09:17.160> time<00:09:17.440> between<00:09:17.760> each ripples remember the time between each ripples remember the time between each of<00:09:18.079> those<00:09:18.240> ripples<00:09:18.839> is<00:09:19.079> only<00:09:19.880> a<00:09:20.040> few of those ripples is only a few of those ripples is only a few trillionth<00:09:21.560> of<00:09:21.720> a trillionth of a trillionth of a second<00:09:23.920> but<00:09:24.040> there's<00:09:24.200> also<00:09:24.440> something<00:09:24.720> funny second but there's also something funny second but there's also something funny going<00:09:25.240> on<00:09:25.480> here<00:09:25.839> when<00:09:25.959> you<00:09:26.079> look<00:09:26.200> at<00:09:26.320> the going on here when you look at the going on here when you look at the ripples<00:09:27.200> under<00:09:27.519> the<00:09:27.880> cap<00:09:28.880> the<00:09:29.040> ripples<00:09:29.480> are ripples under the cap the ripples are ripples under the cap the ripples are moving<00:09:29.920> away<00:09:30.240> from moving away from moving away from us<00:09:32.120> the<00:09:32.240> Ripp<00:09:32.519> should<00:09:32.680> be<00:09:32.760> moving<00:09:33.079> towards<00:09:33.519> us us the Ripp should be moving towards us us the Ripp should be moving towards us what's<00:09:34.160> going<00:09:34.360> on<00:09:34.600> here<00:09:35.360> it<00:09:35.519> turns<00:09:35.800> out what's going on here it turns out what's going on here it turns out because<00:09:36.360> we're<00:09:36.800> recording<00:09:37.800> nearly<00:09:38.279> at<00:09:38.440> the because we're recording nearly at the because we're recording nearly at the speed<00:09:38.839> of

light<00:09:42.279> we<00:09:42.440> have<00:09:42.560> strange<00:09:43.279> effects<00:09:44.279> and
light we have strange effects and light we have strange effects and Einstein<00:09:45.440> would<00:09:45.640> have<00:09:45.839> loved<00:09:46.320> to<00:09:46.480> see<00:09:46.720> this Einstein would have loved to see this Einstein would have loved to see this picture<00:09:48.480> the<00:09:48.680> order<00:09:49.079> at<00:09:49.360> which<00:09:49.760> events<00:09:50.120> take picture the order at which events take picture the order at which events take place<00:09:50.560> in<00:09:50.680> the<00:09:50.800> world<00:09:51.600> appear<00:09:51.920> in<00:09:52.040> the<00:09:52.240> camera place in the world appear in the camera place in the world appear in the camera with<00:09:53.480> sometimes<00:09:53.760> reversed with sometimes reversed with sometimes reversed order<00:09:56.279> so<00:09:56.560> by<00:09:56.760> applying<00:09:57.160> the<00:09:57.279> corresponding order so by applying the corresponding order so by applying the corresponding space<00:09:58.440> and<00:09:58.680> time<00:09:58.920> warp<00:09:59.519> we<00:09:59.640> can<00:09:59.880> correct<00:10:00.560> for space and time warp we can correct for space and time warp we can correct for this this this Distortion<00:10:03.800> so<00:10:04.040> whether<00:10:04.279> it's<00:10:04.600> for Distortion so whether it's for Distortion so whether it's for photography<00:10:06.240> around photography around photography around corners<00:10:08.320> or<00:10:08.600> creating<00:10:09.279> next<00:10:09.600> generation<00:10:10.320> of corners or creating next generation of corners or creating next generation of Health<00:10:11.160> Imaging<00:10:12.160> or<00:10:12.360> creating<00:10:12.760> new Health Imaging or creating new Health Imaging or creating new visualizations<00:10:15.360> since<00:10:15.560> our<00:10:15.800> invention<00:10:16.800> we visualizations since our invention we visualizations since our invention we have<00:10:17.160> open-<00:10:17.480> sourced<00:10:18.440> all<00:10:18.600> the<00:10:18.839> data<00:10:19.399> and have open- sourced all the data and have open- sourced all the data and details<00:10:20.440> on<00:10:20.640> our<00:10:20.880> website<00:10:21.440> and<00:10:21.560> our<00:10:21.800> hope<00:10:22.640> is details on our website and our hope is details on our website and our hope is that<00:10:23.399> the that the that the DIY<00:10:25.399> the<00:10:25.959> creative<00:10:26.959> and<00:10:27.120> the<00:10:27.240> research DIY the creative and the research DIY the creative and the research Community<00:10:28.920> will<00:10:29.320> show<00:10:29.560> us<00:10:30.279> that<00:10:30.440> we<00:10:30.560> should Community will show us that we should Community will show us that we should stop<00:10:31.720> obsessing<00:10:32.320> about<00:10:32.600> the<00:10:32.760> megapixels<00:10:33.480> in stop obsessing about the megapixels in stop obsessing about the megapixels in cameras<00:10:35.800> and<00:10:35.959> start<00:10:36.360> focusing<00:10:37.360> on<00:10:37.600> the<00:10:37.839> next cameras and start focusing on the next cameras and start focusing on the next dimension<00:10:39.240> in<00:10:39.959> imaging<00:10:40.959> it's<00:10:41.440> about<00:10:41.839> time dimension in imaging it's about time dimension in imaging it's about time thank<00:10:42.959> you

Ramesh Raskar, TED-Ed TED Ed’ TEDEducation TED camera x-ray light imaging

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