Học hỏi từ các tổng thống trong quá khứ-Doris Kearns Goodwin

Learning from past presidents - Doris Kearns Goodwin

Learning from past presidents - Doris Kearns Goodwin




so<00:00:15.879> indeed<00:00:16.240> I<00:00:16.359> have<00:00:16.520> spent<00:00:16.840> my<00:00:17.080> life<00:00:17.480> looking
so indeed I have spent my life looking so indeed I have spent my life looking into<00:00:18.160> the<00:00:18.400> lives<00:00:18.760> of<00:00:19.000> presidents<00:00:19.480> who<00:00:19.600> are<00:00:19.760> no into the lives of presidents who are no into the lives of presidents who are no longer<00:00:20.320> alive<00:00:21.320> waking<00:00:21.680> up<00:00:21.880> with<00:00:22.039> Abraham longer alive waking up with Abraham longer alive waking up with Abraham Lincoln<00:00:22.760> in<00:00:22.880> the<00:00:23.000> morning<00:00:23.400> thinking<00:00:23.680> of Lincoln in the morning thinking of Lincoln in the morning thinking of Franklin<00:00:24.320> Roosevelt<00:00:24.840> when<00:00:24.960> I<00:00:25.039> went<00:00:25.199> to<00:00:25.359> bed<00:00:25.560> at Franklin Roosevelt when I went to bed at Franklin Roosevelt when I went to bed at night<00:00:26.599> but<00:00:26.760> when<00:00:26.880> I<00:00:27.039> try<00:00:27.240> and<00:00:27.439> think<00:00:27.720> about night but when I try and think about night but when I try and think about what<00:00:28.279> I've<00:00:28.439> learned<00:00:28.800> about<00:00:28.960> the<00:00:29.080> meaning<00:00:29.359> in what I've learned about the meaning in what I've learned about the meaning in life<00:00:30.039> my<00:00:30.199> mind<00:00:30.480> keeps<00:00:30.720> wandering<00:00:31.240> back<00:00:31.400> to<00:00:31.560> a life my mind keeps wandering back to a life my mind keeps wandering back to a seminar<00:00:32.279> that<00:00:32.399> I<00:00:32.559> took<00:00:32.880> when<00:00:33.040> I<00:00:33.200> was<00:00:33.440> a seminar that I took when I was a seminar that I took when I was a graduate<00:00:34.000> student<00:00:34.280> at<00:00:34.440> Harvard<00:00:35.160> with<00:00:35.320> the graduate student at Harvard with the graduate student at Harvard with the great<00:00:35.680> psychologist<00:00:36.399> Eric<00:00:36.800> Erikson<00:00:37.800> he great psychologist Eric Erikson he great psychologist Eric Erikson he taught<00:00:38.280> us<00:00:38.520> that<00:00:38.680> the<00:00:38.879> richest<00:00:39.320> and<00:00:39.520> fullest taught us that the richest and fullest taught us that the richest and fullest lives<00:00:40.760> attempt<00:00:41.160> to<00:00:41.399> achieve<00:00:41.760> an<00:00:41.960> inner lives attempt to achieve an inner lives attempt to achieve an inner balance<00:00:43.160> between<00:00:43.640> three<00:00:43.920> Realms<00:00:44.800> work<00:00:45.440> love balance between three Realms work love balance between three Realms work love and<00:00:46.079> play<00:00:47.039> and<00:00:47.199> that<00:00:47.320> to<00:00:47.480> pursue<00:00:47.920> one<00:00:48.160> realm<00:00:48.440> to and play and that to pursue one realm to and play and that to pursue one realm to the<00:00:48.719> disregard<00:00:49.160> of<00:00:49.280> the<00:00:49.399> others<00:00:49.840> is<00:00:49.960> to<00:00:50.160> open the disregard of the others is to open the disregard of the others is to open oneself<00:00:50.960> to<00:00:51.160> Ultimate<00:00:51.640> sadness<00:00:52.079> in<00:00:52.239> older<00:00:52.559> age oneself to Ultimate sadness in older age oneself to Ultimate sadness in older age whereas<00:00:53.480> to<00:00:53.640> pursue<00:00:54.039> all<00:00:54.280> three<00:00:54.600> with<00:00:54.760> equal whereas to pursue all three with equal whereas to pursue all three with equal dedication<00:00:56.000> is<00:00:56.120> to<00:00:56.280> make<00:00:56.559> possible<00:00:56.920> a<00:00:57.120> life dedication is to make possible a life dedication is to make possible a life filled<00:00:57.800> not<00:00:57.960> only<00:00:58.199> with<00:00:58.399> achievement<00:00:59.120> but filled not only with achievement but filled not only with achievement but with<00:00:59.480> serenity with serenity with serenity so<00:01:00.920> since<00:01:01.120> I<00:01:01.239> tell<00:01:01.559> stories<00:01:02.039> let<00:01:02.160> me<00:01:02.359> look<00:01:02.600> back so since I tell stories let me look back so since I tell stories let me look back on<00:01:02.920> the<00:01:03.079> lives<00:01:03.320> of<00:01:03.480> two<00:01:03.640> of<00:01:03.760> the<00:01:03.920> presidents on the lives of two of the presidents on the lives of two of the presidents I've<00:01:04.479> studied<00:01:04.879> to<00:01:05.040> illustrate<00:01:05.560> this<00:01:05.760> point I've studied to illustrate this point I've studied to illustrate this point Abraham<00:01:07.000> Lincoln<00:01:07.560> and<00:01:07.720> Lyndon<00:01:08.520> Johnson<00:01:09.520> as Abraham Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson as Abraham Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson as for<00:01:09.880> that<00:01:10.040> first<00:01:10.360> Spear<00:01:10.840> of<00:01:11.080> work<00:01:12.000> I<00:01:12.080> think for that first Spear of work I think for that first Spear of work I think what<00:01:12.479> Abraham<00:01:12.920> Lincoln's<00:01:13.439> life<00:01:13.720> suggests<00:01:14.720> is what Abraham Lincoln's life suggests is what Abraham Lincoln's life suggests is that<00:01:15.520> Fierce<00:01:16.119> ambition<00:01:16.680> is<00:01:16.799> a<00:01:17.000> good<00:01:17.240> thing<00:01:17.920> he that Fierce ambition is a good thing he that Fierce ambition is a good thing he had<00:01:18.200> a<00:01:18.439> huge<00:01:18.840> ambition<00:01:19.680> but<00:01:19.799> it<00:01:19.960> wasn't<00:01:20.240> simply had a huge ambition but it wasn't simply had a huge ambition but it wasn't simply for<00:01:20.880> office<00:01:21.320> or<00:01:21.600> power<00:01:21.920> or<00:01:22.119> celebrity<00:01:22.600> or<00:01:22.799> fame for office or power or celebrity or fame for office or power or celebrity or fame what<00:01:23.680> it<00:01:23.840> was<00:01:24.159> for<00:01:24.600> is<00:01:24.720> to<00:01:24.960> accomplish what it was for is to accomplish what it was for is to accomplish something<00:01:26.360> worthy<00:01:26.840> enough<00:01:27.119> in<00:01:27.400> life<00:01:28.200> so<00:01:28.479> that something worthy enough in life so that something worthy enough in life so that he<00:01:28.840> could<00:01:29.079> make<00:01:29.400> the<00:01:29.520> world<00:01:30.079> a<00:01:30.159> little<00:01:30.360> better he could make the world a little better he could make the world a little better place<00:01:31.040> for<00:01:31.280> his<00:01:31.600> having<00:01:31.840> lived<00:01:32.079> in<00:01:32.240> it<00:01:33.200> even<00:01:33.439> as place for his having lived in it even as place for his having lived in it even as a<00:01:33.720> child<00:01:34.040> it<00:01:34.159> seemed<00:01:34.479> Lincoln<00:01:34.799> dreamed<00:01:35.240> heroic a child it seemed Lincoln dreamed heroic a child it seemed Lincoln dreamed heroic dreams<00:01:36.520> he<00:01:36.680> somehow<00:01:37.079> had<00:01:37.240> to<00:01:37.479> escape<00:01:37.920> that dreams he somehow had to escape that dreams he somehow had to escape that Hard<00:01:38.280> Scrabble<00:01:38.840> farm<00:01:39.280> from<00:01:39.479> which<00:01:39.640> he<00:01:39.799> was Hard Scrabble farm from which he was Hard Scrabble farm from which he was born<00:01:40.880> no<00:01:41.079> schooling<00:01:41.640> was<00:01:41.840> possible<00:01:42.159> for<00:01:42.360> him born no schooling was possible for him born no schooling was possible for him except<00:01:42.799> a<00:01:42.920> few<00:01:43.119> weeks<00:01:43.399> here<00:01:43.640> a<00:01:43.759> few<00:01:43.960> weeks except a few weeks here a few weeks except a few weeks here a few weeks there<00:01:44.560> but<00:01:44.680> he<00:01:44.799> read<00:01:45.040> books<00:01:45.320> in<00:01:45.520> every<00:01:45.880> spare there but he read books in every spare there but he read books in every spare moment<00:01:46.399> he<00:01:46.520> could<00:01:46.759> find<00:01:47.439> it<00:01:47.560> was<00:01:47.719> said<00:01:47.880> when<00:01:48.000> he moment he could find it was said when he moment he could find it was said when he got<00:01:48.240> a<00:01:48.439> copy<00:01:48.640> of<00:01:48.759> the<00:01:48.880> King<00:01:49.079> James<00:01:49.520> Bible<00:01:49.759> or got a copy of the King James Bible or got a copy of the King James Bible or asap's<00:01:50.439> fables<00:01:50.759> he<00:01:50.880> was<00:01:51.079> so<00:01:51.360> excited<00:01:51.759> he asap's fables he was so excited he asap's fables he was so excited he couldn't<00:01:52.159> sleep<00:01:52.520> he<00:01:52.640> couldn't<00:01:52.920> eat<00:01:53.759> the<00:01:53.920> great couldn't sleep he couldn't eat the great couldn't sleep he couldn't eat the great poet<00:01:54.520> Emily<00:01:54.880> Dickinson<00:01:55.399> once<00:01:55.640> said<00:01:56.280> there<00:01:56.439> is poet Emily Dickinson once said there is poet Emily Dickinson once said there is no<00:01:56.880> frig<00:01:57.439> like<00:01:57.560> a<00:01:57.759> book<00:01:58.039> to<00:01:58.200> take<00:01:58.399> us<00:01:58.640> lands no frig like a book to take us lands no frig like a book to take us lands away<00:01:59.520> how<00:01:59.880> true<00:02:00.119> for<00:02:00.280> Lincoln<00:02:01.000> though<00:02:01.119> he away how true for Lincoln though he away how true for Lincoln though he never<00:02:01.439> would<00:02:01.680> travel<00:02:01.960> to<00:02:02.159> Europe<00:02:02.479> he<00:02:02.600> went never would travel to Europe he went never would travel to Europe he went with<00:02:02.880> Shakespeare's<00:02:03.520> Kings<00:02:03.799> to<00:02:03.960> marry with Shakespeare's Kings to marry with Shakespeare's Kings to marry England<00:02:04.680> he<00:02:04.759> went<00:02:04.960> with<00:02:05.079> Lord<00:02:05.320> Byron's<00:02:05.799> poetry England he went with Lord Byron's poetry England he went with Lord Byron's poetry to<00:02:06.360> Spain<00:02:06.600> and<00:02:06.799> Portugal<00:02:07.640> literature<00:02:08.399> allowed to Spain and Portugal literature allowed to Spain and Portugal literature allowed him<00:02:08.920> to<00:02:09.119> transcend<00:02:09.800> his<00:02:10.360> surroundings<00:02:11.360> but him to transcend his surroundings but him to transcend his surroundings but there<00:02:11.560> were<00:02:11.760> so<00:02:11.959> many<00:02:12.200> losses<00:02:12.640> in<00:02:12.760> his<00:02:12.920> early there were so many losses in his early there were so many losses in his early life<00:02:13.560> that<00:02:13.680> he<00:02:13.800> was<00:02:13.959> haunted<00:02:14.440> by<00:02:14.680> death<00:02:15.480> his life that he was haunted by death his life that he was haunted by death his mother<00:02:15.959> died<00:02:16.200> when<00:02:16.280> he<00:02:16.400> was<00:02:16.519> only<00:02:16.760> 9<00:02:17.040> years<00:02:17.239> old mother died when he was only 9 years old mother died when he was only 9 years old his<00:02:17.879> only<00:02:18.160> Sister<00:02:18.440> Sarah<00:02:18.879> in<00:02:19.040> childbirth<00:02:19.599> a his only Sister Sarah in childbirth a his only Sister Sarah in childbirth a few<00:02:19.879> years<00:02:20.120> later<00:02:20.920> and<00:02:21.080> his<00:02:21.239> first<00:02:21.519> love<00:02:21.920> Anne few years later and his first love Anne few years later and his first love Anne rutage<00:02:22.599> at<00:02:22.720> the<00:02:22.840> age<00:02:23.000> of<00:02:23.400> 22<00:02:24.400> moreover<00:02:24.840> when rutage at the age of 22 moreover when rutage at the age of 22 moreover when his<00:02:25.239> mother<00:02:25.480> Lay<00:02:25.800> Dying<00:02:26.160> she<00:02:26.360> did<00:02:26.519> not<00:02:26.680> hold his mother Lay Dying she did not hold his mother Lay Dying she did not hold out<00:02:27.120> for<00:02:27.360> him<00:02:27.519> the<00:02:27.720> hope<00:02:28.120> that<00:02:28.280> they<00:02:28.360> would out for him the hope that they would out for him the hope that they would meet<00:02:28.800> in<00:02:28.920> an<00:02:29.120> afterworld<00:02:30.319> she<00:02:30.519> simply<00:02:30.800> said<00:02:31.040> to meet in an afterworld she simply said to meet in an afterworld she simply said to him<00:02:31.400> Abraham<00:02:32.040> I'm<00:02:32.200> going<00:02:32.480> away<00:02:32.760> from<00:02:32.959> you<00:02:33.160> now him Abraham I'm going away from you now him Abraham I'm going away from you now and<00:02:33.720> I<00:02:33.800> shall<00:02:34.080> never<00:02:34.640> return<00:02:35.640> as<00:02:35.760> a<00:02:35.920> result<00:02:36.200> he and I shall never return as a result he and I shall never return as a result he became<00:02:36.720> obsessed<00:02:37.200> with<00:02:37.319> the<00:02:37.519> thought<00:02:37.720> that became obsessed with the thought that became obsessed with the thought that when<00:02:38.080> we<00:02:38.280> die<00:02:38.560> our<00:02:38.760> life<00:02:38.959> is<00:02:39.080> Swept<00:02:39.480> Away<00:02:39.840> dust when we die our life is Swept Away dust when we die our life is Swept Away dust to<00:02:40.319> dust<00:02:41.280> but<00:02:41.440> only<00:02:41.680> as<00:02:41.800> he<00:02:41.920> Grew<00:02:42.159> Older<00:02:42.440> did<00:02:42.599> he to dust but only as he Grew Older did he to dust but only as he Grew Older did he develop<00:02:43.120> a<00:02:43.239> certain<00:02:43.599> consolation<00:02:44.400> from<00:02:44.560> an develop a certain consolation from an develop a certain consolation from an ancient<00:02:45.080> Greek<00:02:45.400> notion<00:02:45.840> but<00:02:46.000> followed<00:02:46.360> by ancient Greek notion but followed by ancient Greek notion but followed by other<00:02:46.720> cultures<00:02:47.239> as<00:02:47.400> well<00:02:48.360> that<00:02:48.599> if<00:02:48.720> you<00:02:48.879> could other cultures as well that if you could other cultures as well that if you could accomplish<00:02:49.599> something<00:02:49.959> worthy<00:02:50.280> in<00:02:50.440> your<00:02:50.640> life accomplish something worthy in your life accomplish something worthy in your life you<00:02:51.280> could<00:02:51.560> live<00:02:51.760> on<00:02:52.200> in<00:02:52.319> the<00:02:52.480> memory<00:02:52.920> of you could live on in the memory of you could live on in the memory of others<00:02:53.879> your<00:02:54.080> honor<00:02:54.480> and<00:02:54.599> your<00:02:54.840> reputation others your honor and your reputation others your honor and your reputation would<00:02:55.680> outlive<00:02:56.239> your<00:02:56.440> Earthly<00:02:57.280> existence<00:02:58.280> and would outlive your Earthly existence and would outlive your Earthly existence and that<00:02:58.680> worthy<00:02:59.120> ambition<00:02:59.519> became<00:02:59.840> became<00:03:00.080> his that worthy ambition became became his that worthy ambition became became his load<00:03:00.560> star<00:03:01.400> it<00:03:01.599> carried<00:03:01.879> him<00:03:02.040> through<00:03:02.200> the<00:03:02.360> one load star it carried him through the one load star it carried him through the one significant<00:03:03.200> depression<00:03:03.640> that<00:03:03.760> he<00:03:03.920> suffered significant depression that he suffered significant depression that he suffered when<00:03:04.440> he<00:03:04.560> was<00:03:04.680> in<00:03:04.799> his<00:03:04.959> early<00:03:05.280> 30s<00:03:05.840> three when he was in his early 30s three when he was in his early 30s three things<00:03:06.400> had<00:03:06.599> combined<00:03:07.040> to<00:03:07.200> lay<00:03:07.400> him<00:03:07.560> low<00:03:08.280> he things had combined to lay him low he things had combined to lay him low he had<00:03:08.519> broken<00:03:08.799> his<00:03:08.959> engagement<00:03:09.480> with<00:03:09.599> Mary<00:03:10.000> Todd had broken his engagement with Mary Todd had broken his engagement with Mary Todd not<00:03:10.519> certain<00:03:10.840> he<00:03:10.959> was<00:03:11.120> ready<00:03:11.319> to<00:03:11.480> marry<00:03:11.799> her not certain he was ready to marry her not certain he was ready to marry her but<00:03:12.440> knowing<00:03:12.799> how<00:03:13.000> devastating<00:03:13.560> it<00:03:13.680> was<00:03:13.879> to but knowing how devastating it was to but knowing how devastating it was to her<00:03:14.280> that<00:03:14.400> he<00:03:14.560> did<00:03:14.840> that<00:03:15.480> his<00:03:15.640> one<00:03:15.920> intimate her that he did that his one intimate her that he did that his one intimate friend<00:03:16.560> Joshua<00:03:17.000> speed<00:03:17.360> was<00:03:17.480> leaving<00:03:17.760> Illinois friend Joshua speed was leaving Illinois friend Joshua speed was leaving Illinois to<00:03:18.400> go<00:03:18.560> back<00:03:18.720> to<00:03:18.920> Kentucky<00:03:19.440> because<00:03:19.640> speed's to go back to Kentucky because speed's to go back to Kentucky because speed's father<00:03:20.400> had<00:03:20.599> died<00:03:21.400> and<00:03:21.519> his<00:03:21.720> political<00:03:22.159> career father had died and his political career father had died and his political career in<00:03:22.599> the<00:03:22.720> state<00:03:23.000> legislature<00:03:23.799> was<00:03:23.959> on<00:03:24.080> a in the state legislature was on a in the state legislature was on a downward<00:03:24.640> slide<00:03:25.480> he<00:03:25.640> was<00:03:25.799> so<00:03:26.040> depressed<00:03:26.480> that downward slide he was so depressed that downward slide he was so depressed that friends<00:03:26.920> worried<00:03:27.280> he<00:03:27.440> was<00:03:27.640> suicidal<00:03:28.640> they friends worried he was suicidal they friends worried he was suicidal they took<00:03:28.920> all<00:03:29.159> knives<00:03:29.439> and<00:03:29.799> razors<00:03:30.080> and<00:03:30.200> scissors took all knives and razors and scissors took all knives and razors and scissors from<00:03:30.799> his<00:03:31.000> room<00:03:31.760> and<00:03:31.920> his<00:03:32.080> great<00:03:32.319> friend<00:03:32.599> speed from his room and his great friend speed from his room and his great friend speed went<00:03:33.200> to<00:03:33.360> his<00:03:33.519> side<00:03:33.680> and<00:03:33.799> said<00:03:34.040> Lincoln<00:03:34.400> you went to his side and said Lincoln you went to his side and said Lincoln you must<00:03:34.879> Rally<00:03:35.319> or<00:03:35.480> you<00:03:35.599> will<00:03:35.920> die<00:03:36.720> he<00:03:36.840> said<00:03:37.120> then must Rally or you will die he said then must Rally or you will die he said then I<00:03:37.439> would<00:03:37.760> just<00:03:37.920> as<00:03:38.120> soon<00:03:38.439> die<00:03:39.000> right<00:03:39.200> now<00:03:39.760> but I would just as soon die right now but I would just as soon die right now but I've<00:03:40.120> not<00:03:40.360> yet<00:03:40.519> done<00:03:40.760> anything<00:03:41.439> to<00:03:41.640> make<00:03:41.840> any I've not yet done anything to make any I've not yet done anything to make any human<00:03:42.439> being<00:03:42.879> remember<00:03:43.480> that<00:03:43.599> I<00:03:43.760> have<00:03:43.959> lived human being remember that I have lived human being remember that I have lived so<00:03:45.080> fueled<00:03:45.519> by<00:03:45.680> that<00:03:45.879> ambition<00:03:46.519> he<00:03:46.799> returned so fueled by that ambition he returned so fueled by that ambition he returned to<00:03:47.200> the<00:03:47.319> state<00:03:47.640> legislature<00:03:48.640> he<00:03:48.840> eventually to the state legislature he eventually to the state legislature he eventually won<00:03:49.480> a<00:03:49.599> seat<00:03:49.840> in<00:03:50.120> Congress<00:03:51.080> he<00:03:51.280> then<00:03:51.400> ran<00:03:51.799> twice won a seat in Congress he then ran twice won a seat in Congress he then ran twice for<00:03:52.360> the<00:03:52.480> Senate<00:03:52.920> lost<00:03:53.319> twice<00:03:54.120> everyone<00:03:54.480> is for the Senate lost twice everyone is for the Senate lost twice everyone is broken<00:03:55.040> by<00:03:55.200> life<00:03:55.439> Ernest<00:03:55.760> Hemingway<00:03:56.239> once broken by life Ernest Hemingway once broken by life Ernest Hemingway once said<00:03:56.840> but<00:03:57.000> some<00:03:57.239> people<00:03:57.519> are<00:03:57.879> stronger<00:03:58.239> in<00:03:58.360> the said but some people are stronger in the said but some people are stronger in the broken<00:03:58.920> places<00:03:59.920> so<00:04:00.120> then<00:04:00.280> he<00:04:00.439> surprised<00:04:01.040> the broken places so then he surprised the broken places so then he surprised the nation<00:04:01.439> with<00:04:01.599> an<00:04:01.760> upset<00:04:02.239> victory<00:04:02.599> for<00:04:02.760> the nation with an upset victory for the nation with an upset victory for the presidency<00:04:03.959> over<00:04:04.280> three<00:04:04.720> far<00:04:04.959> more presidency over three far more presidency over three far more experienced<00:04:06.040> far<00:04:06.239> more<00:04:06.519> educated<00:04:07.200> far<00:04:07.400> more experienced far more educated far more experienced far more educated far more celebrated<00:04:08.720> Rivals<00:04:09.720> and<00:04:09.840> then<00:04:10.000> when<00:04:10.120> he<00:04:10.239> won celebrated Rivals and then when he won celebrated Rivals and then when he won the<00:04:10.640> general<00:04:11.040> election<00:04:11.439> he<00:04:11.560> stunned<00:04:11.920> the the general election he stunned the the general election he stunned the nation<00:04:12.319> even<00:04:12.560> more<00:04:13.120> by<00:04:13.319> appointing<00:04:13.840> each<00:04:14.079> of nation even more by appointing each of nation even more by appointing each of these<00:04:14.480> three<00:04:14.760> Rivals<00:04:15.280> into<00:04:15.560> his<00:04:15.840> cabinet<00:04:16.479> it these three Rivals into his cabinet it these three Rivals into his cabinet it was<00:04:16.759> an<00:04:16.919> unprecedented<00:04:17.759> act<00:04:17.959> at<00:04:18.120> the<00:04:18.320> time was an unprecedented act at the time was an unprecedented act at the time because<00:04:19.280> everybody<00:04:19.600> thought<00:04:19.799> he'll<00:04:20.040> look because everybody thought he'll look because everybody thought he'll look like<00:04:20.359> a<00:04:20.479> figurehead<00:04:21.079> compared<00:04:21.479> to<00:04:21.639> these like a figurehead compared to these like a figurehead compared to these people<00:04:22.560> they<00:04:22.680> said<00:04:22.960> why<00:04:23.040> are<00:04:23.160> you<00:04:23.280> doing<00:04:23.560> this people they said why are you doing this people they said why are you doing this Lincoln<00:04:24.199> he<00:04:24.360> said<00:04:25.040> look<00:04:25.360> these<00:04:25.479> are<00:04:25.639> the Lincoln he said look these are the Lincoln he said look these are the strongest<00:04:26.240> and<00:04:26.400> most<00:04:26.639> able<00:04:26.919> men<00:04:27.120> in<00:04:27.240> the strongest and most able men in the strongest and most able men in the country<00:04:28.199> the<00:04:28.360> country<00:04:28.759> is<00:04:28.919> in<00:04:29.160> peril<00:04:29.759> I<00:04:29.919> need country the country is in peril I need country the country is in peril I need them<00:04:30.520> by<00:04:30.680> my<00:04:30.960> side<00:04:31.639> but<00:04:31.880> perhaps<00:04:32.199> my<00:04:32.320> old them by my side but perhaps my old them by my side but perhaps my old friend<00:04:32.720> Lynden<00:04:33.080> Johnson<00:04:33.479> might<00:04:33.600> have<00:04:33.720> put<00:04:33.880> it friend Lynden Johnson might have put it friend Lynden Johnson might have put it in<00:04:34.160> less<00:04:34.360> noble<00:04:34.840> fashion<00:04:35.560> better<00:04:35.840> to<00:04:35.960> have in less noble fashion better to have in less noble fashion better to have your<00:04:36.240> enemies<00:04:36.720> inside<00:04:37.120> the<00:04:37.240> tent<00:04:37.680> pissing<00:04:37.960> out your enemies inside the tent pissing out your enemies inside the tent pissing out then<00:04:38.560> outside<00:04:38.960> the<00:04:39.120> tent<00:04:39.440> pissing then outside the tent pissing then outside the tent pissing in<00:04:42.639> but<00:04:42.800> it<00:04:42.960> soon<00:04:43.360> became<00:04:43.759> clear<00:04:44.560> that<00:04:44.759> Abraham in but it soon became clear that Abraham in but it soon became clear that Abraham Lincoln<00:04:45.759> would<00:04:45.960> emerge<00:04:46.360> as<00:04:46.520> the<00:04:46.680> Undisputed Lincoln would emerge as the Undisputed Lincoln would emerge as the Undisputed captain<00:04:48.080> of<00:04:48.240> this<00:04:48.400> unruly<00:04:48.919> team<00:04:49.759> for<00:04:50.000> each<00:04:50.199> of captain of this unruly team for each of captain of this unruly team for each of them<00:04:50.560> soon<00:04:50.880> came<00:04:51.039> to<00:04:51.560> understand<00:04:51.800> that<00:04:51.919> he them soon came to understand that he them soon came to understand that he possessed<00:04:52.479> an<00:04:52.639> unparalleled<00:04:53.360> array<00:04:53.720> of possessed an unparalleled array of possessed an unparalleled array of emotional<00:04:54.440> strengths<00:04:55.080> and<00:04:55.240> political<00:04:55.720> skills emotional strengths and political skills emotional strengths and political skills that<00:04:56.600> proved<00:04:56.960> far<00:04:57.160> more<00:04:57.400> important<00:04:57.919> than<00:04:58.039> the that proved far more important than the that proved far more important than the thinness<00:04:58.680> of<00:04:58.800> his<00:04:59.000> external<00:04:59.400> res thinness of his external res thinness of his external res for<00:05:01.000> one<00:05:01.199> thing<00:05:01.360> he<00:05:01.520> possessed<00:05:01.840> an<00:05:02.000> uncanny for one thing he possessed an uncanny for one thing he possessed an uncanny ability<00:05:02.919> to<00:05:03.120> empathize<00:05:03.759> with<00:05:04.039> and<00:05:04.160> to<00:05:04.320> think ability to empathize with and to think ability to empathize with and to think about<00:05:04.880> other<00:05:05.120> people's<00:05:05.479> point<00:05:05.680> of<00:05:05.840> view<00:05:06.520> he about other people's point of view he about other people's point of view he repaired<00:05:07.160> injured<00:05:07.479> feelings<00:05:07.960> that<00:05:08.080> might repaired injured feelings that might repaired injured feelings that might have<00:05:08.400> escalated<00:05:08.960> into<00:05:09.240> permanent<00:05:09.720> hostility have escalated into permanent hostility have escalated into permanent hostility he<00:05:10.800> shared<00:05:11.240> credit<00:05:11.639> with<00:05:11.840> ease<00:05:12.560> assumed he shared credit with ease assumed he shared credit with ease assumed responsibility<00:05:13.759> for<00:05:13.960> the<00:05:14.039> failure<00:05:14.440> of<00:05:14.560> his responsibility for the failure of his responsibility for the failure of his subordinates<00:05:15.800> constantly<00:05:16.360> acknowledged<00:05:16.880> his subordinates constantly acknowledged his subordinates constantly acknowledged his errors<00:05:17.440> and<00:05:17.560> learned<00:05:17.919> from<00:05:18.120> his<00:05:18.319> mistakes errors and learned from his mistakes errors and learned from his mistakes these<00:05:19.440> are<00:05:19.600> the<00:05:19.720> qualities<00:05:20.160> we<00:05:20.240> should<00:05:20.400> be these are the qualities we should be these are the qualities we should be looking<00:05:20.800> for<00:05:21.039> in<00:05:21.160> our<00:05:21.440> candidates<00:05:21.960> in<00:05:22.440> 2008<00:05:23.440> he looking for in our candidates in 2008 he looking for in our candidates in 2008 he refused<00:05:24.080> to<00:05:24.240> be refused to be refused to be provoked<00:05:26.039> he<00:05:26.240> refused<00:05:26.680> to<00:05:26.800> be<00:05:27.039> provoked<00:05:27.479> by provoked he refused to be provoked by provoked he refused to be provoked by Petty<00:05:28.240> grievances<00:05:29.240> he'<00:05:29.400> never<00:05:29.840> submitted<00:05:30.240> to Petty grievances he' never submitted to Petty grievances he' never submitted to jealousy<00:05:31.080> or<00:05:31.240> brooded<00:05:31.639> over<00:05:32.000> perceived jealousy or brooded over perceived jealousy or brooded over perceived slights<00:05:33.360> and<00:05:33.639> he<00:05:33.800> expressed<00:05:34.240> his<00:05:34.400> unshakable slights and he expressed his unshakable slights and he expressed his unshakable convictions<00:05:36.160> in<00:05:36.400> everyday<00:05:36.919> language<00:05:37.440> in convictions in everyday language in convictions in everyday language in metaphors<00:05:38.319> in<00:05:38.560> stories<00:05:39.400> and<00:05:39.520> with<00:05:39.639> a<00:05:39.759> beauty metaphors in stories and with a beauty metaphors in stories and with a beauty of<00:05:40.240> language<00:05:40.720> almost<00:05:41.000> as<00:05:41.120> if<00:05:41.280> the<00:05:41.400> Shakespeare of language almost as if the Shakespeare of language almost as if the Shakespeare and<00:05:42.120> the<00:05:42.240> Poetry<00:05:42.600> he<00:05:42.720> had<00:05:42.880> so<00:05:43.039> loved<00:05:43.280> as<00:05:43.440> a and the Poetry he had so loved as a and the Poetry he had so loved as a child<00:05:44.280> had<00:05:44.400> worked<00:05:44.720> their<00:05:44.919> way<00:05:45.240> into<00:05:45.520> his<00:05:45.800> very child had worked their way into his very child had worked their way into his very soul<00:05:47.240> in<00:05:47.400> 1863<00:05:48.280> when<00:05:48.440> the<00:05:48.560> Emancipation soul in 1863 when the Emancipation soul in 1863 when the Emancipation Proclamation<00:05:49.960> was<00:05:50.120> signed<00:05:50.479> he<00:05:50.560> brought<00:05:50.800> his Proclamation was signed he brought his Proclamation was signed he brought his old<00:05:51.160> friend<00:05:51.440> Joshua<00:05:51.919> speed<00:05:52.280> back<00:05:52.440> to<00:05:52.600> the old friend Joshua speed back to the old friend Joshua speed back to the White<00:05:53.039> House<00:05:53.319> and<00:05:53.440> remembered<00:05:53.919> that White House and remembered that White House and remembered that conversation<00:05:54.759> of<00:05:54.960> decades<00:05:55.440> before<00:05:55.800> when<00:05:55.919> he conversation of decades before when he conversation of decades before when he was<00:05:56.240> so<00:05:56.560> sad<00:05:57.400> and<00:05:57.560> he<00:05:57.680> pointing<00:05:58.039> to<00:05:58.199> the was so sad and he pointing to the was so sad and he pointing to the proclamation<00:05:58.960> said<00:05:59.199> I<00:05:59.319> believe<00:05:59.919> in<00:06:00.120> this proclamation said I believe in this proclamation said I believe in this measure<00:06:01.199> my<00:06:01.360> fondest<00:06:01.919> hopes<00:06:02.319> will<00:06:02.560> be measure my fondest hopes will be measure my fondest hopes will be realized<00:06:03.800> but<00:06:03.919> as<00:06:04.039> he<00:06:04.199> was<00:06:04.360> about<00:06:04.560> to<00:06:04.680> put<00:06:04.840> his realized but as he was about to put his realized but as he was about to put his signature<00:06:05.400> on<00:06:05.560> the<00:06:05.720> proclamation<00:06:06.319> his<00:06:06.520> own signature on the proclamation his own signature on the proclamation his own hand<00:06:07.120> was<00:06:07.280> numb<00:06:07.520> and<00:06:07.720> shaking<00:06:08.599> because<00:06:08.840> he<00:06:08.960> had hand was numb and shaking because he had hand was numb and shaking because he had shaken<00:06:09.440> a<00:06:09.599> thousand<00:06:10.000> hands<00:06:10.360> that<00:06:10.479> morning<00:06:10.720> at shaken a thousand hands that morning at shaken a thousand hands that morning at a<00:06:10.960> New<00:06:11.120> Year's<00:06:11.440> reception<00:06:12.319> so<00:06:12.479> he<00:06:12.639> put<00:06:12.800> the<00:06:12.919> pen a New Year's reception so he put the pen a New Year's reception so he put the pen down<00:06:13.479> he<00:06:13.599> said<00:06:13.800> if<00:06:13.919> ever<00:06:14.160> my<00:06:14.319> soul<00:06:14.599> were<00:06:14.759> in<00:06:14.880> an down he said if ever my soul were in an down he said if ever my soul were in an act<00:06:15.360> it<00:06:15.479> is<00:06:15.639> in<00:06:15.840> this<00:06:16.080> act<00:06:16.680> but<00:06:16.800> if<00:06:16.919> I<00:06:17.039> sign<00:06:17.360> with act it is in this act but if I sign with act it is in this act but if I sign with a<00:06:17.599> shaking<00:06:18.080> hand<00:06:18.560> posterity<00:06:19.120> will<00:06:19.319> say<00:06:19.800> he a shaking hand posterity will say he a shaking hand posterity will say he hesitated<00:06:20.960> so<00:06:21.160> he<00:06:21.280> waited<00:06:21.599> until<00:06:21.880> he<00:06:22.000> could hesitated so he waited until he could hesitated so he waited until he could take<00:06:22.360> up<00:06:22.520> the<00:06:22.720> pen<00:06:23.080> and<00:06:23.240> sign<00:06:23.720> with<00:06:23.800> a<00:06:23.960> bold<00:06:24.240> and take up the pen and sign with a bold and take up the pen and sign with a bold and clear<00:06:24.880> hand<00:06:25.880> but<00:06:26.039> even<00:06:26.199> in<00:06:26.360> his<00:06:26.560> Wildest clear hand but even in his Wildest clear hand but even in his Wildest Dreams<00:06:27.319> Lincoln<00:06:27.720> could<00:06:27.919> never<00:06:28.160> have<00:06:28.400> imagined Dreams Lincoln could never have imagined Dreams Lincoln could never have imagined how<00:06:29.080> far<00:06:29.280> his<00:06:29.639> reputation<00:06:30.160> would<00:06:30.360> reach<00:06:30.840> I<00:06:30.919> was how far his reputation would reach I was how far his reputation would reach I was so<00:06:31.319> thrilled<00:06:31.720> to<00:06:31.960> find<00:06:32.960> a<00:06:33.240> an<00:06:33.400> interview<00:06:33.880> with so thrilled to find a an interview with so thrilled to find a an interview with the<00:06:34.160> great<00:06:34.360> Russian<00:06:34.680> writer<00:06:35.000> Leo<00:06:35.319> tolto<00:06:35.880> in<00:06:35.919> a the great Russian writer Leo tolto in a the great Russian writer Leo tolto in a New<00:06:36.199> York<00:06:36.440> newspaper<00:06:37.000> in<00:06:37.120> the<00:06:37.199> early<00:06:37.840> 1900s New York newspaper in the early 1900s New York newspaper in the early 1900s and<00:06:38.960> in<00:06:39.120> it<00:06:39.240> tolto<00:06:39.800> told<00:06:40.000> of<00:06:40.120> a<00:06:40.240> trip<00:06:40.479> that<00:06:40.599> he and in it tolto told of a trip that he and in it tolto told of a trip that he had<00:06:40.840> recently<00:06:41.240> made<00:06:41.479> to<00:06:41.639> a<00:06:41.919> very<00:06:42.240> remote<00:06:42.599> area had recently made to a very remote area had recently made to a very remote area of<00:06:42.960> the<00:06:43.080> caucuses<00:06:43.759> where<00:06:43.919> there<00:06:44.039> were<00:06:44.199> only of the caucuses where there were only of the caucuses where there were only wild<00:06:44.759> barbarians<00:06:45.720> who<00:06:45.840> had<00:06:46.000> never<00:06:46.240> left<00:06:46.599> this wild barbarians who had never left this wild barbarians who had never left this part<00:06:46.960> of<00:06:47.120> Russia<00:06:47.919> knowing<00:06:48.240> the<00:06:48.400> toll<00:06:48.680> store part of Russia knowing the toll store part of Russia knowing the toll store was<00:06:49.039> in<00:06:49.160> their<00:06:49.280> midst<00:06:49.639> they<00:06:49.800> asked<00:06:50.039> him<00:06:50.160> to was in their midst they asked him to was in their midst they asked him to tell<00:06:50.560> stories<00:06:50.919> of<00:06:51.080> the<00:06:51.199> great<00:06:51.360> men<00:06:51.599> of<00:06:51.800> history tell stories of the great men of history tell stories of the great men of history so<00:06:52.720> I<00:06:52.800> said<00:06:52.960> I<00:06:53.080> told<00:06:53.280> him<00:06:53.440> about<00:06:53.759> Napoleon<00:06:54.280> and so I said I told him about Napoleon and so I said I told him about Napoleon and Alexander<00:06:55.039> the<00:06:55.160> Great<00:06:55.360> and<00:06:55.479> Frederick<00:06:56.000> great Alexander the Great and Frederick great Alexander the Great and Frederick great and<00:06:56.319> Julius<00:06:56.680> Caesar<00:06:57.000> and<00:06:57.120> they<00:06:57.280> loved<00:06:57.520> it<00:06:58.080> but and Julius Caesar and they loved it but and Julius Caesar and they loved it but before<00:06:58.520> I<00:06:58.680> finish<00:06:59.039> the<00:06:59.120> chief<00:06:59.360> of<00:06:59.639> The before I finish the chief of The before I finish the chief of The Barbarians<00:07:00.280> stood<00:07:00.520> up<00:07:00.680> and<00:07:00.759> said<00:07:01.000> but<00:07:01.240> wait Barbarians stood up and said but wait Barbarians stood up and said but wait you<00:07:01.919> haven't<00:07:02.199> told<00:07:02.400> us<00:07:02.560> about<00:07:02.800> the<00:07:02.960> greatest you haven't told us about the greatest you haven't told us about the greatest ruler<00:07:03.680> of<00:07:03.840> them<00:07:04.000> all<00:07:04.800> we<00:07:04.919> want<00:07:05.039> to<00:07:05.240> hear<00:07:05.479> about ruler of them all we want to hear about ruler of them all we want to hear about that<00:07:05.919> man<00:07:06.199> who<00:07:06.360> spoke<00:07:06.680> with<00:07:06.840> the<00:07:07.000> voice<00:07:07.160> of that man who spoke with the voice of that man who spoke with the voice of Thunder<00:07:08.080> who<00:07:08.280> laughed<00:07:08.720> like<00:07:08.879> the<00:07:09.039> sunrise<00:07:10.000> who Thunder who laughed like the sunrise who Thunder who laughed like the sunrise who came<00:07:10.440> from<00:07:10.599> that<00:07:10.840> place<00:07:11.039> called<00:07:11.319> America came from that place called America came from that place called America which<00:07:12.080> is<00:07:12.199> so<00:07:12.440> far<00:07:12.639> from<00:07:12.919> here<00:07:13.160> that<00:07:13.319> if<00:07:13.400> a which is so far from here that if a which is so far from here that if a young<00:07:13.759> man<00:07:13.919> should<00:07:14.199> travel<00:07:14.599> there<00:07:15.000> he<00:07:15.120> would young man should travel there he would young man should travel there he would be<00:07:15.360> an<00:07:15.560> old<00:07:15.800> man<00:07:16.120> when<00:07:16.280> he<00:07:16.479> arrived<00:07:17.280> tell<00:07:17.560> us<00:07:17.840> of be an old man when he arrived tell us of be an old man when he arrived tell us of that<00:07:18.280> man<00:07:18.720> tell<00:07:18.960> us<00:07:19.199> of<00:07:19.400> Abraham<00:07:19.840> Lincoln<00:07:20.639> he that man tell us of Abraham Lincoln he that man tell us of Abraham Lincoln he was<00:07:20.919> stunned<00:07:21.280> he<00:07:21.400> told<00:07:21.599> him<00:07:21.759> everything<00:07:22.039> he was stunned he told him everything he was stunned he told him everything he could<00:07:22.400> about<00:07:22.599> Lincoln<00:07:22.960> and<00:07:23.080> then<00:07:23.160> in<00:07:23.240> the could about Lincoln and then in the could about Lincoln and then in the interview<00:07:23.680> he<00:07:23.800> said<00:07:24.000> what<00:07:24.120> made<00:07:24.319> Lincoln<00:07:24.720> so interview he said what made Lincoln so interview he said what made Lincoln so great<00:07:25.639> not<00:07:25.840> as<00:07:26.000> great<00:07:26.160> a<00:07:26.319> general<00:07:26.639> as<00:07:26.840> Napoleon great not as great a general as Napoleon great not as great a general as Napoleon not<00:07:27.919> as<00:07:28.120> great<00:07:28.360> a<00:07:28.520> Statesman<00:07:28.960> as<00:07:29.080> Frederick not as great a Statesman as Frederick not as great a Statesman as Frederick the<00:07:29.680> great<00:07:30.400> but<00:07:30.560> his<00:07:30.720> greatness<00:07:31.160> consisted the great but his greatness consisted the great but his greatness consisted and<00:07:31.879> historians<00:07:32.360> would<00:07:32.560> roundly<00:07:33.000> agree<00:07:33.440> in and historians would roundly agree in and historians would roundly agree in the<00:07:33.759> Integrity<00:07:34.319> of<00:07:34.479> his<00:07:34.680> character<00:07:35.360> and<00:07:35.479> the the Integrity of his character and the the Integrity of his character and the moral<00:07:35.960> fiber<00:07:36.479> of<00:07:36.639> his<00:07:36.800> being<00:07:37.800> so<00:07:38.000> in<00:07:38.120> the<00:07:38.240> end moral fiber of his being so in the end moral fiber of his being so in the end that<00:07:38.759> powerful<00:07:39.240> ambition<00:07:39.720> that<00:07:39.840> had<00:07:40.039> carried that powerful ambition that had carried that powerful ambition that had carried Lincoln<00:07:40.680> through<00:07:40.879> his<00:07:41.000> Bleak<00:07:41.360> childhood<00:07:41.919> had Lincoln through his Bleak childhood had Lincoln through his Bleak childhood had been<00:07:42.319> realized<00:07:43.319> that<00:07:43.479> ambition<00:07:43.879> that<00:07:44.000> had been realized that ambition that had been realized that ambition that had allowed<00:07:44.479> him<00:07:44.599> to<00:07:44.840> laboriously<00:07:45.599> educate allowed him to laboriously educate allowed him to laboriously educate himself<00:07:46.479> by<00:07:46.680> himself<00:07:47.520> to<00:07:47.720> go<00:07:47.919> through<00:07:48.120> those himself by himself to go through those himself by himself to go through those string<00:07:48.680> of<00:07:48.840> political<00:07:49.280> failures<00:07:49.800> and<00:07:49.960> the string of political failures and the string of political failures and the darkest<00:07:50.520> days<00:07:50.680> of<00:07:50.840> the<00:07:50.960> war<00:07:51.560> his<00:07:51.800> story<00:07:52.360> would darkest days of the war his story would darkest days of the war his story would be<00:07:53.159> told<00:07:54.159> so<00:07:54.440> as<00:07:54.599> for<00:07:54.879> that<00:07:55.080> second<00:07:55.400> Sphere<00:07:55.879> not be told so as for that second Sphere not be told so as for that second Sphere not of<00:07:56.280> work<00:07:56.639> but<00:07:56.759> of<00:07:57.000> Love<00:07:57.840> encompassing<00:07:58.599> family of work but of Love encompassing family of work but of Love encompassing family friends<00:07:59.680> and<00:07:59.919> colleagues<00:08:00.599> it<00:08:00.800> too<00:08:01.159> takes<00:08:01.479> work friends and colleagues it too takes work friends and colleagues it too takes work and<00:08:02.080> commitment<00:08:03.080> the<00:08:03.199> lynon<00:08:03.599> Johnson<00:08:04.039> that<00:08:04.159> I and commitment the lynon Johnson that I and commitment the lynon Johnson that I saw<00:08:04.520> in<00:08:04.639> the<00:08:04.840> last<00:08:05.080> years<00:08:05.280> of<00:08:05.479> his<00:08:05.680> life<00:08:05.919> when<00:08:06.039> I saw in the last years of his life when I saw in the last years of his life when I helped<00:08:06.400> him<00:08:06.520> on<00:08:06.639> his<00:08:06.879> Memoirs<00:08:07.879> was<00:08:08.039> a<00:08:08.199> man<00:08:08.400> who helped him on his Memoirs was a man who helped him on his Memoirs was a man who had<00:08:08.680> spent<00:08:08.960> so<00:08:09.120> many<00:08:09.400> years<00:08:09.639> in<00:08:09.759> the<00:08:09.919> pursuit had spent so many years in the pursuit had spent so many years in the pursuit of<00:08:10.440> work<00:08:11.000> power<00:08:11.360> and<00:08:11.560> individual<00:08:12.199> success of work power and individual success of work power and individual success that<00:08:13.400> he<00:08:13.520> had<00:08:13.680> absolutely<00:08:14.240> no<00:08:14.599> psychic<00:08:14.960> or that he had absolutely no psychic or that he had absolutely no psychic or emotional<00:08:15.639> resources<00:08:16.240> left<00:08:16.680> to<00:08:16.840> get<00:08:17.000> him emotional resources left to get him emotional resources left to get him through<00:08:17.319> the<00:08:17.520> days<00:08:17.879> once<00:08:18.159> the<00:08:18.319> presidency<00:08:19.039> was through the days once the presidency was through the days once the presidency was gone<00:08:20.360> my<00:08:20.520> relationship<00:08:21.120> with<00:08:21.280> him<00:08:21.479> began<00:08:21.759> on<00:08:21.919> a gone my relationship with him began on a gone my relationship with him began on a rather<00:08:22.440> curious<00:08:22.919> level<00:08:23.599> I<00:08:23.680> was<00:08:23.800> selected<00:08:24.159> as<00:08:24.280> a rather curious level I was selected as a rather curious level I was selected as a White<00:08:24.680> House<00:08:24.879> fellow<00:08:25.360> when<00:08:25.479> I<00:08:25.560> was<00:08:25.720> 24<00:08:26.199> years White House fellow when I was 24 years White House fellow when I was 24 years old<00:08:26.680> we<00:08:26.800> had<00:08:26.879> a<00:08:27.039> big<00:08:27.280> dance<00:08:27.599> at<00:08:27.759> the<00:08:27.919> White old we had a big dance at the White old we had a big dance at the White House<00:08:28.680> President<00:08:28.960> Johnson<00:08:29.520> did<00:08:29.680> dance<00:08:29.960> with House President Johnson did dance with House President Johnson did dance with me<00:08:30.319> that<00:08:30.440> night<00:08:30.680> not<00:08:30.919> that<00:08:31.159> peculiar<00:08:31.599> there me that night not that peculiar there me that night not that peculiar there were<00:08:31.800> only<00:08:32.000> three<00:08:32.240> women<00:08:32.560> out<00:08:32.680> of<00:08:32.800> the<00:08:32.959> 16 were only three women out of the 16 were only three women out of the 16 White<00:08:33.599> House<00:08:33.719> fellows<00:08:34.519> but<00:08:34.640> he<00:08:34.760> did<00:08:34.919> whisper White House fellows but he did whisper White House fellows but he did whisper in<00:08:35.399> my<00:08:35.560> ear<00:08:35.800> that<00:08:35.919> he<00:08:36.000> wanted<00:08:36.240> me<00:08:36.360> to<00:08:36.519> work in my ear that he wanted me to work in my ear that he wanted me to work directly<00:08:37.120> for<00:08:37.320> him<00:08:37.599> in<00:08:37.719> the<00:08:37.880> white<00:08:38.120> house<00:08:38.680> but directly for him in the white house but directly for him in the white house but it<00:08:38.880> was<00:08:39.039> not<00:08:39.240> to<00:08:39.360> be<00:08:39.599> that<00:08:39.760> simple<00:08:40.120> for<00:08:40.279> in<00:08:40.399> the it was not to be that simple for in the it was not to be that simple for in the months<00:08:40.719> leading<00:08:41.039> up<00:08:41.159> to<00:08:41.360> my<00:08:41.560> selection<00:08:42.560> like months leading up to my selection like months leading up to my selection like many<00:08:43.039> young<00:08:43.279> people<00:08:43.560> I'd<00:08:43.760> been<00:08:43.919> active<00:08:44.120> in<00:08:44.240> the many young people I'd been active in the many young people I'd been active in the anti-vietnam<00:08:45.160> war<00:08:45.480> movement<00:08:46.120> and<00:08:46.279> had anti-vietnam war movement and had anti-vietnam war movement and had written<00:08:46.600> an<00:08:46.720> article<00:08:47.120> against<00:08:47.360> lynon<00:08:47.720> Johnson written an article against lynon Johnson written an article against lynon Johnson which<00:08:48.320> unfortunately<00:08:48.959> came<00:08:49.080> out<00:08:49.240> in<00:08:49.360> the<00:08:49.440> new which unfortunately came out in the new which unfortunately came out in the new Republic<00:08:50.120> two<00:08:50.320> days<00:08:50.600> after<00:08:50.839> the<00:08:50.959> dance<00:08:51.240> in<00:08:51.399> the Republic two days after the dance in the Republic two days after the dance in the White<00:08:51.760> House<00:08:52.760> and<00:08:53.080> the<00:08:53.240> theme<00:08:53.480> of<00:08:53.640> the<00:08:53.760> article White House and the theme of the article White House and the theme of the article was<00:08:54.320> how<00:08:54.440> to<00:08:54.600> remove<00:08:54.959> Lyndon<00:08:55.399> Johnson<00:08:55.839> from was how to remove Lyndon Johnson from was how to remove Lyndon Johnson from power<00:08:57.320> so<00:08:58.160> I<00:08:58.320> was<00:08:58.600> certain<00:08:58.959> he<00:08:59.079> would<00:08:59.240> KCK power so I was certain he would KCK power so I was certain he would KCK kicked<00:08:59.600> me<00:08:59.720> out<00:08:59.800> of<00:08:59.920> the<00:09:00.079> program<00:09:00.480> but<00:09:00.640> instead kicked me out of the program but instead kicked me out of the program but instead surprisingly<00:09:01.640> said<00:09:01.839> oh<00:09:02.040> bring<00:09:02.200> her<00:09:02.399> down<00:09:02.600> here surprisingly said oh bring her down here surprisingly said oh bring her down here for<00:09:02.920> a<00:09:03.079> year<00:09:03.440> and<00:09:03.600> if<00:09:03.720> I<00:09:03.880> can't<00:09:04.079> win<00:09:04.279> her<00:09:04.440> over for a year and if I can't win her over for a year and if I can't win her over no<00:09:05.000> one<00:09:05.279> can<00:09:06.000> so<00:09:06.120> I<00:09:06.240> did<00:09:06.360> end<00:09:06.560> up<00:09:06.720> working<00:09:06.959> for no one can so I did end up working for no one can so I did end up working for him<00:09:07.240> in<00:09:07.399> the<00:09:07.519> White<00:09:07.760> House<00:09:07.959> eventually him in the White House eventually him in the White House eventually accompanied<00:09:08.839> him<00:09:08.959> to<00:09:09.160> his<00:09:09.320> Ranch<00:09:09.640> to<00:09:09.800> help<00:09:09.959> him accompanied him to his Ranch to help him accompanied him to his Ranch to help him on<00:09:10.240> those<00:09:10.399> Memoirs<00:09:10.880> never<00:09:11.120> fully on those Memoirs never fully on those Memoirs never fully understanding<00:09:12.480> why<00:09:12.600> he<00:09:12.680> had<00:09:12.800> chosen<00:09:13.120> me<00:09:13.240> to understanding why he had chosen me to understanding why he had chosen me to spend<00:09:13.680> so<00:09:13.839> many<00:09:14.120> hours<00:09:14.440> with<00:09:14.640> I<00:09:14.760> like<00:09:14.959> to spend so many hours with I like to spend so many hours with I like to believe<00:09:15.440> it<00:09:15.560> was<00:09:15.720> because<00:09:15.959> I<00:09:16.040> was<00:09:16.200> a<00:09:16.320> good believe it was because I was a good believe it was because I was a good listener<00:09:17.160> he<00:09:17.279> was<00:09:17.399> a<00:09:17.600> great<00:09:17.920> Storyteller listener he was a great Storyteller listener he was a great Storyteller fabulous<00:09:19.200> colorful<00:09:19.680> anecdotal<00:09:20.240> stories fabulous colorful anecdotal stories fabulous colorful anecdotal stories there<00:09:21.160> was<00:09:21.320> a<00:09:21.519> problem<00:09:21.760> with<00:09:21.880> these<00:09:22.040> stories there was a problem with these stories there was a problem with these stories however<00:09:22.760> which<00:09:22.880> I<00:09:23.000> later<00:09:23.519> discovered<00:09:24.040> which however which I later discovered which however which I later discovered which is<00:09:24.279> that<00:09:24.480> half<00:09:24.600> of<00:09:24.720> them<00:09:24.880> weren't<00:09:25.160> true<00:09:25.440> but is that half of them weren't true but is that half of them weren't true but they<00:09:25.640> were<00:09:25.880> great<00:09:26.440> nonetheless<00:09:27.440> so<00:09:27.640> I<00:09:27.760> think they were great nonetheless so I think they were great nonetheless so I think that<00:09:28.160> part<00:09:28.320> of<00:09:28.519> his<00:09:28.800> attraction<00:09:29.399> for<00:09:29.560> me<00:09:29.760> was that part of his attraction for me was that part of his attraction for me was that<00:09:30.000> I<00:09:30.120> loved<00:09:30.440> listening<00:09:30.839> to<00:09:31.000> his<00:09:31.160> Tall<00:09:31.480> Tales that I loved listening to his Tall Tales that I loved listening to his Tall Tales but<00:09:32.399> I<00:09:32.519> also<00:09:32.760> worried<00:09:33.079> that<00:09:33.279> part<00:09:33.399> of<00:09:33.519> it<00:09:33.680> was but I also worried that part of it was but I also worried that part of it was that<00:09:34.000> I<00:09:34.120> was<00:09:34.360> then<00:09:34.519> a<00:09:34.640> young<00:09:34.880> woman<00:09:35.160> and<00:09:35.279> he<00:09:35.399> had that I was then a young woman and he had that I was then a young woman and he had somewhat<00:09:35.800> of<00:09:35.920> a<00:09:36.000> minor<00:09:36.320> league<00:09:36.640> womanizing somewhat of a minor league womanizing somewhat of a minor league womanizing reputation<00:09:38.120> so<00:09:38.279> I<00:09:38.480> constantly<00:09:38.920> chattered<00:09:39.320> to reputation so I constantly chattered to reputation so I constantly chattered to him<00:09:39.560> about<00:09:39.760> boyfriends<00:09:40.320> even<00:09:40.480> when<00:09:40.640> I<00:09:40.760> didn't him about boyfriends even when I didn't him about boyfriends even when I didn't have<00:09:41.160> any<00:09:41.399> at<00:09:41.519> all<00:09:42.240> everything<00:09:42.560> was<00:09:42.720> working have any at all everything was working have any at all everything was working perfectly<00:09:43.480> until<00:09:43.720> one<00:09:43.880> day<00:09:44.040> he<00:09:44.160> see<00:09:44.399> want<00:09:44.560> to perfectly until one day he see want to perfectly until one day he see want to discuss<00:09:45.360> our<00:09:45.519> relationship<00:09:46.399> sounded<00:09:46.800> very discuss our relationship sounded very discuss our relationship sounded very ominous<00:09:47.480> when<00:09:47.600> he<00:09:47.760> took<00:09:47.880> me<00:09:48.040> nearby<00:09:48.399> to<00:09:48.560> the ominous when he took me nearby to the ominous when he took me nearby to the lake<00:09:49.120> conveniently<00:09:49.560> called<00:09:49.839> Lake<00:09:50.079> lynen lake conveniently called Lake lynen lake conveniently called Lake lynen Bain's<00:09:50.800> Johnson<00:09:51.560> and<00:09:51.680> there<00:09:51.800> was<00:09:52.040> wine<00:09:52.360> and Bain's Johnson and there was wine and Bain's Johnson and there was wine and cheese<00:09:52.839> and<00:09:53.000> a<00:09:53.079> red<00:09:53.360> check<00:09:53.600> tablecloth<00:09:54.240> all cheese and a red check tablecloth all cheese and a red check tablecloth all the<00:09:54.519> romantic<00:09:54.959> trappings<00:09:55.399> and<00:09:55.480> he<00:09:55.600> started the romantic trappings and he started the romantic trappings and he started out<00:09:56.800> Doris<00:09:57.240> more<00:09:57.399> than<00:09:57.600> any<00:09:57.800> other<00:09:58.040> woman<00:09:58.440> I out Doris more than any other woman I out Doris more than any other woman I have<00:09:58.680> ever<00:09:58.839> known<00:09:59.120> and<00:09:59.440> my<00:09:59.640> heart<00:09:59.920> sank<00:10:00.720> and have ever known and my heart sank and have ever known and my heart sank and then<00:10:01.079> he<00:10:01.240> said<00:10:01.800> you<00:10:02.000> remind<00:10:02.360> me<00:10:02.600> of<00:10:02.800> my<00:10:03.279> mother then he said you remind me of my mother then he said you remind me of my mother it<00:10:04.640> was<00:10:05.640> it<00:10:05.839> was<00:10:06.040> it<00:10:06.120> was<00:10:06.320> pretty<00:10:06.640> embarrassing it was it was it was pretty embarrassing it was it was it was pretty embarrassing given<00:10:07.640> what<00:10:07.760> was<00:10:07.959> going<00:10:08.160> on<00:10:08.399> in<00:10:08.600> my<00:10:09.279> mind<00:10:10.279> but<00:10:10.480> I given what was going on in my mind but I given what was going on in my mind but I must<00:10:10.880> say<00:10:11.120> the<00:10:11.240> older<00:10:11.640> I've<00:10:11.839> gotten<00:10:12.240> the<00:10:12.320> more must say the older I've gotten the more must say the older I've gotten the more I<00:10:12.720> realize<00:10:13.240> what<00:10:13.360> an<00:10:13.560> incredible<00:10:14.160> privilege I realize what an incredible privilege I realize what an incredible privilege it<00:10:14.680> was<00:10:14.880> to<00:10:15.040> have<00:10:15.160> spent<00:10:15.519> so<00:10:15.680> many<00:10:15.920> hours<00:10:16.320> with it was to have spent so many hours with it was to have spent so many hours with this<00:10:16.640> aging<00:10:17.000> Lion<00:10:17.320> of<00:10:17.440> a<00:10:17.600> man<00:10:18.240> a<00:10:18.399> Victor<00:10:18.720> in<00:10:18.839> a this aging Lion of a man a Victor in a this aging Lion of a man a Victor in a thousand<00:10:19.519> contests<00:10:20.360> three<00:10:20.640> great<00:10:20.959> civil thousand contests three great civil thousand contests three great civil rights<00:10:21.560> laws<00:10:21.959> Medicare<00:10:22.600> Aid<00:10:22.839> to<00:10:23.000> education rights laws Medicare Aid to education rights laws Medicare Aid to education and<00:10:24.160> yet<00:10:24.320> roundly<00:10:24.760> defeated<00:10:25.160> In<00:10:25.279> The<00:10:25.399> End<00:10:25.720> by and yet roundly defeated In The End by and yet roundly defeated In The End by the<00:10:25.920> war<00:10:26.120> in<00:10:26.399> Vietnam<00:10:27.399> and<00:10:27.560> because<00:10:27.800> he<00:10:28.000> was<00:10:28.120> so the war in Vietnam and because he was so the war in Vietnam and because he was so sad<00:10:28.640> and<00:10:28.800> so<00:10:28.959> vulnerable<00:10:29.600> he<00:10:29.720> opened<00:10:30.000> up<00:10:30.120> to<00:10:30.240> me sad and so vulnerable he opened up to me sad and so vulnerable he opened up to me in<00:10:30.519> ways<00:10:30.720> he<00:10:30.880> never<00:10:31.120> would<00:10:31.279> have<00:10:31.519> had<00:10:31.640> I<00:10:31.760> known in ways he never would have had I known in ways he never would have had I known him<00:10:32.120> at<00:10:32.240> the<00:10:32.360> height<00:10:32.560> of<00:10:32.680> his<00:10:32.880> power<00:10:33.519> sharing him at the height of his power sharing him at the height of his power sharing his<00:10:34.160> fears<00:10:34.680> his<00:10:34.839> sorrows<00:10:35.399> and<00:10:35.560> his<00:10:35.720> worries his fears his sorrows and his worries his fears his sorrows and his worries and<00:10:36.800> I'd<00:10:36.959> like<00:10:37.120> to<00:10:37.320> believe<00:10:37.639> that<00:10:37.880> that and I'd like to believe that that and I'd like to believe that that privilege<00:10:38.639> fired<00:10:39.079> within<00:10:39.360> me<00:10:39.639> the<00:10:39.760> drive<00:10:40.079> to privilege fired within me the drive to privilege fired within me the drive to understand<00:10:40.800> the<00:10:40.920> inner<00:10:41.240> person<00:10:41.720> behind<00:10:42.040> the understand the inner person behind the understand the inner person behind the public<00:10:42.560> figure<00:10:43.240> that<00:10:43.399> I've<00:10:43.600> tried<00:10:43.880> to<00:10:44.000> bring public figure that I've tried to bring public figure that I've tried to bring to<00:10:44.480> each<00:10:44.639> of<00:10:44.800> my<00:10:44.959> books<00:10:45.360> since<00:10:45.680> then<00:10:46.519> but<00:10:46.680> it to each of my books since then but it to each of my books since then but it also<00:10:47.120> brought<00:10:47.399> home<00:10:47.560> to<00:10:47.720> me<00:10:47.920> the<00:10:48.040> lessons also brought home to me the lessons also brought home to me the lessons which<00:10:49.040> Eric<00:10:49.360> Ericson<00:10:49.880> had<00:10:50.040> tried<00:10:50.320> to<00:10:50.519> instill which Eric Ericson had tried to instill which Eric Ericson had tried to instill in<00:10:51.120> all<00:10:51.279> of<00:10:51.440> us<00:10:51.760> about<00:10:52.000> the<00:10:52.200> importance<00:10:52.680> of in all of us about the importance of in all of us about the importance of finding<00:10:53.320> balance<00:10:53.839> in<00:10:54.079> life<00:10:55.000> for<00:10:55.160> on<00:10:55.279> the finding balance in life for on the finding balance in life for on the surface<00:10:55.760> Lyndon<00:10:56.120> Johnson<00:10:56.480> should<00:10:56.680> have<00:10:56.839> had surface Lyndon Johnson should have had surface Lyndon Johnson should have had everything<00:10:57.320> in<00:10:57.440> the<00:10:57.560> world<00:10:57.880> to<00:10:58.160> to<00:10:58.320> feel<00:10:58.639> good everything in the world to to feel good everything in the world to to feel good about<00:10:59.079> it<00:10:59.279> in<00:10:59.399> those<00:10:59.639> last<00:10:59.880> years<00:11:00.200> in<00:11:00.320> the about it in those last years in the about it in those last years in the sense<00:11:00.800> that<00:11:00.920> he<00:11:01.040> had<00:11:01.160> been<00:11:01.320> elected<00:11:01.680> to<00:11:01.839> the sense that he had been elected to the sense that he had been elected to the presidency<00:11:03.000> he<00:11:03.120> had<00:11:03.279> all<00:11:03.440> the<00:11:03.560> money<00:11:03.800> he presidency he had all the money he presidency he had all the money he needed<00:11:04.200> to<00:11:04.399> pursue<00:11:04.720> any<00:11:04.920> Leisure<00:11:05.360> activity<00:11:05.880> he needed to pursue any Leisure activity he needed to pursue any Leisure activity he wanted<00:11:06.639> he<00:11:06.760> owned<00:11:07.000> a<00:11:07.279> spacious<00:11:07.959> Ranch<00:11:08.320> in<00:11:08.480> the wanted he owned a spacious Ranch in the wanted he owned a spacious Ranch in the countryside<00:11:09.240> a<00:11:09.399> penthouse<00:11:09.839> in<00:11:09.959> the<00:11:10.079> city countryside a penthouse in the city countryside a penthouse in the city sailboat<00:11:11.079> speedboats<00:11:12.079> he<00:11:12.240> had<00:11:12.399> servants<00:11:12.800> to sailboat speedboats he had servants to sailboat speedboats he had servants to answer<00:11:13.360> any<00:11:13.600> whim<00:11:14.320> and<00:11:14.440> he<00:11:14.600> had<00:11:14.720> a<00:11:14.920> family<00:11:15.360> who answer any whim and he had a family who answer any whim and he had a family who loved<00:11:15.800> him<00:11:16.000> deeply<00:11:16.959> and<00:11:17.160> yet<00:11:17.399> years<00:11:17.720> of loved him deeply and yet years of loved him deeply and yet years of concentration<00:11:18.800> solely<00:11:19.279> on<00:11:19.560> work<00:11:19.839> and concentration solely on work and concentration solely on work and individual<00:11:20.720> success<00:11:21.639> meant<00:11:21.880> that<00:11:22.040> in<00:11:22.240> his individual success meant that in his individual success meant that in his retirement<00:11:23.160> he<00:11:23.320> could<00:11:23.560> find<00:11:24.000> no<00:11:24.240> solace<00:11:24.920> in retirement he could find no solace in retirement he could find no solace in family<00:11:25.720> in<00:11:25.959> recreation<00:11:26.760> in<00:11:26.959> sports<00:11:27.399> or<00:11:27.560> in family in recreation in sports or in family in recreation in sports or in Hobbies<00:11:28.560> it<00:11:28.680> was<00:11:28.839> almost<00:11:29.320> as<00:11:29.440> if<00:11:29.560> the<00:11:29.639> hole<00:11:29.880> in Hobbies it was almost as if the hole in Hobbies it was almost as if the hole in his<00:11:30.200> heart<00:11:30.440> was<00:11:30.600> so<00:11:30.880> large<00:11:31.600> that<00:11:31.760> even<00:11:31.959> the his heart was so large that even the his heart was so large that even the love<00:11:32.279> of<00:11:32.360> a<00:11:32.560> family<00:11:32.959> without<00:11:33.279> work<00:11:33.760> could<00:11:33.959> not love of a family without work could not love of a family without work could not fill<00:11:34.440> it<00:11:35.279> as<00:11:35.440> his<00:11:35.680> Spirit<00:11:36.040> sagged<00:11:36.560> his<00:11:36.720> body fill it as his Spirit sagged his body fill it as his Spirit sagged his body deteriorated<00:11:37.920> until<00:11:38.200> I<00:11:38.360> believe<00:11:38.680> he<00:11:38.800> slowly deteriorated until I believe he slowly deteriorated until I believe he slowly brought<00:11:39.519> about<00:11:39.959> his<00:11:40.079> own<00:11:40.440> death<00:11:41.399> in<00:11:41.600> those brought about his own death in those brought about his own death in those last<00:11:42.160> years<00:11:42.440> he<00:11:42.560> said<00:11:42.800> he<00:11:42.920> was<00:11:43.079> so<00:11:43.360> sad last years he said he was so sad last years he said he was so sad watching<00:11:44.040> the<00:11:44.200> American<00:11:44.639> people<00:11:44.920> look<00:11:45.079> toward watching the American people look toward watching the American people look toward a<00:11:45.480> new<00:11:45.760> president<00:11:46.240> and<00:11:46.399> forgetting<00:11:46.959> him<00:11:47.360> he a new president and forgetting him he a new president and forgetting him he spoke<00:11:47.800> with<00:11:47.959> immense<00:11:48.360> sadness<00:11:48.720> in<00:11:48.880> his<00:11:49.079> voice spoke with immense sadness in his voice spoke with immense sadness in his voice saying<00:11:50.079> maybe<00:11:50.320> he<00:11:50.399> should<00:11:50.560> have<00:11:50.680> spent<00:11:50.959> more saying maybe he should have spent more saying maybe he should have spent more time<00:11:51.519> with<00:11:51.680> his<00:11:51.839> children<00:11:52.200> and<00:11:52.399> their time with his children and their time with his children and their children<00:11:52.959> in<00:11:53.120> turn<00:11:54.079> but<00:11:54.240> it<00:11:54.360> was<00:11:54.519> too<00:11:54.800> late children in turn but it was too late children in turn but it was too late despite<00:11:55.920> all<00:11:56.120> that<00:11:56.399> power<00:11:56.800> all<00:11:57.040> that<00:11:57.200> wealth despite all that power all that wealth despite all that power all that wealth he<00:11:57.800> was<00:11:58.000> alone<00:11:58.440> when<00:11:58.560> he<00:11:58.720> finally<00:11:59.000> died<00:11:59.320> died he was alone when he finally died died he was alone when he finally died died his<00:11:59.839> ultimate<00:12:00.320> Terror his ultimate Terror his ultimate Terror realized<00:12:02.440> so<00:12:02.680> as<00:12:02.800> for<00:12:03.040> that<00:12:03.240> third<00:12:03.560> sphere<00:12:04.000> of realized so as for that third sphere of realized so as for that third sphere of play<00:12:04.639> which<00:12:04.800> he<00:12:04.959> never<00:12:05.200> had<00:12:05.360> learned<00:12:05.720> to<00:12:06.000> ex<00:12:06.360> to play which he never had learned to ex to play which he never had learned to ex to enjoy<00:12:07.440> I've<00:12:07.560> learned<00:12:07.880> over<00:12:08.079> the<00:12:08.240> years<00:12:08.480> that enjoy I've learned over the years that enjoy I've learned over the years that even<00:12:08.920> this<00:12:09.079> sphere<00:12:09.560> requires<00:12:10.000> a<00:12:10.160> commitment even this sphere requires a commitment even this sphere requires a commitment of<00:12:10.839> time<00:12:11.160> and<00:12:11.360> energy<00:12:11.920> enough<00:12:12.560> so<00:12:12.760> that<00:12:12.880> a of time and energy enough so that a of time and energy enough so that a hobby<00:12:13.560> a<00:12:13.720> sport<00:12:14.240> a<00:12:14.360> love<00:12:14.560> of<00:12:14.760> music<00:12:15.199> or<00:12:15.399> art<00:12:15.680> or hobby a sport a love of music or art or hobby a sport a love of music or art or literature<00:12:16.680> or<00:12:16.920> any<00:12:17.160> form<00:12:17.360> of<00:12:17.560> recreation<00:12:18.240> can literature or any form of recreation can literature or any form of recreation can provide<00:12:18.839> true<00:12:19.160> pleasure<00:12:19.959> relaxation<00:12:20.880> and provide true pleasure relaxation and provide true pleasure relaxation and replenishment<00:12:22.399> so<00:12:22.680> deep<00:12:22.920> for<00:12:23.199> instance<00:12:23.560> was replenishment so deep for instance was replenishment so deep for instance was Abraham<00:12:24.160> Lincoln's<00:12:24.600> love<00:12:24.760> of<00:12:25.000> Shakespeare Abraham Lincoln's love of Shakespeare Abraham Lincoln's love of Shakespeare that<00:12:26.120> he<00:12:26.240> made<00:12:26.560> time<00:12:26.800> to<00:12:26.959> spend<00:12:27.240> more<00:12:27.399> than<00:12:27.560> a that he made time to spend more than a that he made time to spend more than a hundred<00:12:28.199> nights<00:12:28.560> in<00:12:28.680> the<00:12:28.800> theater<00:12:29.360> even hundred nights in the theater even hundred nights in the theater even during<00:12:29.959> those<00:12:30.199> dark<00:12:30.440> days<00:12:30.639> of<00:12:30.800> the<00:12:30.920> war<00:12:31.680> he during those dark days of the war he during those dark days of the war he said<00:12:32.040> when<00:12:32.199> the<00:12:32.320> lights<00:12:32.639> went<00:12:32.880> down<00:12:33.040> and<00:12:33.199> a said when the lights went down and a said when the lights went down and a Shakespeare<00:12:33.880> play<00:12:34.199> came<00:12:34.360> on<00:12:34.600> for<00:12:34.800> a<00:12:34.920> few Shakespeare play came on for a few Shakespeare play came on for a few precious<00:12:35.680> hours<00:12:36.320> he<00:12:36.440> could<00:12:36.639> imagine<00:12:37.000> himself precious hours he could imagine himself precious hours he could imagine himself back<00:12:37.800> in<00:12:38.000> Prince<00:12:38.360> how's<00:12:38.880> time<00:12:39.880> but<00:12:40.040> an<00:12:40.199> even back in Prince how's time but an even back in Prince how's time but an even more<00:12:40.920> important<00:12:41.440> form<00:12:41.680> of<00:12:41.880> relaxation<00:12:42.560> for more important form of relaxation for more important form of relaxation for him<00:12:43.000> that<00:12:43.120> Lyndon<00:12:43.480> Johnson<00:12:43.920> never<00:12:44.160> could him that Lyndon Johnson never could him that Lyndon Johnson never could enjoy<00:12:45.320> was<00:12:45.480> a<00:12:45.639> love<00:12:46.160> of<00:12:46.839> somehow<00:12:47.480> humor<00:12:48.040> and enjoy was a love of somehow humor and enjoy was a love of somehow humor and feeling<00:12:48.880> out<00:12:49.279> what<00:12:49.480> hilarious<00:12:50.040> parts<00:12:50.320> of<00:12:50.560> life feeling out what hilarious parts of life feeling out what hilarious parts of life can<00:12:51.120> produce<00:12:51.639> a<00:12:51.880> sidelight<00:12:52.360> to<00:12:52.519> the<00:12:52.760> sadness can produce a sidelight to the sadness can produce a sidelight to the sadness he<00:12:53.959> once<00:12:54.199> said<00:12:54.440> that<00:12:54.560> he<00:12:54.760> laughed<00:12:55.199> so<00:12:55.440> he<00:12:55.560> did he once said that he laughed so he did he once said that he laughed so he did not<00:12:56.000> cry<00:12:57.000> that<00:12:57.120> a<00:12:57.320> good<00:12:57.519> story<00:12:57.920> for<00:12:58.160> him<00:12:58.440> was not cry that a good story for him was not cry that a good story for him was better<00:12:59.199> than<00:12:59.320> a<00:12:59.440> drop<00:12:59.760> of<00:12:59.959> whiskey<00:13:00.959> his better than a drop of whiskey his better than a drop of whiskey his storytelling<00:13:01.800> Powers<00:13:02.160> had<00:13:02.360> first<00:13:02.560> been storytelling Powers had first been storytelling Powers had first been recognized<00:13:03.360> when<00:13:03.480> he<00:13:03.600> was<00:13:03.720> on<00:13:03.839> the<00:13:04.000> circuit<00:13:04.360> in recognized when he was on the circuit in recognized when he was on the circuit in Illinois<00:13:05.000> the<00:13:05.120> lawyers<00:13:05.480> and<00:13:05.600> the<00:13:05.720> judges Illinois the lawyers and the judges Illinois the lawyers and the judges would<00:13:06.320> travel<00:13:06.639> from<00:13:06.839> one<00:13:07.000> County<00:13:07.360> Courthouse would travel from one County Courthouse would travel from one County Courthouse to<00:13:07.920> the<00:13:08.040> other<00:13:08.839> and<00:13:08.959> when<00:13:09.160> anyone<00:13:09.519> was<00:13:09.839> knowing to the other and when anyone was knowing to the other and when anyone was knowing Lincoln<00:13:10.600> was<00:13:10.720> in<00:13:10.880> town<00:13:11.120> they<00:13:11.240> would<00:13:11.440> come<00:13:11.639> from Lincoln was in town they would come from Lincoln was in town they would come from miles<00:13:12.279> around<00:13:12.560> to<00:13:12.720> listen<00:13:12.959> to<00:13:13.120> him<00:13:13.320> tell miles around to listen to him tell miles around to listen to him tell stories<00:13:14.040> he<00:13:14.120> would<00:13:14.320> stand<00:13:14.600> with<00:13:14.720> his<00:13:14.880> back stories he would stand with his back stories he would stand with his back against<00:13:15.440> a<00:13:15.600> fire<00:13:16.240> and<00:13:16.399> entertain<00:13:16.920> the<00:13:17.040> crowd against a fire and entertain the crowd against a fire and entertain the crowd for<00:13:17.519> hours<00:13:17.959> with<00:13:18.120> his<00:13:18.279> winding<00:13:18.680> tals<00:13:19.600> and<00:13:19.760> all for hours with his winding tals and all for hours with his winding tals and all these<00:13:20.079> stories<00:13:20.480> became<00:13:20.800> part<00:13:20.959> of<00:13:21.079> his<00:13:21.240> memory these stories became part of his memory these stories became part of his memory bank<00:13:21.920> so<00:13:22.079> he<00:13:22.199> could<00:13:22.360> call<00:13:22.600> on<00:13:22.760> them<00:13:22.920> whenever bank so he could call on them whenever bank so he could call on them whenever he<00:13:23.440> needed<00:13:23.760> to<00:13:24.360> and<00:13:24.480> they're<00:13:24.720> not<00:13:25.000> quite<00:13:25.240> what he needed to and they're not quite what he needed to and they're not quite what you<00:13:25.480> might<00:13:25.720> expect<00:13:26.040> from<00:13:26.160> our<00:13:26.320> marel<00:13:26.720> Monument you might expect from our marel Monument you might expect from our marel Monument one<00:13:27.519> of<00:13:27.680> his<00:13:27.839> favorite<00:13:28.160> stories<00:13:28.519> for<00:13:28.680> example one of his favorite stories for example one of his favorite stories for example had<00:13:29.279> to<00:13:29.399> do<00:13:29.519> with<00:13:29.639> the<00:13:29.800> Revolutionary<00:13:30.440> War had to do with the Revolutionary War had to do with the Revolutionary War hero<00:13:31.040> Ethan<00:13:31.360> Allen<00:13:32.160> and<00:13:32.279> as<00:13:32.399> Lincoln<00:13:32.720> told<00:13:32.920> the hero Ethan Allen and as Lincoln told the hero Ethan Allen and as Lincoln told the story<00:13:33.320> Mr<00:13:33.600> Allen<00:13:33.920> went<00:13:34.079> to<00:13:34.240> Britain<00:13:34.639> after<00:13:34.920> the story Mr Allen went to Britain after the story Mr Allen went to Britain after the war<00:13:35.680> and<00:13:35.800> the<00:13:35.920> British<00:13:36.240> people<00:13:36.480> were<00:13:36.639> still war and the British people were still war and the British people were still upset<00:13:37.360> about<00:13:37.560> losing<00:13:37.959> the<00:13:38.120> revolution<00:13:38.920> so upset about losing the revolution so upset about losing the revolution so they<00:13:39.320> decided<00:13:39.639> to<00:13:39.800> embarrass<00:13:40.240> him<00:13:40.440> a<00:13:40.519> little they decided to embarrass him a little they decided to embarrass him a little bit<00:13:40.920> by<00:13:41.040> putting<00:13:41.240> a<00:13:41.440> huge<00:13:41.800> picture<00:13:42.079> of<00:13:42.279> General bit by putting a huge picture of General bit by putting a huge picture of General Washington<00:13:43.199> in<00:13:43.320> the<00:13:43.440> only<00:13:43.720> ouse<00:13:44.199> where<00:13:44.320> he'd Washington in the only ouse where he'd Washington in the only ouse where he'd have<00:13:44.680> to<00:13:44.880> encounter<00:13:45.320> it<00:13:45.720> they<00:13:45.839> figured<00:13:46.160> he'd have to encounter it they figured he'd have to encounter it they figured he'd be<00:13:46.519> upset<00:13:46.880> about<00:13:47.120> the<00:13:47.240> indignity<00:13:47.760> of<00:13:47.920> George be upset about the indignity of George be upset about the indignity of George Washington<00:13:48.760> being<00:13:48.959> in<00:13:49.079> an<00:13:49.240> ous<00:13:49.920> but<00:13:50.079> he<00:13:50.199> came Washington being in an ous but he came Washington being in an ous but he came out<00:13:50.480> of<00:13:50.600> the<00:13:50.680> ouse<00:13:51.120> not<00:13:51.279> upset<00:13:51.600> at<00:13:51.720> all<00:13:52.440> and<00:13:52.560> so out of the ouse not upset at all and so out of the ouse not upset at all and so they<00:13:52.759> said<00:13:52.959> well<00:13:53.079> did<00:13:53.240> you<00:13:53.399> see<00:13:53.680> George they said well did you see George they said well did you see George Washington<00:13:54.440> there<00:13:54.759> oh<00:13:55.000> yes<00:13:55.199> he<00:13:55.360> said Washington there oh yes he said Washington there oh yes he said perfectly<00:13:56.360> appropriate<00:13:57.000> place<00:13:57.240> for<00:13:57.440> him<00:13:57.639> what perfectly appropriate place for him what perfectly appropriate place for him what do<00:13:57.839> you<00:13:57.959> mean<00:13:58.279> they<00:13:58.440> said<00:13:59.160> well<00:13:59.360> he<00:13:59.480> said do you mean they said well he said do you mean they said well he said there's<00:14:00.279> nothing<00:14:00.600> to<00:14:00.759> make<00:14:00.920> an<00:14:01.079> Englishman there's nothing to make an Englishman there's nothing to make an Englishman faster<00:14:02.519> than<00:14:02.680> the<00:14:02.880> sight<00:14:03.199> of<00:14:03.399> General faster than the sight of General faster than the sight of General George

Washington Washington so<00:14:09.880> so<00:14:10.399> you<00:14:10.560> can<00:14:10.839> imagine<00:14:11.800> if<00:14:11.920> you<00:14:12.040> were<00:14:12.240> in<00:14:12.360> the so so you can imagine if you were in the so so you can imagine if you were in the middle<00:14:12.759> of<00:14:12.839> a<00:14:12.959> tense<00:14:13.440> cabinet<00:14:13.800> meeting<00:14:14.160> and<00:14:14.279> he middle of a tense cabinet meeting and he middle of a tense cabinet meeting and he had<00:14:14.680> hundreds<00:14:15.199> of<00:14:15.360> these<00:14:15.560> stories<00:14:16.040> you<00:14:16.199> will had hundreds of these stories you will had hundreds of these stories you will have<00:14:16.680> to<00:14:17.519> relax<00:14:18.519> so<00:14:18.800> between<00:14:19.160> his<00:14:19.360> nightly have to relax so between his nightly have to relax so between his nightly tacks<00:14:20.120> to<00:14:20.279> the<00:14:20.440> theater<00:14:21.199> his<00:14:21.480> storytelling tacks to the theater his storytelling tacks to the theater his storytelling and<00:14:22.639> his<00:14:22.839> extraordinary<00:14:23.519> sense<00:14:23.720> of<00:14:23.920> humor<00:14:24.279> and and his extraordinary sense of humor and and his extraordinary sense of humor and his<00:14:24.600> love<00:14:24.759> of<00:14:24.920> quoting<00:14:25.240> Shakespeare<00:14:25.759> and his love of quoting Shakespeare and his love of quoting Shakespeare and poetry<00:14:26.519> he<00:14:26.720> found<00:14:27.320> that<00:14:27.480> form<00:14:27.759> of<00:14:27.959> play<00:14:28.360> which poetry he found that form of play which poetry he found that form of play which carried<00:14:28.839> him<00:14:29.120> through<00:14:29.360> his<00:14:29.560> days<00:14:30.560> in<00:14:30.720> my<00:14:30.839> own carried him through his days in my own carried him through his days in my own life<00:14:31.440> I<00:14:31.519> shall<00:14:31.839> always<00:14:32.079> be<00:14:32.279> grateful<00:14:32.759> for life I shall always be grateful for life I shall always be grateful for having<00:14:33.199> found<00:14:33.519> a<00:14:33.680> form<00:14:33.920> of<00:14:34.120> play<00:14:34.720> in<00:14:34.920> my having found a form of play in my having found a form of play in my irrational<00:14:35.720> love<00:14:35.920> of<00:14:36.120> baseball<00:14:36.959> which<00:14:37.199> allows irrational love of baseball which allows irrational love of baseball which allows me<00:14:37.800> from<00:14:38.000> the<00:14:38.160> beginning<00:14:38.519> of<00:14:38.680> Spring<00:14:38.959> training me from the beginning of Spring training me from the beginning of Spring training to<00:14:39.560> the<00:14:39.680> end<00:14:39.839> of<00:14:39.959> the<00:14:40.079> Fall<00:14:40.399> to<00:14:40.560> have<00:14:40.759> something to the end of the Fall to have something to the end of the Fall to have something to<00:14:41.279> occupy<00:14:41.839> my<00:14:42.000> mind<00:14:42.240> and<00:14:42.480> heart<00:14:42.839> other<00:14:43.199> than to occupy my mind and heart other than to occupy my mind and heart other than my<00:14:43.560> work<00:14:44.320> it<00:14:44.440> all<00:14:44.680> began<00:14:45.079> when<00:14:45.199> I<00:14:45.279> was<00:14:45.399> only<00:14:45.680> 6 my work it all began when I was only 6 my work it all began when I was only 6 years<00:14:46.120> old<00:14:46.360> and<00:14:46.519> my<00:14:46.680> father<00:14:46.920> taught<00:14:47.120> me<00:14:47.279> that years old and my father taught me that years old and my father taught me that mysterious<00:14:48.000> Art<00:14:48.199> of<00:14:48.360> Keeping<00:14:48.639> score<00:14:49.120> while mysterious Art of Keeping score while mysterious Art of Keeping score while listening<00:14:49.600> to<00:14:49.759> baseball<00:14:50.240> games<00:14:50.920> so<00:14:51.079> that<00:14:51.240> when listening to baseball games so that when listening to baseball games so that when he<00:14:51.480> went<00:14:51.639> to<00:14:51.800> work<00:14:52.000> in<00:14:52.120> New<00:14:52.320> York<00:14:52.519> during<00:14:52.759> the he went to work in New York during the he went to work in New York during the day<00:14:53.160> I<00:14:53.240> could<00:14:53.440> record<00:14:53.800> for<00:14:54.000> him<00:14:54.240> the<00:14:54.360> history day I could record for him the history day I could record for him the history of<00:14:54.959> that<00:14:55.199> afternoon's<00:14:55.759> Brooklyn<00:14:56.079> Dodger<00:14:56.480> game of that afternoon's Brooklyn Dodger game of that afternoon's Brooklyn Dodger game now<00:14:57.240> when<00:14:57.320> you're<00:14:57.480> only<00:14:57.720> 6<00:14:57.959> years<00:14:58.160> old<00:14:58.360> and now when you're only 6 years old and now when you're only 6 years old and your<00:14:58.639> father<00:14:59.079> comes<00:14:59.279> home<00:14:59.440> every<00:14:59.639> single your father comes home every single your father comes home every single night<00:15:00.120> and<00:15:00.279> listens<00:15:00.680> to<00:15:00.800> you<00:15:00.959> as<00:15:01.120> I<00:15:01.240> now night and listens to you as I now night and listens to you as I now realize<00:15:01.880> that<00:15:02.000> I<00:15:02.120> in<00:15:02.320> excruciating<00:15:02.959> detail realize that I in excruciating detail realize that I in excruciating detail recounted<00:15:03.800> every<00:15:03.959> single<00:15:04.240> play<00:15:04.440> of<00:15:04.560> every recounted every single play of every recounted every single play of every inning<00:15:05.040> of<00:15:05.160> the<00:15:05.279> game<00:15:05.480> that<00:15:05.600> had<00:15:05.759> just<00:15:05.959> taken inning of the game that had just taken inning of the game that had just taken place<00:15:06.519> that<00:15:06.680> afternoon<00:15:07.519> but<00:15:07.639> he<00:15:07.759> made<00:15:07.920> me<00:15:08.079> feel place that afternoon but he made me feel place that afternoon but he made me feel I<00:15:08.440> was<00:15:08.560> telling<00:15:08.920> him<00:15:09.079> a<00:15:09.320> fabulous<00:15:09.759> story<00:15:10.440> it I was telling him a fabulous story it I was telling him a fabulous story it think<00:15:10.880> makes<00:15:11.040> you<00:15:11.199> think<00:15:11.399> there's<00:15:11.600> something think makes you think there's something think makes you think there's something magic<00:15:12.360> about<00:15:12.680> history<00:15:13.040> to<00:15:13.199> keep<00:15:13.440> your magic about history to keep your magic about history to keep your father's<00:15:14.040> attention<00:15:14.800> in<00:15:15.040> fact<00:15:15.199> I'm<00:15:15.360> convinced father's attention in fact I'm convinced father's attention in fact I'm convinced I<00:15:15.839> learned<00:15:16.079> the<00:15:16.160> narrative<00:15:16.600> art<00:15:16.880> from<00:15:17.040> those I learned the narrative art from those I learned the narrative art from those nightly<00:15:17.519> sessions<00:15:17.920> with<00:15:18.079> my<00:15:18.240> father<00:15:18.560> because nightly sessions with my father because nightly sessions with my father because at<00:15:18.920> first<00:15:19.160> I'd<00:15:19.320> be<00:15:19.440> so<00:15:19.639> excited<00:15:20.000> I<00:15:20.079> would<00:15:20.199> blurt at first I'd be so excited I would blurt at first I'd be so excited I would blurt out<00:15:20.600> the<00:15:20.759> Dodgers<00:15:21.120> won<00:15:21.360> or<00:15:21.480> the<00:15:21.600> Dodgers<00:15:22.040> lost out the Dodgers won or the Dodgers lost out the Dodgers won or the Dodgers lost which<00:15:22.839> took<00:15:23.160> much<00:15:23.279> of<00:15:23.440> the<00:15:23.560> drama<00:15:23.920> of<00:15:24.040> this which took much of the drama of this which took much of the drama of this 2-hour<00:15:24.680> telling<00:15:25.079> away<00:15:26.040> so<00:15:26.199> I<00:15:26.360> finally<00:15:26.639> learned 2-hour telling away so I finally learned 2-hour telling away so I finally learned you<00:15:27.120> had<00:15:27.240> to<00:15:27.360> Stell<00:15:27.680> a<00:15:27.880> story<00:15:28.279> from<00:15:28.519> beginning you had to Stell a story from beginning you had to Stell a story from beginning to<00:15:29.199> middle<00:15:29.519> to<00:15:29.880> end<00:15:30.880> I<00:15:31.000> must<00:15:31.199> say<00:15:31.360> so<00:15:31.600> fervent to middle to end I must say so fervent to middle to end I must say so fervent was<00:15:32.160> my<00:15:32.319> love<00:15:32.480> of<00:15:32.600> the<00:15:32.680> Old<00:15:32.880> Brooklyn<00:15:33.240> Dodgers was my love of the Old Brooklyn Dodgers was my love of the Old Brooklyn Dodgers in<00:15:33.800> those<00:15:34.000> days<00:15:34.199> that<00:15:34.360> I<00:15:34.480> had<00:15:34.560> to<00:15:34.759> confess<00:15:35.120> in in those days that I had to confess in in those days that I had to confess in my<00:15:35.440> first<00:15:35.800> confession<00:15:36.279> two<00:15:36.519> sins<00:15:36.959> that my first confession two sins that my first confession two sins that related<00:15:37.440> to<00:15:37.560> baseball<00:15:38.360> the<00:15:38.480> first<00:15:38.759> occurred related to baseball the first occurred related to baseball the first occurred because<00:15:39.360> the<00:15:39.519> Dodger<00:15:39.920> catcher<00:15:40.279> Roy because the Dodger catcher Roy because the Dodger catcher Roy Campanella<00:15:41.199> came<00:15:41.360> to<00:15:41.519> my<00:15:41.680> hometown<00:15:42.079> of Campanella came to my hometown of Campanella came to my hometown of Rockville<00:15:42.600> Center<00:15:42.920> Long<00:15:43.079> Island<00:15:43.480> just<00:15:43.639> as<00:15:43.759> it Rockville Center Long Island just as it Rockville Center Long Island just as it was<00:15:44.040> in<00:15:44.240> preparation<00:15:44.720> from<00:15:44.959> My<00:15:45.120> First<00:15:45.360> Holy was in preparation from My First Holy was in preparation from My First Holy Communion<00:15:46.839> and<00:15:46.959> I<00:15:47.079> was<00:15:47.240> so<00:15:47.480> excited<00:15:47.920> first Communion and I was so excited first Communion and I was so excited first person<00:15:48.360> I'd<00:15:48.519> ever<00:15:48.680> see<00:15:48.920> outside<00:15:49.319> of<00:15:49.480> ebot's person I'd ever see outside of ebot's person I'd ever see outside of ebot's field<00:15:50.160> but<00:15:50.279> it<00:15:50.399> so<00:15:50.639> happened<00:15:50.959> he<00:15:51.079> was<00:15:51.240> speaking field but it so happened he was speaking field but it so happened he was speaking in<00:15:51.680> a<00:15:51.880> Protestant<00:15:52.360> church<00:15:52.959> when<00:15:53.079> you<00:15:53.160> were in a Protestant church when you were in a Protestant church when you were brought<00:15:53.480> up<00:15:53.560> as<00:15:53.680> a<00:15:53.839> Catholic<00:15:54.120> you<00:15:54.279> think<00:15:54.440> if brought up as a Catholic you think if brought up as a Catholic you think if you<00:15:54.720> ever<00:15:54.959> set<00:15:55.160> foot<00:15:55.399> in<00:15:55.519> a<00:15:55.639> Protestant<00:15:56.040> Church you ever set foot in a Protestant Church you ever set foot in a Protestant Church you'll<00:15:56.440> be<00:15:56.519> struck<00:15:56.880> dead<00:15:57.120> at<00:15:57.240> the<00:15:57.360> threshold you'll be struck dead at the threshold you'll be struck dead at the threshold so<00:15:58.279> I<00:15:58.360> went<00:15:58.480> to<00:15:58.600> my<00:15:58.720> father<00:15:59.120> in<00:15:59.199> tears<00:15:59.480> what<00:15:59.560> are so I went to my father in tears what are so I went to my father in tears what are we<00:15:59.759> going<00:15:59.839> to<00:15:59.959> do<00:16:00.199> he<00:16:00.279> said<00:16:00.519> don't<00:16:00.759> worry<00:16:01.079> he's we going to do he said don't worry he's we going to do he said don't worry he's speaking<00:16:01.519> in<00:16:01.639> a<00:16:01.839> Parish<00:16:02.120> Hall<00:16:02.399> we're<00:16:02.560> sitting speaking in a Parish Hall we're sitting speaking in a Parish Hall we're sitting in<00:16:02.959> folding<00:16:03.319> chairs<00:16:03.680> he's<00:16:03.880> talking<00:16:04.160> about in folding chairs he's talking about in folding chairs he's talking about sportsmanship<00:16:05.079> it's<00:16:05.240> not<00:16:05.399> a<00:16:05.519> sin<00:16:06.279> but<00:16:06.399> as<00:16:06.519> I sportsmanship it's not a sin but as I sportsmanship it's not a sin but as I left<00:16:07.000> that<00:16:07.199> night<00:16:07.759> I<00:16:07.839> was<00:16:08.040> certain<00:16:08.360> that left that night I was certain that left that night I was certain that somehow<00:16:08.920> I<00:16:09.079> traded<00:16:09.480> the<00:16:09.600> life<00:16:09.800> of<00:16:09.959> my somehow I traded the life of my somehow I traded the life of my Everlasting<00:16:10.800> soul<00:16:11.160> for<00:16:11.399> this<00:16:11.560> one<00:16:11.759> night<00:16:11.920> with Everlasting soul for this one night with Everlasting soul for this one night with Roy<00:16:12.440> Campanella<00:16:13.440> and<00:16:13.560> there<00:16:13.639> were<00:16:13.800> no Roy Campanella and there were no Roy Campanella and there were no indulgences<00:16:14.759> around<00:16:15.160> that<00:16:15.279> I<00:16:15.399> could<00:16:15.800> buy<00:16:16.800> so<00:16:17.000> I indulgences around that I could buy so I indulgences around that I could buy so I had<00:16:17.279> this<00:16:17.399> sin<00:16:17.639> on<00:16:17.800> my<00:16:17.920> soul<00:16:18.199> when<00:16:18.319> I<00:16:18.399> went<00:16:18.519> to had this sin on my soul when I went to had this sin on my soul when I went to my<00:16:18.839> first<00:16:19.079> confession<00:16:19.519> I<00:16:19.600> told<00:16:19.800> the<00:16:19.920> priest my first confession I told the priest my first confession I told the priest right<00:16:20.399> away<00:16:20.639> he<00:16:20.720> said<00:16:21.000> no<00:16:21.360> problem<00:16:21.720> it<00:16:21.839> wasn't right away he said no problem it wasn't right away he said no problem it wasn't a<00:16:22.360> religious<00:16:22.720> service<00:16:23.319> but<00:16:23.440> then a religious service but then a religious service but then unfortunately<00:16:24.120> he<00:16:24.199> said<00:16:24.560> and<00:16:24.720> what<00:16:24.880> else<00:16:25.240> my unfortunately he said and what else my unfortunately he said and what else my child<00:16:26.199> and<00:16:26.360> then<00:16:26.560> came<00:16:26.800> my<00:16:26.959> second<00:16:27.240> sin<00:16:27.519> I child and then came my second sin I child and then came my second sin I tried<00:16:27.839> to<00:16:27.959> sandwich<00:16:28.360> it<00:16:28.440> in<00:16:28.600> between<00:16:29.120> talking tried to sandwich it in between talking tried to sandwich it in between talking too<00:16:29.560> much<00:16:29.680> in<00:16:29.839> church<00:16:30.199> wishing<00:16:30.560> harm<00:16:30.800> to too much in church wishing harm to too much in church wishing harm to others<00:16:31.600> being<00:16:31.839> mean<00:16:32.079> to<00:16:32.279> my<00:16:32.440> sisters<00:16:32.800> and<00:16:32.880> he others being mean to my sisters and he others being mean to my sisters and he said<00:16:33.199> to<00:16:33.319> whom<00:16:33.480> did<00:16:33.639> you<00:16:33.800> wish<00:16:34.040> harm<00:16:34.800> and<00:16:34.920> I<00:16:35.040> had said to whom did you wish harm and I had said to whom did you wish harm and I had to<00:16:35.399> say<00:16:35.759> that<00:16:36.360> I<00:16:36.480> wished<00:16:36.839> that<00:16:37.000> various<00:16:37.319> New to say that I wished that various New to say that I wished that various New York<00:16:37.720> Yankee<00:16:38.079> players<00:16:38.399> would<00:16:38.560> break<00:16:38.839> arms York Yankee players would break arms York Yankee players would break arms legs<00:16:39.959> and<00:16:40.160> ankles<00:16:41.040> so<00:16:41.240> that<00:16:41.399> the<00:16:41.600> R<00:16:41.839> so<00:16:42.000> that legs and ankles so that the R so that legs and ankles so that the R so that the<00:16:42.240> Brooklyn<00:16:42.600> Dodgers<00:16:43.040> could<00:16:43.160> win<00:16:43.360> their the Brooklyn Dodgers could win their the Brooklyn Dodgers could win their first<00:16:43.720> World<00:16:43.959> Series<00:16:44.279> he<00:16:44.360> said<00:16:44.560> how<00:16:44.680> often<00:16:44.920> do first World Series he said how often do first World Series he said how often do you<00:16:45.120> make<00:16:45.279> these<00:16:45.440> horrible<00:16:45.800> wishes<00:16:46.440> and<00:16:46.560> I<00:16:46.680> had you make these horrible wishes and I had you make these horrible wishes and I had to<00:16:46.880> say<00:16:47.160> every<00:16:47.399> night<00:16:47.680> when<00:16:47.800> I<00:16:47.920> said<00:16:48.160> my to say every night when I said my to say every night when I said my prayers<00:16:49.040> so<00:16:49.240> he<00:16:49.360> said<00:16:49.880> look<00:16:50.240> I<00:16:50.399> tell<00:16:50.600> you prayers so he said look I tell you prayers so he said look I tell you something<00:16:51.079> I<00:16:51.199> love<00:16:51.360> the<00:16:51.480> Brooklyn<00:16:51.800> Dodgers<00:16:52.199> as something I love the Brooklyn Dodgers as something I love the Brooklyn Dodgers as you<00:16:52.440> do<00:16:52.639> but<00:16:52.759> I<00:16:53.000> promise<00:16:53.240> you<00:16:53.440> someday<00:16:53.839> they you do but I promise you someday they you do but I promise you someday they will<00:16:54.120> win<00:16:54.360> fairly<00:16:54.720> and<00:16:54.839> squarely<00:16:55.279> do<00:16:55.440> not<00:16:55.560> need will win fairly and squarely do not need will win fairly and squarely do not need to<00:16:55.839> wish<00:16:56.000> harm<00:16:56.199> on<00:16:56.360> others<00:16:56.600> to<00:16:56.720> make<00:16:56.839> it<00:16:57.000> happen to wish harm on others to make it happen to wish harm on others to make it happen oh<00:16:57.839> yes<00:16:58.079> I<00:16:58.240> said<00:16:58.440> but<00:16:58.600> Lu<00:16:59.240> my<00:16:59.399> first<00:16:59.680> confession oh yes I said but Lu my first confession oh yes I said but Lu my first confession to<00:17:00.279> a<00:17:00.440> baseball<00:17:00.880> loving<00:17:01.639> priest<00:17:02.639> well<00:17:03.279> though to a baseball loving priest well though to a baseball loving priest well though my<00:17:03.680> father<00:17:04.079> died<00:17:04.480> of<00:17:04.600> a<00:17:04.720> sudden<00:17:05.039> heart<00:17:05.319> attack my father died of a sudden heart attack my father died of a sudden heart attack when<00:17:05.880> I<00:17:06.000> was<00:17:06.160> still<00:17:06.360> in<00:17:06.480> my<00:17:06.640> 20s<00:17:07.240> before<00:17:07.600> I<00:17:07.799> had when I was still in my 20s before I had when I was still in my 20s before I had gotten<00:17:08.640> married<00:17:09.039> and<00:17:09.240> had<00:17:09.439> my<00:17:09.600> three<00:17:09.839> sons<00:17:10.679> I gotten married and had my three sons I gotten married and had my three sons I have<00:17:11.000> passed<00:17:11.360> his<00:17:11.559> memory<00:17:12.079> as<00:17:12.199> well<00:17:12.360> as<00:17:12.480> his have passed his memory as well as his have passed his memory as well as his love<00:17:12.880> of<00:17:13.039> baseball<00:17:13.559> onto<00:17:13.919> my<00:17:14.079> boys<00:17:14.880> though love of baseball onto my boys though love of baseball onto my boys though when<00:17:15.079> the<00:17:15.199> Dodgers<00:17:15.600> abandoned<00:17:16.000> us<00:17:16.160> to<00:17:16.280> come<00:17:16.439> to when the Dodgers abandoned us to come to when the Dodgers abandoned us to come to La<00:17:17.199> I<00:17:17.319> lost<00:17:18.000> faith<00:17:18.280> in<00:17:18.439> baseball<00:17:18.919> until<00:17:19.160> I La I lost faith in baseball until I La I lost faith in baseball until I moved<00:17:19.640> to<00:17:19.880> Boston<00:17:20.760> became<00:17:21.240> an<00:17:21.439> irrational<00:17:22.000> Red moved to Boston became an irrational Red moved to Boston became an irrational Red Sox<00:17:22.559> fan<00:17:23.319> and<00:17:23.439> I<00:17:23.600> must<00:17:23.839> say<00:17:24.160> even<00:17:24.439> now<00:17:24.720> when<00:17:24.880> I Sox fan and I must say even now when I Sox fan and I must say even now when I sit<00:17:25.319> with<00:17:25.520> my<00:17:25.679> sons<00:17:26.199> with<00:17:26.319> our<00:17:26.480> season<00:17:26.919> tickets sit with my sons with our season tickets sit with my sons with our season tickets I<00:17:27.400> can<00:17:27.760> sometimes<00:17:28.039> close<00:17:28.360> my<00:17:28.520> eyes<00:17:28.960> against I can sometimes close my eyes against I can sometimes close my eyes against the<00:17:29.360> Sun<00:17:30.080> and<00:17:30.280> imagine<00:17:30.720> myself<00:17:31.039> a<00:17:31.160> young<00:17:31.400> girl the Sun and imagine myself a young girl the Sun and imagine myself a young girl once<00:17:31.919> more<00:17:32.160> in<00:17:32.280> the<00:17:32.440> presence<00:17:32.799> of<00:17:32.960> my<00:17:33.200> father once more in the presence of my father once more in the presence of my father watching<00:17:34.200> the<00:17:34.320> players<00:17:34.720> of<00:17:34.919> my<00:17:35.120> youth<00:17:35.440> on<00:17:35.559> the watching the players of my youth on the watching the players of my youth on the grassy<00:17:36.080> Fields<00:17:36.480> below<00:17:36.960> Jackie<00:17:37.280> Robinson<00:17:37.760> Roy grassy Fields below Jackie Robinson Roy grassy Fields below Jackie Robinson Roy Campanella<00:17:38.600> per<00:17:38.919> Ree<00:17:39.240> and<00:17:39.400> Duke<00:17:39.600> Snider<00:17:40.600> I Campanella per Ree and Duke Snider I Campanella per Ree and Duke Snider I must<00:17:40.960> say<00:17:41.160> there<00:17:41.280> is<00:17:41.520> Magic<00:17:41.880> in<00:17:42.039> these<00:17:42.240> moments must say there is Magic in these moments must say there is Magic in these moments when<00:17:43.120> I<00:17:43.280> open<00:17:43.559> my<00:17:43.760> eyes<00:17:43.960> and<00:17:44.120> I<00:17:44.240> see<00:17:44.440> my<00:17:44.600> sons<00:17:44.919> in when I open my eyes and I see my sons in when I open my eyes and I see my sons in the<00:17:45.240> place<00:17:45.520> where<00:17:45.679> my<00:17:45.919> father<00:17:46.200> once<00:17:46.480> sat<00:17:47.200> I the place where my father once sat I the place where my father once sat I feel<00:17:47.600> an<00:17:47.799> invisible<00:17:48.360> loyalty<00:17:48.840> and<00:17:49.039> love feel an invisible loyalty and love feel an invisible loyalty and love linking<00:17:49.880> my<00:17:50.039> sons<00:17:50.360> to<00:17:50.520> the<00:17:50.720> grandfather<00:17:51.360> whose linking my sons to the grandfather whose linking my sons to the grandfather whose face<00:17:51.880> they<00:17:52.039> never<00:17:52.280> had<00:17:52.400> a<00:17:52.520> chance<00:17:52.880> to<00:17:53.039> see<00:17:53.679> but face they never had a chance to see but face they never had a chance to see but whose<00:17:54.080> heart<00:17:54.320> and<00:17:54.520> soul<00:17:54.880> they<00:17:55.000> have<00:17:55.159> come<00:17:55.360> to whose heart and soul they have come to whose heart and soul they have come to know<00:17:56.080> through<00:17:56.320> all<00:17:56.480> the<00:17:56.679> stories<00:17:57.280> I<00:17:57.400> have<00:17:57.600> told know through all the stories I have told know through all the stories I have told which<00:17:58.559> is<00:17:58.919> why<00:17:59.039> in<00:17:59.159> the<00:17:59.240> end<00:17:59.480> I<00:17:59.559> shall<00:17:59.799> always which is why in the end I shall always which is why in the end I shall always be<00:18:00.200> grateful<00:18:00.600> for<00:18:00.799> this<00:18:00.960> curious<00:18:01.320> love<00:18:01.600> of be grateful for this curious love of be grateful for this curious love of History<00:18:02.559> allowing<00:18:02.919> me<00:18:03.039> to<00:18:03.200> spend<00:18:03.440> a<00:18:03.640> lifetime History allowing me to spend a lifetime History allowing me to spend a lifetime looking<00:18:04.520> back<00:18:04.720> into<00:18:05.000> the<00:18:05.240> past<00:18:06.080> allowing<00:18:06.440> me looking back into the past allowing me looking back into the past allowing me to<00:18:06.799> learn<00:18:07.080> from<00:18:07.240> these<00:18:07.440> large<00:18:07.799> figures<00:18:08.280> about to learn from these large figures about to learn from these large figures about the<00:18:08.679> struggle<00:18:09.080> for<00:18:09.240> meaning<00:18:09.559> for<00:18:09.880> life the struggle for meaning for life the struggle for meaning for life allowing<00:18:11.000> me<00:18:11.159> to<00:18:11.360> believe<00:18:11.760> that<00:18:11.919> the<00:18:12.120> private allowing me to believe that the private allowing me to believe that the private people<00:18:12.880> we<00:18:13.000> have<00:18:13.200> loved<00:18:13.520> and<00:18:13.679> lost<00:18:14.000> in<00:18:14.120> our people we have loved and lost in our people we have loved and lost in our families<00:18:15.200> and<00:18:15.320> the<00:18:15.520> public<00:18:15.840> figures<00:18:16.280> we<00:18:16.440> have families and the public figures we have families and the public figures we have respected<00:18:17.120> in<00:18:17.240> our<00:18:17.520> history<00:18:18.120> just<00:18:18.360> as<00:18:18.520> Abraham respected in our history just as Abraham respected in our history just as Abraham Lincoln<00:18:19.320> wanted<00:18:19.559> to<00:18:19.760> believe<00:18:20.520> really<00:18:20.880> can Lincoln wanted to believe really can Lincoln wanted to believe really can live<00:18:21.520> on<00:18:22.159> so<00:18:22.400> long<00:18:22.559> as<00:18:22.679> we<00:18:22.880> pledge<00:18:23.280> to<00:18:23.480> tell<00:18:23.919> and live on so long as we pledge to tell and live on so long as we pledge to tell and to<00:18:24.280> retell<00:18:25.039> the<00:18:25.240> stories<00:18:25.760> of<00:18:25.919> their<00:18:26.159> lives to retell the stories of their lives to retell the stories of their lives thank<00:18:26.760> you<00:18:26.880> for<00:18:27.080> letting<00:18:27.280> me<00:18:27.440> be<00:18:27.679> that thank you for letting me be that thank you for letting me be that Storyteller<00:18:28.480> today Storyteller today Storyteller today thank thank thank you<00:18:32.520> thank

you<00:18:37.559> that<00:18:37.640> was<00:18:37.880> fantastic<00:18:38.520> that<00:18:38.600> was<00:18:38.799> really
you that was fantastic that was really you that was fantastic that was really wonderful<00:18:39.600> thank

you<00:18:49.640> what<00:18:49.760> does<00:18:49.919> a<00:18:50.080> machine<00:18:50.720> know<00:18:51.000> about
you what does a machine know about you what does a machine know about itself<00:18:52.880> can<00:18:53.039> it<00:18:53.200> know<00:18:53.400> when<00:18:53.520> it<00:18:53.640> needs<00:18:53.799> to<00:18:53.919> be itself can it know when it needs to be itself can it know when it needs to be repaired<00:18:55.159> and<00:18:55.320> when<00:18:55.480> it repaired and when it repaired and when it doesn't<00:18:57.120> in<00:18:57.320> Industries<00:18:57.799> like<00:18:58.000> Manufacturing doesn't in Industries like Manufacturing doesn't in Industries like Manufacturing energy<00:18:59.559> they're<00:18:59.799> using<00:19:00.080> Predictive energy they're using Predictive energy they're using Predictive Analytics<00:19:01.200> to<00:19:01.400> detect<00:19:01.720> signs<00:19:02.000> of<00:19:02.200> trouble Analytics to detect signs of trouble Analytics to detect signs of trouble helping<00:19:03.559> some<00:19:03.799> companies<00:19:04.320> save<00:19:04.640> Millions<00:19:05.000> on helping some companies save Millions on helping some companies save Millions on maintenance<00:19:06.200> because<00:19:06.480> machines<00:19:06.919> seek<00:19:07.200> help maintenance because machines seek help maintenance because machines seek help before<00:19:07.840> they're<00:19:08.039> broken<00:19:08.960> and<00:19:09.120> don't<00:19:09.640> when before they're broken and don't when before they're broken and don't when they're<00:19:09.960> not<00:19:10.760> that's<00:19:10.960> what<00:19:11.080> I'm<00:19:11.240> working<00:19:11.520> on they're not that's what I'm working on they're not that's what I'm working on I'm<00:19:12.200> an<00:19:12.360> IBM<00:19:13.039> let's<00:19:13.240> build<00:19:13.480> a<00:19:13.600> smarter<00:19:14.000> planet

Doris Kearns Goodwin, president, presidents, president, United, States, America, president, USA, Abraham, Lincoln, Lyndon, Johnson, George, Washington, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, TED, Ed

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