Học hỏi từ một phong trào chân trần-Bunker Roy

Learning from a barefoot movement - Bunker Roy

Learning from a barefoot movement - Bunker Roy


I'd<00:00:16.650> like<00:00:16.890> to<00:00:17.070> take<00:00:17.340> you<00:00:17.550> to<00:00:17.580> another<00:00:18.060> world
I'd like to take you to another world I'd like to take you to another world and<00:00:20.340> I'd<00:00:20.490> like<00:00:20.640> to<00:00:20.700> share<00:00:21.150> a<00:00:22.070> 45<00:00:23.070> year<00:00:23.580> old<00:00:23.970> love and I'd like to share a 45 year old love and I'd like to share a 45 year old love story<00:00:25.910> with<00:00:26.910> the<00:00:27.029> poor<00:00:27.919> living<00:00:28.919> on<00:00:29.070> less<00:00:29.250> than story with the poor living on less than story with the poor living on less than $1<00:00:30.029> a<00:00:30.150> day<00:00:30.270> I<00:00:33.230> went<00:00:34.230> to<00:00:34.350> a<00:00:34.440> very<00:00:34.650> elitist $1 a day I went to a very elitist $1 a day I went to a very elitist snobbish<00:00:37.100> expensive<00:00:38.100> education<00:00:38.690> in<00:00:39.690> India snobbish expensive education in India snobbish expensive education in India and<00:00:40.800> that<00:00:41.670> almost<00:00:42.000> destroyed<00:00:42.450> me<00:00:42.960> I<00:00:46.700> was<00:00:47.700> all and that almost destroyed me I was all and that almost destroyed me I was all set<00:00:48.180> to<00:00:48.450> be<00:00:48.750> a<00:00:48.780> diplomat<00:00:49.040> teacher<00:00:50.090> doctor<00:00:51.410> they set to be a diplomat teacher doctor they set to be a diplomat teacher doctor they all<00:00:52.560> laid<00:00:52.920> out<00:00:54.800> then<00:00:55.800> I<00:00:56.070> don't<00:00:56.280> look<00:00:56.430> it<00:00:56.580> but<00:00:56.820> I all laid out then I don't look it but I all laid out then I don't look it but I was<00:00:57.570> Indian<00:00:58.110> national<00:00:58.500> squash<00:00:58.770> champion<00:00:59.250> for was Indian national squash champion for was Indian national squash champion for three<00:00:59.610> years<00:01:02.570> the<00:01:03.570> whole<00:01:03.780> world<00:01:04.080> was<00:01:04.350> laid<00:01:04.530> out three years the whole world was laid out three years the whole world was laid out for<00:01:04.949> me<00:01:05.090> everything<00:01:06.090> is<00:01:06.240> on<00:01:06.360> my<00:01:06.509> feet<00:01:07.009> could<00:01:08.009> do for me everything is on my feet could do for me everything is on my feet could do nothing<00:01:08.490> wrong<00:01:09.140> and<00:01:10.520> then<00:01:11.520> I<00:01:11.640> thought<00:01:11.909> out<00:01:12.060> of nothing wrong and then I thought out of nothing wrong and then I thought out of curiosity<00:01:12.450> I'd<00:01:12.869> like<00:01:13.049> to<00:01:13.170> go<00:01:13.290> and<00:01:13.409> live<00:01:13.619> in<00:01:13.650> a curiosity I'd like to go and live in a curiosity I'd like to go and live in a work<00:01:13.979> and<00:01:14.310> just<00:01:14.460> see<00:01:14.700> what<00:01:14.850> a<00:01:14.880> village<00:01:15.240> is<00:01:15.390> like work and just see what a village is like work and just see what a village is like so<00:01:16.859> in<00:01:16.979> 1965<00:01:17.789> I<00:01:18.149> went<00:01:19.020> to<00:01:19.140> what<00:01:19.289> is<00:01:19.409> called<00:01:19.649> the so in 1965 I went to what is called the so in 1965 I went to what is called the worst<00:01:20.070> be<00:01:20.369> hard<00:01:20.609> famine<00:01:21.119> in<00:01:21.659> India<00:01:22.109> and<00:01:22.380> I<00:01:23.130> saw worst be hard famine in India and I saw worst be hard famine in India and I saw starvation<00:01:24.179> death<00:01:24.859> people<00:01:25.859> dying<00:01:26.249> of<00:01:26.399> hunger starvation death people dying of hunger starvation death people dying of hunger for<00:01:26.939> the<00:01:26.969> first<00:01:27.240> time<00:01:28.729> change<00:01:29.729> my<00:01:29.880> life<00:01:31.219> came for the first time change my life came for the first time change my life came back<00:01:32.429> home<00:01:32.960> told<00:01:33.960> my<00:01:34.049> mother<00:01:34.319> I<00:01:34.999> like<00:01:35.999> to<00:01:36.179> live back home told my mother I like to live back home told my mother I like to live and<00:01:36.509> work<00:01:36.659> in<00:01:36.810> a<00:01:36.899> village and work in a village and work in a village mother<00:01:39.510> went<00:01:39.810> into<00:01:39.930> a<00:01:40.110> coma<00:01:43.159> what<00:01:44.159> is<00:01:44.310> this<00:01:44.780> old mother went into a coma what is this old mother went into a coma what is this old world<00:01:46.080> is<00:01:46.320> laid<00:01:46.560> out<00:01:46.710> for<00:01:46.950> you<00:01:47.100> the<00:01:47.310> best<00:01:47.550> jobs world is laid out for you the best jobs world is laid out for you the best jobs are<00:01:48.060> laying<00:01:48.210> out<00:01:48.360> for<00:01:48.630> you<00:01:48.720> and<00:01:48.900> you<00:01:48.990> want<00:01:49.170> to are laying out for you and you want to are laying out for you and you want to go<00:01:49.380> and<00:01:49.530> work<00:01:49.680> in<00:01:49.710> a<00:01:49.890> village<00:01:50.220> I<00:01:50.340> mean<00:01:50.520> is<00:01:50.640> there go and work in a village I mean is there go and work in a village I mean is there something<00:01:50.820> wrong<00:01:51.210> with<00:01:51.420> you something wrong with you something wrong with you I<00:01:52.670> said<00:01:53.670> no<00:01:53.820> I've<00:01:54.000> got<00:01:54.869> the<00:01:55.020> best<00:01:55.200> education<00:01:55.380> it I said no I've got the best education it I said no I've got the best education it made<00:01:56.250> me<00:01:56.430> think<00:01:56.670> and<00:01:57.270> I<00:01:57.600> wanted<00:01:57.869> to<00:01:57.930> give made me think and I wanted to give made me think and I wanted to give something<00:01:58.290> back<00:01:59.060> in<00:02:00.060> my<00:02:00.240> own<00:02:00.390> way<00:02:01.820> what<00:02:02.820> do<00:02:02.880> you something back in my own way what do you something back in my own way what do you want<00:02:03.090> to<00:02:03.150> do<00:02:03.300> in<00:02:03.420> a<00:02:03.509> village<00:02:03.780> no<00:02:04.770> job<00:02:05.040> no<00:02:05.340> money want to do in a village no job no money want to do in a village no job no money no<00:02:05.640> security<00:02:06.300> no<00:02:06.420> prospect<00:02:06.930> I<00:02:07.200> said<00:02:07.979> I<00:02:08.009> want<00:02:08.280> to no security no prospect I said I want to no security no prospect I said I want to live<00:02:08.580> and<00:02:09.140> dig<00:02:10.140> wells<00:02:10.470> for<00:02:10.770> five<00:02:10.979> years<00:02:12.350> dig live and dig wells for five years dig live and dig wells for five years dig wells<00:02:13.680> for<00:02:14.010> five<00:02:14.280> years<00:02:14.580> you<00:02:14.730> went<00:02:14.910> to<00:02:15.030> the wells for five years you went to the wells for five years you went to the most<00:02:15.270> expensive<00:02:15.450> school<00:02:16.290> and<00:02:16.500> college<00:02:16.860> in most expensive school and college in most expensive school and college in India<00:02:17.340> and<00:02:17.430> you<00:02:17.519> want<00:02:17.730> to<00:02:17.850> dig<00:02:18.060> wells<00:02:18.330> for<00:02:18.570> five India and you want to dig wells for five India and you want to dig wells for five years<00:02:19.110> she<00:02:20.070> don't<00:02:20.250> speak<00:02:20.400> to<00:02:20.670> me<00:02:20.820> for<00:02:21.260> many years she don't speak to me for many years she don't speak to me for many long<00:02:22.530> time<00:02:23.360> because<00:02:24.360> she<00:02:24.540> thought<00:02:24.720> I'd<00:02:24.930> let<00:02:25.170> my long time because she thought I'd let my long time because she thought I'd let my family<00:02:25.620> down

but<00:02:29.190> then<00:02:29.400> I<00:02:29.959> was<00:02:30.959> exposed<00:02:31.440> to<00:02:31.560> the<00:02:31.709> most
but then I was exposed to the most but then I was exposed to the most extraordinary<00:02:32.550> knowledge<00:02:33.150> and<00:02:33.510> skills<00:02:33.840> that extraordinary knowledge and skills that extraordinary knowledge and skills that very<00:02:34.290> poor<00:02:34.590> people<00:02:34.920> have<00:02:35.420> which<00:02:36.420> has<00:02:36.600> never very poor people have which has never very poor people have which has never bought<00:02:37.080> into<00:02:37.260> mainstream<00:02:38.010> which<00:02:38.850> has<00:02:39.000> never bought into mainstream which has never bought into mainstream which has never identified<00:02:39.900> respected<00:02:40.620> applied<00:02:40.950> in<00:02:41.160> a<00:02:41.250> large identified respected applied in a large identified respected applied in a large scale<00:02:41.820> and<00:02:42.510> I<00:02:42.630> thought<00:02:42.930> I'd<00:02:43.110> start<00:02:43.410> a<00:02:43.530> Barefoot scale and I thought I'd start a Barefoot scale and I thought I'd start a Barefoot college<00:02:44.600> College<00:02:45.600> only<00:02:45.989> for<00:02:46.170> the<00:02:46.260> poor<00:02:46.560> or<00:02:47.370> the college College only for the poor or the college College only for the poor or the poor<00:02:47.850> thought<00:02:48.060> was<00:02:48.209> important<00:02:48.780> would<00:02:49.440> be poor thought was important would be poor thought was important would be reflected<00:02:49.799> in<00:02:50.190> the<00:02:50.280> college<00:02:51.709> went<00:02:52.709> to<00:02:52.829> this reflected in the college went to this reflected in the college went to this village<00:02:53.130> for<00:02:53.370> the<00:02:53.430> first<00:02:53.670> time<00:02:54.410> elders<00:02:55.410> came village for the first time elders came village for the first time elders came to<00:02:55.860> me<00:02:56.299> and<00:02:57.299> said<00:02:57.360> are<00:02:58.170> you<00:02:58.260> running<00:02:58.530> from<00:02:58.620> the to me and said are you running from the to me and said are you running from the police police police I<00:02:59.370> said<00:02:59.910> no

you<00:03:04.989> failed<00:03:05.290> in<00:03:05.409> your<00:03:05.439> exam
you failed in your exam you failed in your exam you<00:03:06.640> still<00:03:06.879> know<00:03:07.739> you<00:03:08.739> didn't<00:03:08.920> get<00:03:09.040> a you still know you didn't get a you still know you didn't get a government<00:03:09.219> job<00:03:09.400> I<00:03:09.790> said<00:03:10.329> no<00:03:10.890> what<00:03:11.890> are<00:03:12.159> you government job I said no what are you government job I said no what are you doing<00:03:12.519> here<00:03:13.109> why<00:03:14.109> are<00:03:14.140> you<00:03:14.349> here<00:03:14.790> the doing here why are you here the doing here why are you here the education<00:03:16.420> system<00:03:16.870> in<00:03:16.959> India<00:03:17.260> makes<00:03:17.469> you<00:03:17.590> look education system in India makes you look education system in India makes you look look<00:03:18.159> at<00:03:18.459> Paris<00:03:18.909> and<00:03:19.209> Delhi<00:03:19.599> and<00:03:19.959> Zurich<00:03:20.920> what look at Paris and Delhi and Zurich what look at Paris and Delhi and Zurich what are<00:03:21.849> you<00:03:21.939> doing<00:03:22.150> in<00:03:22.239> this<00:03:22.329> village<00:03:22.659> is<00:03:22.870> there are you doing in this village is there are you doing in this village is there something<00:03:23.260> wrong<00:03:23.379> with<00:03:23.439> you<00:03:23.680> don't<00:03:23.859> not something wrong with you don't not something wrong with you don't not telling<00:03:24.549> us<00:03:25.019> said<00:03:26.019> no<00:03:26.200> I<00:03:26.500> want<00:03:27.189> to<00:03:27.250> actually telling us said no I want to actually telling us said no I want to actually start<00:03:27.909> a<00:03:28.329> college<00:03:28.659> only<00:03:28.930> for<00:03:29.260> the<00:03:29.349> poor<00:03:30.030> but start a college only for the poor but start a college only for the poor but the<00:03:31.180> poor<00:03:31.420> thought<00:03:31.689> was<00:03:31.840> important<00:03:32.349> would<00:03:32.500> be the poor thought was important would be the poor thought was important would be reflected<00:03:32.859> in<00:03:33.189> the<00:03:33.280> college<00:03:33.609> so<00:03:34.299> then<00:03:34.480> this reflected in the college so then this reflected in the college so then this gave<00:03:34.870> me<00:03:34.959> some<00:03:35.139> very<00:03:35.169> sound<00:03:35.739> and<00:03:36.040> profound gave me some very sound and profound gave me some very sound and profound advice<00:03:37.260> they<00:03:38.260> said<00:03:38.470> please<00:03:39.030> don't<00:03:40.030> bring advice they said please don't bring advice they said please don't bring anyone<00:03:40.959> with<00:03:41.290> a<00:03:42.129> degree<00:03:42.639> in<00:03:42.669> qualification anyone with a degree in qualification anyone with a degree in qualification into<00:03:43.720> your<00:03:43.989> college<00:03:44.609> so<00:03:45.609> it's<00:03:45.760> the<00:03:45.849> only into your college so it's the only into your college so it's the only college<00:03:46.389> in<00:03:46.510> India<00:03:46.980> where<00:03:47.980> if<00:03:48.159> you<00:03:48.370> should college in India where if you should college in India where if you should have<00:03:48.730> a<00:03:48.760> PhD<00:03:49.419> or<00:03:49.450> a<00:03:49.540> master's<00:03:49.829> you're have a PhD or a master's you're have a PhD or a master's you're disqualified<00:03:51.280> to<00:03:51.790> come<00:03:54.090> you<00:03:55.090> have<00:03:55.120> to<00:03:55.299> be<00:03:55.480> a disqualified to come you have to be a disqualified to come you have to be a cop-out<00:03:55.959> or<00:03:56.169> a<00:03:56.260> washout<00:03:56.680> or<00:03:56.739> a<00:03:56.919> dropout<00:03:58.109> to cop-out or a washout or a dropout to cop-out or a washout or a dropout to come<00:03:59.349> to<00:03:59.530> our<00:03:59.560> College<00:04:00.060> you<00:04:01.060> have<00:04:01.209> to<00:04:01.389> work come to our College you have to work come to our College you have to work with<00:04:01.719> your<00:04:01.870> hands<00:04:02.200> you<00:04:02.620> have<00:04:02.799> to<00:04:02.950> have<00:04:03.069> a with your hands you have to have a with your hands you have to have a dignity<00:04:03.639> of<00:04:03.730> labour<00:04:03.969> you<00:04:04.150> have<00:04:04.269> to<00:04:04.389> show<00:04:04.629> that dignity of labour you have to show that dignity of labour you have to show that you<00:04:04.959> have<00:04:05.049> a<00:04:05.109> skill<00:04:05.439> that<00:04:05.469> you<00:04:05.680> can<00:04:05.769> offer<00:04:06.129> to you have a skill that you can offer to you have a skill that you can offer to the<00:04:06.940> community<00:04:07.120> and<00:04:07.989> provide<00:04:08.379> a<00:04:08.409> service<00:04:08.769> to the community and provide a service to the community and provide a service to the<00:04:09.639> community<00:04:09.879> so<00:04:10.840> we<00:04:10.959> started<00:04:11.409> the<00:04:12.069> Barefoot the community so we started the Barefoot the community so we started the Barefoot college<00:04:12.609> and<00:04:13.349> we<00:04:14.349> redefined<00:04:15.299> professionalism college and we redefined professionalism college and we redefined professionalism who<00:04:17.169> is<00:04:17.289> a<00:04:17.320> professional<00:04:17.769> or<00:04:18.400> professional<00:04:19.120> is who is a professional or professional is who is a professional or professional is someone<00:04:19.449> who<00:04:20.349> has<00:04:20.500> a<00:04:20.530> combination<00:04:20.829> of someone who has a combination of someone who has a combination of competence<00:04:21.940> confidence<00:04:22.449> and<00:04:23.050> belief<00:04:23.470> a<00:04:24.720> water competence confidence and belief a water competence confidence and belief a water diviner<00:04:26.080> is<00:04:26.949> a<00:04:27.010> professional<00:04:27.729> but diviner is a professional but diviner is a professional but traditional<00:04:29.050> midwife<00:04:29.760> is<00:04:30.760> a<00:04:30.820> professional<00:04:31.570> a traditional midwife is a professional a traditional midwife is a professional a traditional<00:04:32.530> bonesetter traditional bonesetter traditional bonesetter is<00:04:34.060> a<00:04:34.120> professional<00:04:34.900> these<00:04:35.229> are is a professional these are is a professional these are professionals<00:04:35.979> all<00:04:36.190> over<00:04:36.580> the<00:04:36.699> world<00:04:37.030> you'll professionals all over the world you'll professionals all over the world you'll find<00:04:37.570> them<00:04:37.720> in<00:04:37.840> any<00:04:38.310> inaccessible<00:04:39.310> village find them in any inaccessible village find them in any inaccessible village around<00:04:39.940> the<00:04:40.060> world<00:04:40.330> and<00:04:40.690> we<00:04:41.259> thought<00:04:41.500> that around the world and we thought that around the world and we thought that these<00:04:41.919> people<00:04:42.159> should<00:04:42.370> come<00:04:42.699> into<00:04:42.849> mainstream these people should come into mainstream these people should come into mainstream and<00:04:43.690> show<00:04:43.990> that<00:04:44.979> the<00:04:45.099> knowledge<00:04:45.430> and<00:04:45.580> skills and show that the knowledge and skills and show that the knowledge and skills that<00:04:46.030> they<00:04:46.150> have<00:04:46.259> is<00:04:47.259> universal<00:04:48.030> it<00:04:49.030> needs<00:04:49.270> to that they have is universal it needs to that they have is universal it needs to be<00:04:49.539> using<00:04:49.960> it<00:04:50.050> should<00:04:50.259> be<00:04:50.320> applied<00:04:50.560> you<00:04:50.830> to<00:04:50.979> be be using it should be applied you to be be using it should be applied you to be shown<00:04:51.310> to<00:04:51.460> the<00:04:51.550> world<00:04:51.580> outside<00:04:52.139> that<00:04:53.139> these shown to the world outside that these shown to the world outside that these knowledge<00:04:54.310> and<00:04:54.460> skills<00:04:54.729> are<00:04:54.970> relevant<00:04:55.419> even knowledge and skills are relevant even knowledge and skills are relevant even today<00:04:57.900> so<00:04:58.900> the<00:04:59.020> college<00:04:59.320> works today so the college works today so the college works following<00:05:01.270> the<00:05:01.360> lifestyle<00:05:01.930> and<00:05:02.200> work<00:05:02.800> style following the lifestyle and work style following the lifestyle and work style of<00:05:03.190> mathema<00:05:03.550> gandhi<00:05:04.140> you<00:05:05.140> late<00:05:05.350> in<00:05:05.500> the<00:05:05.620> flow of mathema gandhi you late in the flow of mathema gandhi you late in the flow you<00:05:06.250> sleep<00:05:06.520> on<00:05:06.670> the<00:05:06.790> floor<00:05:07.030> you<00:05:07.420> work<00:05:07.660> on<00:05:07.810> the you sleep on the floor you work on the you sleep on the floor you work on the floor<00:05:08.170> there<00:05:08.800> are<00:05:08.830> no<00:05:09.070> contracts<00:05:09.610> no<00:05:09.880> written floor there are no contracts no written floor there are no contracts no written contracts<00:05:10.810> you<00:05:10.960> can<00:05:11.110> stay<00:05:11.290> with<00:05:11.440> me<00:05:11.590> for<00:05:11.770> 20 contracts you can stay with me for 20 contracts you can stay with me for 20 years<00:05:12.100> go<00:05:12.400> tomorrow<00:05:12.580> and<00:05:13.210> no<00:05:13.930> one<00:05:14.170> can<00:05:14.530> get years go tomorrow and no one can get years go tomorrow and no one can get more<00:05:14.950> than<00:05:15.160> $100<00:05:15.880> a<00:05:15.910> month<00:05:16.000> you<00:05:16.780> come<00:05:17.020> for<00:05:17.200> the more than $100 a month you come for the more than $100 a month you come for the money<00:05:17.530> you<00:05:18.250> don't<00:05:18.400> come<00:05:18.640> to<00:05:18.790> Barefoot<00:05:19.270> college money you don't come to Barefoot college money you don't come to Barefoot college you<00:05:20.080> come<00:05:20.290> for<00:05:20.440> the<00:05:20.530> work<00:05:20.710> and<00:05:20.890> the<00:05:20.950> challenge you come for the work and the challenge you come for the work and the challenge you<00:05:21.850> come<00:05:22.060> to<00:05:22.240> the<00:05:22.330> Barefoot<00:05:22.690> college<00:05:22.870> that<00:05:23.650> is you come to the Barefoot college that is you come to the Barefoot college that is where<00:05:23.980> we<00:05:24.190> want<00:05:24.430> you<00:05:24.640> to<00:05:24.790> try<00:05:25.030> crazy<00:05:25.840> ideas where we want you to try crazy ideas where we want you to try crazy ideas whatever<00:05:26.890> idea<00:05:27.250> you<00:05:27.310> have<00:05:27.610> come<00:05:27.880> and<00:05:27.970> try whatever idea you have come and try whatever idea you have come and try doesn't<00:05:29.350> matter<00:05:29.470> if<00:05:29.590> you<00:05:29.680> fail<00:05:30.210> battered doesn't matter if you fail battered doesn't matter if you fail battered bruised<00:05:31.510> you<00:05:31.750> start<00:05:31.990> again<00:05:32.520> it's<00:05:33.520> the<00:05:33.700> only bruised you start again it's the only bruised you start again it's the only college<00:05:34.210> where<00:05:34.440> the<00:05:35.440> teacher<00:05:35.680> is<00:05:35.950> the<00:05:36.070> learner college where the teacher is the learner college where the teacher is the learner and<00:05:36.580> the<00:05:37.450> learner<00:05:37.690> is<00:05:38.110> the<00:05:38.320> teacher<00:05:38.530> and<00:05:39.130> it's and the learner is the teacher and it's and the learner is the teacher and it's the<00:05:40.060> only<00:05:40.240> color<00:05:40.420> we<00:05:40.510> don't<00:05:40.810> give<00:05:40.960> a the only color we don't give a the only color we don't give a certificate<00:05:41.290> you<00:05:41.890> are<00:05:42.700> certified<00:05:43.480> by<00:05:43.510> the certificate you are certified by the certificate you are certified by the community<00:05:44.290> you<00:05:44.410> serve<00:05:44.710> you<00:05:45.640> don't<00:05:45.850> need<00:05:45.970> a community you serve you don't need a community you serve you don't need a paper<00:05:46.360> to<00:05:46.960> hang<00:05:47.110> on<00:05:47.230> the<00:05:47.320> wall<00:05:47.560> to<00:05:47.770> show<00:05:47.800> that paper to hang on the wall to show that paper to hang on the wall to show that you<00:05:48.910> are<00:05:48.940> an<00:05:49.390> engineer<00:05:52.800> so<00:05:53.800> when<00:05:53.950> they<00:05:54.070> said you are an engineer so when they said you are an engineer so when they said that<00:05:54.310> they<00:05:54.970> said<00:05:55.150> well<00:05:55.300> show<00:05:55.660> us<00:05:55.690> what<00:05:55.990> is that they said well show us what is that they said well show us what is possible<00:05:56.500> what<00:05:56.620> are<00:05:56.680> you<00:05:56.800> doing<00:05:57.040> this<00:05:57.580> is<00:05:57.730> all possible what are you doing this is all possible what are you doing this is all mumbo<00:05:58.870> jumbo<00:05:59.200> you<00:05:59.380> can't<00:05:59.590> show<00:05:59.740> it<00:05:59.770> on<00:05:59.890> the mumbo jumbo you can't show it on the mumbo jumbo you can't show it on the ground<00:06:00.810> so<00:06:01.810> we<00:06:01.840> built<00:06:02.200> the<00:06:02.620> first<00:06:03.480> Barefoot ground so we built the first Barefoot ground so we built the first Barefoot college<00:06:05.040> in<00:06:06.040> 1986<00:06:07.470> it<00:06:08.470> was<00:06:08.530> built<00:06:08.860> by<00:06:09.010> 12 college in 1986 it was built by 12 college in 1986 it was built by 12 barefoot<00:06:09.760> architects<00:06:10.240> who<00:06:10.360> can't<00:06:10.570> read<00:06:10.780> and barefoot architects who can't read and barefoot architects who can't read and write write write built<00:06:12.220> on<00:06:12.400> one<00:06:12.550> dollar<00:06:12.790> of<00:06:12.970> 50<00:06:13.330> a<00:06:13.360> square<00:06:13.720> foot built on one dollar of 50 a square foot built on one dollar of 50 a square foot 150<00:06:15.550> peoples<00:06:15.880> lived<00:06:16.060> their<00:06:16.270> work<00:06:16.660> there 150 peoples lived their work there 150 peoples lived their work there they've<00:06:18.970> got<00:06:19.000> the<00:06:19.210> Agha<00:06:19.360> Khan<00:06:19.480> award<00:06:19.780> for they've got the Agha Khan award for they've got the Agha Khan award for architecture<00:06:20.230> in<00:06:20.710> 2002<00:06:21.550> but<00:06:22.270> then<00:06:22.480> they architecture in 2002 but then they architecture in 2002 but then they suspected<00:06:23.200> they<00:06:23.320> thought<00:06:23.500> there<00:06:23.650> was<00:06:23.740> an suspected they thought there was an suspected they thought there was an architect<00:06:24.430> behind<00:06:24.730> it<00:06:24.850> I<00:06:24.970> said<00:06:25.180> yes<00:06:25.420> they<00:06:25.720> made architect behind it I said yes they made architect behind it I said yes they made the<00:06:26.110> blueprints<00:06:26.590> but<00:06:27.220> the<00:06:27.310> barefoot the blueprints but the barefoot the blueprints but the barefoot architects<00:06:28.210> actually<00:06:28.600> it<00:06:28.660> was<00:06:28.780> constructed architects actually it was constructed architects actually it was constructed to<00:06:29.800> the<00:06:29.920> college<00:06:30.840> we<00:06:31.840> are<00:06:31.870> the<00:06:32.020> only<00:06:32.170> ones<00:06:32.470> you to the college we are the only ones you to the college we are the only ones you actually<00:06:32.710> returned<00:06:33.310> the<00:06:33.460> award<00:06:33.790> for<00:06:34.650> $50,000 actually returned the award for $50,000 actually returned the award for $50,000 because<00:06:35.830> they<00:06:36.190> didn't<00:06:36.490> believe<00:06:37.000> us<00:06:37.030> and<00:06:37.300> we because they didn't believe us and we because they didn't believe us and we thought<00:06:37.690> that<00:06:38.380> they<00:06:38.500> were<00:06:38.590> actually<00:06:39.040> casting thought that they were actually casting thought that they were actually casting explosions<00:06:40.270> on<00:06:40.570> the<00:06:40.990> barefoot<00:06:41.320> architects<00:06:41.770> of explosions on the barefoot architects of explosions on the barefoot architects of Colonia<00:06:42.430> I<00:06:43.830> asked<00:06:44.830> a<00:06:44.890> forester<00:06:45.430> i<00:06:45.870> powered Colonia I asked a forester i powered Colonia I asked a forester i powered paper<00:06:47.470> qualified<00:06:47.980> expert<00:06:48.400> I<00:06:48.580> said<00:06:49.150> what<00:06:49.330> can paper qualified expert I said what can paper qualified expert I said what can you<00:06:49.690> build<00:06:50.530> in<00:06:50.830> this<00:06:51.010> place<00:06:51.280> he<00:06:51.910> had<00:06:52.000> one<00:06:52.180> look you build in this place he had one look you build in this place he had one look at<00:06:52.450> the<00:06:52.510> soil<00:06:52.720> and<00:06:52.900> said<00:06:53.050> forget<00:06:53.350> it<00:06:53.410> no<00:06:53.830> way at the soil and said forget it no way at the soil and said forget it no way nothing<00:06:54.550> in<00:06:54.670> work<00:06:54.850> no<00:06:55.240> no<00:06:55.660> water<00:06:55.840> rocky<00:06:56.680> soil<00:06:56.950> I nothing in work no no water rocky soil I nothing in work no no water rocky soil I was<00:06:58.930> in<00:06:59.020> a<00:06:59.080> bit<00:06:59.230> of<00:06:59.320> a<00:06:59.380> spot<00:06:59.650> and<00:06:59.980> I<00:07:00.070> said<00:07:00.250> okay was in a bit of a spot and I said okay was in a bit of a spot and I said okay I'll<00:07:00.550> go<00:07:00.700> to<00:07:00.730> the<00:07:00.850> old<00:07:01.030> man<00:07:01.210> in<00:07:01.540> the<00:07:01.600> village I'll go to the old man in the village I'll go to the old man in the village and<00:07:02.020> say<00:07:02.140> what<00:07:02.290> should<00:07:02.440> I<00:07:02.500> grow<00:07:02.740> in<00:07:03.130> this<00:07:03.460> pot and say what should I grow in this pot and say what should I grow in this pot he<00:07:05.200> looked<00:07:05.410> quietly<00:07:05.710> at<00:07:05.860> me<00:07:06.010> and<00:07:06.100> said<00:07:06.310> you he looked quietly at me and said you he looked quietly at me and said you bury<00:07:06.610> this bury this bury this to<00:07:07.090> build<00:07:07.270> this<00:07:07.450> you<00:07:07.690> put<00:07:07.870> this<00:07:08.050> handle<00:07:08.380> what to build this you put this handle what to build this you put this handle what this<00:07:08.920> is<00:07:09.040> what<00:07:09.160> it<00:07:09.250> looks<00:07:09.430> like<00:07:09.580> today<00:07:12.000> went<00:07:13.000> to this is what it looks like today went to this is what it looks like today went to the<00:07:13.210> roof<00:07:13.390> and<00:07:13.840> all<00:07:14.470> the<00:07:14.620> women<00:07:14.740> said<00:07:15.040> clear the roof and all the women said clear the roof and all the women said clear out<00:07:16.020> the<00:07:17.020> men<00:07:17.230> should<00:07:17.440> clear<00:07:17.650> out<00:07:17.680> because<00:07:18.070> we out the men should clear out because we out the men should clear out because we don't<00:07:18.400> want<00:07:18.520> to<00:07:18.580> share<00:07:18.730> this<00:07:18.880> technology<00:07:19.060> with don't want to share this technology with don't want to share this technology with the<00:07:19.660> men the men the men this<00:07:20.200> is<00:07:20.350> waterproofing<00:07:20.980> the<00:07:21.040> roof<00:07:22.980> it<00:07:23.980> is<00:07:24.040> a this is waterproofing the roof it is a this is waterproofing the roof it is a bit<00:07:24.370> of<00:07:24.490> jaggery<00:07:24.780> bit<00:07:25.780> of<00:07:25.930> urine<00:07:26.170> a<00:07:26.590> bit<00:07:27.370> of bit of jaggery bit of urine a bit of bit of jaggery bit of urine a bit of other<00:07:27.610> things<00:07:27.910> I<00:07:28.000> don't<00:07:28.210> know<00:07:28.390> but<00:07:28.660> it other things I don't know but it other things I don't know but it actually<00:07:29.020> doesn't<00:07:29.440> leak<00:07:29.740> since<00:07:30.550> 1986 actually doesn't leak since 1986 actually doesn't leak since 1986 it<00:07:32.380> hasn't<00:07:32.620> leaked<00:07:33.040> this<00:07:33.760> technology<00:07:34.390> the it hasn't leaked this technology the it hasn't leaked this technology the women<00:07:35.260> will<00:07:35.500> not<00:07:35.620> share<00:07:35.920> with<00:07:36.040> a<00:07:36.070> man<00:07:39.750> it's<00:07:40.750> the women will not share with a man it's the women will not share with a man it's the only<00:07:41.200> college<00:07:41.770> which<00:07:42.220> is<00:07:42.400> fully<00:07:42.700> solar only college which is fully solar only college which is fully solar electrified<00:07:44.580> all<00:07:45.580> the<00:07:45.970> power<00:07:46.210> comes<00:07:46.510> from<00:07:46.600> the electrified all the power comes from the electrified all the power comes from the Sun<00:07:47.080> forty<00:07:48.070> five<00:07:48.250> kilowatts<00:07:48.670> of<00:07:48.790> panels<00:07:49.180> on Sun forty five kilowatts of panels on Sun forty five kilowatts of panels on the<00:07:49.360> roof<00:07:49.570> and<00:07:49.720> everything<00:07:49.930> works<00:07:50.500> out<00:07:50.620> the the roof and everything works out the the roof and everything works out the fun<00:07:50.980> for<00:07:51.190> the<00:07:51.280> next<00:07:51.490> 25<00:07:51.940> years<00:07:52.210> so<00:07:52.390> long<00:07:52.540> as<00:07:52.660> the fun for the next 25 years so long as the fun for the next 25 years so long as the Sun<00:07:52.960> shines<00:07:52.990> I<00:07:53.560> have<00:07:53.920> no<00:07:54.100> problem<00:07:54.460> with<00:07:54.550> power Sun shines I have no problem with power Sun shines I have no problem with power for<00:07:55.930> the<00:07:55.990> beauty<00:07:56.380> is<00:07:56.500> that<00:07:56.770> it<00:07:57.310> was<00:07:57.480> installed

by<00:08:01.600> a<00:08:01.630> priest<00:08:02.050> a<00:08:02.440> Hindu<00:08:02.950> priest<00:08:02.980> who's<00:08:03.520> only
by a priest a Hindu priest who's only by a priest a Hindu priest who's only done<00:08:03.970> eight<00:08:04.240> years<00:08:04.630> of<00:08:04.900> primary<00:08:05.710> schooling done eight years of primary schooling done eight years of primary schooling never<00:08:07.480> been<00:08:07.720> to<00:08:07.870> school<00:08:08.170> never<00:08:08.470> been<00:08:08.740> to never been to school never been to never been to school never been to college<00:08:09.220> you<00:08:09.760> know<00:08:09.880> more<00:08:10.240> about<00:08:10.480> solar<00:08:10.960> than college you know more about solar than college you know more about solar than anyone<00:08:11.770> I<00:08:11.800> know<00:08:11.920> anywhere<00:08:12.460> in<00:08:12.610> the<00:08:12.700> world anyone I know anywhere in the world anyone I know anywhere in the world guaranteed<00:08:16.830> food<00:08:17.830> if<00:08:18.130> you<00:08:18.280> come<00:08:18.460> to<00:08:18.580> the guaranteed food if you come to the guaranteed food if you come to the Barefoot<00:08:19.000> college<00:08:19.180> is<00:08:19.750> solar<00:08:20.140> cooked<00:08:22.050> but<00:08:23.050> the Barefoot college is solar cooked but the Barefoot college is solar cooked but the people<00:08:23.500> who<00:08:23.800> fabricated<00:08:24.610> that<00:08:24.820> solar<00:08:25.090> cooker people who fabricated that solar cooker people who fabricated that solar cooker are<00:08:26.590> women<00:08:28.950> illiterate<00:08:29.950> women<00:08:30.570> who<00:08:31.570> actually are women illiterate women who actually are women illiterate women who actually fabricate<00:08:32.590> the<00:08:32.770> most<00:08:32.980> sophisticated<00:08:33.270> solar fabricate the most sophisticated solar fabricate the most sophisticated solar cooker<00:08:34.720> is<00:08:35.260> a<00:08:35.380> parabolic<00:08:36.150> Schaeffler<00:08:37.150> solar cooker is a parabolic Schaeffler solar cooker is a parabolic Schaeffler solar cooker<00:08:40.680> unfortunately<00:08:41.680> they're<00:08:41.860> almost<00:08:42.280> half cooker unfortunately they're almost half cooker unfortunately they're almost half German<00:08:43.740> they're<00:08:44.740> so<00:08:44.950> precise

never<00:08:48.990> find<00:08:49.350> Indian<00:08:49.860> woman's<00:08:50.190> so<00:08:50.430> precise
never find Indian woman's so precise never find Indian woman's so precise absolutely<00:08:53.580> to<00:08:53.730> the<00:08:53.850> last<00:08:54.089> inch<00:08:54.510> they<00:08:55.500> can absolutely to the last inch they can absolutely to the last inch they can make<00:08:55.860> that<00:08:56.010> cooker<00:08:56.459> and<00:08:56.640> we<00:08:56.730> have<00:08:56.880> sixty<00:08:57.360> meals make that cooker and we have sixty meals make that cooker and we have sixty meals twice<00:08:57.990> a<00:08:58.020> day<00:08:58.320> of<00:08:59.010> solar<00:08:59.399> cooking<00:08:59.870> we<00:09:00.870> have<00:09:00.899> a twice a day of solar cooking we have a twice a day of solar cooking we have a dentist<00:09:01.470> the<00:09:02.339> grandmother<00:09:02.760> illiterate<00:09:04.100> was<00:09:05.100> a dentist the grandmother illiterate was a dentist the grandmother illiterate was a dentist<00:09:05.600> she<00:09:06.600> actually<00:09:06.839> looks<00:09:07.200> after<00:09:07.380> teeth dentist she actually looks after teeth dentist she actually looks after teeth of<00:09:08.040> 7,000<00:09:08.760> children<00:09:10.790> therefore<00:09:11.790> technology of 7,000 children therefore technology of 7,000 children therefore technology this<00:09:13.980> was<00:09:14.190> 1986<00:09:14.940> no<00:09:15.149> engineer<00:09:15.570> no<00:09:15.720> architect this was 1986 no engineer no architect this was 1986 no engineer no architect thought<00:09:16.350> of<00:09:16.470> it<00:09:16.589> but<00:09:16.830> we<00:09:16.980> are<00:09:17.100> collecting thought of it but we are collecting thought of it but we are collecting rainwater<00:09:17.760> from<00:09:18.180> the<00:09:18.360> roofs<00:09:19.279> very<00:09:20.279> little rainwater from the roofs very little rainwater from the roofs very little water<00:09:20.850> is<00:09:21.120> wasted<00:09:21.570> all<00:09:21.750> the<00:09:21.930> roofs<00:09:22.200> are water is wasted all the roofs are water is wasted all the roofs are connected<00:09:22.740> underground<00:09:23.010> to<00:09:23.339> a<00:09:23.370> 400,000<00:09:24.180> litre connected underground to a 400,000 litre connected underground to a 400,000 litre tank<00:09:24.630> and<00:09:25.200> no<00:09:25.950> water<00:09:26.160> is<00:09:26.339> wasted<00:09:26.690> if<00:09:27.690> we<00:09:27.870> have tank and no water is wasted if we have tank and no water is wasted if we have four<00:09:28.230> years<00:09:28.350> of<00:09:28.529> round<00:09:28.800> we<00:09:29.010> still<00:09:29.220> have<00:09:29.370> water four years of round we still have water four years of round we still have water in<00:09:30.000> the<00:09:30.270> campus<00:09:30.690> because<00:09:30.870> we<00:09:31.170> collect in the campus because we collect in the campus because we collect rainwater<00:09:32.839> sixty<00:09:33.839> percent<00:09:34.020> of<00:09:34.410> children rainwater sixty percent of children rainwater sixty percent of children don't<00:09:35.100> go<00:09:35.279> to<00:09:35.310> school<00:09:35.580> because<00:09:36.540> they<00:09:36.839> have<00:09:37.080> to don't go to school because they have to don't go to school because they have to look<00:09:37.380> after<00:09:37.529> animals<00:09:38.130> sheep<00:09:38.520> goats<00:09:39.380> domestic look after animals sheep goats domestic look after animals sheep goats domestic chores<00:09:41.630> so<00:09:42.630> we<00:09:42.870> thought<00:09:43.050> of<00:09:43.110> starting<00:09:43.680> a chores so we thought of starting a chores so we thought of starting a school<00:09:44.220> at<00:09:45.000> night<00:09:45.300> for<00:09:45.750> the<00:09:45.810> children<00:09:46.170> because school at night for the children because school at night for the children because the<00:09:47.040> night<00:09:47.220> schools<00:09:47.580> of<00:09:47.760> Colonia<00:09:48.180> over the night schools of Colonia over the night schools of Colonia over seventy<00:09:48.810> five<00:09:48.839> thousand<00:09:49.560> children<00:09:49.800> have<00:09:50.550> gone seventy five thousand children have gone seventy five thousand children have gone through<00:09:51.029> these<00:09:51.120> night<00:09:51.360> schools<00:09:51.660> because<00:09:51.959> it's through these night schools because it's through these night schools because it's for<00:09:52.230> the<00:09:52.290> convenience<00:09:52.740> of<00:09:52.860> the<00:09:52.980> of<00:09:53.520> the<00:09:53.670> child for the convenience of the of the child for the convenience of the of the child it's<00:09:54.329> not<00:09:54.510> for<00:09:54.660> the<00:09:54.720> convenience<00:09:55.020> of<00:09:55.230> the it's not for the convenience of the it's not for the convenience of the teacher<00:09:55.649> and<00:09:56.370> what<00:09:56.550> do<00:09:56.640> we<00:09:56.730> teach<00:09:56.910> in<00:09:57.089> these teacher and what do we teach in these teacher and what do we teach in these schools schools schools democracy<00:09:58.670> citizenship<00:09:59.670> how<00:10:00.300> you<00:10:00.360> should democracy citizenship how you should democracy citizenship how you should measure<00:10:01.260> your<00:10:01.500> land<00:10:01.790> what<00:10:02.790> you<00:10:02.910> should<00:10:03.089> do<00:10:03.180> if measure your land what you should do if measure your land what you should do if you're<00:10:03.390> arrested you're arrested you're arrested what<00:10:04.470> should<00:10:04.680> you<00:10:04.709> feel<00:10:05.010> if<00:10:05.520> you<00:10:05.760> if<00:10:06.480> your<00:10:06.690> own what should you feel if you if your own what should you feel if you if your own animal<00:10:07.500> is<00:10:07.589> sick<00:10:08.180> this<00:10:09.180> is<00:10:09.300> what<00:10:09.450> we<00:10:09.540> teach<00:10:09.750> in animal is sick this is what we teach in animal is sick this is what we teach in the<00:10:09.959> night<00:10:10.110> schools<00:10:10.410> but<00:10:10.589> all<00:10:10.860> the<00:10:11.040> schools the night schools but all the schools the night schools but all the schools are<00:10:11.550> solar<00:10:12.209> lit<00:10:13.730> every<00:10:14.730> five<00:10:15.209> years<00:10:15.600> we<00:10:16.380> have are solar lit every five years we have are solar lit every five years we have an<00:10:16.620> election<00:10:17.149> between<00:10:18.149> six<00:10:18.630> to<00:10:18.720> fourteen<00:10:19.200> year an election between six to fourteen year an election between six to fourteen year old<00:10:19.589> children<00:10:21.800> participate<00:10:22.800> in<00:10:22.920> a<00:10:23.010> democratic old children participate in a democratic old children participate in a democratic process<00:10:23.760> and<00:10:24.470> they<00:10:25.970> elect<00:10:26.970> a<00:10:27.240> prime<00:10:27.690> minister process and they elect a prime minister process and they elect a prime minister the<00:10:29.370> Prime<00:10:29.610> Minister<00:10:30.060> is<00:10:30.240> 12<00:10:30.570> years<00:10:30.810> old<00:10:32.480> he the Prime Minister is 12 years old he the Prime Minister is 12 years old he looks<00:10:33.660> after<00:10:33.839> 20<00:10:34.290> goats<00:10:34.560> in<00:10:34.769> the<00:10:34.860> morning<00:10:35.190> but looks after 20 goats in the morning but looks after 20 goats in the morning but she's<00:10:35.580> Prime<00:10:35.820> Minister<00:10:36.180> in<00:10:36.240> the<00:10:36.330> evening<00:10:37.580> she she's Prime Minister in the evening she she's Prime Minister in the evening she has<00:10:38.670> a<00:10:38.700> cabinet<00:10:39.180> minister<00:10:40.080> for<00:10:40.380> Education has a cabinet minister for Education has a cabinet minister for Education Minister<00:10:41.279> of<00:10:41.339> Energy<00:10:41.430> Minister<00:10:41.820> for<00:10:42.209> health Minister of Energy Minister for health Minister of Energy Minister for health and<00:10:42.839> they<00:10:43.290> actually<00:10:43.740> monitor<00:10:44.190> and<00:10:44.370> supervise and they actually monitor and supervise and they actually monitor and supervise 150<00:10:45.810> schools<00:10:46.200> for<00:10:46.470> 7,000<00:10:47.100> children<00:10:49.130> she<00:10:50.130> got 150 schools for 7,000 children she got 150 schools for 7,000 children she got the<00:10:50.370> world's<00:10:50.640> children's<00:10:51.060> prize<00:10:51.440> five<00:10:52.440> years the world's children's prize five years the world's children's prize five years ago<00:10:52.890> and<00:10:53.070> she<00:10:53.190> went<00:10:53.339> to<00:10:53.490> Sweden<00:10:53.700> first<00:10:54.450> time ago and she went to Sweden first time ago and she went to Sweden first time ever<00:10:54.810> going<00:10:54.959> out<00:10:55.110> of<00:10:55.260> a<00:10:55.320> village<00:10:55.620> never<00:10:56.070> seen ever going out of a village never seen ever going out of a village never seen Sweden<00:10:58.079> wasn't<00:10:58.829> dazzled<00:10:59.220> at<00:10:59.370> all<00:10:59.579> by<00:10:59.820> what<00:11:00.029> was Sweden wasn't dazzled at all by what was Sweden wasn't dazzled at all by what was happening<00:11:00.209> and<00:11:00.839> the<00:11:01.470> queen<00:11:01.680> of<00:11:01.829> Sweden<00:11:01.980> which happening and the queen of Sweden which happening and the queen of Sweden which they<00:11:02.579> turned<00:11:03.240> to<00:11:03.360> me<00:11:03.450> and<00:11:03.480> said<00:11:03.660> can<00:11:03.839> you<00:11:03.870> ask they turned to me and said can you ask they turned to me and said can you ask this<00:11:04.380> child<00:11:04.740> where<00:11:05.040> she<00:11:05.250> got<00:11:05.399> her<00:11:05.459> confidence this child where she got her confidence this child where she got her confidence from<00:11:06.209> she's<00:11:06.540> only<00:11:06.720> 12<00:11:06.990> years<00:11:07.110> old<00:11:07.410> which<00:11:07.980> is from she's only 12 years old which is from she's only 12 years old which is not<00:11:08.310> dazzled<00:11:08.610> by<00:11:08.820> anything<00:11:09.180> and<00:11:10.100> the<00:11:11.100> girl<00:11:11.370> who not dazzled by anything and the girl who not dazzled by anything and the girl who sits<00:11:11.820> on<00:11:12.149> a<00:11:12.209> left<00:11:13.130> turned<00:11:14.130> to<00:11:14.370> me<00:11:14.519> and<00:11:14.760> looked sits on a left turned to me and looked sits on a left turned to me and looked at<00:11:15.209> the<00:11:15.300> Queen<00:11:15.540> straight<00:11:15.990> in<00:11:16.140> the<00:11:16.260> eye<00:11:16.290> and at the Queen straight in the eye and at the Queen straight in the eye and said<00:11:18.000> please<00:11:18.209> tell<00:11:18.390> her<00:11:18.540> I<00:11:18.690> am<00:11:18.779> the<00:11:18.930> Prime said please tell her I am the Prime said please tell her I am the Prime Minister

where<00:11:30.750> this<00:11:30.870> percentage<00:11:31.410> of<00:11:31.560> illiteracy<00:11:32.130> is
where this percentage of illiteracy is where this percentage of illiteracy is very<00:11:32.700> high<00:11:33.530> we<00:11:34.530> use<00:11:34.740> puppetry<00:11:36.260> puppet<00:11:37.260> is<00:11:37.470> the very high we use puppetry puppet is the very high we use puppetry puppet is the way<00:11:37.860> we<00:11:38.070> communicate

you<00:11:46.390> have<00:11:48.090> Joakim<00:11:49.090> cha-cha<00:11:49.510> who's<00:11:49.720> 300<00:11:50.290> years
you have Joakim cha-cha who's 300 years you have Joakim cha-cha who's 300 years old old old he<00:11:53.410> is<00:11:53.470> my<00:11:53.680> psychoanalyst<00:11:54.130> he's<00:11:54.790> my<00:11:54.940> teacher he is my psychoanalyst he's my teacher he is my psychoanalyst he's my teacher he's<00:11:56.170> my<00:11:56.350> doctor<00:11:56.620> he's<00:11:57.430> my<00:11:57.610> lawyer<00:11:57.850> he's<00:11:58.810> my he's my doctor he's my lawyer he's my he's my doctor he's my lawyer he's my donor donor donor he<00:12:00.310> actually<00:12:00.490> raises<00:12:01.090> money<00:12:01.240> solves<00:12:01.690> my he actually raises money solves my he actually raises money solves my disputes<00:12:04.350> he<00:12:05.350> solves<00:12:05.680> my<00:12:05.800> problems<00:12:06.310> in<00:12:06.460> the disputes he solves my problems in the disputes he solves my problems in the village<00:12:06.880> if<00:12:07.660> there's<00:12:07.900> tension<00:12:08.170> in<00:12:08.470> the village if there's tension in the village if there's tension in the village<00:12:08.830> if<00:12:09.730> the<00:12:10.000> attendance<00:12:10.330> in<00:12:10.600> the<00:12:10.690> schools village if the attendance in the schools village if the attendance in the schools go<00:12:11.110> down<00:12:11.320> and<00:12:11.590> there's<00:12:11.710> a<00:12:11.800> friction<00:12:12.040> between go down and there's a friction between go down and there's a friction between the<00:12:12.580> teacher<00:12:12.790> and<00:12:12.940> the<00:12:13.150> parent<00:12:13.380> the<00:12:14.380> puppet the teacher and the parent the puppet the teacher and the parent the puppet calls<00:12:15.010> the<00:12:15.220> teacher<00:12:15.460> and<00:12:15.820> the<00:12:15.940> parent<00:12:16.120> in calls the teacher and the parent in calls the teacher and the parent in front<00:12:16.630> of<00:12:16.690> the<00:12:16.750> whole<00:12:16.900> village<00:12:17.230> and<00:12:17.380> says front of the whole village and says front of the whole village and says shake<00:12:18.160> hands<00:12:18.550> the<00:12:19.000> attendance<00:12:19.450> must<00:12:19.660> not<00:12:19.810> drop shake hands the attendance must not drop shake hands the attendance must not drop these<00:12:22.780> puppets<00:12:23.050> are<00:12:23.730> made<00:12:24.730> out<00:12:24.850> of<00:12:25.000> recycled these puppets are made out of recycled these puppets are made out of recycled World<00:12:25.810> Bank<00:12:26.050> reports

so<00:12:36.080> this<00:12:36.350> decentralized<00:12:37.720> demystified
so this decentralized demystified so this decentralized demystified approach<00:12:39.320> of<00:12:39.650> seoul<00:12:40.160> electrifying<00:12:40.880> villages approach of seoul electrifying villages approach of seoul electrifying villages we've<00:12:42.050> covered<00:12:42.380> all<00:12:42.710> over<00:12:43.460> India<00:12:43.940> from<00:12:44.210> Ladakh we've covered all over India from Ladakh we've covered all over India from Ladakh up<00:12:45.680> to<00:12:45.950> Bhutan<00:12:47.830> all<00:12:48.850> solar<00:12:49.850> electrified up to Bhutan all solar electrified up to Bhutan all solar electrified villages<00:12:50.990> by<00:12:51.200> people<00:12:51.680> who<00:12:52.010> have<00:12:52.130> been<00:12:52.190> trained villages by people who have been trained villages by people who have been trained and<00:12:55.640> we<00:12:55.760> went<00:12:55.910> on<00:12:56.030> the<00:12:56.150> dock<00:12:56.330> and<00:12:56.810> we<00:12:57.410> asked<00:12:57.680> his and we went on the dock and we asked his and we went on the dock and we asked his woman<00:12:58.070> this<00:12:58.280> at<00:12:59.090> minus<00:12:59.510> 40<00:12:59.960> you<00:13:00.110> have<00:13:00.230> to<00:13:00.320> come woman this at minus 40 you have to come woman this at minus 40 you have to come out<00:13:00.590> of<00:13:00.710> the<00:13:00.800> roof<00:13:01.040> because<00:13:01.970> there's<00:13:02.150> no<00:13:02.270> place out of the roof because there's no place out of the roof because there's no place was<00:13:03.080> all<00:13:03.200> snowed<00:13:03.890> up<00:13:04.070> on<00:13:04.370> both<00:13:04.550> sides<00:13:04.820> and<00:13:05.060> we was all snowed up on both sides and we was all snowed up on both sides and we asked<00:13:05.720> this<00:13:05.840> woman<00:13:06.190> what<00:13:07.190> was<00:13:07.340> the<00:13:07.490> benefit asked this woman what was the benefit asked this woman what was the benefit you<00:13:08.150> had<00:13:08.360> from<00:13:08.690> solar<00:13:08.990> electricity<00:13:09.820> and<00:13:10.820> she you had from solar electricity and she you had from solar electricity and she thought<00:13:11.180> for<00:13:11.240> a<00:13:11.420> minute<00:13:11.540> and<00:13:11.780> said<00:13:12.040> it's<00:13:13.040> the thought for a minute and said it's the thought for a minute and said it's the first<00:13:13.400> time<00:13:13.610> I<00:13:13.880> can<00:13:14.180> see<00:13:14.360> my<00:13:14.480> husband's<00:13:14.930> face first time I can see my husband's face first time I can see my husband's face in<00:13:15.500> winter

men<00:13:20.010> to<00:13:20.130> Afghanistan<00:13:21.290> one<00:13:22.290> lesson<00:13:22.680> we<00:13:22.800> learned
men to Afghanistan one lesson we learned men to Afghanistan one lesson we learned in<00:13:23.730> India<00:13:25.790> was<00:13:27.470> many<00:13:28.520> are<00:13:29.520> unattainable

men<00:13:34.800> are<00:13:34.950> restless<00:13:36.140> men<00:13:37.140> ambitious<00:13:38.300> men<00:13:39.300> are
men are restless men ambitious men are men are restless men ambitious men are compulsively<00:13:40.020> mobile<00:13:40.530> and<00:13:41.160> they<00:13:42.150> all<00:13:42.240> want<00:13:42.450> a compulsively mobile and they all want a compulsively mobile and they all want a certificate

all<00:13:46.079> across<00:13:46.439> the<00:13:46.769> globe<00:13:46.949> you'll<00:13:47.399> have<00:13:47.579> this
all across the globe you'll have this all across the globe you'll have this tendency<00:13:48.359> of<00:13:48.749> men<00:13:49.259> wanting<00:13:50.009> a<00:13:50.069> certificate tendency of men wanting a certificate tendency of men wanting a certificate why<00:13:50.839> because<00:13:51.839> they<00:13:51.989> want<00:13:52.169> to<00:13:52.289> leave<00:13:52.469> the why because they want to leave the why because they want to leave the village<00:13:52.889> and<00:13:53.279> go<00:13:53.369> to<00:13:54.239> a<00:13:54.359> city<00:13:54.599> looking<00:13:54.929> for<00:13:55.139> a village and go to a city looking for a village and go to a city looking for a job<00:13:55.469> so<00:13:56.329> we<00:13:57.329> came<00:13:57.509> up<00:13:57.689> with<00:13:57.839> a<00:13:57.899> great<00:13:58.319> solution job so we came up with a great solution job so we came up with a great solution trained<00:14:00.539> grandmothers<00:14:03.769> what's<00:14:04.769> the<00:14:04.889> best<00:14:05.099> way trained grandmothers what's the best way trained grandmothers what's the best way of<00:14:05.279> communicating<00:14:05.879> in<00:14:06.329> the<00:14:06.959> world<00:14:07.169> today of communicating in the world today of communicating in the world today television<00:14:08.669> no<00:14:09.769> Telegraph<00:14:10.769> no<00:14:11.899> telephone<00:14:12.899> no television no Telegraph no telephone no television no Telegraph no telephone no tell<00:14:14.849> a<00:14:14.879> woman<00:14:21.589> so<00:14:22.589> we<00:14:22.739> went<00:14:23.009> you<00:14:23.759> have<00:14:23.879> done<00:14:24.059> is tell a woman so we went you have done is tell a woman so we went you have done is done<00:14:24.329> for<00:14:24.539> the<00:14:24.599> first<00:14:24.749> time<00:14:25.849> and<00:14:26.849> we<00:14:26.939> picked done for the first time and we picked done for the first time and we picked three<00:14:27.299> women<00:14:27.629> and<00:14:27.779> said<00:14:27.959> we<00:14:28.079> want<00:14:28.229> to<00:14:28.259> take three women and said we want to take three women and said we want to take them<00:14:28.589> to<00:14:28.649> India<00:14:28.979> they<00:14:29.099> said<00:14:29.279> impossible<00:14:29.549> they them to India they said impossible they them to India they said impossible they don't<00:14:30.119> even<00:14:30.209> go<00:14:30.329> out<00:14:30.449> of<00:14:30.569> the<00:14:30.629> room<00:14:30.839> then<00:14:31.049> you don't even go out of the room then you don't even go out of the room then you want<00:14:31.259> to<00:14:31.349> take<00:14:31.469> them<00:14:31.619> to<00:14:31.649> India want to take them to India want to take them to India I<00:14:32.219> said<00:14:33.059> I'll<00:14:33.179> make<00:14:33.329> a<00:14:33.359> concession<00:14:33.749> I<00:14:34.019> think I said I'll make a concession I think I said I'll make a concession I think the<00:14:34.319> husbands<00:14:34.649> along<00:14:34.919> as<00:14:35.069> well<00:14:35.219> so<00:14:35.399> I<00:14:35.459> took<00:14:35.549> the the husbands along as well so I took the the husbands along as well so I took the husbands<00:14:36.089> along<00:14:36.359> of<00:14:36.539> course<00:14:36.749> the<00:14:36.869> women<00:14:37.109> were husbands along of course the women were husbands along of course the women were much<00:14:37.379> more<00:14:37.559> intelligent<00:14:37.829> than<00:14:38.129> the<00:14:38.219> men<00:14:38.809> in much more intelligent than the men in much more intelligent than the men in six<00:14:40.049> months<00:14:41.329> how<00:14:42.329> do<00:14:42.389> we<00:14:42.569> train<00:14:42.809> these<00:14:42.989> women six months how do we train these women six months how do we train these women sign<00:14:45.179> language<00:14:46.579> you<00:14:47.579> don't<00:14:47.819> use<00:14:48.029> the<00:14:48.179> written sign language you don't use the written sign language you don't use the written word<00:14:48.889> you<00:14:49.889> don't<00:14:50.069> use<00:14:50.339> the<00:14:50.519> spoken<00:14:50.969> word<00:14:51.239> you word you don't use the spoken word you word you don't use the spoken word you use<00:14:52.469> sign<00:14:52.799> language<00:14:52.829> and<00:14:53.599> in<00:14:54.599> six<00:14:54.929> months<00:14:55.729> they use sign language and in six months they use sign language and in six months they can<00:14:56.969> become<00:14:57.839> solar<00:14:58.589> engineers can become solar engineers can become solar engineers they<00:15:00.779> go<00:15:00.990> back<00:15:01.170> and<00:15:01.410> soul<00:15:01.680> Electrify<00:15:02.220> their they go back and soul Electrify their they go back and soul Electrify their own<00:15:02.550> village<00:15:03.980> this<00:15:04.980> woman<00:15:05.339> went<00:15:05.519> back<00:15:05.760> and own village this woman went back and own village this woman went back and soul<00:15:06.899> electrified<00:15:07.440> the<00:15:07.620> first<00:15:07.889> village<00:15:08.720> set soul electrified the first village set soul electrified the first village set up<00:15:09.870> a<00:15:09.959> workshop<00:15:10.519> the<00:15:11.519> first<00:15:11.820> village<00:15:12.240> ever<00:15:12.510> to up a workshop the first village ever to up a workshop the first village ever to be<00:15:12.899> solar<00:15:13.139> electrified<00:15:13.680> in<00:15:13.829> Afghanistan<00:15:14.430> or be solar electrified in Afghanistan or be solar electrified in Afghanistan or by<00:15:14.730> the<00:15:14.790> three<00:15:15.089> women by the three women by the three women this<00:15:17.760> woman<00:15:18.500> is<00:15:19.500> an<00:15:19.680> extraordinary this woman is an extraordinary this woman is an extraordinary grandmother<00:15:20.639> fifty-five<00:15:21.209> years<00:15:21.449> old<00:15:21.630> and grandmother fifty-five years old and grandmother fifty-five years old and she's<00:15:21.990> soul<00:15:22.199> electrified<00:15:22.740> two<00:15:22.949> hundred she's soul electrified two hundred she's soul electrified two hundred houses<00:15:23.430> for<00:15:23.820> me<00:15:23.910> in<00:15:23.970> Afghanistan<00:15:24.630> and<00:15:24.990> they houses for me in Afghanistan and they houses for me in Afghanistan and they haven't<00:15:26.810> collapsed<00:15:27.980> she<00:15:28.980> actually<00:15:29.190> went<00:15:29.579> and haven't collapsed she actually went and haven't collapsed she actually went and spoke<00:15:30.000> to<00:15:30.180> an<00:15:30.269> engineering<00:15:30.720> department<00:15:31.290> in spoke to an engineering department in spoke to an engineering department in Afghanistan<00:15:32.010> at<00:15:32.160> all<00:15:32.310> the<00:15:32.519> head<00:15:32.639> of<00:15:32.760> a Afghanistan at all the head of a Afghanistan at all the head of a department<00:15:32.970> the<00:15:33.420> difference<00:15:33.779> between<00:15:34.079> AC<00:15:34.320> and department the difference between AC and department the difference between AC and DC<00:15:35.060> didn't<00:15:36.060> know<00:15:37.339> those<00:15:38.339> three<00:15:38.579> women<00:15:38.730> have DC didn't know those three women have DC didn't know those three women have trained<00:15:39.589> 27<00:15:40.589> more<00:15:40.740> women<00:15:41.100> and<00:15:41.279> soul trained 27 more women and soul trained 27 more women and soul electrified<00:15:42.000> 100<00:15:42.389> villages<00:15:42.750> in<00:15:42.899> Afghanistan electrified 100 villages in Afghanistan electrified 100 villages in Afghanistan we<00:15:44.490> went<00:15:44.670> to<00:15:45.170> Africa<00:15:46.170> and<00:15:46.410> we<00:15:47.010> did<00:15:47.160> the<00:15:47.279> same we went to Africa and we did the same we went to Africa and we did the same thing<00:15:47.850> all<00:15:48.720> these<00:15:49.170> women<00:15:49.410> sitting<00:15:49.860> in<00:15:49.949> one thing all these women sitting in one thing all these women sitting in one table<00:15:50.550> from<00:15:50.850> the<00:15:51.000> eight<00:15:51.120> nine<00:15:51.329> countries<00:15:51.630> all table from the eight nine countries all table from the eight nine countries all chatting<00:15:52.529> to<00:15:52.649> each<00:15:52.740> other<00:15:52.949> not<00:15:53.519> understanding chatting to each other not understanding chatting to each other not understanding a<00:15:54.209> word<00:15:54.240> because<00:15:54.839> they<00:15:54.959> all<00:15:55.050> speak<00:15:55.290> in<00:15:55.440> a a word because they all speak in a a word because they all speak in a different<00:15:55.649> language<00:15:55.889> but<00:15:56.370> the<00:15:56.490> body<00:15:56.940> language different language but the body language different language but the body language is<00:15:57.600> great<00:15:58.040> they're<00:15:59.040> speaking<00:15:59.370> to<00:15:59.670> each<00:15:59.760> other is great they're speaking to each other is great they're speaking to each other and<00:16:00.209> actually<00:16:00.899> becoming<00:16:01.440> solar<00:16:01.800> engineers<00:16:02.399> I and actually becoming solar engineers I and actually becoming solar engineers I went<00:16:03.600> to<00:16:03.779> Sara<00:16:04.589> Leone<00:16:04.920> and<00:16:05.600> there<00:16:06.600> was<00:16:06.690> this went to Sara Leone and there was this went to Sara Leone and there was this Minister<00:16:07.290> driving<00:16:07.800> down<00:16:08.010> the<00:16:08.370> dead<00:16:08.519> of<00:16:08.640> night Minister driving down the dead of night Minister driving down the dead of night comes<00:16:09.720> across<00:16:09.930> this<00:16:10.199> village<00:16:10.440> comes<00:16:10.709> back comes across this village comes back comes across this village comes back goes<00:16:11.370> to<00:16:11.550> it<00:16:11.640> goes<00:16:11.790> into<00:16:11.970> the<00:16:12.089> village<00:16:12.300> says goes to it goes into the village says goes to it goes into the village says bahar<00:16:12.750> what's<00:16:13.019> the<00:16:13.140> story<00:16:13.320> they<00:16:14.040> said<00:16:14.480> these bahar what's the story they said these bahar what's the story they said these two<00:16:15.660> grandmother's<00:16:16.170> grandmother's<00:16:16.970> minister two grandmother's grandmother's minister two grandmother's grandmother's minister couldn't<00:16:18.180> believe<00:16:18.360> what<00:16:18.540> was<00:16:18.570> happening couldn't believe what was happening couldn't believe what was happening where<00:16:19.649> did<00:16:19.769> they<00:16:19.829> go<00:16:19.980> went<00:16:20.339> to<00:16:20.430> India<00:16:20.699> and<00:16:20.790> back where did they go went to India and back where did they go went to India and back went<00:16:22.019> straight<00:16:22.260> to<00:16:22.350> the<00:16:22.440> president<00:16:22.829> he<00:16:22.980> said went straight to the president he said went straight to the president he said you<00:16:23.310> know<00:16:23.430> there's<00:16:23.640> a<00:16:23.670> solar<00:16:23.880> electrified you know there's a solar electrified you know there's a solar electrified village<00:16:24.600> in<00:16:24.990> Sierra<00:16:25.500> Leone village in Sierra Leone village in Sierra Leone he<00:16:25.949> said<00:16:26.130> no<00:16:26.279> half<00:16:26.790> the<00:16:27.029> cabinet<00:16:27.209> went<00:16:27.899> to<00:16:27.990> see he said no half the cabinet went to see he said no half the cabinet went to see the<00:16:28.230> grandmothers<00:16:28.709> the<00:16:28.769> next<00:16:29.010> day<00:16:29.130> what's<00:16:29.550> the the grandmothers the next day what's the the grandmothers the next day what's the story<00:16:29.880> so<00:16:30.570> he<00:16:30.720> summoned<00:16:31.079> me<00:16:31.199> and<00:16:31.470> said<00:16:31.680> can<00:16:31.829> you story so he summoned me and said can you story so he summoned me and said can you train<00:16:32.190> me<00:16:32.310> hundred<00:16:32.579> fifty<00:16:32.850> grandmothers<00:16:33.420> I train me hundred fifty grandmothers I train me hundred fifty grandmothers I said<00:16:35.250> I<00:16:35.370> can't<00:16:35.610> mr.<00:16:35.850> president<00:16:36.240> but<00:16:36.779> they<00:16:36.959> will said I can't mr. president but they will said I can't mr. president but they will the<00:16:37.890> grandmother<00:16:38.310> so<00:16:38.940> he<00:16:39.029> built<00:16:39.209> me<00:16:39.329> the<00:16:39.480> first the grandmother so he built me the first the grandmother so he built me the first barefoot<00:16:40.170> training<00:16:40.380> center<00:16:40.860> in<00:16:40.949> Sierra<00:16:41.160> Leone barefoot training center in Sierra Leone barefoot training center in Sierra Leone and<00:16:41.810> 150<00:16:42.810> grandmothers<00:16:43.319> are<00:16:43.470> being<00:16:43.620> trained and 150 grandmothers are being trained and 150 grandmothers are being trained in<00:16:44.190> Sorelli<00:16:45.149> on<00:16:46.519> Gambia<00:16:47.519> I<00:16:47.819> went<00:16:48.510> to<00:16:48.630> select in Sorelli on Gambia I went to select in Sorelli on Gambia I went to select the<00:16:49.170> grandmother<00:16:49.560> in<00:16:49.680> Gambia<00:16:50.569> went<00:16:51.569> to<00:16:51.660> this the grandmother in Gambia went to this the grandmother in Gambia went to this village<00:16:51.930> I<00:16:52.230> knew<00:16:52.440> which<00:16:52.620> woman<00:16:52.890> I<00:16:52.980> would<00:16:53.100> like village I knew which woman I would like village I knew which woman I would like to<00:16:53.430> take<00:16:54.829> the<00:16:55.829> community<00:16:56.310> got<00:16:56.459> together<00:16:56.579> and to take the community got together and to take the community got together and said<00:16:57.000> I'll<00:16:57.149> take<00:16:57.360> these<00:16:57.510> two<00:16:57.690> women<00:16:57.930> I<00:16:57.990> said<00:16:58.170> no said I'll take these two women I said no said I'll take these two women I said no I<00:16:58.319> want<00:16:58.500> to<00:16:58.560> take<00:16:58.709> this<00:16:58.860> woman<00:16:59.040> misadvised<00:16:59.940> she I want to take this woman misadvised she I want to take this woman misadvised she doesn't<00:17:00.510> know<00:17:00.569> the<00:17:00.660> language doesn't know the language doesn't know the language you<00:17:01.190> don't<00:17:01.370> know<00:17:01.490> I<00:17:02.120> said<00:17:02.209> no<00:17:02.360> I<00:17:02.449> like<00:17:02.629> the<00:17:02.750> body you don't know I said no I like the body you don't know I said no I like the body language<00:17:03.139> I<00:17:03.410> like<00:17:03.529> the<00:17:03.649> way<00:17:03.769> she<00:17:03.920> speaks language I like the way she speaks language I like the way she speaks difficult<00:17:05.179> husband<00:17:05.510> not<00:17:05.900> possible<00:17:06.380> call<00:17:07.010> the difficult husband not possible call the difficult husband not possible call the husband<00:17:07.490> husband<00:17:08.179> came<00:17:08.360> so<00:17:09.049> I<00:17:09.140> can<00:17:09.319> in husband husband came so I can in husband husband came so I can in politician<00:17:10.100> mobile<00:17:10.459> in<00:17:10.579> his<00:17:10.699> hand<00:17:10.939> not politician mobile in his hand not politician mobile in his hand not possible<00:17:12.169> why<00:17:12.500> not possible why not possible why not the<00:17:13.730> woman<00:17:14.059> look<00:17:14.270> how<00:17:14.390> beautiful<00:17:14.900> she<00:17:14.929> is<00:17:15.079> I the woman look how beautiful she is I the woman look how beautiful she is I said<00:17:15.409> yeah<00:17:15.559> she's<00:17:15.829> very<00:17:15.890> beautiful<00:17:16.429> what said yeah she's very beautiful what said yeah she's very beautiful what happens<00:17:16.850> if<00:17:16.939> she<00:17:16.970> runs<00:17:17.209> off<00:17:17.390> with<00:17:17.539> an<00:17:17.809> Indian happens if she runs off with an Indian happens if she runs off with an Indian man<00:17:18.400> that<00:17:19.400> was<00:17:19.549> the<00:17:19.640> biggest<00:17:19.909> fear<00:17:20.030> I<00:17:20.179> said man that was the biggest fear I said man that was the biggest fear I said he'll<00:17:20.750> be<00:17:20.929> happy<00:17:21.380> she'd<00:17:21.679> ring<00:17:21.860> up<00:17:22.010> in<00:17:22.130> a<00:17:22.220> mobile he'll be happy she'd ring up in a mobile he'll be happy she'd ring up in a mobile she<00:17:24.559> went<00:17:24.860> like<00:17:25.069> a<00:17:25.100> grandmother<00:17:25.699> and<00:17:26.059> came she went like a grandmother and came she went like a grandmother and came back<00:17:26.959> like<00:17:27.409> a<00:17:27.439> tiger<00:17:28.720> she<00:17:29.720> walked<00:17:30.020> out<00:17:30.169> of<00:17:30.320> the back like a tiger she walked out of the back like a tiger she walked out of the plane<00:17:30.740> and<00:17:31.070> spoke<00:17:31.460> to<00:17:31.730> the<00:17:32.419> whole<00:17:32.570> press<00:17:32.929> as<00:17:33.110> if plane and spoke to the whole press as if plane and spoke to the whole press as if she<00:17:33.380> was<00:17:33.470> a<00:17:33.500> veteran<00:17:34.039> she<00:17:34.280> handled<00:17:34.640> the she was a veteran she handled the she was a veteran she handled the national<00:17:35.870> press<00:17:36.169> and<00:17:36.880> she<00:17:37.880> was<00:17:38.120> a<00:17:38.150> star<00:17:38.570> and national press and she was a star and national press and she was a star and when<00:17:39.110> I<00:17:39.140> went<00:17:39.380> back<00:17:39.470> six<00:17:39.740> months<00:17:39.799> later<00:17:40.010> said when I went back six months later said when I went back six months later said where's<00:17:40.580> your<00:17:40.730> husband where's your husband where's your husband Oh<00:17:41.390> somebody<00:17:42.289> doesn't<00:17:42.409> matter<00:17:42.620> good<00:17:43.220> night Oh somebody doesn't matter good night Oh somebody doesn't matter good night success<00:17:46.070> story

now<00:17:53.540> you<00:17:53.600> just<00:17:54.190> wind<00:17:55.190> up<00:17:55.370> by<00:17:55.580> saying<00:17:57.760> and<00:17:58.760> I
now you just wind up by saying and I now you just wind up by saying and I think<00:17:59.270> you<00:17:59.660> don't<00:17:59.870> have<00:18:00.140> to<00:18:00.260> look<00:18:00.440> for think you don't have to look for think you don't have to look for solutions<00:18:00.860> outside<00:18:02.290> look<00:18:03.290> for<00:18:03.530> solutions solutions outside look for solutions solutions outside look for solutions within<00:18:04.490> and<00:18:04.730> listen<00:18:05.390> to<00:18:05.810> people<00:18:06.050> they<00:18:06.410> have within and listen to people they have within and listen to people they have the<00:18:06.740> solutions<00:18:07.340> in<00:18:07.490> front<00:18:07.790> of<00:18:07.970> you the solutions in front of you the solutions in front of you they're<00:18:08.630> all<00:18:08.870> over<00:18:09.140> the<00:18:09.290> world<00:18:09.890> don't<00:18:10.460> even they're all over the world don't even they're all over the world don't even worry<00:18:11.060> don't<00:18:11.540> listen<00:18:11.900> to<00:18:12.170> the<00:18:12.260> world<00:18:12.530> bank worry don't listen to the world bank worry don't listen to the world bank listen<00:18:13.400> to<00:18:13.520> the<00:18:13.640> people<00:18:14.060> on<00:18:14.150> the<00:18:14.180> gravel<00:18:14.750> they listen to the people on the gravel they listen to the people on the gravel they have<00:18:15.500> all<00:18:15.770> the<00:18:15.980> solutions<00:18:16.160> in<00:18:16.610> the<00:18:16.640> world have all the solutions in the world have all the solutions in the world I'll<00:18:18.290> end<00:18:18.530> with<00:18:18.620> a<00:18:18.740> quotation<00:18:19.400> by<00:18:19.670> Matt<00:18:19.880> McGann I'll end with a quotation by Matt McGann I'll end with a quotation by Matt McGann first<00:18:21.680> they<00:18:21.920> ignore<00:18:21.980> you<00:18:22.280> then<00:18:22.720> they<00:18:23.720> laugh<00:18:23.870> at first they ignore you then they laugh at first they ignore you then they laugh at you<00:18:24.500> then<00:18:25.370> they<00:18:25.460> fight<00:18:25.670> you<00:18:26.180> then<00:18:26.560> you<00:18:27.560> win you then they fight you then you win you then they fight you then you win thank<00:18:28.700> you

Bunker Roy, India, Barefoot, College, engineer, training, career, dentist, doctor, artisan, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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