Huyền thoại về chương trình nghị sự đồng tính – Lz Granderson

The myth of the gay agenda - LZ Granderson

The myth of the gay agenda - LZ Granderson


when<00:00:16.470> I<00:00:16.500> was<00:00:16.650> about<00:00:16.800> 16<00:00:17.189> years<00:00:17.400> old<00:00:17.939> I<00:00:18.359> can
when I was about 16 years old I can when I was about 16 years old I can remember<00:00:19.380> flipping<00:00:19.770> through<00:00:20.310> channels<00:00:20.340> at remember flipping through channels at remember flipping through channels at home<00:00:21.239> during<00:00:21.509> summer<00:00:21.810> vacation<00:00:22.470> looking<00:00:23.099> for home during summer vacation looking for home during summer vacation looking for a<00:00:23.279> movie<00:00:23.550> to<00:00:23.640> watch<00:00:23.669> on<00:00:23.970> HBO<00:00:24.329> and<00:00:24.750> how<00:00:25.439> many<00:00:25.619> of a movie to watch on HBO and how many of a movie to watch on HBO and how many of you<00:00:25.829> remember<00:00:25.949> Ferris<00:00:26.489> Bueller's<00:00:26.820> Day<00:00:26.849> Off<00:00:27.029> oh you remember Ferris Bueller's Day Off oh you remember Ferris Bueller's Day Off oh yeah<00:00:28.680> great<00:00:28.950> movie<00:00:29.250> right<00:00:29.430> well<00:00:30.119> I<00:00:30.149> saw<00:00:30.390> a yeah great movie right well I saw a yeah great movie right well I saw a Matthew<00:00:30.899> Broderick<00:00:31.410> on<00:00:31.529> a<00:00:31.559> screen<00:00:31.950> and<00:00:32.189> so<00:00:32.279> I Matthew Broderick on a screen and so I Matthew Broderick on a screen and so I thought<00:00:32.610> sweet<00:00:33.180> Ferris<00:00:33.870> Bueller<00:00:34.200> I'll<00:00:34.320> watch thought sweet Ferris Bueller I'll watch thought sweet Ferris Bueller I'll watch this<00:00:35.210> it<00:00:36.210> wasn't<00:00:36.570> Ferris<00:00:36.840> Bueller<00:00:37.170> and this it wasn't Ferris Bueller and this it wasn't Ferris Bueller and forgive<00:00:38.070> me<00:00:38.219> Matthew<00:00:38.520> Broderick<00:00:38.940> I<00:00:39.030> know forgive me Matthew Broderick I know forgive me Matthew Broderick I know you've<00:00:39.360> done<00:00:39.539> other<00:00:39.719> movies<00:00:39.809> besides<00:00:40.469> Ferris you've done other movies besides Ferris you've done other movies besides Ferris Bueller<00:00:41.129> but<00:00:41.340> that's<00:00:41.579> how<00:00:41.760> I<00:00:41.789> remember<00:00:42.120> your Bueller but that's how I remember your Bueller but that's how I remember your fares<00:00:42.600> but<00:00:43.200> you<00:00:43.350> weren't<00:00:43.500> doing<00:00:43.710> pharisee fares but you weren't doing pharisee fares but you weren't doing pharisee things<00:00:44.640> at<00:00:44.880> the<00:00:44.970> time<00:00:45.180> you<00:00:45.510> were<00:00:45.660> doing<00:00:46.560> gay things at the time you were doing gay things at the time you were doing gay things<00:00:47.250> at<00:00:47.520> the<00:00:47.640> time<00:00:48.020> he<00:00:49.020> was<00:00:49.410> in<00:00:49.500> a<00:00:49.590> movie things at the time he was in a movie things at the time he was in a movie called<00:00:49.950> torch<00:00:50.489> song<00:00:50.730> trilogy<00:00:50.760> and<00:00:51.620> torch<00:00:52.620> song called torch song trilogy and torch song called torch song trilogy and torch song trilogy<00:00:52.829> was<00:00:53.399> based<00:00:53.640> on<00:00:53.790> a<00:00:53.850> play<00:00:54.180> about<00:00:54.899> this trilogy was based on a play about this trilogy was based on a play about this drag<00:00:55.680> queen<00:00:56.040> who<00:00:56.790> essentially<00:00:57.480> was<00:00:57.690> looking drag queen who essentially was looking drag queen who essentially was looking for<00:00:58.170> love<00:00:58.320> love<00:00:59.220> or<00:00:59.370> respect<00:00:59.489> that's<00:01:00.360> what<00:01:00.600> the for love love or respect that's what the for love love or respect that's what the whole<00:01:00.870> film<00:01:01.200> was<00:01:01.230> about<00:01:01.410> and<00:01:01.800> as<00:01:02.489> I'm<00:01:02.670> watching whole film was about and as I'm watching whole film was about and as I'm watching I'm<00:01:03.270> realizing<00:01:04.049> that<00:01:04.280> they're<00:01:05.280> talking<00:01:05.670> about I'm realizing that they're talking about I'm realizing that they're talking about me<00:01:06.360> not<00:01:07.049> the<00:01:07.200> drag<00:01:07.409> queen<00:01:07.619> part<00:01:07.920> I'm<00:01:08.460> not me not the drag queen part I'm not me not the drag queen part I'm not shaking<00:01:09.030> my<00:01:09.210> hair<00:01:09.570> for<00:01:09.780> anyone<00:01:10.049> but<00:01:10.979> the<00:01:11.729> gay shaking my hair for anyone but the gay shaking my hair for anyone but the gay part<00:01:12.180> the<00:01:12.659> finding<00:01:13.079> love<00:01:13.259> and<00:01:13.469> respect<00:01:13.920> the part the finding love and respect the part the finding love and respect the part<00:01:14.759> about<00:01:14.999> trying<00:01:15.389> to<00:01:15.630> find<00:01:15.899> your<00:01:16.079> place<00:01:16.319> in part about trying to find your place in part about trying to find your place in the<00:01:16.679> world the world the world so<00:01:18.299> as<00:01:18.420> I'm<00:01:18.569> watching<00:01:18.840> this<00:01:19.319> I<00:01:20.659> see<00:01:21.659> this so as I'm watching this I see this so as I'm watching this I see this powerful<00:01:22.439> scene<00:01:23.009> that<00:01:23.369> brought<00:01:23.639> me<00:01:23.789> to<00:01:23.819> tears powerful scene that brought me to tears powerful scene that brought me to tears and<00:01:24.630> it<00:01:24.749> stuck<00:01:25.079> with<00:01:25.109> me<00:01:25.289> for<00:01:25.679> the<00:01:25.740> past<00:01:25.770> 25 and it stuck with me for the past 25 and it stuck with me for the past 25 years<00:01:26.700> and<00:01:27.479> it's<00:01:28.350> this<00:01:28.499> quote<00:01:28.829> that<00:01:29.130> the<00:01:29.549> main years and it's this quote that the main years and it's this quote that the main character<00:01:30.240> Arnold<00:01:30.749> tells<00:01:31.590> his<00:01:31.889> mother<00:01:32.159> as character Arnold tells his mother as character Arnold tells his mother as they're<00:01:33.420> fighting<00:01:33.929> about<00:01:34.049> who<00:01:35.039> he<00:01:35.189> is<00:01:35.219> and<00:01:35.759> the they're fighting about who he is and the they're fighting about who he is and the life<00:01:36.299> that<00:01:36.329> he<00:01:36.600> lives<00:01:38.329> there's<00:01:39.329> one<00:01:39.630> thing life that he lives there's one thing life that he lives there's one thing more<00:01:40.229> there's<00:01:40.920> just<00:01:41.130> one<00:01:41.340> more<00:01:41.490> thing<00:01:41.549> you more there's just one more thing you more there's just one more thing you better<00:01:42.060> understand<00:01:42.719> I've<00:01:43.679> taught<00:01:44.009> myself<00:01:44.219> to better understand I've taught myself to better understand I've taught myself to so<00:01:45.770> cook<00:01:46.770> fix<00:01:47.609> plumbing<00:01:48.090> build<00:01:48.420> furniture<00:01:48.749> I so cook fix plumbing build furniture I so cook fix plumbing build furniture I can<00:01:49.619> even<00:01:49.829> pet<00:01:50.009> myself<00:01:50.520> in<00:01:50.639> a<00:01:50.700> back<00:01:50.880> when can even pet myself in a back when can even pet myself in a back when necessary<00:01:51.979> also<00:01:52.979> I<00:01:53.009> don't<00:01:53.099> have<00:01:53.369> to<00:01:53.490> ask necessary also I don't have to ask necessary also I don't have to ask anyone<00:01:54.329> for<00:01:54.529> anything<00:01:55.999> there's<00:01:56.999> nothing<00:01:57.359> I anyone for anything there's nothing I anyone for anything there's nothing I need<00:01:57.509> from<00:01:57.869> anyone<00:01:58.229> except<00:01:58.679> for<00:01:58.919> love<00:01:59.159> and need from anyone except for love and need from anyone except for love and respect<00:02:01.399> anyone<00:02:02.399> who<00:02:02.549> can't<00:02:02.819> give<00:02:02.939> me<00:02:02.999> those respect anyone who can't give me those respect anyone who can't give me those two<00:02:03.419> things<00:02:03.779> has<00:02:04.200> no<00:02:04.409> place<00:02:04.679> in<00:02:04.859> my<00:02:04.950> life<00:02:04.979> I two things has no place in my life I two things has no place in my life I remember<00:02:07.770> that<00:02:07.950> scene<00:02:08.720> like<00:02:09.720> he<00:02:09.869> was remember that scene like he was remember that scene like he was yesterday<00:02:10.289> I<00:02:10.860> was<00:02:11.310> 16<00:02:11.940> I<00:02:12.270> was<00:02:12.360> in<00:02:12.599> tears<00:02:12.959> I<00:02:13.349> was yesterday I was 16 I was in tears I was yesterday I was 16 I was in tears I was in<00:02:13.680> the<00:02:13.920> closet<00:02:14.130> and<00:02:14.880> I'm<00:02:15.030> listening<00:02:15.239> I'm in the closet and I'm listening I'm in the closet and I'm listening I'm looking<00:02:15.870> at<00:02:15.989> these<00:02:16.080> two<00:02:16.349> people<00:02:16.560> Ferris looking at these two people Ferris looking at these two people Ferris Bueller<00:02:17.550> and<00:02:17.670> some<00:02:17.849> guy<00:02:18.000> I've<00:02:18.120> never<00:02:18.180> seen Bueller and some guy I've never seen Bueller and some guy I've never seen before before before fighting<00:02:21.040> for<00:02:21.280> love<00:02:24.629> when<00:02:25.629> I<00:02:25.659> finally<00:02:26.049> got<00:02:26.409> to fighting for love when I finally got to fighting for love when I finally got to a<00:02:26.650> place<00:02:26.890> in<00:02:27.069> my<00:02:27.189> life<00:02:27.219> where<00:02:27.760> I<00:02:27.879> came<00:02:27.969> out<00:02:28.480> and a place in my life where I came out and a place in my life where I came out and accepted<00:02:29.260> who<00:02:29.379> I<00:02:29.439> was<00:02:29.769> and<00:02:30.099> was<00:02:30.250> really<00:02:30.459> quite accepted who I was and was really quite accepted who I was and was really quite happy<00:02:30.730> to<00:02:31.090> tell<00:02:31.269> you<00:02:31.299> the<00:02:31.390> truth<00:02:31.599> I<00:02:31.840> was happy to tell you the truth I was happy to tell you the truth I was happily<00:02:32.319> gay<00:02:32.590> and<00:02:32.829> I<00:02:32.920> guess<00:02:33.099> that's<00:02:33.340> supposed happily gay and I guess that's supposed happily gay and I guess that's supposed to<00:02:33.909> be<00:02:34.000> right<00:02:34.209> because<00:02:34.540> gay<00:02:34.689> means<00:02:34.870> happy<00:02:34.959> too to be right because gay means happy too to be right because gay means happy too I<00:02:37.319> realized<00:02:38.319> that<00:02:38.500> a<00:02:38.530> lot<00:02:38.650> of<00:02:38.709> people<00:02:39.040> weren't I realized that a lot of people weren't I realized that a lot of people weren't as<00:02:39.340> gay<00:02:39.519> as<00:02:39.670> I<00:02:39.790> was<00:02:40.000> gay<00:02:40.389> being<00:02:40.569> happy<00:02:40.930> that<00:02:41.109> gay as gay as I was gay being happy that gay as gay as I was gay being happy that gay being<00:02:41.530> attractive<00:02:42.099> so<00:02:42.250> same-sex<00:02:42.780> in<00:02:43.829> fact<00:02:44.829> I being attractive so same-sex in fact I being attractive so same-sex in fact I heard<00:02:45.219> that<00:02:45.489> there<00:02:45.700> was<00:02:45.790> a<00:02:45.819> lot<00:02:46.000> of<00:02:46.120> hate<00:02:46.420> and<00:02:46.750> a heard that there was a lot of hate and a heard that there was a lot of hate and a lot<00:02:47.530> of<00:02:47.650> anger<00:02:48.189> and<00:02:48.400> a<00:02:48.639> lot<00:02:48.670> of<00:02:48.849> frustration lot of anger and a lot of frustration lot of anger and a lot of frustration and<00:02:49.900> a<00:02:49.959> lot<00:02:50.109> of<00:02:50.230> fear<00:02:50.680> about<00:02:51.689> who<00:02:52.689> I<00:02:52.720> was<00:02:53.139> and and a lot of fear about who I was and and a lot of fear about who I was and the<00:02:54.340> gay<00:02:54.549> lifestyle<00:02:55.530> now<00:02:56.530> I'm<00:02:57.040> sitting<00:02:57.579> here the gay lifestyle now I'm sitting here the gay lifestyle now I'm sitting here trying<00:02:57.849> to<00:02:58.000> figure<00:02:58.269> out<00:02:58.299> the<00:02:58.810> gay<00:02:59.019> lifestyle trying to figure out the gay lifestyle trying to figure out the gay lifestyle the<00:02:59.769> gay<00:02:59.919> lifestyle<00:03:00.430> and<00:03:00.549> I<00:03:00.609> keep<00:03:00.790> hearing the gay lifestyle and I keep hearing the gay lifestyle and I keep hearing this<00:03:01.209> word<00:03:01.480> over<00:03:01.810> and<00:03:02.139> over<00:03:02.379> and<00:03:02.680> over<00:03:02.829> again this word over and over and over again this word over and over and over again lifestyle<00:03:03.519> lifestyle<00:03:04.030> lifestyle<00:03:04.480> I've<00:03:04.780> even lifestyle lifestyle lifestyle I've even lifestyle lifestyle lifestyle I've even heard<00:03:05.439> politicians<00:03:06.189> say<00:03:06.459> that<00:03:06.700> the<00:03:06.819> gay heard politicians say that the gay heard politicians say that the gay lifestyle<00:03:07.659> is<00:03:07.870> a<00:03:07.900> greater<00:03:08.290> threat<00:03:08.799> to lifestyle is a greater threat to lifestyle is a greater threat to civilization<00:03:09.939> than<00:03:10.569> terrorism<00:03:11.939> that's<00:03:12.939> when civilization than terrorism that's when civilization than terrorism that's when I<00:03:13.269> got<00:03:13.510> scared I got scared I got scared because<00:03:16.170> I'm<00:03:16.320> thinking<00:03:16.580> if<00:03:17.580> I'm<00:03:17.940> gay<00:03:18.240> and<00:03:18.780> I'm because I'm thinking if I'm gay and I'm because I'm thinking if I'm gay and I'm doing<00:03:19.680> something<00:03:20.040> that's<00:03:20.130> gonna<00:03:20.400> destroy doing something that's gonna destroy doing something that's gonna destroy civilization<00:03:21.570> I<00:03:21.980> need<00:03:22.980> to<00:03:23.130> figure<00:03:23.340> out<00:03:23.520> what civilization I need to figure out what civilization I need to figure out what this<00:03:23.940> stuff<00:03:24.210> is<00:03:24.420> my<00:03:24.660> need<00:03:24.840> to<00:03:24.870> stop<00:03:25.110> doing<00:03:25.380> it this stuff is my need to stop doing it this stuff is my need to stop doing it right<00:03:25.680> now

so<00:03:29.580> I<00:03:29.880> took<00:03:30.630> a<00:03:30.660> look<00:03:30.840> at<00:03:30.990> my<00:03:31.110> life<00:03:31.350> a<00:03:31.680> hard<00:03:32.490> look
so I took a look at my life a hard look so I took a look at my life a hard look at<00:03:33.450> my<00:03:33.570> life<00:03:33.780> and<00:03:34.080> I<00:03:34.950> saw<00:03:35.220> some<00:03:35.460> things<00:03:35.640> very at my life and I saw some things very at my life and I saw some things very disturbing<00:03:41.390> and<00:03:42.390> I<00:03:42.450> want<00:03:42.600> to<00:03:42.660> begin<00:03:42.900> sharing disturbing and I want to begin sharing disturbing and I want to begin sharing these<00:03:43.440> evil<00:03:43.950> things<00:03:43.980> that<00:03:44.400> I've<00:03:44.490> been<00:03:44.670> doing these evil things that I've been doing these evil things that I've been doing with<00:03:45.150> you with you with you starting<00:03:46.350> with<00:03:46.440> my<00:03:46.680> mornings<00:03:47.160> I<00:03:48.890> drink<00:03:49.890> coffee starting with my mornings I drink coffee starting with my mornings I drink coffee not<00:03:52.050> only<00:03:52.200> do<00:03:52.320> I<00:03:52.380> drink<00:03:52.709> coffee<00:03:53.010> I<00:03:53.190> know<00:03:53.370> other not only do I drink coffee I know other not only do I drink coffee I know other gay<00:03:53.880> people<00:03:54.330> who<00:03:54.690> drink<00:03:54.930> coffee<00:03:55.200> I<00:03:57.650> get<00:03:58.650> stuck gay people who drink coffee I get stuck gay people who drink coffee I get stuck in<00:03:58.890> traffic<00:04:00.709> evil<00:04:01.709> evil<00:04:02.550> traffic<00:04:04.100> sometimes<00:04:05.100> I in traffic evil evil traffic sometimes I in traffic evil evil traffic sometimes I get<00:04:05.400> stuck<00:04:05.520> in<00:04:05.700> lines<00:04:06.060> at<00:04:06.270> airports<00:04:06.390> I<00:04:07.400> look get stuck in lines at airports I look get stuck in lines at airports I look around<00:04:08.520> I<00:04:08.850> go<00:04:09.000> my<00:04:09.209> god<00:04:09.510> look<00:04:09.660> at<00:04:09.780> all<00:04:09.870> these<00:04:10.050> gay around I go my god look at all these gay around I go my god look at all these gay people<00:04:10.770> we're<00:04:10.920> all<00:04:11.010> trapped<00:04:11.400> in<00:04:11.550> these<00:04:11.700> lines people we're all trapped in these lines people we're all trapped in these lines these<00:04:12.810> long<00:04:13.110> lines<00:04:13.530> trying<00:04:13.920> to<00:04:14.040> get<00:04:14.160> in<00:04:14.250> the these long lines trying to get in the these long lines trying to get in the airplane<00:04:14.520> my<00:04:15.420> god<00:04:15.810> this<00:04:16.079> lifestyle<00:04:16.590> that<00:04:16.739> I'm airplane my god this lifestyle that I'm airplane my god this lifestyle that I'm living<00:04:16.859> is<00:04:17.310> so<00:04:17.579> freakin<00:04:18.329> evil<00:04:19.200> I<00:04:20.720> clean<00:04:21.720> up living is so freakin evil I clean up living is so freakin evil I clean up this<00:04:23.280> is<00:04:23.460> not<00:04:23.640> an<00:04:23.760> actual<00:04:24.030> photograph<00:04:24.330> of<00:04:24.810> my this is not an actual photograph of my this is not an actual photograph of my son's<00:04:25.260> room son's room son's room here's<00:04:26.280> his<00:04:26.460> Messier here's his Messier here's his Messier and<00:04:28.960> because<00:04:29.960> I<00:04:29.990> have<00:04:30.260> a<00:04:30.290> 15<00:04:30.740> year<00:04:30.920> old<00:04:30.950> all<00:04:31.340> I and because I have a 15 year old all I and because I have a 15 year old all I do<00:04:31.580> is<00:04:32.060> cook<00:04:32.450> and<00:04:32.750> cook<00:04:33.350> and<00:04:33.410> cook<00:04:34.220> any<00:04:34.580> parents do is cook and cook and cook any parents do is cook and cook and cook any parents out<00:04:35.240> there<00:04:35.270> of<00:04:35.480> teenagers<00:04:36.020> all<00:04:36.920> we<00:04:37.310> do<00:04:37.520> is<00:04:37.700> cook out there of teenagers all we do is cook out there of teenagers all we do is cook for<00:04:38.030> these<00:04:38.360> people<00:04:38.840> they<00:04:39.080> eat<00:04:39.410> two<00:04:40.220> three<00:04:40.820> four for these people they eat two three four for these people they eat two three four dinners<00:04:41.510> a<00:04:41.690> night<00:04:42.020> is<00:04:42.290> ridiculous<00:04:43.360> this<00:04:44.360> is dinners a night is ridiculous this is dinners a night is ridiculous this is the<00:04:45.110> gay<00:04:45.260> lifestyle<00:04:46.630> and<00:04:47.630> after<00:04:47.930> I'm<00:04:47.990> done the gay lifestyle and after I'm done the gay lifestyle and after I'm done cooking<00:04:48.620> and<00:04:49.190> cleaning<00:04:49.400> in<00:04:50.060> and<00:04:50.270> standing<00:04:50.960> in cooking and cleaning in and standing in cooking and cleaning in and standing in line<00:04:51.290> and<00:04:51.650> getting<00:04:51.860> stuck<00:04:52.220> in<00:04:52.370> traffic<00:04:53.290> My line and getting stuck in traffic My line and getting stuck in traffic My partner<00:04:54.590> and<00:04:54.830> I<00:04:54.950> we<00:04:55.430> get<00:04:55.610> together<00:04:56.680> and<00:04:57.680> we partner and I we get together and we partner and I we get together and we decide<00:04:58.220> are<00:04:58.490> we<00:04:58.580> gonna<00:04:58.700> go<00:04:59.030> and<00:04:59.390> have<00:04:59.780> some decide are we gonna go and have some decide are we gonna go and have some wild<00:05:00.410> and<00:05:00.890> crazy<00:05:00.920> fun<00:05:06.220> we're<00:05:07.220> usually<00:05:07.400> in<00:05:07.610> bed wild and crazy fun we're usually in bed wild and crazy fun we're usually in bed before<00:05:08.000> we<00:05:08.210> find<00:05:08.450> out<00:05:08.570> who's<00:05:08.720> eliminated<00:05:09.230> on before we find out who's eliminated on before we find out who's eliminated on American<00:05:09.680> Idol<00:05:10.780> we<00:05:11.780> have<00:05:11.930> to<00:05:12.080> wake<00:05:12.260> up<00:05:12.530> and American Idol we have to wake up and American Idol we have to wake up and find<00:05:12.980> out<00:05:13.130> the<00:05:13.280> next<00:05:13.490> day<00:05:13.640> who's<00:05:14.150> still<00:05:14.420> on find out the next day who's still on find out the next day who's still on because<00:05:15.020> we're<00:05:15.320> too<00:05:15.590> freaking<00:05:16.100> tired<00:05:17.050> to<00:05:18.050> hear because we're too freaking tired to hear because we're too freaking tired to hear who<00:05:18.680> stays<00:05:19.010> on<00:05:19.340> this<00:05:19.970> is<00:05:20.330> the<00:05:20.720> super<00:05:21.110> duper who stays on this is the super duper who stays on this is the super duper evil<00:05:21.920> gay<00:05:22.720> lifestyle<00:05:23.770> run<00:05:24.770> for<00:05:25.100> your evil gay lifestyle run for your evil gay lifestyle run for your heterosexual<00:05:26.000> eyes<00:05:26.210> people

when<00:05:37.210> my<00:05:37.630> partner<00:05:38.230> Steve<00:05:38.500> and<00:05:38.740> I<00:05:38.970> first
when my partner Steve and I first when my partner Steve and I first started<00:05:40.090> dating<00:05:40.560> he<00:05:41.560> told<00:05:42.370> me<00:05:42.460> the<00:05:42.550> story started dating he told me the story started dating he told me the story about<00:05:42.970> penguins<00:05:43.840> and<00:05:44.880> I<00:05:45.880> didn't<00:05:46.420> know<00:05:46.480> where about penguins and I didn't know where about penguins and I didn't know where he<00:05:46.690> was<00:05:46.810> going<00:05:47.050> with<00:05:47.140> it<00:05:47.320> at<00:05:47.410> first<00:05:47.710> he<00:05:48.190> was he was going with it at first he was he was going with it at first he was kind<00:05:48.880> of<00:05:48.940> a<00:05:49.000> little<00:05:49.090> bit<00:05:49.270> nervous<00:05:49.570> when<00:05:49.870> he<00:05:49.990> was kind of a little bit nervous when he was kind of a little bit nervous when he was sharing<00:05:50.440> it<00:05:50.500> with<00:05:50.560> me<00:05:50.830> but<00:05:50.980> he<00:05:51.040> told<00:05:51.220> me<00:05:51.430> that sharing it with me but he told me that sharing it with me but he told me that when<00:05:52.210> a<00:05:52.270> penguin<00:05:52.720> finds<00:05:52.990> a<00:05:53.170> mate<00:05:53.380> that<00:05:53.620> they when a penguin finds a mate that they when a penguin finds a mate that they want<00:05:54.070> to<00:05:54.130> spend<00:05:54.250> the<00:05:54.490> rest<00:05:54.610> of<00:05:54.730> their<00:05:54.880> life want to spend the rest of their life want to spend the rest of their life with<00:05:55.590> they<00:05:56.590> present<00:05:57.010> them<00:05:57.160> with<00:05:57.190> the<00:05:57.400> pebble with they present them with the pebble with they present them with the pebble the<00:05:58.360> perfect<00:05:58.810> pebble<00:05:59.260> and<00:05:59.950> then<00:06:00.910> he<00:06:01.000> reaches the perfect pebble and then he reaches the perfect pebble and then he reaches into<00:06:01.480> his<00:06:01.660> pocket<00:06:01.720> and<00:06:02.170> he<00:06:02.350> brings<00:06:03.040> this<00:06:03.400> out into his pocket and he brings this out into his pocket and he brings this out to<00:06:03.910> me<00:06:05.910> and<00:06:06.910> I've<00:06:07.060> looked<00:06:07.270> at<00:06:07.450> it<00:06:07.660> and<00:06:07.780> I<00:06:07.840> was to me and I've looked at it and I was to me and I've looked at it and I was like<00:06:08.080> this<00:06:08.770> is<00:06:08.980> really<00:06:09.250> cool<00:06:10.170> and<00:06:11.170> he<00:06:11.290> says<00:06:11.530> I like this is really cool and he says I like this is really cool and he says I want<00:06:12.220> to<00:06:12.280> spend<00:06:12.550> the<00:06:12.640> rest<00:06:12.670> of<00:06:12.880> my<00:06:12.940> life<00:06:13.120> with want to spend the rest of my life with want to spend the rest of my life with you<00:06:15.000> so<00:06:16.000> I<00:06:16.030> wear<00:06:16.390> this<00:06:16.600> whenever<00:06:17.230> I<00:06:17.950> have<00:06:18.340> to<00:06:18.460> do you so I wear this whenever I have to do you so I wear this whenever I have to do something<00:06:19.060> that<00:06:19.090> makes<00:06:19.360> me<00:06:19.510> look<00:06:19.630> nervous something that makes me look nervous something that makes me look nervous like<00:06:20.950> I<00:06:21.160> don't<00:06:21.370> know<00:06:21.430> a<00:06:21.460> TEDx<00:06:21.850> talk like I don't know a TEDx talk like I don't know a TEDx talk I<00:06:23.670> wear<00:06:24.670> this<00:06:24.850> when<00:06:25.150> I<00:06:25.180> am<00:06:25.540> apart<00:06:26.050> from<00:06:26.170> him<00:06:26.350> for I wear this when I am apart from him for I wear this when I am apart from him for a<00:06:26.620> long<00:06:26.800> period<00:06:27.130> of<00:06:27.160> time<00:06:27.370> and<00:06:27.810> sometimes<00:06:28.810> I a long period of time and sometimes I a long period of time and sometimes I just<00:06:29.260> wear<00:06:29.710> it<00:06:29.860> just<00:06:29.890> because<00:06:31.230> how<00:06:32.230> many just wear it just because how many just wear it just because how many people<00:06:32.800> out<00:06:32.920> there<00:06:32.950> aren't<00:06:33.370> in<00:06:33.460> love<00:06:33.900> anyone people out there aren't in love anyone people out there aren't in love anyone in<00:06:34.960> love<00:06:35.170> out<00:06:35.350> there<00:06:36.900> you<00:06:37.900> might<00:06:38.110> be<00:06:38.140> gay

because<00:06:42.010> I<00:06:42.340> too<00:06:42.760> am<00:06:43.030> in<00:06:43.270> love<00:06:43.480> and<00:06:43.870> apparently
because I too am in love and apparently because I too am in love and apparently that's<00:06:44.530> part<00:06:44.800> of<00:06:44.860> their<00:06:45.010> gay<00:06:45.310> lifestyle<00:06:45.820> I that's part of their gay lifestyle I that's part of their gay lifestyle I warned<00:06:46.450> you<00:06:46.540> about

you<00:06:54.199> may<00:06:54.410> want<00:06:54.650> to<00:06:54.680> tell<00:06:54.889> your<00:06:55.040> spouse<00:06:55.990> who<00:06:56.990> if
you may want to tell your spouse who if you may want to tell your spouse who if they're<00:06:57.740> in<00:06:57.830> love<00:06:57.980> might<00:06:58.220> be<00:06:58.250> gives<00:06:58.520> well<00:06:59.020> how they're in love might be gives well how they're in love might be gives well how many<00:07:00.199> of<00:07:00.350> you<00:07:00.470> are<00:07:00.500> single<00:07:01.010> and<00:07:01.419> you<00:07:02.419> single many of you are single and you single many of you are single and you single people<00:07:02.780> out<00:07:03.080> there<00:07:03.290> you<00:07:03.470> too<00:07:03.680> might<00:07:03.889> be<00:07:04.010> gay people out there you too might be gay people out there you too might be gay because<00:07:05.720> I<00:07:05.750> know<00:07:05.930> some<00:07:06.229> gay<00:07:06.380> people<00:07:06.770> who<00:07:06.860> are because I know some gay people who are because I know some gay people who are also<00:07:07.100> single<00:07:08.050> it's<00:07:09.050> really<00:07:09.410> scary<00:07:09.800> this<00:07:10.040> gay also single it's really scary this gay also single it's really scary this gay lifestyle<00:07:10.760> thing<00:07:11.030> it's<00:07:11.270> SuperDuper<00:07:12.080> evil<00:07:12.740> and lifestyle thing it's SuperDuper evil and lifestyle thing it's SuperDuper evil and there's<00:07:13.250> no<00:07:13.580> end<00:07:13.910> to<00:07:14.330> it there's no end to it there's no end to it it<00:07:15.110> goes<00:07:15.800> and<00:07:16.400> goes<00:07:16.610> and<00:07:16.669> engulfs<00:07:18.190> it's<00:07:19.190> really it goes and goes and engulfs it's really it goes and goes and engulfs it's really quite<00:07:19.610> silly<00:07:19.880> isn't<00:07:20.120> it<00:07:20.560> that's<00:07:21.560> why<00:07:21.830> I'm<00:07:21.949> so quite silly isn't it that's why I'm so quite silly isn't it that's why I'm so happy<00:07:23.000> to<00:07:23.449> finally<00:07:23.750> hear<00:07:24.080> President<00:07:24.590> Obama happy to finally hear President Obama happy to finally hear President Obama come<00:07:25.940> out<00:07:26.150> and<00:07:26.389> say<00:07:27.790> that<00:07:28.790> he<00:07:28.970> supports

nahee<00:07:35.250> supports<00:07:35.940> marriage<00:07:36.389> equality<00:07:37.669> it's<00:07:38.669> a
nahee supports marriage equality it's a nahee supports marriage equality it's a wonderful<00:07:39.300> day<00:07:39.449> in<00:07:39.479> our<00:07:39.720> country's<00:07:40.110> history wonderful day in our country's history wonderful day in our country's history is<00:07:40.680> a<00:07:40.710> wonderful<00:07:41.220> day<00:07:41.370> in<00:07:41.580> the<00:07:41.610> globe's is a wonderful day in the globe's is a wonderful day in the globe's history<00:07:42.449> to<00:07:43.080> be<00:07:43.199> able<00:07:43.380> to<00:07:43.440> have<00:07:43.620> an<00:07:43.770> actual history to be able to have an actual history to be able to have an actual sitting<00:07:44.430> president<00:07:45.000> say<00:07:45.690> enough<00:07:46.020> of<00:07:46.349> this sitting president say enough of this sitting president say enough of this first<00:07:47.789> to<00:07:47.910> himself<00:07:48.259> and<00:07:49.259> then<00:07:49.500> to<00:07:49.650> the<00:07:49.740> rest<00:07:49.889> of first to himself and then to the rest of first to himself and then to the rest of the<00:07:50.039> world<00:07:50.330> it's<00:07:51.330> wonderful<00:07:52.880> but<00:07:53.880> there's the world it's wonderful but there's the world it's wonderful but there's something<00:07:54.419> that's<00:07:54.539> been<00:07:54.750> disturbing<00:07:55.319> me something that's been disturbing me something that's been disturbing me since<00:07:55.710> he<00:07:56.160> made<00:07:56.880> that<00:07:57.240> remark<00:07:57.630> just<00:07:58.139> a<00:07:58.620> short since he made that remark just a short since he made that remark just a short time<00:07:59.160> ago<00:07:59.370> and<00:07:59.759> that<00:08:00.000> is<00:08:00.960> apparently<00:08:01.610> this<00:08:02.610> is time ago and that is apparently this is time ago and that is apparently this is just<00:08:03.060> another<00:08:03.479> move<00:08:03.930> by<00:08:04.759> the<00:08:05.759> gay<00:08:05.970> activist just another move by the gay activist just another move by the gay activist that's<00:08:07.320> on<00:08:07.590> the<00:08:07.919> gay<00:08:08.099> agenda<00:08:08.810> and<00:08:09.919> I'm that's on the gay agenda and I'm that's on the gay agenda and I'm disturbed<00:08:11.400> by<00:08:11.610> this<00:08:11.669> because<00:08:12.120> I've<00:08:13.050> been disturbed by this because I've been disturbed by this because I've been openly<00:08:13.680> gay<00:08:13.889> now<00:08:14.160> for<00:08:14.550> quite<00:08:14.880> some<00:08:15.180> time<00:08:15.530> I've openly gay now for quite some time I've openly gay now for quite some time I've been<00:08:16.919> to<00:08:17.130> all<00:08:17.460> of<00:08:17.490> the<00:08:17.880> functions<00:08:18.419> I've<00:08:18.660> been been to all of the functions I've been been to all of the functions I've been to<00:08:18.870> fundraisers<00:08:19.740> I've<00:08:19.979> written<00:08:20.220> about<00:08:20.520> the to fundraisers I've written about the to fundraisers I've written about the topic<00:08:20.880> and<00:08:21.270> I<00:08:21.330> have<00:08:21.509> yet<00:08:21.750> to<00:08:21.810> receive<00:08:22.080> my<00:08:22.500> copy topic and I have yet to receive my copy topic and I have yet to receive my copy of<00:08:22.949> this<00:08:23.190> gay<00:08:23.370> agenda<00:08:23.490> I<00:08:25.970> pay<00:08:26.970> my<00:08:27.150> dues<00:08:27.210> on<00:08:27.659> time

I've<00:08:32.039> marched<00:08:32.580> in<00:08:32.760> gay<00:08:32.909> pride<00:08:33.209> Flags<00:08:33.599> parades
I've marched in gay pride Flags parades I've marched in gay pride Flags parades and<00:08:34.860> the<00:08:34.919> whole<00:08:35.159> nine<00:08:35.399> and<00:08:35.729> I<00:08:35.909> have<00:08:36.029> yet<00:08:36.419> to<00:08:36.450> see and the whole nine and I have yet to see and the whole nine and I have yet to see a<00:08:37.260> copy<00:08:37.649> of<00:08:38.039> the<00:08:38.190> gay<00:08:38.370> agenda<00:08:38.579> it<00:08:39.029> was<00:08:39.149> very a copy of the gay agenda it was very a copy of the gay agenda it was very very<00:08:39.690> frustrating<00:08:40.260> I<00:08:40.289> was<00:08:40.469> feeling<00:08:40.680> left<00:08:40.800> out very frustrating I was feeling left out very frustrating I was feeling left out like<00:08:41.190> I<00:08:41.310> wasn't<00:08:41.520> quite<00:08:41.789> gay<00:08:42.120> enough<00:08:43.159> but<00:08:44.159> then like I wasn't quite gay enough but then like I wasn't quite gay enough but then something<00:08:44.670> wonderful<00:08:45.020> happened<00:08:46.020> I<00:08:46.170> was<00:08:46.740> out something wonderful happened I was out something wonderful happened I was out shopping<00:08:47.250> as<00:08:47.730> I<00:08:48.029> tend<00:08:48.360> to<00:08:48.450> do<00:08:48.660> and<00:08:49.190> I<00:08:50.190> came shopping as I tend to do and I came shopping as I tend to do and I came across<00:08:50.640> a<00:08:51.529> bootleg<00:08:52.529> copy<00:08:52.980> of<00:08:53.339> the<00:08:53.910> official across a bootleg copy of the official across a bootleg copy of the official gay<00:08:55.350> agenda<00:08:56.480> and<00:08:57.480> I<00:08:58.200> said<00:08:58.500> to<00:08:58.709> myself<00:08:58.970> LZ<00:08:59.970> for gay agenda and I said to myself LZ for gay agenda and I said to myself LZ for so<00:09:00.480> long<00:09:00.750> you<00:09:01.110> have<00:09:01.290> been<00:09:01.500> denied<00:09:01.950> this<00:09:02.510> when so long you have been denied this when so long you have been denied this when you<00:09:03.630> get<00:09:03.810> in<00:09:03.930> front<00:09:03.959> of<00:09:04.200> this<00:09:04.320> crowd<00:09:04.670> you're you get in front of this crowd you're you get in front of this crowd you're gonna<00:09:05.850> share<00:09:06.360> the<00:09:06.870> news<00:09:07.370> you're<00:09:08.370> gonna<00:09:08.520> spread gonna share the news you're gonna spread gonna share the news you're gonna spread the<00:09:09.450> gay<00:09:09.630> agenda<00:09:09.750> so<00:09:10.170> no<00:09:10.380> one<00:09:10.560> else<00:09:10.709> has<00:09:11.010> to the gay agenda so no one else has to the gay agenda so no one else has to wonder<00:09:11.399> what<00:09:12.120> exactly<00:09:12.149> is<00:09:13.140> in<00:09:13.770> the<00:09:14.399> gay<00:09:14.640> agenda wonder what exactly is in the gay agenda wonder what exactly is in the gay agenda what<00:09:15.870> are<00:09:15.990> these<00:09:16.110> gays<00:09:16.560> up<00:09:17.100> to<00:09:17.930> what<00:09:18.930> do<00:09:19.050> they what are these gays up to what do they what are these gays up to what do they want want want so<00:09:22.550> without<00:09:23.550> further<00:09:23.940> ado<00:09:24.570> I<00:09:24.779> will<00:09:25.500> present<00:09:25.680> to so without further ado I will present to so without further ado I will present to you<00:09:26.220> ladies<00:09:26.250> and<00:09:26.730> gentlemen<00:09:27.060> and<00:09:27.150> be<00:09:27.240> careful you ladies and gentlemen and be careful you ladies and gentlemen and be careful because<00:09:28.170> there's<00:09:28.410> evil<00:09:28.680> a<00:09:29.300> copy<00:09:30.300> the<00:09:31.230> official because there's evil a copy the official because there's evil a copy the official copy<00:09:32.040> of<00:09:32.790> the<00:09:33.420> gay<00:09:33.600> agenda

the<00:10:02.460> people<00:10:07.880> there<00:10:08.880> it<00:10:09.000> is<00:10:10.070> they<00:10:11.070> just<00:10:11.100> soak<00:10:11.550> it
the people there it is they just soak it the people there it is they just soak it all<00:10:11.820> in<00:10:12.020> the<00:10:13.020> gay<00:10:13.320> agenda<00:10:13.850> some<00:10:14.850> of<00:10:14.970> you<00:10:15.090> maybe all in the gay agenda some of you maybe all in the gay agenda some of you maybe call<00:10:15.630> it<00:10:16.970> the<00:10:17.970> Constitution<00:10:18.660> United<00:10:19.020> States call it the Constitution United States call it the Constitution United States is<00:10:19.470> that<00:10:19.590> what<00:10:19.740> you<00:10:19.830> call<00:10:20.010> it<00:10:20.130> to<00:10:20.280> the<00:10:21.180> US is that what you call it to the US is that what you call it to the US Constitution<00:10:21.990> is<00:10:22.790> the<00:10:23.790> gay<00:10:24.060> agenda<00:10:25.190> these Constitution is the gay agenda these Constitution is the gay agenda these days<00:10:26.940> people<00:10:27.570> like<00:10:27.720> me<00:10:28.170> want<00:10:29.010> to<00:10:29.070> be<00:10:29.160> treated days people like me want to be treated days people like me want to be treated like<00:10:29.610> full<00:10:30.000> citizens<00:10:30.630> and<00:10:31.080> it's<00:10:31.200> all<00:10:31.440> written like full citizens and it's all written like full citizens and it's all written down down down in<00:10:32.480> plain<00:10:33.480> sight<00:10:33.930> I<00:10:34.290> was<00:10:35.100> blown<00:10:35.730> away<00:10:35.760> when<00:10:36.390> I in plain sight I was blown away when I in plain sight I was blown away when I saw<00:10:36.510> it<00:10:36.930> I<00:10:37.020> was<00:10:37.050> like<00:10:37.170> wait<00:10:38.030> this<00:10:39.030> is<00:10:39.210> the<00:10:39.300> gay saw it I was like wait this is the gay saw it I was like wait this is the gay agenda<00:10:39.770> why<00:10:40.770> don't<00:10:40.920> you<00:10:40.980> just<00:10:41.100> call<00:10:41.310> the agenda why don't you just call the agenda why don't you just call the Constitution<00:10:42.120> so<00:10:42.210> I<00:10:42.240> knew<00:10:42.360> you<00:10:42.480> were<00:10:42.570> talking Constitution so I knew you were talking Constitution so I knew you were talking about<00:10:43.050> I<00:10:44.000> wouldn't<00:10:45.000> have<00:10:45.090> been<00:10:45.150> so<00:10:45.330> confused<00:10:45.810> I about I wouldn't have been so confused I about I wouldn't have been so confused I wouldn't<00:10:46.170> been<00:10:46.260> so<00:10:46.440> upset<00:10:47.900> but<00:10:49.250> there<00:10:50.250> it<00:10:50.370> is wouldn't been so upset but there it is wouldn't been so upset but there it is the<00:10:51.840> gay<00:10:52.020> agenda<00:10:52.520> run<00:10:53.520> for<00:10:53.880> your<00:10:54.000> heterosexual the gay agenda run for your heterosexual the gay agenda run for your heterosexual lives<00:10:58.130> did<00:10:59.130> you<00:10:59.280> know<00:10:59.640> that<00:11:00.030> in<00:11:00.570> all<00:11:00.750> the lives did you know that in all the lives did you know that in all the states<00:11:01.370> where<00:11:02.370> there<00:11:02.580> is<00:11:02.760> no<00:11:03.060> shading<00:11:03.630> that states where there is no shading that states where there is no shading that people<00:11:06.240> who<00:11:06.330> are<00:11:06.480> gay<00:11:06.750> lesbian<00:11:07.110> bisexual people who are gay lesbian bisexual people who are gay lesbian bisexual transgender<00:11:08.400> can<00:11:09.270> be<00:11:09.360> kicked<00:11:09.690> out<00:11:09.900> of<00:11:09.960> their transgender can be kicked out of their transgender can be kicked out of their apartments<00:11:10.680> for<00:11:10.830> being<00:11:11.220> gay<00:11:11.580> lesbian apartments for being gay lesbian apartments for being gay lesbian bisexual<00:11:13.220> transgendered<00:11:15.290> that's<00:11:16.290> the<00:11:16.500> only bisexual transgendered that's the only bisexual transgendered that's the only reason<00:11:17.220> that<00:11:17.250> a<00:11:17.430> landlord<00:11:17.940> needs<00:11:18.150> to<00:11:18.990> have reason that a landlord needs to have reason that a landlord needs to have them<00:11:19.320> removed<00:11:19.470> because<00:11:20.160> there<00:11:20.550> is<00:11:20.610> no them removed because there is no them removed because there is no protection<00:11:21.110> from<00:11:22.110> discrimination<00:11:22.290> of<00:11:23.360> GLBT protection from discrimination of GLBT protection from discrimination of GLBT people<00:11:26.690> did<00:11:27.690> you<00:11:27.810> know<00:11:27.840> in<00:11:28.200> the<00:11:28.290> states<00:11:28.620> where people did you know in the states where people did you know in the states where there<00:11:29.310> is<00:11:29.400> no<00:11:29.580> shading<00:11:29.940> that<00:11:30.330> you<00:11:30.930> can<00:11:31.230> be there is no shading that you can be there is no shading that you can be fired<00:11:31.880> for<00:11:32.880> being<00:11:33.060> gay<00:11:33.590> lesbian<00:11:34.590> bisexual<00:11:34.800> or fired for being gay lesbian bisexual or fired for being gay lesbian bisexual or transgendered<00:11:36.440> not<00:11:37.440> based<00:11:37.710> upon<00:11:38.330> the<00:11:39.330> quality transgendered not based upon the quality transgendered not based upon the quality of<00:11:39.840> your<00:11:39.930> work<00:11:40.610> how<00:11:41.610> long<00:11:41.670> you've<00:11:41.970> been<00:11:42.000> there of your work how long you've been there of your work how long you've been there if<00:11:43.380> you<00:11:43.560> think<00:11:43.589> just<00:11:45.020> if<00:11:46.020> you're<00:11:46.380> gay<00:11:47.180> lesbian if you think just if you're gay lesbian if you think just if you're gay lesbian bisexual<00:11:48.900> or<00:11:49.610> transgendered<00:11:51.350> all<00:11:52.350> of<00:11:52.680> which bisexual or transgendered all of which bisexual or transgendered all of which flies<00:11:53.250> in<00:11:53.580> the<00:11:53.670> face<00:11:53.700> of<00:11:55.220> the<00:11:56.220> gay<00:11:56.400> agenda<00:11:56.930> also flies in the face of the gay agenda also flies in the face of the gay agenda also known<00:11:58.140> as<00:11:58.470> the<00:11:58.710> US<00:11:59.160> Constitution known as the US Constitution known as the US Constitution specifically<00:12:01.770> this<00:12:02.370> little<00:12:02.670> amendment<00:12:03.150> right specifically this little amendment right specifically this little amendment right here<00:12:04.370> no<00:12:05.370> State<00:12:05.760> shall<00:12:05.790> make<00:12:06.089> or<00:12:06.420> enforce<00:12:06.660> any here no State shall make or enforce any here no State shall make or enforce any law<00:12:07.620> which<00:12:07.650> shall<00:12:08.130> abridge<00:12:08.190> the<00:12:08.610> privileges law which shall abridge the privileges law which shall abridge the privileges or<00:12:09.390> immunities<00:12:09.570> of<00:12:10.290> citizens or immunities of citizens or immunities of citizens the<00:12:11.559> United<00:12:12.009> States<00:12:13.769> I'm<00:12:14.769> looking<00:12:15.099> at<00:12:15.189> your the United States I'm looking at your the United States I'm looking at your North<00:12:15.519> Carolina<00:12:16.709> but<00:12:17.709> you're<00:12:17.919> not<00:12:18.069> looking<00:12:18.429> at North Carolina but you're not looking at North Carolina but you're not looking at the<00:12:18.639> US<00:12:18.910> Constitution<00:12:21.539> this<00:12:22.539> is<00:12:22.720> the<00:12:22.839> gay the US Constitution this is the gay the US Constitution this is the gay agenda<00:12:23.939> equality<00:12:24.959> not<00:12:25.959> special<00:12:26.470> rights<00:12:26.679> but agenda equality not special rights but agenda equality not special rights but the<00:12:27.729> rights<00:12:27.759> are<00:12:28.119> already<00:12:28.629> written<00:12:29.309> by<00:12:30.309> these the rights are already written by these the rights are already written by these people<00:12:30.759> these<00:12:31.720> elitist<00:12:32.229> if<00:12:32.379> you<00:12:32.499> will people these elitist if you will people these elitist if you will educated<00:12:35.049> well<00:12:35.799> dressed

some<00:12:40.459> would<00:12:40.699> daresay<00:12:40.910> questionably<00:12:41.869> dressed

nonetheless<00:12:46.489> our<00:12:47.589> forefathers<00:12:48.589> right<00:12:49.339> the
nonetheless our forefathers right the nonetheless our forefathers right the people<00:12:50.660> that<00:12:50.809> we<00:12:51.499> say<00:12:51.799> knew<00:12:52.099> what<00:12:52.339> they<00:12:52.489> were people that we say knew what they were people that we say knew what they were doing<00:12:52.970> when<00:12:53.089> they<00:12:53.239> wrote<00:12:53.479> the<00:12:53.660> constitution doing when they wrote the constitution doing when they wrote the constitution of<00:12:54.379> the<00:12:54.499> gay<00:12:54.679> agenda<00:12:54.799> if<00:12:55.369> you<00:12:55.549> will<00:12:56.079> all<00:12:57.079> that of the gay agenda if you will all that of the gay agenda if you will all that flies<00:12:57.679> in<00:12:57.859> the<00:12:57.949> face<00:12:57.979> of<00:12:58.779> what<00:12:59.779> they<00:12:59.989> did<00:13:03.159> that flies in the face of what they did that flies in the face of what they did that is<00:13:04.549> the<00:13:04.909> reason<00:13:05.089> why<00:13:05.449> I<00:13:05.869> felt<00:13:06.379> it<00:13:06.589> was is the reason why I felt it was is the reason why I felt it was imperative<00:13:07.069> that<00:13:07.970> I<00:13:08.239> presented<00:13:08.689> you<00:13:09.229> with imperative that I presented you with imperative that I presented you with this<00:13:10.429> copy<00:13:10.729> of<00:13:11.359> the<00:13:11.569> gay<00:13:11.720> agenda<00:13:12.609> because<00:13:13.609> I this copy of the gay agenda because I this copy of the gay agenda because I figured<00:13:14.689> if<00:13:14.809> I<00:13:14.929> made<00:13:14.959> it<00:13:15.229> funny<00:13:15.709> you<00:13:16.009> wouldn't figured if I made it funny you wouldn't figured if I made it funny you wouldn't be<00:13:16.879> as<00:13:16.970> threatened<00:13:17.509> I<00:13:17.829> figured<00:13:18.829> if<00:13:18.919> I<00:13:19.009> was<00:13:19.039> a be as threatened I figured if I was a be as threatened I figured if I was a bit<00:13:19.489> irreverent<00:13:19.819> you<00:13:20.689> wouldn't<00:13:20.929> find<00:13:21.169> it bit irreverent you wouldn't find it bit irreverent you wouldn't find it serious<00:13:22.309> but<00:13:23.179> when<00:13:23.329> you<00:13:23.449> see<00:13:23.689> the<00:13:23.839> map<00:13:24.109> and<00:13:24.789> you serious but when you see the map and you serious but when you see the map and you see<00:13:25.819> our<00:13:26.389> state<00:13:26.929> of<00:13:27.079> Michigan<00:13:28.599> it's<00:13:29.599> legal<00:13:31.119> to see our state of Michigan it's legal to see our state of Michigan it's legal to fire<00:13:32.449> someone<00:13:33.049> for<00:13:33.379> being<00:13:34.159> gay<00:13:34.669> lesbian fire someone for being gay lesbian fire someone for being gay lesbian bisexual<00:13:36.369> transgendered<00:13:37.369> that<00:13:38.029> is<00:13:38.179> legal<00:13:38.899> to bisexual transgendered that is legal to bisexual transgendered that is legal to remove<00:13:40.159> someone<00:13:40.639> from<00:13:40.669> their<00:13:40.999> home<00:13:41.799> because remove someone from their home because remove someone from their home because they<00:13:43.009> are<00:13:43.159> gay<00:13:43.569> lesbian<00:13:44.569> bisexual they are gay lesbian bisexual they are gay lesbian bisexual transgendered<00:13:46.299> but<00:13:47.299> you've<00:13:47.419> realized<00:13:47.839> that transgendered but you've realized that transgendered but you've realized that this<00:13:48.169> whole<00:13:48.439> conversation<00:13:48.739> about<00:13:49.369> marriage this whole conversation about marriage this whole conversation about marriage equality equality equality it's<00:13:51.019> not<00:13:51.199> about<00:13:51.319> stripping<00:13:51.919> someone's it's not about stripping someone's it's not about stripping someone's rights<00:13:52.819> away<00:13:53.559> it's<00:13:54.559> about<00:13:54.829> granting<00:13:55.429> them<00:13:55.579> the rights away it's about granting them the rights away it's about granting them the rights<00:13:55.970> that<00:13:56.089> are<00:13:56.269> already<00:13:56.720> been<00:13:56.929> stated<00:13:57.379> and rights that are already been stated and rights that are already been stated and we're<00:13:59.389> just<00:13:59.509> trying<00:13:59.839> to<00:13:59.899> walk<00:14:00.199> in<00:14:00.439> those we're just trying to walk in those we're just trying to walk in those rights<00:14:01.309> that<00:14:01.579> have<00:14:01.669> already<00:14:02.029> been<00:14:02.419> stated rights that have already been stated rights that have already been stated that<00:14:03.949> we've<00:14:04.129> already<00:14:04.369> agreed<00:14:05.059> upon<00:14:06.669> there<00:14:07.669> are that we've already agreed upon there are that we've already agreed upon there are people<00:14:08.559> living<00:14:09.559> in<00:14:10.239> fear<00:14:11.239> of<00:14:12.249> losing<00:14:13.249> their people living in fear of losing their people living in fear of losing their jobs<00:14:16.059> so<00:14:17.059> they<00:14:17.209> don't<00:14:17.479> show<00:14:17.809> anyone<00:14:18.319> who<00:14:19.129> they jobs so they don't show anyone who they jobs so they don't show anyone who they really<00:14:19.489> are<00:14:21.039> right<00:14:22.039> here<00:14:22.309> at<00:14:22.429> home really are right here at home really are right here at home this<00:14:24.049> isn't<00:14:24.379> just<00:14:24.589> about<00:14:24.709> North<00:14:25.069> Carolina<00:14:25.249> all this isn't just about North Carolina all this isn't just about North Carolina all of<00:14:26.029> those<00:14:26.149> states<00:14:26.629> that<00:14:26.989> were<00:14:27.769> clear<00:14:28.600> it's of those states that were clear it's of those states that were clear it's legal<00:14:31.389> if<00:14:32.389> I<00:14:32.569> could<00:14:32.749> brag<00:14:32.989> for<00:14:33.019> a<00:14:33.379> second<00:14:33.859> I legal if I could brag for a second I legal if I could brag for a second I have<00:14:35.509> a<00:14:35.539> fifteen-year-old<00:14:36.229> son<00:14:37.749> from<00:14:38.749> my have a fifteen-year-old son from my have a fifteen-year-old son from my marriage<00:14:40.299> he<00:14:41.299> has<00:14:41.389> a<00:14:41.419> 4.0<00:14:43.209> he<00:14:44.209> is<00:14:44.569> starting<00:14:45.139> a marriage he has a 4.0 he is starting a marriage he has a 4.0 he is starting a new<00:14:45.349> club<00:14:46.009> at<00:14:46.279> school<00:14:46.869> policy<00:14:47.869> debate

he's<00:14:51.430> a<00:14:51.459> budding<00:14:52.240> track<00:14:52.540> star<00:14:53.249> he<00:14:54.249> has<00:14:54.459> almost
he's a budding track star he has almost he's a budding track star he has almost every<00:14:55.689> single<00:14:56.050> record<00:14:56.499> in<00:14:56.829> middle<00:14:57.160> school<00:14:57.459> for every single record in middle school for every single record in middle school for every<00:14:58.540> event<00:14:58.779> that<00:14:58.899> he<00:14:59.110> competed<00:14:59.499> in<00:15:00.149> he every event that he competed in he every event that he competed in he volunteers<00:15:02.610> he<00:15:03.610> prays<00:15:03.910> before<00:15:04.149> he<00:15:04.449> eats<00:15:04.600> I

would<00:15:08.050> like<00:15:08.230> to<00:15:08.439> think<00:15:08.709> as<00:15:08.949> his<00:15:09.309> father<00:15:09.639> and<00:15:09.999> he
would like to think as his father and he would like to think as his father and he lives<00:15:11.019> with<00:15:11.079> me<00:15:11.199> primarily<00:15:12.629> that<00:15:13.629> I<00:15:13.660> had<00:15:13.870> a lives with me primarily that I had a lives with me primarily that I had a little<00:15:14.170> something<00:15:14.470> to<00:15:14.529> do<00:15:14.680> with<00:15:14.769> all<00:15:14.949> of<00:15:14.980> that little something to do with all of that little something to do with all of that I<00:15:15.870> would<00:15:16.870> like<00:15:17.110> to<00:15:17.259> think<00:15:17.439> that<00:15:17.559> he's<00:15:17.800> a<00:15:17.829> good I would like to think that he's a good I would like to think that he's a good boy<00:15:18.399> a<00:15:18.670> respectful<00:15:19.629> young<00:15:19.779> man<00:15:20.139> I<00:15:21.540> like<00:15:22.540> to boy a respectful young man I like to boy a respectful young man I like to think<00:15:22.930> that<00:15:23.490> I've<00:15:24.490> proven<00:15:24.999> to<00:15:25.149> be<00:15:25.269> a<00:15:25.300> capable think that I've proven to be a capable think that I've proven to be a capable father<00:15:27.449> but<00:15:28.449> if<00:15:28.540> I<00:15:28.660> were<00:15:28.809> to<00:15:28.839> go<00:15:29.050> to<00:15:29.110> the<00:15:29.290> state father but if I were to go to the state father but if I were to go to the state of<00:15:29.649> Michigan<00:15:29.829> today<00:15:30.249> and<00:15:31.290> try<00:15:32.290> to<00:15:32.620> adopt<00:15:32.889> a of Michigan today and try to adopt a of Michigan today and try to adopt a young<00:15:33.249> person<00:15:33.819> who<00:15:34.569> is<00:15:34.660> in<00:15:34.779> an<00:15:34.870> orphanage<00:15:35.319> I young person who is in an orphanage I young person who is in an orphanage I will<00:15:36.009> be<00:15:36.100> disqualified<00:15:36.430> for<00:15:37.360> only<00:15:37.809> one<00:15:38.230> reason will be disqualified for only one reason will be disqualified for only one reason because<00:15:40.540> I'm<00:15:40.870> gay<00:15:42.300> doesn't<00:15:43.300> matter<00:15:43.720> what<00:15:43.870> I've because I'm gay doesn't matter what I've because I'm gay doesn't matter what I've already<00:15:44.259> proven<00:15:45.040> what<00:15:45.399> I<00:15:45.430> can<00:15:45.639> do<00:15:45.759> with<00:15:45.879> my already proven what I can do with my already proven what I can do with my heart<00:15:47.399> it's<00:15:48.399> because<00:15:48.819> of<00:15:49.029> what<00:15:49.180> the<00:15:49.300> state<00:15:49.480> of heart it's because of what the state of heart it's because of what the state of Michigan<00:15:49.959> says<00:15:50.170> that<00:15:50.379> I<00:15:50.410> am<00:15:50.499> that<00:15:51.490> I<00:15:51.519> am Michigan says that I am that I am Michigan says that I am that I am disqualified<00:15:52.720> for<00:15:53.709> any<00:15:54.579> sort<00:15:54.910> of<00:15:54.999> adoption

and<00:15:58.990> that's<00:15:59.170> not<00:15:59.319> just<00:15:59.709> about<00:15:59.829> me<00:16:00.839> that's
and that's not just about me that's and that's not just about me that's about<00:16:02.110> so<00:16:02.649> many<00:16:02.860> other<00:16:03.179> Michiganders<00:16:04.179> US about so many other Michiganders US about so many other Michiganders US citizens<00:16:05.850> who<00:16:06.850> don't<00:16:07.629> understand<00:16:08.110> why<00:16:09.089> what citizens who don't understand why what citizens who don't understand why what they<00:16:10.360> are<00:16:10.660> is<00:16:11.529> so<00:16:12.220> much<00:16:12.399> more<00:16:12.610> significant they are is so much more significant they are is so much more significant than<00:16:14.769> who<00:16:15.160> they<00:16:15.370> are<00:16:17.519> this<00:16:18.519> story<00:16:18.999> just<00:16:19.360> keeps than who they are this story just keeps than who they are this story just keeps playing<00:16:20.019> over<00:16:20.649> and<00:16:21.220> over<00:16:22.089> and<00:16:22.240> over<00:16:22.389> again<00:16:22.929> in playing over and over and over again in playing over and over and over again in our<00:16:23.410> country's<00:16:23.829> history<00:16:25.410> there<00:16:26.410> was<00:16:26.499> a<00:16:26.529> time our country's history there was a time our country's history there was a time in<00:16:26.860> which<00:16:27.249> I<00:16:27.689> don't<00:16:28.689> know<00:16:28.899> people<00:16:29.800> who<00:16:29.920> were in which I don't know people who were in which I don't know people who were black<00:16:30.300> couldn't<00:16:31.300> have<00:16:31.420> the<00:16:31.540> same<00:16:31.749> rights black couldn't have the same rights black couldn't have the same rights people<00:16:34.360> who<00:16:34.449> happen<00:16:34.720> to<00:16:34.749> be<00:16:34.839> women<00:16:35.139> didn't people who happen to be women didn't people who happen to be women didn't have<00:16:36.160> the<00:16:36.249> same<00:16:36.429> rights<00:16:36.730> couldn't<00:16:37.120> vote<00:16:38.670> there have the same rights couldn't vote there have the same rights couldn't vote there was<00:16:39.699> a<00:16:39.819> point<00:16:40.120> in<00:16:40.179> our<00:16:40.269> history<00:16:40.749> in<00:16:40.899> which<00:16:41.110> if was a point in our history in which if was a point in our history in which if you<00:16:41.980> were<00:16:42.100> considered<00:16:42.579> disabled<00:16:43.240> that<00:16:43.600> an you were considered disabled that an you were considered disabled that an employer<00:16:44.170> could<00:16:44.290> just<00:16:44.470> fire<00:16:44.769> you<00:16:45.009> before<00:16:45.579> the employer could just fire you before the employer could just fire you before the Americans<00:16:46.120> with<00:16:46.209> Disabilities<00:16:46.779> Act<00:16:48.240> we<00:16:49.240> keep Americans with Disabilities Act we keep Americans with Disabilities Act we keep doing<00:16:49.629> this<00:16:49.839> over<00:16:50.079> and<00:16:50.230> over<00:16:50.559> again<00:16:50.850> and<00:16:51.850> so doing this over and over again and so doing this over and over again and so here<00:16:52.300> we<00:16:52.449> are<00:16:53.309> two<00:16:54.309> thousand<00:16:54.759> twelve<00:16:55.800> gauge here we are two thousand twelve gauge here we are two thousand twelve gauge and and and gay<00:16:58.790> lifestyle<00:16:59.389> and<00:17:00.170> I'm<00:17:00.889> not<00:17:01.160> a<00:17:01.190> good<00:17:01.459> dad<00:17:01.730> and gay lifestyle and I'm not a good dad and gay lifestyle and I'm not a good dad and people<00:17:03.170> don't<00:17:03.350> deserve<00:17:03.500> to<00:17:03.680> be<00:17:03.889> able<00:17:04.039> to people don't deserve to be able to people don't deserve to be able to protect<00:17:04.339> their<00:17:04.699> families<00:17:05.209> because<00:17:06.110> of<00:17:06.289> what protect their families because of what protect their families because of what they<00:17:06.890> are<00:17:07.100> not<00:17:07.970> who<00:17:08.720> they<00:17:08.870> are<00:17:10.659> so<00:17:11.659> when<00:17:11.809> you they are not who they are so when you they are not who they are so when you hear<00:17:12.260> the<00:17:12.439> words<00:17:12.679> gay<00:17:13.640> lifestyle<00:17:14.299> and<00:17:14.720> gay hear the words gay lifestyle and gay hear the words gay lifestyle and gay agenda<00:17:15.049> in<00:17:15.650> the<00:17:16.010> future<00:17:16.400> I<00:17:17.199> encourage<00:17:18.199> you<00:17:18.350> to agenda in the future I encourage you to agenda in the future I encourage you to do<00:17:18.650> two<00:17:19.339> things<00:17:19.900> one<00:17:22.030> remember<00:17:23.030> the<00:17:23.120> US do two things one remember the US do two things one remember the US Constitution<00:17:24.189> and<00:17:25.189> then<00:17:26.000> two<00:17:26.270> if<00:17:27.140> you Constitution and then two if you Constitution and then two if you wouldn't<00:17:27.530> mind<00:17:27.679> looking<00:17:28.280> to<00:17:28.429> your<00:17:28.520> left wouldn't mind looking to your left wouldn't mind looking to your left please<00:17:31.960> look<00:17:32.960> to<00:17:33.110> your<00:17:33.230> right<00:17:35.470> that<00:17:36.470> person please look to your right that person please look to your right that person next<00:17:37.220> to<00:17:37.370> you<00:17:37.610> is<00:17:37.789> a<00:17:37.909> brother<00:17:38.500> as<00:17:39.500> a<00:17:39.559> sister<00:17:40.039> and next to you is a brother as a sister and next to you is a brother as a sister and they<00:17:41.000> should<00:17:41.539> be<00:17:41.600> treated<00:17:41.900> with<00:17:41.929> love<00:17:42.020> and they should be treated with love and they should be treated with love and respect respect respect thank<00:17:43.460> you


LZ Granderson, gay, lifestyle, agenda, homosexual, LGBT, gay, LGBT, rights, TED, TEDx, TEDxGrandRapids, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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