Ít thứ hơn, hạnh phúc hơn-Graham Hill

Less stuff, more happiness - Graham Hill

Less stuff, more happiness - Graham Hill


[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] what's<00:00:20.020> in<00:00:20.140> the<00:00:20.230> box<00:00:21.630> whatever<00:00:22.630> it<00:00:22.900> is<00:00:23.050> it<00:00:23.560> must what's in the box whatever it is it must what's in the box whatever it is it must be<00:00:23.830> pretty<00:00:24.010> important<00:00:24.550> because<00:00:25.240> I've be pretty important because I've be pretty important because I've traveled<00:00:25.900> with<00:00:25.960> it<00:00:26.050> moved<00:00:26.800> it<00:00:27.040> from<00:00:27.550> apartment traveled with it moved it from apartment traveled with it moved it from apartment to<00:00:28.840> apartment<00:00:28.919> to<00:00:29.919> apartment

sound<00:00:36.329> familiar<00:00:38.269> did<00:00:39.269> you<00:00:39.390> know<00:00:39.510> that<00:00:39.690> we
sound familiar did you know that we sound familiar did you know that we Americans<00:00:40.350> have<00:00:40.710> about<00:00:41.699> three<00:00:42.180> times<00:00:42.449> the Americans have about three times the Americans have about three times the amount<00:00:42.719> of<00:00:42.870> space<00:00:42.929> we<00:00:43.350> did<00:00:43.500> 50<00:00:43.829> years<00:00:43.859> ago amount of space we did 50 years ago amount of space we did 50 years ago three<00:00:45.690> times<00:00:46.789> so<00:00:47.789> you<00:00:47.850> think<00:00:48.120> with<00:00:48.300> all<00:00:48.570> this three times so you think with all this three times so you think with all this extra<00:00:49.170> space<00:00:49.699> we'd<00:00:50.699> have<00:00:50.820> plenty<00:00:51.000> of<00:00:51.180> room<00:00:51.360> for extra space we'd have plenty of room for extra space we'd have plenty of room for all<00:00:51.719> our<00:00:51.750> stuff<00:00:52.110> right<00:00:52.699> nope<00:00:54.769> there's<00:00:55.769> new all our stuff right nope there's new all our stuff right nope there's new industry<00:00:56.250> in<00:00:56.339> town<00:00:56.549> a<00:00:56.820> twenty<00:00:57.180> two<00:00:57.360> billion industry in town a twenty two billion industry in town a twenty two billion dollar<00:00:58.019> 2.2<00:00:59.010> billion<00:00:59.280> square<00:00:59.699> foot<00:00:59.909> industry dollar 2.2 billion square foot industry dollar 2.2 billion square foot industry that<00:01:01.229> a<00:01:01.260> personal<00:01:01.769> storage<00:01:02.149> so<00:01:03.149> we've<00:01:03.269> got that a personal storage so we've got that a personal storage so we've got triple<00:01:04.019> the<00:01:04.140> space<00:01:04.409> so<00:01:04.979> we<00:01:05.100> become<00:01:05.399> such<00:01:05.880> good triple the space so we become such good triple the space so we become such good shoppers<00:01:06.950> that<00:01:07.950> we<00:01:08.069> need<00:01:08.220> even<00:01:08.399> more<00:01:08.580> space<00:01:09.710> so shoppers that we need even more space so shoppers that we need even more space so where<00:01:10.830> does<00:01:10.920> this<00:01:11.069> lead<00:01:11.750> lots<00:01:12.750> of<00:01:12.840> credit<00:01:13.110> card where does this lead lots of credit card where does this lead lots of credit card debt<00:01:14.270> huge<00:01:15.270> environmental<00:01:15.899> footprints<00:01:16.380> and debt huge environmental footprints and debt huge environmental footprints and perhaps<00:01:18.300> not<00:01:18.690> coincidentally<00:01:18.869> our<00:01:19.560> happiness perhaps not coincidentally our happiness perhaps not coincidentally our happiness levels<00:01:20.390> flatline<00:01:21.420> over<00:01:21.690> the<00:01:21.780> same<00:01:21.929> 50<00:01:22.259> years levels flatline over the same 50 years levels flatline over the same 50 years well<00:01:23.610> I'm<00:01:23.670> here<00:01:23.819> to<00:01:23.940> suggest<00:01:24.090> there's<00:01:24.509> a well I'm here to suggest there's a well I'm here to suggest there's a better<00:01:24.750> way<00:01:24.929> that<00:01:25.170> less<00:01:25.950> might<00:01:26.520> actually better way that less might actually better way that less might actually equal<00:01:27.179> more<00:01:27.390> I<00:01:27.679> bet<00:01:28.679> most<00:01:28.890> of<00:01:29.130> us<00:01:29.220> have equal more I bet most of us have equal more I bet most of us have experienced<00:01:30.119> at<00:01:30.270> some<00:01:30.450> point<00:01:30.659> the<00:01:30.810> joys<00:01:31.049> of experienced at some point the joys of experienced at some point the joys of less<00:01:33.799> college<00:01:34.799> in<00:01:35.700> your<00:01:35.759> dorm<00:01:36.830> traveling<00:01:37.830> in<00:01:38.159> a less college in your dorm traveling in a less college in your dorm traveling in a hotel<00:01:38.580> room<00:01:39.170> camping<00:01:40.170> we<00:01:40.619> got<00:01:40.800> basically hotel room camping we got basically hotel room camping we got basically nothing<00:01:41.610> maybe<00:01:41.970> a<00:01:42.090> boat<00:01:42.619> whatever<00:01:43.619> it<00:01:43.950> was<00:01:44.160> for nothing maybe a boat whatever it was for nothing maybe a boat whatever it was for you<00:01:44.670> I<00:01:44.910> bet<00:01:45.390> that<00:01:45.539> among<00:01:45.750> other<00:01:45.929> things<00:01:46.020> this you I bet that among other things this you I bet that among other things this gave<00:01:47.190> you<00:01:47.280> a<00:01:47.340> little<00:01:47.550> more<00:01:47.670> freedom<00:01:47.970> a<00:01:48.360> little gave you a little more freedom a little gave you a little more freedom a little more<00:01:49.440> time<00:01:51.349> so<00:01:52.349> I<00:01:52.379> want<00:01:52.530> to<00:01:52.590> suggest<00:01:52.739> that<00:01:53.220> less more time so I want to suggest that less more time so I want to suggest that less stuff<00:01:54.030> and<00:01:54.780> less<00:01:54.989> space<00:01:55.319> are<00:01:55.769> gonna<00:01:56.069> equal stuff and less space are gonna equal stuff and less space are gonna equal smaller<00:01:57.149> footprint<00:01:57.569> it's<00:01:58.050> actually<00:01:58.289> a<00:01:58.319> great smaller footprint it's actually a great smaller footprint it's actually a great way<00:01:58.619> to<00:01:58.649> save<00:01:58.950> you<00:01:59.160> some<00:01:59.340> money<00:01:59.399> and<00:01:59.849> it's way to save you some money and it's way to save you some money and it's gonna<00:02:00.390> give<00:02:00.509> you<00:02:00.599> a<00:02:00.629> little<00:02:00.810> more<00:02:01.019> ease<00:02:01.259> in gonna give you a little more ease in gonna give you a little more ease in your<00:02:01.530> life<00:02:01.739> so<00:02:02.429> I<00:02:02.459> started<00:02:02.759> a<00:02:02.819> project<00:02:03.000> called your life so I started a project called your life so I started a project called life<00:02:03.450> edited<00:02:04.110> at<00:02:04.349> life<00:02:04.530> attitude<00:02:04.739> org<00:02:05.280> to life edited at life attitude org to life edited at life attitude org to further<00:02:06.330> this<00:02:06.479> conversation<00:02:06.660> and<00:02:07.379> to<00:02:07.739> find further this conversation and to find further this conversation and to find some<00:02:08.250> great<00:02:08.550> solutions<00:02:08.729> in<00:02:09.119> this<00:02:09.179> area some great solutions in this area some great solutions in this area first<00:02:10.830> up<00:02:11.300> crowdsourcing<00:02:12.300> my<00:02:12.480> 420<00:02:13.470> square first up crowdsourcing my 420 square first up crowdsourcing my 420 square foot<00:02:13.920> apartment<00:02:14.310> in<00:02:14.550> Manhattan<00:02:14.670> with foot apartment in Manhattan with foot apartment in Manhattan with partners<00:02:15.780> mu<00:02:15.989> topo<00:02:16.349> and<00:02:16.500> Zhu<00:02:17.220> Vodacom<00:02:18.000> I partners mu topo and Zhu Vodacom I partners mu topo and Zhu Vodacom I wanted<00:02:18.840> it<00:02:18.959> all<00:02:19.310> home<00:02:20.310> office<00:02:20.790> sit-down wanted it all home office sit-down wanted it all home office sit-down dinner<00:02:21.930> for<00:02:22.170> 10<00:02:22.909> room<00:02:23.909> for<00:02:24.090> guests<00:02:24.510> and<00:02:24.900> all<00:02:25.110> my dinner for 10 room for guests and all my dinner for 10 room for guests and all my kite<00:02:25.440> surfing<00:02:25.680> gear<00:02:26.120> with<00:02:27.120> over<00:02:27.330> 300<00:02:27.930> entries kite surfing gear with over 300 entries kite surfing gear with over 300 entries from<00:02:28.620> around<00:02:28.860> the<00:02:29.069> world<00:02:29.220> I<00:02:29.670> got<00:02:30.150> it<00:02:30.330> my<00:02:30.900> own from around the world I got it my own from around the world I got it my own little<00:02:31.050> jewel<00:02:31.409> box<00:02:32.060> by<00:02:33.060> buying<00:02:33.300> a<00:02:33.450> space<00:02:33.750> that little jewel box by buying a space that little jewel box by buying a space that was<00:02:34.170> 420<00:02:35.010> square<00:02:35.280> feet<00:02:35.310> instead<00:02:35.879> of<00:02:35.970> 600 was 420 square feet instead of 600 was 420 square feet instead of 600 immediately<00:02:38.280> I'm<00:02:38.489> saving<00:02:38.819> 200<00:02:39.330> grand<00:02:40.190> smaller immediately I'm saving 200 grand smaller immediately I'm saving 200 grand smaller space<00:02:41.670> is<00:02:42.209> gonna<00:02:42.450> make<00:02:42.599> for<00:02:42.659> smaller space is gonna make for smaller space is gonna make for smaller utilities<00:02:43.650> save<00:02:44.189> some<00:02:44.370> more<00:02:44.790> money<00:02:44.849> there<00:02:45.560> but utilities save some more money there but utilities save some more money there but also<00:02:46.739> a<00:02:46.889> smaller<00:02:47.189> footprint also a smaller footprint also a smaller footprint and<00:02:48.460> because<00:02:49.000> it's<00:02:49.240> really<00:02:49.420> designed<00:02:50.020> around and because it's really designed around and because it's really designed around an<00:02:50.740> edited<00:02:51.550> set<00:02:51.820> of<00:02:51.940> possessions<00:02:52.480> my<00:02:52.660> favorite an edited set of possessions my favorite an edited set of possessions my favorite stuff<00:02:53.320> and<00:02:53.560> really<00:02:53.710> designed<00:02:53.980> for<00:02:54.220> me<00:02:54.400> I'm stuff and really designed for me I'm stuff and really designed for me I'm really<00:02:55.090> excited<00:02:55.420> to<00:02:55.630> be<00:02:55.780> there really excited to be there really excited to be there so<00:02:57.310> how<00:02:57.460> can<00:02:57.520> you<00:02:57.790> live<00:02:58.060> little<00:02:58.620> three<00:02:59.620> main so how can you live little three main so how can you live little three main approaches<00:03:00.210> first<00:03:01.210> of<00:03:01.300> all<00:03:01.360> you<00:03:01.480> to<00:03:01.600> edit approaches first of all you to edit approaches first of all you to edit ruthlessly<00:03:02.550> we've<00:03:03.550> got<00:03:03.760> to<00:03:03.910> clear<00:03:04.360> the ruthlessly we've got to clear the ruthlessly we've got to clear the arteries<00:03:04.990> of<00:03:05.260> our<00:03:05.590> lives<00:03:05.800> and<00:03:06.670> that<00:03:06.790> shirt arteries of our lives and that shirt arteries of our lives and that shirt that<00:03:07.420> I<00:03:08.260> haven't<00:03:08.440> wore<00:03:08.680> in<00:03:08.770> years<00:03:09.210> it's<00:03:10.210> time that I haven't wore in years it's time that I haven't wore in years it's time for<00:03:10.540> me<00:03:10.630> to<00:03:10.660> let<00:03:10.840> it<00:03:10.870> go<00:03:10.960> we've<00:03:11.890> got<00:03:12.070> to<00:03:12.190> cut<00:03:12.430> the for me to let it go we've got to cut the for me to let it go we've got to cut the extraneous<00:03:13.120> out<00:03:13.600> of<00:03:13.780> our<00:03:13.840> lives<00:03:14.080> and<00:03:14.440> we've extraneous out of our lives and we've extraneous out of our lives and we've got<00:03:15.160> to<00:03:15.280> learn<00:03:15.400> to<00:03:15.730> stem<00:03:16.240> the<00:03:16.810> inflow<00:03:17.200> we<00:03:18.130> need got to learn to stem the inflow we need got to learn to stem the inflow we need to<00:03:18.310> think<00:03:18.520> before<00:03:18.970> we<00:03:19.000> buy<00:03:19.240> ask<00:03:20.200> ourselves<00:03:20.440> is to think before we buy ask ourselves is to think before we buy ask ourselves is that<00:03:21.280> really<00:03:21.670> gonna<00:03:21.940> make<00:03:22.120> me<00:03:22.180> happier<00:03:22.630> truly that really gonna make me happier truly that really gonna make me happier truly by<00:03:25.150> all<00:03:25.270> means<00:03:25.570> we<00:03:26.050> should<00:03:26.260> buy<00:03:26.590> and<00:03:26.920> own<00:03:27.070> some by all means we should buy and own some by all means we should buy and own some great<00:03:27.940> stuff<00:03:28.630> but<00:03:29.500> we<00:03:29.590> want<00:03:29.740> stuff<00:03:29.950> that<00:03:30.010> we're great stuff but we want stuff that we're great stuff but we want stuff that we're gonna<00:03:30.310> love<00:03:30.610> for<00:03:31.270> years<00:03:31.600> not<00:03:32.440> just<00:03:32.470> stuff gonna love for years not just stuff gonna love for years not just stuff secondly<00:03:34.240> our<00:03:34.390> new<00:03:34.750> mantra<00:03:35.190> small<00:03:36.190> is<00:03:36.520> sexy<00:03:37.209> we secondly our new mantra small is sexy we secondly our new mantra small is sexy we want<00:03:38.230> space<00:03:38.560> efficiency<00:03:39.160> we<00:03:39.370> want<00:03:39.550> things want space efficiency we want things want space efficiency we want things that<00:03:40.000> are<00:03:40.090> designed<00:03:40.209> for<00:03:40.600> how<00:03:40.810> their<00:03:40.959> you<00:03:41.050> use that are designed for how their you use that are designed for how their you use the<00:03:41.350> vast<00:03:41.680> majority<00:03:42.070> of<00:03:42.550> the<00:03:42.640> time<00:03:42.850> not<00:03:43.750> that the vast majority of the time not that the vast majority of the time not that rare<00:03:44.680> event rare event rare event why<00:03:46.000> have<00:03:46.209> a<00:03:46.240> six-burner<00:03:46.750> stove<00:03:46.930> when<00:03:47.709> you why have a six-burner stove when you why have a six-burner stove when you rarely<00:03:48.040> use<00:03:48.340> three<00:03:48.720> so<00:03:49.720> we<00:03:49.810> want<00:03:50.020> things<00:03:50.200> that rarely use three so we want things that rarely use three so we want things that nest<00:03:51.190> we<00:03:52.000> want<00:03:52.180> things<00:03:52.269> that<00:03:52.480> stack<00:03:52.840> and<00:03:53.200> we nest we want things that stack and we nest we want things that stack and we want<00:03:53.650> to<00:03:53.709> digitize<00:03:54.190> you<00:03:55.090> can<00:03:55.239> take<00:03:55.420> paperwork want to digitize you can take paperwork want to digitize you can take paperwork looks<00:03:56.769> movies<00:03:57.430> and<00:03:57.930> you<00:03:58.930> can<00:03:59.050> make<00:03:59.200> it looks movies and you can make it looks movies and you can make it disappear<00:03:59.440> it's<00:04:00.310> magic<00:04:00.810> finally<00:04:01.810> we<00:04:01.900> want disappear it's magic finally we want disappear it's magic finally we want multifunctional<00:04:03.060> spaces<00:04:04.060> and<00:04:04.510> housewares<00:04:05.110> a multifunctional spaces and housewares a multifunctional spaces and housewares a sinks<00:04:06.459> combined<00:04:06.850> at<00:04:06.970> the<00:04:07.060> toilet<00:04:07.420> a<00:04:07.600> dining sinks combined at the toilet a dining sinks combined at the toilet a dining table<00:04:08.670> becomes<00:04:09.670> a<00:04:09.760> bed<00:04:09.970> same<00:04:10.780> space<00:04:11.080> a<00:04:11.320> little table becomes a bed same space a little table becomes a bed same space a little side<00:04:12.400> table<00:04:12.670> stretches<00:04:13.480> out<00:04:13.630> to<00:04:13.660> c10<00:04:14.550> in<00:04:15.550> the side table stretches out to c10 in the side table stretches out to c10 in the winning<00:04:16.030> life<00:04:16.269> edited<00:04:16.660> scheme<00:04:16.989> and<00:04:17.260> a<00:04:17.470> render winning life edited scheme and a render winning life edited scheme and a render here<00:04:18.010> we<00:04:18.400> combine<00:04:18.729> a<00:04:18.760> moving<00:04:19.299> wall<00:04:19.479> with here we combine a moving wall with here we combine a moving wall with transformer<00:04:20.590> furniture<00:04:21.010> to<00:04:21.340> get<00:04:21.459> a<00:04:21.519> lot<00:04:21.880> out transformer furniture to get a lot out transformer furniture to get a lot out of<00:04:22.150> the<00:04:22.300> space<00:04:22.570> look<00:04:23.260> at<00:04:23.350> the<00:04:23.470> coffee<00:04:23.620> table<00:04:24.450> it of the space look at the coffee table it of the space look at the coffee table it grows<00:04:25.690> in<00:04:25.900> height<00:04:26.110> and<00:04:26.320> width<00:04:26.680> to<00:04:27.400> see<00:04:27.580> 10<00:04:28.350> my grows in height and width to see 10 my grows in height and width to see 10 my office<00:04:29.740> folds<00:04:30.340> away<00:04:30.450> easily<00:04:31.450> hidden<00:04:31.810> my<00:04:32.740> bed office folds away easily hidden my bed office folds away easily hidden my bed just<00:04:33.310> pops<00:04:33.850> out<00:04:33.970> of<00:04:34.060> the<00:04:34.120> wall<00:04:34.330> two<00:04:34.810> fingers just pops out of the wall two fingers just pops out of the wall two fingers guests<00:04:36.669> move<00:04:37.360> the<00:04:37.570> moving<00:04:37.870> wall<00:04:38.050> have<00:04:38.919> some guests move the moving wall have some guests move the moving wall have some fold-down<00:04:39.370> guest<00:04:39.760> beds<00:04:40.000> and<00:04:40.270> of<00:04:41.110> course<00:04:41.350> my fold-down guest beds and of course my fold-down guest beds and of course my own<00:04:42.130> movie<00:04:42.460> theater<00:04:42.900> so<00:04:43.900> I'm<00:04:44.020> not<00:04:44.200> saying<00:04:44.500> that own movie theater so I'm not saying that own movie theater so I'm not saying that we<00:04:44.680> all<00:04:44.860> need<00:04:45.160> to<00:04:45.190> live<00:04:45.490> in<00:04:45.850> 420<00:04:46.720> square<00:04:46.960> feet we all need to live in 420 square feet we all need to live in 420 square feet but<00:04:47.919> consider<00:04:48.280> the<00:04:48.430> benefits<00:04:48.880> of<00:04:49.000> an<00:04:49.120> edited but consider the benefits of an edited but consider the benefits of an edited life<00:04:50.190> go<00:04:51.190> from<00:04:51.370> three<00:04:51.610> thousand<00:04:52.090> to<00:04:52.180> two life go from three thousand to two life go from three thousand to two thousand<00:04:52.870> from<00:04:53.260> fifteen<00:04:53.650> hundred<00:04:54.010> to<00:04:54.430> a thousand from fifteen hundred to a thousand from fifteen hundred to a thousand<00:04:54.940> most<00:04:55.870> of<00:04:56.080> us<00:04:56.229> maybe<00:04:56.800> all<00:04:57.070> of<00:04:57.250> us<00:04:57.370> are thousand most of us maybe all of us are thousand most of us maybe all of us are here<00:04:57.849> pretty<00:04:58.210> happily<00:04:58.690> for<00:04:58.990> a<00:04:59.020> bunch<00:04:59.229> of<00:04:59.320> days here pretty happily for a bunch of days here pretty happily for a bunch of days with<00:05:00.280> couple<00:05:00.640> bags<00:05:00.849> maybe with couple bags maybe with couple bags maybe a small<00:05:01.899> space<00:05:02.199> hotel<00:05:02.649> room<00:05:02.830> so<00:05:03.759> when<00:05:03.849> you<00:05:03.939> go a small space hotel room so when you go a small space hotel room so when you go home<00:05:04.270> and<00:05:04.449> you<00:05:04.539> walk<00:05:04.749> through<00:05:04.990> your<00:05:05.080> front home and you walk through your front home and you walk through your front door<00:05:05.669> take<00:05:06.669> a<00:05:06.729> second<00:05:07.119> and<00:05:07.240> ask<00:05:07.360> yourselves door take a second and ask yourselves door take a second and ask yourselves could<00:05:09.009> I<00:05:09.039> do<00:05:09.129> with<00:05:09.309> a<00:05:09.339> little<00:05:09.610> life<00:05:09.729> editing could I do with a little life editing could I do with a little life editing would<00:05:10.809> that<00:05:10.959> give<00:05:11.110> me<00:05:11.229> a<00:05:11.289> little<00:05:11.499> more<00:05:11.619> freedom would that give me a little more freedom would that give me a little more freedom maybe<00:05:12.999> a<00:05:13.089> little<00:05:13.240> more<00:05:13.419> time<00:05:16.589> what's<00:05:17.589> in<00:05:17.709> the maybe a little more time what's in the maybe a little more time what's in the box<00:05:19.439> it<00:05:20.439> doesn't<00:05:20.800> really<00:05:20.949> matter<00:05:21.219> I<00:05:22.080> know<00:05:23.080> I box it doesn't really matter I know I box it doesn't really matter I know I don't<00:05:23.349> need<00:05:23.649> it don't need it don't need it what's<00:05:26.589> in<00:05:26.709> yours<00:05:27.539> maybe<00:05:28.539> just<00:05:29.199> maybe<00:05:29.409> less what's in yours maybe just maybe less what's in yours maybe just maybe less might<00:05:30.639> equal<00:05:30.879> more<00:05:31.619> so<00:05:32.619> let's<00:05:32.800> make<00:05:32.979> room<00:05:33.189> for might equal more so let's make room for might equal more so let's make room for the<00:05:34.599> good<00:05:34.629> stuff<00:05:35.849> thank<00:05:36.849> you the good stuff thank you the good stuff thank you [Applause]

Graham Hill, design, happiness, stuff, stuff, happinesss, how, to, be, happy, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, Ed, TEDEducation

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