Kế hoạch 200 năm của bạn là gì? – Raghava KK

What's your 200-year plan? - Raghava KK

What's your 200-year plan? - Raghava KK


Show <00:00:00.329>Me <00:00:00.658>The
Show Me The Show Me The [Music] [Music] [Music] That

Now <00:00:16.670>From <00:00:17.250>Classmates <00:00:17.830>To <00:00:18.410>My <00:00:18.990>Grandfather <00:00:19.570>A
Now From Classmates To My Grandfather A Now From Classmates To My Grandfather A Young <00:00:20.504>Man <00:00:21.048>While <00:00:21.592>Intense <00:00:22.136>Tapas <00:00:22.680>Converted <00:00:23.224>Into <00:00:23.768>Vv Young Man While Intense Tapas Converted Into Vv Young Man While Intense Tapas Converted Into Vv Soon <00:00:24.790>Helplessly <00:00:25.660>In <00:00:26.530>Love <00:00:27.400>With <00:00:28.270>A Soon Helplessly In Love With A Soon Helplessly In Love With A Woman <00:00:28.790>Part <00:00:29.250>Of <00:00:29.710>The <00:00:30.170>Silverscreen <00:00:30.630>Na <00:00:31.090>Habitually Woman Part Of The Silverscreen Na Habitually Woman Part Of The Silverscreen Na Habitually Busy <00:00:32.648>Till <00:00:33.336>Hand <00:00:34.024>Robert <00:00:34.712>38 <00:00:35.400>Friendly <00:00:36.088>F-35 Busy Till Hand Robert 38 Friendly F-35 Busy Till Hand Robert 38 Friendly F-35 In <00:00:37.552>His <00:00:38.014>Daughter, <00:00:38.476>I <00:00:38.938>years <00:00:39.400>later, <00:00:39.862>this <00:00:40.324>month, In His Daughter, I years later, this month, In His Daughter, I years later, this month, name, <00:00:41.086>Hour <00:00:41.782>of <00:00:42.478>West, <00:00:43.174>Indian <00:00:43.870>child name, Hour of West, Indian child name, Hour of West, Indian child name, <00:00:45.315>West <00:00:46.400>Indian, <00:00:47.485>percent, <00:00:48.570>solved, name, West Indian, percent, solved, name, West Indian, percent, solved, nature <00:00:49.858>of <00:00:50.146>a <00:00:50.434>person, <00:00:50.722>this <00:00:51.010>band, <00:00:51.298>decided <00:00:51.586>to <00:00:51.874>think, nature of a person, this band, decided to think, nature of a person, this band, decided to think, what <00:00:52.564>is <00:00:52.889>the <00:00:53.214>spelling <00:00:53.539>of <00:00:53.864>Peshwa, <00:00:54.189>side <00:00:54.514>of what is the spelling of Peshwa, side of what is the spelling of Peshwa, side of it, <00:00:55.898>West, <00:00:56.776>PM, <00:00:57.654>lead, <00:00:58.532>Wankhede <00:00:59.410>Shiva, it, West, PM, lead, Wankhede Shiva, it, West, PM, lead, Wankhede Shiva, behind, <00:01:00.471>Eid <00:01:01.082>handed <00:01:01.693>over, <00:01:02.304>spelling <00:01:02.915>of <00:01:03.526>change, <00:01:04.137>Naresh. <00:01:04.748>Yes behind, Eid handed over, spelling of change, Naresh. Yes behind, Eid handed over, spelling of change, Naresh. Yes Baby <00:01:05.614>Boy <00:01:06.148>Open <00:01:06.682>Rehan <00:01:07.216>Affects <00:01:07.750>That Baby Boy Open Rehan Affects That Baby Boy Open Rehan Affects That Decide <00:01:08.928>Spell <00:01:09.326>Doom <00:01:09.724>This <00:01:10.122>Tree <00:01:10.520>Rehan <00:01:10.918>Vaidya <00:01:11.316>Said Decide Spell Doom This Tree Rehan Vaidya Said Decide Spell Doom This Tree Rehan Vaidya Said Eid <00:01:11.871>That <00:01:12.182>Hero <00:01:12.493>Maidan <00:01:12.804>Fateh <00:01:13.115>Tight <00:01:13.426>Man <00:01:13.737>Years <00:01:14.048>Ago <00:01:14.359>When <00:01:14.670>He <00:01:14.981>Was Eid That Hero Maidan Fateh Tight Man Years Ago When He Was Eid That Hero Maidan Fateh Tight Man Years Ago When He Was Later <00:01:15.687>Prince <00:01:16.204>Love <00:01:16.721>For <00:01:17.238>West Later Prince Love For West Later Prince Love For West Leaves <00:01:18.405>On <00:01:18.880>SMS <00:01:19.355>First <00:01:19.830>England <00:01:20.305>Team <00:01:20.780>Office Leaves On SMS First England Team Office Leaves On SMS First England Team Office Political <00:01:21.785>Background <00:01:22.460>Is <00:01:23.135>Successful <00:01:23.810>That

Comments18 <00:01:30.310>Shares <00:01:31.030>Are <00:01:31.750>You <00:01:32.470>Disagree <00:01:33.190>Fighter
Comments18 Shares Are You Disagree Fighter Comments18 Shares Are You Disagree Fighter Naturally <00:01:34.720>Comes <00:01:35.250>Up <00:01:35.780>With <00:01:36.310>Very <00:01:36.840>Own <00:01:37.370>2011 <00:01:37.900>Friend Naturally Comes Up With Very Own 2011 Friend Naturally Comes Up With Very Own 2011 Friend Remedies <00:01:39.620>Parents <00:01:40.340>Tak Remedies Parents Tak Remedies Parents Tak Husno <00:01:41.492>Bhi <00:01:41.934>Very <00:01:42.376>Kam <00:01:42.818>Family <00:01:43.260>Central <00:01:43.702>Uska <00:01:44.144>To Husno Bhi Very Kam Family Central Uska To Husno Bhi Very Kam Family Central Uska To Humanity <00:01:45.436>And <00:01:45.952>West <00:01:46.468>Dimple <00:01:46.984>Bhi <00:01:47.500>Very <00:01:48.016>Lighter Humanity And West Dimple Bhi Very Lighter Humanity And West Dimple Bhi Very Lighter Larger <00:01:48.740>Than <00:01:49.100>Life <00:01:49.460>I <00:01:49.820>Will <00:01:50.180>Give <00:01:50.540>The <00:01:50.900>Concept <00:01:51.260>Of Larger Than Life I Will Give The Concept Of Larger Than Life I Will Give The Concept Of Rajya <00:01:51.950>Yogi Rajya Yogi Rajya Yogi Pa.daa <00:01:53.326>Positive <00:01:53.812>A <00:01:54.298>Message <00:01:54.784>Text <00:01:55.270>Sleeping Pa.daa Positive A Message Text Sleeping Pa.daa Positive A Message Text Sleeping And <00:01:56.582>Rockstar <00:01:56.894>Hee <00:01:57.206>Beneficial <00:01:57.518>my <00:01:57.830>phone And Rockstar Hee Beneficial my phone And Rockstar Hee Beneficial my phone that <00:01:59.076>if <00:01:59.352>not <00:01:59.628>auspicious <00:01:59.904>these <00:02:00.180>days <00:02:00.456>then <00:02:00.732>right <00:02:01.008>side <00:02:01.284>soon <00:02:01.560>to that if not auspicious these days then right side soon to that if not auspicious these days then right side soon to make <00:02:02.085>fast <00:02:02.460>plant <00:02:02.835>angry <00:02:03.210>birds <00:02:03.585>to <00:02:03.960>p make fast plant angry birds to p make fast plant angry birds to p side <00:02:05.587>motorsports <00:02:06.314>plant <00:02:07.041>also <00:02:07.768>got side motorsports plant also got side motorsports plant also got Honda <00:02:08.460>service Honda service Honda service twin <00:02:09.934>babies <00:02:10.578>born <00:02:11.222>this <00:02:11.866>way <00:02:12.510>tour <00:02:13.154>dates <00:02:13.798>with twin babies born this way tour dates with twin babies born this way tour dates with health <00:02:14.435>related <00:02:14.830>is <00:02:15.225>active <00:02:15.620>and <00:02:16.015>fast <00:02:16.410>track health related is active and fast track health related is active and fast track contact <00:02:17.196>with <00:02:17.622>world <00:02:18.048>snowbird <00:02:18.474>year <00:02:18.900>passed contact with world snowbird year passed contact with world snowbird year passed my <00:02:19.533>Life <00:02:19.866>Will <00:02:20.199>Never <00:02:20.532>Leave <00:02:20.865>You <00:02:21.198>Want <00:02:21.531>To <00:02:21.864>Hundred my Life Will Never Leave You Want To Hundred my Life Will Never Leave You Want To Hundred Years Years Years Slap <00:02:23.716>Past <00:02:24.432>Situated <00:02:25.148>Plan <00:02:25.864>In <00:02:26.580>Re Slap Past Situated Plan In Re Slap Past Situated Plan In Re Imagination <00:02:27.252>Test <00:02:27.804>Flight <00:02:28.356>In <00:02:28.908>Minor <00:02:29.460>Irrigation Imagination Test Flight In Minor Irrigation Imagination Test Flight In Minor Irrigation Water <00:02:30.741>Mark <00:02:31.132>Warner <00:02:31.523>Live <00:02:31.914>In <00:02:32.305>This <00:02:32.696>Amount Water Mark Warner Live In This Amount Water Mark Warner Live In This Amount East <00:02:33.731>Ka <00:02:34.222>Inter <00:02:34.713>America <00:02:35.204>Tu <00:02:35.695>Number <00:02:36.186>911 East Ka Inter America Tu Number 911 East Ka Inter America Tu Number 911 Cost <00:02:37.964>So <00:02:38.638>Much <00:02:39.312>Exhibition <00:02:39.986>Absorption <00:02:40.660>In Cost So Much Exhibition Absorption In Cost So Much Exhibition Absorption In Amla <00:02:42.040>A <00:02:42.430>Cartoon <00:02:42.820>Replacement <00:02:43.210>Therapy <00:02:43.600>Kept Amla A Cartoon Replacement Therapy Kept Amla A Cartoon Replacement Therapy Kept To <00:02:44.440>Connect <00:02:44.650>With To Connect With To Connect With Beneficial <00:02:46.428>Things <00:02:46.986>So <00:02:47.544>Much <00:02:48.102>Longer <00:02:48.660>Now <00:02:49.218>In <00:02:49.776>The Beneficial Things So Much Longer Now In The Beneficial Things So Much Longer Now In The Presence <00:02:50.530>Of <00:02:51.010>Creating <00:02:51.490>810 <00:02:51.970>Definitely Presence Of Creating 810 Definitely Presence Of Creating 810 Definitely Nakhu <00:02:52.900>Lakshmi <00:02:53.260>Rethink <00:02:53.620>About <00:02:53.980>What <00:02:54.340>They <00:02:54.700>Want <00:02:55.060>To <00:02:55.420>Leave <00:02:55.780>Behind Nakhu Lakshmi Rethink About What They Want To Leave Behind Nakhu Lakshmi Rethink About What They Want To Leave Behind Will <00:02:56.732>Bring <00:02:57.534>You <00:02:58.336>No <00:02:59.138>Diary Will Bring You No Diary Will Bring You No Diary Cartoon <00:03:00.016>Aap <00:03:00.292>Set <00:03:00.568>Mein <00:03:00.844>So <00:03:01.120>Much Cartoon Aap Set Mein So Much Cartoon Aap Set Mein So Much Dowry <00:03:03.272>Network <00:03:03.814>Cartoon <00:03:04.356>Agyaan <00:03:04.898>Aishwarya <00:03:05.440>Ne Dowry Network Cartoon Agyaan Aishwarya Ne Dowry Network Cartoon Agyaan Aishwarya Ne Bigg <00:03:05.854>Boss <00:03:06.088>Mechanic <00:03:06.322>Of <00:03:06.556>Waste <00:03:06.790>Public Bigg Boss Mechanic Of Waste Public Bigg Boss Mechanic Of Waste Public Commentary <00:03:07.675>A <00:03:08.200>Can <00:03:08.725>Bay <00:03:09.250>Falls <00:03:09.775>Is <00:03:10.300>Continued Commentary A Can Bay Falls Is Continued Commentary A Can Bay Falls Is Continued Rating <00:03:11.075>That <00:03:11.430>Worked <00:03:11.785>With <00:03:12.140>Honest <00:03:12.495>And <00:03:12.850>Draws <00:03:13.205>A Rating That Worked With Honest And Draws A Rating That Worked With Honest And Draws A Picture <00:03:14.177>Of <00:03:14.544>Months <00:03:14.911>Of <00:03:15.278>People <00:03:15.645>React <00:03:16.012>To <00:03:16.379>My <00:03:16.746>Work Picture Of Months Of People React To My Work Picture Of Months Of People React To My Work Sentence <00:03:17.888>For <00:03:18.316>Getting <00:03:18.744>By <00:03:19.172>This <00:03:19.600>Important Sentence For Getting By This Important Sentence For Getting By This Important Treatment <00:03:20.860>Idealistic Treatment Idealistic Treatment Idealistic Aspect <00:03:23.081>Time <00:03:23.632>Patient <00:03:24.183>Russ <00:03:24.734>A <00:03:25.285>Little <00:03:25.836>Virus Aspect Time Patient Russ A Little Virus

Most <00:03:28.655>Important <00:03:29.600>Things
Most Important Things Most Important Things Might <00:03:30.037>To <00:03:30.234>Develop <00:03:30.431>Line <00:03:30.628>Described <00:03:30.825>In <00:03:31.022>Human <00:03:31.219>Being <00:03:31.416>Staying <00:03:31.613>Nice <00:03:31.810>A <00:03:32.007>Right <00:03:32.204>Is Might To Develop Line Described In Human Being Staying Nice A Right Is Might To Develop Line Described In Human Being Staying Nice A Right Is Water <00:03:33.361>For <00:03:33.762>Greater <00:03:34.163>Beta <00:03:34.564>Sales <00:03:34.965>In <00:03:35.366>Very <00:03:35.767>So <00:03:36.168>Much Water For Greater Beta Sales In Very So Much Water For Greater Beta Sales In Very So Much Bedroom <00:03:36.998>Parents <00:03:37.766>Romance <00:03:38.534>1815 <00:03:39.302>Suniti <00:03:40.070>Par Bedroom Parents Romance 1815 Suniti Par Bedroom Parents Romance 1815 Suniti Par Shares <00:03:41.035>In <00:03:41.670>Securities <00:03:42.305>And <00:03:42.940>2ND <00:03:43.575>Year <00:03:44.210>Plan Shares In Securities And 2ND Year Plan Shares In Securities And 2ND Year Plan To-Do <00:03:44.970>List <00:03:45.370>All <00:03:45.770>The <00:03:46.170>Child <00:03:46.570>Heart <00:03:46.970>Problems To-Do List All The Child Heart Problems To-Do List All The Child Heart Problems Now <00:03:47.937>Expired <00:03:48.484>Here <00:03:49.031>Singular <00:03:49.578>Important Now Expired Here Singular Important Now Expired Here Singular Important Expiry <00:03:50.432>Date <00:03:50.834>On <00:03:51.236>Ola <00:03:51.638>Chapter <00:03:52.040>Problems Expiry Date On Ola Chapter Problems Expiry Date On Ola Chapter Problems Latest <00:03:53.304>Data <00:03:53.978>Airport <00:03:54.652>And <00:03:55.326>acid <00:03:56.000>i'm Latest Data Airport And acid i'm Latest Data Airport And acid i'm going <00:03:56.488>to <00:03:56.916>expire <00:03:57.344>my <00:03:57.772>left <00:03:58.200>him <00:03:58.628>in <00:03:59.056>his going to expire my left him in his going to expire my left him in his mother <00:04:00.027>in <00:04:00.574>law <00:04:01.121>and <00:04:01.668>different mother in law and different mother in law and different cheese <00:04:04.965>and <00:04:05.570>chilli cheese and chilli cheese and chilli that

hero <00:04:10.741>a <00:04:11.282>fiery <00:04:11.823>medications <00:04:12.364>all <00:04:12.905>the <00:04:13.446>best <00:04:13.987>for
hero a fiery medications all the best for hero a fiery medications all the best for you <00:04:14.654>want <00:04:15.078>to <00:04:15.502>remember <00:04:15.926>my <00:04:16.350>sa <00:04:16.774>conduct <00:04:17.198>most you want to remember my sa conduct most you want to remember my sa conduct most important <00:04:18.326>ka <00:04:18.762>interpretations <00:04:19.198>of <00:04:19.634>make <00:04:20.070>this important ka interpretations of make this important ka interpretations of make this translation <00:04:21.540>into <00:04:22.010>a <00:04:22.480>painting <00:04:22.950>per <00:04:23.420>like <00:04:23.890>My translation into a painting per like My translation into a painting per like My Friends <00:04:24.370>I <00:04:24.670>Don't <00:04:24.970>Want <00:04:25.270>To <00:04:25.570>Leave <00:04:25.870>Alone <00:04:26.170>Facebook Friends I Don't Want To Leave Alone Facebook Friends I Don't Want To Leave Alone Facebook Pinterest <00:04:27.295>Twitter <00:04:27.790>Flickr <00:04:28.285>YouTube <00:04:28.780>Nimitt Pinterest Twitter Flickr YouTube Nimitt Pinterest Twitter Flickr YouTube Nimitt Amount <00:04:29.902>68 <00:04:30.574>And <00:04:31.246>Singh <00:04:31.918>Memory <00:04:32.590>Delete <00:04:33.262>Wealth <00:04:33.934>In Amount 68 And Singh Memory Delete Wealth In Amount 68 And Singh Memory Delete Wealth In Terms <00:04:34.951>Of <00:04:35.552>Problem <00:04:36.153>So <00:04:36.754>Such <00:04:37.355>Situation <00:04:37.956>Ka Terms Of Problem So Such Situation Ka Terms Of Problem So Such Situation Ka Technology <00:04:38.504>It's <00:04:38.898>All <00:04:39.292>Matter <00:04:39.686>For <00:04:40.080>Memory <00:04:40.474>So <00:04:40.868>Now Technology It's All Matter For Memory So Now Technology It's All Matter For Memory So Now Reason <00:04:41.668>Not <00:04:42.076>Protect <00:04:42.484>Storage <00:04:42.892>Devices <00:04:43.300>Like Reason Not Protect Storage Devices Like Reason Not Protect Storage Devices Like Technology <00:04:43.845>Peeth <00:04:44.300>Remember <00:04:44.755>What <00:04:45.210>They <00:04:45.665>Want <00:04:46.120>To Technology Peeth Remember What They Want To Technology Peeth Remember What They Want To Achieve <00:04:46.656>this <00:04:47.042>is <00:04:47.428>to <00:04:47.814>end <00:04:48.200>setting <00:04:48.586>now <00:04:48.972>we <00:04:49.358>prince Achieve this is to end setting now we prince Achieve this is to end setting now we prince joint <00:04:50.640>curators <00:04:51.350>of <00:04:52.060>memory joint curators of memory joint curators of memory that <00:04:53.829>Iraq <00:04:54.138>and <00:04:54.447>know <00:04:54.756>it <00:04:55.065>is <00:04:55.374>not <00:04:55.683>a <00:04:55.992>matter <00:04:56.301>of <00:04:56.610>my that Iraq and know it is not a matter of my that Iraq and know it is not a matter of my what <00:04:57.570>is <00:04:57.840>it what is it what is it next9news <00:04:59.852>technology <00:05:00.644>acid <00:05:01.436>to <00:05:02.228>in <00:05:03.020>80 next9news technology acid to in 80 next9news technology acid to in 80 flying <00:05:04.113>through <00:05:04.486>I <00:05:04.859>am <00:05:05.232>sure <00:05:05.605>that <00:05:05.978>digital <00:05:06.351>will <00:05:06.724>take <00:05:07.097>the flying through I am sure that digital will take the flying through I am sure that digital will take the picture <00:05:08.090>of <00:05:08.810>my <00:05:09.530>mother <00:05:10.250>and <00:05:10.970>CBSE <00:05:11.690>Ko <00:05:12.410>order picture of my mother and CBSE Ko order picture of my mother and CBSE Ko order Facebook <00:05:12.757>account <00:05:13.074>hai <00:05:13.391>You <00:05:13.708>know <00:05:14.025>what's <00:05:14.342>going <00:05:14.659>on Facebook account hai You know what's going on Facebook account hai You know what's going on in <00:05:15.515>this <00:05:16.070>very <00:05:16.625>supportive <00:05:17.180>till <00:05:17.735>this <00:05:18.290>picture in this very supportive till this picture in this very supportive till this picture Source <00:05:19.118>of <00:05:19.406>all <00:05:19.694>my <00:05:19.982>Facebook <00:05:20.270>friends Source of all my Facebook friends Source of all my Facebook friends Chanak <00:05:22.571>- <00:05:22.992>First <00:05:23.413>pick <00:05:23.834>up <00:05:24.255>the <00:05:24.676>phone <00:05:25.097>Sharma <00:05:25.518>Yes <00:05:25.939>this <00:05:26.360>will Chanak - First pick up the phone Sharma Yes this will Chanak - First pick up the phone Sharma Yes this will never <00:05:27.193>put <00:05:27.576>test <00:05:27.959>for <00:05:28.342>your <00:05:28.725>daughter never put test for your daughter never put test for your daughter against against against that <00:05:30.997>anti <00:05:31.364>shatter <00:05:31.731>boy <00:05:32.098>look <00:05:32.465>so <00:05:32.832>cute <00:05:33.199>Darling that anti shatter boy look so cute Darling that anti shatter boy look so cute Darling Good <00:05:34.926>Users <00:05:35.652>Can <00:05:36.378>Understand <00:05:37.104>Spore <00:05:37.830>The Good Users Can Understand Spore The Good Users Can Understand Spore The First <00:05:38.454>Angry <00:05:38.958>Salary <00:05:39.462>Understand <00:05:39.966>You <00:05:40.470>Waiting First Angry Salary Understand You Waiting First Angry Salary Understand You Waiting For <00:05:41.310>Sales <00:05:41.640>Man <00:05:41.970>Is <00:05:42.300>The <00:05:42.630>First <00:05:42.960>Indian For Sales Man Is The First Indian For Sales Man Is The First Indian Festival <00:05:44.044>This <00:05:44.718>Record <00:05:45.392>Alarms <00:05:46.066>Hero <00:05:46.740>Vedic Festival This Record Alarms Hero Vedic Festival This Record Alarms Hero Vedic Age <00:05:47.466>From <00:05:47.832>Sleep <00:05:48.198>To <00:05:48.564>The <00:05:48.930>End <00:05:49.296>Not <00:05:49.662>Where <00:05:50.028>Is <00:05:50.394>Still Age From Sleep To The End Not Where Is Still Age From Sleep To The End Not Where Is Still Living <00:05:51.260>Birha <00:05:51.880>Individual <00:05:52.500>Differences Living Birha Individual Differences Living Birha Individual Differences Over <00:05:53.066>Time <00:05:53.512>Snack <00:05:53.958>Rae <00:05:54.404>Bareli <00:05:54.850>Want <00:05:55.296>You <00:05:55.742>Toe <00:05:56.188>Fund Over Time Snack Rae Bareli Want You Toe Fund Over Time Snack Rae Bareli Want You Toe Fund Or <00:05:57.018>Plan <00:05:57.426>So <00:05:57.834>accurate <00:05:58.242>state <00:05:58.650>electricity Or Plan So accurate state electricity Or Plan So accurate state electricity and <00:05:59.530>water <00:05:59.960>and <00:06:00.390>electricity <00:06:00.820>but <00:06:01.250>will <00:06:01.680>even and water and electricity but will even and water and electricity but will even during <00:06:02.352>pregnancy <00:06:02.874>of <00:06:03.396>my <00:06:03.918>past <00:06:04.440>and during pregnancy of my past and during pregnancy of my past and future <00:06:05.362>how <00:06:06.074>are <00:06:06.786>well <00:06:07.498>when <00:06:08.210>I <00:06:08.922>think <00:06:09.634>of <00:06:10.346>the future how are well when I think of the future how are well when I think of the future <00:06:10.905>other <00:06:11.310>see <00:06:11.715>massage <00:06:12.120>moving <00:06:12.525>forward <00:06:12.930>in future other see massage moving forward in future other see massage moving forward in time <00:06:13.825>spend <00:06:14.420>moving <00:06:15.015>back <00:06:15.610>but <00:06:16.205>when <00:06:16.800>they time spend moving back but when they time spend moving back but when they remind myself to remind myself to remind myself to change <00:06:18.531>in <00:06:19.252>thought <00:06:19.973>to <00:06:20.694>want <00:06:21.415>and <00:06:22.136>Flesh change in thought to want and Flesh change in thought to want and Flesh Want <00:06:22.758>I <00:06:23.016>Want <00:06:23.274>To <00:06:23.532>Take <00:06:23.790>Video <00:06:24.048>Game <00:06:24.306>Of <00:06:24.564>Sikh Want I Want To Take Video Game Of Sikh Want I Want To Take Video Game Of Sikh Deal <00:06:25.581>With <00:06:26.092>It <00:06:26.603>Pattern <00:06:27.114>Tattooing <00:06:27.625>This <00:06:28.136>Is <00:06:28.647>Making Deal With It Pattern Tattooing This Is Making Deal With It Pattern Tattooing This Is Making Painting <00:06:29.726>Was <00:06:30.322>Obscene <00:06:30.918>Madam <00:06:31.514>I'm <00:06:32.110>Behind Painting Was Obscene Madam I'm Behind Painting Was Obscene Madam I'm Behind A <00:06:33.174>Painted <00:06:33.578>Bodies <00:06:33.982>In <00:06:34.386>Summers <00:06:34.790>Looking <00:06:35.194>At <00:06:35.598>Us <00:06:36.002>Such A Painted Bodies In Summers Looking At Us Such A Painted Bodies In Summers Looking At Us Such That <00:06:36.657>Feeling <00:06:37.034>A <00:06:37.411>Noose <00:06:37.788>Knot <00:06:38.165>President <00:06:38.542>Will <00:06:38.919>Take That Feeling A Noose Knot President Will Take That Feeling A Noose Knot President Will Take 15000 <00:06:39.909>Toys <00:06:40.629>Picture 15000 Toys Picture 15000 Toys Picture Winforms <00:06:42.661>Martin <00:06:43.232>Vanity <00:06:43.803>Van <00:06:44.374>And <00:06:44.945>Show Winforms Martin Vanity Van And Show

1000 <00:06:51.702>Wants <00:06:52.044>to <00:06:52.386>My <00:06:52.728>First <00:06:53.070>Art <00:06:53.412>Exhibition <00:06:53.754>from <00:06:54.096>Amazon
1000 Wants to My First Art Exhibition from Amazon 1000 Wants to My First Art Exhibition from Amazon and <00:06:55.020>Converted <00:06:55.321>to <00:06:55.622>All <00:06:55.923>Wants <00:06:56.224>to <00:06:56.525>Know <00:06:56.826>About <00:06:57.127>It's and Converted to All Wants to Know About It's and Converted to All Wants to Know About It's Not <00:06:57.930>Done <00:06:58.580>But <00:06:59.230>What <00:06:59.880>It <00:07:00.530>Aims <00:07:01.180>for Not Done But What It Aims for

Light <00:07:09.100>a <00:07:09.670>Investment <00:07:10.240>Rashi <00:07:10.810>Se <00:07:11.380>Shani <00:07:11.950>100 <00:07:12.520>Very
Light a Investment Rashi Se Shani 100 Very Light a Investment Rashi Se Shani 100 Very Famous <00:07:13.570>Actress <00:07:14.050>Launching <00:07:14.530>My <00:07:15.010>Show <00:07:15.490>Giving Famous Actress Launching My Show Giving Famous Actress Launching My Show Giving Credit <00:07:16.349>To <00:07:16.849>Meet <00:07:17.349>And <00:07:17.849>A <00:07:18.349>Bathroom <00:07:18.849>My Credit To Meet And A Bathroom My Credit To Meet And A Bathroom My Visualization <00:07:19.877>Certificate <00:07:20.574>Course <00:07:21.271>In <00:07:21.968>Delhi Visualization Certificate Course In Delhi Visualization Certificate Course In Delhi Petrol <00:07:22.543>Shabana <00:07:22.936>Azmi <00:07:23.329>And <00:07:23.722>Rekha <00:07:24.115>You <00:07:24.508>Are <00:07:24.901>Very <00:07:25.294>Famous Petrol Shabana Azmi And Rekha You Are Very Famous Petrol Shabana Azmi And Rekha You Are Very Famous Indian <00:07:25.947>After <00:07:26.385>Slide <00:07:26.823>Unmarried <00:07:27.261>Streets <00:07:27.699>Of Indian After Slide Unmarried Streets Of Indian After Slide Unmarried Streets Of India <00:07:28.434>The <00:07:29.049>Daughter India The Daughter India The Daughter Apne <00:07:30.933>Rot <00:07:31.246>A <00:07:31.559>Letter <00:07:31.872>To <00:07:32.185>Both <00:07:32.498>Time <00:07:32.811>And <00:07:33.124>Shabana Apne Rot A Letter To Both Time And Shabana Apne Rot A Letter To Both Time And Shabana Azmi <00:07:34.495>replied <00:07:34.860>in <00:07:35.225>the <00:07:35.590>dark <00:07:35.955>launched <00:07:36.320>my Azmi replied in the dark launched my Azmi replied in the dark launched my very <00:07:37.339>first <00:07:37.759>of <00:07:38.179>wells <00:07:38.599>years <00:07:39.019>ago <00:07:39.439>and <00:07:39.859>water very first of wells years ago and water very first of wells years ago and water bank <00:07:40.954>statement <00:07:41.658>career <00:07:42.362>base <00:07:43.066>nuvve <00:07:43.770>singh <00:07:44.474>co bank statement career base nuvve singh co bank statement career base nuvve singh co time <00:07:44.837>in <00:07:45.104>this <00:07:45.371>way <00:07:45.638>e <00:07:45.905>think <00:07:46.172>you <00:07:46.439>are <00:07:46.706>not <00:07:46.973>only <00:07:47.240>through time in this way e think you are not only through time in this way e think you are not only through words <00:07:48.369>all <00:07:49.018>the <00:07:49.667>best words all the best words all the best dress <00:07:51.635>apex <00:07:52.470>trauma <00:07:53.305>family <00:07:54.140>and <00:07:54.975>dirtist dress apex trauma family and dirtist dress apex trauma family and dirtist led <00:07:55.795>this <00:07:56.340>thing <00:07:56.885>theater <00:07:57.430>Of <00:07:57.975>My led this thing theater Of My led this thing theater Of My Dowry <00:07:58.892>Luthra <00:07:59.504>High <00:08:00.116>School <00:08:00.728>History <00:08:01.340>Teacher <00:08:01.952>I <00:08:02.564>Love Dowry Luthra High School History Teacher I Love Dowry Luthra High School History Teacher I Love Netra <00:08:03.487>Pada <00:08:03.924>This <00:08:04.361>Is <00:08:04.798>A <00:08:05.235>History <00:08:05.672>Fakir <00:08:06.109>Singh Netra Pada This Is A History Fakir Singh Netra Pada This Is A History Fakir Singh Loved <00:08:07.152>You <00:08:07.504>In <00:08:07.856>The <00:08:08.208>Past <00:08:08.560>Boil <00:08:08.912>Create <00:08:09.264>Future <00:08:09.616>And Loved You In The Past Boil Create Future And Loved You In The Past Boil Create Future And When <00:08:10.730>You <00:08:11.090>Can

shaadi.com <00:08:14.607>Intelligence <00:08:15.344>Smile <00:08:16.081>And <00:08:16.818>S
shaadi.com Intelligence Smile And S shaadi.com Intelligence Smile And S Punishment <00:08:17.744>Is <00:08:18.338>Tomorrow <00:08:18.932>Anti-Aging <00:08:19.526>Clock <00:08:20.120>Of Punishment Is Tomorrow Anti-Aging Clock Of Punishment Is Tomorrow Anti-Aging Clock Of Indian <00:08:20.664>History <00:08:20.998>And <00:08:21.332>You <00:08:21.666>Are <00:08:22.000>Sitting <00:08:22.334>In <00:08:22.668>A Indian History And You Are Sitting In A Indian History And You Are Sitting In A Corner <00:08:23.119>Grading <00:08:23.479>You Corner Grading You Corner Grading You Gautam <00:08:25.586>Suryavanshi <00:08:26.352>10th <00:08:27.118>Class <00:08:27.884>The <00:08:28.650>State <00:08:29.416>By Gautam Suryavanshi 10th Class The State By Gautam Suryavanshi 10th Class The State By Giving <00:08:30.306>Students <00:08:31.042>Primary <00:08:31.778>Documents Giving Students Primary Documents Giving Students Primary Documents From <00:08:33.230>India <00:08:33.680>Pakistan From India Pakistan From India Pakistan Organization <00:08:35.810>Shiv <00:08:36.510>Va <00:08:37.210>36 <00:08:37.910>Atam <00:08:38.610>Secret <00:08:39.310>Facts <00:08:40.010>From Organization Shiv Va 36 Atam Secret Facts From Organization Shiv Va 36 Atam Secret Facts From Virus Virus Virus Ek <00:08:42.538>Ajeeb <00:08:43.316>Dulhan <00:08:44.094>Buffalo <00:08:44.872>Decide <00:08:45.650>Sure Ek Ajeeb Dulhan Buffalo Decide Sure Ek Ajeeb Dulhan Buffalo Decide Sure Affects <00:08:46.950>And <00:08:47.250>Voices Affects And Voices Affects And Voices And <00:08:48.523>Create <00:08:49.026>And <00:08:49.529>Image <00:08:50.032>Of <00:08:50.535>Your <00:08:51.038>Own <00:08:51.541>Story <00:08:52.044>Of And Create And Image Of Your Own Story Of And Create And Image Of Your Own Story Of Dignity Dignity Dignity A <00:08:54.772>History <00:08:55.274>Lesson <00:08:55.776>Imaging <00:08:56.278>Dhool <00:08:56.780>Also A History Lesson Imaging Dhool Also A History Lesson Imaging Dhool Also Inspired <00:08:58.235>A <00:08:58.690>Great <00:08:59.145>Fan <00:08:59.600>Version <00:09:00.055>Of <00:09:00.510>Indian Inspired A Great Fan Version Of Indian Inspired A Great Fan Version Of Indian History <00:09:01.308>Is <00:09:01.836>Including <00:09:02.364>Stories <00:09:02.892>From <00:09:03.420>A History Is Including Stories From A History Is Including Stories From A Grand <00:09:03.993>Mother <00:09:04.356>Shiva <00:09:04.719>And <00:09:05.082>Telephone <00:09:05.445>Exchange <00:09:05.808>Nice Grand Mother Shiva And Telephone Exchange Nice Grand Mother Shiva And Telephone Exchange Nice Toe <00:09:07.224>View <00:09:07.638>Conversation <00:09:08.052>Between <00:09:08.466>Nehru <00:09:08.880>And Toe View Conversation Between Nehru And Toe View Conversation Between Nehru And Edwina <00:09:09.690>Mountbatten Edwina Mountbatten Edwina Mountbatten Institute <00:09:11.411>Of <00:09:12.092>Science <00:09:12.773>Fiction <00:09:13.454>Third <00:09:14.135>Number <00:09:14.816>91 Institute Of Science Fiction Third Number 91 Institute Of Science Fiction Third Number 91 Shooting <00:09:16.170>Letter <00:09:16.620>This <00:09:17.070>Month <00:09:17.520>Of <00:09:17.970>Information <00:09:18.420>Of Shooting Letter This Month Of Information Of Shooting Letter This Month Of Information Of Indian <00:09:19.420>History <00:09:20.000>In <00:09:20.580>This Indian History In This Indian History In This Who <00:09:23.031>Is <00:09:23.642>This <00:09:24.253>Is <00:09:24.864>Show <00:09:25.475>Editor <00:09:26.086>Thunth <00:09:26.697>Jasbir <00:09:27.308>Tak Who Is This Is Show Editor Thunth Jasbir Tak Who Is This Is Show Editor Thunth Jasbir Tak Primary <00:09:28.359>Objective <00:09:28.868>For <00:09:29.377>Brain <00:09:29.886>Research <00:09:30.395>Is Primary Objective For Brain Research Is Primary Objective For Brain Research Is Rumor <00:09:31.630>Dignity Rumor Dignity Rumor Dignity Evening <00:09:33.785>Train <00:09:34.350>Support <00:09:34.915>Kisi <00:09:35.480>- <00:09:36.045>At <00:09:36.610>Nit <00:09:37.175>Right Evening Train Support Kisi - At Nit Right Evening Train Support Kisi - At Nit Right Don't <00:09:37.959>Right <00:09:38.289>To <00:09:38.619>Hundreds <00:09:38.949>Of <00:09:39.279>Clans <00:09:39.609>Same Don't Right To Hundreds Of Clans Same Don't Right To Hundreds Of Clans Same Stay <00:09:41.073>Connected <00:09:41.877>Ine <00:09:42.681>Jyada <00:09:43.485>Passing <00:09:44.289>Of Stay Connected Ine Jyada Passing Of Stay Connected Ine Jyada Passing Of Mother <00:09:45.275>Passed <00:09:45.690>Okay <00:09:46.105>How <00:09:46.520>All <00:09:46.935>This <00:09:47.350>Elastic Mother Passed Okay How All This Elastic Mother Passed Okay How All This Elastic Vinod <00:09:48.070>S9 <00:09:48.640>Vs <00:09:49.210>Chali <00:09:49.780>right <00:09:50.350>only <00:09:50.920>through Vinod S9 Vs Chali right only through Vinod S9 Vs Chali right only through satellite <00:09:52.389>you <00:09:53.108>right <00:09:53.827>in <00:09:54.546>both <00:09:55.265>sides <00:09:55.984>I <00:09:56.703>don't satellite you right in both sides I don't satellite you right in both sides I don't believe <00:09:57.250>the <00:09:57.640>education <00:09:58.030>system <00:09:58.420>most <00:09:58.810>important believe the education system most important believe the education system most important tourist <00:09:59.943>lever <00:10:00.567>meaningful <00:10:01.191>180 <00:10:01.815>education <00:10:02.439>has tourist lever meaningful 180 education has tourist lever meaningful 180 education has great <00:10:03.044>trolley <00:10:03.528>thing <00:10:04.012>switch <00:10:04.496>off <00:10:04.980>is <00:10:05.464>bus <00:10:05.948>conductor great trolley thing switch off is bus conductor great trolley thing switch off is bus conductor license <00:10:07.291>underworld <00:10:07.883>husband <00:10:08.475>Salim <00:10:09.067>of license underworld husband Salim of license underworld husband Salim of creativity <00:10:10.036>till <00:10:10.553>start <00:10:11.070>your <00:10:11.587>pregnancy creativity till start your pregnancy creativity till start your pregnancy Imamo <00:10:12.729>Rohit <00:10:13.269>Roy <00:10:13.809>education <00:10:14.349>for <00:10:14.889>exercise Imamo Rohit Roy education for exercise Imamo Rohit Roy education for exercise last <00:10:16.576>That <00:10:17.102>Aage <00:10:17.628>Mains <00:10:18.154>Tak <00:10:18.680>Creativity <00:10:19.206>Is last That Aage Mains Tak Creativity Is last That Aage Mains Tak Creativity Is The <00:10:19.815>Most <00:10:20.270>Important <00:10:20.725>Rule <00:10:21.180>Rehab <00:10:21.635>Celebs The Most Important Rule Rehab Celebs The Most Important Rule Rehab Celebs Created <00:10:22.905>And <00:10:23.510>Accurate <00:10:24.115>What <00:10:24.720>Is <00:10:25.325>Full Created And Accurate What Is Full Created And Accurate What Is Full Form Form Form That <00:10:26.985>I <00:10:27.360>Like <00:10:27.735>Setting <00:10:28.110>Thank <00:10:28.485>You <00:10:28.860>I <00:10:29.235>Ne <00:10:29.610>Cricket That I Like Setting Thank You I Ne Cricket That I Like Setting Thank You I Ne Cricket Match <00:10:30.609>Story <00:10:31.069>Teller <00:10:31.529>That <00:10:31.989>March <00:10:32.449>Past <00:10:32.909>Unmute Match Story Teller That March Past Unmute Match Story Teller That March Past Unmute Words <00:10:34.440>Only <00:10:34.990>Stories <00:10:35.540>- <00:10:36.090>Tours <00:10:36.640>Waiting <00:10:37.190>To <00:10:37.740>Be Words Only Stories - Tours Waiting To Be Words Only Stories - Tours Waiting To Be Told <00:10:38.162>And <00:10:38.555>Retold <00:10:38.948>I <00:10:39.341>Hope <00:10:39.734>All <00:10:40.127>of <00:10:40.520>you <00:10:40.913>ODI's Told And Retold I Hope All of you ODI's Told And Retold I Hope All of you ODI's chances <00:10:42.040>tuition <00:10:42.710>write <00:10:43.380>your <00:10:44.050>own <00:10:44.720>210 <00:10:45.390>story chances tuition write your own 210 story chances tuition write your own 210 story thank <00:10:46.205>you <00:10:46.540>so <00:10:46.875>much <00:10:47.210>for <00:10:47.545>grants <00:10:47.880>on thank you so much for grants on thank you so much for grants on Ajay Ajay

Raghava KK, goals, plans, art, TED, TEDx, TEDxSummit, Doha, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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