Kết nối, nhưng một mình? – Sherry Gà Tây

Connected, but alone? - Sherry Turkle

Connected, but alone? - Sherry Turkle


just<00:00:16.199> a<00:00:16.359> moment<00:00:16.720> ago<00:00:17.480> my<00:00:17.640> daughter<00:00:18.359> Rebecca
just a moment ago my daughter Rebecca just a moment ago my daughter Rebecca texted<00:00:19.800> me<00:00:20.000> for<00:00:20.279> good<00:00:21.000> luck<00:00:22.000> her<00:00:22.279> text<00:00:22.720> said texted me for good luck her text said texted me for good luck her text said Mom<00:00:24.800> you<00:00:25.000> will Mom you will Mom you will rock<00:00:27.599> I<00:00:27.800> love<00:00:28.199> this<00:00:29.119> getting<00:00:29.439> that<00:00:29.640> t rock I love this getting that t rock I love this getting that t it<00:00:30.759> was<00:00:30.960> like<00:00:31.119> getting<00:00:31.400> a<00:00:32.000> hug<00:00:33.000> and<00:00:33.239> so<00:00:34.160> there it was like getting a hug and so there it was like getting a hug and so there you<00:00:34.640> have<00:00:35.000> it<00:00:36.000> I<00:00:36.360> embody<00:00:37.360> the<00:00:37.559> central<00:00:38.879> Paradox you have it I embody the central Paradox you have it I embody the central Paradox I'm<00:00:40.000> a<00:00:40.239> woman<00:00:41.120> who<00:00:41.360> loves<00:00:41.800> getting<00:00:42.399> texts I'm a woman who loves getting texts I'm a woman who loves getting texts who's<00:00:43.640> going<00:00:43.920> to<00:00:44.160> tell<00:00:44.440> you<00:00:45.160> that<00:00:45.320> too<00:00:45.559> many<00:00:45.800> of who's going to tell you that too many of who's going to tell you that too many of them<00:00:46.960> can<00:00:47.120> be<00:00:47.280> a them can be a them can be a problem<00:00:49.360> actually<00:00:50.039> that<00:00:50.280> reminder<00:00:50.840> of<00:00:51.039> my problem actually that reminder of my problem actually that reminder of my daughter<00:00:51.840> brings<00:00:52.199> me<00:00:52.399> to<00:00:52.559> the<00:00:52.719> beginning<00:00:53.079> of daughter brings me to the beginning of daughter brings me to the beginning of my<00:00:53.719> story my story my story 1996<00:00:56.520> when<00:00:56.719> I<00:00:56.879> gave<00:00:57.199> my<00:00:57.440> first<00:00:57.840> Ted<00:00:58.239> Talk 1996 when I gave my first Ted Talk 1996 when I gave my first Ted Talk Rebecca<00:00:59.719> was<00:01:00.120> 5<00:01:00.359> years<00:01:00.600> old<00:01:01.079> and<00:01:01.199> she<00:01:01.359> was Rebecca was 5 years old and she was Rebecca was 5 years old and she was sitting<00:01:02.399> right<00:01:02.719> there<00:01:03.160> in<00:01:03.320> the<00:01:03.440> front<00:01:03.839> row<00:01:04.839> I sitting right there in the front row I sitting right there in the front row I had<00:01:05.239> just<00:01:05.479> written<00:01:05.840> a<00:01:06.040> book<00:01:06.520> that<00:01:06.799> celebrated had just written a book that celebrated had just written a book that celebrated our<00:01:08.040> life<00:01:08.280> on<00:01:08.439> the<00:01:08.640> internet<00:01:09.640> and<00:01:09.840> I<00:01:09.960> was<00:01:10.200> about our life on the internet and I was about our life on the internet and I was about to<00:01:10.680> be<00:01:10.880> on<00:01:11.040> the<00:01:11.240> cover<00:01:12.000> of<00:01:12.240> Wired to be on the cover of Wired to be on the cover of Wired Magazine<00:01:14.280> in<00:01:14.560> those<00:01:14.920> he<00:01:15.360> days<00:01:15.799> we<00:01:16.000> were Magazine in those he days we were Magazine in those he days we were experimenting<00:01:17.159> with<00:01:17.920> chat<00:01:18.320> rooms<00:01:18.720> and<00:01:19.000> online experimenting with chat rooms and online experimenting with chat rooms and online virtual<00:01:20.079> communities<00:01:20.840> we<00:01:20.960> were<00:01:21.640> exploring virtual communities we were exploring virtual communities we were exploring different<00:01:23.040> aspects<00:01:23.479> of<00:01:23.759> ourselves<00:01:24.759> and<00:01:24.880> then different aspects of ourselves and then different aspects of ourselves and then we we we unplugged<00:01:26.799> I<00:01:26.880> was<00:01:27.360> excited<00:01:28.360> and<00:01:28.640> as<00:01:28.759> a unplugged I was excited and as a unplugged I was excited and as a psychologist<00:01:30.360> what<00:01:30.560> excited<00:01:31.040> me<00:01:31.280> most<00:01:32.079> was psychologist what excited me most was psychologist what excited me most was the<00:01:32.520> idea<00:01:33.159> that<00:01:33.320> we<00:01:33.439> would<00:01:33.720> use<00:01:34.479> what<00:01:34.640> we the idea that we would use what we the idea that we would use what we learned<00:01:35.640> in<00:01:35.759> the<00:01:35.920> virtual<00:01:36.399> world<00:01:37.079> about learned in the virtual world about learned in the virtual world about ourselves<00:01:38.040> about<00:01:38.280> our<00:01:38.520> identity<00:01:39.520> to<00:01:39.720> live ourselves about our identity to live ourselves about our identity to live better<00:01:40.439> lives<00:01:41.159> in<00:01:41.320> the<00:01:41.479> real<00:01:42.119> world<00:01:43.119> now<00:01:43.600> fast better lives in the real world now fast better lives in the real world now fast forward<00:01:44.479> to<00:01:45.200> 2012<00:01:46.200> I'm<00:01:46.439> back<00:01:46.759> here<00:01:47.240> on<00:01:47.399> the<00:01:47.560> Ted forward to 2012 I'm back here on the Ted forward to 2012 I'm back here on the Ted stage<00:01:48.320> again<00:01:49.240> my<00:01:49.399> daughter's<00:01:49.880> 20<00:01:50.360> she's<00:01:50.560> a stage again my daughter's 20 she's a stage again my daughter's 20 she's a college<00:01:51.240> student<00:01:52.240> she<00:01:52.479> sleeps<00:01:53.360> with<00:01:53.560> her<00:01:54.159> cell college student she sleeps with her cell college student she sleeps with her cell phone<00:01:56.159> so<00:01:56.360> do phone so do phone so do I<00:01:58.320> and<00:01:58.520> I've<00:01:58.840> just<00:01:59.079> written<00:01:59.560> a<00:01:59.920> new<00:02:00.360> book<00:02:01.360> but I and I've just written a new book but I and I've just written a new book but this<00:02:01.920> time<00:02:02.680> it's<00:02:02.920> not<00:02:03.200> one<00:02:03.960> that<00:02:04.079> will<00:02:04.320> get<00:02:04.520> me this time it's not one that will get me this time it's not one that will get me on<00:02:05.240> the<00:02:05.439> cover<00:02:05.960> of<00:02:06.200> Wired<00:02:07.000> Magazine<00:02:08.039> so<00:02:09.039> what on the cover of Wired Magazine so what on the cover of Wired Magazine so what happened<00:02:10.640> I'm<00:02:10.840> still<00:02:11.200> excited<00:02:11.760> by happened I'm still excited by happened I'm still excited by technology<00:02:13.640> but<00:02:14.000> I<00:02:14.200> believe<00:02:15.200> and<00:02:15.760> I'm<00:02:16.000> here<00:02:16.160> to technology but I believe and I'm here to technology but I believe and I'm here to make<00:02:16.560> the<00:02:16.800> case<00:02:17.800> that<00:02:17.959> we're<00:02:18.200> letting<00:02:18.519> it<00:02:18.760> take make the case that we're letting it take make the case that we're letting it take us<00:02:19.360> places<00:02:20.080> that<00:02:20.280> we<00:02:20.400> don't<00:02:20.640> want<00:02:20.760> to<00:02:21.040> go<00:02:22.040> over us places that we don't want to go over us places that we don't want to go over the<00:02:22.519> past<00:02:22.840> 15<00:02:23.319> years<00:02:23.879> I've<00:02:24.040> studied the past 15 years I've studied the past 15 years I've studied Technologies<00:02:25.400> of<00:02:25.640> mobile<00:02:26.319> communication<00:02:27.319> and Technologies of mobile communication and Technologies of mobile communication and I've<00:02:27.680> interviewed<00:02:28.640> hundreds<00:02:29.040> and<00:02:29.239> hundreds I've interviewed hundreds and hundreds I've interviewed hundreds and hundreds of<00:02:29.959> people<00:02:30.599> young<00:02:30.840> and<00:02:31.040> old<00:02:31.840> about<00:02:32.120> their of people young and old about their of people young and old about their plugged<00:02:32.680> in<00:02:33.000> lives<00:02:34.000> and<00:02:34.200> what<00:02:34.400> I've<00:02:34.680> found<00:02:35.680> is plugged in lives and what I've found is plugged in lives and what I've found is that<00:02:36.360> our<00:02:36.640> little<00:02:37.000> devices<00:02:37.680> those<00:02:38.000> little that our little devices those little that our little devices those little devices<00:02:38.920> in<00:02:39.080> our<00:02:39.400> pockets<00:02:40.360> are<00:02:40.640> so devices in our pockets are so devices in our pockets are so psychologically<00:02:42.200> powerful<00:02:43.200> that<00:02:43.360> they<00:02:43.480> don't psychologically powerful that they don't psychologically powerful that they don't only<00:02:44.159> change<00:02:44.920> what<00:02:45.080> we<00:02:45.480> do<00:02:46.480> they<00:02:46.680> change<00:02:47.360> who only change what we do they change who only change what we do they change who we we we are<00:02:49.720> some<00:02:49.920> of<00:02:50.040> the<00:02:50.239> things<00:02:50.480> we<00:02:50.640> do<00:02:50.920> now<00:02:51.200> with are some of the things we do now with are some of the things we do now with our<00:02:51.599> devices<00:02:52.280> are<00:02:52.560> things<00:02:52.920> that<00:02:53.480> only<00:02:53.879> a<00:02:54.000> few our devices are things that only a few our devices are things that only a few years<00:02:54.560> ago<00:02:55.480> we<00:02:55.680> would<00:02:55.840> have<00:02:56.000> found<00:02:56.440> odd<00:02:57.440> or years ago we would have found odd or years ago we would have found odd or disturbing<00:02:59.360> but<00:02:59.519> they've<00:02:59.959> quickly<00:03:00.319> come<00:03:00.560> to disturbing but they've quickly come to disturbing but they've quickly come to seem<00:03:01.440> familiar<00:03:02.440> just<00:03:02.720> how<00:03:03.200> we<00:03:03.400> do<00:03:03.720> things<00:03:04.319> so seem familiar just how we do things so seem familiar just how we do things so just<00:03:04.799> to<00:03:05.040> take<00:03:05.239> some<00:03:05.519> quick<00:03:05.840> examples<00:03:06.799> people just to take some quick examples people just to take some quick examples people text<00:03:07.799> or<00:03:07.920> do<00:03:08.159> email<00:03:09.040> during<00:03:09.440> corporate<00:03:10.000> board text or do email during corporate board text or do email during corporate board meetings<00:03:11.760> they<00:03:12.480> text<00:03:12.920> and<00:03:13.120> shop<00:03:13.560> and<00:03:13.720> go<00:03:13.920> on meetings they text and shop and go on meetings they text and shop and go on Facebook<00:03:15.000> during<00:03:15.400> classes<00:03:16.080> during Facebook during classes during Facebook during classes during presentations<00:03:17.840> actually<00:03:18.519> during<00:03:18.799> all presentations actually during all presentations actually during all meetings<00:03:20.319> people<00:03:20.680> talk<00:03:21.000> to<00:03:21.120> me<00:03:21.319> about<00:03:21.560> the meetings people talk to me about the meetings people talk to me about the important<00:03:22.280> new<00:03:22.599> skill<00:03:23.239> of<00:03:23.400> making<00:03:23.920> eye important new skill of making eye important new skill of making eye contact<00:03:25.319> while<00:03:25.480> you're

texting<00:03:29.400> people<00:03:29.920> explain<00:03:30.360> to<00:03:30.560> me<00:03:30.840> that<00:03:30.959> it's
texting people explain to me that it's texting people explain to me that it's hard<00:03:31.799> but<00:03:32.000> that<00:03:32.120> it<00:03:32.319> can<00:03:32.519> be<00:03:32.879> done<00:03:34.120> parents hard but that it can be done parents hard but that it can be done parents text<00:03:35.480> and<00:03:35.640> do<00:03:35.879> email<00:03:36.280> at<00:03:36.480> breakfast<00:03:37.040> and<00:03:37.239> at text and do email at breakfast and at text and do email at breakfast and at dinner<00:03:38.400> while<00:03:38.640> their<00:03:38.840> children<00:03:39.640> complain dinner while their children complain dinner while their children complain about<00:03:40.920> not<00:03:41.159> having<00:03:41.400> their<00:03:41.640> parents<00:03:42.040> full about not having their parents full about not having their parents full attention<00:03:43.080> but<00:03:43.280> then<00:03:43.480> these<00:03:43.680> same<00:03:44.000> children attention but then these same children attention but then these same children deny<00:03:45.360> each<00:03:45.599> other<00:03:46.480> their<00:03:46.720> full<00:03:47.239> attention deny each other their full attention deny each other their full attention this<00:03:48.439> is<00:03:48.599> a<00:03:48.799> recent<00:03:49.280> shot<00:03:49.760> of<00:03:49.959> my<00:03:50.280> daughter<00:03:51.280> and this is a recent shot of my daughter and this is a recent shot of my daughter and her<00:03:51.840> friends<00:03:52.840> being<00:03:53.480> together<00:03:54.280> while<00:03:54.519> not her friends being together while not her friends being together while not being being being together<00:03:57.760> and<00:03:57.920> we<00:03:58.159> even<00:03:58.480> texted<00:03:59.040> funerals<00:04:00.200> I together and we even texted funerals I together and we even texted funerals I study<00:04:00.959> this<00:04:01.959> we<00:04:02.360> remove<00:04:02.920> ourselves<00:04:03.799> from<00:04:04.000> our study this we remove ourselves from our study this we remove ourselves from our grief<00:04:04.760> or<00:04:04.959> from<00:04:05.159> our<00:04:05.319> revery<00:04:06.319> and<00:04:06.480> we<00:04:06.599> go<00:04:06.799> into grief or from our revery and we go into grief or from our revery and we go into our our our phones<00:04:09.400> why<00:04:09.560> does<00:04:09.840> this<00:04:10.599> matter<00:04:11.599> it<00:04:11.799> matters phones why does this matter it matters phones why does this matter it matters to<00:04:12.439> me<00:04:13.120> because<00:04:13.439> I<00:04:13.599> think<00:04:13.840> we're<00:04:14.040> setting to me because I think we're setting to me because I think we're setting ourselves<00:04:14.840> up<00:04:14.959> for<00:04:15.359> trouble<00:04:16.359> trouble ourselves up for trouble trouble ourselves up for trouble trouble certainly<00:04:17.759> in<00:04:18.000> how<00:04:18.280> we<00:04:18.479> relate<00:04:18.880> to<00:04:19.160> each<00:04:19.479> other certainly in how we relate to each other certainly in how we relate to each other but<00:04:20.759> also<00:04:21.199> trouble<00:04:21.919> in<00:04:22.120> how<00:04:22.320> we<00:04:22.479> relate<00:04:22.840> to but also trouble in how we relate to but also trouble in how we relate to ourselves<00:04:24.520> in<00:04:24.720> our<00:04:25.000> capacity<00:04:25.520> for ourselves in our capacity for ourselves in our capacity for self-reflection<00:04:27.639> we're<00:04:28.120> getting<00:04:28.479> used<00:04:28.800> to<00:04:28.960> a self-reflection we're getting used to a self-reflection we're getting used to a new<00:04:29.400> way<00:04:30.039> of<00:04:30.240> being<00:04:30.600> alone<00:04:31.560> together<00:04:32.560> people new way of being alone together people new way of being alone together people want<00:04:33.039> to<00:04:33.560> be<00:04:33.840> with<00:04:34.039> each<00:04:34.240> other<00:04:35.039> but<00:04:35.280> also want to be with each other but also want to be with each other but also elsewhere<00:04:36.800> connected<00:04:37.320> to<00:04:37.520> all<00:04:37.759> the<00:04:37.919> different elsewhere connected to all the different elsewhere connected to all the different places<00:04:38.840> they<00:04:38.960> want<00:04:39.120> to<00:04:39.280> be<00:04:39.919> people<00:04:40.199> want<00:04:40.360> to places they want to be people want to places they want to be people want to customize<00:04:41.360> their<00:04:41.680> lives<00:04:42.440> they<00:04:42.560> want<00:04:42.680> to<00:04:42.840> go<00:04:43.080> in customize their lives they want to go in customize their lives they want to go in and<00:04:43.440> out<00:04:43.840> of<00:04:44.039> all<00:04:44.199> the<00:04:44.400> places<00:04:44.880> they<00:04:45.039> are and out of all the places they are and out of all the places they are because<00:04:46.120> the<00:04:46.280> thing<00:04:46.560> that<00:04:46.720> matters<00:04:47.199> most<00:04:47.479> to because the thing that matters most to because the thing that matters most to them<00:04:48.360> is<00:04:48.639> control<00:04:49.520> over<00:04:49.800> where<00:04:50.039> they<00:04:50.240> put them is control over where they put them is control over where they put their<00:04:50.720> attention<00:04:51.720> so<00:04:52.400> you<00:04:52.560> want<00:04:52.720> to<00:04:52.919> go<00:04:53.080> to their attention so you want to go to their attention so you want to go to that<00:04:53.400> board<00:04:53.759> meeting<00:04:54.680> but<00:04:54.800> you<00:04:54.960> only<00:04:55.240> want<00:04:55.400> to that board meeting but you only want to that board meeting but you only want to pay<00:04:55.880> attention<00:04:56.320> to<00:04:56.479> the<00:04:56.639> bits<00:04:56.960> that<00:04:57.120> interest pay attention to the bits that interest pay attention to the bits that interest you<00:04:58.440> and<00:04:58.759> some<00:04:59.039> people<00:04:59.320> think you and some people think you and some people think that's<00:05:00.360> a<00:05:00.600> good<00:05:01.000> thing<00:05:02.000> but<00:05:02.240> you<00:05:02.440> can<00:05:02.680> end<00:05:02.919> up that's a good thing but you can end up that's a good thing but you can end up hiding<00:05:04.039> from<00:05:04.320> each<00:05:04.720> other<00:05:05.720> even<00:05:06.000> as<00:05:06.160> we're<00:05:06.400> all hiding from each other even as we're all hiding from each other even as we're all constantly<00:05:07.360> connected<00:05:07.919> to<00:05:08.160> each<00:05:08.520> other constantly connected to each other constantly connected to each other 50-year-old<00:05:10.440> businessman<00:05:11.199> laments<00:05:11.759> to<00:05:11.919> me 50-year-old businessman laments to me 50-year-old businessman laments to me that<00:05:12.800> he<00:05:12.919> feels<00:05:13.320> he<00:05:13.479> doesn't<00:05:13.880> have<00:05:14.160> colleagues that he feels he doesn't have colleagues that he feels he doesn't have colleagues anymore<00:05:15.080> at<00:05:15.280> work<00:05:15.960> when<00:05:16.120> he<00:05:16.280> goes<00:05:16.520> to<00:05:16.759> work<00:05:17.080> he anymore at work when he goes to work he anymore at work when he goes to work he doesn't<00:05:17.560> stop<00:05:17.840> by<00:05:18.000> to<00:05:18.199> talk<00:05:18.400> to<00:05:18.600> anybody<00:05:19.120> he doesn't stop by to talk to anybody he doesn't stop by to talk to anybody he doesn't<00:05:19.680> call<00:05:20.680> and<00:05:21.080> he<00:05:21.199> says<00:05:21.440> he<00:05:21.600> doesn't<00:05:21.840> want doesn't call and he says he doesn't want doesn't call and he says he doesn't want to<00:05:22.199> interrupt<00:05:22.800> his<00:05:23.000> colleagues<00:05:23.520> because<00:05:24.120> he to interrupt his colleagues because he to interrupt his colleagues because he says<00:05:24.479> they're<00:05:24.680> too<00:05:24.960> busy<00:05:25.240> on<00:05:25.440> their<00:05:26.160> email<00:05:27.160> but says they're too busy on their email but says they're too busy on their email but then<00:05:27.440> he<00:05:27.600> stops<00:05:28.000> himself<00:05:28.400> and<00:05:28.520> he<00:05:28.639> says<00:05:28.880> you then he stops himself and he says you then he stops himself and he says you know<00:05:29.160> I'm<00:05:29.280> not<00:05:29.720> telling<00:05:29.960> you<00:05:30.080> the<00:05:30.240> truth<00:05:31.120> I'm know I'm not telling you the truth I'm know I'm not telling you the truth I'm the<00:05:31.479> one<00:05:31.680> who<00:05:31.840> doesn't<00:05:32.080> want<00:05:32.240> to<00:05:32.400> be the one who doesn't want to be the one who doesn't want to be interrupted<00:05:34.120> I<00:05:34.280> think<00:05:34.560> I<00:05:34.680> should<00:05:34.960> want<00:05:35.199> to<00:05:36.039> but interrupted I think I should want to but interrupted I think I should want to but actually<00:05:36.960> I'd<00:05:37.240> rather<00:05:37.520> just<00:05:37.800> do<00:05:38.000> things<00:05:38.240> on<00:05:38.440> my actually I'd rather just do things on my actually I'd rather just do things on my BlackBerry<00:05:40.680> across<00:05:41.160> the<00:05:41.360> generations<00:05:42.280> I<00:05:42.400> see BlackBerry across the generations I see BlackBerry across the generations I see that<00:05:43.400> people<00:05:44.199> can't<00:05:44.560> get<00:05:44.800> enough<00:05:45.039> of<00:05:45.240> each that people can't get enough of each that people can't get enough of each other<00:05:46.400> if<00:05:46.639> and<00:05:46.919> only<00:05:47.479> if<00:05:48.319> they<00:05:48.440> can<00:05:48.720> have<00:05:48.960> each other if and only if they can have each other if and only if they can have each other<00:05:49.440> at<00:05:49.560> a<00:05:49.880> distance<00:05:50.880> in<00:05:51.120> amount<00:05:51.680> they<00:05:51.800> can other at a distance in amount they can other at a distance in amount they can control<00:05:53.440> I<00:05:53.680> call<00:05:53.840> it<00:05:54.000> the<00:05:54.080> Goldilocks<00:05:55.080> effect control I call it the Goldilocks effect control I call it the Goldilocks effect not<00:05:56.360> too<00:05:56.680> close<00:05:57.639> not<00:05:57.880> too<00:05:58.160> far<00:05:59.039> just<00:05:59.360> right not too close not too far just right not too close not too far just right but<00:06:01.039> what<00:06:01.280> might<00:06:01.479> feel<00:06:01.919> just<00:06:02.319> right<00:06:02.600> for<00:06:02.840> that but what might feel just right for that but what might feel just right for that middle-aged<00:06:03.680> executive<00:06:04.680> can<00:06:04.880> be<00:06:05.000> a<00:06:05.280> problem middle-aged executive can be a problem middle-aged executive can be a problem for<00:06:06.240> an<00:06:06.440> adolescent<00:06:07.240> who<00:06:07.400> needs<00:06:07.759> to<00:06:08.039> develop for an adolescent who needs to develop for an adolescent who needs to develop face-to-face<00:06:09.720> relationships<00:06:10.720> an face-to-face relationships an face-to-face relationships an 18-year-old<00:06:11.800> boy<00:06:12.759> who<00:06:12.960> uses<00:06:13.440> texting<00:06:13.919> for 18-year-old boy who uses texting for 18-year-old boy who uses texting for almost<00:06:14.880> everything<00:06:15.880> says<00:06:16.199> to<00:06:16.360> me almost everything says to me almost everything says to me wistfully wistfully wistfully someday<00:06:20.000> someday<00:06:20.759> but<00:06:21.000> certainly<00:06:21.560> not<00:06:22.280> now someday someday but certainly not now someday someday but certainly not now I'd<00:06:23.599> like<00:06:23.759> to<00:06:23.960> learn<00:06:24.280> how<00:06:24.400> to<00:06:24.599> have<00:06:24.720> a I'd like to learn how to have a I'd like to learn how to have a conversation<00:06:27.080> when<00:06:27.280> I<00:06:27.599> ask<00:06:28.000> people<00:06:28.880> what's conversation when I ask people what's conversation when I ask people what's wrong<00:06:29.639> with<00:06:29.800> having<00:06:29.960> a wrong with having a wrong with having a conversation<00:06:31.680> people<00:06:32.039> say<00:06:32.720> I'll<00:06:33.000> tell<00:06:33.240> you conversation people say I'll tell you conversation people say I'll tell you what's<00:06:33.720> wrong<00:06:33.919> with<00:06:34.120> having<00:06:34.360> a what's wrong with having a what's wrong with having a conversation<00:06:36.199> it<00:06:36.400> takes<00:06:36.840> place<00:06:37.080> in<00:06:37.280> real<00:06:38.080> time conversation it takes place in real time conversation it takes place in real time and<00:06:39.199> you<00:06:39.440> can't<00:06:39.840> control<00:06:40.319> what<00:06:40.440> you're<00:06:40.599> going and you can't control what you're going and you can't control what you're going to to to say<00:06:42.599> so<00:06:43.120> that's<00:06:43.360> the<00:06:43.520> bottom<00:06:44.039> line<00:06:45.039> texting say so that's the bottom line texting say so that's the bottom line texting email<00:06:46.840> posting<00:06:47.840> all<00:06:48.000> of<00:06:48.240> these<00:06:48.520> things<00:06:49.199> let<00:06:49.440> us email posting all of these things let us email posting all of these things let us present<00:06:50.360> the<00:06:50.639> self<00:06:51.120> as<00:06:51.280> we<00:06:51.440> want<00:06:51.599> to<00:06:51.840> be<00:06:52.800> we<00:06:53.000> get present the self as we want to be we get present the self as we want to be we get to<00:06:53.759> edit<00:06:54.759> and<00:06:55.000> that<00:06:55.240> means<00:06:55.759> we<00:06:56.000> get<00:06:56.199> to<00:06:56.840> delete to edit and that means we get to delete to edit and that means we get to delete and<00:06:58.080> that<00:06:58.280> means<00:06:58.759> we<00:06:58.960> get<00:06:59.120> to<00:06:59.919> touch<00:07:00.919> the<00:07:01.199> face and that means we get to touch the face and that means we get to touch the face The<00:07:01.919> Voice<00:07:02.400> the<00:07:02.599> flesh<00:07:03.080> the<00:07:03.599> body<00:07:04.599> not<00:07:04.840> too The Voice the flesh the body not too The Voice the flesh the body not too little<00:07:06.000> not<00:07:06.240> too<00:07:06.879> much<00:07:07.879> just little not too much just little not too much just right<00:07:10.000> human<00:07:10.560> relationships<00:07:11.560> are<00:07:11.960> rich<00:07:12.759> and right human relationships are rich and right human relationships are rich and they're<00:07:13.240> messy<00:07:14.199> and<00:07:14.319> they're<00:07:14.879> demanding<00:07:15.879> and they're messy and they're demanding and they're messy and they're demanding and we<00:07:16.280> clean<00:07:16.680> them<00:07:16.879> up<00:07:17.160> with we clean them up with we clean them up with technology<00:07:19.160> and<00:07:19.360> when<00:07:19.560> we<00:07:19.759> do<00:07:20.599> one<00:07:20.800> of<00:07:20.960> the technology and when we do one of the technology and when we do one of the things<00:07:21.440> that<00:07:21.599> can<00:07:21.879> happen<00:07:22.680> is<00:07:22.800> that<00:07:23.000> we things that can happen is that we things that can happen is that we sacrifice<00:07:24.520> conversation<00:07:25.520> for<00:07:25.800> mere sacrifice conversation for mere sacrifice conversation for mere connection<00:07:27.160> we<00:07:27.319> Short<00:07:27.800> change<00:07:28.240> ourselves<00:07:29.720> and connection we Short change ourselves and connection we Short change ourselves and over<00:07:30.440> time<00:07:31.440> we<00:07:31.639> seem<00:07:31.960> to<00:07:32.160> forget<00:07:32.720> this<00:07:33.720> or<00:07:33.919> we over time we seem to forget this or we over time we seem to forget this or we seem<00:07:34.400> to<00:07:34.599> stop seem to stop seem to stop caring<00:07:37.360> I<00:07:37.639> was<00:07:37.960> caught<00:07:38.960> off<00:07:39.599> guard<00:07:40.599> when caring I was caught off guard when caring I was caught off guard when Steven<00:07:41.960> colar<00:07:42.960> asked<00:07:43.319> me<00:07:43.720> a<00:07:44.039> profound Steven colar asked me a profound Steven colar asked me a profound question<00:07:46.720> a<00:07:47.159> profound question a profound question a profound question<00:07:49.680> he question he question he said<00:07:51.639> don't<00:07:52.360> all<00:07:52.919> those<00:07:53.800> little<00:07:54.680> tweets<00:07:55.680> don't said don't all those little tweets don't said don't all those little tweets don't all<00:07:56.639> those<00:07:57.159> little<00:07:58.000> sips<00:07:59.000> of<00:07:59.560> online all those little sips of online all those little sips of online communication<00:08:02.039> add<00:08:02.440> up<00:08:03.240> to<00:08:03.639> one<00:08:04.080> big<00:08:04.560> gulp<00:08:05.560> of communication add up to one big gulp of communication add up to one big gulp of real real real conversation<00:08:09.000> my<00:08:09.280> answer<00:08:09.680> was<00:08:10.280> no<00:08:11.280> they<00:08:11.440> don't conversation my answer was no they don't conversation my answer was no they don't add<00:08:12.440> up<00:08:13.440> connecting<00:08:14.080> in<00:08:14.639> sips<00:08:15.639> may<00:08:15.960> work<00:08:16.759> for add up connecting in sips may work for add up connecting in sips may work for Gathering<00:08:18.319> discrete<00:08:18.919> bits<00:08:19.199> of<00:08:19.919> information Gathering discrete bits of information Gathering discrete bits of information they<00:08:21.120> may<00:08:21.360> work<00:08:21.800> for<00:08:22.440> saying<00:08:22.879> I'm<00:08:23.080> thinking they may work for saying I'm thinking they may work for saying I'm thinking about<00:08:24.000> you<00:08:24.919> or<00:08:25.199> even<00:08:25.440> for<00:08:25.680> saying<00:08:26.159> I<00:08:26.360> love<00:08:26.599> you about you or even for saying I love you about you or even for saying I love you I<00:08:27.479> mean<00:08:28.080> look<00:08:28.280> at<00:08:28.520> how<00:08:28.919> I<00:08:29.039> felt<00:08:29.520> when<00:08:29.639> I<00:08:29.800> got I mean look at how I felt when I got I mean look at how I felt when I got that<00:08:30.199> text<00:08:30.520> from<00:08:30.720> my<00:08:31.200> daughter<00:08:32.200> but<00:08:32.399> they that text from my daughter but they that text from my daughter but they don't<00:08:32.919> really<00:08:33.279> work<00:08:33.959> for<00:08:34.240> learning<00:08:34.760> about don't really work for learning about don't really work for learning about each<00:08:35.240> other<00:08:36.000> for<00:08:36.320> really<00:08:36.719> coming<00:08:37.080> to<00:08:37.279> know<00:08:37.599> and each other for really coming to know and each other for really coming to know and understand<00:08:38.519> each<00:08:38.880> other<00:08:39.880> and<00:08:40.399> we<00:08:40.599> use understand each other and we use understand each other and we use conversations<00:08:42.320> with<00:08:42.519> each<00:08:42.880> other<00:08:43.880> to<00:08:44.120> learn conversations with each other to learn conversations with each other to learn how<00:08:44.680> to<00:08:44.920> have<00:08:45.160> conversations<00:08:46.040> with how to have conversations with how to have conversations with ourselves<00:08:47.880> so<00:08:48.160> a<00:08:48.320> flight<00:08:48.760> from<00:08:49.399> conversation ourselves so a flight from conversation ourselves so a flight from conversation can<00:08:50.640> really<00:08:51.080> matter<00:08:52.080> because<00:08:52.360> it<00:08:52.480> can can really matter because it can can really matter because it can compromise<00:08:53.600> our<00:08:53.920> capacity<00:08:54.480> for compromise our capacity for compromise our capacity for self-reflection<00:08:56.399> for<00:08:56.720> kids<00:08:57.000> growing<00:08:57.440> up<00:08:58.000> that self-reflection for kids growing up that self-reflection for kids growing up that skill<00:08:58.800> is<00:08:58.920> the<00:08:59.079> bed<00:08:59.600> Rock<00:09:00.120> of skill is the bed Rock of skill is the bed Rock of development<00:09:02.279> over<00:09:02.560> and<00:09:02.839> over<00:09:03.160> I<00:09:03.440> hear<00:09:04.000> I<00:09:04.160> would development over and over I hear I would development over and over I hear I would rather<00:09:04.880> text<00:09:05.279> than<00:09:05.680> talk<00:09:06.680> and<00:09:06.880> what<00:09:07.040> I'm rather text than talk and what I'm rather text than talk and what I'm seeing<00:09:07.760> is<00:09:07.920> that<00:09:08.440> people<00:09:08.839> get<00:09:09.160> so<00:09:09.440> used<00:09:09.720> to seeing is that people get so used to seeing is that people get so used to being<00:09:10.079> short<00:09:10.519> changed<00:09:11.040> out<00:09:11.200> of<00:09:11.360> real being short changed out of real being short changed out of real conversation<00:09:13.000> so<00:09:13.320> used<00:09:13.600> to<00:09:13.760> getting<00:09:14.120> by<00:09:14.360> with conversation so used to getting by with conversation so used to getting by with less<00:09:15.399> that<00:09:15.560> they<00:09:15.760> become<00:09:16.200> almost<00:09:16.680> willing<00:09:17.440> to less that they become almost willing to less that they become almost willing to dispense<00:09:18.240> with<00:09:18.480> people<00:09:19.120> altogether<00:09:20.120> so<00:09:20.360> for dispense with people altogether so for dispense with people altogether so for example<00:09:21.399> many<00:09:21.760> people<00:09:22.079> share<00:09:22.480> with<00:09:22.640> me<00:09:22.920> this example many people share with me this example many people share with me this wish<00:09:23.880> that<00:09:24.160> someday<00:09:25.160> a<00:09:25.320> more<00:09:25.640> advanced wish that someday a more advanced wish that someday a more advanced version<00:09:26.519> of<00:09:26.680> Siri<00:09:27.160> the<00:09:27.320> digital<00:09:27.839> assistant<00:09:28.279> on version of Siri the digital assistant on version of Siri the digital assistant on Apple's<00:09:28.920> iPhone<00:09:29.800> will<00:09:30.000> be<00:09:30.200> more<00:09:30.519> like<00:09:30.720> a<00:09:30.959> best Apple's iPhone will be more like a best Apple's iPhone will be more like a best friend<00:09:32.000> someone<00:09:32.399> who<00:09:32.560> will<00:09:32.800> listen<00:09:33.720> when friend someone who will listen when friend someone who will listen when others others others won't<00:09:35.959> I<00:09:36.200> believe<00:09:36.720> this<00:09:36.959> wish<00:09:37.600> reflects<00:09:38.600> a won't I believe this wish reflects a won't I believe this wish reflects a painful<00:09:39.440> truth<00:09:40.320> that<00:09:40.480> I've<00:09:40.640> learned<00:09:41.000> in<00:09:41.160> the painful truth that I've learned in the painful truth that I've learned in the past<00:09:41.640> 15<00:09:42.160> years<00:09:43.079> that<00:09:43.399> feeling<00:09:44.399> that<00:09:44.600> no<00:09:44.800> one past 15 years that feeling that no one past 15 years that feeling that no one is<00:09:45.360> listening<00:09:45.760> to<00:09:45.959> me<00:09:46.959> is<00:09:47.279> very<00:09:47.680> important<00:09:48.440> in is listening to me is very important in is listening to me is very important in our<00:09:48.880> relationships<00:09:49.680> with our relationships with our relationships with technology<00:09:51.680> that's<00:09:52.000> why<00:09:52.240> it's<00:09:52.440> so<00:09:52.800> appealing technology that's why it's so appealing technology that's why it's so appealing to<00:09:53.600> have<00:09:53.720> a<00:09:53.959> Facebook<00:09:54.560> page<00:09:54.880> or<00:09:55.040> a<00:09:55.200> Twitter to have a Facebook page or a Twitter to have a Facebook page or a Twitter feed<00:09:56.800> so<00:09:57.160> many<00:09:57.600> automatic<00:09:58.240> listeners<00:09:59.600> and<00:09:59.760> the feed so many automatic listeners and the feed so many automatic listeners and the feeling<00:10:00.440> that<00:10:00.640> no<00:10:00.839> one<00:10:01.040> is<00:10:01.240> listening<00:10:01.680> to<00:10:01.880> me feeling that no one is listening to me feeling that no one is listening to me makes<00:10:02.800> us<00:10:03.079> want<00:10:03.320> to<00:10:03.519> spend<00:10:03.920> time<00:10:04.240> with makes us want to spend time with makes us want to spend time with machines<00:10:05.800> that<00:10:05.959> seem<00:10:06.240> to<00:10:06.480> care<00:10:06.720> about<00:10:07.079> us machines that seem to care about us machines that seem to care about us we're<00:10:08.480> developing<00:10:09.320> robots<00:10:09.959> they<00:10:10.079> call<00:10:10.279> them we're developing robots they call them we're developing robots they call them sociable<00:10:11.120> robots<00:10:12.000> that<00:10:12.120> are<00:10:12.480> specifically sociable robots that are specifically sociable robots that are specifically designed<00:10:13.680> to<00:10:13.800> be<00:10:14.360> companions<00:10:15.360> to<00:10:15.480> the<00:10:15.959> elderly designed to be companions to the elderly designed to be companions to the elderly to<00:10:17.160> our to our to our children<00:10:19.079> to children to children to us<00:10:21.240> have<00:10:21.480> we<00:10:21.800> so<00:10:22.160> lost<00:10:22.760> confidence<00:10:23.440> that<00:10:23.720> we us have we so lost confidence that we us have we so lost confidence that we will<00:10:24.920> be<00:10:25.200> there<00:10:25.399> for<00:10:25.680> each will be there for each will be there for each other<00:10:28.160> during<00:10:28.519> my<00:10:28.760> research<00:10:29.600> I<00:10:29.720> worked<00:10:30.000> in other during my research I worked in other during my research I worked in nursing<00:10:30.640> homes<00:10:31.640> and<00:10:31.839> I<00:10:32.000> brought<00:10:32.399> in<00:10:32.959> these nursing homes and I brought in these nursing homes and I brought in these sociable<00:10:33.800> robots<00:10:34.800> that<00:10:34.880> were<00:10:35.120> designed<00:10:35.560> to sociable robots that were designed to sociable robots that were designed to give<00:10:35.920> the<00:10:36.040> elderly<00:10:36.959> the<00:10:37.279> feeling<00:10:38.120> that<00:10:38.279> they give the elderly the feeling that they give the elderly the feeling that they were<00:10:39.120> understood<00:10:40.120> and<00:10:40.320> one<00:10:40.560> day<00:10:40.800> I<00:10:40.959> came<00:10:41.160> in were understood and one day I came in were understood and one day I came in and<00:10:41.560> a<00:10:41.720> woman<00:10:42.519> who<00:10:42.720> had<00:10:42.880> lost<00:10:43.240> a<00:10:43.480> child<00:10:44.360> was and a woman who had lost a child was and a woman who had lost a child was talking<00:10:45.000> to<00:10:45.160> a<00:10:45.399> robot<00:10:45.920> in<00:10:46.040> the<00:10:46.200> shape<00:10:46.519> of<00:10:46.639> a talking to a robot in the shape of a talking to a robot in the shape of a baby baby baby seal<00:10:49.120> it<00:10:49.279> seemed<00:10:49.680> to<00:10:49.839> be<00:10:50.040> looking<00:10:50.360> in<00:10:50.519> her<00:10:50.839> eyes seal it seemed to be looking in her eyes seal it seemed to be looking in her eyes it<00:10:51.480> seemed<00:10:51.839> to<00:10:51.959> be<00:10:52.160> following<00:10:52.639> the it seemed to be following the it seemed to be following the conversation<00:10:54.240> it<00:10:54.440> comforted<00:10:55.440> her<00:10:56.440> and<00:10:56.680> many conversation it comforted her and many conversation it comforted her and many people<00:10:57.720> found<00:10:58.200> this<00:10:58.839> amazing people found this amazing people found this amazing but<00:11:01.240> that<00:11:01.480> woman<00:11:01.839> was<00:11:02.079> trying<00:11:02.440> to<00:11:02.680> make<00:11:03.040> sense but that woman was trying to make sense but that woman was trying to make sense of<00:11:04.120> her<00:11:04.480> life<00:11:05.480> with<00:11:05.639> a<00:11:05.839> machine<00:11:06.800> that<00:11:07.000> had<00:11:07.680> no of her life with a machine that had no of her life with a machine that had no experience<00:11:09.240> of<00:11:09.399> the<00:11:09.560> Arc<00:11:10.120> of<00:11:10.279> a<00:11:10.440> human<00:11:10.839> life experience of the Arc of a human life experience of the Arc of a human life that<00:11:11.880> robot<00:11:12.440> put<00:11:12.600> on<00:11:12.760> a<00:11:13.000> great<00:11:13.560> show<00:11:14.560> and<00:11:14.720> we're that robot put on a great show and we're that robot put on a great show and we're vulnerable<00:11:16.320> people<00:11:16.800> experience<00:11:17.680> pretend vulnerable people experience pretend vulnerable people experience pretend empathy<00:11:19.480> as<00:11:19.639> though<00:11:19.800> it<00:11:19.920> were<00:11:20.079> the<00:11:20.279> real<00:11:20.839> thing empathy as though it were the real thing empathy as though it were the real thing so<00:11:23.680> during<00:11:24.120> that so during that so during that moment<00:11:26.079> when<00:11:26.360> that<00:11:26.639> woman<00:11:26.959> was<00:11:27.279> experiencing moment when that woman was experiencing moment when that woman was experiencing that<00:11:28.480> pretend<00:11:28.959> empathy<00:11:29.600> y<00:11:30.600> I<00:11:30.760> was<00:11:30.959> thinking that pretend empathy y I was thinking that pretend empathy y I was thinking that<00:11:31.959> robot<00:11:32.440> can't<00:11:33.120> empathize<00:11:34.120> it<00:11:34.320> doesn't that robot can't empathize it doesn't that robot can't empathize it doesn't face<00:11:35.200> death<00:11:36.200> it<00:11:36.320> doesn't<00:11:36.639> know<00:11:37.200> life<00:11:38.200> and<00:11:38.320> as face death it doesn't know life and as face death it doesn't know life and as that<00:11:38.800> woman<00:11:39.160> took<00:11:39.519> comfort<00:11:39.880> in<00:11:40.040> her<00:11:40.279> robot that woman took comfort in her robot that woman took comfort in her robot companion<00:11:42.279> I<00:11:42.399> didn't<00:11:42.720> find<00:11:42.920> it<00:11:43.480> amazing<00:11:44.480> I companion I didn't find it amazing I companion I didn't find it amazing I found<00:11:44.920> it<00:11:45.519> one<00:11:45.680> of<00:11:45.880> the<00:11:46.040> most<00:11:46.480> wrenching found it one of the most wrenching found it one of the most wrenching complicated<00:11:48.040> moments<00:11:48.480> in<00:11:48.680> my<00:11:48.880> 15<00:11:49.360> years<00:11:50.120> of complicated moments in my 15 years of complicated moments in my 15 years of work<00:11:51.560> but<00:11:51.720> when<00:11:51.880> I<00:11:52.079> stepped<00:11:52.920> back<00:11:53.920> I<00:11:54.079> felt work but when I stepped back I felt work but when I stepped back I felt myself<00:11:55.839> at<00:11:56.000> the<00:11:56.240> cold<00:11:56.839> hard<00:11:57.360> center<00:11:58.360> of<00:11:58.519> a myself at the cold hard center of a myself at the cold hard center of a perfect perfect perfect storm<00:12:00.880> we<00:12:01.240> expect<00:12:02.079> more<00:12:02.480> from<00:12:03.200> technology<00:12:04.200> and storm we expect more from technology and storm we expect more from technology and less<00:12:04.800> from<00:12:05.079> each<00:12:05.720> other<00:12:06.720> and<00:12:06.880> I<00:12:07.040> ask<00:12:07.600> myself less from each other and I ask myself less from each other and I ask myself why<00:12:08.880> have<00:12:09.160> things<00:12:09.519> come<00:12:09.760> to why have things come to why have things come to this<00:12:11.639> and<00:12:11.920> I<00:12:12.120> believe<00:12:12.519> it's<00:12:12.800> because this and I believe it's because this and I believe it's because technology<00:12:14.160> appeals<00:12:14.680> to<00:12:14.920> us<00:12:15.560> most<00:12:16.560> where<00:12:16.800> we technology appeals to us most where we technology appeals to us most where we are<00:12:17.240> most are most are most vulnerable<00:12:19.160> and<00:12:19.320> we<00:12:19.480> are<00:12:20.000> vulnerable<00:12:21.000> we're vulnerable and we are vulnerable we're vulnerable and we are vulnerable we're lonely<00:12:22.639> but<00:12:22.800> we're<00:12:23.040> afraid<00:12:23.399> of<00:12:23.959> intimacy<00:12:24.959> and lonely but we're afraid of intimacy and lonely but we're afraid of intimacy and so<00:12:25.320> from<00:12:25.800> social<00:12:26.279> networks<00:12:26.800> to<00:12:27.000> Sociable so from social networks to Sociable so from social networks to Sociable robots<00:12:28.360> we're<00:12:28.680> designed<00:12:29.440> technologies<00:12:30.440> that robots we're designed technologies that robots we're designed technologies that will<00:12:30.800> give<00:12:30.959> us<00:12:31.199> the<00:12:31.399> illusion<00:12:31.880> of will give us the illusion of will give us the illusion of companionship<00:12:33.040> without<00:12:33.279> the<00:12:33.440> demands<00:12:33.800> of companionship without the demands of companionship without the demands of friendship<00:12:34.800> we<00:12:34.959> turn<00:12:35.279> to<00:12:35.560> technology<00:12:36.560> to<00:12:36.760> help friendship we turn to technology to help friendship we turn to technology to help us<00:12:37.199> feel<00:12:37.519> connected<00:12:38.360> in<00:12:38.600> ways<00:12:38.920> we<00:12:39.079> can us feel connected in ways we can us feel connected in ways we can comfortably<00:12:39.920> control<00:12:40.839> but<00:12:41.040> we're<00:12:41.360> not<00:12:41.639> so comfortably control but we're not so comfortably control but we're not so comfortable<00:12:43.279> we<00:12:43.399> are<00:12:43.639> not<00:12:43.880> so<00:12:44.160> much<00:12:44.360> in comfortable we are not so much in comfortable we are not so much in control<00:12:46.000> these<00:12:46.320> days<00:12:46.920> those<00:12:47.160> phones<00:12:47.600> in<00:12:47.760> our control these days those phones in our control these days those phones in our pockets<00:12:48.720> are<00:12:49.000> changing<00:12:49.519> our<00:12:49.760> minds<00:12:50.120> and pockets are changing our minds and pockets are changing our minds and hearts<00:12:51.160> because<00:12:51.519> they<00:12:51.720> offer<00:12:52.040> us<00:12:52.560> three hearts because they offer us three hearts because they offer us three gratifying<00:12:54.079> fantasies<00:12:55.079> one<00:12:55.800> that<00:12:55.959> we<00:12:56.079> can<00:12:56.320> put gratifying fantasies one that we can put gratifying fantasies one that we can put our<00:12:56.760> attention<00:12:57.360> wherever<00:12:57.839> we<00:12:58.000> want<00:12:58.199> it<00:12:58.320> to<00:12:58.519> be our attention wherever we want it to be our attention wherever we want it to be two<00:13:00.120> that<00:13:00.279> we<00:13:00.399> will<00:13:00.639> always<00:13:01.000> be<00:13:01.199> heard<00:13:01.959> and two that we will always be heard and two that we will always be heard and three<00:13:03.000> that<00:13:03.160> we<00:13:03.279> will<00:13:03.560> never<00:13:03.959> have<00:13:04.120> to<00:13:04.240> be three that we will never have to be three that we will never have to be alone<00:13:05.560> and<00:13:05.760> that<00:13:05.959> third<00:13:06.360> idea<00:13:07.279> that<00:13:07.399> we<00:13:07.519> will alone and that third idea that we will alone and that third idea that we will never<00:13:08.199> have<00:13:08.360> to<00:13:08.480> be<00:13:08.680> alone<00:13:09.440> is<00:13:09.720> Central<00:13:10.160> to never have to be alone is Central to never have to be alone is Central to changing<00:13:10.760> our<00:13:11.120> psyches<00:13:12.120> because<00:13:12.399> the<00:13:12.639> moment changing our psyches because the moment changing our psyches because the moment that<00:13:13.279> people<00:13:14.079> are<00:13:14.279> alone<00:13:15.279> even<00:13:15.519> for<00:13:15.760> a<00:13:15.920> few that people are alone even for a few that people are alone even for a few seconds<00:13:17.160> they<00:13:17.320> become<00:13:17.720> anxious<00:13:18.279> they<00:13:18.519> Panic seconds they become anxious they Panic seconds they become anxious they Panic they<00:13:19.160> fidget<00:13:19.959> they<00:13:20.120> reach<00:13:20.399> for<00:13:20.600> a<00:13:20.800> device<00:13:21.720> just they fidget they reach for a device just they fidget they reach for a device just think<00:13:22.320> of<00:13:22.600> people<00:13:22.920> at<00:13:23.079> a<00:13:23.279> checkout<00:13:23.760> line<00:13:24.040> or<00:13:24.199> at think of people at a checkout line or at think of people at a checkout line or at a<00:13:24.440> red<00:13:24.680> light<00:13:25.680> being<00:13:26.040> alone<00:13:26.880> feels<00:13:27.279> like<00:13:27.440> a a red light being alone feels like a a red light being alone feels like a problem<00:13:28.440> that<00:13:28.600> needs<00:13:28.839> to<00:13:28.959> be<00:13:29.199> be<00:13:29.360> solved<00:13:29.800> and problem that needs to be be solved and problem that needs to be be solved and so<00:13:30.160> people<00:13:30.480> try<00:13:30.680> to<00:13:30.920> solve<00:13:31.199> it<00:13:31.440> by<00:13:32.079> connecting so people try to solve it by connecting so people try to solve it by connecting but<00:13:33.360> here<00:13:33.880> connection<00:13:34.560> is<00:13:34.800> more<00:13:35.160> like<00:13:35.320> a but here connection is more like a but here connection is more like a symptom<00:13:36.480> than<00:13:36.639> a<00:13:36.839> cure<00:13:37.839> it<00:13:38.120> expresses<00:13:39.120> but<00:13:39.279> it symptom than a cure it expresses but it symptom than a cure it expresses but it doesn't<00:13:40.320> solve<00:13:40.920> an<00:13:41.079> underlying<00:13:41.920> problem<00:13:42.920> but doesn't solve an underlying problem but doesn't solve an underlying problem but more<00:13:43.399> than<00:13:43.560> a<00:13:43.800> symptom<00:13:44.760> constant<00:13:45.360> connection more than a symptom constant connection more than a symptom constant connection is<00:13:46.120> changing<00:13:46.680> the<00:13:46.800> way<00:13:47.040> people<00:13:47.680> think<00:13:47.920> of is changing the way people think of is changing the way people think of themselves<00:13:49.160> it's<00:13:49.399> shaping<00:13:50.240> a<00:13:50.399> new<00:13:50.639> way<00:13:50.800> of themselves it's shaping a new way of themselves it's shaping a new way of being<00:13:52.000> the<00:13:52.199> best<00:13:52.440> way<00:13:52.600> to<00:13:52.800> describe<00:13:53.320> it<00:13:53.519> is<00:13:54.040> I being the best way to describe it is I being the best way to describe it is I share<00:13:55.160> therefore<00:13:55.639> I<00:13:56.120> am<00:13:57.120> we<00:13:57.360> use<00:13:57.800> technology share therefore I am we use technology share therefore I am we use technology to<00:13:58.639> Define<00:13:59.279> ourselves<00:14:00.120> by<00:14:00.320> sharing<00:14:00.839> our to Define ourselves by sharing our to Define ourselves by sharing our thoughts<00:14:01.440> and<00:14:01.639> feelings<00:14:02.399> even<00:14:02.680> as<00:14:02.839> we're thoughts and feelings even as we're thoughts and feelings even as we're having<00:14:03.519> them<00:14:04.279> so<00:14:04.880> before<00:14:05.240> it<00:14:05.480> was<00:14:06.360> I<00:14:06.519> have<00:14:06.639> a having them so before it was I have a having them so before it was I have a feeling<00:14:07.800> I<00:14:07.959> want<00:14:08.199> to<00:14:08.399> make<00:14:08.600> a<00:14:08.800> call<00:14:09.759> now<00:14:10.040> it's<00:14:10.800> I feeling I want to make a call now it's I feeling I want to make a call now it's I want<00:14:11.240> to<00:14:11.519> have<00:14:11.639> a<00:14:11.839> feeling<00:14:12.680> I<00:14:12.800> need<00:14:13.079> to<00:14:13.240> send<00:14:13.519> a want to have a feeling I need to send a want to have a feeling I need to send a text<00:14:15.480> the<00:14:15.800> problem<00:14:16.399> with<00:14:16.560> this<00:14:16.720> new<00:14:17.040> regime<00:14:17.680> of text the problem with this new regime of text the problem with this new regime of I<00:14:18.000> share<00:14:18.440> therefore<00:14:18.880> I<00:14:19.040> am<00:14:19.759> is<00:14:19.880> that<00:14:20.040> if<00:14:20.199> we I share therefore I am is that if we I share therefore I am is that if we don't<00:14:20.600> have<00:14:20.880> connection<00:14:21.839> we<00:14:22.000> don't<00:14:22.240> feel<00:14:22.560> like don't have connection we don't feel like don't have connection we don't feel like ourselves<00:14:23.639> we<00:14:23.839> almost<00:14:24.160> don't<00:14:24.519> feel<00:14:25.000> ourselves ourselves we almost don't feel ourselves ourselves we almost don't feel ourselves so<00:14:26.199> what<00:14:26.279> do<00:14:26.440> we<00:14:26.560> do<00:14:26.880> we<00:14:27.079> connect<00:14:28.079> more<00:14:28.320> and so what do we do we connect more and so what do we do we connect more and more<00:14:29.399> but<00:14:29.519> in<00:14:29.680> the<00:14:29.959> process<00:14:30.680> we<00:14:30.839> set<00:14:31.079> ourselves more but in the process we set ourselves more but in the process we set ourselves up<00:14:31.759> to<00:14:31.880> be up to be up to be isolated<00:14:34.120> how<00:14:34.240> do<00:14:34.399> you<00:14:34.600> get<00:14:34.880> from<00:14:35.160> connection isolated how do you get from connection isolated how do you get from connection to to to isolation<00:14:37.880> you<00:14:38.079> end<00:14:38.320> up<00:14:38.639> isolated<00:14:39.279> if<00:14:39.399> you isolation you end up isolated if you isolation you end up isolated if you don't<00:14:39.880> cultivate<00:14:40.480> the<00:14:40.680> capacity<00:14:41.160> for don't cultivate the capacity for don't cultivate the capacity for Solitude<00:14:42.440> the<00:14:42.639> ability<00:14:43.079> to<00:14:43.240> be<00:14:43.519> separate<00:14:44.320> to Solitude the ability to be separate to Solitude the ability to be separate to gather gather gather yourself<00:14:46.680> Solitude<00:14:47.680> is<00:14:47.880> where<00:14:48.079> you<00:14:48.320> find yourself Solitude is where you find yourself Solitude is where you find yourself<00:14:49.800> so<00:14:50.000> that<00:14:50.160> you<00:14:50.279> can<00:14:50.560> reach<00:14:50.839> out<00:14:51.120> to yourself so that you can reach out to yourself so that you can reach out to other<00:14:51.680> people<00:14:52.160> and<00:14:52.320> form<00:14:52.639> real other people and form real other people and form real attachments<00:14:54.639> when<00:14:54.839> we<00:14:55.000> don't<00:14:55.360> have<00:14:55.639> the attachments when we don't have the attachments when we don't have the capacity<00:14:56.440> for<00:14:57.000> Solitude<00:14:58.000> we<00:14:58.160> turn<00:14:58.480> to<00:14:58.639> other capacity for Solitude we turn to other capacity for Solitude we turn to other people<00:14:59.440> in<00:14:59.600> order<00:14:59.839> to<00:15:00.000> feel<00:15:00.279> less<00:15:00.600> anxious<00:15:01.440> or people in order to feel less anxious or people in order to feel less anxious or in<00:15:01.759> order<00:15:02.040> to<00:15:02.160> feel<00:15:02.639> alive<00:15:03.639> when<00:15:03.839> this<00:15:04.079> happens in order to feel alive when this happens in order to feel alive when this happens we're<00:15:05.000> not<00:15:05.240> able<00:15:05.519> to<00:15:05.759> appreciate<00:15:06.720> who<00:15:07.000> they we're not able to appreciate who they we're not able to appreciate who they are<00:15:07.920> it's<00:15:08.120> as<00:15:08.360> though<00:15:08.759> we're<00:15:09.040> using<00:15:09.560> them<00:15:10.040> as are it's as though we're using them as are it's as though we're using them as spare<00:15:10.800> parts<00:15:11.720> to<00:15:11.959> support<00:15:12.440> our<00:15:12.759> fragile<00:15:13.279> sense spare parts to support our fragile sense spare parts to support our fragile sense of<00:15:13.839> self<00:15:14.720> we<00:15:15.000> slip<00:15:15.399> into<00:15:15.720> thinking<00:15:16.199> that of self we slip into thinking that of self we slip into thinking that always<00:15:17.040> being<00:15:17.440> connected<00:15:18.360> is<00:15:18.560> going<00:15:18.800> to<00:15:19.040> make always being connected is going to make always being connected is going to make us<00:15:19.639> feel<00:15:20.639> less<00:15:21.000> alone<00:15:22.000> but<00:15:22.160> we're<00:15:22.360> at<00:15:22.600> risk us feel less alone but we're at risk us feel less alone but we're at risk because<00:15:23.880> actually<00:15:24.279> it's<00:15:24.480> the<00:15:24.720> opposite because actually it's the opposite because actually it's the opposite that's<00:15:25.440> true<00:15:26.399> if<00:15:26.560> we're<00:15:26.839> not<00:15:27.079> able<00:15:27.360> to<00:15:27.519> be that's true if we're not able to be that's true if we're not able to be alone<00:15:28.639> we're<00:15:29.040> going<00:15:29.199> to<00:15:29.360> be<00:15:29.519> more<00:15:29.920> lonely<00:15:30.920> and alone we're going to be more lonely and alone we're going to be more lonely and if<00:15:31.199> we<00:15:31.319> don't<00:15:31.600> teach<00:15:31.880> our<00:15:32.160> children<00:15:32.880> to<00:15:33.079> be if we don't teach our children to be if we don't teach our children to be alone<00:15:34.079> they're<00:15:34.399> only<00:15:34.800> going<00:15:35.079> to<00:15:35.240> know<00:15:36.000> how<00:15:36.120> to alone they're only going to know how to alone they're only going to know how to be be be lonely<00:15:38.399> when<00:15:38.560> I<00:15:38.720> spoke<00:15:39.040> at<00:15:39.279> Ted<00:15:39.560> in lonely when I spoke at Ted in lonely when I spoke at Ted in 1996<00:15:41.360> reporting<00:15:41.839> on<00:15:42.040> my<00:15:42.279> studies<00:15:42.680> of<00:15:42.839> the 1996 reporting on my studies of the 1996 reporting on my studies of the early<00:15:43.319> virtual<00:15:44.000> communities<00:15:45.000> I<00:15:45.120> said<00:15:45.920> those early virtual communities I said those early virtual communities I said those who<00:15:46.440> make<00:15:46.759> the<00:15:46.959> most<00:15:47.800> of<00:15:47.959> their<00:15:48.199> lives<00:15:48.519> on<00:15:48.720> the who make the most of their lives on the who make the most of their lives on the screen<00:15:49.959> come<00:15:50.199> to<00:15:50.399> it<00:15:50.560> in<00:15:50.680> a<00:15:50.959> spirit<00:15:51.319> of screen come to it in a spirit of screen come to it in a spirit of self-reflection<00:15:53.120> and<00:15:53.279> that's<00:15:53.480> what<00:15:53.600> I'm self-reflection and that's what I'm self-reflection and that's what I'm calling<00:15:54.160> for<00:15:54.519> here<00:15:55.000> now<00:15:55.800> reflection<00:15:56.519> and<00:15:56.720> more calling for here now reflection and more calling for here now reflection and more than<00:15:57.240> that<00:15:57.720> a<00:15:57.959> conversation<00:15:59.360> about<00:15:59.680> where<00:15:59.959> our than that a conversation about where our than that a conversation about where our current<00:16:00.639> use<00:16:01.279> of<00:16:01.519> Technology<00:16:02.199> may<00:16:02.399> be<00:16:02.600> taking current use of Technology may be taking current use of Technology may be taking us<00:16:03.480> us<00:16:04.120> what<00:16:04.279> it<00:16:04.399> might<00:16:04.600> be<00:16:04.839> costing<00:16:05.319> us<00:16:05.959> we<00:16:06.120> are us us what it might be costing us we are us us what it might be costing us we are smitten<00:16:07.279> with<00:16:07.759> technology<00:16:08.759> and<00:16:09.160> we're<00:16:09.480> afraid smitten with technology and we're afraid smitten with technology and we're afraid like<00:16:10.319> young<00:16:10.600> lovers<00:16:11.560> that<00:16:11.759> too<00:16:11.959> much<00:16:12.319> talking like young lovers that too much talking like young lovers that too much talking might<00:16:13.360> spoil<00:16:13.759> the<00:16:14.000> romance<00:16:15.000> but<00:16:15.160> it's<00:16:15.399> time<00:16:15.639> to might spoil the romance but it's time to might spoil the romance but it's time to talk<00:16:17.279> we<00:16:17.519> grew<00:16:17.880> up<00:16:18.199> with<00:16:18.440> digital<00:16:18.959> technology talk we grew up with digital technology talk we grew up with digital technology and<00:16:20.040> so<00:16:20.319> we<00:16:20.480> see<00:16:20.720> it<00:16:20.880> as<00:16:21.079> all<00:16:21.279> grown<00:16:21.639> up<00:16:22.319> but and so we see it as all grown up but and so we see it as all grown up but it's<00:16:22.680> not<00:16:23.440> it's<00:16:23.680> early<00:16:24.160> days<00:16:25.000> there's<00:16:25.399> plenty it's not it's early days there's plenty it's not it's early days there's plenty of<00:16:26.040> time<00:16:26.279> for<00:16:26.480> us<00:16:26.639> to<00:16:27.160> reconsider<00:16:28.160> how<00:16:28.319> we<00:16:28.519> use of time for us to reconsider how we use of time for us to reconsider how we use it<00:16:29.000> it<00:16:29.480> how<00:16:29.600> we<00:16:29.800> build<00:16:30.160> it<00:16:31.120> I'm<00:16:31.279> not<00:16:31.600> suggesting it it how we build it I'm not suggesting it it how we build it I'm not suggesting that<00:16:32.440> we<00:16:32.800> turn<00:16:33.160> away<00:16:33.440> from<00:16:33.639> our<00:16:34.079> devices<00:16:35.079> just that we turn away from our devices just that we turn away from our devices just that<00:16:35.440> we<00:16:35.680> develop<00:16:36.120> a<00:16:36.240> more<00:16:36.480> self-aware that we develop a more self-aware that we develop a more self-aware relationship<00:16:38.079> with<00:16:38.319> them<00:16:39.079> with<00:16:39.240> each<00:16:39.480> other relationship with them with each other relationship with them with each other and<00:16:40.480> with and with and with ourselves<00:16:42.800> I<00:16:42.880> see<00:16:43.199> some<00:16:43.480> First<00:16:44.120> Steps<00:16:45.120> start ourselves I see some First Steps start ourselves I see some First Steps start thinking<00:16:45.959> of<00:16:46.240> solitude<00:16:47.040> as<00:16:47.160> a<00:16:47.399> good<00:16:47.759> thing thinking of solitude as a good thing thinking of solitude as a good thing make<00:16:49.079> room<00:16:49.519> for<00:16:50.240> it<00:16:51.240> find<00:16:51.720> ways<00:16:52.079> to make room for it find ways to make room for it find ways to demonstrate<00:16:53.240> this<00:16:53.480> as<00:16:53.600> a<00:16:53.920> value<00:16:54.360> to<00:16:54.560> your demonstrate this as a value to your demonstrate this as a value to your children<00:16:56.199> create<00:16:56.839> sacred<00:16:57.360> spaces<00:16:57.880> at<00:16:58.079> home children create sacred spaces at home children create sacred spaces at home the<00:16:58.519> kitchen<00:16:59.000> in<00:16:59.120> the<00:16:59.279> dining<00:16:59.639> room<00:17:00.199> and the kitchen in the dining room and the kitchen in the dining room and reclaim<00:17:01.079> them<00:17:01.279> for<00:17:02.000> conversation<00:17:03.000> do<00:17:03.279> the reclaim them for conversation do the reclaim them for conversation do the same<00:17:03.720> thing<00:17:03.920> at<00:17:04.120> work<00:17:04.439> at<00:17:04.640> work<00:17:05.199> we're<00:17:05.439> so<00:17:05.720> busy same thing at work at work we're so busy same thing at work at work we're so busy communicating<00:17:07.199> that<00:17:07.640> we<00:17:07.839> often<00:17:08.120> don't<00:17:08.400> have communicating that we often don't have communicating that we often don't have time<00:17:08.839> to<00:17:09.480> think<00:17:10.480> we<00:17:10.600> don't<00:17:10.839> have<00:17:11.360> time<00:17:11.559> to<00:17:11.839> talk time to think we don't have time to talk time to think we don't have time to talk about<00:17:12.839> the<00:17:13.039> things<00:17:13.319> that<00:17:13.520> really<00:17:13.839> matter about the things that really matter about the things that really matter change<00:17:15.280> that<00:17:16.280> most<00:17:16.720> important<00:17:17.720> we<00:17:17.959> all<00:17:18.360> really change that most important we all really change that most important we all really need<00:17:19.000> to<00:17:19.280> listen<00:17:19.679> to<00:17:19.919> each<00:17:20.240> other<00:17:21.240> including need to listen to each other including need to listen to each other including to<00:17:22.319> the<00:17:22.480> boring to the boring to the boring bits<00:17:25.039> because<00:17:25.559> it's<00:17:25.799> when<00:17:26.039> we<00:17:26.319> stumble<00:17:27.000> or bits because it's when we stumble or bits because it's when we stumble or hesitate<00:17:28.039> or<00:17:28.160> lose<00:17:28.439> our<00:17:28.640> work<00:17:28.960> words<00:17:29.840> that<00:17:30.000> we hesitate or lose our work words that we hesitate or lose our work words that we reveal<00:17:30.840> ourselves<00:17:31.840> to<00:17:32.120> each reveal ourselves to each reveal ourselves to each other<00:17:34.520> technology<00:17:35.240> is<00:17:35.440> making<00:17:35.760> a<00:17:36.000> bid<00:17:36.360> to other technology is making a bid to other technology is making a bid to redefine<00:17:37.559> human<00:17:38.120> connection<00:17:39.120> how<00:17:39.320> we<00:17:39.559> care redefine human connection how we care redefine human connection how we care for<00:17:40.080> each<00:17:40.280> other<00:17:41.039> how<00:17:41.240> we<00:17:41.480> care<00:17:41.679> for<00:17:42.000> ourselves for each other how we care for ourselves for each other how we care for ourselves but<00:17:43.160> it's<00:17:43.400> also<00:17:43.760> giving<00:17:44.120> us<00:17:44.400> the<00:17:44.559> opportunity but it's also giving us the opportunity but it's also giving us the opportunity to<00:17:45.640> affirm<00:17:46.120> our<00:17:46.559> values<00:17:47.480> and<00:17:47.720> our to affirm our values and our to affirm our values and our Direction<00:17:49.679> I'm<00:17:50.280> optimistic<00:17:51.280> we<00:17:51.480> have Direction I'm optimistic we have Direction I'm optimistic we have everything<00:17:52.360> we<00:17:52.520> need<00:17:52.760> to<00:17:53.039> start<00:17:54.039> we<00:17:54.240> have<00:17:54.440> each everything we need to start we have each everything we need to start we have each other<00:17:55.919> and<00:17:56.120> we<00:17:56.320> have<00:17:56.520> the<00:17:56.799> greatest<00:17:57.320> chance<00:17:57.760> of other and we have the greatest chance of other and we have the greatest chance of success<00:17:59.159> if<00:17:59.320> we<00:17:59.600> recognize<00:18:00.360> our success if we recognize our success if we recognize our vulnerability<00:18:02.360> that<00:18:02.559> we<00:18:02.840> listen<00:18:03.640> when vulnerability that we listen when vulnerability that we listen when technology<00:18:05.360> says<00:18:05.840> it<00:18:05.960> will<00:18:06.280> take<00:18:06.799> something technology says it will take something technology says it will take something complicated<00:18:08.799> and<00:18:09.120> Promises<00:18:09.799> something complicated and Promises something complicated and Promises something simpler<00:18:12.520> so<00:18:13.000> in<00:18:13.240> my<00:18:13.480> work<00:18:13.919> I<00:18:14.080> hear<00:18:14.799> that<00:18:15.039> life simpler so in my work I hear that life simpler so in my work I hear that life is<00:18:15.600> hard<00:18:16.480> relationships<00:18:17.320> are<00:18:17.480> filled<00:18:17.799> with is hard relationships are filled with is hard relationships are filled with risk<00:18:19.000> and<00:18:19.120> then<00:18:19.280> there's<00:18:20.080> technology<00:18:21.120> simpler risk and then there's technology simpler risk and then there's technology simpler hopeful<00:18:23.720> optimistic<00:18:24.720> ever<00:18:25.159> young<00:18:25.960> it's<00:18:26.120> like hopeful optimistic ever young it's like hopeful optimistic ever young it's like calling<00:18:26.640> in<00:18:26.840> the<00:18:27.159> Cavalry<00:18:28.159> and<00:18:28.400> add<00:18:28.880> campaign calling in the Cavalry and add campaign calling in the Cavalry and add campaign promises<00:18:29.960> that<00:18:30.200> online<00:18:30.840> and<00:18:31.000> with<00:18:31.240> avatars promises that online and with avatars promises that online and with avatars you<00:18:32.280> can<00:18:32.679> quote<00:18:33.880> finally<00:18:34.880> love<00:18:35.200> your<00:18:35.480> friends you can quote finally love your friends you can quote finally love your friends love<00:18:36.360> your<00:18:36.600> body<00:18:37.280> love<00:18:37.559> your<00:18:38.039> life<00:18:39.039> online<00:18:39.880> and love your body love your life online and love your body love your life online and with<00:18:40.520> avatars<00:18:41.520> we're<00:18:41.799> drawn<00:18:42.240> to<00:18:42.559> Virtual with avatars we're drawn to Virtual with avatars we're drawn to Virtual romance<00:18:43.799> to<00:18:44.320> computer<00:18:45.000> games<00:18:45.480> that<00:18:45.640> seem<00:18:45.960> like romance to computer games that seem like romance to computer games that seem like worlds<00:18:47.200> to<00:18:47.400> the<00:18:47.559> idea<00:18:47.919> that<00:18:48.400> robots<00:18:49.600> robots worlds to the idea that robots robots worlds to the idea that robots robots will<00:18:50.840> someday<00:18:51.320> be<00:18:51.520> our<00:18:51.720> true will someday be our true will someday be our true companions<00:18:54.039> we<00:18:54.200> spend<00:18:54.520> an<00:18:54.720> evening<00:18:55.039> on<00:18:55.200> the companions we spend an evening on the companions we spend an evening on the social<00:18:55.799> network<00:18:56.360> instead<00:18:56.720> of<00:18:57.400> going<00:18:57.679> to<00:18:58.039> the social network instead of going to the social network instead of going to the pub<00:18:58.400> with pub with pub with friends<00:19:00.400> but<00:19:00.559> our<00:19:00.880> fantasies<00:19:01.480> of friends but our fantasies of friends but our fantasies of substitution<00:19:02.600> have<00:19:02.840> cost substitution have cost substitution have cost us<00:19:04.840> now<00:19:05.559> we<00:19:05.760> all<00:19:05.960> need<00:19:06.200> to<00:19:06.480> focus<00:19:07.480> on<00:19:07.679> the<00:19:07.919> many us now we all need to focus on the many us now we all need to focus on the many many<00:19:08.679> ways<00:19:09.679> technology<00:19:10.400> can<00:19:10.600> lead<00:19:10.919> us<00:19:11.280> back<00:19:12.120> to many ways technology can lead us back to many ways technology can lead us back to our<00:19:12.600> real<00:19:13.039> lives<00:19:13.960> our<00:19:14.200> own<00:19:14.520> bodies<00:19:15.520> Our<00:19:15.720> Own our real lives our own bodies Our Own our real lives our own bodies Our Own communities<00:19:17.280> our<00:19:17.480> own<00:19:17.960> politics<00:19:18.919> our<00:19:19.120> own communities our own politics our own communities our own politics our own Planet<00:19:20.960> they<00:19:21.120> need Planet they need Planet they need us<00:19:23.480> let's<00:19:23.880> talk<00:19:24.760> about<00:19:25.080> how<00:19:25.280> we<00:19:25.480> can<00:19:25.679> use us let's talk about how we can use us let's talk about how we can use digital digital digital technology<00:19:28.200> the<00:19:28.360> techn<00:19:28.720> technology<00:19:29.240> of<00:19:29.360> our technology the techn technology of our technology the techn technology of our dreams<00:19:31.039> to<00:19:31.280> make<00:19:31.640> this<00:19:32.039> life<00:19:33.039> the<00:19:33.240> life<00:19:33.480> we<00:19:33.600> can dreams to make this life the life we can dreams to make this life the life we can love<00:19:35.000> thank<00:19:35.200> you

Sherry Turkle, TED, TED, Talk, technology, connection, human, connection, technology, TED-Ed, ED, TEDEducation

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