Khoa học đáng ngạc nhiên về hạnh phúc-Nancy Etcoff

The surprising science of happiness - Nancy Etcoff

The surprising science of happiness - Nancy Etcoff



[Music] [Music] this<00:00:15.900> is<00:00:16.049> called<00:00:16.290> hooked<00:00:16.560> on<00:00:16.680> a<00:00:16.710> feeling<00:00:17.190> the this is called hooked on a feeling the this is called hooked on a feeling the pursuit<00:00:18.060> of<00:00:18.150> happiness<00:00:18.300> in<00:00:18.690> human<00:00:18.960> design<00:00:19.260> I pursuit of happiness in human design I pursuit of happiness in human design I put<00:00:19.680> up<00:00:19.770> a<00:00:19.830> somewhat<00:00:20.189> dour<00:00:20.540> Darwin<00:00:21.540> but<00:00:21.660> a<00:00:21.720> very put up a somewhat dour Darwin but a very put up a somewhat dour Darwin but a very happy<00:00:22.439> chimp<00:00:22.740> up<00:00:22.920> there<00:00:23.160> my<00:00:24.090> first<00:00:24.330> point<00:00:24.540> is happy chimp up there my first point is happy chimp up there my first point is that<00:00:24.840> the<00:00:25.110> pursuit<00:00:25.410> of<00:00:25.500> happiness<00:00:25.680> is that the pursuit of happiness is that the pursuit of happiness is obligatory obligatory obligatory man<00:00:27.450> wishes<00:00:27.900> to<00:00:27.930> be<00:00:28.140> happy<00:00:28.529> only<00:00:28.860> wishes<00:00:29.400> to<00:00:29.550> be man wishes to be happy only wishes to be man wishes to be happy only wishes to be happy<00:00:30.029> and<00:00:30.239> cannot<00:00:30.869> wish<00:00:31.169> not<00:00:31.500> to<00:00:31.529> be<00:00:31.800> so<00:00:32.070> we happy and cannot wish not to be so we happy and cannot wish not to be so we are<00:00:33.150> wired<00:00:33.450> to<00:00:33.810> pursue<00:00:34.200> happiness<00:00:34.410> only<00:00:34.950> to are wired to pursue happiness only to are wired to pursue happiness only to enjoy<00:00:35.340> it<00:00:35.760> but<00:00:35.970> to<00:00:36.120> want<00:00:36.360> more<00:00:36.630> and<00:00:36.690> more<00:00:37.170> of<00:00:37.290> it enjoy it but to want more and more of it enjoy it but to want more and more of it so<00:00:37.649> given<00:00:38.550> that<00:00:38.579> that's<00:00:38.820> true<00:00:39.239> how<00:00:39.750> good<00:00:40.410> are so given that that's true how good are so given that that's true how good are we<00:00:40.620> at<00:00:41.060> increasing<00:00:42.060> our<00:00:42.210> happiness<00:00:42.800> well<00:00:43.800> we we at increasing our happiness well we we at increasing our happiness well we certainly<00:00:44.190> try<00:00:44.660> if<00:00:45.660> you<00:00:45.809> look<00:00:45.960> on<00:00:46.079> the<00:00:46.170> Amazon certainly try if you look on the Amazon certainly try if you look on the Amazon site<00:00:47.039> there<00:00:47.219> are<00:00:47.250> over<00:00:47.519> 2000<00:00:48.269> titles<00:00:48.690> with site there are over 2000 titles with site there are over 2000 titles with advice<00:00:49.199> on<00:00:49.530> the<00:00:49.980> seven<00:00:50.309> Habits<00:00:50.789> the<00:00:51.149> nine advice on the seven Habits the nine advice on the seven Habits the nine choices<00:00:51.899> that<00:00:52.559> ten<00:00:52.769> secrets<00:00:53.309> the<00:00:53.750> 14,000 choices that ten secrets the 14,000 choices that ten secrets the 14,000 thoughts<00:00:54.929> that<00:00:55.109> are<00:00:55.199> supposed<00:00:55.440> to<00:00:55.559> bring thoughts that are supposed to bring thoughts that are supposed to bring happiness<00:00:56.100> now<00:00:56.640> another<00:00:56.879> way<00:00:57.059> we<00:00:57.179> try<00:00:57.359> to happiness now another way we try to happiness now another way we try to increase<00:00:57.660> our<00:00:57.870> happiness<00:00:58.260> is<00:00:58.649> we<00:00:58.980> medicate increase our happiness is we medicate increase our happiness is we medicate ourselves<00:00:59.519> and<00:01:00.210> so<00:01:01.019> there's<00:01:01.230> over<00:01:01.469> 120 ourselves and so there's over 120 ourselves and so there's over 120 million<00:01:02.429> prescriptions<00:01:02.879> out<00:01:03.300> there<00:01:03.480> right million prescriptions out there right million prescriptions out there right now<00:01:03.690> for<00:01:04.070> antidepressants<00:01:05.070> prozac<00:01:05.670> was now for antidepressants prozac was now for antidepressants prozac was really<00:01:06.060> the<00:01:06.180> first<00:01:06.390> absolute<00:01:07.020> blockbuster really the first absolute blockbuster really the first absolute blockbuster drug<00:01:08.160> it<00:01:08.640> was<00:01:08.850> clean<00:01:09.480> efficient<00:01:10.110> there<00:01:10.290> was<00:01:10.409> no drug it was clean efficient there was no drug it was clean efficient there was no high<00:01:10.890> there<00:01:11.610> was<00:01:11.640> really<00:01:11.909> no<00:01:12.150> danger<00:01:12.330> had<00:01:12.720> no high there was really no danger had no high there was really no danger had no street<00:01:13.110> value<00:01:13.470> in<00:01:13.920> 1995<00:01:14.790> illegal<00:01:15.480> drugs<00:01:15.750> were street value in 1995 illegal drugs were street value in 1995 illegal drugs were a<00:01:16.110> 400<00:01:16.920> million-dollar<00:01:17.490> business a 400 million-dollar business a 400 million-dollar business representing<00:01:18.810> 8%<00:01:19.440> of<00:01:19.650> world<00:01:20.190> trade<00:01:20.460> roughly representing 8% of world trade roughly representing 8% of world trade roughly the<00:01:21.000> same<00:01:21.150> as<00:01:21.390> gas<00:01:21.750> and<00:01:21.990> oil<00:01:22.110> these<00:01:22.680> routes<00:01:23.190> to the same as gas and oil these routes to the same as gas and oil these routes to happiness<00:01:23.670> haven't<00:01:24.090> really<00:01:24.240> increased happiness haven't really increased happiness haven't really increased happiness<00:01:25.170> very<00:01:25.350> much<00:01:25.680> one<00:01:26.550> problem<00:01:27.000> that's happiness very much one problem that's happiness very much one problem that's happening<00:01:27.630> now<00:01:27.780> is<00:01:28.170> although<00:01:28.590> the<00:01:29.400> rates<00:01:29.910> of happening now is although the rates of happening now is although the rates of happiness<00:01:30.750> are<00:01:30.990> about<00:01:31.140> flat<00:01:31.560> as<00:01:31.830> the<00:01:31.980> surface happiness are about flat as the surface happiness are about flat as the surface of<00:01:32.520> the<00:01:32.760> Moon<00:01:33.000> depression<00:01:33.900> anxiety<00:01:34.070> arising of the Moon depression anxiety arising of the Moon depression anxiety arising some<00:01:35.460> people<00:01:35.760> might<00:01:35.970> say<00:01:36.180> this<00:01:36.390> is<00:01:36.480> because<00:01:36.660> we some people might say this is because we some people might say this is because we have<00:01:37.170> better<00:01:37.380> diagnosis<00:01:38.310> and<00:01:38.700> more<00:01:38.880> people have better diagnosis and more people have better diagnosis and more people are<00:01:39.270> being<00:01:39.450> found<00:01:39.720> out<00:01:40.020> it<00:01:40.710> isn't<00:01:41.010> just<00:01:41.190> that are being found out it isn't just that are being found out it isn't just that we're<00:01:41.700> seeing<00:01:41.940> it<00:01:42.030> all<00:01:42.180> over<00:01:42.630> the<00:01:42.720> world<00:01:42.960> in we're seeing it all over the world in we're seeing it all over the world in the<00:01:43.770> United<00:01:44.010> States<00:01:44.190> right<00:01:44.460> now<00:01:44.520> there<00:01:45.360> are the United States right now there are the United States right now there are more<00:01:45.600> suicides<00:01:46.170> and<00:01:46.350> homicides<00:01:46.890> there's<00:01:47.820> a more suicides and homicides there's a more suicides and homicides there's a rash<00:01:48.150> of<00:01:48.360> suicide<00:01:48.750> in<00:01:48.930> China<00:01:49.500> and<00:01:49.800> in<00:01:50.100> the rash of suicide in China and in the rash of suicide in China and in the World<00:01:51.030> Health<00:01:51.270> Organization<00:01:51.930> predicts<00:01:52.290> by World Health Organization predicts by World Health Organization predicts by the<00:01:52.560> year<00:01:52.800> 2020<00:01:53.550> that<00:01:53.850> depression<00:01:54.540> will<00:01:54.870> be the year 2020 that depression will be the year 2020 that depression will be the<00:01:55.380> second<00:01:55.980> largest<00:01:56.130> cause<00:01:56.550> of<00:01:56.580> disability the second largest cause of disability the second largest cause of disability now<00:01:57.720> the<00:01:57.780> good<00:01:57.990> news<00:01:58.050> here<00:01:58.590> is<00:01:58.620> that<00:01:58.860> if<00:01:59.370> you now the good news here is that if you now the good news here is that if you take<00:01:59.670> surveys<00:02:00.090> from<00:02:00.300> around<00:02:00.540> the<00:02:00.750> world<00:02:00.960> we take surveys from around the world we take surveys from around the world we see<00:02:01.470> that<00:02:01.920> about<00:02:02.160> three-quarters<00:02:02.730> of<00:02:02.760> people see that about three-quarters of people see that about three-quarters of people will<00:02:03.300> say<00:02:03.480> they're<00:02:03.660> at<00:02:03.780> least<00:02:03.900> pretty<00:02:04.560> happy will say they're at least pretty happy will say they're at least pretty happy but<00:02:05.880> this<00:02:06.720> does<00:02:06.960> not<00:02:07.140> follow<00:02:07.410> any<00:02:08.069> of<00:02:08.340> the but this does not follow any of the but this does not follow any of the usual<00:02:08.729> trends<00:02:09.509> so<00:02:09.690> for<00:02:09.840> example<00:02:10.170> these<00:02:10.349> two usual trends so for example these two usual trends so for example these two show<00:02:10.950> great<00:02:11.340> growth<00:02:11.670> in<00:02:11.879> income<00:02:12.680> absolutely show great growth in income absolutely show great growth in income absolutely flat<00:02:13.980> happiness<00:02:14.489> curve<00:02:14.700> my<00:02:15.239> field<00:02:15.599> the<00:02:16.410> field flat happiness curve my field the field flat happiness curve my field the field of<00:02:16.680> psychology<00:02:17.099> you<00:02:17.700> know<00:02:17.790> hasn't<00:02:18.060> done<00:02:18.150> a of psychology you know hasn't done a of psychology you know hasn't done a whole<00:02:18.239> lot<00:02:18.840> to<00:02:19.650> help<00:02:19.830> us<00:02:20.010> move<00:02:20.220> forward<00:02:20.460> and whole lot to help us move forward and whole lot to help us move forward and understanding<00:02:21.540> human<00:02:21.780> happiness understanding human happiness understanding human happiness in<00:02:22.510> part<00:02:22.900> we<00:02:23.170> have<00:02:23.319> the<00:02:23.440> legacy<00:02:23.680> of<00:02:23.830> Freud<00:02:24.280> was in part we have the legacy of Freud was in part we have the legacy of Freud was a<00:02:24.790> pessimist<00:02:25.300> who<00:02:25.600> said<00:02:25.870> it<00:02:26.020> for<00:02:26.200> suit<00:02:26.410> of a pessimist who said it for suit of a pessimist who said it for suit of happiness<00:02:27.069> is<00:02:27.220> a<00:02:27.280> doomed<00:02:27.640> quest<00:02:27.910> is<00:02:28.360> propelled happiness is a doomed quest is propelled happiness is a doomed quest is propelled by<00:02:29.050> infantile<00:02:29.800> aspects<00:02:30.400> of<00:02:30.510> the<00:02:31.510> individual by infantile aspects of the individual by infantile aspects of the individual that<00:02:32.410> can<00:02:32.590> never<00:02:32.770> be<00:02:32.890> met<00:02:33.250> in<00:02:33.400> reality<00:02:33.910> he<00:02:34.540> said that can never be met in reality he said that can never be met in reality he said one<00:02:35.140> feels<00:02:35.380> inclined<00:02:35.890> to<00:02:36.100> say<00:02:36.310> that<00:02:36.520> the one feels inclined to say that the one feels inclined to say that the intention<00:02:37.150> that<00:02:37.270> man<00:02:37.420> should<00:02:37.569> be<00:02:37.630> happy<00:02:38.080> is intention that man should be happy is intention that man should be happy is not<00:02:38.709> included<00:02:39.459> in<00:02:39.610> the<00:02:39.760> plan<00:02:40.000> of<00:02:40.030> creation<00:02:40.780> so not included in the plan of creation so not included in the plan of creation so the<00:02:41.770> ultimate<00:02:42.190> goal<00:02:42.430> of<00:02:42.600> psychoanalytic the ultimate goal of psychoanalytic the ultimate goal of psychoanalytic psychotherapy<00:02:44.200> was<00:02:44.650> really<00:02:44.890> what<00:02:45.010> Freud psychotherapy was really what Freud psychotherapy was really what Freud called<00:02:45.370> ordinary<00:02:46.200> misery<00:02:49.110> and<00:02:50.110> before<00:02:50.680> you called ordinary misery and before you called ordinary misery and before you know<00:02:51.130> it<00:02:51.270> part<00:02:52.270> reflects<00:02:52.750> the<00:02:53.430> anatomy<00:02:54.430> of<00:02:54.459> the know it part reflects the anatomy of the know it part reflects the anatomy of the human<00:02:55.420> emotion<00:02:55.989> system<00:02:56.380> which<00:02:56.530> is<00:02:56.680> that<00:02:56.800> we human emotion system which is that we human emotion system which is that we are<00:02:56.920> both<00:02:57.100> a<00:02:57.250> positivity<00:02:57.790> and<00:02:58.180> negative are both a positivity and negative are both a positivity and negative system<00:02:59.170> and<00:02:59.440> our<00:03:00.100> negative<00:03:00.610> system<00:03:01.000> is system and our negative system is system and our negative system is extremely<00:03:02.019> sensitive<00:03:02.620> so<00:03:03.519> for<00:03:03.730> example<00:03:04.239> we're extremely sensitive so for example we're extremely sensitive so for example we're born<00:03:04.840> loving<00:03:05.650> the<00:03:05.739> taste<00:03:05.950> of<00:03:06.070> something<00:03:06.400> sweet born loving the taste of something sweet born loving the taste of something sweet and<00:03:07.090> reacting<00:03:07.930> aversive<00:03:08.350> ly<00:03:08.470> to<00:03:08.620> taste<00:03:08.890> of and reacting aversive ly to taste of and reacting aversive ly to taste of something<00:03:09.430> bitter<00:03:09.760> we<00:03:10.480> also<00:03:10.630> find<00:03:10.930> that something bitter we also find that something bitter we also find that people<00:03:11.290> are<00:03:11.620> more<00:03:11.950> averse<00:03:12.459> to<00:03:12.730> losing<00:03:13.360> than people are more averse to losing than people are more averse to losing than they<00:03:14.470> are<00:03:14.620> happy<00:03:15.519> to<00:03:15.730> gain<00:03:16.090> the<00:03:16.540> formula<00:03:17.110> for they are happy to gain the formula for they are happy to gain the formula for happy<00:03:17.620> marriage<00:03:17.650> is<00:03:18.250> five<00:03:18.940> positive<00:03:19.480> remarks happy marriage is five positive remarks happy marriage is five positive remarks or<00:03:20.769> interactions<00:03:21.370> for<00:03:21.519> every<00:03:21.670> one<00:03:21.880> negative or interactions for every one negative or interactions for every one negative and<00:03:23.800> that's<00:03:24.100> how<00:03:24.250> powerful<00:03:24.820> the<00:03:24.940> one<00:03:25.090> negative and that's how powerful the one negative and that's how powerful the one negative is<00:03:25.989> they<00:03:26.350> especially<00:03:27.209> expressions<00:03:28.209> of is they especially expressions of is they especially expressions of contempt<00:03:28.930> or<00:03:29.320> disgust<00:03:29.980> will<00:03:30.430> you<00:03:30.940> really<00:03:31.269> need contempt or disgust will you really need contempt or disgust will you really need a<00:03:31.480> lot<00:03:32.079> of<00:03:32.140> positive<00:03:32.560> so<00:03:32.739> upset<00:03:32.980> that<00:03:33.239> I<00:03:34.239> also a lot of positive so upset that I also a lot of positive so upset that I also put<00:03:34.989> in<00:03:35.049> here<00:03:35.230> the<00:03:35.320> stress<00:03:35.620> response<00:03:35.829> we<00:03:36.579> are put in here the stress response we are put in here the stress response we are wired<00:03:36.970> for<00:03:37.269> dangers<00:03:38.200> that<00:03:38.350> are<00:03:38.410> immediate wired for dangers that are immediate wired for dangers that are immediate that<00:03:39.130> are<00:03:39.280> physical<00:03:39.760> that<00:03:39.880> are<00:03:39.970> imminent<00:03:40.329> and that are physical that are imminent and that are physical that are imminent and so<00:03:40.930> our<00:03:41.049> body<00:03:41.290> goes<00:03:41.650> into<00:03:41.980> an<00:03:42.220> incredible so our body goes into an incredible so our body goes into an incredible reaction<00:03:43.060> where<00:03:43.690> and<00:03:43.959> dodges<00:03:44.620> opioids<00:03:45.190> come reaction where and dodges opioids come reaction where and dodges opioids come in<00:03:45.610> we<00:03:45.760> have<00:03:45.910> a<00:03:45.940> system<00:03:46.420> that<00:03:46.750> is<00:03:46.959> really in we have a system that is really in we have a system that is really ancient<00:03:48.220> and<00:03:48.430> it's<00:03:48.640> really<00:03:49.060> different ancient and it's really different ancient and it's really different physical<00:03:49.660> danger<00:03:50.019> and<00:03:50.230> so<00:03:50.410> over<00:03:50.709> time<00:03:50.739> this physical danger and so over time this physical danger and so over time this becomes<00:03:52.000> the<00:03:52.150> stress<00:03:52.390> response<00:03:52.600> which<00:03:53.440> has becomes the stress response which has becomes the stress response which has enormous<00:03:54.070> effects<00:03:54.549> on<00:03:54.700> the<00:03:54.790> body<00:03:54.940> cortisol enormous effects on the body cortisol enormous effects on the body cortisol floods<00:03:55.959> the<00:03:56.110> brain<00:03:56.380> it<00:03:56.709> destroys<00:03:57.430> hippocampal floods the brain it destroys hippocampal floods the brain it destroys hippocampal cells<00:03:58.150> and<00:03:58.750> memory<00:03:59.110> and<00:03:59.440> it<00:03:59.620> can<00:03:59.709> lead<00:03:59.860> to<00:04:00.010> all cells and memory and it can lead to all cells and memory and it can lead to all kinds<00:04:00.670> of<00:04:01.090> health<00:04:01.269> problems<00:04:01.560> but kinds of health problems but kinds of health problems but unfortunately<00:04:03.280> we<00:04:03.820> need<00:04:03.970> this<00:04:04.180> system<00:04:04.390> in unfortunately we need this system in unfortunately we need this system in part<00:04:04.959> if<00:04:05.200> we<00:04:05.260> were<00:04:05.410> only<00:04:05.560> governed<00:04:05.980> by part if we were only governed by part if we were only governed by pleasure<00:04:06.370> we<00:04:06.970> would<00:04:07.209> not<00:04:07.390> survive<00:04:07.810> we<00:04:08.620> really pleasure we would not survive we really pleasure we would not survive we really have<00:04:09.070> to<00:04:09.489> command<00:04:10.090> posts<00:04:10.540> their<00:04:10.750> emotions<00:04:11.320> are have to command posts their emotions are have to command posts their emotions are short-lived<00:04:11.980> intense<00:04:12.549> responses<00:04:13.180> to short-lived intense responses to short-lived intense responses to challenge<00:04:13.810> and<00:04:14.049> to<00:04:14.230> opportunity<00:04:14.890> and<00:04:15.160> each challenge and to opportunity and each challenge and to opportunity and each one<00:04:16.209> of<00:04:16.239> them<00:04:16.390> allows<00:04:16.690> us<00:04:16.989> to<00:04:17.140> click<00:04:17.410> into one of them allows us to click into one of them allows us to click into alternate<00:04:18.340> selves<00:04:18.850> that<00:04:19.000> tune<00:04:19.299> in<00:04:19.479> turn<00:04:19.750> on alternate selves that tune in turn on alternate selves that tune in turn on drop<00:04:20.350> out<00:04:20.590> thoughts<00:04:21.220> perceptions<00:04:21.700> feelings drop out thoughts perceptions feelings drop out thoughts perceptions feelings and<00:04:22.720> memories<00:04:22.900> we<00:04:23.620> tend<00:04:23.860> to<00:04:23.950> think<00:04:24.070> of and memories we tend to think of and memories we tend to think of emotions<00:04:24.669> as<00:04:24.820> just<00:04:25.060> feelings<00:04:25.630> but<00:04:25.930> in<00:04:26.020> fact emotions as just feelings but in fact emotions as just feelings but in fact emotions<00:04:26.770> aren't<00:04:26.979> all<00:04:27.160> systems<00:04:27.700> alert<00:04:28.030> to emotions aren't all systems alert to emotions aren't all systems alert to change<00:04:28.630> what<00:04:29.200> we<00:04:29.380> remember<00:04:29.919> how<00:04:30.220> what<00:04:30.640> kind<00:04:30.789> of change what we remember how what kind of change what we remember how what kind of decisions<00:04:31.390> we<00:04:31.599> make<00:04:31.900> and<00:04:32.169> how<00:04:32.950> we<00:04:33.010> perceive decisions we make and how we perceive decisions we make and how we perceive things things things so<00:04:34.539> let<00:04:34.690> me<00:04:34.720> go<00:04:34.870> forward<00:04:35.229> to<00:04:35.289> the<00:04:35.380> new<00:04:35.560> science so let me go forward to the new science so let me go forward to the new science of<00:04:36.070> happiness<00:04:36.250> we've<00:04:36.610> come<00:04:36.820> away<00:04:37.060> from<00:04:37.120> the of happiness we've come away from the of happiness we've come away from the forty<00:04:37.780> and<00:04:37.870> gloom<00:04:38.139> and<00:04:38.380> people<00:04:38.680> are<00:04:38.770> now forty and gloom and people are now forty and gloom and people are now actively<00:04:40.090> studying<00:04:40.600> this<00:04:40.690> and<00:04:40.750> one<00:04:41.169> of<00:04:41.259> the actively studying this and one of the actively studying this and one of the key<00:04:41.620> points<00:04:41.949> in<00:04:42.280> the<00:04:42.370> science<00:04:42.639> of<00:04:42.699> happiness key points in the science of happiness key points in the science of happiness is<00:04:43.330> that<00:04:43.479> happiness<00:04:43.840> and<00:04:43.990> unhappiness<00:04:44.199> are is that happiness and unhappiness are is that happiness and unhappiness are not<00:04:45.160> endpoints<00:04:46.000> of<00:04:46.120> a<00:04:46.300> single<00:04:46.770> continuum<00:04:47.770> the not endpoints of a single continuum the not endpoints of a single continuum the Freudian<00:04:48.880> model<00:04:49.210> is<00:04:49.389> really<00:04:49.780> one<00:04:50.139> continuum Freudian model is really one continuum Freudian model is really one continuum that<00:04:51.280> as<00:04:51.490> you<00:04:51.699> get<00:04:51.940> less<00:04:52.330> miserable<00:04:53.490> you<00:04:54.490> get that as you get less miserable you get that as you get less miserable you get happier<00:04:55.090> and<00:04:55.449> that<00:04:55.509> isn't<00:04:55.750> sure<00:04:55.990> when<00:04:56.169> you<00:04:56.229> get happier and that isn't sure when you get happier and that isn't sure when you get less<00:04:56.500> miserable<00:04:56.800> you<00:04:57.340> get<00:04:57.520> less<00:04:57.940> miserable less miserable you get less miserable less miserable you get less miserable and<00:04:59.350> that<00:04:59.410> happiness<00:04:59.830> is<00:05:00.100> a<00:05:00.190> whole<00:05:00.400> other<00:05:00.550> end and that happiness is a whole other end and that happiness is a whole other end of<00:05:01.389> the<00:05:01.509> equation<00:05:02.080> and<00:05:02.289> it's<00:05:02.680> been<00:05:02.860> missing of the equation and it's been missing of the equation and it's been missing it's<00:05:03.370> been<00:05:03.490> missing<00:05:03.639> from<00:05:03.910> psychotherapy<00:05:04.810> so it's been missing from psychotherapy so it's been missing from psychotherapy so when<00:05:05.169> people's<00:05:05.530> symptoms<00:05:05.919> go<00:05:06.100> away<00:05:06.130> they<00:05:07.120> tend when people's symptoms go away they tend when people's symptoms go away they tend to<00:05:07.449> recur<00:05:07.900> because<00:05:08.380> there<00:05:08.530> isn't<00:05:08.680> a<00:05:08.889> sense<00:05:09.190> of to recur because there isn't a sense of to recur because there isn't a sense of the<00:05:09.490> other<00:05:09.669> half<00:05:10.090> of<00:05:10.419> what<00:05:10.599> pleasure the other half of what pleasure the other half of what pleasure happiness<00:05:11.410> compassion<00:05:12.250> gratitude<00:05:12.370> what<00:05:13.210> are happiness compassion gratitude what are happiness compassion gratitude what are the<00:05:13.780> positive<00:05:14.259> emotions<00:05:14.830> and<00:05:15.220> of<00:05:15.280> course<00:05:15.520> we the positive emotions and of course we the positive emotions and of course we know<00:05:15.849> this<00:05:16.060> intuitively<00:05:16.630> that<00:05:16.990> happiness<00:05:17.320> is know this intuitively that happiness is know this intuitively that happiness is not<00:05:17.680> just<00:05:17.979> the<00:05:18.099> absence<00:05:18.400> of<00:05:18.550> misery<00:05:18.970> but not just the absence of misery but not just the absence of misery but somehow<00:05:19.870> it<00:05:20.440> was<00:05:20.740> not<00:05:20.979> put<00:05:21.610> forward<00:05:21.639> and<00:05:22.300> to somehow it was not put forward and to somehow it was not put forward and to very<00:05:22.599> recently<00:05:22.990> seeing<00:05:23.380> these<00:05:23.530> as<00:05:23.740> two very recently seeing these as two very recently seeing these as two parallel<00:05:24.400> systems<00:05:25.150> so<00:05:25.690> that<00:05:25.900> the<00:05:26.020> body<00:05:26.229> can parallel systems so that the body can parallel systems so that the body can both<00:05:26.710> look<00:05:27.160> for<00:05:27.370> opportunity<00:05:28.060> and<00:05:28.360> also both look for opportunity and also both look for opportunity and also protect<00:05:29.500> itself<00:05:29.710> from<00:05:29.800> danger<00:05:30.280> at<00:05:30.460> the<00:05:30.699> same protect itself from danger at the same protect itself from danger at the same time<00:05:31.270> there's<00:05:31.570> no<00:05:31.690> two<00:05:31.900> reciprocal<00:05:32.470> and time there's no two reciprocal and time there's no two reciprocal and dynamically<00:05:33.190> interacting<00:05:33.849> systems<00:05:34.560> people dynamically interacting systems people dynamically interacting systems people have<00:05:35.680> also<00:05:35.800> wanted<00:05:36.160> to<00:05:36.250> deconstruct<00:05:36.639> we<00:05:37.150> use have also wanted to deconstruct we use have also wanted to deconstruct we use this<00:05:37.419> word<00:05:37.570> happy<00:05:38.050> and<00:05:38.229> it's<00:05:38.349> a<00:05:38.470> very<00:05:38.710> large this word happy and it's a very large this word happy and it's a very large umbrella<00:05:39.669> of<00:05:39.880> a<00:05:39.970> term<00:05:40.270> that<00:05:41.260> three<00:05:41.620> emotions umbrella of a term that three emotions umbrella of a term that three emotions for<00:05:42.310> which<00:05:42.430> there<00:05:42.610> are<00:05:42.760> no<00:05:43.000> English<00:05:43.360> words for which there are no English words for which there are no English words funeral<00:05:44.409> which<00:05:44.620> is<00:05:44.860> to<00:05:45.490> pride<00:05:45.880> in funeral which is to pride in funeral which is to pride in accomplishment<00:05:47.199> of<00:05:47.289> a<00:05:47.380> challenge accomplishment of a challenge accomplishment of a challenge schadenfreude<00:05:48.639> which<00:05:49.419> is<00:05:49.630> happiness<00:05:50.289> in schadenfreude which is happiness in schadenfreude which is happiness in another's<00:05:50.949> misfortune<00:05:51.159> and<00:05:52.090> the<00:05:52.150> malicious another's misfortune and the malicious another's misfortune and the malicious pleasure<00:05:52.990> and<00:05:53.440> now<00:05:54.039> this<00:05:54.310> it's<00:05:54.580> sort<00:05:54.699> of<00:05:54.729> pride pleasure and now this it's sort of pride pleasure and now this it's sort of pride and<00:05:55.240> joy<00:05:55.389> and<00:05:55.449> one's<00:05:55.750> children<00:05:56.460> absent<00:05:57.460> from and joy and one's children absent from and joy and one's children absent from this<00:05:57.729> list<00:05:58.000> and<00:05:58.120> absence<00:05:58.479> from<00:05:58.599> any this list and absence from any this list and absence from any discussions<00:05:59.349> of<00:05:59.560> happiness<00:06:00.039> our<00:06:00.220> happiness discussions of happiness our happiness discussions of happiness our happiness in<00:06:01.150> another's<00:06:01.510> happiness<00:06:02.229> we<00:06:02.409> don't<00:06:02.590> seem<00:06:02.770> to in another's happiness we don't seem to in another's happiness we don't seem to have<00:06:03.039> a<00:06:03.250> word<00:06:03.759> for<00:06:03.970> that<00:06:04.150> we<00:06:04.690> are<00:06:04.810> very have a word for that we are very have a word for that we are very sensitive<00:06:05.650> to<00:06:05.770> the<00:06:05.860> negative<00:06:06.250> but<00:06:06.789> it's<00:06:07.090> in sensitive to the negative but it's in sensitive to the negative but it's in part<00:06:07.449> offset<00:06:07.930> by<00:06:08.080> the<00:06:08.139> fact<00:06:08.470> that<00:06:08.590> we<00:06:08.800> have<00:06:09.009> a part offset by the fact that we have a part offset by the fact that we have a positivity positivity positivity we're<00:06:10.750> also<00:06:11.110> born<00:06:11.830> pleasure<00:06:12.310> seekers<00:06:12.849> babies we're also born pleasure seekers babies we're also born pleasure seekers babies love<00:06:13.780> the<00:06:13.990> taste<00:06:14.199> of<00:06:14.409> sweet<00:06:14.770> sweet<00:06:15.130> and<00:06:15.490> hate love the taste of sweet sweet and hate love the taste of sweet sweet and hate the<00:06:15.820> taste<00:06:16.000> of<00:06:16.270> bitter<00:06:16.990> they<00:06:17.349> love<00:06:17.590> to<00:06:17.710> talk the taste of bitter they love to talk the taste of bitter they love to talk touch<00:06:18.370> smooth<00:06:18.729> services<00:06:19.330> rather<00:06:19.659> than<00:06:19.840> rough touch smooth services rather than rough touch smooth services rather than rough ones<00:06:20.440> they'd<00:06:20.620> like<00:06:20.770> to<00:06:20.800> look<00:06:21.009> at<00:06:21.099> beautiful ones they'd like to look at beautiful ones they'd like to look at beautiful faces<00:06:21.970> rather<00:06:22.539> than<00:06:22.840> playing<00:06:23.110> for<00:06:23.380> faces<00:06:24.220> they faces rather than playing for faces they faces rather than playing for faces they like<00:06:24.639> to<00:06:24.820> listen<00:06:25.000> to<00:06:25.090> constant<00:06:25.720> melodies like to listen to constant melodies like to listen to constant melodies instead<00:06:26.440> of<00:06:26.530> dissonant<00:06:27.009> melodies<00:06:27.099> babies instead of dissonant melodies babies instead of dissonant melodies babies really<00:06:28.240> are<00:06:28.449> born<00:06:28.840> with<00:06:29.229> a<00:06:29.470> lot<00:06:29.889> of<00:06:29.949> innate really are born with a lot of innate really are born with a lot of innate pleasures<00:06:31.690> it<00:06:32.530> was<00:06:32.680> once<00:06:32.919> a<00:06:33.070> statement<00:06:33.310> made pleasures it was once a statement made pleasures it was once a statement made by<00:06:33.669> a<00:06:34.090> psychologist<00:06:34.690> that<00:06:35.380> said<00:06:35.590> that<00:06:35.830> 80%<00:06:36.610> of by a psychologist that said that 80% of by a psychologist that said that 80% of the<00:06:37.120> pursuit<00:06:37.419> of<00:06:37.479> happiness<00:06:37.599> is<00:06:38.080> really<00:06:38.380> just the pursuit of happiness is really just the pursuit of happiness is really just about<00:06:39.009> the<00:06:39.159> genes<00:06:39.430> and<00:06:39.759> this<00:06:39.849> is<00:06:39.970> difficult<00:06:40.449> to about the genes and this is difficult to about the genes and this is difficult to become<00:06:41.080> happier<00:06:41.500> as<00:06:41.740> it<00:06:41.889> is<00:06:41.979> become<00:06:42.340> taller become happier as it is become taller become happier as it is become taller that's<00:06:43.570> nonsense that's nonsense that's nonsense there's<00:06:45.039> there<00:06:45.250> is<00:06:45.279> a<00:06:45.400> decent<00:06:46.029> contribution there's there is a decent contribution there's there is a decent contribution happiness<00:06:47.379> from<00:06:47.979> the<00:06:48.039> genes<00:06:48.370> about<00:06:48.639> 50%<00:06:49.479> but happiness from the genes about 50% but happiness from the genes about 50% but there<00:06:50.139> is<00:06:50.229> still<00:06:50.410> 50%<00:06:51.250> that's<00:06:51.430> unaccounted there is still 50% that's unaccounted there is still 50% that's unaccounted for<00:06:52.349> let's<00:06:53.349> just<00:06:53.470> go<00:06:53.680> into<00:06:53.889> the<00:06:54.099> brain<00:06:54.310> for<00:06:54.610> a for let's just go into the brain for a for let's just go into the brain for a moment<00:06:55.090> and<00:06:55.240> see<00:06:55.389> where<00:06:55.750> does<00:06:56.229> happiness moment and see where does happiness moment and see where does happiness arise<00:06:57.460> from<00:06:58.060> and<00:06:58.389> evolution<00:06:58.900> we<00:06:59.020> have arise from and evolution we have arise from and evolution we have basically<00:07:00.009> at<00:07:00.190> least<00:07:00.340> two<00:07:00.610> systems<00:07:01.090> here<00:07:01.509> and basically at least two systems here and basically at least two systems here and they<00:07:02.710> both<00:07:02.889> very<00:07:03.310> ancient<00:07:03.819> one<00:07:04.150> is<00:07:04.479> the<00:07:04.690> reward they both very ancient one is the reward they both very ancient one is the reward system<00:07:05.590> and<00:07:05.800> that's<00:07:06.400> fed<00:07:06.639> by<00:07:06.819> the<00:07:06.879> chemical system and that's fed by the chemical system and that's fed by the chemical dopamine<00:07:07.629> and<00:07:08.199> it<00:07:08.650> starts<00:07:08.979> in<00:07:09.099> the<00:07:09.129> ventral dopamine and it starts in the ventral dopamine and it starts in the ventral tegmental<00:07:09.699> area<00:07:10.240> goes<00:07:10.720> to<00:07:10.930> nucleus<00:07:11.229> accumbens tegmental area goes to nucleus accumbens tegmental area goes to nucleus accumbens all<00:07:11.979> the<00:07:12.099> way<00:07:12.159> up<00:07:12.250> to<00:07:12.370> prefrontal<00:07:12.819> cortex all the way up to prefrontal cortex all the way up to prefrontal cortex orbital<00:07:13.990> frontal<00:07:14.169> cortex<00:07:14.349> where<00:07:15.009> decisions orbital frontal cortex where decisions orbital frontal cortex where decisions are<00:07:15.610> made<00:07:15.729> high-level<00:07:16.330> this<00:07:17.110> was<00:07:17.590> originally are made high-level this was originally are made high-level this was originally seen<00:07:18.370> as<00:07:18.400> a<00:07:18.550> system<00:07:19.030> that<00:07:19.300> was<00:07:19.419> the<00:07:19.569> pleasure seen as a system that was the pleasure seen as a system that was the pleasure system<00:07:20.319> of<00:07:20.440> the<00:07:20.530> brain<00:07:20.740> in<00:07:20.889> the<00:07:20.979> 1950s<00:07:21.880> olds system of the brain in the 1950s olds system of the brain in the 1950s olds had<00:07:22.960> milder<00:07:23.349> put<00:07:24.009> electrodes<00:07:24.460> into<00:07:24.669> the<00:07:24.789> brain had milder put electrodes into the brain had milder put electrodes into the brain of<00:07:25.240> a<00:07:25.419> rat<00:07:25.630> and<00:07:25.960> the<00:07:26.020> rat<00:07:26.349> would<00:07:26.560> just<00:07:26.830> keep of a rat and the rat would just keep of a rat and the rat would just keep pressing<00:07:27.370> that<00:07:27.699> bar<00:07:28.199> thousands<00:07:29.199> and pressing that bar thousands and pressing that bar thousands and thousands<00:07:29.710> and<00:07:29.800> thousands<00:07:30.190> of<00:07:30.250> time<00:07:30.490> it thousands and thousands of time it thousands and thousands of time it wouldn't<00:07:31.300> eat<00:07:31.509> it<00:07:31.720> wouldn't<00:07:31.990> sleep<00:07:32.199> it wouldn't eat it wouldn't sleep it wouldn't eat it wouldn't sleep it wouldn't<00:07:33.039> have<00:07:33.280> sex<00:07:33.550> it<00:07:33.819> wouldn't<00:07:34.060> do wouldn't have sex it wouldn't do wouldn't have sex it wouldn't do anything<00:07:34.360> to<00:07:34.539> press<00:07:34.750> this<00:07:34.930> bar<00:07:35.169> so<00:07:35.380> they anything to press this bar so they anything to press this bar so they assumed<00:07:35.889> well<00:07:36.069> it<00:07:36.729> must<00:07:37.030> really<00:07:37.509> this<00:07:37.659> must<00:07:37.870> be assumed well it must really this must be assumed well it must really this must be the<00:07:38.409> brains<00:07:38.650> orgasmatron<00:07:39.400> it<00:07:39.849> turned<00:07:40.180> out the brains orgasmatron it turned out the brains orgasmatron it turned out that<00:07:40.599> it<00:07:40.719> wasn't<00:07:40.870> that<00:07:41.710> it<00:07:41.860> really<00:07:42.099> is<00:07:42.370> a that it wasn't that it really is a that it wasn't that it really is a system<00:07:42.789> of<00:07:43.180> motivation<00:07:43.990> a<00:07:44.080> system<00:07:44.440> of<00:07:44.620> wanting system of motivation a system of wanting system of motivation a system of wanting it<00:07:46.120> gives<00:07:46.509> objects<00:07:47.440> what's<00:07:47.590> called<00:07:47.770> incentive it gives objects what's called incentive it gives objects what's called incentive salience<00:07:49.000> it<00:07:49.240> makes<00:07:49.449> something<00:07:49.840> look<00:07:49.990> so salience it makes something look so salience it makes something look so attractive<00:07:50.979> that<00:07:51.009> you<00:07:51.219> just<00:07:51.460> have<00:07:51.669> to<00:07:51.819> go attractive that you just have to go attractive that you just have to go after<00:07:52.120> it<00:07:52.419> that's<00:07:53.199> something<00:07:53.620> different<00:07:53.830> from after it that's something different from after it that's something different from the<00:07:54.520> system<00:07:54.729> that<00:07:55.150> is<00:07:56.050> the<00:07:56.740> pleasure<00:07:56.979> system the system that is the pleasure system the system that is the pleasure system which<00:07:57.639> simply<00:07:57.909> says<00:07:58.120> I<00:07:58.330> like<00:07:58.719> this<00:07:59.020> the which simply says I like this the which simply says I like this the pleasure<00:07:59.740> system<00:08:00.280> as<00:08:00.400> you<00:08:00.520> see<00:08:00.550> which<00:08:01.030> up<00:08:01.270> is pleasure system as you see which up is pleasure system as you see which up is the<00:08:01.810> internal<00:08:02.050> opiates<00:08:02.590> there's<00:08:02.889> a<00:08:02.949> hormone the internal opiates there's a hormone the internal opiates there's a hormone oxytocin<00:08:03.759> is<00:08:04.599> widely<00:08:05.020> spread<00:08:05.440> throughout<00:08:05.830> the oxytocin is widely spread throughout the oxytocin is widely spread throughout the brain<00:08:06.300> dopamine<00:08:07.300> system<00:08:07.690> the<00:08:08.050> wanting<00:08:08.590> system brain dopamine system the wanting system brain dopamine system the wanting system is<00:08:09.159> much<00:08:09.610> more<00:08:09.819> centralized<00:08:10.330> the<00:08:10.630> other<00:08:10.750> thing is much more centralized the other thing is much more centralized the other thing about<00:08:10.990> positive<00:08:11.830> emotions<00:08:11.949> is<00:08:12.400> they<00:08:12.490> have<00:08:12.639> a about positive emotions is they have a about positive emotions is they have a universal<00:08:13.210> signal<00:08:13.750> and<00:08:13.990> we<00:08:14.680> see<00:08:14.860> here<00:08:15.039> the universal signal and we see here the universal signal and we see here the smile<00:08:15.639> and<00:08:15.940> the<00:08:16.409> universal<00:08:17.409> signal<00:08:17.710> is<00:08:17.830> not smile and the universal signal is not smile and the universal signal is not just<00:08:18.250> raising<00:08:18.610> the<00:08:18.669> corner<00:08:18.969> of<00:08:19.090> the<00:08:19.180> lips<00:08:19.389> into just raising the corner of the lips into just raising the corner of the lips into the<00:08:20.289> zygomatic<00:08:20.740> major<00:08:20.919> it's<00:08:21.460> also<00:08:21.669> crinkling the zygomatic major it's also crinkling the zygomatic major it's also crinkling the<00:08:22.569> outer<00:08:22.750> corner<00:08:23.199> of<00:08:23.259> the<00:08:23.319> eye<00:08:23.380> the the outer corner of the eye the the outer corner of the eye the orbicularis<00:08:24.750> oculi<00:08:25.750> up<00:08:26.259> so<00:08:26.770> you<00:08:26.830> see<00:08:27.279> even<00:08:27.789> ten orbicularis oculi up so you see even ten orbicularis oculi up so you see even ten month<00:08:28.150> old<00:08:28.240> babies<00:08:28.779> when<00:08:28.960> they<00:08:29.050> see<00:08:29.110> their month old babies when they see their month old babies when they see their mother<00:08:29.650> will<00:08:29.919> show<00:08:30.130> this<00:08:30.310> particular<00:08:30.610> kind<00:08:30.940> of mother will show this particular kind of mother will show this particular kind of smile<00:08:31.750> extroverts<00:08:32.529> use<00:08:32.770> it<00:08:32.919> more<00:08:33.070> than smile extroverts use it more than smile extroverts use it more than introverts<00:08:33.700> people<00:08:34.599> who<00:08:34.839> were<00:08:34.990> relieved<00:08:35.589> from introverts people who were relieved from introverts people who were relieved from depression<00:08:36.279> show<00:08:36.430> it<00:08:36.550> more<00:08:36.729> after<00:08:36.880> than depression show it more after than depression show it more after than before<00:08:37.779> so<00:08:38.529> if<00:08:38.680> you<00:08:38.770> want<00:08:38.950> to<00:08:39.010> unmask<00:08:39.399> a<00:08:39.700> true before so if you want to unmask a true before so if you want to unmask a true look<00:08:40.539> of<00:08:40.690> happiness<00:08:40.899> you<00:08:41.440> will<00:08:41.709> look<00:08:41.829> for<00:08:42.010> this look of happiness you will look for this look of happiness you will look for this expression<00:08:42.760> our<00:08:43.300> pleasures<00:08:43.750> are<00:08:43.870> really expression our pleasures are really expression our pleasures are really ancient<00:08:44.950> and<00:08:45.130> we<00:08:45.579> learn<00:08:45.940> of<00:08:46.209> course<00:08:46.450> many<00:08:46.720> many ancient and we learn of course many many ancient and we learn of course many many pleasures<00:08:47.140> but<00:08:47.440> many<00:08:47.589> of<00:08:47.709> them<00:08:47.800> are<00:08:47.950> based<00:08:48.190> and pleasures but many of them are based and pleasures but many of them are based and one<00:08:48.550> of<00:08:48.640> course<00:08:48.760> is<00:08:48.940> Biophilia<00:08:49.720> that<00:08:49.959> we<00:08:50.079> have one of course is Biophilia that we have one of course is Biophilia that we have a<00:08:50.430> response<00:08:51.430> to<00:08:51.670> the<00:08:51.760> natural<00:08:52.209> world<00:08:52.360> that's a response to the natural world that's a response to the natural world that's very<00:08:52.779> profound<00:08:53.310> very<00:08:54.310> interesting<00:08:54.850> studies very profound very interesting studies very profound very interesting studies done<00:08:55.420> on<00:08:55.630> people<00:08:55.899> recovering<00:08:56.829> from<00:08:57.550> surgery done on people recovering from surgery done on people recovering from surgery who who who found<00:08:58.970> that<00:08:59.180> people<00:08:59.540> who<00:08:59.630> faced<00:08:59.900> a<00:09:00.080> brick<00:09:00.290> wall found that people who faced a brick wall found that people who faced a brick wall versus<00:09:02.090> people<00:09:02.240> who<00:09:02.450> looked<00:09:02.690> out<00:09:02.810> on<00:09:02.990> trees versus people who looked out on trees versus people who looked out on trees and<00:09:03.530> nature<00:09:03.790> the<00:09:04.790> people<00:09:05.120> who<00:09:05.240> looked<00:09:05.480> out<00:09:05.570> the and nature the people who looked out the and nature the people who looked out the brick<00:09:05.900> wall<00:09:06.200> were<00:09:06.380> in<00:09:06.560> the<00:09:06.680> hospital<00:09:07.040> longer brick wall were in the hospital longer brick wall were in the hospital longer needed<00:09:08.000> more<00:09:08.210> medication<00:09:09.050> and<00:09:09.320> had<00:09:09.620> more needed more medication and had more needed more medication and had more medical<00:09:10.160> complications<00:09:10.850> there's<00:09:11.060> something medical complications there's something medical complications there's something very<00:09:11.480> restorative<00:09:12.230> about<00:09:12.530> nature<00:09:12.860> nets<00:09:13.070> and very restorative about nature nets and very restorative about nature nets and it's<00:09:13.760> part<00:09:14.000> of<00:09:14.120> how<00:09:14.270> we<00:09:14.330> are<00:09:14.840> tuned<00:09:15.590> humans it's part of how we are tuned humans it's part of how we are tuned humans particularly<00:09:16.760> so<00:09:16.940> we're<00:09:17.210> very<00:09:17.240> imitative particularly so we're very imitative particularly so we're very imitative creatures<00:09:18.740> and<00:09:18.980> we<00:09:19.100> imitate<00:09:19.370> from<00:09:19.820> almost<00:09:20.330> a creatures and we imitate from almost a creatures and we imitate from almost a second<00:09:20.750> we're<00:09:20.870> born<00:09:21.170> here's<00:09:21.530> a<00:09:21.590> three<00:09:21.950> week second we're born here's a three week second we're born here's a three week old<00:09:22.220> baby<00:09:22.490> and<00:09:22.880> if<00:09:23.360> you<00:09:23.450> stick<00:09:23.660> your<00:09:23.780> tongue old baby and if you stick your tongue old baby and if you stick your tongue out<00:09:24.080> at<00:09:24.200> this<00:09:24.350> baby<00:09:24.530> the<00:09:25.040> baby<00:09:25.250> will<00:09:25.490> do<00:09:25.670> the out at this baby the baby will do the out at this baby the baby will do the same<00:09:26.030> we<00:09:26.690> are<00:09:26.870> social<00:09:27.200> beings<00:09:27.230> from<00:09:27.860> the same we are social beings from the same we are social beings from the beginning<00:09:28.280> and<00:09:28.640> even<00:09:29.060> studies<00:09:29.450> of beginning and even studies of beginning and even studies of cooperation<00:09:30.500> show<00:09:30.890> that<00:09:31.130> cooperation cooperation show that cooperation cooperation show that cooperation between<00:09:32.060> individuals<00:09:32.870> lights<00:09:33.380> up<00:09:33.590> reward between individuals lights up reward between individuals lights up reward centers<00:09:34.490> of<00:09:34.640> the<00:09:34.730> brain<00:09:35.200> one<00:09:36.200> problem<00:09:36.590> that centers of the brain one problem that centers of the brain one problem that psychology<00:09:37.280> has<00:09:37.400> had<00:09:37.640> is<00:09:38.030> instead<00:09:38.300> of<00:09:38.390> looking psychology has had is instead of looking psychology has had is instead of looking at<00:09:39.050> this<00:09:39.410> intersubjectivity<00:09:40.220> or<00:09:40.730> the at this intersubjectivity or the at this intersubjectivity or the importance<00:09:42.020> of<00:09:42.170> the<00:09:42.230> social<00:09:42.680> brain<00:09:42.800> to<00:09:43.220> humans importance of the social brain to humans importance of the social brain to humans who<00:09:43.730> come<00:09:43.970> into<00:09:44.120> the<00:09:44.240> world<00:09:44.420> helpless<00:09:44.930> and who come into the world helpless and who come into the world helpless and need<00:09:45.800> each<00:09:45.920> other<00:09:46.070> tremendously<00:09:46.310> is<00:09:46.850> that need each other tremendously is that need each other tremendously is that they<00:09:47.120> focus<00:09:47.330> instead<00:09:47.690> on<00:09:47.870> the<00:09:48.620> self<00:09:48.920> and they focus instead on the self and they focus instead on the self and self-esteem<00:09:50.240> and<00:09:50.870> not<00:09:51.650> self<00:09:52.070> other<00:09:52.340> sort<00:09:53.030> of self-esteem and not self other sort of self-esteem and not self other sort of me<00:09:53.300> not<00:09:53.540> we<00:09:53.780> and<00:09:54.020> I<00:09:54.050> think<00:09:54.230> this<00:09:54.350> has<00:09:54.470> been<00:09:54.590> a me not we and I think this has been a me not we and I think this has been a really<00:09:54.800> tremendous<00:09:55.130> problem<00:09:55.730> it<00:09:55.820> goes really tremendous problem it goes really tremendous problem it goes against<00:09:56.270> our<00:09:56.390> biology<00:09:56.930> and<00:09:56.960> nature<00:09:57.650> and<00:09:57.860> has against our biology and nature and has against our biology and nature and has it<00:09:58.550> made<00:09:58.640> us<00:09:58.760> any<00:09:58.880> happier<00:09:59.300> at<00:09:59.420> all<00:09:59.540> because it made us any happier at all because it made us any happier at all because when<00:10:00.440> you<00:10:00.530> think<00:10:00.740> about<00:10:00.860> it<00:10:01.190> people<00:10:01.370> are when you think about it people are when you think about it people are happiest<00:10:02.090> when<00:10:02.240> in<00:10:02.720> flow<00:10:03.230> when<00:10:03.710> they're happiest when in flow when they're happiest when in flow when they're absorbed<00:10:04.520> in<00:10:04.640> something<00:10:05.000> out<00:10:05.120> in<00:10:05.210> the<00:10:05.240> world absorbed in something out in the world absorbed in something out in the world when<00:10:06.260> they're<00:10:06.380> with<00:10:06.470> other<00:10:06.560> people<00:10:07.160> when when they're with other people when when they're with other people when they're<00:10:07.580> active<00:10:08.030> engaged<00:10:08.480> in<00:10:08.660> sports they're active engaged in sports they're active engaged in sports focusing<00:10:09.740> a<00:10:09.800> loved<00:10:09.980> one<00:10:10.190> learning<00:10:10.760> having<00:10:10.970> sex focusing a loved one learning having sex focusing a loved one learning having sex whatever<00:10:11.960> they're<00:10:12.380> not<00:10:12.490> sitting<00:10:13.490> in<00:10:13.550> front<00:10:13.640> of whatever they're not sitting in front of whatever they're not sitting in front of the<00:10:13.910> mirror<00:10:14.240> trying<00:10:14.480> to<00:10:14.600> figure<00:10:14.840> themselves the mirror trying to figure themselves the mirror trying to figure themselves out<00:10:15.380> or<00:10:16.160> thinking<00:10:16.730> about<00:10:16.820> themselves<00:10:17.150> these out or thinking about themselves these out or thinking about themselves these are<00:10:17.690> not<00:10:17.990> the<00:10:18.260> periods<00:10:18.680> when<00:10:18.860> you<00:10:18.980> feel are not the periods when you feel are not the periods when you feel happiest<00:10:19.760> the<00:10:20.420> other<00:10:20.570> thing<00:10:20.870> is<00:10:21.050> that<00:10:21.290> a<00:10:21.440> piece happiest the other thing is that a piece happiest the other thing is that a piece of<00:10:21.650> evidence<00:10:21.920> is<00:10:22.280> if<00:10:22.460> you<00:10:22.610> look<00:10:22.940> at of evidence is if you look at of evidence is if you look at computerized<00:10:24.020> text<00:10:24.650> analysis<00:10:25.190> of<00:10:25.480> people<00:10:26.480> who computerized text analysis of people who computerized text analysis of people who commit<00:10:26.780> suicide<00:10:27.250> what<00:10:28.250> you<00:10:28.370> find<00:10:28.790> there<00:10:29.060> and commit suicide what you find there and commit suicide what you find there and it's<00:10:29.240> quite<00:10:29.420> interesting<00:10:29.450> is<00:10:30.110> use<00:10:30.560> of<00:10:30.770> the it's quite interesting is use of the it's quite interesting is use of the first-person<00:10:31.340> singular<00:10:32.060> I<00:10:32.360> mean<00:10:33.080> mine<00:10:33.560> not<00:10:34.040> me first-person singular I mean mine not me first-person singular I mean mine not me and<00:10:34.580> us<00:10:34.730> and<00:10:35.120> the<00:10:35.440> letters<00:10:36.440> are<00:10:36.560> less<00:10:36.800> hopeless and us and the letters are less hopeless and us and the letters are less hopeless and<00:10:38.150> they<00:10:38.210> are<00:10:38.390> really<00:10:38.630> alone<00:10:39.170> and<00:10:39.560> being and they are really alone and being and they are really alone and being alone<00:10:40.700> is<00:10:40.910> very<00:10:41.210> unnatural<00:10:41.510> to<00:10:42.140> the<00:10:42.620> human<00:10:42.920> and alone is very unnatural to the human and alone is very unnatural to the human and is<00:10:43.660> there's<00:10:44.660> a<00:10:44.720> profound<00:10:45.500> need<00:10:45.800> to<00:10:45.980> belong<00:10:46.220> but is there's a profound need to belong but is there's a profound need to belong but there<00:10:47.030> are<00:10:47.120> ways<00:10:47.300> in<00:10:47.330> which<00:10:47.540> our<00:10:47.990> evolutionary there are ways in which our evolutionary there are ways in which our evolutionary history<00:10:48.890> can<00:10:49.220> really<00:10:49.370> trip<00:10:49.610> us<00:10:49.730> up<00:10:49.910> because history can really trip us up because history can really trip us up because for<00:10:50.900> example<00:10:51.320> the<00:10:51.800> genes<00:10:52.070> don't<00:10:52.310> care<00:10:52.460> whether for example the genes don't care whether for example the genes don't care whether we're<00:10:52.760> happy<00:10:53.150> they<00:10:53.420> care<00:10:53.870> that<00:10:54.050> we<00:10:54.170> replicate we're happy they care that we replicate we're happy they care that we replicate that<00:10:55.280> we<00:10:55.670> pass<00:10:56.180> our<00:10:56.360> genes<00:10:56.630> on<00:10:56.870> so<00:10:57.290> for<00:10:57.440> example that we pass our genes on so for example that we pass our genes on so for example we<00:10:57.890> have<00:10:58.010> three<00:10:58.040> systems<00:10:58.760> that<00:10:59.570> that<00:10:59.900> underlie we have three systems that that underlie we have three systems that that underlie reproduction<00:11:01.100> because<00:11:01.250> it's<00:11:01.490> so<00:11:01.550> important reproduction because it's so important reproduction because it's so important there's<00:11:02.300> lust<00:11:02.630> which<00:11:02.930> is<00:11:03.050> just<00:11:03.370> when<00:11:04.370> to<00:11:04.760> have there's lust which is just when to have there's lust which is just when to have sex<00:11:05.180> and<00:11:05.480> that's<00:11:05.600> really<00:11:05.870> mediated<00:11:06.830> by<00:11:06.950> the sex and that's really mediated by the sex and that's really mediated by the sex<00:11:07.370> hormones<00:11:07.760> romantic<00:11:08.570> attraction<00:11:09.110> that sex hormones romantic attraction that sex hormones romantic attraction that gets<00:11:09.680> into<00:11:09.920> the<00:11:10.010> desire<00:11:10.370> system gets into the desire system gets into the desire system and<00:11:11.510> that's<00:11:11.690> dopamine<00:11:12.200> fed<00:11:12.410> and<00:11:12.620> that's<00:11:12.740> I and that's dopamine fed and that's I and that's dopamine fed and that's I must<00:11:13.070> have<00:11:13.250> this<00:11:13.400> one<00:11:13.610> person<00:11:14.089> there's must have this one person there's must have this one person there's attachment<00:11:15.140> which<00:11:15.290> is<00:11:15.320> oxytocin<00:11:15.710> and<00:11:16.339> the attachment which is oxytocin and the attachment which is oxytocin and the opiates<00:11:17.060> which<00:11:17.240> says<00:11:17.510> this<00:11:18.020> is<00:11:18.170> a<00:11:18.200> long-term opiates which says this is a long-term opiates which says this is a long-term bond<00:11:19.279> so<00:11:20.089> the<00:11:20.180> problem<00:11:20.570> is<00:11:20.720> that<00:11:20.990> as<00:11:21.140> humans bond so the problem is that as humans bond so the problem is that as humans these<00:11:21.950> three<00:11:22.220> can<00:11:22.370> separate<00:11:22.820> so<00:11:23.420> person<00:11:23.750> can these three can separate so person can these three can separate so person can be<00:11:23.960> no<00:11:24.020> long-term<00:11:24.290> attachment<00:11:25.480> become be no long-term attachment become be no long-term attachment become romantically<00:11:26.990> infatuated<00:11:27.589> with<00:11:27.620> someone romantically infatuated with someone romantically infatuated with someone else<00:11:28.070> and<00:11:28.370> what<00:11:28.700> I<00:11:28.730> have<00:11:28.880> sex<00:11:29.120> for<00:11:29.180> the<00:11:29.330> third else and what I have sex for the third else and what I have sex for the third person<00:11:29.980> the<00:11:30.980> other<00:11:31.130> way<00:11:31.310> in<00:11:31.370> which<00:11:31.580> our<00:11:31.700> genes person the other way in which our genes person the other way in which our genes can<00:11:32.180> sometimes<00:11:32.510> lead<00:11:32.690> us<00:11:32.810> astray<00:11:32.930> is<00:11:33.529> in can sometimes lead us astray is in can sometimes lead us astray is in social<00:11:34.100> status social status social status we<00:11:34.970> are<00:11:35.240> very<00:11:35.810> acutely<00:11:36.290> aware<00:11:36.440> of<00:11:36.890> our<00:11:36.980> social we are very acutely aware of our social we are very acutely aware of our social status<00:11:37.490> and<00:11:38.380> always<00:11:39.380> seek<00:11:39.650> you<00:11:40.250> know<00:11:40.279> to status and always seek you know to status and always seek you know to further<00:11:41.330> and<00:11:41.660> increase<00:11:42.020> it<00:11:42.320> now<00:11:42.770> in<00:11:42.860> the further and increase it now in the further and increase it now in the animal<00:11:43.190> world<00:11:43.339> is<00:11:43.490> only<00:11:43.670> one<00:11:43.850> way<00:11:44.060> to<00:11:44.089> increase animal world is only one way to increase animal world is only one way to increase status<00:11:44.960> and<00:11:45.080> as<00:11:45.140> dominance<00:11:45.680> you<00:11:45.920> know<00:11:46.070> I<00:11:46.100> I status and as dominance you know I I status and as dominance you know I I seize<00:11:47.089> command<00:11:47.540> by<00:11:47.750> physical<00:11:48.290> prowess<00:11:48.500> and<00:11:48.950> I seize command by physical prowess and I seize command by physical prowess and I keep<00:11:49.610> it<00:11:49.760> by<00:11:49.880> beating<00:11:50.089> my<00:11:50.300> chest<00:11:50.570> and<00:11:50.750> you<00:11:50.810> make keep it by beating my chest and you make keep it by beating my chest and you make submissive<00:11:51.470> gestures<00:11:51.800> now<00:11:52.490> the<00:11:52.550> human<00:11:53.210> has<00:11:53.420> a submissive gestures now the human has a submissive gestures now the human has a whole<00:11:53.690> other<00:11:53.870> way<00:11:54.140> to<00:11:54.200> rise<00:11:55.070> to<00:11:55.250> the<00:11:55.310> top<00:11:55.490> and whole other way to rise to the top and whole other way to rise to the top and that's<00:11:55.820> the<00:11:56.000> prestige<00:11:56.529> route<00:11:57.529> which<00:11:57.830> is that's the prestige route which is that's the prestige route which is freely<00:11:58.760> conferred<00:11:59.270> so<00:11:59.630> on<00:11:59.720> has<00:11:59.870> expertise<00:12:00.500> and freely conferred so on has expertise and freely conferred so on has expertise and knowledge<00:12:01.070> and<00:12:01.640> knows<00:12:02.120> how<00:12:02.270> to<00:12:02.360> do<00:12:02.540> things<00:12:02.750> and knowledge and knows how to do things and knowledge and knows how to do things and we<00:12:03.110> give<00:12:03.800> that<00:12:03.980> person<00:12:04.460> status<00:12:05.360> and<00:12:05.630> that's we give that person status and that's we give that person status and that's clearly<00:12:06.140> the<00:12:06.500> way<00:12:06.650> for<00:12:06.860> us<00:12:07.010> to<00:12:07.220> create<00:12:07.490> many clearly the way for us to create many clearly the way for us to create many more<00:12:07.970> niches<00:12:08.450> of<00:12:08.480> status<00:12:08.990> so<00:12:09.110> that<00:12:09.230> people more niches of status so that people more niches of status so that people don't<00:12:09.650> have<00:12:09.980> to<00:12:10.160> be<00:12:10.310> lower<00:12:10.820> on<00:12:11.120> the<00:12:11.240> status don't have to be lower on the status don't have to be lower on the status hierarchy<00:12:11.930> as<00:12:12.110> they<00:12:12.230> are<00:12:12.380> in<00:12:12.560> the<00:12:12.710> animal hierarchy as they are in the animal hierarchy as they are in the animal world<00:12:13.300> the<00:12:14.300> data<00:12:14.510> isn't<00:12:14.720> terribly<00:12:15.170> supportive world the data isn't terribly supportive world the data isn't terribly supportive of<00:12:15.740> money<00:12:15.950> buying<00:12:16.190> happiness<00:12:16.790> but<00:12:17.480> it's<00:12:17.870> not of money buying happiness but it's not of money buying happiness but it's not irrelevant<00:12:18.440> so<00:12:18.830> if<00:12:18.890> you<00:12:18.980> look<00:12:19.130> at<00:12:19.160> questions irrelevant so if you look at questions irrelevant so if you look at questions like<00:12:20.029> this<00:12:20.270> life<00:12:20.570> satisfaction<00:12:21.410> you<00:12:21.589> see<00:12:21.770> life like this life satisfaction you see life like this life satisfaction you see life satisfaction<00:12:22.220> going<00:12:22.910> up<00:12:23.120> with<00:12:23.420> each<00:12:23.570> rung<00:12:23.810> of satisfaction going up with each rung of satisfaction going up with each rung of income<00:12:24.410> you<00:12:24.890> see<00:12:25.100> mental<00:12:25.520> sim<00:12:25.730> and<00:12:25.940> mental income you see mental sim and mental income you see mental sim and mental distress<00:12:26.750> going<00:12:27.500> up<00:12:27.620> with<00:12:27.770> lower<00:12:28.220> income<00:12:28.730> so distress going up with lower income so distress going up with lower income so clearly<00:12:29.360> there's<00:12:29.660> some<00:12:30.260> effect<00:12:30.620> the<00:12:31.040> defect clearly there's some effect the defect clearly there's some effect the defect is<00:12:31.610> is<00:12:31.820> relatively<00:12:32.720> small<00:12:33.170> and<00:12:33.440> one<00:12:33.740> of<00:12:33.830> the is is relatively small and one of the is is relatively small and one of the problems<00:12:34.370> with<00:12:34.640> money<00:12:34.970> is<00:12:35.270> materialism<00:12:35.839> what problems with money is materialism what problems with money is materialism what happens<00:12:36.890> when<00:12:37.070> people<00:12:37.339> pursue<00:12:37.760> money<00:12:38.000> to happens when people pursue money to happens when people pursue money to avidly<00:12:38.990> is<00:12:39.290> they<00:12:39.500> forget<00:12:39.800> about<00:12:39.920> the<00:12:40.190> real avidly is they forget about the real avidly is they forget about the real basic<00:12:40.640> pleasures<00:12:40.970> of<00:12:41.000> life<00:12:41.270> so<00:12:42.020> we<00:12:42.140> have<00:12:42.320> here basic pleasures of life so we have here basic pleasures of life so we have here this<00:12:42.560> couple<00:12:42.920> do<00:12:43.070> you<00:12:43.160> think<00:12:43.370> the<00:12:43.520> less this couple do you think the less this couple do you think the less fortunate<00:12:44.060> or<00:12:44.300> having<00:12:44.540> better<00:12:44.690> sex<00:12:44.810> but<00:12:45.800> I'm fortunate or having better sex but I'm fortunate or having better sex but I'm this<00:12:46.040> kid<00:12:46.220> over<00:12:46.339> here<00:12:46.430> saying<00:12:46.790> leave<00:12:47.000> me<00:12:47.120> alone this kid over here saying leave me alone this kid over here saying leave me alone with<00:12:47.690> my<00:12:47.720> toys<00:12:48.140> and<00:12:48.589> so<00:12:48.800> one<00:12:49.190> of<00:12:49.220> the<00:12:49.310> things<00:12:49.580> is with my toys and so one of the things is with my toys and so one of the things is that<00:12:49.850> it<00:12:50.089> really<00:12:50.240> takes<00:12:50.480> over<00:12:50.720> that<00:12:51.110> whole that it really takes over that whole that it really takes over that whole dopamine<00:12:51.860> wanting<00:12:52.400> system<00:12:52.850> takes<00:12:53.510> over<00:12:53.779> in dopamine wanting system takes over in dopamine wanting system takes over in derails<00:12:54.290> from<00:12:54.709> any<00:12:54.800> of<00:12:54.920> the<00:12:55.010> pleasure<00:12:55.400> system derails from any of the pleasure system derails from any of the pleasure system Maslow<00:12:56.300> had<00:12:56.480> this<00:12:56.660> idea<00:12:57.080> back<00:12:57.260> in<00:12:57.380> the<00:12:57.440> 1950s Maslow had this idea back in the 1950s Maslow had this idea back in the 1950s that<00:12:58.310> as<00:12:58.550> people<00:12:58.970> rise<00:12:59.180> above<00:12:59.570> their that as people rise above their that as people rise above their biological<00:13:00.470> needs<00:13:00.709> as<00:13:00.950> the<00:13:01.250> world<00:13:01.430> becomes biological needs as the world becomes biological needs as the world becomes safer<00:13:02.390> and<00:13:02.570> we<00:13:02.630> don't<00:13:03.380> have<00:13:03.500> to<00:13:03.650> worry<00:13:03.920> about safer and we don't have to worry about safer and we don't have to worry about basic<00:13:04.760> needs<00:13:04.970> being<00:13:05.180> met<00:13:05.270> or<00:13:05.540> biological basic needs being met or biological basic needs being met or biological system<00:13:06.730> that<00:13:07.730> whatever<00:13:08.570> motivates<00:13:08.990> us<00:13:09.230> is system that whatever motivates us is system that whatever motivates us is being<00:13:09.560> satisfied<00:13:10.040> we<00:13:10.160> can<00:13:10.310> rise<00:13:10.520> above<00:13:10.790> them being satisfied we can rise above them being satisfied we can rise above them to<00:13:11.510> think<00:13:11.810> beyond<00:13:12.230> ourselves<00:13:12.860> towards to think beyond ourselves towards to think beyond ourselves towards self-actualization<00:13:14.029> or<00:13:14.450> transcendence<00:13:15.320> and self-actualization or transcendence and self-actualization or transcendence and rise<00:13:16.490> above<00:13:16.670> the<00:13:17.029> materialist<00:13:17.630> so<00:13:18.140> just rise above the materialist so just rise above the materialist so just quickly<00:13:18.920> conclude<00:13:19.520> with<00:13:19.820> some<00:13:20.540> brief<00:13:20.900> data quickly conclude with some brief data quickly conclude with some brief data that<00:13:21.410> suggests<00:13:21.800> this<00:13:22.040> might<00:13:22.250> be<00:13:22.400> so<00:13:22.720> one<00:13:23.720> is that suggests this might be so one is that suggests this might be so one is people<00:13:24.750> who<00:13:24.870> went<00:13:25.110> under<00:13:25.350> what<00:13:25.500> was<00:13:25.649> called<00:13:25.829> a people who went under what was called a people who went under what was called a quantum<00:13:26.699> change<00:13:26.730> they<00:13:27.570> felt<00:13:27.779> their<00:13:27.959> life<00:13:28.199> and quantum change they felt their life and quantum change they felt their life and that<00:13:28.529> whole<00:13:28.680> values<00:13:29.040> had<00:13:29.250> changed<00:13:29.670> and<00:13:29.880> sure that whole values had changed and sure that whole values had changed and sure enough<00:13:30.660> if<00:13:31.019> you<00:13:31.139> look<00:13:31.350> at<00:13:31.470> the<00:13:31.560> kinds<00:13:31.949> of enough if you look at the kinds of enough if you look at the kinds of values<00:13:32.160> that<00:13:32.490> come<00:13:32.699> in<00:13:32.970> you<00:13:33.120> see<00:13:33.329> wealth values that come in you see wealth values that come in you see wealth adventure<00:13:34.769> achievement<00:13:35.279> pleasure<00:13:35.519> fun<00:13:35.910> be adventure achievement pleasure fun be adventure achievement pleasure fun be respected<00:13:36.720> before<00:13:37.500> the<00:13:37.649> change<00:13:37.949> and<00:13:38.279> much respected before the change and much respected before the change and much more<00:13:38.880> post<00:13:39.690> materialist<00:13:40.290> values<00:13:40.709> after<00:13:41.300> women more post materialist values after women more post materialist values after women had<00:13:42.630> a<00:13:42.660> whole<00:13:42.810> different<00:13:43.139> set<00:13:43.290> of<00:13:43.350> values had a whole different set of values had a whole different set of values shifts<00:13:44.300> but<00:13:45.300> very<00:13:45.839> simply<00:13:46.110> the<00:13:46.260> only<00:13:46.290> one<00:13:46.500> that shifts but very simply the only one that shifts but very simply the only one that survived<00:13:46.920> there<00:13:47.130> was<00:13:47.250> happiness<00:13:47.459> they<00:13:47.820> went survived there was happiness they went survived there was happiness they went to<00:13:48.029> attractiveness<00:13:48.540> and<00:13:48.959> happiness<00:13:49.740> and to attractiveness and happiness and to attractiveness and happiness and wealth<00:13:50.459> and<00:13:50.670> self-control<00:13:51.269> to<00:13:51.510> generosity wealth and self-control to generosity wealth and self-control to generosity and<00:13:52.170> forgiveness<00:13:52.470> I<00:13:53.000> end<00:13:54.000> with<00:13:54.089> a<00:13:54.209> few<00:13:54.420> quotes and forgiveness I end with a few quotes and forgiveness I end with a few quotes there's<00:13:56.100> only<00:13:56.399> one<00:13:56.730> question<00:13:56.970> how<00:13:57.870> to<00:13:57.930> love there's only one question how to love there's only one question how to love this<00:13:58.380> world<00:13:58.589> and<00:13:59.630> yoga<00:14:00.630> if<00:14:00.870> your<00:14:01.050> daily<00:14:01.350> life this world and yoga if your daily life this world and yoga if your daily life seems<00:14:01.949> poor<00:14:02.250> do<00:14:02.820> not<00:14:03.000> blame<00:14:03.269> it<00:14:03.510> blame seems poor do not blame it blame seems poor do not blame it blame yourself<00:14:04.589> tell<00:14:05.250> yourself<00:14:05.610> that<00:14:05.670> you<00:14:05.850> are<00:14:05.940> not yourself tell yourself that you are not yourself tell yourself that you are not potent<00:14:06.540> enough<00:14:06.720> to<00:14:06.800> call<00:14:07.800> forth<00:14:08.100> its<00:14:08.250> riches potent enough to call forth its riches potent enough to call forth its riches and<00:14:09.930> say<00:14:10.139> to<00:14:10.199> yourself<00:14:10.290> what<00:14:10.709> you<00:14:10.860> would<00:14:11.040> be and say to yourself what you would be and say to yourself what you would be then<00:14:12.000> do<00:14:12.300> what<00:14:12.420> you<00:14:12.510> have<00:14:12.690> to<00:14:12.839> do<00:14:13.339> thank<00:14:14.339> you then do what you have to do thank you then do what you have to do thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]

Nancy Etcoff, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, cognitive, happy, happiness, how, to, happy, science, of, happiness

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