Không có phế liệu của đàn ông-Alberto Cairo

There are no scraps of men - Alberto Cairo

There are no scraps of men - Alberto Cairo


I<00:00:14.780> have<00:00:15.780> been<00:00:15.929> in<00:00:16.049> Afghanistan<00:00:16.170> for<00:00:16.830> 21<00:00:17.759> years
I have been in Afghanistan for 21 years I have been in Afghanistan for 21 years I<00:00:18.300> work<00:00:18.900> for<00:00:18.930> the<00:00:19.169> Red<00:00:19.710> Cross<00:00:19.740> and<00:00:21.410> I'm<00:00:22.410> a I work for the Red Cross and I'm a I work for the Red Cross and I'm a physiotherapist<00:00:23.869> my<00:00:24.869> job<00:00:25.140> is<00:00:25.349> to<00:00:25.380> make<00:00:25.710> arms physiotherapist my job is to make arms physiotherapist my job is to make arms and<00:00:26.969> legs<00:00:27.349> well<00:00:28.349> it's<00:00:28.710> not<00:00:28.919> completely<00:00:29.309> true and legs well it's not completely true and legs well it's not completely true we<00:00:29.939> do<00:00:30.119> more<00:00:30.689> than<00:00:30.869> that<00:00:31.550> we<00:00:32.550> provide<00:00:32.880> the we do more than that we provide the we do more than that we provide the patient<00:00:34.140> so<00:00:34.559> they<00:00:34.710> afghan<00:00:35.309> disabled<00:00:35.850> first patient so they afghan disabled first patient so they afghan disabled first with<00:00:36.480> the<00:00:36.629> physical<00:00:37.079> rehabilitation<00:00:37.910> then with the physical rehabilitation then with the physical rehabilitation then with<00:00:39.390> the<00:00:39.629> social<00:00:40.530> reintegration<00:00:41.210> it's<00:00:42.210> a with the social reintegration it's a with the social reintegration it's a very<00:00:42.750> logical<00:00:42.960> plan<00:00:43.820> but<00:00:44.820> it<00:00:44.940> was<00:00:45.120> not<00:00:45.329> always very logical plan but it was not always very logical plan but it was not always like<00:00:45.720> this<00:00:46.280> for<00:00:47.280> many<00:00:47.370> as<00:00:47.670> we<00:00:47.880> were<00:00:48.180> just like this for many as we were just like this for many as we were just providing<00:00:49.050> them<00:00:49.230> with<00:00:49.489> artificial<00:00:50.489> limbs<00:00:51.110> it providing them with artificial limbs it providing them with artificial limbs it took<00:00:52.350> quite<00:00:53.310> many<00:00:53.700> years<00:00:54.000> before<00:00:54.690> the<00:00:54.870> program took quite many years before the program took quite many years before the program for<00:00:55.829> the<00:00:55.950> program<00:00:56.130> to<00:00:56.460> become<00:00:56.610> what<00:00:57.210> it<00:00:57.360> is<00:00:57.480> now for the program to become what it is now for the program to become what it is now today<00:00:59.340> I<00:00:59.370> would<00:00:59.940> like<00:00:59.970> to<00:01:01.010> to<00:01:02.010> tell<00:01:02.190> you<00:01:02.309> a today I would like to to tell you a today I would like to to tell you a story<00:01:02.660> the<00:01:03.660> story<00:01:03.930> of<00:01:04.079> a<00:01:04.199> big<00:01:04.500> change<00:01:05.009> and<00:01:05.280> the story the story of a big change and the story the story of a big change and the story<00:01:06.000> of<00:01:06.180> the<00:01:06.360> people<00:01:06.689> who<00:01:06.840> made<00:01:07.110> this<00:01:07.500> change story of the people who made this change story of the people who made this change possible<00:01:08.850> i<00:01:09.200> arrived<00:01:10.200> in<00:01:10.350> afghanistan<00:01:10.920> in

1992<00:01:15.000> work<00:01:15.390> in<00:01:15.780> a<00:01:15.840> hospital<00:01:16.229> for<00:01:17.479> war<00:01:18.479> victims
1992 work in a hospital for war victims 1992 work in a hospital for war victims and<00:01:19.549> then<00:01:20.549> not<00:01:20.909> only<00:01:20.940> for<00:01:21.450> war<00:01:21.720> victims<00:01:21.900> that and then not only for war victims that and then not only for war victims that it<00:01:22.710> was<00:01:22.920> for<00:01:23.190> any<00:01:23.610> kind<00:01:23.940> of<00:01:24.120> patient<00:01:24.570> I<00:01:24.780> was it was for any kind of patient I was it was for any kind of patient I was also<00:01:26.010> working<00:01:26.340> in<00:01:26.760> the<00:01:27.770> orthopedic<00:01:28.770> center<00:01:28.979> we also working in the orthopedic center we also working in the orthopedic center we call<00:01:29.549> it<00:01:29.700> like<00:01:30.030> this<00:01:30.150> is<00:01:30.330> the<00:01:30.450> place<00:01:30.570> where<00:01:30.840> we call it like this is the place where we call it like this is the place where we make<00:01:31.140> the<00:01:31.170> legs<00:01:31.610> at<00:01:32.610> the<00:01:32.820> time<00:01:33.090> I<00:01:33.740> found<00:01:34.740> myself make the legs at the time I found myself make the legs at the time I found myself in<00:01:36.570> a<00:01:36.960> strange<00:01:37.290> situation<00:01:37.619> I<00:01:38.130> i<00:01:38.159> felt<00:01:38.700> quite in a strange situation I i felt quite in a strange situation I i felt quite not<00:01:40.350> ready<00:01:40.680> for<00:01:41.040> that<00:01:41.070> job<00:01:41.610> there<00:01:42.000> was<00:01:42.119> so<00:01:42.540> much not ready for that job there was so much not ready for that job there was so much to<00:01:43.110> learn<00:01:44.299> there<00:01:45.299> were<00:01:45.420> so<00:01:45.689> many<00:01:45.810> things<00:01:46.140> new to learn there were so many things new to learn there were so many things new to<00:01:46.590> me<00:01:46.740> but<00:01:46.770> it<00:01:47.100> was<00:01:47.220> a<00:01:47.250> terrific<00:01:47.520> job<00:01:48.229> but<00:01:49.229> as to me but it was a terrific job but as to me but it was a terrific job but as soon<00:01:49.530> as<00:01:49.650> the<00:01:49.799> fight<00:01:50.010> intensified<00:01:50.790> the soon as the fight intensified the soon as the fight intensified the physical<00:01:51.930> rehabilitation<00:01:52.170> was<00:01:52.860> suspended physical rehabilitation was suspended physical rehabilitation was suspended there<00:01:54.210> were<00:01:54.299> many<00:01:54.509> other<00:01:54.689> things<00:01:54.990> to<00:01:55.080> do<00:01:55.549> so there were many other things to do so there were many other things to do so the<00:01:56.790> orthopedic<00:01:57.270> center<00:01:57.420> was<00:01:57.720> closed<00:01:58.220> because the orthopedic center was closed because the orthopedic center was closed because physical<00:02:00.270> rehabilitation<00:02:00.780> was<00:02:01.530> not physical rehabilitation was not physical rehabilitation was not considered<00:02:02.189> a<00:02:02.610> priority<00:02:08.209> it<00:02:09.209> was<00:02:09.450> it<00:02:09.689> was<00:02:09.840> a considered a priority it was it was a considered a priority it was it was a strange<00:02:10.200> sensation<00:02:11.180> anyway<00:02:12.230> you<00:02:13.230> know<00:02:13.349> every strange sensation anyway you know every strange sensation anyway you know every time<00:02:13.769> I<00:02:13.980> make<00:02:14.610> this<00:02:14.879> speech<00:02:15.269> is<00:02:15.329> not<00:02:15.629> the<00:02:15.750> first time I make this speech is not the first time I make this speech is not the first time<00:02:16.049> that<00:02:16.200> is<00:02:16.530> is<00:02:16.950> an<00:02:17.250> emotion<00:02:17.700> is<00:02:17.790> something time that is is an emotion is something time that is is an emotion is something that<00:02:18.299> comes<00:02:18.599> comes<00:02:19.349> out<00:02:19.590> from<00:02:19.830> the<00:02:20.010> pastor's that comes comes out from the pastor's that comes comes out from the pastor's 21<00:02:21.950> years<00:02:22.070> but<00:02:22.370> they<00:02:22.460> are<00:02:22.550> still<00:02:22.760> all<00:02:23.090> there 21 years but they are still all there 21 years but they are still all there any<00:02:24.860> way<00:02:25.130> in<00:02:26.500> 1992<00:02:27.500> the<00:02:27.710> MU<00:02:27.830> J<00:02:27.860> Dean<00:02:28.160> took<00:02:28.400> all any way in 1992 the MU J Dean took all any way in 1992 the MU J Dean took all Afghanistan<00:02:30.140> and<00:02:30.550> the<00:02:31.550> orthopedic<00:02:32.300> center Afghanistan and the orthopedic center Afghanistan and the orthopedic center was<00:02:32.750> closed<00:02:33.020> I<00:02:33.260> was<00:02:34.130> assigned<00:02:34.760> to<00:02:35.330> work<00:02:35.870> for was closed I was assigned to work for was closed I was assigned to work for the<00:02:36.440> homeless<00:02:37.100> for<00:02:37.550> the<00:02:37.730> internally the homeless for the internally the homeless for the internally displaced<00:02:38.750> people<00:02:40.840> but<00:02:41.840> one<00:02:42.230> day<00:02:42.520> something displaced people but one day something displaced people but one day something happened<00:02:44.060> I<00:02:45.220> was<00:02:46.840> coming<00:02:47.840> back<00:02:47.990> from<00:02:48.140> a<00:02:48.590> big happened I was coming back from a big happened I was coming back from a big food<00:02:49.520> distribution<00:02:49.880> in<00:02:50.420> a<00:02:50.510> mosque<00:02:50.750> where food distribution in a mosque where food distribution in a mosque where thousand<00:02:52.490> aware<00:02:52.850> tens<00:02:53.570> and<00:02:53.900> tens<00:02:54.350> of<00:02:54.650> people thousand aware tens and tens of people thousand aware tens and tens of people were<00:02:55.190> squatting<00:02:55.880> in<00:02:56.270> terrible<00:02:56.840> condition<00:02:57.440> I were squatting in terrible condition I were squatting in terrible condition I wanted<00:02:59.240> to<00:02:59.330> go<00:02:59.450> home<00:02:59.600> I<00:02:59.780> was<00:02:59.930> driving<00:03:00.440> and<00:03:01.120> you wanted to go home I was driving and you wanted to go home I was driving and you know<00:03:02.240> when<00:03:02.630> you<00:03:02.660> want<00:03:03.230> to<00:03:03.320> forget<00:03:03.470> you<00:03:03.950> don't know when you want to forget you don't know when you want to forget you don't want<00:03:04.640> to<00:03:04.790> see<00:03:05.030> things<00:03:05.300> you<00:03:05.690> just<00:03:05.930> want<00:03:06.350> to<00:03:06.440> go want to see things you just want to go want to see things you just want to go to<00:03:07.100> your<00:03:07.340> room<00:03:07.580> to<00:03:07.610> lock<00:03:08.030> yourself<00:03:08.420> inside<00:03:08.600> and to your room to lock yourself inside and to your room to lock yourself inside and and<00:03:09.770> said<00:03:10.040> that's<00:03:10.640> enough<00:03:10.880> a<00:03:12.340> bomb<00:03:13.340> fell<00:03:14.180> not and said that's enough a bomb fell not and said that's enough a bomb fell not far<00:03:14.870> from<00:03:15.020> my<00:03:15.200> car<00:03:15.470> what<00:03:16.310> far<00:03:16.580> enough<00:03:16.820> but<00:03:17.120> big far from my car what far enough but big far from my car what far enough but big noise<00:03:17.930> and<00:03:18.320> and<00:03:20.470> everybody<00:03:21.470> disappear<00:03:21.920> from noise and and everybody disappear from noise and and everybody disappear from the<00:03:22.220> street<00:03:22.460> the<00:03:23.240> cars<00:03:23.510> disappeared<00:03:24.080> as<00:03:24.230> well the street the cars disappeared as well the street the cars disappeared as well I<00:03:25.210> a<00:03:26.210> doctor<00:03:26.870> and<00:03:27.610> only<00:03:28.610> one<00:03:28.790> figure<00:03:29.300> remain<00:03:30.050> in I a doctor and only one figure remain in I a doctor and only one figure remain in the<00:03:30.350> middle<00:03:30.620> of<00:03:30.680> day<00:03:30.920> of<00:03:31.160> the<00:03:31.370> road<00:03:31.570> was<00:03:32.570> a<00:03:32.600> man the middle of day of the road was a man the middle of day of the road was a man on<00:03:32.840> a<00:03:32.960> wheelchair<00:03:34.210> desperately<00:03:35.210> trying<00:03:35.480> to<00:03:35.660> to on a wheelchair desperately trying to to on a wheelchair desperately trying to to move<00:03:36.560> away<00:03:37.180> well<00:03:38.180> I'm<00:03:38.450> not<00:03:38.660> a<00:03:38.690> particularly move away well I'm not a particularly move away well I'm not a particularly brave<00:03:39.560> person<00:03:39.860> I<00:03:40.130> have<00:03:40.280> to<00:03:40.340> confess<00:03:40.730> it<00:03:40.970> but brave person I have to confess it but brave person I have to confess it but but<00:03:42.770> but<00:03:43.340> i<00:03:44.050> could<00:03:45.050> not<00:03:45.140> just<00:03:45.890> ignore<00:03:46.250> him<00:03:46.400> so<00:03:46.790> i but but i could not just ignore him so i but but i could not just ignore him so i stopped<00:03:47.120> the<00:03:47.270> car<00:03:47.480> and<00:03:48.040> died<00:03:49.040> I<00:03:49.340> I<00:03:49.820> went<00:03:50.330> to stopped the car and died I I went to stopped the car and died I I went to help<00:03:51.460> the<00:03:52.460> man<00:03:52.610> was<00:03:53.320> without<00:03:54.320> legs<00:03:54.650> and<00:03:55.430> only help the man was without legs and only help the man was without legs and only without<00:03:56.660> with<00:03:56.930> one<00:03:57.320> arm<00:03:57.700> behind<00:03:58.700> him<00:03:59.060> there without with one arm behind him there without with one arm behind him there was<00:03:59.300> a<00:03:59.360> child<00:03:59.690> his<00:04:00.080> son<00:04:00.410> the<00:04:00.680> red<00:04:01.580> in<00:04:01.940> the<00:04:02.060> face was a child his son the red in the face was a child his son the red in the face in<00:04:02.960> the<00:04:03.020> effort<00:04:03.230> to<00:04:04.210> push<00:04:05.210> the<00:04:05.420> father<00:04:06.130> so<00:04:07.130> I in the effort to push the father so I in the effort to push the father so I took<00:04:07.310> him<00:04:07.610> to<00:04:07.730> a<00:04:07.910> safe<00:04:08.210> place<00:04:08.270> and<00:04:08.960> and<00:04:09.740> I<00:04:10.480> asked took him to a safe place and and I asked took him to a safe place and and I asked what<00:04:12.470> are<00:04:12.500> you<00:04:12.740> doing<00:04:13.010> out<00:04:13.100> in<00:04:13.160> the<00:04:13.400> street<00:04:13.670> in what are you doing out in the street in what are you doing out in the street in this<00:04:14.210> in<00:04:14.570> this<00:04:14.720> situation<00:04:15.140> I<00:04:15.650> work<00:04:16.520> he<00:04:16.880> said<00:04:17.120> I this in this situation I work he said I this in this situation I work he said I wonder<00:04:18.260> what<00:04:19.130> work<00:04:19.400> and<00:04:20.390> then<00:04:21.109> I<00:04:21.230> asked<00:04:21.380> even wonder what work and then I asked even wonder what work and then I asked even more<00:04:22.640> stupid<00:04:22.940> question<00:04:23.360> why<00:04:23.810> you<00:04:23.840> don't<00:04:24.200> have more stupid question why you don't have more stupid question why you don't have their<00:04:24.650> prosthesis<00:04:24.970> why<00:04:25.970> don't<00:04:26.240> you<00:04:26.480> don't their prosthesis why don't you don't their prosthesis why don't you don't have<00:04:26.870> the<00:04:27.020> artificial<00:04:27.380> legs<00:04:27.770> and<00:04:28.070> he<00:04:28.910> said<00:04:29.120> the have the artificial legs and he said the have the artificial legs and he said the Red<00:04:29.570> Cross<00:04:29.750> has<00:04:30.050> closed<00:04:31.419> well<00:04:32.419> without Red Cross has closed well without Red Cross has closed well without thinking thinking thinking told<00:04:34.710> him<00:04:34.860> come<00:04:35.730> tomorrow<00:04:36.090> we<00:04:36.900> will<00:04:37.020> provide told him come tomorrow we will provide told him come tomorrow we will provide you<00:04:37.470> with<00:04:38.130> a<00:04:38.160> pair<00:04:38.490> of<00:04:38.730> legs<00:04:39.830> the<00:04:40.830> man<00:04:41.040> his<00:04:41.639> name you with a pair of legs the man his name you with a pair of legs the man his name was<00:04:41.970> a<00:04:42.240> Mahmoud<00:04:42.990> and<00:04:43.350> the<00:04:44.040> child<00:04:44.280> names<00:04:44.669> was<00:04:44.940> a was a Mahmoud and the child names was a was a Mahmoud and the child names was a ruffie<00:04:45.840> left<00:04:46.850> and<00:04:47.850> then<00:04:48.090> I<00:04:48.210> said<00:04:48.419> oh<00:04:48.570> my<00:04:49.139> god ruffie left and then I said oh my god ruffie left and then I said oh my god what<00:04:49.560> did<00:04:49.650> I<00:04:49.770> say<00:04:49.980> um<00:04:51.260> the<00:04:52.260> center<00:04:52.620> is<00:04:52.740> closed what did I say um the center is closed what did I say um the center is closed no<00:04:54.240> staff<00:04:54.540> around<00:04:55.430> maybe<00:04:56.430> the<00:04:56.639> machinery no staff around maybe the machinery no staff around maybe the machinery broken<00:04:58.910> who<00:04:59.910> is<00:05:00.030> going<00:05:00.210> to<00:05:00.330> make<00:05:00.480> the<00:05:00.510> legs<00:05:00.840> for broken who is going to make the legs for broken who is going to make the legs for him<00:05:01.490> so<00:05:02.490> I<00:05:02.520> hoped<00:05:02.910> that<00:05:03.330> he<00:05:03.720> would<00:05:03.960> not<00:05:04.200> he him so I hoped that he would not he him so I hoped that he would not he would<00:05:05.100> not<00:05:05.310> come<00:05:05.660> this<00:05:06.660> is<00:05:06.900> the<00:05:07.740> streets<00:05:08.040> of would not come this is the streets of would not come this is the streets of Kabul<00:05:08.370> in<00:05:09.300> those<00:05:09.810> days<00:05:11.570> so<00:05:12.570> I<00:05:12.600> I<00:05:13.350> said<00:05:13.710> well<00:05:13.889> i Kabul in those days so I I said well i Kabul in those days so I I said well i will<00:05:14.190> give<00:05:14.340> him<00:05:14.460> some<00:05:14.669> money<00:05:14.850> and<00:05:15.229> so<00:05:16.229> the will give him some money and so the will give him some money and so the following<00:05:16.770> day<00:05:16.950> I<00:05:17.190> went<00:05:17.729> to<00:05:18.090> the<00:05:18.210> optical following day I went to the optical following day I went to the optical center<00:05:19.080> and<00:05:19.820> I<00:05:20.820> spoke<00:05:21.120> with<00:05:21.180> a<00:05:22.430> gatekeeper<00:05:23.430> I center and I spoke with a gatekeeper I center and I spoke with a gatekeeper I was<00:05:24.330> ready<00:05:24.540> to<00:05:24.750> tell<00:05:24.900> him<00:05:25.020> listen<00:05:25.200> if<00:05:25.760> someone was ready to tell him listen if someone was ready to tell him listen if someone such-and-such<00:05:27.419> comes<00:05:28.200> tomorrow<00:05:28.680> comes such-and-such comes tomorrow comes such-and-such comes tomorrow comes please<00:05:30.000> tell<00:05:30.750> him<00:05:30.870> that<00:05:30.930> there<00:05:31.169> was<00:05:31.200> a<00:05:31.350> mistake please tell him that there was a mistake please tell him that there was a mistake nothing<00:05:32.340> can<00:05:32.490> be<00:05:32.610> done<00:05:33.440> give<00:05:34.440> him<00:05:34.590> some<00:05:34.650> money nothing can be done give him some money nothing can be done give him some money and<00:05:35.180> Mahmoud<00:05:36.180> and<00:05:36.540> his<00:05:36.720> son<00:05:36.900> were<00:05:37.050> already and Mahmoud and his son were already and Mahmoud and his son were already there<00:05:37.440> and<00:05:37.830> they<00:05:38.610> were<00:05:38.700> not<00:05:38.820> alone<00:05:39.229> there<00:05:40.229> were there and they were not alone there were there and they were not alone there were 15<00:05:41.580> maybe<00:05:42.090> 20<00:05:42.330> people<00:05:42.750> like<00:05:43.050> him<00:05:43.370> waiting<00:05:44.370> and 15 maybe 20 people like him waiting and 15 maybe 20 people like him waiting and there<00:05:46.260> were<00:05:46.380> some<00:05:46.650> stuff<00:05:47.039> too<00:05:48.410> among<00:05:49.410> them there were some stuff too among them there were some stuff too among them there<00:05:49.740> was<00:05:49.919> my<00:05:50.789> right-hand<00:05:51.180> man<00:05:51.780> Nadine<00:05:52.530> and there was my right-hand man Nadine and there was my right-hand man Nadine and the<00:05:55.380> gatekeeper<00:05:56.220> to<00:05:56.400> me<00:05:56.580> they<00:05:56.820> come<00:05:57.000> every<00:05:57.030> day the gatekeeper to me they come every day the gatekeeper to me they come every day to<00:05:57.450> see<00:05:57.840> if<00:05:57.960> the<00:05:58.140> center<00:05:58.560> would<00:05:58.740> open<00:05:59.190> I<00:06:00.530> said to see if the center would open I said to see if the center would open I said no<00:06:01.710> is<00:06:01.919> that<00:06:01.950> we<00:06:02.220> have<00:06:02.340> to<00:06:02.490> we<00:06:02.700> have<00:06:02.729> to<00:06:02.850> go<00:06:03.210> away no is that we have to we have to go away no is that we have to we have to go away we<00:06:03.630> cannot<00:06:03.870> stay<00:06:04.110> here<00:06:04.139> they<00:06:04.950> were<00:06:05.100> bomb<00:06:05.340> being we cannot stay here they were bomb being we cannot stay here they were bomb being not<00:06:05.760> very<00:06:05.970> close<00:06:06.479> but<00:06:06.690> you<00:06:07.080> could<00:06:07.229> hear<00:06:07.350> the not very close but you could hear the not very close but you could hear the noise<00:06:07.710> of<00:06:07.889> the<00:06:08.039> bomb<00:06:08.190> so<00:06:08.370> we<00:06:08.760> cannot<00:06:09.030> stay<00:06:09.240> here noise of the bomb so we cannot stay here noise of the bomb so we cannot stay here is<00:06:09.510> dangerous<00:06:10.010> it's<00:06:11.010> not<00:06:11.220> a<00:06:11.250> priority<00:06:12.440> but<00:06:13.440> not is dangerous it's not a priority but not is dangerous it's not a priority but not even<00:06:14.370> told<00:06:14.550> me<00:06:14.700> listen<00:06:15.210> now<00:06:15.330> we<00:06:15.389> are<00:06:15.600> here<00:06:15.840> at even told me listen now we are here at even told me listen now we are here at least<00:06:17.100> we<00:06:17.310> can<00:06:17.460> start<00:06:17.760> the<00:06:17.940> repairing<00:06:18.450> the least we can start the repairing the least we can start the repairing the prosthesis<00:06:18.870> the<00:06:19.200> broken<00:06:19.500> processes<00:06:19.950> of<00:06:20.070> the prosthesis the broken processes of the prosthesis the broken processes of the people<00:06:20.460> and<00:06:20.580> maybe<00:06:20.729> try<00:06:21.539> to<00:06:21.570> do<00:06:21.810> something<00:06:22.050> for people and maybe try to do something for people and maybe try to do something for people<00:06:23.010> like<00:06:23.250> Mahmoud<00:06:23.729> and<00:06:24.570> I<00:06:24.930> said<00:06:25.110> no people like Mahmoud and I said no people like Mahmoud and I said no pleased<00:06:25.590> we<00:06:25.830> don't<00:06:26.010> we<00:06:26.160> cannot<00:06:26.400> do<00:06:26.550> that<00:06:26.700> it's pleased we don't we cannot do that it's pleased we don't we cannot do that it's it's<00:06:27.510> really<00:06:27.690> it's<00:06:28.470> dangerous<00:06:29.280> we<00:06:30.090> have<00:06:30.210> other it's really it's dangerous we have other it's really it's dangerous we have other things<00:06:30.660> to<00:06:30.750> do<00:06:30.990> but<00:06:31.350> they<00:06:32.130> insist<00:06:32.490> it<00:06:32.700> when<00:06:33.479> you things to do but they insist it when you things to do but they insist it when you have<00:06:34.010> 20<00:06:35.010> people<00:06:35.340> in<00:06:35.789> front<00:06:36.419> of<00:06:36.600> you<00:06:36.720> looking have 20 people in front of you looking have 20 people in front of you looking at<00:06:37.169> you<00:06:37.380> and<00:06:37.560> you<00:06:37.830> are<00:06:37.860> the<00:06:38.220> one<00:06:38.669> who<00:06:38.789> have<00:06:38.940> to at you and you are the one who have to at you and you are the one who have to the<00:06:39.150> side<00:06:40.070> so<00:06:41.070> we<00:06:41.280> started<00:06:41.729> doing<00:06:42.210> some the side so we started doing some the side so we started doing some repairs<00:06:42.919> also<00:06:43.919> one<00:06:44.490> of<00:06:44.520> the<00:06:44.760> physiotherapist repairs also one of the physiotherapist repairs also one of the physiotherapist reported<00:06:46.169> that reported that reported that Mahmoud<00:06:48.319> could<00:06:48.979> be<00:06:49.819> provided<00:06:50.120> with<00:06:50.509> lag<00:06:50.720> but Mahmoud could be provided with lag but Mahmoud could be provided with lag but not<00:06:51.110> immediately<00:06:51.580> the<00:06:52.580> legs<00:06:52.789> were<00:06:53.060> swollen not immediately the legs were swollen not immediately the legs were swollen and<00:06:54.319> the<00:06:54.740> knees<00:06:54.889> were<00:06:55.129> stiff<00:06:55.520> so<00:06:56.000> he<00:06:56.090> needed<00:06:56.419> a and the knees were stiff so he needed a and the knees were stiff so he needed a long<00:06:56.689> preparation<00:06:58.330> believe<00:06:59.330> me<00:06:59.449> I<00:06:59.509> was long preparation believe me I was long preparation believe me I was worried<00:07:00.080> because<00:07:00.110> I<00:07:00.680> was<00:07:01.069> breaking<00:07:01.460> the<00:07:01.490> rules worried because I was breaking the rules worried because I was breaking the rules I<00:07:02.030> was<00:07:02.210> doing<00:07:02.419> something<00:07:02.659> that<00:07:02.810> I<00:07:03.310> was<00:07:04.310> not I was doing something that I was not I was doing something that I was not supposed<00:07:04.610> to<00:07:04.879> do<00:07:06.159> in<00:07:07.159> the<00:07:07.310> evening<00:07:07.580> I<00:07:07.669> went<00:07:07.849> to supposed to do in the evening I went to supposed to do in the evening I went to to<00:07:08.599> speak<00:07:08.870> with<00:07:09.050> the<00:07:09.229> bosses<00:07:09.919> at<00:07:10.099> the to speak with the bosses at the to speak with the bosses at the headquarter<00:07:11.090> and<00:07:11.300> I<00:07:11.419> told<00:07:11.689> them<00:07:11.810> I<00:07:12.139> lied<00:07:12.800> I headquarter and I told them I lied I headquarter and I told them I lied I told<00:07:13.879> them<00:07:14.060> listen<00:07:14.300> we<00:07:14.960> are<00:07:15.139> going<00:07:15.500> to<00:07:15.710> start<00:07:15.979> a told them listen we are going to start a told them listen we are going to start a couple<00:07:17.360> of<00:07:17.539> hours<00:07:17.870> per<00:07:17.990> day<00:07:18.020> just<00:07:18.919> a<00:07:19.099> few couple of hours per day just a few couple of hours per day just a few repairs<00:07:20.469> maybe<00:07:21.469> some<00:07:21.740> of<00:07:21.889> them<00:07:22.009> is<00:07:22.190> here<00:07:22.340> now

so<00:07:25.789> we<00:07:27.039> we<00:07:28.039> started<00:07:28.550> i<00:07:28.819> was<00:07:29.479> working<00:07:29.960> i<00:07:30.110> was
so we we started i was working i was so we we started i was working i was going<00:07:31.069> every<00:07:31.340> day<00:07:31.490> to<00:07:31.550> work<00:07:31.729> in<00:07:32.389> day<00:07:32.690> for<00:07:33.560> day going every day to work in day for day going every day to work in day for day homeless<00:07:34.190> and<00:07:35.020> nigel<00:07:36.020> deen<00:07:36.199> was<00:07:36.379> a<00:07:36.409> staying homeless and nigel deen was a staying homeless and nigel deen was a staying there<00:07:36.919> doing<00:07:37.190> everything<00:07:37.490> and<00:07:37.849> reporting<00:07:38.419> on there doing everything and reporting on there doing everything and reporting on the<00:07:38.599> patient<00:07:38.960> it<00:07:39.110> was<00:07:39.229> telling<00:07:39.529> me<00:07:39.620> patients the patient it was telling me patients the patient it was telling me patients are<00:07:40.639> coming<00:07:40.879> what<00:07:41.690> we<00:07:41.870> knew<00:07:42.050> that<00:07:42.849> many<00:07:43.849> more are coming what we knew that many more are coming what we knew that many more patient<00:07:44.629> could<00:07:45.110> not<00:07:45.319> come<00:07:45.650> prevent<00:07:46.189> it<00:07:46.400> by<00:07:46.879> the patient could not come prevent it by the patient could not come prevent it by the fight<00:07:47.210> but<00:07:47.479> people<00:07:48.020> were<00:07:48.169> coming<00:07:48.620> and<00:07:48.909> Mahmoud fight but people were coming and Mahmoud fight but people were coming and Mahmoud was<00:07:50.090> coming<00:07:50.389> every<00:07:50.599> day<00:07:50.629> and<00:07:52.000> slowly<00:07:53.000> slowly was coming every day and slowly slowly was coming every day and slowly slowly week<00:07:54.379> after<00:07:54.650> week<00:07:55.270> his<00:07:56.270> legs<00:07:56.870> were<00:07:57.050> improving week after week his legs were improving week after week his legs were improving but<00:07:58.639> the<00:07:59.169> stump<00:08:00.169> where<00:08:00.620> cast<00:08:01.210> prostate<00:08:02.210> is but the stump where cast prostate is but the stump where cast prostate is made<00:08:02.569> and<00:08:03.159> he<00:08:04.159> was<00:08:04.339> starting<00:08:04.909> the<00:08:05.089> real made and he was starting the real made and he was starting the real physical<00:08:06.680> rehabilitation<00:08:07.569> he<00:08:08.569> was<00:08:08.690> coming physical rehabilitation he was coming physical rehabilitation he was coming every<00:08:09.139> day<00:08:09.169> crossing<00:08:09.889> the<00:08:09.919> front<00:08:10.190> line<00:08:10.460> a every day crossing the front line a every day crossing the front line a couple<00:08:12.110> of<00:08:12.319> times<00:08:12.469> I<00:08:12.740> crossed<00:08:13.069> the<00:08:13.159> front<00:08:13.370> line couple of times I crossed the front line couple of times I crossed the front line in<00:08:13.789> the<00:08:13.909> very<00:08:14.060> place<00:08:14.210> where<00:08:14.409> mcmullen<00:08:15.409> the<00:08:15.529> Sun in the very place where mcmullen the Sun in the very place where mcmullen the Sun were<00:08:15.889> crossing<00:08:16.190> I<00:08:16.870> tell<00:08:17.870> you<00:08:18.080> was<00:08:18.469> something were crossing I tell you was something were crossing I tell you was something so<00:08:19.460> sinister<00:08:19.759> that<00:08:20.330> I<00:08:20.770> was<00:08:21.770> astonished<00:08:22.069> we so sinister that I was astonished we so sinister that I was astonished we could<00:08:22.940> do<00:08:23.060> it<00:08:23.089> every<00:08:23.509> day<00:08:24.279> but<00:08:25.279> finally<00:08:26.150> the could do it every day but finally the could do it every day but finally the great<00:08:26.839> day<00:08:27.080> arrived<00:08:28.719> machmood<00:08:29.719> was<00:08:29.900> going<00:08:30.110> to great day arrived machmood was going to great day arrived machmood was going to be<00:08:30.259> discharged<00:08:30.800> with<00:08:30.979> these<00:08:31.129> new<00:08:31.400> legs<00:08:32.050> it<00:08:33.050> was be discharged with these new legs it was be discharged with these new legs it was apron<00:08:33.890> I<00:08:34.130> remember<00:08:34.849> a<00:08:35.060> very<00:08:35.449> beautiful<00:08:35.599> day apron I remember a very beautiful day apron I remember a very beautiful day apron<00:08:37.219> in<00:08:37.339> Kabul<00:08:37.579> is<00:08:37.750> beautiful<00:08:38.750> full<00:08:39.110> of apron in Kabul is beautiful full of apron in Kabul is beautiful full of roses<00:08:39.500> full<00:08:40.099> of<00:08:40.219> flowers<00:08:40.990> we<00:08:41.990> could<00:08:42.140> not<00:08:42.229> stay roses full of flowers we could not stay roses full of flowers we could not stay possibly<00:08:42.979> indoors<00:08:43.789> with<00:08:44.779> all<00:08:44.930> these<00:08:45.110> sandbags possibly indoors with all these sandbags possibly indoors with all these sandbags that<00:08:45.980> the<00:08:46.190> windows<00:08:47.019> very<00:08:48.019> sad<00:08:48.820> dark<00:08:49.820> so<00:08:50.690> we that the windows very sad dark so we that the windows very sad dark so we choose<00:08:51.829> a<00:08:51.860> small<00:08:52.370> spot<00:08:52.640> in<00:08:52.790> the<00:08:52.880> garden<00:08:53.269> and choose a small spot in the garden and choose a small spot in the garden and Mahmoud<00:08:54.769> Putin<00:08:55.220> is<00:08:55.699> prosthesis<00:08:56.209> the<00:08:57.020> other Mahmoud Putin is prosthesis the other Mahmoud Putin is prosthesis the other patients<00:08:58.450> did<00:08:59.200> the<00:08:59.350> same<00:08:59.590> and<00:08:59.890> they<00:09:00.190> started patients did the same and they started patients did the same and they started practicing<00:09:02.200> for<00:09:02.410> the<00:09:02.500> last<00:09:02.680> time<00:09:02.860> before<00:09:03.100> I practicing for the last time before I practicing for the last time before I mean<00:09:03.490> discharge<00:09:03.670> suddenly<00:09:04.800> they<00:09:05.800> started mean discharge suddenly they started mean discharge suddenly they started fighting<00:09:07.320> two<00:09:08.320> groups<00:09:08.590> of<00:09:08.710> Mujahideen fighting two groups of Mujahideen fighting two groups of Mujahideen started<00:09:09.700> side<00:09:09.880> if<00:09:10.090> we<00:09:10.150> could<00:09:10.330> year<00:09:10.510> one<00:09:11.110> in<00:09:11.140> on started side if we could year one in on started side if we could year one in on the<00:09:12.070> air<00:09:12.220> in<00:09:12.460> the<00:09:12.490> air<00:09:12.610> that<00:09:13.060> the<00:09:13.360> bullet the air in the air that the bullet the air in the air that the bullet passing<00:09:14.140> so<00:09:15.010> we<00:09:15.220> dashed<00:09:15.720> all<00:09:16.720> of<00:09:16.900> us<00:09:17.020> towards passing so we dashed all of us towards passing so we dashed all of us towards day<00:09:18.070> the<00:09:18.400> shelter<00:09:20.670> Mahmoud<00:09:21.670> grabbed<00:09:21.970> the<00:09:22.120> Sun day the shelter Mahmoud grabbed the Sun day the shelter Mahmoud grabbed the Sun I<00:09:22.390> grabbed<00:09:22.840> someone<00:09:23.110> else<00:09:23.350> everybody<00:09:23.650> was I grabbed someone else everybody was I grabbed someone else everybody was grabbing<00:09:24.370> something<00:09:24.610> and<00:09:24.970> we<00:09:25.690> run<00:09:26.620> you<00:09:26.830> know grabbing something and we run you know grabbing something and we run you know 50<00:09:27.250> meters<00:09:27.580> can<00:09:27.790> be<00:09:27.910> a<00:09:28.120> long<00:09:28.540> distance<00:09:29.050> if<00:09:29.200> you 50 meters can be a long distance if you 50 meters can be a long distance if you are<00:09:29.410> totally<00:09:29.590> exposed<00:09:30.220> but<00:09:31.030> we<00:09:31.900> managed<00:09:32.290> to are totally exposed but we managed to are totally exposed but we managed to reach<00:09:32.770> the<00:09:32.980> shelter<00:09:34.500> inside<00:09:35.500> all<00:09:36.220> of<00:09:36.280> us reach the shelter inside all of us reach the shelter inside all of us panting<00:09:37.110> SAT<00:09:38.110> a<00:09:38.140> moment<00:09:38.590> and<00:09:38.740> I<00:09:38.860> heard<00:09:39.060> Rafi panting SAT a moment and I heard Rafi panting SAT a moment and I heard Rafi telling<00:09:40.450> his<00:09:40.540> father<00:09:41.910> father<00:09:42.910> you<00:09:43.060> can<00:09:43.390> run telling his father father you can run telling his father father you can run faster<00:09:44.680> than<00:09:44.710> me<00:09:45.070> and<00:09:46.230> mock<00:09:47.230> murder<00:09:47.650> of<00:09:47.830> course faster than me and mock murder of course faster than me and mock murder of course i<00:09:48.730> can<00:09:49.000> i<00:09:49.360> can<00:09:50.080> run<00:09:50.500> and<00:09:50.860> now<00:09:51.220> you<00:09:51.610> can<00:09:51.820> go<00:09:51.940> to i can i can run and now you can go to i can i can run and now you can go to school<00:09:52.860> no<00:09:53.860> need<00:09:54.040> of<00:09:54.070> staying<00:09:54.550> with<00:09:54.790> me<00:09:54.970> all school no need of staying with me all school no need of staying with me all the<00:09:55.660> day<00:09:55.810> pushing<00:09:56.110> my<00:09:56.440> wheelchair<00:09:57.210> later<00:09:58.210> on the day pushing my wheelchair later on the day pushing my wheelchair later on we<00:09:58.600> took<00:09:58.780> them<00:09:58.960> home<00:09:59.260> and<00:10:00.000> i<00:10:01.000> will<00:10:01.300> never we took them home and i will never we took them home and i will never forget<00:10:01.890> Mahmoud<00:10:02.890> and<00:10:03.100> the<00:10:03.520> Sun<00:10:03.820> walking forget Mahmoud and the Sun walking forget Mahmoud and the Sun walking together<00:10:04.920> pushing<00:10:05.920> the<00:10:06.040> empty<00:10:06.310> wheelchair together pushing the empty wheelchair together pushing the empty wheelchair and<00:10:07.830> then<00:10:08.830> I<00:10:08.980> understood<00:10:10.290> physical and then I understood physical and then I understood physical rehabilitation<00:10:11.530> is<00:10:12.280> a<00:10:12.340> priority<00:10:14.310> dignity rehabilitation is a priority dignity rehabilitation is a priority dignity cannot<00:10:16.030> wait<00:10:16.300> for<00:10:16.660> better<00:10:16.780> times<00:10:19.020> well<00:10:20.020> I<00:10:20.200> met cannot wait for better times well I met cannot wait for better times well I met from<00:10:21.490> that<00:10:21.670> day<00:10:21.850> on<00:10:22.090> we<00:10:22.120> never<00:10:22.540> close<00:10:22.720> a<00:10:22.840> single from that day on we never close a single from that day on we never close a single day<00:10:23.880> well<00:10:24.880> sometime<00:10:25.300> we<00:10:25.420> suspended<00:10:25.900> for<00:10:26.110> a<00:10:26.140> few day well sometime we suspended for a few day well sometime we suspended for a few hours<00:10:26.320> so<00:10:26.710> that<00:10:26.740> we<00:10:27.220> never<00:10:27.490> we<00:10:28.330> never<00:10:28.360> close<00:10:29.260> it hours so that we never we never close it hours so that we never we never close it again<00:10:29.620> I<00:10:30.900> met<00:10:31.900> Mahmoud<00:10:32.740> one<00:10:33.010> year<00:10:33.160> later<00:10:33.690> they again I met Mahmoud one year later they again I met Mahmoud one year later they was<00:10:34.870> in<00:10:35.020> good<00:10:35.140> shape<00:10:36.270> a<00:10:37.680> bit<00:10:38.680> thinner<00:10:38.920> I<00:10:40.290> needed was in good shape a bit thinner I needed was in good shape a bit thinner I needed to<00:10:43.210> change<00:10:43.480> his<00:10:43.660> prosthesis<00:10:44.020> a<00:10:44.410> new<00:10:44.830> pair<00:10:45.070> of to change his prosthesis a new pair of to change his prosthesis a new pair of prosthesis<00:10:45.810> I<00:10:46.810> asked<00:10:47.290> about<00:10:47.470> his<00:10:47.770> son<00:10:47.980> it<00:10:48.130> only prosthesis I asked about his son it only prosthesis I asked about his son it only means<00:10:48.700> that<00:10:48.820> school<00:10:49.180> is<00:10:49.210> doing<00:10:49.480> quite<00:10:49.600> well means that school is doing quite well means that school is doing quite well but<00:10:51.010> I<00:10:51.450> understood<00:10:52.450> they<00:10:52.660> wanted<00:10:52.990> to<00:10:53.110> tell<00:10:53.260> me but I understood they wanted to tell me but I understood they wanted to tell me something<00:10:54.210> so<00:10:55.210> I<00:10:55.540> I<00:10:56.080> asked<00:10:56.950> him<00:10:57.130> what<00:10:57.910> is<00:10:58.090> that something so I I asked him what is that something so I I asked him what is that he<00:11:00.220> was<00:11:00.400> a<00:11:00.430> sweating<00:11:00.940> it<00:11:01.480> was<00:11:01.660> clearly he was a sweating it was clearly he was a sweating it was clearly embarrassed<00:11:03.460> and<00:11:03.960> it<00:11:04.960> was<00:11:05.050> a<00:11:05.080> standing<00:11:05.500> in embarrassed and it was a standing in embarrassed and it was a standing in front<00:11:05.770> of<00:11:05.950> me<00:11:06.130> is<00:11:06.610> a<00:11:07.300> head<00:11:07.870> down front of me is a head down front of me is a head down he<00:11:10.730> said<00:11:11.710> you<00:11:12.710> you<00:11:13.490> have<00:11:13.670> taught<00:11:14.000> me<00:11:14.030> to<00:11:14.750> walk he said you you have taught me to walk he said you you have taught me to walk thank<00:11:15.890> you<00:11:16.010> very<00:11:16.040> much<00:11:16.900> now<00:11:17.900> help<00:11:18.620> me<00:11:19.090> not<00:11:20.090> to thank you very much now help me not to thank you very much now help me not to be<00:11:20.390> a<00:11:20.420> beggar<00:11:20.750> anymore<00:11:21.530> that<00:11:22.190> was<00:11:22.370> the<00:11:22.520> job<00:11:24.040> my be a beggar anymore that was the job my be a beggar anymore that was the job my children<00:11:25.310> are<00:11:25.550> growing<00:11:25.790> I<00:11:26.560> feel<00:11:27.560> ashamed<00:11:27.980> I children are growing I feel ashamed I children are growing I feel ashamed I don't<00:11:29.270> want<00:11:29.510> them<00:11:29.840> to<00:11:30.020> be<00:11:30.140> teased<00:11:30.440> at<00:11:31.130> school don't want them to be teased at school don't want them to be teased at school by<00:11:32.780> the<00:11:32.840> other<00:11:33.110> students<00:11:33.530> I<00:11:35.230> said<00:11:36.230> okay<00:11:36.800> I<00:11:36.950> I by the other students I said okay I I by the other students I said okay I I thought<00:11:37.730> how<00:11:38.210> much<00:11:38.420> money<00:11:38.690> have<00:11:38.870> in<00:11:38.990> my<00:11:39.110> pocket thought how much money have in my pocket thought how much money have in my pocket just<00:11:40.430> giving<00:11:40.970> someone<00:11:41.180> is<00:11:41.420> the<00:11:41.600> easiest<00:11:41.780> way<00:11:41.990> I just giving someone is the easiest way I just giving someone is the easiest way I read<00:11:43.640> my<00:11:43.820> mind<00:11:44.060> and<00:11:44.680> he<00:11:45.680> said<00:11:45.890> I<00:11:47.170> asked<00:11:48.170> for<00:11:48.440> a read my mind and he said I asked for a read my mind and he said I asked for a job<00:11:49.150> and<00:11:50.710> then<00:11:51.710> he<00:11:51.830> added<00:11:51.980> something<00:11:52.400> I<00:11:53.920> will job and then he added something I will job and then he added something I will never<00:11:54.950> forget<00:11:55.130> for<00:11:55.550> the<00:11:55.610> rest<00:11:55.730> of<00:11:55.880> my<00:11:56.000> life<00:11:57.430> he never forget for the rest of my life he never forget for the rest of my life he said<00:11:58.700> I<00:12:00.310> am<00:12:01.310> a<00:12:01.340> scrap<00:12:01.880> of<00:12:01.910> a<00:12:02.150> man<00:12:03.250> but<00:12:04.250> if<00:12:04.430> you said I am a scrap of a man but if you said I am a scrap of a man but if you help<00:12:04.790> me<00:12:05.030> I'm<00:12:05.290> ready<00:12:06.290> to<00:12:06.530> do<00:12:06.680> anything<00:12:08.020> even<00:12:09.020> if help me I'm ready to do anything even if help me I'm ready to do anything even if I<00:12:09.290> have<00:12:09.500> to<00:12:09.530> crawl<00:12:09.890> on<00:12:10.370> the<00:12:10.610> ground<00:12:11.980> and<00:12:13.210> then I have to crawl on the ground and then I have to crawl on the ground and then he<00:12:14.330> sat<00:12:14.540> down<00:12:14.570> i<00:12:14.990> sat<00:12:15.320> down<00:12:15.500> to<00:12:15.830> with<00:12:16.190> the he sat down i sat down to with the he sat down i sat down to with the goosebumps<00:12:17.420> everywhere<00:12:17.890> and<00:12:23.530> legless<00:12:24.910> with goosebumps everywhere and legless with goosebumps everywhere and legless with only<00:12:26.060> one<00:12:26.270> arm<00:12:27.370> illiterate<00:12:29.740> unskilled<00:12:31.960> what only one arm illiterate unskilled what only one arm illiterate unskilled what what<00:12:34.160> job<00:12:34.460> for<00:12:35.090> him<00:12:37.240> Ned<00:12:38.240> Julian<00:12:38.420> told<00:12:38.720> me<00:12:38.930> well what job for him Ned Julian told me well what job for him Ned Julian told me well we<00:12:40.070> have<00:12:40.190> a<00:12:40.220> vacancy<00:12:40.490> in<00:12:40.850> the<00:12:41.260> carpentry<00:12:42.260> shop we have a vacancy in the carpentry shop we have a vacancy in the carpentry shop we<00:12:43.160> we<00:12:43.790> get<00:12:44.000> what<00:12:44.330> I<00:12:44.740> said<00:12:45.940> stop<00:12:47.200> well<00:12:48.200> yeah we we get what I said stop well yeah we we get what I said stop well yeah with<00:12:49.270> we<00:12:50.270> need<00:12:50.420> to<00:12:50.690> increase<00:12:50.960> the<00:12:51.020> production with we need to increase the production with we need to increase the production of<00:12:51.650> feet<00:12:52.420> we<00:12:53.420> need<00:12:53.570> someone<00:12:53.840> to<00:12:54.590> employ of feet we need someone to employ of feet we need someone to employ someone<00:12:55.070> to<00:12:56.020> glue<00:12:57.020> and<00:12:57.380> the<00:12:57.890> screw<00:12:58.220> the<00:12:58.400> soul someone to glue and the screw the soul someone to glue and the screw the soul of<00:12:59.030> day<00:12:59.450> of<00:12:59.600> defeat<00:12:59.900> we<00:13:00.560> need<00:13:00.710> to<00:13:00.800> increase<00:13:01.010> the of day of defeat we need to increase the of day of defeat we need to increase the production<00:13:02.260> excuse<00:13:03.260> me<00:13:03.410> I<00:13:04.540> could<00:13:05.540> not<00:13:05.660> believe

underneath<00:13:09.470> and<00:13:09.650> now<00:13:09.740> we<00:13:09.920> can<00:13:10.130> we<00:13:10.610> can<00:13:10.850> we<00:13:11.090> can
underneath and now we can we can we can underneath and now we can we can we can modify<00:13:12.050> the<00:13:12.640> day<00:13:13.640> the<00:13:14.510> workbench<00:13:15.020> maybe<00:13:15.800> to modify the day the workbench maybe to modify the day the workbench maybe to put<00:13:16.040> a<00:13:16.220> special<00:13:16.940> stool<00:13:17.240> a<00:13:17.600> special<00:13:18.020> anvil put a special stool a special anvil put a special stool a special anvil especial<00:13:19.270> vice<00:13:20.270> and<00:13:20.780> maybe<00:13:21.080> an<00:13:21.290> electrical especial vice and maybe an electrical especial vice and maybe an electrical screwdrivers screwdrivers screwdrivers I said<00:13:22.790> listen<00:13:22.970> that's<00:13:23.830> it's<00:13:24.830> insane<00:13:25.339> and<00:13:26.240> is I said listen that's it's insane and is I said listen that's it's insane and is even<00:13:26.600> cruel<00:13:26.990> to<00:13:27.410> think<00:13:27.620> of<00:13:27.740> anything<00:13:28.040> like even cruel to think of anything like even cruel to think of anything like this<00:13:28.220> that's<00:13:28.820> a<00:13:28.940> production<00:13:29.450> line<00:13:29.720> and<00:13:30.170> the this that's a production line and the this that's a production line and the very<00:13:30.529> first<00:13:30.800> one<00:13:31.360> it's<00:13:32.360> cruel<00:13:32.839> to<00:13:32.990> offer<00:13:33.800> him<00:13:34.580> a very first one it's cruel to offer him a very first one it's cruel to offer him a job<00:13:35.620> knowing<00:13:36.620> that<00:13:37.550> is<00:13:37.880> going<00:13:38.240> to<00:13:38.330> fail job knowing that is going to fail job knowing that is going to fail between<00:13:41.420> Nashville<00:13:41.779> Dean<00:13:41.899> we<00:13:42.230> cannot<00:13:42.670> discuss between Nashville Dean we cannot discuss between Nashville Dean we cannot discuss so<00:13:47.350> the<00:13:48.350> only<00:13:48.500> things<00:13:48.740> I<00:13:48.890> could<00:13:49.100> manage<00:13:49.390> to so the only things I could manage to so the only things I could manage to obtain<00:13:50.990> was<00:13:51.230> a<00:13:51.260> kind<00:13:51.470> of<00:13:53.680> compromise<00:13:54.680> only<00:13:55.550> one obtain was a kind of compromise only one obtain was a kind of compromise only one week<00:13:55.990> one<00:13:56.990> week<00:13:57.050> try<00:13:57.529> not<00:13:58.040> a<00:13:58.070> single<00:13:58.339> day<00:13:58.640> more week one week try not a single day more week one week try not a single day more one<00:14:00.709> week<00:14:00.920> later<00:14:01.450> Mahmoud<00:14:02.450> was<00:14:02.660> the<00:14:02.810> fastest one week later Mahmoud was the fastest one week later Mahmoud was the fastest in<00:14:03.620> the<00:14:03.680> production<00:14:04.130> line<00:14:04.279> I<00:14:06.040> told<00:14:07.040> my<00:14:07.160> GED in the production line I told my GED in the production line I told my GED that's<00:14:07.790> a<00:14:07.940> trick<00:14:08.240> I<00:14:09.310> can't<00:14:10.310> believe<00:14:10.459> it<00:14:10.760> the that's a trick I can't believe it the that's a trick I can't believe it the production<00:14:11.810> was<00:14:11.990> twenty<00:14:12.500> percent<00:14:12.770> up<00:14:13.130> it's<00:14:13.610> a production was twenty percent up it's a production was twenty percent up it's a trick<00:14:14.060> it's<00:14:14.300> a<00:14:14.390> trick<00:14:14.570> I<00:14:14.810> said<00:14:15.050> and<00:14:15.550> then<00:14:16.550> I trick it's a trick I said and then I trick it's a trick I said and then I asked<00:14:17.330> for<00:14:17.600> a<00:14:17.630> verification<00:14:18.200> it<00:14:18.560> was<00:14:18.709> because asked for a verification it was because asked for a verification it was because true<00:14:19.930> the<00:14:20.930> comment<00:14:21.290> of<00:14:21.350> night<00:14:21.529> within<00:14:21.800> was<00:14:22.010> a true the comment of night within was a true the comment of night within was a Mahmoud<00:14:22.970> as<00:14:23.149> something<00:14:23.600> to<00:14:23.630> prove<00:14:23.930> I Mahmoud as something to prove I Mahmoud as something to prove I understood<00:14:25.820> that<00:14:25.880> I<00:14:26.380> was<00:14:27.380> wrong<00:14:27.860> again understood that I was wrong again understood that I was wrong again Mahmoud<00:14:30.200> looked<00:14:30.529> taller<00:14:30.829> I<00:14:31.130> remember<00:14:31.490> him Mahmoud looked taller I remember him Mahmoud looked taller I remember him sitting<00:14:32.240> behind<00:14:32.540> the<00:14:32.779> day<00:14:32.990> workbench<00:14:33.829> a sitting behind the day workbench a sitting behind the day workbench a smiling<00:14:36.910> then<00:14:37.910> it<00:14:38.060> was<00:14:38.209> a<00:14:38.240> new<00:14:38.480> man<00:14:39.130> told<00:14:40.130> her smiling then it was a new man told her smiling then it was a new man told her again<00:14:41.920> of<00:14:42.920> course<00:14:43.190> and<00:14:43.520> I<00:14:44.180> understood<00:14:44.510> that again of course and I understood that again of course and I understood that what<00:14:45.459> made<00:14:46.459> him<00:14:46.700> stand<00:14:47.690> tall<00:14:48.370> yeah<00:14:49.370> where<00:14:49.610> the what made him stand tall yeah where the what made him stand tall yeah where the legs<00:14:49.970> yes<00:14:50.300> thank<00:14:50.540> you<00:14:50.570> very<00:14:50.779> much<00:14:50.930> but<00:14:51.140> as<00:14:51.440> a legs yes thank you very much but as a legs yes thank you very much but as a first<00:14:51.800> step<00:14:53.290> it<00:14:54.290> was<00:14:54.350> the<00:14:54.589> dignity<00:14:55.160> he<00:14:55.910> has first step it was the dignity he has first step it was the dignity he has regained<00:14:56.720> is<00:14:57.050> fully<00:14:57.649> dignity<00:14:58.279> thanks<00:14:58.850> to<00:14:59.149> that regained is fully dignity thanks to that regained is fully dignity thanks to that job<00:15:00.670> so<00:15:01.670> of<00:15:01.820> course<00:15:02.000> I<00:15:02.300> understood<00:15:02.810> and<00:15:03.050> then job so of course I understood and then job so of course I understood and then we<00:15:04.279> start<00:15:04.520> to<00:15:04.640> the<00:15:04.730> new<00:15:04.850> policy<00:15:05.029> and<00:15:05.570> you we start to the new policy and you we start to the new policy and you policy<00:15:06.410> completely<00:15:07.070> different<00:15:07.850> now<00:15:08.149> we policy completely different now we policy completely different now we decided<00:15:08.899> to<00:15:09.230> employ<00:15:09.680> as<00:15:09.950> many<00:15:10.329> disabled<00:15:11.329> as decided to employ as many disabled as decided to employ as many disabled as possible<00:15:11.899> to<00:15:12.020> train<00:15:12.230> them<00:15:12.470> in<00:15:12.680> any<00:15:12.860> possible possible to train them in any possible possible to train them in any possible job<00:15:13.490> it<00:15:14.149> became<00:15:14.420> a<00:15:14.560> policy<00:15:15.560> of<00:15:15.760> positive job it became a policy of positive job it became a policy of positive discrimination<00:15:17.029> we<00:15:17.690> call<00:15:17.839> it<00:15:17.959> now<00:15:18.370> and<00:15:20.320> and discrimination we call it now and and discrimination we call it now and and you<00:15:21.350> know<00:15:21.529> what<00:15:21.800> it's<00:15:22.640> good<00:15:22.910> for<00:15:22.940> everybody you know what it's good for everybody you know what it's good for everybody everybody<00:15:24.020> benefits<00:15:24.770> from<00:15:25.160> that<00:15:25.899> those everybody benefits from that those everybody benefits from that those employed<00:15:27.290> of<00:15:27.529> course<00:15:28.029> because<00:15:29.029> because<00:15:29.740> they employed of course because because they employed of course because because they get<00:15:30.890> a<00:15:30.920> job<00:15:31.190> and<00:15:32.020> dignity<00:15:33.020> but<00:15:33.920> also<00:15:34.160> for<00:15:34.400> the get a job and dignity but also for the get a job and dignity but also for the newcomers<00:15:34.850> there<00:15:35.600> are<00:15:35.660> seven<00:15:36.020> thousand newcomers there are seven thousand newcomers there are seven thousand every<00:15:36.960> year<00:15:36.990> people<00:15:37.440> come<00:15:38.190> in<00:15:38.610> for<00:15:38.880> the<00:15:38.970> first every year people come in for the first every year people come in for the first time<00:15:39.330> and<00:15:39.690> you<00:15:40.620> should<00:15:40.830> see<00:15:41.010> the<00:15:41.100> face<00:15:41.340> of time and you should see the face of time and you should see the face of these<00:15:41.730> people<00:15:42.060> when<00:15:42.180> they<00:15:42.330> realize<00:15:42.720> that these people when they realize that these people when they realize that those<00:15:43.500> assisting<00:15:44.190> them<00:15:44.400> are<00:15:44.610> like<00:15:45.120> them<00:15:45.390> some those assisting them are like them some those assisting them are like them some time<00:15:45.840> you<00:15:46.020> see<00:15:46.200> them<00:15:46.380> they<00:15:46.560> look<00:15:46.740> oh<00:15:49.280> and<00:15:50.280> you time you see them they look oh and you time you see them they look oh and you see<00:15:50.640> the<00:15:50.790> face<00:15:51.030> and<00:15:51.300> then<00:15:51.450> and<00:15:52.070> the<00:15:53.070> surprise see the face and then and the surprise see the face and then and the surprise turns<00:15:54.270> into<00:15:54.890> into<00:15:55.890> hope<00:15:56.930> and<00:15:58.460> is<00:15:59.460> easy<00:15:59.640> for<00:15:59.850> me turns into into hope and is easy for me turns into into hope and is easy for me as<00:16:00.090> well<00:16:00.120> to<00:16:00.990> train<00:16:01.290> someone<00:16:01.740> who<00:16:02.640> has<00:16:02.760> already as well to train someone who has already as well to train someone who has already passed<00:16:03.360> through<00:16:03.750> the<00:16:03.870> experience<00:16:04.320> of passed through the experience of passed through the experience of disability<00:16:04.560> poof<00:16:05.460> they<00:16:05.940> learn<00:16:06.180> much<00:16:06.630> faster disability poof they learn much faster disability poof they learn much faster the<00:16:07.920> motivation<00:16:08.670> the<00:16:09.270> empathy<00:16:09.870> they<00:16:10.020> can the motivation the empathy they can the motivation the empathy they can establish<00:16:10.500> with<00:16:10.830> the<00:16:10.920> patient<00:16:11.220> is<00:16:11.310> completely establish with the patient is completely establish with the patient is completely different<00:16:11.790> completely<00:16:14.240> scrap<00:16:15.240> of<00:16:15.270> men<00:16:15.540> do<00:16:15.750> not different completely scrap of men do not different completely scrap of men do not exist<00:16:16.910> people<00:16:17.910> like<00:16:18.090> Mahmoud<00:16:18.930> are<00:16:19.650> agents<00:16:20.460> of exist people like Mahmoud are agents of exist people like Mahmoud are agents of change<00:16:21.260> and<00:16:22.430> when<00:16:23.430> you<00:16:23.520> start<00:16:23.730> changing<00:16:23.970> you change and when you start changing you change and when you start changing you you<00:16:24.540> you<00:16:24.750> you<00:16:25.020> cannot<00:16:25.560> stop<00:16:25.830> so<00:16:26.240> employing you you you cannot stop so employing you you you cannot stop so employing people<00:16:27.660> yes<00:16:27.960> but<00:16:28.200> also<00:16:28.350> we<00:16:28.650> started people yes but also we started people yes but also we started programming<00:16:29.250> projects<00:16:30.060> of<00:16:30.210> microfinance programming projects of microfinance programming projects of microfinance education<00:16:32.370> and<00:16:32.790> when<00:16:33.180> you<00:16:33.270> start<00:16:33.480> you<00:16:33.600> cannot education and when you start you cannot education and when you start you cannot stop<00:16:33.840> so<00:16:34.380> you<00:16:34.620> do<00:16:34.940> vocational<00:16:35.940> training<00:16:36.150> home stop so you do vocational training home stop so you do vocational training home education<00:16:37.290> for<00:16:37.920> those<00:16:38.070> who<00:16:38.220> cannot<00:16:38.460> go<00:16:38.640> to education for those who cannot go to education for those who cannot go to school<00:16:39.030> the<00:16:39.540> physiotherapists<00:16:40.380> can<00:16:40.560> be<00:16:40.650> done school the physiotherapists can be done school the physiotherapists can be done not<00:16:40.920> only<00:16:40.980> in<00:16:41.250> the<00:16:41.310> orthopedic<00:16:41.730> center<00:16:41.880> but not only in the orthopedic center but not only in the orthopedic center but also<00:16:42.330> in<00:16:42.540> the<00:16:42.630> houses<00:16:42.810> of<00:16:43.080> the<00:16:43.140> people<00:16:43.560> there also in the houses of the people there also in the houses of the people there is<00:16:44.280> always<00:16:44.610> a<00:16:44.880> better<00:16:45.180> way<00:16:45.480> to<00:16:45.540> do<00:16:45.900> things is always a better way to do things is always a better way to do things that's<00:16:48.450> not<00:16:49.290> moody<00:16:49.650> know<00:16:49.710> the<00:16:50.040> one<00:16:50.220> with<00:16:50.370> a that's not moody know the one with a that's not moody know the one with a white<00:16:50.640> coat<00:16:50.910> terrible<00:16:51.630> nigel<00:16:51.960> deen<00:16:52.110> is<00:16:52.560> that white coat terrible nigel deen is that white coat terrible nigel deen is that one<00:16:53.040> I<00:16:53.250> have<00:16:54.060> learned<00:16:54.270> a<00:16:54.360> lot<00:16:54.570> from<00:16:54.900> people one I have learned a lot from people one I have learned a lot from people like<00:16:56.010> nigel<00:16:56.460> deen<00:16:56.610> mohammed<00:16:57.120> rafi<00:16:57.690> they<00:16:58.620> are like nigel deen mohammed rafi they are like nigel deen mohammed rafi they are my<00:16:58.920> teachers<00:16:59.400> I<00:16:59.670> ever<00:17:00.570> wish<00:17:00.870> a<00:17:01.260> big<00:17:02.100> wish<00:17:02.340> that my teachers I ever wish a big wish that my teachers I ever wish a big wish that this<00:17:03.150> way<00:17:03.450> of<00:17:03.690> working<00:17:04.010> this<00:17:05.010> way<00:17:05.189> of<00:17:05.339> thinking this way of working this way of thinking this way of working this way of thinking is<00:17:06.030> going<00:17:06.480> to<00:17:06.569> be<00:17:06.660> implemented<00:17:06.959> in<00:17:07.260> other is going to be implemented in other is going to be implemented in other countries<00:17:08.720> there<00:17:09.720> are<00:17:09.780> plenty<00:17:10.020> of<00:17:10.199> countries countries there are plenty of countries countries there are plenty of countries at<00:17:10.860> war<00:17:11.040> like<00:17:11.310> Afghanistan<00:17:12.709> it<00:17:13.709> is<00:17:14.100> possible at war like Afghanistan it is possible at war like Afghanistan it is possible and<00:17:14.850> it<00:17:15.270> is<00:17:15.540> not<00:17:15.720> difficult<00:17:16.280> all<00:17:17.280> what<00:17:17.819> we<00:17:17.850> have and it is not difficult all what we have and it is not difficult all what we have to<00:17:18.360> do<00:17:18.540> it's<00:17:19.040> to<00:17:20.040> to<00:17:20.459> listen<00:17:20.939> to<00:17:21.449> the<00:17:21.569> people to do it's to to listen to the people to do it's to to listen to the people that<00:17:22.380> we<00:17:22.620> are<00:17:22.740> supposed<00:17:23.160> to<00:17:23.250> assist<00:17:24.380> to<00:17:25.380> make that we are supposed to assist to make that we are supposed to assist to make them<00:17:25.860> part<00:17:26.130> of<00:17:26.280> the<00:17:27.209> decision-making<00:17:28.020> process them part of the decision-making process them part of the decision-making process and<00:17:29.330> then<00:17:30.330> of<00:17:30.450> course<00:17:30.480> to<00:17:30.840> adapt<00:17:32.600> this<00:17:33.600> is<00:17:33.750> my and then of course to adapt this is my and then of course to adapt this is my my<00:17:34.560> big<00:17:34.860> wish<00:17:36.020> well<00:17:37.020> don't<00:17:37.290> think<00:17:37.590> that<00:17:37.770> the my big wish well don't think that the my big wish well don't think that the changes<00:17:38.250> in<00:17:38.310> Afghanistan<00:17:38.940> are<00:17:39.210> over<00:17:39.660> not<00:17:40.050> at changes in Afghanistan are over not at changes in Afghanistan are over not at all<00:17:40.320> we<00:17:40.920> are<00:17:41.040> going<00:17:41.310> on<00:17:41.490> recently<00:17:42.420> we<00:17:42.540> have all we are going on recently we have all we are going on recently we have just<00:17:42.870> started<00:17:43.860> a<00:17:44.160> program<00:17:44.340> a<00:17:44.790> sport<00:17:45.600> program just started a program a sport program just started a program a sport program basketball<00:17:47.429> for<00:17:47.700> wheelchair<00:17:48.360> users<00:17:48.440> we basketball for wheelchair users we basketball for wheelchair users we sported<00:17:50.640> a<00:17:50.820> wheelchair<00:17:51.300> tseverywhere<00:17:51.630> we sported a wheelchair tseverywhere we sported a wheelchair tseverywhere we have<00:17:52.020> several<00:17:52.500> teams<00:17:52.980> in<00:17:53.250> mainly<00:17:53.820> part<00:17:54.060> of have several teams in mainly part of have several teams in mainly part of Afghanistan<00:17:55.140> at<00:17:55.980> the<00:17:56.100> beginning<00:17:56.520> when<00:17:57.150> when Afghanistan at the beginning when when Afghanistan at the beginning when when Nadine<00:17:58.410> told<00:17:59.130> me<00:18:00.080> we<00:18:01.080> would<00:18:01.200> like<00:18:01.410> to<00:18:01.440> start<00:18:01.830> it Nadine told me we would like to start it Nadine told me we would like to start it I<00:18:02.600> hesitated<00:18:03.600> I<00:18:03.900> said<00:18:04.110> no<00:18:04.260> you<00:18:04.290> can<00:18:05.160> imagine<00:18:05.370> I I hesitated I said no you can imagine I I hesitated I said no you can imagine I said<00:18:06.360> no<00:18:06.540> no<00:18:06.780> no<00:18:07.020> no<00:18:07.260> we<00:18:07.440> can't<00:18:07.650> and<00:18:08.010> then<00:18:08.400> I said no no no no we can't and then I said no no no no we can't and then I asked<00:18:08.730> the<00:18:08.970> usual<00:18:09.210> question<00:18:09.630> is<00:18:09.930> it<00:18:10.320> a asked the usual question is it a asked the usual question is it a priority<00:18:10.620> is<00:18:11.250> it<00:18:11.970> really<00:18:12.870> necessary<00:18:14.570> well<00:18:15.570> now priority is it really necessary well now priority is it really necessary well now you<00:18:15.810> should<00:18:16.170> see<00:18:16.200> me<00:18:16.530> I<00:18:16.770> never<00:18:17.220> miss<00:18:17.490> a<00:18:17.520> single you should see me I never miss a single you should see me I never miss a single training<00:18:18.960> session<00:18:19.310> the<00:18:20.310> night<00:18:20.520> before<00:18:20.760> a training session the night before a training session the night before a match<00:18:21.210> am<00:18:21.420> very<00:18:21.720> nervous<00:18:21.960> and<00:18:23.120> you<00:18:24.120> should<00:18:24.330> see match am very nervous and you should see match am very nervous and you should see me<00:18:24.600> I<00:18:24.630> mean<00:18:25.070> during<00:18:26.070> the<00:18:26.280> match<00:18:26.460> I<00:18:26.730> shout<00:18:27.060> I me I mean during the match I shout I me I mean during the match I shout I well<00:18:28.230> like<00:18:28.500> a<00:18:28.530> true<00:18:28.890> Italian<00:18:31.520> watch<00:18:32.520> next<00:18:32.910> what well like a true Italian watch next what well like a true Italian watch next what is<00:18:33.840> going<00:18:34.020> to<00:18:34.080> be<00:18:34.200> next<00:18:34.440> next<00:18:35.220> change<00:18:35.760> I<00:18:36.680> don't is going to be next next change I don't is going to be next next change I don't know<00:18:37.740> yet<00:18:37.920> but<00:18:38.130> I'm<00:18:38.310> sure<00:18:38.340> that<00:18:38.520> night<00:18:39.270> routine know yet but I'm sure that night routine know yet but I'm sure that night routine and<00:18:39.750> these<00:18:39.870> friends<00:18:40.260> they<00:18:40.500> have<00:18:40.650> already<00:18:41.010> in and these friends they have already in and these friends they have already in mind<00:18:42.740> that<00:18:43.740> was<00:18:43.920> my<00:18:44.040> story<00:18:44.340> thank<00:18:44.940> you<00:18:45.030> very mind that was my story thank you very mind that was my story thank you very much


Alberto Cairo, TED, TEDx, TEDxRC2, Afghanistan, war, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, clinics, war, clinics

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