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How heavy is air? - Dan Quinn

Transcriber: Jessica Ruby Reviewer: Caroline Cristal You may not realize it, but from the moment you got out of bed today to the point where you sat down to watch this video, you've essentially been swimming. Why? Because air is a fluid just like water. It has waves and eddies. It flows. And when you push air out of the way, it rushes around you into a wake. So why don't we notice it most of the time? We commonly think of air as empty space. But while one cubic centimeter of interstellar space, the volume in the tip of your pinky finger, contains roughly one atom, the same volume of air has about 10 quintillion molecules. If that sounds hard to wrap your head around, it happens to be about the same as the number of insects alive on the planet, all crawling, climbing, and flying over each other in an enormous, tightly packed swarm. When this swarm of molecules runs into things, it exerts a force, pressing against the boundaries of the fluid, like water pressing against the glass of a bottle. This is known as air pressure. And while air is lighter than water, all those molecules still get pretty heavy, with the total air filling a typical school gym, weighing about as much as an adult elephant. So when you walk into a gym, how come you're not immediately crushed by the elephant of air in the room? Well, first of all, because most of it is pressing on the floor and the walls, and the part that is pressing on you is pushed back by the pressure inside you! You see, the air, as well as the water and everything else, that fills our bodies exerts an amount of pressure equal to that of the air outside. Of course, this is no accident. It's precisely what allows us to survive in the normal atmosphere, and what makes it more difficult at high altitudes or deep water. And we normally don't feel the air pressing on us because it's generally uniform. So even though different amounts of air molecules are hitting you at different times, the swarm is so thick that all those little differences average out. What happens when air pressure isn't uniform? This means that the molecules are pushing harder in one region of air than another, driving the air flow from the higher pressure region to the lower. We feel this flow directly as wind, and the pressure systems that meteorologists are always going on about are responsible for other weather changes, from the mundane to the catastrophic. But differences in air pressure do more than just let us complain about the weather; they're the very reason we're alive. We breathe by lowering the pressure in our lungs, allowing air to rush in. So the next time you take a deep breath, think of the unfathomable number of air molecules you're commanding to move. We look up at the night sky to ponder the infinity of space, but unless you're watching this video from that deep space, there are more air molecules in and around your body than there are grains of sand in all the world's beaches and deserts, stars in the visible universe, or both of those numbers combined. The vastness of the universe is right in front of you and inside you.

Sandro Katamashvili, Dan Quinn, air pressure, air, empty space, atmosphere, pressure, TED, TED-Ed, TED Ed, TEDEducation

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