Khủng long thay đổi hình dạng-Jack Horner

Shape-shifting dinosaurs - Jack Horner

Shape-shifting dinosaurs - Jack Horner


are<00:00:16.530> asked<00:00:17.010> for<00:00:17.070> a<00:00:17.580> show<00:00:18.240> of<00:00:18.360> hands<00:00:18.600> or
are asked for a show of hands or are asked for a show of hands or clapping<00:00:19.680> of<00:00:20.810> people<00:00:21.810> in<00:00:21.930> different clapping of people in different clapping of people in different generations<00:00:22.790> I'm<00:00:23.790> interested<00:00:24.390> in<00:00:24.510> how<00:00:24.720> many generations I'm interested in how many generations I'm interested in how many are<00:00:25.140> three<00:00:25.800> to<00:00:25.980> twelve<00:00:26.430> years<00:00:26.730> old

none<00:00:32.820> ah<00:00:34.489> all<00:00:35.489> right<00:00:35.550> well<00:00:36.270> I'm<00:00:37.230> going<00:00:37.320> to<00:00:37.410> talk
none ah all right well I'm going to talk none ah all right well I'm going to talk about<00:00:37.680> dinosaurs<00:00:38.399> do<00:00:38.579> you<00:00:38.640> remember about dinosaurs do you remember about dinosaurs do you remember dinosaurs<00:00:39.750> when<00:00:40.170> you're<00:00:40.350> that<00:00:40.829> age<00:00:48.410> dinosaurs dinosaurs when you're that age dinosaurs dinosaurs when you're that age dinosaurs are<00:00:49.559> kind<00:00:49.739> of<00:00:49.800> funny<00:00:49.980> I<00:00:50.070> mean<00:00:50.370> you<00:00:50.489> know<00:00:53.030> we're are kind of funny I mean you know we're are kind of funny I mean you know we're gonna<00:00:54.149> kind<00:00:54.449> of<00:00:54.539> go<00:00:54.690> in<00:00:54.809> a<00:00:54.870> different gonna kind of go in a different gonna kind of go in a different direction<00:00:55.230> right<00:00:55.649> now<00:00:55.859> I<00:00:56.010> hope<00:00:56.370> you<00:00:56.489> all direction right now I hope you all direction right now I hope you all realize<00:00:56.850> that<00:00:57.329> right<00:00:57.899> so<00:00:58.320> I'll<00:00:59.039> just<00:00:59.309> give<00:00:59.519> you realize that right so I'll just give you realize that right so I'll just give you my<00:00:59.789> message<00:00:59.850> up<00:01:00.359> front<00:01:00.890> try<00:01:01.890> not<00:01:02.070> to<00:01:02.190> go my message up front try not to go my message up front try not to go extinct<00:01:03.739> that's<00:01:04.739> at

people<00:01:11.530> ask<00:01:11.740> me<00:01:11.890> a<00:01:12.009> lot<00:01:12.450> when<00:01:13.450> in<00:01:13.600> fact<00:01:13.869> one<00:01:14.079> of
people ask me a lot when in fact one of people ask me a lot when in fact one of the<00:01:14.229> most<00:01:14.439> asked<00:01:14.860> questions<00:01:15.549> I<00:01:15.700> get<00:01:15.759> is<00:01:15.970> why<00:01:16.720> do the most asked questions I get is why do the most asked questions I get is why do children<00:01:17.259> like<00:01:18.070> dinosaurs<00:01:18.640> so<00:01:18.880> much<00:01:19.060> I<00:01:19.360> mean children like dinosaurs so much I mean children like dinosaurs so much I mean what<00:01:19.750> what's<00:01:20.470> the<00:01:20.590> fascination<00:01:20.880> and<00:01:21.880> I what what's the fascination and I what what's the fascination and I usually<00:01:23.770> just<00:01:24.009> say<00:01:24.130> well<00:01:24.369> you<00:01:24.520> know<00:01:24.640> dinosaurs usually just say well you know dinosaurs usually just say well you know dinosaurs were<00:01:25.539> big<00:01:26.610> different<00:01:27.610> and<00:01:28.240> gone<00:01:29.729> they're<00:01:30.729> all were big different and gone they're all were big different and gone they're all run<00:01:31.080> well<00:01:32.080> that's<00:01:32.320> not<00:01:32.500> true<00:01:32.830> but<00:01:33.250> we'll<00:01:34.119> get run well that's not true but we'll get run well that's not true but we'll get to<00:01:34.450> the<00:01:34.570> goose<00:01:34.780> in<00:01:34.960> a<00:01:35.049> minute<00:01:35.289> so<00:01:36.280> that's<00:01:37.119> sort to the goose in a minute so that's sort to the goose in a minute so that's sort of<00:01:37.420> the<00:01:37.509> theme<00:01:37.920> big<00:01:39.179> different<00:01:40.179> and<00:01:40.450> gone<00:01:41.700> the of the theme big different and gone the of the theme big different and gone the title<00:01:43.119> of<00:01:43.240> my<00:01:43.390> talk<00:01:44.069> shape-shifting title of my talk shape-shifting title of my talk shape-shifting dinosaurs<00:01:45.729> the<00:01:46.390> cause<00:01:46.630> for<00:01:46.959> a<00:01:46.990> premature dinosaurs the cause for a premature dinosaurs the cause for a premature extinction<00:01:48.450> now<00:01:49.450> I<00:01:49.509> assume<00:01:49.720> that<00:01:49.990> we<00:01:50.740> remember extinction now I assume that we remember extinction now I assume that we remember dinosaurs<00:01:51.970> and<00:01:52.299> you<00:01:52.840> know<00:01:52.959> there's<00:01:53.200> lots<00:01:53.560> of dinosaurs and you know there's lots of dinosaurs and you know there's lots of different<00:01:54.069> shapes<00:01:54.420> different<00:01:55.420> lots<00:01:55.959> of different shapes different lots of different shapes different lots of different<00:01:56.380> kinds<00:01:56.830> a<00:01:57.100> long<00:01:57.970> time<00:01:58.270> ago<00:01:59.189> back<00:02:00.189> in different kinds a long time ago back in different kinds a long time ago back in the<00:02:00.580> early<00:02:00.909> 1900s<00:02:01.840> museums<00:02:02.560> were<00:02:03.220> out<00:02:03.459> looking the early 1900s museums were out looking the early 1900s museums were out looking for<00:02:03.939> dinosaurs<00:02:04.600> they<00:02:05.350> went<00:02:05.530> out<00:02:05.619> and<00:02:05.890> gathered for dinosaurs they went out and gathered for dinosaurs they went out and gathered them<00:02:06.970> up<00:02:07.119> and<00:02:07.179> this<00:02:08.110> is<00:02:08.170> an<00:02:08.349> interesting<00:02:08.560> story them up and this is an interesting story them up and this is an interesting story every<00:02:10.810> museum<00:02:11.290> wanted<00:02:11.709> a<00:02:11.860> little<00:02:12.040> bigger<00:02:12.370> or every museum wanted a little bigger or every museum wanted a little bigger or better<00:02:12.850> one<00:02:13.120> than<00:02:13.299> anybody<00:02:13.720> else<00:02:13.930> had<00:02:14.170> so<00:02:14.799> if better one than anybody else had so if better one than anybody else had so if the<00:02:15.640> museum<00:02:16.120> in<00:02:16.239> Toronto<00:02:16.750> went<00:02:17.200> out<00:02:17.290> and the museum in Toronto went out and the museum in Toronto went out and collected<00:02:17.590> a<00:02:18.480> Tyrannis<00:02:19.480> for<00:02:19.690> a<00:02:19.989> big<00:02:20.560> one<00:02:20.709> then collected a Tyrannis for a big one then collected a Tyrannis for a big one then the<00:02:21.790> Museum<00:02:22.239> in<00:02:22.359> Ottawa<00:02:22.510> wanted<00:02:23.079> a<00:02:23.170> bigger<00:02:23.320> one the Museum in Ottawa wanted a bigger one the Museum in Ottawa wanted a bigger one and<00:02:23.859> a<00:02:24.730> better<00:02:24.880> one<00:02:25.090> and<00:02:25.570> that<00:02:26.410> happened<00:02:26.769> for and a better one and that happened for and a better one and that happened for all<00:02:26.950> the<00:02:27.250> museum's<00:02:27.730> so<00:02:28.180> everyone<00:02:28.570> was<00:02:28.750> out all the museum's so everyone was out all the museum's so everyone was out looking<00:02:29.380> for<00:02:29.410> all<00:02:29.650> these<00:02:29.859> bigger<00:02:30.579> and<00:02:30.820> better looking for all these bigger and better looking for all these bigger and better dinosaurs<00:02:32.340> and<00:02:33.340> this<00:02:33.459> was<00:02:33.609> in<00:02:33.730> the<00:02:33.760> early dinosaurs and this was in the early dinosaurs and this was in the early 1900s<00:02:35.670> by<00:02:36.670> about<00:02:37.590> 1970<00:02:39.480> some<00:02:40.480> scientists<00:02:41.109> were 1900s by about 1970 some scientists were 1900s by about 1970 some scientists were sitting<00:02:41.500> around<00:02:41.680> and<00:02:41.920> they<00:02:41.980> thought<00:02:42.540> what<00:02:43.540> in sitting around and they thought what in sitting around and they thought what in the<00:02:43.900> world the world the world look<00:02:45.370> at<00:02:45.489> these<00:02:45.640> dinosaurs<00:02:46.239> are<00:02:46.450> all<00:02:46.630> big look at these dinosaurs are all big look at these dinosaurs are all big where<00:02:49.269> are<00:02:49.390> all<00:02:49.480> the<00:02:49.660> little<00:02:49.959> ones

and<00:02:54.000> they<00:02:54.180> thought<00:02:54.420> about<00:02:54.660> it<00:02:54.840> and<00:02:54.930> even<00:02:55.170> wrote
and they thought about it and even wrote and they thought about it and even wrote papers<00:02:55.560> about<00:02:55.920> it<00:02:56.810> where<00:02:57.810> are<00:02:58.140> the<00:02:58.320> little papers about it where are the little papers about it where are the little dinosaurs<00:03:04.430> well<00:03:08.300> go<00:03:09.300> to<00:03:09.360> a<00:03:09.450> museum<00:03:09.840> you'll<00:03:10.170> see dinosaurs well go to a museum you'll see dinosaurs well go to a museum you'll see see<00:03:12.180> how<00:03:12.330> many<00:03:12.510> baby<00:03:12.750> dinosaurs<00:03:13.350> are<00:03:14.330> people see how many baby dinosaurs are people see how many baby dinosaurs are people assumed<00:03:15.840> and<00:03:16.320> this<00:03:16.590> was<00:03:16.770> actually<00:03:16.950> a<00:03:17.220> problem assumed and this was actually a problem assumed and this was actually a problem people<00:03:17.970> assume<00:03:18.630> that<00:03:19.460> if<00:03:20.460> they<00:03:20.760> had<00:03:21.060> little people assume that if they had little people assume that if they had little dinosaurs<00:03:22.080> if<00:03:22.200> they<00:03:22.320> had<00:03:22.530> juvenile<00:03:23.070> dinosaurs dinosaurs if they had juvenile dinosaurs dinosaurs if they had juvenile dinosaurs they'd<00:03:23.940> be<00:03:24.120> easy<00:03:24.330> to<00:03:24.660> identify<00:03:25.040> you'd<00:03:26.040> have<00:03:26.280> a they'd be easy to identify you'd have a they'd be easy to identify you'd have a big<00:03:27.210> dinosaur<00:03:27.570> and<00:03:28.080> a<00:03:28.590> littler<00:03:28.950> dinosaur<00:03:30.410> but big dinosaur and a littler dinosaur but big dinosaur and a littler dinosaur but all<00:03:31.590> we<00:03:31.740> had<00:03:31.890> were<00:03:32.040> big<00:03:32.250> dinosaurs<00:03:33.440> and<00:03:34.440> it all we had were big dinosaurs and it all we had were big dinosaurs and it comes<00:03:34.800> down<00:03:34.980> to<00:03:35.040> a<00:03:35.220> couple<00:03:35.580> of<00:03:35.700> things<00:03:35.880> first comes down to a couple of things first comes down to a couple of things first off<00:03:38.150> scientists<00:03:39.150> have<00:03:39.660> egos<00:03:40.050> and<00:03:41.060> scientists off scientists have egos and scientists off scientists have egos and scientists like<00:03:42.270> to<00:03:42.480> name<00:03:42.980> dinosaurs<00:03:44.150> don't<00:03:45.150> like<00:03:45.300> the like to name dinosaurs don't like the like to name dinosaurs don't like the name<00:03:45.540> anything<00:03:45.930> everybody<00:03:46.470> likes<00:03:46.770> to<00:03:46.830> have name anything everybody likes to have name anything everybody likes to have their<00:03:47.220> own<00:03:47.570> animal<00:03:48.570> but<00:03:48.750> they<00:03:48.870> named<00:03:49.110> and<00:03:49.890> so

and<00:03:53.480> so<00:03:53.720> every<00:03:53.930> time<00:03:53.960> they<00:03:54.260> found<00:03:54.410> something
and so every time they found something and so every time they found something that<00:03:54.860> looked<00:03:55.100> a<00:03:55.220> little<00:03:55.340> different<00:03:55.730> they that looked a little different they that looked a little different they named<00:03:56.180> it<00:03:56.360> something<00:03:56.930> different<00:03:58.120> and<00:03:59.120> what named it something different and what named it something different and what happened<00:03:59.780> of<00:04:00.050> course<00:04:00.260> is<00:04:00.590> we<00:04:00.800> ended<00:04:01.040> up<00:04:01.190> with<00:04:01.400> a happened of course is we ended up with a happened of course is we ended up with a whole<00:04:01.640> bunch<00:04:01.820> of<00:04:02.000> different<00:04:02.900> dinosaurs<00:04:05.170> in whole bunch of different dinosaurs in whole bunch of different dinosaurs in 1975<00:04:07.190> a<00:04:08.980> light<00:04:09.980> went<00:04:10.610> on<00:04:10.700> and<00:04:10.940> somebody's<00:04:11.330> had 1975 a light went on and somebody's had 1975 a light went on and somebody's had dr.<00:04:12.830> Peter<00:04:13.040> Dodson<00:04:13.580> at<00:04:14.000> the<00:04:14.120> University<00:04:14.660> of dr. Peter Dodson at the University of dr. Peter Dodson at the University of Pennsylvania<00:04:15.970> actually<00:04:16.970> realized<00:04:17.450> that Pennsylvania actually realized that Pennsylvania actually realized that dinosaurs<00:04:20.260> grew<00:04:21.260> kind<00:04:22.040> of<00:04:22.130> like<00:04:22.280> birds<00:04:22.580> do dinosaurs grew kind of like birds do dinosaurs grew kind of like birds do which<00:04:24.140> is<00:04:24.290> different<00:04:24.770> than<00:04:25.040> the<00:04:25.340> way<00:04:25.780> reptiles which is different than the way reptiles which is different than the way reptiles grow<00:04:27.140> and<00:04:27.470> in<00:04:27.980> fact<00:04:28.330> he<00:04:29.330> used<00:04:29.470> the<00:04:30.470> castle<00:04:31.070> area grow and in fact he used the castle area grow and in fact he used the castle area as<00:04:31.430> an<00:04:31.610> example<00:04:32.030> and<00:04:32.840> it's<00:04:32.990> kind<00:04:33.200> of<00:04:33.260> cool<00:04:33.440> I as an example and it's kind of cool I as an example and it's kind of cool I mean<00:04:33.830> if<00:04:33.920> you<00:04:33.980> look<00:04:34.190> at<00:04:34.340> the<00:04:34.460> cassowary<00:04:34.930> or<00:04:35.930> any mean if you look at the cassowary or any mean if you look at the cassowary or any of<00:04:36.620> the<00:04:36.800> birds<00:04:37.070> that<00:04:37.310> have<00:04:37.550> crests<00:04:38.030> on<00:04:38.150> their of the birds that have crests on their of the birds that have crests on their heads<00:04:38.570> they<00:04:39.230> actually<00:04:39.770> grow<00:04:40.340> to<00:04:40.400> about<00:04:40.850> 80% heads they actually grow to about 80% heads they actually grow to about 80% adult<00:04:42.830> size<00:04:43.100> before<00:04:43.580> the<00:04:44.120> crest<00:04:44.450> starts<00:04:44.870> to adult size before the crest starts to adult size before the crest starts to grow grow grow now<00:04:46.940> think<00:04:47.180> about<00:04:47.240> them<00:04:47.600> I<00:04:47.810> mean<00:04:48.050> they<00:04:48.230> they're now think about them I mean they they're now think about them I mean they they're basically<00:04:49.160> retaining<00:04:49.850> their<00:04:50.180> juvenile basically retaining their juvenile basically retaining their juvenile characteristics<00:04:51.470> very<00:04:51.950> late<00:04:52.280> into<00:04:53.180> what<00:04:53.270> we characteristics very late into what we characteristics very late into what we call<00:04:53.750> untidy<00:04:54.740> so<00:04:55.100> allometric<00:04:56.230> cranial call untidy so allometric cranial call untidy so allometric cranial ontogeny<00:04:58.100> is<00:04:58.720> relative<00:04:59.720> skull<00:05:00.110> growth<00:05:00.440> okay ontogeny is relative skull growth okay ontogeny is relative skull growth okay so<00:05:02.150> you<00:05:02.690> can<00:05:02.930> see<00:05:03.200> that<00:05:03.440> if<00:05:03.560> you<00:05:03.710> actually so you can see that if you actually so you can see that if you actually found<00:05:04.870> one<00:05:05.870> that<00:05:06.020> was<00:05:06.200> 80%<00:05:06.710> grown<00:05:07.400> and<00:05:08.110> you found one that was 80% grown and you found one that was 80% grown and you didn't<00:05:09.440> know<00:05:09.650> that<00:05:09.680> it<00:05:10.010> was<00:05:10.070> going<00:05:10.280> to<00:05:10.490> grow<00:05:10.700> up didn't know that it was going to grow up didn't know that it was going to grow up to<00:05:10.940> a<00:05:11.210> cassowary<00:05:11.690> you<00:05:12.410> would<00:05:12.530> think<00:05:12.740> there to a cassowary you would think there to a cassowary you would think there were<00:05:12.950> two<00:05:13.160> different<00:05:13.340> animals<00:05:14.650> all<00:05:15.650> right<00:05:15.800> so were two different animals all right so were two different animals all right so so<00:05:17.570> this<00:05:17.750> was<00:05:17.930> a<00:05:17.960> problem<00:05:18.440> and<00:05:18.590> Peter<00:05:19.370> Dotson so this was a problem and Peter Dotson so this was a problem and Peter Dotson pointed<00:05:20.270> this<00:05:20.390> out<00:05:20.600> using<00:05:21.590> some<00:05:21.830> duck-billed pointed this out using some duck-billed pointed this out using some duck-billed dinosaurs<00:05:23.590> thing<00:05:24.590> called<00:05:24.800> hypocracy<00:05:25.190> Saurus dinosaurs thing called hypocracy Saurus dinosaurs thing called hypocracy Saurus and<00:05:25.880> he<00:05:26.390> showed<00:05:26.660> that<00:05:26.690> if<00:05:27.590> you<00:05:27.800> were<00:05:27.950> to<00:05:28.160> take<00:05:28.340> a and he showed that if you were to take a and he showed that if you were to take a baby<00:05:29.540> and<00:05:29.930> an<00:05:30.110> adult<00:05:30.470> and<00:05:30.740> make<00:05:31.250> an<00:05:31.400> average<00:05:31.700> of baby and an adult and make an average of baby and an adult and make an average of what<00:05:32.630> it<00:05:32.930> should<00:05:33.229> look<00:05:33.919> like<00:05:33.979> if<00:05:34.310> it<00:05:34.430> grew<00:05:34.669> in what it should look like if it grew in what it should look like if it grew in sort<00:05:35.120> of<00:05:35.180> a<00:05:35.270> linear<00:05:35.660> fashion<00:05:36.580> it<00:05:37.580> would<00:05:37.729> have<00:05:37.940> a sort of a linear fashion it would have a sort of a linear fashion it would have a crest<00:05:38.479> about<00:05:39.200> half<00:05:39.560> the<00:05:39.800> size<00:05:39.979> of<00:05:40.220> the<00:05:40.490> adult crest about half the size of the adult crest about half the size of the adult but<00:05:41.810> the<00:05:42.260> actual<00:05:43.300> sub-adult<00:05:44.300> the<00:05:44.600> 65%<00:05:45.200> had<00:05:46.130> no but the actual sub-adult the 65% had no but the actual sub-adult the 65% had no crest<00:05:46.610> at<00:05:46.790> all<00:05:46.940> so<00:05:47.840> this<00:05:47.960> was<00:05:48.169> interesting<00:05:48.740> so crest at all so this was interesting so crest at all so this was interesting so this<00:05:49.700> is this is this is this<00:05:51.250> is<00:05:51.370> where<00:05:52.380> people<00:05:53.380> went<00:05:53.650> astray<00:05:53.830> again this is where people went astray again this is where people went astray again I<00:05:54.850> mean<00:05:55.690> if<00:05:56.110> they'd<00:05:56.320> had<00:05:56.440> just<00:05:56.650> taken<00:05:57.340> that I mean if they'd had just taken that I mean if they'd had just taken that take<00:05:58.270> computer<00:05:58.690> Dotson's<00:05:59.080> work<00:05:59.289> and<00:05:59.500> gone<00:06:00.460> on take computer Dotson's work and gone on take computer Dotson's work and gone on with<00:06:00.880> that<00:06:01.060> then<00:06:01.270> we<00:06:01.300> would<00:06:01.570> have<00:06:01.780> a<00:06:01.810> lot<00:06:02.110> less with that then we would have a lot less with that then we would have a lot less dinosaurs<00:06:03.070> than<00:06:03.340> we<00:06:03.460> have<00:06:04.259> but<00:06:05.520> scientists dinosaurs than we have but scientists dinosaurs than we have but scientists have<00:06:06.639> egos<00:06:06.970> they<00:06:07.600> like<00:06:07.870> to<00:06:08.020> name<00:06:08.199> things<00:06:08.440> and have egos they like to name things and have egos they like to name things and so<00:06:10.050> they<00:06:11.050> went<00:06:11.199> on<00:06:11.410> naming<00:06:12.220> the<00:06:12.759> dinosaurs so they went on naming the dinosaurs so they went on naming the dinosaurs because<00:06:13.750> they<00:06:13.930> were<00:06:13.990> different<00:06:14.669> now<00:06:15.669> we<00:06:16.150> have because they were different now we have because they were different now we have a<00:06:16.360> way<00:06:16.720> of<00:06:16.750> actually<00:06:17.320> testing<00:06:18.009> to<00:06:18.520> see<00:06:18.820> whether a way of actually testing to see whether a way of actually testing to see whether a<00:06:19.210> dinosaur<00:06:19.930> or<00:06:19.960> any<00:06:20.320> animal<00:06:20.830> is<00:06:21.310> a<00:06:21.400> young<00:06:21.820> one a dinosaur or any animal is a young one a dinosaur or any animal is a young one or<00:06:22.300> an<00:06:22.479> older<00:06:22.810> one<00:06:22.990> and<00:06:23.289> that's<00:06:23.889> by<00:06:24.130> actually or an older one and that's by actually or an older one and that's by actually cutting<00:06:25.300> into<00:06:25.570> their<00:06:25.900> bones<00:06:26.430> but<00:06:27.430> cutting cutting into their bones but cutting cutting into their bones but cutting into<00:06:28.240> the<00:06:28.330> bones<00:06:28.539> of<00:06:28.930> a<00:06:29.169> dinosaur<00:06:29.770> is<00:06:31.560> hard<00:06:32.560> to into the bones of a dinosaur is hard to into the bones of a dinosaur is hard to do<00:06:32.919> as<00:06:33.250> you<00:06:33.430> can<00:06:33.580> imagine<00:06:33.669> because<00:06:34.860> museums do as you can imagine because museums do as you can imagine because museums bones<00:06:37.509> are<00:06:38.110> precious bones are precious bones are precious all<00:06:40.030> right<00:06:40.320> you<00:06:41.320> go<00:06:41.470> into<00:06:41.680> a<00:06:41.710> museum<00:06:41.889> and<00:06:42.310> they all right you go into a museum and they all right you go into a museum and they take<00:06:42.639> really<00:06:42.940> good<00:06:43.120> care<00:06:43.180> of<00:06:43.479> them<00:06:43.660> they<00:06:44.080> put take really good care of them they put take really good care of them they put them<00:06:44.500> in<00:06:44.650> foam<00:06:45.280> little<00:06:45.520> containers<00:06:46.270> and<00:06:46.479> I them in foam little containers and I them in foam little containers and I mean<00:06:46.840> it's<00:06:46.990> they're<00:06:47.889> very<00:06:48.160> well<00:06:48.340> taken<00:06:48.729> care mean it's they're very well taken care mean it's they're very well taken care of<00:06:50.699> they<00:06:51.699> don't<00:06:51.880> like<00:06:52.030> it<00:06:52.180> if<00:06:52.270> you<00:06:52.389> come<00:06:52.570> in<00:06:52.750> and of they don't like it if you come in and of they don't like it if you come in and want<00:06:53.110> to<00:06:53.199> saw<00:06:53.560> them<00:06:53.830> open<00:06:53.979> and<00:06:54.580> look<00:06:54.760> inside<00:06:55.560> so want to saw them open and look inside so want to saw them open and look inside so they<00:06:57.909> don't<00:06:58.150> normally<00:06:58.330> let<00:06:58.870> you<00:06:59.020> do<00:06:59.139> that they don't normally let you do that they don't normally let you do that but<00:06:59.680> I<00:07:00.479> have<00:07:01.479> a<00:07:01.510> museum<00:07:01.990> and<00:07:02.680> I<00:07:02.919> collect but I have a museum and I collect but I have a museum and I collect dinosaurs<00:07:04.030> and<00:07:04.680> I<00:07:05.680> can<00:07:05.889> saw<00:07:06.099> mine<00:07:06.370> open<00:07:06.729> so dinosaurs and I can saw mine open so dinosaurs and I can saw mine open so that's<00:07:07.780> what<00:07:07.990> I<00:07:08.020> do

so<00:07:15.110> if<00:07:16.110> you<00:07:16.320> cut<00:07:16.620> open<00:07:17.010> a<00:07:17.130> little<00:07:17.430> dinosaur
so if you cut open a little dinosaur so if you cut open a little dinosaur it's<00:07:18.930> very<00:07:19.200> spongy<00:07:19.620> inside<00:07:20.160> like<00:07:20.430> a<00:07:20.730> and<00:07:21.570> if it's very spongy inside like a and if it's very spongy inside like a and if you<00:07:21.840> cut<00:07:22.050> it<00:07:22.170> into<00:07:22.260> an<00:07:22.470> older<00:07:22.770> dinosaur you cut it into an older dinosaur you cut it into an older dinosaur it's<00:07:23.730> very<00:07:23.880> massive<00:07:24.390> that's<00:07:24.630> very<00:07:24.930> I<00:07:25.110> mean<00:07:25.320> you it's very massive that's very I mean you it's very massive that's very I mean you can<00:07:25.530> you<00:07:25.830> can<00:07:26.010> tell<00:07:26.220> it's<00:07:26.400> a<00:07:26.460> mat<00:07:26.640> or<00:07:26.910> bone<00:07:27.210> so can you can tell it's a mat or bone so can you can tell it's a mat or bone so it's<00:07:27.660> real<00:07:27.990> easy<00:07:28.020> to<00:07:28.500> tell<00:07:28.740> them<00:07:28.920> apart<00:07:29.180> so it's real easy to tell them apart so it's real easy to tell them apart so what<00:07:31.200> I<00:07:31.260> want<00:07:31.440> to<00:07:31.500> do<00:07:31.650> is<00:07:31.770> show<00:07:32.550> you<00:07:32.580> these<00:07:32.910> in what I want to do is show you these in what I want to do is show you these in North<00:07:34.440> America<00:07:34.980> and<00:07:35.070> the<00:07:35.160> northern<00:07:35.550> plains<00:07:35.970> of North America and the northern plains of North America and the northern plains of the<00:07:36.840> United<00:07:37.230> States<00:07:37.560> and<00:07:37.860> the<00:07:37.920> southern the United States and the southern the United States and the southern plains<00:07:38.460> of<00:07:39.030> Alberta<00:07:39.930> and<00:07:40.170> Saskatchewan plains of Alberta and Saskatchewan plains of Alberta and Saskatchewan there's<00:07:41.640> this<00:07:42.090> unit<00:07:42.720> of<00:07:42.840> rock<00:07:43.080> called<00:07:43.290> the there's this unit of rock called the there's this unit of rock called the Hell<00:07:43.680> Creek<00:07:43.980> Formation<00:07:44.040> that<00:07:44.790> produces<00:07:45.630> the Hell Creek Formation that produces the Hell Creek Formation that produces the last<00:07:46.080> dinosaurs<00:07:46.800> that<00:07:47.040> lived<00:07:47.100> on<00:07:47.490> earth<00:07:47.520> and last dinosaurs that lived on earth and last dinosaurs that lived on earth and there<00:07:49.200> are<00:07:49.230> twelve<00:07:49.740> of<00:07:49.950> them<00:07:50.130> that<00:07:50.340> everyone there are twelve of them that everyone there are twelve of them that everyone recognizes<00:07:51.120> I<00:07:51.780> mean<00:07:51.900> the<00:07:52.080> twelve<00:07:52.650> primary recognizes I mean the twelve primary recognizes I mean the twelve primary dinosaurs<00:07:54.150> that<00:07:54.390> went<00:07:54.600> extinct<00:07:55.140> and<00:07:55.500> so<00:07:56.370> we dinosaurs that went extinct and so we dinosaurs that went extinct and so we will<00:07:57.330> evaluate<00:07:57.630> them<00:07:58.610> and<00:07:59.610> that's<00:07:59.880> sort<00:08:00.360> of will evaluate them and that's sort of will evaluate them and that's sort of what<00:08:00.600> I've<00:08:00.690> been<00:08:00.840> doing<00:08:01.140> so<00:08:01.470> my<00:08:02.040> students<00:08:02.670> my what I've been doing so my students my what I've been doing so my students my staff<00:08:03.210> we've<00:08:03.780> been<00:08:04.880> cutting<00:08:05.880> them<00:08:06.030> open<00:08:06.440> now staff we've been cutting them open now staff we've been cutting them open now as<00:08:08.160> you<00:08:08.340> can<00:08:08.490> imagine<00:08:08.580> cutting<00:08:09.090> open<00:08:09.330> a<00:08:09.570> leg as you can imagine cutting open a leg as you can imagine cutting open a leg bone<00:08:09.990> is<00:08:10.470> one<00:08:10.680> thing<00:08:10.920> but<00:08:11.160> when<00:08:11.970> you<00:08:12.090> go<00:08:12.870> to<00:08:12.930> a bone is one thing but when you go to a bone is one thing but when you go to a museum<00:08:13.140> and<00:08:13.560> say<00:08:13.710> you<00:08:14.340> don't<00:08:14.460> mind<00:08:14.700> if<00:08:14.820> I<00:08:14.910> cut museum and say you don't mind if I cut museum and say you don't mind if I cut open<00:08:15.540> your<00:08:16.370> dinosaur<00:08:17.370> skull<00:08:17.730> do<00:08:18.030> you<00:08:18.180> they<00:08:18.990> say open your dinosaur skull do you they say open your dinosaur skull do you they say go<00:08:20.850> away go away go away so<00:08:26.160> so<00:08:28.320> here<00:08:29.320> are<00:08:29.470> 12<00:08:29.800> dinosaurs<00:08:30.460> and<00:08:30.850> we<00:08:31.090> want so so here are 12 dinosaurs and we want so so here are 12 dinosaurs and we want to<00:08:31.390> look<00:08:31.600> at<00:08:31.810> these<00:08:32.380> three<00:08:32.979> first<00:08:33.340> so<00:08:34.270> these to look at these three first so these to look at these three first so these are<00:08:34.690> dinosaurs<00:08:35.590> that<00:08:35.830> are<00:08:36.010> called are dinosaurs that are called are dinosaurs that are called pachycephalosaurs<00:08:37.360> and<00:08:37.630> everybody<00:08:38.110> knows pachycephalosaurs and everybody knows pachycephalosaurs and everybody knows that<00:08:38.650> these<00:08:38.830> three<00:08:39.190> animals<00:08:39.400> are<00:08:39.760> related<00:08:40.419> and that these three animals are related and that these three animals are related and the<00:08:41.919> assumption<00:08:42.460> is<00:08:42.610> is<00:08:42.849> that<00:08:43.090> they're the assumption is is that they're the assumption is is that they're related related related you<00:08:44.980> know<00:08:45.100> like<00:08:45.280> cousins<00:08:46.030> or<00:08:46.420> whatever<00:08:47.380> but<00:08:47.620> no you know like cousins or whatever but no you know like cousins or whatever but no one<00:08:48.520> ever<00:08:49.060> considered<00:08:49.930> that<00:08:50.200> they<00:08:50.590> might<00:08:50.800> be one ever considered that they might be one ever considered that they might be more<00:08:51.640> closely<00:08:52.000> related<00:08:52.500> in<00:08:53.500> other<00:08:53.650> words more closely related in other words more closely related in other words people<00:08:54.700> looked<00:08:55.120> at<00:08:55.270> them<00:08:55.450> and<00:08:55.540> they<00:08:55.630> saw<00:08:55.990> the people looked at them and they saw the people looked at them and they saw the differences<00:08:56.770> and<00:08:57.750> you<00:08:58.750> all<00:08:58.960> know<00:08:59.230> that<00:08:59.740> if<00:08:59.950> you differences and you all know that if you differences and you all know that if you are<00:09:00.250> going<00:09:00.490> to<00:09:00.700> determine<00:09:00.880> whether<00:09:01.450> you're are going to determine whether you're are going to determine whether you're related<00:09:02.320> to<00:09:02.350> your<00:09:02.650> brother<00:09:02.950> or<00:09:03.130> your<00:09:03.160> sister related to your brother or your sister related to your brother or your sister you<00:09:04.450> can't<00:09:04.780> do<00:09:05.020> it<00:09:05.170> by<00:09:05.320> looking<00:09:05.500> at you can't do it by looking at you can't do it by looking at differences<00:09:06.430> all<00:09:06.730> right<00:09:07.170> you<00:09:08.170> can<00:09:08.320> only differences all right you can only differences all right you can only determine<00:09:08.860> relatedness<00:09:09.280> by<00:09:09.760> looking<00:09:10.120> for determine relatedness by looking for determine relatedness by looking for similarities<00:09:11.080> so<00:09:11.850> people<00:09:12.850> were<00:09:12.940> looking<00:09:13.240> at similarities so people were looking at similarities so people were looking at these<00:09:13.480> and<00:09:13.720> they<00:09:13.750> were<00:09:13.870> talking<00:09:14.140> about<00:09:14.320> how these and they were talking about how these and they were talking about how different<00:09:14.890> they<00:09:15.010> are different they are different they are Pachycephalosaurus<00:09:16.150> has<00:09:17.020> a<00:09:17.050> big<00:09:17.320> big<00:09:18.100> thick Pachycephalosaurus has a big big thick Pachycephalosaurus has a big big thick dome<00:09:18.670> on<00:09:18.940> its<00:09:19.120> head<00:09:19.330> and<00:09:19.720> it's<00:09:19.840> got<00:09:19.960> some dome on its head and it's got some dome on its head and it's got some little<00:09:20.350> bumps<00:09:20.530> on<00:09:20.770> the<00:09:20.860> backs<00:09:21.040> of<00:09:21.220> its<00:09:21.280> head little bumps on the backs of its head little bumps on the backs of its head and<00:09:22.300> it's<00:09:22.450> got<00:09:22.600> a<00:09:22.630> bunch<00:09:22.810> of<00:09:22.930> gnarly<00:09:23.380> things<00:09:23.680> on and it's got a bunch of gnarly things on and it's got a bunch of gnarly things on the<00:09:23.980> front<00:09:24.220> of<00:09:24.280> its<00:09:24.430> nose<00:09:24.700> and<00:09:25.440> then the front of its nose and then the front of its nose and then Stygimoloch<00:09:27.250> another<00:09:27.640> dinosaur<00:09:28.150> from<00:09:28.720> the Stygimoloch another dinosaur from the Stygimoloch another dinosaur from the same<00:09:29.080> age<00:09:29.290> lived<00:09:29.800> at<00:09:29.950> the<00:09:30.070> same<00:09:30.100> time<00:09:31.080> has same age lived at the same time has same age lived at the same time has spikes<00:09:32.440> sticking<00:09:32.620> out<00:09:32.950> the<00:09:33.070> back<00:09:33.250> of<00:09:33.400> its<00:09:33.520> head spikes sticking out the back of its head spikes sticking out the back of its head it's<00:09:34.270> got<00:09:34.420> a<00:09:34.450> little<00:09:34.839> tiny<00:09:35.050> dome<00:09:35.380> and<00:09:35.740> it's<00:09:36.370> got it's got a little tiny dome and it's got it's got a little tiny dome and it's got a<00:09:36.550> bunch<00:09:36.820> of<00:09:36.910> gnarly<00:09:37.390> stuff<00:09:37.600> on<00:09:37.750> its<00:09:37.900> nose<00:09:38.110> and a bunch of gnarly stuff on its nose and a bunch of gnarly stuff on its nose and then<00:09:39.970> there's<00:09:40.210> this<00:09:40.330> thing<00:09:40.540> called<00:09:40.600> Draco then there's this thing called Draco then there's this thing called Draco wrecks<00:09:41.640> Hogwarts<00:09:42.640> I<00:09:44.070> guess<00:09:45.070> where<00:09:45.280> that<00:09:45.400> came wrecks Hogwarts I guess where that came wrecks Hogwarts I guess where that came from from from dragon<00:09:46.540> so<00:09:47.520> here's<00:09:48.520> a<00:09:48.580> dinosaur<00:09:49.150> that<00:09:49.180> has dragon so here's a dinosaur that has dragon so here's a dinosaur that has spikes<00:09:49.839> sticking<00:09:49.990> out<00:09:50.320> of<00:09:50.410> its<00:09:50.530> head spikes sticking out of its head spikes sticking out of its head no<00:09:51.190> dome<00:09:51.490> and<00:09:52.020> gnarly<00:09:53.020> stuff<00:09:53.080> on<00:09:53.410> its<00:09:53.560> nose no dome and gnarly stuff on its nose no dome and gnarly stuff on its nose nobody<00:09:55.120> noticed<00:09:55.480> that<00:09:55.660> gnarly<00:09:55.870> stuff<00:09:56.230> sort<00:09:56.470> of nobody noticed that gnarly stuff sort of nobody noticed that gnarly stuff sort of looked<00:09:56.710> alike<00:09:56.830> but<00:09:57.600> but<00:09:58.600> they<00:09:58.780> did<00:09:59.050> look<00:09:59.230> at looked alike but but they did look at looked alike but but they did look at these<00:09:59.530> three<00:09:59.950> and<00:10:00.070> they<00:10:00.190> said<00:10:00.430> these<00:10:01.060> are these three and they said these are these three and they said these are three<00:10:01.540> different<00:10:01.570> dinosaurs<00:10:02.320> and<00:10:02.500> Draco<00:10:02.710> Rex three different dinosaurs and Draco Rex three different dinosaurs and Draco Rex is<00:10:03.190> probably<00:10:03.640> the<00:10:03.850> most<00:10:03.970> primitive<00:10:04.390> of<00:10:04.839> them is probably the most primitive of them is probably the most primitive of them and<00:10:05.290> the<00:10:05.770> other<00:10:05.920> one<00:10:06.010> is<00:10:06.750> more<00:10:07.750> primitive<00:10:08.020> than and the other one is more primitive than and the other one is more primitive than the<00:10:08.350> other<00:10:08.700> it's<00:10:09.700> unclear<00:10:10.330> to<00:10:10.480> me<00:10:10.510> how<00:10:10.750> they the other it's unclear to me how they the other it's unclear to me how they actually<00:10:12.250> sorted<00:10:12.640> these<00:10:12.760> three<00:10:13.060> of<00:10:13.180> them<00:10:13.360> out actually sorted these three of them out actually sorted these three of them out but<00:10:13.839> if<00:10:14.350> you<00:10:14.560> line<00:10:14.830> them<00:10:15.100> up<00:10:15.130> if<00:10:15.460> you<00:10:15.550> just<00:10:15.760> take but if you line them up if you just take but if you line them up if you just take those<00:10:16.180> three<00:10:16.510> skulls<00:10:16.810> and<00:10:17.020> just<00:10:17.170> line<00:10:17.410> them<00:10:17.650> up those three skulls and just line them up those three skulls and just line them up they<00:10:18.790> line<00:10:19.030> up<00:10:19.240> like<00:10:19.930> this<00:10:20.110> Draco<00:10:20.950> Rex<00:10:21.280> is<00:10:21.430> the they line up like this Draco Rex is the they line up like this Draco Rex is the littlest<00:10:21.940> one littlest one littlest one did<00:10:23.050> you<00:10:23.140> Moloch<00:10:23.470> is<00:10:23.650> the<00:10:23.770> middle<00:10:23.980> sized<00:10:24.160> one did you Moloch is the middle sized one did you Moloch is the middle sized one Pachycephalosaurus<00:10:25.690> is<00:10:26.440> the<00:10:26.560> largest<00:10:26.890> one Pachycephalosaurus is the largest one Pachycephalosaurus is the largest one when<00:10:27.370> one<00:10:27.520> would<00:10:27.700> think<00:10:28.920> that<00:10:29.920> should<00:10:30.190> give<00:10:30.370> me when one would think that should give me when one would think that should give me a<00:10:30.550> clue

but<00:10:33.950> it<00:10:34.070> didn't<00:10:34.310> give<00:10:34.399> them<00:10:34.519> a<00:10:34.550> clue<00:10:35.500> because
but it didn't give them a clue because but it didn't give them a clue because well<00:10:38.750> we<00:10:38.899> know<00:10:39.019> why<00:10:39.200> scientists<00:10:40.130> like<00:10:40.339> to<00:10:40.370> name well we know why scientists like to name well we know why scientists like to name the<00:10:41.000> thickness<00:10:41.410> so<00:10:43.149> if<00:10:44.149> we<00:10:44.390> cut<00:10:44.660> open the thickness so if we cut open the thickness so if we cut open Drako<00:10:45.680> racks<00:10:46.040> I<00:10:46.399> cut<00:10:47.180> open<00:10:47.300> our<00:10:47.570> draco<00:10:47.899> Rex<00:10:48.170> and Drako racks I cut open our draco Rex and Drako racks I cut open our draco Rex and look<00:10:49.130> at<00:10:49.250> it<00:10:49.370> was<00:10:49.459> spongy<00:10:49.850> inside<00:10:50.980> really look at it was spongy inside really look at it was spongy inside really spongy<00:10:52.279> inside<00:10:52.760> I<00:10:53.089> mean<00:10:53.300> it<00:10:53.540> is<00:10:53.690> a<00:10:53.720> juvenile spongy inside I mean it is a juvenile spongy inside I mean it is a juvenile and<00:10:54.709> it's<00:10:54.860> growing<00:10:55.310> really<00:10:55.880> fast<00:10:56.410> so<00:10:57.410> it<00:10:57.740> is and it's growing really fast so it is and it's growing really fast so it is going<00:10:58.339> to<00:10:58.459> get<00:10:58.670> bigger<00:10:58.850> if<00:10:59.390> you<00:10:59.540> cut<00:10:59.720> open going to get bigger if you cut open going to get bigger if you cut open Stygimoloch<00:11:01.310> it<00:11:01.760> is<00:11:01.940> doing<00:11:02.240> the<00:11:02.360> same<00:11:02.540> thing Stygimoloch it is doing the same thing Stygimoloch it is doing the same thing that<00:11:03.170> dome<00:11:03.470> the<00:11:04.040> dome<00:11:04.070> that<00:11:04.310> little<00:11:04.790> dome<00:11:04.970> is that dome the dome that little dome is that dome the dome that little dome is growing<00:11:05.750> really<00:11:05.930> fast<00:11:06.110> it's<00:11:06.769> inflating<00:11:07.370> very growing really fast it's inflating very growing really fast it's inflating very fast<00:11:08.110> what's<00:11:09.110> interesting<00:11:09.380> is<00:11:09.829> the<00:11:10.490> spike<00:11:10.850> on fast what's interesting is the spike on fast what's interesting is the spike on the<00:11:11.089> back<00:11:11.390> of<00:11:11.630> the<00:11:11.779> Draco<00:11:12.140> rex<00:11:12.380> was<00:11:12.560> growing the back of the Draco rex was growing the back of the Draco rex was growing very<00:11:12.950> fast<00:11:13.220> as<00:11:13.640> well<00:11:13.670> the<00:11:14.570> spikes<00:11:14.959> on<00:11:15.140> the<00:11:15.260> back very fast as well the spikes on the back very fast as well the spikes on the back of<00:11:15.589> the<00:11:15.680> Stygimoloch<00:11:16.339> are<00:11:16.519> actually of the Stygimoloch are actually of the Stygimoloch are actually resorbing<00:11:17.630> which<00:11:17.839> means<00:11:18.079> they're<00:11:18.290> getting resorbing which means they're getting resorbing which means they're getting smaller<00:11:18.980> as<00:11:19.399> that<00:11:19.970> dome<00:11:20.510> is<00:11:20.690> getting<00:11:21.019> bigger smaller as that dome is getting bigger smaller as that dome is getting bigger and<00:11:21.950> if<00:11:22.070> we<00:11:22.190> look<00:11:22.370> at<00:11:22.510> Pachycephalosaurus and if we look at Pachycephalosaurus and if we look at Pachycephalosaurus Pachycephalosaurus<00:11:25.339> has<00:11:25.579> a<00:11:25.610> solid<00:11:26.180> dome<00:11:26.390> and Pachycephalosaurus has a solid dome and Pachycephalosaurus has a solid dome and it's<00:11:28.790> little<00:11:29.149> bumps<00:11:29.720> on<00:11:29.810> the<00:11:29.959> back<00:11:30.079> of<00:11:30.290> its it's little bumps on the back of its it's little bumps on the back of its head<00:11:30.680> we're<00:11:31.310> also<00:11:31.579> resorbing<00:11:32.480> so<00:11:32.810> just<00:11:33.680> with head we're also resorbing so just with head we're also resorbing so just with these<00:11:34.070> three<00:11:34.459> dinosaurs<00:11:35.029> you<00:11:35.209> can<00:11:35.390> easily<00:11:35.899> you these three dinosaurs you can easily you these three dinosaurs you can easily you know<00:11:36.260> as<00:11:36.380> a<00:11:36.440> scientist<00:11:37.010> we<00:11:37.279> can<00:11:37.459> easily know as a scientist we can easily know as a scientist we can easily hypothesize<00:11:38.899> that<00:11:38.930> it<00:11:39.410> is<00:11:39.589> just<00:11:39.950> a<00:11:40.190> growth hypothesize that it is just a growth hypothesize that it is just a growth series<00:11:40.970> of<00:11:41.270> the<00:11:42.140> same<00:11:42.440> animal<00:11:43.660> which<00:11:44.660> of series of the same animal which of series of the same animal which of course<00:11:45.130> means<00:11:46.130> that<00:11:47.920> stigma<00:11:48.920> lock<00:11:49.130> and course means that stigma lock and course means that stigma lock and Dracorex Dracorex Dracorex are<00:11:51.770> extinct

which<00:12:02.499> of<00:12:02.769> course<00:12:02.829> means<00:12:03.759> we<00:12:04.629> have<00:12:04.839> ten
which of course means we have ten which of course means we have ten primary<00:12:05.529> dinosaurs<00:12:06.339> to<00:12:06.819> deal<00:12:06.970> with<00:12:07.769> so<00:12:08.769> a primary dinosaurs to deal with so a primary dinosaurs to deal with so a colleague<00:12:10.029> of<00:12:10.149> mine<00:12:10.209> at<00:12:10.540> Berkeley<00:12:11.050> he<00:12:11.290> and<00:12:11.620> I colleague of mine at Berkeley he and I colleague of mine at Berkeley he and I were<00:12:11.860> looking<00:12:12.040> at<00:12:12.309> Triceratops<00:12:13.089> and<00:12:13.860> before were looking at Triceratops and before were looking at Triceratops and before the<00:12:15.069> year<00:12:15.220> 2000<00:12:15.910> now<00:12:15.999> remember<00:12:16.439> Triceratops the year 2000 now remember Triceratops the year 2000 now remember Triceratops was<00:12:17.649> first<00:12:17.920> found<00:12:18.160> in<00:12:18.249> 1800s<00:12:19.149> before<00:12:19.800> 2000<00:12:20.800> no was first found in 1800s before 2000 no was first found in 1800s before 2000 no one<00:12:21.189> had<00:12:21.459> ever<00:12:21.699> seen<00:12:22.149> a<00:12:22.480> juvenile<00:12:23.290> Triceratops one had ever seen a juvenile Triceratops one had ever seen a juvenile Triceratops there's<00:12:25.899> a<00:12:25.990> triceratops<00:12:26.680> in<00:12:26.889> every<00:12:27.100> Museum<00:12:27.550> in there's a triceratops in every Museum in there's a triceratops in every Museum in the<00:12:27.730> world<00:12:28.470> but<00:12:29.470> no<00:12:29.889> one<00:12:30.189> had<00:12:30.430> ever<00:12:30.670> collected the world but no one had ever collected the world but no one had ever collected a<00:12:31.509> juvenile<00:12:32.790> and<00:12:33.790> we<00:12:34.089> know<00:12:34.209> why<00:12:34.389> right a juvenile and we know why right a juvenile and we know why right does<00:12:35.439> everybody<00:12:35.860> wants<00:12:36.189> to<00:12:36.220> have<00:12:36.399> a<00:12:36.459> big<00:12:36.699> one does everybody wants to have a big one does everybody wants to have a big one so<00:12:38.379> everyone<00:12:38.829> had<00:12:39.009> a<00:12:39.040> big<00:12:39.249> one<00:12:39.509> so<00:12:40.509> we<00:12:40.629> went<00:12:40.809> out so everyone had a big one so we went out so everyone had a big one so we went out and<00:12:40.990> collected<00:12:41.170> a<00:12:41.499> whole<00:12:41.649> bunch<00:12:41.860> of<00:12:42.009> stuff<00:12:42.189> and and collected a whole bunch of stuff and and collected a whole bunch of stuff and we<00:12:42.430> found<00:12:42.579> a<00:12:42.759> whole<00:12:42.910> bunch<00:12:43.089> of<00:12:43.180> little<00:12:43.449> ones we found a whole bunch of little ones we found a whole bunch of little ones they're<00:12:43.779> everywhere<00:12:44.470> they're<00:12:44.769> all<00:12:45.550> over<00:12:45.790> the they're everywhere they're all over the they're everywhere they're all over the place<00:12:47.189> so<00:12:48.189> we<00:12:48.309> have<00:12:48.459> a<00:12:48.490> whole<00:12:48.670> bunch<00:12:48.850> of<00:12:48.999> at<00:12:49.149> our place so we have a whole bunch of at our place so we have a whole bunch of at our Museum

and<00:12:54.940> everybody<00:12:55.300> says<00:12:55.540> because<00:12:55.720> I<00:12:55.960> have<00:12:56.110> a
and everybody says because I have a and everybody says because I have a little<00:12:56.440> Museum<00:12:56.890> where<00:12:57.460> you<00:12:57.550> have<00:12:57.730> a<00:12:57.760> little little Museum where you have a little little Museum where you have a little Museum<00:12:58.510> you<00:12:58.630> have<00:12:58.750> little<00:12:59.020> dinosaurs<00:13:01.080> so<00:13:02.370> if Museum you have little dinosaurs so if Museum you have little dinosaurs so if you<00:13:03.580> look<00:13:03.730> at<00:13:03.850> the<00:13:04.000> Triceratops<00:13:04.810> you<00:13:04.960> can<00:13:05.140> see you look at the Triceratops you can see you look at the Triceratops you can see it's<00:13:05.590> changing<00:13:06.160> its<00:13:06.370> shape-shifting<00:13:07.180> as<00:13:07.420> the it's changing its shape-shifting as the it's changing its shape-shifting as the juveniles<00:13:08.440> are<00:13:08.620> growing<00:13:08.950> up<00:13:09.100> their<00:13:09.310> horns juveniles are growing up their horns juveniles are growing up their horns actually<00:13:10.030> curved<00:13:10.330> backwards<00:13:10.660> and<00:13:11.260> then<00:13:11.980> as actually curved backwards and then as actually curved backwards and then as they<00:13:12.340> get<00:13:12.490> older<00:13:12.910> the<00:13:13.270> horns<00:13:13.660> grow<00:13:13.930> forward they get older the horns grow forward they get older the horns grow forward and<00:13:15.070> that's<00:13:15.580> pretty<00:13:15.790> cool<00:13:16.090> if<00:13:16.570> you<00:13:16.810> look<00:13:17.110> along and that's pretty cool if you look along and that's pretty cool if you look along the<00:13:17.470> edge<00:13:17.800> of<00:13:17.980> the<00:13:18.130> frill<00:13:18.460> they<00:13:19.120> have<00:13:19.240> these the edge of the frill they have these the edge of the frill they have these little<00:13:19.720> triangular<00:13:20.260> bones<00:13:21.000> that<00:13:22.000> actually little triangular bones that actually little triangular bones that actually grow<00:13:22.870> big<00:13:23.170> as<00:13:23.470> triangles<00:13:24.190> and<00:13:24.400> then<00:13:24.610> they grow big as triangles and then they grow big as triangles and then they flatten<00:13:25.270> against<00:13:25.930> the<00:13:26.110> frill<00:13:26.380> pretty<00:13:27.130> much flatten against the frill pretty much flatten against the frill pretty much like<00:13:27.550> the<00:13:27.730> spikes<00:13:28.090> do<00:13:28.390> on<00:13:28.660> the like the spikes do on the like the spikes do on the Pachycephalosaurus<00:13:30.160> and<00:13:30.510> then<00:13:31.770> because<00:13:32.770> the Pachycephalosaurus and then because the Pachycephalosaurus and then because the juveniles<00:13:33.430> are<00:13:33.820> in<00:13:34.000> my<00:13:34.360> collection<00:13:34.900> I<00:13:35.520> cut juveniles are in my collection I cut juveniles are in my collection I cut them<00:13:36.610> open<00:13:36.700> and<00:13:37.680> look<00:13:38.680> inside<00:13:38.860> and<00:13:39.460> the<00:13:40.090> little them open and look inside and the little them open and look inside and the little one<00:13:40.540> is<00:13:40.840> really<00:13:41.260> spongy<00:13:41.710> and<00:13:42.120> the<00:13:43.120> middle one is really spongy and the middle one is really spongy and the middle sized<00:13:43.600> one<00:13:43.930> is<00:13:44.110> really<00:13:44.410> spongy<00:13:44.800> but<00:13:45.100> what<00:13:45.310> was sized one is really spongy but what was sized one is really spongy but what was interesting<00:13:45.670> was<00:13:46.650> the<00:13:47.650> adult<00:13:48.010> Triceratops interesting was the adult Triceratops interesting was the adult Triceratops was<00:13:49.030> also<00:13:49.540> spongy<00:13:49.990> and<00:13:50.020> this<00:13:50.320> is<00:13:50.470> a<00:13:50.500> skull<00:13:51.100> it was also spongy and this is a skull it was also spongy and this is a skull it is<00:13:51.430> 2<00:13:51.700> meters<00:13:52.060> long<00:13:52.710> it's<00:13:53.710> a<00:13:53.890> big<00:13:54.280> skull<00:13:55.350> but is 2 meters long it's a big skull but is 2 meters long it's a big skull but there's<00:13:56.560> another<00:13:56.890> dinosaur<00:13:57.640> that<00:13:57.940> is<00:13:58.060> found there's another dinosaur that is found there's another dinosaur that is found in<00:13:59.020> this<00:13:59.230> formation<00:14:00.090> that<00:14:01.090> looks<00:14:01.300> like<00:14:01.450> a in this formation that looks like a in this formation that looks like a triceratops<00:14:02.430> except<00:14:03.430> it's<00:14:03.610> bigger<00:14:03.880> and<00:14:04.180> it's triceratops except it's bigger and it's triceratops except it's bigger and it's called<00:14:05.110> Torosaurus<00:14:05.920> and<00:14:07.140> Torosaurus<00:14:08.140> when<00:14:08.680> we called Torosaurus and Torosaurus when we called Torosaurus and Torosaurus when we cut<00:14:09.070> into<00:14:09.250> it<00:14:09.550> ESMA<00:14:10.360> tore<00:14:10.600> bone<00:14:10.930> but<00:14:11.920> it's<00:14:12.070> got cut into it ESMA tore bone but it's got cut into it ESMA tore bone but it's got these<00:14:12.340> big<00:14:12.610> holes<00:14:12.850> in<00:14:13.120> that<00:14:13.270> shield<00:14:13.600> and these big holes in that shield and these big holes in that shield and everybody<00:14:14.140> says<00:14:14.350> a<00:14:14.760> triceratops<00:14:15.760> and<00:14:15.910> a everybody says a triceratops and a everybody says a triceratops and a Torosaurus<00:14:16.450> can't<00:14:16.870> possibly<00:14:17.560> be<00:14:17.800> the<00:14:17.980> same Torosaurus can't possibly be the same Torosaurus can't possibly be the same animal<00:14:18.460> because<00:14:18.940> one<00:14:19.180> of<00:14:19.210> them's<00:14:19.570> bigger<00:14:19.990> than animal because one of them's bigger than animal because one of them's bigger than the<00:14:20.440> other<00:14:20.590> one

and<00:14:26.009> it<00:14:26.160> has<00:14:26.310> holes<00:14:26.579> in<00:14:26.790> the<00:14:26.910> frill<00:14:27.240> and<00:14:27.600> I<00:14:28.560> said
and it has holes in the frill and I said and it has holes in the frill and I said well<00:14:28.949> do<00:14:29.100> we<00:14:29.190> have<00:14:29.339> any<00:14:29.519> juvenile<00:14:30.180> Toro well do we have any juvenile Toro well do we have any juvenile Toro sources<00:14:31.199> and<00:14:31.410> they<00:14:31.470> said<00:14:31.740> well<00:14:32.399> no<00:14:32.839> but<00:14:33.839> it<00:14:34.529> has sources and they said well no but it has sources and they said well no but it has holes<00:14:34.889> in<00:14:35.129> his<00:14:35.279> throat<00:14:35.959> so<00:14:36.959> one<00:14:37.110> of<00:14:37.139> my holes in his throat so one of my holes in his throat so one of my graduate<00:14:37.829> students<00:14:38.279> John's<00:14:38.879> Cannella<00:14:39.649> look graduate students John's Cannella look graduate students John's Cannella look through<00:14:40.920> our<00:14:40.949> whole<00:14:41.279> collection<00:14:41.970> and<00:14:42.180> he through our whole collection and he through our whole collection and he actually<00:14:42.629> discovered<00:14:43.410> that<00:14:43.920> the<00:14:44.790> hole actually discovered that the hole actually discovered that the hole starting<00:14:45.779> to<00:14:45.930> form<00:14:46.290> in<00:14:46.759> Triceratops<00:14:47.759> and<00:14:48.230> of starting to form in Triceratops and of starting to form in Triceratops and of course<00:14:49.439> it's<00:14:49.649> open<00:14:50.040> in<00:14:50.610> Torosaurus<00:14:51.240> so<00:14:51.569> he course it's open in Torosaurus so he course it's open in Torosaurus so he found<00:14:52.019> the<00:14:52.199> transitional<00:14:53.040> ones<00:14:53.279> between found the transitional ones between found the transitional ones between Triceratops<00:14:55.110> and<00:14:55.259> Torosaurus<00:14:55.740> which<00:14:56.639> was Triceratops and Torosaurus which was Triceratops and Torosaurus which was pretty<00:14:57.000> cool<00:14:57.089> so<00:14:57.870> now<00:14:57.899> we<00:14:58.829> know<00:14:59.040> that<00:14:59.339> that pretty cool so now we know that that pretty cool so now we know that that Torosaurus<00:15:00.660> is<00:15:01.560> actually<00:15:02.189> a<00:15:02.220> grown-up Torosaurus is actually a grown-up Torosaurus is actually a grown-up Triceratops<00:15:04.430> now<00:15:05.430> when<00:15:05.970> we<00:15:06.120> name<00:15:06.300> dinosaurs Triceratops now when we name dinosaurs Triceratops now when we name dinosaurs you<00:15:07.259> know<00:15:07.379> when<00:15:07.709> we<00:15:07.829> name<00:15:07.980> anything<00:15:08.250> the you know when we name anything the you know when we name anything the original<00:15:09.629> name<00:15:09.839> gets<00:15:10.139> to<00:15:10.350> stick<00:15:10.649> and<00:15:10.920> the original name gets to stick and the original name gets to stick and the second<00:15:11.730> name<00:15:11.939> is<00:15:12.180> thrown<00:15:13.079> out<00:15:13.279> so<00:15:14.839> Torosaurus second name is thrown out so Torosaurus second name is thrown out so Torosaurus is<00:15:16.620> extinct<00:15:18.529> Triceratops<00:15:19.529> if<00:15:19.769> you<00:15:19.889> heard<00:15:20.129> the is extinct Triceratops if you heard the is extinct Triceratops if you heard the news<00:15:20.459> a<00:15:20.490> lot<00:15:20.819> of<00:15:20.879> the<00:15:21.060> newscasters<00:15:21.870> got<00:15:22.079> it<00:15:22.199> all news a lot of the newscasters got it all news a lot of the newscasters got it all wrong<00:15:22.529> they<00:15:22.800> thought<00:15:23.209> Torosaurus<00:15:24.209> should<00:15:24.509> be wrong they thought Torosaurus should be wrong they thought Torosaurus should be kept<00:15:24.870> and<00:15:25.019> Triceratops<00:15:25.649> thrown<00:15:25.980> out<00:15:26.160> but kept and Triceratops thrown out but kept and Triceratops thrown out but that's<00:15:26.730> not<00:15:26.879> going<00:15:27.000> to<00:15:27.089> happen

all<00:15:33.649> right<00:15:33.829> so<00:15:34.040> so<00:15:35.029> you<00:15:35.089> know<00:15:35.240> we<00:15:35.360> can<00:15:35.510> do<00:15:35.630> this
all right so so you know we can do this all right so so you know we can do this with<00:15:35.959> a<00:15:35.990> bunch<00:15:36.170> of<00:15:36.350> dinosaurs<00:15:36.649> you<00:15:37.040> know<00:15:37.070> I with a bunch of dinosaurs you know I with a bunch of dinosaurs you know I mean<00:15:37.370> here's<00:15:37.930> Edmontosaurus<00:15:38.930> and<00:15:39.199> the<00:15:39.350> natto mean here's Edmontosaurus and the natto mean here's Edmontosaurus and the natto Titan<00:15:40.070> a<00:15:40.300> natural<00:15:41.300> titan<00:15:41.720> giant<00:15:42.529> duck<00:15:43.389> so Titan a natural titan giant duck so Titan a natural titan giant duck so giant<00:15:45.170> duck-billed<00:15:45.410> dinosaur<00:15:46.040> so<00:15:46.370> here's giant duck-billed dinosaur so here's giant duck-billed dinosaur so here's another<00:15:47.420> one<00:15:47.600> so<00:15:48.139> we<00:15:49.070> look<00:15:49.250> at<00:15:49.339> the<00:15:49.490> bone another one so we look at the bone another one so we look at the bone histology<00:15:49.880> the<00:15:50.510> bone<00:15:50.660> histology<00:15:51.220> tells<00:15:52.220> us histology the bone histology tells us histology the bone histology tells us that<00:15:52.899> edmontosaurus<00:15:53.899> is<00:15:54.139> a<00:15:54.470> juvenile<00:15:55.310> or<00:15:55.579> at that edmontosaurus is a juvenile or at that edmontosaurus is a juvenile or at least<00:15:55.940> a<00:15:56.089> sub<00:15:56.240> adult<00:15:56.360> and<00:15:56.870> the<00:15:57.800> other<00:15:57.920> one<00:15:58.130> is least a sub adult and the other one is least a sub adult and the other one is is<00:15:59.149> an<00:15:59.480> adult<00:15:59.810> and<00:16:00.079> we<00:16:00.199> have<00:16:00.380> an<00:16:00.500> ontogeny<00:16:01.190> and is an adult and we have an ontogeny and is an adult and we have an ontogeny and we<00:16:03.769> get<00:16:03.920> rid<00:16:04.130> of<00:16:04.160> an<00:16:04.670> adult<00:16:05.060> Titan<00:16:05.920> so<00:16:06.920> we<00:16:07.160> can we get rid of an adult Titan so we can we get rid of an adult Titan so we can just<00:16:07.459> keep<00:16:07.610> doing<00:16:07.910> this<00:16:08.060> and<00:16:08.540> the<00:16:09.380> last<00:16:09.589> one<00:16:09.860> is just keep doing this and the last one is just keep doing this and the last one is t-rex<00:16:11.889> so<00:16:12.889> there's<00:16:13.100> these<00:16:13.220> two<00:16:13.279> dinosaurs t-rex so there's these two dinosaurs t-rex so there's these two dinosaurs t-rex<00:16:14.510> and<00:16:15.639> Nanotyrannus

yeah<00:16:21.290> it<00:16:22.290> makes<00:16:22.440> you<00:16:22.560> wonder

but<00:16:26.609> they<00:16:27.609> had<00:16:27.790> a<00:16:27.819> good<00:16:28.059> question<00:16:28.239> I<00:16:28.720> mean<00:16:28.839> they
but they had a good question I mean they but they had a good question I mean they were<00:16:29.049> looking<00:16:29.350> at<00:16:29.470> and<00:16:29.559> they<00:16:29.619> said<00:16:29.829> one's<00:16:30.040> got were looking at and they said one's got were looking at and they said one's got 17<00:16:30.879> teeth<00:16:31.179> and<00:16:31.480> the<00:16:31.689> biggest<00:16:32.259> ones<00:16:32.439> got<00:16:32.649> 12 17 teeth and the biggest ones got 12 17 teeth and the biggest ones got 12 teeth<00:16:33.339> and<00:16:33.489> that<00:16:33.549> doesn't<00:16:33.879> make<00:16:33.939> any<00:16:34.119> sense<00:16:34.419> at teeth and that doesn't make any sense at teeth and that doesn't make any sense at all<00:16:34.660> because<00:16:34.899> we<00:16:35.559> don't<00:16:35.739> know<00:16:35.829> of<00:16:35.949> any all because we don't know of any all because we don't know of any dinosaurs<00:16:36.639> that<00:16:36.850> gain<00:16:37.629> teeth<00:16:38.019> as<00:16:38.319> they<00:16:38.350> get dinosaurs that gain teeth as they get dinosaurs that gain teeth as they get older<00:16:38.980> so<00:16:39.009> that<00:16:39.459> must<00:16:40.389> be<00:16:40.480> true older so that must be true older so that must be true they<00:16:41.379> must<00:16:41.649> be<00:16:41.769> different<00:16:43.199> so<00:16:44.199> we<00:16:44.319> cut<00:16:44.529> into they must be different so we cut into they must be different so we cut into him<00:16:45.040> and<00:16:46.230> sure<00:16:47.230> enough<00:16:47.259> Nanotyrannus him and sure enough Nanotyrannus him and sure enough Nanotyrannus has<00:16:48.910> juvenile<00:16:49.600> bone<00:16:49.869> and<00:16:50.910> the<00:16:51.910> bigger<00:16:52.089> one<00:16:52.329> has has juvenile bone and the bigger one has has juvenile bone and the bigger one has more<00:16:53.259> mature<00:16:53.470> bone<00:16:54.149> looks<00:16:55.149> like<00:16:55.269> you<00:16:55.359> couldn't more mature bone looks like you couldn't more mature bone looks like you couldn't still<00:16:55.899> get<00:16:56.049> bigger<00:16:56.259> and<00:16:57.220> at<00:16:57.429> the<00:16:57.549> Museum<00:16:57.910> of still get bigger and at the Museum of still get bigger and at the Museum of the<00:16:58.029> Rockies<00:16:58.179> where<00:16:58.629> we<00:16:58.779> work<00:16:58.929> I<00:16:59.169> have<00:16:59.410> 40 the Rockies where we work I have 40 the Rockies where we work I have 40 Rex's<00:17:00.489> so<00:17:00.779> if<00:17:01.779> I<00:17:01.929> can<00:17:02.079> cut<00:17:02.259> a<00:17:02.290> whole<00:17:02.470> bunch<00:17:02.679> of Rex's so if I can cut a whole bunch of Rex's so if I can cut a whole bunch of them<00:17:02.980> but<00:17:03.339> I<00:17:03.609> didn't<00:17:04.059> have<00:17:04.149> to<00:17:04.240> cut<00:17:04.449> any<00:17:04.600> I'm them but I didn't have to cut any I'm them but I didn't have to cut any I'm really<00:17:05.199> because<00:17:05.529> I<00:17:05.799> just<00:17:06.549> lined<00:17:06.819> up<00:17:07.000> their really because I just lined up their really because I just lined up their jaws<00:17:07.539> and<00:17:08.309> it<00:17:09.309> turned<00:17:09.610> out<00:17:09.760> that<00:17:10.029> the<00:17:10.389> biggest jaws and it turned out that the biggest jaws and it turned out that the biggest one<00:17:10.839> had<00:17:11.049> 12<00:17:11.350> teeth<00:17:11.620> and<00:17:11.919> the<00:17:12.069> next<00:17:12.730> smallest one had 12 teeth and the next smallest one had 12 teeth and the next smallest one<00:17:13.240> had<00:17:13.419> 13<00:17:13.870> and<00:17:14.049> the<00:17:14.110> next<00:17:14.289> smallest<00:17:14.500> had<00:17:14.769> 14 one had 13 and the next smallest had 14 one had 13 and the next smallest had 14 and<00:17:16.240> of<00:17:16.360> course<00:17:16.539> Nano<00:17:16.779> has<00:17:16.899> 17<00:17:17.620> and<00:17:18.279> we<00:17:18.429> just and of course Nano has 17 and we just and of course Nano has 17 and we just went<00:17:18.760> out<00:17:18.939> and<00:17:19.089> looked<00:17:19.149> in<00:17:19.329> other<00:17:19.480> people's went out and looked in other people's went out and looked in other people's collections<00:17:20.230> and<00:17:20.620> we<00:17:20.740> found<00:17:20.980> one<00:17:21.220> that<00:17:21.539> has collections and we found one that has collections and we found one that has sort<00:17:23.380> of<00:17:23.470> 15<00:17:24.100> teeth<00:17:24.370> so<00:17:25.059> again<00:17:25.860> real<00:17:26.860> easy<00:17:27.130> to sort of 15 teeth so again real easy to sort of 15 teeth so again real easy to say<00:17:27.549> that<00:17:28.500> Tyrannosaurus<00:17:29.610> ontogeny<00:17:30.610> included say that Tyrannosaurus ontogeny included say that Tyrannosaurus ontogeny included nano<00:17:31.419> tyrannous<00:17:31.809> and<00:17:32.760> therefore<00:17:33.760> we<00:17:34.029> could nano tyrannous and therefore we could nano tyrannous and therefore we could take<00:17:34.419> out<00:17:39.299> so<00:17:41.880> when<00:17:42.880> it<00:17:42.970> comes<00:17:43.179> down<00:17:43.389> to<00:17:43.450> our take out so when it comes down to our take out so when it comes down to our end<00:17:44.940> Cretaceous<00:17:45.940> we<00:17:46.149> have<00:17:46.360> 7<00:17:46.750> left<00:17:48.630> and<00:17:49.630> that's end Cretaceous we have 7 left and that's end Cretaceous we have 7 left and that's a<00:17:49.899> good<00:17:49.990> number a good number a good number that<00:17:51.460> that's<00:17:52.360> a<00:17:52.450> good<00:17:52.570> number<00:17:52.690> to<00:17:52.840> go<00:17:53.019> extinct that that's a good number to go extinct that that's a good number to go extinct I<00:17:53.590> think<00:17:54.059> now<00:17:55.059> as<00:17:55.389> you<00:17:55.539> can<00:17:55.690> imagine<00:17:55.779> this<00:17:56.230> is I think now as you can imagine this is I think now as you can imagine this is not<00:17:56.679> very<00:17:57.220> popular<00:17:57.519> with<00:17:57.850> fourth<00:17:58.299> graders not very popular with fourth graders not very popular with fourth graders fourth<00:18:00.220> graders<00:18:00.610> love<00:18:00.909> their<00:18:01.120> dinosaurs<00:18:01.659> they fourth graders love their dinosaurs they fourth graders love their dinosaurs they memorized<00:18:02.740> them<00:18:03.070> and<00:18:07.559> and<00:18:08.559> they're<00:18:08.710> not memorized them and and they're not memorized them and and they're not they're<00:18:09.130> not<00:18:09.159> happy<00:18:09.549> with<00:18:09.669> this

thank<00:18:13.040> you<00:18:13.130> very<00:18:13.160> much

Jack Horner, fossil, dinosaur, baby, dinosaur, TED, TEDx, TEDxVancouver, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, TED-Ed

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