Kiểm tra lại bản phối lại-Lawrence Lessig

Re-examining the remix - Lawrence Lessig

Re-examining the remix - Lawrence Lessig


I<00:00:15.440> want<00:00:16.440> to<00:00:16.529> talk<00:00:16.940> about<00:00:17.940> what<00:00:18.630> we<00:00:18.779> learn<00:00:19.050> from
I want to talk about what we learn from I want to talk about what we learn from conservatives<00:00:20.430> and<00:00:20.850> I'm<00:00:21.720> at<00:00:22.020> a<00:00:22.050> stage<00:00:22.320> in<00:00:22.380> life conservatives and I'm at a stage in life conservatives and I'm at a stage in life where<00:00:22.920> I'm<00:00:23.010> yearning<00:00:23.460> for<00:00:23.760> my<00:00:24.029> old<00:00:24.390> days<00:00:24.750> so<00:00:25.050> I where I'm yearning for my old days so I where I'm yearning for my old days so I want<00:00:25.320> to<00:00:25.380> confess<00:00:25.710> to<00:00:25.769> you<00:00:26.039> that<00:00:26.279> when<00:00:26.519> I<00:00:26.779> was<00:00:27.779> a want to confess to you that when I was a want to confess to you that when I was a kid kid kid indeed<00:00:30.539> I<00:00:30.570> was<00:00:31.790> conservative<00:00:32.790> I<00:00:33.000> was<00:00:33.540> a<00:00:33.570> young indeed I was conservative I was a young indeed I was conservative I was a young Republican<00:00:34.440> a<00:00:34.860> teenage<00:00:35.280> Republic<00:00:35.790> and<00:00:35.940> a Republican a teenage Republic and a Republican a teenage Republic and a leader<00:00:36.270> in<00:00:36.480> the<00:00:36.570> teenage<00:00:36.840> Republicans<00:00:37.440> indeed leader in the teenage Republicans indeed leader in the teenage Republicans indeed I<00:00:37.980> was<00:00:38.399> the<00:00:38.579> youngest<00:00:39.180> member<00:00:39.629> of<00:00:39.660> any I was the youngest member of any I was the youngest member of any delegation<00:00:40.649> in<00:00:40.890> the<00:00:41.010> 1980<00:00:41.760> convention<00:00:42.149> that delegation in the 1980 convention that delegation in the 1980 convention that elected<00:00:43.200> Ronald<00:00:43.350> Reagan<00:00:43.860> to<00:00:43.980> be<00:00:44.100> the elected Ronald Reagan to be the elected Ronald Reagan to be the Republican<00:00:44.730> nominee<00:00:44.760> for<00:00:45.180> president<00:00:47.149> now<00:00:48.149> I Republican nominee for president now I Republican nominee for president now I know<00:00:48.300> what<00:00:48.539> you're<00:00:48.719> thinking<00:00:51.079> you're know what you're thinking you're know what you're thinking you're thinking<00:00:52.440> that's<00:00:52.559> not<00:00:52.890> what<00:00:53.100> the<00:00:53.219> Internet's thinking that's not what the Internet's thinking that's not what the Internet's say<00:00:54.890> you're<00:00:55.890> thinking<00:00:56.070> Wikipedia<00:00:56.969> doesn't say you're thinking Wikipedia doesn't say you're thinking Wikipedia doesn't say<00:00:57.840> this<00:00:58.170> fact<00:00:58.590> and<00:00:58.920> indeed<00:00:59.250> this<00:00:59.520> is<00:00:59.699> just say this fact and indeed this is just say this fact and indeed this is just one<00:01:00.090> of<00:01:00.120> the<00:01:00.270> examples<00:01:00.899> of<00:01:01.170> the<00:01:01.320> junk<00:01:01.770> that one of the examples of the junk that one of the examples of the junk that flows<00:01:02.399> across<00:01:02.579> the<00:01:03.059> tubes<00:01:03.390> in<00:01:03.840> these flows across the tubes in these flows across the tubes in these Internet's<00:01:04.500> here Internet's here Internet's here Wikipedia<00:01:06.360> reports<00:01:07.140> that<00:01:07.409> this<00:01:07.650> guy<00:01:07.920> this Wikipedia reports that this guy this Wikipedia reports that this guy this former<00:01:09.090> congressman<00:01:10.020> from<00:01:10.200> Erie former congressman from Erie former congressman from Erie Pennsylvania<00:01:10.799> was<00:01:11.729> at<00:01:11.939> the<00:01:12.060> age<00:01:12.180> of<00:01:12.390> twenty Pennsylvania was at the age of twenty Pennsylvania was at the age of twenty one<00:01:12.780> of<00:01:12.960> the<00:01:12.990> youngest<00:01:13.439> people<00:01:13.710> at<00:01:14.100> the one of the youngest people at the one of the youngest people at the Republican<00:01:14.790> National<00:01:15.180> Convention<00:01:15.360> but<00:01:16.110> it's Republican National Convention but it's Republican National Convention but it's just<00:01:16.619> not<00:01:17.100> true just not true just not true indeed<00:01:20.640> it<00:01:20.790> drives<00:01:21.030> me<00:01:21.270> so<00:01:21.299> nuts<00:01:21.689> let<00:01:21.900> me<00:01:21.960> just indeed it drives me so nuts let me just indeed it drives me so nuts let me just change<00:01:22.439> this

all<00:01:31.070> right<00:01:31.250> okay<00:01:39.490> speaker<00:01:40.490> lawrence<00:01:41.060> lessig
all right okay speaker lawrence lessig all right okay speaker lawrence lessig right<00:01:41.990> okay<00:01:44.500> finally<00:01:45.500> truth<00:01:45.860> will<00:01:46.220> be<00:01:46.369> brought right okay finally truth will be brought right okay finally truth will be brought here<00:01:46.909> okay<00:01:47.180> see<00:01:47.240> right<00:01:47.930> it's<00:01:48.140> done<00:01:48.350> it's here okay see right it's done it's here okay see right it's done it's almost<00:01:48.950> done<00:01:50.500> okay<00:01:51.500> we're<00:01:52.070> finished<00:01:53.229> that's almost done okay we're finished that's almost done okay we're finished that's it<00:01:54.440> please<00:01:55.070> save<00:01:55.820> this<00:01:56.060> great<00:01:58.300> and<00:01:59.979> Wikipedia it please save this great and Wikipedia it please save this great and Wikipedia is<00:02:01.340> fixed<00:02:01.880> finally<00:02:02.360> okay<00:02:02.720> but<00:02:03.020> no<00:02:03.259> this<00:02:03.470> is is fixed finally okay but no this is is fixed finally okay but no this is really<00:02:04.160> it<00:02:04.340> besides<00:02:04.729> the<00:02:04.910> point<00:02:08.350> but<00:02:09.350> the really it besides the point but the really it besides the point but the thing<00:02:09.709> I<00:02:09.860> want<00:02:10.070> you<00:02:10.190> to<00:02:10.250> think<00:02:10.580> about<00:02:10.700> when<00:02:11.030> we thing I want you to think about when we thing I want you to think about when we think<00:02:11.269> about<00:02:11.420> conservatives<00:02:12.170> not<00:02:12.320> so<00:02:12.470> much think about conservatives not so much think about conservatives not so much this<00:02:12.890> issue<00:02:13.100> of<00:02:13.340> the<00:02:13.459> 1980<00:02:13.910> convention<00:02:14.090> the this issue of the 1980 convention the this issue of the 1980 convention the thing<00:02:14.780> to<00:02:14.930> think<00:02:15.140> about<00:02:15.260> is<00:02:15.590> this<00:02:15.830> they<00:02:16.340> go<00:02:16.580> to thing to think about is this they go to thing to think about is this they go to church<00:02:17.510> oh<00:02:17.890> you<00:02:18.890> know<00:02:19.010> I<00:02:19.220> mean<00:02:19.400> a<00:02:19.550> lot<00:02:20.000> of church oh you know I mean a lot of church oh you know I mean a lot of people<00:02:20.150> go<00:02:20.450> to<00:02:20.510> church<00:02:20.600> I'm<00:02:20.900> not<00:02:21.019> talking people go to church I'm not talking people go to church I'm not talking about<00:02:21.380> that<00:02:21.680> only<00:02:22.090> conservatives<00:02:23.090> go<00:02:23.239> to about that only conservatives go to about that only conservatives go to church<00:02:23.660> and<00:02:23.870> I'm<00:02:23.989> not<00:02:24.080> talking<00:02:24.410> about<00:02:24.440> the<00:02:24.620> god church and I'm not talking about the god church and I'm not talking about the god thing<00:02:25.040> I<00:02:25.190> don't<00:02:25.310> want<00:02:25.430> to<00:02:25.489> get<00:02:25.580> into<00:02:25.760> that<00:02:25.880> you thing I don't want to get into that you thing I don't want to get into that you know<00:02:26.269> that's<00:02:26.510> not<00:02:26.660> my<00:02:26.840> point<00:02:27.170> they<00:02:27.350> go<00:02:27.500> to know that's not my point they go to know that's not my point they go to church<00:02:27.800> by<00:02:28.040> which<00:02:28.340> I<00:02:28.550> mean<00:02:28.989> they<00:02:29.989> do<00:02:30.050> lots<00:02:30.470> of church by which I mean they do lots of church by which I mean they do lots of things<00:02:30.709> for<00:02:31.010> free<00:02:31.550> for<00:02:31.910> each<00:02:32.030> other<00:02:32.799> they<00:02:33.799> hold things for free for each other they hold things for free for each other they hold potluck<00:02:34.610> dinners<00:02:35.299> indeed<00:02:35.600> they<00:02:35.720> sell<00:02:35.959> books potluck dinners indeed they sell books potluck dinners indeed they sell books about<00:02:36.799> potluck<00:02:37.670> dinners<00:02:38.480> they<00:02:38.810> serve<00:02:39.290> food<00:02:39.769> to about potluck dinners they serve food to about potluck dinners they serve food to poor<00:02:40.640> people<00:02:40.970> they<00:02:41.480> share<00:02:42.320> they<00:02:42.829> give<00:02:43.549> they poor people they share they give they poor people they share they give they give<00:02:44.660> away<00:02:44.900> for<00:02:45.260> free<00:02:45.290> and<00:02:45.739> it's<00:02:46.220> the<00:02:46.519> very give away for free and it's the very give away for free and it's the very same<00:02:47.090> people<00:02:47.840> leading<00:02:50.470> Wall<00:02:51.470> Street<00:02:51.920> firms same people leading Wall Street firms same people leading Wall Street firms who<00:02:53.269> on<00:02:53.510> Sunday<00:02:54.380> show<00:02:54.860> up<00:02:55.100> and<00:02:55.570> share<00:02:56.570> and<00:02:57.410> not who on Sunday show up and share and not who on Sunday show up and share and not only<00:02:57.769> food<00:02:58.220> right<00:02:59.079> these<00:03:00.079> very<00:03:00.440> same<00:03:00.680> people only food right these very same people only food right these very same people are<00:03:01.310> strong<00:03:01.850> believers<00:03:02.299> in<00:03:02.750> lots<00:03:03.350> of<00:03:03.560> context are strong believers in lots of context are strong believers in lots of context in<00:03:04.459> the<00:03:04.850> limits<00:03:05.329> on<00:03:05.660> the<00:03:06.470> markets<00:03:06.890> they<00:03:07.280> are<00:03:07.310> in in the limits on the markets they are in in the limits on the markets they are in many<00:03:08.299> important<00:03:09.110> places<00:03:09.940> against<00:03:10.940> markets many important places against markets many important places against markets indeed<00:03:12.769> they<00:03:12.980> like<00:03:13.220> all<00:03:13.430> of<00:03:13.579> us<00:03:13.670> celebrate indeed they like all of us celebrate indeed they like all of us celebrate this<00:03:14.510> kind<00:03:14.840> of<00:03:14.959> relationship<00:03:15.680> and<00:03:15.829> they're this kind of relationship and they're this kind of relationship and they're very<00:03:16.400> keen<00:03:16.760> that<00:03:16.820> we<00:03:17.090> don't<00:03:17.390> let<00:03:17.600> money<00:03:18.019> drop very keen that we don't let money drop very keen that we don't let money drop into<00:03:18.650> that<00:03:18.829> relationship<00:03:19.160> else<00:03:19.820> it<00:03:20.120> turns into that relationship else it turns into that relationship else it turns into<00:03:20.690> something<00:03:21.200> like<00:03:21.350> this<00:03:21.590> they<00:03:21.890> want<00:03:22.459> to into something like this they want to into something like this they want to regulate<00:03:23.209> us<00:03:23.630> those<00:03:23.930> conservatives<00:03:24.829> to<00:03:25.640> stop regulate us those conservatives to stop regulate us those conservatives to stop us<00:03:26.390> from<00:03:26.630> allowing<00:03:26.930> the<00:03:27.290> market<00:03:27.470> to<00:03:27.769> spread<00:03:28.070> in us from allowing the market to spread in us from allowing the market to spread in those<00:03:28.370> places<00:03:28.700> because<00:03:29.000> they<00:03:29.590> understand those places because they understand those places because they understand there<00:03:30.980> are<00:03:31.010> places<00:03:31.940> for<00:03:31.970> the<00:03:32.359> market<00:03:32.870> and there are places for the market and there are places for the market and places<00:03:33.799> where<00:03:34.100> the<00:03:34.310> market<00:03:34.820> should<00:03:35.450> not<00:03:35.660> exist places where the market should not exist places where the market should not exist where<00:03:36.440> we<00:03:36.620> should<00:03:36.859> be<00:03:37.040> free<00:03:37.310> to<00:03:38.590> enjoy<00:03:39.590> the where we should be free to enjoy the where we should be free to enjoy the fellowship fellowship fellowship of<00:03:41.750> others<00:03:42.200> they<00:03:42.500> recognize<00:03:43.220> both<00:03:44.150> of<00:03:44.420> these of others they recognize both of these of others they recognize both of these things<00:03:44.810> have<00:03:45.110> to<00:03:45.140> live<00:03:45.349> together<00:03:45.500> and<00:03:46.450> second things have to live together and second things have to live together and second great<00:03:47.599> thing<00:03:47.629> about<00:03:47.900> conservatives<00:03:48.530> they<00:03:49.310> get great thing about conservatives they get great thing about conservatives they get a<00:03:49.550> ecology<00:03:50.239> right<00:03:51.200> it<00:03:51.319> was<00:03:51.440> the<00:03:51.560> first<00:03:51.800> great a ecology right it was the first great a ecology right it was the first great Republican<00:03:53.450> president<00:03:53.900> of<00:03:54.050> the<00:03:54.140> 20th<00:03:54.319> century Republican president of the 20th century Republican president of the 20th century who<00:03:55.069> taught<00:03:55.430> us<00:03:55.459> about<00:03:56.410> environmental who taught us about environmental who taught us about environmental thinking<00:03:57.860> Teddy<00:03:58.130> Roosevelt<00:03:58.910> they<00:03:59.090> first thinking Teddy Roosevelt they first thinking Teddy Roosevelt they first taught<00:03:59.780> us<00:03:59.930> about<00:04:00.080> ecologies<00:04:00.800> in<00:04:00.890> the<00:04:00.980> context taught us about ecologies in the context taught us about ecologies in the context of<00:04:01.519> natural<00:04:02.510> resources<00:04:03.200> and<00:04:03.560> then<00:04:03.739> they<00:04:03.920> began of natural resources and then they began of natural resources and then they began to<00:04:04.220> teach<00:04:04.519> us<00:04:04.730> in<00:04:04.910> the<00:04:05.000> context<00:04:05.480> of<00:04:05.569> innovation to teach us in the context of innovation to teach us in the context of innovation economics<00:04:07.040> they<00:04:07.280> understand<00:04:08.030> in<00:04:08.299> that economics they understand in that economics they understand in that context<00:04:09.709> free<00:04:10.160> they<00:04:10.640> understand<00:04:11.450> free<00:04:11.780> is<00:04:11.959> an context free they understand free is an context free they understand free is an important<00:04:12.620> essential<00:04:13.099> part<00:04:13.610> of<00:04:13.880> the<00:04:14.060> cultural important essential part of the cultural important essential part of the cultural ecology<00:04:15.739> as<00:04:16.100> well<00:04:16.280> that's<00:04:16.549> the<00:04:16.880> thing<00:04:17.120> I<00:04:17.359> want ecology as well that's the thing I want ecology as well that's the thing I want you<00:04:17.780> to<00:04:17.870> think<00:04:18.200> about<00:04:18.549> that<00:04:20.680> now<00:04:21.680> I<00:04:21.979> know<00:04:22.930> you you to think about that now I know you you to think about that now I know you don't<00:04:24.050> believe<00:04:24.260> me<00:04:24.520> really<00:04:25.520> here<00:04:27.460> so<00:04:28.460> here's don't believe me really here so here's don't believe me really here so here's exhibit<00:04:29.150> number<00:04:29.240> one<00:04:29.389> I<00:04:29.720> want<00:04:30.350> to<00:04:30.470> share<00:04:30.680> with exhibit number one I want to share with exhibit number one I want to share with you<00:04:30.950> my<00:04:31.250> latest<00:04:31.840> hero<00:04:32.840> Julian<00:04:33.470> Sanchez<00:04:33.710> a you my latest hero Julian Sanchez a you my latest hero Julian Sanchez a libertarian<00:04:34.490> who<00:04:34.850> works<00:04:35.090> at<00:04:35.300> the<00:04:35.450> for<00:04:36.169> many libertarian who works at the for many libertarian who works at the for many people<00:04:36.650> evil<00:04:37.100> Cato<00:04:37.669> Institute<00:04:38.660> okay<00:04:39.410> so people evil Cato Institute okay so people evil Cato Institute okay so Julian<00:04:40.010> made<00:04:40.280> this<00:04:40.400> video<00:04:40.700> he's<00:04:40.910> a<00:04:40.940> terrible Julian made this video he's a terrible Julian made this video he's a terrible producer<00:04:42.770> of<00:04:42.979> videos<00:04:43.340> but<00:04:43.639> it's<00:04:43.880> great producer of videos but it's great producer of videos but it's great content<00:04:44.780> I'm<00:04:44.900> gonna<00:04:45.050> give<00:04:45.229> you<00:04:45.290> a<00:04:45.350> little<00:04:45.500> bit content I'm gonna give you a little bit content I'm gonna give you a little bit of<00:04:45.770> it<00:04:45.889> so<00:04:46.010> here<00:04:46.190> he<00:04:46.280> is<00:04:46.370> beginning<00:04:48.100> the<00:04:49.100> way of it so here he is beginning the way of it so here he is beginning the way remix<00:04:49.789> culture<00:04:50.060> seems<00:04:50.450> to<00:04:50.600> be<00:04:50.720> evolving<00:04:51.169> so remix culture seems to be evolving so remix culture seems to be evolving so what<00:04:52.010> he<00:04:52.100> does<00:04:52.310> is<00:04:52.520> he<00:04:52.550> begins<00:04:52.970> to<00:04:53.060> tell<00:04:53.479> us what he does is he begins to tell us what he does is he begins to tell us about<00:04:53.870> these<00:04:54.050> three

this<00:04:56.770> is<00:04:57.040> fantastic<00:04:57.850> Brad<00:04:58.090> pack<00:04:58.450> remix<00:04:59.460> said
this is fantastic Brad pack remix said this is fantastic Brad pack remix said to<00:05:00.700> this<00:05:03.060> which<00:05:04.060> of<00:05:04.210> course<00:05:04.240> spread<00:05:04.810> virally to this which of course spread virally to this which of course spread virally hugely<00:05:06.070> successful<00:05:09.870> and<00:05:10.870> then<00:05:11.710> two<00:05:11.890> people hugely successful and then two people hugely successful and then two people from<00:05:12.340> Brooklyn<00:05:12.550> saw<00:05:13.300> it<00:05:13.540> they<00:05:14.110> decided<00:05:14.500> they from Brooklyn saw it they decided they from Brooklyn saw it they decided they wanted<00:05:14.830> to<00:05:14.920> do<00:05:15.100> the<00:05:15.220> same

and<00:05:37.349> then<00:05:37.439> of<00:05:37.529> course<00:05:37.580> people<00:05:38.580> from<00:05:38.759> San
and then of course people from San and then of course people from San Francisco<00:05:39.599> saw<00:05:39.870> it<00:05:39.930> in<00:05:40.229> San<00:05:40.469> Francisco's Francisco saw it in San Francisco's Francisco saw it in San Francisco's thought<00:05:41.340> they<00:05:41.490> had<00:05:41.699> to<00:05:41.789> be<00:05:41.939> the<00:05:41.999> same<00:05:42.210> as<00:05:42.419> well

so<00:06:04.080> they're<00:06:04.230> beautiful<00:06:04.770> but<00:06:04.950> this
so they're beautiful but this so they're beautiful but this libertarian<00:06:05.700> has<00:06:06.330> some<00:06:06.630> important<00:06:07.050> lessons libertarian has some important lessons libertarian has some important lessons he<00:06:07.620> wants<00:06:07.920> us<00:06:08.040> to<00:06:08.070> learn<00:06:08.370> from<00:06:08.610> this<00:06:08.790> here's he wants us to learn from this here's he wants us to learn from this here's lesson<00:06:09.510> number<00:06:09.990> one<00:06:10.520> there's<00:06:11.520> obviously<00:06:12.000> also lesson number one there's obviously also lesson number one there's obviously also something<00:06:12.630> really<00:06:12.900> deeply<00:06:13.260> great<00:06:13.620> about<00:06:13.920> this something really deeply great about this something really deeply great about this they're<00:06:15.660> acting<00:06:16.290> in<00:06:16.470> the<00:06:16.560> sense<00:06:16.830> that<00:06:17.100> they're they're acting in the sense that they're they're acting in the sense that they're emulating<00:06:18.720> the<00:06:18.900> original<00:06:19.440> mash<00:06:19.650> up<00:06:19.950> as<00:06:20.160> a<00:06:20.190> dime emulating the original mash up as a dime emulating the original mash up as a dime you<00:06:20.790> shot<00:06:21.030> it<00:06:21.180> obviously<00:06:21.600> has<00:06:21.780> a<00:06:21.860> strong<00:06:22.860> eye you shot it obviously has a strong eye you shot it obviously has a strong eye and<00:06:23.370> some<00:06:23.670> experience<00:06:24.060> with<00:06:24.510> video<00:06:24.600> editing and some experience with video editing and some experience with video editing but<00:06:25.440> this<00:06:26.160> is<00:06:26.280> also<00:06:26.550> basically<00:06:27.060> just<00:06:27.330> a<00:06:27.420> group but this is also basically just a group but this is also basically just a group of<00:06:27.750> friends<00:06:28.020> having<00:06:28.470> an<00:06:28.710> authentic<00:06:28.830> social of friends having an authentic social of friends having an authentic social moment<00:06:30.060> and<00:06:30.270> screwing<00:06:30.990> around<00:06:31.110> together moment and screwing around together moment and screwing around together it<00:06:31.920> should<00:06:32.130> feel<00:06:32.460> familiar<00:06:32.700> and<00:06:33.180> kind<00:06:33.300> of it should feel familiar and kind of it should feel familiar and kind of resonating<00:06:33.960> for<00:06:34.140> anyone<00:06:34.950> who's<00:06:35.100> had<00:06:35.190> a resonating for anyone who's had a resonating for anyone who's had a sing-along<00:06:35.520> or<00:06:36.150> dance<00:06:36.720> party<00:06:37.140> with<00:06:37.170> a<00:06:37.290> group sing-along or dance party with a group sing-along or dance party with a group of<00:06:37.590> good<00:06:37.740> friends<00:06:38.190> or<00:06:39.800> so<00:06:40.800> that's<00:06:41.190> importantly of good friends or so that's importantly of good friends or so that's importantly different<00:06:42.060> from<00:06:42.180> the<00:06:42.270> earlier<00:06:42.600> videos<00:06:42.900> we different from the earlier videos we different from the earlier videos we looked<00:06:43.290> at<00:06:43.470> because<00:06:43.950> here<00:06:44.730> remix<00:06:45.540> isn't<00:06:45.840> just looked at because here remix isn't just looked at because here remix isn't just about<00:06:46.200> an<00:06:46.530> individual<00:06:47.070> doing<00:06:47.220> something about an individual doing something about an individual doing something alone<00:06:47.790> in<00:06:47.970> this<00:06:48.060> basement alone in this basement alone in this basement it<00:06:48.930> becomes<00:06:49.320> an<00:06:49.470> act<00:06:49.650> of<00:06:49.800> social<00:06:50.040> creativity it becomes an act of social creativity it becomes an act of social creativity and<00:06:51.150> it's<00:06:51.930> not<00:06:52.080> just<00:06:52.260> that<00:06:52.350> it<00:06:52.500> yields<00:06:52.770> a and it's not just that it yields a and it's not just that it yields a different<00:06:53.730> kind<00:06:54.060> of<00:06:54.300> product<00:06:54.840> at<00:06:54.990> the<00:06:55.080> end<00:06:55.110> is different kind of product at the end is different kind of product at the end is that<00:06:56.430> potentially<00:06:57.120> it<00:06:57.240> changes<00:06:57.840> the<00:06:57.990> way<00:06:58.140> we that potentially it changes the way we that potentially it changes the way we relate<00:06:58.530> to<00:06:58.710> each<00:06:58.890> other<00:06:59.810> all<00:07:00.810> of<00:07:01.140> our<00:07:01.290> normal relate to each other all of our normal relate to each other all of our normal social<00:07:02.070> interactions<00:07:02.640> become<00:07:03.150> a<00:07:03.390> kind<00:07:03.750> of social interactions become a kind of social interactions become a kind of invitation<00:07:04.560> to<00:07:05.190> this<00:07:05.310> sort<00:07:05.580> of<00:07:05.640> collective invitation to this sort of collective invitation to this sort of collective expression<00:07:06.390> it's<00:07:07.260> our<00:07:07.440> real<00:07:07.950> social<00:07:08.490> lives expression it's our real social lives expression it's our real social lives themselves<00:07:09.000> that<00:07:09.780> are<00:07:09.980> transmuted<00:07:10.980> into<00:07:11.130> art themselves that are transmuted into art themselves that are transmuted into art and<00:07:11.940> so<00:07:12.240> that<00:07:12.450> misty<00:07:13.080> criterion<00:07:13.650> draws<00:07:14.010> from and so that misty criterion draws from and so that misty criterion draws from these<00:07:14.940> two<00:07:15.390> points<00:07:15.870> one<00:07:16.020> remix<00:07:16.500> is<00:07:16.680> about these two points one remix is about these two points one remix is about individuals<00:07:18.000> using<00:07:18.390> our<00:07:18.660> shared<00:07:18.960> culture<00:07:19.410> as individuals using our shared culture as individuals using our shared culture as a<00:07:19.560> kind<00:07:19.800> of<00:07:19.860> language<00:07:20.100> to<00:07:20.640> communicate a kind of language to communicate a kind of language to communicate something<00:07:21.390> to<00:07:21.510> an<00:07:21.720> audience<00:07:22.010> stage<00:07:23.010> two something to an audience stage two something to an audience stage two social<00:07:23.730> remix<00:07:24.330> is<00:07:24.600> really<00:07:25.590> about<00:07:25.770> using<00:07:26.130> it<00:07:26.400> to social remix is really about using it to social remix is really about using it to mediate<00:07:27.030> people's<00:07:27.450> relationships<00:07:28.110> with<00:07:28.290> each mediate people's relationships with each mediate people's relationships with each other other other first<00:07:29.700> within<00:07:30.450> each<00:07:30.660> video<00:07:31.020> the<00:07:31.680> brat<00:07:31.920> pack first within each video the brat pack first within each video the brat pack characters<00:07:32.700> are<00:07:32.910> used<00:07:33.120> as<00:07:33.240> a<00:07:33.270> kind<00:07:33.480> of characters are used as a kind of characters are used as a kind of template<00:07:34.020> for<00:07:34.650> performing<00:07:35.550> the<00:07:35.880> social template for performing the social template for performing the social reality<00:07:36.720> of<00:07:36.750> each<00:07:36.990> group<00:07:37.290> but<00:07:38.070> there's<00:07:38.220> also<00:07:38.370> a reality of each group but there's also a reality of each group but there's also a dialogue<00:07:38.970> between<00:07:39.480> the<00:07:39.990> videos<00:07:40.320> where<00:07:41.070> once dialogue between the videos where once dialogue between the videos where once the<00:07:41.760> basic<00:07:42.210> structure<00:07:42.780> is<00:07:42.810> established<00:07:43.620> it the basic structure is established it the basic structure is established it becomes<00:07:44.340> a<00:07:44.430> kind<00:07:44.640> of<00:07:44.700> platform<00:07:45.000> for becomes a kind of platform for becomes a kind of platform for articulating<00:07:46.290> the<00:07:46.550> similarities<00:07:47.550> and articulating the similarities and articulating the similarities and differences<00:07:48.300> between<00:07:48.360> the<00:07:48.780> groups<00:07:49.170> social differences between the groups social differences between the groups social and<00:07:50.340> physical<00:07:50.520> worlds<00:07:51.180> and<00:07:51.480> then<00:07:51.930> it<00:07:52.560> is<00:07:52.680> for and physical worlds and then it is for and physical worlds and then it is for me<00:07:53.070> the<00:07:53.790> critical<00:07:54.030> key<00:07:54.960> to<00:07:55.560> what<00:07:55.770> Julien<00:07:56.640> has me the critical key to what Julien has me the critical key to what Julien has to<00:07:56.970> say<00:07:57.200> copyright<00:07:58.200> policy<00:07:58.710> isn't<00:07:59.010> just<00:07:59.310> about to say copyright policy isn't just about to say copyright policy isn't just about how<00:07:59.820> to<00:07:59.880> incentivize<00:08:00.840> the<00:08:01.080> production<00:08:01.530> of<00:08:01.620> a how to incentivize the production of a how to incentivize the production of a certain<00:08:01.980> kind<00:08:02.190> of<00:08:02.280> artistic<00:08:02.580> commodity<00:08:03.270> it's certain kind of artistic commodity it's certain kind of artistic commodity it's about<00:08:04.050> what<00:08:04.350> level<00:08:04.620> of<00:08:04.830> control<00:08:05.280> we're<00:08:05.760> gonna about what level of control we're gonna about what level of control we're gonna permit permit permit the<00:08:06.509> exercise<00:08:07.110> over<00:08:08.009> our<00:08:08.159> social<00:08:08.610> realities the exercise over our social realities the exercise over our social realities social<00:08:09.779> realities<00:08:10.199> that<00:08:10.229> are<00:08:10.529> now<00:08:11.120> inevitably social realities that are now inevitably social realities that are now inevitably permeated<00:08:12.900> by<00:08:12.930> pop<00:08:13.259> culture<00:08:13.710> I<00:08:13.889> think<00:08:14.550> it's permeated by pop culture I think it's permeated by pop culture I think it's important<00:08:15.210> that<00:08:15.240> we<00:08:15.539> keep<00:08:16.499> these<00:08:16.770> two important that we keep these two important that we keep these two different<00:08:17.669> kinds<00:08:17.699> of<00:08:18.150> public<00:08:18.509> goods<00:08:18.719> in<00:08:18.930> mind different kinds of public goods in mind different kinds of public goods in mind if<00:08:19.499> we're<00:08:19.889> only<00:08:20.249> focused<00:08:21.059> on<00:08:21.240> how<00:08:21.479> to<00:08:21.539> maximize if we're only focused on how to maximize if we're only focused on how to maximize the<00:08:22.740> supply<00:08:23.069> of<00:08:23.099> one<00:08:23.550> I<00:08:23.879> think<00:08:24.330> we<00:08:24.419> risk the supply of one I think we risk the supply of one I think we risk suppressing<00:08:26.069> this<00:08:26.279> different<00:08:27.150> and<00:08:27.439> richer suppressing this different and richer suppressing this different and richer and<00:08:28.650> in<00:08:29.339> some<00:08:29.580> ways<00:08:29.759> maybe<00:08:29.969> even<00:08:30.240> more and in some ways maybe even more and in some ways maybe even more importantly<00:08:31.050> right<00:08:31.589> sphingo<00:08:32.279> point<00:08:33.440> freedom importantly right sphingo point freedom importantly right sphingo point freedom needs<00:08:35.659> this<00:08:36.659> opportunity<00:08:37.500> to<00:08:37.740> both<00:08:37.949> have<00:08:38.699> the needs this opportunity to both have the needs this opportunity to both have the commercial<00:08:39.719> success<00:08:40.110> of<00:08:40.860> the<00:08:41.250> great commercial success of the great commercial success of the great commercial<00:08:41.820> works<00:08:42.300> and<00:08:42.829> the<00:08:43.829> opportunity<00:08:44.490> to commercial works and the opportunity to commercial works and the opportunity to build<00:08:45.300> this<00:08:45.510> different<00:08:45.959> kind<00:08:46.199> of<00:08:46.320> culture<00:08:46.829> and build this different kind of culture and build this different kind of culture and for<00:08:47.430> that<00:08:47.550> to<00:08:47.699> happen<00:08:47.880> you<00:08:48.120> need<00:08:48.449> ideas<00:08:49.380> like for that to happen you need ideas like for that to happen you need ideas like fair<00:08:49.920> use<00:08:50.130> to<00:08:50.160> be<00:08:50.430> central<00:08:50.970> and<00:08:51.209> protected<00:08:51.870> to fair use to be central and protected to fair use to be central and protected to enable<00:08:52.740> this<00:08:52.980> kind<00:08:53.040> of<00:08:53.720> innovation<00:08:54.720> as<00:08:54.899> this enable this kind of innovation as this enable this kind of innovation as this libertarian<00:08:55.649> tells<00:08:56.100> us<00:08:56.339> between<00:08:57.120> these<00:08:57.300> two libertarian tells us between these two libertarian tells us between these two creative<00:08:58.860> cultures<00:08:59.639> a<00:08:59.880> commercial<00:09:00.630> and<00:09:00.899> a creative cultures a commercial and a creative cultures a commercial and a sharing<00:09:01.889> culture<00:09:02.370> the<00:09:02.579> point<00:09:02.790> is<00:09:03.029> they<00:09:03.660> he sharing culture the point is they he sharing culture the point is they he here<00:09:04.680> gets<00:09:05.339> that<00:09:05.610> culture<00:09:06.269> now<00:09:06.510> my<00:09:07.019> concern<00:09:07.440> is here gets that culture now my concern is here gets that culture now my concern is we<00:09:07.829> Dems<00:09:09.050> too<00:09:10.050> often<00:09:10.440> not<00:09:10.620> so<00:09:10.829> much<00:09:11.779> right we Dems too often not so much right we Dems too often not so much right think<00:09:13.019> for<00:09:13.170> example<00:09:13.260> about<00:09:13.560> this<00:09:14.370> great think for example about this great think for example about this great company<00:09:15.420> in<00:09:15.779> the<00:09:16.319> good<00:09:16.470> old<00:09:16.620> days<00:09:16.860> when<00:09:17.279> this company in the good old days when this company in the good old days when this Republican<00:09:18.389> ran<00:09:18.660> that<00:09:18.899> company<00:09:19.440> their Republican ran that company their Republican ran that company their greatest<00:09:20.130> work<00:09:20.610> was<00:09:21.120> work<00:09:21.420> that<00:09:21.449> built<00:09:21.870> on<00:09:22.050> the greatest work was work that built on the greatest work was work that built on the past<00:09:22.410> right<00:09:23.069> all<00:09:23.279> of<00:09:23.579> the<00:09:23.730> great<00:09:24.000> Disney<00:09:24.899> works past right all of the great Disney works past right all of the great Disney works were<00:09:25.680> works<00:09:25.949> that<00:09:26.250> took<00:09:26.519> works<00:09:26.819> that<00:09:27.120> were<00:09:27.209> in were works that took works that were in were works that took works that were in the<00:09:27.480> public<00:09:27.810> domain<00:09:27.959> and<00:09:28.319> remixed<00:09:29.100> them<00:09:29.250> or the public domain and remixed them or the public domain and remixed them or waited<00:09:29.910> till<00:09:30.149> they<00:09:30.269> entered<00:09:30.569> to<00:09:30.660> the<00:09:30.750> public waited till they entered to the public waited till they entered to the public domain<00:09:31.170> to<00:09:31.529> remix<00:09:32.250> them<00:09:32.490> to<00:09:32.670> celebrate<00:09:33.329> this domain to remix them to celebrate this domain to remix them to celebrate this add-on<00:09:33.870> remix<00:09:34.649> creativity<00:09:35.339> indeed<00:09:35.760> Mickey add-on remix creativity indeed Mickey add-on remix creativity indeed Mickey Mouse<00:09:36.630> himself<00:09:37.230> of<00:09:37.529> course<00:09:37.560> as<00:09:38.209> Steamboat Mouse himself of course as Steamboat Mouse himself of course as Steamboat Willie<00:09:39.449> is<00:09:39.870> a<00:09:39.930> remix<00:09:40.860> of<00:09:41.040> the<00:09:41.370> then<00:09:41.610> very Willie is a remix of the then very Willie is a remix of the then very dominant<00:09:43.110> very<00:09:43.680> popular<00:09:44.339> steamboat<00:09:45.120> bill<00:09:45.449> by dominant very popular steamboat bill by dominant very popular steamboat bill by Buster<00:09:46.319> Keaton<00:09:46.649> this<00:09:47.220> man<00:09:47.579> was<00:09:48.300> a<00:09:48.329> remixer Buster Keaton this man was a remixer Buster Keaton this man was a remixer extraordinary<00:09:50.310> he<00:09:50.670> is<00:09:50.790> the<00:09:51.060> celebration<00:09:51.959> and extraordinary he is the celebration and extraordinary he is the celebration and ideal<00:09:52.709> of<00:09:53.130> exactly<00:09:53.639> this<00:09:53.880> kind<00:09:54.149> of<00:09:54.329> creativity ideal of exactly this kind of creativity ideal of exactly this kind of creativity but<00:09:55.290> then<00:09:55.699> the<00:09:56.699> company<00:09:56.880> passes<00:09:57.630> in<00:09:57.870> through but then the company passes in through but then the company passes in through this<00:09:58.380> dark<00:09:58.829> stage<00:09:59.459> to<00:10:00.209> this<00:10:01.459> Democrat<00:10:02.690> wildly this dark stage to this Democrat wildly this dark stage to this Democrat wildly different<00:10:04.170> this<00:10:04.920> is<00:10:05.160> the<00:10:05.310> mastermind<00:10:06.060> behind different this is the mastermind behind different this is the mastermind behind the<00:10:06.720> eventual<00:10:07.260> passage<00:10:07.500> of<00:10:08.040> what<00:10:08.190> we<00:10:08.310> call<00:10:08.519> the the eventual passage of what we call the the eventual passage of what we call the Sonny<00:10:08.970> Bono<00:10:09.600> copyright<00:10:09.839> term<00:10:10.350> extension<00:10:10.500> Act Sonny Bono copyright term extension Act Sonny Bono copyright term extension Act extending<00:10:11.639> the<00:10:11.730> term<00:10:11.910> of<00:10:12.089> existing extending the term of existing extending the term of existing copyrights<00:10:13.440> by<00:10:13.649> 20<00:10:14.220> years<00:10:15.089> so<00:10:15.630> that<00:10:15.899> no<00:10:16.170> one copyrights by 20 years so that no one copyrights by 20 years so that no one could<00:10:16.680> do<00:10:16.920> to<00:10:17.160> Disney<00:10:17.640> what<00:10:17.910> Disney could do to Disney what Disney could do to Disney what Disney did<00:10:18.769> to<00:10:19.009> the<00:10:19.129> Brothers<00:10:19.489> Grimm<00:10:19.909> now<00:10:20.359> when<00:10:21.199> we did to the Brothers Grimm now when we did to the Brothers Grimm now when we tried<00:10:21.859> to<00:10:21.889> challenge<00:10:22.309> this<00:10:22.789> going<00:10:23.149> to<00:10:23.269> the tried to challenge this going to the tried to challenge this going to the Supreme<00:10:23.509> Court<00:10:23.989> getting<00:10:24.289> the<00:10:24.379> Supreme<00:10:24.679> Court Supreme Court getting the Supreme Court Supreme Court getting the Supreme Court the<00:10:25.129> bunch<00:10:25.309> of<00:10:25.429> conservatives<00:10:26.059> there<00:10:26.269> if<00:10:26.359> we the bunch of conservatives there if we the bunch of conservatives there if we could<00:10:26.599> get<00:10:26.749> them<00:10:26.929> to<00:10:27.049> wake<00:10:27.199> up<00:10:27.379> to<00:10:27.529> this<00:10:27.619> to could get them to wake up to this to could get them to wake up to this to strike<00:10:28.069> it<00:10:28.249> down strike it down strike it down we<00:10:28.999> had<00:10:29.239> the<00:10:29.449> assistance<00:10:30.229> of<00:10:30.559> Nobel<00:10:30.949> Prize we had the assistance of Nobel Prize we had the assistance of Nobel Prize winners<00:10:31.759> including<00:10:32.269> this<00:10:32.479> right-wing<00:10:33.609> Nobel winners including this right-wing Nobel winners including this right-wing Nobel Prize<00:10:34.999> winner<00:10:35.359> Milton<00:10:36.019> Friedman<00:10:36.619> who<00:10:36.769> said<00:10:37.039> he Prize winner Milton Friedman who said he Prize winner Milton Friedman who said he would<00:10:37.399> join<00:10:37.429> our<00:10:37.909> brief<00:10:38.179> only<00:10:38.989> if<00:10:39.079> the<00:10:39.259> word would join our brief only if the word would join our brief only if the word no-brainer<00:10:40.519> was<00:10:41.149> in<00:10:41.359> the<00:10:41.689> brief<00:10:41.929> somewhere no-brainer was in the brief somewhere no-brainer was in the brief somewhere but<00:10:44.869> apparently<00:10:45.349> no<00:10:45.919> brains<00:10:46.339> existed<00:10:47.059> in<00:10:47.179> this but apparently no brains existed in this but apparently no brains existed in this place<00:10:47.809> when<00:10:48.469> Democrats<00:10:49.309> passed<00:10:49.759> and<00:10:50.209> signed place when Democrats passed and signed place when Democrats passed and signed this<00:10:51.079> bill<00:10:51.139> into<00:10:51.499> law<00:10:52.219> now<00:10:52.879> tiny<00:10:53.419> little this bill into law now tiny little this bill into law now tiny little quibble<00:10:54.079> of<00:10:54.169> a<00:10:54.289> footnote<00:10:54.709> Sonny<00:10:55.009> Bono<00:10:55.309> you quibble of a footnote Sonny Bono you quibble of a footnote Sonny Bono you might<00:10:56.179> say<00:10:56.389> was<00:10:56.659> a<00:10:56.689> Republican<00:10:57.409> but<00:10:57.589> I<00:10:57.799> don't might say was a Republican but I don't might say was a Republican but I don't buy<00:10:58.639> it<00:10:58.699> this<00:10:59.059> guy<00:10:59.329> is<00:11:01.389> okay<00:11:02.499> our<00:11:03.499> second buy it this guy is okay our second buy it this guy is okay our second example<00:11:04.459> think<00:11:04.699> about<00:11:04.759> this<00:11:05.089> cultural<00:11:05.629> hero example think about this cultural hero example think about this cultural hero icon<00:11:06.799> on<00:11:07.099> the<00:11:07.519> Left<00:11:07.959> creator<00:11:08.959> of<00:11:09.109> this icon on the Left creator of this icon on the Left creator of this character<00:11:10.759> look<00:11:11.389> at<00:11:11.479> the<00:11:11.569> site<00:11:11.809> that<00:11:11.839> he<00:11:12.199> built character look at the site that he built character look at the site that he built Star<00:11:12.859> Wars<00:11:13.159> mashup<00:11:13.759> inviting<00:11:14.299> people<00:11:14.419> to<00:11:14.599> come Star Wars mashup inviting people to come Star Wars mashup inviting people to come and<00:11:15.079> use<00:11:15.259> their<00:11:15.499> creative<00:11:16.099> energy<00:11:16.459> to<00:11:16.489> produce and use their creative energy to produce and use their creative energy to produce a<00:11:17.209> new<00:11:17.449> generation<00:11:17.959> of<00:11:18.229> attention<00:11:18.769> towards a new generation of attention towards a new generation of attention towards this<00:11:19.519> extraordinarily<00:11:20.149> important<00:11:20.869> cultural this extraordinarily important cultural this extraordinarily important cultural icon<00:11:21.709> read<00:11:22.279> the<00:11:22.759> license<00:11:23.269> the<00:11:24.229> license<00:11:24.709> for icon read the license the license for icon read the license the license for these<00:11:25.039> really<00:11:25.309> mixers<00:11:25.669> assigns<00:11:26.089> all<00:11:26.329> of<00:11:26.749> the these really mixers assigns all of the these really mixers assigns all of the rights<00:11:27.139> to<00:11:27.319> the<00:11:27.559> remix<00:11:27.979> back<00:11:28.429> to<00:11:28.939> Lucas<00:11:29.569> the rights to the remix back to Lucas the rights to the remix back to Lucas the mash-up<00:11:30.559> is<00:11:30.769> owned<00:11:31.309> by<00:11:31.579> Lucas<00:11:32.239> indeed mash-up is owned by Lucas indeed mash-up is owned by Lucas indeed anything<00:11:33.349> you<00:11:33.709> add<00:11:33.979> to<00:11:34.249> the<00:11:34.369> mashup<00:11:34.759> music<00:11:35.299> you anything you add to the mashup music you anything you add to the mashup music you might<00:11:35.629> add<00:11:35.899> Lucas<00:11:36.649> has<00:11:36.829> a<00:11:36.859> worldwide might add Lucas has a worldwide might add Lucas has a worldwide perpetual<00:11:38.299> right<00:11:38.569> to<00:11:38.749> exploit<00:11:39.109> that<00:11:39.169> for<00:11:39.979> free perpetual right to exploit that for free perpetual right to exploit that for free there<00:11:40.759> is<00:11:40.789> no<00:11:41.089> creator<00:11:41.899> here<00:11:42.529> to<00:11:42.709> be there is no creator here to be there is no creator here to be recognized<00:11:43.339> the<00:11:43.489> Creator<00:11:43.819> doesn't<00:11:44.149> have<00:11:44.299> any recognized the Creator doesn't have any recognized the Creator doesn't have any rights<00:11:44.929> the<00:11:45.169> Creator<00:11:45.529> is<00:11:45.799> a<00:11:46.479> sharecropper<00:11:47.479> in rights the Creator is a sharecropper in rights the Creator is a sharecropper in this<00:11:48.019> story<00:11:48.379> and<00:11:48.769> we<00:11:49.399> should<00:11:49.639> remember<00:11:49.970> who this story and we should remember who this story and we should remember who employed<00:11:50.989> the<00:11:51.289> sharecroppers<00:11:52.249> the<00:11:53.319> Democrats employed the sharecroppers the Democrats employed the sharecroppers the Democrats right<00:11:54.679> so<00:11:54.829> the<00:11:54.949> point<00:11:55.189> is<00:11:55.309> the<00:11:55.759> Republicans right so the point is the Republicans right so the point is the Republicans here<00:11:57.199> recognize<00:11:57.949> that<00:11:58.369> there's<00:11:58.639> a<00:11:58.699> certain here recognize that there's a certain here recognize that there's a certain need<00:11:59.569> of<00:11:59.959> ownership<00:12:00.739> or<00:12:01.279> respect<00:12:01.879> for need of ownership or respect for need of ownership or respect for ownership<00:12:02.869> the<00:12:03.319> respect<00:12:03.799> we<00:12:04.009> should<00:12:04.220> give<00:12:04.429> to ownership the respect we should give to ownership the respect we should give to the<00:12:04.729> Creator<00:12:05.209> the<00:12:05.769> remixer<00:12:06.769> the<00:12:07.009> owner<00:12:07.579> the the Creator the remixer the owner the the Creator the remixer the owner the property<00:12:08.209> owner<00:12:08.779> the<00:12:08.929> copyright<00:12:09.649> owner<00:12:09.889> of property owner the copyright owner of property owner the copyright owner of this<00:12:10.549> extraordinarily<00:12:11.179> powerful<00:12:12.189> stuff<00:12:13.189> and this extraordinarily powerful stuff and this extraordinarily powerful stuff and not<00:12:14.359> a<00:12:14.859> generation<00:12:15.859> of<00:12:16.299> sharecroppers<00:12:18.219> now<00:12:19.219> I not a generation of sharecroppers now I not a generation of sharecroppers now I think<00:12:19.579> there<00:12:19.939> are<00:12:19.999> lessons<00:12:20.209> we<00:12:21.079> should<00:12:21.319> learn think there are lessons we should learn think there are lessons we should learn here<00:12:22.059> lessons<00:12:23.059> about<00:12:23.179> openness<00:12:23.629> our<00:12:24.499> lives here lessons about openness our lives here lessons about openness our lives our<00:12:25.339> sharing<00:12:26.329> activities<00:12:27.319> at<00:12:27.649> least<00:12:27.889> in<00:12:28.129> part our sharing activities at least in part our sharing activities at least in part even<00:12:28.909> for<00:12:29.449> the<00:12:29.539> head<00:12:29.779> of<00:12:29.989> Goldman<00:12:30.470> Sachs even for the head of Goldman Sachs even for the head of Goldman Sachs at<00:12:31.670> least<00:12:31.940> in<00:12:32.300> part<00:12:32.840> and<00:12:33.340> for<00:12:34.340> that<00:12:34.490> sharing at least in part and for that sharing at least in part and for that sharing activity<00:12:35.450> to<00:12:35.570> happen<00:12:35.780> we<00:12:36.080> have<00:12:36.110> to<00:12:36.290> have<00:12:36.560> well activity to happen we have to have well activity to happen we have to have well protected<00:12:37.430> spaces<00:12:38.180> of<00:12:38.390> fair<00:12:38.870> use<00:12:38.900> that's protected spaces of fair use that's protected spaces of fair use that's number<00:12:39.710> one<00:12:40.010> number<00:12:40.130> two<00:12:40.450> the<00:12:41.450> psychology<00:12:42.410> of number one number two the psychology of number one number two the psychology of sharing<00:12:43.400> needs<00:12:44.150> freedom<00:12:44.600> within<00:12:45.500> which<00:12:45.920> to sharing needs freedom within which to sharing needs freedom within which to creates<00:12:47.170> freedom<00:12:48.170> which<00:12:48.740> means<00:12:49.040> without creates freedom which means without creates freedom which means without permission<00:12:50.540> from<00:12:50.990> anyone<00:12:51.320> the<00:12:51.650> ability<00:12:52.100> to permission from anyone the ability to permission from anyone the ability to create<00:12:52.730> and<00:12:53.180> number<00:12:53.540> three<00:12:53.950> we<00:12:54.950> need<00:12:55.100> to create and number three we need to create and number three we need to respect<00:12:55.820> the<00:12:56.210> Creator<00:12:57.170> the<00:12:57.980> creator<00:12:58.490> of<00:12:58.670> these respect the Creator the creator of these respect the Creator the creator of these remixes<00:12:59.660> through<00:12:59.900> rights<00:13:00.230> that<00:13:00.620> are<00:13:00.890> directly remixes through rights that are directly remixes through rights that are directly tied<00:13:02.050> to<00:13:03.050> them<00:13:03.230> now<00:13:04.270> this<00:13:05.270> explains<00:13:05.690> the tied to them now this explains the tied to them now this explains the right-wing<00:13:07.040> nonprofit<00:13:08.000> Creative<00:13:08.900> Commons right-wing nonprofit Creative Commons right-wing nonprofit Creative Commons actually<00:13:11.090> it's<00:13:11.210> not<00:13:11.330> a<00:13:11.390> right-wing<00:13:11.840> profit actually it's not a right-wing profit actually it's not a right-wing profit but<00:13:12.740> of<00:13:12.860> course<00:13:13.100> let<00:13:13.310> me<00:13:13.370> just<00:13:13.580> tie<00:13:13.760> it<00:13:13.820> here but of course let me just tie it here but of course let me just tie it here are<00:13:14.240> the<00:13:14.360> Creative<00:13:14.750> Commons<00:13:14.930> which<00:13:15.260> is are the Creative Commons which is are the Creative Commons which is offering<00:13:16.580> auteurs<00:13:17.180> this<00:13:17.480> simple<00:13:18.050> way<00:13:18.320> to<00:13:18.350> mark offering auteurs this simple way to mark offering auteurs this simple way to mark their<00:13:19.190> content<00:13:19.760> with<00:13:19.910> the<00:13:20.120> freedoms<00:13:20.720> they their content with the freedoms they their content with the freedoms they intended<00:13:21.530> to<00:13:22.130> carry<00:13:22.420> so<00:13:23.420> that<00:13:23.570> we<00:13:23.630> go<00:13:23.810> from<00:13:23.990> a intended to carry so that we go from a intended to carry so that we go from a all<00:13:24.380> rights<00:13:24.740> reserved<00:13:25.160> world<00:13:25.490> to<00:13:25.700> a<00:13:25.730> some all rights reserved world to a some all rights reserved world to a some rights<00:13:26.570> reserved<00:13:27.290> world<00:13:27.890> so<00:13:28.190> that<00:13:28.370> people<00:13:28.400> can rights reserved world so that people can rights reserved world so that people can know<00:13:29.090> the<00:13:29.300> freedoms<00:13:29.780> they<00:13:29.930> have<00:13:30.140> attached<00:13:30.530> to know the freedoms they have attached to know the freedoms they have attached to the<00:13:30.890> content<00:13:31.400> building<00:13:31.850> and<00:13:32.030> creating<00:13:32.810> on<00:13:33.140> the the content building and creating on the the content building and creating on the basis<00:13:33.950> of<00:13:34.070> this<00:13:34.520> creative<00:13:35.710> copyrighted<00:13:36.710> work basis of this creative copyrighted work basis of this creative copyrighted work these<00:13:37.790> tools<00:13:38.330> that<00:13:38.690> we've<00:13:39.020> built<00:13:39.410> enable<00:13:40.130> this these tools that we've built enable this these tools that we've built enable this sharing<00:13:40.850> in<00:13:41.120> parts<00:13:42.050> through<00:13:42.740> licenses<00:13:43.370> that sharing in parts through licenses that sharing in parts through licenses that make<00:13:43.760> it<00:13:43.910> clear<00:13:44.120> and<00:13:44.570> a<00:13:44.990> freedom<00:13:45.470> to<00:13:45.650> create make it clear and a freedom to create make it clear and a freedom to create without<00:13:46.460> requiring<00:13:47.000> permission<00:13:47.450> first without requiring permission first without requiring permission first because<00:13:48.200> the<00:13:48.290> permission<00:13:48.770> has<00:13:48.890> already<00:13:49.250> been because the permission has already been because the permission has already been granted<00:13:49.610> and<00:13:50.120> a<00:13:50.210> respect<00:13:50.690> for<00:13:50.870> the<00:13:50.930> creator granted and a respect for the creator granted and a respect for the creator because<00:13:51.650> it<00:13:51.950> builds<00:13:52.220> upon<00:13:52.400> a<00:13:52.850> copyright<00:13:53.810> the because it builds upon a copyright the because it builds upon a copyright the Creator<00:13:54.740> HAP's Creator HAP's Creator HAP's licensed<00:13:56.450> freely<00:13:57.140> and<00:13:57.410> it<00:13:57.620> explains<00:13:58.040> the<00:13:58.220> vast licensed freely and it explains the vast licensed freely and it explains the vast right-wing<00:13:59.270> conspiracy<00:13:59.650> that's<00:14:00.650> obviously right-wing conspiracy that's obviously right-wing conspiracy that's obviously developed<00:14:01.670> around<00:14:01.910> these<00:14:02.290> licenses<00:14:03.290> as<00:14:03.500> now developed around these licenses as now developed around these licenses as now more<00:14:03.890> than<00:14:04.010> three<00:14:04.280> hundred<00:14:04.310> and<00:14:04.730> fifty more than three hundred and fifty more than three hundred and fifty million<00:14:05.510> digital<00:14:06.080> objects<00:14:06.530> are<00:14:06.710> out<00:14:06.860> there million digital objects are out there million digital objects are out there licensed<00:14:08.120> freely<00:14:08.540> in<00:14:08.750> this<00:14:09.410> way<00:14:10.210> now<00:14:11.210> that licensed freely in this way now that licensed freely in this way now that picture<00:14:12.080> of<00:14:12.230> an<00:14:12.320> ecology<00:14:12.980> of<00:14:13.010> creativity<00:14:13.220> the picture of an ecology of creativity the picture of an ecology of creativity the picture<00:14:14.360> of<00:14:14.480> an<00:14:14.570> ecology<00:14:15.230> of<00:14:15.440> balanced picture of an ecology of balanced picture of an ecology of balanced creativity<00:14:17.600> is<00:14:17.750> that<00:14:17.960> the<00:14:18.140> ecology<00:14:18.740> of creativity is that the ecology of creativity is that the ecology of creativity<00:14:18.980> we<00:14:19.610> have<00:14:19.760> right<00:14:19.970> now<00:14:20.000> well<00:14:20.630> as<00:14:21.100> you creativity we have right now well as you creativity we have right now well as you all<00:14:22.250> know<00:14:22.480> not<00:14:23.480> many<00:14:23.690> of<00:14:23.840> us<00:14:23.930> believe<00:14:24.290> we<00:14:24.470> do<00:14:24.680> I all know not many of us believe we do I all know not many of us believe we do I tripped<00:14:25.370> on<00:14:25.580> the<00:14:25.640> reality<00:14:26.540> of<00:14:26.690> this<00:14:26.900> ecology tripped on the reality of this ecology tripped on the reality of this ecology of<00:14:27.740> creativity<00:14:27.950> just<00:14:28.730> last<00:14:29.210> week<00:14:29.600> I<00:14:29.900> created<00:14:30.440> a of creativity just last week I created a of creativity just last week I created a video<00:14:31.280> which<00:14:31.700> was<00:14:31.880> based<00:14:32.270> on<00:14:32.480> a<00:14:32.540> wire<00:14:32.810> side video which was based on a wire side video which was based on a wire side chat<00:14:33.620> that<00:14:33.890> I<00:14:34.010> had<00:14:34.100> given<00:14:34.310> and<00:14:34.490> I<00:14:34.550> uploaded<00:14:35.090> it chat that I had given and I uploaded it chat that I had given and I uploaded it to<00:14:35.330> YouTube<00:14:36.170> I<00:14:36.530> then<00:14:37.460> got<00:14:37.640> this<00:14:37.790> email<00:14:38.360> from to YouTube I then got this email from to YouTube I then got this email from YouTube YouTube YouTube weirdly<00:14:40.430> notifying<00:14:41.090> me<00:14:41.300> that<00:14:41.540> there<00:14:41.690> was weirdly notifying me that there was weirdly notifying me that there was content<00:14:42.350> in<00:14:42.560> that<00:14:42.590> owned<00:14:43.100> by<00:14:43.370> the<00:14:43.430> mysterious content in that owned by the mysterious content in that owned by the mysterious W W W mg<00:14:46.029> that<00:14:47.029> matched<00:14:47.330> their<00:14:47.630> Content<00:14:48.170> ID<00:14:48.350> so<00:14:48.620> I mg that matched their Content ID so I mg that matched their Content ID so I didn't<00:14:48.950> think<00:14:48.980> much<00:14:49.160> about<00:14:49.310> it<00:14:49.610> and<00:14:49.910> then<00:14:50.000> on didn't think much about it and then on didn't think much about it and then on Twitter<00:14:50.630> somebody<00:14:51.140> said<00:14:51.380> to<00:14:51.410> me<00:14:51.529> your<00:14:52.130> talk<00:14:52.459> on Twitter somebody said to me your talk on Twitter somebody said to me your talk on YouTube<00:14:53.060> was<00:14:53.300> DMC<00:14:53.899> age<00:14:54.110> was<00:14:54.500> that<00:14:54.709> your YouTube was DMC age was that your YouTube was DMC age was that your purpose<00:14:55.250> imagining<00:14:56.120> that<00:14:56.300> I<00:14:56.330> had<00:14:56.570> this<00:14:56.720> deep purpose imagining that I had this deep purpose imagining that I had this deep conspiracy<00:14:57.709> to<00:14:57.950> reveal<00:14:58.459> the<00:14:58.790> obvious<00:14:59.240> flaws conspiracy to reveal the obvious flaws conspiracy to reveal the obvious flaws in<00:14:59.839> the<00:14:59.930> DMCA<00:15:00.410> answer<00:15:01.190> no<00:15:01.490> I<00:15:01.520> didn't<00:15:02.000> even in the DMCA answer no I didn't even in the DMCA answer no I didn't even think<00:15:02.420> about<00:15:02.630> it<00:15:02.810> but<00:15:03.110> then<00:15:03.320> I<00:15:03.529> went<00:15:04.100> to<00:15:04.310> the think about it but then I went to the think about it but then I went to the site<00:15:04.760> and<00:15:05.029> all<00:15:05.300> of<00:15:05.570> the<00:15:05.690> audio<00:15:06.020> in<00:15:06.080> my<00:15:06.200> site<00:15:06.589> had site and all of the audio in my site had site and all of the audio in my site had been<00:15:07.120> silenced<00:15:08.170> my<00:15:09.170> whole<00:15:09.620> 45<00:15:10.279> minute<00:15:10.790> video been silenced my whole 45 minute video been silenced my whole 45 minute video had<00:15:11.600> been<00:15:11.709> silenced<00:15:12.709> because<00:15:13.640> they<00:15:13.790> were had been silenced because they were had been silenced because they were snippets<00:15:14.480> in<00:15:14.660> that<00:15:14.930> video<00:15:15.170> a<00:15:15.680> video<00:15:16.279> about snippets in that video a video about snippets in that video a video about fair<00:15:17.360> use<00:15:17.410> that<00:15:18.410> included<00:15:19.070> Warner<00:15:19.640> Music fair use that included Warner Music fair use that included Warner Music Group<00:15:20.149> music<00:15:21.140> now<00:15:21.620> interestingly<00:15:22.459> they<00:15:23.270> still Group music now interestingly they still Group music now interestingly they still sold<00:15:23.870> ads<00:15:24.260> for<00:15:25.070> that<00:15:25.130> music<00:15:25.430> if<00:15:25.910> you<00:15:26.029> played sold ads for that music if you played sold ads for that music if you played the<00:15:26.570> silent<00:15:26.990> video<00:15:27.290> you<00:15:27.380> can<00:15:27.620> still<00:15:27.800> buy<00:15:28.040> the the silent video you can still buy the the silent video you can still buy the music<00:15:28.490> but<00:15:29.089> you<00:15:29.330> couldn't<00:15:29.630> hear<00:15:29.899> anything music but you couldn't hear anything music but you couldn't hear anything because<00:15:30.890> it<00:15:31.490> had<00:15:31.910> been<00:15:32.230> silenced<00:15:33.230> so<00:15:33.709> I<00:15:34.040> did because it had been silenced so I did because it had been silenced so I did what<00:15:34.670> the<00:15:34.880> current<00:15:35.390> regime<00:15:35.660> says<00:15:36.260> I<00:15:36.290> must<00:15:36.709> do what the current regime says I must do what the current regime says I must do to<00:15:37.310> be<00:15:37.550> free<00:15:38.330> to<00:15:38.720> use<00:15:39.459> YouTube<00:15:40.459> to<00:15:40.730> talk<00:15:41.360> about to be free to use YouTube to talk about to be free to use YouTube to talk about fair<00:15:42.080> use<00:15:42.320> I<00:15:42.529> went<00:15:42.830> to<00:15:42.950> this<00:15:43.100> site<00:15:43.399> and<00:15:43.730> I<00:15:44.180> had fair use I went to this site and I had fair use I went to this site and I had to<00:15:44.450> answer<00:15:44.690> these<00:15:45.200> questions<00:15:45.830> and<00:15:46.040> then<00:15:46.190> in<00:15:46.399> an to answer these questions and then in an to answer these questions and then in an extraordinarily<00:15:46.970> Bart<00:15:47.959> Simpson<00:15:48.620> like extraordinarily Bart Simpson like extraordinarily Bart Simpson like juvenile<00:15:49.430> way<00:15:49.700> you've<00:15:50.360> actually<00:15:50.570> got<00:15:50.899> to<00:15:50.930> type juvenile way you've actually got to type juvenile way you've actually got to type out<00:15:51.649> these<00:15:52.579> words<00:15:53.000> and<00:15:53.540> get<00:15:53.930> them<00:15:54.140> rights<00:15:54.470> to out these words and get them rights to out these words and get them rights to reassert<00:15:55.820> your<00:15:55.880> freedom<00:15:56.750> to<00:15:56.959> speak<00:15:57.320> and<00:15:57.680> I reassert your freedom to speak and I reassert your freedom to speak and I felt<00:15:58.370> like<00:15:58.700> I<00:15:59.000> was<00:15:59.209> in<00:15:59.420> third<00:15:59.750> grade<00:15:59.899> again<00:16:00.589> I felt like I was in third grade again I felt like I was in third grade again I will<00:16:01.520> not<00:16:01.730> put<00:16:02.000> tacks<00:16:02.329> on<00:16:02.630> the<00:16:02.750> teachers<00:16:03.200> chair will not put tacks on the teachers chair will not put tacks on the teachers chair I<00:16:03.620> will<00:16:03.950> not<00:16:04.160> give<00:16:04.399> tax<00:16:04.670> on I will not give tax on I will not give tax on teachers<00:16:05.500> cheer<00:16:06.779> this<00:16:07.779> is<00:16:08.079> absurd<00:16:08.829> it<00:16:09.490> is teachers cheer this is absurd it is teachers cheer this is absurd it is outrageous<00:16:09.970> it<00:16:10.930> is<00:16:11.170> extraordinary outrageous it is extraordinary outrageous it is extraordinary perversion<00:16:12.760> of<00:16:12.850> the<00:16:12.970> system<00:16:13.420> of<00:16:13.600> freedom<00:16:13.959> we perversion of the system of freedom we perversion of the system of freedom we should<00:16:14.260> be<00:16:14.380> encouraging<00:16:14.740> and<00:16:15.190> the<00:16:15.250> question<00:16:15.610> I should be encouraging and the question I should be encouraging and the question I ask<00:16:15.880> you<00:16:16.000> is<00:16:16.120> who's<00:16:16.600> fighting<00:16:16.959> it<00:16:17.260> well ask you is who's fighting it well ask you is who's fighting it well interestingly<00:16:18.370> in<00:16:19.000> the<00:16:19.089> last<00:16:19.300> presidential interestingly in the last presidential interestingly in the last presidential election<00:16:20.019> who<00:16:20.529> was<00:16:20.680> the<00:16:20.860> number<00:16:21.040> one<00:16:21.450> active election who was the number one active election who was the number one active opponents<00:16:23.649> of<00:16:23.740> this<00:16:24.250> system<00:16:24.790> of<00:16:24.910> regulation opponents of this system of regulation opponents of this system of regulation in<00:16:25.810> online<00:16:26.230> speech<00:16:26.880> John<00:16:27.880> McCain<00:16:28.920> letter in online speech John McCain letter in online speech John McCain letter after<00:16:30.220> letter<00:16:30.370> attacking<00:16:31.240> YouTube's<00:16:31.720> refusal after letter attacking YouTube's refusal after letter attacking YouTube's refusal to<00:16:32.829> be<00:16:33.010> more<00:16:33.250> respectful<00:16:33.730> of<00:16:34.180> fair<00:16:34.450> use<00:16:34.750> but to be more respectful of fair use but to be more respectful of fair use but they're<00:16:35.230> extraordinary<00:16:35.709> notice<00:16:36.370> and they're extraordinary notice and they're extraordinary notice and takedown<00:16:36.700> system<00:16:37.420> that<00:16:37.630> led<00:16:37.779> his<00:16:38.050> campaign<00:16:38.560> so takedown system that led his campaign so takedown system that led his campaign so many<00:16:38.920> times<00:16:39.130> to<00:16:39.279> be<00:16:39.399> thrown<00:16:39.700> off<00:16:39.910> the<00:16:40.899> internet many times to be thrown off the internet many times to be thrown off the internet now<00:16:42.970> that<00:16:43.810> was<00:16:43.930> a<00:16:43.959> story<00:16:44.320> of<00:16:44.380> me<00:16:44.589> then<00:16:44.829> my<00:16:45.760> good now that was a story of me then my good now that was a story of me then my good old<00:16:46.149> days<00:16:46.360> of<00:16:46.720> right-wing<00:16:47.170> lunacy<00:16:48.040> let<00:16:48.399> me old days of right-wing lunacy let me old days of right-wing lunacy let me come<00:16:48.730> back<00:16:48.760> to<00:16:48.940> now<00:16:49.980> now<00:16:50.980> when<00:16:51.220> I'm<00:16:51.370> a<00:16:51.399> live<00:16:52.000> a come back to now now when I'm a live a come back to now now when I'm a live a leftist<00:16:52.779> I'm<00:16:53.050> certainly<00:16:53.440> left-handed<00:16:54.040> so<00:16:54.160> at leftist I'm certainly left-handed so at leftist I'm certainly left-handed so at least<00:16:54.399> a<00:16:54.610> lefty<00:16:55.060> and<00:16:55.480> I<00:16:55.870> wonder<00:16:56.440> can<00:16:57.339> we<00:16:57.399> on<00:16:58.060> the least a lefty and I wonder can we on the least a lefty and I wonder can we on the Left<00:16:58.510> expect<00:16:59.440> to<00:16:59.680> build<00:17:00.010> this<00:17:00.430> ecology<00:17:01.390> of Left expect to build this ecology of Left expect to build this ecology of freedom<00:17:02.410> now<00:17:03.040> in<00:17:03.760> a<00:17:03.850> world<00:17:04.110> where<00:17:05.370> we<00:17:06.370> know<00:17:06.400> the freedom now in a world where we know the freedom now in a world where we know the extraordinary<00:17:07.839> powerful extraordinary powerful extraordinary powerful influences<00:17:09.910> against<00:17:10.480> it<00:17:10.630> where<00:17:11.110> even<00:17:11.730> icons influences against it where even icons influences against it where even icons of<00:17:13.089> the<00:17:13.329> left<00:17:13.540> like<00:17:13.870> this<00:17:14.230> entertain<00:17:14.610> and<00:17:15.610> push of the left like this entertain and push of the left like this entertain and push bills<00:17:16.329> that<00:17:16.660> would<00:17:16.780> effectively<00:17:17.230> ban<00:17:17.829> the bills that would effectively ban the bills that would effectively ban the requirement<00:17:19.179> of<00:17:19.299> open<00:17:19.720> access<00:17:19.900> for requirement of open access for requirement of open access for government-funded<00:17:21.339> research<00:17:22.290> the<00:17:23.290> president government-funded research the president government-funded research the president who<00:17:24.819> has<00:17:25.030> supported<00:17:25.540> a<00:17:25.959> process<00:17:26.829> that who has supported a process that who has supported a process that secretly<00:17:27.850> negotiates<00:17:28.720> agreements<00:17:29.350> which secretly negotiates agreements which secretly negotiates agreements which effectively<00:17:30.280> lock<00:17:30.790> us<00:17:31.030> into<00:17:31.419> the<00:17:31.540> insane effectively lock us into the insane effectively lock us into the insane system<00:17:32.440> of<00:17:32.770> dense<00:17:33.070> DMCA<00:17:33.850> that<00:17:34.630> we<00:17:34.809> have system of dense DMCA that we have system of dense DMCA that we have adopted<00:17:35.559> and<00:17:35.770> likely<00:17:36.610> lock<00:17:36.850> us<00:17:37.030> down<00:17:37.059> a<00:17:37.270> path adopted and likely lock us down a path adopted and likely lock us down a path of<00:17:37.809> three<00:17:38.110> strikes<00:17:38.500> you're<00:17:39.220> out<00:17:39.250> then<00:17:40.059> of of three strikes you're out then of of three strikes you're out then of course<00:17:40.419> the<00:17:40.570> rest<00:17:40.750> of<00:17:40.900> the<00:17:40.990> world<00:17:41.169> are course the rest of the world are course the rest of the world are increasingly<00:17:41.790> adopting<00:17:42.790> not<00:17:43.030> a<00:17:43.320> single increasingly adopting not a single increasingly adopting not a single example<00:17:44.919> of<00:17:45.370> reform<00:17:45.970> has<00:17:46.390> been<00:17:46.419> produced<00:17:47.110> yet example of reform has been produced yet example of reform has been produced yet and<00:17:48.660> we're<00:17:49.660> not<00:17:49.809> going<00:17:50.020> to<00:17:50.049> see<00:17:50.290> this<00:17:50.590> change and we're not going to see this change and we're not going to see this change in<00:17:51.910> this<00:17:52.120> system<00:17:52.410> anytime<00:17:53.580> soon<00:17:54.840> so<00:17:55.840> here's in this system anytime soon so here's in this system anytime soon so here's the<00:17:56.230> lessons<00:17:56.710> of<00:17:57.100> openness<00:17:58.090> that<00:17:59.080> I<00:17:59.140> think<00:17:59.470> we the lessons of openness that I think we the lessons of openness that I think we need<00:17:59.799> to<00:17:59.980> learn<00:18:00.780> openness<00:18:01.780> is<00:18:02.020> a<00:18:02.049> commitment need to learn openness is a commitment need to learn openness is a commitment to<00:18:03.010> a<00:18:03.130> certain<00:18:03.760> set<00:18:04.059> of<00:18:04.090> values<00:18:04.210> we<00:18:05.200> need<00:18:05.320> to to a certain set of values we need to to a certain set of values we need to speak<00:18:05.799> of<00:18:05.980> those<00:18:06.160> values<00:18:06.640> the<00:18:07.150> value<00:18:07.570> of speak of those values the value of speak of those values the value of freedom<00:18:08.049> it's<00:18:08.740> a<00:18:08.890> value<00:18:09.280> of<00:18:09.400> community<00:18:09.640> it's<00:18:10.240> a freedom it's a value of community it's a freedom it's a value of community it's a value<00:18:10.809> of<00:18:10.990> the<00:18:11.110> limits<00:18:11.559> in<00:18:11.770> regulation<00:18:12.520> it's<00:18:12.700> a value of the limits in regulation it's a value of the limits in regulation it's a value<00:18:13.210> respecting<00:18:13.960> the<00:18:14.530> Creator<00:18:15.360> now<00:18:16.360> if<00:18:16.600> we value respecting the Creator now if we value respecting the Creator now if we can<00:18:17.020> learn<00:18:17.260> those<00:18:17.530> values<00:18:18.100> from can learn those values from can learn those values from some<00:18:19.000> influences<00:18:19.930> on<00:18:20.080> the<00:18:20.200> right<00:18:20.410> if<00:18:20.620> we<00:18:20.770> can some influences on the right if we can some influences on the right if we can take<00:18:21.190> them<00:18:21.400> and<00:18:21.580> incorporate<00:18:22.150> them<00:18:22.390> maybe<00:18:23.050> we take them and incorporate them maybe we take them and incorporate them maybe we could<00:18:23.380> do<00:18:23.590> a<00:18:23.620> little<00:18:23.800> trade<00:18:24.190> we<00:18:24.610> learn<00:18:25.060> those could do a little trade we learn those could do a little trade we learn those values<00:18:25.900> on<00:18:26.080> the<00:18:26.170> left<00:18:26.410> and<00:18:26.830> maybe<00:18:27.490> they'll<00:18:28.060> do values on the left and maybe they'll do values on the left and maybe they'll do health<00:18:28.600> care<00:18:28.870> or<00:18:29.200> global<00:18:29.590> warming health care or global warming health care or global warming legislation<00:18:30.010> or<00:18:30.610> something<00:18:30.940> on<00:18:31.030> the<00:18:31.150> right legislation or something on the right legislation or something on the right anyway<00:18:31.900> please<00:18:32.620> join<00:18:33.040> me<00:18:33.520> in<00:18:33.820> teaching<00:18:34.420> these anyway please join me in teaching these anyway please join me in teaching these values<00:18:35.680> thank<00:18:36.040> you<00:18:36.130> very<00:18:36.310> much

Lawrence Lessig, Republican, Democrat, Young, Republican, remix, culture, political, party, TED, TEDx, TEDxNYED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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