Kinh nghiệm chung về sự phi lý-Charlie Todd

The shared experience of absurdity - Charlie Todd

The shared experience of absurdity - Charlie Todd


I<00:00:15.640> started<00:00:16.640> Improv<00:00:16.880> Everywhere<00:00:16.910> about<00:00:17.420> ten
I started Improv Everywhere about ten I started Improv Everywhere about ten years<00:00:17.900> ago<00:00:18.050> when<00:00:18.350> I<00:00:18.380> moved<00:00:18.590> to<00:00:18.740> New<00:00:18.830> York<00:00:18.980> City years ago when I moved to New York City years ago when I moved to New York City with<00:00:19.490> an<00:00:19.640> interest<00:00:19.939> in<00:00:20.150> acting<00:00:20.630> and<00:00:21.110> comedy with an interest in acting and comedy with an interest in acting and comedy because<00:00:22.070> I<00:00:22.099> was<00:00:22.250> new<00:00:22.369> to<00:00:22.400> the<00:00:22.520> city<00:00:22.610> I<00:00:22.849> didn't because I was new to the city I didn't because I was new to the city I didn't have<00:00:23.300> access<00:00:23.750> to<00:00:23.960> a<00:00:23.990> stage<00:00:24.349> so<00:00:24.710> I<00:00:24.920> decided<00:00:25.310> to have access to a stage so I decided to have access to a stage so I decided to create<00:00:26.060> my<00:00:26.210> own<00:00:26.480> in<00:00:26.779> public<00:00:27.230> places<00:00:27.439> so<00:00:28.430> the create my own in public places so the create my own in public places so the first<00:00:28.669> project<00:00:28.849> we're<00:00:29.150> gonna<00:00:29.210> take<00:00:29.480> a<00:00:29.509> look<00:00:29.660> at first project we're gonna take a look at first project we're gonna take a look at is<00:00:29.989> the<00:00:30.169> very<00:00:30.200> first<00:00:30.590> No<00:00:30.919> Pants<00:00:31.220> subway<00:00:31.400> ride is the very first No Pants subway ride is the very first No Pants subway ride now<00:00:32.509> this<00:00:32.660> took<00:00:32.780> place<00:00:32.840> in<00:00:33.200> January<00:00:33.380> of<00:00:33.829> 2002 now this took place in January of 2002 now this took place in January of 2002 and<00:00:34.760> this<00:00:34.850> woman<00:00:35.149> is<00:00:35.270> the<00:00:35.300> star<00:00:35.660> of<00:00:35.690> the<00:00:35.960> video and this woman is the star of the video and this woman is the star of the video she<00:00:36.739> doesn't<00:00:37.040> know<00:00:37.100> she's<00:00:37.310> being<00:00:37.520> filmed she doesn't know she's being filmed she doesn't know she's being filmed she's<00:00:38.030> being<00:00:38.210> filmed<00:00:38.420> with<00:00:38.480> a<00:00:38.570> hidden<00:00:38.630> camera she's being filmed with a hidden camera she's being filmed with a hidden camera this<00:00:39.980> is<00:00:40.130> on<00:00:40.220> the<00:00:40.309> 6:00<00:00:40.520> train<00:00:40.579> in<00:00:41.000> New<00:00:41.059> York this is on the 6:00 train in New York this is on the 6:00 train in New York City<00:00:41.630> and<00:00:42.260> this<00:00:42.410> is<00:00:42.530> the<00:00:42.620> first<00:00:42.920> stop<00:00:43.220> along City and this is the first stop along City and this is the first stop along the<00:00:43.790> line<00:00:43.970> these<00:00:44.600> are<00:00:44.690> two<00:00:44.870> Danish<00:00:45.110> guys<00:00:45.410> who the line these are two Danish guys who the line these are two Danish guys who come<00:00:45.860> in<00:00:45.950> and<00:00:46.070> sit<00:00:46.280> down<00:00:46.310> next<00:00:46.910> to<00:00:47.120> the<00:00:47.210> hidden come in and sit down next to the hidden come in and sit down next to the hidden camera<00:00:47.840> and<00:00:48.640> that's<00:00:49.640> me<00:00:49.850> right<00:00:50.030> there<00:00:50.090> in<00:00:50.450> a camera and that's me right there in a camera and that's me right there in a brown<00:00:50.810> coat<00:00:51.080> it's<00:00:51.410> about<00:00:51.560> 30<00:00:51.830> degrees<00:00:51.950> outside brown coat it's about 30 degrees outside brown coat it's about 30 degrees outside I'm<00:00:53.030> wearing<00:00:53.360> a<00:00:53.420> hat<00:00:53.570> I'm<00:00:54.020> wearing<00:00:54.440> a<00:00:54.620> scarf I'm wearing a hat I'm wearing a scarf I'm wearing a hat I'm wearing a scarf and<00:00:55.340> the<00:00:55.790> girl's<00:00:55.970> going<00:00:56.120> to<00:00:56.210> notice<00:00:56.450> me<00:00:56.570> right and the girl's going to notice me right and the girl's going to notice me right here

and<00:01:05.770> as<00:01:05.980> you'll<00:01:06.130> see<00:01:06.160> now<00:01:06.520> I'm<00:01:06.700> not<00:01:06.880> wearing
and as you'll see now I'm not wearing and as you'll see now I'm not wearing pants pants pants so

at<00:01:12.210> this<00:01:12.360> point
at this point at this point at<00:01:14.130> this<00:01:14.220> point<00:01:14.430> she's<00:01:14.640> noticed<00:01:14.970> me<00:01:15.120> but<00:01:15.300> in at this point she's noticed me but in at this point she's noticed me but in New<00:01:15.510> York<00:01:15.720> there's<00:01:15.930> weirdos<00:01:16.290> and<00:01:16.620> Annie<00:01:16.830> given New York there's weirdos and Annie given New York there's weirdos and Annie given train-car<00:01:17.430> one<00:01:17.880> person's<00:01:18.270> not<00:01:18.390> that<00:01:18.570> unusual train-car one person's not that unusual train-car one person's not that unusual she<00:01:19.440> goes<00:01:19.560> back<00:01:19.770> to<00:01:19.920> reading<00:01:20.130> your<00:01:20.160> book<00:01:20.400> which she goes back to reading your book which she goes back to reading your book which is<00:01:20.760> unfortunately<00:01:21.420> titled<00:01:21.660> rape<00:01:21.990> not<00:01:22.500> sure

so<00:01:26.620> she's<00:01:26.830> noticed<00:01:27.159> the<00:01:27.250> unusual<00:01:27.340> thing<00:01:27.880> but
so she's noticed the unusual thing but so she's noticed the unusual thing but she's<00:01:28.390> gone<00:01:28.600> back<00:01:28.840> to<00:01:29.020> her<00:01:29.140> normal<00:01:29.290> life<00:01:29.619> now she's gone back to her normal life now she's gone back to her normal life now in<00:01:30.130> the<00:01:30.190> meantime<00:01:30.400> I<00:01:30.670> have<00:01:30.760> six<00:01:31.090> friends<00:01:31.299> who in the meantime I have six friends who in the meantime I have six friends who are<00:01:31.720> waiting<00:01:32.080> at<00:01:32.170> the<00:01:32.260> next<00:01:32.290> six<00:01:32.799> consecutive are waiting at the next six consecutive are waiting at the next six consecutive stops<00:01:33.640> in<00:01:33.909> their<00:01:34.060> underwear<00:01:34.300> as<00:01:34.570> well<00:01:35.190> they're stops in their underwear as well they're stops in their underwear as well they're gonna<00:01:36.310> be<00:01:36.430> entering<00:01:36.729> this<00:01:36.970> car<00:01:37.180> one<00:01:37.540> by<00:01:37.720> one gonna be entering this car one by one gonna be entering this car one by one will<00:01:38.440> act<00:01:38.619> as<00:01:38.800> though<00:01:38.950> we<00:01:39.070> don't<00:01:39.310> know<00:01:39.400> each will act as though we don't know each will act as though we don't know each other<00:01:39.990> and<00:01:40.990> we'll<00:01:41.140> act<00:01:41.320> as<00:01:41.470> if<00:01:41.619> it's<00:01:41.770> just<00:01:42.009> an other and we'll act as if it's just an other and we'll act as if it's just an unfortunate<00:01:42.520> mistake<00:01:42.909> we've<00:01:43.300> made<00:01:43.330> for unfortunate mistake we've made for unfortunate mistake we've made for getting<00:01:43.810> our<00:01:44.050> pants<00:01:44.380> on<00:01:44.470> this<00:01:44.560> cold<00:01:44.830> January getting our pants on this cold January getting our pants on this cold January day

so<00:02:12.959> at<00:02:13.080> this<00:02:13.170> point<00:02:13.410> she<00:02:14.250> decides<00:02:14.580> to<00:02:14.730> put<00:02:15.090> the
so at this point she decides to put the so at this point she decides to put the rape<00:02:15.599> book<00:02:15.810> away<00:02:17.630> she<00:02:18.630> decides<00:02:18.959> to<00:02:19.110> be<00:02:19.200> a rape book away she decides to be a rape book away she decides to be a little<00:02:19.440> bit<00:02:19.590> more<00:02:19.739> aware<00:02:20.040> of<00:02:20.250> her little bit more aware of her little bit more aware of her surroundings<00:02:20.930> now<00:02:21.930> in<00:02:22.319> the<00:02:22.470> meantime<00:02:22.650> the<00:02:22.950> two surroundings now in the meantime the two surroundings now in the meantime the two Danish<00:02:23.310> guys<00:02:23.580> to<00:02:23.790> the<00:02:23.880> left<00:02:24.090> of<00:02:24.209> the<00:02:24.270> camera Danish guys to the left of the camera Danish guys to the left of the camera they're<00:02:24.750> cracking<00:02:25.140> up<00:02:25.290> they<00:02:25.440> think<00:02:25.650> this<00:02:25.709> is they're cracking up they think this is they're cracking up they think this is the<00:02:25.890> funniest<00:02:26.220> thing<00:02:26.310> they've<00:02:26.550> ever<00:02:26.640> seen the funniest thing they've ever seen the funniest thing they've ever seen before<00:02:27.290> watch<00:02:28.290> her<00:02:28.470> make<00:02:28.620> eye<00:02:28.830> contact<00:02:29.310> with before watch her make eye contact with before watch her make eye contact with them<00:02:29.870> I<00:02:38.150> love<00:02:39.150> that<00:02:39.180> moment<00:02:39.510> in<00:02:39.720> this<00:02:39.810> video them I love that moment in this video them I love that moment in this video because<00:02:40.290> before<00:02:40.650> she<00:02:40.709> had<00:02:41.580> before<00:02:42.030> became<00:02:42.269> a because before she had before became a because before she had before became a shared<00:02:42.599> experience<00:02:42.810> it<00:02:43.290> was<00:02:43.380> something<00:02:43.620> that shared experience it was something that shared experience it was something that was<00:02:43.860> gonna<00:02:44.310> be<00:02:44.430> a<00:02:44.459> little<00:02:44.550> bit<00:02:44.790> scary<00:02:45.630> or was gonna be a little bit scary or was gonna be a little bit scary or something<00:02:46.590> that<00:02:46.739> was<00:02:46.830> at<00:02:47.010> least<00:02:47.040> confusing<00:02:47.519> to something that was at least confusing to something that was at least confusing to her<00:02:47.940> and<00:02:48.269> then<00:02:48.480> once<00:02:48.690> it<00:02:48.810> became<00:02:49.019> a<00:02:49.080> shared her and then once it became a shared her and then once it became a shared experience<00:02:49.500> it<00:02:49.890> was<00:02:50.010> funny<00:02:50.310> and<00:02:50.700> something experience it was funny and something experience it was funny and something that<00:02:51.090> she<00:02:51.239> could<00:02:51.390> laugh<00:02:51.540> at<00:02:51.840> so<00:02:52.470> the<00:02:52.590> train<00:02:52.799> is that she could laugh at so the train is that she could laugh at so the train is now<00:02:53.040> pulling<00:02:53.340> into<00:02:53.610> the<00:02:53.880> third<00:02:54.209> stop<00:02:54.600> along now pulling into the third stop along now pulling into the third stop along the<00:02:55.350> sixth<00:02:55.739> line

so<00:03:13.800> the<00:03:14.010> video<00:03:14.250> won't<00:03:14.520> show<00:03:14.670> everything<00:03:14.940> this
so the video won't show everything this so the video won't show everything this goes<00:03:15.540> on<00:03:15.780> for<00:03:16.380> another<00:03:16.590> four<00:03:17.070> stops<00:03:17.400> a<00:03:17.610> total goes on for another four stops a total goes on for another four stops a total of<00:03:17.940> seven<00:03:18.240> guys<00:03:18.390> enter<00:03:18.900> anonymously<00:03:19.500> in<00:03:19.860> their of seven guys enter anonymously in their of seven guys enter anonymously in their underwear<00:03:20.280> at<00:03:20.910> the<00:03:21.000> 8th<00:03:21.120> stop<00:03:21.420> a<00:03:21.450> girl<00:03:21.780> came<00:03:21.990> in underwear at the 8th stop a girl came in underwear at the 8th stop a girl came in with<00:03:22.290> a<00:03:22.320> giant<00:03:22.530> duffel<00:03:22.830> bag<00:03:23.190> and<00:03:23.490> now<00:03:23.610> she<00:03:23.670> had with a giant duffel bag and now she had with a giant duffel bag and now she had pants<00:03:24.330> for<00:03:24.570> sale<00:03:24.750> for<00:03:25.020> a<00:03:25.050> dollar<00:03:25.310> like<00:03:26.310> you pants for sale for a dollar like you pants for sale for a dollar like you might<00:03:27.030> sell<00:03:27.300> batteries<00:03:27.870> or<00:03:28.170> candy<00:03:28.530> on<00:03:28.650> the might sell batteries or candy on the might sell batteries or candy on the train<00:03:28.980> we<00:03:29.310> all<00:03:29.430> very<00:03:29.640> matter-of-factly train we all very matter-of-factly train we all very matter-of-factly bought<00:03:30.660> a<00:03:30.690> pair<00:03:30.990> of<00:03:31.020> pants<00:03:31.440> put<00:03:31.650> them<00:03:31.800> on<00:03:31.980> and bought a pair of pants put them on and bought a pair of pants put them on and said<00:03:32.490> thank<00:03:32.730> you<00:03:32.790> that's<00:03:33.030> exactly<00:03:33.150> what<00:03:33.540> I said thank you that's exactly what I said thank you that's exactly what I needed<00:03:33.810> today<00:03:35.450> exited<00:03:36.450> without<00:03:36.870> revealing needed today exited without revealing needed today exited without revealing what<00:03:37.590> had<00:03:37.920> happened<00:03:38.310> and<00:03:38.430> went<00:03:38.610> in<00:03:38.730> all what had happened and went in all what had happened and went in all different<00:03:39.090> directions<00:03:39.810> so<00:03:45.560> that's<00:03:46.560> a<00:03:46.710> still different directions so that's a still different directions so that's a still from<00:03:47.160> the<00:03:47.310> video<00:03:47.550> there<00:03:47.820> and<00:03:47.850> I<00:03:48.390> love<00:03:48.630> that from the video there and I love that from the video there and I love that girl's<00:03:49.020> reaction<00:03:49.440> so<00:03:49.620> much<00:03:49.830> and<00:03:50.040> watching girl's reaction so much and watching girl's reaction so much and watching that<00:03:50.700> videotape<00:03:51.000> later<00:03:51.210> that<00:03:51.600> day<00:03:51.780> inspired that videotape later that day inspired that videotape later that day inspired me<00:03:52.740> to<00:03:53.250> keep<00:03:53.550> doing<00:03:53.820> what<00:03:53.940> I<00:03:53.970> do<00:03:54.090> and<00:03:54.360> really me to keep doing what I do and really me to keep doing what I do and really the<00:03:54.720> the<00:03:54.990> one<00:03:55.590> of<00:03:55.680> the<00:03:55.740> points<00:03:56.010> of<00:03:56.070> Improv the the one of the points of Improv the the one of the points of Improv Everywhere<00:03:56.430> is<00:03:56.760> to<00:03:57.210> cause<00:03:57.660> a<00:03:57.690> scene<00:03:57.990> in<00:03:58.140> a Everywhere is to cause a scene in a Everywhere is to cause a scene in a public<00:03:58.530> place<00:03:58.680> that<00:03:58.950> is<00:03:59.040> a<00:03:59.070> positive public place that is a positive public place that is a positive experience<00:03:59.970> for<00:04:00.630> other<00:04:00.780> people<00:04:01.140> it's<00:04:01.290> a<00:04:01.350> prank experience for other people it's a prank experience for other people it's a prank but<00:04:01.860> it's<00:04:02.010> a<00:04:02.070> prank<00:04:02.280> that<00:04:02.370> gives<00:04:02.610> somebody<00:04:02.790> a but it's a prank that gives somebody a but it's a prank that gives somebody a great<00:04:03.060> story<00:04:03.480> to<00:04:03.690> tell<00:04:03.720> and<00:04:04.170> her<00:04:04.770> reaction great story to tell and her reaction great story to tell and her reaction inspired<00:04:05.460> me<00:04:05.580> to<00:04:05.700> do<00:04:05.820> a<00:04:05.850> second<00:04:06.360> annual<00:04:06.600> No inspired me to do a second annual No inspired me to do a second annual No Pants<00:04:07.050> subway<00:04:07.140> ride<00:04:07.410> and<00:04:07.710> we<00:04:07.800> continue<00:04:08.220> to<00:04:08.250> do Pants subway ride and we continue to do Pants subway ride and we continue to do it<00:04:08.460> every<00:04:08.760> year<00:04:09.000> this<00:04:09.420> past<00:04:09.720> January<00:04:10.170> we<00:04:10.290> did it every year this past January we did it every year this past January we did the<00:04:10.500> tenth<00:04:10.770> annual<00:04:11.010> No<00:04:11.310> Pants<00:04:11.520> subway<00:04:11.640> ride the tenth annual No Pants subway ride the tenth annual No Pants subway ride where<00:04:12.480> a<00:04:12.540> diverse<00:04:12.900> group<00:04:13.140> of<00:04:13.550> 3,500<00:04:14.550> people where a diverse group of 3,500 people where a diverse group of 3,500 people rode<00:04:15.210> the<00:04:15.360> train<00:04:15.600> in<00:04:15.810> their<00:04:15.930> underwear<00:04:16.140> in<00:04:16.380> New rode the train in their underwear in New rode the train in their underwear in New York<00:04:16.680> almost<00:04:17.160> every<00:04:17.549> single<00:04:17.760> train<00:04:18.390> line<00:04:18.630> in York almost every single train line in York almost every single train line in the<00:04:18.900> city<00:04:19.110> and<00:04:19.320> also<00:04:19.440> in<00:04:19.650> 50<00:04:20.100> other<00:04:20.400> cities the city and also in 50 other cities the city and also in 50 other cities around<00:04:21.210> the<00:04:21.570> world<00:04:21.750> people<00:04:22.020> participated around the world people participated around the world people participated as<00:04:25.280> I<00:04:25.430> started<00:04:25.729> taking<00:04:25.879> improv<00:04:26.330> class<00:04:26.599> at<00:04:26.810> The as I started taking improv class at The as I started taking improv class at The Upright<00:04:26.990> Citizens<00:04:27.139> Brigade<00:04:27.620> theater<00:04:28.039> and Upright Citizens Brigade theater and Upright Citizens Brigade theater and meeting<00:04:28.370> other<00:04:28.610> creative<00:04:29.300> people<00:04:29.569> and<00:04:29.900> other meeting other creative people and other meeting other creative people and other performers<00:04:30.590> and<00:04:30.710> comedians<00:04:31.190> I<00:04:31.370> started performers and comedians I started performers and comedians I started amassing<00:04:32.180> a<00:04:32.449> mailing<00:04:32.629> list<00:04:32.840> of<00:04:33.020> people<00:04:33.319> who amassing a mailing list of people who amassing a mailing list of people who wanted<00:04:33.860> to<00:04:33.919> do<00:04:34.190> these<00:04:34.610> types<00:04:34.879> of<00:04:35.030> project<00:04:35.389> so<00:04:35.449> I wanted to do these types of project so I wanted to do these types of project so I could<00:04:35.690> do<00:04:35.840> more<00:04:36.289> large-scale<00:04:36.590> projects<00:04:37.370> well could do more large-scale projects well could do more large-scale projects well one<00:04:37.819> day<00:04:37.940> I<00:04:37.970> was<00:04:38.090> walking<00:04:38.509> through<00:04:38.539> Union one day I was walking through Union one day I was walking through Union Square<00:04:39.409> and<00:04:39.590> I<00:04:39.650> saw<00:04:39.830> this<00:04:40.099> building<00:04:40.340> which<00:04:40.729> had Square and I saw this building which had Square and I saw this building which had just<00:04:41.150> been<00:04:41.270> built<00:04:41.569> in<00:04:42.379> 2005<00:04:43.310> and<00:04:43.729> there<00:04:44.240> was<00:04:44.360> a just been built in 2005 and there was a just been built in 2005 and there was a girl<00:04:44.690> in<00:04:44.930> one<00:04:45.050> of<00:04:45.139> the<00:04:45.199> windows<00:04:45.289> and<00:04:45.560> she<00:04:45.680> was girl in one of the windows and she was girl in one of the windows and she was dancing<00:04:46.039> and<00:04:46.460> it<00:04:46.580> was<00:04:46.669> very<00:04:46.849> peculiar<00:04:47.240> because dancing and it was very peculiar because dancing and it was very peculiar because it<00:04:47.780> was<00:04:47.900> dark<00:04:48.139> out<00:04:48.379> but<00:04:48.949> she<00:04:49.190> was<00:04:49.310> backlit<00:04:49.520> with it was dark out but she was backlit with it was dark out but she was backlit with florescent<00:04:50.569> lighting<00:04:50.750> she<00:04:51.229> was<00:04:51.349> very<00:04:51.440> much florescent lighting she was very much florescent lighting she was very much onstage<00:04:52.039> and<00:04:52.400> I<00:04:52.430> couldn't<00:04:52.610> figure<00:04:52.729> out<00:04:52.849> why onstage and I couldn't figure out why onstage and I couldn't figure out why she<00:04:53.060> was<00:04:53.360> doing<00:04:53.629> it<00:04:53.750> after<00:04:54.199> about<00:04:54.470> 15<00:04:54.770> seconds she was doing it after about 15 seconds she was doing it after about 15 seconds her<00:04:55.280> friend<00:04:55.639> appeared<00:04:56.060> she<00:04:56.210> had<00:04:56.240> been<00:04:56.360> hiding her friend appeared she had been hiding her friend appeared she had been hiding behind<00:04:56.780> a<00:04:56.960> display<00:04:57.080> and<00:04:57.560> they<00:04:57.919> laughed<00:04:58.159> and behind a display and they laughed and behind a display and they laughed and hugged<00:04:58.669> each<00:04:58.759> other<00:04:58.909> and<00:04:59.060> ran<00:04:59.270> away<00:04:59.419> so<00:05:00.020> it hugged each other and ran away so it hugged each other and ran away so it seemed<00:05:00.289> like<00:05:00.349> maybe<00:05:00.560> she<00:05:00.740> had<00:05:00.830> been<00:05:00.860> dared<00:05:00.979> to seemed like maybe she had been dared to seemed like maybe she had been dared to do<00:05:01.550> this<00:05:01.729> so<00:05:02.360> I<00:05:02.389> got<00:05:02.810> inspired<00:05:03.169> by<00:05:03.380> that do this so I got inspired by that do this so I got inspired by that looking<00:05:04.009> at<00:05:04.099> the<00:05:04.220> entire<00:05:04.490> facade<00:05:04.880> there<00:05:05.539> were looking at the entire facade there were looking at the entire facade there were 70<00:05:06.020> total<00:05:06.169> windows<00:05:06.620> and<00:05:06.860> I<00:05:07.039> knew<00:05:07.220> what<00:05:07.400> I<00:05:07.430> had 70 total windows and I knew what I had 70 total windows and I knew what I had to<00:05:07.759> do<00:05:09.009> so<00:05:10.009> this<00:05:10.159> project<00:05:10.340> is<00:05:10.550> called<00:05:10.759> look<00:05:10.940> up to do so this project is called look up to do so this project is called look up more<00:05:11.360> we<00:05:11.810> had<00:05:12.020> 70<00:05:12.349> actors<00:05:12.650> dressed<00:05:12.889> in<00:05:13.039> black more we had 70 actors dressed in black more we had 70 actors dressed in black this<00:05:13.460> was<00:05:13.639> completely<00:05:14.030> unauthorized<00:05:14.360> we this was completely unauthorized we this was completely unauthorized we didn't<00:05:15.080> let<00:05:15.139> the<00:05:15.259> stores<00:05:15.500> know<00:05:15.740> we<00:05:15.889> were didn't let the stores know we were didn't let the stores know we were coming<00:05:16.370> and<00:05:16.550> I<00:05:16.909> stood<00:05:17.120> in<00:05:17.240> the<00:05:17.330> park<00:05:17.539> getting coming and I stood in the park getting coming and I stood in the park getting signals<00:05:18.259> the<00:05:18.680> first<00:05:18.710> signal<00:05:19.190> was<00:05:19.219> for signals the first signal was for signals the first signal was for everybody<00:05:19.729> to<00:05:19.849> hold<00:05:20.000> up<00:05:20.180> these<00:05:20.300> four-foot everybody to hold up these four-foot everybody to hold up these four-foot tall<00:05:20.840> letters<00:05:21.409> that<00:05:21.979> spelled<00:05:22.430> out<00:05:22.580> look<00:05:22.969> up tall letters that spelled out look up tall letters that spelled out look up more<00:05:23.419> the<00:05:24.349> name<00:05:24.530> of<00:05:24.710> the<00:05:24.800> project<00:05:25.750> the<00:05:26.750> second more the name of the project the second more the name of the project the second signal<00:05:27.199> was<00:05:27.409> for<00:05:27.560> everybody<00:05:27.740> to<00:05:28.039> do<00:05:28.159> jumping signal was for everybody to do jumping signal was for everybody to do jumping jacks<00:05:28.819> together<00:05:30.009> you'll<00:05:31.009> see<00:05:31.159> that<00:05:31.250> start jacks together you'll see that start jacks together you'll see that start right<00:05:31.550> here

and<00:05:34.910> then<00:05:35.210> we<00:05:35.330> had<00:05:35.450> dancing<00:05:35.900> we<00:05:35.990> had<00:05:36.140> everyone
and then we had dancing we had everyone and then we had dancing we had everyone dance<00:05:36.950> and<00:05:37.160> then<00:05:37.250> we<00:05:37.310> had<00:05:37.430> dance<00:05:37.670> solos<00:05:38.030> were dance and then we had dance solos were dance and then we had dance solos were only<00:05:38.300> one<00:05:38.540> person<00:05:38.930> would<00:05:39.020> dance<00:05:39.230> and only one person would dance and only one person would dance and everybody<00:05:39.560> would<00:05:39.770> point<00:05:40.010> at<00:05:40.190> him

so<00:05:48.760> then<00:05:48.910> I<00:05:49.030> gave<00:05:49.090> a<00:05:49.270> new<00:05:49.480> hand<00:05:49.720> signal<00:05:50.140> which
so then I gave a new hand signal which so then I gave a new hand signal which signaled<00:05:50.680> the<00:05:50.740> next<00:05:50.950> soloist<00:05:51.420> down<00:05:52.420> below<00:05:52.690> and signaled the next soloist down below and signaled the next soloist down below and forever<00:05:53.110> 21<00:05:53.260> and<00:05:53.800> he<00:05:53.920> danced<00:05:54.810> there<00:05:55.810> were forever 21 and he danced there were forever 21 and he danced there were several<00:05:56.140> other<00:05:56.260> activities<00:05:56.620> we<00:05:57.100> had<00:05:57.250> people several other activities we had people several other activities we had people jumping<00:05:57.820> up<00:05:58.090> and<00:05:58.180> down<00:05:58.270> people<00:05:58.930> dropping<00:05:59.230> to jumping up and down people dropping to jumping up and down people dropping to the<00:05:59.680> ground<00:06:00.060> and<00:06:01.060> I<00:06:01.180> was<00:06:01.210> standing<00:06:01.720> just the ground and I was standing just the ground and I was standing just anonymously<00:06:02.410> in<00:06:02.620> a<00:06:02.710> sweatshirt<00:06:03.100> putting<00:06:03.370> my anonymously in a sweatshirt putting my anonymously in a sweatshirt putting my hand<00:06:03.700> on<00:06:03.850> and<00:06:04.120> off<00:06:04.210> of<00:06:04.240> a<00:06:04.450> trash<00:06:04.660> can<00:06:04.900> to<00:06:05.320> signal hand on and off of a trash can to signal hand on and off of a trash can to signal the<00:06:06.010> advancement<00:06:06.520> and<00:06:06.820> because<00:06:07.090> he<00:06:07.180> was<00:06:07.300> in the advancement and because he was in the advancement and because he was in Union<00:06:07.600> Square<00:06:07.660> Park<00:06:07.930> right<00:06:08.140> by<00:06:08.320> a<00:06:08.350> subway Union Square Park right by a subway Union Square Park right by a subway station<00:06:08.830> there<00:06:09.220> were<00:06:09.370> hundreds<00:06:10.150> of<00:06:10.210> people<00:06:10.270> by station there were hundreds of people by station there were hundreds of people by the<00:06:10.570> end<00:06:10.810> who<00:06:10.990> stopped<00:06:11.560> and<00:06:11.890> looked<00:06:12.430> up<00:06:12.640> and the end who stopped and looked up and the end who stopped and looked up and watched<00:06:13.390> what<00:06:13.600> we<00:06:13.750> were<00:06:13.870> doing<00:06:16.260> there's<00:06:17.260> a watched what we were doing there's a watched what we were doing there's a better<00:06:17.530> photo<00:06:17.740> of<00:06:17.950> it<00:06:18.100> so<00:06:18.790> that<00:06:19.780> particular better photo of it so that particular better photo of it so that particular event<00:06:20.560> was<00:06:20.740> inspired<00:06:21.430> by<00:06:21.760> a<00:06:21.790> moment<00:06:22.210> that<00:06:22.660> I event was inspired by a moment that I event was inspired by a moment that I happened<00:06:23.470> to<00:06:23.530> stumble<00:06:23.680> upon<00:06:24.070> the<00:06:24.910> next happened to stumble upon the next happened to stumble upon the next project<00:06:25.390> I<00:06:25.450> want<00:06:25.600> to<00:06:25.630> show<00:06:25.690> was<00:06:26.230> given<00:06:26.860> to<00:06:27.070> me project I want to show was given to me project I want to show was given to me an<00:06:27.400> email<00:06:27.670> from<00:06:28.120> a<00:06:28.210> stranger<00:06:28.690> a<00:06:28.930> high<00:06:29.470> school an email from a stranger a high school an email from a stranger a high school kid<00:06:29.890> in<00:06:30.040> Texas<00:06:30.370> wrote<00:06:30.550> me<00:06:30.640> in<00:06:30.730> 2006<00:06:31.480> and<00:06:31.660> said kid in Texas wrote me in 2006 and said kid in Texas wrote me in 2006 and said you<00:06:32.080> should<00:06:32.260> get<00:06:32.380> as<00:06:32.530> many<00:06:32.710> people<00:06:32.950> as you should get as many people as you should get as many people as possible<00:06:33.370> to<00:06:33.820> put<00:06:34.270> on<00:06:34.390> blue<00:06:34.690> polo<00:06:35.110> shirts<00:06:35.440> and possible to put on blue polo shirts and possible to put on blue polo shirts and khaki<00:06:35.920> pants<00:06:36.310> and<00:06:36.520> go<00:06:36.880> into<00:06:37.030> a<00:06:37.120> Best<00:06:37.390> Buy<00:06:37.480> and khaki pants and go into a Best Buy and khaki pants and go into a Best Buy and stand<00:06:38.290> around

I<00:06:45.409> wrote<00:06:46.409> this<00:06:46.589> high<00:06:46.740> school<00:06:46.949> kid<00:06:47.009> back
I wrote this high school kid back I wrote this high school kid back immediately<00:06:48.089> and<00:06:48.210> he<00:06:48.300> said<00:06:48.449> yes<00:06:48.659> you<00:06:48.689> were immediately and he said yes you were immediately and he said yes you were correct<00:06:49.139> I<00:06:49.319> think<00:06:49.349> I'll<00:06:49.619> try<00:06:49.710> to<00:06:49.830> do<00:06:49.919> that<00:06:50.039> this correct I think I'll try to do that this correct I think I'll try to do that this weekend<00:06:50.520> thank<00:06:50.729> you<00:06:50.879> so<00:06:51.749> here's<00:06:51.960> the<00:06:52.080> video<00:06:52.849> so weekend thank you so here's the video so weekend thank you so here's the video so again<00:06:54.089> this<00:06:54.210> is<00:06:54.360> 2005<00:06:55.110> this<00:06:55.379> is<00:06:55.499> the<00:06:55.649> best<00:06:55.889> buy again this is 2005 this is the best buy again this is 2005 this is the best buy in<00:06:56.939> New<00:06:56.999> York<00:06:57.360> City<00:06:57.599> we<00:06:57.869> had<00:06:57.960> about<00:06:58.139> 80<00:06:58.439> people in New York City we had about 80 people in New York City we had about 80 people show<00:06:58.979> up<00:06:59.009> to<00:06:59.279> participate<00:06:59.960> entering<00:07:00.960> one<00:07:01.169> by show up to participate entering one by show up to participate entering one by one<00:07:01.680> we<00:07:02.009> had<00:07:02.219> there's<00:07:02.849> an<00:07:02.909> 8<00:07:03.029> year<00:07:03.180> old<00:07:03.270> girl<00:07:03.330> a one we had there's an 8 year old girl a one we had there's an 8 year old girl a 10<00:07:03.809> year<00:07:03.960> old<00:07:03.990> girl<00:07:04.110> there<00:07:04.469> was<00:07:04.559> also<00:07:04.710> a<00:07:04.830> 65 10 year old girl there was also a 65 10 year old girl there was also a 65 year<00:07:05.669> old<00:07:05.819> man<00:07:06.089> who<00:07:06.119> participated<00:07:06.960> so<00:07:07.589> a<00:07:07.889> very year old man who participated so a very year old man who participated so a very diverse<00:07:08.849> group<00:07:09.089> of<00:07:09.149> people<00:07:09.740> and<00:07:10.740> I<00:07:10.770> told diverse group of people and I told diverse group of people and I told people<00:07:11.399> don't<00:07:11.729> work<00:07:11.969> don't<00:07:12.300> actually<00:07:12.449> do<00:07:12.809> work people don't work don't actually do work people don't work don't actually do work but<00:07:13.409> also<00:07:13.559> don't<00:07:13.889> shop<00:07:14.189> just<00:07:14.729> stand<00:07:15.029> around but also don't shop just stand around but also don't shop just stand around and<00:07:15.509> don't<00:07:15.689> face<00:07:15.959> products<00:07:16.469> now<00:07:17.099> you<00:07:17.159> can<00:07:17.339> see and don't face products now you can see and don't face products now you can see the<00:07:17.550> regular<00:07:17.879> employees<00:07:18.300> by<00:07:18.449> the<00:07:18.509> ones<00:07:18.719> that the regular employees by the ones that the regular employees by the ones that have<00:07:18.959> the<00:07:19.050> yellow<00:07:19.349> tags<00:07:19.619> on<00:07:20.009> their<00:07:20.279> shirt have the yellow tags on their shirt have the yellow tags on their shirt everybody<00:07:21.180> else<00:07:21.389> is<00:07:21.569> one<00:07:21.779> of<00:07:21.899> our<00:07:22.229> actors<00:07:24.050> the everybody else is one of our actors the everybody else is one of our actors the lower-level<00:07:25.469> employees<00:07:25.649> thought<00:07:26.069> it<00:07:26.219> was lower-level employees thought it was lower-level employees thought it was very<00:07:26.459> funny<00:07:26.729> and<00:07:26.849> in<00:07:27.029> fact<00:07:27.180> a<00:07:27.389> lot<00:07:27.539> several<00:07:27.899> of very funny and in fact a lot several of very funny and in fact a lot several of them<00:07:28.110> went<00:07:28.289> to<00:07:28.349> go<00:07:28.469> get<00:07:28.649> their<00:07:28.800> camera<00:07:29.219> from them went to go get their camera from them went to go get their camera from the<00:07:29.639> break<00:07:29.789> room<00:07:30.059> and<00:07:30.209> took<00:07:30.419> photos<00:07:30.779> with<00:07:30.809> us<00:07:30.990> a the break room and took photos with us a the break room and took photos with us a lot<00:07:31.709> of<00:07:31.800> them<00:07:31.919> made<00:07:32.099> jokes<00:07:32.369> about<00:07:32.580> trying<00:07:33.300> to lot of them made jokes about trying to lot of them made jokes about trying to get<00:07:33.479> us<00:07:33.599> to<00:07:33.749> go<00:07:33.839> to<00:07:33.899> the<00:07:34.050> back<00:07:34.229> to<00:07:34.439> get<00:07:34.529> heavy get us to go to the back to get heavy get us to go to the back to get heavy television<00:07:35.039> sets<00:07:35.580> for<00:07:35.849> customers<00:07:36.559> the television sets for customers the television sets for customers the managers<00:07:38.669> and<00:07:38.879> the<00:07:38.939> security<00:07:39.389> guards<00:07:39.659> on<00:07:39.839> the managers and the security guards on the managers and the security guards on the other<00:07:40.050> hand<00:07:40.289> did<00:07:40.589> not<00:07:40.619> find<00:07:41.219> it<00:07:41.399> particularly other hand did not find it particularly other hand did not find it particularly funny<00:07:42.119> you<00:07:42.869> can<00:07:43.020> see<00:07:43.139> them<00:07:43.289> in<00:07:43.379> this<00:07:43.469> footage funny you can see them in this footage funny you can see them in this footage they're<00:07:43.949> wearing<00:07:44.279> either<00:07:44.490> a<00:07:44.610> yellow<00:07:44.849> shirt<00:07:45.180> or they're wearing either a yellow shirt or they're wearing either a yellow shirt or a<00:07:45.479> black<00:07:45.839> shirt<00:07:46.110> and<00:07:46.379> we<00:07:46.949> were<00:07:47.069> there<00:07:47.249> for a black shirt and we were there for a black shirt and we were there for probably<00:07:47.879> about<00:07:48.059> 10<00:07:48.300> minutes<00:07:48.599> before<00:07:48.779> the probably about 10 minutes before the probably about 10 minutes before the manager<00:07:49.439> decided<00:07:49.949> to<00:07:50.129> dial<00:07:50.309> 911

so<00:07:53.789> they<00:07:54.689> started<00:07:54.959> running<00:07:55.110> around<00:07:55.289> telling
so they started running around telling so they started running around telling everybody<00:07:55.889> that<00:07:56.370> the<00:07:56.399> cops<00:07:56.849> were<00:07:57.029> coming everybody that the cops were coming everybody that the cops were coming watch<00:07:57.659> out<00:07:57.899> the<00:07:58.050> cops<00:07:58.259> are<00:07:58.409> coming<00:07:58.709> and<00:07:58.889> you watch out the cops are coming and you watch out the cops are coming and you can<00:07:59.819> see<00:07:59.939> the<00:08:00.029> cops<00:08:00.240> in<00:08:00.479> this<00:08:00.809> footage<00:08:01.110> right can see the cops in this footage right can see the cops in this footage right here<00:08:01.649> that's<00:08:01.860> a<00:08:02.009> cop<00:08:02.519> wearing<00:08:02.729> black<00:08:02.969> right here that's a cop wearing black right here that's a cop wearing black right there<00:08:03.360> being<00:08:03.629> filmed<00:08:03.839> with<00:08:03.930> a<00:08:04.050> hidden<00:08:04.080> camera there being filmed with a hidden camera there being filmed with a hidden camera ultimately<00:08:05.370> the<00:08:05.639> police<00:08:05.909> had<00:08:06.120> to<00:08:06.269> inform<00:08:06.659> best ultimately the police had to inform best ultimately the police had to inform best by<00:08:07.019> management<00:08:07.349> that<00:08:07.649> it<00:08:07.769> was<00:08:07.860> not<00:08:08.009> in<00:08:08.159> fact by management that it was not in fact by management that it was not in fact illegal<00:08:08.610> to<00:08:08.879> wear<00:08:08.939> a<00:08:08.999> blue<00:08:09.240> polo<00:08:09.569> shirt

check check we<00:08:22.490> had<00:08:22.580> been<00:08:22.730> there<00:08:22.850> for<00:08:22.970> twenty<00:08:23.210> minutes<00:08:23.330> we we had been there for twenty minutes we we had been there for twenty minutes we were<00:08:23.630> happy<00:08:23.930> to<00:08:24.050> exit<00:08:24.320> the<00:08:24.410> store<00:08:24.650> one<00:08:24.920> thing were happy to exit the store one thing were happy to exit the store one thing that<00:08:25.190> managers<00:08:25.520> were<00:08:25.610> trying<00:08:25.880> to<00:08:26.000> do<00:08:26.120> was<00:08:26.330> to that managers were trying to do was to that managers were trying to do was to track<00:08:26.750> down<00:08:27.020> our<00:08:27.470> cameras<00:08:28.160> and<00:08:28.640> they<00:08:29.030> caught<00:08:29.210> a track down our cameras and they caught a track down our cameras and they caught a couple<00:08:29.420> of<00:08:29.660> my<00:08:29.780> guys<00:08:29.900> who<00:08:30.140> had<00:08:30.290> hidden<00:08:30.500> cameras couple of my guys who had hidden cameras couple of my guys who had hidden cameras and<00:08:30.950> duffle<00:08:31.400> bags<00:08:31.610> but<00:08:32.330> the<00:08:32.420> one<00:08:32.540> camera<00:08:32.810> guy and duffle bags but the one camera guy and duffle bags but the one camera guy they<00:08:33.080> never<00:08:33.350> caught<00:08:33.620> was<00:08:33.890> the<00:08:34.010> guy<00:08:34.130> that<00:08:34.340> went they never caught was the guy that went they never caught was the guy that went in<00:08:34.580> just<00:08:34.730> with<00:08:34.970> the<00:08:35.060> blank<00:08:35.270> tape<00:08:35.510> and<00:08:35.750> went in just with the blank tape and went in just with the blank tape and went over<00:08:36.260> to<00:08:36.380> the<00:08:36.470> Best<00:08:36.650> Buy<00:08:36.800> camera<00:08:37.160> department over to the Best Buy camera department over to the Best Buy camera department and<00:08:37.700> just<00:08:37.730> put<00:08:38.000> his<00:08:38.120> tape<00:08:38.150> in<00:08:38.480> one<00:08:38.600> of<00:08:38.690> their and just put his tape in one of their and just put his tape in one of their cameras<00:08:39.790> pretended<00:08:40.790> to<00:08:40.820> shot cameras pretended to shot cameras pretended to shot so<00:08:43.120> I<00:08:43.149> like<00:08:43.419> that<00:08:43.659> concept<00:08:44.080> of<00:08:44.169> using<00:08:44.320> their so I like that concept of using their so I like that concept of using their own<00:08:44.589> technology<00:08:44.680> against<00:08:45.640> them<00:08:45.700> I<00:08:47.220> think<00:08:48.220> our own technology against them I think our own technology against them I think our best<00:08:48.490> projects<00:08:48.880> are<00:08:49.000> ones<00:08:49.120> that<00:08:49.240> are best projects are ones that are best projects are ones that are site-specific<00:08:49.660> and<00:08:50.320> happen<00:08:50.740> at<00:08:50.920> a<00:08:50.980> particular site-specific and happen at a particular site-specific and happen at a particular place<00:08:51.519> for<00:08:51.850> a<00:08:51.880> reason<00:08:52.089> and<00:08:52.480> one<00:08:52.959> morning<00:08:53.200> I<00:08:53.500> was place for a reason and one morning I was place for a reason and one morning I was riding<00:08:53.920> the<00:08:53.950> subway<00:08:54.279> I<00:08:54.310> had<00:08:54.459> to<00:08:54.550> make<00:08:54.670> a riding the subway I had to make a riding the subway I had to make a transfer<00:08:55.149> the<00:08:55.330> 53rd<00:08:55.750> Street<00:08:55.990> stop<00:08:56.320> whether transfer the 53rd Street stop whether transfer the 53rd Street stop whether it's<00:08:57.040> these<00:08:57.130> two<00:08:57.399> giant<00:08:57.850> escalators<00:08:58.060> and<00:08:58.779> it's it's these two giant escalators and it's it's these two giant escalators and it's a<00:08:58.959> very<00:08:59.140> depressing<00:08:59.620> place<00:08:59.769> to<00:08:59.950> be<00:09:00.040> in<00:09:00.100> the a very depressing place to be in the a very depressing place to be in the morning<00:09:00.399> so<00:09:00.550> crowded<00:09:00.850> so<00:09:01.420> I<00:09:01.450> decided<00:09:01.810> to<00:09:01.959> try morning so crowded so I decided to try morning so crowded so I decided to try to<00:09:02.200> stage<00:09:02.410> something<00:09:02.620> that<00:09:02.829> could<00:09:02.920> make<00:09:03.070> it<00:09:03.220> as to stage something that could make it as to stage something that could make it as happy<00:09:03.640> as<00:09:03.790> possible<00:09:03.970> for<00:09:04.690> one<00:09:04.810> morning<00:09:06.959> so happy as possible for one morning so happy as possible for one morning so this<00:09:08.110> was<00:09:08.230> in<00:09:08.380> the<00:09:08.529> winter<00:09:08.800> of<00:09:08.940> 2009<00:09:09.940> 8:30<00:09:10.899> in this was in the winter of 2009 8:30 in this was in the winter of 2009 8:30 in the<00:09:11.019> morning<00:09:11.079> it's<00:09:11.529> morning<00:09:11.860> rush<00:09:12.130> hour<00:09:12.339> it's the morning it's morning rush hour it's the morning it's morning rush hour it's very<00:09:13.180> cold<00:09:13.480> outside<00:09:13.920> people<00:09:14.920> are<00:09:15.010> coming<00:09:15.250> in very cold outside people are coming in very cold outside people are coming in from<00:09:15.370> Queens<00:09:15.760> transferring<00:09:16.630> from<00:09:16.839> the<00:09:17.110> e from Queens transferring from the e from Queens transferring from the e train<00:09:17.829> to<00:09:18.040> the<00:09:18.070> 6:00<00:09:18.399> train<00:09:18.490> and<00:09:19.769> they're train to the 6:00 train and they're train to the 6:00 train and they're going<00:09:20.980> up<00:09:21.040> these<00:09:21.160> giant<00:09:21.640> escalators<00:09:21.790> on<00:09:22.450> their going up these giant escalators on their going up these giant escalators on their way<00:09:22.810> to<00:09:22.870> their<00:09:23.079> jobs

so<00:09:56.610> there's<00:09:56.790> a<00:09:56.850> photograph<00:09:57.649> illustrates<00:09:58.649> it<00:09:58.860> a
so there's a photograph illustrates it a so there's a photograph illustrates it a little<00:09:59.250> bit<00:09:59.399> better<00:09:59.550> he<00:09:59.730> gave<00:09:59.910> two<00:10:00.089> thousand little bit better he gave two thousand little bit better he gave two thousand high-fives<00:10:00.990> that<00:10:01.380> day<00:10:01.589> and<00:10:02.519> he<00:10:02.819> washed<00:10:03.029> his high-fives that day and he washed his high-fives that day and he washed his hands<00:10:03.389> before<00:10:03.630> and<00:10:03.839> afterward<00:10:04.670> did<00:10:05.670> not<00:10:05.850> get hands before and afterward did not get hands before and afterward did not get sick<00:10:06.240> and<00:10:06.360> that<00:10:06.480> was<00:10:06.569> done<00:10:06.660> also<00:10:06.899> without sick and that was done also without sick and that was done also without permission<00:10:07.709> although<00:10:08.399> no<00:10:09.089> one<00:10:09.240> seemed<00:10:09.480> to permission although no one seemed to permission although no one seemed to care<00:10:09.620> so<00:10:10.620> I'd<00:10:10.949> say<00:10:11.100> over<00:10:11.339> the<00:10:11.430> years<00:10:11.610> one<00:10:11.850> of care so I'd say over the years one of care so I'd say over the years one of the<00:10:12.149> most<00:10:12.720> common<00:10:13.170> criticisms<00:10:13.769> I<00:10:13.889> see<00:10:14.040> of the most common criticisms I see of the most common criticisms I see of Improv<00:10:14.459> Everywhere<00:10:14.579> left<00:10:15.180> anonymously<00:10:15.720> and Improv Everywhere left anonymously and Improv Everywhere left anonymously and YouTube<00:10:16.440> comments<00:10:16.889> is<00:10:17.040> these<00:10:17.579> people<00:10:17.850> have YouTube comments is these people have YouTube comments is these people have too<00:10:18.149> much<00:10:18.269> time<00:10:18.569> on<00:10:18.630> their<00:10:18.930> hands<00:10:19.170> and<00:10:20.160> you too much time on their hands and you too much time on their hands and you know<00:10:20.880> not<00:10:21.300> everybody's<00:10:21.690> gonna<00:10:21.779> like know not everybody's gonna like know not everybody's gonna like everything<00:10:22.350> you<00:10:22.440> do<00:10:22.560> and<00:10:22.740> I<00:10:22.800> certainly<00:10:23.670> have everything you do and I certainly have everything you do and I certainly have developed<00:10:24.180> a<00:10:24.240> thick<00:10:24.389> skin<00:10:24.660> thanks<00:10:24.990> to developed a thick skin thanks to developed a thick skin thanks to Internet<00:10:25.410> comments<00:10:25.829> but<00:10:26.100> that<00:10:26.220> one's<00:10:26.399> always Internet comments but that one's always Internet comments but that one's always bothered<00:10:27.089> me<00:10:27.120> because<00:10:27.329> we<00:10:27.569> don't<00:10:27.839> have<00:10:28.019> too bothered me because we don't have too bothered me because we don't have too much<00:10:28.290> time<00:10:28.560> on<00:10:28.620> our<00:10:28.829> hands<00:10:29.100> they're much time on our hands they're much time on our hands they're participants<00:10:30.000> in<00:10:30.120> Improv<00:10:30.480> Everywhere<00:10:30.660> events participants in Improv Everywhere events participants in Improv Everywhere events have<00:10:31.560> just<00:10:31.800> as<00:10:31.889> much<00:10:32.009> leisure<00:10:32.250> time<00:10:32.579> as<00:10:32.819> any have just as much leisure time as any have just as much leisure time as any other<00:10:33.300> New<00:10:33.480> Yorkers<00:10:33.839> they<00:10:34.019> just<00:10:34.259> occasionally other New Yorkers they just occasionally other New Yorkers they just occasionally choose<00:10:35.459> to<00:10:35.850> spend<00:10:36.120> it<00:10:36.300> in<00:10:36.420> an<00:10:36.839> unusual<00:10:36.959> way<00:10:37.350> you choose to spend it in an unusual way you choose to spend it in an unusual way you know<00:10:38.279> every<00:10:38.579> Saturday<00:10:39.000> and<00:10:39.089> Sunday<00:10:39.149> hundreds know every Saturday and Sunday hundreds know every Saturday and Sunday hundreds of<00:10:40.079> thousands<00:10:40.620> of<00:10:40.680> people<00:10:41.009> each<00:10:41.160> fall<00:10:41.550> gather of thousands of people each fall gather of thousands of people each fall gather in<00:10:42.569> football<00:10:43.139> stadiums<00:10:43.259> to<00:10:43.649> watch<00:10:43.769> games<00:10:44.190> and in football stadiums to watch games and in football stadiums to watch games and I've<00:10:44.790> never<00:10:45.029> seen<00:10:45.240> anybody<00:10:45.449> comment<00:10:46.050> looking I've never seen anybody comment looking I've never seen anybody comment looking at<00:10:46.680> a<00:10:46.709> football<00:10:46.920> game<00:10:47.040> saying<00:10:47.399> all<00:10:47.579> those at a football game saying all those at a football game saying all those people<00:10:48.029> in<00:10:48.149> stance<00:10:48.389> they<00:10:48.540> have<00:10:48.630> too<00:10:48.779> much<00:10:48.930> time people in stance they have too much time people in stance they have too much time on<00:10:49.470> their<00:10:49.529> hands<00:10:49.769> and<00:10:50.100> of<00:10:50.670> course<00:10:50.730> they<00:10:51.089> don't on their hands and of course they don't on their hands and of course they don't it's<00:10:51.569> a<00:10:51.660> perfectly<00:10:52.050> wonderful<00:10:52.350> way<00:10:52.949> to<00:10:52.980> spend it's a perfectly wonderful way to spend it's a perfectly wonderful way to spend the<00:10:53.399> weekend<00:10:53.699> afternoon<00:10:54.120> watching<00:10:54.389> a the weekend afternoon watching a the weekend afternoon watching a football<00:10:54.779> game<00:10:54.990> in<00:10:55.620> a<00:10:56.069> stadium<00:10:56.490> but<00:10:57.060> I<00:10:57.329> think football game in a stadium but I think football game in a stadium but I think it's<00:10:57.690> also<00:10:57.839> a<00:10:58.019> perfectly<00:10:58.560> valid<00:10:58.829> way<00:10:59.069> to<00:10:59.459> spend it's also a perfectly valid way to spend it's also a perfectly valid way to spend an<00:10:59.970> afternoon<00:11:00.170> freezing<00:11:01.170> in<00:11:01.259> place<00:11:01.439> with<00:11:01.769> 200 an afternoon freezing in place with 200 an afternoon freezing in place with 200 people<00:11:02.430> in<00:11:02.790> the<00:11:02.910> Grand<00:11:03.180> Central<00:11:03.329> Terminal<00:11:03.720> or people in the Grand Central Terminal or people in the Grand Central Terminal or dressing<00:11:05.730> up<00:11:05.819> like<00:11:05.850> a<00:11:05.970> Ghostbuster<00:11:06.360> and dressing up like a Ghostbuster and dressing up like a Ghostbuster and running<00:11:07.050> through<00:11:07.230> the<00:11:07.319> New<00:11:07.470> York<00:11:07.620> Public running through the New York Public running through the New York Public Library

or<00:11:11.180> listening<00:11:11.810> to<00:11:11.870> the<00:11:12.020> same<00:11:12.200> mp3<00:11:12.860> as<00:11:13.010> 3,000
or listening to the same mp3 as 3,000 or listening to the same mp3 as 3,000 other<00:11:13.880> people<00:11:14.300> and<00:11:14.480> dancing<00:11:14.870> silently<00:11:15.350> in<00:11:15.620> a other people and dancing silently in a other people and dancing silently in a park<00:11:15.980> or<00:11:16.310> bursting<00:11:17.270> into<00:11:17.420> song<00:11:17.510> in<00:11:17.960> a<00:11:18.020> grocery park or bursting into song in a grocery park or bursting into song in a grocery store<00:11:18.620> as<00:11:18.770> part<00:11:19.010> of<00:11:19.070> a<00:11:19.190> spontaneous<00:11:19.580> musical store as part of a spontaneous musical store as part of a spontaneous musical or<00:11:20.900> diving<00:11:21.590> into<00:11:21.920> the<00:11:21.980> ocean<00:11:22.280> and<00:11:22.400> Coney or diving into the ocean and Coney or diving into the ocean and Coney Island<00:11:23.000> wearing<00:11:23.270> formal<00:11:23.660> attire<00:11:24.850> you<00:11:25.850> know<00:11:25.970> as Island wearing formal attire you know as Island wearing formal attire you know as kids<00:11:26.270> were<00:11:26.450> taught<00:11:26.690> to<00:11:26.840> play<00:11:26.960> and<00:11:27.230> we're<00:11:27.350> never kids were taught to play and we're never kids were taught to play and we're never given<00:11:27.800> a<00:11:27.860> reason<00:11:28.220> why<00:11:28.370> we<00:11:28.580> should<00:11:28.760> play<00:11:28.940> it's given a reason why we should play it's given a reason why we should play it's just<00:11:29.180> acceptable<00:11:29.840> that<00:11:29.960> play<00:11:30.290> is<00:11:30.530> a<00:11:30.560> good just acceptable that play is a good just acceptable that play is a good thing<00:11:31.130> and<00:11:31.460> I<00:11:32.210> think<00:11:32.420> it's<00:11:32.720> sort<00:11:32.810> of<00:11:32.900> the<00:11:32.990> point thing and I think it's sort of the point thing and I think it's sort of the point of<00:11:33.350> Improv<00:11:33.710> Everywhere of Improv Everywhere of Improv Everywhere is<00:11:34.640> it's<00:11:35.000> that<00:11:35.180> there<00:11:35.360> is<00:11:35.510> no<00:11:35.690> point<00:11:35.990> that is it's that there is no point that is it's that there is no point that there<00:11:36.350> doesn't<00:11:36.650> have<00:11:36.770> to<00:11:36.980> be<00:11:37.100> a<00:11:37.130> point<00:11:37.430> we there doesn't have to be a point we there doesn't have to be a point we don't<00:11:37.970> need<00:11:38.060> a<00:11:38.120> reason<00:11:38.330> as<00:11:38.930> long<00:11:39.110> as<00:11:39.290> it's<00:11:39.410> fun don't need a reason as long as it's fun don't need a reason as long as it's fun and<00:11:40.220> it<00:11:40.880> seems<00:11:41.120> like<00:11:41.300> it's<00:11:41.480> gonna<00:11:41.780> be<00:11:41.960> a<00:11:41.990> funny and it seems like it's gonna be a funny and it seems like it's gonna be a funny idea<00:11:42.590> and<00:11:42.830> it<00:11:42.890> seems<00:11:43.100> like<00:11:43.250> the<00:11:43.340> people<00:11:43.430> who idea and it seems like the people who idea and it seems like the people who witness<00:11:44.720> it<00:11:44.900> will<00:11:45.170> also<00:11:45.320> have<00:11:45.590> a<00:11:45.620> fun<00:11:45.860> time witness it will also have a fun time witness it will also have a fun time then<00:11:46.640> that's<00:11:46.760> enough<00:11:47.090> for<00:11:47.240> us<00:11:47.300> and<00:11:47.720> I<00:11:48.290> think<00:11:48.500> as then that's enough for us and I think as then that's enough for us and I think as adults<00:11:48.710> we<00:11:49.490> need<00:11:49.640> to<00:11:49.760> learn<00:11:49.910> that<00:11:49.970> there's<00:11:50.330> no adults we need to learn that there's no adults we need to learn that there's no right<00:11:50.690> for<00:11:50.720> a<00:11:50.960> wrong<00:11:51.140> way<00:11:51.320> to<00:11:51.530> play<00:11:51.830> thank<00:11:52.580> you right for a wrong way to play thank you right for a wrong way to play thank you very<00:11:52.790> much


Charlie Todd, TED, TEDx, TEDxBloomington, absurdity, no-pants, subway, ride, ghostbusters, flash, mob, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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