Kỳ quan cổ đại bị bắt TRONG 3D-Ben Kacyra

Ancient wonders captured in 3D - Ben Kacyra

Ancient wonders captured in 3D - Ben Kacyra


I'd<00:00:16.320> like<00:00:16.590> to<00:00:16.770> start<00:00:17.460> with<00:00:17.820> a<00:00:18.020> short<00:00:19.020> story
I'd like to start with a short story I'd like to start with a short story it's<00:00:20.640> about<00:00:20.880> a<00:00:20.939> little<00:00:21.840> boy<00:00:22.460> whose<00:00:23.460> father<00:00:23.700> was it's about a little boy whose father was it's about a little boy whose father was a<00:00:25.320> history<00:00:26.099> buff<00:00:26.189> and<00:00:26.779> who<00:00:27.779> used<00:00:28.230> to<00:00:28.349> take<00:00:28.560> him a history buff and who used to take him a history buff and who used to take him by<00:00:28.890> the<00:00:28.919> hand<00:00:29.070> to<00:00:29.700> visit<00:00:30.599> the<00:00:30.900> ruins<00:00:31.200> of<00:00:31.590> a by the hand to visit the ruins of a by the hand to visit the ruins of a ancient<00:00:32.669> metropolis<00:00:32.940> on<00:00:33.540> the<00:00:33.989> outskirts<00:00:34.440> of ancient metropolis on the outskirts of ancient metropolis on the outskirts of their<00:00:35.190> town<00:00:35.510> they<00:00:36.510> would<00:00:36.660> always<00:00:36.960> stop<00:00:37.860> by<00:00:37.890> to their town they would always stop by to their town they would always stop by to visit<00:00:39.060> these<00:00:39.899> huge<00:00:40.380> winged<00:00:40.950> Bulls<00:00:41.280> that<00:00:41.610> used visit these huge winged Bulls that used visit these huge winged Bulls that used to<00:00:42.000> guard<00:00:42.239> the<00:00:42.600> gates<00:00:42.870> of<00:00:43.140> that<00:00:43.350> ancient to guard the gates of that ancient to guard the gates of that ancient metropolis<00:00:44.340> and<00:00:45.149> the<00:00:45.210> boy<00:00:45.809> used<00:00:46.350> to<00:00:46.500> be<00:00:46.649> scared metropolis and the boy used to be scared metropolis and the boy used to be scared of<00:00:47.160> these<00:00:47.370> winged<00:00:47.940> Bulls<00:00:48.149> but<00:00:48.870> the<00:00:48.960> same<00:00:49.199> time of these winged Bulls but the same time of these winged Bulls but the same time they<00:00:49.649> excited<00:00:50.160> them<00:00:50.280> and<00:00:50.460> the<00:00:51.359> dad<00:00:51.539> used<00:00:51.840> to they excited them and the dad used to they excited them and the dad used to use<00:00:52.170> those<00:00:52.379> bulls<00:00:52.739> to<00:00:53.010> tell<00:00:53.219> the<00:00:53.340> boys<00:00:53.489> stories use those bulls to tell the boys stories use those bulls to tell the boys stories about<00:00:54.989> that<00:00:55.230> civilization<00:00:56.100> and<00:00:56.339> their<00:00:56.609> work about that civilization and their work about that civilization and their work let's<00:00:59.460> fast-forward<00:00:59.879> to<00:01:00.359> the<00:01:01.350> San<00:01:01.769> Francisco let's fast-forward to the San Francisco let's fast-forward to the San Francisco Bay<00:01:02.670> Area<00:01:02.749> many<00:01:03.749> decades<00:01:04.140> later<00:01:04.290> where<00:01:05.160> I Bay Area many decades later where I Bay Area many decades later where I started<00:01:06.450> a<00:01:06.510> technology<00:01:07.050> company<00:01:07.230> that started a technology company that started a technology company that brought<00:01:08.310> the<00:01:08.520> world<00:01:08.600> its<00:01:09.600> first<00:01:10.070> 3d<00:01:11.070> laser brought the world its first 3d laser brought the world its first 3d laser scanning<00:01:11.790> system<00:01:12.330> let<00:01:12.780> me<00:01:12.870> show<00:01:13.050> you<00:01:13.110> how<00:01:13.320> it scanning system let me show you how it scanning system let me show you how it works works works long-range<00:01:14.850> laser<00:01:15.450> scanning<00:01:15.840> works<00:01:16.110> by long-range laser scanning works by long-range laser scanning works by sending<00:01:17.010> out<00:01:17.250> a<00:01:17.280> pulsed<00:01:17.850> laser<00:01:18.210> beam<00:01:18.450> of<00:01:18.600> light sending out a pulsed laser beam of light sending out a pulsed laser beam of light the<00:01:19.590> system<00:01:20.040> measures<00:01:20.430> the<00:01:20.610> beings<00:01:20.820> time<00:01:21.090> of the system measures the beings time of the system measures the beings time of light<00:01:21.480> recording<00:01:22.260> the<00:01:22.350> time<00:01:22.500> it<00:01:22.710> takes<00:01:22.950> for light recording the time it takes for light recording the time it takes for the<00:01:23.280> lights<00:01:23.490> of<00:01:23.640> you<00:01:23.730> to<00:01:23.820> surface the lights of you to surface the lights of you to surface and<00:01:24.870> make<00:01:25.050> its<00:01:25.230> return<00:01:25.880> with<00:01:26.880> two<00:01:27.120> mirrors<00:01:27.540> the and make its return with two mirrors the and make its return with two mirrors the scanner<00:01:28.530> calculates<00:01:29.130> the<00:01:29.310> beams<00:01:29.490> horizontal scanner calculates the beams horizontal scanner calculates the beams horizontal and<00:01:30.420> vertical<00:01:30.870> angles<00:01:31.290> giving<00:01:32.040> accurate<00:01:32.370> XY and vertical angles giving accurate XY and vertical angles giving accurate XY and<00:01:33.540> z<00:01:33.720> coordinates<00:01:34.520> the<00:01:35.520> point<00:01:35.790> is<00:01:35.970> then and z coordinates the point is then and z coordinates the point is then recorded<00:01:36.540> into<00:01:37.350> a<00:01:37.380> 3d<00:01:37.890> visualization<00:01:38.580> program recorded into a 3d visualization program recorded into a 3d visualization program all<00:01:40.920> of<00:01:41.119> this<00:01:42.119> happens<00:01:42.600> in<00:01:42.810> seconds<00:01:46.010> you<00:01:47.010> could all of this happens in seconds you could all of this happens in seconds you could see<00:01:47.430> here<00:01:47.790> these<00:01:48.140> systems<00:01:49.140> are<00:01:49.410> extremely see here these systems are extremely see here these systems are extremely fast<00:01:50.610> they<00:01:51.270> collect<00:01:51.660> millions<00:01:52.229> of<00:01:52.410> points<00:01:52.650> at fast they collect millions of points at fast they collect millions of points at a<00:01:53.520> time<00:01:53.880> with<00:01:54.450> very<00:01:54.720> high<00:01:54.930> accuracy<00:01:55.290> and<00:01:55.650> very a time with very high accuracy and very a time with very high accuracy and very high<00:01:56.040> resolution<00:01:56.759> a<00:01:57.229> surveyor<00:01:58.229> with high resolution a surveyor with high resolution a surveyor with traditional<00:02:00.390> survey<00:02:00.780> tools<00:02:01.050> would<00:02:01.680> be traditional survey tools would be traditional survey tools would be hard-pressed<00:02:02.160> to<00:02:02.670> produce<00:02:02.880> maybe<00:02:03.750> 500<00:02:04.530> points hard-pressed to produce maybe 500 points hard-pressed to produce maybe 500 points in<00:02:05.160> a<00:02:05.399> whole<00:02:05.610> day<00:02:05.850> these<00:02:06.750> babies<00:02:07.229> would<00:02:07.530> be in a whole day these babies would be in a whole day these babies would be producing<00:02:08.820> something<00:02:09.119> like<00:02:09.509> 10,000<00:02:10.410> points<00:02:10.619> a producing something like 10,000 points a producing something like 10,000 points a second<00:02:11.330> so<00:02:12.330> as<00:02:13.230> you<00:02:13.380> can<00:02:13.530> imagine<00:02:13.680> this<00:02:14.340> was<00:02:14.400> a second so as you can imagine this was a second so as you can imagine this was a paradigm<00:02:15.209> shift<00:02:15.239> in<00:02:15.900> the<00:02:16.310> survey<00:02:17.310> and paradigm shift in the survey and paradigm shift in the survey and construction<00:02:18.660> as<00:02:18.870> well<00:02:18.930> as<00:02:19.530> in<00:02:19.680> reality construction as well as in reality construction as well as in reality capture<00:02:20.670> industry<00:02:26.810> approximately<00:02:27.810> 10<00:02:28.050> years capture industry approximately 10 years capture industry approximately 10 years ago<00:02:28.560> my<00:02:29.280> wife<00:02:29.310> and<00:02:29.700> I<00:02:29.850> started<00:02:29.910> a<00:02:30.510> foundation ago my wife and I started a foundation ago my wife and I started a foundation to<00:02:31.350> do<00:02:31.470> good<00:02:31.709> and<00:02:31.920> right<00:02:32.580> about<00:02:32.850> that<00:02:33.090> time<00:02:33.420> the to do good and right about that time the to do good and right about that time the Magnificent<00:02:35.640> Bamiyan<00:02:36.150> Buddhas<00:02:36.560> 180<00:02:37.560> foot Magnificent Bamiyan Buddhas 180 foot Magnificent Bamiyan Buddhas 180 foot tall<00:02:38.220> in<00:02:38.900> Afghanistan<00:02:39.900> were<00:02:40.769> blown<00:02:41.220> up<00:02:41.250> by<00:02:42.090> the tall in Afghanistan were blown up by the tall in Afghanistan were blown up by the Taliban<00:02:42.750> they<00:02:43.290> were<00:02:43.350> gone<00:02:43.709> in<00:02:43.950> an<00:02:44.250> instant<00:02:44.370> and Taliban they were gone in an instant and Taliban they were gone in an instant and unfortunately<00:02:45.810> there<00:02:46.350> was<00:02:46.530> no<00:02:46.709> detailed unfortunately there was no detailed unfortunately there was no detailed documentation<00:02:48.120> of<00:02:48.450> these<00:02:48.600> Buddhas<00:02:49.080> this documentation of these Buddhas this documentation of these Buddhas this clearly<00:02:50.430> devastated<00:02:50.730> me<00:02:51.239> and<00:02:51.480> I<00:02:51.780> couldn't clearly devastated me and I couldn't clearly devastated me and I couldn't help<00:02:52.620> but<00:02:52.769> wonder<00:02:53.130> about<00:02:53.940> the<00:02:54.090> fate<00:02:54.329> of<00:02:54.360> my<00:02:54.810> old help but wonder about the fate of my old help but wonder about the fate of my old friends<00:02:56.220> the<00:02:56.430> winged<00:02:56.610> Bulls<00:02:56.910> and<00:02:57.269> the<00:02:57.930> fate<00:02:58.140> of friends the winged Bulls and the fate of friends the winged Bulls and the fate of the<00:02:58.829> many<00:02:59.519> many<00:02:59.850> heritage<00:03:00.840> sites<00:03:01.079> all<00:03:01.320> over the many many heritage sites all over the many many heritage sites all over the<00:03:01.709> world<00:03:02.090> both<00:03:03.090> my<00:03:03.329> wife<00:03:03.570> and<00:03:03.840> I<00:03:03.900> was<00:03:04.170> so the world both my wife and I was so the world both my wife and I was so touched<00:03:05.310> by<00:03:05.670> this<00:03:05.750> that<00:03:06.750> we<00:03:07.049> decided<00:03:07.769> to touched by this that we decided to touched by this that we decided to expand<00:03:09.120> the<00:03:09.299> mission<00:03:09.600> of<00:03:09.930> our<00:03:10.290> foundation<00:03:10.950> to expand the mission of our foundation to expand the mission of our foundation to include<00:03:12.959> digital<00:03:13.380> heritage<00:03:14.040> preservation<00:03:14.310> of include digital heritage preservation of include digital heritage preservation of world<00:03:15.959> sites<00:03:16.790> we<00:03:17.790> called<00:03:18.090> the<00:03:18.360> project<00:03:18.690> CyArk world sites we called the project CyArk world sites we called the project CyArk which<00:03:20.190> stands<00:03:20.519> for<00:03:20.610> cyber<00:03:21.000> archive<00:03:21.560> to<00:03:22.560> date which stands for cyber archive to date which stands for cyber archive to date with<00:03:23.459> the<00:03:23.579> help<00:03:23.820> of<00:03:24.030> a<00:03:24.360> global<00:03:25.200> network<00:03:25.709> of with the help of a global network of with the help of a global network of partners<00:03:27.060> we've<00:03:27.570> completed<00:03:28.079> close<00:03:28.680> to<00:03:28.920> 50 partners we've completed close to 50 partners we've completed close to 50 projects<00:03:29.880> let<00:03:30.209> me<00:03:30.329> show<00:03:30.480> you<00:03:30.540> some<00:03:30.840> of<00:03:30.959> them projects let me show you some of them projects let me show you some of them Chichen<00:03:32.040> Itza<00:03:33.890> Rapa<00:03:34.890> Nui Chichen Itza Rapa Nui Chichen Itza Rapa Nui and<00:03:36.209> what<00:03:36.810> you're<00:03:37.019> seeing<00:03:37.230> here<00:03:37.620> are<00:03:37.860> the and what you're seeing here are the and what you're seeing here are the cloud<00:03:38.099> of<00:03:38.459> points<00:03:39.049> Babylon<00:03:40.730> Rosslyn<00:03:41.730> Chapel cloud of points Babylon Rosslyn Chapel cloud of points Babylon Rosslyn Chapel Pompeii<00:03:43.500> and<00:03:44.209> our<00:03:45.209> latest<00:03:45.750> project<00:03:46.500> Mont Pompeii and our latest project Mont Pompeii and our latest project Mont Rushmore<00:03:47.280> which<00:03:47.970> happened<00:03:48.420> to<00:03:48.480> be<00:03:48.690> one<00:03:48.870> of<00:03:49.019> our Rushmore which happened to be one of our Rushmore which happened to be one of our most<00:03:49.620> challenging<00:03:50.250> projects<00:03:50.909> as<00:03:51.030> you<00:03:51.060> see most challenging projects as you see most challenging projects as you see here<00:03:51.690> we<00:03:52.349> had<00:03:52.500> to<00:03:52.739> develop<00:03:53.129> a<00:03:53.489> special<00:03:53.730> rig<00:03:54.290> to here we had to develop a special rig to here we had to develop a special rig to bring<00:03:55.620> the<00:03:56.250> scanner<00:03:56.549> up<00:03:56.909> close<00:03:57.390> and<00:03:57.659> personal bring the scanner up close and personal bring the scanner up close and personal the<00:04:00.030> results<00:04:00.569> of<00:04:00.780> our<00:04:01.200> work<00:04:01.560> in<00:04:01.739> the<00:04:01.860> field<00:04:02.069> are the results of our work in the field are the results of our work in the field are used<00:04:03.180> to<00:04:03.569> produce<00:04:04.079> media<00:04:04.860> and<00:04:05.010> deliverables used to produce media and deliverables used to produce media and deliverables to<00:04:05.670> be<00:04:05.909> used<00:04:06.150> by<00:04:06.840> conservators<00:04:07.590> and to be used by conservators and to be used by conservators and researchers<00:04:09.000> we<00:04:09.299> also<00:04:09.769> produce<00:04:11.209> media<00:04:12.209> for researchers we also produce media for researchers we also produce media for dissemination<00:04:14.549> to<00:04:14.849> the<00:04:14.970> public<00:04:15.709> free<00:04:16.760> through dissemination to the public free through dissemination to the public free through the<00:04:17.789> CyArk<00:04:18.630> website<00:04:19.289> these<00:04:19.919> would<00:04:20.340> be<00:04:20.519> used the CyArk website these would be used the CyArk website these would be used for<00:04:21.030> education<00:04:21.750> cultural<00:04:22.350> tourism<00:04:22.970> etc<00:04:23.970> what for education cultural tourism etc what for education cultural tourism etc what you're<00:04:24.840> looking<00:04:25.110> at<00:04:25.289> in<00:04:25.470> here<00:04:25.770> is<00:04:25.919> a<00:04:26.210> 3d<00:04:27.210> viewer you're looking at in here is a 3d viewer you're looking at in here is a 3d viewer that<00:04:27.780> we<00:04:27.960> developed<00:04:28.410> that<00:04:28.530> would<00:04:28.710> allow<00:04:29.039> the that we developed that would allow the that we developed that would allow the display<00:04:30.510> and<00:04:30.900> manipulation<00:04:31.500> of<00:04:31.949> cloud<00:04:32.190> of display and manipulation of cloud of display and manipulation of cloud of points<00:04:32.580> in<00:04:32.970> real<00:04:33.449> time<00:04:33.780> cutting<00:04:34.650> sections points in real time cutting sections points in real time cutting sections through<00:04:35.430> them<00:04:35.669> and<00:04:36.380> extracting<00:04:37.380> dimensions through them and extracting dimensions through them and extracting dimensions this<00:04:38.370> happens<00:04:38.760> to<00:04:38.940> be<00:04:38.970> the<00:04:39.180> cloud<00:04:39.389> of<00:04:39.539> points this happens to be the cloud of points this happens to be the cloud of points for<00:04:39.990> Tikal<00:04:40.320> in<00:04:40.560> here<00:04:41.460> you<00:04:41.610> see<00:04:41.910> a<00:04:42.120> traditional for Tikal in here you see a traditional for Tikal in here you see a traditional 2d<00:04:43.590> architectural<00:04:44.520> engineering<00:04:44.970> drawing 2d architectural engineering drawing 2d architectural engineering drawing that's<00:04:45.599> used<00:04:45.870> for<00:04:46.020> preservation<00:04:46.590> and<00:04:47.210> of that's used for preservation and of that's used for preservation and of course<00:04:48.450> we<00:04:48.660> tell<00:04:48.900> the<00:04:49.020> stories<00:04:49.440> through<00:04:49.919> fly course we tell the stories through fly course we tell the stories through fly throughs<00:04:50.639> in<00:04:50.910> here<00:04:51.690> this<00:04:51.900> is<00:04:52.080> a<00:04:52.110> fly<00:04:52.380> through throughs in here this is a fly through throughs in here this is a fly through the<00:04:53.400> cloud<00:04:53.639> of<00:04:53.789> points<00:04:53.970> of<00:04:54.360> Tikal<00:04:54.780> and<00:04:55.020> here the cloud of points of Tikal and here the cloud of points of Tikal and here you<00:04:56.130> see<00:04:56.400> it<00:04:56.690> rendered<00:04:57.690> and<00:04:58.139> photo<00:04:58.440> textured you see it rendered and photo textured you see it rendered and photo textured with<00:04:59.340> photography<00:05:00.240> that<00:05:00.510> we<00:05:01.050> take<00:05:01.320> of<00:05:01.560> the with photography that we take of the with photography that we take of the site<00:05:01.919> and<00:05:02.810> so<00:05:03.810> this<00:05:04.020> is<00:05:04.169> not<00:05:04.320> a<00:05:04.380> video<00:05:04.620> this<00:05:04.919> is site and so this is not a video this is site and so this is not a video this is actual<00:05:05.610> 3d<00:05:06.570> points<00:05:07.080> with<00:05:07.680> two<00:05:08.430> to<00:05:08.610> three actual 3d points with two to three actual 3d points with two to three millimeter<00:05:09.210> accuracy<00:05:09.630> and<00:05:11.000> of<00:05:12.000> course<00:05:12.240> the millimeter accuracy and of course the millimeter accuracy and of course the data<00:05:12.630> can<00:05:12.960> be<00:05:13.110> used<00:05:13.349> to<00:05:13.590> develop<00:05:14.120> 3d<00:05:15.120> models data can be used to develop 3d models data can be used to develop 3d models that<00:05:15.930> are<00:05:16.080> very<00:05:17.150> accurate<00:05:18.150> and<00:05:18.360> very<00:05:18.419> detailed that are very accurate and very detailed that are very accurate and very detailed in<00:05:19.889> here<00:05:20.130> you're<00:05:20.430> looking<00:05:20.580> at<00:05:20.880> a<00:05:20.940> model<00:05:21.360> that's in here you're looking at a model that's in here you're looking at a model that's extracted<00:05:22.770> from<00:05:22.919> the<00:05:23.099> cloud<00:05:23.280> of<00:05:23.430> points<00:05:23.610> for extracted from the cloud of points for extracted from the cloud of points for Stirling<00:05:24.510> Castle<00:05:24.690> it's<00:05:25.410> used<00:05:25.740> for<00:05:25.919> studies Stirling Castle it's used for studies Stirling Castle it's used for studies for<00:05:27.330> visualization<00:05:28.289> as<00:05:28.530> well<00:05:29.099> as<00:05:29.250> for for visualization as well as for for visualization as well as for education<00:05:30.419> and<00:05:30.680> finally<00:05:31.680> we<00:05:32.310> produce<00:05:32.580> mobile education and finally we produce mobile education and finally we produce mobile apps<00:05:33.630> that<00:05:34.020> include<00:05:34.370> narrated<00:05:35.370> virtual<00:05:35.849> tools apps that include narrated virtual tools apps that include narrated virtual tools the<00:05:38.280> more<00:05:38.550> I<00:05:38.880> got<00:05:39.090> involved<00:05:39.449> in<00:05:39.840> the<00:05:40.050> heritage the more I got involved in the heritage the more I got involved in the heritage field<00:05:41.370> the<00:05:42.090> more<00:05:42.300> it<00:05:42.419> became<00:05:42.750> clear<00:05:43.320> to<00:05:43.349> me field the more it became clear to me field the more it became clear to me that<00:05:44.310> we're<00:05:45.409> losing<00:05:46.409> the<00:05:46.860> sights that we're losing the sights that we're losing the sights and<00:05:48.090> the<00:05:48.660> stories<00:05:49.400> faster<00:05:50.400> than<00:05:50.700> we<00:05:50.910> can and the stories faster than we can and the stories faster than we can physically<00:05:51.990> preserve<00:05:52.740> them<00:05:52.950> of<00:05:53.630> course physically preserve them of course physically preserve them of course earthquakes<00:05:56.280> and<00:05:56.640> all<00:05:57.000> the<00:05:57.270> natural earthquakes and all the natural earthquakes and all the natural phenomena<00:05:58.440> floods<00:05:59.070> tornados<00:06:00.060> etc<00:06:00.770> take<00:06:01.770> their phenomena floods tornados etc take their phenomena floods tornados etc take their toll<00:06:02.360> however<00:06:03.360> what<00:06:04.260> occurred<00:06:04.680> to<00:06:04.710> me<00:06:04.920> was toll however what occurred to me was toll however what occurred to me was human<00:06:06.510> caused<00:06:06.750> destruction<00:06:07.200> which<00:06:08.010> was<00:06:08.250> not human caused destruction which was not human caused destruction which was not only<00:06:08.780> causing<00:06:09.780> a<00:06:09.930> significant<00:06:10.770> portion<00:06:11.040> of only causing a significant portion of only causing a significant portion of the<00:06:11.550> destruction<00:06:12.120> but<00:06:12.810> actually<00:06:13.350> it<00:06:13.970> was the destruction but actually it was the destruction but actually it was accelerating<00:06:15.810> this<00:06:16.620> includes<00:06:17.070> arson<00:06:18.140> urban accelerating this includes arson urban accelerating this includes arson urban sprawl<00:06:19.850> acid<00:06:20.850> rain<00:06:21.120> not<00:06:21.930> to<00:06:22.110> mention sprawl acid rain not to mention sprawl acid rain not to mention terrorism<00:06:23.430> and<00:06:23.700> Wars<00:06:24.320> it<00:06:25.320> was<00:06:26.070> getting<00:06:26.880> more terrorism and Wars it was getting more terrorism and Wars it was getting more and<00:06:27.300> more<00:06:27.390> apparent<00:06:27.990> that<00:06:28.140> were<00:06:28.560> fighting<00:06:29.040> a and more apparent that were fighting a and more apparent that were fighting a losing<00:06:29.520> battle<00:06:29.760> we're<00:06:30.690> losing<00:06:31.080> our<00:06:31.200> sites<00:06:31.560> and losing battle we're losing our sites and losing battle we're losing our sites and the<00:06:33.540> stories<00:06:33.990> and<00:06:34.230> basically<00:06:34.919> we're<00:06:35.820> losing<00:06:36.390> a the stories and basically we're losing a the stories and basically we're losing a piece<00:06:37.530> and<00:06:37.860> a<00:06:38.070> significant<00:06:38.730> piece<00:06:38.910> of<00:06:39.150> our piece and a significant piece of our piece and a significant piece of our collective<00:06:39.810> memory<00:06:41.450> imagine<00:06:42.450> us<00:06:42.630> as<00:06:42.870> a<00:06:43.040> human collective memory imagine us as a human collective memory imagine us as a human race<00:06:44.720> not<00:06:45.720> knowing<00:06:46.080> where<00:06:46.230> we<00:06:46.380> came<00:06:46.560> from race not knowing where we came from race not knowing where we came from luckily<00:06:48.000> the<00:06:48.600> last<00:06:48.810> two<00:06:49.110> or<00:06:49.140> three<00:06:49.500> decades luckily the last two or three decades luckily the last two or three decades digital<00:06:51.030> technologies<00:06:51.660> have<00:06:51.690> been digital technologies have been digital technologies have been developing<00:06:52.590> that<00:06:53.310> have<00:06:53.490> helped<00:06:53.820> us<00:06:53.970> to developing that have helped us to developing that have helped us to develop<00:06:55.169> tools<00:06:55.470> that<00:06:56.250> we<00:06:56.669> brought<00:06:56.970> to<00:06:57.180> bear<00:06:57.390> in develop tools that we brought to bear in develop tools that we brought to bear in the<00:06:57.960> digital<00:06:58.830> preservation<00:06:59.010> in<00:06:59.790> our<00:07:00.060> digital the digital preservation in our digital the digital preservation in our digital preservation<00:07:00.690> work<00:07:01.260> this<00:07:01.620> includes<00:07:02.100> for preservation work this includes for preservation work this includes for example<00:07:03.110> the<00:07:04.110> 3d<00:07:05.540> laser<00:07:06.540> scanning<00:07:07.020> systems example the 3d laser scanning systems example the 3d laser scanning systems ever<00:07:08.550> more<00:07:08.880> powerful<00:07:09.240> personal<00:07:10.140> computers<00:07:10.760> 3d ever more powerful personal computers 3d ever more powerful personal computers 3d graphics<00:07:13.010> high-definition<00:07:14.010> digital graphics high-definition digital graphics high-definition digital photography<00:07:15.180> not<00:07:15.870> to<00:07:16.050> mention<00:07:16.229> the<00:07:16.860> Internet photography not to mention the Internet photography not to mention the Internet because<00:07:18.240> of<00:07:18.479> this<00:07:18.840> accelerated<00:07:19.680> pace<00:07:20.280> of because of this accelerated pace of because of this accelerated pace of destruction<00:07:21.390> it<00:07:22.290> became<00:07:22.770> clear<00:07:23.610> to<00:07:23.640> us<00:07:23.850> that destruction it became clear to us that destruction it became clear to us that we<00:07:24.270> needed<00:07:24.660> to<00:07:24.810> challenge<00:07:25.410> ourselves<00:07:25.560> and<00:07:26.190> our we needed to challenge ourselves and our we needed to challenge ourselves and our partners<00:07:26.640> to<00:07:27.380> accelerate<00:07:28.380> our<00:07:28.410> work<00:07:28.680> and<00:07:29.250> we partners to accelerate our work and we partners to accelerate our work and we created<00:07:30.990> a<00:07:31.320> project<00:07:31.620> we<00:07:32.490> call<00:07:32.790> the<00:07:33.090> sigh<00:07:33.300> out created a project we call the sigh out created a project we call the sigh out 500<00:07:34.320> challenge<00:07:34.830> and<00:07:35.040> that<00:07:35.820> is<00:07:36.030> to<00:07:36.419> digitally 500 challenge and that is to digitally 500 challenge and that is to digitally preserve<00:07:38.360> 500<00:07:39.360> world<00:07:39.960> heritage<00:07:40.440> sites<00:07:40.710> in preserve 500 world heritage sites in preserve 500 world heritage sites in five<00:07:41.729> years<00:07:42.120> we<00:07:42.990> do<00:07:43.229> have<00:07:43.440> the<00:07:44.010> technology five years we do have the technology five years we do have the technology that's<00:07:44.940> scalable<00:07:45.300> and<00:07:46.760> our<00:07:47.760> network<00:07:48.450> of that's scalable and our network of that's scalable and our network of global<00:07:49.020> partners<00:07:49.800> has<00:07:50.610> been<00:07:50.910> expanding<00:07:51.570> and global partners has been expanding and global partners has been expanding and can<00:07:52.020> be<00:07:52.169> expanded<00:07:52.530> expanded<00:07:53.220> at<00:07:53.700> a<00:07:53.729> rapid<00:07:54.479> rate can be expanded expanded at a rapid rate can be expanded expanded at a rapid rate so<00:07:55.110> we're<00:07:55.830> comfortable<00:07:56.150> that<00:07:57.150> this<00:07:57.630> task<00:07:57.900> can so we're comfortable that this task can so we're comfortable that this task can be<00:07:58.320> accomplished be accomplished be accomplished however<00:08:01.330> to<00:08:02.080> me<00:08:02.520> the<00:08:03.520> 500<00:08:04.120> is<00:08:04.270> really<00:08:05.199> just<00:08:05.560> the however to me the 500 is really just the however to me the 500 is really just the first<00:08:05.919> 500<00:08:06.690> in<00:08:07.690> order<00:08:08.110> to<00:08:08.319> sustain<00:08:08.740> our<00:08:09.449> work first 500 in order to sustain our work first 500 in order to sustain our work into<00:08:11.349> the<00:08:11.470> future<00:08:11.889> we<00:08:12.430> use<00:08:12.460> technology into the future we use technology into the future we use technology centers<00:08:14.490> where<00:08:15.490> we<00:08:15.699> partner<00:08:16.240> with<00:08:16.770> local centers where we partner with local centers where we partner with local universities<00:08:18.220> and<00:08:18.970> colleges<00:08:19.449> to<00:08:19.690> take<00:08:20.110> the universities and colleges to take the universities and colleges to take the technology<00:08:20.470> to<00:08:21.159> them<00:08:21.340> whereby<00:08:22.240> they<00:08:23.110> then<00:08:23.590> can technology to them whereby they then can technology to them whereby they then can help<00:08:24.190> us<00:08:24.569> with<00:08:25.569> digital<00:08:26.169> preservation<00:08:26.379> of help us with digital preservation of help us with digital preservation of their<00:08:27.400> Heritage<00:08:27.909> Sites<00:08:28.210> and<00:08:28.509> at<00:08:29.259> the<00:08:29.349> same their Heritage Sites and at the same their Heritage Sites and at the same time<00:08:29.830> it<00:08:30.129> gives<00:08:30.400> them<00:08:30.699> the<00:08:31.659> technology<00:08:32.560> to time it gives them the technology to time it gives them the technology to benefit<00:08:33.579> from<00:08:33.849> in<00:08:34.180> the<00:08:34.779> future<00:08:35.430> let<00:08:36.430> me<00:08:36.579> close benefit from in the future let me close benefit from in the future let me close with<00:08:36.909> another<00:08:37.300> short<00:08:38.050> story<00:08:38.219> two<00:08:39.219> years<00:08:39.490> ago with another short story two years ago with another short story two years ago we<00:08:40.240> were<00:08:40.390> approached<00:08:40.779> by<00:08:40.930> a<00:08:41.050> partner<00:08:41.529> of<00:08:41.589> ours we were approached by a partner of ours we were approached by a partner of ours to<00:08:43.149> digitally<00:08:43.870> preserve<00:08:44.050> an<00:08:44.560> important to digitally preserve an important to digitally preserve an important heritage<00:08:45.250> site<00:08:45.700> and<00:08:46.000> UNESCO<00:08:46.300> heritage<00:08:46.930> site heritage site and UNESCO heritage site heritage site and UNESCO heritage site in<00:08:47.350> Uganda<00:08:48.300> the<00:08:49.300> Royal<00:08:50.140> kazoo<00:08:50.649> be<00:08:50.950> tombs<00:08:51.300> the in Uganda the Royal kazoo be tombs the in Uganda the Royal kazoo be tombs the work<00:08:52.480> was<00:08:52.720> done<00:08:52.750> successfully<00:08:53.320> in<00:08:53.709> the<00:08:53.860> field work was done successfully in the field work was done successfully in the field and<00:08:54.779> the<00:08:55.779> data<00:08:55.990> was<00:08:56.620> archived<00:08:57.550> and<00:08:57.880> publicly and the data was archived and publicly and the data was archived and publicly disseminated<00:08:59.670> through<00:09:00.670> the<00:09:00.940> SIOP<00:09:01.420> website disseminated through the SIOP website disseminated through the SIOP website last<00:09:02.740> March<00:09:03.690> we<00:09:04.690> received<00:09:05.170> very<00:09:05.800> sad<00:09:06.130> news<00:09:06.630> the last March we received very sad news the last March we received very sad news the royal<00:09:07.870> tombs<00:09:08.290> had<00:09:09.190> been<00:09:09.490> destroyed<00:09:10.300> by royal tombs had been destroyed by royal tombs had been destroyed by suspected<00:09:11.829> arson<00:09:12.220> a<00:09:12.430> few<00:09:13.089> days<00:09:13.270> later<00:09:13.540> we suspected arson a few days later we suspected arson a few days later we receive<00:09:14.170> a<00:09:14.200> call<00:09:14.529> is<00:09:14.800> the<00:09:15.370> data<00:09:15.579> available<00:09:16.589> and receive a call is the data available and receive a call is the data available and can<00:09:19.390> it<00:09:19.540> be<00:09:19.660> used<00:09:19.870> for<00:09:20.260> reconstruction<00:09:22.110> our can it be used for reconstruction our can it be used for reconstruction our answer<00:09:23.680> of<00:09:23.950> course<00:09:24.370> was<00:09:24.850> yes<00:09:27.630> let<00:09:28.630> me<00:09:28.660> leave answer of course was yes let me leave answer of course was yes let me leave you<00:09:29.079> with<00:09:29.320> a<00:09:29.709> final<00:09:30.010> thought<00:09:30.390> our<00:09:31.390> heritage<00:09:32.170> is you with a final thought our heritage is you with a final thought our heritage is much<00:09:33.550> more<00:09:33.880> than<00:09:34.209> our<00:09:34.500> collective<00:09:35.500> memory much more than our collective memory much more than our collective memory it's<00:09:36.610> our<00:09:36.820> collective<00:09:37.089> treasure<00:09:37.720> we<00:09:38.260> owe<00:09:38.529> it it's our collective treasure we owe it it's our collective treasure we owe it to<00:09:38.890> our<00:09:39.550> children<00:09:40.120> our<00:09:40.930> grandchildren<00:09:41.320> and to our children our grandchildren and to our children our grandchildren and the<00:09:42.699> generations<00:09:43.329> we<00:09:43.890> will<00:09:44.890> never<00:09:45.430> meet<00:09:45.760> to the generations we will never meet to the generations we will never meet to keep<00:09:46.690> it<00:09:46.839> safe<00:09:47.140> and<00:09:48.360> to<00:09:49.360> pass<00:09:49.540> it<00:09:49.720> along<00:09:49.810> thank keep it safe and to pass it along thank keep it safe and to pass it along thank you

thank<00:09:59.060> you

well<00:10:09.960> I'm<00:10:10.880> staying<00:10:11.880> here<00:10:12.210> because<00:10:13.370> we<00:10:14.370> wanted
well I'm staying here because we wanted well I'm staying here because we wanted to<00:10:14.790> demonstrate<00:10:15.630> to<00:10:15.840> you<00:10:16.460> the<00:10:17.460> power<00:10:17.640> of<00:10:17.880> this to demonstrate to you the power of this to demonstrate to you the power of this technology<00:10:18.450> and<00:10:18.990> so<00:10:19.980> while<00:10:20.550> I've<00:10:20.760> been technology and so while I've been technology and so while I've been speaking<00:10:21.440> you<00:10:22.820> have<00:10:23.820> been<00:10:24.029> scanned<00:10:28.400> the<00:10:29.400> two speaking you have been scanned the two speaking you have been scanned the two wizards<00:10:30.839> that<00:10:31.020> I<00:10:31.170> have<00:10:31.560> that<00:10:32.370> are<00:10:32.580> behind<00:10:33.180> the wizards that I have that are behind the wizards that I have that are behind the curtain<00:10:34.520> will<00:10:35.520> help<00:10:35.790> me<00:10:36.589> bring<00:10:37.589> the<00:10:38.190> results curtain will help me bring the results curtain will help me bring the results on<00:10:39.620> the<00:10:40.620> on<00:10:40.890> the<00:10:41.339> screen

this<00:10:53.300> is<00:10:53.540> all<00:10:53.839> in<00:10:54.139> 3d<00:10:54.620> and<00:10:54.980> of<00:10:55.069> course<00:10:55.339> you<00:10:55.490> can
this is all in 3d and of course you can this is all in 3d and of course you can fly<00:10:56.240> through<00:10:56.689> the<00:10:57.170> cloud<00:10:57.410> of<00:10:57.439> points<00:10:57.769> you<00:10:58.100> can fly through the cloud of points you can fly through the cloud of points you can look<00:10:59.060> at<00:10:59.240> it<00:10:59.389> from<00:10:59.629> on<00:10:59.899> top<00:11:00.290> from<00:11:00.620> the<00:11:00.769> ceiling look at it from on top from the ceiling look at it from on top from the ceiling you<00:11:01.310> can<00:11:01.339> look<00:11:01.670> from<00:11:01.970> different<00:11:02.389> vantage you can look from different vantage you can look from different vantage points<00:11:03.290> but<00:11:04.069> I'm<00:11:04.189> going<00:11:04.399> to<00:11:04.430> ask<00:11:04.639> Doug<00:11:05.389> to<00:11:05.839> zoom points but I'm going to ask Doug to zoom points but I'm going to ask Doug to zoom in<00:11:06.889> on<00:11:07.069> an<00:11:07.959> individual<00:11:08.959> in<00:11:09.199> the<00:11:09.800> crowd<00:11:10.069> just<00:11:10.550> to in on an individual in the crowd just to in on an individual in the crowd just to show<00:11:10.910> the<00:11:11.240> amount<00:11:12.019> of<00:11:12.110> detail<00:11:12.620> that<00:11:12.649> we<00:11:13.459> can show the amount of detail that we can show the amount of detail that we can create<00:11:18.399> so<00:11:19.399> you<00:11:20.329> have<00:11:20.569> been<00:11:20.779> digitally create so you have been digitally create so you have been digitally preserved<00:11:22.309> in<00:11:22.579> about<00:11:23.329> four<00:11:24.319> minutes<00:11:25.300> I'd<00:11:26.300> like preserved in about four minutes I'd like preserved in about four minutes I'd like to<00:11:26.990> thank<00:11:27.949> the<00:11:28.579> wizards<00:11:29.329> here<00:11:30.670> we<00:11:31.670> were<00:11:31.819> very to thank the wizards here we were very to thank the wizards here we were very lucky<00:11:32.300> to<00:11:32.839> have<00:11:33.379> two<00:11:33.800> of<00:11:34.430> our<00:11:34.610> partners lucky to have two of our partners lucky to have two of our partners participate<00:11:36.410> in<00:11:36.589> this<00:11:36.769> the<00:11:38.199> historic participate in this the historic participate in this the historic Scotland<00:11:39.740> and<00:11:39.920> the<00:11:40.519> Glasgow<00:11:41.120> School<00:11:41.389> of<00:11:41.449> Art Scotland and the Glasgow School of Art Scotland and the Glasgow School of Art I'd<00:11:43.850> like<00:11:44.089> to<00:11:44.389> also<00:11:44.990> thank<00:11:45.370> personally<00:11:46.370> the I'd like to also thank personally the I'd like to also thank personally the efforts<00:11:47.839> of<00:11:48.939> David<00:11:49.939> Mitchell<00:11:50.350> who<00:11:51.350> is<00:11:51.439> the efforts of David Mitchell who is the efforts of David Mitchell who is the director<00:11:51.709> of<00:11:52.279> conservation<00:11:52.850> at<00:11:53.569> historic director of conservation at historic director of conservation at historic Auckland<00:11:54.499> David<00:11:55.490> and<00:11:59.500> and<00:12:01.720> Doug<00:12:02.720> Pritchard Auckland David and and Doug Pritchard Auckland David and and Doug Pritchard who<00:12:03.500> is<00:12:03.559> the<00:12:03.800> head<00:12:04.189> of<00:12:04.420> visualization<00:12:05.420> at<00:12:05.959> the who is the head of visualization at the who is the head of visualization at the Glasgow<00:12:06.740> School<00:12:06.949> of<00:12:07.009> Art<00:12:07.279> let's<00:12:08.120> give<00:12:08.269> them<00:12:08.360> a Glasgow School of Art let's give them a Glasgow School of Art let's give them a hand

thank<00:12:13.079> you

Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World (Literature Subject), Ben Kacryra, 3d, ancient, ancient monuments, ancient, civilization, heritage, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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