Làm thế nào Arduino là trí tưởng tượng nguồn mở-Massimo Banzi

How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination - Massimo Banzi

How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination - Massimo Banzi


a<00:00:15.910> few<00:00:16.910> weeks<00:00:17.090> ago<00:00:17.240> a<00:00:17.570> friend<00:00:17.780> of<00:00:18.020> mine<00:00:18.230> gave
a few weeks ago a friend of mine gave a few weeks ago a friend of mine gave this<00:00:19.130> toy<00:00:19.340> car<00:00:19.640> to<00:00:19.910> his<00:00:20.029> eight-year-old<00:00:20.630> son this toy car to his eight-year-old son this toy car to his eight-year-old son but<00:00:22.279> instead<00:00:22.550> of<00:00:22.640> going<00:00:22.910> into<00:00:23.060> a<00:00:23.210> store<00:00:23.540> and but instead of going into a store and but instead of going into a store and buy<00:00:23.980> one<00:00:24.980> like<00:00:25.430> we<00:00:25.580> do<00:00:25.760> normally<00:00:26.270> he<00:00:26.840> went<00:00:27.080> to buy one like we do normally he went to buy one like we do normally he went to this<00:00:27.289> website<00:00:27.740> and<00:00:28.369> he<00:00:28.699> downloaded<00:00:29.360> the<00:00:29.449> file this website and he downloaded the file this website and he downloaded the file and<00:00:29.930> then<00:00:30.770> he<00:00:30.860> printed<00:00:31.369> it<00:00:31.490> on<00:00:31.610> this<00:00:32.119> printer and then he printed it on this printer and then he printed it on this printer so<00:00:34.070> this<00:00:34.250> idea<00:00:34.400> that<00:00:34.640> you<00:00:34.820> can<00:00:35.059> manufacture so this idea that you can manufacture so this idea that you can manufacture objects<00:00:36.620> digitally<00:00:37.400> using<00:00:37.520> these<00:00:37.790> machines objects digitally using these machines objects digitally using these machines is<00:00:38.930> something<00:00:39.440> that<00:00:39.650> The<00:00:39.800> Economist<00:00:40.309> magazine is something that The Economist magazine is something that The Economist magazine defined<00:00:41.239> as<00:00:41.510> the<00:00:41.660> third<00:00:41.989> Industrial defined as the third Industrial defined as the third Industrial Revolution<00:00:43.750> actually<00:00:44.750> I<00:00:44.989> argue<00:00:45.860> that<00:00:45.950> there Revolution actually I argue that there Revolution actually I argue that there is<00:00:46.220> another<00:00:46.430> revolution<00:00:47.059> going<00:00:47.300> on<00:00:47.450> and<00:00:48.110> it's is another revolution going on and it's is another revolution going on and it's the<00:00:48.410> one<00:00:48.559> that<00:00:49.130> has<00:00:49.280> to<00:00:49.399> do<00:00:49.520> with<00:00:49.670> open-source the one that has to do with open-source the one that has to do with open-source hardware<00:00:50.809> and<00:00:51.079> the<00:00:51.410> makers<00:00:51.800> movement<00:00:51.980> because hardware and the makers movement because hardware and the makers movement because the<00:00:53.329> printer<00:00:53.930> that<00:00:54.440> my<00:00:54.770> friend<00:00:55.070> used<00:00:55.309> to<00:00:55.399> print the printer that my friend used to print the printer that my friend used to print a<00:00:55.910> toy<00:00:56.149> is<00:00:56.480> actually<00:00:57.469> open<00:00:57.829> source<00:00:57.860> so<00:00:58.460> you<00:00:58.520> go a toy is actually open source so you go a toy is actually open source so you go to<00:00:58.940> the<00:00:59.090> same<00:00:59.300> website<00:00:59.600> you<00:01:00.140> can<00:01:00.320> download<00:01:00.590> all to the same website you can download all to the same website you can download all the<00:01:01.190> files<00:01:01.430> that<00:01:01.820> you<00:01:02.149> need<00:01:02.180> in<00:01:02.930> order<00:01:03.110> to<00:01:03.559> make the files that you need in order to make the files that you need in order to make that<00:01:04.580> printer<00:01:05.149> the<00:01:05.570> construction<00:01:06.259> files<00:01:06.560> the that printer the construction files the that printer the construction files the hardware<00:01:07.880> the<00:01:08.450> software<00:01:08.479> all<00:01:09.200> the hardware the software all the hardware the software all the instructions<00:01:09.920> is<00:01:10.190> there<00:01:10.430> and<00:01:11.420> also<00:01:11.720> this<00:01:12.140> is instructions is there and also this is instructions is there and also this is part<00:01:12.590> of<00:01:12.740> a<00:01:12.830> large<00:01:13.100> community<00:01:13.430> where<00:01:14.360> there part of a large community where there part of a large community where there are<00:01:14.690> thousands<00:01:15.530> of<00:01:15.649> people<00:01:16.039> around<00:01:16.190> the<00:01:16.550> world are thousands of people around the world are thousands of people around the world that<00:01:17.479> are<00:01:17.600> actually<00:01:17.630> making<00:01:18.170> these<00:01:19.100> kind<00:01:19.369> of that are actually making these kind of that are actually making these kind of printers<00:01:19.940> and<00:01:20.179> there's<00:01:20.390> a<00:01:20.450> lot<00:01:20.630> of<00:01:20.750> innovation printers and there's a lot of innovation printers and there's a lot of innovation happening<00:01:21.800> because<00:01:21.979> it's<00:01:22.250> all<00:01:22.429> open<00:01:22.670> source happening because it's all open source happening because it's all open source you<00:01:23.390> don't<00:01:23.569> need<00:01:23.690> anybody's<00:01:24.200> permission<00:01:24.229> to you don't need anybody's permission to you don't need anybody's permission to create<00:01:25.369> something<00:01:25.729> great<00:01:26.090> and<00:01:26.740> that<00:01:27.740> space<00:01:28.160> is create something great and that space is create something great and that space is like<00:01:28.729> you<00:01:29.149> know<00:01:29.270> the<00:01:29.840> personal<00:01:30.289> computer<00:01:30.830> in like you know the personal computer in like you know the personal computer in 1976<00:01:32.360> like<00:01:32.539> the<00:01:32.690> apples<00:01:33.140> with<00:01:33.500> the<00:01:33.530> other 1976 like the apples with the other 1976 like the apples with the other companies<00:01:34.310> are<00:01:34.459> fighting<00:01:35.000> and<00:01:35.270> we<00:01:35.660> will<00:01:35.840> see companies are fighting and we will see companies are fighting and we will see in<00:01:36.140> a<00:01:36.200> few<00:01:36.229> years<00:01:36.649> there<00:01:36.950> would<00:01:37.039> be<00:01:37.069> the<00:01:37.280> apple in a few years there would be the apple in a few years there would be the apple of<00:01:37.789> this<00:01:38.000> kind<00:01:38.509> of<00:01:38.630> market<00:01:39.110> come<00:01:39.410> out<00:01:40.240> well of this kind of market come out well of this kind of market come out well there's<00:01:41.390> also<00:01:41.509> another<00:01:41.780> interesting<00:01:42.590> thing there's also another interesting thing there's also another interesting thing that<00:01:43.160> I<00:01:43.459> said<00:01:43.670> the<00:01:43.940> electronics<00:01:44.450> is that I said the electronics is that I said the electronics is open-source<00:01:44.959> because<00:01:45.530> at<00:01:45.649> the<00:01:45.770> heart<00:01:45.800> of<00:01:46.369> this open-source because at the heart of this open-source because at the heart of this printer<00:01:47.060> that<00:01:47.240> is<00:01:47.360> something<00:01:47.720> I<00:01:47.810> really printer that is something I really printer that is something I really attached<00:01:48.619> to<00:01:48.649> these<00:01:49.220> Arduino<00:01:49.819> board<00:01:50.179> so<00:01:50.479> the attached to these Arduino board so the attached to these Arduino board so the motherboard<00:01:51.289> the<00:01:51.470> sort<00:01:51.619> of<00:01:51.649> powers<00:01:52.099> this motherboard the sort of powers this motherboard the sort of powers this printer<00:01:52.849> is<00:01:53.179> the<00:01:53.569> project<00:01:54.020> I've<00:01:54.140> been<00:01:54.170> working printer is the project I've been working printer is the project I've been working on<00:01:54.860> for<00:01:55.130> the<00:01:55.610> past<00:01:55.640> seven<00:01:56.300> years<00:01:56.330> it's<00:01:56.840> an on for the past seven years it's an on for the past seven years it's an open-source<00:01:57.530> project<00:01:57.709> I<00:01:58.160> work<00:01:58.399> with<00:01:58.640> with open-source project I work with with open-source project I work with with these<00:01:59.330> friends<00:01:59.569> of<00:01:59.750> mine<00:01:59.989> that<00:02:00.289> I<00:02:00.530> have<00:02:00.619> here these friends of mine that I have here these friends of mine that I have here so<00:02:01.340> the<00:02:01.459> five<00:02:01.700> of<00:02:01.729> us<00:02:02.000> two<00:02:02.360> Americans<00:02:02.959> two so the five of us two Americans two so the five of us two Americans two Italians<00:02:03.619> and<00:02:03.800> a<00:02:04.340> Spaniard<00:02:04.910> with Italians and a Spaniard with Italians and a Spaniard with you<00:02:07.250> know<00:02:07.370> it's<00:02:08.000> a<00:02:08.150> worldwide<00:02:08.720> project<00:02:09.290> so<00:02:09.860> we you know it's a worldwide project so we you know it's a worldwide project so we came<00:02:10.160> together<00:02:10.430> in<00:02:11.330> this<00:02:11.600> design<00:02:12.110> Institute came together in this design Institute came together in this design Institute called<00:02:12.920> the<00:02:13.130> interaction<00:02:13.790> design<00:02:14.030> incitive called the interaction design incitive called the interaction design incitive rare<00:02:14.690> which<00:02:15.560> was<00:02:15.770> teaching<00:02:16.250> interaction rare which was teaching interaction rare which was teaching interaction design<00:02:17.480> this<00:02:17.660> idea<00:02:18.020> that<00:02:18.290> you<00:02:18.410> can<00:02:18.590> take design this idea that you can take design this idea that you can take design<00:02:19.220> from<00:02:19.730> the<00:02:19.910> simple<00:02:20.570> shape<00:02:20.900> of<00:02:21.140> an design from the simple shape of an design from the simple shape of an object<00:02:21.380> and<00:02:22.100> you<00:02:22.370> can<00:02:22.520> move<00:02:22.610> it<00:02:22.760> forward<00:02:23.000> to object and you can move it forward to object and you can move it forward to design<00:02:23.660> the<00:02:23.810> way<00:02:23.930> you<00:02:23.990> interact<00:02:24.590> with<00:02:24.680> things design the way you interact with things design the way you interact with things well<00:02:25.850> when<00:02:26.060> you<00:02:26.150> design<00:02:26.450> an<00:02:26.600> object<00:02:26.720> is well when you design an object is well when you design an object is supposed<00:02:27.380> to<00:02:27.470> interact<00:02:27.980> with<00:02:28.070> the<00:02:28.220> human supposed to interact with the human supposed to interact with the human being<00:02:28.730> if<00:02:29.000> you<00:02:29.120> make<00:02:29.300> a<00:02:29.330> full<00:02:29.690> model<00:02:29.990> of<00:02:30.380> a being if you make a full model of a being if you make a full model of a mobile<00:02:30.770> phone<00:02:30.920> it<00:02:31.430> doesn't<00:02:31.610> make<00:02:31.850> any<00:02:32.000> sense mobile phone it doesn't make any sense mobile phone it doesn't make any sense you<00:02:32.630> have<00:02:33.110> to<00:02:33.140> have<00:02:33.470> something<00:02:33.740> that<00:02:34.010> actually you have to have something that actually you have to have something that actually interacts<00:02:35.030> with<00:02:35.090> people<00:02:35.930> so<00:02:36.790> we<00:02:37.790> worked<00:02:38.600> on interacts with people so we worked on interacts with people so we worked on Arduino<00:02:39.590> not<00:02:39.830> a<00:02:39.860> lot<00:02:40.010> of<00:02:40.040> other<00:02:40.190> project<00:02:40.730> there Arduino not a lot of other project there Arduino not a lot of other project there to<00:02:41.390> create<00:02:41.780> platforms<00:02:42.140> that<00:02:42.560> would<00:02:42.710> be<00:02:42.830> simple to create platforms that would be simple to create platforms that would be simple for<00:02:43.820> our<00:02:43.940> students<00:02:44.600> to<00:02:44.750> use<00:02:44.990> so<00:02:45.680> that<00:02:45.800> our for our students to use so that our for our students to use so that our students<00:02:46.670> could<00:02:46.820> just<00:02:47.060> build<00:02:47.270> things<00:02:47.630> that students could just build things that students could just build things that worked<00:02:48.050> but<00:02:48.350> they<00:02:48.470> don't<00:02:48.680> have<00:02:48.920> five<00:02:49.250> years<00:02:49.610> to worked but they don't have five years to worked but they don't have five years to become<00:02:49.880> an<00:02:50.150> electronics<00:02:50.570> engineer<00:02:50.690> we<00:02:51.080> have become an electronics engineer we have become an electronics engineer we have one<00:02:51.380> month<00:02:51.620> so<00:02:52.310> how<00:02:52.520> do<00:02:52.580> I<00:02:52.760> make<00:02:52.940> something one month so how do I make something one month so how do I make something that<00:02:53.510> even<00:02:53.810> a<00:02:53.990> kid<00:02:54.260> can<00:02:54.290> use<00:02:54.770> and<00:02:55.070> actually that even a kid can use and actually that even a kid can use and actually with<00:02:56.270> Arduino<00:02:56.930> we<00:02:57.560> have<00:02:57.830> kids<00:02:58.160> like<00:02:58.400> Sylvia<00:02:58.940> do with Arduino we have kids like Sylvia do with Arduino we have kids like Sylvia do you<00:02:59.120> see<00:02:59.330> here<00:02:59.570> that<00:03:00.050> actually<00:03:00.230> makes you see here that actually makes you see here that actually makes projects<00:03:01.550> with<00:03:01.670> Arduino<00:03:01.940> I<00:03:02.150> have<00:03:02.270> 11<00:03:02.750> year<00:03:02.900> old projects with Arduino I have 11 year old projects with Arduino I have 11 year old kids<00:03:03.410> stop<00:03:03.890> me<00:03:04.130> and<00:03:04.280> show<00:03:04.520> me<00:03:04.550> like<00:03:04.820> stuff<00:03:05.090> they kids stop me and show me like stuff they kids stop me and show me like stuff they built<00:03:05.570> for<00:03:05.810> Arduino<00:03:06.230> that's<00:03:06.500> really<00:03:07.460> scary<00:03:07.850> to built for Arduino that's really scary to built for Arduino that's really scary to see<00:03:08.360> the<00:03:08.510> capabilities<00:03:09.260> that<00:03:09.290> kids<00:03:09.710> have<00:03:09.980> when see the capabilities that kids have when see the capabilities that kids have when you<00:03:10.280> give<00:03:10.490> them<00:03:10.670> the<00:03:11.300> tools<00:03:11.600> so<00:03:11.959> let's<00:03:12.860> look<00:03:13.190> at you give them the tools so let's look at you give them the tools so let's look at what<00:03:13.580> happens<00:03:13.940> when<00:03:14.060> you<00:03:14.150> make<00:03:14.300> a<00:03:14.360> tool<00:03:14.630> that what happens when you make a tool that what happens when you make a tool that anybody<00:03:15.110> can<00:03:15.230> just<00:03:15.410> pick<00:03:15.620> up<00:03:15.800> and<00:03:16.130> build anybody can just pick up and build anybody can just pick up and build something<00:03:16.760> quickly<00:03:17.090> so<00:03:17.540> one<00:03:17.750> of<00:03:17.840> the<00:03:17.930> examples something quickly so one of the examples something quickly so one of the examples that<00:03:18.440> I<00:03:18.590> like<00:03:18.830> to<00:03:19.010> sort<00:03:19.190> of<00:03:19.220> kick<00:03:19.430> off<00:03:19.640> this that I like to sort of kick off this that I like to sort of kick off this discussion<00:03:20.200> is<00:03:21.200> is<00:03:21.440> this<00:03:21.620> example<00:03:21.980> of<00:03:22.160> this discussion is is this example of this discussion is is this example of this cat<00:03:22.610> feeder<00:03:22.910> the<00:03:23.270> gentleman<00:03:24.170> who<00:03:24.230> made<00:03:24.380> this cat feeder the gentleman who made this cat feeder the gentleman who made this project<00:03:24.800> had<00:03:25.100> two<00:03:25.280> cats<00:03:25.520> one<00:03:25.820> was<00:03:26.120> sick<00:03:26.720> and project had two cats one was sick and project had two cats one was sick and the<00:03:27.050> other<00:03:27.170> one<00:03:27.320> was<00:03:27.560> healthy<00:03:28.489> so<00:03:29.090> he<00:03:29.209> had<00:03:29.300> to the other one was healthy so he had to the other one was healthy so he had to make<00:03:29.570> sure<00:03:29.600> they<00:03:29.930> ate<00:03:30.170> the<00:03:30.350> proper<00:03:30.680> food<00:03:30.860> so<00:03:31.100> he make sure they ate the proper food so he make sure they ate the proper food so he made<00:03:31.430> this<00:03:31.580> thing<00:03:31.790> that<00:03:32.060> recognizes<00:03:32.750> the<00:03:32.870> cat made this thing that recognizes the cat made this thing that recognizes the cat from<00:03:33.380> a<00:03:33.500> chip<00:03:33.970> mounted<00:03:34.970> insert<00:03:35.360> on<00:03:35.570> the<00:03:35.690> collar from a chip mounted insert on the collar from a chip mounted insert on the collar of<00:03:36.290> the<00:03:36.440> cat<00:03:36.680> and<00:03:36.950> opens<00:03:37.640> the<00:03:37.760> door<00:03:38.000> the<00:03:38.300> cat of the cat and opens the door the cat of the cat and opens the door the cat can<00:03:38.780> eat<00:03:38.930> the<00:03:39.080> food<00:03:39.290> this<00:03:39.890> is<00:03:40.040> made<00:03:40.250> by can eat the food this is made by can eat the food this is made by recycling<00:03:41.060> an<00:03:41.239> old<00:03:41.390> CD<00:03:41.660> player<00:03:42.020> that<00:03:42.500> you<00:03:42.560> can recycling an old CD player that you can recycling an old CD player that you can get<00:03:42.950> from<00:03:43.100> an<00:03:43.190> old<00:03:43.340> computer<00:03:43.670> some<00:03:44.030> cardboard get from an old computer some cardboard get from an old computer some cardboard tape<00:03:44.810> a<00:03:45.290> couple<00:03:45.890> of<00:03:45.980> sensors<00:03:46.340> a<00:03:46.400> few<00:03:46.730> blinking tape a couple of sensors a few blinking tape a couple of sensors a few blinking LEDs<00:03:47.450> and<00:03:47.720> then<00:03:48.200> suddenly<00:03:48.620> you<00:03:49.190> have<00:03:49.340> a<00:03:49.370> tool LEDs and then suddenly you have a tool LEDs and then suddenly you have a tool you<00:03:49.880> build<00:03:50.150> something<00:03:50.690> that<00:03:50.840> you<00:03:50.930> cannot<00:03:51.200> find you build something that you cannot find you build something that you cannot find on<00:03:51.769> the<00:03:51.890> market<00:03:52.340> and<00:03:52.519> you<00:03:53.150> know<00:03:53.239> I<00:03:53.300> like<00:03:53.510> these on the market and you know I like these on the market and you know I like these phrases<00:03:54.140> cracker<00:03:54.500> on<00:03:54.739> each<00:03:55.130> if<00:03:55.430> you<00:03:55.489> have<00:03:55.820> an phrases cracker on each if you have an phrases cracker on each if you have an idea<00:03:56.180> you<00:03:56.330> just<00:03:56.360> go<00:03:56.720> and<00:03:56.870> you<00:03:56.959> make<00:03:57.140> it<00:03:57.320> this<00:03:57.470> is idea you just go and you make it this is idea you just go and you make it this is the<00:03:57.800> equivalent<00:03:58.489> of<00:03:58.730> sketching<00:03:59.239> on<00:03:59.390> paper the equivalent of sketching on paper the equivalent of sketching on paper than<00:04:00.380> with<00:04:00.620> electronics<00:04:01.840> so<00:04:02.840> one<00:04:03.019> of<00:04:03.140> the than with electronics so one of the than with electronics so one of the features<00:04:03.590> that<00:04:03.620> I<00:04:03.860> think<00:04:03.950> it's<00:04:04.310> important features that I think it's important features that I think it's important about<00:04:05.030> our<00:04:05.269> work<00:04:05.720> is<00:04:05.989> that<00:04:06.170> our<00:04:07.010> Hardware<00:04:07.820> on about our work is that our Hardware on about our work is that our Hardware on top<00:04:08.630> of<00:04:08.750> being<00:04:08.930> made<00:04:09.680> with<00:04:09.950> love<00:04:10.190> in<00:04:10.550> Italy<00:04:10.700> as top of being made with love in Italy as top of being made with love in Italy as you<00:04:11.120> can<00:04:11.269> see<00:04:11.420> from<00:04:11.480> there<00:04:11.810> so<00:04:12.050> the<00:04:12.140> back<00:04:12.320> of you can see from there so the back of you can see from there so the back of the<00:04:12.650> circuit<00:04:13.070> is<00:04:13.760> that<00:04:14.019> it's<00:04:15.019> open<00:04:15.530> so<00:04:15.920> we the circuit is that it's open so we the circuit is that it's open so we publish<00:04:17.030> all<00:04:17.209> the<00:04:17.540> design<00:04:17.870> files<00:04:18.200> for<00:04:18.739> the publish all the design files for the publish all the design files for the circuit<00:04:19.310> online circuit online circuit online so<00:04:20.239> you<00:04:20.299> can<00:04:20.630> download<00:04:20.870> it<00:04:21.260> and<00:04:21.620> you<00:04:21.980> can so you can download it and you can so you can download it and you can actually<00:04:22.250> use<00:04:23.180> it<00:04:23.360> to<00:04:23.480> make<00:04:23.600> something<00:04:24.230> or<00:04:24.590> to actually use it to make something or to actually use it to make something or to modify<00:04:25.040> to<00:04:25.580> learn<00:04:25.820> you<00:04:26.360> know<00:04:26.449> when<00:04:26.690> I<00:04:26.720> was modify to learn you know when I was modify to learn you know when I was learning<00:04:27.169> about<00:04:27.380> programming<00:04:28.160> I<00:04:28.400> learned<00:04:28.699> by learning about programming I learned by learning about programming I learned by looking<00:04:29.000> at<00:04:29.240> other<00:04:29.360> people's<00:04:29.750> code<00:04:29.960> or looking at other people's code or looking at other people's code or looking<00:04:30.740> at<00:04:30.830> other<00:04:30.860> people's<00:04:31.280> circuits<00:04:31.760> on looking at other people's circuits on looking at other people's circuits on magazines<00:04:32.479> and<00:04:32.750> this<00:04:32.900> is<00:04:33.050> a<00:04:33.260> good<00:04:33.770> way<00:04:33.949> to magazines and this is a good way to magazines and this is a good way to learn<00:04:34.400> by<00:04:35.030> looking<00:04:35.270> at<00:04:35.570> other<00:04:35.690> people's<00:04:36.080> work learn by looking at other people's work learn by looking at other people's work so<00:04:37.460> the<00:04:37.850> different<00:04:38.180> elements<00:04:38.510> of<00:04:38.600> the<00:04:38.720> project so the different elements of the project so the different elements of the project are<00:04:39.290> all<00:04:39.440> open<00:04:39.620> so<00:04:40.040> the<00:04:40.160> hardware<00:04:40.550> is<00:04:40.760> released are all open so the hardware is released are all open so the hardware is released with<00:04:41.479> a<00:04:41.510> Creative<00:04:42.020> Commons<00:04:42.050> license with a Creative Commons license with a Creative Commons license so<00:04:43.669> you<00:04:44.360> know<00:04:44.479> I<00:04:44.510> like<00:04:44.810> this<00:04:44.960> idea<00:04:45.260> that so you know I like this idea that so you know I like this idea that hardware<00:04:45.830> becomes<00:04:46.160> like<00:04:46.310> a<00:04:46.340> piece<00:04:46.580> of<00:04:46.729> culture hardware becomes like a piece of culture hardware becomes like a piece of culture that<00:04:47.300> you<00:04:47.419> share<00:04:47.750> and<00:04:48.080> you<00:04:48.380> build<00:04:48.710> upon<00:04:48.919> like that you share and you build upon like that you share and you build upon like it<00:04:49.490> was<00:04:49.669> a<00:04:49.699> like<00:04:50.270> it<00:04:50.419> was<00:04:50.540> a<00:04:50.570> song<00:04:50.900> or<00:04:51.229> a<00:04:51.290> poem it was a like it was a song or a poem it was a like it was a song or a poem you<00:04:51.889> know<00:04:52.010> with<00:04:52.190> Creative<00:04:52.729> Commons<00:04:52.910> or<00:04:53.360> the you know with Creative Commons or the you know with Creative Commons or the software<00:04:54.410> is<00:04:54.560> GPL<00:04:55.160> so<00:04:55.430> it's<00:04:55.580> open<00:04:55.850> source<00:04:56.030> as software is GPL so it's open source as software is GPL so it's open source as well<00:04:56.419> the<00:04:56.750> documentation<00:04:57.380> and<00:04:57.530> the<00:04:57.610> hands-on well the documentation and the hands-on well the documentation and the hands-on teaching<00:04:59.330> methodology<00:05:00.020> is<00:05:00.229> also<00:05:00.740> open<00:05:01.520> source teaching methodology is also open source teaching methodology is also open source and<00:05:01.970> released<00:05:02.240> as<00:05:02.450> the<00:05:02.570> Creative<00:05:02.960> Commons and released as the Creative Commons and released as the Creative Commons just<00:05:03.620> the<00:05:03.710> name<00:05:03.919> is<00:05:04.280> protected<00:05:04.940> so<00:05:05.330> that<00:05:05.479> we just the name is protected so that we just the name is protected so that we can<00:05:05.810> make<00:05:05.990> sure<00:05:06.020> that<00:05:06.169> we<00:05:06.680> can<00:05:06.860> tell<00:05:07.070> people can make sure that we can tell people can make sure that we can tell people what<00:05:07.580> is<00:05:07.669> our<00:05:07.850> doing<00:05:08.000> and<00:05:08.300> what<00:05:08.479> isn't<00:05:09.490> an what is our doing and what isn't an what is our doing and what isn't an Arduino<00:05:10.910> itself<00:05:11.210> is<00:05:11.389> made<00:05:11.600> of<00:05:11.780> a<00:05:11.870> lot<00:05:12.050> of Arduino itself is made of a lot of Arduino itself is made of a lot of different<00:05:12.789> open-source<00:05:13.789> components<00:05:14.000> that different open-source components that different open-source components that may<00:05:14.720> be<00:05:14.780> individually<00:05:15.620> are<00:05:15.830> hard<00:05:16.220> to<00:05:16.430> use<00:05:16.669> for may be individually are hard to use for may be individually are hard to use for like<00:05:17.030> a<00:05:17.150> twelve-year-old<00:05:17.660> kid<00:05:17.870> but<00:05:18.710> so like a twelve-year-old kid but so like a twelve-year-old kid but so Arduino<00:05:19.280> grabs<00:05:19.880> everything<00:05:20.330> together<00:05:20.479> into<00:05:20.810> a Arduino grabs everything together into a Arduino grabs everything together into a mash-up<00:05:21.470> of<00:05:21.710> open-source<00:05:22.160> technologies mash-up of open-source technologies mash-up of open-source technologies where<00:05:23.780> we<00:05:23.810> try<00:05:24.169> to<00:05:24.229> give<00:05:24.590> them<00:05:24.800> the<00:05:25.100> best<00:05:25.280> user where we try to give them the best user where we try to give them the best user experience<00:05:25.760> to<00:05:26.419> get<00:05:26.539> something<00:05:26.990> done<00:05:27.139> quickly experience to get something done quickly experience to get something done quickly so<00:05:28.940> you<00:05:29.030> have<00:05:29.150> situations<00:05:29.720> like<00:05:29.960> this<00:05:30.260> where so you have situations like this where so you have situations like this where some<00:05:31.490> people<00:05:31.729> in<00:05:31.850> Chile<00:05:32.060> decided<00:05:32.630> to<00:05:32.750> make some people in Chile decided to make some people in Chile decided to make their<00:05:33.470> own<00:05:33.500> boards<00:05:34.130> instead<00:05:34.520> of<00:05:34.610> buying<00:05:34.850> them their own boards instead of buying them their own boards instead of buying them to<00:05:35.720> organize<00:05:36.320> a<00:05:36.349> workshop<00:05:36.919> and<00:05:37.160> to<00:05:37.220> save<00:05:37.729> money to organize a workshop and to save money to organize a workshop and to save money or<00:05:39.130> there<00:05:40.130> are<00:05:40.250> companies<00:05:40.669> that<00:05:40.789> make<00:05:41.030> their or there are companies that make their or there are companies that make their own<00:05:41.479> variations<00:05:42.380> of<00:05:42.500> Arduino<00:05:42.950> that<00:05:43.070> fit<00:05:43.520> in<00:05:43.760> a own variations of Arduino that fit in a own variations of Arduino that fit in a certain<00:05:44.270> market<00:05:44.750> and<00:05:44.990> that's<00:05:45.380> probably<00:05:45.590> of certain market and that's probably of certain market and that's probably of maybe<00:05:46.940> like<00:05:47.150> a<00:05:47.180> hundred<00:05:47.570> and<00:05:47.690> fifty<00:05:48.050> or<00:05:48.080> ten<00:05:48.289> or maybe like a hundred and fifty or ten or maybe like a hundred and fifty or ten or something<00:05:48.680> at<00:05:48.950> the<00:05:49.039> moment<00:05:49.160> this<00:05:49.970> one<00:05:50.180> is<00:05:50.330> made something at the moment this one is made something at the moment this one is made by<00:05:50.960> a<00:05:51.590> company<00:05:51.830> called<00:05:52.010> Adafruit<00:05:52.669> which<00:05:53.060> is by a company called Adafruit which is by a company called Adafruit which is run<00:05:53.630> by<00:05:53.660> this<00:05:53.900> woman<00:05:54.710> called<00:05:55.039> the<00:05:55.580> morph<00:05:55.789> Reed run by this woman called the morph Reed run by this woman called the morph Reed also<00:05:56.750> known<00:05:56.870> as<00:05:56.990> lady<00:05:57.229> arrow<00:05:57.440> is<00:05:57.740> one<00:05:57.950> of<00:05:58.039> the also known as lady arrow is one of the also known as lady arrow is one of the heroes<00:05:58.580> of<00:05:58.610> the<00:05:58.900> open-source<00:05:59.900> Arbor<00:06:00.380> movement heroes of the open-source Arbor movement heroes of the open-source Arbor movement and<00:06:01.130> the<00:06:01.220> maker<00:06:01.490> movement<00:06:02.050> so<00:06:03.050> this<00:06:03.200> idea<00:06:03.320> that and the maker movement so this idea that and the maker movement so this idea that you<00:06:03.680> have<00:06:03.770> a<00:06:03.830> new<00:06:04.130> sort<00:06:04.880> of<00:06:04.940> turbocharged<00:06:06.340> DIY you have a new sort of turbocharged DIY you have a new sort of turbocharged DIY community<00:06:08.000> that<00:06:08.180> believes<00:06:08.510> in<00:06:08.690> open-source community that believes in open-source community that believes in open-source in<00:06:09.560> collaboration<00:06:10.479> collaborates<00:06:11.479> online in collaboration collaborates online in collaboration collaborates online collaborates<00:06:12.530> in<00:06:12.650> different<00:06:12.950> spaces<00:06:13.270> that<00:06:14.270> is collaborates in different spaces that is collaborates in different spaces that is this<00:06:14.570> magazine<00:06:15.110> called<00:06:15.500> make<00:06:15.800> the<00:06:16.070> sort<00:06:16.250> of this magazine called make the sort of this magazine called make the sort of gathered<00:06:17.210> all<00:06:17.330> these<00:06:17.570> people<00:06:18.080> and<00:06:18.200> sort<00:06:18.410> of gathered all these people and sort of gathered all these people and sort of put<00:06:18.680> them<00:06:18.800> together<00:06:18.919> as<00:06:19.190> a<00:06:19.220> community<00:06:19.520> and<00:06:20.450> you put them together as a community and you put them together as a community and you see<00:06:20.720> like<00:06:21.139> very<00:06:21.590> technical<00:06:22.250> project see like very technical project see like very technical project explained<00:06:23.419> in<00:06:23.599> a<00:06:23.690> very<00:06:23.720> simple<00:06:24.260> language explained in a very simple language explained in a very simple language beautifully<00:06:25.160> typeset<00:06:25.729> or<00:06:26.270> you<00:06:26.720> have<00:06:26.870> websites beautifully typeset or you have websites beautifully typeset or you have websites like<00:06:27.860> this<00:06:28.039> one<00:06:28.340> like<00:06:28.700> Instructables<00:06:29.659> where like this one like Instructables where like this one like Instructables where people<00:06:30.650> actually<00:06:30.919> teach<00:06:31.310> each<00:06:31.460> other<00:06:31.610> about people actually teach each other about people actually teach each other about anything<00:06:32.360> so<00:06:32.690> this<00:06:32.870> one<00:06:33.110> is anything so this one is anything so this one is about<00:06:33.979> Arduino<00:06:34.490> projects<00:06:35.000> the<00:06:35.120> page<00:06:35.330> you<00:06:35.509> see about Arduino projects the page you see about Arduino projects the page you see on<00:06:35.750> the<00:06:35.840> screen<00:06:35.900> but<00:06:36.139> effectively<00:06:37.009> here<00:06:37.220> you on the screen but effectively here you on the screen but effectively here you can<00:06:37.430> learn<00:06:37.550> how<00:06:37.669> to<00:06:37.699> make<00:06:37.970> a<00:06:38.000> cake<00:06:38.330> and can learn how to make a cake and can learn how to make a cake and everything<00:06:39.800> so<00:06:40.599> let's<00:06:41.599> look<00:06:41.780> at<00:06:41.930> some<00:06:42.080> project everything so let's look at some project everything so let's look at some project so<00:06:42.919> this<00:06:43.069> one<00:06:43.310> is<00:06:43.520> a<00:06:43.580> quadcopter<00:06:44.000> it's<00:06:44.659> a<00:06:44.840> small so this one is a quadcopter it's a small so this one is a quadcopter it's a small model<00:06:45.650> helicopter<00:06:46.240> anyway<00:06:47.240> it's<00:06:47.449> a<00:06:47.539> toy<00:06:47.750> now model helicopter anyway it's a toy now model helicopter anyway it's a toy now and<00:06:48.680> so<00:06:49.490> this<00:06:49.669> one<00:06:49.849> was<00:06:50.030> military<00:06:50.509> technology and so this one was military technology and so this one was military technology a<00:06:51.050> few<00:06:51.259> years<00:06:51.409> ago<00:06:51.470> and<00:06:51.710> now<00:06:51.800> it's<00:06:51.979> open-source a few years ago and now it's open-source a few years ago and now it's open-source easy<00:06:52.909> to<00:06:53.180> use<00:06:53.389> you<00:06:53.599> can<00:06:53.750> buy<00:06:53.900> it<00:06:53.960> online easy to use you can buy it online easy to use you can buy it online DIY<00:06:55.280> drones<00:06:55.759> is<00:06:55.909> the<00:06:56.030> community<00:06:56.479> that<00:06:56.509> you<00:06:56.690> do DIY drones is the community that you do DIY drones is the community that you do this<00:06:56.900> new<00:06:57.050> thing<00:06:57.080> called<00:06:57.349> r2<00:06:57.860> copter<00:06:58.250> but<00:06:58.460> then this new thing called r2 copter but then this new thing called r2 copter but then somebody<00:07:00.319> actually<00:07:01.129> launched<00:07:01.460> a<00:07:01.550> startup somebody actually launched a startup somebody actually launched a startup called<00:07:02.300> mater<00:07:02.629> light<00:07:02.990> when<00:07:03.169> they<00:07:03.289> figured<00:07:03.620> out called mater light when they figured out called mater light when they figured out that<00:07:03.770> you<00:07:03.949> could<00:07:04.099> use<00:07:04.310> these<00:07:04.580> to<00:07:04.909> actually that you could use these to actually that you could use these to actually transport<00:07:06.199> things<00:07:06.919> from<00:07:07.310> one<00:07:07.490> village<00:07:07.729> to transport things from one village to transport things from one village to another<00:07:08.150> in<00:07:08.509> Africa<00:07:08.960> and<00:07:09.110> the<00:07:09.500> fact<00:07:09.710> that<00:07:09.800> this another in Africa and the fact that this another in Africa and the fact that this was<00:07:10.129> easy<00:07:10.370> to<00:07:10.460> find<00:07:10.729> open-source<00:07:11.509> easy<00:07:11.750> to was easy to find open-source easy to was easy to find open-source easy to hack<00:07:12.199> enable<00:07:13.099> them<00:07:13.310> to<00:07:13.340> prototype<00:07:13.849> their hack enable them to prototype their hack enable them to prototype their company<00:07:14.629> really<00:07:14.870> quickly<00:07:15.169> or<00:07:15.409> other<00:07:16.310> projects company really quickly or other projects company really quickly or other projects I'm<00:07:17.240> getting<00:07:17.599> a<00:07:17.659> little<00:07:17.780> sick<00:07:18.110> of<00:07:18.349> hearing I'm getting a little sick of hearing I'm getting a little sick of hearing about<00:07:18.680> the<00:07:18.949> same<00:07:19.219> people<00:07:19.610> on<00:07:19.759> TV<00:07:20.030> over<00:07:21.020> and about the same people on TV over and about the same people on TV over and over<00:07:21.680> and<00:07:21.830> over<00:07:22.190> again<00:07:22.310> so<00:07:22.819> I<00:07:22.849> decided<00:07:23.270> to<00:07:23.389> do over and over again so I decided to do over and over again so I decided to do something<00:07:23.840> about<00:07:24.050> it<00:07:24.349> this<00:07:25.159> Arduino<00:07:25.580> project something about it this Arduino project something about it this Arduino project which<00:07:26.419> I<00:07:26.539> called<00:07:26.780> the<00:07:26.960> enough<00:07:27.259> already<00:07:27.620> will which I called the enough already will which I called the enough already will mute<00:07:28.190> the<00:07:28.370> TV<00:07:28.580> anytime<00:07:29.360> any<00:07:29.780> of<00:07:29.930> these mute the TV anytime any of these mute the TV anytime any of these overexposed<00:07:31.159> personalities<00:07:32.030> is<00:07:32.180> mentioned overexposed personalities is mentioned overexposed personalities is mentioned I'll<00:07:33.229> show<00:07:33.409> you<00:07:33.469> how<00:07:33.680> I<00:07:33.710> make

our<00:07:39.140> producers<00:07:39.680> caught<00:07:39.920> up<00:07:40.040> with<00:07:40.160> Kim
our producers caught up with Kim our producers caught up with Kim Kardashian<00:07:40.520> earlier<00:07:41.330> today<00:07:41.630> to<00:07:41.690> find<00:07:42.110> out Kardashian earlier today to find out Kardashian earlier today to find out what<00:07:42.470> she<00:07:42.650> was<00:07:42.800> planning<00:07:43.010> on<00:07:43.250> wearing<00:07:43.460> -<00:07:44.410> it what she was planning on wearing - it what she was planning on wearing - it should<00:07:45.680> do<00:07:45.830> a<00:07:45.860> pretty<00:07:46.160> good<00:07:46.340> job<00:07:46.550> of should do a pretty good job of should do a pretty good job of protecting<00:07:47.120> our<00:07:47.390> ears<00:07:47.600> from<00:07:47.810> having<00:07:48.110> to<00:07:48.260> hear protecting our ears from having to hear protecting our ears from having to hear about<00:07:48.530> the<00:07:48.830> details<00:07:49.220> of<00:07:49.490> Kim<00:07:49.910> Kardashian's about the details of Kim Kardashian's about the details of Kim Kardashian's wedding<00:07:50.600> okay wedding okay wedding okay so<00:07:52.490> you<00:07:53.090> know<00:07:53.210> again<00:07:53.930> what<00:07:54.710> do<00:07:54.770> you<00:07:54.830> think<00:07:55.040> this so you know again what do you think this so you know again what do you think this thing<00:07:55.310> here<00:07:55.520> is<00:07:55.670> that<00:07:55.880> Matt<00:07:56.360> found<00:07:56.930> this thing here is that Matt found this thing here is that Matt found this module<00:07:58.190> that<00:07:58.460> lets<00:07:58.520> Arduino<00:07:59.330> process<00:08:00.050> ttv module that lets Arduino process ttv module that lets Arduino process ttv signals<00:08:01.070> he<00:08:01.430> found<00:08:01.730> some<00:08:01.940> code<00:08:02.180> written<00:08:02.480> by signals he found some code written by signals he found some code written by somebody<00:08:02.780> else<00:08:03.080> that<00:08:03.290> generates<00:08:03.740> infrared somebody else that generates infrared somebody else that generates infrared signals<00:08:04.700> for<00:08:04.850> the<00:08:04.880> TV<00:08:05.120> put<00:08:05.660> it<00:08:05.720> together<00:08:05.840> and signals for the TV put it together and signals for the TV put it together and created<00:08:06.620> this<00:08:06.740> great<00:08:07.100> project<00:08:07.430> it's<00:08:08.420> also created this great project it's also created this great project it's also used<00:08:08.900> other<00:08:09.380> windows<00:08:09.680> using<00:08:09.980> serious<00:08:10.400> places used other windows using serious places used other windows using serious places like<00:08:11.000> you<00:08:11.120> know<00:08:11.240> the<00:08:11.390> Large<00:08:11.600> Hadron<00:08:11.870> Collider like you know the Large Hadron Collider like you know the Large Hadron Collider there's<00:08:12.920> some<00:08:13.190> Arduino<00:08:13.670> boards<00:08:14.000> collecting there's some Arduino boards collecting there's some Arduino boards collecting data<00:08:14.750> and<00:08:15.170> sort<00:08:15.380> of<00:08:15.500> measure<00:08:15.830> some<00:08:16.280> parameters data and sort of measure some parameters data and sort of measure some parameters or<00:08:17.690> it's<00:08:17.870> used<00:08:18.020> for

so<00:08:30.500> this<00:08:30.650> is<00:08:30.740> a<00:08:30.770> musical<00:08:31.220> interface<00:08:32.150> built<00:08:32.660> by
so this is a musical interface built by so this is a musical interface built by a<00:08:33.110> student<00:08:33.770> from<00:08:34.130> Italy<00:08:34.340> and<00:08:35.300> and<00:08:35.810> is<00:08:35.930> now a student from Italy and and is now a student from Italy and and is now turning<00:08:36.470> this<00:08:36.560> into<00:08:36.740> a<00:08:36.830> product<00:08:37.070> because<00:08:37.669> it turning this into a product because it turning this into a product because it was<00:08:38.150> a<00:08:38.180> it<00:08:38.479> was<00:08:38.539> a<00:08:38.660> student<00:08:38.930> project<00:08:39.169> becoming was a it was a student project becoming was a it was a student project becoming a<00:08:39.830> brother<00:08:40.010> or<00:08:40.370> it<00:08:41.330> can<00:08:41.510> be<00:08:41.570> used<00:08:41.720> to<00:08:41.780> make a brother or it can be used to make a brother or it can be used to make assistive<00:08:42.380> device<00:08:42.650> this<00:08:42.830> is<00:08:42.890> a<00:08:42.979> glove<00:08:43.370> that assistive device this is a glove that assistive device this is a glove that understands<00:08:44.630> the<00:08:44.750> sign<00:08:45.020> language<00:08:45.230> and understands the sign language and understands the sign language and transforms<00:08:46.640> the<00:08:46.820> gestures<00:08:47.240> that<00:08:47.270> you<00:08:47.420> make transforms the gestures that you make transforms the gestures that you make into<00:08:47.810> sounds<00:08:48.470> and<00:08:48.620> in<00:08:49.190> write<00:08:49.520> the<00:08:49.790> words<00:08:50.000> that into sounds and in write the words that into sounds and in write the words that you're<00:08:50.390> signing<00:08:50.750> on<00:08:50.840> a<00:08:50.870> display<00:08:51.200> and<00:08:51.770> again you're signing on a display and again you're signing on a display and again this<00:08:52.190> is<00:08:52.310> made<00:08:52.490> of<00:08:52.640> all<00:08:52.760> different<00:08:53.180> parts<00:08:53.390> you this is made of all different parts you this is made of all different parts you can<00:08:53.780> find<00:08:54.020> on<00:08:54.170> all<00:08:54.290> the<00:08:54.470> website<00:08:55.160> they<00:08:55.280> sell can find on all the website they sell can find on all the website they sell arduino<00:08:56.030> compatible<00:08:56.180> parts<00:08:56.960> and<00:08:57.080> you arduino compatible parts and you arduino compatible parts and you assemble<00:08:57.560> it<00:08:57.620> into<00:08:57.920> a<00:08:57.950> project<00:08:58.760> or<00:08:59.120> this<00:08:59.780> is<00:08:59.900> a assemble it into a project or this is a assemble it into a project or this is a project<00:09:00.110> from<00:09:00.320> the<00:09:00.500> ITP<00:09:00.890> part<00:09:01.340> of<00:09:01.520> NYU<00:09:02.060> where project from the ITP part of NYU where project from the ITP part of NYU where they<00:09:02.420> met<00:09:03.080> with<00:09:03.290> this<00:09:03.440> boy<00:09:03.710> with<00:09:04.010> severe they met with this boy with severe they met with this boy with severe disability<00:09:05.030> can<00:09:05.240> not<00:09:05.420> play<00:09:05.720> with<00:09:06.020> the<00:09:06.140> ps3<00:09:06.470> so disability can not play with the ps3 so disability can not play with the ps3 so they<00:09:07.040> built<00:09:07.370> this<00:09:07.610> device<00:09:07.970> that<00:09:08.360> allows<00:09:09.050> the they built this device that allows the they built this device that allows the kids<00:09:09.500> to<00:09:09.680> play<00:09:10.040> baseball<00:09:10.790> although<00:09:11.600> it<00:09:11.840> has kids to play baseball although it has kids to play baseball although it has limited<00:09:13.070> movement<00:09:13.610> capability<00:09:14.380> or<00:09:15.380> you<00:09:15.650> can limited movement capability or you can limited movement capability or you can find<00:09:16.100> it<00:09:16.250> in<00:09:16.430> art<00:09:16.850> projects<00:09:17.660> so<00:09:17.750> this<00:09:17.870> is<00:09:18.050> a<00:09:18.080> the find it in art projects so this is a the find it in art projects so this is a the txt<00:09:19.010> Bombur<00:09:19.520> so<00:09:19.910> you<00:09:19.970> put<00:09:20.240> a<00:09:20.270> message<00:09:20.660> into txt Bombur so you put a message into txt Bombur so you put a message into this<00:09:21.050> device<00:09:21.440> and<00:09:21.800> then<00:09:21.890> you<00:09:22.010> roll<00:09:22.250> it<00:09:22.400> on<00:09:22.640> the this device and then you roll it on the this device and then you roll it on the wall<00:09:22.970> and<00:09:23.360> he<00:09:24.080> basically<00:09:24.290> has<00:09:24.770> all<00:09:25.250> these wall and he basically has all these wall and he basically has all these solenoids<00:09:26.270> pressing<00:09:26.900> the<00:09:27.020> buttons<00:09:27.380> on<00:09:27.530> sprite solenoids pressing the buttons on sprite solenoids pressing the buttons on sprite cams<00:09:28.130> so<00:09:28.730> you<00:09:28.820> just<00:09:28.970> pull<00:09:29.360> it<00:09:29.510> over<00:09:29.690> a<00:09:29.870> wall<00:09:30.140> and cams so you just pull it over a wall and cams so you just pull it over a wall and it<00:09:30.410> just<00:09:30.440> rides<00:09:30.890> on<00:09:31.250> the<00:09:31.370> wall<00:09:31.580> all<00:09:31.880> the it just rides on the wall all the it just rides on the wall all the political<00:09:32.330> messages<00:09:36.490> then<00:09:37.490> we<00:09:37.580> have<00:09:37.730> this political messages then we have this political messages then we have this plant<00:09:38.330> here<00:09:38.720> this<00:09:39.650> is<00:09:39.800> called<00:09:39.980> botanicals plant here this is called botanicals plant here this is called botanicals because<00:09:41.240> this<00:09:41.450> is<00:09:41.600> a<00:09:41.630> as<00:09:42.140> an<00:09:42.290> Arduino<00:09:42.680> ball because this is a as an Arduino ball because this is a as an Arduino ball with<00:09:43.100> a<00:09:43.130> Wi-Fi<00:09:43.550> module<00:09:43.940> in<00:09:44.690> the<00:09:44.870> planter<00:09:45.380> and with a Wi-Fi module in the planter and with a Wi-Fi module in the planter and it's<00:09:46.040> measuring<00:09:46.460> the<00:09:46.550> well-being<00:09:46.970> of<00:09:47.180> the it's measuring the well-being of the it's measuring the well-being of the plant<00:09:47.600> that<00:09:47.780> is<00:09:47.900> creating<00:09:48.350> a<00:09:48.440> twitter<00:09:48.740> account plant that is creating a twitter account plant that is creating a twitter account where<00:09:49.820> you<00:09:49.850> can<00:09:49.940> actually<00:09:50.350> interact<00:09:51.350> with<00:09:51.800> the where you can actually interact with the where you can actually interact with the plant<00:09:52.360> so<00:09:53.360> you<00:09:54.170> know<00:09:54.290> it<00:09:54.530> this<00:09:55.010> plant<00:09:55.370> will plant so you know it this plant will plant so you know it this plant will start<00:09:55.820> to<00:09:55.910> say<00:09:56.060> this<00:09:56.240> is<00:09:56.420> really<00:09:56.690> hot<00:09:57.020> or<00:09:57.350> like start to say this is really hot or like start to say this is really hot or like there's<00:09:57.860> a<00:09:57.980> lot<00:09:58.220> of<00:09:58.400> you<00:09:58.760> know<00:09:58.880> that<00:09:59.240> I<00:09:59.420> need there's a lot of you know that I need there's a lot of you know that I need water<00:10:00.260> right<00:10:00.620> now<00:10:00.910> so<00:10:01.910> it<00:10:02.000> just<00:10:02.180> gives<00:10:02.360> a water right now so it just gives a water right now so it just gives a personality<00:10:03.020> to<00:10:03.470> your<00:10:03.500> to<00:10:03.980> your<00:10:04.010> plant<00:10:04.430> or personality to your to your plant or personality to your to your plant or this<00:10:06.170> is<00:10:06.350> something<00:10:06.740> that<00:10:06.770> Twitter's<00:10:07.340> when this is something that Twitter's when this is something that Twitter's when when<00:10:07.880> when<00:10:08.150> the<00:10:08.240> baby<00:10:08.480> inside<00:10:09.260> the<00:10:09.350> belly<00:10:09.560> of<00:10:09.710> a when when the baby inside the belly of a when when the baby inside the belly of a pregnant<00:10:10.040> woman<00:10:10.700> kicks<00:10:11.000> or<00:10:11.840> this<00:10:12.740> is<00:10:12.890> a<00:10:12.920> 14 pregnant woman kicks or this is a 14 pregnant woman kicks or this is a 14 year<00:10:13.550> old<00:10:13.700> kid<00:10:13.760> in<00:10:14.150> Chile<00:10:14.540> who<00:10:14.960> made<00:10:15.140> a<00:10:15.170> system year old kid in Chile who made a system year old kid in Chile who made a system that<00:10:15.860> detects<00:10:16.280> earthquakes<00:10:17.180> and<00:10:17.390> publishes that detects earthquakes and publishes that detects earthquakes and publishes up<00:10:18.020> on<00:10:18.350> Twitter<00:10:18.620> he<00:10:19.190> has<00:10:19.630> 280,000<00:10:20.630> followers up on Twitter he has 280,000 followers up on Twitter he has 280,000 followers is<00:10:21.830> 14<00:10:22.430> and<00:10:22.760> he<00:10:22.970> anticipated<00:10:23.630> a<00:10:23.690> governmental is 14 and he anticipated a governmental is 14 and he anticipated a governmental project<00:10:24.680> by<00:10:24.800> one<00:10:25.130> year project by one year project by one year or<00:10:28.670> again<00:10:29.670> another<00:10:29.970> project<00:10:30.240> where<00:10:30.600> by or again another project where by or again another project where by analyzing<00:10:31.650> the<00:10:31.740> Twitter<00:10:31.980> feed<00:10:32.310> of<00:10:32.340> a<00:10:32.520> family analyzing the Twitter feed of a family analyzing the Twitter feed of a family you<00:10:33.120> can<00:10:33.300> basically<00:10:33.720> point<00:10:34.140> where<00:10:34.350> they<00:10:34.500> are you can basically point where they are you can basically point where they are like<00:10:34.980> in<00:10:35.160> the<00:10:35.250> Harry<00:10:35.580> Potter<00:10:35.880> movie<00:10:36.300> so<00:10:36.990> you like in the Harry Potter movie so you like in the Harry Potter movie so you can<00:10:37.260> find<00:10:37.530> out<00:10:37.710> everything<00:10:38.070> about<00:10:38.460> this can find out everything about this can find out everything about this project<00:10:38.850> on<00:10:39.150> on<00:10:39.330> the<00:10:39.420> website<00:10:39.840> or<00:10:40.530> somebody project on on the website or somebody project on on the website or somebody made<00:10:41.100> the<00:10:41.250> chair<00:10:41.490> that<00:10:41.820> Twitter's<00:10:42.480> when made the chair that Twitter's when made the chair that Twitter's when somebody<00:10:42.990> farts<00:10:44.090> it's<00:10:45.090> interesting<00:10:45.420> how<00:10:45.810> in somebody farts it's interesting how in somebody farts it's interesting how in 2009<00:10:47.840> geez<00:10:48.840> model<00:10:49.200> basically<00:10:49.890> the<00:10:50.070> fight<00:10:50.280> said 2009 geez model basically the fight said 2009 geez model basically the fight said that<00:10:50.670> this<00:10:50.760> project<00:10:51.210> actually<00:10:51.390> gives<00:10:51.780> a that this project actually gives a that this project actually gives a meaning<00:10:52.140> to<00:10:52.500> Twitter<00:10:52.770> so<00:10:53.220> it<00:10:53.340> was<00:10:53.460> a<00:10:53.700> lot meaning to Twitter so it was a lot meaning to Twitter so it was a lot changing<00:10:54.810> in<00:10:55.140> between<00:10:55.760> it's<00:10:56.760> a<00:10:56.820> very<00:10:57.030> serious changing in between it's a very serious changing in between it's a very serious project<00:10:58.080> when<00:10:58.230> the<00:10:58.260> Fukushima<00:10:58.890> disaster project when the Fukushima disaster project when the Fukushima disaster happened<00:10:59.820> a<00:11:00.000> bunch<00:11:00.540> of<00:11:00.720> people<00:11:00.990> in<00:11:01.080> Japan<00:11:01.350> they happened a bunch of people in Japan they happened a bunch of people in Japan they realized<00:11:01.920> that<00:11:02.100> the<00:11:02.190> informations<00:11:02.700> the realized that the informations the realized that the informations the government<00:11:03.270> was<00:11:03.420> giving<00:11:03.750> wasn't<00:11:04.110> really<00:11:04.560> sort government was giving wasn't really sort government was giving wasn't really sort of<00:11:04.860> open<00:11:05.310> and<00:11:05.550> really<00:11:05.910> reliable<00:11:06.180> so<00:11:06.630> they of open and really reliable so they of open and really reliable so they built<00:11:07.020> this<00:11:07.200> Geiger<00:11:07.860> counter<00:11:08.460> plus<00:11:08.790> Arduino built this Geiger counter plus Arduino built this Geiger counter plus Arduino plus<00:11:09.720> network<00:11:10.200> interface<00:11:10.770> they<00:11:11.340> made<00:11:11.610> 100<00:11:12.060> of plus network interface they made 100 of plus network interface they made 100 of them<00:11:12.360> and<00:11:12.570> gave<00:11:12.780> them<00:11:12.810> to<00:11:13.140> people<00:11:13.170> around them and gave them to people around them and gave them to people around Japan<00:11:14.520> and<00:11:15.060> essentially<00:11:15.540> the<00:11:15.660> data<00:11:15.810> that<00:11:16.050> they Japan and essentially the data that they Japan and essentially the data that they gather<00:11:16.440> gets<00:11:16.800> published<00:11:17.190> on<00:11:17.400> this<00:11:17.550> website gather gets published on this website gather gets published on this website called<00:11:18.120> Qasim<00:11:18.690> and<00:11:18.900> other<00:11:19.110> website<00:11:19.590> they called Qasim and other website they called Qasim and other website they built<00:11:20.070> so<00:11:20.790> you<00:11:20.820> can<00:11:21.060> actually<00:11:21.180> get<00:11:21.420> reliable built so you can actually get reliable built so you can actually get reliable real-time<00:11:23.190> information<00:11:23.520> from<00:11:24.420> the<00:11:24.630> field<00:11:24.870> and real-time information from the field and real-time information from the field and you<00:11:25.200> can<00:11:25.350> get<00:11:25.560> unbiased<00:11:26.520> information<00:11:26.990> or<00:11:27.990> this you can get unbiased information or this you can get unbiased information or this machine<00:11:29.400> here<00:11:29.790> is<00:11:30.200> from<00:11:31.200> the<00:11:31.320> DIY<00:11:31.680> bio machine here is from the DIY bio machine here is from the DIY bio movement<00:11:32.460> and<00:11:33.360> it's<00:11:33.510> one<00:11:33.720> of<00:11:33.810> the<00:11:33.930> steps<00:11:34.140> that movement and it's one of the steps that movement and it's one of the steps that you<00:11:34.440> need<00:11:34.470> in<00:11:34.740> order<00:11:34.860> to<00:11:34.980> process<00:11:35.310> DNA<00:11:35.790> and you need in order to process DNA and you need in order to process DNA and again<00:11:36.180> it's<00:11:36.330> completely<00:11:36.540> open-source<00:11:37.230> from again it's completely open-source from again it's completely open-source from the<00:11:37.770> ground<00:11:38.010> up<00:11:38.310> or<00:11:38.840> you<00:11:39.840> have<00:11:39.990> students<00:11:40.500> in the ground up or you have students in the ground up or you have students in developing<00:11:41.190> countries<00:11:41.610> making<00:11:42.590> replicas<00:11:43.590> of developing countries making replicas of developing countries making replicas of scientific<00:11:44.430> instruments<00:11:44.640> that<00:11:45.120> cost<00:11:45.360> a<00:11:45.480> lot scientific instruments that cost a lot scientific instruments that cost a lot of<00:11:45.690> money<00:11:45.900> to<00:11:46.110> make<00:11:46.340> actually<00:11:47.340> they<00:11:47.580> just of money to make actually they just of money to make actually they just build<00:11:48.330> them<00:11:48.510> themselves<00:11:48.660> for<00:11:49.260> a<00:11:49.290> lot<00:11:49.470> less build them themselves for a lot less build them themselves for a lot less using<00:11:50.100> Arduino<00:11:50.550> in<00:11:50.700> a<00:11:50.760> few<00:11:50.940> parts<00:11:51.120> this<00:11:51.390> is<00:11:51.540> a using Arduino in a few parts this is a using Arduino in a few parts this is a ph<00:11:51.960> probe<00:11:52.760> or<00:11:53.760> you<00:11:53.940> get<00:11:54.120> kids<00:11:54.420> like<00:11:54.690> these<00:11:54.870> kids ph probe or you get kids like these kids ph probe or you get kids like these kids that<00:11:55.530> are<00:11:55.890> from<00:11:56.040> spain<00:11:56.400> they<00:11:56.670> learn<00:11:56.940> how<00:11:57.120> to that are from spain they learn how to that are from spain they learn how to program<00:11:57.540> and<00:11:57.900> to<00:11:58.050> make<00:11:58.230> robots<00:11:58.500> when<00:11:59.430> they program and to make robots when they program and to make robots when they were<00:11:59.640> probably<00:11:59.850> like<00:12:00.030> 11<00:12:00.570> and<00:12:00.810> then<00:12:00.990> they were probably like 11 and then they were probably like 11 and then they start<00:12:01.320> the<00:12:01.350> user<00:12:01.590> do<00:12:01.830> we<00:12:01.890> know<00:12:01.980> to<00:12:02.040> make<00:12:02.220> these start the user do we know to make these start the user do we know to make these robots<00:12:02.730> that<00:12:02.820> play<00:12:02.940> football<00:12:03.480> they<00:12:03.780> became robots that play football they became robots that play football they became world<00:12:04.350> champions<00:12:04.890> but<00:12:05.430> we<00:12:05.550> can<00:12:05.670> an<00:12:05.760> Arduino world champions but we can an Arduino world champions but we can an Arduino base<00:12:06.360> robot<00:12:06.900> and<00:12:07.170> so<00:12:07.890> when<00:12:08.040> we<00:12:08.160> had<00:12:08.370> to<00:12:08.520> make base robot and so when we had to make base robot and so when we had to make our<00:12:08.910> own<00:12:08.940> educational<00:12:09.930> robot<00:12:10.290> we<00:12:10.440> just<00:12:10.620> went our own educational robot we just went our own educational robot we just went to<00:12:10.980> them<00:12:11.160> and<00:12:11.370> said<00:12:11.550> you<00:12:11.670> know<00:12:11.760> you<00:12:11.820> design to them and said you know you design to them and said you know you design because<00:12:12.900> you<00:12:12.990> know<00:12:13.110> exactly<00:12:13.620> what<00:12:14.430> is<00:12:14.520> its<00:12:15.030> you because you know exactly what is its you because you know exactly what is its you know<00:12:15.360> what<00:12:15.480> it's<00:12:15.600> needed<00:12:15.960> to<00:12:15.990> make<00:12:16.200> a<00:12:16.230> great know what it's needed to make a great know what it's needed to make a great robot<00:12:16.800> that<00:12:17.040> excites<00:12:17.460> kids<00:12:17.820> not<00:12:18.030> me<00:12:18.180> like<00:12:18.420> I'm robot that excites kids not me like I'm robot that excites kids not me like I'm an<00:12:18.930> old<00:12:19.050> guy<00:12:19.110> what<00:12:19.530> am<00:12:19.650> I<00:12:19.710> supposed<00:12:20.460> to<00:12:20.490> excite an old guy what am I supposed to excite an old guy what am I supposed to excite but<00:12:21.990> it's<00:12:22.170> like<00:12:22.370> in<00:12:23.370> terms<00:12:23.640> of<00:12:23.870> educational but it's like in terms of educational but it's like in terms of educational lessons lessons lessons there's<00:12:26.490> also<00:12:26.610> companies<00:12:27.150> like<00:12:27.360> Google<00:12:27.870> that there's also companies like Google that there's also companies like Google that are<00:12:28.500> using<00:12:28.860> the<00:12:28.980> technology<00:12:29.420> to<00:12:30.420> create are using the technology to create are using the technology to create interfaces<00:12:31.590> between<00:12:32.130> mobile<00:12:32.430> phones<00:12:32.850> tablets interfaces between mobile phones tablets interfaces between mobile phones tablets and<00:12:33.960> the<00:12:34.080> real<00:12:34.200> world<00:12:34.560> so<00:12:34.920> the<00:12:35.400> accessory and the real world so the accessory and the real world so the accessory development<00:12:36.720> kit<00:12:36.870> from<00:12:37.080> Google<00:12:37.380> is<00:12:37.500> open development kit from Google is open development kit from Google is open sourced<00:12:38.130> and<00:12:38.280> based<00:12:38.520> on<00:12:38.760> Arduino<00:12:39.270> as<00:12:39.390> a<00:12:39.420> post sourced and based on Arduino as a post sourced and based on Arduino as a post on<00:12:39.839> the<00:12:39.900> one on the one on the one Apple<00:12:40.720> which<00:12:40.870> is<00:12:40.900> close<00:12:41.560> source<00:12:41.920> NBA<00:12:42.720> sign Apple which is close source NBA sign Apple which is close source NBA sign your<00:12:43.960> life<00:12:44.230> to<00:12:44.650> Apple<00:12:45.400> here<00:12:46.150> you<00:12:46.270> have<00:12:46.450> there's your life to Apple here you have there's your life to Apple here you have there's a<00:12:47.020> giant<00:12:47.410> maze<00:12:47.560> and<00:12:48.010> Joe<00:12:48.550> is<00:12:48.670> sitting<00:12:49.000> there a giant maze and Joe is sitting there a giant maze and Joe is sitting there and<00:12:49.330> the<00:12:49.510> maze<00:12:49.780> is<00:12:49.990> moving<00:12:50.380> when<00:12:50.560> you<00:12:50.650> killed and the maze is moving when you killed and the maze is moving when you killed the<00:12:51.220> tablet<00:12:53.010> also<00:12:54.010> I<00:12:54.220> come<00:12:54.640> from<00:12:54.790> Italy<00:12:55.000> and the tablet also I come from Italy and the tablet also I come from Italy and the<00:12:55.420> design<00:12:56.290> is<00:12:56.470> important<00:12:56.920> in<00:12:57.010> Italy<00:12:57.310> and<00:12:57.490> yet the design is important in Italy and yet the design is important in Italy and yet very<00:12:58.210> conservative<00:12:59.050> so<00:12:59.710> we<00:12:59.860> worked<00:13:00.130> with<00:13:00.310> the very conservative so we worked with the very conservative so we worked with the design<00:13:00.820> studio<00:13:01.000> called<00:13:01.300> habits<00:13:01.690> in<00:13:01.960> Milan<00:13:02.350> to design studio called habits in Milan to design studio called habits in Milan to make<00:13:03.190> this<00:13:03.370> mirror<00:13:03.700> which<00:13:04.030> is<00:13:04.150> completely make this mirror which is completely make this mirror which is completely open<00:13:04.930> source<00:13:05.140> this<00:13:05.440> doubles<00:13:05.920> also<00:13:06.250> as<00:13:06.340> an<00:13:06.520> iPod open source this doubles also as an iPod open source this doubles also as an iPod speaker<00:13:08.080> so<00:13:08.890> the<00:13:09.010> idea<00:13:09.220> is<00:13:09.370> that<00:13:09.400> the<00:13:10.440> hardware speaker so the idea is that the hardware speaker so the idea is that the hardware the<00:13:11.650> software<00:13:11.680> the<00:13:12.280> design<00:13:12.700> of<00:13:12.910> the<00:13:13.060> object the software the design of the object the software the design of the object the<00:13:13.540> fabrication<00:13:14.260> everything<00:13:14.830> about<00:13:15.040> this the fabrication everything about this the fabrication everything about this project<00:13:15.610> is<00:13:15.700> open-source<00:13:16.030> and<00:13:16.330> you<00:13:16.450> can<00:13:16.630> make project is open-source and you can make project is open-source and you can make it<00:13:16.870> yourself<00:13:17.220> so<00:13:18.220> we<00:13:18.340> want<00:13:18.580> other<00:13:18.730> designer<00:13:19.210> to it yourself so we want other designer to it yourself so we want other designer to pick<00:13:19.570> this<00:13:19.720> up<00:13:19.870> and<00:13:20.140> learn<00:13:20.320> how<00:13:20.440> to<00:13:20.500> make<00:13:20.740> great pick this up and learn how to make great pick this up and learn how to make great devices<00:13:22.150> to<00:13:22.570> learn<00:13:22.780> how<00:13:22.960> to<00:13:22.990> make<00:13:23.290> interactive devices to learn how to make interactive devices to learn how to make interactive products<00:13:24.370> by<00:13:24.520> starting<00:13:25.000> from<00:13:25.120> something<00:13:25.510> real products by starting from something real products by starting from something real but<00:13:27.850> when<00:13:28.000> you<00:13:28.120> have<00:13:28.210> this<00:13:28.360> idea<00:13:28.510> you<00:13:29.500> know but when you have this idea you know but when you have this idea you know what<00:13:29.620> happens<00:13:30.040> to<00:13:30.130> all<00:13:30.310> these<00:13:30.490> ideas<00:13:30.670> there's what happens to all these ideas there's what happens to all these ideas there's like<00:13:31.420> thousands<00:13:32.260> of<00:13:32.380> ideas<00:13:32.800> that<00:13:32.980> I<00:13:33.010> you<00:13:33.670> know like thousands of ideas that I you know like thousands of ideas that I you know it<00:13:33.820> would<00:13:33.940> take<00:13:34.060> seven<00:13:34.300> hours<00:13:34.750> for<00:13:34.960> me<00:13:35.110> to<00:13:35.260> do it would take seven hours for me to do it would take seven hours for me to do all<00:13:35.410> the<00:13:35.560> a<00:13:35.740> percentage<00:13:36.160> level<00:13:36.370> I<00:13:36.760> will<00:13:37.360> not all the a percentage level I will not all the a percentage level I will not take<00:13:37.750> all<00:13:37.930> the<00:13:38.020> seven<00:13:38.290> hours<00:13:38.880> thank<00:13:39.880> you<00:13:40.030> so take all the seven hours thank you so take all the seven hours thank you so but<00:13:40.990> let's<00:13:41.410> start<00:13:41.590> from<00:13:41.740> this<00:13:41.860> example<00:13:42.220> so but let's start from this example so but let's start from this example so they<00:13:42.790> the<00:13:43.210> group<00:13:43.390> of<00:13:43.630> people<00:13:44.260> that<00:13:44.380> started they the group of people that started they the group of people that started this<00:13:44.800> company<00:13:45.160> called<00:13:45.370> pebble<00:13:45.760> they this company called pebble they this company called pebble they prototype<00:13:46.990> a<00:13:47.290> watch<00:13:47.800> that<00:13:48.160> communicates<00:13:48.730> via prototype a watch that communicates via prototype a watch that communicates via bluetooth<00:13:49.900> with<00:13:50.110> your<00:13:50.290> phone<00:13:50.620> and<00:13:50.980> you<00:13:51.100> can bluetooth with your phone and you can bluetooth with your phone and you can display<00:13:51.550> information<00:13:52.030> on<00:13:52.510> it<00:13:52.630> and<00:13:52.840> a display information on it and a display information on it and a prototype<00:13:53.500> with<00:13:53.710> an<00:13:53.830> old<00:13:54.100> LCD<00:13:54.970> screen<00:13:55.240> from<00:13:55.510> a prototype with an old LCD screen from a prototype with an old LCD screen from a Nokia<00:13:55.990> mobile<00:13:56.230> phone<00:13:56.620> and<00:13:56.830> an<00:13:57.430> Arduino<00:13:57.850> and Nokia mobile phone and an Arduino and Nokia mobile phone and an Arduino and then<00:13:58.840> when<00:13:58.990> they<00:13:59.080> had<00:13:59.260> a<00:13:59.290> final<00:13:59.890> project<00:14:00.610> they then when they had a final project they then when they had a final project they actually<00:14:01.780> went<00:14:02.080> to<00:14:02.260> Kickstarter<00:14:03.010> and<00:14:03.040> they actually went to Kickstarter and they actually went to Kickstarter and they were<00:14:03.310> asking<00:14:03.640> for<00:14:03.990> $100,000<00:14:04.990> to<00:14:05.680> make<00:14:05.890> a<00:14:06.100> few were asking for $100,000 to make a few were asking for $100,000 to make a few of<00:14:06.790> them<00:14:07.000> to<00:14:07.210> sell<00:14:07.450> they<00:14:07.780> got<00:14:07.990> 10<00:14:08.350> million of them to sell they got 10 million of them to sell they got 10 million dollars<00:14:09.490> they<00:14:10.360> got<00:14:10.600> a<00:14:10.630> completely<00:14:11.320> fully dollars they got a completely fully dollars they got a completely fully funded<00:14:12.160> startup<00:14:12.790> and<00:14:13.030> they<00:14:13.120> don't<00:14:13.270> have<00:14:13.360> to funded startup and they don't have to funded startup and they don't have to you<00:14:13.810> know<00:14:13.840> get<00:14:14.560> VC's<00:14:15.010> involvement<00:14:15.730> it<00:14:15.820> just you know get VC's involvement it just you know get VC's involvement it just excited<00:14:16.660> people<00:14:16.870> with<00:14:17.590> their<00:14:17.740> great<00:14:18.010> project excited people with their great project excited people with their great project the<00:14:19.630> last<00:14:19.810> project<00:14:20.140> I<00:14:20.200> want<00:14:20.350> to<00:14:20.440> show<00:14:20.590> you<00:14:20.650> is the last project I want to show you is the last project I want to show you is this<00:14:21.040> is<00:14:21.220> called<00:14:21.430> art<00:14:21.670> du<00:14:21.880> Sud<00:14:22.120> is<00:14:22.360> currently this is called art du Sud is currently this is called art du Sud is currently on<00:14:23.200> Kickstarter<00:14:23.980> so<00:14:24.010> if<00:14:24.280> you<00:14:24.430> want<00:14:24.640> to on Kickstarter so if you want to on Kickstarter so if you want to contribute<00:14:25.480> please<00:14:26.080> do<00:14:26.410> it<00:14:26.560> it's<00:14:27.280> a<00:14:27.460> satellite contribute please do it it's a satellite contribute please do it it's a satellite that<00:14:28.270> goes<00:14:28.450> into<00:14:28.750> space<00:14:29.020> which<00:14:29.590> is<00:14:29.710> probably that goes into space which is probably that goes into space which is probably the<00:14:30.040> least<00:14:30.220> open-source<00:14:30.940> thing<00:14:31.090> you<00:14:31.210> can the least open-source thing you can the least open-source thing you can imagine<00:14:31.780> and<00:14:32.110> it<00:14:32.560> contains<00:14:33.130> an<00:14:33.340> Arduino imagine and it contains an Arduino imagine and it contains an Arduino connected<00:14:34.150> to<00:14:34.510> a<00:14:34.540> bunch<00:14:34.750> of<00:14:34.960> sensors<00:14:35.410> so<00:14:35.620> if connected to a bunch of sensors so if connected to a bunch of sensors so if you<00:14:35.860> know<00:14:36.040> how<00:14:36.070> to<00:14:36.250> use<00:14:36.460> are<00:14:36.640> doing<00:14:36.820> you<00:14:37.000> can you know how to use are doing you can you know how to use are doing you can actually<00:14:37.240> upload<00:14:37.600> your<00:14:38.050> experiments<00:14:38.770> into actually upload your experiments into actually upload your experiments into this<00:14:39.190> satellite<00:14:39.760> and<00:14:40.210> run<00:14:40.960> them<00:14:41.170> so<00:14:41.410> imagine this satellite and run them so imagine this satellite and run them so imagine if<00:14:42.430> you<00:14:42.730> as<00:14:42.880> a<00:14:42.910> high<00:14:43.210> school<00:14:43.540> can<00:14:43.810> have<00:14:43.930> the if you as a high school can have the if you as a high school can have the satellite<00:14:44.470> for<00:14:44.620> a<00:14:44.680> week<00:14:44.980> and<00:14:45.220> do<00:14:45.310> SAS satellite for a week and do SAS satellite for a week and do SAS satellite<00:14:46.600> you<00:14:46.840> know<00:14:46.930> space<00:14:47.260> experiments satellite you know space experiments satellite you know space experiments like<00:14:48.760> that<00:14:49.500> so<00:14:50.500> as<00:14:50.800> I<00:14:50.950> said<00:14:51.190> there's<00:14:51.370> lots<00:14:51.520> of like that so as I said there's lots of like that so as I said there's lots of example<00:14:52.210> so<00:14:52.390> I'm<00:14:52.480> gonna<00:14:52.630> stop<00:14:53.020> here example so I'm gonna stop here example so I'm gonna stop here and<00:14:53.890> I<00:14:53.980> just<00:14:54.190> want<00:14:54.339> to<00:14:54.430> thank<00:14:54.670> the<00:14:54.820> Arduino and I just want to thank the Arduino and I just want to thank the Arduino community<00:14:55.630> for<00:14:55.870> being<00:14:56.080> the<00:14:56.230> pastor<00:14:56.740> and<00:14:56.920> just community for being the pastor and just community for being the pastor and just everyday<00:14:57.519> making<00:14:58.180> lots<00:14:58.600> of<00:14:58.750> project

community<00:15:09.149> you<00:15:10.149> told<00:15:10.360> me<00:15:10.540> um<00:15:10.779> Elliott<00:15:11.470> say
community you told me um Elliott say community you told me um Elliott say that<00:15:11.860> you<00:15:11.950> had<00:15:12.100> no<00:15:12.220> idea<00:15:12.519> of<00:15:12.610> course<00:15:12.790> that<00:15:12.940> it that you had no idea of course that it that you had no idea of course that it would<00:15:13.149> take<00:15:13.300> off<00:15:13.480> like<00:15:13.839> that<00:15:13.870> so<00:15:14.290> I<00:15:14.589> mean<00:15:14.980> how would take off like that so I mean how would take off like that so I mean how much<00:15:15.190> do<00:15:15.310> you<00:15:15.370> feel<00:15:15.579> when<00:15:15.760> you<00:15:15.850> read<00:15:16.029> this much do you feel when you read this much do you feel when you read this stuff<00:15:16.420> and<00:15:16.660> you<00:15:16.810> see<00:15:16.990> what<00:15:17.140> you've<00:15:17.320> unlocked stuff and you see what you've unlocked stuff and you see what you've unlocked well<00:15:19.029> you<00:15:19.779> know<00:15:19.899> it's<00:15:20.079> the<00:15:20.200> work<00:15:20.410> of<00:15:20.589> a<00:15:20.649> lot<00:15:20.800> of well you know it's the work of a lot of well you know it's the work of a lot of people<00:15:21.310> so<00:15:21.519> we<00:15:21.820> as<00:15:22.089> a<00:15:22.120> community<00:15:22.420> are<00:15:22.750> enabling people so we as a community are enabling people so we as a community are enabling people<00:15:23.620> to<00:15:23.829> make<00:15:24.070> great<00:15:24.310> stuff<00:15:24.610> and<00:15:24.790> I<00:15:24.880> just people to make great stuff and I just people to make great stuff and I just feel<00:15:25.480> overwhelmed<00:15:25.540> it's<00:15:26.380> just<00:15:26.589> I<00:15:26.709> it's feel overwhelmed it's just I it's feel overwhelmed it's just I it's difficult<00:15:27.610> to<00:15:27.670> describe<00:15:27.850> this<00:15:28.149> every<00:15:28.420> morning difficult to describe this every morning difficult to describe this every morning I<00:15:28.870> wake<00:15:29.050> up<00:15:29.110> and<00:15:29.410> I<00:15:29.470> look<00:15:29.500> at<00:15:29.769> all<00:15:29.890> the<00:15:30.010> stuff I wake up and I look at all the stuff I wake up and I look at all the stuff that<00:15:30.220> Google<00:15:30.519> Alert<00:15:30.940> sends<00:15:31.450> me<00:15:31.570> and<00:15:31.899> it's<00:15:32.500> just that Google Alert sends me and it's just that Google Alert sends me and it's just amazing<00:15:33.430> it's<00:15:33.519> just<00:15:33.610> going<00:15:34.209> into<00:15:34.480> every<00:15:34.630> field amazing it's just going into every field amazing it's just going into every field that<00:15:35.079> you<00:15:35.230> can<00:15:35.260> imagine<00:15:35.820> thank<00:15:36.820> you<00:15:37.000> so<00:15:37.420> much that you can imagine thank you so much that you can imagine thank you so much thank<00:15:38.140> you

Massimo Banzi, Arduino, microcontroller, creativity, create, invent, inventions, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed’, TEDEducation

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