Làm Thế Nào Benjamin Button có được khuôn mặt của mình-Ed Ulbrich

How Benjamin Button got his face - Ed Ulbrich

How Benjamin Button got his face - Ed Ulbrich



[Music] [Music] [Applause]

I'm<00:00:15.839> here<00:00:16.080> today<00:00:16.440> representing<00:00:16.920> a<00:00:17.080> team<00:00:17.279> of
I'm here today representing a team of I'm here today representing a team of artists<00:00:18.359> and<00:00:18.600> technologists<00:00:19.600> and<00:00:20.080> filmmakers artists and technologists and filmmakers artists and technologists and filmmakers uh<00:00:21.160> that<00:00:21.279> work<00:00:21.600> together<00:00:21.760> on<00:00:21.880> a<00:00:22.000> remarkable uh that work together on a remarkable uh that work together on a remarkable film<00:00:22.840> project<00:00:23.119> for<00:00:23.320> the<00:00:23.480> last<00:00:23.680> four<00:00:24.279> years<00:00:25.279> um film project for the last four years um film project for the last four years um and<00:00:26.240> along<00:00:26.480> the<00:00:26.599> way<00:00:26.760> they<00:00:26.880> created<00:00:27.160> a and along the way they created a and along the way they created a breakthrough<00:00:27.720> in<00:00:27.840> computer<00:00:28.199> visualization breakthrough in computer visualization breakthrough in computer visualization so<00:00:29.320> I<00:00:29.400> want<00:00:29.480> to<00:00:29.560> show<00:00:29.679> you<00:00:30.000> clip<00:00:30.160> of<00:00:30.240> the<00:00:30.359> film so I want to show you clip of the film so I want to show you clip of the film now<00:00:31.080> hopefully<00:00:31.359> it<00:00:31.439> won't<00:00:31.679> stutter<00:00:32.520> um<00:00:33.399> and<00:00:33.760> uh now hopefully it won't stutter um and uh now hopefully it won't stutter um and uh if<00:00:33.960> we<00:00:34.079> did<00:00:34.200> our<00:00:34.360> jobs<00:00:34.680> well<00:00:35.079> you<00:00:35.200> won't<00:00:35.399> know if we did our jobs well you won't know if we did our jobs well you won't know that<00:00:35.680> we<00:00:35.920> uh<00:00:36.040> were<00:00:36.160> even<00:00:36.399> involved<00:00:37.160> I<00:00:37.239> don't that we uh were even involved I don't that we uh were even involved I don't know<00:00:37.640> how<00:00:37.840> it's<00:00:38.280> possible<00:00:38.879> but<00:00:39.040> you<00:00:39.200> seem<00:00:39.480> to know how it's possible but you seem to know how it's possible but you seem to have<00:00:39.879> more<00:00:40.719> higher<00:00:41.719> what<00:00:41.879> if<00:00:42.079> I<00:00:42.320> told<00:00:42.600> you<00:00:43.160> that have more higher what if I told you that have more higher what if I told you that I<00:00:43.520> wasn't<00:00:43.840> getting<00:00:44.120> older<00:00:44.760> but<00:00:44.920> I<00:00:45.000> was<00:00:45.160> getting I wasn't getting older but I was getting I wasn't getting older but I was getting younger<00:00:46.079> everybody younger everybody younger everybody [Music]

else<00:00:51.800> I<00:00:51.879> was<00:00:52.039> born<00:00:52.359> with<00:00:52.520> some<00:00:52.760> form<00:00:53.000> of
else I was born with some form of else I was born with some form of disease<00:00:54.000> what<00:00:54.160> kind<00:00:54.359> of<00:00:54.680> disease<00:00:55.680> I<00:00:55.800> was<00:00:55.960> born disease what kind of disease I was born disease what kind of disease I was born old<00:00:59.000> I'm<00:00:59.239> sorry<00:00:59.920> no<00:01:00.079> need<00:01:00.280> to<00:01:00.440> be<00:01:00.760> there's old I'm sorry no need to be there's old I'm sorry no need to be there's nothing<00:01:01.239> wrong<00:01:01.440> with<00:01:01.559> old nothing wrong with old nothing wrong with old [Music] [Music] [Music] age<00:01:07.280> are<00:01:07.439> you<00:01:07.960> sick<00:01:08.960> I<00:01:09.080> heard<00:01:09.400> mama<00:01:09.799> and<00:01:09.960> tizzy age are you sick I heard mama and tizzy age are you sick I heard mama and tizzy whisper<00:01:11.080> and<00:01:11.240> they<00:01:11.320> said<00:01:11.560> I<00:01:11.640> was<00:01:11.799> going<00:01:11.880> to<00:01:12.119> die whisper and they said I was going to die whisper and they said I was going to die soon soon soon but<00:01:14.520> maybe but maybe but maybe not<00:01:16.400> you're<00:01:16.680> different<00:01:17.040> than<00:01:17.280> anybody<00:01:17.840> I've not you're different than anybody I've not you're different than anybody I've ever ever ever met<00:01:20.119> there<00:01:20.240> were<00:01:20.479> many<00:01:21.240> changes<00:01:22.240> some<00:01:22.479> you met there were many changes some you met there were many changes some you could<00:01:23.119> see<00:01:24.119> some<00:01:24.439> you could see some you could see some you couldn't<00:01:26.400> hair<00:01:26.720> has<00:01:26.880> started<00:01:27.200> growing<00:01:27.520> in<00:01:27.720> all couldn't hair has started growing in all couldn't hair has started growing in all sorts<00:01:28.200> of<00:01:28.840> places<00:01:29.920> along<00:01:30.200> with<00:01:30.400> other sorts of places along with other sorts of places along with other things<00:01:33.280> I<00:01:33.439> felt<00:01:33.799> pretty<00:01:34.159> good

considering<00:01:38.079> that<00:01:38.200> was<00:01:38.320> a<00:01:38.439> clip<00:01:38.680> from<00:01:38.840> The
considering that was a clip from The considering that was a clip from The Curious<00:01:39.320> Case<00:01:39.479> of<00:01:39.640> Benjamin<00:01:40.040> Button<00:01:40.640> many<00:01:41.079> you Curious Case of Benjamin Button many you Curious Case of Benjamin Button many you maybe<00:01:41.920> you've<00:01:42.079> seen<00:01:42.280> it<00:01:42.399> or<00:01:42.520> you've<00:01:42.640> heard<00:01:42.799> of maybe you've seen it or you've heard of maybe you've seen it or you've heard of the<00:01:43.079> story<00:01:43.880> um<00:01:44.000> but<00:01:44.119> what<00:01:44.240> you<00:01:44.360> might<00:01:44.560> not<00:01:44.799> know the story um but what you might not know the story um but what you might not know is<00:01:45.320> that<00:01:45.439> for<00:01:45.560> nearly<00:01:45.960> the<00:01:46.119> first<00:01:46.360> hour<00:01:46.719> of<00:01:46.880> the is that for nearly the first hour of the is that for nearly the first hour of the film<00:01:47.880> The<00:01:48.000> main<00:01:48.280> character<00:01:48.840> Benjamin<00:01:49.240> Button film The main character Benjamin Button film The main character Benjamin Button who's<00:01:49.680> played<00:01:49.880> by<00:01:50.000> Brad<00:01:50.320> Pit<00:01:51.040> is<00:01:51.240> completely who's played by Brad Pit is completely who's played by Brad Pit is completely computer<00:01:52.040> generated<00:01:52.759> from<00:01:52.920> the<00:01:53.040> neck<00:01:53.320> up<00:01:54.320> now computer generated from the neck up now computer generated from the neck up now there's<00:01:54.719> no<00:01:54.880> use<00:01:55.079> of<00:01:55.320> prosthetic<00:01:55.799> makeup<00:01:56.119> or there's no use of prosthetic makeup or there's no use of prosthetic makeup or photography<00:01:56.840> of<00:01:57.000> Brad<00:01:57.280> superimposed<00:01:57.920> over photography of Brad superimposed over photography of Brad superimposed over over<00:01:58.360> another<00:01:58.600> actor's<00:01:59.000> body<00:01:59.439> we've<00:01:59.600> created over another actor's body we've created over another actor's body we've created a<00:02:00.159> completely<00:02:00.680> digital<00:02:01.399> human<00:02:01.759> head<00:02:02.520> so<00:02:02.719> I'd a completely digital human head so I'd a completely digital human head so I'd like<00:02:02.960> to<00:02:03.079> start<00:02:03.200> with<00:02:03.320> a<00:02:03.399> little<00:02:03.520> bit<00:02:03.600> of like to start with a little bit of like to start with a little bit of history<00:02:04.000> on<00:02:04.119> the<00:02:04.280> project<00:02:04.560> this<00:02:04.640> is<00:02:04.759> based<00:02:04.960> on history on the project this is based on history on the project this is based on an<00:02:05.159> F<00:02:05.320> Scott<00:02:05.560> Fitzgerald<00:02:06.079> short<00:02:06.399> story<00:02:07.159> um an F Scott Fitzgerald short story um an F Scott Fitzgerald short story um it's<00:02:07.399> about<00:02:07.520> a<00:02:07.640> man<00:02:07.840> who's<00:02:08.000> born<00:02:08.319> old<00:02:08.840> and it's about a man who's born old and it's about a man who's born old and lives<00:02:09.280> his<00:02:09.479> life<00:02:10.160> In<00:02:10.560> Reverse<00:02:11.560> um<00:02:11.720> now<00:02:11.840> this lives his life In Reverse um now this lives his life In Reverse um now this movie's<00:02:12.239> floated<00:02:12.520> around<00:02:12.720> Hollywood<00:02:13.120> for movie's floated around Hollywood for movie's floated around Hollywood for well<00:02:13.640> over<00:02:13.920> half<00:02:14.040> a<00:02:14.200> century<00:02:15.040> uh<00:02:15.200> we<00:02:15.319> first<00:02:15.480> got well over half a century uh we first got well over half a century uh we first got involved<00:02:15.959> with<00:02:16.040> the<00:02:16.200> project<00:02:16.519> in<00:02:16.640> the<00:02:16.720> early involved with the project in the early involved with the project in the early 90s<00:02:17.480> with<00:02:17.640> Ron<00:02:17.920> Howard<00:02:18.239> as<00:02:18.400> the<00:02:18.519> Director<00:02:19.480> we 90s with Ron Howard as the Director we 90s with Ron Howard as the Director we took<00:02:19.760> a<00:02:19.840> lot<00:02:20.000> of<00:02:20.120> meetings<00:02:20.560> and<00:02:20.959> uh<00:02:21.239> we took a lot of meetings and uh we took a lot of meetings and uh we seriously<00:02:22.000> considered<00:02:22.440> it<00:02:22.760> and<00:02:22.879> at<00:02:23.000> the<00:02:23.120> time seriously considered it and at the time seriously considered it and at the time we<00:02:23.360> had<00:02:23.440> to<00:02:23.519> throw<00:02:23.720> in<00:02:23.879> the<00:02:24.000> towel<00:02:24.800> uh<00:02:24.920> it<00:02:25.000> was we had to throw in the towel uh it was we had to throw in the towel uh it was deemed<00:02:25.519> impossible<00:02:26.000> it<00:02:26.080> was<00:02:26.239> beyond<00:02:26.480> the deemed impossible it was beyond the deemed impossible it was beyond the technology<00:02:27.080> of<00:02:27.160> the<00:02:27.319> day<00:02:27.599> to<00:02:27.879> depict<00:02:28.160> a<00:02:28.319> man technology of the day to depict a man technology of the day to depict a man Aging<00:02:29.160> in<00:02:29.360> back<00:02:30.040> backwards<00:02:30.959> the<00:02:31.120> the<00:02:31.280> human Aging in back backwards the the human Aging in back backwards the the human form<00:02:31.959> and<00:02:32.120> particularly<00:02:32.519> the<00:02:32.599> human<00:02:32.959> head<00:02:33.560> has form and particularly the human head has form and particularly the human head has been<00:02:33.920> considered<00:02:34.440> the<00:02:34.560> Holy<00:02:34.840> Grail<00:02:35.560> of<00:02:35.680> our been considered the Holy Grail of our been considered the Holy Grail of our industry<00:02:37.160> um<00:02:37.959> the<00:02:38.040> project<00:02:38.360> came<00:02:38.519> back<00:02:38.640> to<00:02:38.760> us industry um the project came back to us industry um the project came back to us about<00:02:39.040> a<00:02:39.200> decade<00:02:39.560> later<00:02:39.959> and<00:02:40.120> this<00:02:40.239> time<00:02:40.400> with about a decade later and this time with about a decade later and this time with a<00:02:40.599> director<00:02:40.879> named<00:02:41.080> David<00:02:41.319> Fincher<00:02:42.200> now a director named David Fincher now a director named David Fincher now Fincher<00:02:43.319> is<00:02:43.599> is<00:02:43.720> an<00:02:43.879> interesting<00:02:44.400> guy<00:02:45.360> um Fincher is is an interesting guy um Fincher is is an interesting guy um David<00:02:46.360> is<00:02:46.680> fearless<00:02:47.319> of<00:02:47.560> technology<00:02:48.080> and<00:02:48.200> he David is fearless of technology and he David is fearless of technology and he is<00:02:48.519> absolutely<00:02:49.000> tenacious<00:02:49.760> and<00:02:49.959> David<00:02:50.200> won't is absolutely tenacious and David won't is absolutely tenacious and David won't take<00:02:50.920> no<00:02:51.599> and<00:02:51.760> David<00:02:52.080> believed<00:02:52.599> like<00:02:52.800> we<00:02:52.959> do<00:02:53.680> uh take no and David believed like we do uh take no and David believed like we do uh in<00:02:53.879> the<00:02:53.959> visual<00:02:54.239> effects<00:02:54.560> industry<00:02:55.440> that in the visual effects industry that in the visual effects industry that anything<00:02:56.280> is<00:02:56.519> possible<00:02:57.440> as<00:02:57.560> long<00:02:57.680> as<00:02:57.800> you<00:02:57.920> have anything is possible as long as you have anything is possible as long as you have enough<00:02:58.280> time<00:02:58.840> resources<00:02:59.319> and<00:03:00.040> of<00:03:00.159> course enough time resources and of course enough time resources and of course money<00:03:01.599> um<00:03:02.080> and<00:03:02.239> so<00:03:02.560> David<00:03:03.040> had<00:03:03.560> an<00:03:03.720> interesting money um and so David had an interesting money um and so David had an interesting take<00:03:04.440> on<00:03:04.599> the<00:03:04.760> film<00:03:05.319> and<00:03:05.480> he<00:03:05.680> threw<00:03:05.920> a take on the film and he threw a take on the film and he threw a challenge<00:03:06.360> at<00:03:06.480> us<00:03:06.799> he<00:03:06.959> wanted<00:03:07.239> the<00:03:07.319> film<00:03:07.560> to<00:03:07.760> be challenge at us he wanted the film to be challenge at us he wanted the film to be or<00:03:08.239> the<00:03:08.319> main<00:03:08.519> character<00:03:08.799> of<00:03:08.920> the<00:03:09.040> film<00:03:09.560> to<00:03:09.680> be or the main character of the film to be or the main character of the film to be played<00:03:10.159> from<00:03:10.319> the<00:03:10.440> Cradle<00:03:10.760> to<00:03:10.920> the<00:03:11.040> Grave<00:03:11.799> by played from the Cradle to the Grave by played from the Cradle to the Grave by one<00:03:12.239> actor<00:03:12.920> it<00:03:13.080> happened<00:03:13.360> to<00:03:13.480> be<00:03:14.040> this<00:03:14.280> guy<00:03:15.040> we one actor it happened to be this guy we one actor it happened to be this guy we went<00:03:15.319> through<00:03:15.519> a<00:03:15.920> process<00:03:16.200> of<00:03:16.319> elimination went through a process of elimination went through a process of elimination and<00:03:17.000> a<00:03:17.200> process<00:03:17.440> of<00:03:17.799> discovery<00:03:18.760> uh<00:03:18.840> with<00:03:19.000> Dave and a process of discovery uh with Dave and a process of discovery uh with Dave and<00:03:19.400> we<00:03:19.480> ruled<00:03:19.799> out<00:03:19.959> of<00:03:20.040> course<00:03:20.239> swapping and we ruled out of course swapping and we ruled out of course swapping actors<00:03:21.000> that<00:03:21.120> was<00:03:21.239> one<00:03:21.400> idea<00:03:21.640> that<00:03:21.760> we<00:03:21.840> would actors that was one idea that we would actors that was one idea that we would have<00:03:22.440> different<00:03:22.720> actors<00:03:23.080> we<00:03:23.159> would<00:03:23.280> hand<00:03:23.440> off have different actors we would hand off have different actors we would hand off from<00:03:23.760> actor<00:03:23.959> to<00:03:24.120> actor<00:03:24.319> and<00:03:24.599> we<00:03:24.720> even<00:03:24.840> ruled from actor to actor and we even ruled from actor to actor and we even ruled out<00:03:25.200> the<00:03:25.280> idea<00:03:25.480> of<00:03:25.560> using<00:03:25.879> makeup<00:03:26.799> we<00:03:27.000> we out the idea of using makeup we we out the idea of using makeup we we realized<00:03:27.760> that<00:03:27.879> prosthetic<00:03:28.319> makeup<00:03:28.720> just realized that prosthetic makeup just realized that prosthetic makeup just wouldn't<00:03:29.200> hold<00:03:29.480> up wouldn't hold up wouldn't hold up um<00:03:30.879> particularly<00:03:31.239> in<00:03:31.400> closeup<00:03:31.799> and<00:03:31.920> makeup<00:03:32.200> is um particularly in closeup and makeup is um particularly in closeup and makeup is an<00:03:32.480> additive<00:03:33.040> process<00:03:33.319> you<00:03:33.439> have<00:03:33.519> to<00:03:33.680> build an additive process you have to build an additive process you have to build the<00:03:34.120> face<00:03:34.360> up<00:03:34.599> and<00:03:34.680> David<00:03:34.920> wanted<00:03:35.159> to<00:03:35.319> carve the face up and David wanted to carve the face up and David wanted to carve deeply<00:03:35.959> into<00:03:36.200> Brad's<00:03:36.599> face<00:03:36.840> to<00:03:37.000> bring<00:03:37.480> the deeply into Brad's face to bring the deeply into Brad's face to bring the Aging<00:03:38.280> to<00:03:38.519> this<00:03:38.720> character<00:03:39.439> uh<00:03:39.519> he<00:03:39.599> needed<00:03:39.840> to Aging to this character uh he needed to Aging to this character uh he needed to be<00:03:40.200> very<00:03:40.480> sympathetic<00:03:41.360> character<00:03:42.360> um<00:03:42.720> so<00:03:42.879> we be very sympathetic character um so we be very sympathetic character um so we decided<00:03:43.760> to<00:03:44.200> cast<00:03:44.599> a<00:03:44.760> series<00:03:45.040> of<00:03:45.200> little decided to cast a series of little decided to cast a series of little people<00:03:45.920> that<00:03:46.000> would<00:03:46.159> play<00:03:46.360> the<00:03:46.480> different people that would play the different people that would play the different bodies<00:03:47.720> of<00:03:47.920> Benjamin<00:03:48.360> at<00:03:48.480> different bodies of Benjamin at different bodies of Benjamin at different increments<00:03:49.120> of<00:03:49.239> his<00:03:49.439> life<00:03:50.040> and<00:03:50.200> that<00:03:50.319> we<00:03:50.439> would increments of his life and that we would increments of his life and that we would in<00:03:50.799> fact<00:03:51.319> create<00:03:51.560> a<00:03:51.720> computer<00:03:52.079> generated in fact create a computer generated in fact create a computer generated version<00:03:52.799> of<00:03:52.959> Brad's<00:03:53.480> head<00:03:53.920> aged<00:03:54.280> to<00:03:54.439> appear<00:03:54.680> as version of Brad's head aged to appear as version of Brad's head aged to appear as Benjamin<00:03:55.560> and<00:03:55.760> attach<00:03:56.159> that<00:03:56.280> to<00:03:56.439> the<00:03:56.599> body<00:03:57.200> of Benjamin and attach that to the body of Benjamin and attach that to the body of the<00:03:57.480> real<00:03:57.760> actor<00:03:58.599> sounded<00:03:59.000> great<00:03:59.799> of<00:03:59.959> course the real actor sounded great of course the real actor sounded great of course this<00:04:00.640> was<00:04:01.000> the<00:04:01.079> Holy<00:04:01.400> Grail<00:04:02.079> of<00:04:02.239> our<00:04:02.720> our this was the Holy Grail of our our this was the Holy Grail of our our industry<00:04:03.599> and<00:04:03.879> the<00:04:04.040> fact<00:04:04.239> that<00:04:04.480> this<00:04:04.680> guy<00:04:04.879> is<00:04:05.040> a industry and the fact that this guy is a industry and the fact that this guy is a global<00:04:05.519> icon<00:04:05.920> didn't<00:04:06.239> help<00:04:06.959> uh<00:04:07.120> either global icon didn't help uh either global icon didn't help uh either because<00:04:07.760> I'm<00:04:07.840> sure<00:04:07.959> if<00:04:08.079> any<00:04:08.200> of<00:04:08.280> you<00:04:08.360> ever because I'm sure if any of you ever because I'm sure if any of you ever stand<00:04:08.760> in<00:04:08.879> line<00:04:09.040> at<00:04:09.120> the<00:04:09.200> grocery<00:04:09.519> store<00:04:09.760> you stand in line at the grocery store you stand in line at the grocery store you know<00:04:10.000> we<00:04:10.079> see<00:04:10.319> his<00:04:10.560> face<00:04:10.920> constantly<00:04:11.599> so<00:04:11.760> there know we see his face constantly so there know we see his face constantly so there really<00:04:12.159> was<00:04:12.680> no<00:04:13.000> tolerable<00:04:13.439> margin<00:04:13.760> of<00:04:13.879> error really was no tolerable margin of error really was no tolerable margin of error there<00:04:14.840> were<00:04:14.959> two<00:04:15.120> Studios<00:04:15.480> involved<00:04:16.320> uh there were two Studios involved uh there were two Studios involved uh Warner<00:04:16.720> Brothers<00:04:17.040> and<00:04:17.239> paramont<00:04:18.199> and<00:04:18.440> they Warner Brothers and paramont and they Warner Brothers and paramont and they both<00:04:18.840> believed<00:04:19.199> this<00:04:19.280> would<00:04:19.440> make<00:04:19.560> an<00:04:19.720> amazing both believed this would make an amazing both believed this would make an amazing film<00:04:20.400> of<00:04:20.560> course<00:04:21.040> but<00:04:21.160> it<00:04:21.239> was<00:04:21.320> a<00:04:21.600> very film of course but it was a very film of course but it was a very high-risk<00:04:23.080> proposition<00:04:24.000> there<00:04:24.120> was<00:04:24.400> lots<00:04:24.600> of high-risk proposition there was lots of high-risk proposition there was lots of money<00:04:25.040> and<00:04:25.199> reputations<00:04:25.759> at<00:04:26.040> stake<00:04:27.040> and<00:04:27.320> um<00:04:27.840> we money and reputations at stake and um we money and reputations at stake and um we believed<00:04:28.520> that<00:04:28.680> we<00:04:28.840> had<00:04:29.039> a<00:04:29.280> very<00:04:29.720> solid believed that we had a very solid believed that we had a very solid methodology<00:04:31.160> that<00:04:32.160> might<00:04:32.400> work<00:04:33.400> uh<00:04:34.160> but methodology that might work uh but methodology that might work uh but despite<00:04:34.840> our<00:04:34.960> verbal<00:04:35.320> assurances<00:04:35.919> they despite our verbal assurances they despite our verbal assurances they wanted<00:04:36.240> some<00:04:36.479> proof<00:04:37.360> um<00:04:37.520> and<00:04:37.759> so<00:04:38.120> in<00:04:38.440> 2004<00:04:38.840> they wanted some proof um and so in 2004 they wanted some proof um and so in 2004 they commissioned<00:04:39.320> us<00:04:39.440> to<00:04:39.600> do<00:04:39.840> a<00:04:40.000> a<00:04:40.120> screen<00:04:40.440> test<00:04:40.680> of commissioned us to do a a screen test of commissioned us to do a a screen test of Benjamin<00:04:41.919> and<00:04:42.280> uh<00:04:42.400> we<00:04:42.479> did<00:04:42.639> it<00:04:42.720> in<00:04:42.840> about<00:04:43.120> five Benjamin and uh we did it in about five Benjamin and uh we did it in about five weeks<00:04:44.360> uh<00:04:44.479> but<00:04:44.560> we<00:04:44.680> used<00:04:44.960> lots<00:04:45.160> of<00:04:45.280> cheats<00:04:45.600> and weeks uh but we used lots of cheats and weeks uh but we used lots of cheats and shortcuts<00:04:46.199> we<00:04:46.400> basically<00:04:46.720> put<00:04:46.919> something shortcuts we basically put something shortcuts we basically put something together<00:04:47.479> to<00:04:47.720> get<00:04:47.840> through<00:04:48.039> the<00:04:48.120> meeting<00:04:48.759> and together to get through the meeting and together to get through the meeting and I'll<00:04:49.039> roll<00:04:49.320> that<00:04:49.440> for<00:04:49.600> you<00:04:49.759> now<00:04:50.000> this<00:04:50.120> was<00:04:50.280> the I'll roll that for you now this was the I'll roll that for you now this was the first<00:04:50.600> test<00:04:50.800> for<00:04:50.960> Benjamin<00:04:51.320> Button<00:04:52.000> and<00:04:52.400> in first test for Benjamin Button and in first test for Benjamin Button and in here<00:04:52.759> you<00:04:52.880> can<00:04:53.039> see<00:04:53.320> it's<00:04:53.520> a<00:04:53.960> that's<00:04:54.080> a here you can see it's a that's a here you can see it's a that's a computer<00:04:54.520> generated<00:04:55.039> head<00:04:55.720> it's<00:04:55.919> pretty<00:04:56.160> good computer generated head it's pretty good computer generated head it's pretty good attached<00:04:57.080> to<00:04:57.199> the<00:04:57.320> body<00:04:57.479> of<00:04:57.600> another<00:04:57.880> actor<00:04:58.800> um attached to the body of another actor um attached to the body of another actor um and<00:04:59.080> it<00:04:59.199> worked<00:04:59.800> and<00:04:59.880> it<00:05:00.039> gave<00:05:00.199> the<00:05:00.320> studio and it worked and it gave the studio and it worked and it gave the studio great<00:05:01.520> relief<00:05:02.520> after<00:05:02.880> many<00:05:03.160> years<00:05:03.440> of<00:05:03.639> starts great relief after many years of starts great relief after many years of starts and<00:05:04.160> stops<00:05:04.479> on<00:05:04.680> this<00:05:04.919> project<00:05:05.360> and<00:05:05.880> and<00:05:06.120> making and stops on this project and and making and stops on this project and and making that<00:05:06.600> tough<00:05:06.840> decision<00:05:07.720> uh<00:05:07.880> they<00:05:08.039> finally that tough decision uh they finally that tough decision uh they finally decided<00:05:09.240> to<00:05:09.360> Greenlight<00:05:09.800> the<00:05:09.880> movie<00:05:10.720> and<00:05:10.919> I decided to Greenlight the movie and I decided to Greenlight the movie and I can<00:05:11.160> remember<00:05:11.479> actually<00:05:11.680> when<00:05:11.800> I<00:05:11.880> got<00:05:12.039> the can remember actually when I got the can remember actually when I got the phone<00:05:12.400> call<00:05:12.919> to<00:05:13.120> congratulate<00:05:13.680> us<00:05:13.960> that<00:05:14.199> the phone call to congratulate us that the phone call to congratulate us that the the<00:05:14.479> movie<00:05:14.720> was<00:05:14.840> a<00:05:15.000> go<00:05:15.360> I<00:05:15.520> I<00:05:15.680> actually<00:05:15.880> threw<00:05:16.280> up the movie was a go I I actually threw up the movie was a go I I actually threw up uh<00:05:18.600> um<00:05:19.280> you<00:05:19.400> know<00:05:19.560> this<00:05:19.680> is<00:05:20.080> this<00:05:20.199> is<00:05:20.280> some uh um you know this is this is some uh um you know this is this is some tough<00:05:20.759> stuff<00:05:21.280> um<00:05:21.639> so<00:05:21.960> we<00:05:22.080> we<00:05:22.160> started<00:05:22.400> to<00:05:22.479> have tough stuff um so we we started to have tough stuff um so we we started to have early<00:05:22.960> team<00:05:23.199> meetings<00:05:23.800> and<00:05:24.039> and<00:05:24.360> we<00:05:24.479> got early team meetings and and we got early team meetings and and we got everybody<00:05:25.120> together<00:05:25.440> and<00:05:26.199> um<00:05:26.520> it<00:05:26.639> was<00:05:26.800> really everybody together and um it was really everybody together and um it was really more<00:05:27.160> like<00:05:27.360> therapy<00:05:27.680> in<00:05:27.759> the<00:05:27.880> beginning<00:05:28.400> uh more like therapy in the beginning uh more like therapy in the beginning uh convincing<00:05:29.680> other<00:05:29.880> and<00:05:30.000> reassuring<00:05:30.560> each convincing other and reassuring each convincing other and reassuring each other<00:05:30.919> that<00:05:31.000> we<00:05:31.120> could<00:05:31.360> actually<00:05:31.680> undertake other that we could actually undertake other that we could actually undertake this<00:05:32.360> we<00:05:32.479> had<00:05:32.560> to<00:05:32.800> hold<00:05:33.000> up<00:05:33.160> an<00:05:33.280> hour<00:05:33.520> of<00:05:33.639> a this we had to hold up an hour of a this we had to hold up an hour of a movie<00:05:34.400> with<00:05:34.520> a<00:05:34.680> character<00:05:35.120> and<00:05:35.280> it's<00:05:35.440> not<00:05:35.560> a movie with a character and it's not a movie with a character and it's not a special<00:05:35.960> effects<00:05:36.280> film<00:05:36.520> it<00:05:36.639> has<00:05:36.759> to<00:05:36.880> be<00:05:37.000> a<00:05:37.160> man special effects film it has to be a man special effects film it has to be a man um<00:05:38.479> we<00:05:38.840> we<00:05:38.960> really<00:05:39.120> felt<00:05:39.319> like<00:05:39.440> we<00:05:39.560> were<00:05:39.840> a<00:05:40.120> in<00:05:40.240> a um we we really felt like we were a in a um we we really felt like we were a in a kind<00:05:40.840> of<00:05:40.960> like<00:05:41.080> a<00:05:41.720> 12-step<00:05:42.319> program<00:05:42.960> and<00:05:43.120> of kind of like a 12-step program and of kind of like a 12-step program and of course<00:05:43.520> you<00:05:43.639> know<00:05:44.039> the<00:05:44.160> first<00:05:44.440> step<00:05:44.639> is<00:05:44.880> admit course you know the first step is admit course you know the first step is admit you've<00:05:45.280> got<00:05:45.400> a<00:05:46.000> problem<00:05:47.000> so<00:05:47.400> um<00:05:48.280> we<00:05:48.360> had<00:05:48.479> a<00:05:48.600> big you've got a problem so um we had a big you've got a problem so um we had a big problem<00:05:49.360> we<00:05:49.479> didn't<00:05:49.600> know<00:05:49.720> how<00:05:49.800> we<00:05:49.880> were<00:05:49.960> going problem we didn't know how we were going problem we didn't know how we were going to<00:05:50.160> do<00:05:50.400> this<00:05:51.280> um<00:05:51.960> and<00:05:52.240> uh<00:05:52.360> but<00:05:52.479> we<00:05:52.560> did<00:05:52.720> know<00:05:52.919> one to do this um and uh but we did know one to do this um and uh but we did know one thing<00:05:53.360> being<00:05:53.600> from<00:05:53.759> the<00:05:53.840> visual<00:05:54.120> effects thing being from the visual effects thing being from the visual effects industry<00:05:55.039> we<00:05:55.240> with<00:05:55.479> David<00:05:56.240> believed<00:05:57.080> that<00:05:57.240> we industry we with David believed that we industry we with David believed that we now<00:05:57.600> had<00:05:57.800> enough<00:05:58.120> time<00:05:58.919> enough<00:05:59.120> resource now had enough time enough resource now had enough time enough resource ources<00:05:59.759> and<00:06:00.039> God<00:06:00.199> we<00:06:00.319> hoped<00:06:00.520> we<00:06:00.600> had<00:06:00.759> enough ources and God we hoped we had enough ources and God we hoped we had enough money<00:06:01.800> um<00:06:02.400> and<00:06:02.520> we<00:06:02.639> had<00:06:02.800> enough<00:06:03.240> passion<00:06:03.919> to money um and we had enough passion to money um and we had enough passion to will<00:06:04.880> the<00:06:05.000> process<00:06:05.360> season<00:06:05.720> technology<00:06:06.560> into will the process season technology into will the process season technology into existence<00:06:07.680> so<00:06:07.919> when<00:06:08.039> you're<00:06:08.160> faced<00:06:08.400> with existence so when you're faced with existence so when you're faced with something<00:06:08.720> like<00:06:08.840> that<00:06:08.960> of<00:06:09.039> course<00:06:09.160> you<00:06:09.360> got<00:06:09.440> to something like that of course you got to something like that of course you got to break<00:06:09.759> it<00:06:09.880> down<00:06:10.080> you<00:06:10.199> take<00:06:10.319> the<00:06:10.440> big<00:06:10.599> problem break it down you take the big problem break it down you take the big problem you<00:06:10.919> break<00:06:11.080> it<00:06:11.160> down<00:06:11.319> into<00:06:11.520> smaller<00:06:11.800> pieces you break it down into smaller pieces you break it down into smaller pieces and<00:06:12.120> you<00:06:12.199> can<00:06:12.280> start<00:06:12.479> to<00:06:12.639> attack<00:06:12.919> that<00:06:13.039> so<00:06:13.120> we and you can start to attack that so we and you can start to attack that so we had<00:06:13.360> three<00:06:13.520> main<00:06:13.759> areas<00:06:14.000> that<00:06:14.120> we<00:06:14.199> had<00:06:14.319> to had three main areas that we had to had three main areas that we had to focus<00:06:14.720> on<00:06:15.360> we<00:06:15.520> needed<00:06:15.680> to<00:06:15.800> make<00:06:16.000> Brad<00:06:16.319> look<00:06:16.639> a focus on we needed to make Brad look a focus on we needed to make Brad look a lot<00:06:17.039> older<00:06:17.440> we<00:06:17.520> needed<00:06:17.759> to<00:06:17.919> age<00:06:18.199> him<00:06:18.599> 45<00:06:19.120> years lot older we needed to age him 45 years lot older we needed to age him 45 years or<00:06:19.479> so<00:06:20.280> um<00:06:20.720> and<00:06:20.840> we<00:06:20.960> also<00:06:21.160> needed<00:06:21.400> to<00:06:21.520> make<00:06:21.639> sure or so um and we also needed to make sure or so um and we also needed to make sure that<00:06:22.639> um<00:06:22.800> we<00:06:22.919> could<00:06:23.080> take<00:06:23.560> Brad's<00:06:24.560> uh that um we could take Brad's uh that um we could take Brad's uh idiosyncrasies<00:06:25.960> his<00:06:26.120> little<00:06:26.319> ticks<00:06:26.720> the idiosyncrasies his little ticks the idiosyncrasies his little ticks the little<00:06:27.000> subtleties<00:06:27.520> that<00:06:27.639> make<00:06:27.800> him<00:06:27.960> who<00:06:28.120> he little subtleties that make him who he little subtleties that make him who he is<00:06:28.599> and<00:06:28.720> have<00:06:28.840> that<00:06:29.000> trans<00:06:29.639> through<00:06:29.840> our is and have that trans through our is and have that trans through our process<00:06:30.400> so<00:06:30.560> that<00:06:30.639> it<00:06:30.800> appears<00:06:31.160> in<00:06:31.360> Benjamin process so that it appears in Benjamin process so that it appears in Benjamin on<00:06:32.280> the<00:06:32.440> screen<00:06:33.120> and<00:06:33.240> we<00:06:33.360> also<00:06:33.520> needed<00:06:33.759> to on the screen and we also needed to on the screen and we also needed to create<00:06:34.639> um<00:06:34.800> a<00:06:35.000> character<00:06:35.639> that<00:06:35.759> could<00:06:35.880> hold<00:06:36.120> up create um a character that could hold up create um a character that could hold up under<00:06:37.000> really<00:06:37.240> all<00:06:37.720> conditions<00:06:38.199> uh<00:06:38.319> he<00:06:38.440> needed under really all conditions uh he needed under really all conditions uh he needed to<00:06:38.800> be<00:06:39.120> able<00:06:39.280> to<00:06:39.400> walk<00:06:39.560> in<00:06:39.720> broad<00:06:40.000> daylight<00:06:40.360> at to be able to walk in broad daylight at to be able to walk in broad daylight at night<00:06:40.680> time<00:06:41.039> under<00:06:41.360> candl<00:06:41.720> light<00:06:41.960> he<00:06:42.080> had<00:06:42.199> to night time under candl light he had to night time under candl light he had to hold<00:06:42.400> an<00:06:42.520> extreme<00:06:42.880> closeup<00:06:43.240> he<00:06:43.319> had<00:06:43.440> to hold an extreme closeup he had to hold an extreme closeup he had to deliver<00:06:43.880> dialogue<00:06:44.560> he<00:06:44.680> had<00:06:44.759> to<00:06:44.840> be<00:06:44.919> able<00:06:45.080> to deliver dialogue he had to be able to deliver dialogue he had to be able to run<00:06:45.599> he<00:06:45.680> had<00:06:45.800> to<00:06:45.880> be<00:06:45.960> able<00:06:46.120> to<00:06:46.199> sweat<00:06:46.520> he<00:06:46.639> had<00:06:46.720> to run he had to be able to sweat he had to run he had to be able to sweat he had to be<00:06:46.880> able<00:06:47.000> to<00:06:47.080> take<00:06:47.199> a<00:06:47.360> bath<00:06:47.800> to<00:06:48.039> cry<00:06:48.680> he<00:06:48.800> even be able to take a bath to cry he even be able to take a bath to cry he even had<00:06:49.080> to<00:06:49.199> throw<00:06:49.440> up<00:06:50.000> not<00:06:50.199> all<00:06:50.360> at<00:06:50.479> the<00:06:50.560> same<00:06:50.800> time had to throw up not all at the same time had to throw up not all at the same time but<00:06:51.120> he<00:06:51.240> had<00:06:51.360> to<00:06:51.680> you<00:06:51.759> know<00:06:51.919> do<00:06:52.120> all<00:06:52.240> of<00:06:52.400> those but he had to you know do all of those but he had to you know do all of those those<00:06:52.800> things<00:06:53.360> and<00:06:53.599> the<00:06:53.720> work<00:06:53.919> had<00:06:54.039> to<00:06:54.160> hold<00:06:54.319> up those things and the work had to hold up those things and the work had to hold up for<00:06:54.639> almost<00:06:54.880> the<00:06:55.039> first<00:06:55.280> hour<00:06:55.560> of<00:06:55.680> the<00:06:55.840> movie for almost the first hour of the movie for almost the first hour of the movie we<00:06:56.520> did<00:06:56.720> about<00:06:56.919> 325<00:06:57.879> shots<00:06:58.599> so<00:06:58.919> we<00:06:59.080> needed<00:06:59.520> A we did about 325 shots so we needed A we did about 325 shots so we needed A system<00:07:00.400> that<00:07:00.520> would<00:07:00.680> allow<00:07:01.000> Benjamin<00:07:01.960> to<00:07:02.120> be system that would allow Benjamin to be system that would allow Benjamin to be able<00:07:02.400> to<00:07:02.560> do<00:07:02.960> everything<00:07:03.759> a<00:07:03.879> human<00:07:04.160> being<00:07:04.599> can able to do everything a human being can able to do everything a human being can do<00:07:05.520> and<00:07:05.639> we<00:07:05.800> realized<00:07:06.560> that<00:07:06.680> there<00:07:06.800> was<00:07:06.919> a do and we realized that there was a do and we realized that there was a giant<00:07:07.560> chasm<00:07:08.199> between<00:07:08.599> the<00:07:08.720> state-of-the-art giant chasm between the state-of-the-art giant chasm between the state-of-the-art of<00:07:09.479> technology<00:07:09.960> in<00:07:10.120> about<00:07:10.520> 2004<00:07:11.360> and<00:07:11.560> where<00:07:11.720> we of technology in about 2004 and where we of technology in about 2004 and where we needed<00:07:12.160> it<00:07:12.319> to<00:07:12.479> be<00:07:13.120> so<00:07:13.280> we<00:07:13.440> focused<00:07:13.759> on<00:07:13.879> motion needed it to be so we focused on motion needed it to be so we focused on motion capture<00:07:14.599> now<00:07:15.000> I'm<00:07:15.080> sure<00:07:15.440> many<00:07:15.560> of<00:07:15.639> you<00:07:15.720> have capture now I'm sure many of you have capture now I'm sure many of you have seen<00:07:16.000> motion<00:07:16.400> capture<00:07:17.039> um<00:07:17.560> and<00:07:17.800> and<00:07:17.960> the seen motion capture um and and the seen motion capture um and and the state-of-the-art<00:07:18.639> at<00:07:18.720> the<00:07:18.840> time<00:07:19.000> was state-of-the-art at the time was state-of-the-art at the time was something<00:07:19.440> called<00:07:19.599> marker-based<00:07:19.960> motion something called marker-based motion something called marker-based motion capture<00:07:20.720> I'll<00:07:20.800> show<00:07:20.919> you<00:07:21.000> an<00:07:21.160> example<00:07:21.520> here capture I'll show you an example here capture I'll show you an example here it's<00:07:22.000> basically<00:07:22.319> the<00:07:22.400> idea<00:07:22.639> of<00:07:22.840> you<00:07:23.000> wear<00:07:23.160> a it's basically the idea of you wear a it's basically the idea of you wear a leotard<00:07:23.759> and<00:07:23.919> they<00:07:24.199> put<00:07:24.360> some<00:07:24.560> reflective leotard and they put some reflective leotard and they put some reflective markers<00:07:25.360> on<00:07:25.520> your<00:07:25.720> body<00:07:26.440> and<00:07:26.800> instead<00:07:27.039> of markers on your body and instead of markers on your body and instead of using<00:07:27.479> cameras<00:07:27.840> there's<00:07:28.039> infrared<00:07:28.520> sensors using cameras there's infrared sensors using cameras there's infrared sensors around<00:07:29.520> of<00:07:29.680> volume<00:07:30.120> and<00:07:30.199> those<00:07:30.360> infrared around of volume and those infrared around of volume and those infrared sensors<00:07:31.160> track<00:07:31.560> the<00:07:32.160> three-dimensional sensors track the three-dimensional sensors track the three-dimensional position<00:07:33.080> of<00:07:33.280> those<00:07:33.440> markers<00:07:34.000> in<00:07:34.160> real<00:07:34.440> time position of those markers in real time position of those markers in real time and<00:07:35.000> then<00:07:35.160> animators<00:07:35.639> can<00:07:35.800> take<00:07:36.039> the<00:07:36.440> data<00:07:36.720> of and then animators can take the data of and then animators can take the data of the<00:07:36.919> motion<00:07:37.199> of<00:07:37.360> those<00:07:37.479> markers<00:07:37.759> and<00:07:37.879> apply the motion of those markers and apply the motion of those markers and apply them<00:07:38.240> to<00:07:38.319> a<00:07:38.400> computer<00:07:38.720> generated<00:07:39.120> character them to a computer generated character them to a computer generated character so<00:07:39.879> you<00:07:40.000> can<00:07:40.160> see<00:07:40.479> the<00:07:40.759> uh<00:07:40.960> computer so you can see the uh computer so you can see the uh computer characters<00:07:41.639> on<00:07:41.720> the<00:07:41.840> right<00:07:42.000> are<00:07:42.360> having<00:07:42.560> the characters on the right are having the characters on the right are having the same<00:07:43.000> complex<00:07:43.360> motion<00:07:43.759> as<00:07:44.000> the<00:07:44.240> uh<00:07:44.520> as<00:07:44.639> the same complex motion as the uh as the same complex motion as the uh as the dancers<00:07:45.560> so<00:07:45.759> we<00:07:45.919> also<00:07:46.120> looked<00:07:46.319> at<00:07:46.599> numbers<00:07:46.840> of dancers so we also looked at numbers of dancers so we also looked at numbers of other<00:07:47.120> films<00:07:47.400> at<00:07:47.479> the<00:07:47.599> time<00:07:47.720> that<00:07:47.800> were<00:07:47.919> using other films at the time that were using other films at the time that were using facial<00:07:48.879> marker<00:07:49.280> tracking<00:07:49.720> and<00:07:49.840> that's<00:07:49.960> the facial marker tracking and that's the facial marker tracking and that's the idea<00:07:50.280> of<00:07:50.360> putting<00:07:50.720> markers<00:07:51.080> on<00:07:51.199> the<00:07:51.360> human idea of putting markers on the human idea of putting markers on the human face<00:07:52.120> and<00:07:52.240> doing<00:07:52.440> the<00:07:52.560> same<00:07:52.840> process<00:07:53.400> and<00:07:53.520> as face and doing the same process and as face and doing the same process and as you<00:07:53.720> can<00:07:53.840> see<00:07:54.000> it<00:07:54.120> gives<00:07:54.280> you<00:07:54.479> a<00:07:55.080> a<00:07:55.280> pretty you can see it gives you a a pretty you can see it gives you a a pretty crappy<00:07:56.199> performance<00:07:57.199> um<00:07:58.199> that's<00:07:58.360> not crappy performance um that's not crappy performance um that's not terribly<00:07:58.840> compelling<00:07:59.479> and<00:07:59.599> what<00:07:59.720> we<00:07:59.919> realized terribly compelling and what we realized terribly compelling and what we realized was<00:08:01.000> that<00:08:01.240> what<00:08:01.400> we<00:08:01.520> needed<00:08:02.400> was<00:08:02.560> the was that what we needed was the was that what we needed was the information<00:08:03.199> what<00:08:03.280> was<00:08:03.440> going<00:08:03.599> on<00:08:03.879> between information what was going on between information what was going on between the<00:08:04.280> markers<00:08:04.960> we<00:08:05.080> needed<00:08:05.479> the<00:08:05.840> the<00:08:05.960> subtleties the markers we needed the the subtleties the markers we needed the the subtleties of<00:08:06.599> the<00:08:06.720> skin<00:08:07.000> we<00:08:07.080> needed<00:08:07.360> to<00:08:07.479> see<00:08:07.919> skin<00:08:08.199> moving of the skin we needed to see skin moving of the skin we needed to see skin moving over<00:08:08.720> muscle<00:08:09.080> over<00:08:09.280> bone<00:08:09.560> needed<00:08:09.879> creases<00:08:10.199> and over muscle over bone needed creases and over muscle over bone needed creases and dimples<00:08:10.680> and<00:08:10.759> wrinkles<00:08:11.159> and<00:08:11.280> all<00:08:11.400> of<00:08:11.560> those dimples and wrinkles and all of those dimples and wrinkles and all of those things<00:08:11.960> so<00:08:12.280> our<00:08:12.440> first<00:08:12.720> big<00:08:12.919> Revelation<00:08:13.440> was things so our first big Revelation was things so our first big Revelation was to<00:08:14.080> completely<00:08:14.639> abort<00:08:15.000> and<00:08:15.280> walk<00:08:15.479> away<00:08:15.759> from to completely abort and walk away from to completely abort and walk away from the<00:08:16.599> technology<00:08:17.039> of<00:08:17.159> the<00:08:17.319> day<00:08:17.759> the<00:08:17.919> status<00:08:18.280> quo the technology of the day the status quo the technology of the day the status quo the<00:08:18.879> state-of-the-art<00:08:19.879> and<00:08:20.000> so<00:08:20.400> we<00:08:20.720> aborted the state-of-the-art and so we aborted the state-of-the-art and so we aborted using<00:08:22.120> motion<00:08:22.560> capture<00:08:23.319> and<00:08:23.400> we<00:08:23.479> were<00:08:23.680> now using motion capture and we were now using motion capture and we were now well<00:08:24.159> out<00:08:24.280> of<00:08:24.360> our<00:08:24.520> comfort<00:08:24.840> zone<00:08:25.319> and<00:08:25.479> un well out of our comfort zone and un well out of our comfort zone and un Uncharted<00:08:26.280> Territory<00:08:27.360> so<00:08:28.360> we<00:08:28.440> were<00:08:28.639> left<00:08:28.800> with Uncharted Territory so we were left with Uncharted Territory so we were left with this<00:08:29.319> idea<00:08:29.560> that<00:08:29.639> we<00:08:29.759> ended<00:08:29.919> up<00:08:30.039> kind<00:08:30.159> of this idea that we ended up kind of this idea that we ended up kind of calling<00:08:30.879> uh<00:08:31.080> technology<00:08:31.599> stew<00:08:32.479> we<00:08:32.760> started<00:08:33.080> to calling uh technology stew we started to calling uh technology stew we started to look<00:08:33.399> out<00:08:33.599> in<00:08:33.800> other<00:08:34.000> fields<00:08:34.880> and<00:08:35.080> the<00:08:35.200> idea look out in other fields and the idea look out in other fields and the idea was<00:08:35.560> that<00:08:35.640> we<00:08:35.719> were<00:08:35.880> going<00:08:36.000> to<00:08:36.159> find<00:08:36.640> nuggets was that we were going to find nuggets was that we were going to find nuggets or<00:08:37.320> gems<00:08:37.760> of<00:08:38.039> technology<00:08:38.640> that<00:08:38.800> perhaps<00:08:39.200> come or gems of technology that perhaps come or gems of technology that perhaps come from<00:08:39.479> other<00:08:39.640> Industries<00:08:40.039> like<00:08:40.159> Medical from other Industries like Medical from other Industries like Medical Imaging<00:08:40.880> or<00:08:41.080> the<00:08:41.360> the<00:08:41.479> video<00:08:41.760> game<00:08:42.080> space<00:08:42.880> and Imaging or the the video game space and Imaging or the the video game space and and<00:08:43.440> reappropriate<00:08:44.279> them<00:08:44.839> and<00:08:45.519> we<00:08:45.680> had<00:08:45.800> to and reappropriate them and we had to and reappropriate them and we had to create<00:08:46.240> kind<00:08:46.360> of<00:08:46.480> a<00:08:46.839> a<00:08:47.000> sauce<00:08:47.440> and<00:08:47.560> the<00:08:47.680> sauce create kind of a a sauce and the sauce create kind of a a sauce and the sauce was<00:08:48.200> a<00:08:48.959> code<00:08:49.200> in<00:08:49.360> software<00:08:49.760> that<00:08:49.880> we<00:08:50.080> written was a code in software that we written was a code in software that we written to<00:08:50.800> allow<00:08:51.080> these<00:08:51.240> disperate<00:08:51.600> pieces<00:08:51.839> of to allow these disperate pieces of to allow these disperate pieces of Technologies<00:08:52.560> to<00:08:52.959> come<00:08:53.360> together<00:08:53.760> and<00:08:53.880> work Technologies to come together and work Technologies to come together and work as<00:08:54.320> one<00:08:54.880> and<00:08:55.000> so<00:08:55.399> initially<00:08:55.760> we<00:08:55.880> came<00:08:56.040> across as one and so initially we came across as one and so initially we came across some<00:08:56.480> remarkable<00:08:56.959> research<00:08:57.399> done<00:08:57.600> by<00:08:57.959> a some remarkable research done by a some remarkable research done by a gentleman<00:08:58.399> named<00:08:58.640> Dr<00:08:58.839> Paul<00:08:59.160> mman<00:08:59.480> in<00:08:59.560> the gentleman named Dr Paul mman in the gentleman named Dr Paul mman in the early<00:08:59.800> '70s<00:09:00.200> and<00:09:00.600> he<00:09:01.360> believed<00:09:02.079> uh<00:09:02.600> that<00:09:02.800> he early '70s and he believed uh that he early '70s and he believed uh that he could<00:09:03.160> in<00:09:03.320> fact<00:09:03.680> catalog<00:09:04.360> the<00:09:04.519> human<00:09:04.839> face<00:09:05.079> and could in fact catalog the human face and could in fact catalog the human face and he<00:09:05.320> came<00:09:05.480> up<00:09:05.600> with<00:09:05.760> his<00:09:06.240> idea<00:09:06.560> of<00:09:06.880> facial he came up with his idea of facial he came up with his idea of facial action<00:09:07.600> coding<00:09:08.040> system<00:09:08.600> he<00:09:08.720> believed<00:09:09.000> that action coding system he believed that action coding system he believed that there<00:09:09.200> are<00:09:09.399> basically<00:09:10.120> 70<00:09:11.120> basic<00:09:11.519> poses<00:09:11.920> or there are basically 70 basic poses or there are basically 70 basic poses or shapes<00:09:12.880> of<00:09:13.000> the<00:09:13.160> human<00:09:13.519> face<00:09:14.320> and<00:09:14.560> that<00:09:15.200> um shapes of the human face and that um shapes of the human face and that um from<00:09:15.720> those<00:09:15.959> basic<00:09:16.240> poses<00:09:16.600> or<00:09:16.720> shapes<00:09:17.000> of<00:09:17.120> the from those basic poses or shapes of the from those basic poses or shapes of the face<00:09:17.480> they<00:09:17.600> can<00:09:17.680> be<00:09:17.880> combined<00:09:18.240> to<00:09:18.360> create face they can be combined to create face they can be combined to create infinite<00:09:19.040> possibilities<00:09:19.519> of<00:09:19.839> everything<00:09:20.480> the infinite possibilities of everything the infinite possibilities of everything the human<00:09:20.880> face<00:09:21.040> is<00:09:21.240> capable<00:09:21.560> of<00:09:21.680> doing<00:09:22.200> and<00:09:22.360> of human face is capable of doing and of human face is capable of doing and of course<00:09:23.320> um<00:09:23.680> these<00:09:23.920> transcend<00:09:24.519> age<00:09:24.839> race course um these transcend age race course um these transcend age race culture<00:09:25.519> gender<00:09:26.240> and<00:09:26.399> so<00:09:26.720> this<00:09:26.880> was<00:09:27.240> uh<00:09:27.480> became culture gender and so this was uh became culture gender and so this was uh became kind<00:09:27.880> of<00:09:28.000> the<00:09:28.120> foundation<00:09:28.519> of<00:09:28.600> our<00:09:28.720> research kind of the foundation of our research kind of the foundation of our research as<00:09:29.279> we<00:09:29.360> went<00:09:29.519> forward<00:09:30.079> and<00:09:30.160> then<00:09:30.240> we<00:09:30.360> came as we went forward and then we came as we went forward and then we came across<00:09:30.720> some<00:09:30.920> remarkable<00:09:31.399> technology<00:09:32.360> called across some remarkable technology called across some remarkable technology called contour<00:09:33.800> and<00:09:33.920> here<00:09:34.040> you<00:09:34.160> can<00:09:34.240> see<00:09:34.399> a<00:09:34.560> subject contour and here you can see a subject contour and here you can see a subject having<00:09:35.360> phosphorescent<00:09:36.040> makeup<00:09:36.360> stippled<00:09:36.800> on having phosphorescent makeup stippled on having phosphorescent makeup stippled on her<00:09:37.160> face<00:09:37.800> and<00:09:37.920> now<00:09:38.079> what<00:09:38.160> we're<00:09:38.279> looking<00:09:38.480> at her face and now what we're looking at her face and now what we're looking at is<00:09:38.760> really<00:09:39.399> creating<00:09:39.720> a<00:09:40.160> surface<00:09:40.640> capture<00:09:40.920> as is really creating a surface capture as is really creating a surface capture as opposed<00:09:41.279> to<00:09:41.360> a<00:09:41.440> marker<00:09:41.760> capture<00:09:42.320> the<00:09:42.440> subject opposed to a marker capture the subject opposed to a marker capture the subject stands<00:09:43.000> in<00:09:43.120> front<00:09:43.279> of<00:09:43.360> a<00:09:43.519> computer<00:09:43.920> array<00:09:44.440> of stands in front of a computer array of stands in front of a computer array of cameras<00:09:45.360> and<00:09:45.480> those<00:09:45.680> cameras<00:09:46.120> can<00:09:46.959> frame<00:09:47.279> by cameras and those cameras can frame by cameras and those cameras can frame by frame<00:09:47.920> reconstruct<00:09:48.560> geometry<00:09:49.000> of<00:09:49.160> exactly frame reconstruct geometry of exactly frame reconstruct geometry of exactly what<00:09:49.600> the<00:09:49.720> subject's<00:09:50.079> doing<00:09:50.320> at<00:09:50.399> the<00:09:50.519> moment what the subject's doing at the moment what the subject's doing at the moment right<00:09:51.399> so<00:09:51.600> effectively<00:09:52.000> you<00:09:52.240> get<00:09:52.600> uh<00:09:53.160> 3D<00:09:53.560> data right so effectively you get uh 3D data right so effectively you get uh 3D data in<00:09:54.079> real<00:09:54.399> time<00:09:55.040> of<00:09:55.240> the<00:09:55.399> subject<00:09:56.000> and<00:09:56.160> if<00:09:56.240> you in real time of the subject and if you in real time of the subject and if you look<00:09:56.519> in<00:09:56.680> a<00:09:57.120> comparison<00:09:58.120> on<00:09:58.240> the<00:09:58.480> left<00:09:59.200> uh<00:09:59.360> we look in a comparison on the left uh we look in a comparison on the left uh we we<00:09:59.600> see<00:09:59.800> what<00:09:59.959> volumetric<00:10:00.519> data<00:10:00.760> gives<00:10:00.959> us<00:10:01.079> and we see what volumetric data gives us and we see what volumetric data gives us and on<00:10:01.279> the<00:10:01.399> right<00:10:01.519> you<00:10:01.600> see<00:10:01.760> what<00:10:01.839> markers<00:10:02.200> give on the right you see what markers give on the right you see what markers give us<00:10:02.480> so<00:10:02.760> clearly<00:10:03.680> we<00:10:03.800> were<00:10:04.200> in<00:10:04.320> a<00:10:04.480> substantially us so clearly we were in a substantially us so clearly we were in a substantially better<00:10:05.399> place<00:10:05.600> for<00:10:05.839> this<00:10:06.120> but<00:10:06.240> these<00:10:06.360> were<00:10:06.480> the better place for this but these were the better place for this but these were the early<00:10:06.880> days<00:10:07.120> of<00:10:07.240> this<00:10:07.399> technology<00:10:07.800> and<00:10:07.880> it early days of this technology and it early days of this technology and it wasn't<00:10:08.160> really<00:10:08.320> proven<00:10:08.720> yet<00:10:09.120> but<00:10:09.720> you<00:10:09.800> know<00:10:09.959> we wasn't really proven yet but you know we wasn't really proven yet but you know we measure<00:10:10.720> uh<00:10:11.360> complexity<00:10:11.920> and<00:10:12.079> and<00:10:12.160> Fidelity measure uh complexity and and Fidelity measure uh complexity and and Fidelity of<00:10:12.680> data<00:10:12.880> in<00:10:12.959> terms<00:10:13.160> of<00:10:13.320> polygonal<00:10:13.800> count<00:10:14.399> and of data in terms of polygonal count and of data in terms of polygonal count and so<00:10:15.279> um<00:10:15.600> on<00:10:15.720> the<00:10:15.880> left<00:10:16.079> we<00:10:16.200> were<00:10:16.320> seeing<00:10:16.880> 100,000 so um on the left we were seeing 100,000 so um on the left we were seeing 100,000 polygons<00:10:18.200> we<00:10:18.279> could<00:10:18.399> go<00:10:18.480> up<00:10:18.600> into<00:10:18.760> the polygons we could go up into the polygons we could go up into the millions<00:10:19.240> of<00:10:19.360> polygons<00:10:19.760> it<00:10:19.880> seemed<00:10:20.079> to<00:10:20.200> be millions of polygons it seemed to be millions of polygons it seemed to be infinite<00:10:21.320> this<00:10:21.440> is<00:10:21.560> when<00:10:21.760> we<00:10:21.880> had<00:10:22.040> our<00:10:22.240> our<00:10:22.480> aha infinite this is when we had our our aha infinite this is when we had our our aha this<00:10:23.360> was<00:10:23.480> the<00:10:23.640> Breakthrough<00:10:24.079> this<00:10:24.160> is<00:10:24.279> when this was the Breakthrough this is when this was the Breakthrough this is when like<00:10:24.760> okay<00:10:25.079> we're<00:10:25.240> going<00:10:25.360> to<00:10:25.440> be<00:10:25.640> okay<00:10:25.880> this<00:10:25.959> is like okay we're going to be okay this is like okay we're going to be okay this is actually<00:10:26.320> going<00:10:26.399> to<00:10:26.519> work<00:10:27.480> and<00:10:27.800> um<00:10:28.040> the<00:10:28.200> AHA actually going to work and um the AHA actually going to work and um the AHA was<00:10:29.279> what<00:10:29.440> if<00:10:29.880> we<00:10:30.000> could<00:10:30.160> take<00:10:30.399> Brad<00:10:30.800> Pit<00:10:31.399> and was what if we could take Brad Pit and was what if we could take Brad Pit and we<00:10:31.640> could<00:10:31.800> put<00:10:32.040> Brad<00:10:32.959> uh<00:10:33.200> in<00:10:33.440> this<00:10:33.720> device<00:10:34.560> um we could put Brad uh in this device um we could put Brad uh in this device um and<00:10:34.839> use<00:10:35.079> this<00:10:35.279> Contour<00:10:35.839> process<00:10:36.160> and<00:10:36.279> we and use this Contour process and we and use this Contour process and we could<00:10:36.519> stipple<00:10:36.920> on<00:10:37.200> the<00:10:37.320> phosphorescent could stipple on the phosphorescent could stipple on the phosphorescent makeup<00:10:38.320> and<00:10:38.399> put<00:10:38.519> him<00:10:38.639> under<00:10:38.839> the<00:10:38.959> black makeup and put him under the black makeup and put him under the black lights<00:10:39.920> and<00:10:40.200> we<00:10:40.360> could<00:10:40.560> in<00:10:40.760> fact<00:10:41.279> scan<00:10:41.680> him<00:10:41.839> in lights and we could in fact scan him in lights and we could in fact scan him in real<00:10:42.240> time<00:10:42.519> performing<00:10:43.000> eckman's<00:10:43.720> fax<00:10:44.160> poses real time performing eckman's fax poses real time performing eckman's fax poses right<00:10:45.399> so<00:10:45.839> effectively<00:10:46.279> we<00:10:46.399> ended<00:10:46.639> up<00:10:46.760> with<00:10:46.920> a right so effectively we ended up with a right so effectively we ended up with a 3D<00:10:47.720> database<00:10:48.360> of<00:10:48.639> Everything<00:10:49.320> Brad<00:10:49.639> Pitt's 3D database of Everything Brad Pitt's 3D database of Everything Brad Pitt's face<00:10:50.200> is<00:10:50.399> capable<00:10:50.800> of<00:10:51.000> doing<00:10:52.360> so<00:10:53.360> from<00:10:53.639> there face is capable of doing so from there face is capable of doing so from there we<00:10:54.880> actually<00:10:55.279> carved<00:10:55.720> up<00:10:56.200> those<00:10:56.440> faces<00:10:57.200> into we actually carved up those faces into we actually carved up those faces into smaller<00:10:58.040> pieces<00:10:58.320> and<00:10:58.519> components<00:10:58.880> of<00:10:59.040> of<00:10:59.160> his smaller pieces and components of of his smaller pieces and components of of his face<00:10:59.480> so<00:10:59.600> we<00:10:59.680> ended<00:10:59.880> up<00:11:00.040> with<00:11:00.160> literally face so we ended up with literally face so we ended up with literally thousands<00:11:01.279> and<00:11:01.519> thousands<00:11:01.880> and<00:11:02.079> thousands<00:11:02.440> of thousands and thousands and thousands of thousands and thousands and thousands of shapes<00:11:03.480> a<00:11:03.680> complete<00:11:04.120> database<00:11:04.639> of<00:11:04.880> all shapes a complete database of all shapes a complete database of all possibilities<00:11:05.760> that<00:11:05.920> his<00:11:06.040> face<00:11:06.240> is<00:11:06.399> capable possibilities that his face is capable possibilities that his face is capable of<00:11:07.320> of<00:11:07.639> uh<00:11:07.760> of<00:11:07.880> doing<00:11:08.600> now<00:11:08.920> that's<00:11:09.160> great of of uh of doing now that's great of of uh of doing now that's great except<00:11:09.720> we<00:11:09.800> had<00:11:09.920> him<00:11:10.079> at<00:11:10.360> age<00:11:10.600> 44<00:11:11.279> we<00:11:11.399> need<00:11:11.519> to except we had him at age 44 we need to except we had him at age 44 we need to put<00:11:11.760> another<00:11:11.959> 40<00:11:12.240> years<00:11:12.399> on<00:11:12.519> him<00:11:12.639> at<00:11:12.760> this put another 40 years on him at this put another 40 years on him at this point<00:11:13.399> we<00:11:13.519> brought<00:11:13.760> in<00:11:14.240> Rick<00:11:14.480> Baker<00:11:15.160> and point we brought in Rick Baker and point we brought in Rick Baker and Rick's<00:11:15.600> one<00:11:15.680> of<00:11:15.800> the<00:11:15.959> great<00:11:16.360> makeup<00:11:16.800> and Rick's one of the great makeup and Rick's one of the great makeup and special<00:11:17.279> effects<00:11:17.600> gurus<00:11:17.920> of<00:11:18.000> our<00:11:18.160> industry special effects gurus of our industry special effects gurus of our industry and<00:11:19.440> uh<00:11:19.560> and<00:11:19.639> we<00:11:19.760> also<00:11:19.880> brought<00:11:20.040> in<00:11:20.160> a and uh and we also brought in a and uh and we also brought in a gentleman<00:11:20.519> named<00:11:20.760> Kazu<00:11:21.160> suji<00:11:21.440> and<00:11:21.519> Kazu<00:11:21.800> suuji gentleman named Kazu suji and Kazu suuji gentleman named Kazu suji and Kazu suuji is<00:11:22.120> one<00:11:22.200> of<00:11:22.279> the<00:11:22.440> great<00:11:22.639> photo<00:11:23.040> real<00:11:23.600> sculptors is one of the great photo real sculptors is one of the great photo real sculptors of<00:11:24.200> our<00:11:24.399> time<00:11:24.839> and<00:11:24.920> we<00:11:25.040> commissioned<00:11:25.480> them<00:11:25.639> to of our time and we commissioned them to of our time and we commissioned them to make<00:11:26.440> a<00:11:26.800> uh<00:11:27.120> a<00:11:27.279> maette<00:11:28.079> or<00:11:28.240> a<00:11:28.399> bust<00:11:29.200> of<00:11:29.720> of make a uh a maette or a bust of of make a uh a maette or a bust of of Benjamin<00:11:30.360> and<00:11:30.480> so<00:11:30.600> in<00:11:30.720> the<00:11:30.839> spirit<00:11:31.040> of<00:11:31.160> the Benjamin and so in the spirit of the Benjamin and so in the spirit of the great<00:11:31.399> unveiling<00:11:31.800> I<00:11:31.880> had<00:11:31.959> to<00:11:32.079> do<00:11:32.200> this<00:11:32.360> I<00:11:32.440> had great unveiling I had to do this I had great unveiling I had to do this I had to<00:11:32.839> I<00:11:32.920> had<00:11:33.000> to<00:11:33.120> unveil<00:11:33.560> something<00:11:34.240> so<00:11:34.639> this<00:11:34.760> is to I had to unveil something so this is to I had to unveil something so this is Ben<00:11:35.240> 80<00:11:35.959> right<00:11:36.519> now<00:11:36.800> with<00:11:37.320> uh<00:11:37.720> um<00:11:38.360> we<00:11:38.440> created Ben 80 right now with uh um we created Ben 80 right now with uh um we created three<00:11:38.880> of<00:11:39.000> these<00:11:39.200> there's<00:11:39.360> Ben<00:11:39.519> 80<00:11:39.760> there's three of these there's Ben 80 there's three of these there's Ben 80 there's Ben<00:11:40.120> 70<00:11:40.440> there's<00:11:40.639> Ben<00:11:40.880> 60<00:11:41.680> and<00:11:41.800> this<00:11:41.920> really Ben 70 there's Ben 60 and this really Ben 70 there's Ben 60 and this really became<00:11:42.560> the<00:11:43.320> uh<00:11:43.480> the<00:11:43.639> template<00:11:44.360> of<00:11:44.519> moving became the uh the template of moving became the uh the template of moving forward<00:11:45.079> now<00:11:45.200> this<00:11:45.279> was<00:11:45.399> made<00:11:45.560> from<00:11:45.680> a<00:11:45.839> life forward now this was made from a life forward now this was made from a life cast<00:11:46.399> of<00:11:46.600> Brad<00:11:47.519> so<00:11:48.040> in<00:11:48.360> fact<00:11:49.120> um<00:11:49.399> anatomically cast of Brad so in fact um anatomically cast of Brad so in fact um anatomically it<00:11:50.200> is<00:11:50.399> correct<00:11:50.839> the<00:11:51.000> eyes<00:11:51.320> the<00:11:51.440> jaw<00:11:51.800> the<00:11:51.920> teeth it is correct the eyes the jaw the teeth it is correct the eyes the jaw the teeth everything<00:11:52.560> is<00:11:52.680> imperfect<00:11:53.120> alignment<00:11:53.480> with everything is imperfect alignment with everything is imperfect alignment with what<00:11:53.800> the<00:11:53.920> real<00:11:54.160> guy<00:11:54.399> has<00:11:54.920> we<00:11:55.079> have<00:11:55.320> these what the real guy has we have these what the real guy has we have these mettes<00:11:56.480> scanned<00:11:56.880> into<00:11:57.120> the<00:11:57.240> computer<00:11:57.760> at<00:11:58.200> at mettes scanned into the computer at at mettes scanned into the computer at at very<00:11:58.600> high<00:11:58.760> RIS<00:11:58.959> resolution<00:11:59.360> an<00:11:59.519> enormous very high RIS resolution an enormous very high RIS resolution an enormous polygonal<00:12:00.440> count<00:12:01.279> um<00:12:01.560> and<00:12:01.680> so<00:12:01.880> now<00:12:02.040> we<00:12:02.240> had<00:12:03.000> uh polygonal count um and so now we had uh polygonal count um and so now we had uh three<00:12:03.600> age<00:12:04.079> increments<00:12:05.079> of<00:12:05.560> Benjamin<00:12:06.240> in<00:12:06.360> the three age increments of Benjamin in the three age increments of Benjamin in the computer<00:12:07.399> but<00:12:07.519> we<00:12:07.639> needed<00:12:07.880> to<00:12:08.079> get<00:12:08.839> um<00:12:09.000> a computer but we needed to get um a computer but we needed to get um a database<00:12:09.560> of<00:12:09.680> him<00:12:09.800> doing<00:12:10.040> more<00:12:10.240> than<00:12:10.440> that<00:12:10.639> so database of him doing more than that so database of him doing more than that so we<00:12:10.839> went<00:12:11.000> through<00:12:11.160> this<00:12:11.360> process<00:12:11.639> then<00:12:11.800> called we went through this process then called we went through this process then called retargeting<00:12:13.120> so<00:12:13.279> this<00:12:13.360> is<00:12:13.519> Brad<00:12:13.800> doing<00:12:13.959> one<00:12:14.079> of retargeting so this is Brad doing one of retargeting so this is Brad doing one of the<00:12:14.320> emman<00:12:14.680> fact<00:12:15.079> poses<00:12:15.880> and<00:12:16.000> here's<00:12:16.320> the the emman fact poses and here's the the emman fact poses and here's the resulting<00:12:17.560> data<00:12:17.839> that<00:12:18.000> comes<00:12:18.240> from<00:12:18.440> that<00:12:18.560> or resulting data that comes from that or resulting data that comes from that or the<00:12:18.760> model<00:12:19.040> that<00:12:19.160> comes<00:12:19.360> from<00:12:19.560> that<00:12:20.000> and the model that comes from that and the model that comes from that and retargeting<00:12:20.839> is<00:12:21.000> the<00:12:21.160> process<00:12:21.360> of retargeting is the process of retargeting is the process of transposing<00:12:23.079> that<00:12:23.279> data<00:12:23.880> onto<00:12:24.360> another<00:12:24.720> model transposing that data onto another model transposing that data onto another model and<00:12:25.320> because<00:12:25.639> the<00:12:25.800> Life<00:12:26.160> cast<00:12:26.360> or<00:12:26.560> the<00:12:26.720> bust and because the Life cast or the bust and because the Life cast or the bust the<00:12:27.240> maette<00:12:27.720> of<00:12:27.959> Benjamin<00:12:28.560> was<00:12:28.920> made<00:12:29.160> from the maette of Benjamin was made from the maette of Benjamin was made from Brad<00:12:30.199> we<00:12:30.320> could<00:12:30.519> transpose<00:12:31.160> the Brad we could transpose the Brad we could transpose the data<00:12:33.000> of<00:12:33.399> Brad<00:12:33.639> at<00:12:34.000> 44<00:12:35.000> onto<00:12:35.320> Brad<00:12:35.519> at<00:12:35.639> 87<00:12:36.399> so data of Brad at 44 onto Brad at 87 so data of Brad at 44 onto Brad at 87 so now<00:12:36.959> we<00:12:37.079> had<00:12:37.160> a<00:12:37.279> 3D<00:12:37.639> database<00:12:38.040> of<00:12:38.240> Everything now we had a 3D database of Everything now we had a 3D database of Everything Brad<00:12:38.839> Pitt's<00:12:39.079> face<00:12:39.320> can<00:12:39.480> do<00:12:39.880> at<00:12:40.040> age<00:12:40.199> '<00:12:40.279> 87<00:12:40.920> in Brad Pitt's face can do at age ' 87 in Brad Pitt's face can do at age ' 87 in his<00:12:41.199> 70s<00:12:41.600> and<00:12:41.720> then<00:12:41.880> in<00:12:42.000> his<00:12:42.160> 60s<00:12:42.720> next<00:12:42.880> we<00:12:43.000> had his 70s and then in his 60s next we had his 70s and then in his 60s next we had to<00:12:43.199> go<00:12:43.360> into<00:12:43.720> the<00:12:43.959> shooting<00:12:44.399> process<00:12:44.680> so<00:12:45.120> while to go into the shooting process so while to go into the shooting process so while that's<00:12:45.560> going<00:12:45.760> on<00:12:45.920> we're<00:12:46.120> down<00:12:46.320> in<00:12:46.560> New that's going on we're down in New that's going on we're down in New Orleans<00:12:47.160> and<00:12:47.399> locations<00:12:47.800> around<00:12:48.040> the<00:12:48.120> world Orleans and locations around the world Orleans and locations around the world and<00:12:48.399> we<00:12:48.480> shot<00:12:48.760> our<00:12:49.040> body<00:12:49.360> actors<00:12:49.720> and<00:12:49.800> we<00:12:49.920> shot and we shot our body actors and we shot and we shot our body actors and we shot them<00:12:50.240> wearing<00:12:50.800> blue<00:12:51.120> hoods<00:12:51.440> so<00:12:51.560> these<00:12:51.680> are<00:12:51.800> the them wearing blue hoods so these are the them wearing blue hoods so these are the gentlemen<00:12:52.199> who<00:12:52.279> played<00:12:52.639> Benjamin<00:12:53.519> and<00:12:53.639> the gentlemen who played Benjamin and the gentlemen who played Benjamin and the blue<00:12:53.959> hoods<00:12:54.199> helped<00:12:54.440> us<00:12:54.519> for<00:12:54.680> two<00:12:54.839> things<00:12:55.079> one blue hoods helped us for two things one blue hoods helped us for two things one we<00:12:55.320> could<00:12:55.480> easily<00:12:55.760> erase<00:12:56.079> their<00:12:56.240> heads<00:12:56.800> and<00:12:56.920> we we could easily erase their heads and we we could easily erase their heads and we also<00:12:57.279> put<00:12:57.519> tracking<00:12:57.880> markers<00:12:58.199> on<00:12:58.320> their<00:12:58.480> heads also put tracking markers on their heads also put tracking markers on their heads so<00:12:58.839> so<00:12:58.959> in<00:12:59.079> fact<00:12:59.240> we<00:12:59.320> could<00:12:59.519> recreate<00:13:00.399> the so so in fact we could recreate the so so in fact we could recreate the camera<00:13:00.839> motion<00:13:01.040> and<00:13:01.160> the<00:13:01.279> lens<00:13:01.600> Optics<00:13:02.279> from camera motion and the lens Optics from camera motion and the lens Optics from the<00:13:02.639> set<00:13:03.079> but<00:13:03.240> now<00:13:03.360> we<00:13:03.480> needed<00:13:03.680> to<00:13:03.839> get<00:13:04.000> Brad's the set but now we needed to get Brad's the set but now we needed to get Brad's performance<00:13:05.240> to<00:13:05.440> drive<00:13:05.720> our<00:13:05.920> virtual performance to drive our virtual performance to drive our virtual Benjamin<00:13:07.320> and<00:13:07.399> so<00:13:07.560> we<00:13:07.680> edited<00:13:08.000> the<00:13:08.079> footage Benjamin and so we edited the footage Benjamin and so we edited the footage that<00:13:08.440> was<00:13:08.560> shot<00:13:08.760> on<00:13:08.839> the<00:13:08.959> location<00:13:09.360> with<00:13:09.519> the that was shot on the location with the that was shot on the location with the the<00:13:10.040> rest<00:13:10.199> of<00:13:10.320> the<00:13:10.480> cast<00:13:10.800> and<00:13:11.040> the<00:13:11.360> uh<00:13:12.120> uh<00:13:12.279> the the rest of the cast and the uh uh the the rest of the cast and the uh uh the body<00:13:12.760> actors<00:13:13.760> and<00:13:14.079> um<00:13:14.240> about<00:13:14.399> 6<00:13:14.600> months<00:13:14.880> later body actors and um about 6 months later body actors and um about 6 months later we<00:13:15.160> brought<00:13:15.320> Brad<00:13:15.560> onto<00:13:15.760> a<00:13:15.880> sound<00:13:16.079> stage<00:13:16.360> in we brought Brad onto a sound stage in we brought Brad onto a sound stage in Los<00:13:16.800> Angeles<00:13:17.800> and<00:13:18.240> he<00:13:18.399> watched<00:13:19.040> on<00:13:19.160> the<00:13:19.440> screen Los Angeles and he watched on the screen Los Angeles and he watched on the screen and<00:13:21.000> uh<00:13:21.160> his<00:13:21.320> job<00:13:21.560> then<00:13:21.680> was<00:13:21.800> to<00:13:22.000> become and uh his job then was to become and uh his job then was to become Benjamin<00:13:23.199> and<00:13:23.279> so<00:13:23.440> we<00:13:23.519> looped<00:13:23.880> the<00:13:23.959> scenes<00:13:24.279> he Benjamin and so we looped the scenes he Benjamin and so we looped the scenes he watched<00:13:24.720> again<00:13:24.839> and<00:13:25.000> again<00:13:25.199> we<00:13:25.320> encouraged watched again and again we encouraged watched again and again we encouraged him<00:13:25.839> to<00:13:26.199> improvise<00:13:27.199> and<00:13:27.720> he<00:13:27.839> took<00:13:28.079> Benjamin him to improvise and he took Benjamin him to improvise and he took Benjamin and<00:13:28.839> interesting<00:13:29.160> unusual<00:13:29.560> places<00:13:29.800> that<00:13:29.920> we and interesting unusual places that we and interesting unusual places that we didn't<00:13:30.199> think<00:13:30.320> he<00:13:30.440> was<00:13:30.560> going<00:13:30.639> to<00:13:30.839> go<00:13:31.480> we<00:13:31.600> shot didn't think he was going to go we shot didn't think he was going to go we shot him<00:13:31.880> with<00:13:32.040> four<00:13:32.360> HD<00:13:32.760> cameras<00:13:33.040> so<00:13:33.120> we<00:13:33.279> get him with four HD cameras so we get him with four HD cameras so we get multiple<00:13:33.760> views<00:13:34.000> of<00:13:34.160> him<00:13:34.600> and<00:13:34.720> then<00:13:35.079> David multiple views of him and then David multiple views of him and then David would<00:13:35.600> choose<00:13:35.959> the<00:13:36.199> take<00:13:36.880> of<00:13:37.360> Brad<00:13:37.760> being would choose the take of Brad being would choose the take of Brad being Benjamin<00:13:38.560> that<00:13:38.639> he<00:13:38.760> thought<00:13:38.920> best<00:13:39.079> matched Benjamin that he thought best matched Benjamin that he thought best matched the<00:13:39.519> footage<00:13:39.800> with<00:13:39.920> the<00:13:40.040> rest<00:13:40.160> of<00:13:40.279> the<00:13:40.519> cast the footage with the rest of the cast the footage with the rest of the cast and<00:13:41.800> from<00:13:42.079> there<00:13:42.199> we<00:13:42.320> went<00:13:42.480> into<00:13:42.639> a<00:13:42.800> process and from there we went into a process and from there we went into a process called<00:13:43.279> image<00:13:43.600> analysis<00:13:44.519> and<00:13:44.600> so<00:13:44.839> here<00:13:44.959> you called image analysis and so here you called image analysis and so here you can<00:13:45.160> see<00:13:45.440> again<00:13:45.920> the<00:13:46.120> chosen<00:13:46.600> take<00:13:47.279> and<00:13:47.399> we<00:13:47.480> are can see again the chosen take and we are can see again the chosen take and we are seeing<00:13:47.920> now<00:13:48.199> that<00:13:48.360> data<00:13:48.600> being<00:13:48.800> transposed seeing now that data being transposed seeing now that data being transposed onto<00:13:50.440> Ben<00:13:51.160> 877<00:13:52.160> and<00:13:52.399> so<00:13:52.839> what's<00:13:53.040> interesting onto Ben 877 and so what's interesting onto Ben 877 and so what's interesting about<00:13:53.680> this<00:13:53.839> is<00:13:53.959> we<00:13:54.040> use<00:13:54.279> something<00:13:54.560> called about this is we use something called about this is we use something called image<00:13:55.000> analysis<00:13:55.480> which<00:13:55.600> is<00:13:55.720> taking<00:13:56.160> timings image analysis which is taking timings image analysis which is taking timings from<00:13:56.920> different<00:13:57.360> components<00:13:58.000> of<00:13:58.399> benjam<00:13:58.959> 's from different components of benjam 's from different components of benjam 's face<00:13:59.399> so<00:13:59.759> we<00:13:59.880> could<00:14:00.000> choose<00:14:00.240> say<00:14:00.399> his<00:14:00.600> left face so we could choose say his left face so we could choose say his left eyebrow<00:14:01.240> and<00:14:01.320> the<00:14:01.440> software<00:14:01.800> would<00:14:01.920> tell<00:14:02.079> us eyebrow and the software would tell us eyebrow and the software would tell us that<00:14:02.440> well<00:14:02.920> in<00:14:03.079> frame<00:14:03.279> 14<00:14:03.680> the<00:14:03.800> left<00:14:03.959> eyebrow that well in frame 14 the left eyebrow that well in frame 14 the left eyebrow begins<00:14:04.519> to<00:14:04.680> move<00:14:04.920> from<00:14:05.120> here<00:14:05.320> to<00:14:05.560> here<00:14:05.800> it begins to move from here to here it begins to move from here to here it concludes<00:14:06.240> moving<00:14:06.480> in<00:14:06.560> frame<00:14:06.839> 32<00:14:07.680> and<00:14:07.759> so<00:14:07.920> we concludes moving in frame 32 and so we concludes moving in frame 32 and so we could<00:14:08.360> choose<00:14:08.720> numbers<00:14:09.000> of<00:14:09.399> positions<00:14:09.759> on<00:14:09.880> the could choose numbers of positions on the could choose numbers of positions on the face<00:14:10.199> to<00:14:10.440> pull<00:14:10.680> that<00:14:10.800> data<00:14:11.079> from<00:14:11.639> and<00:14:11.759> then<00:14:12.240> the face to pull that data from and then the face to pull that data from and then the sauce<00:14:12.680> I<00:14:12.800> talked<00:14:13.000> about<00:14:13.160> with<00:14:13.279> our<00:14:13.399> technology sauce I talked about with our technology sauce I talked about with our technology stew<00:14:14.440> that<00:14:14.759> secret<00:14:15.399> sauce<00:14:16.399> um<00:14:16.680> was stew that secret sauce um was stew that secret sauce um was effectively<00:14:17.279> software<00:14:17.680> that<00:14:17.800> allowed<00:14:18.040> us<00:14:18.160> to effectively software that allowed us to effectively software that allowed us to match<00:14:19.000> the<00:14:19.199> performance<00:14:19.680> footage<00:14:20.120> of<00:14:20.360> Brad<00:14:21.040> in match the performance footage of Brad in match the performance footage of Brad in liveaction<00:14:22.639> uh<00:14:22.880> with<00:14:23.040> our<00:14:23.240> our<00:14:23.399> database<00:14:23.800> of liveaction uh with our our database of liveaction uh with our our database of aged<00:14:24.360> Benjamin<00:14:24.880> the<00:14:25.160> the<00:14:25.279> fact<00:14:25.560> shapes<00:14:25.920> that aged Benjamin the the fact shapes that aged Benjamin the the fact shapes that we<00:14:26.240> had<00:14:26.800> and<00:14:27.000> on<00:14:27.120> a<00:14:27.240> frame<00:14:27.480> by<00:14:27.639> frame<00:14:27.880> basis<00:14:28.160> we we had and on a frame by frame basis we we had and on a frame by frame basis we could<00:14:28.360> actually<00:14:29.079> reconstruct<00:14:30.079> a<00:14:30.240> 3D<00:14:30.680> head could actually reconstruct a 3D head could actually reconstruct a 3D head that<00:14:31.440> exactly<00:14:31.920> matched<00:14:32.519> the<00:14:32.680> performance<00:14:33.680> of that exactly matched the performance of that exactly matched the performance of Brad<00:14:34.920> so<00:14:35.120> this<00:14:35.199> was<00:14:35.360> how<00:14:35.440> the<00:14:35.519> finish<00:14:35.800> shot Brad so this was how the finish shot Brad so this was how the finish shot appeared<00:14:36.279> in<00:14:36.360> the<00:14:36.920> film<00:14:37.920> and<00:14:38.360> here<00:14:38.480> you<00:14:38.600> can appeared in the film and here you can appeared in the film and here you can see<00:14:38.839> the<00:14:38.959> body<00:14:39.320> actor<00:14:40.320> and<00:14:40.440> then<00:14:40.720> this<00:14:40.800> is<00:14:40.920> what see the body actor and then this is what see the body actor and then this is what we<00:14:41.160> called<00:14:41.360> the<00:14:41.519> dead<00:14:41.759> head<00:14:42.000> no<00:14:42.199> reference<00:14:42.560> to we called the dead head no reference to we called the dead head no reference to Jerry<00:14:43.079> Garcia<00:14:44.079> and<00:14:44.519> uh<00:14:44.920> then<00:14:45.040> here's<00:14:45.199> the Jerry Garcia and uh then here's the Jerry Garcia and uh then here's the reconstructed<00:14:45.920> performance<00:14:46.440> now<00:14:46.959> with<00:14:47.120> the reconstructed performance now with the reconstructed performance now with the timings<00:14:47.600> of<00:14:47.720> the<00:14:47.839> performance<00:14:48.279> and<00:14:48.399> then timings of the performance and then timings of the performance and then again<00:14:49.040> the<00:14:49.160> final again the final again the final shot<00:14:51.560> it<00:14:51.680> was<00:14:51.800> a<00:14:51.959> long<00:14:52.240> process<00:14:53.199> um<00:14:54.199> so<00:14:55.199> thank


um<00:15:04.800> next<00:15:05.160> next<00:15:05.320> section<00:15:05.639> here<00:15:05.959> I'm<00:15:06.079> going<00:15:06.160> to
um next next section here I'm going to um next next section here I'm going to just<00:15:06.440> blast<00:15:06.800> through<00:15:07.000> this<00:15:07.199> because<00:15:07.399> we<00:15:07.519> could just blast through this because we could just blast through this because we could do<00:15:08.079> a<00:15:08.199> whole<00:15:08.480> Ted<00:15:08.800> Talk<00:15:08.959> on<00:15:09.360> the<00:15:09.519> next<00:15:09.920> you<00:15:10.040> know do a whole Ted Talk on the next you know do a whole Ted Talk on the next you know several<00:15:10.639> slides<00:15:11.440> um<00:15:11.639> we<00:15:11.720> had<00:15:11.839> to<00:15:11.920> create<00:15:12.199> a several slides um we had to create a several slides um we had to create a lighting<00:15:12.639> system<00:15:13.000> so<00:15:13.240> really<00:15:13.920> a<00:15:14.000> big<00:15:14.160> part<00:15:14.279> of lighting system so really a big part of lighting system so really a big part of our<00:15:14.480> proc<00:15:14.920> say<00:15:15.079> we're<00:15:15.240> creating<00:15:15.600> a<00:15:15.720> lighting our proc say we're creating a lighting our proc say we're creating a lighting environment<00:15:16.519> for<00:15:16.720> every<00:15:16.920> single<00:15:17.199> location environment for every single location environment for every single location that<00:15:18.199> Benjamin<00:15:18.600> had<00:15:18.720> to<00:15:18.880> appear<00:15:19.279> so<00:15:19.560> that<00:15:19.959> um that Benjamin had to appear so that um that Benjamin had to appear so that um we<00:15:20.399> could<00:15:20.600> put<00:15:20.839> Ben's<00:15:21.320> head<00:15:21.759> into<00:15:22.000> any<00:15:22.160> scene we could put Ben's head into any scene we could put Ben's head into any scene and<00:15:22.639> would<00:15:23.079> exactly<00:15:23.440> match<00:15:23.720> the<00:15:23.839> lighting and would exactly match the lighting and would exactly match the lighting that's<00:15:24.519> on<00:15:24.639> the<00:15:24.720> other<00:15:24.880> actors<00:15:25.199> in<00:15:25.320> the<00:15:25.440> real that's on the other actors in the real that's on the other actors in the real world<00:15:26.240> we<00:15:26.320> also<00:15:26.480> had<00:15:26.600> to<00:15:26.680> create<00:15:26.880> an<00:15:27.040> eye world we also had to create an eye world we also had to create an eye system<00:15:27.959> we<00:15:28.079> found<00:15:28.839> the<00:15:28.959> old<00:15:29.160> adage<00:15:29.519> you<00:15:29.600> know system we found the old adage you know system we found the old adage you know the<00:15:29.759> eyes<00:15:29.920> of<00:15:30.000> the<00:15:30.040> window<00:15:30.279> to<00:15:30.440> the<00:15:30.519> soul<00:15:30.959> is the eyes of the window to the soul is the eyes of the window to the soul is absolutely<00:15:32.399> true<00:15:32.720> so<00:15:32.880> the<00:15:33.000> goal<00:15:33.199> here<00:15:33.319> was<00:15:33.440> to absolutely true so the goal here was to absolutely true so the goal here was to keep<00:15:33.720> everybody<00:15:34.000> looking<00:15:34.240> in<00:15:34.360> Ben's<00:15:34.759> eyes<00:15:35.560> and keep everybody looking in Ben's eyes and keep everybody looking in Ben's eyes and if<00:15:35.800> you<00:15:35.920> could<00:15:36.120> feel<00:15:36.440> the<00:15:36.639> warmth<00:15:36.880> and<00:15:37.000> feel if you could feel the warmth and feel if you could feel the warmth and feel the<00:15:37.279> humanity<00:15:37.639> and<00:15:37.800> feel<00:15:38.120> his<00:15:38.680> intent<00:15:39.160> coming the humanity and feel his intent coming the humanity and feel his intent coming through<00:15:39.680> the<00:15:39.839> eyes<00:15:40.199> then<00:15:40.680> we<00:15:40.959> would<00:15:41.160> succeed through the eyes then we would succeed through the eyes then we would succeed so<00:15:41.639> we<00:15:41.759> had<00:15:41.920> one<00:15:42.160> person<00:15:42.800> focused<00:15:43.160> on<00:15:43.279> the<00:15:43.399> eye so we had one person focused on the eye so we had one person focused on the eye system<00:15:43.880> for<00:15:44.120> almost<00:15:44.800> two<00:15:45.079> full<00:15:45.360> years<00:15:45.759> we<00:15:45.839> also system for almost two full years we also system for almost two full years we also had<00:15:46.120> to<00:15:46.199> create<00:15:46.399> a<00:15:46.480> mouth<00:15:46.800> system<00:15:47.519> we<00:15:47.639> worked had to create a mouth system we worked had to create a mouth system we worked from<00:15:48.040> Dental<00:15:48.279> molds<00:15:48.600> of<00:15:48.759> Brad<00:15:49.040> we<00:15:49.160> had<00:15:49.240> to<00:15:49.319> age from Dental molds of Brad we had to age from Dental molds of Brad we had to age the<00:15:49.639> teeth<00:15:49.920> over<00:15:50.199> time<00:15:50.720> we<00:15:50.839> also<00:15:51.040> had<00:15:51.160> to the teeth over time we also had to the teeth over time we also had to create<00:15:51.839> an<00:15:52.000> articulating<00:15:52.800> tongue<00:15:53.639> that create an articulating tongue that create an articulating tongue that allowed<00:15:54.040> him<00:15:54.160> to<00:15:54.360> enunciate<00:15:54.880> his<00:15:55.000> words<00:15:55.160> so allowed him to enunciate his words so allowed him to enunciate his words so there's<00:15:55.480> a<00:15:55.560> whole<00:15:55.680> system<00:15:55.920> in<00:15:56.040> software there's a whole system in software there's a whole system in software written<00:15:56.560> to<00:15:56.680> articulate<00:15:57.240> the<00:15:57.360> tongue<00:15:57.800> we<00:15:57.880> had written to articulate the tongue we had written to articulate the tongue we had one<00:15:58.120> person<00:15:58.600> voted<00:15:58.800> of<00:15:58.880> the<00:15:58.959> tongue<00:15:59.120> for<00:15:59.279> about one person voted of the tongue for about one person voted of the tongue for about 9<00:15:59.680> months<00:16:00.440> he<00:16:00.600> was<00:16:00.800> uh<00:16:00.920> he<00:16:01.000> was<00:16:01.160> very 9 months he was uh he was very 9 months he was uh he was very popular<00:16:03.279> skin<00:16:03.600> displacement<00:16:04.199> another<00:16:04.480> big popular skin displacement another big popular skin displacement another big deal<00:16:04.880> the<00:16:05.000> skin<00:16:05.199> had<00:16:05.319> to<00:16:05.399> be<00:16:05.600> absolutely deal the skin had to be absolutely deal the skin had to be absolutely accurate<00:16:06.519> and<00:16:06.720> he's<00:16:06.920> also<00:16:07.120> in<00:16:07.240> an<00:16:07.399> old<00:16:07.639> age accurate and he's also in an old age accurate and he's also in an old age home<00:16:08.079> he's<00:16:08.240> in<00:16:08.319> a<00:16:08.440> nursing<00:16:08.759> home<00:16:09.120> around<00:16:09.399> other home he's in a nursing home around other home he's in a nursing home around other old<00:16:09.839> people<00:16:10.079> so<00:16:10.240> he<00:16:10.360> had<00:16:10.480> to<00:16:10.600> look<00:16:11.040> exactly<00:16:11.399> the old people so he had to look exactly the old people so he had to look exactly the same<00:16:11.680> as<00:16:11.800> the<00:16:11.920> others<00:16:12.639> so<00:16:13.040> lots<00:16:13.240> of<00:16:13.360> work<00:16:13.519> on same as the others so lots of work on same as the others so lots of work on skin<00:16:13.880> deformation<00:16:14.240> you<00:16:14.279> can<00:16:14.399> see<00:16:14.560> in<00:16:14.639> some<00:16:14.720> of skin deformation you can see in some of skin deformation you can see in some of these<00:16:14.920> cases<00:16:15.160> it<00:16:15.279> works<00:16:15.519> in<00:16:15.639> some<00:16:15.759> cases<00:16:15.959> it these cases it works in some cases it these cases it works in some cases it looks<00:16:16.240> bad<00:16:16.399> this<00:16:16.480> is<00:16:16.600> a<00:16:16.800> very<00:16:17.079> very<00:16:17.319> very<00:16:17.519> early looks bad this is a very very very early looks bad this is a very very very early test<00:16:18.079> in<00:16:18.240> our<00:16:18.480> process<00:16:19.440> so<00:16:19.959> effectively<00:16:20.480> we test in our process so effectively we test in our process so effectively we created<00:16:20.920> a<00:16:21.120> digital<00:16:21.639> puppet<00:16:22.319> that<00:16:22.560> Brad<00:16:22.839> Pit created a digital puppet that Brad Pit created a digital puppet that Brad Pit could<00:16:23.279> operate<00:16:23.920> with<00:16:24.079> his<00:16:24.240> own<00:16:24.639> face<00:16:25.360> there could operate with his own face there could operate with his own face there were<00:16:25.639> no<00:16:25.800> animators<00:16:26.360> necessary<00:16:27.120> to<00:16:27.319> come<00:16:27.480> in were no animators necessary to come in were no animators necessary to come in and<00:16:27.839> interpret<00:16:28.279> beh<00:16:28.639> behavior<00:16:29.639> um<00:16:29.880> or<00:16:30.600> uh and interpret beh behavior um or uh and interpret beh behavior um or uh enhance<00:16:31.079> his<00:16:31.279> performance<00:16:31.920> there<00:16:32.079> was enhance his performance there was enhance his performance there was something<00:16:32.480> we<00:16:32.639> encountered<00:16:33.040> though<00:16:33.199> that<00:16:33.279> we something we encountered though that we something we encountered though that we end<00:16:33.519> up<00:16:33.680> kind<00:16:33.759> of<00:16:33.959> calling<00:16:34.519> uh<00:16:34.920> the<00:16:35.079> digital end up kind of calling uh the digital end up kind of calling uh the digital Botox<00:16:36.160> effect<00:16:36.680> so<00:16:37.040> as<00:16:37.199> things<00:16:37.399> kind<00:16:37.519> of<00:16:37.639> went Botox effect so as things kind of went Botox effect so as things kind of went through<00:16:38.000> this<00:16:38.240> process<00:16:38.560> it<00:16:38.680> did<00:16:38.880> kind<00:16:39.000> of<00:16:39.319> um through this process it did kind of um through this process it did kind of um uh<00:16:40.120> Fincher<00:16:40.440> would<00:16:40.600> always<00:16:40.759> say<00:16:40.839> it<00:16:40.959> sand uh Fincher would always say it sand uh Fincher would always say it sand blasts<00:16:41.600> the<00:16:41.720> edges<00:16:42.040> off<00:16:42.199> of<00:16:42.360> the<00:16:42.480> performance blasts the edges off of the performance blasts the edges off of the performance and<00:16:43.360> one<00:16:43.519> thing<00:16:43.639> that<00:16:43.800> our<00:16:44.279> our<00:16:44.920> our<00:16:45.120> process and one thing that our our our process and one thing that our our our process and<00:16:45.560> the<00:16:45.720> technology<00:16:46.440> uh<00:16:46.720> couldn't<00:16:47.000> do<00:16:47.160> is<00:16:47.240> it and the technology uh couldn't do is it and the technology uh couldn't do is it couldn't<00:16:48.000> understand<00:16:48.600> intent<00:16:49.240> the<00:16:49.399> intent<00:16:49.680> of couldn't understand intent the intent of couldn't understand intent the intent of the<00:16:49.959> actor<00:16:50.480> so<00:16:50.639> it<00:16:50.759> sees<00:16:51.000> A<00:16:51.199> Smile<00:16:51.959> as<00:16:52.079> a<00:16:52.199> smile the actor so it sees A Smile as a smile the actor so it sees A Smile as a smile it<00:16:52.680> doesn't<00:16:53.160> recognize<00:16:53.600> an<00:16:53.720> ironic<00:16:54.160> smile<00:16:54.560> or it doesn't recognize an ironic smile or it doesn't recognize an ironic smile or a<00:16:55.360> a<00:16:55.480> happy<00:16:55.720> smile<00:16:55.920> or<00:16:56.079> frustrated<00:16:56.519> smile<00:16:56.759> so a a happy smile or frustrated smile so a a happy smile or frustrated smile so it<00:16:56.959> did<00:16:57.079> take<00:16:57.240> humans<00:16:57.480> to<00:16:57.639> kind<00:16:57.720> of<00:16:58.040> push<00:16:58.199> it it did take humans to kind of push it it did take humans to kind of push it one<00:16:59.160> way<00:16:59.279> or<00:16:59.440> the<00:16:59.560> other<00:17:00.319> um<00:17:00.680> but<00:17:00.959> we<00:17:01.040> ended<00:17:01.240> up one way or the other um but we ended up one way or the other um but we ended up calling<00:17:01.600> the<00:17:01.759> entire<00:17:02.240> process<00:17:02.480> and<00:17:02.600> all<00:17:02.720> the calling the entire process and all the calling the entire process and all the technology<00:17:03.360> emotion<00:17:03.880> capture<00:17:04.280> as<00:17:04.360> opposed<00:17:04.640> to technology emotion capture as opposed to technology emotion capture as opposed to just<00:17:04.919> motion<00:17:05.280> capture<00:17:05.600> so<00:17:05.959> take<00:17:06.120> take<00:17:06.280> another just motion capture so take take another just motion capture so take take another look<00:17:07.720> well<00:17:08.520> I<00:17:08.640> heard<00:17:09.000> mama<00:17:09.360> and<00:17:09.559> tizzy<00:17:10.240> whisper look well I heard mama and tizzy whisper look well I heard mama and tizzy whisper and<00:17:10.799> they<00:17:10.919> said<00:17:11.120> I<00:17:11.199> was<00:17:11.360> going<00:17:11.480> to<00:17:11.679> die<00:17:11.959> soon and they said I was going to die soon and they said I was going to die soon but<00:17:14.039> maybe but maybe but maybe not<00:17:16.600> well<00:17:17.400> I<00:17:17.520> heard<00:17:17.880> mama<00:17:18.240> and<00:17:18.439> tizzy not well I heard mama and tizzy not well I heard mama and tizzy Whispering<00:17:19.679> they<00:17:19.799> said<00:17:20.000> I<00:17:20.079> was<00:17:20.240> going<00:17:20.360> to<00:17:20.559> die Whispering they said I was going to die Whispering they said I was going to die soon soon soon but<00:17:23.000> maybe but maybe but maybe not<00:17:25.600> well<00:17:26.439> I<00:17:26.559> heard<00:17:26.880> mama<00:17:27.280> and<00:17:27.480> tizzy<00:17:28.079> whis<00:17:28.559> and not well I heard mama and tizzy whis and not well I heard mama and tizzy whis and they<00:17:28.840> said<00:17:29.039> I<00:17:29.120> was<00:17:29.280> going<00:17:29.360> to<00:17:29.600> die<00:17:29.880> soon they said I was going to die soon they said I was going to die soon but<00:17:32.000> maybe but maybe but maybe not<00:17:34.880> that's<00:17:35.039> how<00:17:35.160> to<00:17:35.280> create<00:17:35.520> a<00:17:35.640> digital<00:17:35.919> human not that's how to create a digital human not that's how to create a digital human in<00:17:36.440> 18 in 18 in 18 minutes<00:17:38.559> U<00:17:38.960> thank minutes U thank minutes U thank [Music]

you you just<00:17:45.720> a<00:17:45.840> couple<00:17:46.080> of<00:17:46.400> uh<00:17:46.760> just<00:17:47.039> quick<00:17:47.520> factoids just a couple of uh just quick factoids just a couple of uh just quick factoids it<00:17:48.640> it<00:17:48.799> really<00:17:49.080> took<00:17:49.559> uh<00:17:49.760> 155<00:17:50.760> people<00:17:51.120> over<00:17:51.480> two it it really took uh 155 people over two it it really took uh 155 people over two years<00:17:52.799> um<00:17:52.919> and<00:17:53.039> we<00:17:53.120> didn't<00:17:53.280> even<00:17:53.440> talk<00:17:53.640> about years um and we didn't even talk about years um and we didn't even talk about 60<00:17:54.360> hairstyles<00:17:54.840> and<00:17:54.960> an<00:17:55.080> all<00:17:55.240> digital<00:17:55.559> haircut 60 hairstyles and an all digital haircut 60 hairstyles and an all digital haircut but<00:17:56.400> uh<00:17:57.159> that<00:17:57.280> is<00:17:57.400> Benjamin<00:17:57.880> thank<00:17:58.039> you but uh that is Benjamin thank you but uh that is Benjamin thank you [Applause]


Brad Pitt, Benjamin, Button, makeup, Benjamin, stage, makeup, film, The, Curious, Case, of, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, TED, Ed, Ed, Ulbrich

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