Làm Thế Nào các cuộc tấn công mạng đe dọa hòa bình thế Giới Thực-Guy-Philippe Goldstein

How cyberattacks threaten real-world peace - Guy-Philippe Goldstein

How cyberattacks threaten real-world peace - Guy-Philippe Goldstein



[Music] [Music] hello <00:00:16.120>If <00:00:16.640>you <00:00:17.160>have <00:00:17.680>followed hello If you have followed hello If you have followed diplomatic <00:00:18.440>news <00:00:18.800>a <00:00:19.160>little <00:00:19.520>in diplomatic news a little in diplomatic news a little in recent <00:00:20.180>weeks <00:00:20.440>you <00:00:20.700>may <00:00:20.960>have recent weeks you may have recent weeks you may have heard <00:00:21.623>about <00:00:21.887>a <00:00:22.151>kind <00:00:22.415>of <00:00:22.679>crisis heard about a kind of crisis heard about a kind of crisis between <00:00:23.432>China <00:00:23.784>and <00:00:24.136>the <00:00:24.488>United <00:00:24.840>States between China and the United States between China and the United States over <00:00:25.335>a <00:00:25.631>computer <00:00:25.927>attack <00:00:26.223>of <00:00:26.519>which over a computer attack of which over a computer attack of which the <00:00:27.080>American <00:00:27.440>company <00:00:27.800>Google <00:00:28.160>would the American company Google would the American company Google would have <00:00:28.559>been <00:00:28.718>the <00:00:28.877>victim, <00:00:29.036>we <00:00:29.195>said <00:00:29.354>a <00:00:29.513>lot <00:00:29.672>of have been the victim, we said a lot of have been the victim, we said a lot of things <00:00:29.967>around <00:00:30.175>that, <00:00:30.383>we <00:00:30.591>talked <00:00:30.799>about things around that, we talked about things around that, we talked about cyberwar <00:00:31.119>for <00:00:31.358>what <00:00:31.597>is <00:00:31.836>perhaps <00:00:32.075>probably cyberwar for what is perhaps probably cyberwar for what is perhaps probably just <00:00:33.840>a just a just a spying <00:00:34.586>operation <00:00:35.052>and, <00:00:35.518>moreover, spying operation and, moreover, spying operation and, moreover, relatively relatively relatively clumsy <00:00:37.880>evidence, <00:00:38.560>nevertheless <00:00:39.240>this <00:00:39.920>episode <00:00:40.600>reveals clumsy evidence, nevertheless this episode reveals clumsy evidence, nevertheless this episode reveals the <00:00:41.439>growing <00:00:41.799>anxiety <00:00:42.159>in <00:00:42.519>the the growing anxiety in the the growing anxiety in the Western <00:00:43.133>world <00:00:43.506>over <00:00:43.879>the <00:00:44.252>emergence <00:00:44.625>of <00:00:44.998>these Western world over the emergence of these Western world over the emergence of these cyber <00:00:45.720>weapons, <00:00:46.240>but <00:00:46.760>these <00:00:47.280>weapons <00:00:47.800>are cyber weapons, but these weapons are cyber weapons, but these weapons are dangerous, <00:00:48.380>they <00:00:48.840>are <00:00:49.300>of <00:00:49.760>a dangerous, they are of a dangerous, they are of a new <00:00:50.486>nature <00:00:50.852>and <00:00:51.218>they <00:00:51.584>risk <00:00:51.950>dragging <00:00:52.316>the new nature and they risk dragging the new nature and they risk dragging the world <00:00:52.791>into <00:00:53.183>an <00:00:53.575>electronic <00:00:53.967>conflict <00:00:54.359>which world into an electronic conflict which world into an electronic conflict which could <00:00:54.973>turn <00:00:55.346>into <00:00:55.719>an could turn into an could turn into an armed <00:00:56.607>confrontation <00:00:57.015>because <00:00:57.423>these <00:00:57.831>virtual <00:00:58.239>weapons armed confrontation because these virtual weapons armed confrontation because these virtual weapons also <00:00:59.200>destroy <00:00:59.480>the also destroy the also destroy the physical <00:01:01.180>world <00:01:01.680>in physical world in physical world in 1982 <00:01:02.889>at <00:01:03.219>the <00:01:03.549>heart <00:01:03.879>of <00:01:04.209>the <00:01:04.539>cold <00:01:04.869>war <00:01:05.199>in 1982 at the heart of the cold war in 1982 at the heart of the cold war in Soviet <00:01:06.149>Siberia <00:01:06.779>a <00:01:07.409>pipeline <00:01:08.039>explodes Soviet Siberia a pipeline explodes Soviet Siberia a pipeline explodes with <00:01:08.953>a <00:01:09.226>detonation <00:01:09.499>of <00:01:09.772>3 <00:01:10.045>K <00:01:10.318>ton with a detonation of 3 K ton with a detonation of 3 K ton the <00:01:11.167>equivalent <00:01:11.414>of <00:01:11.661>a/4 <00:01:11.908>of <00:01:12.155>the the equivalent of a/4 of the the equivalent of a/4 of the Hiroshima <00:01:12.624>bomb <00:01:12.848>but <00:01:13.072>we <00:01:13.296>know <00:01:13.520>it Hiroshima bomb but we know it Hiroshima bomb but we know it today <00:01:13.976>Today <00:01:14.232>it <00:01:14.488>was <00:01:14.744>revealed <00:01:15.000>by today Today it was revealed by today Today it was revealed by former <00:01:15.455>Secretary <00:01:15.791>of <00:01:16.127>the <00:01:16.463>Force <00:01:16.799>Ronald former Secretary of the Force Ronald former Secretary of the Force Ronald Rean <00:01:17.579>Thomas <00:01:18.039>Reed <00:01:18.499>that <00:01:18.959>the <00:01:19.419>explosion <00:01:19.879>was Rean Thomas Reed that the explosion was Rean Thomas Reed that the explosion was actually <00:01:20.339>the <00:01:20.718>result <00:01:21.097>of <00:01:21.476>a actually the result of a actually the result of a CIA <00:01:21.914>sabotage <00:01:22.228>operation <00:01:22.542>which <00:01:22.856>had <00:01:23.170>at <00:01:23.484>the <00:01:23.798>time CIA sabotage operation which had at the time CIA sabotage operation which had at the time managed <00:01:24.813>to <00:01:25.386>infiltrate <00:01:25.959>the managed to infiltrate the managed to infiltrate the computer <00:01:26.679>systems <00:01:26.958>of <00:01:27.237>management <00:01:27.516>of <00:01:27.795>this <00:01:28.074>pipeline computer systems of management of this pipeline computer systems of management of this pipeline more <00:01:29.280>recently more recently more recently the <00:01:30.775>American <00:01:31.190>government <00:01:31.605>revealed <00:01:32.020>that <00:01:32.435>in the American government revealed that in the American government revealed that in September <00:01:33.231>2008 <00:01:33.663>more <00:01:34.095>than <00:01:34.527>3 <00:01:34.959>million September 2008 more than 3 million September 2008 more than 3 million inhabitants <00:01:35.560>of <00:01:35.840>the <00:01:36.120>state <00:01:36.400>of <00:01:36.680>Spirito <00:01:36.960>Santo inhabitants of the state of Spirito Santo inhabitants of the state of Spirito Santo Brazil <00:01:38.119>were <00:01:38.759>plunged <00:01:39.399>into Brazil were plunged into Brazil were plunged into darkness <00:01:41.359>victims <00:01:42.639>of darkness victims of darkness victims of cyberpiracy <00:01:44.480>blackmail <00:01:45.000>finally <00:01:45.520>more <00:01:46.040>worrying <00:01:46.560>again cyberpiracy blackmail finally more worrying again cyberpiracy blackmail finally more worrying again for <00:01:47.183>the <00:01:47.607>Americans <00:01:48.031>in <00:01:48.455>December <00:01:48.879>2008 for the Americans in December 2008 for the Americans in December 2008 it <00:01:49.765>is <00:01:50.051>the <00:01:50.337>holy <00:01:50.623>of <00:01:50.909>all <00:01:51.195>the it is the holy of all the it is the holy of all the sencom <00:01:52.050>computer <00:01:52.460>system <00:01:52.870>the <00:01:53.280>central sencom computer system the central sencom computer system the central command <00:01:54.170>which <00:01:54.460>today <00:01:54.750>pilots <00:01:55.040>the command which today pilots the command which today pilots the wars <00:01:55.519>in <00:01:55.879>Iraq <00:01:56.239>and <00:01:56.599>Afghanistan <00:01:56.959>which <00:01:57.319>has wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which has wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which has been <00:01:58.030>infiltrated <00:01:58.420>by <00:01:58.810>hackers <00:01:59.200>it been infiltrated by hackers it been infiltrated by hackers it would <00:02:00.625>have <00:02:01.091>used <00:02:01.557>this <00:02:02.023>simple <00:02:02.489>keys <00:02:02.955>USB would have used this simple keys USB would have used this simple keys USB but <00:02:03.690>trapped <00:02:03.981>and <00:02:04.272>thanks <00:02:04.563>to <00:02:04.854>these <00:02:05.145>keys <00:02:05.436>they but trapped and thanks to these keys they but trapped and thanks to these keys they would <00:02:05.759>have <00:02:05.918>been <00:02:06.077>able <00:02:06.236>to <00:02:06.395>break would have been able to break would have been able to break into <00:02:07.189>these <00:02:07.498>computer <00:02:07.807>systems <00:02:08.116>to into these computer systems to into these computer systems to see <00:02:08.507>everything, <00:02:08.695>hear <00:02:08.883>everything <00:02:09.071>and <00:02:09.259>perhaps <00:02:09.447>even <00:02:09.635>to see everything, hear everything and perhaps even to see everything, hear everything and perhaps even to trap <00:02:10.106>some <00:02:10.453>of <00:02:10.800>these trap some of these trap some of these systems <00:02:12.039>so <00:02:12.479>the <00:02:12.919>Americans <00:02:13.359>take <00:02:13.799>it systems so the Americans take it systems so the Americans take it very <00:02:14.430>seriously <00:02:14.740>I <00:02:15.050>quote <00:02:15.360>General very seriously I quote General very seriously I quote General James <00:02:16.046>here <00:02:16.292>because <00:02:16.538>who <00:02:16.784>is <00:02:17.030>vice-chairman <00:02:17.276>of James here because who is vice-chairman of James here because who is vice-chairman of the <00:02:17.595>general <00:02:17.830>staff <00:02:18.065>in <00:02:18.300>the <00:02:18.535>United <00:02:18.770>States <00:02:19.005>and <00:02:19.240>who <00:02:19.475>says the general staff in the United States and who says the general staff in the United States and who says in <00:02:19.975>a <00:02:20.351>report <00:02:20.727>to <00:02:21.103>Congress <00:02:21.479>that in a report to Congress that in a report to Congress that cyberattacks <00:02:22.560>could <00:02:23.000>be <00:02:23.440>as cyberattacks could be as cyberattacks could be as powerful <00:02:24.146>as <00:02:24.492>weapons <00:02:24.838>of powerful as weapons of powerful as weapons of mass <00:02:25.736>destruction <00:02:26.072>and <00:02:26.408>moreover <00:02:26.744>the <00:02:27.080>Americans mass destruction and moreover the Americans mass destruction and moreover the Americans have <00:02:27.712>decided <00:02:27.905>to <00:02:28.098>devote <00:02:28.291>more <00:02:28.484>than <00:02:28.677>30 have decided to devote more than 30 have decided to devote more than 30 billion <00:02:29.293>dollars <00:02:29.546>in <00:02:29.799>the <00:02:30.052>next <00:02:30.305>5 <00:02:30.558>years billion dollars in the next 5 years billion dollars in the next 5 years to <00:02:31.639>build <00:02:32.598>their to build their to build their cyber <00:02:33.650>warfare <00:02:33.940>capacity <00:02:34.230>and <00:02:34.520>across <00:02:34.810>the <00:02:35.100>world <00:02:35.390>we <00:02:35.680>are cyber warfare capacity and across the world we are cyber warfare capacity and across the world we are witnessing <00:02:36.249>today <00:02:36.619>a <00:02:36.989>sort <00:02:37.359>of witnessing today a sort of witnessing today a sort of cyber <00:02:38.626>arms <00:02:39.332>race <00:02:40.038>with cyber arms race with cyber arms race with cyber <00:02:40.646>warfare <00:02:40.932>units <00:02:41.218>which <00:02:41.504>are <00:02:41.790>built <00:02:42.076>by cyber warfare units which are built by cyber warfare units which are built by countries <00:02:42.600>like <00:02:43.000>North <00:02:43.400>Korea <00:02:43.800>or <00:02:44.200>even countries like North Korea or even countries like North Korea or even Iran <00:02:44.780>but <00:02:45.200>what <00:02:45.620>you <00:02:46.040>will Iran but what you will Iran but what you will never <00:02:46.855>hear <00:02:47.191>from <00:02:47.527>speakers <00:02:47.863>from <00:02:48.199>the never hear from speakers from the never hear from speakers from the Pentagon <00:02:48.713>or <00:02:49.026>the <00:02:49.339>French <00:02:49.652>Ministry <00:02:49.965>of <00:02:50.278>Defense Pentagon or the French Ministry of Defense Pentagon or the French Ministry of Defense is <00:02:51.250>that <00:02:51.780>the <00:02:52.310>problem <00:02:52.840>is is that the problem is is that the problem is not <00:02:53.607>necessarily <00:02:54.055>who <00:02:54.503>the <00:02:54.951>adversary <00:02:55.399>is not necessarily who the adversary is not necessarily who the adversary is but <00:02:56.444>rather <00:02:56.929>the <00:02:57.414>nature <00:02:57.899>itself <00:02:58.384>of <00:02:58.869>CC <00:02:59.354>and but rather the nature itself of CC and but rather the nature itself of CC and to <00:02:59.979>understand <00:03:00.158>it <00:03:00.337>we <00:03:00.516>must <00:03:00.695>see <00:03:00.874>how to understand it we must see how to understand it we must see how over <00:03:02.159>the <00:03:03.159>ages over the ages over the ages military <00:03:04.132>technologies <00:03:04.465>have <00:03:04.798>succeeded <00:03:05.131>in <00:03:05.464>making <00:03:05.797>or military technologies have succeeded in making or military technologies have succeeded in making or breaking <00:03:06.410>the <00:03:06.820>peace <00:03:07.230>of <00:03:07.640>the <00:03:08.050>world <00:03:08.460>for <00:03:08.870>example <00:03:09.280>if breaking the peace of the world for example if breaking the peace of the world for example if we <00:03:09.805>had <00:03:09.970>been <00:03:10.135>lucky <00:03:10.300>enough <00:03:10.465>to <00:03:10.630>have <00:03:10.795>TEDx we had been lucky enough to have TEDx we had been lucky enough to have TEDx Paris <00:03:11.771>350 <00:03:12.102>years <00:03:12.433>ago <00:03:12.764>we <00:03:13.095>would <00:03:13.426>have <00:03:13.757>talked Paris 350 years ago we would have talked Paris 350 years ago we would have talked about <00:03:14.313>the <00:03:14.626>military <00:03:14.939>innovation <00:03:15.252>of <00:03:15.565>the <00:03:15.878>moment about the military innovation of the moment about the military innovation of the moment namely <00:03:17.099>the <00:03:18.158>massive namely the massive namely the massive Boban <00:03:18.880>style <00:03:19.400>fortifications <00:03:19.920>and <00:03:20.440>we <00:03:20.960>could <00:03:21.480>have <00:03:22.000>predicted Boban style fortifications and we could have predicted Boban style fortifications and we could have predicted an <00:03:22.820>era <00:03:23.080>of <00:03:23.340>stability <00:03:23.600>in <00:03:23.860>the <00:03:24.120>world <00:03:24.380>or <00:03:24.640>in an era of stability in the world or in an era of stability in the world or in Europe <00:03:24.980>which <00:03:25.200>was <00:03:25.420>the <00:03:25.640>case <00:03:25.860>elsewhere <00:03:26.080>in Europe which was the case elsewhere in Europe which was the case elsewhere in Europe <00:03:26.720>between <00:03:27.240>1650 <00:03:27.760>and Europe between 1650 and Europe between 1650 and 1750 1750 1750 if <00:03:30.616>similarly <00:03:31.032>we <00:03:31.448>had <00:03:31.864>had <00:03:32.280>this if similarly we had had this if similarly we had had this conference <00:03:32.685>30 <00:03:32.931>or <00:03:33.177>40 <00:03:33.423>years <00:03:33.669>ago <00:03:33.915>we conference 30 or 40 years ago we conference 30 or 40 years ago we would <00:03:34.280>have <00:03:34.520>been <00:03:34.760>able <00:03:35.000>to <00:03:35.240>see <00:03:35.480>how <00:03:35.720>the <00:03:35.960>advent <00:03:36.200>of would have been able to see how the advent of would have been able to see how the advent of nuclear <00:03:36.951>weapons <00:03:37.542>and <00:03:38.133>the <00:03:38.724>threat <00:03:39.315>of nuclear weapons and the threat of nuclear weapons and the threat of mutually <00:03:39.779>assured <00:03:40.119>destruction <00:03:40.459>that <00:03:40.799>they mutually assured destruction that they mutually assured destruction that they carry <00:03:41.583>prevents <00:03:42.007>a <00:03:42.431>direct <00:03:42.855>conflict <00:03:43.279>between carry prevents a direct conflict between carry prevents a direct conflict between the <00:03:43.879>two the two the two superpowers. <00:03:45.219>On <00:03:45.518>the <00:03:45.817>other <00:03:46.116>hand, <00:03:46.415>if <00:03:46.714>we <00:03:47.013>had <00:03:47.312>had superpowers. On the other hand, if we had had superpowers. On the other hand, if we had had this <00:03:47.742>conference <00:03:48.004>60 <00:03:48.266>years <00:03:48.528>ago <00:03:48.790>we <00:03:49.052>would <00:03:49.314>have this conference 60 years ago we would have this conference 60 years ago we would have was <00:03:49.793>able <00:03:50.067>to <00:03:50.341>see <00:03:50.615>how <00:03:50.889>the <00:03:51.163>emergence <00:03:51.437>of was able to see how the emergence of was able to see how the emergence of armored <00:03:52.030>forces <00:03:52.420>and <00:03:52.810>air <00:03:53.200>forces armored forces and air forces armored forces and air forces which <00:03:54.319>gives <00:03:54.598>the <00:03:54.877>advantage <00:03:55.156>to which gives the advantage to which gives the advantage to the <00:03:56.351>offensive <00:03:56.823>gives <00:03:57.295>credibility <00:03:57.767>to <00:03:58.239>the the offensive gives credibility to the the offensive gives credibility to the doctrine <00:03:58.612>of <00:03:58.905>the <00:03:59.198>Blitz <00:03:59.491>and <00:03:59.784>therefore <00:04:00.077>the doctrine of the Blitz and therefore the doctrine of the Blitz and therefore the possibility <00:04:00.553>of <00:04:00.906>a <00:04:01.259>war <00:04:01.612>in <00:04:01.965>Europe <00:04:02.318>therefore possibility of a war in Europe therefore possibility of a war in Europe therefore military <00:04:03.059>technologies <00:04:03.599>are military technologies are military technologies are capable <00:04:04.040>of <00:04:04.320>influencing <00:04:04.600>on <00:04:04.880>the <00:04:05.160>course <00:04:05.440>of <00:04:05.720>the capable of influencing on the course of the capable of influencing on the course of the world <00:04:06.075>to <00:04:06.310>make <00:04:06.545>or <00:04:06.780>break <00:04:07.015>the <00:04:07.250>peace <00:04:07.485>of <00:04:07.720>the world to make or break the peace of the world to make or break the peace of the world <00:04:08.105>and <00:04:08.411>that <00:04:08.717>is <00:04:09.023>the <00:04:09.329>problem <00:04:09.635>with world and that is the problem with world and that is the problem with cyberweapons <00:04:11.066>first <00:04:11.732>problem <00:04:12.398>imagine cyberweapons first problem imagine cyberweapons first problem imagine that <00:04:13.326>a <00:04:13.612>potential <00:04:13.898>adversary <00:04:14.184>announces <00:04:14.470>that <00:04:14.756>it that a potential adversary announces that it that a potential adversary announces that it is <00:04:15.439>building <00:04:15.838>a <00:04:16.237>new is building a new is building a new cyberwar <00:04:17.053>capability <00:04:17.546>but <00:04:18.039>only cyberwar capability but only cyberwar capability but only for <00:04:18.570>the <00:04:18.781>defenses <00:04:18.992>of <00:04:19.203>its <00:04:19.414>country <00:04:19.625>very <00:04:19.836>well for the defenses of its country very well for the defenses of its country very well but <00:04:20.448>what <00:04:20.896>distinguishes <00:04:21.344>it <00:04:21.792>from <00:04:22.240>a but what distinguishes it from a but what distinguishes it from a unit <00:04:23.000>for unit for unit for attack <00:04:24.400>and <00:04:24.800>the <00:04:25.200>problem <00:04:25.600>is <00:04:26.000>all <00:04:26.400>the <00:04:26.800>more attack and the problem is all the more attack and the problem is all the more increased <00:04:27.320>when <00:04:27.640>the <00:04:27.960>doctrines increased when the doctrines increased when the doctrines of <00:04:29.019>use <00:04:29.598>become <00:04:30.177>very <00:04:30.756>vague of use become very vague of use become very vague still <00:04:31.085>3 <00:04:31.330>years <00:04:31.575>ago <00:04:31.820>the <00:04:32.065>United <00:04:32.310>States <00:04:32.555>of <00:04:32.800>America still 3 years ago the United States of America still 3 years ago the United States of America and <00:04:33.672>France <00:04:34.064>both <00:04:34.456>said <00:04:34.848>that <00:04:35.240>they and France both said that they and France both said that they invested <00:04:35.933>militarily <00:04:36.346>in <00:04:36.759>cyberspace invested militarily in cyberspace invested militarily in cyberspace solely <00:04:37.999>for <00:04:38.359>the <00:04:38.719>defense <00:04:39.079>of <00:04:39.439>their solely for the defense of their solely for the defense of their computer <00:04:40.252>system <00:04:40.865>but <00:04:41.478>today computer system but today computer system but today these <00:04:42.733>two <00:04:43.026>countries <00:04:43.319>both <00:04:43.612>say <00:04:43.905>that <00:04:44.198>the these two countries both say that the these two countries both say that the best <00:04:44.792>defense <00:04:45.264>is <00:04:45.736>attack <00:04:46.208>and <00:04:46.680>in best defense is attack and in best defense is attack and in this <00:04:47.186>they <00:04:47.492>are <00:04:47.798>only <00:04:48.104>joining <00:04:48.410>the <00:04:48.716>China this they are only joining the China this they are only joining the China that <00:04:49.383>for <00:04:49.766>15 <00:04:50.149>years <00:04:50.532>now <00:04:50.915>a that for 15 years now a that for 15 years now a doctrine <00:04:51.799>of <00:04:52.559>both doctrine of both doctrine of both defensive <00:04:53.879>but <00:04:54.478>also defensive but also defensive but also offensive <00:04:56.209>use <00:04:56.738>of <00:04:57.267>the <00:04:57.796>problem <00:04:58.325>your <00:04:58.854>country <00:04:59.383>AG <00:04:59.912>by offensive use of the problem your country AG by offensive use of the problem your country AG by a <00:05:00.391>cyber <00:05:00.702>attack <00:05:01.013>of <00:05:01.324>entire <00:05:01.635>regions a cyber attack of entire regions a cyber attack of entire regions plunged <00:05:02.560>into <00:05:02.960>the <00:05:03.360>most plunged into the most plunged into the most complete <00:05:03.754>darkness <00:05:03.988>and <00:05:04.222>well <00:05:04.456>it <00:05:04.690>is <00:05:04.924>possible <00:05:05.158>that complete darkness and well it is possible that complete darkness and well it is possible that you <00:05:05.553>ignore <00:05:05.866>the <00:05:06.179>very <00:05:06.492>identity <00:05:06.805>of <00:05:07.118>the you ignore the very identity of the you ignore the very identity of the attacker <00:05:07.933>cybersames <00:05:08.586>have <00:05:09.239>this attacker cybersames have this attacker cybersames have this particular <00:05:09.952>Ceel <00:05:10.184>that <00:05:10.416>they <00:05:10.648>can <00:05:10.880>be particular Ceel that they can be particular Ceel that they can be used <00:05:11.433>without <00:05:11.786>leaving <00:05:12.139>a <00:05:12.492>trace <00:05:12.845>and <00:05:13.198>this used without leaving a trace and this used without leaving a trace and this gives <00:05:14.090>a <00:05:14.580>considerable <00:05:15.070>advantage <00:05:15.560>to gives a considerable advantage to gives a considerable advantage to the <00:05:15.936>attack <00:05:16.192>because <00:05:16.448>the <00:05:16.704>party <00:05:16.960>defending the attack because the party defending the attack because the party defending does <00:05:17.686>not <00:05:18.012>know <00:05:18.338>against <00:05:18.664>who <00:05:18.990>retaliated <00:05:19.316>and does not know against who retaliated and does not know against who retaliated and if <00:05:19.768>he <00:05:19.976>retaliated <00:05:20.184>against <00:05:20.392>the <00:05:20.600>wrong if he retaliated against the wrong if he retaliated against the wrong adversary <00:05:21.430>and <00:05:21.900>well <00:05:22.370>it <00:05:22.840>risks adversary and well it risks adversary and well it risks making <00:05:23.295>an <00:05:23.671>additional <00:05:24.047>enemy <00:05:24.423>and <00:05:24.799>being making an additional enemy and being making an additional enemy and being diplomatically <00:05:25.552>isolated <00:05:25.944>this <00:05:26.336>is <00:05:26.728>not <00:05:27.120>a diplomatically isolated this is not a diplomatically isolated this is not a theoretical <00:05:27.704>problem <00:05:28.168>in <00:05:28.632>May <00:05:29.096>2007 <00:05:29.560>Estonia theoretical problem in May 2007 Estonia theoretical problem in May 2007 Estonia was <00:05:30.427>the <00:05:30.655>victim <00:05:30.883>of <00:05:31.111>a <00:05:31.339>cyber <00:05:31.567>attack <00:05:31.795>which was the victim of a cyber attack which was the victim of a cyber attack which damaged <00:05:32.546>its <00:05:33.092>communication <00:05:33.638>system damaged its communication system damaged its communication system and <00:05:35.010>its <00:05:35.460>banking <00:05:35.910>system <00:05:36.360>Estonia and its banking system Estonia and its banking system Estonia accused <00:05:36.855>Russia <00:05:37.231>but <00:05:37.607>the <00:05:37.983>time <00:05:38.359>which accused Russia but the time which accused Russia but the time which defends <00:05:38.887>Estonia <00:05:39.135>the <00:05:39.383>time <00:05:39.631>she <00:05:39.879>was defends Estonia the time she was defends Estonia the time she was very <00:05:40.679>cautious <00:05:41.358>why <00:05:42.037>because very cautious why because very cautious why because the <00:05:42.406>time <00:05:42.692>could <00:05:42.978>not <00:05:43.264>be <00:05:43.550>100% <00:05:43.836>sure the time could not be 100% sure the time could not be 100% sure that <00:05:44.920>behind <00:05:45.280>these <00:05:45.640>attacks <00:05:46.000>was that behind these attacks was that behind these attacks was actually <00:05:46.663>hiding <00:05:46.847>the <00:05:47.031>hand <00:05:47.215>of <00:05:47.399>the actually hiding the hand of the actually hiding the hand of the kemmelin <00:05:48.948>so <00:05:49.336>to <00:05:49.724>summarize <00:05:50.112>on <00:05:50.500>the <00:05:50.888>one <00:05:51.276>hand kemmelin so to summarize on the one hand kemmelin so to summarize on the one hand when <00:05:51.989>a <00:05:52.499>potential <00:05:53.009>adversary <00:05:53.519>announces when a potential adversary announces when a potential adversary announces that <00:05:54.085>it <00:05:54.251>is <00:05:54.417>developing <00:05:54.583>a <00:05:54.749>cyberwar <00:05:54.915>unit that it is developing a cyberwar unit that it is developing a cyberwar unit although <00:05:55.665>we <00:05:55.810>do <00:05:55.955>not <00:05:56.100>know <00:05:56.245>if <00:05:56.390>it <00:05:56.535>is <00:05:56.680>to although we do not know if it is to although we do not know if it is to prepare <00:05:57.011>the <00:05:57.222>attack <00:05:57.433>or <00:05:57.644>if <00:05:57.855>it <00:05:58.066>is <00:05:58.277>to prepare the attack or if it is to prepare the attack or if it is to defend <00:05:58.499>itself <00:05:58.638>and <00:05:58.777>on <00:05:58.916>the <00:05:59.055>other <00:05:59.194>hand defend itself and on the other hand defend itself and on the other hand we <00:06:00.544>know <00:06:00.808>that <00:06:01.072>these <00:06:01.336>weapons <00:06:01.600>give we know that these weapons give we know that these weapons give the <00:06:02.304>advantage <00:06:02.728>to <00:06:03.152>attack <00:06:03.576>in <00:06:04.000>an the advantage to attack in an the advantage to attack in an important <00:06:05.039>1978 <00:06:05.558>paper, <00:06:06.077>Professor <00:06:06.596>Robert important 1978 paper, Professor Robert important 1978 paper, Professor Robert JIS <00:06:07.407>of <00:06:07.854>Colombia <00:06:08.301>University <00:06:08.748>New <00:06:09.195>York JIS of Colombia University New York JIS of Colombia University New York described <00:06:09.632>a <00:06:09.864>model <00:06:10.096>for <00:06:10.328>understanding <00:06:10.560>how described a model for understanding how described a model for understanding how conflicts <00:06:11.279>can <00:06:11.639>emerge conflicts can emerge conflicts can emerge in <00:06:13.048>an <00:06:13.736>environment <00:06:14.424>where <00:06:15.112>we <00:06:15.800>do in an environment where we do in an environment where we do not <00:06:16.224>know <00:06:16.488>whether <00:06:16.752>the <00:06:17.016>potential <00:06:17.280>enemy not know whether the potential enemy not know whether the potential enemy is <00:06:18.354>preparing <00:06:18.748>defense <00:06:19.142>or <00:06:19.536>the <00:06:19.930>attack <00:06:20.324>and <00:06:20.718>if is preparing defense or the attack and if is preparing defense or the attack and if the <00:06:21.257>weapons <00:06:21.554>give <00:06:21.851>the <00:06:22.148>advantage <00:06:22.445>to <00:06:22.742>the <00:06:23.039>attack the weapons give the advantage to the attack the weapons give the advantage to the attack well <00:06:23.953>this <00:06:24.186>environment <00:06:24.419>is <00:06:24.652>the <00:06:24.885>one <00:06:25.118>which well this environment is the one which well this environment is the one which is <00:06:25.625>the <00:06:26.051>most <00:06:26.477>likely <00:06:26.903>to <00:06:27.329>trigger <00:06:27.755>a is the most likely to trigger a is the most likely to trigger a conflict <00:06:28.294>and <00:06:28.549>it <00:06:28.804>is <00:06:29.059>an <00:06:29.314>environment <00:06:29.569>which <00:06:29.824>is <00:06:30.079>being conflict and it is an environment which is being conflict and it is an environment which is being created <00:06:30.660>today <00:06:31.040>by <00:06:31.420>the <00:06:31.800>cyarmes created today by the cyarmes created today by the cyarmes and <00:06:33.191>historically <00:06:33.582>it <00:06:33.973>is <00:06:34.364>the <00:06:34.755>environment and historically it is the environment and historically it is the environment of <00:06:36.034>Europe <00:06:36.309>on <00:06:36.584>the <00:06:36.859>eve <00:06:37.134>of <00:06:37.409>the <00:06:37.684>First <00:06:37.959>World of Europe on the eve of the First World of Europe on the eve of the First World War War War the <00:06:40.609>cy <00:06:41.418>by <00:06:42.227>nature <00:06:43.036>are the cy by nature are the cy by nature are dangerous <00:06:43.671>but <00:06:44.143>in <00:06:44.615>addition <00:06:45.087>are <00:06:45.559>emerging dangerous but in addition are emerging dangerous but in addition are emerging today <00:06:46.679>much <00:06:47.039>more today much more today much more unstable <00:06:48.846>Cold <00:06:49.332>laer <00:06:49.818>well <00:06:50.304>the <00:06:50.790>War <00:06:51.276>I unstable Cold laer well the War I unstable Cold laer well the War I very <00:06:51.894>hard <00:06:52.309>but <00:06:52.724>a <00:06:53.139>I <00:06:53.554>real <00:06:53.969>of <00:06:54.384>players <00:06:54.799>P very hard but a I real of players P very hard but a I real of players P have <00:06:55.456>a <00:06:55.792>form <00:06:56.128>of <00:06:56.464>coordination <00:06:56.800>between have a form of coordination between have a form of coordination between the <00:06:57.199>two the two the two supers <00:06:58.895>today <00:06:59.390>we <00:06:59.885>are <00:07:00.380>entering <00:07:00.875>a supers today we are entering a supers today we are entering a multipolar <00:07:01.519>world <00:07:02.038>coordination multipolar world coordination multipolar world coordination becomes <00:07:02.919>much <00:07:03.239>more <00:07:03.559>complicated <00:07:03.879>we becomes much more complicated we becomes much more complicated we have <00:07:04.359>also <00:07:04.679>seen <00:07:04.999>it <00:07:05.319>with have also seen it with have also seen it with Copenhagen <00:07:06.870>and <00:07:07.340>this <00:07:07.810>coordination <00:07:08.280>risks Copenhagen and this coordination risks Copenhagen and this coordination risks becoming <00:07:08.930>even <00:07:09.340>more <00:07:09.750>difficult <00:07:10.160>to becoming even more difficult to becoming even more difficult to achieve <00:07:10.519>with <00:07:10.758>the <00:07:10.997>introduction <00:07:11.236>of <00:07:11.475>desers achieve with the introduction of desers achieve with the introduction of desers weapons <00:07:12.719>why <00:07:12.959>because <00:07:13.199>quite <00:07:13.439>simply weapons why because quite simply weapons why because quite simply a <00:07:14.580>nation <00:07:14.880>will <00:07:15.180>not <00:07:15.480>know <00:07:15.780>for <00:07:16.080>sure <00:07:16.380>whether <00:07:16.680>or a nation will not know for sure whether or a nation will not know for sure whether or not <00:07:17.096>its <00:07:17.392>neighbor <00:07:17.688>is <00:07:17.984>about <00:07:18.280>to not its neighbor is about to not its neighbor is about to attack <00:07:19.049>it <00:07:19.578>and <00:07:20.107>nations <00:07:20.636>risk attack it and nations risk attack it and nations risk living <00:07:20.953>under <00:07:21.186>the <00:07:21.419>threat <00:07:21.652>of <00:07:21.885>what <00:07:22.118>the living under the threat of what the living under the threat of what the Nobel <00:07:23.000>Prize-winning <00:07:23.600>economist <00:07:24.200>Thomasing <00:07:24.800>called Nobel Prize-winning economist Thomasing called Nobel Prize-winning economist Thomasing called reciprocal <00:07:25.335>fear <00:07:25.631>of <00:07:25.927>the <00:07:26.223>surprise <00:07:26.519>attack reciprocal fear of the surprise attack reciprocal fear of the surprise attack as <00:07:27.267>I <00:07:27.495>don't <00:07:27.723>know <00:07:27.951>if <00:07:28.179>my <00:07:28.407>neighbor <00:07:28.635>is as I don't know if my neighbor is as I don't know if my neighbor is about <00:07:29.079>to <00:07:29.399>attack <00:07:29.719>me <00:07:30.039>and about to attack me and about to attack me and maybe <00:07:30.712>I <00:07:31.064>will <00:07:31.416>never <00:07:31.768>know <00:07:32.120>and maybe I will never know and maybe I will never know and well <00:07:32.711>maybe <00:07:32.943>I <00:07:33.175>will <00:07:33.407>take <00:07:33.639>the well maybe I will take the well maybe I will take the lead <00:07:34.303>and <00:07:34.727>be <00:07:35.151>the <00:07:35.575>first <00:07:35.999>to lead and be the first to lead and be the first to attack <00:07:37.229>not <00:07:37.738>later <00:07:38.247>this <00:07:38.756>week attack not later this week attack not later this week in <00:07:39.905>a <00:07:40.611>January <00:07:41.317>26, in a January 26, in a January 26, 2010 <00:07:41.976>New <00:07:42.313>York <00:07:42.650>Times <00:07:42.987>article <00:07:43.324>it <00:07:43.661>was <00:07:43.998>revealed 2010 New York Times article it was revealed 2010 New York Times article it was revealed for <00:07:44.663>the <00:07:44.966>first <00:07:45.269>time <00:07:45.572>that <00:07:45.875>officials for the first time that officials for the first time that officials at <00:07:46.656>the <00:07:46.912>National <00:07:47.168>Security <00:07:47.424>Agency <00:07:47.680>were at the National Security Agency were at the National Security Agency were mulling <00:07:49.240>the <00:07:49.800>possibility mulling the possibility mulling the possibility of a of a of a preemptive <00:07:52.091>attack <00:07:52.462>in <00:07:52.833>the <00:07:53.204>event <00:07:53.575>that <00:07:53.946>America <00:07:54.317>was preemptive attack in the event that America was preemptive attack in the event that America was the <00:07:55.099>point <00:07:55.439>of <00:07:55.779>being <00:07:56.119>attacked <00:07:56.459>by <00:07:56.799>a the point of being attacked by a the point of being attacked by a cyberattack <00:07:58.039>and <00:07:58.558>these <00:07:59.077>preemptive <00:07:59.596>attacks cyberattack and these preemptive attacks cyberattack and these preemptive attacks risk <00:08:00.839>not <00:08:01.479>remaining <00:08:02.119>strictly risk not remaining strictly risk not remaining strictly in <00:08:02.799>the <00:08:02.959>domain <00:08:03.119>of in the domain of in the domain of cyberspace <00:08:05.859>in <00:08:06.519>May cyberspace in May cyberspace in May 2009 <00:08:08.199>General <00:08:08.958>Kevin <00:08:09.717>Chilton <00:08:10.476>commander 2009 General Kevin Chilton commander 2009 General Kevin Chilton commander of <00:08:11.089>the <00:08:11.218>American <00:08:11.347>nuclear <00:08:11.476>forces of the American nuclear forces of the American nuclear forces announced <00:08:13.630>that <00:08:14.540>in <00:08:15.450>the <00:08:16.360>event announced that in the event announced that in the event of <00:08:16.886>an <00:08:17.092>electronic <00:08:17.298>attack <00:08:17.504>against <00:08:17.710>the <00:08:17.916>America of an electronic attack against the America of an electronic attack against the America all <00:08:19.056>options <00:08:19.392>were <00:08:19.728>on <00:08:20.064>the <00:08:20.400>table, all options were on the table, all options were on the table, cber <00:08:21.399>armament <00:08:21.919>does <00:08:22.439>not <00:08:22.959>make cber armament does not make cber armament does not make conventional <00:08:24.239>armament <00:08:24.879>or conventional armament or conventional armament or nuclear <00:08:25.696>armament <00:08:26.073>disappear, <00:08:26.450>it <00:08:26.827>only <00:08:27.204>adds <00:08:27.581>to <00:08:27.958>the nuclear armament disappear, it only adds to the nuclear armament disappear, it only adds to the already <00:08:28.860>existing <00:08:29.320>system <00:08:29.780>of <00:08:30.240>terror already existing system of terror already existing system of terror but <00:08:31.159>in <00:08:31.439>doing <00:08:31.719>so <00:08:31.999>it <00:08:32.279>adds <00:08:32.559>its <00:08:32.839>own but in doing so it adds its own but in doing so it adds its own risk <00:08:33.650>of <00:08:34.060>triggering <00:08:34.470>a <00:08:34.880>conflict. risk of triggering a conflict. risk of triggering a conflict. very <00:08:35.211>significant <00:08:35.422>risk <00:08:35.633>as <00:08:35.844>we <00:08:36.055>are <00:08:36.266>going <00:08:36.477>to very significant risk as we are going to very significant risk as we are going to see <00:08:36.839>and <00:08:37.079>a <00:08:37.319>risk <00:08:37.559>that <00:08:37.799>we <00:08:38.039>will see and a risk that we will see and a risk that we will perhaps <00:08:38.775>have <00:08:39.151>to <00:08:39.527>confront <00:08:39.903>with <00:08:40.279>a perhaps have to confront with a perhaps have to confront with a collective <00:08:41.519>security <00:08:42.398>solution <00:08:43.277>including collective security solution including collective security solution including all <00:08:43.872>of <00:08:44.225>us <00:08:44.578>obviously <00:08:44.931>European <00:08:45.284>allies <00:08:45.637>members all of us obviously European allies members all of us obviously European allies members of <00:08:46.245>NATO <00:08:46.490>with <00:08:46.735>our <00:08:46.980>American <00:08:47.225>allies <00:08:47.470>and <00:08:47.715>friends of NATO with our American allies and friends of NATO with our American allies and friends with <00:08:49.259>our <00:08:50.239>other with our other with our other Western <00:08:50.793>allies <00:08:50.986>and <00:08:51.179>perhaps <00:08:51.372>by <00:08:51.565>forcing <00:08:51.758>their Western allies and perhaps by forcing their Western allies and perhaps by forcing their hand <00:08:52.390>a <00:08:52.700>little <00:08:53.010>bit, <00:08:53.320>our hand a little bit, our hand a little bit, our Russian <00:08:54.053>partners <00:08:54.346>and <00:08:54.639>our <00:08:54.932>Chinese <00:08:55.225>partners <00:08:55.518>because Russian partners and our Chinese partners because Russian partners and our Chinese partners because the <00:08:56.186>information <00:08:56.612>technologies <00:08:57.038>that the information technologies that the information technologies that Joë <00:08:57.621>de <00:08:57.843>Renet <00:08:58.065>spoke <00:08:58.287>about <00:08:58.509>and <00:08:58.731>which <00:08:58.953>are Joë de Renet spoke about and which are Joë de Renet spoke about and which are historically <00:08:59.879>military <00:09:00.359>research, historically military research, historically military research, are <00:09:02.023>today <00:09:02.366>on <00:09:02.709>the <00:09:03.052>verge <00:09:03.395>of are today on the verge of are today on the verge of developing <00:09:04.090>an <00:09:04.620>offensive <00:09:05.150>capacity <00:09:05.680>for developing an offensive capacity for developing an offensive capacity for destruction <00:09:06.659>who <00:09:07.039>could <00:09:07.419>tomorrow <00:09:07.799>if <00:09:08.179>we <00:09:08.559>are destruction who could tomorrow if we are destruction who could tomorrow if we are not <00:09:09.224>careful <00:09:09.728>bring <00:09:10.232>down <00:09:10.736>and <00:09:11.240>destroy not careful bring down and destroy not careful bring down and destroy the <00:09:11.919>peace <00:09:12.118>of <00:09:12.317>the <00:09:12.516>world the peace of the world the peace of the world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]

thank you

Guy-Philippe Goldstein, TED, TEDx, TEDxParis, cyberattack, internet, peace, violence, cyberwarfare

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