Làm thế nào chúng tôi tìm thấy mực khổng lồ-Edith Widder

How we found the giant squid - Edith Widder

How we found the giant squid - Edith Widder


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

the<00:00:16.800> Kraken<00:00:17.680> a<00:00:17.920> beast<00:00:18.279> so<00:00:18.600> terrifying<00:00:19.359> it<00:00:19.480> was
the Kraken a beast so terrifying it was the Kraken a beast so terrifying it was said<00:00:19.880> to<00:00:20.080> devour<00:00:20.600> men<00:00:21.080> and<00:00:21.240> ships<00:00:21.600> and<00:00:21.840> whales said to devour men and ships and whales said to devour men and ships and whales and<00:00:23.000> so<00:00:23.279> enormous<00:00:23.880> it<00:00:24.039> could<00:00:24.199> be<00:00:24.400> mistaken<00:00:24.800> for and so enormous it could be mistaken for and so enormous it could be mistaken for an<00:00:25.640> island<00:00:26.640> in<00:00:26.840> assessing<00:00:27.240> the<00:00:27.439> merits<00:00:27.760> of an island in assessing the merits of an island in assessing the merits of such<00:00:28.199> Tales<00:00:28.599> it's<00:00:28.840> probably<00:00:29.199> wise<00:00:29.439> to<00:00:29.560> keep<00:00:29.679> in such Tales it's probably wise to keep in such Tales it's probably wise to keep in mind<00:00:30.199> that<00:00:30.320> old<00:00:30.480> sailor<00:00:31.000> saw<00:00:31.880> that<00:00:32.040> the<00:00:32.160> only mind that old sailor saw that the only mind that old sailor saw that the only difference<00:00:32.880> between<00:00:33.160> a<00:00:33.320> fairy<00:00:33.640> tale<00:00:34.120> and<00:00:34.239> a difference between a fairy tale and a difference between a fairy tale and a sea<00:00:34.680> story<00:00:35.160> is<00:00:35.280> a<00:00:35.440> fairy<00:00:35.760> tale<00:00:36.040> begins<00:00:36.399> once sea story is a fairy tale begins once sea story is a fairy tale begins once upon<00:00:36.800> a<00:00:37.000> time<00:00:37.760> and<00:00:37.960> a<00:00:38.079> sea<00:00:38.360> Story<00:00:38.640> begins<00:00:39.200> this upon a time and a sea Story begins this upon a time and a sea Story begins this ain't<00:00:39.600> no

every<00:00:43.440> fish<00:00:43.719> that<00:00:43.879> gets<00:00:44.160> away<00:00:44.800> grows
every fish that gets away grows every fish that gets away grows with<00:00:45.320> every<00:00:45.559> telling<00:00:45.840> of<00:00:46.039> the<00:00:46.199> tail with every telling of the tail with every telling of the tail nevertheless<00:00:47.960> there<00:00:48.079> are<00:00:48.399> giants<00:00:48.760> in<00:00:48.879> the nevertheless there are giants in the nevertheless there are giants in the ocean<00:00:49.480> and<00:00:49.600> we<00:00:49.760> now<00:00:50.000> have<00:00:50.239> video<00:00:50.719> proof<00:00:51.360> as ocean and we now have video proof as ocean and we now have video proof as those<00:00:51.719> of<00:00:51.879> you<00:00:52.120> that<00:00:52.320> saw<00:00:52.719> the<00:00:53.079> Discovery those of you that saw the Discovery those of you that saw the Discovery Channel<00:00:53.719> documentary<00:00:54.320> are<00:00:54.480> no<00:00:54.680> doubt<00:00:55.359> aware<00:00:56.359> I Channel documentary are no doubt aware I Channel documentary are no doubt aware I was<00:00:56.680> one<00:00:56.800> of<00:00:56.920> the<00:00:57.079> three<00:00:57.399> scientists<00:00:57.920> on<00:00:58.120> this was one of the three scientists on this was one of the three scientists on this Expedition<00:00:58.879> that<00:00:59.000> took<00:00:59.239> place<00:00:59.480> last<00:00:59.640> summer Expedition that took place last summer Expedition that took place last summer are<00:01:00.120> off<00:01:00.359> Japan<00:01:01.359> I'm<00:01:01.519> the<00:01:01.640> short<00:01:02.320> one<00:01:03.320> the are off Japan I'm the short one the are off Japan I'm the short one the other<00:01:03.640> two<00:01:03.840> are<00:01:04.080> drsimi<00:01:04.799> kuida<00:01:05.479> and<00:01:05.720> Dr<00:01:05.920> Steve other two are drsimi kuida and Dr Steve other two are drsimi kuida and Dr Steve OA<00:01:07.880> I<00:01:07.960> owe<00:01:08.159> my<00:01:08.360> participation<00:01:09.320> in<00:01:09.479> this<00:01:09.680> now OA I owe my participation in this now OA I owe my participation in this now historic<00:01:10.560> event<00:01:11.080> to historic event to historic event to Ted<00:01:12.920> in<00:01:13.080> 2010<00:01:13.920> there<00:01:14.040> was<00:01:14.159> a<00:01:14.320> Ted<00:01:14.560> event<00:01:14.840> called Ted in 2010 there was a Ted event called Ted in 2010 there was a Ted event called Mission<00:01:15.360> blue<00:01:15.720> held<00:01:16.000> aboard<00:01:16.360> the<00:01:16.479> lindblad Mission blue held aboard the lindblad Mission blue held aboard the lindblad Explorer<00:01:17.680> in<00:01:17.840> the<00:01:17.960> galpagos<00:01:18.400> as<00:01:18.880> part<00:01:19.040> of<00:01:19.159> the Explorer in the galpagos as part of the Explorer in the galpagos as part of the Fulfillment<00:01:19.960> of<00:01:20.159> Sylvia<00:01:20.520> Earl's<00:01:20.920> Ted<00:01:21.400> wish<00:01:22.400> I Fulfillment of Sylvia Earl's Ted wish I Fulfillment of Sylvia Earl's Ted wish I spoke<00:01:22.840> about<00:01:23.119> a<00:01:23.280> new<00:01:23.520> way<00:01:23.920> of<00:01:24.079> exploring<00:01:24.560> the spoke about a new way of exploring the spoke about a new way of exploring the ocean<00:01:25.119> one<00:01:25.320> that<00:01:25.479> focuses<00:01:26.079> on<00:01:27.079> attracting ocean one that focuses on attracting ocean one that focuses on attracting animals<00:01:28.240> instead<00:01:28.520> of<00:01:28.600> scaring<00:01:29.000> them<00:01:29.200> away animals instead of scaring them away animals instead of scaring them away Mike<00:01:30.640> degree<00:01:31.119> was<00:01:31.280> also<00:01:31.600> invited<00:01:32.399> and<00:01:32.640> he Mike degree was also invited and he Mike degree was also invited and he spoke<00:01:33.159> with<00:01:33.399> great<00:01:33.720> Passion<00:01:34.280> about<00:01:34.560> his<00:01:34.720> love spoke with great Passion about his love spoke with great Passion about his love of<00:01:35.040> the<00:01:35.159> ocean<00:01:35.840> and<00:01:35.960> he<00:01:36.079> also<00:01:36.320> talked<00:01:36.560> to<00:01:36.720> me of the ocean and he also talked to me of the ocean and he also talked to me about<00:01:37.320> applying<00:01:37.720> my<00:01:38.040> approach<00:01:38.360> to<00:01:38.560> something about applying my approach to something about applying my approach to something he's<00:01:39.119> been<00:01:39.280> involved<00:01:39.680> with<00:01:39.840> for<00:01:40.000> a<00:01:40.159> very<00:01:40.360> long he's been involved with for a very long he's been involved with for a very long time<00:01:41.360> which<00:01:41.560> is<00:01:41.799> the<00:01:41.960> hunt<00:01:42.159> for<00:01:42.320> the<00:01:42.439> giant time which is the hunt for the giant time which is the hunt for the giant squid<00:01:44.479> it<00:01:44.600> was<00:01:44.840> Mike<00:01:45.399> that<00:01:45.520> got<00:01:45.719> me<00:01:45.960> invited<00:01:46.360> to squid it was Mike that got me invited to squid it was Mike that got me invited to the<00:01:47.000> squid<00:01:47.880> Summit<00:01:48.880> a<00:01:49.159> gathering<00:01:49.640> of<00:01:49.799> squid the squid Summit a gathering of squid the squid Summit a gathering of squid experts<00:01:51.119> at<00:01:51.320> the<00:01:51.719> Discovery<00:01:51.960> Channel<00:01:52.560> that experts at the Discovery Channel that experts at the Discovery Channel that summer<00:01:53.399> during<00:01:53.880> Shark

Week<00:01:57.280> I<00:01:57.399> gave<00:01:57.600> a<00:01:57.799> talk<00:01:58.280> on<00:01:58.520> unobtrusive
Week I gave a talk on unobtrusive Week I gave a talk on unobtrusive viewing<00:01:59.640> and<00:02:00.000> Optical<00:02:00.360> luring<00:02:00.880> of<00:02:01.079> deep<00:02:01.360> sea viewing and Optical luring of deep sea viewing and Optical luring of deep sea squid<00:02:02.119> in<00:02:02.240> which<00:02:02.399> I<00:02:02.600> emphasized<00:02:03.280> the squid in which I emphasized the squid in which I emphasized the importance<00:02:04.159> of<00:02:04.560> using<00:02:05.520> quiet<00:02:06.159> unobtrusive importance of using quiet unobtrusive importance of using quiet unobtrusive platforms<00:02:07.640> for<00:02:08.200> exploration<00:02:09.200> this<00:02:09.399> came<00:02:09.560> out platforms for exploration this came out platforms for exploration this came out of<00:02:09.879> hundreds<00:02:10.280> of<00:02:10.479> Dives<00:02:10.959> I<00:02:11.080> have<00:02:11.239> made<00:02:12.160> farting of hundreds of Dives I have made farting of hundreds of Dives I have made farting around<00:02:12.840> in<00:02:13.000> the<00:02:13.280> dark<00:02:14.280> um<00:02:15.280> using<00:02:15.720> these around in the dark um using these around in the dark um using these platforms<00:02:17.239> and<00:02:17.440> my<00:02:17.720> impression<00:02:18.720> that<00:02:19.000> I<00:02:19.120> saw platforms and my impression that I saw platforms and my impression that I saw more<00:02:19.760> animals<00:02:20.519> working<00:02:21.239> from<00:02:21.519> the more animals working from the more animals working from the submersible<00:02:22.480> than<00:02:22.599> I<00:02:22.680> did<00:02:22.879> with<00:02:23.040> either<00:02:23.239> of submersible than I did with either of submersible than I did with either of the<00:02:23.480> remote<00:02:23.840> operated<00:02:24.560> vehicles<00:02:25.560> but<00:02:25.720> that the remote operated vehicles but that the remote operated vehicles but that could<00:02:26.000> just<00:02:26.120> be<00:02:26.319> because<00:02:26.519> the<00:02:26.680> submersible could just be because the submersible could just be because the submersible has<00:02:27.360> a<00:02:27.519> wider<00:02:27.760> field<00:02:28.000> of<00:02:28.160> view<00:02:28.760> but<00:02:28.879> I<00:02:29.000> also has a wider field of view but I also has a wider field of view but I also felt<00:02:29.360> like<00:02:29.480> I<00:02:29.560> saw<00:02:29.920> more<00:02:30.120> animals<00:02:30.480> working felt like I saw more animals working felt like I saw more animals working with<00:02:30.920> the<00:02:31.080> tiberon<00:02:31.560> than<00:02:31.720> the<00:02:31.840> vanana<00:02:32.440> two with the tiberon than the vanana two with the tiberon than the vanana two vehicles<00:02:33.040> with<00:02:33.200> the<00:02:33.319> same<00:02:33.480> field<00:02:33.800> of<00:02:33.920> view<00:02:34.680> but vehicles with the same field of view but vehicles with the same field of view but different<00:02:35.239> propulsion<00:02:35.840> systems<00:02:36.640> so<00:02:36.920> my different propulsion systems so my different propulsion systems so my suspicion<00:02:37.640> was<00:02:38.280> that<00:02:38.519> it<00:02:38.640> might<00:02:38.840> have suspicion was that it might have suspicion was that it might have something<00:02:39.200> to<00:02:39.319> do<00:02:39.440> with<00:02:39.560> the<00:02:39.640> amount<00:02:39.800> of<00:02:39.920> noise something to do with the amount of noise something to do with the amount of noise they<00:02:40.319> made<00:02:40.640> so<00:02:40.800> I<00:02:40.920> set<00:02:41.120> up<00:02:41.239> a<00:02:41.360> hydrophone<00:02:41.840> on they made so I set up a hydrophone on they made so I set up a hydrophone on the<00:02:42.080> bottom<00:02:42.319> of<00:02:42.400> the<00:02:42.480> ocean<00:02:43.120> and<00:02:43.239> I<00:02:43.360> had<00:02:43.560> each the bottom of the ocean and I had each the bottom of the ocean and I had each of<00:02:43.840> these<00:02:43.959> fly<00:02:44.319> by<00:02:44.519> at<00:02:44.680> the<00:02:44.800> same<00:02:45.040> speed<00:02:45.280> and of these fly by at the same speed and of these fly by at the same speed and distance<00:02:45.920> and<00:02:46.120> recorded<00:02:46.760> the<00:02:46.920> sound<00:02:47.239> they distance and recorded the sound they distance and recorded the sound they made<00:02:48.519> the<00:02:48.680> Johnson<00:02:49.040> cink<00:02:49.920> which<00:02:50.040> you<00:02:50.159> can made the Johnson cink which you can made the Johnson cink which you can probably<00:02:50.680> just<00:02:50.879> barely<00:02:51.239> hear<00:02:51.640> here<00:02:52.480> uses probably just barely hear here uses probably just barely hear here uses electric<00:02:53.400> thrusters<00:02:54.400> very<00:02:54.680> very<00:02:55.319> quiet<00:02:56.319> the electric thrusters very very quiet the electric thrusters very very quiet the tiberon<00:02:57.400> also<00:02:57.680> uses<00:02:58.080> electric<00:02:58.560> powered tiberon also uses electric powered tiberon also uses electric powered thrusters<00:03:00.239> it's<00:03:00.599> also<00:03:01.000> pretty<00:03:01.560> quiet<00:03:02.560> but<00:03:03.200> a thrusters it's also pretty quiet but a thrusters it's also pretty quiet but a bit<00:03:03.519> noisier<00:03:04.519> but<00:03:04.680> most<00:03:04.920> deep<00:03:05.200> diving<00:03:05.560> rovs bit noisier but most deep diving rovs bit noisier but most deep diving rovs these<00:03:06.360> days<00:03:06.640> use<00:03:07.040> Hydraulics<00:03:08.040> and<00:03:08.159> they<00:03:08.280> sound these days use Hydraulics and they sound these days use Hydraulics and they sound like<00:03:08.760> the like the like the vantana<00:03:11.239> I<00:03:11.319> think<00:03:11.560> that's<00:03:11.799> got<00:03:11.920> to<00:03:12.080> be<00:03:12.239> scaring vantana I think that's got to be scaring vantana I think that's got to be scaring a<00:03:13.040> lot<00:03:13.200> of<00:03:13.400> animals<00:03:13.920> away<00:03:14.920> so<00:03:15.120> for<00:03:15.280> the<00:03:15.400> deep a lot of animals away so for the deep a lot of animals away so for the deep sea<00:03:15.959> squid<00:03:16.319> hunt<00:03:17.159> I<00:03:17.360> proposed<00:03:17.920> using<00:03:18.239> an sea squid hunt I proposed using an sea squid hunt I proposed using an optical<00:03:18.840> lure<00:03:19.680> attached<00:03:20.040> to<00:03:20.159> a<00:03:20.319> camera optical lure attached to a camera optical lure attached to a camera platform<00:03:23.360> with<00:03:24.360> no<00:03:24.680> thrusters<00:03:25.560> no<00:03:25.760> Motors platform with no thrusters no Motors platform with no thrusters no Motors just<00:03:27.080> a<00:03:27.360> battery<00:03:27.879> powered<00:03:28.280> camera<00:03:29.000> and<00:03:29.120> the just a battery powered camera and the just a battery powered camera and the only<00:03:29.760> illumination<00:03:30.720> coming<00:03:31.000> from<00:03:31.280> red<00:03:31.560> light only illumination coming from red light only illumination coming from red light that's<00:03:32.239> invisible<00:03:33.080> to<00:03:33.280> most<00:03:33.480> deep<00:03:33.720> sea that's invisible to most deep sea that's invisible to most deep sea animals<00:03:34.400> that<00:03:34.480> are<00:03:34.680> adapted<00:03:35.040> to<00:03:35.159> see animals that are adapted to see animals that are adapted to see primarily<00:03:36.319> blue<00:03:37.120> that's<00:03:37.319> visible<00:03:37.720> to<00:03:37.840> ouri primarily blue that's visible to ouri primarily blue that's visible to ouri but<00:03:38.519> it's<00:03:38.680> the<00:03:38.840> equivalent<00:03:39.239> of<00:03:39.360> infrared<00:03:40.040> in but it's the equivalent of infrared in but it's the equivalent of infrared in the<00:03:40.280> deep<00:03:40.760> sea<00:03:41.760> so<00:03:42.040> this<00:03:42.239> camera<00:03:42.640> platform the deep sea so this camera platform the deep sea so this camera platform which<00:03:43.280> we<00:03:43.439> called<00:03:43.720> the<00:03:43.799> Medusa<00:03:44.560> could<00:03:44.720> just<00:03:44.840> be which we called the Medusa could just be which we called the Medusa could just be thrown<00:03:45.439> off<00:03:45.720> the<00:03:45.879> back<00:03:46.040> of<00:03:46.159> the thrown off the back of the thrown off the back of the ship<00:03:47.920> attached<00:03:48.319> to<00:03:48.480> a<00:03:48.599> float<00:03:49.159> at<00:03:49.319> the<00:03:49.480> surface ship attached to a float at the surface ship attached to a float at the surface with<00:03:50.640> over<00:03:50.920> 2,000<00:03:51.480> ft<00:03:51.760> of<00:03:51.879> line<00:03:52.760> it<00:03:52.879> would<00:03:53.079> just with over 2,000 ft of line it would just with over 2,000 ft of line it would just float<00:03:53.720> around<00:03:54.680> passively<00:03:55.120> carried<00:03:55.480> by<00:03:55.599> the float around passively carried by the float around passively carried by the currents<00:03:57.120> and<00:03:57.599> the<00:03:57.760> only<00:03:58.120> light<00:03:58.640> visible<00:03:59.200> to currents and the only light visible to currents and the only light visible to the<00:03:59.720> animals<00:04:00.000> in<00:04:00.120> the<00:04:00.280> Deep<00:04:01.200> would<00:04:01.400> be<00:04:01.959> the the animals in the Deep would be the the animals in the Deep would be the blue<00:04:02.640> light<00:04:03.319> of<00:04:03.480> the<00:04:03.680> optical<00:04:04.079> lure<00:04:04.959> which<00:04:05.120> we blue light of the optical lure which we blue light of the optical lure which we called<00:04:05.720> the<00:04:05.879> electronic<00:04:06.519> jellyfish<00:04:07.239> or<00:04:07.400> E called the electronic jellyfish or E called the electronic jellyfish or E jelly<00:04:08.879> because<00:04:09.319> it<00:04:09.439> was<00:04:09.680> designed<00:04:10.200> to<00:04:10.519> imitate jelly because it was designed to imitate jelly because it was designed to imitate the<00:04:11.599> bioluminescent<00:04:12.680> display<00:04:13.680> of<00:04:13.879> the<00:04:14.079> common the bioluminescent display of the common the bioluminescent display of the common deep<00:04:14.720> sea<00:04:15.000> jellyfish<00:04:16.280> atola<00:04:17.280> now<00:04:18.079> this<00:04:18.320> pin deep sea jellyfish atola now this pin deep sea jellyfish atola now this pin wheel<00:04:18.840> of<00:04:19.040> light<00:04:19.359> that<00:04:19.519> the<00:04:19.600> atola<00:04:20.120> produces wheel of light that the atola produces wheel of light that the atola produces is<00:04:21.160> known<00:04:21.479> as<00:04:21.600> a<00:04:21.799> bioluminescent<00:04:22.680> burglar is known as a bioluminescent burglar is known as a bioluminescent burglar alarm<00:04:23.880> and<00:04:24.000> it's<00:04:24.120> a<00:04:24.280> form<00:04:24.520> of<00:04:25.000> Defense<00:04:26.000> the alarm and it's a form of Defense the alarm and it's a form of Defense the reason<00:04:26.720> that<00:04:26.840> the<00:04:26.960> electronic<00:04:27.479> jellyfish reason that the electronic jellyfish reason that the electronic jellyfish worked<00:04:28.360> as<00:04:28.440> a<00:04:28.600> lure<00:04:29.080> is<00:04:29.280> not<00:04:29.759> because<00:04:30.039> giant worked as a lure is not because giant worked as a lure is not because giant squid<00:04:30.720> eat<00:04:31.000> jellyfish<00:04:32.000> but<00:04:32.120> it's<00:04:32.360> because squid eat jellyfish but it's because squid eat jellyfish but it's because this<00:04:33.280> jellyfish<00:04:34.080> only<00:04:34.400> resorts<00:04:34.960> to<00:04:35.160> producing this jellyfish only resorts to producing this jellyfish only resorts to producing this<00:04:35.880> light<00:04:36.320> when<00:04:36.440> it's<00:04:36.600> being<00:04:36.800> chewed<00:04:37.160> on<00:04:37.360> by this light when it's being chewed on by this light when it's being chewed on by a<00:04:38.080> predator<00:04:39.080> and<00:04:39.800> its<00:04:40.080> only<00:04:40.400> hope<00:04:40.639> for<00:04:40.880> escape a predator and its only hope for escape a predator and its only hope for escape may<00:04:41.560> be<00:04:41.680> to<00:04:41.880> attract<00:04:42.280> the<00:04:42.400> attention<00:04:42.800> of<00:04:42.919> a may be to attract the attention of a may be to attract the attention of a larger<00:04:43.560> Predator<00:04:44.360> that<00:04:44.479> will<00:04:44.720> attack<00:04:45.039> its larger Predator that will attack its larger Predator that will attack its attacker<00:04:46.400> and<00:04:46.600> thereby<00:04:47.160> afforded<00:04:47.639> an attacker and thereby afforded an attacker and thereby afforded an opportunity<00:04:48.360> for<00:04:48.639> escape<00:04:49.080> it's<00:04:49.199> a<00:04:49.520> a<00:04:49.680> scream opportunity for escape it's a a scream opportunity for escape it's a a scream for<00:04:50.360> help<00:04:50.639> a<00:04:50.759> latch<00:04:51.280> dish<00:04:51.759> attempt<00:04:52.199> for<00:04:52.479> escape for help a latch dish attempt for escape for help a latch dish attempt for escape and<00:04:53.199> a<00:04:53.360> common<00:04:53.639> form<00:04:53.840> of<00:04:54.000> Defense<00:04:54.320> in<00:04:54.479> the<00:04:54.600> deep and a common form of Defense in the deep and a common form of Defense in the deep sea<00:04:56.479> the<00:04:56.680> approach sea the approach sea the approach worked<00:04:58.759> whereas<00:04:59.600> all<00:04:59.840> previous<00:05:00.280> Expeditions worked whereas all previous Expeditions worked whereas all previous Expeditions had<00:05:01.120> failed<00:05:01.400> to<00:05:01.520> Garner<00:05:01.840> a<00:05:01.960> single<00:05:02.320> video had failed to Garner a single video had failed to Garner a single video glimpse<00:05:03.080> of<00:05:03.240> the<00:05:03.400> giant<00:05:04.160> we<00:05:04.320> managed<00:05:04.919> six<00:05:05.919> and glimpse of the giant we managed six and glimpse of the giant we managed six and the<00:05:06.240> first<00:05:06.560> triggered<00:05:07.120> wild the first triggered wild the first triggered wild excitement<00:05:09.360> oh<00:05:09.479> my excitement oh my excitement oh my God<00:05:12.720> oh<00:05:12.880> my<00:05:13.440> God<00:05:14.440> are<00:05:14.560> you<00:05:14.800> kidding God oh my God are you kidding God oh my God are you kidding [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] me<00:05:19.919> it's<00:05:20.240> just<00:05:20.520> hanging<00:05:21.039> it's<00:05:21.560> just<00:05:22.400> it<00:05:22.479> was me it's just hanging it's just it was me it's just hanging it's just it was like<00:05:22.800> it<00:05:22.919> was<00:05:23.080> teasing<00:05:23.600> us<00:05:23.840> doing<00:05:24.039> a<00:05:24.199> kind<00:05:24.319> of like it was teasing us doing a kind of like it was teasing us doing a kind of fan<00:05:24.919> Dance<00:05:25.400> Now<00:05:25.560> You<00:05:25.680> See<00:05:25.960> Me<00:05:26.199> Now<00:05:26.400> you<00:05:26.560> don't fan Dance Now You See Me Now you don't fan Dance Now You See Me Now you don't and<00:05:27.479> we<00:05:27.639> had<00:05:27.880> four<00:05:28.319> such<00:05:28.800> teasing and we had four such teasing and we had four such teasing appearances<00:05:31.840> and<00:05:32.039> then<00:05:32.280> on<00:05:32.479> the<00:05:32.720> 5th<00:05:33.600> it<00:05:33.840> came appearances and then on the 5th it came appearances and then on the 5th it came in<00:05:34.400> and<00:05:34.600> totally<00:05:34.960> wowed in and totally wowed in and totally wowed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]

[Applause] [Applause] [Music]

[Applause] [Applause] us<00:05:54.759> the<00:05:54.960> full

Monte<00:05:59.319> well<00:05:59.520> what<00:05:59.639> really<00:05:59.800> wowed<00:06:00.199> me<00:06:00.360> about
Monte well what really wowed me about Monte well what really wowed me about that<00:06:00.840> was<00:06:01.000> the<00:06:01.120> way<00:06:01.240> it<00:06:01.400> came<00:06:01.560> in<00:06:01.880> up<00:06:02.080> over<00:06:02.319> the that was the way it came in up over the that was the way it came in up over the E<00:06:02.720> jelly<00:06:03.080> and<00:06:03.199> then<00:06:03.360> attacked<00:06:03.800> the<00:06:03.919> enormous E jelly and then attacked the enormous E jelly and then attacked the enormous thing<00:06:04.680> next<00:06:04.919> to<00:06:05.080> it<00:06:05.400> which<00:06:05.560> I<00:06:05.639> think<00:06:05.800> it thing next to it which I think it thing next to it which I think it mistook<00:06:06.360> for<00:06:06.560> the<00:06:06.759> predator<00:06:07.160> on<00:06:07.280> the<00:06:07.440> E<00:06:07.680> jelly mistook for the predator on the E jelly mistook for the predator on the E jelly but<00:06:08.680> even<00:06:08.919> more<00:06:09.199> incredible<00:06:10.000> was<00:06:10.160> the<00:06:10.319> footage but even more incredible was the footage but even more incredible was the footage shot<00:06:11.120> from<00:06:11.280> the<00:06:11.440> Triton shot from the Triton shot from the Triton submersible<00:06:14.080> what<00:06:14.240> was<00:06:14.360> not<00:06:14.520> mentioned<00:06:14.800> in submersible what was not mentioned in submersible what was not mentioned in the<00:06:15.160> discovery<00:06:15.479> documentary<00:06:16.440> was<00:06:16.680> that<00:06:16.840> the the discovery documentary was that the the discovery documentary was that the bait<00:06:17.319> squid<00:06:18.160> that<00:06:18.599> Dr<00:06:18.880> kubad<00:06:19.520> used<00:06:20.280> a<00:06:20.479> 1<00:06:20.680> meter bait squid that Dr kubad used a 1 meter bait squid that Dr kubad used a 1 meter long<00:06:22.000> Diamondback<00:06:22.639> squid<00:06:23.560> had<00:06:23.880> a<00:06:24.000> light long Diamondback squid had a light long Diamondback squid had a light attached<00:06:24.680> to<00:06:24.840> it<00:06:25.360> a<00:06:25.520> squid<00:06:25.880> jig<00:06:26.400> of<00:06:26.560> the<00:06:26.720> type attached to it a squid jig of the type attached to it a squid jig of the type that<00:06:27.080> Longline<00:06:27.599> fishermen<00:06:28.080> use<00:06:28.960> and<00:06:29.080> I<00:06:29.199> think that Longline fishermen use and I think that Longline fishermen use and I think it<00:06:29.639> was<00:06:29.840> this<00:06:30.080> light<00:06:31.000> that<00:06:31.160> brought<00:06:31.440> the<00:06:31.639> Giant it was this light that brought the Giant it was this light that brought the Giant in<00:06:33.639> now<00:06:34.039> what<00:06:34.160> you're<00:06:34.360> seeing<00:06:35.440> is<00:06:36.440> the in now what you're seeing is the in now what you're seeing is the intensified<00:06:38.000> camera's<00:06:38.400> view<00:06:38.639> under<00:06:38.960> red intensified camera's view under red intensified camera's view under red light<00:06:39.880> and<00:06:40.039> that's<00:06:40.199> all<00:06:40.440> Dr<00:06:40.720> kubad<00:06:41.319> could<00:06:41.479> see light and that's all Dr kubad could see light and that's all Dr kubad could see when<00:06:41.840> the<00:06:42.000> giant<00:06:42.319> comes<00:06:42.599> in<00:06:43.039> here<00:06:44.039> and<00:06:44.199> then<00:06:44.599> he when the giant comes in here and then he when the giant comes in here and then he got<00:06:45.000> so<00:06:45.720> excited<00:06:46.720> he<00:06:47.000> turned<00:06:47.319> on<00:06:47.479> his got so excited he turned on his got so excited he turned on his flashlight<00:06:48.199> because<00:06:48.360> he<00:06:48.479> wanted<00:06:48.720> to<00:06:48.880> see flashlight because he wanted to see flashlight because he wanted to see better<00:06:50.319> and<00:06:50.680> the<00:06:50.800> giant<00:06:51.160> didn't<00:06:51.360> run<00:06:51.639> away<00:06:52.199> so better and the giant didn't run away so better and the giant didn't run away so he<00:06:52.520> risked<00:06:52.919> turning<00:06:53.199> on<00:06:53.440> the<00:06:53.560> white<00:06:53.759> lights<00:06:54.000> on he risked turning on the white lights on he risked turning on the white lights on the<00:06:54.720> submersible<00:06:55.720> bringing<00:06:56.080> a<00:06:56.240> creature<00:06:56.680> of the submersible bringing a creature of the submersible bringing a creature of Legend<00:06:58.120> from<00:06:58.720> the<00:06:58.879> Misty Legend from the Misty Legend from the Misty history<00:07:00.840> into<00:07:01.479> highresolution<00:07:02.360> video<00:07:03.360> it<00:07:03.520> was history into highresolution video it was history into highresolution video it was absolutely<00:07:05.319> breathtaking<00:07:06.319> and<00:07:06.560> had<00:07:06.840> this absolutely breathtaking and had this absolutely breathtaking and had this animal<00:07:07.479> had<00:07:07.639> its<00:07:07.800> feeding<00:07:08.199> tentacles<00:07:08.840> intact animal had its feeding tentacles intact animal had its feeding tentacles intact and<00:07:09.440> fully<00:07:09.840> extended<00:07:10.680> it<00:07:10.800> would<00:07:10.960> have<00:07:11.039> been<00:07:11.199> as and fully extended it would have been as and fully extended it would have been as tall<00:07:11.639> as<00:07:11.759> a<00:07:11.919> two-story tall as a two-story tall as a two-story house<00:07:14.160> how<00:07:14.319> could<00:07:14.639> something<00:07:15.199> that<00:07:15.879> big<00:07:16.440> live house how could something that big live house how could something that big live in<00:07:16.759> our<00:07:17.000> ocean<00:07:17.560> and<00:07:17.680> yet<00:07:18.000> remain<00:07:18.360> unfilmed in our ocean and yet remain unfilmed in our ocean and yet remain unfilmed until until until now<00:07:21.120> we've<00:07:21.360> only<00:07:21.759> explored<00:07:22.520> about<00:07:22.919> 5%<00:07:23.720> of<00:07:23.840> our now we've only explored about 5% of our now we've only explored about 5% of our ocean<00:07:24.680> there<00:07:24.800> are<00:07:25.160> great<00:07:25.759> discoveries<00:07:26.240> yet<00:07:26.400> to ocean there are great discoveries yet to ocean there are great discoveries yet to be<00:07:26.720> made<00:07:27.080> down<00:07:27.400> there<00:07:28.360> fantastic<00:07:29.039> cre be made down there fantastic cre be made down there fantastic cre creatures<00:07:30.280> representing<00:07:30.919> millions<00:07:31.360> of<00:07:31.639> years creatures representing millions of years creatures representing millions of years of<00:07:32.120> evolution<00:07:32.599> and<00:07:33.000> possibly<00:07:33.479> bioactive of evolution and possibly bioactive of evolution and possibly bioactive compounds<00:07:34.680> that<00:07:34.800> could<00:07:34.960> benefit<00:07:35.360> us<00:07:35.479> in<00:07:35.720> ways compounds that could benefit us in ways compounds that could benefit us in ways that<00:07:36.520> we<00:07:36.639> can't<00:07:36.879> even<00:07:37.080> yet that we can't even yet that we can't even yet imagine<00:07:38.919> yet<00:07:39.360> we<00:07:39.560> have<00:07:39.960> spent<00:07:40.360> only<00:07:40.560> a<00:07:40.759> tiny imagine yet we have spent only a tiny imagine yet we have spent only a tiny fraction<00:07:42.479> of<00:07:43.120> the<00:07:43.280> money<00:07:43.759> on<00:07:44.080> Ocean fraction of the money on Ocean fraction of the money on Ocean exploration<00:07:44.960> that<00:07:45.080> we've<00:07:45.240> spent<00:07:45.520> on<00:07:45.720> space exploration that we've spent on space exploration that we've spent on space exploration<00:07:47.159> we<00:07:47.280> need<00:07:47.440> a<00:07:47.599> NASA<00:07:48.039> likee exploration we need a NASA likee exploration we need a NASA likee Organization<00:07:48.960> for<00:07:49.159> ocean Organization for ocean Organization for ocean exploration<00:07:51.879> because<00:07:52.240> we<00:07:52.360> need<00:07:52.479> to<00:07:52.599> be exploration because we need to be exploration because we need to be exploring<00:07:53.199> and<00:07:53.400> protecting<00:07:53.759> our<00:07:53.919> life exploring and protecting our life exploring and protecting our life support<00:07:54.520> systems<00:07:54.919> here<00:07:55.039> on<00:07:55.560> Earth<00:07:56.560> we<00:07:56.960> need support systems here on Earth we need support systems here on Earth we need thank<00:07:58.319> you

exploration<00:08:03.840> is<00:08:04.000> the<00:08:04.159> engine<00:08:04.479> that<00:08:04.639> drives
exploration is the engine that drives exploration is the engine that drives Innovation<00:08:05.560> Innovation<00:08:06.039> drives<00:08:06.440> economic Innovation Innovation drives economic Innovation Innovation drives economic growth<00:08:08.440> so<00:08:08.680> let's<00:08:08.879> all<00:08:09.080> go<00:08:09.360> exploring<00:08:09.879> but growth so let's all go exploring but growth so let's all go exploring but let's<00:08:10.199> do<00:08:10.360> it<00:08:10.479> in<00:08:10.599> a<00:08:10.800> way<00:08:11.039> that<00:08:11.199> doesn't<00:08:11.479> scare let's do it in a way that doesn't scare let's do it in a way that doesn't scare the<00:08:11.960> animals<00:08:12.400> away<00:08:13.000> or<00:08:13.479> as<00:08:13.639> Mike<00:08:13.879> degree<00:08:14.319> once the animals away or as Mike degree once the animals away or as Mike degree once said<00:08:15.800> if<00:08:15.879> you<00:08:16.000> want<00:08:16.120> to<00:08:16.240> get<00:08:16.400> away<00:08:16.560> from<00:08:16.680> it<00:08:16.840> all said if you want to get away from it all said if you want to get away from it all and<00:08:17.280> see<00:08:17.560> something<00:08:17.879> you've<00:08:18.080> never<00:08:18.319> seen<00:08:18.840> or and see something you've never seen or and see something you've never seen or have<00:08:19.120> an<00:08:19.280> excellent<00:08:19.639> chance<00:08:19.879> of<00:08:20.000> seeing have an excellent chance of seeing have an excellent chance of seeing something<00:08:20.680> that<00:08:20.840> no<00:08:21.000> one's<00:08:21.280> ever<00:08:21.479> seen<00:08:22.479> get<00:08:22.639> in something that no one's ever seen get in something that no one's ever seen get in a<00:08:23.120> sub<00:08:24.120> he<00:08:24.240> should<00:08:24.360> have<00:08:24.520> been<00:08:24.639> with<00:08:24.759> us<00:08:24.919> for a sub he should have been with us for a sub he should have been with us for this<00:08:25.240> ad<00:08:25.560> Adventure<00:08:26.240> we<00:08:26.400> miss this ad Adventure we miss this ad Adventure we miss him


Edith Widder, giant, squid, ocean, ocean, footage, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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