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How to step up in the face of disaster - Caitria + Morgan O'Neill

How to step up in the face of disaster - Caitria + Morgan O'Neill


[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] there's<00:00:18.840> a<00:00:18.900> large<00:00:19.230> path<00:00:19.560> of<00:00:19.770> destruction<00:00:19.920> here there's a large path of destruction here there's a large path of destruction here in<00:00:20.820> town<00:00:21.119> it<00:00:21.480> here<00:00:22.080> pulling<00:00:22.320> trees<00:00:22.740> from<00:00:22.920> the in town it here pulling trees from the in town it here pulling trees from the ground<00:00:23.310> shattering<00:00:23.939> windows<00:00:24.330> taking<00:00:25.199> the ground shattering windows taking the ground shattering windows taking the roofs<00:00:25.560> off<00:00:25.769> oh roofs off oh roofs off oh that<00:00:27.990> was<00:00:28.170> me<00:00:28.349> in that was me in that was me in front<00:00:30.210> of<00:00:30.330> our<00:00:30.480> house<00:00:30.660> in<00:00:30.900> months<00:00:31.019> in front of our house in months in front of our house in months in Massachusetts<00:00:32.009> last<00:00:32.369> June<00:00:32.730> after<00:00:33.059> an<00:00:33.690> ef3 Massachusetts last June after an ef3 Massachusetts last June after an ef3 tornado<00:00:34.460> ripped<00:00:35.460> straight<00:00:35.790> through<00:00:36.000> our<00:00:36.090> town tornado ripped straight through our town tornado ripped straight through our town and<00:00:36.630> took<00:00:36.809> parts<00:00:37.079> of<00:00:37.200> our<00:00:37.320> roof<00:00:37.500> off<00:00:37.710> I<00:00:37.980> decided and took parts of our roof off I decided and took parts of our roof off I decided to<00:00:38.820> stay<00:00:39.120> in<00:00:39.390> Massachusetts<00:00:40.200> instead<00:00:40.559> of to stay in Massachusetts instead of to stay in Massachusetts instead of pursuing<00:00:40.980> the<00:00:41.370> master's<00:00:41.790> program<00:00:41.850> I<00:00:42.270> had pursuing the master's program I had pursuing the master's program I had moved<00:00:42.600> my<00:00:42.780> boxes<00:00:43.200> home<00:00:43.379> that<00:00:43.590> afternoon<00:00:43.770> for moved my boxes home that afternoon for moved my boxes home that afternoon for so<00:00:45.480> On<00:00:45.809> June<00:00:45.989> 1st<00:00:46.230> we<00:00:46.739> weren't<00:00:47.190> disaster so On June 1st we weren't disaster so On June 1st we weren't disaster experts<00:00:47.969> but<00:00:48.149> on<00:00:48.300> June<00:00:48.480> 3rd<00:00:48.750> we<00:00:49.020> started experts but on June 3rd we started experts but on June 3rd we started faking<00:00:49.530> it<00:00:49.800> this<00:00:50.489> experience<00:00:51.149> changed<00:00:51.239> our faking it this experience changed our faking it this experience changed our lives<00:00:51.870> and<00:00:52.260> now<00:00:52.500> we're<00:00:52.680> trying<00:00:52.800> to<00:00:52.980> change<00:00:53.219> the lives and now we're trying to change the lives and now we're trying to change the experience<00:00:53.910> so<00:00:54.899> tornadoes<00:00:55.379> don't<00:00:55.620> happen<00:00:55.920> in experience so tornadoes don't happen in experience so tornadoes don't happen in Massachusetts<00:00:56.699> and<00:00:57.000> I<00:00:57.480> was<00:00:57.510> cleverly Massachusetts and I was cleverly Massachusetts and I was cleverly standing<00:00:58.379> in<00:00:58.469> the<00:00:58.530> front<00:00:58.649> yard<00:00:58.920> when<00:00:59.129> one<00:00:59.250> came standing in the front yard when one came standing in the front yard when one came over<00:00:59.699> the<00:00:59.789> hill<00:00:59.940> after<00:01:00.660> a<00:01:00.690> lamppost<00:01:01.020> flew<00:01:01.469> by over the hill after a lamppost flew by over the hill after a lamppost flew by my<00:01:01.920> family<00:01:02.280> and<00:01:02.399> I<00:01:02.430> sprinted<00:01:02.850> into<00:01:03.090> the my family and I sprinted into the my family and I sprinted into the basement<00:01:03.629> trees<00:01:04.350> were<00:01:04.530> thrown<00:01:04.769> against<00:01:05.070> the basement trees were thrown against the basement trees were thrown against the house<00:01:05.339> the<00:01:05.670> windows<00:01:06.000> exploded<00:01:06.210> when<00:01:07.080> we house the windows exploded when we house the windows exploded when we finally<00:01:07.619> got<00:01:07.710> out<00:01:07.860> the<00:01:08.010> back<00:01:08.189> door finally got out the back door finally got out the back door transformers<00:01:09.510> were<00:01:09.630> burning<00:01:09.930> in<00:01:10.020> the<00:01:10.080> street transformers were burning in the street transformers were burning in the street so<00:01:11.340> I<00:01:11.369> was<00:01:11.610> here<00:01:11.820> in<00:01:11.939> Boston<00:01:12.330> I'm<00:01:12.510> a<00:01:12.570> PhD so I was here in Boston I'm a PhD so I was here in Boston I'm a PhD student<00:01:13.380> at<00:01:13.770> MIT<00:01:14.040> and<00:01:14.460> I<00:01:14.549> happened<00:01:14.909> to<00:01:14.970> study student at MIT and I happened to study student at MIT and I happened to study atmospheric<00:01:16.020> science<00:01:16.350> actually<00:01:17.250> it<00:01:17.850> gets atmospheric science actually it gets atmospheric science actually it gets weirder<00:01:18.390> so<00:01:18.659> I<00:01:18.900> was<00:01:19.110> in<00:01:19.290> the<00:01:19.409> Museum<00:01:19.860> of weirder so I was in the Museum of weirder so I was in the Museum of science<00:01:20.400> at<00:01:20.580> the<00:01:20.700> time<00:01:20.729> the<00:01:21.090> tornado<00:01:21.210> hit science at the time the tornado hit science at the time the tornado hit playing<00:01:22.080> with<00:01:22.320> the<00:01:22.439> tornado<00:01:22.799> display<00:01:23.900> so<00:01:24.900> I playing with the tornado display so I playing with the tornado display so I missed<00:01:25.170> her<00:01:25.259> call<00:01:25.470> so<00:01:25.710> I<00:01:25.740> get<00:01:25.890> the<00:01:25.979> call<00:01:26.130> from missed her call so I get the call from missed her call so I get the call from caitria<00:01:26.759> I<00:01:26.939> hear<00:01:27.299> the<00:01:27.420> news<00:01:27.600> and<00:01:27.780> I<00:01:27.960> start caitria I hear the news and I start caitria I hear the news and I start tracking<00:01:28.380> the<00:01:28.650> radar<00:01:28.920> online<00:01:29.340> to<00:01:29.640> call<00:01:29.820> the tracking the radar online to call the tracking the radar online to call the family<00:01:30.210> back<00:01:30.390> when<00:01:30.689> another<00:01:30.900> supercell<00:01:31.470> was family back when another supercell was family back when another supercell was forming<00:01:31.950> in<00:01:32.009> their<00:01:32.130> area<00:01:32.430> and<00:01:32.850> I<00:01:33.119> drove<00:01:33.360> home forming in their area and I drove home forming in their area and I drove home late<00:01:33.720> that<00:01:33.750> night<00:01:34.049> with<00:01:34.320> batteries<00:01:34.770> and<00:01:34.950> ice late that night with batteries and ice late that night with batteries and ice we<00:01:35.820> live<00:01:35.970> across<00:01:36.150> the<00:01:36.240> street<00:01:36.390> from<00:01:36.659> an we live across the street from an we live across the street from an historic<00:01:37.470> church<00:01:37.710> that<00:01:38.009> had<00:01:38.130> lost<00:01:38.310> its<00:01:38.549> very historic church that had lost its very historic church that had lost its very iconic<00:01:39.150> steeple<00:01:39.630> in<00:01:39.869> the<00:01:39.960> storm<00:01:40.229> it<00:01:40.829> had iconic steeple in the storm it had iconic steeple in the storm it had become<00:01:41.250> a<00:01:41.280> community<00:01:41.549> gathering<00:01:42.180> place become a community gathering place become a community gathering place overnight<00:01:42.810> the<00:01:43.320> Town<00:01:43.530> Hall<00:01:43.799> and<00:01:43.890> the<00:01:43.979> police overnight the Town Hall and the police overnight the Town Hall and the police department<00:01:44.759> had<00:01:44.850> also<00:01:45.090> suffered<00:01:45.420> direct<00:01:45.659> hits department had also suffered direct hits department had also suffered direct hits and<00:01:46.170> so<00:01:46.290> people<00:01:46.500> wanting<00:01:47.250> to<00:01:47.369> help<00:01:47.549> or<00:01:47.820> needing and so people wanting to help or needing and so people wanting to help or needing information<00:01:48.479> went<00:01:49.200> to<00:01:49.320> the<00:01:49.439> church<00:01:49.649> we<00:01:50.280> walked information went to the church we walked information went to the church we walked up<00:01:50.610> to<00:01:50.670> the<00:01:50.880> church<00:01:51.030> because<00:01:51.240> we<00:01:51.509> heard<00:01:51.659> that up to the church because we heard that up to the church because we heard that they<00:01:51.930> had<00:01:52.079> hot<00:01:52.259> meals<00:01:52.530> but<00:01:52.829> when<00:01:52.979> we<00:01:53.070> arrived they had hot meals but when we arrived they had hot meals but when we arrived we<00:01:53.939> found<00:01:53.970> problems<00:01:54.600> there<00:01:55.140> were<00:01:55.229> a<00:01:55.259> couple we found problems there were a couple we found problems there were a couple large<00:01:55.770> sweaty<00:01:56.219> men<00:01:56.460> with<00:01:56.610> chainsaws<00:01:57.149> standing large sweaty men with chainsaws standing large sweaty men with chainsaws standing in<00:01:57.750> the<00:01:57.840> center<00:01:58.079> of<00:01:58.110> the<00:01:58.290> church<00:01:58.530> but<00:01:59.070> nobody in the center of the church but nobody in the center of the church but nobody knew<00:01:59.520> where<00:01:59.670> to<00:01:59.759> send<00:01:59.969> them<00:02:00.149> because<00:02:00.420> no<00:02:00.570> one knew where to send them because no one knew where to send them because no one knew<00:02:00.810> the<00:02:00.840> extent<00:02:01.020> of<00:02:01.380> the<00:02:01.469> damage<00:02:01.799> yet<00:02:01.950> and<00:02:02.189> as knew the extent of the damage yet and as knew the extent of the damage yet and as we<00:02:02.820> watched<00:02:03.000> they<00:02:03.180> became<00:02:03.479> frustrated<00:02:03.719> and we watched they became frustrated and we watched they became frustrated and left<00:02:04.409> to<00:02:04.770> go<00:02:04.799> find<00:02:04.890> somebody<00:02:05.430> to<00:02:05.610> help<00:02:05.729> on left to go find somebody to help on left to go find somebody to help on their<00:02:06.060> own<00:02:06.210> so<00:02:07.110> we<00:02:07.290> started<00:02:07.590> organizing<00:02:07.729> why their own so we started organizing why their own so we started organizing why it<00:02:09.450> had<00:02:09.599> to<00:02:09.720> be<00:02:09.840> done<00:02:10.020> we<00:02:10.289> found<00:02:10.530> Pastor<00:02:10.920> Bob it had to be done we found Pastor Bob it had to be done we found Pastor Bob and<00:02:11.310> offered<00:02:11.520> to<00:02:11.640> give<00:02:11.760> the<00:02:11.790> response<00:02:12.209> some and offered to give the response some and offered to give the response some infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure and<00:02:13.659> then<00:02:13.780> armed<00:02:14.709> with<00:02:14.829> just<00:02:15.040> two<00:02:15.310> laptops<00:02:15.760> and and then armed with just two laptops and and then armed with just two laptops and one<00:02:16.090> err<00:02:16.239> card<00:02:16.480> we<00:02:17.019> built<00:02:17.260> a<00:02:17.560> recovery<00:02:17.920> machine

that<00:02:23.709> was<00:02:24.040> a<00:02:24.099> tornado<00:02:24.519> and<00:02:24.900> everyone's
that was a tornado and everyone's that was a tornado and everyone's heading<00:02:26.109> to<00:02:26.200> the<00:02:26.319> church<00:02:26.530> to<00:02:26.739> drop<00:02:26.920> things<00:02:27.069> off heading to the church to drop things off heading to the church to drop things off and<00:02:27.430> volunteer<00:02:27.879> everyone's<00:02:28.599> donating and volunteer everyone's donating and volunteer everyone's donating clothing<00:02:29.349> we<00:02:29.650> should<00:02:29.829> really<00:02:29.980> inventory<00:02:30.549> the clothing we should really inventory the clothing we should really inventory the donations<00:02:31.090> that<00:02:31.239> are<00:02:31.269> piling<00:02:31.659> up<00:02:31.750> here<00:02:31.780> yeah donations that are piling up here yeah donations that are piling up here yeah and<00:02:32.530> we<00:02:32.829> need<00:02:32.980> a<00:02:33.010> hotline<00:02:33.370> can<00:02:33.549> you<00:02:33.609> make<00:02:33.760> a and we need a hotline can you make a and we need a hotline can you make a Google<00:02:34.090> Voice<00:02:34.180> number<00:02:34.239> yeah<00:02:34.959> sure<00:02:35.260> and<00:02:35.439> we Google Voice number yeah sure and we Google Voice number yeah sure and we need<00:02:35.739> to<00:02:35.829> tell<00:02:36.010> people<00:02:36.129> what<00:02:36.370> not<00:02:36.549> to<00:02:36.730> bring need to tell people what not to bring need to tell people what not to bring I'll<00:02:37.329> make<00:02:37.750> a<00:02:37.780> Facebook<00:02:38.200> account<00:02:38.290> can<00:02:38.680> you I'll make a Facebook account can you I'll make a Facebook account can you print<00:02:38.980> flyers<00:02:39.519> for<00:02:39.819> the<00:02:39.909> neighborhood's<00:02:40.269> yeah print flyers for the neighborhood's yeah print flyers for the neighborhood's yeah but<00:02:40.629> we<00:02:40.689> don't<00:02:40.810> even<00:02:40.930> know<00:02:41.169> what<00:02:41.379> houses<00:02:41.590> are but we don't even know what houses are but we don't even know what houses are accepting<00:02:42.219> help<00:02:42.370> at<00:02:42.579> this<00:02:42.700> point<00:02:42.760> we<00:02:43.090> need<00:02:43.209> to accepting help at this point we need to accepting help at this point we need to canvass<00:02:43.569> and<00:02:43.930> send<00:02:44.109> out<00:02:44.230> volunteers<00:02:44.709> we<00:02:45.189> need canvass and send out volunteers we need canvass and send out volunteers we need to<00:02:45.489> tell<00:02:45.639> people<00:02:45.669> what<00:02:46.030> not<00:02:46.209> to<00:02:46.389> bring<00:02:46.599> hey to tell people what not to bring hey to tell people what not to bring hey there's<00:02:47.409> a<00:02:47.500> news<00:02:47.680> truck<00:02:47.919> I'll<00:02:48.099> tell<00:02:48.370> them<00:02:48.750> you there's a news truck I'll tell them you there's a news truck I'll tell them you got<00:02:49.840> my<00:02:49.989> number<00:02:50.230> off<00:02:50.349> the<00:02:50.500> news<00:02:50.680> we<00:02:51.040> don't<00:02:51.219> need got my number off the news we don't need got my number off the news we don't need any<00:02:51.519> more<00:02:51.699> freezers<00:02:52.150> and<00:02:53.459> you<00:02:54.459> need<00:02:54.609> a<00:02:54.639> ruler any more freezers and you need a ruler any more freezers and you need a ruler someone<00:02:56.230> get<00:02:56.379> me<00:02:56.500> post-its<00:02:57.099> and someone get me post-its and someone get me post-its and then<00:02:59.049> the<00:02:59.469> rest<00:02:59.709> of<00:02:59.859> the<00:02:59.980> community<00:03:00.129> figured then the rest of the community figured then the rest of the community figured out<00:03:00.790> that<00:03:00.939> we<00:03:01.060> had<00:03:01.239> answers<00:03:01.599> I<00:03:02.099> can<00:03:03.099> donate out that we had answers I can donate out that we had answers I can donate three<00:03:03.760> water<00:03:03.939> heaters<00:03:04.329> but<00:03:04.540> someone<00:03:04.840> needs<00:03:04.989> to three water heaters but someone needs to three water heaters but someone needs to come<00:03:05.199> pick<00:03:05.379> them<00:03:05.530> up<00:03:05.650> my<00:03:06.159> car<00:03:06.430> is<00:03:06.669> in<00:03:06.730> my<00:03:07.030> living come pick them up my car is in my living come pick them up my car is in my living room<00:03:07.359> my<00:03:08.349> Boy<00:03:08.530> Scout<00:03:08.560> Troop<00:03:09.069> would<00:03:09.219> like<00:03:09.340> to room my Boy Scout Troop would like to room my Boy Scout Troop would like to rebuild<00:03:09.639> twelve<00:03:10.090> mailboxes<00:03:10.689> the<00:03:11.199> puppy's rebuild twelve mailboxes the puppy's rebuild twelve mailboxes the puppy's missing<00:03:12.010> and<00:03:12.159> insurance<00:03:12.519> just<00:03:12.699> doesn't<00:03:13.060> cover missing and insurance just doesn't cover missing and insurance just doesn't cover the<00:03:13.359> chimneys<00:03:13.719> my<00:03:13.959> church<00:03:14.290> group<00:03:14.319> of<00:03:14.739> 50<00:03:15.159> would the chimneys my church group of 50 would the chimneys my church group of 50 would like<00:03:15.459> housing<00:03:15.909> and<00:03:16.000> meals<00:03:16.299> for<00:03:16.389> a<00:03:16.599> week<00:03:16.659> while like housing and meals for a week while like housing and meals for a week while we<00:03:17.169> repair<00:03:17.469> properties<00:03:17.949> you<00:03:18.579> sent<00:03:18.939> me<00:03:19.030> to<00:03:19.150> that we repair properties you sent me to that we repair properties you sent me to that place<00:03:19.419> on<00:03:19.689> Washington<00:03:20.199> Street<00:03:20.229> yesterday<00:03:20.590> and place on Washington Street yesterday and place on Washington Street yesterday and now<00:03:21.189> I'm<00:03:21.310> covered<00:03:21.489> in<00:03:21.669> poison<00:03:21.819> ivy now I'm covered in poison ivy now I'm covered in poison ivy so<00:03:23.889> this<00:03:24.549> is<00:03:24.729> what<00:03:24.879> filled<00:03:25.090> our<00:03:25.209> days<00:03:25.239> we<00:03:26.079> had so this is what filled our days we had so this is what filled our days we had to<00:03:26.319> learn<00:03:26.439> how<00:03:26.620> to<00:03:26.650> answer<00:03:26.979> questions<00:03:27.400> quickly to learn how to answer questions quickly to learn how to answer questions quickly and<00:03:27.909> to<00:03:28.479> solve<00:03:28.720> problems<00:03:29.109> in<00:03:29.229> about<00:03:29.439> a<00:03:29.470> minute and to solve problems in about a minute and to solve problems in about a minute or<00:03:29.889> less<00:03:29.919> because<00:03:30.400> otherwise<00:03:30.639> something<00:03:31.030> more or less because otherwise something more or less because otherwise something more urgent<00:03:31.540> would<00:03:31.930> come<00:03:32.079> up<00:03:32.229> and<00:03:32.409> it<00:03:32.530> just urgent would come up and it just urgent would come up and it just wouldn't<00:03:32.979> get<00:03:33.129> done<00:03:33.310> we<00:03:34.120> didn't<00:03:34.389> get<00:03:34.479> our wouldn't get done we didn't get our wouldn't get done we didn't get our authority<00:03:35.109> from<00:03:35.379> the<00:03:35.560> Board<00:03:35.739> of<00:03:35.799> Selectmen<00:03:36.310> or authority from the Board of Selectmen or authority from the Board of Selectmen or the<00:03:37.389> Emergency<00:03:37.780> Management<00:03:38.199> Director<00:03:38.229> or<00:03:38.709> the the Emergency Management Director or the the Emergency Management Director or the United<00:03:39.129> Way<00:03:39.280> we<00:03:39.909> just<00:03:40.120> started<00:03:40.359> answering United Way we just started answering United Way we just started answering questions<00:03:41.259> and<00:03:41.500> making<00:03:41.680> decisions<00:03:42.189> because questions and making decisions because questions and making decisions because someone<00:03:43.060> anyone<00:03:43.900> had<00:03:44.199> to<00:03:44.470> and<00:03:44.889> why<00:03:45.340> not<00:03:45.549> me<00:03:45.729> I'm someone anyone had to and why not me I'm someone anyone had to and why not me I'm a<00:03:46.359> campaign<00:03:46.750> organizer<00:03:47.139> I'm<00:03:47.409> good<00:03:47.680> at a campaign organizer I'm good at a campaign organizer I'm good at Facebook<00:03:48.159> and<00:03:48.280> there's<00:03:48.489> two<00:03:48.729> of<00:03:48.879> me Facebook and there's two of me Facebook and there's two of me the<00:03:51.650> point<00:03:51.920> is<00:03:52.130> if<00:03:52.460> there's<00:03:52.820> a<00:03:52.880> flood<00:03:53.240> or<00:03:53.480> a the point is if there's a flood or a the point is if there's a flood or a fire<00:03:53.720> or<00:03:53.990> a<00:03:54.320> hurricane<00:03:54.860> you<00:03:55.070> or<00:03:55.580> somebody<00:03:56.000> like fire or a hurricane you or somebody like fire or a hurricane you or somebody like you<00:03:56.450> are<00:03:56.780> going<00:03:57.140> to<00:03:57.230> step<00:03:57.410> up<00:03:57.470> and<00:03:57.710> start you are going to step up and start you are going to step up and start organizing<00:03:58.190> things<00:03:58.730> the<00:03:59.600> other<00:03:59.750> point<00:04:00.050> is organizing things the other point is organizing things the other point is that<00:04:00.440> it<00:04:00.560> is<00:04:00.650> hard<00:04:01.060> lying<00:04:02.060> on<00:04:02.420> the<00:04:02.540> ground that it is hard lying on the ground that it is hard lying on the ground after<00:04:03.080> another<00:04:03.380> 17-hour<00:04:04.010> day<00:04:04.130> kay<00:04:04.670> tree<00:04:04.820> and<00:04:04.940> I after another 17-hour day kay tree and I after another 17-hour day kay tree and I would<00:04:05.150> empty<00:04:05.480> our<00:04:05.570> pockets<00:04:05.600> and<00:04:06.200> try<00:04:06.410> to<00:04:06.470> place would empty our pockets and try to place would empty our pockets and try to place dozens<00:04:07.190> of<00:04:07.370> scraps<00:04:07.670> of<00:04:07.820> paper<00:04:07.970> into<00:04:08.390> context dozens of scraps of paper into context dozens of scraps of paper into context all<00:04:09.110> bits<00:04:09.590> of<00:04:09.740> information<00:04:10.010> that<00:04:10.370> had<00:04:10.490> to<00:04:10.610> be all bits of information that had to be all bits of information that had to be remembered<00:04:11.090> and<00:04:11.240> matched<00:04:11.570> in<00:04:11.900> order<00:04:12.140> to<00:04:12.290> help remembered and matched in order to help remembered and matched in order to help someone<00:04:12.680> after<00:04:13.520> another<00:04:13.670> day<00:04:13.910> and<00:04:14.090> a<00:04:14.150> shower someone after another day and a shower someone after another day and a shower at<00:04:14.540> the<00:04:14.570> shelter<00:04:14.930> we<00:04:15.410> realized<00:04:15.770> it<00:04:16.160> shouldn't at the shelter we realized it shouldn't at the shelter we realized it shouldn't be<00:04:16.700> this<00:04:16.820> hard<00:04:17.180> in<00:04:17.359> a<00:04:17.870> country<00:04:18.170> like<00:04:18.350> ours be this hard in a country like ours be this hard in a country like ours where<00:04:18.920> we<00:04:18.950> breathe<00:04:19.370> Wi-Fi<00:04:20.000> leveraging where we breathe Wi-Fi leveraging where we breathe Wi-Fi leveraging technology<00:04:21.650> for<00:04:21.859> a<00:04:21.890> faster<00:04:22.310> recovery<00:04:22.460> should technology for a faster recovery should technology for a faster recovery should be<00:04:23.180> a<00:04:23.210> no-brainer<00:04:23.660> systems<00:04:24.530> like<00:04:24.740> the<00:04:24.860> ones be a no-brainer systems like the ones be a no-brainer systems like the ones that<00:04:25.100> we<00:04:25.280> were<00:04:25.400> creating<00:04:25.850> on<00:04:25.940> the<00:04:25.970> fly<00:04:26.090> could that we were creating on the fly could that we were creating on the fly could exist<00:04:26.900> ahead<00:04:27.170> of<00:04:27.260> time<00:04:27.500> and<00:04:27.710> if<00:04:28.160> some exist ahead of time and if some exist ahead of time and if some community<00:04:29.150> member<00:04:29.510> is<00:04:29.660> in<00:04:29.900> this<00:04:30.110> organizing community member is in this organizing community member is in this organizing position<00:04:31.520> in<00:04:31.670> every<00:04:31.850> area<00:04:32.270> after<00:04:32.780> every position in every area after every position in every area after every disaster<00:04:33.590> these<00:04:34.190> tools<00:04:34.610> should<00:04:34.910> exist<00:04:35.710> so<00:04:36.710> we disaster these tools should exist so we disaster these tools should exist so we decided<00:04:37.520> to<00:04:37.670> build<00:04:37.790> them<00:04:38.000> a<00:04:38.210> recovery<00:04:38.930> in<00:04:39.020> a decided to build them a recovery in a decided to build them a recovery in a box<00:04:39.320> something<00:04:39.920> that<00:04:40.220> could<00:04:40.370> be<00:04:40.460> deployed box something that could be deployed box something that could be deployed after<00:04:41.060> every<00:04:41.360> disaster<00:04:41.870> by<00:04:41.990> any<00:04:42.200> local after every disaster by any local after every disaster by any local organizer<00:04:42.980> I<00:04:43.390> decided<00:04:44.390> to<00:04:44.600> stay<00:04:44.780> in<00:04:44.810> the organizer I decided to stay in the organizer I decided to stay in the country<00:04:45.110> give<00:04:45.650> up<00:04:45.770> the<00:04:45.920> Masters<00:04:46.310> in<00:04:46.460> Moscow country give up the Masters in Moscow country give up the Masters in Moscow and<00:04:47.150> to<00:04:47.570> work<00:04:47.720> full-time<00:04:47.990> to<00:04:48.230> make<00:04:48.500> this and to work full-time to make this and to work full-time to make this happen<00:04:48.860> in<00:04:49.190> the<00:04:49.610> course<00:04:49.850> of<00:04:50.000> the<00:04:50.090> past<00:04:50.240> year happen in the course of the past year happen in the course of the past year we've<00:04:50.690> become<00:04:50.990> experts<00:04:51.500> in<00:04:51.650> the<00:04:51.770> field<00:04:51.980> of we've become experts in the field of we've become experts in the field of community<00:04:52.610> power<00:04:52.880> disaster<00:04:53.510> recovery<00:04:53.630> and community power disaster recovery and community power disaster recovery and there<00:04:54.470> are<00:04:54.560> three<00:04:54.800> main<00:04:54.980> problems<00:04:55.280> that<00:04:55.490> we've there are three main problems that we've there are three main problems that we've observed<00:04:55.880> with<00:04:56.330> the<00:04:56.419> way<00:04:56.510> things<00:04:56.570> work observed with the way things work observed with the way things work currently currently currently the<00:04:59.060> tools<00:04:59.300> large<00:05:00.200> aid<00:05:00.470> organizations<00:05:01.160> are the tools large aid organizations are the tools large aid organizations are exceptional<00:05:02.090> at<00:05:02.240> bringing<00:05:02.510> massive exceptional at bringing massive exceptional at bringing massive resources<00:05:03.470> to<00:05:03.620> bear<00:05:03.770> after<00:05:03.950> a<00:05:04.160> disaster<00:05:04.669> but resources to bear after a disaster but resources to bear after a disaster but they<00:05:05.570> often<00:05:05.750> fulfill<00:05:06.230> very<00:05:06.530> specific they often fulfill very specific they often fulfill very specific missions<00:05:07.430> and<00:05:07.640> then<00:05:07.790> they<00:05:07.910> leave<00:05:08.330> this<00:05:08.810> leaves missions and then they leave this leaves missions and then they leave this leaves local<00:05:09.500> residents<00:05:10.010> to<00:05:10.220> deal<00:05:10.460> with<00:05:10.610> the local residents to deal with the local residents to deal with the thousands<00:05:11.360> of<00:05:11.480> spontaneous<00:05:12.050> volunteers thousands of spontaneous volunteers thousands of spontaneous volunteers thousands<00:05:13.310> of<00:05:13.400> donations<00:05:13.850> and<00:05:14.090> all<00:05:14.240> with<00:05:14.360> no thousands of donations and all with no thousands of donations and all with no training<00:05:14.840> and<00:05:15.080> no<00:05:15.140> tools<00:05:15.470> so<00:05:16.220> they<00:05:16.340> use training and no tools so they use training and no tools so they use post-its<00:05:16.970> or<00:05:17.180> Excel<00:05:17.780> or<00:05:18.140> Facebook<00:05:18.620> but<00:05:19.400> none post-its or Excel or Facebook but none post-its or Excel or Facebook but none of<00:05:19.550> these<00:05:19.700> tools<00:05:20.000> allow<00:05:20.150> you<00:05:20.300> to<00:05:20.390> value of these tools allow you to value of these tools allow you to value high-priority<00:05:21.380> information<00:05:22.220> amidst<00:05:22.880> all<00:05:23.060> of high-priority information amidst all of high-priority information amidst all of the<00:05:23.330> photos<00:05:23.540> and<00:05:23.810> well-wishes<00:05:24.260> but<00:05:25.160> timing the photos and well-wishes but timing the photos and well-wishes but timing disaster<00:05:26.840> relief<00:05:27.080> is<00:05:27.260> essentially<00:05:27.740> a disaster relief is essentially a disaster relief is essentially a backwards<00:05:28.280> political<00:05:28.790> campaign<00:05:29.210> in<00:05:29.419> a backwards political campaign in a backwards political campaign in a political<00:05:30.200> campaign<00:05:30.350> you<00:05:30.560> start<00:05:30.890> with<00:05:31.040> no political campaign you start with no political campaign you start with no interest<00:05:32.030> and<00:05:32.270> no<00:05:32.330> capacity<00:05:33.290> to<00:05:33.380> turn<00:05:33.500> that interest and no capacity to turn that interest and no capacity to turn that into<00:05:33.860> action<00:05:34.310> you<00:05:34.640> build<00:05:34.850> both<00:05:35.030> gradually into action you build both gradually into action you build both gradually until<00:05:35.990> a<00:05:36.020> moment<00:05:36.229> of<00:05:36.470> peak<00:05:36.680> mobilization<00:05:37.400> at until a moment of peak mobilization at until a moment of peak mobilization at the<00:05:37.610> time<00:05:37.760> of<00:05:37.910> the<00:05:38.000> election<00:05:38.450> in<00:05:38.600> a<00:05:39.080> disaster the time of the election in a disaster the time of the election in a disaster however<00:05:39.740> you<00:05:40.040> start<00:05:40.310> with<00:05:40.430> all<00:05:40.669> of<00:05:40.850> the however you start with all of the however you start with all of the interest<00:05:41.390> and<00:05:41.630> none<00:05:41.810> of<00:05:41.840> the<00:05:41.990> capacity<00:05:42.470> and interest and none of the capacity and interest and none of the capacity and you've<00:05:43.729> only<00:05:43.910> got<00:05:44.090> about<00:05:44.300> seven<00:05:44.780> days<00:05:44.930> to you've only got about seven days to you've only got about seven days to capture<00:05:45.380> 50%<00:05:46.370> of<00:05:46.520> all<00:05:46.729> of<00:05:46.850> the<00:05:46.970> web<00:05:47.120> searches capture 50% of all of the web searches capture 50% of all of the web searches that<00:05:47.780> will<00:05:47.870> ever<00:05:48.050> be<00:05:48.169> made<00:05:48.320> to<00:05:48.620> help<00:05:48.710> your<00:05:48.919> area that will ever be made to help your area that will ever be made to help your area then<00:05:50.180> some<00:05:50.510> sporting<00:05:50.930> event<00:05:51.169> happens<00:05:51.560> and then some sporting event happens and then some sporting event happens and you've<00:05:51.830> got<00:05:52.010> only<00:05:52.220> the<00:05:52.460> resources<00:05:52.760> that you've got only the resources that you've got only the resources that you've<00:05:53.240> collected<00:05:53.270> thus<00:05:53.930> far<00:05:54.229> to<00:05:54.770> meet<00:05:54.890> the you've collected thus far to meet the you've collected thus far to meet the next<00:05:55.220> five<00:05:55.460> years<00:05:55.490> of<00:05:55.820> recovery<00:05:56.150> needs<00:05:56.680> this next five years of recovery needs this next five years of recovery needs this is<00:05:58.010> the<00:05:58.280> slide<00:05:58.520> for<00:05:58.970> Katrina<00:05:59.680> this<00:06:00.680> is<00:06:01.100> the is the slide for Katrina this is the is the slide for Katrina this is the curve<00:06:01.550> for<00:06:01.760> Joplin<00:06:02.180> and curve for Joplin and curve for Joplin and this<00:06:03.259> is<00:06:03.409> the<00:06:03.529> curve<00:06:03.770> for<00:06:04.219> the<00:06:04.370> Dallas this is the curve for the Dallas this is the curve for the Dallas tornadoes<00:06:05.150> in<00:06:05.270> April<00:06:05.629> where<00:06:05.840> we<00:06:05.960> deployed tornadoes in April where we deployed tornadoes in April where we deployed software<00:06:06.550> there's<00:06:07.550> a<00:06:07.639> gap<00:06:07.909> here<00:06:08.620> affected software there's a gap here affected software there's a gap here affected households<00:06:10.069> have<00:06:10.189> to<00:06:10.340> wait<00:06:10.490> for<00:06:10.729> the households have to wait for the households have to wait for the insurance<00:06:11.150> adjuster<00:06:11.689> to<00:06:11.810> visit<00:06:12.080> before<00:06:12.199> they insurance adjuster to visit before they insurance adjuster to visit before they can<00:06:12.650> start<00:06:12.919> accepting<00:06:13.580> help<00:06:13.789> on<00:06:13.969> their can start accepting help on their can start accepting help on their properties<00:06:14.599> and<00:06:14.870> you've<00:06:15.650> only<00:06:15.770> got<00:06:15.949> about properties and you've only got about properties and you've only got about four<00:06:16.520> days<00:06:16.639> of<00:06:16.819> interest<00:06:17.180> in<00:06:17.360> Dallas four days of interest in Dallas four days of interest in Dallas data<00:06:19.810> data<00:06:20.810> is<00:06:21.020> inherently<00:06:21.379> unsexy<00:06:22.310> but<00:06:22.610> it data data is inherently unsexy but it data data is inherently unsexy but it can<00:06:22.909> jump-start<00:06:23.150> an<00:06:23.419> area's<00:06:23.719> recovery<00:06:24.110> FEMA can jump-start an area's recovery FEMA can jump-start an area's recovery FEMA in<00:06:25.159> the<00:06:25.340> state<00:06:25.580> will<00:06:26.090> pay<00:06:26.270> 85%<00:06:27.169> of<00:06:27.289> the<00:06:27.379> cost<00:06:27.590> of in the state will pay 85% of the cost of in the state will pay 85% of the cost of a<00:06:27.830> federally<00:06:28.219> declared<00:06:28.370> disaster<00:06:29.090> leaving a federally declared disaster leaving a federally declared disaster leaving the<00:06:29.659> town<00:06:29.870> to<00:06:30.020> pay<00:06:30.139> the<00:06:30.229> last<00:06:30.409> fifteen<00:06:30.770> percent the town to pay the last fifteen percent the town to pay the last fifteen percent of<00:06:31.159> the<00:06:31.249> bill<00:06:31.400> now<00:06:31.909> that<00:06:31.939> expense<00:06:32.539> can<00:06:32.810> be<00:06:32.960> huge of the bill now that expense can be huge of the bill now that expense can be huge but<00:06:33.800> if<00:06:33.889> the<00:06:34.009> town<00:06:34.189> can<00:06:34.400> mobilize<00:06:34.819> X<00:06:35.330> amount<00:06:35.719> of but if the town can mobilize X amount of but if the town can mobilize X amount of volunteers<00:06:36.080> for<00:06:36.650> y<00:06:36.830> hours<00:06:37.279> the<00:06:37.759> dollar<00:06:38.029> value volunteers for y hours the dollar value volunteers for y hours the dollar value of<00:06:38.569> that<00:06:38.810> labor<00:06:39.050> used<00:06:39.740> goes<00:06:40.339> toward<00:06:40.669> the of that labor used goes toward the of that labor used goes toward the town's<00:06:40.999> contribution<00:06:41.779> but<00:06:42.650> who<00:06:42.800> knows<00:06:43.069> that town's contribution but who knows that town's contribution but who knows that now<00:06:44.360> try<00:06:44.599> to<00:06:44.659> imagine<00:06:44.930> the<00:06:45.199> sinking<00:06:45.529> feeling now try to imagine the sinking feeling now try to imagine the sinking feeling you<00:06:45.889> get<00:06:46.129> when<00:06:46.370> you've<00:06:46.699> just<00:06:46.729> sent<00:06:47.150> out<00:06:47.300> 2,000 you get when you've just sent out 2,000 you get when you've just sent out 2,000 volunteers<00:06:48.289> and<00:06:48.919> you<00:06:49.279> can't<00:06:49.550> prove<00:06:49.789> it<00:06:50.229> these volunteers and you can't prove it these volunteers and you can't prove it these are<00:06:51.379> three<00:06:51.650> problems<00:06:52.099> with<00:06:52.310> a<00:06:52.339> common are three problems with a common are three problems with a common solution<00:06:52.879> if<00:06:53.300> we<00:06:53.719> can<00:06:53.900> get<00:06:54.080> the<00:06:54.379> right<00:06:54.560> tools solution if we can get the right tools solution if we can get the right tools at<00:06:55.339> the<00:06:55.580> right<00:06:55.610> time<00:06:56.089> to<00:06:56.719> the<00:06:56.749> people<00:06:57.110> who<00:06:57.229> will at the right time to the people who will at the right time to the people who will inevitably<00:06:57.560> step<00:06:58.159> up<00:06:58.339> and<00:06:58.490> start<00:06:58.729> putting inevitably step up and start putting inevitably step up and start putting their<00:06:59.120> communities<00:06:59.599> back<00:06:59.810> together<00:06:59.990> we<00:07:00.589> can their communities back together we can their communities back together we can create<00:07:00.889> new<00:07:01.099> standards<00:07:01.819> in<00:07:01.969> disaster create new standards in disaster create new standards in disaster recovery<00:07:02.800> we<00:07:03.800> needed<00:07:04.069> canvassing<00:07:04.610> tools recovery we needed canvassing tools recovery we needed canvassing tools donations<00:07:05.629> databasing<00:07:06.379> needs<00:07:06.889> reporting donations databasing needs reporting donations databasing needs reporting remote<00:07:08.300> volunteer<00:07:08.779> access<00:07:09.259> all<00:07:09.529> in<00:07:09.919> an remote volunteer access all in an remote volunteer access all in an easy-to-use<00:07:10.430> website<00:07:10.759> and<00:07:11.210> we<00:07:11.779> needed<00:07:12.050> help easy-to-use website and we needed help easy-to-use website and we needed help Alvin<00:07:13.339> our<00:07:13.460> software<00:07:13.849> engineer<00:07:14.210> and Alvin our software engineer and Alvin our software engineer and co-founder<00:07:14.870> has<00:07:15.080> built<00:07:15.259> these<00:07:15.439> tools<00:07:15.740> Chris co-founder has built these tools Chris co-founder has built these tools Chris and<00:07:16.339> Bill<00:07:16.460> have<00:07:16.580> volunteered<00:07:17.000> their<00:07:17.149> time<00:07:17.180> to and Bill have volunteered their time to and Bill have volunteered their time to use<00:07:18.199> in<00:07:18.469> operations<00:07:19.159> and<00:07:19.399> partnerships<00:07:19.969> and use in operations and partnerships and use in operations and partnerships and we've<00:07:20.479> been<00:07:20.629> flying<00:07:20.870> into<00:07:21.229> disaster<00:07:21.560> areas we've been flying into disaster areas we've been flying into disaster areas since<00:07:22.370> this<00:07:22.610> past<00:07:22.879> January<00:07:23.449> setting<00:07:24.080> up since this past January setting up since this past January setting up software<00:07:24.649> training<00:07:25.129> residents<00:07:25.729> and software training residents and software training residents and licensing<00:07:27.409> the<00:07:27.500> software<00:07:27.889> to<00:07:28.009> areas<00:07:28.310> that<00:07:28.339> are licensing the software to areas that are licensing the software to areas that are preparing<00:07:29.120> for<00:07:29.360> disasters<00:07:29.870> one<00:07:30.560> of<00:07:30.649> our<00:07:30.770> first preparing for disasters one of our first preparing for disasters one of our first launches<00:07:31.370> was<00:07:31.520> after<00:07:31.789> the<00:07:31.879> Dallas<00:07:32.149> tornadoes launches was after the Dallas tornadoes launches was after the Dallas tornadoes this<00:07:32.960> past<00:07:33.229> April<00:07:33.620> we<00:07:34.099> flew<00:07:34.370> into<00:07:34.520> a<00:07:34.669> town<00:07:35.149> that this past April we flew into a town that this past April we flew into a town that had<00:07:35.599> a<00:07:35.629> static<00:07:36.199> outdated<00:07:36.740> website<00:07:36.889> and<00:07:37.249> a had a static outdated website and a had a static outdated website and a frenetic<00:07:37.520> Facebook<00:07:38.089> feed<00:07:38.330> trying<00:07:38.629> to frenetic Facebook feed trying to frenetic Facebook feed trying to structure<00:07:38.960> the<00:07:39.110> response<00:07:39.229> and<00:07:39.800> we<00:07:39.919> launched structure the response and we launched structure the response and we launched her<00:07:40.279> platform<00:07:40.490> all<00:07:41.060> of<00:07:41.629> the<00:07:41.749> interest<00:07:42.080> came<00:07:42.199> in her platform all of the interest came in her platform all of the interest came in the<00:07:42.439> first<00:07:42.560> four<00:07:42.860> days<00:07:43.039> but<00:07:43.550> by<00:07:43.699> the<00:07:43.759> time<00:07:44.029> they the first four days but by the time they the first four days but by the time they lost<00:07:44.360> the<00:07:44.539> news<00:07:44.689> cycle<00:07:44.899> that's<00:07:45.469> when<00:07:45.649> the lost the news cycle that's when the lost the news cycle that's when the needs<00:07:45.919> came<00:07:46.159> in<00:07:46.339> yet<00:07:46.699> they<00:07:46.849> had<00:07:47.029> this<00:07:47.270> massive needs came in yet they had this massive needs came in yet they had this massive resource<00:07:48.259> of<00:07:48.499> what<00:07:48.620> people<00:07:48.860> are<00:07:48.949> able<00:07:48.979> to<00:07:49.189> give resource of what people are able to give resource of what people are able to give and<00:07:49.669> they've<00:07:49.789> been<00:07:49.909> able<00:07:49.999> to<00:07:50.149> meet<00:07:50.300> the<00:07:50.449> needs and they've been able to meet the needs and they've been able to meet the needs of<00:07:50.689> the<00:07:50.779> residents<00:07:51.229> so<00:07:52.009> it's<00:07:52.219> working<00:07:52.639> but<00:07:52.849> it of the residents so it's working but it of the residents so it's working but it could<00:07:53.149> be<00:07:53.300> better<00:07:53.979> emergency<00:07:54.979> preparedness could be better emergency preparedness could be better emergency preparedness is<00:07:55.669> a<00:07:55.699> big<00:07:55.939> deal<00:07:56.240> in<00:07:56.479> disaster<00:07:57.229> recovery is a big deal in disaster recovery is a big deal in disaster recovery because<00:07:58.009> it<00:07:58.279> makes<00:07:58.460> towns<00:07:58.699> safer<00:07:59.149> and<00:07:59.330> more because it makes towns safer and more because it makes towns safer and more resilient<00:07:59.870> imagine<00:08:00.740> if<00:08:00.830> we<00:08:00.919> could<00:08:01.039> have<00:08:01.219> these resilient imagine if we could have these resilient imagine if we could have these systems<00:08:01.909> ready<00:08:02.180> to<00:08:02.240> go<00:08:02.449> in<00:08:02.689> a<00:08:02.749> place<00:08:02.960> before<00:08:03.949> a systems ready to go in a place before a systems ready to go in a place before a disaster<00:08:04.539> so<00:08:05.539> that's<00:08:06.199> what<00:08:06.379> we're<00:08:06.499> working<00:08:06.529> on disaster so that's what we're working on disaster so that's what we're working on we're<00:08:07.339> working<00:08:07.729> on<00:08:07.849> getting<00:08:07.879> the<00:08:08.300> software<00:08:08.659> to we're working on getting the software to we're working on getting the software to places<00:08:09.080> so<00:08:09.199> people<00:08:09.229> expect<00:08:09.979> it<00:08:10.099> so<00:08:10.370> people places so people expect it so people places so people expect it so people know<00:08:10.729> how<00:08:10.849> to<00:08:10.879> use<00:08:11.120> it<00:08:11.300> and<00:08:11.419> so<00:08:11.539> it<00:08:11.629> can<00:08:11.750> be know how to use it and so it can be know how to use it and so it can be filled<00:08:12.080> ahead<00:08:12.379> of<00:08:12.469> time<00:08:12.680> with<00:08:12.860> that<00:08:12.979> micro filled ahead of time with that micro filled ahead of time with that micro information<00:08:14.060> that<00:08:14.300> drives<00:08:14.539> recovery<00:08:15.099> it's information that drives recovery it's information that drives recovery it's not<00:08:16.550> at<00:08:16.700> science<00:08:17.030> these<00:08:17.990> tools<00:08:18.290> are<00:08:18.410> obvious not at science these tools are obvious not at science these tools are obvious and<00:08:18.980> people<00:08:19.190> want<00:08:19.520> them<00:08:19.700> in<00:08:20.180> our<00:08:20.360> hometown<00:08:20.750> we and people want them in our hometown we and people want them in our hometown we trained<00:08:21.230> a<00:08:21.350> half<00:08:21.530> dozen<00:08:21.770> residents<00:08:22.310> to<00:08:22.700> run trained a half dozen residents to run trained a half dozen residents to run these<00:08:23.000> web<00:08:23.210> tools<00:08:23.450> on<00:08:23.600> their<00:08:23.750> own<00:08:23.870> because these web tools on their own because these web tools on their own because caitria<00:08:24.830> and<00:08:24.920> I<00:08:24.950> live<00:08:25.130> here<00:08:25.430> in<00:08:25.580> Boston<00:08:26.090> they caitria and I live here in Boston they caitria and I live here in Boston they took<00:08:26.870> to<00:08:27.050> it<00:08:27.140> immediately<00:08:27.500> and<00:08:27.830> now<00:08:27.950> there<00:08:28.100> are took to it immediately and now there are took to it immediately and now there are forces<00:08:28.430> of<00:08:28.700> nature<00:08:28.850> there<00:08:29.450> are<00:08:29.480> over<00:08:29.900> three forces of nature there are over three forces of nature there are over three volunteer<00:08:30.740> groups<00:08:30.980> working<00:08:31.220> almost<00:08:31.460> every volunteer groups working almost every volunteer groups working almost every day<00:08:32.000> and<00:08:32.210> have<00:08:32.390> been<00:08:32.570> since<00:08:32.750> June<00:08:33.020> 1st<00:08:33.320> of<00:08:33.590> last day and have been since June 1st of last day and have been since June 1st of last year<00:08:34.340> to<00:08:34.670> make<00:08:34.820> sure<00:08:34.970> that<00:08:35.120> these<00:08:35.240> residents year to make sure that these residents year to make sure that these residents get<00:08:35.900> what<00:08:36.020> they<00:08:36.110> need<00:08:36.320> and<00:08:36.350> get<00:08:36.530> back<00:08:36.740> in<00:08:36.920> their get what they need and get back in their get what they need and get back in their homes<00:08:37.220> they<00:08:37.910> have<00:08:38.000> hotlines<00:08:38.420> and homes they have hotlines and homes they have hotlines and spreadsheets<00:08:39.410> and<00:08:39.650> data<00:08:40.100> and<00:08:40.430> that<00:08:40.970> makes<00:08:41.300> a spreadsheets and data and that makes a spreadsheets and data and that makes a difference<00:08:42.050> June<00:08:42.830> 1st<00:08:43.070> this<00:08:43.280> year<00:08:43.340> marked<00:08:43.790> the difference June 1st this year marked the difference June 1st this year marked the one-year<00:08:44.120> anniversary<00:08:44.300> of<00:08:44.960> the<00:08:45.140> Monson one-year anniversary of the Monson one-year anniversary of the Monson tornado<00:08:45.950> and<00:08:46.220> our<00:08:46.850> communities<00:08:47.240> never<00:08:47.480> been tornado and our communities never been tornado and our communities never been more<00:08:47.870> connected<00:08:48.410> or<00:08:48.560> more<00:08:48.770> empowered<00:08:49.280> we've more connected or more empowered we've more connected or more empowered we've been<00:08:50.120> able<00:08:50.210> to<00:08:50.360> see<00:08:50.540> this<00:08:50.660> same been able to see this same been able to see this same transformation<00:08:51.740> in<00:08:51.950> Texas<00:08:52.700> and<00:08:52.940> in<00:08:53.060> Alabama transformation in Texas and in Alabama transformation in Texas and in Alabama because<00:08:54.200> it<00:08:54.440> doesn't<00:08:54.710> take<00:08:54.830> Harvard<00:08:55.220> or<00:08:55.370> MIT because it doesn't take Harvard or MIT because it doesn't take Harvard or MIT to<00:08:56.000> fly<00:08:56.180> in<00:08:56.390> and<00:08:56.570> fix<00:08:56.750> problems<00:08:57.170> after<00:08:57.500> a to fly in and fix problems after a to fly in and fix problems after a disaster<00:08:58.040> it<00:08:58.160> takes<00:08:58.460> a<00:08:58.580> local<00:08:58.910> no<00:08:59.450> matter<00:08:59.630> how disaster it takes a local no matter how disaster it takes a local no matter how good<00:09:00.020> an<00:09:00.170> aid<00:09:00.350> organization<00:09:00.560> is<00:09:01.310> at<00:09:01.460> what<00:09:01.580> they good an aid organization is at what they good an aid organization is at what they do<00:09:01.760> they<00:09:02.330> eventually<00:09:02.540> have<00:09:02.930> to<00:09:03.080> go<00:09:03.170> home<00:09:03.350> but do they eventually have to go home but do they eventually have to go home but if<00:09:04.130> you<00:09:04.190> give<00:09:04.340> locals<00:09:04.880> the<00:09:05.240> tools<00:09:05.480> if<00:09:05.810> you<00:09:06.410> show if you give locals the tools if you show if you give locals the tools if you show them<00:09:06.980> what<00:09:07.190> they<00:09:07.430> can<00:09:07.460> do<00:09:07.880> to<00:09:08.210> recover<00:09:08.510> they them what they can do to recover they them what they can do to recover they become<00:09:09.500> experts


Caitria O’Neill, Morgan, O’Neill, TED, TEDx, TEDxBoston, Boston, disaster, tornado, natural, disaster, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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