Làm thế nào để học? Từ những sai lầm-Diana Laufenberg

How to learn? From mistakes - Diana Laufenberg

How to learn? From mistakes - Diana Laufenberg


I<00:00:15.650> have<00:00:16.650> been<00:00:17.220> teaching<00:00:17.369> for<00:00:17.700> a<00:00:17.730> long<00:00:17.760> time<00:00:18.150> and
I have been teaching for a long time and I have been teaching for a long time and in<00:00:18.960> doing<00:00:19.260> so<00:00:19.439> have<00:00:19.830> acquired<00:00:20.460> a<00:00:20.760> body<00:00:21.600> of in doing so have acquired a body of in doing so have acquired a body of knowledge<00:00:21.900> about<00:00:22.170> kids<00:00:22.560> and<00:00:22.710> learning<00:00:22.890> that<00:00:23.220> I knowledge about kids and learning that I knowledge about kids and learning that I really<00:00:23.730> wish<00:00:23.880> more<00:00:24.660> people<00:00:24.869> would<00:00:25.800> understand really wish more people would understand really wish more people would understand about<00:00:26.790> the<00:00:27.419> potential<00:00:27.930> of<00:00:28.020> students<00:00:29.060> in<00:00:30.060> 1931 about the potential of students in 1931 about the potential of students in 1931 my<00:00:31.290> grandmother<00:00:31.710> bottom<00:00:32.450> left<00:00:33.450> for<00:00:33.720> you<00:00:33.810> guys my grandmother bottom left for you guys my grandmother bottom left for you guys over<00:00:34.230> here<00:00:34.260> graduated<00:00:34.920> from<00:00:35.370> the<00:00:35.520> eighth over here graduated from the eighth over here graduated from the eighth grade<00:00:35.670> she<00:00:36.329> went<00:00:36.510> to<00:00:36.600> school<00:00:36.840> to<00:00:36.989> get<00:00:37.140> the grade she went to school to get the grade she went to school to get the information<00:00:37.470> because<00:00:37.950> that's<00:00:38.100> where<00:00:38.399> the information because that's where the information because that's where the information<00:00:38.660> lived<00:00:39.660> it<00:00:39.930> was<00:00:40.230> in<00:00:40.350> the<00:00:40.440> books<00:00:40.649> it information lived it was in the books it information lived it was in the books it was<00:00:40.920> inside<00:00:41.280> the<00:00:41.430> teacher's<00:00:41.760> head<00:00:41.970> and<00:00:42.239> she was inside the teacher's head and she was inside the teacher's head and she needed<00:00:42.720> to<00:00:42.840> go<00:00:43.140> there<00:00:43.350> to<00:00:43.559> get<00:00:43.859> the needed to go there to get the needed to go there to get the information<00:00:44.489> because<00:00:45.300> that's<00:00:45.750> how<00:00:46.019> you information because that's how you information because that's how you learned<00:00:46.879> fast<00:00:47.879> forwarded<00:00:48.269> generation<00:00:48.780> this learned fast forwarded generation this learned fast forwarded generation this is<00:00:49.140> the<00:00:49.199> one-room<00:00:49.530> schoolhouse<00:00:50.010> Oak<00:00:50.250> Grove<00:00:50.399> my is the one-room schoolhouse Oak Grove my is the one-room schoolhouse Oak Grove my father<00:00:51.179> went<00:00:51.539> to<00:00:51.600> a<00:00:51.660> one-room<00:00:51.960> schoolhouse father went to a one-room schoolhouse father went to a one-room schoolhouse and<00:00:52.620> he<00:00:52.710> again<00:00:52.980> had<00:00:53.280> to<00:00:53.309> travel<00:00:53.670> to<00:00:53.820> the<00:00:54.030> school and he again had to travel to the school and he again had to travel to the school to<00:00:54.510> get<00:00:54.600> the<00:00:54.750> information<00:00:54.780> from<00:00:55.440> the<00:00:55.620> teacher to get the information from the teacher to get the information from the teacher stored<00:00:56.609> in<00:00:56.760> the<00:00:56.850> only<00:00:57.000> portable<00:00:57.420> memory<00:00:57.750> he stored in the only portable memory he stored in the only portable memory he has<00:00:58.140> which<00:00:58.500> is<00:00:58.530> inside<00:00:58.980> his<00:00:59.190> own<00:00:59.280> head<00:00:59.550> and has which is inside his own head and has which is inside his own head and take<00:01:00.300> it<00:01:00.449> with<00:01:00.629> him<00:01:00.870> because<00:01:01.620> that<00:01:01.859> is<00:01:02.100> how take it with him because that is how take it with him because that is how information<00:01:02.519> was<00:01:03.210> being<00:01:03.420> transported<00:01:03.989> from information was being transported from information was being transported from teacher<00:01:05.250> to<00:01:05.400> student<00:01:05.670> and<00:01:06.120> then<00:01:06.330> used<00:01:06.570> in<00:01:06.780> the teacher to student and then used in the teacher to student and then used in the world<00:01:07.220> when<00:01:08.220> I<00:01:08.250> was<00:01:08.430> a<00:01:08.460> kid<00:01:08.700> we<00:01:08.820> had<00:01:08.850> a<00:01:09.060> set<00:01:09.360> of world when I was a kid we had a set of world when I was a kid we had a set of encyclopedias<00:01:10.320> at<00:01:10.470> my<00:01:10.620> house<00:01:10.830> it<00:01:11.490> was encyclopedias at my house it was encyclopedias at my house it was purchased<00:01:11.970> the<00:01:12.360> year<00:01:12.690> I<00:01:12.870> was<00:01:13.230> born<00:01:13.470> and<00:01:13.830> it<00:01:14.070> was purchased the year I was born and it was purchased the year I was born and it was extraordinary<00:01:15.140> because<00:01:16.140> I<00:01:16.440> did<00:01:16.680> not<00:01:16.770> have<00:01:16.980> to extraordinary because I did not have to extraordinary because I did not have to wait<00:01:17.190> to<00:01:17.220> go<00:01:17.370> to<00:01:17.430> the<00:01:17.550> library<00:01:17.940> to<00:01:18.030> get<00:01:18.120> to<00:01:18.240> the wait to go to the library to get to the wait to go to the library to get to the information<00:01:18.690> the<00:01:18.930> information<00:01:18.960> was<00:01:19.560> inside information the information was inside information the information was inside my<00:01:20.070> house<00:01:20.250> and<00:01:20.490> it<00:01:20.550> was<00:01:20.670> awesome<00:01:21.500> this<00:01:22.500> was my house and it was awesome this was my house and it was awesome this was different<00:01:24.000> than<00:01:24.510> either<00:01:24.870> generation<00:01:25.560> had different than either generation had different than either generation had experienced<00:01:26.280> before experienced before experienced before and<00:01:26.940> it<00:01:27.540> changed<00:01:27.960> the<00:01:28.050> way<00:01:28.140> I<00:01:28.170> interacted<00:01:28.860> with and it changed the way I interacted with and it changed the way I interacted with information<00:01:29.460> even<00:01:29.670> at<00:01:29.880> just<00:01:30.150> a<00:01:30.270> small<00:01:30.600> level information even at just a small level information even at just a small level but<00:01:31.050> the<00:01:31.140> information<00:01:31.380> was<00:01:31.740> closer<00:01:32.010> to<00:01:32.130> me<00:01:32.400> I but the information was closer to me I but the information was closer to me I could<00:01:32.730> get<00:01:32.880> access<00:01:33.360> to<00:01:33.390> it<00:01:34.190> in<00:01:35.190> the<00:01:35.520> time<00:01:35.760> that could get access to it in the time that could get access to it in the time that passes<00:01:36.570> between<00:01:36.780> when<00:01:37.290> I<00:01:37.320> was<00:01:37.710> a<00:01:37.740> kid<00:01:38.040> in<00:01:38.160> high passes between when I was a kid in high passes between when I was a kid in high school<00:01:38.610> and<00:01:38.730> when<00:01:38.880> I<00:01:38.910> started<00:01:39.390> teaching<00:01:39.600> we school and when I started teaching we school and when I started teaching we really<00:01:40.620> see<00:01:40.800> the<00:01:40.920> advent<00:01:41.310> of<00:01:41.430> the<00:01:41.550> internet really see the advent of the internet really see the advent of the internet right<00:01:42.810> about<00:01:43.110> the<00:01:43.770> time<00:01:44.040> that<00:01:44.280> the<00:01:44.370> internet right about the time that the internet right about the time that the internet gets<00:01:44.880> going<00:01:45.180> as<00:01:45.300> an<00:01:45.420> educational<00:01:46.020> tool<00:01:46.080> I<00:01:46.500> take gets going as an educational tool I take gets going as an educational tool I take off<00:01:47.070> from<00:01:47.220> Wisconsin<00:01:47.820> and<00:01:48.000> move<00:01:48.360> to<00:01:49.110> Kansas off from Wisconsin and move to Kansas off from Wisconsin and move to Kansas small<00:01:50.220> town<00:01:50.400> Kansas<00:01:50.850> where<00:01:51.000> I<00:01:51.030> had<00:01:51.210> an small town Kansas where I had an small town Kansas where I had an opportunity<00:01:51.840> to<00:01:51.990> teach<00:01:52.350> in<00:01:52.410> a<00:01:52.680> lovely<00:01:53.280> small opportunity to teach in a lovely small opportunity to teach in a lovely small town<00:01:54.330> rural<00:01:55.200> Kansas<00:01:55.680> School<00:01:56.400> District<00:01:56.790> where town rural Kansas School District where town rural Kansas School District where I<00:01:57.390> was<00:01:57.630> teaching<00:01:57.720> my<00:01:57.960> favorite<00:01:58.320> subject I was teaching my favorite subject I was teaching my favorite subject American<00:01:59.070> government<00:01:59.460> my<00:02:00.390> first<00:02:00.660> year<00:02:00.900> super American government my first year super American government my first year super gung-ho<00:02:01.560> going<00:02:02.190> to<00:02:02.250> teach<00:02:02.370> American gung-ho going to teach American gung-ho going to teach American government<00:02:03.120> love<00:02:03.630> the<00:02:03.840> political<00:02:04.200> system government love the political system government love the political system kids<00:02:06.150> in<00:02:06.600> the<00:02:06.960> 12th<00:02:07.380> grade<00:02:07.410> not<00:02:07.830> exactly<00:02:08.550> all kids in the 12th grade not exactly all kids in the 12th grade not exactly all that<00:02:08.700> enthusiastic<00:02:09.539> about<00:02:09.629> the<00:02:09.840> American that enthusiastic about the American that enthusiastic about the American government<00:02:10.500> system<00:02:11.060> you're<00:02:12.060> too<00:02:12.300> learned<00:02:12.930> a government system you're too learned a government system you're too learned a few<00:02:13.170> things<00:02:13.230> had<00:02:13.620> to<00:02:13.739> change<00:02:13.769> my<00:02:14.099> tactic<00:02:14.519> and<00:02:14.610> I few things had to change my tactic and I few things had to change my tactic and I put<00:02:14.879> in<00:02:15.000> front<00:02:15.180> of<00:02:15.300> them<00:02:15.450> an<00:02:15.690> authentic put in front of them an authentic put in front of them an authentic experience<00:02:16.620> that<00:02:17.160> allowed<00:02:17.430> them<00:02:17.790> to<00:02:18.390> learn experience that allowed them to learn experience that allowed them to learn for<00:02:19.290> themselves for themselves for themselves I<00:02:20.010> didn't<00:02:20.580> tell<00:02:20.760> them<00:02:20.910> what<00:02:21.240> to<00:02:21.390> do<00:02:21.540> or<00:02:21.570> how<00:02:21.840> to I didn't tell them what to do or how to I didn't tell them what to do or how to do<00:02:22.140> it<00:02:22.290> I<00:02:22.410> posed<00:02:22.680> a<00:02:22.860> problem<00:02:23.220> in<00:02:23.340> front<00:02:23.580> of<00:02:23.670> them do it I posed a problem in front of them do it I posed a problem in front of them which which which was<00:02:24.269> to<00:02:24.629> put<00:02:25.140> on<00:02:25.260> an<00:02:25.379> election<00:02:25.590> form<00:02:25.980> for<00:02:26.159> their was to put on an election form for their was to put on an election form for their own<00:02:26.370> community<00:02:26.790> they<00:02:27.420> produced<00:02:27.810> fliers<00:02:28.170> they own community they produced fliers they own community they produced fliers they called<00:02:28.860> offices<00:02:29.430> they<00:02:29.670> check<00:02:29.909> schedules<00:02:30.360> they called offices they check schedules they called offices they check schedules they were<00:02:30.569> meeting<00:02:30.780> with<00:02:30.989> secretaries<00:02:31.620> they were meeting with secretaries they were meeting with secretaries they produced<00:02:32.129> an<00:02:32.280> election<00:02:32.970> form<00:02:33.180> booklet<00:02:33.599> for produced an election form booklet for produced an election form booklet for the<00:02:33.840> entire<00:02:34.110> town<00:02:34.409> to<00:02:34.590> learn<00:02:34.769> more<00:02:34.980> about the entire town to learn more about the entire town to learn more about their<00:02:35.370> candidates<00:02:35.819> they<00:02:36.269> invited<00:02:36.689> everyone their candidates they invited everyone their candidates they invited everyone into<00:02:37.349> the<00:02:37.470> school<00:02:37.680> for<00:02:37.890> an<00:02:37.950> evening<00:02:38.099> of into the school for an evening of into the school for an evening of conversation<00:02:38.549> about<00:02:39.329> government<00:02:40.260> and conversation about government and conversation about government and politics<00:02:40.890> and<00:02:41.129> you<00:02:41.849> know<00:02:41.970> whether<00:02:42.569> or<00:02:42.689> not<00:02:42.780> the politics and you know whether or not the politics and you know whether or not the streets<00:02:43.200> were<00:02:43.349> done<00:02:43.530> well<00:02:43.739> and<00:02:44.010> really<00:02:44.400> had streets were done well and really had streets were done well and really had this<00:02:44.670> robust<00:02:45.290> experiential<00:02:46.290> learning<00:02:46.470> the this robust experiential learning the this robust experiential learning the older<00:02:47.579> teachers<00:02:48.269> more<00:02:48.659> experienced<00:02:49.170> looked older teachers more experienced looked older teachers more experienced looked at<00:02:49.560> me<00:02:49.709> and<00:02:49.890> went<00:02:50.069> oh<00:02:50.280> there<00:02:50.790> she<00:02:51.030> is<00:02:51.060> that's<00:02:51.480> so at me and went oh there she is that's so at me and went oh there she is that's so cute<00:02:52.049> she's<00:02:52.379> trying<00:02:52.680> to<00:02:52.739> get<00:02:52.859> that<00:02:52.980> done<00:02:54.470> she cute she's trying to get that done she cute she's trying to get that done she doesn't<00:02:55.890> know<00:02:56.040> what<00:02:56.220> she's<00:02:56.400> in<00:02:56.430> for<00:02:56.639> but<00:02:57.569> I doesn't know what she's in for but I doesn't know what she's in for but I knew<00:02:58.019> that<00:02:58.049> the<00:02:58.440> kids<00:02:58.650> would<00:02:58.889> show<00:02:58.920> up<00:02:59.340> and<00:02:59.579> I knew that the kids would show up and I knew that the kids would show up and I and<00:03:00.180> I<00:03:00.359> believed<00:03:00.870> it<00:03:01.049> and<00:03:01.319> I<00:03:01.440> told<00:03:01.829> them<00:03:02.040> every and I believed it and I told them every and I believed it and I told them every week<00:03:02.879> um<00:03:03.090> what<00:03:03.239> I<00:03:03.269> expected<00:03:03.840> out<00:03:03.989> of<00:03:04.019> them<00:03:04.260> and week um what I expected out of them and week um what I expected out of them and that<00:03:05.099> night<00:03:05.310> all<00:03:05.639> 90<00:03:06.209> kids<00:03:06.450> dressed that night all 90 kids dressed that night all 90 kids dressed appropriately<00:03:07.680> doing<00:03:08.250> their<00:03:08.370> job<00:03:08.639> owning<00:03:09.209> it appropriately doing their job owning it appropriately doing their job owning it I<00:03:09.540> had<00:03:09.720> to<00:03:09.810> just<00:03:10.019> sit<00:03:10.200> and<00:03:10.319> watch<00:03:10.470> it<00:03:11.400> was I had to just sit and watch it was I had to just sit and watch it was theirs theirs theirs it<00:03:12.359> was<00:03:12.540> experiential<00:03:13.290> it<00:03:13.379> was<00:03:13.500> authentic<00:03:13.859> it it was experiential it was authentic it it was experiential it was authentic it meant<00:03:14.489> something<00:03:14.970> to<00:03:15.000> them<00:03:15.299> and<00:03:15.540> they<00:03:15.900> will meant something to them and they will meant something to them and they will step<00:03:16.379> up<00:03:16.639> from<00:03:17.639> Kansas<00:03:18.060> I<00:03:18.299> moved<00:03:19.049> on<00:03:19.260> to<00:03:19.530> lovely step up from Kansas I moved on to lovely step up from Kansas I moved on to lovely Arizona<00:03:20.700> where<00:03:20.939> I<00:03:20.970> taught<00:03:21.269> in<00:03:21.599> Flagstaff<00:03:22.260> for Arizona where I taught in Flagstaff for Arizona where I taught in Flagstaff for a<00:03:22.560> number<00:03:22.950> of<00:03:22.980> years<00:03:23.280> this<00:03:23.760> time<00:03:23.970> with<00:03:24.120> middle a number of years this time with middle a number of years this time with middle school<00:03:24.599> students<00:03:24.930> luckily<00:03:25.530> I<00:03:25.560> didn't<00:03:25.769> have<00:03:25.859> to school students luckily I didn't have to school students luckily I didn't have to teach<00:03:26.099> them<00:03:26.280> American<00:03:26.700> government<00:03:27.090> could teach them American government could teach them American government could teach<00:03:27.450> the<00:03:27.629> more<00:03:27.780> exciting<00:03:28.319> topic<00:03:28.650> of teach the more exciting topic of teach the more exciting topic of geography<00:03:29.419> and<00:03:30.680> again<00:03:31.730> thrilled<00:03:32.730> to<00:03:33.030> learn geography and again thrilled to learn geography and again thrilled to learn but<00:03:34.500> what<00:03:34.980> was<00:03:35.190> interesting<00:03:35.489> about<00:03:36.650> this but what was interesting about this but what was interesting about this position<00:03:38.040> I<00:03:38.099> found<00:03:38.280> myself<00:03:38.459> in<00:03:38.790> in<00:03:39.060> Arizona position I found myself in in Arizona position I found myself in in Arizona was<00:03:39.720> I<00:03:39.750> had<00:03:39.989> this<00:03:40.079> really<00:03:40.790> extraordinarily was I had this really extraordinarily was I had this really extraordinarily eclectic<00:03:42.690> group<00:03:42.810> of<00:03:42.959> kids<00:03:43.199> to<00:03:43.349> work<00:03:43.470> with<00:03:43.680> in<00:03:43.889> a eclectic group of kids to work with in a eclectic group of kids to work with in a truly<00:03:44.459> public<00:03:44.639> school<00:03:45.120> and<00:03:45.299> we<00:03:45.870> got<00:03:46.019> to<00:03:46.230> have truly public school and we got to have truly public school and we got to have these<00:03:46.650> moments<00:03:46.919> where<00:03:47.220> we<00:03:47.970> would<00:03:48.120> get<00:03:48.180> these these moments where we would get these these moments where we would get these opportunities<00:03:48.720> and<00:03:49.139> one<00:03:49.290> opportunity<00:03:49.889> was<00:03:50.099> we opportunities and one opportunity was we opportunities and one opportunity was we got<00:03:51.209> to<00:03:51.359> go<00:03:51.480> and<00:03:51.780> meet<00:03:52.169> Paul<00:03:52.530> Rusesabagina got to go and meet Paul Rusesabagina got to go and meet Paul Rusesabagina which<00:03:53.400> is<00:03:53.579> the<00:03:53.790> gentleman<00:03:54.629> that<00:03:55.019> the<00:03:55.049> movie which is the gentleman that the movie which is the gentleman that the movie Hotel<00:03:55.979> Rwanda<00:03:56.129> is<00:03:56.549> based<00:03:56.790> after<00:03:57.030> and<00:03:57.389> he<00:03:58.290> was Hotel Rwanda is based after and he was Hotel Rwanda is based after and he was going<00:03:58.530> to<00:03:58.560> speak<00:03:58.769> at<00:03:58.889> the<00:03:58.949> high<00:03:59.040> school<00:03:59.340> next going to speak at the high school next going to speak at the high school next door<00:03:59.819> to<00:04:00.030> us<00:04:00.120> we<00:04:00.239> could<00:04:00.359> walk<00:04:00.479> there<00:04:00.659> we<00:04:00.750> didn't door to us we could walk there we didn't door to us we could walk there we didn't even<00:04:01.109> have<00:04:01.260> to<00:04:01.319> pay<00:04:01.409> for<00:04:01.590> the<00:04:01.650> buses<00:04:02.040> there<00:04:02.310> was even have to pay for the buses there was even have to pay for the buses there was no<00:04:02.549> expense<00:04:02.909> cost<00:04:03.379> perfect<00:04:04.379> field<00:04:04.620> trip<00:04:04.829> the no expense cost perfect field trip the no expense cost perfect field trip the problem<00:04:05.639> then<00:04:05.760> becomes<00:04:06.060> how<00:04:06.150> do<00:04:06.269> you<00:04:06.389> take problem then becomes how do you take problem then becomes how do you take seventh<00:04:06.989> and<00:04:07.109> eighth<00:04:07.169> graders<00:04:07.379> to<00:04:07.620> a<00:04:07.650> talk seventh and eighth graders to a talk seventh and eighth graders to a talk about<00:04:07.979> genocide<00:04:08.519> and<00:04:08.760> deal<00:04:09.569> with<00:04:09.599> the<00:04:09.840> subject about genocide and deal with the subject about genocide and deal with the subject in<00:04:10.290> a<00:04:10.379> way<00:04:10.500> that<00:04:11.010> is<00:04:11.400> responsible<00:04:12.120> and in a way that is responsible and in a way that is responsible and respectful<00:04:12.510> and<00:04:13.019> they<00:04:13.440> know<00:04:14.220> what<00:04:14.340> to<00:04:14.459> do<00:04:14.579> with respectful and they know what to do with respectful and they know what to do with it<00:04:14.849> and<00:04:15.000> so<00:04:15.209> we<00:04:15.329> chose<00:04:15.510> to<00:04:15.720> look<00:04:15.810> at<00:04:15.930> Paul it and so we chose to look at Paul it and so we chose to look at Paul Rusesabagina<00:04:16.229> as<00:04:16.889> an<00:04:16.979> example<00:04:17.400> of<00:04:17.579> a Rusesabagina as an example of a Rusesabagina as an example of a gentleman<00:04:18.570> who<00:04:19.789> singularly<00:04:20.789> used<00:04:21.120> his<00:04:21.299> life gentleman who singularly used his life gentleman who singularly used his life to<00:04:21.630> do<00:04:21.750> something<00:04:21.780> positive<00:04:22.590> I<00:04:22.770> then to do something positive I then to do something positive I then challenged<00:04:23.729> the<00:04:23.849> kids<00:04:24.060> to<00:04:24.210> identify<00:04:24.630> someone challenged the kids to identify someone challenged the kids to identify someone in<00:04:24.990> their<00:04:25.169> own<00:04:25.199> life<00:04:25.500> or<00:04:25.710> in<00:04:25.770> their<00:04:25.860> own<00:04:26.039> story in their own life or in their own story in their own life or in their own story or<00:04:26.699> in<00:04:27.030> their<00:04:27.389> own<00:04:27.419> world<00:04:27.990> that<00:04:28.289> they<00:04:28.409> could or in their own world that they could or in their own world that they could identify<00:04:28.650> that<00:04:29.130> had<00:04:29.220> done<00:04:29.370> a<00:04:29.400> similar<00:04:29.610> thing<00:04:29.820> I identify that had done a similar thing I identify that had done a similar thing I asked<00:04:30.539> them<00:04:30.659> to<00:04:30.750> produce<00:04:30.900> a<00:04:31.110> little<00:04:31.320> movie asked them to produce a little movie asked them to produce a little movie about<00:04:31.650> it<00:04:32.010> first<00:04:32.279> time<00:04:32.460> we've<00:04:32.639> done<00:04:32.669> this about it first time we've done this about it first time we've done this nobody<00:04:33.270> really<00:04:33.510> knew<00:04:33.599> how<00:04:33.719> to<00:04:33.779> make<00:04:33.900> these nobody really knew how to make these nobody really knew how to make these little<00:04:34.110> movies<00:04:34.529> on<00:04:34.710> the<00:04:34.800> computer<00:04:35.159> but<00:04:35.940> they little movies on the computer but they little movies on the computer but they were<00:04:36.120> into<00:04:36.389> it<00:04:36.419> and<00:04:36.719> I were into it and I were into it and I to<00:04:37.230> put<00:04:37.380> their<00:04:37.470> own<00:04:37.590> voice<00:04:37.830> over<00:04:38.190> it<00:04:39.050> it<00:04:40.050> was to put their own voice over it it was to put their own voice over it it was the<00:04:41.220> most<00:04:41.490> awesome<00:04:42.140> moment<00:04:43.140> of<00:04:43.350> Revelation the most awesome moment of Revelation the most awesome moment of Revelation that<00:04:44.280> when<00:04:44.700> you<00:04:44.820> ask<00:04:45.060> kids<00:04:45.420> to<00:04:45.600> use<00:04:45.870> their<00:04:46.080> own that when you ask kids to use their own that when you ask kids to use their own voice<00:04:46.560> and<00:04:46.980> ask<00:04:47.760> them<00:04:47.970> to<00:04:48.000> speak<00:04:48.270> for voice and ask them to speak for voice and ask them to speak for themselves<00:04:49.430> what<00:04:50.430> they're<00:04:50.640> willing<00:04:50.820> to<00:04:51.000> share themselves what they're willing to share themselves what they're willing to share the<00:04:51.900> last<00:04:52.110> question<00:04:52.530> of<00:04:52.650> the<00:04:52.740> assignment<00:04:53.190> is the last question of the assignment is the last question of the assignment is how<00:04:53.760> do<00:04:53.820> you<00:04:54.090> plan<00:04:54.360> to<00:04:54.540> use<00:04:54.630> your<00:04:54.840> life<00:04:55.350> to how do you plan to use your life to how do you plan to use your life to positively<00:04:56.070> impact<00:04:56.340> other<00:04:56.820> people<00:04:57.270> the positively impact other people the positively impact other people the things<00:04:58.500> that<00:04:58.860> kids<00:04:59.100> will<00:04:59.430> say<00:04:59.760> when<00:05:00.060> you<00:05:00.180> ask things that kids will say when you ask things that kids will say when you ask them<00:05:00.780> and<00:05:01.080> take<00:05:01.380> the<00:05:01.560> time<00:05:01.740> to<00:05:01.980> listen<00:05:02.130> is them and take the time to listen is them and take the time to listen is extraordinary extraordinary extraordinary fast-forward<00:05:06.360> to<00:05:06.590> Pennsylvania<00:05:07.590> where<00:05:07.680> I fast-forward to Pennsylvania where I fast-forward to Pennsylvania where I find<00:05:07.980> myself<00:05:08.160> today<00:05:08.400> I<00:05:08.790> teach<00:05:09.420> at<00:05:09.690> the<00:05:10.020> science find myself today I teach at the science find myself today I teach at the science Leadership<00:05:10.620> Academy<00:05:10.800> which<00:05:11.580> is<00:05:11.610> a Leadership Academy which is a Leadership Academy which is a partnership<00:05:11.820> school<00:05:12.480> between<00:05:12.630> the<00:05:12.960> Franklin partnership school between the Franklin partnership school between the Franklin Institute<00:05:13.440> and<00:05:14.010> the<00:05:14.100> School<00:05:14.280> District<00:05:14.580> of Institute and the School District of Institute and the School District of Philadelphia<00:05:14.930> we<00:05:15.930> are<00:05:16.080> a<00:05:16.110> nine<00:05:16.410> through Philadelphia we are a nine through Philadelphia we are a nine through twelve<00:05:16.950> public<00:05:17.610> school<00:05:17.910> but<00:05:18.690> we<00:05:18.840> do<00:05:19.020> school twelve public school but we do school twelve public school but we do school quite<00:05:19.530> differently<00:05:19.950> I<00:05:21.020> moved<00:05:22.020> there quite differently I moved there quite differently I moved there primarily<00:05:22.680> to<00:05:23.040> be<00:05:23.310> part<00:05:23.520> of<00:05:23.580> a<00:05:23.670> learning primarily to be part of a learning primarily to be part of a learning environment<00:05:24.030> that<00:05:24.680> validated<00:05:25.680> the<00:05:25.770> way<00:05:25.860> that environment that validated the way that environment that validated the way that I<00:05:26.040> knew<00:05:26.820> that<00:05:26.850> kids<00:05:27.390> learn<00:05:27.600> and<00:05:27.900> that<00:05:28.050> really I knew that kids learn and that really I knew that kids learn and that really wanted<00:05:29.520> to<00:05:29.670> investigate<00:05:30.240> what<00:05:30.390> was<00:05:30.420> possible wanted to investigate what was possible wanted to investigate what was possible when<00:05:31.740> you<00:05:31.830> were<00:05:31.920> willing<00:05:32.100> to<00:05:32.340> kind<00:05:32.460> of<00:05:32.550> let<00:05:32.730> go when you were willing to kind of let go when you were willing to kind of let go of<00:05:33.060> some<00:05:33.330> of<00:05:33.360> the<00:05:33.600> paradigms<00:05:34.080> of<00:05:34.290> the<00:05:34.410> past<00:05:34.650> of of some of the paradigms of the past of of some of the paradigms of the past of information<00:05:36.240> scarcity<00:05:36.600> when<00:05:37.080> my<00:05:37.230> grandmother information scarcity when my grandmother information scarcity when my grandmother was<00:05:37.860> in<00:05:38.040> school<00:05:38.430> and<00:05:38.580> when<00:05:38.670> my<00:05:38.850> father<00:05:39.060> was<00:05:39.390> in was in school and when my father was in was in school and when my father was in school<00:05:39.840> and<00:05:40.110> even<00:05:40.680> when<00:05:40.800> I<00:05:40.830> was<00:05:41.100> in<00:05:41.220> school school and even when I was in school school and even when I was in school into<00:05:41.760> a<00:05:41.790> moment<00:05:42.150> where<00:05:42.270> we<00:05:42.300> have<00:05:42.480> information into a moment where we have information into a moment where we have information surplus<00:05:43.470> and<00:05:43.740> so<00:05:44.550> what<00:05:44.700> do<00:05:44.760> you<00:05:44.820> do<00:05:45.000> when<00:05:45.210> the surplus and so what do you do when the surplus and so what do you do when the information<00:05:45.840> is<00:05:45.930> all<00:05:46.050> around<00:05:46.470> you<00:05:46.650> why<00:05:46.800> do<00:05:46.860> you information is all around you why do you information is all around you why do you have<00:05:47.160> kids<00:05:47.400> come<00:05:47.610> to<00:05:47.640> school<00:05:47.790> if<00:05:48.210> they<00:05:48.330> no have kids come to school if they no have kids come to school if they no longer<00:05:48.510> have<00:05:48.990> to<00:05:49.020> come<00:05:49.260> there<00:05:49.440> to<00:05:49.560> get<00:05:49.650> the longer have to come there to get the longer have to come there to get the information<00:05:50.210> in<00:05:51.210> Pennsylvania<00:05:51.990> we<00:05:52.050> have<00:05:52.200> in information in Pennsylvania we have in information in Pennsylvania we have in Philadelphia<00:05:53.220> we<00:05:53.280> have<00:05:53.310> a<00:05:53.490> one-to-one<00:05:53.580> laptop Philadelphia we have a one-to-one laptop Philadelphia we have a one-to-one laptop program<00:05:54.720> so<00:05:54.840> the<00:05:54.930> kids<00:05:55.140> are<00:05:55.320> bringing<00:05:55.740> in program so the kids are bringing in program so the kids are bringing in laptops<00:05:57.210> with<00:05:57.360> them<00:05:57.480> every<00:05:57.630> day<00:05:57.750> taking<00:05:58.020> them laptops with them every day taking them laptops with them every day taking them home<00:05:58.350> getting<00:05:58.680> access<00:05:58.980> to<00:05:59.040> information<00:05:59.160> and home getting access to information and home getting access to information and here's<00:06:01.020> the<00:06:01.230> thing<00:06:01.500> that<00:06:01.860> you<00:06:02.430> need<00:06:02.700> to<00:06:02.760> get here's the thing that you need to get here's the thing that you need to get comfortable<00:06:03.150> with<00:06:03.480> when<00:06:03.840> you've<00:06:03.960> given<00:06:04.470> the comfortable with when you've given the comfortable with when you've given the tool<00:06:05.310> to<00:06:05.580> acquire<00:06:05.880> information<00:06:06.540> to<00:06:06.660> students tool to acquire information to students tool to acquire information to students is<00:06:07.230> that<00:06:07.830> you<00:06:07.920> have<00:06:08.100> to<00:06:08.250> be<00:06:08.340> comfortable<00:06:08.910> with is that you have to be comfortable with is that you have to be comfortable with this<00:06:09.210> idea<00:06:09.630> of<00:06:09.900> allowing<00:06:10.200> kids<00:06:10.650> to<00:06:10.770> fail<00:06:11.100> as this idea of allowing kids to fail as this idea of allowing kids to fail as part<00:06:11.640> of<00:06:11.760> the<00:06:11.910> learning<00:06:12.120> process<00:06:13.550> we<00:06:14.550> deal part of the learning process we deal part of the learning process we deal right<00:06:15.090> now<00:06:15.120> in<00:06:15.480> the<00:06:15.600> educational<00:06:16.110> landscape right now in the educational landscape right now in the educational landscape with<00:06:16.800> an<00:06:17.040> it<00:06:17.460> just<00:06:17.490> an<00:06:17.790> infatuation<00:06:18.570> with<00:06:19.110> the with an it just an infatuation with the with an it just an infatuation with the culture<00:06:19.620> of<00:06:19.650> one<00:06:19.920> right<00:06:20.100> answer<00:06:20.340> that<00:06:20.610> can<00:06:20.730> be culture of one right answer that can be culture of one right answer that can be properly<00:06:21.240> bubbled<00:06:21.690> on<00:06:21.780> the<00:06:21.900> average properly bubbled on the average properly bubbled on the average multiple-choice<00:06:22.710> test<00:06:23.220> and<00:06:23.430> I<00:06:23.670> am<00:06:23.700> here<00:06:24.120> to multiple-choice test and I am here to multiple-choice test and I am here to share<00:06:24.480> with<00:06:24.690> you<00:06:24.870> it<00:06:25.050> is<00:06:25.560> not<00:06:25.590> learning<00:06:26.570> that share with you it is not learning that share with you it is not learning that is<00:06:28.170> the<00:06:28.710> absolute<00:06:29.520> wrong<00:06:29.850> thing<00:06:29.910> to<00:06:30.450> ask<00:06:30.600> to is the absolute wrong thing to ask to is the absolute wrong thing to ask to tell<00:06:31.170> kids<00:06:31.440> to<00:06:31.590> never<00:06:31.740> be<00:06:32.010> wrong<00:06:32.330> to<00:06:33.330> ask<00:06:33.480> them tell kids to never be wrong to ask them tell kids to never be wrong to ask them to<00:06:33.810> always<00:06:34.170> have<00:06:34.350> the<00:06:34.500> right<00:06:34.680> answer<00:06:35.040> doesn't to always have the right answer doesn't to always have the right answer doesn't allow<00:06:36.090> them<00:06:36.330> to<00:06:36.390> learn<00:06:37.430> so<00:06:38.430> we<00:06:38.610> did<00:06:38.730> this allow them to learn so we did this allow them to learn so we did this project<00:06:39.120> and<00:06:39.600> this<00:06:39.840> is<00:06:39.990> one<00:06:40.320> of<00:06:40.410> the<00:06:40.470> artifacts project and this is one of the artifacts project and this is one of the artifacts of<00:06:40.980> the<00:06:41.040> project<00:06:41.430> I<00:06:41.490> almost<00:06:41.670> never<00:06:41.910> show<00:06:42.180> them of the project I almost never show them of the project I almost never show them off<00:06:42.480> because<00:06:42.960> of<00:06:43.260> the<00:06:43.500> issue<00:06:43.710> of<00:06:44.040> the<00:06:44.340> idea<00:06:44.610> of off because of the issue of the idea of off because of the issue of the idea of failure<00:06:45.260> my<00:06:46.260> students<00:06:46.590> produce<00:06:46.740> these failure my students produce these failure my students produce these infographics<00:06:47.700> as<00:06:47.910> a<00:06:47.970> result<00:06:48.720> of<00:06:48.930> a<00:06:49.050> unit<00:06:49.380> that infographics as a result of a unit that infographics as a result of a unit that we we we decided<00:06:50.069> to<00:06:50.160> do<00:06:50.280> at<00:06:50.370> the<00:06:50.490> end<00:06:50.520> of<00:06:50.669> the<00:06:50.759> year decided to do at the end of the year decided to do at the end of the year responding<00:06:51.630> to<00:06:51.660> the<00:06:51.870> oil<00:06:52.020> spill<00:06:52.229> I<00:06:52.650> asked<00:06:53.400> them responding to the oil spill I asked them responding to the oil spill I asked them to<00:06:53.580> take<00:06:54.300> the<00:06:54.479> examples<00:06:54.900> that<00:06:54.960> we<00:06:55.080> were<00:06:55.169> seeing to take the examples that we were seeing to take the examples that we were seeing of<00:06:55.500> the<00:06:55.590> infographics<00:06:56.280> that<00:06:56.340> existed<00:06:56.940> you of the infographics that existed you of the infographics that existed you know<00:06:57.750> in<00:06:57.960> a<00:06:58.020> lot<00:06:58.139> of<00:06:58.169> mass<00:06:58.410> media<00:06:58.620> and<00:06:59.090> take<00:07:00.090> a know in a lot of mass media and take a know in a lot of mass media and take a look<00:07:00.330> at<00:07:00.449> what<00:07:00.660> were<00:07:00.750> the<00:07:00.810> interesting look at what were the interesting look at what were the interesting components<00:07:01.919> of<00:07:02.039> it<00:07:02.160> and<00:07:02.310> produce<00:07:02.819> one<00:07:03.030> for components of it and produce one for components of it and produce one for themselves<00:07:03.509> of<00:07:03.750> a<00:07:03.840> different<00:07:04.380> man-made themselves of a different man-made themselves of a different man-made disaster<00:07:05.699> from<00:07:05.880> American<00:07:06.270> history<00:07:06.389> and<00:07:06.720> they disaster from American history and they disaster from American history and they had<00:07:06.810> certain<00:07:07.310> criteria<00:07:08.310> to<00:07:08.430> do<00:07:08.550> it<00:07:08.690> they<00:07:09.690> were had certain criteria to do it they were had certain criteria to do it they were a<00:07:09.810> little<00:07:09.930> uncomfortable<00:07:10.289> with<00:07:10.560> it<00:07:10.650> because a little uncomfortable with it because a little uncomfortable with it because we<00:07:10.860> never<00:07:10.949> done<00:07:11.250> this<00:07:11.400> before<00:07:11.550> and<00:07:11.789> they we never done this before and they we never done this before and they didn't<00:07:12.120> know<00:07:12.210> exactly<00:07:12.479> how<00:07:12.720> to<00:07:12.810> do<00:07:12.990> it<00:07:13.110> they didn't know exactly how to do it they didn't know exactly how to do it they can<00:07:13.259> talk<00:07:13.680> they<00:07:14.039> are<00:07:14.190> very<00:07:15.000> smooth<00:07:15.330> and<00:07:15.569> they can talk they are very smooth and they can talk they are very smooth and they can<00:07:15.870> write<00:07:16.080> very<00:07:16.440> very<00:07:16.710> well<00:07:16.919> but<00:07:17.190> asking<00:07:17.910> them can write very very well but asking them can write very very well but asking them to<00:07:18.090> communicate<00:07:18.270> ideas<00:07:18.900> in<00:07:19.229> a<00:07:19.289> different<00:07:19.620> way to communicate ideas in a different way to communicate ideas in a different way was<00:07:20.370> a<00:07:20.400> little<00:07:20.639> uncomfortable<00:07:21.030> for<00:07:21.330> them<00:07:21.770> but was a little uncomfortable for them but was a little uncomfortable for them but I<00:07:22.800> gave<00:07:23.069> them<00:07:23.250> the<00:07:23.400> room<00:07:23.580> to<00:07:23.610> just<00:07:24.120> do<00:07:24.599> the I gave them the room to just do the I gave them the room to just do the thing<00:07:25.440> go<00:07:25.919> create<00:07:26.220> go<00:07:26.550> figure<00:07:26.759> it<00:07:26.849> out<00:07:26.940> let's thing go create go figure it out let's thing go create go figure it out let's let's<00:07:27.810> see<00:07:27.960> what<00:07:28.080> we<00:07:28.199> can<00:07:28.229> do<00:07:28.530> and<00:07:28.770> the<00:07:29.639> student let's see what we can do and the student let's see what we can do and the student that<00:07:30.110> persistently<00:07:31.110> turns<00:07:31.620> out<00:07:31.889> the<00:07:32.190> best that persistently turns out the best that persistently turns out the best visual<00:07:32.759> product<00:07:33.180> did<00:07:33.630> not<00:07:34.009> disappoint<00:07:35.009> this visual product did not disappoint this visual product did not disappoint this was<00:07:35.400> done<00:07:35.550> in<00:07:35.699> like<00:07:36.000> two<00:07:36.210> or<00:07:36.240> three<00:07:36.509> days<00:07:36.630> and was done in like two or three days and was done in like two or three days and this<00:07:37.620> is<00:07:37.770> the<00:07:37.889> work<00:07:38.039> of<00:07:38.220> the<00:07:38.430> student<00:07:38.759> that this is the work of the student that this is the work of the student that consistently<00:07:39.330> did<00:07:39.479> it<00:07:39.569> when<00:07:39.720> I<00:07:39.750> sat<00:07:39.960> the consistently did it when I sat the consistently did it when I sat the students<00:07:40.590> down<00:07:40.710> I<00:07:40.770> said<00:07:41.159> who's<00:07:41.610> got<00:07:41.819> the<00:07:41.909> best students down I said who's got the best students down I said who's got the best one<00:07:42.240> and<00:07:42.300> they<00:07:42.479> immediately<00:07:42.780> went<00:07:42.900> there<00:07:43.710> it one and they immediately went there it one and they immediately went there it is is is didn't<00:07:45.210> read<00:07:45.360> anything<00:07:45.599> there<00:07:46.139> it<00:07:46.229> is didn't read anything there it is didn't read anything there it is and<00:07:47.430> I<00:07:47.520> said<00:07:47.699> well<00:07:47.789> what<00:07:47.909> makes<00:07:48.030> it<00:07:48.180> great<00:07:48.330> in and I said well what makes it great in and I said well what makes it great in there<00:07:48.539> like<00:07:48.720> oh<00:07:48.810> the<00:07:49.050> design<00:07:49.319> is<00:07:49.470> good<00:07:49.620> and there like oh the design is good and there like oh the design is good and he's<00:07:49.830> using<00:07:50.069> good<00:07:50.159> color<00:07:50.400> and<00:07:50.520> they're he's using good color and they're he's using good color and they're submitting<00:07:51.449> it<00:07:51.569> and<00:07:51.690> they<00:07:51.750> went<00:07:51.870> through<00:07:51.990> all submitting it and they went through all submitting it and they went through all of<00:07:52.349> we<00:07:52.440> processed<00:07:52.889> out<00:07:53.039> loud<00:07:53.220> and<00:07:53.400> I<00:07:53.490> said<00:07:53.729> go of we processed out loud and I said go of we processed out loud and I said go read<00:07:54.900> it<00:07:55.080> and<00:07:55.500> they're<00:07:55.620> like<00:07:55.770> Oh<00:07:56.449> Alan<00:07:57.449> that read it and they're like Oh Alan that read it and they're like Oh Alan that one<00:07:58.199> wasn't<00:07:58.349> so<00:07:58.590> awesome<00:07:58.770> and<00:07:59.099> then<00:07:59.190> we<00:07:59.280> went one wasn't so awesome and then we went one wasn't so awesome and then we went to<00:07:59.490> another<00:07:59.580> one<00:07:59.940> he<00:08:00.030> didn't<00:08:00.240> have<00:08:00.330> good to another one he didn't have good to another one he didn't have good visuals<00:08:00.780> but<00:08:00.930> had<00:08:01.020> great<00:08:01.259> information<00:08:01.560> and visuals but had great information and visuals but had great information and spent<00:08:02.520> an<00:08:02.639> hour<00:08:02.729> talking<00:08:03.120> about<00:08:03.419> the<00:08:03.599> learning spent an hour talking about the learning spent an hour talking about the learning process<00:08:04.310> because<00:08:05.310> it<00:08:05.610> wasn't<00:08:05.940> about<00:08:06.030> whether process because it wasn't about whether process because it wasn't about whether or<00:08:06.930> not<00:08:07.050> it<00:08:07.229> was<00:08:07.349> perfect<00:08:07.800> or<00:08:07.919> whether<00:08:08.070> or<00:08:08.219> not or not it was perfect or whether or not or not it was perfect or whether or not it<00:08:08.490> was<00:08:08.550> what<00:08:08.759> I<00:08:08.789> could<00:08:08.940> create<00:08:09.419> it<00:08:09.719> asked<00:08:10.380> them it was what I could create it asked them it was what I could create it asked them to<00:08:10.800> create<00:08:11.070> for<00:08:11.370> themselves<00:08:11.520> and<00:08:12.060> it<00:08:12.719> allowed to create for themselves and it allowed to create for themselves and it allowed them<00:08:13.320> to<00:08:13.349> fail<00:08:14.060> process<00:08:15.060> learn<00:08:15.570> from<00:08:15.900> and<00:08:16.199> when them to fail process learn from and when them to fail process learn from and when we<00:08:17.039> do<00:08:17.159> another<00:08:17.400> round<00:08:17.610> of<00:08:17.820> this<00:08:17.880> in<00:08:18.180> my<00:08:18.300> class we do another round of this in my class we do another round of this in my class this<00:08:18.810> year<00:08:19.050> they<00:08:19.469> will<00:08:19.620> do<00:08:19.770> better<00:08:19.919> this<00:08:20.190> time this year they will do better this time this year they will do better this time because<00:08:21.509> learning<00:08:22.190> has<00:08:23.190> to<00:08:23.430> include<00:08:23.699> amount because learning has to include amount because learning has to include amount and<00:08:24.330> amount<00:08:24.719> of<00:08:24.930> failure<00:08:25.380> because<00:08:25.919> failure<00:08:25.949> is and amount of failure because failure is and amount of failure because failure is instructional<00:08:28.020> in<00:08:28.199> the<00:08:28.560> process<00:08:29.479> there<00:08:30.479> are<00:08:30.750> a instructional in the process there are a instructional in the process there are a million<00:08:31.889> pictures<00:08:32.279> that<00:08:33.270> I<00:08:33.300> could<00:08:33.659> click million pictures that I could click million pictures that I could click through<00:08:34.560> here<00:08:34.800> and<00:08:34.950> had<00:08:35.130> to<00:08:35.159> choose<00:08:35.490> carefully through here and had to choose carefully through here and had to choose carefully this<00:08:36.360> is<00:08:36.419> one<00:08:36.690> of<00:08:36.810> my<00:08:36.959> favourites<00:08:37.349> of<00:08:38.099> students this is one of my favourites of students this is one of my favourites of students learning<00:08:39.060> of<00:08:39.329> what<00:08:40.050> learning<00:08:40.200> can<00:08:40.589> look<00:08:40.800> like learning of what learning can look like learning of what learning can look like in<00:08:41.250> a<00:08:41.430> landscape<00:08:42.000> where<00:08:42.180> we<00:08:42.329> let<00:08:42.539> go<00:08:42.750> of<00:08:42.899> the in a landscape where we let go of the in a landscape where we let go of the idea<00:08:43.279> that<00:08:44.279> kids<00:08:45.180> have<00:08:45.360> to<00:08:45.390> come<00:08:45.600> to<00:08:45.690> school<00:08:45.779> to idea that kids have to come to school to idea that kids have to come to school to get<00:08:46.110> the<00:08:46.260> information<00:08:46.290> but<00:08:46.890> instead<00:08:47.220> ask<00:08:47.399> them get the information but instead ask them get the information but instead ask them what<00:08:47.700> they<00:08:47.790> can<00:08:47.850> do<00:08:48.060> with<00:08:48.180> it<00:08:48.209> ask<00:08:48.540> some<00:08:48.720> really what they can do with it ask some really what they can do with it ask some really interesting<00:08:49.320> questions<00:08:49.920> they<00:08:50.399> will<00:08:50.610> not interesting questions they will not interesting questions they will not disappoint<00:08:51.380> ask<00:08:52.380> them<00:08:52.709> to<00:08:53.100> go<00:08:53.339> to<00:08:53.399> places<00:08:54.089> to disappoint ask them to go to places to disappoint ask them to go to places to see<00:08:54.930> things<00:08:55.140> for<00:08:55.410> themselves<00:08:55.440> to<00:08:56.339> actually see things for themselves to actually see things for themselves to actually experience<00:08:57.360> the<00:08:57.690> learning<00:08:58.050> to<00:08:58.529> play<00:08:59.630> to experience the learning to play to experience the learning to play to inquire<00:09:01.430> this<00:09:02.430> is<00:09:02.640> one<00:09:02.790> of<00:09:02.910> my<00:09:03.029> favorite inquire this is one of my favorite inquire this is one of my favorite photos<00:09:04.020> because<00:09:04.230> this<00:09:04.530> was<00:09:04.680> taken<00:09:04.980> on<00:09:05.100> Tuesday photos because this was taken on Tuesday photos because this was taken on Tuesday when<00:09:05.670> I<00:09:05.700> asked<00:09:06.000> the<00:09:06.090> students<00:09:06.420> to<00:09:06.480> go<00:09:06.660> to<00:09:06.690> the when I asked the students to go to the when I asked the students to go to the polls<00:09:07.050> this<00:09:08.040> is<00:09:08.280> Robbie<00:09:08.550> and<00:09:08.880> this<00:09:09.240> was<00:09:09.390> his polls this is Robbie and this was his polls this is Robbie and this was his first<00:09:09.660> day<00:09:09.810> of<00:09:09.930> voting<00:09:10.140> and<00:09:10.500> he<00:09:11.070> wanted<00:09:11.370> to first day of voting and he wanted to first day of voting and he wanted to share<00:09:11.610> that<00:09:11.670> with<00:09:11.850> everybody<00:09:12.360> and<00:09:12.600> do<00:09:12.930> that share that with everybody and do that share that with everybody and do that but<00:09:13.380> this<00:09:13.500> is<00:09:13.710> learning<00:09:13.950> too<00:09:14.280> because<00:09:14.730> we but this is learning too because we but this is learning too because we asked<00:09:15.030> them<00:09:15.240> to<00:09:15.270> go<00:09:15.420> out<00:09:15.540> into<00:09:15.810> real<00:09:15.990> spaces

the<00:09:20.700> main<00:09:21.050> point<00:09:22.050> is<00:09:22.380> that<00:09:22.800> if<00:09:23.070> we<00:09:23.220> continue<00:09:24.230> to
the main point is that if we continue to the main point is that if we continue to look<00:09:25.410> at<00:09:25.560> education<00:09:25.680> as<00:09:26.310> if<00:09:26.700> it's<00:09:27.570> about look at education as if it's about look at education as if it's about coming<00:09:28.500> to<00:09:28.650> school<00:09:28.920> to<00:09:29.100> get<00:09:29.250> the<00:09:29.370> information coming to school to get the information coming to school to get the information and<00:09:30.150> not<00:09:31.020> about<00:09:31.740> experiential<00:09:32.370> learning and not about experiential learning and not about experiential learning empowering<00:09:33.810> student<00:09:34.290> voice<00:09:34.440> and<00:09:34.770> embracing empowering student voice and embracing empowering student voice and embracing failure<00:09:35.460> we're<00:09:35.970> missing<00:09:36.330> the<00:09:36.420> mark<00:09:36.570> and failure we're missing the mark and failure we're missing the mark and everything<00:09:37.410> that<00:09:38.040> everybody<00:09:38.670> is<00:09:38.850> talking everything that everybody is talking everything that everybody is talking about<00:09:39.330> today<00:09:39.630> isn't<00:09:40.620> possible<00:09:41.190> if<00:09:41.310> we<00:09:41.430> keep about today isn't possible if we keep about today isn't possible if we keep having<00:09:41.760> an<00:09:42.000> educational<00:09:42.570> system<00:09:42.780> that<00:09:43.140> does having an educational system that does having an educational system that does not<00:09:43.950> value<00:09:44.220> these<00:09:44.580> qualities<00:09:45.060> because<00:09:45.480> we not value these qualities because we not value these qualities because we won't<00:09:46.050> get<00:09:46.290> there<00:09:46.470> with<00:09:46.620> a<00:09:46.650> standardized<00:09:47.220> test won't get there with a standardized test won't get there with a standardized test and<00:09:47.670> we<00:09:47.910> won't<00:09:48.090> get<00:09:48.270> there<00:09:48.450> with<00:09:48.570> a<00:09:48.600> culture<00:09:48.960> of and we won't get there with a culture of and we won't get there with a culture of one<00:09:49.080> right<00:09:49.380> answer<00:09:49.560> we<00:09:50.400> know<00:09:50.610> how<00:09:50.790> to<00:09:50.850> do<00:09:51.060> this one right answer we know how to do this one right answer we know how to do this better<00:09:51.450> and<00:09:51.600> it's<00:09:51.960> time<00:09:52.200> to<00:09:52.380> do<00:09:52.470> better

Diana Laufenberg, TED, TEDx, TEDxMidAtlantic, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, teaching, education, learning

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