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How to topple a dictator - Srdja Popovic

How to topple a dictator - Srdja Popovic



good<00:00:16.680> afternoon<00:00:17.400> and<00:00:17.680> proud<00:00:17.920> to<00:00:18.039> be<00:00:18.279> here<00:00:18.600> on
good afternoon and proud to be here on good afternoon and proud to be here on tedex<00:00:19.240> krov<00:00:19.720> I'll<00:00:19.920> try<00:00:20.160> to<00:00:20.359> speak<00:00:20.600> a<00:00:20.720> little tedex krov I'll try to speak a little tedex krov I'll try to speak a little bit<00:00:21.080> today<00:00:21.920> about<00:00:22.080> a<00:00:22.279> phenomenon<00:00:23.000> which<00:00:23.359> can bit today about a phenomenon which can bit today about a phenomenon which can and<00:00:24.039> is<00:00:24.199> actually<00:00:24.439> changing<00:00:24.800> the<00:00:24.960> world<00:00:25.720> and and is actually changing the world and and is actually changing the world and whose<00:00:26.119> name<00:00:26.320> is<00:00:26.720> people<00:00:27.080> power<00:00:27.920> I'll<00:00:28.119> start whose name is people power I'll start whose name is people power I'll start with<00:00:28.480> the<00:00:28.599> anecdote<00:00:29.160> or<00:00:29.320> for<00:00:29.560> those<00:00:30.039> of<00:00:30.160> you with the anecdote or for those of you with the anecdote or for those of you who<00:00:30.640> are<00:00:30.800> Monti<00:00:31.240> python<00:00:31.599> lovers<00:00:32.119> a<00:00:32.279> Monti who are Monti python lovers a Monti who are Monti python lovers a Monti python<00:00:32.920> type<00:00:33.079> of<00:00:33.200> sketch<00:00:33.960> here<00:00:34.120> it<00:00:34.320> is<00:00:35.040> it<00:00:35.160> is python type of sketch here it is it is python type of sketch here it is it is December<00:00:35.879> 15<00:00:37.160> 2010<00:00:38.160> somebody<00:00:38.520> gives<00:00:38.719> you<00:00:38.840> a December 15 2010 somebody gives you a December 15 2010 somebody gives you a bet<00:00:39.520> you<00:00:39.600> will<00:00:39.800> look<00:00:39.960> at<00:00:40.079> a<00:00:40.280> crystal<00:00:40.680> ball<00:00:41.520> and bet you will look at a crystal ball and bet you will look at a crystal ball and you<00:00:41.760> will<00:00:41.920> see<00:00:42.120> the<00:00:42.239> future<00:00:42.640> future<00:00:42.920> will<00:00:43.079> be you will see the future future will be you will see the future future will be accurate<00:00:44.079> but<00:00:44.200> you<00:00:44.360> need<00:00:44.520> to<00:00:44.640> share<00:00:44.879> it<00:00:45.000> to<00:00:45.160> the accurate but you need to share it to the accurate but you need to share it to the world<00:00:45.920> okay<00:00:46.680> curiosity<00:00:47.120> to<00:00:47.239> kill<00:00:47.440> the<00:00:47.640> cat<00:00:48.199> you world okay curiosity to kill the cat you world okay curiosity to kill the cat you take<00:00:48.600> the<00:00:48.760> bat<00:00:49.280> you<00:00:49.440> look<00:00:49.600> at<00:00:49.719> the<00:00:49.840> crystal take the bat you look at the crystal take the bat you look at the crystal ball<00:00:50.760> one<00:00:50.960> hour<00:00:51.199> later<00:00:51.640> you're<00:00:51.920> sitting<00:00:52.199> in<00:00:52.320> a ball one hour later you're sitting in a ball one hour later you're sitting in a building<00:00:53.000> of<00:00:53.120> the<00:00:53.280> national<00:00:53.640> TV<00:00:54.199> in<00:00:54.359> a<00:00:54.559> top building of the national TV in a top building of the national TV in a top show<00:00:55.480> and<00:00:55.600> you<00:00:55.760> tell<00:00:56.000> the<00:00:56.199> story<00:00:56.920> before<00:00:57.280> the show and you tell the story before the show and you tell the story before the end<00:00:58.120> of end of end of 2011<00:01:00.039> Ben<00:01:00.320> Ali<00:01:00.879> and<00:01:01.039> Mubarak<00:01:01.920> and<00:01:02.600> Gaddafi 2011 Ben Ali and Mubarak and Gaddafi 2011 Ben Ali and Mubarak and Gaddafi would<00:01:03.440> be<00:01:03.600> down<00:01:04.280> and<00:01:04.840> prosecuted<00:01:05.840> Salah<00:01:06.320> of would be down and prosecuted Salah of would be down and prosecuted Salah of Yemen<00:01:07.080> and<00:01:07.280> Assad<00:01:07.680> of<00:01:07.880> Syria<00:01:08.400> would<00:01:08.600> be<00:01:08.799> either Yemen and Assad of Syria would be either Yemen and Assad of Syria would be either challenged<00:01:10.040> or<00:01:10.280> already<00:01:10.560> on<00:01:10.720> their<00:01:10.880> knees<00:01:11.840> AMA challenged or already on their knees AMA challenged or already on their knees AMA Bin<00:01:12.520> Laden<00:01:12.880> would<00:01:13.040> be<00:01:13.200> dead<00:01:13.920> and<00:01:14.080> ratom<00:01:14.560> ladich Bin Laden would be dead and ratom ladich Bin Laden would be dead and ratom ladich would<00:01:15.040> be<00:01:15.159> in<00:01:15.520> heck<00:01:16.520> I<00:01:16.680> know<00:01:16.840> the<00:01:16.960> anchor would be in heck I know the anchor would be in heck I know the anchor watches<00:01:17.920> you<00:01:18.080> with<00:01:18.200> a<00:01:18.360> strange<00:01:18.759> Gaze<00:01:18.960> on<00:01:19.159> his watches you with a strange Gaze on his watches you with a strange Gaze on his face<00:01:20.240> and<00:01:20.400> then<00:01:20.520> on<00:01:20.680> the<00:01:20.840> top<00:01:21.040> of<00:01:21.159> it<00:01:21.320> you<00:01:21.520> add face and then on the top of it you add face and then on the top of it you add and<00:01:22.280> thousands<00:01:22.720> of<00:01:22.840> the<00:01:23.000> young<00:01:23.280> people<00:01:23.920> from and thousands of the young people from and thousands of the young people from Athens<00:01:24.560> Madrid<00:01:24.920> and<00:01:25.079> New<00:01:25.320> York<00:01:25.880> will Athens Madrid and New York will Athens Madrid and New York will demonstrate<00:01:26.720> for<00:01:27.000> social<00:01:27.439> justice<00:01:27.960> claiming demonstrate for social justice claiming demonstrate for social justice claiming that<00:01:28.560> they<00:01:28.640> are<00:01:28.840> inspired<00:01:29.320> with<00:01:29.479> Arabs that they are inspired with Arabs that they are inspired with Arabs next<00:01:31.479> thing<00:01:31.640> you<00:01:31.799> know<00:01:32.439> two<00:01:32.640> guys<00:01:32.799> in<00:01:33.040> white next thing you know two guys in white next thing you know two guys in white appear<00:01:33.759> they<00:01:33.920> give<00:01:34.040> you<00:01:34.159> the<00:01:34.280> strange<00:01:35.079> t-shirt appear they give you the strange t-shirt appear they give you the strange t-shirt take<00:01:36.240> you<00:01:36.360> to<00:01:36.479> the<00:01:36.600> nearest<00:01:36.920> mental take you to the nearest mental take you to the nearest mental institution<00:01:38.320> so<00:01:38.520> I<00:01:38.600> would<00:01:38.759> like<00:01:38.920> to<00:01:39.040> speak<00:01:39.320> a institution so I would like to speak a institution so I would like to speak a little<00:01:39.759> bit<00:01:40.159> about<00:01:40.360> the<00:01:40.680> phenomenon<00:01:41.680> which<00:01:41.840> is little bit about the phenomenon which is little bit about the phenomenon which is behind<00:01:42.840> what<00:01:43.000> already<00:01:43.320> seems<00:01:43.600> to<00:01:43.720> be<00:01:43.920> the<00:01:44.159> very behind what already seems to be the very behind what already seems to be the very bad<00:01:44.799> year<00:01:45.280> for<00:01:45.479> a<00:01:45.640> bad<00:01:45.920> guys<00:01:46.600> and<00:01:46.759> this bad year for a bad guys and this bad year for a bad guys and this phenomenon<00:01:47.680> is<00:01:47.840> called<00:01:48.119> people phenomenon is called people phenomenon is called people power<00:01:50.079> well<00:01:50.360> people<00:01:50.680> power<00:01:51.000> has<00:01:51.159> been<00:01:51.399> there power well people power has been there power well people power has been there for<00:01:51.719> a<00:01:51.880> while<00:01:52.159> it<00:01:52.320> helped<00:01:52.600> Gandhi<00:01:53.000> kick<00:01:53.920> Brits for a while it helped Gandhi kick Brits for a while it helped Gandhi kick Brits from<00:01:54.479> India<00:01:55.159> it<00:01:55.280> helped<00:01:55.560> marur<00:01:56.119> King<00:01:56.560> wins from India it helped marur King wins from India it helped marur King wins historic<00:01:57.840> racial<00:01:58.280> struggle<00:01:59.240> it<00:01:59.439> helped<00:02:00.119> local historic racial struggle it helped local historic racial struggle it helped local La<00:02:00.920> Valena<00:02:01.600> to<00:02:01.840> kick<00:02:02.079> out<00:02:02.479> 1<00:02:02.799> million<00:02:03.280> Soviet La Valena to kick out 1 million Soviet La Valena to kick out 1 million Soviet troops<00:02:04.360> from<00:02:04.600> Poland<00:02:05.039> and<00:02:05.240> beginning<00:02:06.000> the<00:02:06.119> end troops from Poland and beginning the end troops from Poland and beginning the end of<00:02:06.479> the<00:02:06.600> Soviet<00:02:06.920> Union<00:02:07.600> as<00:02:07.799> we<00:02:07.920> know<00:02:08.080> it<00:02:08.440> so of the Soviet Union as we know it so of the Soviet Union as we know it so what's<00:02:08.879> new<00:02:09.280> in<00:02:09.440> it<00:02:10.440> what<00:02:10.640> seems<00:02:10.959> to<00:02:11.120> be<00:02:11.360> very what's new in it what seems to be very what's new in it what seems to be very new<00:02:12.000> which<00:02:12.120> is<00:02:12.239> the<00:02:12.400> idea<00:02:12.680> I<00:02:12.760> would<00:02:12.920> like<00:02:13.040> to new which is the idea I would like to new which is the idea I would like to share<00:02:13.400> with<00:02:13.520> you<00:02:13.680> today<00:02:14.360> that<00:02:14.560> there<00:02:14.680> is<00:02:14.800> a<00:02:15.120> set share with you today that there is a set share with you today that there is a set of<00:02:15.519> rules<00:02:15.920> and<00:02:16.280> skills<00:02:17.280> which<00:02:17.480> can<00:02:17.680> be<00:02:17.879> learned of rules and skills which can be learned of rules and skills which can be learned and<00:02:18.720> taught<00:02:19.480> in<00:02:19.640> order<00:02:19.959> to<00:02:20.160> perform and taught in order to perform and taught in order to perform successful<00:02:21.760> nonviolent<00:02:22.319> struggle<00:02:23.040> if<00:02:23.239> this successful nonviolent struggle if this successful nonviolent struggle if this is<00:02:23.560> true<00:02:24.280> we<00:02:24.400> can<00:02:24.560> help<00:02:24.800> this is true we can help this is true we can help this movement<00:02:26.800> well<00:02:27.080> first<00:02:27.319> one<00:02:28.120> analytic<00:02:28.760> skills movement well first one analytic skills movement well first one analytic skills try<00:02:30.319> where<00:02:30.519> it<00:02:30.640> all<00:02:30.879> started<00:02:31.239> in<00:02:31.360> the<00:02:31.480> Middle try where it all started in the Middle try where it all started in the Middle East<00:02:32.440> and<00:02:32.599> for<00:02:32.920> so<00:02:33.319> many<00:02:33.680> years<00:02:34.200> we<00:02:34.319> were East and for so many years we were East and for so many years we were living<00:02:35.200> with<00:02:35.480> completely<00:02:36.200> wrong<00:02:36.640> perception living with completely wrong perception living with completely wrong perception of<00:02:37.640> the<00:02:37.800> Middle<00:02:38.040> East<00:02:38.440> it<00:02:38.599> was<00:02:38.800> looking<00:02:39.080> like of the Middle East it was looking like of the Middle East it was looking like the<00:02:39.360> Frozen<00:02:39.760> region<00:02:40.599> literally<00:02:41.239> refrigerator the Frozen region literally refrigerator the Frozen region literally refrigerator and<00:02:42.319> there<00:02:42.440> were<00:02:42.599> only<00:02:42.840> two<00:02:43.040> types<00:02:43.239> of<00:02:43.360> meal and there were only two types of meal and there were only two types of meal there<00:02:44.560> steak<00:02:45.360> which<00:02:45.519> stands<00:02:45.920> for<00:02:46.080> a<00:02:46.519> Mubarak there steak which stands for a Mubarak there steak which stands for a Mubarak balii<00:02:47.720> type<00:02:47.959> of<00:02:48.480> military<00:02:49.040> police balii type of military police balii type of military police dictatorship<00:02:50.519> or<00:02:50.680> a<00:02:50.920> potato<00:02:51.680> which<00:02:51.840> stands dictatorship or a potato which stands dictatorship or a potato which stands for<00:02:52.360> Tean<00:02:52.800> type<00:02:53.000> of<00:02:53.319> theocracies<00:02:54.319> and for Tean type of theocracies and for Tean type of theocracies and everybody<00:02:55.200> was<00:02:55.400> amazed<00:02:55.920> when<00:02:56.120> the everybody was amazed when the everybody was amazed when the refrigerator<00:02:57.040> opened<00:02:57.640> and<00:02:57.879> millions<00:02:58.400> of refrigerator opened and millions of refrigerator opened and millions of young<00:02:59.319> mainly<00:02:59.800> secular<00:03:00.200> people<00:03:00.560> step<00:03:00.879> out<00:03:01.400> to young mainly secular people step out to young mainly secular people step out to do<00:03:01.720> the<00:03:01.879> change<00:03:02.519> guess<00:03:02.800> what<00:03:03.400> they<00:03:03.640> didn't do the change guess what they didn't do the change guess what they didn't watch<00:03:04.560> the<00:03:05.000> demographics<00:03:06.000> what<00:03:06.159> is<00:03:06.280> the watch the demographics what is the watch the demographics what is the average<00:03:06.720> age<00:03:06.879> of<00:03:07.000> Egyptian<00:03:07.440> 24<00:03:08.360> how<00:03:08.480> long<00:03:08.720> muak average age of Egyptian 24 how long muak average age of Egyptian 24 how long muak in<00:03:09.319> power<00:03:09.760> 31<00:03:10.760> so<00:03:11.599> this<00:03:11.920> system<00:03:12.440> just<00:03:12.879> obsolete in power 31 so this system just obsolete in power 31 so this system just obsolete they<00:03:13.879> expired<00:03:14.879> and<00:03:15.319> young<00:03:15.599> people<00:03:15.879> of<00:03:16.000> our they expired and young people of our they expired and young people of our world<00:03:16.560> have<00:03:16.760> awakened<00:03:17.200> one<00:03:17.360> morning<00:03:18.080> and world have awakened one morning and world have awakened one morning and understood<00:03:19.080> that<00:03:19.360> power<00:03:20.000> lies<00:03:20.360> in<00:03:20.519> their<00:03:20.760> hand understood that power lies in their hand understood that power lies in their hand the<00:03:21.599> rest<00:03:21.799> is<00:03:21.959> the<00:03:22.080> year<00:03:22.440> in<00:03:22.599> front<00:03:22.840> of<00:03:23.000> us<00:03:23.480> and the rest is the year in front of us and the rest is the year in front of us and guess<00:03:23.959> what<00:03:24.560> the<00:03:24.799> same<00:03:25.159> generation<00:03:25.760> Epsilon guess what the same generation Epsilon guess what the same generation Epsilon with<00:03:26.440> their<00:03:26.640> rules<00:03:27.159> with<00:03:27.280> their<00:03:27.519> tools<00:03:28.159> with with their rules with their tools with with their rules with their tools with their<00:03:28.519> games<00:03:29.239> and<00:03:29.360> with<00:03:29.480> their<00:03:29.799> language their games and with their language their games and with their language which<00:03:30.640> sounds<00:03:30.959> a<00:03:31.080> little<00:03:31.280> bit<00:03:31.480> strange<00:03:31.920> to<00:03:32.080> me which sounds a little bit strange to me which sounds a little bit strange to me I'm<00:03:32.959> 38<00:03:33.840> now<00:03:34.760> and<00:03:35.280> can<00:03:35.480> can<00:03:35.560> you<00:03:35.680> look<00:03:35.799> at<00:03:35.920> the I'm 38 now and can can you look at the I'm 38 now and can can you look at the age<00:03:36.159> on<00:03:36.319> the<00:03:36.439> people<00:03:36.680> of<00:03:36.760> the<00:03:36.840> streets<00:03:37.120> of age on the people of the streets of age on the people of the streets of Europe<00:03:38.200> seems<00:03:38.680> that<00:03:38.920> generation<00:03:39.680> Epsilon<00:03:40.640> is Europe seems that generation Epsilon is Europe seems that generation Epsilon is coming<00:03:42.319> now<00:03:43.159> let<00:03:43.280> me<00:03:43.480> set<00:03:44.280> another<00:03:44.640> example coming now let me set another example coming now let me set another example I'm<00:03:45.120> meeting<00:03:45.480> different<00:03:45.920> people<00:03:46.200> throughout I'm meeting different people throughout I'm meeting different people throughout the<00:03:46.680> world<00:03:47.200> and<00:03:47.360> they<00:03:47.480> are<00:03:47.720> you<00:03:47.840> know the world and they are you know the world and they are you know academics<00:03:48.760> and<00:03:49.000> professors<00:03:49.560> and<00:03:49.799> doctors<00:03:50.480> and academics and professors and doctors and academics and professors and doctors and they<00:03:50.760> will<00:03:50.959> always<00:03:51.239> talk<00:03:51.799> conditions<00:03:52.599> they they will always talk conditions they they will always talk conditions they will<00:03:52.840> say<00:03:53.159> people<00:03:53.599> power<00:03:53.920> will<00:03:54.159> work<00:03:54.560> only<00:03:54.799> if will say people power will work only if will say people power will work only if regime<00:03:55.280> is<00:03:55.400> not<00:03:55.560> too<00:03:55.720> oppressive<00:03:56.560> they<00:03:56.680> will regime is not too oppressive they will regime is not too oppressive they will say<00:03:57.239> people<00:03:57.599> power<00:03:57.920> will<00:03:58.120> work<00:03:58.519> if<00:03:58.680> the<00:03:58.840> annual say people power will work if the annual say people power will work if the annual income<00:03:59.480> of<00:03:59.599> the<00:03:59.720> the<00:03:59.840> countries<00:04:00.239> between<00:04:00.599> x income of the the countries between x income of the the countries between x and<00:04:01.640> z<00:04:02.200> they<00:04:02.280> will<00:04:02.439> say<00:04:02.680> people<00:04:03.000> power<00:04:03.280> will and z they will say people power will and z they will say people power will work<00:04:04.079> only<00:04:04.319> if<00:04:04.439> there<00:04:04.560> is<00:04:04.640> a<00:04:04.760> foreign<00:04:05.120> pressure work only if there is a foreign pressure work only if there is a foreign pressure they<00:04:05.799> will<00:04:05.920> say<00:04:06.159> people<00:04:06.480> power<00:04:06.720> will<00:04:06.920> work they will say people power will work they will say people power will work only<00:04:07.439> if<00:04:07.640> there<00:04:07.720> is<00:04:07.879> no<00:04:08.079> oil<00:04:08.799> and<00:04:08.920> I<00:04:09.000> mean<00:04:09.200> there only if there is no oil and I mean there only if there is no oil and I mean there is<00:04:09.400> a<00:04:09.599> set<00:04:09.799> of<00:04:10.159> conditions<00:04:11.360> well<00:04:12.360> the<00:04:12.519> news is a set of conditions well the news is a set of conditions well the news here<00:04:13.360> is<00:04:13.519> that<00:04:13.680> you<00:04:13.920> skills<00:04:14.360> bring<00:04:14.760> in<00:04:14.920> the here is that you skills bring in the here is that you skills bring in the conflict<00:04:16.000> seems<00:04:16.320> to<00:04:16.479> be<00:04:16.720> more<00:04:17.000> important<00:04:17.479> than conflict seems to be more important than conflict seems to be more important than the<00:04:17.959> conditions<00:04:18.840> namely<00:04:19.519> skills<00:04:19.880> of<00:04:20.079> unity the conditions namely skills of unity the conditions namely skills of unity planning<00:04:21.639> and<00:04:21.799> maintaining<00:04:22.400> nonviolent planning and maintaining nonviolent planning and maintaining nonviolent discipline<00:04:23.479> let<00:04:23.680> me<00:04:23.800> give<00:04:23.919> you<00:04:24.040> the<00:04:24.199> example discipline let me give you the example discipline let me give you the example I'm<00:04:25.040> coming<00:04:25.280> from<00:04:25.560> country<00:04:25.840> called<00:04:26.080> Serbia I'm coming from country called Serbia I'm coming from country called Serbia took<00:04:27.080> us<00:04:27.360> 10<00:04:27.759> years<00:04:28.520> to<00:04:28.720> unite<00:04:29.240> eight took us 10 years to unite eight took us 10 years to unite eight opposition<00:04:30.680> Party<00:04:31.000> leaders<00:04:31.520> with<00:04:31.680> their<00:04:31.960> big opposition Party leaders with their big opposition Party leaders with their big egos<00:04:32.960> behind<00:04:33.360> one<00:04:33.680> single<00:04:34.120> candidate<00:04:35.039> against egos behind one single candidate against egos behind one single candidate against Balan<00:04:36.039> dictator<00:04:36.400> Slobodan<00:04:36.880> mosovich<00:04:37.240> guess Balan dictator Slobodan mosovich guess Balan dictator Slobodan mosovich guess what<00:04:38.240> that<00:04:38.400> was<00:04:38.560> the<00:04:38.720> day<00:04:38.840> of<00:04:39.000> his<00:04:39.320> defeat<00:04:40.320> you what that was the day of his defeat you what that was the day of his defeat you look<00:04:40.639> at<00:04:40.800> the<00:04:40.919> Egyptians<00:04:41.479> day<00:04:41.680> five<00:04:41.960> on<00:04:42.120> Tak look at the Egyptians day five on Tak look at the Egyptians day five on Tak Square<00:04:43.160> they<00:04:43.320> get<00:04:43.560> rid<00:04:43.720> of<00:04:43.840> their<00:04:44.039> individual Square they get rid of their individual Square they get rid of their individual symbols<00:04:45.120> they<00:04:45.280> appear<00:04:45.520> on<00:04:45.639> the<00:04:45.759> street<00:04:46.080> only symbols they appear on the street only symbols they appear on the street only with<00:04:46.759> the<00:04:46.919> flag<00:04:47.479> of<00:04:47.639> Egypt<00:04:48.320> I<00:04:48.400> will<00:04:48.600> give<00:04:48.720> you with the flag of Egypt I will give you with the flag of Egypt I will give you Contra<00:04:49.560> example<00:04:50.199> you<00:04:50.360> see<00:04:50.680> nine<00:04:51.360> presidential Contra example you see nine presidential Contra example you see nine presidential candidates<00:04:52.400> running<00:04:52.759> against<00:04:53.000> lukashenko candidates running against lukashenko candidates running against lukashenko you<00:04:54.120> will<00:04:54.280> know<00:04:54.479> the<00:04:54.600> outcome<00:04:55.600> so<00:04:55.960> Unity<00:04:56.520> is<00:04:56.639> a you will know the outcome so Unity is a you will know the outcome so Unity is a big<00:04:57.199> thing<00:04:57.600> and<00:04:57.800> this<00:04:57.960> can<00:04:58.120> be<00:04:58.320> achieved<00:04:58.960> same big thing and this can be achieved same big thing and this can be achieved same with<00:04:59.280> plan with plan with plan somebody<00:05:00.520> have<00:05:00.720> lied<00:05:01.000> to<00:05:01.160> you<00:05:01.400> about<00:05:01.600> a somebody have lied to you about a somebody have lied to you about a successful<00:05:03.160> and<00:05:03.400> spontaneous<00:05:04.000> nonviolent successful and spontaneous nonviolent successful and spontaneous nonviolent Revolution<00:05:05.479> that<00:05:05.639> things<00:05:05.880> doesn't<00:05:06.240> exist<00:05:06.479> in Revolution that things doesn't exist in Revolution that things doesn't exist in the<00:05:06.720> world<00:05:07.280> whenever<00:05:07.720> you<00:05:07.880> see<00:05:08.520> young<00:05:08.880> people the world whenever you see young people the world whenever you see young people in<00:05:09.360> front<00:05:09.600> of<00:05:09.720> the<00:05:09.800> road<00:05:10.120> trying<00:05:10.400> to in front of the road trying to in front of the road trying to fraternize<00:05:11.320> with<00:05:11.440> the<00:05:11.560> police<00:05:11.800> or<00:05:12.000> military fraternize with the police or military fraternize with the police or military somebody<00:05:13.120> was<00:05:13.320> thinking<00:05:13.759> about<00:05:14.000> it<00:05:14.360> before somebody was thinking about it before somebody was thinking about it before now<00:05:15.600> at<00:05:15.720> the<00:05:15.800> end<00:05:15.960> the<00:05:16.080> nonviolent<00:05:16.680> discipline now at the end the nonviolent discipline now at the end the nonviolent discipline and<00:05:17.639> this<00:05:17.720> is<00:05:18.039> probably<00:05:18.800> the<00:05:19.000> game<00:05:19.240> changer<00:05:19.880> if and this is probably the game changer if and this is probably the game changer if you<00:05:20.199> maintain<00:05:21.000> nonviolent<00:05:21.600> discipline<00:05:22.319> you you maintain nonviolent discipline you you maintain nonviolent discipline you will<00:05:22.680> exclusively<00:05:23.240> win<00:05:24.240> you<00:05:24.400> have<00:05:24.800> 100,000 will exclusively win you have 100,000 will exclusively win you have 100,000 people<00:05:25.720> on<00:05:25.840> a<00:05:25.960> nonviolent<00:05:26.440> March<00:05:26.720> you<00:05:26.840> have people on a nonviolent March you have people on a nonviolent March you have one<00:05:27.280> idiot<00:05:27.639> or<00:05:27.800> agent<00:05:28.120> provocator<00:05:28.639> throwing one idiot or agent provocator throwing one idiot or agent provocator throwing Stone<00:05:29.639> guess<00:05:29.800> what<00:05:29.960> takes<00:05:30.199> all<00:05:30.360> the<00:05:30.479> cameras Stone guess what takes all the cameras Stone guess what takes all the cameras that<00:05:31.520> one<00:05:31.840> guy<00:05:32.319> one<00:05:32.520> single<00:05:32.880> act<00:05:33.039> of<00:05:33.199> violence that one guy one single act of violence that one guy one single act of violence can<00:05:33.840> literally<00:05:34.880> destroy<00:05:35.880> your<00:05:36.080> movement<00:05:36.840> now can literally destroy your movement now can literally destroy your movement now let<00:05:37.840> me<00:05:38.000> move<00:05:38.440> to<00:05:38.639> another<00:05:39.039> place<00:05:39.360> it's let me move to another place it's let me move to another place it's selection<00:05:40.000> of<00:05:40.199> strategies<00:05:40.680> and<00:05:40.919> tactics selection of strategies and tactics selection of strategies and tactics there<00:05:41.400> are<00:05:41.639> certain<00:05:42.080> rules<00:05:42.840> in<00:05:43.000> nonviolent there are certain rules in nonviolent there are certain rules in nonviolent struggle<00:05:44.199> you<00:05:44.360> may<00:05:44.560> follow<00:05:45.280> first<00:05:45.600> you<00:05:45.759> start struggle you may follow first you start struggle you may follow first you start small<00:05:47.039> second<00:05:47.440> you<00:05:47.639> pick<00:05:47.919> the<00:05:48.080> battles<00:05:48.560> you small second you pick the battles you small second you pick the battles you can<00:05:49.400> win<00:05:50.400> it's<00:05:50.560> only<00:05:51.240> 200<00:05:51.520> of<00:05:51.639> us<00:05:51.759> in<00:05:51.919> this<00:05:52.080> room can win it's only 200 of us in this room can win it's only 200 of us in this room we<00:05:52.440> won't<00:05:52.720> call<00:05:52.960> for<00:05:53.120> the<00:05:53.280> March<00:05:53.600> of<00:05:53.800> million we won't call for the March of million we won't call for the March of million but<00:05:55.039> what<00:05:55.319> if<00:05:55.479> we<00:05:55.639> organize<00:05:56.160> spraying but what if we organize spraying but what if we organize spraying graffiti<00:05:57.039> throughout<00:05:57.360> the<00:05:57.520> night<00:05:58.039> all<00:05:58.160> over graffiti throughout the night all over graffiti throughout the night all over krackov<00:05:58.880> City<00:05:59.720> the<00:05:59.880> city<00:06:00.160> will<00:06:00.360> know<00:06:00.759> so<00:06:00.919> we krackov City the city will know so we krackov City the city will know so we pick<00:06:01.360> the<00:06:01.600> tactics<00:06:02.479> which<00:06:02.720> accommodates<00:06:03.280> to pick the tactics which accommodates to pick the tactics which accommodates to the<00:06:03.560> event<00:06:04.280> especially<00:06:04.840> this<00:06:05.000> thing<00:06:05.199> we<00:06:05.360> call the event especially this thing we call the event especially this thing we call the<00:06:05.880> small<00:06:06.759> tactics<00:06:07.120> of<00:06:07.280> dispersion<00:06:08.120> they're the small tactics of dispersion they're the small tactics of dispersion they're very<00:06:09.080> useful<00:06:09.639> in<00:06:09.800> a<00:06:10.039> in<00:06:10.199> a<00:06:11.039> violent<00:06:11.440> oppression very useful in a in a violent oppression very useful in a in a violent oppression we<00:06:12.240> are<00:06:12.440> actually<00:06:12.759> witnessing<00:06:13.240> the<00:06:13.440> picture we are actually witnessing the picture we are actually witnessing the picture of<00:06:14.240> one<00:06:14.400> of<00:06:14.520> the<00:06:14.720> best<00:06:15.039> tactics<00:06:15.599> ever<00:06:15.880> used<00:06:16.400> it of one of the best tactics ever used it of one of the best tactics ever used it was<00:06:16.960> on<00:06:17.240> T<00:06:17.680> Square<00:06:18.400> where<00:06:18.680> International was on T Square where International was on T Square where International Community<00:06:19.960> was<00:06:20.360> constantly<00:06:20.880> frightened<00:06:21.560> that Community was constantly frightened that Community was constantly frightened that you<00:06:21.840> know<00:06:22.120> the<00:06:22.800> islamists<00:06:23.319> will<00:06:23.560> overtake<00:06:24.000> the you know the islamists will overtake the you know the islamists will overtake the revolution<00:06:24.880> what<00:06:25.080> they've<00:06:25.280> organized revolution what they've organized revolution what they've organized Christians<00:06:26.759> protecting<00:06:27.199> Muslims<00:06:27.639> where<00:06:27.840> they Christians protecting Muslims where they Christians protecting Muslims where they are<00:06:28.080> praying<00:06:28.680> Coptic<00:06:29.039> wedding<00:06:29.479> cheered<00:06:29.880> by are praying Coptic wedding cheered by are praying Coptic wedding cheered by thousands<00:06:30.400> of<00:06:30.599> Muslims<00:06:31.400> the<00:06:31.560> world<00:06:31.919> has<00:06:32.120> just thousands of Muslims the world has just thousands of Muslims the world has just changed<00:06:33.120> the<00:06:33.280> picture<00:06:33.639> but<00:06:33.759> somebody<00:06:34.160> was changed the picture but somebody was changed the picture but somebody was thinking<00:06:35.199> about<00:06:35.479> this<00:06:35.720> previously<00:06:36.440> so<00:06:36.599> there thinking about this previously so there thinking about this previously so there are<00:06:36.919> so<00:06:37.120> many<00:06:37.520> things<00:06:37.759> you<00:06:37.880> can<00:06:38.080> do<00:06:38.479> instead<00:06:38.759> of are so many things you can do instead of are so many things you can do instead of get<00:06:39.319> getting<00:06:39.639> into<00:06:39.919> one<00:06:40.199> place<00:06:40.880> shouting<00:06:41.639> and get getting into one place shouting and get getting into one place shouting and you<00:06:41.880> know<00:06:42.000> showing<00:06:42.440> off<00:06:42.840> in<00:06:43.000> front<00:06:43.639> of<00:06:43.800> the you know showing off in front of the you know showing off in front of the security security security forces<00:06:46.280> now<00:06:46.479> there<00:06:46.599> is<00:06:46.759> also<00:06:47.039> another<00:06:47.599> very forces now there is also another very forces now there is also another very important<00:06:48.400> Dynamics<00:06:49.240> and<00:06:49.400> this<00:06:49.520> is<00:06:49.759> Dynamics important Dynamics and this is Dynamics important Dynamics and this is Dynamics normally<00:06:51.039> analytics<00:06:51.560> don't<00:06:51.800> see<00:06:52.400> this<00:06:52.520> is normally analytics don't see this is normally analytics don't see this is Dynamics<00:06:53.280> between<00:06:53.720> fear<00:06:54.080> and<00:06:54.360> apathy<00:06:55.000> on<00:06:55.240> one Dynamics between fear and apathy on one Dynamics between fear and apathy on one side<00:06:56.199> and<00:06:56.440> enthusiasm<00:06:57.199> and<00:06:57.440> humor<00:06:57.960> on<00:06:58.160> another side and enthusiasm and humor on another side and enthusiasm and humor on another side<00:06:59.039> so<00:06:59.240> it<00:06:59.400> it<00:06:59.520> works<00:06:59.720> like<00:06:59.840> in<00:07:00.039> video<00:07:00.360> game side so it it works like in video game side so it it works like in video game you<00:07:01.000> have<00:07:01.120> a<00:07:01.280> fear<00:07:01.639> High<00:07:02.000> you<00:07:02.120> have<00:07:02.319> status<00:07:02.680> quo you have a fear High you have status quo you have a fear High you have status quo you<00:07:03.360> have<00:07:03.599> enthusiasm<00:07:04.360> higher<00:07:05.360> you<00:07:05.560> see<00:07:05.800> fear you have enthusiasm higher you see fear you have enthusiasm higher you see fear is<00:07:06.360> starting<00:07:06.720> melting<00:07:07.199> Day<00:07:07.479> to<00:07:07.680> you<00:07:07.800> see is starting melting Day to you see is starting melting Day to you see people<00:07:08.240> running<00:07:08.639> towards<00:07:09.160> police<00:07:09.960> in<00:07:10.319> standad people running towards police in standad people running towards police in standad from<00:07:11.599> the<00:07:11.759> police<00:07:12.120> in<00:07:12.280> Egypt<00:07:12.639> you<00:07:12.800> you<00:07:12.879> can from the police in Egypt you you can from the police in Egypt you you can tell<00:07:13.240> that<00:07:13.440> some<00:07:13.680> something<00:07:14.039> is<00:07:14.240> happening tell that some something is happening tell that some something is happening there<00:07:15.240> and<00:07:15.479> then<00:07:15.639> it's<00:07:15.840> about<00:07:16.039> the<00:07:16.240> humor there and then it's about the humor there and then it's about the humor humor<00:07:17.639> is<00:07:17.879> such<00:07:18.039> a<00:07:18.280> powerful<00:07:18.919> game<00:07:19.199> Cher<00:07:19.639> and humor is such a powerful game Cher and humor is such a powerful game Cher and of<00:07:19.879> course<00:07:20.039> it<00:07:20.160> was<00:07:20.360> very<00:07:20.560> big<00:07:20.759> in<00:07:20.960> Poland<00:07:21.639> and of course it was very big in Poland and of course it was very big in Poland and you<00:07:21.840> know<00:07:21.960> we<00:07:22.039> were<00:07:22.280> just<00:07:22.440> a<00:07:22.680> small<00:07:23.039> group<00:07:23.360> of you know we were just a small group of you know we were just a small group of crazy<00:07:23.879> students<00:07:24.240> in<00:07:24.440> Serbia<00:07:25.240> when<00:07:25.400> we<00:07:25.560> made crazy students in Serbia when we made crazy students in Serbia when we made this<00:07:26.720> big<00:07:26.960> skit<00:07:27.440> we<00:07:27.800> put<00:07:28.120> the<00:07:28.360> big<00:07:28.599> petrol this big skit we put the big petrol this big skit we put the big petrol Barrel Barrel Barrel with<00:07:30.000> a<00:07:30.319> you<00:07:30.440> know<00:07:30.879> portrait<00:07:31.440> picture<00:07:31.720> of<00:07:31.879> Mr with a you know portrait picture of Mr with a you know portrait picture of Mr President<00:07:32.720> on<00:07:32.919> it<00:07:33.400> in<00:07:33.520> the<00:07:33.599> middle<00:07:33.840> of<00:07:33.919> the President on it in the middle of the President on it in the middle of the mainstream<00:07:34.479> there<00:07:34.560> was<00:07:34.680> a<00:07:34.759> hole<00:07:34.960> on<00:07:35.080> the<00:07:35.280> top mainstream there was a hole on the top mainstream there was a hole on the top so<00:07:36.280> you<00:07:36.400> could<00:07:36.599> literally<00:07:37.039> come<00:07:37.639> put<00:07:37.800> the<00:07:38.000> coin so you could literally come put the coin so you could literally come put the coin in<00:07:38.879> get<00:07:39.120> the<00:07:39.280> baseball<00:07:39.720> bat<00:07:40.160> and<00:07:40.840> hit<00:07:41.120> his<00:07:41.479> face in get the baseball bat and hit his face in get the baseball bat and hit his face sounds<00:07:43.159> loud<00:07:44.159> and<00:07:44.400> within<00:07:44.680> the<00:07:44.840> minutes<00:07:45.280> we sounds loud and within the minutes we sounds loud and within the minutes we were<00:07:45.560> sitting<00:07:45.759> in<00:07:45.879> a<00:07:46.000> nearby<00:07:46.440> cafe<00:07:46.800> having were sitting in a nearby cafe having were sitting in a nearby cafe having coffee<00:07:47.720> and<00:07:47.840> there<00:07:47.960> was<00:07:48.120> a<00:07:48.560> clue<00:07:48.919> of<00:07:49.159> people coffee and there was a clue of people coffee and there was a clue of people waiting<00:07:50.000> to<00:07:50.159> do<00:07:50.440> this<00:07:50.680> lovely<00:07:51.159> thing<00:07:52.080> well waiting to do this lovely thing well waiting to do this lovely thing well that's<00:07:52.520> just<00:07:52.720> the<00:07:52.840> beginning<00:07:53.159> of<00:07:53.360> the<00:07:53.479> show that's just the beginning of the show that's just the beginning of the show the<00:07:54.039> real<00:07:54.240> show<00:07:54.560> starts<00:07:54.919> when<00:07:55.080> the<00:07:55.199> police the real show starts when the police the real show starts when the police appears<00:07:57.520> what<00:07:57.680> they<00:07:57.800> will<00:07:58.000> do<00:07:58.720> arrest<00:07:59.039> us<00:07:59.319> we appears what they will do arrest us we appears what they will do arrest us we are<00:07:59.520> nowhere<00:07:59.759> to<00:07:59.879> be<00:07:59.960> seen<00:08:00.199> we<00:08:00.280> are<00:08:00.440> like<00:08:00.599> three are nowhere to be seen we are like three are nowhere to be seen we are like three blocks<00:08:01.159> away<00:08:01.520> observing<00:08:01.960> it<00:08:02.120> from<00:08:02.280> our<00:08:02.639> you blocks away observing it from our you blocks away observing it from our you know<00:08:02.960> Espresso<00:08:03.479> Bar<00:08:04.400> arrest<00:08:04.800> the<00:08:04.960> Shoppers know Espresso Bar arrest the Shoppers know Espresso Bar arrest the Shoppers with<00:08:05.759> kids<00:08:06.440> doesn't<00:08:06.800> make<00:08:06.960> sense<00:08:07.639> of<00:08:07.800> course with kids doesn't make sense of course with kids doesn't make sense of course you<00:08:08.199> could<00:08:08.400> bet<00:08:08.759> they've<00:08:08.960> done<00:08:09.120> the<00:08:09.199> most you could bet they've done the most you could bet they've done the most stupid<00:08:09.840> thing<00:08:10.159> they<00:08:10.319> arrested<00:08:10.680> the<00:08:10.879> barl<00:08:11.879> and stupid thing they arrested the barl and stupid thing they arrested the barl and now<00:08:12.280> the<00:08:12.479> picture<00:08:12.960> of<00:08:13.080> the<00:08:13.280> smashed<00:08:13.800> face<00:08:14.039> on now the picture of the smashed face on now the picture of the smashed face on the<00:08:14.319> barel<00:08:14.720> with<00:08:14.840> the<00:08:14.960> policeman<00:08:15.400> drugging the barel with the policeman drugging the barel with the policeman drugging them<00:08:15.960> to<00:08:16.120> the<00:08:16.240> police<00:08:16.560> car<00:08:17.199> that<00:08:17.360> was<00:08:17.560> the<00:08:17.800> best them to the police car that was the best them to the police car that was the best day<00:08:18.599> for<00:08:18.800> the<00:08:18.960> photographers<00:08:19.560> from day for the photographers from day for the photographers from newspapers<00:08:20.360> that<00:08:20.520> they<00:08:20.720> ever<00:08:20.960> will<00:08:21.240> have<00:08:22.080> so<00:08:22.240> I newspapers that they ever will have so I newspapers that they ever will have so I mean<00:08:22.639> this<00:08:22.879> these<00:08:23.039> are<00:08:23.280> the<00:08:23.400> things<00:08:23.639> you<00:08:23.759> can mean this these are the things you can mean this these are the things you can do<00:08:24.400> and<00:08:24.520> you<00:08:24.599> can<00:08:24.759> always<00:08:25.000> use<00:08:25.159> the<00:08:25.280> humor do and you can always use the humor do and you can always use the humor there<00:08:25.720> is<00:08:25.879> also<00:08:26.080> one<00:08:26.360> big<00:08:26.639> thing<00:08:26.840> about<00:08:27.000> the there is also one big thing about the there is also one big thing about the humor<00:08:28.080> it<00:08:28.280> really<00:08:28.599> hurts<00:08:29.360> because<00:08:29.800> these<00:08:30.120> guys humor it really hurts because these guys humor it really hurts because these guys really<00:08:30.960> are<00:08:31.240> taking<00:08:31.759> themselves<00:08:32.039> too really are taking themselves too really are taking themselves too seriously<00:08:33.399> when<00:08:33.519> you<00:08:33.640> start<00:08:33.880> to<00:08:34.000> mock<00:08:34.320> them<00:08:34.599> it seriously when you start to mock them it seriously when you start to mock them it hurts<00:08:36.680> now<00:08:37.320> everybody's<00:08:37.880> talking<00:08:38.240> about<00:08:38.519> his hurts now everybody's talking about his hurts now everybody's talking about his majesty<00:08:39.240> the<00:08:39.399> internet<00:08:40.320> and<00:08:40.479> it<00:08:40.599> is<00:08:40.760> also<00:08:40.959> a majesty the internet and it is also a majesty the internet and it is also a very<00:08:41.240> useful<00:08:41.640> skill<00:08:42.640> and<00:08:43.080> but<00:08:43.360> don't<00:08:43.640> rush<00:08:44.120> to very useful skill and but don't rush to very useful skill and but don't rush to label<00:08:44.880> things<00:08:45.240> like<00:08:45.480> Facebook<00:08:45.920> Revolution label things like Facebook Revolution label things like Facebook Revolution Twitter<00:08:47.000> Revolution<00:08:47.800> don't<00:08:48.120> mix<00:08:48.560> tools<00:08:49.560> with Twitter Revolution don't mix tools with Twitter Revolution don't mix tools with a<00:08:50.240> substance<00:08:51.240> it<00:08:51.360> is<00:08:51.600> true<00:08:51.920> that<00:08:52.240> internet<00:08:52.640> and a substance it is true that internet and a substance it is true that internet and New<00:08:52.959> Media<00:08:53.399> are<00:08:53.680> very<00:08:53.959> useful<00:08:54.760> in<00:08:54.959> making New Media are very useful in making New Media are very useful in making things<00:08:55.680> faster<00:08:56.440> and<00:08:56.600> cheaper<00:08:57.320> they<00:08:57.480> make<00:08:57.640> it things faster and cheaper they make it things faster and cheaper they make it also<00:08:58.079> a<00:08:58.200> bit<00:08:58.560> safer<00:08:58.920> for<00:08:59.160> for<00:08:59.320> the also a bit safer for for the also a bit safer for for the participants<00:09:00.079> because<00:09:00.320> they<00:09:00.480> give<00:09:00.760> the<00:09:00.920> part participants because they give the part participants because they give the part of<00:09:01.320> homity<00:09:02.320> we<00:09:02.440> are<00:09:02.560> watching<00:09:02.880> the<00:09:03.200> great of homity we are watching the great of homity we are watching the great example<00:09:03.959> of<00:09:04.120> something<00:09:04.440> else<00:09:04.760> internet<00:09:05.160> can example of something else internet can example of something else internet can do<00:09:06.000> it<00:09:06.160> can<00:09:06.360> put<00:09:06.640> the<00:09:06.880> price<00:09:07.360> stag<00:09:07.920> of<00:09:08.079> state do it can put the price stag of state do it can put the price stag of state sponsored<00:09:09.000> violence<00:09:09.519> over<00:09:09.800> nonviolent sponsored violence over nonviolent sponsored violence over nonviolent protester<00:09:11.160> this<00:09:11.279> is<00:09:11.480> famous<00:09:11.839> group<00:09:12.079> we<00:09:12.200> are protester this is famous group we are protester this is famous group we are all<00:09:12.519> khed<00:09:12.880> s<00:09:13.600> made<00:09:13.880> by<00:09:14.040> while<00:09:14.279> gim<00:09:14.600> in<00:09:14.720> Egypt all khed s made by while gim in Egypt all khed s made by while gim in Egypt and<00:09:15.200> his<00:09:15.360> friend<00:09:16.000> this<00:09:16.120> is<00:09:16.279> the<00:09:16.480> mutilated and his friend this is the mutilated and his friend this is the mutilated face<00:09:17.600> of<00:09:17.760> the<00:09:17.920> guy<00:09:18.120> who<00:09:18.240> was<00:09:18.440> beaten<00:09:18.839> by<00:09:19.000> the face of the guy who was beaten by the face of the guy who was beaten by the police<00:09:19.920> this<00:09:20.040> is<00:09:20.200> how<00:09:20.399> he<00:09:20.600> became<00:09:20.920> the<00:09:21.120> public police this is how he became the public police this is how he became the public and<00:09:21.800> this<00:09:21.920> is<00:09:22.079> what<00:09:22.399> probably<00:09:22.839> became<00:09:23.240> the and this is what probably became the and this is what probably became the stro<00:09:24.200> which<00:09:24.360> broke<00:09:24.720> camel's<00:09:25.160> back<00:09:26.040> but<00:09:26.240> here stro which broke camel's back but here stro which broke camel's back but here is<00:09:26.519> also<00:09:26.720> the<00:09:26.880> bad<00:09:27.079> news<00:09:27.720> the<00:09:27.839> nonviolent is also the bad news the nonviolent is also the bad news the nonviolent struggle<00:09:28.760> is<00:09:28.880> win<00:09:29.440> in<00:09:29.600> the<00:09:29.760> real<00:09:30.000> world<00:09:30.399> in<00:09:30.519> the struggle is win in the real world in the struggle is win in the real world in the streets<00:09:31.480> you<00:09:31.600> will<00:09:31.880> never<00:09:32.360> change<00:09:33.360> your streets you will never change your streets you will never change your Society<00:09:34.279> towards<00:09:34.680> democracy<00:09:35.680> or<00:09:35.839> you<00:09:35.959> know Society towards democracy or you know Society towards democracy or you know economics<00:09:37.160> if<00:09:37.279> you<00:09:37.440> sit<00:09:37.720> down<00:09:37.959> and<00:09:38.160> click economics if you sit down and click economics if you sit down and click there<00:09:39.120> are<00:09:39.320> risks<00:09:39.640> to<00:09:39.800> be<00:09:39.959> taken<00:09:40.399> and<00:09:40.519> there there are risks to be taken and there there are risks to be taken and there are<00:09:40.800> living<00:09:41.279> people<00:09:41.560> who<00:09:41.680> are<00:09:41.800> winning<00:09:42.640> this are living people who are winning this are living people who are winning this struggle<00:09:44.399> well<00:09:44.680> million<00:09:45.000> dollar<00:09:45.320> question struggle well million dollar question struggle well million dollar question what<00:09:45.959> will<00:09:46.160> happen<00:09:46.399> in<00:09:46.560> the<00:09:46.680> Arab<00:09:46.959> world<00:09:47.959> and what will happen in the Arab world and what will happen in the Arab world and though<00:09:48.440> young<00:09:48.800> people<00:09:49.120> from<00:09:49.399> Arab<00:09:49.640> world<00:09:49.880> were though young people from Arab world were though young people from Arab world were pretty<00:09:50.519> successful<00:09:51.200> in<00:09:51.360> bringing<00:09:51.720> down<00:09:51.920> tree pretty successful in bringing down tree pretty successful in bringing down tree dictators<00:09:53.320> shaking<00:09:53.880> the dictators shaking the dictators shaking the region<00:09:55.680> kind<00:09:55.839> of<00:09:56.160> persuading<00:09:56.959> clever<00:09:57.360> Kings region kind of persuading clever Kings region kind of persuading clever Kings from<00:09:57.839> Jordan<00:09:58.160> and<00:09:58.320> Morocco<00:09:58.720> doing from Jordan and Morocco doing from Jordan and Morocco doing substantial<00:09:59.680> reforms<00:10:00.680> it<00:10:00.839> is<00:10:01.120> yet<00:10:01.320> to<00:10:01.519> be<00:10:01.720> seen substantial reforms it is yet to be seen substantial reforms it is yet to be seen what<00:10:02.600> will<00:10:02.800> be<00:10:03.399> the<00:10:03.760> outcome<00:10:04.760> whether<00:10:05.079> the what will be the outcome whether the what will be the outcome whether the Egyptians<00:10:05.880> and<00:10:06.079> tunisians<00:10:06.600> will<00:10:06.800> make<00:10:06.920> it Egyptians and tunisians will make it Egyptians and tunisians will make it through<00:10:07.320> the<00:10:07.560> transition<00:10:08.560> or<00:10:08.839> this<00:10:08.959> will<00:10:09.160> end through the transition or this will end through the transition or this will end in<00:10:09.760> bloody<00:10:10.160> ethnic<00:10:10.519> and<00:10:10.720> religious<00:10:11.320> conflicts in bloody ethnic and religious conflicts in bloody ethnic and religious conflicts whether<00:10:12.600> the<00:10:13.040> syrians<00:10:14.040> will<00:10:14.279> maintain whether the syrians will maintain whether the syrians will maintain nonviolent nonviolent nonviolent discipline<00:10:17.640> faced<00:10:18.079> with<00:10:18.200> a<00:10:18.399> brutal<00:10:18.920> daily discipline faced with a brutal daily discipline faced with a brutal daily violence<00:10:19.720> which<00:10:19.880> kills<00:10:20.240> thousands<00:10:20.760> already violence which kills thousands already violence which kills thousands already or<00:10:21.480> they<00:10:21.560> will<00:10:21.760> slip<00:10:22.079> in<00:10:22.160> a<00:10:22.320> violent<00:10:22.680> struggle or they will slip in a violent struggle or they will slip in a violent struggle and<00:10:23.640> make<00:10:24.120> ugly<00:10:24.920> Civil and make ugly Civil and make ugly Civil War<00:10:27.959> will<00:10:28.279> this<00:10:28.519> revolution<00:10:29.320> be<00:10:29.720> hold<00:10:30.160> like War will this revolution be hold like War will this revolution be hold like through<00:10:30.519> the<00:10:30.640> Transitions<00:10:31.120> and<00:10:31.320> democracy<00:10:31.839> or through the Transitions and democracy or through the Transitions and democracy or be<00:10:32.240> overtaken<00:10:32.880> by<00:10:33.079> military<00:10:33.920> or<00:10:34.200> extremist<00:10:34.720> of be overtaken by military or extremist of be overtaken by military or extremist of all<00:10:35.079> kind<00:10:36.040> we<00:10:36.160> cannot all kind we cannot all kind we cannot tell<00:10:38.160> same<00:10:38.399> works<00:10:38.720> for<00:10:38.959> the<00:10:39.320> Western<00:10:39.839> sector tell same works for the Western sector tell same works for the Western sector where<00:10:40.399> you<00:10:40.480> can<00:10:40.600> see<00:10:40.839> all<00:10:41.000> of<00:10:41.120> these<00:10:41.360> excited where you can see all of these excited where you can see all of these excited young<00:10:42.040> people<00:10:42.440> protesting<00:10:43.000> around<00:10:43.240> the<00:10:43.360> world young people protesting around the world young people protesting around the world occupying<00:10:44.240> this<00:10:44.920> occupying<00:10:45.760> that<00:10:46.760> are<00:10:46.959> they occupying this occupying that are they occupying this occupying that are they going<00:10:47.399> to<00:10:47.639> become<00:10:48.320> the<00:10:48.480> world<00:10:48.839> wave<00:10:49.440> are<00:10:49.639> they going to become the world wave are they going to become the world wave are they going<00:10:50.079> to<00:10:50.279> find<00:10:50.680> their<00:10:50.959> skills<00:10:51.839> their going to find their skills their going to find their skills their enthusiasm<00:10:53.399> and<00:10:53.560> their<00:10:54.120> strategy<00:10:55.120> to<00:10:55.399> find enthusiasm and their strategy to find enthusiasm and their strategy to find what<00:10:56.000> they<00:10:56.200> really<00:10:56.480> want<00:10:56.920> and<00:10:57.120> push<00:10:57.320> for<00:10:57.519> the what they really want and push for the what they really want and push for the reform<00:10:58.399> or<00:10:58.600> they<00:10:58.720> would<00:10:58.880> just<00:10:59.079> just<00:10:59.320> stay reform or they would just just stay reform or they would just just stay complaining<00:11:00.720> about<00:11:00.959> the<00:11:01.120> endless<00:11:01.800> list<00:11:02.800> of complaining about the endless list of complaining about the endless list of the<00:11:03.399> things<00:11:03.720> they<00:11:04.279> hate<00:11:05.279> this<00:11:05.399> is<00:11:05.560> the the things they hate this is the the things they hate this is the difference<00:11:06.440> between<00:11:07.200> to<00:11:07.519> town<00:11:08.040> now<00:11:08.880> what<00:11:09.040> the difference between to town now what the difference between to town now what the statistics<00:11:09.839> has<00:11:10.839> my<00:11:11.000> friend's<00:11:11.440> book<00:11:11.720> Maria statistics has my friend's book Maria statistics has my friend's book Maria Stefan's<00:11:12.639> book<00:11:13.360> talks<00:11:13.680> a<00:11:13.800> lot<00:11:14.040> about<00:11:14.279> the Stefan's book talks a lot about the Stefan's book talks a lot about the violent<00:11:14.800> and<00:11:14.920> nonviolent<00:11:15.440> struggle<00:11:16.120> and violent and nonviolent struggle and violent and nonviolent struggle and there<00:11:16.360> are<00:11:16.680> some<00:11:17.200> shocking<00:11:18.200> data<00:11:18.800> if<00:11:18.920> you<00:11:19.079> look there are some shocking data if you look there are some shocking data if you look at<00:11:19.440> the<00:11:19.760> last<00:11:20.120> 35<00:11:20.839> years<00:11:21.200> and<00:11:21.399> different at the last 35 years and different at the last 35 years and different social<00:11:22.160> transitions<00:11:23.079> from<00:11:23.279> dictatorship<00:11:23.839> to social transitions from dictatorship to social transitions from dictatorship to democracy<00:11:24.880> you<00:11:24.959> will<00:11:25.160> see<00:11:25.480> that<00:11:25.800> out<00:11:25.959> of<00:11:26.279> 67 democracy you will see that out of 67 democracy you will see that out of 67 different<00:11:27.560> cases<00:11:28.320> in<00:11:28.519> 50<00:11:29.120> of<00:11:29.240> these<00:11:29.440> cases<00:11:29.800> it different cases in 50 of these cases it different cases in 50 of these cases it was<00:11:30.200> nonviolent<00:11:31.040> struggle<00:11:32.040> which<00:11:32.560> was<00:11:33.160> the was nonviolent struggle which was the was nonviolent struggle which was the key<00:11:34.079> power<00:11:35.079> this<00:11:35.240> is<00:11:35.639> one<00:11:35.800> more<00:11:36.079> reason<00:11:36.399> to key power this is one more reason to key power this is one more reason to look<00:11:36.760> at<00:11:36.880> this<00:11:37.120> phenomenon<00:11:37.680> this<00:11:37.760> is<00:11:37.920> one<00:11:38.120> more look at this phenomenon this is one more look at this phenomenon this is one more reason<00:11:38.680> to<00:11:38.880> look<00:11:39.040> at<00:11:39.200> the<00:11:39.360> generation<00:11:40.279> Epsilon reason to look at the generation Epsilon reason to look at the generation Epsilon enough<00:11:41.560> for<00:11:41.760> me<00:11:42.000> to<00:11:42.200> give<00:11:42.360> them<00:11:42.680> credits<00:11:43.279> and enough for me to give them credits and enough for me to give them credits and hope<00:11:44.440> that<00:11:44.600> they<00:11:44.720> will<00:11:45.000> find<00:11:45.399> their<00:11:45.839> skills hope that they will find their skills hope that they will find their skills and<00:11:47.000> their<00:11:47.240> courage<00:11:48.079> to<00:11:48.240> use<00:11:48.440> the<00:11:48.560> nonviolent and their courage to use the nonviolent and their courage to use the nonviolent struggle<00:11:49.880> and<00:11:50.160> thus<00:11:50.720> fix<00:11:51.079> at<00:11:51.240> least<00:11:51.480> the<00:11:51.720> part struggle and thus fix at least the part struggle and thus fix at least the part of<00:11:52.120> the<00:11:52.240> mess<00:11:52.720> our<00:11:53.040> generation<00:11:53.519> is<00:11:53.639> making<00:11:53.959> in of the mess our generation is making in of the mess our generation is making in this<00:11:54.320> world<00:11:55.079> thank


Srdja Popvoci, TED, TEDx, TEDxKrakow, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, 2011, Arab, Spring, resistence, Serbia

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