Làm thế nào để phơi bày tham nhũng – Peter Eigen

How to expose the corrupt - Peter Eigen

How to expose the corrupt - Peter Eigen


I'm<00:00:15.770> going<00:00:16.070> to<00:00:16.160> speak<00:00:16.400> about<00:00:16.550> corruption<00:00:16.970> but
I'm going to speak about corruption but I'm going to speak about corruption but I<00:00:17.300> would<00:00:17.510> like<00:00:17.630> to<00:00:17.800> drug<00:00:18.800> suppose<00:00:19.420> two I would like to drug suppose two I would like to drug suppose two different<00:00:20.840> things<00:00:21.710> one<00:00:22.300> is<00:00:23.300> the<00:00:24.200> large<00:00:24.670> global different things one is the large global different things one is the large global economy<00:00:27.020> the<00:00:27.290> large<00:00:27.560> globalized<00:00:28.369> economy<00:00:28.869> and economy the large globalized economy and economy the large globalized economy and the<00:00:30.800> other<00:00:30.950> one<00:00:31.189> is<00:00:31.730> a<00:00:31.790> small<00:00:32.300> and<00:00:32.660> very the other one is a small and very the other one is a small and very limited<00:00:33.370> capacity<00:00:34.370> of<00:00:35.060> our<00:00:35.239> traditional limited capacity of our traditional limited capacity of our traditional governments<00:00:36.860> and<00:00:37.100> their<00:00:37.700> international governments and their international governments and their international institutions<00:00:39.020> to<00:00:39.309> govern<00:00:40.309> to<00:00:40.700> shape<00:00:41.120> this institutions to govern to shape this institutions to govern to shape this economy<00:00:42.410> because<00:00:43.400> it<00:00:43.730> is<00:00:43.850> this<00:00:44.710> this<00:00:46.480> this economy because it is this this this economy because it is this this this asymmetry<00:00:48.110> which<00:00:49.120> creates<00:00:50.120> basically asymmetry which creates basically asymmetry which creates basically failing<00:00:51.650> governance<00:00:52.540> failing<00:00:53.540> governance<00:00:53.840> in failing governance failing governance in failing governance failing governance in many<00:00:54.140> areas<00:00:54.560> in<00:00:55.010> the<00:00:55.160> area<00:00:55.400> of<00:00:55.550> corruption<00:00:56.090> in many areas in the area of corruption in many areas in the area of corruption in the<00:00:56.420> area<00:00:56.720> of<00:00:57.190> destruction<00:00:58.190> of<00:00:58.310> the the area of destruction of the the area of destruction of the environment<00:00:58.610> in<00:00:59.300> the<00:00:59.390> area<00:00:59.660> of<00:00:59.920> rotation<00:01:00.920> of environment in the area of rotation of environment in the area of rotation of women<00:01:01.490> and<00:01:01.640> children<00:01:02.000> in<00:01:02.480> the<00:01:03.200> area<00:01:03.350> of women and children in the area of women and children in the area of climate<00:01:05.659> change<00:01:06.140> in<00:01:07.040> all<00:01:07.250> the<00:01:07.430> areas<00:01:07.850> in<00:01:07.880> which climate change in all the areas in which climate change in all the areas in which we<00:01:08.180> really<00:01:08.689> need<00:01:08.960> a<00:01:10.570> capacity<00:01:11.570> to<00:01:12.880> reintroduce we really need a capacity to reintroduce we really need a capacity to reintroduce the<00:01:14.689> primacy<00:01:15.380> of<00:01:15.609> politics<00:01:16.929> into<00:01:17.929> the<00:01:18.710> economy the primacy of politics into the economy the primacy of politics into the economy which<00:01:19.579> is<00:01:19.819> operating<00:01:20.479> in<00:01:20.630> a<00:01:20.749> in<00:01:20.960> a<00:01:21.439> worldwide which is operating in a in a worldwide which is operating in a in a worldwide arena<00:01:23.560> and<00:01:24.560> I<00:01:24.710> think<00:01:24.950> corruption<00:01:25.700> and<00:01:26.119> the arena and I think corruption and the arena and I think corruption and the fight<00:01:26.929> against<00:01:27.319> corruption<00:01:27.710> and<00:01:28.009> the<00:01:28.310> impact fight against corruption and the impact fight against corruption and the impact of<00:01:28.969> corruption<00:01:29.240> it's<00:01:29.869> probably<00:01:30.200> one<00:01:30.350> of<00:01:30.380> the of corruption it's probably one of the of corruption it's probably one of the most<00:01:30.819> interesting<00:01:31.819> ways<00:01:32.030> to<00:01:32.569> illustrate<00:01:33.249> what most interesting ways to illustrate what most interesting ways to illustrate what I<00:01:34.280> mean<00:01:34.399> with<00:01:34.999> this<00:01:35.179> failure<00:01:35.990> of<00:01:36.289> governance I mean with this failure of governance I mean with this failure of governance let<00:01:38.689> me<00:01:38.810> talk<00:01:39.020> about<00:01:39.049> my<00:01:39.439> own<00:01:39.969> experience<00:01:40.969> I let me talk about my own experience I let me talk about my own experience I used<00:01:42.200> to<00:01:42.409> work<00:01:42.590> as<00:01:42.889> the<00:01:43.850> director<00:01:44.299> of<00:01:44.329> the used to work as the director of the used to work as the director of the World<00:01:44.840> Bank<00:01:45.139> office<00:01:45.530> in<00:01:46.100> Nairobi<00:01:46.880> for<00:01:47.139> for World Bank office in Nairobi for for World Bank office in Nairobi for for East<00:01:48.319> Africa<00:01:48.859> at<00:01:49.819> that<00:01:49.999> time<00:01:50.270> I<00:01:50.630> noticed<00:01:51.289> that East Africa at that time I noticed that East Africa at that time I noticed that corruption<00:01:52.670> that<00:01:53.090> brand<00:01:53.569> corruption<00:01:54.200> there corruption that brand corruption there corruption that brand corruption there systemic<00:01:55.729> corruption<00:01:55.929> was<00:01:56.929> undermining systemic corruption was undermining systemic corruption was undermining everything<00:01:58.189> we<00:01:58.670> were<00:01:58.819> trying<00:01:59.090> to<00:01:59.270> do<00:01:59.420> and everything we were trying to do and everything we were trying to do and therefore<00:02:01.039> I<00:02:01.340> began<00:02:02.029> to<00:02:02.509> not<00:02:02.719> only<00:02:02.959> try<00:02:03.859> to therefore I began to not only try to therefore I began to not only try to protect<00:02:05.240> the<00:02:06.200> work<00:02:06.350> of<00:02:06.619> the<00:02:07.279> World<00:02:07.549> Bank<00:02:07.789> our protect the work of the World Bank our protect the work of the World Bank our own<00:02:08.420> projects<00:02:09.110> our<00:02:09.229> own<00:02:09.380> programs<00:02:09.979> against own projects our own programs against own projects our own programs against corruption<00:02:10.640> but<00:02:11.180> in<00:02:11.330> general<00:02:11.690> I<00:02:11.840> thought<00:02:12.110> we corruption but in general I thought we corruption but in general I thought we need<00:02:13.010> a<00:02:13.340> system<00:02:14.180> to<00:02:14.420> protect<00:02:15.140> the<00:02:15.470> people<00:02:15.860> in need a system to protect the people in need a system to protect the people in this<00:02:16.490> part<00:02:16.760> of<00:02:16.819> the<00:02:17.000> world<00:02:17.590> from<00:02:18.590> the<00:02:18.940> ravages this part of the world from the ravages this part of the world from the ravages of<00:02:20.000> corruption<00:02:20.630> and<00:02:20.920> as<00:02:21.920> soon<00:02:22.130> as<00:02:22.310> I<00:02:22.400> started of corruption and as soon as I started of corruption and as soon as I started this<00:02:22.970> work this work this work I<00:02:24.099> received<00:02:25.099> a<00:02:25.280> memorandum<00:02:25.849> from<00:02:26.090> the<00:02:26.269> World I received a memorandum from the World I received a memorandum from the World Bank<00:02:26.540> from<00:02:27.379> the<00:02:27.500> legal<00:02:27.799> department<00:02:27.920> first<00:02:28.489> in Bank from the legal department first in Bank from the legal department first in which<00:02:28.940> they<00:02:29.120> said<00:02:29.330> you<00:02:29.450> are<00:02:29.569> not<00:02:29.690> allowed<00:02:29.750> to which they said you are not allowed to which they said you are not allowed to do<00:02:30.260> this<00:02:30.470> you<00:02:31.340> are<00:02:31.400> meddling<00:02:31.790> in<00:02:32.030> the<00:02:32.120> internal do this you are meddling in the internal do this you are meddling in the internal affairs<00:02:32.690> of<00:02:33.230> our<00:02:33.319> partner<00:02:33.799> countries<00:02:34.269> this<00:02:35.269> is affairs of our partner countries this is affairs of our partner countries this is forbidden<00:02:36.290> by<00:02:36.560> the<00:02:36.620> charter<00:02:37.280> of<00:02:37.310> the<00:02:37.430> World forbidden by the charter of the World forbidden by the charter of the World Bank<00:02:37.970> so<00:02:38.480> I<00:02:38.510> want<00:02:38.930> you<00:02:39.019> to<00:02:39.080> stop<00:02:39.580> doing<00:02:40.580> this Bank so I want you to stop doing this Bank so I want you to stop doing this in<00:02:41.690> the<00:02:41.870> mean<00:02:42.049> time<00:02:42.349> I<00:02:42.650> was<00:02:42.860> chairing<00:02:43.819> donor in the mean time I was chairing donor in the mean time I was chairing donor meetings<00:02:44.690> for<00:02:44.930> instance<00:02:45.319> in<00:02:45.950> which<00:02:46.099> the meetings for instance in which the meetings for instance in which the various<00:02:46.700> donors<00:02:46.970> and<00:02:47.540> many<00:02:47.690> of<00:02:47.840> them<00:02:48.019> like<00:02:48.230> to various donors and many of them like to various donors and many of them like to be<00:02:48.620> in<00:02:49.340> Nairobi<00:02:49.879> it<00:02:50.599> is<00:02:50.750> true<00:02:51.079> it<00:02:51.319> is<00:02:51.349> one<00:02:51.650> of be in Nairobi it is true it is one of be in Nairobi it is true it is one of the<00:02:51.890> unsafest<00:02:52.510> cities<00:02:53.510> of<00:02:53.720> the<00:02:53.840> world<00:02:53.989> but the unsafest cities of the world but the unsafest cities of the world but they<00:02:54.709> like<00:02:54.890> to<00:02:55.069> be<00:02:55.220> there<00:02:55.430> because<00:02:55.670> the<00:02:55.970> other they like to be there because the other they like to be there because the other cities<00:02:56.510> are<00:02:57.319> even<00:02:57.620> less<00:02:57.769> comfortable<00:02:58.700> and<00:02:58.970> in cities are even less comfortable and in cities are even less comfortable and in these<00:02:59.900> donor<00:03:00.170> meetings<00:03:00.680> I<00:03:00.920> noticed<00:03:01.400> that<00:03:01.700> many these donor meetings I noticed that many these donor meetings I noticed that many of<00:03:02.209> the<00:03:02.390> worst<00:03:02.750> projects<00:03:03.349> which<00:03:03.470> were<00:03:03.650> put of the worst projects which were put of the worst projects which were put forward<00:03:04.489> by<00:03:05.329> our<00:03:05.590> clients<00:03:06.590> by<00:03:06.859> the forward by our clients by the forward by our clients by the governments<00:03:07.549> by<00:03:08.150> promoters<00:03:09.160> many<00:03:10.160> often governments by promoters many often governments by promoters many often representing<00:03:11.599> the<00:03:11.870> suppliers<00:03:12.680> from<00:03:12.890> the representing the suppliers from the representing the suppliers from the north<00:03:13.190> that<00:03:14.000> the<00:03:14.150> worst<00:03:14.359> projects<00:03:14.989> we<00:03:15.560> are north that the worst projects we are north that the worst projects we are realized<00:03:16.790> first<00:03:17.180> let<00:03:18.170> me<00:03:18.260> give<00:03:18.410> you<00:03:18.500> an realized first let me give you an realized first let me give you an example<00:03:18.920> a<00:03:19.220> huge<00:03:19.489> power<00:03:20.390> project<00:03:21.040> 300<00:03:22.040> million example a huge power project 300 million example a huge power project 300 million dollars<00:03:23.920> to<00:03:24.920> be<00:03:25.069> built<00:03:25.310> smack<00:03:26.030> into<00:03:26.269> one<00:03:26.510> of dollars to be built smack into one of dollars to be built smack into one of the<00:03:26.750> most<00:03:26.959> vulnerable<00:03:27.230> and<00:03:27.829> one<00:03:28.040> of<00:03:28.190> those the most vulnerable and one of those the most vulnerable and one of those beautiful<00:03:29.090> areas<00:03:29.480> of<00:03:30.250> western<00:03:31.250> Kenya<00:03:31.609> and<00:03:32.540> we beautiful areas of western Kenya and we beautiful areas of western Kenya and we all<00:03:33.160> noticed<00:03:34.160> immediately<00:03:34.400> that<00:03:34.730> this all noticed immediately that this all noticed immediately that this project<00:03:35.510> had<00:03:35.630> no<00:03:35.870> economic<00:03:36.709> benefits<00:03:37.489> it<00:03:38.120> had project had no economic benefits it had project had no economic benefits it had no<00:03:38.450> clients<00:03:38.750> nobody<00:03:39.319> would<00:03:39.530> buy<00:03:39.709> the no clients nobody would buy the no clients nobody would buy the electricity<00:03:40.849> there<00:03:41.359> nobody<00:03:41.750> was<00:03:41.900> interested electricity there nobody was interested electricity there nobody was interested in<00:03:42.410> irrigation<00:03:42.859> projects<00:03:43.489> to<00:03:44.030> the<00:03:44.150> contrary in irrigation projects to the contrary in irrigation projects to the contrary we<00:03:44.750> knew<00:03:44.959> that<00:03:45.739> this<00:03:45.919> project<00:03:46.370> will<00:03:46.489> destroy we knew that this project will destroy we knew that this project will destroy the<00:03:47.150> environment<00:03:47.419> that<00:03:47.840> would<00:03:47.989> destroy the environment that would destroy the environment that would destroy riparian<00:03:49.609> forests<00:03:50.359> which<00:03:50.569> were<00:03:50.720> the<00:03:50.870> basis riparian forests which were the basis riparian forests which were the basis for<00:03:51.769> the<00:03:51.980> survival<00:03:52.609> of<00:03:52.840> nomadic<00:03:53.840> groups for the survival of nomadic groups for the survival of nomadic groups Samburu<00:03:55.220> and<00:03:55.810> the<00:03:56.810> Turkana<00:03:57.230> in<00:03:57.500> this<00:03:57.680> area<00:03:58.040> so Samburu and the Turkana in this area so Samburu and the Turkana in this area so everybody<00:03:59.239> knew<00:03:59.480> this<00:03:59.720> is<00:03:59.900> a<00:04:00.079> not<00:04:00.590> a<00:04:00.620> useless everybody knew this is a not a useless everybody knew this is a not a useless project<00:04:01.579> this<00:04:01.730> is<00:04:01.880> an<00:04:02.000> absolutely<00:04:02.419> damaging<00:04:02.989> a project this is an absolutely damaging a project this is an absolutely damaging a terrible<00:04:03.769> project<00:04:04.160> not<00:04:04.910> to<00:04:05.030> speak<00:04:05.269> about terrible project not to speak about terrible project not to speak about future<00:04:06.079> indebtedness<00:04:07.010> of<00:04:07.310> the<00:04:07.459> country<00:04:07.819> for future indebtedness of the country for future indebtedness of the country for these<00:04:08.510> hundreds<00:04:08.930> of<00:04:09.019> millions<00:04:09.410> of<00:04:09.530> dollars these hundreds of millions of dollars these hundreds of millions of dollars and<00:04:10.310> the<00:04:10.690> siphoning<00:04:11.690> off<00:04:11.919> of<00:04:12.919> the<00:04:13.099> scarce and the siphoning off of the scarce and the siphoning off of the scarce resources<00:04:14.180> of<00:04:14.389> the<00:04:14.510> economy<00:04:14.989> from<00:04:15.590> much<00:04:15.950> more resources of the economy from much more resources of the economy from much more important<00:04:17.269> activities<00:04:17.479> like<00:04:18.169> schools<00:04:18.590> like important activities like schools like important activities like schools like hospitals<00:04:19.579> and<00:04:19.789> so<00:04:19.910> on<00:04:20.030> and<00:04:20.900> yet<00:04:21.199> we<00:04:22.099> all hospitals and so on and yet we all hospitals and so on and yet we all rejected<00:04:22.910> this<00:04:23.120> project<00:04:23.660> none<00:04:24.229> of<00:04:24.260> the<00:04:24.500> donors rejected this project none of the donors rejected this project none of the donors was<00:04:25.070> willing<00:04:25.430> to<00:04:25.610> have<00:04:26.479> their<00:04:26.780> name<00:04:26.960> connected was willing to have their name connected was willing to have their name connected with with with and<00:04:27.960> it<00:04:28.500> was<00:04:28.650> the<00:04:28.770> first<00:04:28.980> project<00:04:29.430> to<00:04:29.550> be and it was the first project to be and it was the first project to be implemented<00:04:30.270> the<00:04:30.900> good<00:04:31.110> projects<00:04:31.650> which<00:04:31.770> we implemented the good projects which we implemented the good projects which we as<00:04:32.280> donor<00:04:32.550> community<00:04:33.090> will<00:04:33.270> take<00:04:33.480> under<00:04:33.660> our as donor community will take under our as donor community will take under our wings wings wings they<00:04:35.400> took<00:04:35.610> years<00:04:35.970> we<00:04:36.630> had<00:04:36.870> do<00:04:37.410> many<00:04:37.650> studies they took years we had do many studies they took years we had do many studies and<00:04:38.389> very<00:04:39.389> often<00:04:39.600> they<00:04:40.169> didn't<00:04:40.440> succeed<00:04:40.620> but and very often they didn't succeed but and very often they didn't succeed but he's<00:04:41.850> bad<00:04:42.180> products<00:04:42.810> which<00:04:43.410> we<00:04:43.620> are he's bad products which we are he's bad products which we are absolutely<00:04:44.490> damaging<00:04:45.240> for<00:04:45.419> the<00:04:45.540> economy<00:04:45.990> for absolutely damaging for the economy for absolutely damaging for the economy for many<00:04:46.410> generations<00:04:46.620> for<00:04:47.310> the<00:04:47.340> environment<00:04:48.030> for many generations for the environment for many generations for the environment for thousands<00:04:49.110> of<00:04:49.200> families<00:04:49.260> who<00:04:49.800> had<00:04:50.220> to<00:04:50.340> be thousands of families who had to be thousands of families who had to be resettled<00:04:51.180> they<00:04:51.840> were<00:04:52.080> suddenly<00:04:52.410> put resettled they were suddenly put resettled they were suddenly put together<00:04:53.040> by<00:04:53.880> consortia together by consortia together by consortia of<00:04:54.889> banks<00:04:55.889> of<00:04:56.540> supplier<00:04:57.540> agencies<00:04:58.290> of of banks of supplier agencies of of banks of supplier agencies of insurance<00:05:00.419> agencies<00:05:01.020> like<00:05:01.230> in<00:05:01.380> Germany insurance agencies like in Germany insurance agencies like in Germany aramis<00:05:02.340> and<00:05:02.580> so<00:05:02.730> on<00:05:02.910> and<00:05:03.120> they<00:05:03.540> came<00:05:03.720> back<00:05:03.960> very aramis and so on and they came back very aramis and so on and they came back very very<00:05:04.350> quickly<00:05:04.700> driven<00:05:05.700> by<00:05:06.450> an<00:05:06.660> unholy very quickly driven by an unholy very quickly driven by an unholy alliance<00:05:07.230> between<00:05:08.100> the<00:05:09.470> powerful<00:05:10.470> elites<00:05:11.070> in alliance between the powerful elites in alliance between the powerful elites in the<00:05:11.850> countries<00:05:12.300> there<00:05:12.600> and<00:05:12.900> the<00:05:13.650> suppliers the countries there and the suppliers the countries there and the suppliers from<00:05:14.760> the<00:05:14.940> north from the north from the north now<00:05:15.990> these<00:05:16.169> suppliers<00:05:16.590> were<00:05:17.010> our<00:05:17.490> big now these suppliers were our big now these suppliers were our big companies<00:05:18.690> three<00:05:19.500> we<00:05:19.680> are<00:05:19.770> the<00:05:19.890> actors<00:05:20.340> of companies three we are the actors of companies three we are the actors of this<00:05:20.700> global<00:05:21.240> market<00:05:22.110> which<00:05:22.470> I<00:05:22.650> mentioned<00:05:23.070> in this global market which I mentioned in this global market which I mentioned in the<00:05:23.310> beginning<00:05:23.400> they<00:05:24.330> were<00:05:24.419> the<00:05:24.690> Simmons's<00:05:25.320> of the beginning they were the Simmons's of the beginning they were the Simmons's of this<00:05:25.830> world<00:05:26.419> coming<00:05:27.419> from<00:05:27.570> France<00:05:27.870> from<00:05:28.320> the this world coming from France from the this world coming from France from the UK<00:05:28.800> from<00:05:29.100> Japan<00:05:29.550> from<00:05:29.850> Canada<00:05:30.330> from<00:05:30.930> Germany UK from Japan from Canada from Germany UK from Japan from Canada from Germany and<00:05:31.620> they<00:05:32.340> were<00:05:32.490> systematically<00:05:33.030> driven<00:05:33.840> by and they were systematically driven by and they were systematically driven by systematic<00:05:35.850> large-scale<00:05:36.600> corruption<00:05:36.810> and systematic large-scale corruption and systematic large-scale corruption and you<00:05:37.979> are<00:05:38.040> not<00:05:38.160> talking<00:05:38.580> about<00:05:39.229> fifty<00:05:40.229> thousand you are not talking about fifty thousand you are not talking about fifty thousand dollars<00:05:40.950> here<00:05:41.310> or<00:05:41.340> a<00:05:41.520> hundred<00:05:41.820> thousand dollars here or a hundred thousand dollars here or a hundred thousand dollars<00:05:42.450> there<00:05:42.690> over<00:05:42.960> 1<00:05:43.140> million<00:05:43.350> dollars dollars there over 1 million dollars dollars there over 1 million dollars there<00:05:43.979> no<00:05:44.850> we<00:05:45.030> are<00:05:45.120> talking<00:05:45.210> about<00:05:45.419> 10<00:05:45.750> million there no we are talking about 10 million there no we are talking about 10 million 20<00:05:46.530> million<00:05:46.740> dollars<00:05:47.220> on<00:05:47.580> the<00:05:48.120> Swiss<00:05:48.360> bank 20 million dollars on the Swiss bank 20 million dollars on the Swiss bank accounts<00:05:49.140> on<00:05:49.289> the<00:05:49.500> bank<00:05:49.890> accounts<00:05:50.280> of accounts on the bank accounts of accounts on the bank accounts of Liechtenstein<00:05:51.000> of<00:05:51.979> the<00:05:52.979> president's Liechtenstein of the president's Liechtenstein of the president's ministers<00:05:54.840> the<00:05:55.500> high<00:05:55.830> officials<00:05:56.400> in<00:05:56.700> the ministers the high officials in the ministers the high officials in the parastatal<00:05:57.300> sectors<00:05:57.810> this<00:05:58.740> was<00:05:58.950> a<00:05:58.979> reality parastatal sectors this was a reality parastatal sectors this was a reality which<00:05:59.789> I<00:05:59.940> saw<00:06:00.210> not<00:06:00.570> only<00:06:00.870> one<00:06:01.080> project<00:06:01.350> like which I saw not only one project like which I saw not only one project like that<00:06:01.979> I<00:06:02.160> saw<00:06:02.880> I<00:06:03.180> would<00:06:03.780> say<00:06:03.990> over<00:06:04.590> the<00:06:04.620> years<00:06:04.740> I that I saw I would say over the years I that I saw I would say over the years I worked<00:06:05.729> in<00:06:05.880> Africa<00:06:06.360> for<00:06:06.600> hundreds<00:06:07.110> of worked in Africa for hundreds of worked in Africa for hundreds of projects<00:06:07.650> like<00:06:07.830> this<00:06:08.010> and<00:06:08.220> so<00:06:09.060> I<00:06:09.090> became projects like this and so I became projects like this and so I became convinced<00:06:10.650> that<00:06:10.890> it<00:06:11.700> is<00:06:11.820> this<00:06:12.390> systemic convinced that it is this systemic convinced that it is this systemic corruption<00:06:13.550> which<00:06:14.550> is<00:06:14.580> perverting<00:06:15.330> economic corruption which is perverting economic corruption which is perverting economic policymaking<00:06:16.620> in<00:06:16.919> these<00:06:17.070> countries<00:06:17.520> which<00:06:18.090> is policymaking in these countries which is policymaking in these countries which is the<00:06:18.360> main<00:06:19.080> reason<00:06:19.890> for<00:06:20.340> the<00:06:20.940> misery<00:06:21.300> as<00:06:22.050> a the main reason for the misery as a the main reason for the misery as a poverty<00:06:22.770> for<00:06:23.640> the<00:06:23.789> conflicts<00:06:24.419> for<00:06:24.630> the poverty for the conflicts for the poverty for the conflicts for the violence<00:06:25.190> for<00:06:26.190> the<00:06:26.220> desperation<00:06:26.729> in<00:06:27.150> many<00:06:27.510> of violence for the desperation in many of violence for the desperation in many of these<00:06:27.780> countries<00:06:29.270> that<00:06:30.270> we<00:06:30.419> have<00:06:30.570> today<00:06:30.750> more these countries that we have today more these countries that we have today more than<00:06:31.650> a<00:06:31.919> billion<00:06:32.280> people<00:06:32.310> but<00:06:32.760> we<00:06:32.910> know<00:06:33.060> the than a billion people but we know the than a billion people but we know the absolute<00:06:33.810> poverty<00:06:34.470> line<00:06:34.770> that<00:06:35.039> we absolute poverty line that we absolute poverty line that we more<00:06:36.140> than<00:06:36.260> a<00:06:36.320> billion<00:06:36.590> people<00:06:36.950> without more than a billion people without more than a billion people without proper<00:06:37.610> drinking<00:06:38.180> water<00:06:38.420> in<00:06:38.600> the<00:06:38.720> world<00:06:38.960> twice proper drinking water in the world twice proper drinking water in the world twice that<00:06:40.070> number<00:06:40.990> to<00:06:41.990> more<00:06:42.380> than<00:06:42.500> two<00:06:42.710> billion that number to more than two billion that number to more than two billion people<00:06:43.220> without<00:06:43.550> sanitation<00:06:44.390> and<00:06:44.540> so<00:06:44.720> on<00:06:44.900> and people without sanitation and so on and people without sanitation and so on and the<00:06:45.680> consequent<00:06:46.460> illnesses<00:06:47.390> of<00:06:47.800> mothers<00:06:48.800> and the consequent illnesses of mothers and the consequent illnesses of mothers and children<00:06:49.750> still<00:06:50.860> tribe<00:06:51.860> mortality<00:06:52.520> of<00:06:52.670> more children still tribe mortality of more children still tribe mortality of more than<00:06:53.390> ten<00:06:53.630> million<00:06:53.870> people<00:06:54.560> every<00:06:54.890> year than ten million people every year than ten million people every year children<00:06:55.580> dying<00:06:56.000> before<00:06:56.090> they<00:06:56.480> are<00:06:56.510> five children dying before they are five children dying before they are five years<00:06:56.840> old<00:06:57.290> the<00:06:57.980> cause<00:06:58.280> of<00:06:58.310> this<00:06:58.820> is<00:06:59.330> to<00:06:59.510> a years old the cause of this is to a years old the cause of this is to a large<00:06:59.810> extent<00:07:00.160> grand<00:07:01.160> corruption<00:07:02.020> now<00:07:03.340> why large extent grand corruption now why large extent grand corruption now why did<00:07:04.610> the<00:07:05.090> World<00:07:05.300> Bank<00:07:05.600> not<00:07:06.320> let<00:07:06.590> me<00:07:06.770> do<00:07:06.920> this did the World Bank not let me do this did the World Bank not let me do this work<00:07:07.480> I<00:07:09.580> found<00:07:10.580> out<00:07:10.820> afterwards<00:07:11.270> after<00:07:12.020> a<00:07:12.050> left work I found out afterwards after a left work I found out afterwards after a left and<00:07:12.650> Arabic<00:07:13.070> fight<00:07:13.670> to<00:07:13.880> Burbank<00:07:14.360> the<00:07:14.990> reason and Arabic fight to Burbank the reason and Arabic fight to Burbank the reason was<00:07:15.650> that<00:07:15.680> the<00:07:15.980> members<00:07:16.010> of<00:07:16.610> the<00:07:16.730> World<00:07:16.910> Bank was that the members of the World Bank was that the members of the World Bank thought<00:07:17.810> that<00:07:18.200> foreign<00:07:18.590> bribery<00:07:18.830> was<00:07:19.220> okay thought that foreign bribery was okay thought that foreign bribery was okay including<00:07:20.450> Germany<00:07:21.310> Germany<00:07:22.310> foreign including Germany Germany foreign including Germany Germany foreign bribery<00:07:22.910> was<00:07:23.720> allowed<00:07:24.050> it<00:07:24.860> was<00:07:25.100> even bribery was allowed it was even bribery was allowed it was even tax-deductible<00:07:26.350> no<00:07:27.350> wonder<00:07:27.710> that<00:07:27.860> most<00:07:28.370> of tax-deductible no wonder that most of tax-deductible no wonder that most of the<00:07:28.790> most<00:07:29.000> important<00:07:29.540> international the most important international the most important international operators<00:07:30.560> in<00:07:31.160> Germany<00:07:31.760> but<00:07:32.210> also<00:07:32.240> in<00:07:32.540> France operators in Germany but also in France operators in Germany but also in France in<00:07:33.200> UK<00:07:33.560> in<00:07:33.770> Scandinavia<00:07:34.490> everywhere in UK in Scandinavia everywhere in UK in Scandinavia everywhere systematically<00:07:36.140> bribe<00:07:36.350> not<00:07:36.620> all<00:07:36.950> of<00:07:37.070> them<00:07:37.250> but systematically bribe not all of them but systematically bribe not all of them but most<00:07:37.550> of<00:07:37.760> them<00:07:38.050> and<00:07:39.100> this<00:07:40.100> is<00:07:40.310> the<00:07:41.300> phenomenon most of them and this is the phenomenon most of them and this is the phenomenon which<00:07:42.050> I<00:07:42.350> call<00:07:42.620> failing<00:07:43.550> governance<00:07:44.110> because which I call failing governance because which I call failing governance because when<00:07:45.350> I<00:07:45.500> then<00:07:45.740> came<00:07:45.980> to<00:07:46.130> Germany<00:07:46.640> and<00:07:46.880> started when I then came to Germany and started when I then came to Germany and started this<00:07:47.690> little<00:07:47.870> NGO<00:07:48.770> here<00:07:49.250> in<00:07:49.400> Berlin<00:07:49.730> the<00:07:50.240> villa this little NGO here in Berlin the villa this little NGO here in Berlin the villa Bozek<00:07:50.900> and<00:07:51.370> we<00:07:52.390> were<00:07:53.390> told<00:07:53.630> you<00:07:54.020> cannot<00:07:54.680> stop Bozek and we were told you cannot stop Bozek and we were told you cannot stop our<00:07:55.550> German<00:07:56.090> exporters<00:07:56.720> from<00:07:56.840> bribing our German exporters from bribing our German exporters from bribing because<00:07:57.710> we<00:07:57.920> will<00:07:58.100> lose<00:07:58.730> our<00:07:59.230> contract<00:08:00.230> we because we will lose our contract we because we will lose our contract we will<00:08:01.220> lose<00:08:01.400> to<00:08:01.670> the<00:08:01.760> French<00:08:02.000> we<00:08:02.300> lose<00:08:02.510> to<00:08:02.720> the will lose to the French we lose to the will lose to the French we lose to the Swedes<00:08:03.260> volutes<00:08:03.830> with<00:08:04.100> Japanese<00:08:05.030> and Swedes volutes with Japanese and Swedes volutes with Japanese and therefore<00:08:06.380> there<00:08:06.740> was<00:08:06.860> indeed<00:08:07.250> a<00:08:07.430> prisoner's therefore there was indeed a prisoner's therefore there was indeed a prisoner's dilemma<00:08:08.240> which<00:08:08.750> made<00:08:08.990> it<00:08:09.110> very<00:08:09.260> difficult<00:08:09.380> for dilemma which made it very difficult for dilemma which made it very difficult for an<00:08:11.030> individual<00:08:11.750> company<00:08:12.580> individual an individual company individual an individual company individual exporting<00:08:14.330> country<00:08:14.750> to<00:08:15.320> say<00:08:15.530> we<00:08:15.860> are<00:08:16.100> not exporting country to say we are not exporting country to say we are not going<00:08:16.340> to<00:08:16.760> continue<00:08:17.600> this<00:08:17.950> deadly<00:08:19.090> disastrous going to continue this deadly disastrous going to continue this deadly disastrous habit<00:08:20.720> of<00:08:21.430> large<00:08:22.430> companies<00:08:22.970> to<00:08:23.150> bribe<00:08:23.590> so habit of large companies to bribe so habit of large companies to bribe so this<00:08:24.800> is<00:08:24.980> what<00:08:25.280> I<00:08:25.310> mean<00:08:26.090> with<00:08:26.780> a<00:08:27.110> failing this is what I mean with a failing this is what I mean with a failing governance<00:08:28.880> structure<00:08:29.780> because<00:08:30.230> even<00:08:30.950> the governance structure because even the governance structure because even the powerful<00:08:31.400> government<00:08:32.150> which<00:08:32.300> we<00:08:32.480> have<00:08:32.630> in powerful government which we have in powerful government which we have in Germany<00:08:32.950> comparatively<00:08:33.950> was<00:08:34.640> not<00:08:34.850> able<00:08:35.120> to Germany comparatively was not able to Germany comparatively was not able to say<00:08:35.630> we<00:08:36.020> will<00:08:36.230> not<00:08:36.440> allow<00:08:36.650> our<00:08:37.100> companies<00:08:37.670> to say we will not allow our companies to say we will not allow our companies to bribe<00:08:38.060> abroad<00:08:38.420> they<00:08:39.350> needed<00:08:39.740> help<00:08:40.300> and<00:08:41.300> the bribe abroad they needed help and the bribe abroad they needed help and the large<00:08:42.230> companies<00:08:42.800> themselves<00:08:43.400> it<00:08:43.580> is large companies themselves it is large companies themselves it is dilemma<00:08:44.830> many<00:08:45.830> of<00:08:46.010> them<00:08:46.220> didn't<00:08:46.520> want<00:08:46.640> to dilemma many of them didn't want to dilemma many of them didn't want to bribe<00:08:47.060> many<00:08:47.630> of<00:08:47.810> the<00:08:48.080> German<00:08:48.260> companies<00:08:48.860> for bribe many of the German companies for bribe many of the German companies for instance<00:08:49.100> belief<00:08:49.760> that<00:08:50.420> they<00:08:50.600> are<00:08:50.720> really instance belief that they are really instance belief that they are really producing<00:08:52.340> a<00:08:52.430> high<00:08:52.550> quality<00:08:52.580> product<00:08:53.330> at<00:08:53.780> a producing a high quality product at a producing a high quality product at a good<00:08:54.170> price<00:08:54.350> so<00:08:54.830> they<00:08:54.950> are<00:08:55.070> very<00:08:55.220> competitive good price so they are very competitive good price so they are very competitive they<00:08:56.510> are<00:08:56.600> not<00:08:56.780> as<00:08:56.960> good<00:08:57.800> in<00:08:58.130> bribing<00:08:58.940> as<00:08:59.390> many they are not as good in bribing as many they are not as good in bribing as many of<00:09:00.140> their<00:09:00.320> international<00:09:00.650> competitors<00:09:01.400> are of their international competitors are of their international competitors are but<00:09:02.330> they<00:09:03.230> were<00:09:03.290> not<00:09:03.530> allowed<00:09:03.800> to<00:09:04.100> show<00:09:04.400> their but they were not allowed to show their but they were not allowed to show their strengths<00:09:05.300> because<00:09:06.200> the<00:09:06.500> word<00:09:06.650> was<00:09:07.300> eaten<00:09:08.300> up strengths because the word was eaten up strengths because the word was eaten up by<00:09:08.750> grand<00:09:09.440> corruption<00:09:09.880> and<00:09:12.130> this<00:09:13.130> is<00:09:13.280> why<00:09:13.430> I'm by grand corruption and this is why I'm by grand corruption and this is why I'm telling<00:09:13.940> you<00:09:14.090> this<00:09:14.270> civil<00:09:14.960> society<00:09:15.730> role<00:09:16.730> rose telling you this civil society role rose telling you this civil society role rose to<00:09:18.020> the<00:09:18.140> occasion to the occasion to the occasion we<00:09:19.160> had<00:09:19.340> a<00:09:19.370> small<00:09:19.870> NGO<00:09:20.870> Transparency we had a small NGO Transparency we had a small NGO Transparency International<00:09:22.400> we<00:09:22.970> began<00:09:23.300> to<00:09:23.540> think<00:09:23.570> of<00:09:24.050> an International we began to think of an International we began to think of an escape<00:09:25.280> route<00:09:25.520> from<00:09:25.940> this<00:09:26.150> prisoner's escape route from this prisoner's escape route from this prisoner's dilemma<00:09:27.020> and<00:09:28.180> we<00:09:29.180> developed<00:09:29.740> concepts<00:09:30.740> of dilemma and we developed concepts of dilemma and we developed concepts of collective<00:09:32.000> action<00:09:32.680> basically<00:09:33.680> trying<00:09:34.160> to collective action basically trying to collective action basically trying to bring<00:09:34.640> various<00:09:35.270> competitors<00:09:36.050> together bring various competitors together bring various competitors together around<00:09:36.800> the<00:09:36.980> table<00:09:37.160> explaining<00:09:37.640> to<00:09:38.000> all<00:09:38.150> of around the table explaining to all of around the table explaining to all of them<00:09:38.510> how<00:09:39.140> much<00:09:39.350> it<00:09:39.530> would<00:09:39.650> be<00:09:39.800> in<00:09:39.920> their them how much it would be in their them how much it would be in their interest<00:09:40.130> if<00:09:41.000> they<00:09:41.270> simultaneously<00:09:41.480> would interest if they simultaneously would interest if they simultaneously would stop<00:09:42.590> right<00:09:42.830> and<00:09:43.550> to<00:09:44.420> make<00:09:44.570> a<00:09:44.600> long<00:09:45.500> story stop right and to make a long story stop right and to make a long story short<00:09:45.950> we<00:09:46.460> managed<00:09:46.760> to<00:09:46.790> eventually<00:09:47.500> get short we managed to eventually get short we managed to eventually get Germany<00:09:49.130> to<00:09:49.550> sign<00:09:49.790> together<00:09:50.270> with<00:09:50.720> the<00:09:51.230> other Germany to sign together with the other Germany to sign together with the other OECD<00:09:52.010> countries<00:09:52.040> and<00:09:52.730> a<00:09:52.790> few<00:09:52.940> other<00:09:53.170> exporters OECD countries and a few other exporters OECD countries and a few other exporters in<00:09:54.790> 1997<00:09:55.790> a<00:09:56.350> convention<00:09:57.350> under<00:09:58.100> the<00:09:58.220> auspices in 1997 a convention under the auspices in 1997 a convention under the auspices of<00:09:58.730> the<00:09:58.970> OECD<00:09:59.510> which<00:10:00.260> obliged<00:10:01.250> everybody<00:10:01.880> to of the OECD which obliged everybody to of the OECD which obliged everybody to change<00:10:02.420> their<00:10:02.660> laws<00:10:02.840> and<00:10:03.280> criminalize change their laws and criminalize change their laws and criminalize foreign<00:10:04.610> bribery<00:10:04.990> this<00:10:05.990> is<00:10:09.370> thank<00:10:10.370> you<00:10:10.550> I<00:10:10.700> mean foreign bribery this is thank you I mean foreign bribery this is thank you I mean it's<00:10:11.000> interesting<00:10:11.330> in<00:10:12.170> doing<00:10:12.230> this<00:10:12.830> we<00:10:13.190> had<00:10:13.340> to it's interesting in doing this we had to it's interesting in doing this we had to sit<00:10:13.820> together<00:10:14.000> with<00:10:14.510> the<00:10:15.170> companies<00:10:15.650> we<00:10:15.980> had sit together with the companies we had sit together with the companies we had here<00:10:16.340> in<00:10:16.370> Berlin<00:10:16.910> on<00:10:17.240> the<00:10:17.450> Aspen<00:10:18.050> Institute here in Berlin on the Aspen Institute here in Berlin on the Aspen Institute and<00:10:18.560> on<00:10:18.950> the<00:10:19.040> onesy<00:10:19.400> we<00:10:19.910> had<00:10:20.000> sessions<00:10:20.240> with and on the onesy we had sessions with and on the onesy we had sessions with about<00:10:20.810> twenty<00:10:21.260> captains<00:10:22.130> of<00:10:22.340> industry<00:10:22.490> and<00:10:23.180> we about twenty captains of industry and we about twenty captains of industry and we discussed<00:10:24.590> with<00:10:24.830> them<00:10:25.270> what<00:10:26.270> to<00:10:26.420> do<00:10:26.570> about discussed with them what to do about discussed with them what to do about international<00:10:27.560> bribery<00:10:27.920> in<00:10:28.190> the<00:10:28.220> first international bribery in the first international bribery in the first session<00:10:28.790> yet<00:10:29.060> three<00:10:29.300> sessions<00:10:29.720> there<00:10:30.260> over session yet three sessions there over session yet three sessions there over the<00:10:30.650> course<00:10:30.890> of<00:10:31.010> two<00:10:31.220> years<00:10:31.250> and<00:10:32.290> president the course of two years and president the course of two years and president from<00:10:33.410> weizsäcker<00:10:33.830> by<00:10:34.070> the<00:10:34.130> way<00:10:34.340> chaired<00:10:35.270> one from weizsäcker by the way chaired one from weizsäcker by the way chaired one of<00:10:35.450> the<00:10:35.600> sessions<00:10:35.750> the<00:10:36.170> first<00:10:36.380> one<00:10:36.650> to<00:10:36.830> to<00:10:37.400> take of the sessions the first one to to take of the sessions the first one to to take the<00:10:37.730> fear<00:10:37.970> away<00:10:38.410> from<00:10:39.410> the<00:10:40.420> entrepreneurs<00:10:41.420> who the fear away from the entrepreneurs who the fear away from the entrepreneurs who we<00:10:42.440> are<00:10:42.500> not<00:10:42.620> used<00:10:42.830> to<00:10:43.010> deal<00:10:43.160> with we are not used to deal with we are not used to deal with mental<00:10:44.629> organizations<00:10:45.199> and<00:10:46.360> in<00:10:47.360> the<00:10:47.480> first mental organizations and in the first mental organizations and in the first session<00:10:48.139> they<00:10:48.350> all<00:10:48.499> said<00:10:48.829> this<00:10:49.069> is<00:10:49.220> not session they all said this is not session they all said this is not private<00:10:49.639> what<00:10:50.029> we<00:10:50.149> are<00:10:50.209> doing<00:10:50.480> this<00:10:50.629> is private what we are doing this is private what we are doing this is customary<00:10:51.439> there<00:10:51.679> this<00:10:51.889> is<00:10:52.040> what<00:10:52.389> these<00:10:53.389> other customary there this is what these other customary there this is what these other cultures<00:10:54.199> demand<00:10:54.799> they<00:10:55.069> even<00:10:55.339> applauded<00:10:55.869> in cultures demand they even applauded in cultures demand they even applauded in fact<00:10:57.139> Martin<00:10:57.499> Weiser<00:10:57.679> still<00:10:58.519> says<00:10:58.759> this<00:10:58.939> today fact Martin Weiser still says this today fact Martin Weiser still says this today and<00:11:00.439> so<00:11:00.889> they<00:11:01.160> are<00:11:01.279> serve<00:11:01.519> a<00:11:01.819> lot<00:11:01.999> of<00:11:02.029> people and so they are serve a lot of people and so they are serve a lot of people are<00:11:02.600> not<00:11:02.749> convinced<00:11:03.379> that<00:11:03.769> you<00:11:03.889> have<00:11:04.040> to<00:11:04.189> stop are not convinced that you have to stop are not convinced that you have to stop writing<00:11:05.110> but<00:11:06.110> in<00:11:06.259> the<00:11:06.350> second<00:11:06.739> session<00:11:06.920> they writing but in the second session they writing but in the second session they admitted<00:11:07.489> already<00:11:07.910> that<00:11:08.239> they<00:11:08.720> would<00:11:08.869> never admitted already that they would never admitted already that they would never do<00:11:09.319> this<00:11:09.559> what<00:11:10.339> they<00:11:10.459> are<00:11:10.549> doing<00:11:10.790> in<00:11:10.999> these do this what they are doing in these do this what they are doing in these other<00:11:11.329> countries<00:11:11.829> here<00:11:12.829> in<00:11:13.069> Germany<00:11:13.549> or<00:11:13.730> in other countries here in Germany or in other countries here in Germany or in the<00:11:14.149> UK<00:11:14.329> and<00:11:14.899> so<00:11:15.170> on<00:11:15.290> cabinet<00:11:15.980> ministers<00:11:16.489> would the UK and so on cabinet ministers would the UK and so on cabinet ministers would admit<00:11:16.970> this<00:11:17.149> and<00:11:17.480> in<00:11:17.959> the<00:11:18.049> final<00:11:18.439> session<00:11:18.679> at admit this and in the final session at admit this and in the final session at the<00:11:19.579> Aspen<00:11:19.970> Institute<00:11:20.059> we<00:11:20.629> had<00:11:20.779> them<00:11:20.929> all<00:11:21.110> sign the Aspen Institute we had them all sign the Aspen Institute we had them all sign an<00:11:21.679> open<00:11:22.369> letter<00:11:22.519> to<00:11:23.110> the<00:11:24.110> core<00:11:24.319> government<00:11:24.860> at an open letter to the core government at an open letter to the core government at the<00:11:25.100> time<00:11:25.389> requesting<00:11:26.389> that<00:11:26.899> they the time requesting that they the time requesting that they participate<00:11:27.980> in<00:11:28.100> the<00:11:28.220> OECD<00:11:28.369> convention<00:11:29.329> and participate in the OECD convention and participate in the OECD convention and this<00:11:30.829> is<00:11:30.920> in<00:11:31.040> my<00:11:31.160> opinion<00:11:31.209> an<00:11:32.209> example<00:11:32.959> of<00:11:33.079> soft this is in my opinion an example of soft this is in my opinion an example of soft power<00:11:33.649> because<00:11:34.339> we<00:11:34.579> we<00:11:35.299> were<00:11:35.449> able<00:11:35.660> to power because we we were able to power because we we were able to convince<00:11:36.290> them<00:11:36.679> that<00:11:36.920> they<00:11:37.279> had<00:11:37.429> to<00:11:37.579> go<00:11:38.179> with convince them that they had to go with convince them that they had to go with us<00:11:38.480> we<00:11:39.019> had<00:11:39.139> a<00:11:39.170> longer<00:11:39.499> term<00:11:39.799> time<00:11:40.459> perspective us we had a longer term time perspective us we had a longer term time perspective we<00:11:41.269> had<00:11:41.360> a<00:11:41.389> broader<00:11:41.889> geographically<00:11:42.889> much we had a broader geographically much we had a broader geographically much wider<00:11:44.499> constituency<00:11:45.499> we<00:11:46.160> are<00:11:46.309> trying<00:11:46.519> to wider constituency we are trying to wider constituency we are trying to defend<00:11:46.999> and<00:11:47.540> that's<00:11:47.929> why<00:11:48.139> the<00:11:48.799> law<00:11:48.949> has defend and that's why the law has defend and that's why the law has changed changed changed that's<00:11:49.939> why<00:11:50.149> Zeman's<00:11:50.749> is<00:11:50.869> now<00:11:51.019> in<00:11:51.169> the<00:11:51.259> trouble that's why Zeman's is now in the trouble that's why Zeman's is now in the trouble they<00:11:52.100> are<00:11:52.220> in<00:11:52.369> and<00:11:52.699> that's<00:11:53.059> why<00:11:53.209> am<00:11:53.449> i<00:11:53.569> n<00:11:53.720> s<00:11:53.899> the they are in and that's why am i n s the they are in and that's why am i n s the probably<00:11:54.639> in<00:11:55.639> some<00:11:55.819> other<00:11:56.029> countries<00:11:56.509> the probably in some other countries the probably in some other countries the OECD<00:11:57.669> Convention<00:11:58.669> is<00:11:58.819> not<00:11:58.999> yet<00:11:59.179> properly OECD Convention is not yet properly OECD Convention is not yet properly enforced<00:12:00.619> and<00:12:00.860> again<00:12:01.790> civil<00:12:02.269> society<00:12:02.839> is enforced and again civil society is enforced and again civil society is breathing<00:12:03.439> down<00:12:03.470> the<00:12:03.769> neck<00:12:03.799> the breathing down the neck the breathing down the neck the establishment<00:12:04.790> in<00:12:05.290> London<00:12:06.290> for<00:12:06.499> instance establishment in London for instance establishment in London for instance where<00:12:07.459> a<00:12:07.850> BAE<00:12:08.239> got<00:12:08.660> away<00:12:08.929> with<00:12:09.139> a<00:12:09.169> huge where a BAE got away with a huge where a BAE got away with a huge corruption<00:12:10.279> case<00:12:10.489> which<00:12:11.419> the<00:12:11.980> Serious<00:12:12.980> Fraud corruption case which the Serious Fraud corruption case which the Serious Fraud Office<00:12:13.279> try<00:12:13.819> to<00:12:13.879> prosecute<00:12:14.619> a<00:12:15.619> hundred Office try to prosecute a hundred Office try to prosecute a hundred million<00:12:16.850> British<00:12:17.600> pounds<00:12:17.629> every<00:12:18.379> year<00:12:18.619> for million British pounds every year for million British pounds every year for ten<00:12:19.069> years<00:12:19.369> to<00:12:19.639> one<00:12:19.790> particular<00:12:19.999> official<00:12:20.569> of ten years to one particular official of ten years to one particular official of one<00:12:21.379> particular<00:12:21.559> friendly<00:12:22.279> country<00:12:22.610> who<00:12:23.179> then one particular friendly country who then one particular friendly country who then bought<00:12:24.019> for<00:12:24.290> forty<00:12:24.589> four<00:12:24.860> billion<00:12:25.129> pounds bought for forty four billion pounds bought for forty four billion pounds military<00:12:27.019> equipment<00:12:27.529> this<00:12:28.369> case<00:12:28.639> they<00:12:29.179> are military equipment this case they are military equipment this case they are not<00:12:29.449> prosecuting<00:12:30.110> in<00:12:30.230> the<00:12:30.319> UK<00:12:30.649> why<00:12:30.889> because not prosecuting in the UK why because not prosecuting in the UK why because they<00:12:31.910> consider<00:12:32.299> this<00:12:32.540> as<00:12:32.869> contrary<00:12:33.860> to<00:12:33.980> the they consider this as contrary to the they consider this as contrary to the security<00:12:34.759> interest<00:12:35.149> of<00:12:35.239> the<00:12:35.629> people<00:12:36.110> of<00:12:36.169> Great security interest of the people of Great security interest of the people of Great Britain<00:12:36.739> civil<00:12:37.519> society<00:12:38.089> is<00:12:38.239> pushing<00:12:38.779> cessful Britain civil society is pushing cessful Britain civil society is pushing cessful civil<00:12:39.470> societies<00:12:39.889> is<00:12:40.160> trying<00:12:40.489> to<00:12:40.699> get<00:12:41.179> a civil societies is trying to get a civil societies is trying to get a solution<00:12:41.899> to<00:12:42.199> this<00:12:42.350> problem<00:12:42.529> also<00:12:43.459> in<00:12:43.699> the<00:12:43.819> UK solution to this problem also in the UK solution to this problem also in the UK and<00:12:44.569> also<00:12:44.899> in<00:12:45.019> Japan<00:12:45.199> which<00:12:45.919> is<00:12:46.040> not<00:12:46.220> properly and also in Japan which is not properly and also in Japan which is not properly enforcing<00:12:47.059> and<00:12:47.389> so<00:12:47.869> on<00:12:47.989> in<00:12:48.470> Germany<00:12:48.709> we<00:12:49.040> are enforcing and so on in Germany we are enforcing and so on in Germany we are pushing<00:12:49.339> the<00:12:49.999> ratification<00:12:50.360> of<00:12:50.959> the<00:12:51.019> UN pushing the ratification of the UN pushing the ratification of the UN Convention<00:12:51.709> there<00:12:52.309> is<00:12:52.459> a<00:12:52.490> subsequent<00:12:53.360> Condor Convention there is a subsequent Condor Convention there is a subsequent Condor we<00:12:54.720> are<00:12:54.839> Germany<00:12:55.619> it's<00:12:55.799> not<00:12:55.979> ratifying<00:12:56.639> why we are Germany it's not ratifying why we are Germany it's not ratifying why because<00:12:57.539> it<00:12:58.529> would<00:12:58.769> make<00:12:59.369> it<00:12:59.549> necessary<00:13:00.119> to because it would make it necessary to because it would make it necessary to criminalize<00:13:01.019> the<00:13:01.769> corruption<00:13:02.609> of<00:13:02.899> Deputies criminalize the corruption of Deputies criminalize the corruption of Deputies in<00:13:04.139> Germany<00:13:05.009> we<00:13:05.099> have<00:13:05.220> a<00:13:05.249> system<00:13:05.699> where<00:13:05.909> you in Germany we have a system where you in Germany we have a system where you are<00:13:06.599> not<00:13:06.720> allowed<00:13:06.989> to<00:13:07.019> bribe<00:13:07.439> a<00:13:07.849> civil<00:13:08.849> servant are not allowed to bribe a civil servant are not allowed to bribe a civil servant but<00:13:09.869> you<00:13:10.079> are<00:13:10.199> allowed<00:13:10.409> to<00:13:10.470> bribe<00:13:10.949> the<00:13:11.429> deputy but you are allowed to bribe the deputy but you are allowed to bribe the deputy this<00:13:12.989> is<00:13:13.169> under<00:13:13.559> German<00:13:13.889> law<00:13:13.919> allowed<00:13:14.369> and<00:13:15.179> the this is under German law allowed and the this is under German law allowed and the members<00:13:16.109> of<00:13:16.139> our<00:13:16.349> Parliament<00:13:16.709> don't<00:13:17.159> want<00:13:17.369> to members of our Parliament don't want to members of our Parliament don't want to change<00:13:17.699> this<00:13:17.939> and<00:13:18.179> this<00:13:18.299> is<00:13:18.449> why<00:13:18.599> they<00:13:18.779> can't change this and this is why they can't change this and this is why they can't sign<00:13:19.799> the<00:13:20.009> UN<00:13:20.159> Convention<00:13:20.999> against<00:13:21.269> foreign sign the UN Convention against foreign sign the UN Convention against foreign bribery<00:13:21.809> one<00:13:22.379> of<00:13:22.499> the<00:13:22.589> very<00:13:22.829> very<00:13:22.919> few bribery one of the very very few bribery one of the very very few countries<00:13:23.369> which<00:13:24.329> is<00:13:24.509> preaching<00:13:24.929> honesty<00:13:25.709> and countries which is preaching honesty and countries which is preaching honesty and good<00:13:26.339> governance<00:13:26.759> everywhere<00:13:27.239> in<00:13:27.329> the<00:13:27.419> world good governance everywhere in the world good governance everywhere in the world not<00:13:27.989> able<00:13:28.529> to<00:13:28.919> ratify<00:13:29.669> a<00:13:29.849> convention<00:13:30.449> which<00:13:30.869> we not able to ratify a convention which we not able to ratify a convention which we managed<00:13:31.349> to<00:13:31.379> get<00:13:31.679> on<00:13:31.859> the<00:13:31.949> books<00:13:32.159> this<00:13:32.849> about managed to get on the books this about managed to get on the books this about 160<00:13:33.869> countries<00:13:34.049> all<00:13:34.409> over<00:13:34.439> the<00:13:34.619> world<00:13:34.709> I<00:13:35.509> see 160 countries all over the world I see 160 countries all over the world I see my<00:13:36.629> time<00:13:36.929> is<00:13:36.959> ticking my time is ticking my time is ticking let<00:13:38.339> me<00:13:38.429> just<00:13:38.639> try<00:13:39.149> to<00:13:39.179> draw<00:13:39.959> some<00:13:40.769> conclusions let me just try to draw some conclusions let me just try to draw some conclusions what<00:13:41.819> has<00:13:41.970> happened<00:13:42.359> I<00:13:42.539> mean<00:13:42.899> I<00:13:43.049> believe<00:13:43.429> that what has happened I mean I believe that what has happened I mean I believe that what<00:13:44.939> we<00:13:45.119> managed<00:13:45.449> to<00:13:45.749> achieve<00:13:46.259> in<00:13:47.029> fighting what we managed to achieve in fighting what we managed to achieve in fighting corruption<00:13:49.049> one<00:13:49.859> can<00:13:50.069> also<00:13:50.309> achieve<00:13:50.639> in<00:13:51.239> other corruption one can also achieve in other corruption one can also achieve in other areas<00:13:52.259> of<00:13:52.289> failing<00:13:52.829> governance<00:13:53.099> by<00:13:53.939> now<00:13:54.209> the areas of failing governance by now the areas of failing governance by now the United<00:13:54.839> Nations<00:13:55.289> is<00:13:55.499> totally<00:13:55.859> open<00:13:56.129> on<00:13:56.339> our United Nations is totally open on our United Nations is totally open on our side<00:13:56.909> the<00:13:57.479> World<00:13:57.659> Bank<00:13:57.989> has<00:13:58.109> turned<00:13:58.529> from side the World Bank has turned from side the World Bank has turned from solace<00:13:59.249> to<00:13:59.429> powerless<00:13:59.929> under<00:14:00.929> Wolfensohn solace to powerless under Wolfensohn solace to powerless under Wolfensohn they<00:14:01.739> became<00:14:02.069> I<00:14:02.309> would<00:14:02.789> say<00:14:02.970> the<00:14:03.149> strongest they became I would say the strongest they became I would say the strongest anti-corruption<00:14:04.229> agency<00:14:04.919> of<00:14:05.669> the<00:14:05.819> world<00:14:06.139> most anti-corruption agency of the world most anti-corruption agency of the world most of<00:14:07.319> the<00:14:07.499> large<00:14:08.129> companies<00:14:08.429> are<00:14:08.970> now<00:14:09.179> totally of the large companies are now totally of the large companies are now totally convinced<00:14:10.379> that<00:14:10.499> they<00:14:10.799> have<00:14:10.949> to<00:14:11.099> put<00:14:11.579> in<00:14:11.729> place convinced that they have to put in place convinced that they have to put in place very<00:14:12.299> strong<00:14:12.720> policies<00:14:13.679> against<00:14:14.309> bribery<00:14:15.269> and very strong policies against bribery and very strong policies against bribery and so<00:14:15.899> on<00:14:16.019> and<00:14:16.259> this<00:14:16.799> is<00:14:16.859> possible<00:14:17.849> because<00:14:17.999> civil so on and this is possible because civil so on and this is possible because civil society<00:14:19.109> joined<00:14:20.089> the<00:14:21.089> companies<00:14:21.599> and<00:14:21.959> joined society joined the companies and joined society joined the companies and joined the<00:14:22.470> government<00:14:22.619> in<00:14:23.459> the<00:14:23.639> analysis<00:14:24.269> of<00:14:24.419> the the government in the analysis of the the government in the analysis of the problem problem problem in<00:14:25.319> the<00:14:25.799> development<00:14:26.339> of<00:14:26.549> remedies<00:14:27.119> in<00:14:27.839> the in the development of remedies in the in the development of remedies in the implementation<00:14:28.619> of<00:14:29.399> reforms<00:14:29.609> and<00:14:30.239> then<00:14:30.749> later implementation of reforms and then later implementation of reforms and then later in<00:14:31.229> the<00:14:31.259> monitoring<00:14:31.889> of<00:14:31.949> the<00:14:32.129> forms<00:14:32.489> of<00:14:33.389> course in the monitoring of the forms of course in the monitoring of the forms of course if<00:14:34.199> civil<00:14:35.129> society<00:14:35.699> organizations<00:14:36.359> want<00:14:36.569> to if civil society organizations want to if civil society organizations want to play<00:14:36.899> that<00:14:37.109> role<00:14:37.169> they<00:14:37.679> have<00:14:37.709> to<00:14:37.949> grow<00:14:38.220> into play that role they have to grow into play that role they have to grow into this<00:14:40.369> responsibility<00:14:41.369> not<00:14:42.359> all<00:14:42.599> civil this responsibility not all civil this responsibility not all civil society<00:14:43.619> organizations<00:14:44.249> are<00:14:44.429> good<00:14:45.289> the<00:14:46.289> Ku society organizations are good the Ku society organizations are good the Ku Klux<00:14:46.499> Klan<00:14:46.829> is<00:14:47.669> an<00:14:47.819> NGO<00:14:48.209> so<00:14:48.959> we<00:14:49.470> must<00:14:49.799> be<00:14:50.039> aware Klux Klan is an NGO so we must be aware Klux Klan is an NGO so we must be aware that<00:14:50.970> civil<00:14:51.689> society<00:14:51.720> has<00:14:52.259> to<00:14:52.589> shape<00:14:53.159> up that civil society has to shape up that civil society has to shape up itself<00:14:53.849> they<00:14:54.749> have<00:14:54.869> to<00:14:55.049> have<00:14:55.259> a<00:14:55.289> much<00:14:55.589> more itself they have to have a much more itself they have to have a much more transparent<00:14:56.819> van transparent van transparent van governance<00:14:58.990> you<00:14:59.230> have<00:14:59.320> to<00:14:59.410> have<00:14:59.530> a<00:14:59.560> much<00:14:59.830> more governance you have to have a much more governance you have to have a much more participatory<00:15:00.850> governance<00:15:01.750> in<00:15:02.080> many<00:15:02.320> civil participatory governance in many civil participatory governance in many civil society<00:15:03.280> organizations<00:15:03.880> we<00:15:04.480> also<00:15:04.690> need<00:15:04.990> much society organizations we also need much society organizations we also need much more<00:15:05.380> competence<00:15:05.950> of<00:15:06.130> civil<00:15:06.430> society<00:15:06.910> leaders more competence of civil society leaders more competence of civil society leaders this<00:15:07.840> is<00:15:07.990> why<00:15:08.140> we<00:15:08.320> have<00:15:08.440> set<00:15:08.710> up<00:15:08.830> the this is why we have set up the this is why we have set up the governance<00:15:09.910> school<00:15:10.210> in<00:15:10.510> the<00:15:10.660> center<00:15:10.930> for governance school in the center for governance school in the center for civil<00:15:11.350> society<00:15:11.440> here<00:15:11.950> in<00:15:12.040> Berlin<00:15:12.370> because<00:15:13.000> you civil society here in Berlin because you civil society here in Berlin because you believe<00:15:13.830> most<00:15:14.830> of<00:15:15.010> our<00:15:15.160> educational<00:15:15.940> and believe most of our educational and believe most of our educational and research<00:15:16.210> institutions<00:15:17.200> in<00:15:17.410> Germany<00:15:18.130> and research institutions in Germany and research institutions in Germany and continental<00:15:18.670> Europe<00:15:18.910> in<00:15:19.330> general<00:15:19.660> do<00:15:20.080> not continental Europe in general do not continental Europe in general do not focus<00:15:20.500> enough<00:15:20.920> yet<00:15:21.220> on<00:15:21.370> empowering<00:15:22.330> civil focus enough yet on empowering civil focus enough yet on empowering civil society<00:15:23.290> training<00:15:24.070> the<00:15:24.190> leadership<00:15:24.610> of<00:15:24.730> civil society training the leadership of civil society training the leadership of civil society<00:15:25.290> but<00:15:26.290> what<00:15:26.470> I'm<00:15:26.590> saying<00:15:26.950> from<00:15:27.130> a<00:15:27.340> very society but what I'm saying from a very society but what I'm saying from a very practical<00:15:28.090> experience<00:15:28.930> if<00:15:29.820> civil<00:15:30.820> society practical experience if civil society practical experience if civil society does<00:15:31.540> it<00:15:31.690> right<00:15:32.140> and<00:15:33.030> enjoying<00:15:34.030> the<00:15:34.330> other does it right and enjoying the other does it right and enjoying the other actors<00:15:35.050> in<00:15:35.920> particular<00:15:36.120> governance actors in particular governance actors in particular governance governments<00:15:38.200> and<00:15:38.640> the<00:15:39.640> international governments and the international governments and the international institutions<00:15:40.660> but<00:15:41.260> also<00:15:41.440> large institutions but also large institutions but also large international<00:15:42.430> actors<00:15:43.060> particularly<00:15:43.840> those international actors particularly those international actors particularly those which<00:15:44.380> have<00:15:44.530> committed<00:15:44.980> themselves<00:15:45.130> to which have committed themselves to which have committed themselves to corporate<00:15:46.360> social<00:15:46.720> responsibility<00:15:47.440> then<00:15:48.250> in corporate social responsibility then in corporate social responsibility then in this<00:15:48.760> magical<00:15:49.450> triangle<00:15:49.980> between<00:15:50.980> civil this magical triangle between civil this magical triangle between civil society<00:15:52.140> government<00:15:53.140> and<00:15:53.410> private<00:15:53.740> sector society government and private sector society government and private sector there<00:15:54.940> is<00:15:55.060> a<00:15:55.090> tremendous<00:15:55.810> chance<00:15:56.680> for<00:15:57.040> all<00:15:57.100> of there is a tremendous chance for all of there is a tremendous chance for all of us<00:15:57.430> to<00:15:58.320> create<00:15:59.320> better<00:15:59.740> work<00:16:00.360> thank<00:16:01.360> you

Peter Eigen, TED, TEDx, TEDxBerlin, Berlin, Transparency, International, corruption, globalism, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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