Làm thế nào để sử dụng các chuyên gia—và khi nào không – Noreena Hertz

How to use experts—and when not to - Noreena Hertz

How to use experts—and when not to - Noreena Hertz


it's<00:00:16.540> Monday<00:00:17.470> morning<00:00:18.160> in<00:00:18.939> Washington<00:00:19.860> the
it's Monday morning in Washington the it's Monday morning in Washington the President<00:00:21.430> of<00:00:21.670> the<00:00:21.759> United<00:00:22.119> States<00:00:22.360> is President of the United States is President of the United States is sitting<00:00:23.740> in<00:00:23.860> the<00:00:23.980> Oval<00:00:24.310> Office<00:00:24.900> assessing sitting in the Oval Office assessing sitting in the Oval Office assessing whether<00:00:26.169> or<00:00:26.290> not<00:00:26.560> to<00:00:27.279> strike<00:00:27.579> al<00:00:27.790> Qaeda<00:00:28.210> in whether or not to strike al Qaeda in whether or not to strike al Qaeda in Yemen<00:00:29.700> at<00:00:30.700> number<00:00:31.210> 10<00:00:31.390> Downing<00:00:31.930> Street<00:00:31.960> David Yemen at number 10 Downing Street David Yemen at number 10 Downing Street David Cameron<00:00:33.280> is<00:00:33.730> trying<00:00:34.420> to<00:00:34.540> work<00:00:34.660> out<00:00:34.960> whether<00:00:35.590> to Cameron is trying to work out whether to Cameron is trying to work out whether to cut<00:00:36.070> more<00:00:36.579> public<00:00:37.120> sector<00:00:37.600> jobs<00:00:37.630> in<00:00:38.559> order<00:00:38.800> to cut more public sector jobs in order to cut more public sector jobs in order to stave<00:00:39.430> off<00:00:39.460> a<00:00:39.910> double-dip<00:00:40.780> recession<00:00:40.989> in stave off a double-dip recession in stave off a double-dip recession in Madrid<00:00:42.700> Maria<00:00:43.329> Gonzalez<00:00:44.309> is<00:00:45.309> standing<00:00:46.000> at<00:00:46.300> the Madrid Maria Gonzalez is standing at the Madrid Maria Gonzalez is standing at the door<00:00:46.989> listening<00:00:47.589> to<00:00:47.739> her<00:00:47.859> baby<00:00:48.190> crying<00:00:48.969> and door listening to her baby crying and door listening to her baby crying and crying<00:00:49.480> trying<00:00:50.379> to<00:00:50.499> work<00:00:50.649> out<00:00:50.859> whether<00:00:51.100> she crying trying to work out whether she crying trying to work out whether she should<00:00:51.429> let<00:00:51.940> it<00:00:51.969> cry<00:00:52.420> until<00:00:53.109> it<00:00:53.410> falls<00:00:53.710> asleep should let it cry until it falls asleep should let it cry until it falls asleep or<00:00:54.519> pick<00:00:55.300> it<00:00:55.480> up<00:00:55.659> and<00:00:55.899> hold<00:00:56.140> it<00:00:56.499> and<00:00:57.059> I<00:00:58.059> am or pick it up and hold it and I am or pick it up and hold it and I am sitting<00:00:59.140> by<00:00:59.409> my<00:00:59.559> father's<00:01:00.100> bedside<00:01:00.370> in sitting by my father's bedside in sitting by my father's bedside in hospital<00:01:02.339> trying<00:01:03.339> to<00:01:03.519> work<00:01:03.699> out<00:01:03.940> whether<00:01:04.210> I hospital trying to work out whether I hospital trying to work out whether I should<00:01:04.480> let<00:01:05.170> him<00:01:05.500> drink<00:01:05.830> the<00:01:06.430> one<00:01:06.940> and<00:01:07.120> a<00:01:07.180> half should let him drink the one and a half should let him drink the one and a half liter<00:01:07.750> bottle<00:01:07.900> of<00:01:08.350> water<00:01:08.590> that<00:01:09.010> his<00:01:09.400> doctors liter bottle of water that his doctors liter bottle of water that his doctors just<00:01:10.150> came<00:01:10.330> and<00:01:10.479> came<00:01:10.780> in<00:01:10.990> and<00:01:11.200> said<00:01:11.530> you<00:01:11.979> must just came and came in and said you must just came and came in and said you must make<00:01:12.670> him<00:01:12.880> drink<00:01:13.090> today<00:01:13.540> my<00:01:14.260> father's<00:01:14.620> been make him drink today my father's been make him drink today my father's been milled<00:01:15.100> by<00:01:15.280> mouth<00:01:15.550> for<00:01:15.820> a<00:01:15.970> week<00:01:16.180> or<00:01:17.400> whether<00:01:18.400> by milled by mouth for a week or whether by milled by mouth for a week or whether by giving<00:01:19.450> him<00:01:19.630> this<00:01:19.780> bottle<00:01:20.260> I<00:01:20.440> might<00:01:21.070> actually giving him this bottle I might actually giving him this bottle I might actually kill<00:01:22.090> him<00:01:23.190> we<00:01:24.190> face<00:01:24.750> momentous<00:01:25.750> decisions kill him we face momentous decisions kill him we face momentous decisions with<00:01:26.950> important<00:01:27.610> consequences<00:01:28.380> throughout with important consequences throughout with important consequences throughout our<00:01:29.680> lives<00:01:29.890> and<00:01:30.790> we<00:01:31.090> have<00:01:31.120> strategies<00:01:31.990> for our lives and we have strategies for our lives and we have strategies for dealing<00:01:32.440> with<00:01:32.770> these<00:01:32.980> decisions<00:01:33.670> we<00:01:34.390> talk dealing with these decisions we talk dealing with these decisions we talk things<00:01:35.260> over<00:01:35.440> with<00:01:35.620> our<00:01:35.830> friends<00:01:36.430> we<00:01:37.080> scared things over with our friends we scared things over with our friends we scared the<00:01:38.320> internet<00:01:38.860> we<00:01:39.270> search<00:01:40.270> through<00:01:40.540> books<00:01:41.640> but the internet we search through books but the internet we search through books but still<00:01:44.340> even<00:01:45.340> in<00:01:45.490> this<00:01:45.640> age<00:01:45.910> of<00:01:46.270> Google<00:01:46.900> and still even in this age of Google and still even in this age of Google and TripAdvisor<00:01:48.280> and<00:01:49.200> Amazon<00:01:50.200> recommends<00:01:50.800> it TripAdvisor and Amazon recommends it TripAdvisor and Amazon recommends it still<00:01:52.140> experts<00:01:53.140> that<00:01:53.920> we<00:01:54.100> rely<00:01:54.460> upon<00:01:54.490> most still experts that we rely upon most still experts that we rely upon most especially<00:01:57.220> when<00:01:57.370> the<00:01:57.520> stakes<00:01:57.790> are<00:01:58.060> high<00:01:58.120> and especially when the stakes are high and especially when the stakes are high and the<00:01:59.440> decision<00:02:00.010> really<00:02:00.670> matters<00:02:01.330> because<00:02:02.110> in<00:02:02.560> a the decision really matters because in a the decision really matters because in a world<00:02:02.890> of<00:02:03.040> data<00:02:03.370> deluge<00:02:03.790> and<00:02:04.210> extreme world of data deluge and extreme world of data deluge and extreme complexity<00:02:05.520> we<00:02:06.520> believe<00:02:06.850> that<00:02:07.030> experts<00:02:07.720> are complexity we believe that experts are complexity we believe that experts are more<00:02:08.860> able<00:02:09.129> to<00:02:09.580> process<00:02:10.090> information<00:02:10.410> than<00:02:11.410> we more able to process information than we more able to process information than we can<00:02:11.830> that<00:02:12.010> they<00:02:12.099> are<00:02:12.250> able<00:02:12.400> to<00:02:12.670> come<00:02:12.849> to<00:02:13.030> better can that they are able to come to better can that they are able to come to better conclusions<00:02:14.170> than<00:02:14.739> we<00:02:14.950> could<00:02:15.160> come<00:02:15.370> to<00:02:15.550> on<00:02:15.760> our conclusions than we could come to on our conclusions than we could come to on our own<00:02:16.209> and<00:02:17.730> in<00:02:18.730> an<00:02:19.030> age<00:02:19.180> that<00:02:19.900> is<00:02:20.019> sometimes own and in an age that is sometimes own and in an age that is sometimes nowadays<00:02:21.420> frightening<00:02:22.420> or<00:02:23.379> confuse nowadays frightening or confuse nowadays frightening or confuse Singh<00:02:24.420> we<00:02:25.350> feel<00:02:25.590> reassured<00:02:26.180> by<00:02:27.180> the<00:02:27.240> almost Singh we feel reassured by the almost Singh we feel reassured by the almost parental<00:02:29.040> like<00:02:29.220> authority<00:02:30.180> of<00:02:30.480> experts<00:02:31.290> who parental like authority of experts who parental like authority of experts who tell<00:02:32.280> us<00:02:32.310> so<00:02:32.760> clearly<00:02:33.330> what<00:02:33.780> it<00:02:33.960> is<00:02:34.200> we<00:02:34.740> can<00:02:35.100> and tell us so clearly what it is we can and tell us so clearly what it is we can and cannot<00:02:36.240> do<00:02:37.910> but<00:02:38.910> I<00:02:38.970> believe<00:02:39.420> that<00:02:40.080> this<00:02:40.230> is<00:02:40.440> a cannot do but I believe that this is a cannot do but I believe that this is a big<00:02:41.160> problem<00:02:41.700> a<00:02:42.090> problem<00:02:43.070> with<00:02:44.070> potentially big problem a problem with potentially big problem a problem with potentially dangerous<00:02:45.230> consequences<00:02:46.430> for<00:02:47.430> us<00:02:47.670> as<00:02:48.030> a dangerous consequences for us as a dangerous consequences for us as a society<00:02:49.590> as<00:02:49.860> a<00:02:50.330> culture<00:02:51.330> and<00:02:51.540> as<00:02:52.290> individuals society as a culture and as individuals society as a culture and as individuals it's<00:02:54.060> not<00:02:54.420> that<00:02:54.660> experts<00:02:55.230> have<00:02:55.410> not<00:02:55.500> massively it's not that experts have not massively it's not that experts have not massively contributed<00:02:57.180> to<00:02:57.330> the<00:02:57.420> world<00:02:57.600> of<00:02:57.930> course<00:02:58.530> they contributed to the world of course they contributed to the world of course they have<00:02:59.060> the<00:03:00.060> problem<00:03:00.510> lies<00:03:00.690> with<00:03:00.960> us<00:03:01.550> we've have the problem lies with us we've have the problem lies with us we've become<00:03:02.910> addicted<00:03:03.300> to<00:03:04.230> experts<00:03:04.950> we've<00:03:05.820> become become addicted to experts we've become become addicted to experts we've become addicted<00:03:06.360> to<00:03:07.110> their<00:03:07.380> certainty<00:03:08.160> their addicted to their certainty their addicted to their certainty their assuredness<00:03:09.930> their<00:03:10.860> definitiveness<00:03:11.760> and<00:03:12.360> in assuredness their definitiveness and in assuredness their definitiveness and in the<00:03:13.170> process<00:03:13.800> we<00:03:14.370> have<00:03:14.580> ceded<00:03:15.120> our the process we have ceded our the process we have ceded our responsibility<00:03:16.850> substituting<00:03:17.850> our responsibility substituting our responsibility substituting our intellect<00:03:18.900> and<00:03:19.170> our<00:03:19.620> intelligence<00:03:20.720> for<00:03:21.720> their intellect and our intelligence for their intellect and our intelligence for their supposed<00:03:22.710> words<00:03:23.160> of<00:03:23.430> wisdom<00:03:23.610> we've supposed words of wisdom we've supposed words of wisdom we've surrendered<00:03:25.350> our<00:03:25.950> power<00:03:26.780> trading<00:03:27.780> off<00:03:28.080> our surrendered our power trading off our surrendered our power trading off our discomfort<00:03:29.640> with<00:03:29.840> uncertainty<00:03:30.840> for<00:03:31.710> the discomfort with uncertainty for the discomfort with uncertainty for the illusion<00:03:32.640> of<00:03:32.820> certainty<00:03:33.390> that<00:03:34.110> they<00:03:34.350> provide illusion of certainty that they provide illusion of certainty that they provide this<00:03:36.990> is<00:03:37.200> no<00:03:37.410> exaggeration<00:03:37.650> in<00:03:38.750> a<00:03:39.750> recent this is no exaggeration in a recent this is no exaggeration in a recent experiment<00:03:40.590> a<00:03:41.070> group<00:03:41.820> of<00:03:42.060> adults<00:03:42.810> had<00:03:43.560> their experiment a group of adults had their experiment a group of adults had their brain<00:03:44.220> scanned<00:03:44.970> in<00:03:45.360> an<00:03:45.780> MRI<00:03:46.080> machine<00:03:46.470> as<00:03:46.950> they brain scanned in an MRI machine as they brain scanned in an MRI machine as they were<00:03:47.790> listening<00:03:48.060> to<00:03:48.330> experts<00:03:49.080> speak<00:03:50.150> the were listening to experts speak the were listening to experts speak the results<00:03:51.750> were<00:03:51.930> quite<00:03:52.110> extraordinary<00:03:53.070> as<00:03:53.690> they results were quite extraordinary as they results were quite extraordinary as they listened<00:03:55.140> to<00:03:55.170> the<00:03:55.380> experts<00:03:55.860> voices<00:03:56.460> the listened to the experts voices the listened to the experts voices the independent<00:03:58.470> decision-making<00:03:59.370> parts<00:04:00.120> of independent decision-making parts of independent decision-making parts of their<00:04:00.750> brains<00:04:01.340> switched<00:04:02.340> off<00:04:02.990> it<00:04:03.990> literally their brains switched off it literally their brains switched off it literally flatlined<00:04:05.580> and<00:04:06.030> they<00:04:06.780> listened<00:04:07.170> to<00:04:07.200> whatever flatlined and they listened to whatever flatlined and they listened to whatever the<00:04:07.800> experts<00:04:08.250> said<00:04:08.460> and<00:04:08.700> took<00:04:08.910> their<00:04:09.090> advice the experts said and took their advice the experts said and took their advice however<00:04:10.080> right<00:04:10.560> or<00:04:10.860> wrong<00:04:12.470> the<00:04:13.470> experts<00:04:14.010> do however right or wrong the experts do however right or wrong the experts do get<00:04:14.550> things<00:04:14.790> wrong<00:04:16.070> did<00:04:17.070> you<00:04:17.250> know<00:04:17.489> that get things wrong did you know that get things wrong did you know that studies<00:04:19.410> show<00:04:19.770> that<00:04:19.799> doctors<00:04:20.670> miss<00:04:21.570> diagnose studies show that doctors miss diagnose studies show that doctors miss diagnose four<00:04:23.670> times<00:04:24.060> out<00:04:24.390> of<00:04:24.450> ten<00:04:25.280> did<00:04:26.280> you<00:04:26.430> know<00:04:26.610> that four times out of ten did you know that four times out of ten did you know that if<00:04:27.330> you<00:04:27.810> file<00:04:28.200> your<00:04:28.230> tax<00:04:28.800> returns<00:04:29.280> yourself if you file your tax returns yourself if you file your tax returns yourself you're<00:04:30.990> statistically<00:04:31.410> more<00:04:32.250> likely<00:04:32.790> to<00:04:32.910> be you're statistically more likely to be you're statistically more likely to be filing<00:04:33.480> them<00:04:33.630> correctly<00:04:34.200> than<00:04:34.890> if<00:04:35.040> you<00:04:35.160> get<00:04:35.340> a filing them correctly than if you get a filing them correctly than if you get a tax<00:04:35.790> advisor<00:04:36.270> to<00:04:36.600> do<00:04:36.720> it<00:04:36.840> for tax advisor to do it for tax advisor to do it for yay<00:04:37.389> and<00:04:38.319> then<00:04:39.009> there's<00:04:39.220> of<00:04:39.340> course<00:04:39.370> the yay and then there's of course the yay and then there's of course the example<00:04:40.270> that<00:04:40.900> we're<00:04:41.050> all<00:04:41.319> too<00:04:41.590> aware<00:04:41.710> of<00:04:42.099> of example that we're all too aware of of example that we're all too aware of of financial<00:04:43.509> experts<00:04:44.050> getting<00:04:44.650> it<00:04:44.770> so<00:04:45.310> wrong financial experts getting it so wrong financial experts getting it so wrong that<00:04:46.569> we're<00:04:46.720> living<00:04:46.900> through<00:04:47.319> the<00:04:47.830> worst that we're living through the worst that we're living through the worst recession<00:04:49.000> since<00:04:49.150> the<00:04:49.780> 1930s<00:04:51.660> for<00:04:52.660> the<00:04:52.780> sake recession since the 1930s for the sake recession since the 1930s for the sake of<00:04:53.050> our<00:04:53.289> health<00:04:53.650> our<00:04:54.479> wealth<00:04:55.479> and<00:04:55.810> our of our health our wealth and our of our health our wealth and our collective<00:04:57.370> security<00:04:58.050> it's<00:04:59.050> imperative<00:05:00.009> that collective security it's imperative that collective security it's imperative that we<00:05:00.940> keep<00:05:01.389> the<00:05:01.919> independent<00:05:02.919> decision-making we keep the independent decision-making we keep the independent decision-making parts<00:05:04.270> of<00:05:04.419> our<00:05:04.599> brains<00:05:05.069> switched<00:05:06.069> on<00:05:06.660> and<00:05:07.660> I'm parts of our brains switched on and I'm parts of our brains switched on and I'm saying<00:05:08.530> this<00:05:08.770> as<00:05:09.069> an<00:05:09.639> economist<00:05:10.210> who<00:05:10.389> over<00:05:10.659> the saying this as an economist who over the saying this as an economist who over the past<00:05:10.990> few<00:05:11.259> years<00:05:11.560> has<00:05:12.069> focused<00:05:12.699> my<00:05:12.940> research past few years has focused my research past few years has focused my research on<00:05:13.860> what<00:05:14.860> it<00:05:15.009> is<00:05:15.159> we<00:05:15.340> think<00:05:15.370> and<00:05:16.030> who<00:05:16.569> it<00:05:16.690> is<00:05:16.720> we on what it is we think and who it is we on what it is we think and who it is we trust<00:05:17.409> and<00:05:17.770> why<00:05:17.979> but<00:05:18.789> also<00:05:18.960> and<00:05:19.960> I'm<00:05:20.919> aware<00:05:21.220> of trust and why but also and I'm aware of trust and why but also and I'm aware of the<00:05:21.880> irony<00:05:22.419> here<00:05:22.449> as<00:05:22.889> an<00:05:23.889> expert<00:05:24.099> myself<00:05:24.909> as<00:05:25.409> a the irony here as an expert myself as a the irony here as an expert myself as a professor<00:05:27.159> as<00:05:27.900> somebody<00:05:28.900> who<00:05:29.110> advises<00:05:29.470> prime professor as somebody who advises prime professor as somebody who advises prime ministers<00:05:30.610> heads<00:05:31.210> of<00:05:31.479> big<00:05:31.659> companies ministers heads of big companies ministers heads of big companies international<00:05:33.580> organizations<00:05:34.419> but<00:05:34.659> an international organizations but an international organizations but an expert<00:05:35.319> who<00:05:35.860> believes<00:05:36.280> that<00:05:36.430> the<00:05:36.699> role<00:05:37.030> of expert who believes that the role of expert who believes that the role of experts<00:05:37.960> needs<00:05:38.440> to<00:05:38.770> change<00:05:39.150> that<00:05:40.150> we<00:05:40.270> need<00:05:40.300> to experts needs to change that we need to experts needs to change that we need to become<00:05:40.900> more<00:05:41.500> open-minded<00:05:42.330> more<00:05:43.330> democratic become more open-minded more democratic become more open-minded more democratic and<00:05:44.590> be<00:05:45.039> more<00:05:45.250> open<00:05:45.460> to<00:05:46.210> people<00:05:46.750> rebelling and be more open to people rebelling and be more open to people rebelling against<00:05:48.250> our<00:05:48.460> points<00:05:49.270> of<00:05:49.509> view<00:05:49.719> so<00:05:51.449> in<00:05:52.449> order against our points of view so in order against our points of view so in order to<00:05:53.259> help<00:05:53.860> you<00:05:54.190> understand<00:05:54.969> where<00:05:55.300> I'm<00:05:55.419> coming to help you understand where I'm coming to help you understand where I'm coming from<00:05:56.009> let<00:05:57.009> me<00:05:57.130> bring<00:05:57.340> you<00:05:57.400> into<00:05:58.030> my<00:05:58.300> world<00:05:58.740> the from let me bring you into my world the from let me bring you into my world the world<00:05:59.949> of<00:06:00.159> experts<00:06:01.139> now<00:06:02.139> there<00:06:02.979> are<00:06:03.159> of<00:06:03.340> course world of experts now there are of course world of experts now there are of course exceptions<00:06:05.759> wonderful<00:06:07.139> civilization exceptions wonderful civilization exceptions wonderful civilization enhancing<00:06:09.219> exceptions<00:06:10.770> but<00:06:11.770> what<00:06:12.669> my enhancing exceptions but what my enhancing exceptions but what my research<00:06:13.120> has<00:06:13.690> shown<00:06:13.960> me<00:06:14.169> is<00:06:14.349> that<00:06:14.880> experts research has shown me is that experts research has shown me is that experts tend<00:06:16.780> on<00:06:16.990> the<00:06:17.110> whole<00:06:17.349> to<00:06:18.039> form<00:06:18.370> very<00:06:19.060> rigid tend on the whole to form very rigid tend on the whole to form very rigid camps<00:06:20.680> that<00:06:21.250> within<00:06:21.430> these<00:06:21.729> camps<00:06:22.240> a<00:06:22.389> dominant camps that within these camps a dominant camps that within these camps a dominant perspective<00:06:23.729> emerges<00:06:24.750> that<00:06:25.750> often<00:06:26.050> silences perspective emerges that often silences perspective emerges that often silences opposition<00:06:27.819> that<00:06:28.780> experts<00:06:29.409> move<00:06:29.889> with<00:06:30.280> the opposition that experts move with the opposition that experts move with the prevailing<00:06:31.030> winds<00:06:31.330> often<00:06:33.090> hero-worshipping prevailing winds often hero-worshipping prevailing winds often hero-worshipping their<00:06:34.569> own<00:06:34.840> gurus<00:06:35.759> Alan<00:06:36.759> Greenspan's their own gurus Alan Greenspan's their own gurus Alan Greenspan's proclamations<00:06:38.770> that<00:06:39.490> the<00:06:39.639> years<00:06:40.090> of<00:06:40.599> economic proclamations that the years of economic proclamations that the years of economic growth<00:06:41.380> would<00:06:42.039> go<00:06:42.219> on<00:06:42.460> and<00:06:43.030> on<00:06:43.409> not<00:06:44.430> challenged growth would go on and on not challenged growth would go on and on not challenged by<00:06:45.789> his<00:06:46.210> peers<00:06:47.039> until<00:06:48.039> after<00:06:48.520> the<00:06:48.610> crisis<00:06:49.060> of by his peers until after the crisis of by his peers until after the crisis of course course course you<00:06:51.880> see<00:06:54.000> we<00:06:55.000> also<00:06:55.210> learn<00:06:55.780> that<00:06:56.500> experts<00:06:57.310> are you see we also learn that experts are you see we also learn that experts are located<00:06:59.260> a<00:06:59.470> governed<00:07:00.340> by<00:07:01.060> the<00:07:01.540> social<00:07:02.290> and located a governed by the social and located a governed by the social and cultural<00:07:02.590> norms<00:07:03.190> of<00:07:03.970> their<00:07:04.570> times<00:07:04.980> whether<00:07:05.980> it cultural norms of their times whether it cultural norms of their times whether it be<00:07:06.490> the<00:07:07.120> doctors<00:07:08.050> in<00:07:08.320> Victorian<00:07:09.190> England<00:07:09.370> say be the doctors in Victorian England say be the doctors in Victorian England say who<00:07:10.570> sent<00:07:10.960> women<00:07:11.410> to<00:07:11.650> asylums<00:07:12.430> for<00:07:13.240> expressing who sent women to asylums for expressing who sent women to asylums for expressing sexual<00:07:14.680> desire<00:07:15.160> or<00:07:15.550> the<00:07:16.920> psychiatrists<00:07:17.920> in sexual desire or the psychiatrists in sexual desire or the psychiatrists in the<00:07:18.100> United<00:07:18.520> States<00:07:18.820> who<00:07:19.390> up<00:07:19.540> until<00:07:19.950> 1973<00:07:21.000> was the United States who up until 1973 was the United States who up until 1973 was still<00:07:22.680> categorizing<00:07:23.760> homosexuality<00:07:24.760> as<00:07:25.390> a still categorizing homosexuality as a still categorizing homosexuality as a mental<00:07:26.140> illness<00:07:26.920> and<00:07:27.220> what<00:07:27.640> all<00:07:27.940> this<00:07:28.510> means mental illness and what all this means mental illness and what all this means is<00:07:29.110> that<00:07:29.610> paradigms<00:07:30.610> take<00:07:31.360> far<00:07:31.900> too<00:07:31.930> long<00:07:32.350> to is that paradigms take far too long to is that paradigms take far too long to shift<00:07:33.180> that<00:07:35.310> complexity<00:07:36.310> and<00:07:36.550> nuance<00:07:36.970> are shift that complexity and nuance are shift that complexity and nuance are ignored<00:07:38.080> and<00:07:38.550> also<00:07:39.550> that<00:07:40.480> money<00:07:41.410> talks ignored and also that money talks ignored and also that money talks because<00:07:42.340> we've<00:07:42.610> all<00:07:42.790> seen<00:07:43.120> the<00:07:43.270> evidence<00:07:43.540> of because we've all seen the evidence of because we've all seen the evidence of pharmaceutical<00:07:45.580> companies<00:07:46.260> funding<00:07:47.260> studies pharmaceutical companies funding studies pharmaceutical companies funding studies of<00:07:48.250> drugs<00:07:49.210> that<00:07:49.680> conveniently<00:07:50.680> leave<00:07:51.040> out of drugs that conveniently leave out of drugs that conveniently leave out their<00:07:51.610> worst<00:07:51.850> side<00:07:52.420> effects<00:07:53.020> or<00:07:54.030> studies their worst side effects or studies their worst side effects or studies funded<00:07:55.870> by<00:07:56.080> food<00:07:56.470> companies<00:07:57.160> of<00:07:58.080> of<00:07:59.080> their<00:07:59.380> new funded by food companies of of their new funded by food companies of of their new products<00:08:00.270> massively<00:08:01.270> exaggerating<00:08:02.260> the products massively exaggerating the products massively exaggerating the health<00:08:02.710> benefits<00:08:03.370> of<00:08:03.670> the<00:08:04.390> products<00:08:04.840> they're health benefits of the products they're health benefits of the products they're about<00:08:05.140> to<00:08:05.350> bring<00:08:05.530> by<00:08:05.740> market<00:08:06.190> a<00:08:06.370> study<00:08:06.970> showed about to bring by market a study showed about to bring by market a study showed that<00:08:07.270> food<00:08:07.630> companies<00:08:08.010> exaggerated that food companies exaggerated that food companies exaggerated typically<00:08:09.690> seven<00:08:10.690> times<00:08:11.080> more<00:08:11.560> than<00:08:11.740> an typically seven times more than an typically seven times more than an independent<00:08:12.220> study<00:08:12.910> and<00:08:15.570> we've<00:08:16.570> also<00:08:16.750> got<00:08:17.020> to independent study and we've also got to independent study and we've also got to be<00:08:17.260> aware<00:08:17.470> that<00:08:17.830> experts<00:08:18.790> of<00:08:19.000> course<00:08:19.620> also be aware that experts of course also be aware that experts of course also make<00:08:21.100> mistakes<00:08:21.280> they<00:08:22.210> make<00:08:22.390> mistakes<00:08:22.780> every make mistakes they make mistakes every make mistakes they make mistakes every single<00:08:24.010> day<00:08:24.480> mistakes<00:08:25.480> born<00:08:25.960> out<00:08:26.170> of single day mistakes born out of single day mistakes born out of carelessness<00:08:27.250> a<00:08:27.820> recent<00:08:28.570> study<00:08:28.900> in<00:08:29.050> the carelessness a recent study in the carelessness a recent study in the archives<00:08:29.680> of<00:08:29.860> surgery<00:08:30.690> reported<00:08:31.740> surgeons archives of surgery reported surgeons archives of surgery reported surgeons removing<00:08:33.580> healthy<00:08:34.450> ovaries<00:08:35.140> operating<00:08:36.099> on removing healthy ovaries operating on removing healthy ovaries operating on the<00:08:36.340> wrong<00:08:36.370> side<00:08:36.940> of<00:08:37.210> the<00:08:37.330> brain<00:08:37.950> carrying<00:08:38.950> out the wrong side of the brain carrying out the wrong side of the brain carrying out procedures<00:08:39.580> on<00:08:40.030> the<00:08:40.060> wrong<00:08:40.419> hand procedures on the wrong hand procedures on the wrong hand elbow<00:08:42.039> eye<00:08:42.599> foot<00:08:43.599> and<00:08:44.229> also<00:08:44.920> mistakes<00:08:45.550> born elbow eye foot and also mistakes born elbow eye foot and also mistakes born out<00:08:46.060> of<00:08:46.090> thinking<00:08:46.810> errors<00:08:46.990> a<00:08:48.030> common<00:08:49.030> thinking out of thinking errors a common thinking out of thinking errors a common thinking error<00:08:49.720> of<00:08:50.250> radiologists<00:08:51.250> for<00:08:51.460> example<00:08:52.000> when error of radiologists for example when error of radiologists for example when they<00:08:52.810> look<00:08:53.020> at<00:08:53.170> CT<00:08:53.860> scans<00:08:54.340> is<00:08:54.760> that<00:08:55.570> they're they look at CT scans is that they're they look at CT scans is that they're overly<00:08:56.890> influenced<00:08:57.820> by<00:08:58.240> whatever<00:08:59.140> it<00:08:59.260> is<00:08:59.470> that overly influenced by whatever it is that overly influenced by whatever it is that the<00:08:59.830> referring<00:09:00.550> physician<00:09:00.780> has<00:09:01.780> said<00:09:02.050> that<00:09:02.230> he the referring physician has said that he the referring physician has said that he aspects<00:09:03.590> the<00:09:03.770> patient's<00:09:04.220> problem<00:09:04.640> to<00:09:04.790> be<00:09:05.440> so aspects the patient's problem to be so aspects the patient's problem to be so if<00:09:06.860> a<00:09:07.340> radiologist<00:09:08.180> is<00:09:08.530> looking<00:09:09.530> at<00:09:09.770> the<00:09:09.950> scan if a radiologist is looking at the scan if a radiologist is looking at the scan of<00:09:10.520> a<00:09:10.640> patient<00:09:10.670> with<00:09:11.180> suspected<00:09:11.830> pneumonia of a patient with suspected pneumonia of a patient with suspected pneumonia say<00:09:13.570> what<00:09:14.570> happens<00:09:15.020> is<00:09:15.170> that<00:09:15.350> if<00:09:15.560> they<00:09:16.130> see say what happens is that if they see say what happens is that if they see evidence<00:09:16.730> of<00:09:17.330> pneumonia<00:09:18.200> on<00:09:18.380> the<00:09:19.250> scan evidence of pneumonia on the scan evidence of pneumonia on the scan they<00:09:20.300> literally<00:09:21.140> stop<00:09:21.950> looking<00:09:22.640> at<00:09:22.820> it they literally stop looking at it they literally stop looking at it thereby<00:09:24.170> missing<00:09:24.800> the<00:09:24.950> tumor<00:09:25.460> sitting<00:09:26.420> three thereby missing the tumor sitting three thereby missing the tumor sitting three inches<00:09:27.170> below<00:09:27.380> on<00:09:27.770> the<00:09:28.370> patient's<00:09:28.970> lungs<00:09:31.090> I've inches below on the patient's lungs I've inches below on the patient's lungs I've shared<00:09:32.480> with<00:09:32.660> you<00:09:32.780> so<00:09:33.350> far<00:09:33.650> some<00:09:34.580> insights shared with you so far some insights shared with you so far some insights into<00:09:35.630> the<00:09:36.140> world<00:09:36.320> of<00:09:36.650> experts<00:09:37.390> these<00:09:38.390> are<00:09:38.570> of into the world of experts these are of into the world of experts these are of course<00:09:38.720> not<00:09:39.200> the<00:09:39.770> only<00:09:39.880> insights<00:09:40.880> I<00:09:41.060> could course not the only insights I could course not the only insights I could share<00:09:41.510> but<00:09:41.540> I<00:09:41.780> hope<00:09:42.020> they<00:09:42.200> give<00:09:42.380> you<00:09:42.470> a<00:09:42.500> clearer share but I hope they give you a clearer share but I hope they give you a clearer sense<00:09:43.550> at<00:09:43.940> least<00:09:43.970> of<00:09:44.540> why<00:09:45.080> we<00:09:45.500> need<00:09:45.680> to<00:09:45.860> stop sense at least of why we need to stop sense at least of why we need to stop Cowtown<00:09:47.120> to<00:09:47.480> them<00:09:47.690> why<00:09:48.230> we<00:09:48.410> need<00:09:48.620> to<00:09:48.740> rebel<00:09:48.950> and Cowtown to them why we need to rebel and Cowtown to them why we need to rebel and why<00:09:49.970> we<00:09:50.150> need<00:09:50.330> to<00:09:50.480> switch<00:09:50.840> our<00:09:51.460> independent why we need to switch our independent why we need to switch our independent decision-making<00:09:53.500> capabilities<00:09:54.500> on<00:09:55.960> but<00:09:56.960> how decision-making capabilities on but how decision-making capabilities on but how can<00:09:57.680> we<00:09:57.800> do<00:09:57.980> this<00:09:58.900> well<00:09:59.900> for<00:10:00.230> the<00:10:00.320> sake<00:10:00.530> of<00:10:00.560> time can we do this well for the sake of time can we do this well for the sake of time I<00:10:01.280> want<00:10:01.850> to<00:10:02.060> focus<00:10:02.300> on<00:10:02.690> just<00:10:03.140> three<00:10:03.770> strategies I want to focus on just three strategies I want to focus on just three strategies first<00:10:06.640> we've<00:10:07.640> got<00:10:07.850> to<00:10:07.970> be<00:10:08.120> ready<00:10:08.570> and<00:10:08.870> willing first we've got to be ready and willing first we've got to be ready and willing to<00:10:09.620> take<00:10:09.890> experts<00:10:10.610> on<00:10:10.940> and<00:10:11.890> dispense<00:10:12.890> with to take experts on and dispense with to take experts on and dispense with this<00:10:13.400> notion<00:10:13.760> of<00:10:14.060> them<00:10:14.300> as<00:10:14.480> modern-day this notion of them as modern-day this notion of them as modern-day apostles<00:10:16.090> this<00:10:17.090> doesn't<00:10:17.690> mean<00:10:17.840> having<00:10:18.140> to<00:10:18.440> get apostles this doesn't mean having to get apostles this doesn't mean having to get a<00:10:18.650> PhD<00:10:19.010> in<00:10:19.730> every<00:10:20.180> single<00:10:20.420> subject<00:10:20.840> you'll<00:10:21.800> be a PhD in every single subject you'll be a PhD in every single subject you'll be relieved<00:10:22.340> to<00:10:22.460> hear<00:10:23.020> but<00:10:24.020> it<00:10:24.290> does<00:10:24.770> mean relieved to hear but it does mean relieved to hear but it does mean persisting<00:10:26.930> in<00:10:27.140> the<00:10:27.380> face<00:10:27.590> of<00:10:27.830> their persisting in the face of their persisting in the face of their inevitable<00:10:28.460> annoyance<00:10:29.530> when<00:10:30.530> for<00:10:30.770> example<00:10:30.830> we inevitable annoyance when for example we inevitable annoyance when for example we want<00:10:31.970> them<00:10:32.120> to<00:10:32.150> explain<00:10:32.780> things<00:10:33.110> to<00:10:33.290> us<00:10:33.530> in want them to explain things to us in want them to explain things to us in language<00:10:34.640> that<00:10:35.210> we<00:10:35.360> can<00:10:35.390> actually<00:10:36.230> understand language that we can actually understand language that we can actually understand why<00:10:38.420> was<00:10:38.690> it<00:10:38.960> that<00:10:39.410> when<00:10:39.890> I<00:10:39.920> had<00:10:40.160> an<00:10:40.310> operation why was it that when I had an operation why was it that when I had an operation my<00:10:41.960> doctor<00:10:42.350> said<00:10:42.590> to<00:10:42.620> me<00:10:43.330> beware<00:10:44.330> miss<00:10:44.690> hurts my doctor said to me beware miss hurts my doctor said to me beware miss hurts of<00:10:45.320> hyperpyrexia<00:10:47.020> when<00:10:48.020> he<00:10:48.140> could<00:10:48.350> have<00:10:48.380> just of hyperpyrexia when he could have just of hyperpyrexia when he could have just as<00:10:48.920> easily<00:10:48.950> said<00:10:49.580> watch<00:10:49.760> out<00:10:50.000> for<00:10:50.210> a<00:10:50.270> high as easily said watch out for a high as easily said watch out for a high fever<00:10:52.540> you<00:10:53.540> see<00:10:54.100> being<00:10:55.100> ready<00:10:55.550> to<00:10:55.880> take fever you see being ready to take fever you see being ready to take experts<00:10:56.810> on<00:10:57.080> is<00:10:57.380> about<00:10:58.040> also<00:10:58.910> being<00:10:59.600> willing experts on is about also being willing experts on is about also being willing to<00:10:59.930> dig<00:11:00.530> behind<00:11:00.860> their<00:11:01.670> graphs<00:11:02.150> their to dig behind their graphs their to dig behind their graphs their equations<00:11:03.500> their<00:11:03.850> forecasts<00:11:04.850> their equations their forecasts their equations their forecasts their prophecies<00:11:06.230> and<00:11:06.500> being<00:11:06.890> armed<00:11:07.550> with<00:11:07.730> the prophecies and being armed with the prophecies and being armed with the questions<00:11:08.450> to<00:11:08.810> do<00:11:08.960> that<00:11:09.430> questions<00:11:10.430> like<00:11:10.760> what questions to do that questions like what questions to do that questions like what are<00:11:11.720> the<00:11:11.930> assumptions<00:11:12.680> that<00:11:12.800> underpin<00:11:13.430> this are the assumptions that underpin this are the assumptions that underpin this what<00:11:14.870> is<00:11:14.990> the<00:11:15.170> evidence what is the evidence what is the evidence upon<00:11:16.160> which<00:11:16.370> this<00:11:16.580> is<00:11:16.790> based<00:11:17.540> what<00:11:18.380> has<00:11:18.620> your upon which this is based what has your upon which this is based what has your investigation<00:11:19.670> focused<00:11:20.300> on<00:11:20.570> and<00:11:20.840> what<00:11:21.830> has<00:11:22.640> it investigation focused on and what has it investigation focused on and what has it ignored<00:11:24.010> it<00:11:25.010> recently<00:11:25.850> came<00:11:26.090> out<00:11:26.330> that ignored it recently came out that ignored it recently came out that experts<00:11:28.520> trialing<00:11:29.360> drugs<00:11:29.720> before<00:11:30.260> they<00:11:30.410> come experts trialing drugs before they come experts trialing drugs before they come to<00:11:30.650> market<00:11:31.540> typically<00:11:32.740> trial<00:11:33.740> drugs<00:11:34.190> first to market typically trial drugs first to market typically trial drugs first primarily<00:11:36.230> on<00:11:36.470> male<00:11:37.250> animals<00:11:37.970> and<00:11:38.440> then primarily on male animals and then primarily on male animals and then primarily<00:11:40.280> on<00:11:40.520> men<00:11:41.150> it<00:11:41.780> seems<00:11:42.260> that<00:11:42.770> they've primarily on men it seems that they've primarily on men it seems that they've somehow<00:11:43.220> overlooked<00:11:44.060> the<00:11:44.240> fact<00:11:44.270> that<00:11:45.020> over somehow overlooked the fact that over somehow overlooked the fact that over half<00:11:45.770> the<00:11:46.280> world's<00:11:46.400> population<00:11:47.330> are<00:11:47.420> women half the world's population are women half the world's population are women and<00:11:48.910> women<00:11:49.910> have<00:11:50.300> drawn<00:11:50.630> the<00:11:50.990> short<00:11:51.320> medical and women have drawn the short medical and women have drawn the short medical straw<00:11:52.430> because<00:11:52.700> it<00:11:52.970> now<00:11:53.150> turns<00:11:53.210> out<00:11:53.750> that<00:11:53.990> many straw because it now turns out that many straw because it now turns out that many of<00:11:54.410> these<00:11:54.650> drugs<00:11:55.040> don't<00:11:56.000> work<00:11:56.150> nearly<00:11:57.020> as<00:11:57.200> well of these drugs don't work nearly as well of these drugs don't work nearly as well on<00:11:57.740> women<00:11:58.220> as<00:11:58.370> they<00:11:58.970> do<00:11:59.120> on<00:11:59.240> men<00:11:59.510> and<00:11:59.780> the<00:12:00.500> drugs on women as they do on men and the drugs on women as they do on men and the drugs that<00:12:00.860> do<00:12:01.220> work<00:12:01.430> well<00:12:01.700> work<00:12:01.970> so<00:12:02.360> well<00:12:02.600> that that do work well work so well that that do work well work so well that they're<00:12:03.110> actively<00:12:03.860> harmful<00:12:04.550> for<00:12:04.730> women<00:12:05.060> to they're actively harmful for women to they're actively harmful for women to take<00:12:06.310> being<00:12:07.310> a<00:12:07.400> rebel<00:12:07.790> is<00:12:08.000> about<00:12:08.930> recognizing take being a rebel is about recognizing take being a rebel is about recognizing that<00:12:10.160> experts<00:12:10.910> assumptions<00:12:11.810> and<00:12:12.170> their that experts assumptions and their that experts assumptions and their methodologies<00:12:13.700> can<00:12:14.470> easily<00:12:15.470> be<00:12:15.890> flawed methodologies can easily be flawed methodologies can easily be flawed second<00:12:19.030> we<00:12:20.030> need<00:12:20.240> to<00:12:20.450> create<00:12:21.080> the<00:12:21.470> space<00:12:21.770> for second we need to create the space for second we need to create the space for what<00:12:23.210> I<00:12:23.420> call<00:12:23.800> managed<00:12:24.800> descent<00:12:25.550> if<00:12:25.910> we<00:12:26.390> are<00:12:26.630> to what I call managed descent if we are to what I call managed descent if we are to shift<00:12:27.380> paradigms<00:12:28.100> if<00:12:28.340> we<00:12:28.520> are<00:12:28.640> to<00:12:28.820> make shift paradigms if we are to make shift paradigms if we are to make breakthroughs<00:12:29.780> if<00:12:29.990> we<00:12:30.680> are<00:12:30.860> to<00:12:31.160> destroy<00:12:31.370> myths breakthroughs if we are to destroy myths breakthroughs if we are to destroy myths we<00:12:32.870> need<00:12:33.050> to<00:12:33.170> create<00:12:33.410> an<00:12:33.620> environment<00:12:34.100> in we need to create an environment in we need to create an environment in which<00:12:34.900> expert<00:12:35.900> ideas<00:12:36.380> are<00:12:36.590> battling<00:12:37.190> it<00:12:37.370> out which expert ideas are battling it out which expert ideas are battling it out in<00:12:37.850> which<00:12:38.270> we're<00:12:38.480> bringing<00:12:39.050> in<00:12:39.230> new<00:12:39.590> diverse in which we're bringing in new diverse in which we're bringing in new diverse discordant<00:12:41.480> heretical<00:12:42.230> views<00:12:42.650> into<00:12:43.250> the discordant heretical views into the discordant heretical views into the discussion<00:12:44.560> fearlessly<00:12:45.560> in<00:12:45.950> the<00:12:46.850> knowledge discussion fearlessly in the knowledge discussion fearlessly in the knowledge that<00:12:47.990> progress<00:12:48.530> comes<00:12:48.980> about<00:12:49.280> not<00:12:50.270> only<00:12:50.540> from that progress comes about not only from that progress comes about not only from the<00:12:51.320> creation<00:12:52.220> of<00:12:52.340> ideas<00:12:52.810> but<00:12:53.810> also<00:12:53.980> from the creation of ideas but also from the creation of ideas but also from their<00:12:55.160> destruction<00:12:56.120> and<00:12:56.570> also<00:12:57.560> from<00:12:58.250> the their destruction and also from the their destruction and also from the knowledge<00:12:58.760> that<00:12:58.970> by<00:12:59.840> surrounding<00:13:00.170> ourselves knowledge that by surrounding ourselves knowledge that by surrounding ourselves by<00:13:02.080> divergent<00:13:03.340> discordant<00:13:04.340> heretical<00:13:04.790> views by divergent discordant heretical views by divergent discordant heretical views all<00:13:06.350> the<00:13:06.410> research<00:13:07.220> now<00:13:07.490> shows<00:13:07.850> us<00:13:08.180> that<00:13:08.870> this all the research now shows us that this all the research now shows us that this actually<00:13:09.980> makes<00:13:10.550> us<00:13:10.820> smarter<00:13:13.810> encouraging actually makes us smarter encouraging actually makes us smarter encouraging dissent<00:13:15.260> is<00:13:15.560> a<00:13:15.830> rebellious<00:13:16.430> notion<00:13:16.880> because dissent is a rebellious notion because dissent is a rebellious notion because it<00:13:17.390> goes<00:13:17.600> against<00:13:18.200> our<00:13:18.350> very<00:13:18.830> instincts<00:13:19.730> which it goes against our very instincts which it goes against our very instincts which are<00:13:20.600> to<00:13:20.900> surround<00:13:21.770> ourselves<00:13:22.070> with<00:13:22.520> opinions are to surround ourselves with opinions are to surround ourselves with opinions and<00:13:23.630> advice<00:13:24.200> that<00:13:25.190> we<00:13:25.310> already<00:13:25.610> believe<00:13:26.620> or and advice that we already believe or and advice that we already believe or want<00:13:28.010> to<00:13:28.160> be want to be want to be true<00:13:28.810> and<00:13:29.250> that's<00:13:30.250> why<00:13:30.430> I<00:13:30.460> talk<00:13:30.730> about<00:13:30.760> the true and that's why I talk about the true and that's why I talk about the need<00:13:31.390> to<00:13:31.570> actively<00:13:32.410> manage<00:13:33.070> dissent<00:13:35.070> Google's need to actively manage dissent Google's need to actively manage dissent Google's CEO<00:13:36.370> Eric<00:13:37.120> Schmidt<00:13:37.150> is<00:13:38.050> a<00:13:38.190> practical CEO Eric Schmidt is a practical CEO Eric Schmidt is a practical practitioner<00:13:41.110> of<00:13:41.290> this<00:13:41.710> philosophy<00:13:41.950> in practitioner of this philosophy in practitioner of this philosophy in meetings<00:13:43.540> he<00:13:44.440> looks<00:13:44.680> out<00:13:44.890> for<00:13:45.220> the<00:13:45.310> person<00:13:45.550> in meetings he looks out for the person in meetings he looks out for the person in the<00:13:45.970> room<00:13:46.120> arms<00:13:46.690> crossed<00:13:47.050> looking<00:13:47.440> a<00:13:47.680> bit the room arms crossed looking a bit the room arms crossed looking a bit bemused<00:13:48.010> and<00:13:49.170> draws<00:13:50.170> them<00:13:50.530> into<00:13:50.680> the bemused and draws them into the bemused and draws them into the discussion<00:13:51.600> trying<00:13:52.600> to<00:13:52.750> see<00:13:52.990> if<00:13:53.230> they<00:13:53.470> indeed discussion trying to see if they indeed discussion trying to see if they indeed are<00:13:54.370> the<00:13:54.820> person<00:13:55.300> with<00:13:55.660> a<00:13:55.870> different<00:13:56.290> opinion are the person with a different opinion are the person with a different opinion so<00:13:57.970> that<00:13:58.000> they<00:13:58.240> have<00:13:58.540> dissent<00:13:59.110> within<00:13:59.530> the so that they have dissent within the so that they have dissent within the room<00:14:00.780> managing<00:14:01.780> dissent<00:14:02.260> is<00:14:02.560> about room managing dissent is about room managing dissent is about recognizing<00:14:03.550> the<00:14:04.270> value<00:14:04.810> of<00:14:05.970> disagreement recognizing the value of disagreement recognizing the value of disagreement discord<00:14:08.170> and<00:14:08.500> difference<00:14:09.660> but<00:14:10.660> we<00:14:10.840> need<00:14:11.080> to<00:14:11.260> go discord and difference but we need to go discord and difference but we need to go even<00:14:12.220> further<00:14:12.660> we<00:14:13.660> need<00:14:13.840> to<00:14:14.020> fundamentally even further we need to fundamentally even further we need to fundamentally redefine<00:14:16.240> who<00:14:17.020> it<00:14:17.230> is<00:14:17.470> that<00:14:17.890> experts<00:14:18.520> are<00:14:19.590> the redefine who it is that experts are the redefine who it is that experts are the conventional<00:14:21.580> notion<00:14:22.420> is<00:14:22.600> that<00:14:23.670> experts<00:14:24.670> are conventional notion is that experts are conventional notion is that experts are people<00:14:25.450> with<00:14:26.130> advanced<00:14:27.130> degrees<00:14:27.810> fancy people with advanced degrees fancy people with advanced degrees fancy titles<00:14:29.350> diplomas<00:14:30.210> best-selling<00:14:31.210> books<00:14:31.600> high titles diplomas best-selling books high titles diplomas best-selling books high status<00:14:33.100> individuals<00:14:34.260> but<00:14:35.260> just<00:14:35.500> imagine<00:14:35.650> if status individuals but just imagine if status individuals but just imagine if we<00:14:36.700> were<00:14:36.910> to<00:14:37.440> junk<00:14:38.440> this<00:14:39.040> nation<00:14:39.640> of<00:14:40.450> expertise we were to junk this nation of expertise we were to junk this nation of expertise as<00:14:42.850> some<00:14:43.720> sort<00:14:43.960> of<00:14:44.140> elite<00:14:44.740> cadre<00:14:45.490> and<00:14:46.590> instead as some sort of elite cadre and instead as some sort of elite cadre and instead embrace<00:14:48.180> the<00:14:49.180> notion<00:14:49.630> of<00:14:49.950> democratized embrace the notion of democratized embrace the notion of democratized expertise<00:14:52.050> whereby<00:14:53.130> expertise<00:14:54.130> was<00:14:54.370> not<00:14:54.610> just expertise whereby expertise was not just expertise whereby expertise was not just the<00:14:55.030> preserve<00:14:55.480> of<00:14:55.690> surgeons<00:14:56.530> and<00:14:56.830> CEOs<00:14:57.430> but the preserve of surgeons and CEOs but the preserve of surgeons and CEOs but also<00:14:59.340> shopgirls<00:15:00.390> yeah<00:15:01.500> best<00:15:02.500> by<00:15:02.830> the<00:15:03.610> consumer also shopgirls yeah best by the consumer also shopgirls yeah best by the consumer electronics<00:15:04.720> company<00:15:05.430> gets<00:15:06.430> all<00:15:06.970> its electronics company gets all its electronics company gets all its employees<00:15:07.810> the<00:15:08.800> cleaners<00:15:09.400> the<00:15:09.700> shop employees the cleaners the shop employees the cleaners the shop assistants<00:15:10.690> the<00:15:10.900> people<00:15:11.170> in<00:15:11.290> the<00:15:11.410> back<00:15:11.730> office assistants the people in the back office assistants the people in the back office not<00:15:13.720> just<00:15:13.960> its<00:15:14.170> forecasting<00:15:15.070> team<00:15:15.340> to<00:15:16.330> place not just its forecasting team to place not just its forecasting team to place bets bets bets yes<00:15:17.410> bets<00:15:17.770> on<00:15:18.160> things<00:15:18.820> like<00:15:19.030> whether<00:15:19.570> or<00:15:19.810> not<00:15:19.990> a yes bets on things like whether or not a yes bets on things like whether or not a product<00:15:21.310> is<00:15:21.700> going<00:15:22.240> to<00:15:22.360> sell<00:15:22.630> well<00:15:22.900> before product is going to sell well before product is going to sell well before Christmas<00:15:23.890> on<00:15:24.070> whether<00:15:24.880> new<00:15:25.150> customers<00:15:25.810> new Christmas on whether new customers new Christmas on whether new customers new ideas<00:15:26.710> are<00:15:27.280> going<00:15:27.580> to<00:15:27.670> be<00:15:27.910> or<00:15:28.540> should<00:15:28.840> be<00:15:28.870> taken ideas are going to be or should be taken ideas are going to be or should be taken on<00:15:29.500> by<00:15:29.530> the<00:15:29.740> company<00:15:30.010> on<00:15:30.430> whether<00:15:31.030> a<00:15:31.330> project on by the company on whether a project on by the company on whether a project will<00:15:32.680> come<00:15:32.920> in<00:15:33.100> on<00:15:33.250> time<00:15:33.840> by<00:15:35.010> leveraging<00:15:36.010> and will come in on time by leveraging and will come in on time by leveraging and by<00:15:36.880> embracing<00:15:37.480> the<00:15:37.810> expertise<00:15:38.620> within<00:15:39.040> the by embracing the expertise within the by embracing the expertise within the company<00:15:39.730> best<00:15:40.660> buy<00:15:41.020> was<00:15:41.260> able<00:15:41.680> to company best buy was able to company best buy was able to discover<00:15:42.430> for<00:15:42.850> example<00:15:42.880> that<00:15:44.190> the<00:15:45.190> store discover for example that the store discover for example that the store that<00:15:46.300> it<00:15:46.390> was<00:15:46.510> going<00:15:46.750> to<00:15:46.810> open<00:15:47.110> in<00:15:47.380> China<00:15:47.800> it's that it was going to open in China it's that it was going to open in China it's big<00:15:48.790> grand<00:15:49.210> store<00:15:49.630> was<00:15:50.020> not<00:15:50.320> going<00:15:50.650> to<00:15:50.800> open<00:15:51.130> on big grand store was not going to open on big grand store was not going to open on time<00:15:51.310> because<00:15:51.970> when<00:15:52.390> it<00:15:52.540> asked<00:15:53.230> its<00:15:53.880> staff<00:15:54.880> all time because when it asked its staff all time because when it asked its staff all its<00:15:55.660> staff<00:15:55.990> to<00:15:56.260> place<00:15:56.890> their<00:15:57.190> bets<00:15:57.220> on<00:15:57.760> whether its staff to place their bets on whether its staff to place their bets on whether they<00:15:58.210> thought<00:15:58.450> the<00:15:58.660> store<00:15:58.990> would<00:15:59.410> open<00:15:59.860> on they thought the store would open on they thought the store would open on time<00:16:00.400> or<00:16:00.640> not<00:16:00.670> a<00:16:01.410> group<00:16:02.410> from<00:16:02.980> the<00:16:03.160> finance time or not a group from the finance time or not a group from the finance department<00:16:04.560> placed<00:16:05.560> all<00:16:05.830> their<00:16:06.250> chips<00:16:06.700> on department placed all their chips on department placed all their chips on that<00:16:07.720> not<00:16:07.930> happening that not happening that not happening it<00:16:10.090> turns<00:16:10.480> out<00:16:10.690> that<00:16:10.750> they<00:16:11.260> were<00:16:11.290> where<00:16:11.770> as<00:16:12.010> no it turns out that they were where as no it turns out that they were where as no one<00:16:12.520> else<00:16:12.760> within<00:16:13.120> the<00:16:13.330> company<00:16:13.780> was<00:16:13.930> of<00:16:14.230> a one else within the company was of a one else within the company was of a technological<00:16:15.670> blip<00:16:15.970> that<00:16:16.300> neither<00:16:17.140> the technological blip that neither the technological blip that neither the forecasting<00:16:18.580> experts<00:16:19.060> nor<00:16:19.330> the<00:16:19.480> experts<00:16:19.900> on forecasting experts nor the experts on forecasting experts nor the experts on the<00:16:20.110> ground<00:16:20.140> on<00:16:20.650> China<00:16:21.160> were<00:16:22.000> even<00:16:22.390> aware<00:16:22.930> of the ground on China were even aware of the ground on China were even aware of the<00:16:25.690> strategies<00:16:26.440> that<00:16:26.770> I<00:16:27.190> have<00:16:27.700> discussed the strategies that I have discussed the strategies that I have discussed this<00:16:28.960> evening<00:16:30.900> embracing<00:16:31.900> dissent<00:16:32.460> taking this evening embracing dissent taking this evening embracing dissent taking experts<00:16:33.970> on<00:16:34.800> democratizing<00:16:35.800> expertise experts on democratizing expertise experts on democratizing expertise rebellious<00:16:37.840> strategies<00:16:38.620> are<00:16:39.030> strategies rebellious strategies are strategies rebellious strategies are strategies that<00:16:40.930> I<00:16:41.080> think<00:16:41.350> would<00:16:41.560> serve<00:16:41.860> us<00:16:41.890> all<00:16:42.250> well<00:16:42.880> to that I think would serve us all well to that I think would serve us all well to embrace<00:16:43.510> as<00:16:43.780> we<00:16:44.530> try<00:16:44.860> to<00:16:44.920> deal<00:16:45.340> with<00:16:45.580> the embrace as we try to deal with the embrace as we try to deal with the challenges<00:16:46.570> of<00:16:46.720> these<00:16:47.350> very<00:16:47.620> confusing challenges of these very confusing challenges of these very confusing complex<00:16:50.040> difficult<00:16:51.040> times<00:16:51.430> for<00:16:52.360> if<00:16:52.420> we<00:16:52.600> keep complex difficult times for if we keep complex difficult times for if we keep our<00:16:53.490> independent<00:16:54.490> decision-making<00:16:55.180> part<00:16:55.630> of our independent decision-making part of our independent decision-making part of our<00:16:56.560> brains<00:16:56.950> switched<00:16:57.640> on<00:16:57.940> if<00:16:58.210> we<00:16:58.960> challenge our brains switched on if we challenge our brains switched on if we challenge experts<00:17:00.220> if<00:17:00.430> we're<00:17:01.090> skeptical<00:17:01.900> if<00:17:02.110> we<00:17:02.680> devolve experts if we're skeptical if we devolve experts if we're skeptical if we devolve Authority<00:17:03.970> if<00:17:04.180> we<00:17:04.449> are<00:17:04.600> rebellious<00:17:04.990> but<00:17:05.980> also Authority if we are rebellious but also Authority if we are rebellious but also if<00:17:06.910> we<00:17:07.480> become<00:17:07.990> much<00:17:08.290> more<00:17:08.490> comfortable<00:17:09.490> with if we become much more comfortable with if we become much more comfortable with nuance<00:17:12.240> uncertainty<00:17:13.240> and<00:17:13.540> doubt<00:17:13.890> and<00:17:14.890> if<00:17:15.430> we nuance uncertainty and doubt and if we nuance uncertainty and doubt and if we allow<00:17:15.730> our<00:17:16.150> experts<00:17:17.079> to<00:17:17.949> express<00:17:18.699> themselves allow our experts to express themselves allow our experts to express themselves using<00:17:19.600> those<00:17:20.290> terms<00:17:20.709> too<00:17:21.449> we<00:17:22.449> will<00:17:22.600> set using those terms too we will set using those terms too we will set ourselves<00:17:23.140> up<00:17:23.680> much<00:17:24.520> better<00:17:24.990> for<00:17:25.990> the ourselves up much better for the ourselves up much better for the challenges<00:17:26.829> of<00:17:26.949> the<00:17:27.400> 21st<00:17:28.150> century<00:17:28.750> for<00:17:29.620> now challenges of the 21st century for now challenges of the 21st century for now more<00:17:30.940> than<00:17:31.270> ever<00:17:31.600> is<00:17:31.990> not<00:17:32.920> the<00:17:33.190> time<00:17:33.490> to<00:17:33.790> be more than ever is not the time to be more than ever is not the time to be blindly<00:17:35.140> following<00:17:35.700> blindly<00:17:37.110> accepting blindly following blindly accepting blindly following blindly accepting blindly<00:17:39.580> trusting<00:17:40.530> now<00:17:41.530> is<00:17:41.860> the<00:17:42.100> time<00:17:42.340> to<00:17:43.060> face blindly trusting now is the time to face blindly trusting now is the time to face the<00:17:43.810> world<00:17:44.020> with<00:17:44.860> eyes<00:17:45.130> wide<00:17:45.750> open<00:17:46.750> yes<00:17:48.030> using the world with eyes wide open yes using the world with eyes wide open yes using experts<00:17:49.570> to<00:17:49.810> help<00:17:49.840> us<00:17:50.350> figure<00:17:50.620> things<00:17:50.950> out<00:17:51.160> for experts to help us figure things out for experts to help us figure things out for sure<00:17:51.730> I<00:17:52.120> don't<00:17:52.810> want<00:17:53.110> to<00:17:53.320> completely<00:17:53.830> do sure I don't want to completely do sure I don't want to completely do myself<00:17:54.460> out<00:17:54.910> of<00:17:54.940> a<00:17:55.180> job<00:17:55.420> here myself out of a job here myself out of a job here but<00:17:56.850> being<00:17:57.850> aware<00:17:58.510> of<00:17:58.930> their<00:17:59.680> limitations<00:18:00.250> and but being aware of their limitations and but being aware of their limitations and of<00:18:01.930> course<00:18:02.460> also<00:18:03.460> our<00:18:04.030> own<00:18:05.370> thank<00:18:06.370> you

Noreena Hertz, expert, expertise, trust, experts, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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