Làm Thế nào Ông Bao cao su Làm Cho Thái lan một nơi tốt hơn-Mechai Viravaidya

How Mr. Condom made Thailand a better place - Mechai Viravaidya

How Mr. Condom made Thailand a better place - Mechai Viravaidya



[Music] [Music] welcome<00:00:16.790> to<00:00:16.910> Thailand<00:00:17.619> now<00:00:18.619> when<00:00:18.860> I<00:00:18.890> was<00:00:19.070> a welcome to Thailand now when I was a welcome to Thailand now when I was a young<00:00:19.340> man<00:00:19.520> 40<00:00:19.970> years<00:00:20.240> ago<00:00:21.310> the<00:00:22.310> country<00:00:22.640> is young man 40 years ago the country is young man 40 years ago the country is very<00:00:22.790> very<00:00:23.210> poor<00:00:23.510> with<00:00:23.660> lots<00:00:23.900> and<00:00:24.140> lots<00:00:24.290> and very very poor with lots and lots and very very poor with lots and lots and lots<00:00:24.500> of<00:00:24.740> people<00:00:24.980> living<00:00:25.250> in<00:00:25.430> poverty<00:00:25.750> we lots of people living in poverty we lots of people living in poverty we decided<00:00:27.289> to<00:00:27.410> do<00:00:27.560> something<00:00:27.860> about<00:00:27.949> it<00:00:28.420> but<00:00:29.420> we decided to do something about it but we decided to do something about it but we didn't<00:00:29.900> begin<00:00:30.020> with<00:00:30.350> the<00:00:30.440> welfare<00:00:30.800> program<00:00:31.279> or didn't begin with the welfare program or didn't begin with the welfare program or a<00:00:32.690> poverty<00:00:33.230> reduction<00:00:33.440> program<00:00:34.100> but<00:00:34.820> we<00:00:35.000> began a poverty reduction program but we began a poverty reduction program but we began with<00:00:35.809> a<00:00:35.870> family<00:00:36.440> planning<00:00:36.680> program<00:00:37.420> following with a family planning program following with a family planning program following a<00:00:38.690> very<00:00:38.870> successful<00:00:39.290> maternal<00:00:40.280> child<00:00:40.309> health a very successful maternal child health a very successful maternal child health activity<00:00:42.230> sets<00:00:42.650> of<00:00:42.800> activities<00:00:43.040> so<00:00:43.760> basically activity sets of activities so basically activity sets of activities so basically no<00:00:44.930> one<00:00:45.140> would<00:00:45.350> accept<00:00:45.589> family<00:00:45.949> planning<00:00:46.190> if no one would accept family planning if no one would accept family planning if that<00:00:47.000> children<00:00:47.390> didn't<00:00:47.780> survive that children didn't survive that children didn't survive so<00:00:48.620> the<00:00:48.739> first<00:00:48.920> step<00:00:49.129> get<00:00:49.879> to<00:00:50.059> the<00:00:50.180> children so the first step get to the children so the first step get to the children get<00:00:50.750> to<00:00:50.870> the<00:00:50.900> mothers<00:00:51.019> and<00:00:51.379> then<00:00:51.920> follow<00:00:52.250> up get to the mothers and then follow up get to the mothers and then follow up with<00:00:52.430> family<00:00:52.879> planning<00:00:53.120> not<00:00:53.659> just<00:00:53.960> child with family planning not just child with family planning not just child mortality<00:00:54.379> alone<00:00:54.979> you<00:00:55.400> need<00:00:55.670> also<00:00:56.000> Family mortality alone you need also Family mortality alone you need also Family Planning<00:00:56.600> now<00:00:57.170> let<00:00:57.320> me<00:00:57.440> take<00:00:57.680> you<00:00:57.739> back<00:00:58.100> as<00:00:58.400> to Planning now let me take you back as to Planning now let me take you back as to why<00:00:59.299> we<00:00:59.570> needed<00:00:59.750> to<00:01:00.019> do<00:01:00.170> it<00:01:00.320> in<00:01:00.530> my<00:01:01.040> country why we needed to do it in my country why we needed to do it in my country that<00:01:01.489> was<00:01:01.820> the<00:01:01.850> case<00:01:02.119> in<00:01:02.330> 1974<00:01:03.229> seven<00:01:03.890> children that was the case in 1974 seven children that was the case in 1974 seven children four<00:01:04.400> family<00:01:04.729> tremendous<00:01:05.659> growth<00:01:05.900> at<00:01:06.229> three four family tremendous growth at three four family tremendous growth at three point<00:01:07.130> three<00:01:07.280> percent point three percent point three percent there<00:01:07.940> was<00:01:08.060> just<00:01:08.090> no<00:01:08.420> future<00:01:08.659> we<00:01:09.380> needed<00:01:09.890> to there was just no future we needed to there was just no future we needed to reduce<00:01:10.369> the<00:01:10.580> poverty<00:01:10.850> interest<00:01:11.299> rate<00:01:11.450> so<00:01:11.750> we reduce the poverty interest rate so we reduce the poverty interest rate so we said<00:01:12.890> let's<00:01:13.070> do<00:01:13.190> it<00:01:13.280> the<00:01:13.430> women<00:01:13.700> said<00:01:13.880> we<00:01:14.060> agree said let's do it the women said we agree said let's do it the women said we agree we'll<00:01:14.630> use<00:01:14.810> pills<00:01:15.200> but<00:01:16.130> we<00:01:16.340> need<00:01:16.490> a<00:01:16.520> doctors<00:01:16.939> to we'll use pills but we need a doctors to we'll use pills but we need a doctors to prescribe<00:01:17.450> the<00:01:17.600> pills<00:01:17.810> and<00:01:18.170> we<00:01:19.100> had<00:01:19.250> very<00:01:19.520> very prescribe the pills and we had very very prescribe the pills and we had very very few<00:01:19.939> doctors<00:01:20.180> so<00:01:20.869> we<00:01:21.079> didn't<00:01:21.320> take<00:01:21.439> no<00:01:21.710> as<00:01:21.950> an few doctors so we didn't take no as an few doctors so we didn't take no as an answer<00:01:22.640> we<00:01:23.000> took<00:01:23.180> no<00:01:23.240> as<00:01:23.659> a<00:01:23.689> question<00:01:23.960> so<00:01:24.740> we answer we took no as a question so we answer we took no as a question so we went<00:01:25.189> to<00:01:25.369> the<00:01:25.490> nurses<00:01:25.880> and<00:01:25.909> the<00:01:26.179> midwives<00:01:26.509> who went to the nurses and the midwives who went to the nurses and the midwives who were<00:01:27.109> also<00:01:27.500> women<00:01:27.649> and<00:01:27.920> did<00:01:28.250> a<00:01:28.280> fantastic<00:01:28.490> job were also women and did a fantastic job were also women and did a fantastic job at<00:01:29.539> explaining<00:01:30.259> how<00:01:30.530> to<00:01:30.560> use<00:01:30.740> the<00:01:30.950> pill<00:01:31.159> that at explaining how to use the pill that at explaining how to use the pill that was<00:01:31.969> wonderful<00:01:32.450> but<00:01:32.630> it<00:01:32.780> covered<00:01:33.200> only<00:01:33.640> 20%<00:01:34.640> of was wonderful but it covered only 20% of was wonderful but it covered only 20% of the<00:01:35.090> country<00:01:35.479> what<00:01:35.990> do<00:01:36.140> we<00:01:36.229> do<00:01:36.380> for<00:01:36.560> the<00:01:36.619> other the country what do we do for the other the country what do we do for the other 80%<00:01:37.130> leave<00:01:37.549> them<00:01:37.700> alone<00:01:37.909> and<00:01:37.969> say<00:01:38.270> well 80% leave them alone and say well 80% leave them alone and say well they're<00:01:39.020> not<00:01:39.170> medical<00:01:39.590> personnel<00:01:40.039> no<00:01:40.759> we they're not medical personnel no we they're not medical personnel no we decided<00:01:41.240> to<00:01:41.450> do<00:01:41.810> a<00:01:41.840> bit<00:01:41.990> more<00:01:42.170> so<00:01:42.829> we<00:01:43.009> went<00:01:43.219> to decided to do a bit more so we went to decided to do a bit more so we went to the<00:01:43.549> ordinary<00:01:44.090> people<00:01:44.659> that<00:01:44.810> you<00:01:44.990> saw the ordinary people that you saw the ordinary people that you saw actually<00:01:46.219> below<00:01:46.909> that<00:01:47.119> yellow<00:01:47.299> sign<00:01:47.749> I<00:01:48.109> wish actually below that yellow sign I wish actually below that yellow sign I wish they<00:01:48.619> hadn't<00:01:48.920> wiped<00:01:49.039> that<00:01:49.340> because<00:01:49.999> there<00:01:50.179> was they hadn't wiped that because there was they hadn't wiped that because there was Coca<00:01:50.539> Cola<00:01:50.899> that Coca Cola that Coca Cola that we<00:01:52.960> were<00:01:53.140> so<00:01:53.470> much<00:01:53.800> bigger<00:01:54.160> than<00:01:54.250> coca-cola<00:01:54.670> in we were so much bigger than coca-cola in we were so much bigger than coca-cola in those<00:01:55.180> days<00:01:55.390> and<00:01:56.140> no<00:01:56.770> difference<00:01:57.160> the<00:01:57.520> people those days and no difference the people those days and no difference the people they<00:01:58.030> chose<00:01:58.090> were<00:01:58.720> the<00:01:58.840> people<00:01:59.140> we<00:01:59.260> chose they chose were the people we chose they chose were the people we chose they're<00:02:00.490> well<00:02:00.940> known<00:02:00.970> in<00:02:01.360> the<00:02:01.420> community<00:02:01.450> they they're well known in the community they they're well known in the community they knew<00:02:02.440> that<00:02:02.620> customers<00:02:03.190> who<00:02:03.310> always<00:02:03.460> right<00:02:03.880> and knew that customers who always right and knew that customers who always right and they<00:02:04.570> were<00:02:04.660> terrific<00:02:04.840> and<00:02:05.230> they<00:02:05.440> practiced they were terrific and they practiced they were terrific and they practiced their<00:02:06.040> family<00:02:06.370> planning<00:02:06.610> themselves<00:02:07.060> so<00:02:07.450> they their family planning themselves so they their family planning themselves so they could<00:02:07.690> supply<00:02:08.020> pills<00:02:08.380> and<00:02:08.649> condoms could supply pills and condoms could supply pills and condoms throughout<00:02:09.820> the<00:02:10.000> country<00:02:10.360> in<00:02:10.510> every<00:02:10.780> village throughout the country in every village throughout the country in every village of<00:02:11.350> the<00:02:11.440> country<00:02:11.770> so<00:02:12.130> there<00:02:12.370> we<00:02:12.460> are<00:02:12.490> we<00:02:12.820> went of the country so there we are we went of the country so there we are we went to<00:02:13.450> the<00:02:13.570> people<00:02:13.720> who<00:02:14.050> were<00:02:14.170> seen<00:02:14.410> as<00:02:14.680> the<00:02:15.220> cause to the people who were seen as the cause to the people who were seen as the cause of<00:02:15.460> the<00:02:15.730> problem<00:02:16.090> to<00:02:16.660> be<00:02:16.780> the<00:02:16.990> solution<00:02:17.530> so of the problem to be the solution so of the problem to be the solution so wherever<00:02:18.280> there<00:02:18.790> were<00:02:18.880> people<00:02:19.300> and<00:02:19.510> you<00:02:19.600> can wherever there were people and you can wherever there were people and you can see<00:02:19.780> much<00:02:20.140> from<00:02:20.320> the<00:02:20.410> women<00:02:20.710> selling<00:02:21.400> things see much from the women selling things see much from the women selling things here's<00:02:22.390> the<00:02:22.570> floating<00:02:22.900> market<00:02:23.290> selling here's the floating market selling here's the floating market selling bananas<00:02:24.190> and<00:02:25.060> crabs<00:02:25.390> and<00:02:25.840> also bananas and crabs and also bananas and crabs and also contraceptives<00:02:27.250> wherever<00:02:27.910> you<00:02:28.120> find<00:02:28.270> people contraceptives wherever you find people contraceptives wherever you find people you<00:02:29.080> will<00:02:29.230> find<00:02:29.470> contraceptives<00:02:30.160> in<00:02:30.280> Thailand you will find contraceptives in Thailand you will find contraceptives in Thailand and<00:02:31.290> then<00:02:32.290> we<00:02:32.440> decided<00:02:32.980> why<00:02:33.250> not<00:02:33.280> get<00:02:33.610> to and then we decided why not get to and then we decided why not get to religion<00:02:34.209> because<00:02:34.480> in<00:02:34.959> the<00:02:35.110> Philippines<00:02:35.530> the religion because in the Philippines the religion because in the Philippines the Catholic<00:02:36.370> Church<00:02:36.580> was<00:02:36.760> pretty<00:02:37.000> strong<00:02:37.270> and Catholic Church was pretty strong and Catholic Church was pretty strong and type<00:02:38.200> he<00:02:38.350> were<00:02:38.530> Buddhist<00:02:38.920> so<00:02:39.370> we<00:02:39.520> went<00:02:39.700> to<00:02:39.820> them type he were Buddhist so we went to them type he were Buddhist so we went to them and<00:02:40.240> they<00:02:40.300> said<00:02:40.480> look<00:02:40.660> could<00:02:40.900> you<00:02:40.930> help<00:02:41.170> us<00:02:41.320> so and they said look could you help us so and they said look could you help us so I'm<00:02:42.070> there<00:02:42.340> the<00:02:42.400> one<00:02:42.670> in<00:02:42.910> blue<00:02:43.150> not<00:02:43.390> the<00:02:43.420> yellow I'm there the one in blue not the yellow I'm there the one in blue not the yellow holding<00:02:44.650> a<00:02:44.830> ball<00:02:45.040> of<00:02:45.220> holy<00:02:45.610> water<00:02:46.020> for<00:02:47.020> the holding a ball of holy water for the holding a ball of holy water for the monk<00:02:47.950> to<00:02:48.190> sprinkle<00:02:48.670> holy<00:02:48.790> water<00:02:48.970> on<00:02:49.209> pills<00:02:49.540> and monk to sprinkle holy water on pills and monk to sprinkle holy water on pills and condoms<00:02:50.190> for<00:02:51.190> the<00:02:51.340> sanctity<00:02:51.880> of<00:02:51.910> the<00:02:52.120> family condoms for the sanctity of the family condoms for the sanctity of the family and<00:02:52.750> this<00:02:53.530> picture<00:02:53.860> was<00:02:53.980> sent<00:02:54.100> throughout<00:02:54.430> the and this picture was sent throughout the and this picture was sent throughout the country<00:02:55.150> so<00:02:55.300> some<00:02:55.990> of<00:02:56.020> the<00:02:56.110> monks<00:02:56.380> in<00:02:56.470> the country so some of the monks in the country so some of the monks in the villages<00:02:56.950> were<00:02:57.100> doing<00:02:57.310> the<00:02:57.400> same<00:02:57.580> thing villages were doing the same thing villages were doing the same thing themselves<00:02:58.209> and<00:02:58.360> the<00:02:58.989> women<00:02:59.260> was<00:02:59.380> saying<00:02:59.590> no themselves and the women was saying no themselves and the women was saying no wonder<00:03:00.430> we<00:03:00.550> have<00:03:00.670> no<00:03:00.850> side<00:03:01.090> effects<00:03:01.480> it's<00:03:01.750> been wonder we have no side effects it's been wonder we have no side effects it's been rest<00:03:02.580> that<00:03:03.580> was<00:03:03.760> that<00:03:03.910> perception<00:03:04.420> and<00:03:04.750> then rest that was that perception and then rest that was that perception and then we<00:03:05.650> went<00:03:05.830> to<00:03:05.950> teachers<00:03:06.630> you<00:03:07.630> need<00:03:07.810> you<00:03:08.110> need we went to teachers you need you need we went to teachers you need you need everybody<00:03:08.980> to<00:03:09.100> be<00:03:09.370> involved<00:03:09.670> in<00:03:10.570> trying<00:03:10.989> to everybody to be involved in trying to everybody to be involved in trying to provide<00:03:11.760> whatever<00:03:12.760> it<00:03:12.970> is<00:03:13.180> that<00:03:13.480> makes provide whatever it is that makes provide whatever it is that makes humanity<00:03:14.200> a<00:03:14.680> better<00:03:15.070> place<00:03:15.340> so<00:03:15.850> we<00:03:15.970> were<00:03:16.090> to humanity a better place so we were to humanity a better place so we were to the<00:03:16.330> teachers<00:03:16.690> over<00:03:16.900> quarter<00:03:17.500> of<00:03:17.560> a<00:03:17.620> million the teachers over quarter of a million the teachers over quarter of a million were<00:03:18.610> taught<00:03:18.850> about<00:03:18.880> family<00:03:19.420> planning<00:03:19.660> with were taught about family planning with were taught about family planning with new<00:03:20.050> alphabet<00:03:20.380> a<00:03:20.739> v<00:03:21.160> Ferber<00:03:21.400> C<00:03:21.760> for<00:03:21.970> condom new alphabet a v Ferber C for condom new alphabet a v Ferber C for condom either<00:03:22.570> I<00:03:22.690> or<00:03:22.750> D<00:03:23.050> Viva<00:03:23.320> vasectomy<00:03:24.010> and<00:03:24.250> then<00:03:24.730> we either I or D Viva vasectomy and then we either I or D Viva vasectomy and then we had<00:03:24.940> a<00:03:24.970> snakes<00:03:25.269> and<00:03:25.480> ladders<00:03:25.540> game<00:03:25.930> when<00:03:26.140> you had a snakes and ladders game when you had a snakes and ladders game when you throw<00:03:26.410> dice<00:03:26.650> if<00:03:27.040> you<00:03:27.190> land<00:03:27.400> on<00:03:27.550> anything<00:03:27.730> Pro throw dice if you land on anything Pro throw dice if you land on anything Pro Family<00:03:28.390> Planning<00:03:28.510> you<00:03:28.989> move<00:03:29.140> ahead<00:03:29.290> like Family Planning you move ahead like Family Planning you move ahead like mother<00:03:30.190> takes<00:03:30.489> the<00:03:30.580> pill<00:03:30.820> every<00:03:31.030> night<00:03:31.209> put mother takes the pill every night put mother takes the pill every night put very<00:03:31.810> good<00:03:31.959> mother<00:03:32.140> move<00:03:32.380> it<00:03:32.670> uncle<00:03:33.670> buys very good mother move it uncle buys very good mother move it uncle buys condom<00:03:34.330> very<00:03:34.660> good<00:03:34.810> uncle<00:03:34.930> move<00:03:35.230> ahead<00:03:35.350> and condom very good uncle move ahead and condom very good uncle move ahead and who<00:03:35.860> gets<00:03:36.070> Stranglers<00:03:36.459> use<00:03:36.670> condom<00:03:37.030> come<00:03:37.209> back who gets Stranglers use condom come back who gets Stranglers use condom come back that<00:03:37.540> again that again that again again<00:03:39.540> education<00:03:40.200> class<00:03:40.650> entertainment<00:03:41.010> and again education class entertainment and again education class entertainment and their<00:03:42.840> kids<00:03:43.139> were<00:03:43.409> doing<00:03:43.590> it<00:03:43.799> in<00:03:43.920> schools<00:03:44.189> too their kids were doing it in schools too their kids were doing it in schools too we<00:03:44.519> had<00:03:44.639> real<00:03:44.819> iterations<00:03:45.389> with<00:03:45.569> condoms we had real iterations with condoms we had real iterations with condoms we<00:03:46.590> had<00:03:46.709> children's<00:03:47.159> condom<00:03:47.579> blowing we had children's condom blowing we had children's condom blowing championship<00:03:48.420> and<00:03:48.629> before<00:03:49.230> long<00:03:49.439> the<00:03:50.010> condom championship and before long the condom championship and before long the condom was<00:03:50.879> known<00:03:51.150> as<00:03:51.389> the<00:03:51.510> girl's<00:03:51.719> best<00:03:51.989> friend<00:03:52.400> in was known as the girl's best friend in was known as the girl's best friend in Thailand<00:03:53.819> for<00:03:53.969> poor<00:03:54.180> people<00:03:54.359> diamonds<00:03:54.930> don't Thailand for poor people diamonds don't Thailand for poor people diamonds don't make<00:03:55.260> it<00:03:55.379> so<00:03:56.069> the<00:03:56.250> condom<00:03:56.670> is<00:03:57.060> the<00:03:57.329> girl's<00:03:57.599> best make it so the condom is the girl's best make it so the condom is the girl's best friend<00:03:58.459> we<00:03:59.459> introduced<00:03:59.969> our<00:04:00.150> first friend we introduced our first friend we introduced our first microcredit<00:04:01.200> program<00:04:01.590> in<00:04:01.769> 1975<00:04:02.609> and<00:04:02.879> the microcredit program in 1975 and the microcredit program in 1975 and the women<00:04:03.599> who<00:04:03.780> organized<00:04:04.230> it<00:04:04.439> said<00:04:04.650> we<00:04:05.040> only<00:04:05.250> want women who organized it said we only want women who organized it said we only want to<00:04:05.819> lend<00:04:06.060> to<00:04:06.299> women<00:04:06.930> who<00:04:07.019> practice<00:04:07.200> family to lend to women who practice family to lend to women who practice family planning<00:04:07.980> if<00:04:08.340> you're<00:04:08.549> pregnant<00:04:08.790> take<00:04:09.419> care<00:04:09.659> of planning if you're pregnant take care of planning if you're pregnant take care of your<00:04:09.810> pregnancy<00:04:10.319> if<00:04:10.409> you're<00:04:10.530> not<00:04:10.650> pregnant your pregnancy if you're not pregnant your pregnancy if you're not pregnant you<00:04:11.400> can<00:04:11.609> take<00:04:11.819> a<00:04:11.849> load<00:04:12.090> not<00:04:12.299> from<00:04:12.540> us<00:04:12.689> and<00:04:12.870> that you can take a load not from us and that you can take a load not from us and that was<00:04:13.799> run<00:04:14.010> by<00:04:14.189> them<00:04:14.430> and<00:04:14.609> after<00:04:15.419> 35<00:04:16.380> 36<00:04:16.889> years was run by them and after 35 36 years was run by them and after 35 36 years it's<00:04:17.549> still<00:04:17.849> going<00:04:18.090> on<00:04:18.269> it's<00:04:18.810> part<00:04:19.169> of<00:04:19.289> the it's still going on it's part of the it's still going on it's part of the village<00:04:19.739> Development<00:04:20.370> Bank<00:04:20.579> it's<00:04:20.820> not<00:04:20.970> a<00:04:21.000> real village Development Bank it's not a real village Development Bank it's not a real Bank<00:04:21.419> but<00:04:21.840> so<00:04:21.989> fun Bank but so fun Bank but so fun microcredit<00:04:22.949> and<00:04:23.430> we<00:04:23.550> didn't<00:04:23.820> need<00:04:23.910> a<00:04:23.970> big microcredit and we didn't need a big microcredit and we didn't need a big organization<00:04:24.990> to<00:04:25.139> run<00:04:25.289> it<00:04:25.530> we<00:04:25.680> were<00:04:25.770> run<00:04:26.009> by organization to run it we were run by organization to run it we were run by the<00:04:26.220> villages<00:04:26.669> themselves<00:04:27.120> and<00:04:27.270> you<00:04:27.900> probably the villages themselves and you probably the villages themselves and you probably hardly<00:04:28.500> seen<00:04:28.710> a<00:04:28.740> Thai<00:04:28.979> man<00:04:29.220> there<00:04:29.460> it's<00:04:29.910> always hardly seen a Thai man there it's always hardly seen a Thai man there it's always women<00:04:30.479> women<00:04:30.990> women<00:04:31.320> women<00:04:31.500> and<00:04:32.449> then<00:04:33.449> we women women women women and then we women women women women and then we thought<00:04:33.900> we'd<00:04:34.080> help<00:04:34.289> America<00:04:34.830> because thought we'd help America because thought we'd help America because America<00:04:35.460> has<00:04:35.910> been<00:04:36.060> helping<00:04:36.389> everyone America has been helping everyone America has been helping everyone whether<00:04:36.990> they<00:04:37.199> want<00:04:37.380> help<00:04:37.560> or<00:04:37.680> not


and<00:04:44.220> this<00:04:44.520> is<00:04:44.669> on<00:04:44.819> the<00:04:44.940> 4th<00:04:45.180> of<00:04:45.300> July<00:04:45.530> we
and this is on the 4th of July we and this is on the 4th of July we decided<00:04:47.069> to<00:04:47.250> provide<00:04:47.430> resecting<00:04:48.060> me<00:04:48.150> to<00:04:48.270> all decided to provide resecting me to all decided to provide resecting me to all men<00:04:48.599> but<00:04:49.020> in<00:04:49.169> particular<00:04:49.530> American<00:04:50.220> men<00:04:50.400> to men but in particular American men to men but in particular American men to the<00:04:50.699> front<00:04:50.940> of<00:04:51.060> the<00:04:51.150> queue<00:04:51.330> rideable<00:04:52.229> to<00:04:52.349> the the front of the queue rideable to the the front of the queue rideable to the ambassador's<00:04:52.979> residence<00:04:53.599> during<00:04:54.599> his<00:04:54.780> Van ambassador's residence during his Van ambassador's residence during his Van Daan<00:04:55.169> and<00:04:55.650> the<00:04:55.889> Hotel<00:04:56.220> gave<00:04:56.250> us<00:04:56.520> the<00:04:56.639> ballroom Daan and the Hotel gave us the ballroom Daan and the Hotel gave us the ballroom for<00:04:57.240> it for it for it very<00:04:57.780> appropriate<00:04:58.050> room<00:05:01.340> and<00:05:02.780> since<00:05:03.780> it<00:05:03.900> was very appropriate room and since it was very appropriate room and since it was near<00:05:04.139> lunchtime<00:05:04.620> they<00:05:04.919> said<00:05:05.490> alright<00:05:05.669> we'll near lunchtime they said alright we'll near lunchtime they said alright we'll give<00:05:06.060> you<00:05:06.150> some<00:05:06.330> lunch<00:05:06.479> of<00:05:06.690> course<00:05:06.750> it<00:05:07.289> must<00:05:07.530> be give you some lunch of course it must be give you some lunch of course it must be American<00:05:07.919> :<00:05:08.550> you've<00:05:08.669> got<00:05:08.819> two<00:05:08.970> brands<00:05:09.330> Coke American : you've got two brands Coke American : you've got two brands Coke and<00:05:10.110> Pepsi<00:05:10.139> and<00:05:10.590> then<00:05:11.009> the<00:05:11.160> food and Pepsi and then the food and Pepsi and then the food it's<00:05:11.910> either<00:05:12.150> hamburger<00:05:12.810> or<00:05:12.930> hotdog<00:05:13.080> and<00:05:13.620> I it's either hamburger or hotdog and I it's either hamburger or hotdog and I thought<00:05:13.889> a<00:05:13.949> hotdog<00:05:14.160> would<00:05:14.430> be<00:05:14.520> more<00:05:14.729> symbolic thought a hotdog would be more symbolic thought a hotdog would be more symbolic and<00:05:17.340> and<00:05:17.610> here<00:05:18.000> is<00:05:18.180> this<00:05:18.569> then<00:05:18.990> young<00:05:19.259> man<00:05:19.289> for and and here is this then young man for and and here is this then young man for Willy<00:05:20.099> boom<00:05:20.340> who<00:05:20.880> worked<00:05:21.090> for<00:05:21.270> USAID Willy boom who worked for USAID Willy boom who worked for USAID obviously<00:05:23.099> he's<00:05:23.280> had<00:05:23.490> this<00:05:23.610> perspective<00:05:23.819> me obviously he's had this perspective me obviously he's had this perspective me because<00:05:24.539> his<00:05:24.690> hotdogs<00:05:25.050> half-eaten<00:05:25.550> and<00:05:26.550> he because his hotdogs half-eaten and he because his hotdogs half-eaten and he was<00:05:26.940> very<00:05:27.090> happy<00:05:27.300> it<00:05:27.659> made<00:05:27.900> a<00:05:27.930> lot<00:05:28.080> of<00:05:28.110> news<00:05:28.319> in was very happy it made a lot of news in was very happy it made a lot of news in America<00:05:28.560> and<00:05:29.130> it<00:05:29.520> angered<00:05:29.909> some<00:05:30.060> people<00:05:30.389> also America and it angered some people also America and it angered some people also I<00:05:30.690> said<00:05:30.930> don't<00:05:31.139> worry<00:05:31.289> come<00:05:31.560> over<00:05:31.800> I'll<00:05:31.889> do<00:05:32.039> the I said don't worry come over I'll do the I said don't worry come over I'll do the whole<00:05:32.250> lot<00:05:32.340> of<00:05:32.460> you<00:05:33.740> and<00:05:34.740> what<00:05:35.310> happened<00:05:35.669> you whole lot of you and what happened you whole lot of you and what happened you know<00:05:36.419> all<00:05:36.539> this<00:05:36.750> thing<00:05:36.960> from<00:05:37.860> 7<00:05:38.220> children<00:05:38.750> to know all this thing from 7 children to know all this thing from 7 children to 1.5<00:05:40.229> children<00:05:40.650> population<00:05:41.130> growth<00:05:41.159> rate<00:05:41.550> of 1.5 children population growth rate of 1.5 children population growth rate of 3.3<00:05:42.330> to<00:05:42.780> 0.5<00:05:43.470> you<00:05:44.130> could<00:05:44.310> call<00:05:44.520> it<00:05:44.610> the<00:05:44.639> Coca 3.3 to 0.5 you could call it the Coca 3.3 to 0.5 you could call it the Coca Cola<00:05:45.090> approach<00:05:45.690> if<00:05:45.870> you<00:05:45.900> like<00:05:46.110> it<00:05:46.289> was<00:05:46.380> exactly Cola approach if you like it was exactly Cola approach if you like it was exactly the<00:05:46.889> same<00:05:47.099> thing<00:05:47.370> I'm<00:05:47.759> not<00:05:47.969> sure<00:05:48.030> what<00:05:48.300> a<00:05:48.330> Coca the same thing I'm not sure what a Coca the same thing I'm not sure what a Coca Cola<00:05:49.139> followed<00:05:49.530> us<00:05:49.680> so<00:05:49.860> we<00:05:50.009> followed<00:05:50.400> Coca Cola followed us so we followed Coca Cola followed us so we followed Coca Cola<00:05:50.940> but<00:05:51.330> we're<00:05:51.509> good<00:05:51.659> friends<00:05:51.780> and<00:05:52.400> so Cola but we're good friends and so Cola but we're good friends and so that's<00:05:53.639> the<00:05:53.820> case<00:05:54.030> of<00:05:54.300> everyone<00:05:54.750> joining<00:05:55.020> in that's the case of everyone joining in that's the case of everyone joining in we<00:05:55.620> didn't<00:05:56.039> have<00:05:56.130> a<00:05:56.159> strong<00:05:56.430> government<00:05:56.669> we we didn't have a strong government we we didn't have a strong government we didn't<00:05:57.419> have<00:05:57.539> lots<00:05:57.719> of<00:05:57.810> doctors<00:05:58.050> but<00:05:58.680> it's didn't have lots of doctors but it's didn't have lots of doctors but it's everybody's<00:06:00.030> job<00:06:00.060> who<00:06:00.419> can<00:06:00.539> change<00:06:00.750> attitude everybody's job who can change attitude everybody's job who can change attitude and<00:06:01.440> behavior<00:06:01.530> then<00:06:02.490> age<00:06:02.849> came<00:06:03.180> along<00:06:03.449> and<00:06:03.630> hit and behavior then age came along and hit and behavior then age came along and hit Thailand<00:06:04.259> and<00:06:04.530> we<00:06:05.130> had<00:06:05.340> to<00:06:05.460> stop<00:06:05.729> doing<00:06:06.060> a<00:06:06.120> lot Thailand and we had to stop doing a lot Thailand and we had to stop doing a lot of<00:06:06.270> good<00:06:06.419> things<00:06:06.690> to<00:06:06.900> fight<00:06:07.440> AIDS<00:06:08.009> but of good things to fight AIDS but of good things to fight AIDS but unfortunately<00:06:09.180> the<00:06:09.240> government<00:06:09.270> was<00:06:09.750> in unfortunately the government was in unfortunately the government was in denial<00:06:10.139> denial<00:06:10.620> denial<00:06:11.070> so<00:06:11.849> I<00:06:12.180> work<00:06:12.419> wasn't denial denial denial so I work wasn't denial denial denial so I work wasn't effective<00:06:13.169> so<00:06:13.620> I<00:06:13.650> thought<00:06:14.099> well<00:06:14.280> if<00:06:14.400> you<00:06:14.490> can't effective so I thought well if you can't effective so I thought well if you can't go<00:06:14.849> to<00:06:14.909> the<00:06:15.060> government<00:06:15.180> go<00:06:15.509> to<00:06:15.569> the<00:06:15.719> military go to the government go to the military go to the government go to the military so<00:06:16.590> I<00:06:16.620> went<00:06:16.860> to<00:06:16.919> the<00:06:17.009> military<00:06:17.190> and<00:06:17.639> ask<00:06:18.389> to so I went to the military and ask to so I went to the military and ask to borrow<00:06:18.870> three<00:06:19.289> hundred<00:06:19.620> grey<00:06:19.800> do<00:06:19.949> stations borrow three hundred grey do stations borrow three hundred grey do stations they<00:06:20.849> have<00:06:21.000> more<00:06:21.180> than<00:06:21.300> the<00:06:21.419> government<00:06:21.780> and they have more than the government and they have more than the government and they<00:06:22.319> got<00:06:22.469> more<00:06:22.620> guns<00:06:22.800> than<00:06:23.069> the<00:06:23.130> government they got more guns than the government they got more guns than the government so<00:06:24.719> I<00:06:24.750> asked<00:06:25.050> him<00:06:25.139> could<00:06:25.319> they<00:06:25.440> help<00:06:25.590> us<00:06:25.830> in<00:06:26.310> our so I asked him could they help us in our so I asked him could they help us in our fight<00:06:26.969> against<00:06:27.780> HIV<00:06:28.349> and<00:06:28.620> after<00:06:29.280> I<00:06:29.340> gave<00:06:29.550> them fight against HIV and after I gave them fight against HIV and after I gave them statistics<00:06:30.270> they<00:06:30.419> said<00:06:30.599> yes<00:06:30.780> okay<00:06:31.110> you<00:06:31.440> can statistics they said yes okay you can statistics they said yes okay you can use<00:06:31.710> all<00:06:31.919> the<00:06:32.039> radio<00:06:32.310> stations<00:06:32.759> television use all the radio stations television use all the radio stations television stations<00:06:33.300> and<00:06:33.840> that's<00:06:34.289> when<00:06:34.500> we<00:06:34.650> went<00:06:34.860> onto stations and that's when we went onto stations and that's when we went onto the<00:06:35.430> airwaves<00:06:35.669> and<00:06:36.030> then<00:06:36.599> we<00:06:36.719> had<00:06:36.840> a<00:06:36.870> new<00:06:37.020> prime the airwaves and then we had a new prime the airwaves and then we had a new prime minister<00:06:37.650> soon<00:06:37.949> after<00:06:38.250> that<00:06:38.280> and<00:06:38.669> he<00:06:39.569> said minister soon after that and he said minister soon after that and he said I<00:06:40.650> could<00:06:40.860> you<00:06:40.979> come<00:06:41.159> and<00:06:41.310> join<00:06:41.580> he<00:06:42.090> asked I could you come and join he asked I could you come and join he asked me<00:06:42.509> in<00:06:42.599> because<00:06:42.900> he<00:06:43.020> liked<00:06:43.199> my<00:06:43.349> wife<00:06:43.560> a<00:06:43.710> lot<00:06:43.800> so me in because he liked my wife a lot so me in because he liked my wife a lot so I<00:06:44.009> said<00:06:44.219> ok<00:06:44.840> he<00:06:45.840> became<00:06:46.199> the<00:06:46.409> chairman<00:06:46.710> of I said ok he became the chairman of I said ok he became the chairman of National<00:06:46.979> AIDS<00:06:47.190> committee<00:06:47.639> and<00:06:47.819> increased National AIDS committee and increased National AIDS committee and increased the<00:06:48.509> budget<00:06:48.630> 50<00:06:49.139> for<00:06:49.319> every<00:06:49.919> ministry<00:06:50.430> even the budget 50 for every ministry even the budget 50 for every ministry even judges<00:06:50.909> had<00:06:51.210> to<00:06:51.240> be<00:06:51.419> involved<00:06:51.659> with<00:06:51.839> AIDS judges had to be involved with AIDS judges had to be involved with AIDS education<00:06:52.699> everyone<00:06:53.699> and<00:06:53.940> we<00:06:54.180> said<00:06:54.330> the education everyone and we said the education everyone and we said the public<00:06:55.039> institutions<00:06:56.039> religious public institutions religious public institutions religious institutions<00:06:57.180> schools<00:06:57.590> everyone<00:06:58.590> was institutions schools everyone was institutions schools everyone was involved<00:06:59.340> and<00:06:59.490> here<00:07:00.210> every<00:07:00.930> media<00:07:01.319> person<00:07:01.770> had involved and here every media person had involved and here every media person had to<00:07:02.520> be<00:07:02.550> trained<00:07:02.999> for<00:07:03.180> HIV<00:07:03.900> and<00:07:04.110> we<00:07:04.169> gave<00:07:04.680> every to be trained for HIV and we gave every to be trained for HIV and we gave every station<00:07:05.550> half<00:07:06.150> a<00:07:06.330> minute<00:07:06.479> extra<00:07:06.930> for station half a minute extra for station half a minute extra for advertising<00:07:08.400> to<00:07:08.550> earn<00:07:08.669> more<00:07:08.849> money<00:07:08.909> so<00:07:09.360> they advertising to earn more money so they advertising to earn more money so they were<00:07:09.779> happy<00:07:10.110> with<00:07:10.139> that<00:07:10.409> and<00:07:10.699> then<00:07:11.699> AIDS were happy with that and then AIDS were happy with that and then AIDS education<00:07:12.240> in<00:07:12.870> all<00:07:13.050> schools<00:07:13.650> starting<00:07:14.400> from education in all schools starting from education in all schools starting from University<00:07:15.150> and<00:07:15.300> these<00:07:15.719> are<00:07:15.900> high<00:07:16.020> school University and these are high school University and these are high school kids<00:07:16.349> teaching<00:07:17.279> high<00:07:17.430> school<00:07:17.669> kids<00:07:17.939> and<00:07:18.090> the kids teaching high school kids and the kids teaching high school kids and the best<00:07:18.629> teachers<00:07:18.840> were<00:07:19.229> the<00:07:19.289> girls<00:07:19.560> not<00:07:20.129> the best teachers were the girls not the best teachers were the girls not the boys<00:07:20.430> and<00:07:20.729> they<00:07:21.240> were<00:07:21.300> terrific<00:07:21.509> and<00:07:21.900> these boys and they were terrific and these boys and they were terrific and these girls<00:07:22.499> who<00:07:22.740> go<00:07:22.889> around<00:07:23.009> teaching<00:07:23.430> about<00:07:23.789> safe girls who go around teaching about safe girls who go around teaching about safe sex<00:07:24.330> and<00:07:24.629> HIV<00:07:25.409> were<00:07:25.979> known<00:07:26.189> as<00:07:26.400> mother<00:07:26.639> Teresa sex and HIV were known as mother Teresa sex and HIV were known as mother Teresa and<00:07:28.469> then<00:07:28.770> we<00:07:29.099> went<00:07:29.250> down<00:07:29.370> one<00:07:29.849> more<00:07:30.090> step and then we went down one more step and then we went down one more step these<00:07:30.449> are<00:07:30.509> primary<00:07:31.020> school<00:07:31.229> kids<00:07:31.500> third these are primary school kids third these are primary school kids third fourth<00:07:32.550> grade<00:07:32.669> going<00:07:33.150> to<00:07:33.270> every<00:07:33.840> household<00:07:34.169> in fourth grade going to every household in fourth grade going to every household in the<00:07:34.349> village<00:07:34.409> every<00:07:35.340> household<00:07:35.729> in<00:07:35.909> the<00:07:35.969> whole the village every household in the whole the village every household in the whole of<00:07:36.270> Thailand<00:07:36.659> hearing<00:07:37.469> aids<00:07:37.770> information<00:07:38.460> and of Thailand hearing aids information and of Thailand hearing aids information and a<00:07:38.939> condom<00:07:39.330> -<00:07:39.539> every<00:07:40.020> household<00:07:40.379> given<00:07:41.069> by a condom - every household given by a condom - every household given by these<00:07:41.219> young<00:07:41.639> kids<00:07:41.879> and<00:07:42.150> no<00:07:42.750> parents<00:07:43.139> objected these young kids and no parents objected these young kids and no parents objected because<00:07:43.680> we<00:07:44.219> were<00:07:44.400> saved<00:07:44.669> trying<00:07:45.270> to<00:07:45.360> save because we were saved trying to save because we were saved trying to save lives<00:07:45.569> and<00:07:45.990> this<00:07:46.879> was<00:07:47.879> a<00:07:47.909> life<00:07:48.150> saver lives and this was a life saver lives and this was a life saver and<00:07:48.719> we<00:07:48.900> said<00:07:49.110> everyone<00:07:49.589> needs<00:07:49.710> to<00:07:49.860> be and we said everyone needs to be and we said everyone needs to be involved<00:07:50.339> so<00:07:50.759> you<00:07:50.819> have<00:07:51.150> the<00:07:51.569> companies<00:07:52.020> also involved so you have the companies also involved so you have the companies also realizing<00:07:52.949> that<00:07:52.979> six<00:07:53.339> start<00:07:53.669> on<00:07:53.849> work<00:07:54.029> and realizing that six start on work and realizing that six start on work and debt<00:07:54.360> customers<00:07:54.870> don't<00:07:55.319> buy<00:07:55.439> so<00:07:55.800> they<00:07:55.919> all debt customers don't buy so they all debt customers don't buy so they all trade<00:07:56.279> and<00:07:56.490> then<00:07:56.819> we<00:07:56.999> have<00:07:57.150> this<00:07:57.330> captain trade and then we have this captain trade and then we have this captain condom<00:07:58.439> with<00:07:58.620> his<00:07:58.740> Harvard<00:07:59.069> MBA<00:08:00.110> going<00:08:01.110> to condom with his Harvard MBA going to condom with his Harvard MBA going to schools<00:08:01.560> and<00:08:01.889> nice<00:08:02.039> spots<00:08:02.430> and<00:08:02.669> they'd<00:08:03.029> have schools and nice spots and they'd have schools and nice spots and they'd have to<00:08:03.330> you<00:08:03.629> need<00:08:03.810> a<00:08:03.870> symbol<00:08:04.289> of<00:08:04.529> something<00:08:04.740> you to you need a symbol of something you to you need a symbol of something you know<00:08:05.520> in<00:08:05.699> every<00:08:06.060> country<00:08:06.509> every<00:08:06.539> program<00:08:07.139> you know in every country every program you know in every country every program you need<00:08:07.740> a<00:08:07.800> symbol<00:08:08.129> and<00:08:08.490> this<00:08:09.029> is<00:08:09.089> probably<00:08:09.330> the need a symbol and this is probably the need a symbol and this is probably the best<00:08:09.569> thing<00:08:09.779> he's<00:08:09.930> ever<00:08:10.050> done<00:08:10.289> with<00:08:10.529> MBA

and<00:08:14.400> then<00:08:15.150> we<00:08:15.240> gave<00:08:15.389> condoms<00:08:15.990> up<00:08:16.110> everywhere
and then we gave condoms up everywhere and then we gave condoms up everywhere in<00:08:16.830> the<00:08:16.919> street<00:08:17.129> everywhere<00:08:17.819> everyone<00:08:18.240> in in the street everywhere everyone in in the street everywhere everyone in taxis<00:08:19.110> you<00:08:19.319> get<00:08:19.499> condoms<00:08:20.099> and<00:08:20.279> also<00:08:20.729> in taxis you get condoms and also in taxis you get condoms and also in traffic<00:08:22.080> the<00:08:22.259> policemen<00:08:22.710> give<00:08:22.919> you<00:08:23.069> hundred traffic the policemen give you hundred traffic the policemen give you hundred our<00:08:23.969> cops-and-robbers<00:08:24.360> program<00:08:27.889> so<00:08:28.889> can<00:08:29.159> you our cops-and-robbers program so can you our cops-and-robbers program so can you imagine<00:08:29.339> New<00:08:29.789> York<00:08:30.029> policemen<00:08:30.300> giving<00:08:30.749> out imagine New York policemen giving out imagine New York policemen giving out calm<00:08:31.110> down<00:08:31.289> of<00:08:32.010> course<00:08:32.070> I<00:08:32.490> can<00:08:32.760> and<00:08:32.969> they'd calm down of course I can and they'd calm down of course I can and they'd enjoy<00:08:33.300> it<00:08:33.449> immensely<00:08:33.599> I'd<00:08:34.409> see<00:08:34.740> them<00:08:34.800> standing enjoy it immensely I'd see them standing enjoy it immensely I'd see them standing around<00:08:35.459> right<00:08:35.849> now<00:08:35.880> everywhere<00:08:36.750> imagine<00:08:37.289> if around right now everywhere imagine if around right now everywhere imagine if they<00:08:37.469> had<00:08:37.500> come<00:08:37.829> down<00:08:37.949> that's<00:08:38.159> giving<00:08:38.459> out<00:08:38.940> to they had come down that's giving out to they had come down that's giving out to all<00:08:39.240> sorts<00:08:39.510> of<00:08:39.599> people<00:08:39.779> and<00:08:40.110> then<00:08:40.740> your<00:08:41.070> new all sorts of people and then your new all sorts of people and then your new change<00:08:41.550> we<00:08:41.909> had<00:08:42.060> hair<00:08:42.510> ban<00:08:43.099> clothing<00:08:44.099> and<00:08:44.339> the change we had hair ban clothing and the change we had hair ban clothing and the condom<00:08:45.449> for<00:08:45.690> your<00:08:46.350> mobile<00:08:46.769> phone<00:08:47.070> during<00:08:47.370> the condom for your mobile phone during the condom for your mobile phone during the rainy<00:08:47.730> season<00:08:48.240> and<00:08:49.699> these<00:08:50.699> were<00:08:50.910> the<00:08:51.060> condoms rainy season and these were the condoms rainy season and these were the condoms that<00:08:51.990> we<00:08:52.250> introduced<00:08:54.560> one<00:08:55.560> says<00:08:56.240> weapon<00:08:57.240> of that we introduced one says weapon of that we introduced one says weapon of mass<00:08:57.480> protection<00:08:58.079> we<00:08:58.350> found<00:08:58.740> you<00:08:59.010> know mass protection we found you know mass protection we found you know somebody<00:08:59.459> here<00:08:59.639> was<00:08:59.760> searching<00:09:00.089> for<00:09:00.120> the somebody here was searching for the somebody here was searching for the weapon<00:09:00.990> of<00:09:01.139> mass<00:09:01.290> destruction<00:09:01.529> well<00:09:02.339> we<00:09:02.519> have weapon of mass destruction well we have weapon of mass destruction well we have found<00:09:02.880> the<00:09:03.000> weapon<00:09:03.300> of<00:09:03.420> mass<00:09:03.540> protection<00:09:04.050> the found the weapon of mass protection the found the weapon of mass protection the condom<00:09:04.769> and<00:09:04.920> then<00:09:05.760> it<00:09:05.940> says<00:09:06.180> here<00:09:06.480> with<00:09:06.630> the condom and then it says here with the condom and then it says here with the American<00:09:07.139> flag<00:09:07.380> don't<00:09:08.310> leave<00:09:08.490> home<00:09:08.670> without American flag don't leave home without American flag don't leave home without it it it but<00:09:10.350> I<00:09:10.380> have<00:09:10.680> some<00:09:10.889> to<00:09:11.010> give<00:09:11.040> out<00:09:11.339> afterwards but I have some to give out afterwards but I have some to give out afterwards but<00:09:12.329> let<00:09:12.510> me<00:09:12.660> warn<00:09:12.870> you<00:09:13.100> these<00:09:14.100> are<00:09:14.310> tie<00:09:14.459> size but let me warn you these are tie size but let me warn you these are tie size so<00:09:15.089> be<00:09:15.240> very<00:09:15.389> careful

and<00:09:18.780> so<00:09:19.290> so<00:09:19.800> you<00:09:19.860> can<00:09:19.950> sue<00:09:20.310> you<00:09:20.580> can<00:09:20.760> see<00:09:20.970> that
and so so you can sue you can see that and so so you can sue you can see that condoms<00:09:21.660> can<00:09:22.350> condoms<00:09:23.130> can<00:09:23.310> do<00:09:23.430> so<00:09:23.610> many condoms can condoms can do so many condoms can condoms can do so many things<00:09:23.880> look<00:09:24.360> at<00:09:24.450> this<00:09:24.630> I<00:09:24.840> give<00:09:25.380> this<00:09:25.500> to<00:09:25.680> Al things look at this I give this to Al things look at this I give this to Al Gore<00:09:26.070> and<00:09:26.370> to<00:09:26.970> build<00:09:27.150> senior<00:09:27.570> also<00:09:27.780> stop Gore and to build senior also stop Gore and to build senior also stop global<00:09:29.010> warming<00:09:29.190> use<00:09:29.850> condoms<00:09:30.300> and<00:09:31.670> then<00:09:32.670> this global warming use condoms and then this global warming use condoms and then this is<00:09:33.210> the<00:09:33.330> picture<00:09:33.570> I<00:09:33.720> mentioned<00:09:34.260> to<00:09:34.380> you<00:09:34.470> that is the picture I mentioned to you that is the picture I mentioned to you that the<00:09:36.270> weapon<00:09:36.600> of<00:09:36.750> mass<00:09:36.990> protection<00:09:37.830> and<00:09:38.070> let the weapon of mass protection and let the weapon of mass protection and let the<00:09:38.970> next<00:09:39.210> Olympics<00:09:39.750> save<00:09:39.900> some<00:09:40.140> lives<00:09:40.640> why the next Olympics save some lives why the next Olympics save some lives why just<00:09:41.940> run<00:09:42.030> around<00:09:42.270> and<00:09:43.230> then<00:09:45.260> and<00:09:46.400> then just run around and then and then just run around and then and then finally<00:09:47.940> in<00:09:48.690> Thailand<00:09:49.350> where<00:09:49.590> Buddhists<00:09:49.920> we finally in Thailand where Buddhists we finally in Thailand where Buddhists we don't<00:09:50.220> have<00:09:50.370> a<00:09:50.400> God<00:09:50.670> so<00:09:51.420> instead<00:09:51.780> we<00:09:52.050> say<00:09:52.260> in don't have a God so instead we say in don't have a God so instead we say in rubber<00:09:52.740> we<00:09:53.010> trust<00:09:54.320> so<00:09:55.320> you<00:09:55.380> can<00:09:55.590> see<00:09:55.770> that<00:09:55.920> we rubber we trust so you can see that we rubber we trust so you can see that we added<00:09:56.280> everything<00:09:57.000> to<00:09:57.150> I<00:09:57.180> endeavor<00:09:57.660> to<00:09:57.870> make added everything to I endeavor to make added everything to I endeavor to make life<00:09:58.230> better<00:09:58.470> for<00:09:58.620> the<00:09:58.770> people<00:09:58.830> we<00:09:59.700> had life better for the people we had life better for the people we had condoms<00:10:00.210> in<00:10:00.630> all<00:10:00.780> the<00:10:00.900> refrigerators<00:10:01.560> in<00:10:01.800> the condoms in all the refrigerators in the condoms in all the refrigerators in the hotels<00:10:02.280> in<00:10:02.400> the<00:10:02.520> schools<00:10:02.790> because<00:10:03.240> alcohol hotels in the schools because alcohol hotels in the schools because alcohol impairs<00:10:04.350> judgment<00:10:04.410> and<00:10:05.040> then<00:10:05.790> what<00:10:05.970> happened impairs judgment and then what happened impairs judgment and then what happened after<00:10:06.570> all<00:10:06.930> this<00:10:07.080> time<00:10:07.290> everybody<00:10:07.800> joined<00:10:08.160> in after all this time everybody joined in after all this time everybody joined in according<00:10:09.750> to<00:10:09.870> the<00:10:09.960> UN<00:10:10.140> it<00:10:10.560> declined<00:10:11.190> by<00:10:11.430> new according to the UN it declined by new according to the UN it declined by new cases<00:10:12.420> of<00:10:12.600> HIV<00:10:12.990> declined<00:10:13.500> by<00:10:13.680> 90%<00:10:14.340> and cases of HIV declined by 90% and cases of HIV declined by 90% and according<00:10:15.510> to<00:10:15.540> the<00:10:15.660> World<00:10:15.840> Bank<00:10:15.900> seven<00:10:16.740> point according to the World Bank seven point according to the World Bank seven point seven<00:10:17.250> million<00:10:17.580> lives<00:10:17.940> were<00:10:18.270> saved<00:10:18.780> otherwise seven million lives were saved otherwise seven million lives were saved otherwise there<00:10:19.590> wouldn't<00:10:19.740> be<00:10:19.830> many<00:10:19.980> Thais<00:10:20.310> walking there wouldn't be many Thais walking there wouldn't be many Thais walking around<00:10:20.940> today<00:10:21.090> so<00:10:21.390> just<00:10:21.870> showed<00:10:22.020> you<00:10:22.200> you around today so just showed you you around today so just showed you you could<00:10:23.040> do<00:10:23.190> something<00:10:23.430> about<00:10:23.640> it could do something about it could do something about it 90<00:10:24.570> percent<00:10:24.870> of<00:10:24.900> the<00:10:24.990> funding<00:10:25.260> came<00:10:25.470> from 90 percent of the funding came from 90 percent of the funding came from Thailand<00:10:26.040> there<00:10:26.460> was<00:10:26.580> political<00:10:26.850> commitment Thailand there was political commitment Thailand there was political commitment some<00:10:28.140> financial<00:10:28.680> commitment<00:10:29.220> and<00:10:29.360> everybody some financial commitment and everybody some financial commitment and everybody joined<00:10:30.750> in<00:10:30.870> the<00:10:31.440> fight<00:10:31.620> so<00:10:31.800> just<00:10:32.160> don't<00:10:32.370> leave joined in the fight so just don't leave joined in the fight so just don't leave it<00:10:32.610> to<00:10:33.000> the<00:10:33.240> specialists<00:10:33.960> and<00:10:34.050> doctors<00:10:34.110> and it to the specialists and doctors and it to the specialists and doctors and nurses<00:10:34.800> we<00:10:35.130> all<00:10:35.310> need<00:10:35.520> to<00:10:35.550> help<00:10:35.790> and<00:10:36.120> then<00:10:36.570> we nurses we all need to help and then we nurses we all need to help and then we decided<00:10:37.140> to<00:10:37.410> help<00:10:37.590> people<00:10:37.650> out<00:10:38.130> of<00:10:38.310> poverty decided to help people out of poverty decided to help people out of poverty now<00:10:38.820> that<00:10:39.030> we<00:10:39.150> got<00:10:39.360> it's<00:10:39.690> somewhat<00:10:40.290> out<00:10:40.440> of<00:10:40.590> the now that we got it's somewhat out of the now that we got it's somewhat out of the way<00:10:40.770> this<00:10:41.430> time<00:10:41.640> not<00:10:41.790> with<00:10:41.970> government<00:10:42.330> alone way this time not with government alone way this time not with government alone but<00:10:42.840> in<00:10:43.080> cooperation<00:10:43.290> with<00:10:44.130> the<00:10:44.490> business but in cooperation with the business but in cooperation with the business community<00:10:45.270> because<00:10:45.540> poor<00:10:45.930> people<00:10:46.320> are community because poor people are community because poor people are business<00:10:47.130> people<00:10:47.340> who<00:10:47.820> lack<00:10:48.060> business<00:10:48.660> skills business people who lack business skills business people who lack business skills and<00:10:49.200> access<00:10:49.800> to<00:10:49.830> credit<00:10:50.100> those<00:10:50.760> are<00:10:50.970> the and access to credit those are the and access to credit those are the things<00:10:51.270> to<00:10:51.390> be<00:10:51.510> provided<00:10:52.170> by<00:10:52.530> the<00:10:52.590> business things to be provided by the business things to be provided by the business community<00:10:53.100> we're<00:10:53.880> trying<00:10:54.150> to<00:10:54.240> turn<00:10:54.390> them<00:10:54.570> into community we're trying to turn them into community we're trying to turn them into barefoot<00:10:55.590> entrepreneurs<00:10:56.520> little<00:10:57.210> business barefoot entrepreneurs little business barefoot entrepreneurs little business people<00:10:57.900> the<00:10:58.350> only<00:10:58.530> way<00:10:58.740> out<00:10:58.950> of<00:10:59.070> poverty<00:10:59.340> is people the only way out of poverty is people the only way out of poverty is through<00:11:00.270> business<00:11:00.630> enterprise<00:11:01.320> so<00:11:01.770> that<00:11:01.800> was through business enterprise so that was through business enterprise so that was done<00:11:02.310> so<00:11:02.790> the<00:11:02.910> money<00:11:03.120> goes<00:11:03.360> from<00:11:03.540> the<00:11:03.630> company done so the money goes from the company done so the money goes from the company into<00:11:04.530> the<00:11:04.620> village<00:11:04.860> via<00:11:05.370> tree<00:11:05.940> planting<00:11:06.330> so into the village via tree planting so into the village via tree planting so it's<00:11:06.840> not<00:11:06.930> a<00:11:06.990> free<00:11:07.170> gift<00:11:07.380> they<00:11:07.830> plant<00:11:08.130> the it's not a free gift they plant the it's not a free gift they plant the trees<00:11:08.490> and<00:11:08.700> the<00:11:08.970> money<00:11:09.150> goes<00:11:09.390> into<00:11:09.600> their trees and the money goes into their trees and the money goes into their microcredit<00:11:10.410> fund<00:11:10.680> which<00:11:11.160> we<00:11:11.370> call<00:11:11.610> the microcredit fund which we call the microcredit fund which we call the village<00:11:12.000> development<00:11:12.540> back<00:11:12.690> everybody<00:11:13.590> joins village development back everybody joins village development back everybody joins in<00:11:14.130> and<00:11:14.310> they<00:11:14.700> feel<00:11:14.940> they<00:11:15.060> own<00:11:15.240> the<00:11:15.600> bank in and they feel they own the bank in and they feel they own the bank because<00:11:16.440> they've<00:11:16.860> brought<00:11:17.160> the<00:11:17.340> money<00:11:17.520> in<00:11:17.700> and because they've brought the money in and because they've brought the money in and before<00:11:18.630> that<00:11:18.660> you<00:11:18.900> can<00:11:19.230> borrow<00:11:19.800> the<00:11:20.040> money<00:11:20.190> you before that you can borrow the money you before that you can borrow the money you can<00:11:20.580> need<00:11:20.700> to<00:11:20.790> be<00:11:20.910> trained<00:11:21.210> and<00:11:21.420> we<00:11:21.690> believe<00:11:21.990> in can need to be trained and we believe in can need to be trained and we believe in what<00:11:22.350> will<00:11:22.500> help<00:11:22.770> the<00:11:23.010> poor<00:11:23.250> those<00:11:23.790> are<00:11:24.030> living what will help the poor those are living what will help the poor those are living in<00:11:24.360> poverty<00:11:24.660> access<00:11:25.500> to<00:11:25.680> credit<00:11:25.860> must<00:11:26.610> be<00:11:26.910> a in poverty access to credit must be a in poverty access to credit must be a human<00:11:27.510> right<00:11:27.810> access<00:11:28.800> to<00:11:28.830> credit human right access to credit human right access to credit mas mas mas human<00:11:30.410> right<00:11:30.560> otherwise<00:11:31.100> they'll<00:11:31.370> never<00:11:31.400> get human right otherwise they'll never get human right otherwise they'll never get out<00:11:31.970> of<00:11:32.090> poverty<00:11:32.390> and<00:11:32.690> then<00:11:33.230> before<00:11:33.650> getting out of poverty and then before getting out of poverty and then before getting alone alone alone you<00:11:34.550> must<00:11:34.760> be<00:11:34.880> trained<00:11:35.180> here's<00:11:35.450> a<00:11:35.510> what<00:11:35.990> we you must be trained here's a what we you must be trained here's a what we call<00:11:36.170> a<00:11:36.380> barefoot<00:11:36.920> MBA<00:11:37.690> teaching<00:11:38.690> people<00:11:38.870> how call a barefoot MBA teaching people how call a barefoot MBA teaching people how to<00:11:39.140> do<00:11:39.320> business<00:11:39.500> so<00:11:39.740> that<00:11:40.070> when<00:11:40.430> they<00:11:40.520> borrow to do business so that when they borrow to do business so that when they borrow our<00:11:40.910> money<00:11:41.090> they'll<00:11:41.750> succeed<00:11:42.050> with<00:11:42.410> the our money they'll succeed with the our money they'll succeed with the business<00:11:42.830> so<00:11:42.980> these<00:11:43.130> are<00:11:43.310> some<00:11:43.460> of<00:11:43.520> the business so these are some of the business so these are some of the Bissell's<00:11:43.850> mushrooms<00:11:44.690> crabs<00:11:45.730> vegetables Bissell's mushrooms crabs vegetables Bissell's mushrooms crabs vegetables trees<00:11:47.680> fruits<00:11:48.680> and<00:11:49.190> this<00:11:49.490> very<00:11:49.730> interesting trees fruits and this very interesting trees fruits and this very interesting nike<00:11:50.900> ice<00:11:51.050> cream<00:11:51.380> and<00:11:51.560> Nike<00:11:51.770> biscuits<00:11:52.130> this<00:11:52.820> is nike ice cream and Nike biscuits this is nike ice cream and Nike biscuits this is a<00:11:53.060> village<00:11:53.210> sponsored<00:11:53.750> by<00:11:53.900> Nike a village sponsored by Nike a village sponsored by Nike they<00:11:54.650> said<00:11:54.890> they<00:11:55.190> should<00:11:55.370> stop<00:11:55.580> making<00:11:55.910> shoes they said they should stop making shoes they said they should stop making shoes and<00:11:56.390> clothes<00:11:56.600> make<00:11:57.110> these<00:11:57.320> better<00:11:57.530> because<00:11:57.890> we and clothes make these better because we and clothes make these better because we can<00:11:58.190> afford<00:11:58.280> them<00:11:58.990> and<00:11:59.990> then<00:12:00.980> we<00:12:01.130> have<00:12:01.280> silk can afford them and then we have silk can afford them and then we have silk tie<00:12:02.810> silk<00:12:03.110> now<00:12:03.320> we're<00:12:03.500> making<00:12:03.800> Scottish tie silk now we're making Scottish tie silk now we're making Scottish patents<00:12:04.640> as<00:12:04.760> you<00:12:04.850> can<00:12:05.000> see<00:12:05.150> on<00:12:05.240> the<00:12:05.330> left<00:12:05.510> to patents as you can see on the left to patents as you can see on the left to sell<00:12:06.530> to<00:12:06.680> all<00:12:06.830> people<00:12:07.460> or<00:12:07.580> Scottish<00:12:07.850> ancestors sell to all people or Scottish ancestors sell to all people or Scottish ancestors so<00:12:09.230> anyone<00:12:09.560> sitting<00:12:09.830> in<00:12:10.040> and<00:12:10.220> watching<00:12:10.490> TV<00:12:10.640> can so anyone sitting in and watching TV can so anyone sitting in and watching TV can in<00:12:11.120> touch<00:12:11.270> with<00:12:11.450> me<00:12:11.680> and<00:12:12.680> then<00:12:13.070> this<00:12:13.280> is<00:12:13.430> our in touch with me and then this is our in touch with me and then this is our answer<00:12:14.060> to<00:12:14.210> Starbucks<00:12:14.630> in<00:12:14.810> Thailand<00:12:15.200> coffee answer to Starbucks in Thailand coffee answer to Starbucks in Thailand coffee and<00:12:16.400> condoms<00:12:16.760> see<00:12:17.540> Starbucks<00:12:18.050> keeps<00:12:18.290> you and condoms see Starbucks keeps you and condoms see Starbucks keeps you awake<00:12:18.710> we<00:12:19.190> keep<00:12:19.430> you<00:12:19.580> awake<00:12:19.820> and<00:12:20.030> alive<00:12:22.000> can awake we keep you awake and alive can awake we keep you awake and alive can you<00:12:23.030> imagine<00:12:23.300> at<00:12:23.630> every<00:12:23.930> Starbucks<00:12:24.230> that<00:12:24.740> you you imagine at every Starbucks that you you imagine at every Starbucks that you can<00:12:25.010> also<00:12:25.160> get<00:12:25.400> condoms<00:12:25.880> so<00:12:26.630> you<00:12:26.720> can<00:12:26.870> order can also get condoms so you can order can also get condoms so you can order your<00:12:27.260> countdown<00:12:28.160> to<00:12:28.430> the<00:12:28.460> cappuccino<00:12:29.410> and your countdown to the cappuccino and your countdown to the cappuccino and then<00:12:31.520> now<00:12:31.730> finally<00:12:32.180> in<00:12:32.330> education<00:12:32.930> we<00:12:33.350> want<00:12:33.500> to then now finally in education we want to then now finally in education we want to change<00:12:33.950> the<00:12:34.190> school<00:12:34.460> as<00:12:34.730> being<00:12:35.000> underutilized change the school as being underutilized change the school as being underutilized into<00:12:36.440> a<00:12:36.470> place<00:12:36.860> where<00:12:37.490> it's<00:12:37.820> a<00:12:37.970> lifelong into a place where it's a lifelong into a place where it's a lifelong learning<00:12:38.750> center<00:12:39.320> for<00:12:39.470> everyone<00:12:40.370> we<00:12:40.550> call learning center for everyone we call learning center for everyone we call this<00:12:40.850> our<00:12:41.030> school-based<00:12:41.300> integrated<00:12:42.080> rural this our school-based integrated rural this our school-based integrated rural development<00:12:42.440> and<00:12:43.040> it's<00:12:43.640> a<00:12:43.790> center<00:12:44.300> a<00:12:44.330> focal development and it's a center a focal development and it's a center a focal point<00:12:44.870> for<00:12:45.550> economic<00:12:46.550> and<00:12:46.730> social point for economic and social point for economic and social development<00:12:47.300> so<00:12:48.290> we<00:12:48.980> do<00:12:49.160> the<00:12:49.310> school<00:12:49.520> make<00:12:50.420> it development so we do the school make it development so we do the school make it serve<00:12:51.230> the<00:12:51.470> community<00:12:51.920> needs<00:12:52.190> and<00:12:52.460> here<00:12:53.330> is<00:12:53.540> a serve the community needs and here is a serve the community needs and here is a bamboo<00:12:54.530> building<00:12:55.160> all<00:12:55.340> of<00:12:55.490> them<00:12:55.640> are<00:12:55.790> bamboo bamboo building all of them are bamboo bamboo building all of them are bamboo this<00:12:56.510> is<00:12:56.690> a<00:12:56.720> geodesic<00:12:57.200> dome<00:12:57.410> made<00:12:58.220> of<00:12:58.400> bamboo this is a geodesic dome made of bamboo this is a geodesic dome made of bamboo and<00:12:59.090> I'm<00:12:59.450> sure<00:12:59.810> Buckminster<00:13:00.500> Fuller<00:13:00.530> would<00:13:01.490> be and I'm sure Buckminster Fuller would be and I'm sure Buckminster Fuller would be very<00:13:02.000> very<00:13:02.270> proud<00:13:02.570> to<00:13:02.630> see<00:13:02.990> a<00:13:03.020> bamboo<00:13:03.560> geodesic very very proud to see a bamboo geodesic very very proud to see a bamboo geodesic dome<00:13:04.790> and<00:13:05.060> we<00:13:05.690> use<00:13:05.930> vegetables<00:13:06.590> around<00:13:06.950> the dome and we use vegetables around the dome and we use vegetables around the school<00:13:07.550> ground<00:13:07.820> so<00:13:08.330> they<00:13:08.480> raise<00:13:08.630> their<00:13:08.840> own school ground so they raise their own school ground so they raise their own vegetables<00:13:09.110> and<00:13:09.620> then<00:13:09.920> finally<00:13:10.430> I<00:13:10.640> firmly vegetables and then finally I firmly vegetables and then finally I firmly believe<00:13:11.930> if<00:13:12.470> we<00:13:12.890> want<00:13:13.100> the<00:13:13.310> MDGs<00:13:13.880> to<00:13:14.120> work<00:13:14.270> the believe if we want the MDGs to work the believe if we want the MDGs to work the Millennium<00:13:15.380> Development<00:13:15.410> Goals<00:13:16.070> we<00:13:16.520> need<00:13:16.760> to Millennium Development Goals we need to Millennium Development Goals we need to add<00:13:17.090> family<00:13:17.960> planning<00:13:18.320> to<00:13:18.470> it<00:13:18.560> of<00:13:18.740> course<00:13:18.980> our add family planning to it of course our add family planning to it of course our mortality<00:13:19.520> first<00:13:20.060> and<00:13:20.240> then<00:13:20.810> family<00:13:21.080> planning mortality first and then family planning mortality first and then family planning everyone<00:13:22.250> needs<00:13:22.490> family<00:13:22.940> planning<00:13:23.150> service everyone needs family planning service everyone needs family planning service it's<00:13:23.900> underutilized<00:13:24.350> so<00:13:24.920> we<00:13:25.310> have<00:13:25.430> now<00:13:25.610> found it's underutilized so we have now found it's underutilized so we have now found the<00:13:26.150> weapon<00:13:26.420> of<00:13:26.480> mass<00:13:26.630> protection<00:13:27.140> and<00:13:27.470> we the weapon of mass protection and we the weapon of mass protection and we also<00:13:27.860> ask<00:13:28.190> the<00:13:28.430> next<00:13:28.670> Olympics<00:13:29.090> to<00:13:29.570> be also ask the next Olympics to be also ask the next Olympics to be involved<00:13:30.470> in<00:13:31.400> saving<00:13:31.820> lives<00:13:32.000> and<00:13:32.990> then involved in saving lives and then involved in saving lives and then finally<00:13:33.620> that<00:13:34.130> is<00:13:34.370> our<00:13:34.550> network<00:13:34.820> and<00:13:35.270> these finally that is our network and these finally that is our network and these are<00:13:36.370> tide<00:13:37.370> tulips

thank<00:13:41.019> you<00:13:41.170> very<00:13:41.230> much<00:13:41.529> indeed
thank you very much indeed thank you very much indeed [Applause]

Mechai Viravaidya, condom, thailand, sex, education, population, control, TED, TEDx, TEDxChange, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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