Làm thế nào sống khỏe mạnh gần như giết chết tôi-A. J. Jacobs

How healthy living nearly killed me - A.J. Jacobs

How healthy living nearly killed me - A.J. Jacobs



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I<00:00:15.719> spent<00:00:16.039> the<00:00:16.199> last<00:00:16.760> decade<00:00:17.760> uh<00:00:17.960> subjecting
I spent the last decade uh subjecting I spent the last decade uh subjecting myself<00:00:19.080> to<00:00:19.439> pain<00:00:19.920> and<00:00:20.519> humiliation<00:00:21.519> hopefully myself to pain and humiliation hopefully myself to pain and humiliation hopefully for<00:00:22.119> a<00:00:22.279> good<00:00:22.519> cause<00:00:22.920> which<00:00:23.080> is for a good cause which is for a good cause which is self-improvement<00:00:25.119> and<00:00:25.680> uh<00:00:26.359> I've<00:00:26.519> done<00:00:26.679> this self-improvement and uh I've done this self-improvement and uh I've done this in<00:00:27.039> three<00:00:27.279> parts<00:00:27.840> so<00:00:28.199> first<00:00:28.599> I<00:00:28.760> started<00:00:29.679> with in three parts so first I started with in three parts so first I started with the<00:00:30.240> mind<00:00:30.920> and<00:00:31.240> I<00:00:31.560> I<00:00:31.759> decided<00:00:32.640> to<00:00:33.200> try<00:00:33.399> to<00:00:33.640> get the mind and I I decided to try to get the mind and I I decided to try to get smarter<00:00:34.480> by<00:00:34.680> reading<00:00:35.320> the<00:00:35.520> entire smarter by reading the entire smarter by reading the entire Encyclopedia<00:00:36.840> Britannica<00:00:37.840> from<00:00:38.120> A<00:00:38.399> to<00:00:38.600> Z<00:00:39.320> or Encyclopedia Britannica from A to Z or Encyclopedia Britannica from A to Z or more<00:00:39.719> precisely<00:00:40.160> from<00:00:40.440> aak<00:00:41.079> to<00:00:41.480> zivich<00:00:42.480> and more precisely from aak to zivich and more precisely from aak to zivich and here's<00:00:43.079> a<00:00:43.200> little<00:00:43.440> image<00:00:43.680> of<00:00:43.920> that<00:00:44.480> and<00:00:44.840> this here's a little image of that and this here's a little image of that and this was<00:00:45.079> an<00:00:45.280> amazing<00:00:45.640> year<00:00:45.920> it<00:00:46.000> was<00:00:46.160> really<00:00:46.360> a was an amazing year it was really a was an amazing year it was really a fascinating<00:00:47.399> Journey<00:00:48.399> it<00:00:48.600> was<00:00:49.120> uh<00:00:49.239> it<00:00:49.320> was fascinating Journey it was uh it was fascinating Journey it was uh it was painful<00:00:50.320> at<00:00:50.559> times<00:00:51.199> especially<00:00:51.559> for<00:00:51.800> those painful at times especially for those painful at times especially for those around<00:00:52.320> me<00:00:52.800> my<00:00:53.000> wife<00:00:53.559> started<00:00:54.000> to<00:00:54.199> find<00:00:54.559> me<00:00:54.840> $1 around me my wife started to find me $1 around me my wife started to find me $1 for<00:00:55.800> every<00:00:56.039> irrelevant<00:00:56.680> fact<00:00:56.879> I<00:00:57.000> inserted for every irrelevant fact I inserted for every irrelevant fact I inserted into<00:00:57.719> conversation<00:00:58.559> so<00:00:59.559> it<00:00:59.719> was<00:01:00.320> uh<00:01:00.680> it<00:01:00.840> had into conversation so it was uh it had into conversation so it was uh it had its<00:01:01.600> downsides<00:01:02.600> but<00:01:03.000> uh<00:01:03.519> after<00:01:03.840> that<00:01:04.839> I its downsides but uh after that I its downsides but uh after that I decided<00:01:05.280> to<00:01:05.400> work<00:01:05.600> on<00:01:05.960> the<00:01:06.200> spirit<00:01:07.159> I<00:01:07.560> as<00:01:07.680> I decided to work on the spirit I as I decided to work on the spirit I as I mentioned<00:01:08.240> last<00:01:08.400> year<00:01:08.680> I<00:01:09.040> I<00:01:09.119> grew<00:01:09.360> up<00:01:09.479> with<00:01:09.640> no mentioned last year I I grew up with no mentioned last year I I grew up with no religion<00:01:10.320> at<00:01:10.439> all<00:01:11.320> uh<00:01:11.680> I'm<00:01:11.920> Jewish<00:01:12.520> but<00:01:12.680> I'm religion at all uh I'm Jewish but I'm religion at all uh I'm Jewish but I'm Jewish<00:01:13.159> in<00:01:13.280> the<00:01:13.439> same<00:01:13.680> way<00:01:13.920> the<00:01:14.080> Olive<00:01:14.479> Garden Jewish in the same way the Olive Garden Jewish in the same way the Olive Garden is<00:01:15.080> Italian is Italian is Italian so<00:01:17.600> not<00:01:17.880> really<00:01:18.799> but<00:01:19.320> uh<00:01:20.079> I<00:01:20.200> decided<00:01:20.560> to<00:01:20.720> learn so not really but uh I decided to learn so not really but uh I decided to learn about<00:01:21.360> the<00:01:21.560> Bible<00:01:22.520> and<00:01:22.680> my<00:01:22.960> Heritage<00:01:23.520> by about the Bible and my Heritage by about the Bible and my Heritage by actually<00:01:24.280> diving<00:01:24.640> in<00:01:24.840> and<00:01:25.000> trying<00:01:25.240> to<00:01:25.400> live<00:01:25.600> it actually diving in and trying to live it actually diving in and trying to live it and<00:01:25.880> immerse<00:01:26.360> myself<00:01:26.720> in<00:01:26.840> it<00:01:27.200> so<00:01:27.400> I<00:01:27.520> decided<00:01:27.799> to and immerse myself in it so I decided to and immerse myself in it so I decided to follow<00:01:28.280> all<00:01:28.479> the<00:01:28.640> rules<00:01:29.079> of<00:01:29.280> the<00:01:29.479> Bible follow all the rules of the Bible follow all the rules of the Bible and<00:01:30.920> uh<00:01:31.240> from<00:01:31.439> The<00:01:31.560> Ten<00:01:31.880> Commandments<00:01:32.479> to and uh from The Ten Commandments to and uh from The Ten Commandments to growing<00:01:33.399> my<00:01:33.600> beard<00:01:34.200> because<00:01:34.520> Leviticus<00:01:35.079> says growing my beard because Leviticus says growing my beard because Leviticus says you<00:01:35.439> cannot<00:01:35.720> shave<00:01:36.240> so<00:01:36.799> this<00:01:36.920> is<00:01:37.079> what<00:01:37.240> I you cannot shave so this is what I you cannot shave so this is what I looked<00:01:37.640> like<00:01:37.920> by<00:01:38.079> the<00:01:38.360> end<00:01:39.360> thank<00:01:39.520> you<00:01:39.640> for looked like by the end thank you for looked like by the end thank you for that<00:01:40.119> reaction that reaction that reaction uh<00:01:43.880> yeah<00:01:44.320> I<00:01:44.439> look<00:01:44.640> a<00:01:44.719> little<00:01:44.960> like<00:01:45.159> Moses<00:01:45.799> or uh yeah I look a little like Moses or uh yeah I look a little like Moses or Ted<00:01:46.520> kazinski<00:01:47.240> I<00:01:47.399> got<00:01:47.600> them<00:01:48.159> I<00:01:48.240> got<00:01:48.479> both<00:01:48.680> of Ted kazinski I got them I got both of Ted kazinski I got them I got both of them<00:01:49.560> so<00:01:50.040> there<00:01:50.200> was<00:01:50.479> the<00:01:50.719> uh<00:01:50.840> the<00:01:50.960> topiary them so there was the uh the topiary them so there was the uh the topiary there<00:01:52.439> and<00:01:52.920> uh<00:01:53.399> yeah<00:01:53.600> there's<00:01:53.920> the<00:01:54.040> Sheep<00:01:54.560> was there and uh yeah there's the Sheep was there and uh yeah there's the Sheep was now<00:01:55.320> the<00:01:55.520> final<00:01:55.880> part<00:01:56.079> of<00:01:56.240> the<00:01:56.399> trilogy<00:01:57.280> was<00:01:57.640> I now the final part of the trilogy was I now the final part of the trilogy was I wanted<00:01:58.159> to<00:01:58.759> focus<00:01:59.039> on<00:01:59.240> the<00:01:59.399> body<00:01:59.920> and<00:02:00.000> try<00:02:00.240> to wanted to focus on the body and try to wanted to focus on the body and try to be<00:02:00.880> the<00:02:01.079> healthiest<00:02:01.960> person<00:02:02.360> I<00:02:02.479> could<00:02:02.640> be<00:02:02.840> the be the healthiest person I could be the be the healthiest person I could be the healthiest<00:02:03.399> person<00:02:03.680> alive<00:02:04.159> so<00:02:04.360> that's<00:02:04.520> what healthiest person alive so that's what healthiest person alive so that's what I've<00:02:04.840> been<00:02:04.960> doing<00:02:05.560> the<00:02:05.759> last<00:02:06.079> couple<00:02:06.360> of<00:02:06.560> years I've been doing the last couple of years I've been doing the last couple of years and<00:02:07.240> I<00:02:07.439> just<00:02:07.680> finished<00:02:08.119> a<00:02:08.239> couple<00:02:08.440> of<00:02:08.560> months and I just finished a couple of months and I just finished a couple of months ago<00:02:09.360> and<00:02:09.479> I<00:02:09.560> have<00:02:09.679> to<00:02:09.800> say<00:02:10.039> thank<00:02:10.399> God<00:02:10.920> because ago and I have to say thank God because ago and I have to say thank God because uh<00:02:11.640> living<00:02:12.200> so<00:02:12.520> healthily<00:02:13.000> was<00:02:13.200> killing<00:02:13.520> me<00:02:14.080> it uh living so healthily was killing me it uh living so healthily was killing me it was<00:02:14.680> uh<00:02:15.400> it<00:02:15.879> was<00:02:16.879> it<00:02:17.000> was<00:02:17.239> so<00:02:18.120> overwhelming was uh it was it was so overwhelming was uh it was it was so overwhelming because<00:02:19.319> the<00:02:19.480> amount<00:02:19.680> of<00:02:19.879> things<00:02:20.160> you<00:02:20.319> have<00:02:20.440> to because the amount of things you have to because the amount of things you have to do<00:02:20.959> it's<00:02:21.200> just<00:02:21.840> mindboggling<00:02:22.840> I<00:02:23.000> I<00:02:23.080> was do it's just mindboggling I I was do it's just mindboggling I I was listening<00:02:23.560> to<00:02:23.720> all<00:02:23.959> the<00:02:24.120> experts<00:02:24.480> and<00:02:24.680> talking listening to all the experts and talking listening to all the experts and talking to<00:02:25.120> sort<00:02:25.319> of<00:02:25.400> a<00:02:25.560> board<00:02:25.800> of<00:02:25.959> medical<00:02:26.440> advisers to sort of a board of medical advisers to sort of a board of medical advisers and<00:02:27.760> they<00:02:27.879> were<00:02:28.080> telling<00:02:28.640> me<00:02:29.640> uh<00:02:29.959> all<00:02:30.080> the and they were telling me uh all the and they were telling me uh all the things<00:02:30.440> I<00:02:30.599> had<00:02:30.760> to<00:02:30.920> do<00:02:31.319> I<00:02:31.440> had<00:02:31.560> to<00:02:32.319> uh<00:02:32.440> Eat<00:02:32.800> Right things I had to do I had to uh Eat Right things I had to do I had to uh Eat Right exercise<00:02:34.080> meditate<00:02:35.040> pet<00:02:35.440> dogs<00:02:36.239> because<00:02:36.400> that exercise meditate pet dogs because that exercise meditate pet dogs because that lowers<00:02:36.959> the<00:02:37.120> blood<00:02:37.440> pressure<00:02:38.360> I<00:02:38.440> wrote<00:02:38.720> the lowers the blood pressure I wrote the lowers the blood pressure I wrote the book<00:02:39.159> on<00:02:39.360> a<00:02:39.560> treadmill<00:02:40.480> it<00:02:40.599> took<00:02:40.800> me<00:02:41.040> about<00:02:41.360> a book on a treadmill it took me about a book on a treadmill it took me about a thousand<00:02:42.120> miles<00:02:42.560> to<00:02:42.760> write<00:02:43.000> the<00:02:43.159> book<00:02:43.879> I<00:02:44.040> had thousand miles to write the book I had thousand miles to write the book I had to<00:02:44.360> put<00:02:44.560> on<00:02:45.120> sunscreen<00:02:46.120> this<00:02:46.280> was<00:02:46.519> no<00:02:46.720> small to put on sunscreen this was no small to put on sunscreen this was no small feet<00:02:47.400> because<00:02:47.599> if<00:02:47.680> you<00:02:47.800> listen<00:02:48.000> to feet because if you listen to feet because if you listen to dermatologists<00:02:49.280> they<00:02:49.440> say<00:02:49.680> that<00:02:49.800> you<00:02:49.920> should dermatologists they say that you should dermatologists they say that you should have<00:02:50.760> a<00:02:50.879> shot<00:02:51.319> glass<00:02:51.640> full<00:02:51.879> of<00:02:52.040> sunscreen<00:02:52.720> and have a shot glass full of sunscreen and have a shot glass full of sunscreen and you<00:02:52.920> have<00:02:53.000> to<00:02:53.120> reapply<00:02:53.560> it<00:02:53.680> every<00:02:53.920> two<00:02:54.120> to<00:02:54.239> four you have to reapply it every two to four you have to reapply it every two to four hours<00:02:54.720> so<00:02:55.159> I<00:02:55.280> think<00:02:55.760> half<00:02:56.000> of<00:02:56.200> my<00:02:56.360> book<00:02:56.640> Advance hours so I think half of my book Advance hours so I think half of my book Advance went<00:02:57.879> into<00:02:58.239> sunscreen<00:02:59.239> I<00:02:59.319> was<00:02:59.560> like<00:02:59.959> a<00:03:00.159> glazed went into sunscreen I was like a glazed went into sunscreen I was like a glazed dut<00:03:01.599> for<00:03:01.840> most<00:03:02.040> of<00:03:02.200> the<00:03:02.720> Year<00:03:03.720> there<00:03:03.879> was<00:03:04.239> the dut for most of the Year there was the dut for most of the Year there was the washing<00:03:05.000> of<00:03:05.280> hands<00:03:05.760> I<00:03:05.920> had<00:03:06.040> to<00:03:06.200> do<00:03:06.480> that washing of hands I had to do that washing of hands I had to do that properly<00:03:07.319> and<00:03:07.480> my<00:03:07.799> immunologist<00:03:08.599> told<00:03:08.799> me properly and my immunologist told me properly and my immunologist told me that<00:03:09.760> I<00:03:09.840> should<00:03:10.159> also<00:03:10.680> I<00:03:10.799> have<00:03:10.920> to<00:03:11.120> wipe<00:03:11.440> down that I should also I have to wipe down that I should also I have to wipe down all<00:03:12.159> of<00:03:12.280> the<00:03:12.440> remote<00:03:12.799> controls<00:03:13.560> and<00:03:13.840> iPhones all of the remote controls and iPhones all of the remote controls and iPhones in<00:03:14.480> my<00:03:14.680> house<00:03:15.040> because<00:03:15.319> those<00:03:15.440> are<00:03:15.599> just in my house because those are just in my house because those are just orgies<00:03:16.640> of<00:03:16.840> germs<00:03:17.680> so<00:03:17.920> that<00:03:18.080> took<00:03:18.280> a<00:03:18.440> lot<00:03:18.560> of orgies of germs so that took a lot of orgies of germs so that took a lot of time<00:03:19.560> I<00:03:19.680> also<00:03:20.000> tried<00:03:20.319> to<00:03:20.560> be<00:03:21.200> the<00:03:21.440> safest time I also tried to be the safest time I also tried to be the safest person<00:03:23.080> I<00:03:23.239> could<00:03:23.440> be<00:03:23.799> because<00:03:24.040> that's<00:03:24.200> a<00:03:24.319> part person I could be because that's a part person I could be because that's a part of<00:03:24.680> Health<00:03:25.319> I<00:03:25.440> was<00:03:25.680> inspired<00:03:26.519> by<00:03:26.879> the<00:03:27.159> Danish of Health I was inspired by the Danish of Health I was inspired by the Danish Safety<00:03:28.280> Council<00:03:28.920> they<00:03:29.040> started<00:03:29.319> a<00:03:29.480> public Safety Council they started a public Safety Council they started a public campaign<00:03:30.680> that<00:03:30.840> says<00:03:31.720> a<00:03:32.000> walking<00:03:32.400> helmet<00:03:32.879> is<00:03:33.040> a campaign that says a walking helmet is a campaign that says a walking helmet is a good<00:03:33.480> helmet<00:03:34.280> so<00:03:34.599> they<00:03:34.840> believe<00:03:35.360> you<00:03:35.519> should good helmet so they believe you should good helmet so they believe you should not<00:03:36.040> just<00:03:36.239> wear<00:03:36.519> helmets<00:03:37.280> for<00:03:37.519> biking<00:03:38.280> but not just wear helmets for biking but not just wear helmets for biking but also<00:03:38.720> for<00:03:39.000> walking<00:03:39.439> around<00:03:40.439> and<00:03:40.640> you<00:03:40.760> can also for walking around and you can also for walking around and you can see<00:03:42.519> you<00:03:42.640> can<00:03:42.840> see<00:03:43.239> there<00:03:43.799> the<00:03:44.239> they're see you can see there the they're see you can see there the they're shopping<00:03:45.080> with<00:03:45.239> their shopping with their shopping with their helmets<00:03:48.319> so<00:03:48.680> yeah<00:03:48.959> I<00:03:49.120> tried helmets so yeah I tried helmets so yeah I tried that<00:03:51.200> uh<00:03:52.200> now<00:03:52.360> it's<00:03:52.519> a<00:03:52.640> little<00:03:53.000> extreme<00:03:53.480> I that uh now it's a little extreme I that uh now it's a little extreme I admit<00:03:54.159> but<00:03:54.720> if<00:03:54.799> you<00:03:54.959> think<00:03:55.120> about<00:03:55.400> this<00:03:55.680> this admit but if you think about this this admit but if you think about this this is<00:03:56.120> actually<00:03:56.640> theonomics<00:03:57.640> authors<00:03:58.040> wrote is actually theonomics authors wrote is actually theonomics authors wrote about<00:03:58.599> this<00:03:59.159> that<00:03:59.439> more<00:03:59.799> more<00:04:00.079> people<00:04:00.560> die<00:04:01.079> on about this that more more people die on about this that more more people die on a<00:04:01.360> per<00:04:01.599> mile<00:04:01.959> basis<00:04:02.319> from<00:04:02.560> drunk<00:04:03.079> walking<00:04:03.920> than a per mile basis from drunk walking than a per mile basis from drunk walking than from<00:04:04.360> drunk<00:04:04.760> driving<00:04:05.640> so<00:04:06.480> something<00:04:06.799> to<00:04:07.000> think from drunk driving so something to think from drunk driving so something to think about<00:04:07.799> tonight<00:04:08.159> if<00:04:08.280> you<00:04:08.480> had<00:04:08.599> a about tonight if you had a about tonight if you had a couple<00:04:10.439> uh<00:04:11.360> so<00:04:11.640> I<00:04:11.840> finished<00:04:12.640> uh<00:04:13.000> and<00:04:13.360> and<00:04:13.599> it couple uh so I finished uh and and it couple uh so I finished uh and and it was<00:04:13.879> a<00:04:14.079> success<00:04:14.439> in<00:04:14.560> a<00:04:14.720> sense<00:04:15.000> all<00:04:15.159> of<00:04:15.319> the was a success in a sense all of the was a success in a sense all of the markers<00:04:16.000> went<00:04:16.239> in<00:04:16.400> the<00:04:16.600> right<00:04:16.840> direction<00:04:17.400> I<00:04:17.759> I markers went in the right direction I I markers went in the right direction I I lost<00:04:18.600> uh<00:04:19.120> my<00:04:19.280> cholesterol<00:04:19.759> went<00:04:19.959> down<00:04:20.160> I<00:04:20.280> lost lost uh my cholesterol went down I lost lost uh my cholesterol went down I lost weight<00:04:21.280> my<00:04:21.479> wife<00:04:21.720> started<00:04:22.560> stopped<00:04:23.040> telling weight my wife started stopped telling weight my wife started stopped telling me<00:04:23.560> that<00:04:23.720> I<00:04:23.840> looked<00:04:24.160> pregnant<00:04:25.080> so<00:04:25.400> that<00:04:25.560> was me that I looked pregnant so that was me that I looked pregnant so that was nice<00:04:26.919> uh<00:04:27.440> and<00:04:27.960> uh<00:04:28.840> it<00:04:28.960> was<00:04:29.199> successful nice uh and uh it was successful nice uh and uh it was successful overall<00:04:30.880> but<00:04:31.199> I<00:04:31.440> I<00:04:31.560> also<00:04:31.840> learned<00:04:32.280> that<00:04:32.560> I<00:04:32.680> was overall but I I also learned that I was overall but I I also learned that I was too<00:04:33.199> healthy<00:04:33.720> and<00:04:33.880> that<00:04:34.039> was<00:04:34.280> unhealthy<00:04:35.160> I<00:04:35.320> was too healthy and that was unhealthy I was too healthy and that was unhealthy I was so<00:04:36.120> focused<00:04:36.880> on<00:04:37.080> doing<00:04:37.360> all<00:04:37.560> these<00:04:37.800> things so focused on doing all these things so focused on doing all these things that<00:04:38.240> I<00:04:38.320> was<00:04:38.520> neglecting<00:04:39.440> my<00:04:39.639> friends<00:04:40.000> and that I was neglecting my friends and that I was neglecting my friends and family<00:04:40.759> and<00:04:41.199> and<00:04:41.320> as<00:04:41.479> Dan<00:04:41.720> Butner<00:04:42.160> can<00:04:42.320> tell family and and as Dan Butner can tell family and and as Dan Butner can tell you<00:04:43.320> having<00:04:43.560> a<00:04:44.039> strong<00:04:44.320> social<00:04:44.720> network<00:04:45.160> is<00:04:45.320> so you having a strong social network is so you having a strong social network is so crucial<00:04:46.120> to<00:04:46.320> our<00:04:46.560> health<00:04:47.479> so<00:04:48.080> I<00:04:48.240> finished<00:04:48.960> and crucial to our health so I finished and crucial to our health so I finished and I<00:04:49.840> uh<00:04:50.400> I<00:04:50.639> kind<00:04:50.840> of<00:04:51.120> went<00:04:51.400> overboard<00:04:52.360> on<00:04:52.639> the<00:04:52.960> the I uh I kind of went overboard on the the I uh I kind of went overboard on the the week<00:04:53.400> after<00:04:53.880> the<00:04:54.080> project<00:04:54.440> was<00:04:54.600> over<00:04:54.880> I<00:04:55.000> went week after the project was over I went week after the project was over I went to<00:04:55.320> the<00:04:55.520> dark<00:04:55.880> side<00:04:56.880> uh<00:04:57.080> and<00:04:57.280> I<00:04:57.479> just<00:04:57.680> indulged to the dark side uh and I just indulged to the dark side uh and I just indulged myself<00:04:59.080> it<00:04:59.199> was<00:04:59.320> like<00:04:59.720> something<00:04:59.919> out<00:05:00.039> of myself it was like something out of myself it was like something out of Caligula Caligula Caligula but<00:05:03.520> without<00:05:03.800> the<00:05:03.960> sex<00:05:04.280> part<00:05:04.639> cuz<00:05:05.080> uh<00:05:05.720> I<00:05:05.840> have but without the sex part cuz uh I have but without the sex part cuz uh I have three<00:05:06.320> young<00:05:06.600> kids<00:05:06.960> so<00:05:07.160> that<00:05:07.320> wasn't three young kids so that wasn't three young kids so that wasn't happening<00:05:08.440> uh<00:05:08.919> but<00:05:09.919> but<00:05:10.080> the<00:05:10.240> overeating<00:05:10.880> and happening uh but but the overeating and happening uh but but the overeating and the<00:05:11.160> over<00:05:11.440> drinking<00:05:12.280> definitely<00:05:13.280> H<00:05:13.759> and<00:05:14.360> uh<00:05:14.840> I the over drinking definitely H and uh I the over drinking definitely H and uh I finally<00:05:16.199> uh<00:05:16.960> uh<00:05:17.120> have<00:05:17.360> stabilized<00:05:18.160> so<00:05:18.400> now<00:05:18.639> I'm finally uh uh have stabilized so now I'm finally uh uh have stabilized so now I'm back<00:05:19.120> to<00:05:19.880> adopting<00:05:20.440> many<00:05:20.759> of<00:05:21.120> not<00:05:21.360> all<00:05:21.680> I<00:05:21.759> don't back to adopting many of not all I don't back to adopting many of not all I don't wear<00:05:22.080> a<00:05:22.199> helmet<00:05:22.560> anymore<00:05:23.039> but<00:05:23.680> a<00:05:23.880> lot<00:05:24.120> of<00:05:24.360> the wear a helmet anymore but a lot of the wear a helmet anymore but a lot of the dozens<00:05:25.120> of<00:05:25.280> the<00:05:25.479> healthy<00:05:25.880> behaviors<00:05:26.520> that<00:05:26.759> I dozens of the healthy behaviors that I dozens of the healthy behaviors that I adopted<00:05:28.000> during<00:05:28.319> my<00:05:28.520> year<00:05:28.840> it<00:05:28.960> was<00:05:29.160> really<00:05:29.400> a adopted during my year it was really a adopted during my year it was really a life-changing<00:05:30.639> project<00:05:31.639> and<00:05:32.039> I<00:05:32.400> of<00:05:32.520> course life-changing project and I of course life-changing project and I of course don't<00:05:33.039> have<00:05:33.240> time<00:05:33.440> to<00:05:33.639> go<00:05:33.800> into<00:05:34.440> all<00:05:34.600> of<00:05:34.720> them don't have time to go into all of them don't have time to go into all of them let<00:05:35.039> me<00:05:35.199> just<00:05:35.319> tell<00:05:35.479> you<00:05:35.680> two<00:05:36.120> really<00:05:36.520> quickly let me just tell you two really quickly let me just tell you two really quickly uh<00:05:37.759> the<00:05:37.960> first<00:05:38.400> is<00:05:39.080> and<00:05:39.240> this<00:05:39.360> was<00:05:39.600> surprising uh the first is and this was surprising uh the first is and this was surprising to<00:05:40.199> me<00:05:40.319> I<00:05:40.440> didn't<00:05:40.680> expect<00:05:41.039> this<00:05:41.160> to<00:05:41.319> come<00:05:41.479> out to me I didn't expect this to come out to me I didn't expect this to come out but<00:05:42.199> I<00:05:42.319> live<00:05:42.520> a<00:05:42.680> much<00:05:43.000> quieter<00:05:43.960> life<00:05:44.319> now but I live a much quieter life now but I live a much quieter life now because<00:05:45.800> uh<00:05:45.919> we<00:05:46.039> live<00:05:46.199> in<00:05:46.400> such<00:05:46.560> a<00:05:46.759> noisy<00:05:47.280> world because uh we live in such a noisy world because uh we live in such a noisy world you<00:05:47.880> know<00:05:48.160> it's<00:05:48.560> uh<00:05:48.759> so<00:05:49.039> no<00:05:49.440> there's<00:05:50.280> trains you know it's uh so no there's trains you know it's uh so no there's trains and<00:05:51.039> planes<00:05:51.560> and<00:05:51.840> cars<00:05:52.319> and<00:05:52.880> Bill<00:05:53.160> O'Reilly and planes and cars and Bill O'Reilly and planes and cars and Bill O'Reilly he's<00:05:54.280> very<00:05:54.720> noisy<00:05:55.720> uh<00:05:56.840> and<00:05:57.840> and<00:05:58.000> this<00:05:58.120> is<00:05:58.240> a he's very noisy uh and and this is a he's very noisy uh and and this is a real<00:05:58.759> underestimated<00:06:00.000> underappreciated real underestimated underappreciated real underestimated underappreciated health<00:06:01.479> hazard<00:06:02.479> uh<00:06:02.800> not<00:06:03.039> just<00:06:03.240> because<00:06:03.479> it health hazard uh not just because it health hazard uh not just because it harms<00:06:03.960> our<00:06:04.199> hearing<00:06:04.680> which<00:06:04.800> it<00:06:05.000> obviously harms our hearing which it obviously harms our hearing which it obviously does<00:06:05.919> but<00:06:06.280> it<00:06:06.520> actually<00:06:07.479> uh<00:06:08.240> initiates<00:06:08.919> the does but it actually uh initiates the does but it actually uh initiates the fight<00:06:09.440> ORF<00:06:09.680> flight<00:06:10.120> response<00:06:10.560> a<00:06:10.759> loud<00:06:11.039> noise fight ORF flight response a loud noise fight ORF flight response a loud noise will<00:06:11.639> get<00:06:11.880> your<00:06:12.680> fight<00:06:12.880> ORF<00:06:13.039> flight<00:06:13.680> response will get your fight ORF flight response will get your fight ORF flight response going<00:06:14.479> and<00:06:14.720> this<00:06:15.360> uh<00:06:15.880> over<00:06:16.160> the<00:06:16.360> years<00:06:16.960> can going and this uh over the years can going and this uh over the years can cause<00:06:17.479> real<00:06:17.919> damage<00:06:18.560> cardiovascular<00:06:19.560> damage cause real damage cardiovascular damage cause real damage cardiovascular damage the<00:06:20.560> World<00:06:20.960> Health<00:06:21.280> Organization<00:06:22.039> just<00:06:22.199> did<00:06:22.360> a the World Health Organization just did a the World Health Organization just did a big<00:06:22.800> study<00:06:23.199> that<00:06:23.360> they<00:06:23.599> published<00:06:24.039> this<00:06:24.240> year big study that they published this year big study that they published this year and<00:06:25.440> uh<00:06:25.560> it<00:06:25.759> said<00:06:26.280> uh<00:06:26.440> it<00:06:26.560> was<00:06:26.720> done<00:06:26.880> in<00:06:27.080> Europe and uh it said uh it was done in Europe and uh it said uh it was done in Europe and<00:06:27.639> they<00:06:27.800> estimated<00:06:28.800> that<00:06:29.240> one<00:06:29.560> .6<00:06:30.479> million and they estimated that one .6 million and they estimated that one .6 million years<00:06:32.319> of<00:06:32.520> Healthy<00:06:32.840> Living<00:06:33.160> are<00:06:33.520> lost<00:06:34.520> every years of Healthy Living are lost every years of Healthy Living are lost every year<00:06:35.560> in<00:06:35.800> Europe<00:06:36.800> uh<00:06:37.000> because<00:06:37.199> of<00:06:37.360> noise year in Europe uh because of noise year in Europe uh because of noise pollution<00:06:38.440> which<00:06:38.560> is<00:06:38.880> so<00:06:39.199> they<00:06:39.560> think<00:06:39.759> it's pollution which is so they think it's pollution which is so they think it's actually<00:06:40.560> very<00:06:41.039> deadly<00:06:42.000> so<00:06:42.639> uh<00:06:42.960> I<00:06:43.160> have<00:06:43.720> and<00:06:43.919> by actually very deadly so uh I have and by actually very deadly so uh I have and by the<00:06:44.160> way<00:06:44.319> it's<00:06:44.560> also<00:06:44.960> terrible<00:06:45.360> for<00:06:45.599> your the way it's also terrible for your the way it's also terrible for your brain<00:06:46.759> the<00:06:47.120> uh<00:06:47.440> you<00:06:47.560> know<00:06:48.000> it<00:06:48.160> really<00:06:48.479> impairs brain the uh you know it really impairs brain the uh you know it really impairs cognition<00:06:49.800> and<00:06:49.919> our<00:06:50.080> founding<00:06:50.520> fathers<00:06:51.080> knew cognition and our founding fathers knew cognition and our founding fathers knew about<00:06:51.720> this<00:06:52.160> when<00:06:52.280> they<00:06:52.440> wrote<00:06:52.680> the about this when they wrote the about this when they wrote the Constitution<00:06:54.080> they<00:06:54.360> put<00:06:55.240> a<00:06:55.440> dirt<00:06:55.919> all<00:06:56.080> over Constitution they put a dirt all over Constitution they put a dirt all over the<00:06:56.560> cobblestones<00:06:57.280> outside<00:06:57.759> the<00:06:57.879> hall<00:06:58.479> so the cobblestones outside the hall so the cobblestones outside the hall so that<00:06:58.840> they<00:06:58.960> could<00:06:59.120> concent that they could concent that they could concent so<00:07:01.120> without<00:07:01.960> noise<00:07:02.280> reduction<00:07:03.000> technology so without noise reduction technology so without noise reduction technology our<00:07:04.639> uh<00:07:05.000> country<00:07:05.360> would<00:07:05.520> not<00:07:05.759> exist<00:07:06.400> so<00:07:07.240> uh<00:07:07.400> as our uh country would not exist so uh as our uh country would not exist so uh as a<00:07:07.800> patriot<00:07:08.639> I<00:07:08.759> felt<00:07:09.120> you<00:07:09.240> know<00:07:09.400> it<00:07:09.440> was a patriot I felt you know it was a patriot I felt you know it was important<00:07:10.039> to<00:07:10.400> I<00:07:10.520> wear<00:07:10.800> all<00:07:10.919> the<00:07:11.080> earplugs<00:07:11.759> and important to I wear all the earplugs and important to I wear all the earplugs and the<00:07:12.319> earphones<00:07:13.319> and<00:07:13.560> it's<00:07:13.759> really<00:07:14.039> improved the earphones and it's really improved the earphones and it's really improved my<00:07:14.759> life<00:07:15.160> in<00:07:15.800> in<00:07:15.919> a<00:07:16.240> surprising<00:07:16.960> and my life in in a surprising and my life in in a surprising and unexpected<00:07:17.960> way<00:07:18.960> uh<00:07:19.120> and<00:07:19.280> the<00:07:19.479> second<00:07:19.840> point<00:07:20.080> I unexpected way uh and the second point I unexpected way uh and the second point I want<00:07:20.319> to<00:07:20.479> make<00:07:20.759> the<00:07:20.960> final<00:07:21.360> point<00:07:21.800> is<00:07:22.599> that<00:07:23.120> uh want to make the final point is that uh want to make the final point is that uh and<00:07:23.759> it's<00:07:24.039> actually<00:07:24.400> been<00:07:24.680> a<00:07:24.879> theme<00:07:25.400> of<00:07:25.639> Ted and it's actually been a theme of Ted and it's actually been a theme of Ted Med<00:07:27.000> uh<00:07:27.319> that<00:07:27.840> Joy<00:07:28.479> is<00:07:28.680> so<00:07:28.960> important<00:07:29.680> to<00:07:29.879> your Med uh that Joy is so important to your Med uh that Joy is so important to your health<00:07:31.160> that<00:07:31.520> uh<00:07:31.680> that<00:07:31.800> you<00:07:32.000> cannot<00:07:32.440> none<00:07:32.639> of health that uh that you cannot none of health that uh that you cannot none of these<00:07:33.240> behaviors<00:07:33.960> very<00:07:34.199> very<00:07:34.400> few<00:07:34.639> of<00:07:34.800> these these behaviors very very few of these these behaviors very very few of these behaviors<00:07:35.800> will<00:07:36.039> stick<00:07:36.400> with<00:07:36.599> me<00:07:37.360> unless<00:07:38.360> uh behaviors will stick with me unless uh behaviors will stick with me unless uh there's<00:07:38.919> some<00:07:39.160> sense<00:07:39.400> of<00:07:39.680> pleasure<00:07:40.199> and<00:07:40.440> joy there's some sense of pleasure and joy there's some sense of pleasure and joy in<00:07:41.000> them<00:07:41.800> and<00:07:42.199> just<00:07:42.400> to<00:07:42.960> give<00:07:43.080> you<00:07:43.360> one in them and just to give you one in them and just to give you one instance<00:07:44.199> of<00:07:44.440> this<00:07:44.919> uh<00:07:45.280> food<00:07:46.280> you<00:07:46.440> know<00:07:47.159> uh<00:07:48.159> the instance of this uh food you know uh the instance of this uh food you know uh the junk<00:07:49.440> food<00:07:49.759> industry<00:07:50.280> is<00:07:50.599> really<00:07:51.039> great<00:07:51.840> at<00:07:52.360> at junk food industry is really great at at junk food industry is really great at at pressing<00:07:52.919> our<00:07:53.159> pleasure<00:07:53.639> buttons<00:07:54.080> and pressing our pleasure buttons and pressing our pleasure buttons and figuring<00:07:54.639> out<00:07:54.879> what's<00:07:55.120> the<00:07:55.240> most<00:07:55.720> pleasurable figuring out what's the most pleasurable figuring out what's the most pleasurable uh<00:07:56.840> but<00:07:57.000> I<00:07:57.120> think<00:07:57.280> we<00:07:57.440> can<00:07:57.639> use<00:07:57.960> their uh but I think we can use their uh but I think we can use their techniques<00:07:58.960> and<00:07:59.080> apply<00:07:59.599> am<00:07:59.680> to<00:07:59.879> healthy<00:08:00.240> food techniques and apply am to healthy food techniques and apply am to healthy food uh<00:08:01.240> to<00:08:01.440> give<00:08:01.599> just<00:08:01.759> one<00:08:02.039> example<00:08:03.000> we<00:08:03.360> love uh to give just one example we love uh to give just one example we love crunchiness<00:08:04.919> mouth<00:08:05.280> feel<00:08:06.159> so<00:08:06.800> uh<00:08:07.280> I<00:08:07.520> basically crunchiness mouth feel so uh I basically crunchiness mouth feel so uh I basically I've<00:08:08.120> tried<00:08:08.479> to<00:08:09.080> incorporate<00:08:09.840> crunchiness I've tried to incorporate crunchiness I've tried to incorporate crunchiness into<00:08:11.039> a<00:08:11.159> lot<00:08:11.280> of<00:08:11.400> my<00:08:11.599> recipes<00:08:12.080> throw<00:08:12.319> in<00:08:12.479> some into a lot of my recipes throw in some into a lot of my recipes throw in some sunflower<00:08:13.319> seeds<00:08:14.120> and<00:08:14.240> you<00:08:14.319> can<00:08:14.560> almost<00:08:15.080> trick sunflower seeds and you can almost trick sunflower seeds and you can almost trick yourself<00:08:15.919> into<00:08:16.159> thinking<00:08:16.479> you're<00:08:16.639> eating yourself into thinking you're eating yourself into thinking you're eating Doritos<00:08:18.159> and<00:08:18.919> uh<00:08:19.919> it<00:08:20.120> it<00:08:20.400> has<00:08:20.759> made<00:08:20.960> me<00:08:21.120> a Doritos and uh it it has made me a Doritos and uh it it has made me a healthier<00:08:21.840> person<00:08:22.639> so<00:08:23.199> that<00:08:23.440> is<00:08:23.639> it<00:08:23.919> the<00:08:24.120> book healthier person so that is it the book healthier person so that is it the book about<00:08:24.680> it<00:08:24.919> comes<00:08:25.159> out<00:08:25.440> in<00:08:25.680> April<00:08:26.479> it's<00:08:26.639> called about it comes out in April it's called about it comes out in April it's called drop<00:08:27.159> dead<00:08:27.440> healthy<00:08:27.960> and<00:08:28.360> and<00:08:28.520> I<00:08:28.720> hope<00:08:29.080> that<00:08:29.240> I drop dead healthy and and I hope that I drop dead healthy and and I hope that I don't<00:08:29.800> get<00:08:30.000> sick<00:08:30.319> during<00:08:30.520> the<00:08:30.680> book<00:08:30.840> tour don't get sick during the book tour don't get sick during the book tour that's<00:08:31.319> my<00:08:31.440> greatest<00:08:31.840> hope<00:08:32.080> so<00:08:32.560> thank<00:08:32.760> you that's my greatest hope so thank you that's my greatest hope so thank you very<00:08:33.240> much

TED TEDMED A.J. Jacobs, health, sunscreen, bicycle, safety, experiment, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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