Làm thế nào vi khuẩn “nói chuyện” – Bonnie Bassler




bacteria<00:00:16.480> are<00:00:16.680> the<00:00:16.840> oldest<00:00:17.279> living<00:00:17.600> organisms
bacteria are the oldest living organisms bacteria are the oldest living organisms on<00:00:18.279> the<00:00:18.400> earth<00:00:18.720> they've<00:00:18.920> been<00:00:19.080> here<00:00:19.240> for on the earth they've been here for on the earth they've been here for billions<00:00:19.880> of<00:00:20.119> years<00:00:20.800> and<00:00:20.960> what<00:00:21.160> they<00:00:21.279> are<00:00:21.519> are billions of years and what they are are billions of years and what they are are single<00:00:22.400> cell<00:00:22.960> microscopic<00:00:23.720> organisms<00:00:24.720> so single cell microscopic organisms so single cell microscopic organisms so they're<00:00:25.160> one<00:00:25.439> cell<00:00:25.920> and<00:00:26.039> they<00:00:26.160> have<00:00:26.320> the they're one cell and they have the they're one cell and they have the special<00:00:26.960> property<00:00:27.359> that<00:00:27.519> they<00:00:27.640> only<00:00:27.960> have<00:00:28.279> one special property that they only have one special property that they only have one piece<00:00:28.800> of<00:00:29.039> DNA<00:00:29.560> so<00:00:29.679> they<00:00:29.800> have<00:00:30.160> very<00:00:30.359> few<00:00:30.720> genes piece of DNA so they have very few genes piece of DNA so they have very few genes and<00:00:31.560> genetic<00:00:31.960> information<00:00:32.439> to<00:00:32.599> encode<00:00:33.200> all<00:00:33.320> of and genetic information to encode all of and genetic information to encode all of the<00:00:33.640> traits<00:00:34.120> that<00:00:34.280> they<00:00:34.480> carry<00:00:34.800> out<00:00:35.680> and<00:00:35.760> the the traits that they carry out and the the traits that they carry out and the way<00:00:36.079> bacteria<00:00:36.559> make<00:00:36.719> a<00:00:36.879> living<00:00:37.520> is<00:00:37.640> that<00:00:37.840> they way bacteria make a living is that they way bacteria make a living is that they consume<00:00:38.559> nutrients<00:00:39.079> from<00:00:39.239> the<00:00:39.399> environment consume nutrients from the environment consume nutrients from the environment they<00:00:40.320> grow<00:00:40.559> to<00:00:40.760> twice<00:00:41.160> their<00:00:41.440> size<00:00:41.960> they<00:00:42.120> cut they grow to twice their size they cut they grow to twice their size they cut themselves<00:00:42.800> down<00:00:43.000> in<00:00:43.120> the<00:00:43.239> middle<00:00:43.840> and<00:00:44.000> one themselves down in the middle and one themselves down in the middle and one cell<00:00:44.600> becomes<00:00:45.000> two<00:00:45.520> and<00:00:45.680> so<00:00:45.879> on<00:00:46.079> and<00:00:46.199> so<00:00:46.399> on<00:00:46.559> so cell becomes two and so on and so on so cell becomes two and so on and so on so they<00:00:46.840> just<00:00:47.039> grow<00:00:47.320> and<00:00:47.520> divide<00:00:47.920> and<00:00:48.079> grow<00:00:48.320> and they just grow and divide and grow and they just grow and divide and grow and divide<00:00:49.039> so<00:00:49.360> kind<00:00:49.480> of<00:00:49.640> boring<00:00:50.039> life<00:00:50.600> except divide so kind of boring life except divide so kind of boring life except that<00:00:51.000> what<00:00:51.120> I<00:00:51.199> would<00:00:51.320> argue<00:00:51.640> is<00:00:51.800> that<00:00:51.920> you<00:00:52.120> have that what I would argue is that you have that what I would argue is that you have an<00:00:52.559> amazing<00:00:53.079> interaction<00:00:53.680> with<00:00:53.960> these an amazing interaction with these an amazing interaction with these Critters<00:00:55.120> I<00:00:55.199> know<00:00:55.359> you<00:00:55.520> guys<00:00:55.680> think<00:00:55.840> of Critters I know you guys think of Critters I know you guys think of yourself<00:00:56.320> as<00:00:56.559> humans<00:00:57.239> and<00:00:57.359> this<00:00:57.480> is<00:00:57.719> sort<00:00:57.920> of yourself as humans and this is sort of yourself as humans and this is sort of how<00:00:58.199> I<00:00:58.359> think<00:00:58.519> of<00:00:58.680> you<00:00:58.879> and<00:00:58.960> so<00:00:59.199> this<00:00:59.399> man<00:00:59.719> is how I think of you and so this man is how I think of you and so this man is supposed<00:01:00.280> to<00:01:00.440> represent<00:01:00.960> a<00:01:01.120> generic<00:01:01.559> human supposed to represent a generic human supposed to represent a generic human being<00:01:02.239> and<00:01:02.480> all<00:01:02.600> of<00:01:02.719> the<00:01:02.879> circles<00:01:03.280> in<00:01:03.440> that<00:01:03.600> man being and all of the circles in that man being and all of the circles in that man are<00:01:04.080> all<00:01:04.199> of<00:01:04.360> the<00:01:04.559> cells<00:01:05.159> that<00:01:05.320> make<00:01:05.519> up<00:01:05.720> your are all of the cells that make up your are all of the cells that make up your body<00:01:06.520> so<00:01:06.680> there's<00:01:06.840> about<00:01:07.000> a<00:01:07.159> trillion<00:01:07.680> human body so there's about a trillion human body so there's about a trillion human cells<00:01:08.560> that<00:01:08.680> make<00:01:08.920> each<00:01:09.119> one<00:01:09.320> of<00:01:09.479> us<00:01:10.040> who<00:01:10.240> we cells that make each one of us who we cells that make each one of us who we are<00:01:10.680> and<00:01:10.840> able<00:01:11.040> to<00:01:11.159> do<00:01:11.360> all<00:01:11.479> the<00:01:11.640> things<00:01:11.840> that are and able to do all the things that are and able to do all the things that we<00:01:12.159> do<00:01:12.799> but<00:01:12.920> you<00:01:13.040> have<00:01:13.200> 10<00:01:13.439> trillion<00:01:14.040> bacterial we do but you have 10 trillion bacterial we do but you have 10 trillion bacterial cells<00:01:15.080> in<00:01:15.280> you<00:01:15.439> or<00:01:15.640> on<00:01:15.880> you<00:01:16.280> at<00:01:16.479> any<00:01:16.720> moment<00:01:17.040> in cells in you or on you at any moment in cells in you or on you at any moment in your<00:01:17.360> life<00:01:17.600> so<00:01:17.840> 10<00:01:18.119> times<00:01:18.400> more<00:01:18.680> bacterial your life so 10 times more bacterial your life so 10 times more bacterial cells<00:01:19.920> than<00:01:20.159> human<00:01:20.439> cells<00:01:20.880> on<00:01:21.040> a<00:01:21.200> human<00:01:21.520> being cells than human cells on a human being cells than human cells on a human being and<00:01:22.320> so<00:01:22.479> of<00:01:22.600> course<00:01:22.759> it's<00:01:22.960> the<00:01:23.079> DNA<00:01:23.560> that and so of course it's the DNA that and so of course it's the DNA that counts<00:01:24.119> so<00:01:24.280> here's<00:01:24.479> all<00:01:24.640> the<00:01:24.799> ATS<00:01:25.320> G's<00:01:25.600> and<00:01:25.720> C's counts so here's all the ATS G's and C's counts so here's all the ATS G's and C's that<00:01:26.280> make<00:01:26.439> up<00:01:26.600> your<00:01:26.759> genetic<00:01:27.200> code<00:01:27.479> and<00:01:27.640> give that make up your genetic code and give that make up your genetic code and give you<00:01:27.920> all<00:01:28.040> your<00:01:28.240> Charming<00:01:28.759> characteristics<00:01:29.720> so you all your Charming characteristics so you all your Charming characteristics so so<00:01:30.000> you<00:01:30.079> have<00:01:30.240> about<00:01:30.439> 30,000<00:01:31.119> genes<00:01:31.560> well<00:01:31.680> it so you have about 30,000 genes well it so you have about 30,000 genes well it turns<00:01:32.000> out<00:01:32.200> you<00:01:32.360> have<00:01:32.520> a<00:01:32.720> hundred<00:01:33.079> times<00:01:33.320> more turns out you have a hundred times more turns out you have a hundred times more bacterial<00:01:34.200> genes<00:01:34.960> playing<00:01:35.240> a<00:01:35.439> role<00:01:35.840> in<00:01:36.040> you<00:01:36.240> or bacterial genes playing a role in you or bacterial genes playing a role in you or on<00:01:36.680> you<00:01:37.200> all<00:01:37.360> of<00:01:37.520> your<00:01:37.880> life<00:01:38.520> and<00:01:38.680> so<00:01:39.439> at<00:01:39.600> the on you all of your life and so at the on you all of your life and so at the best<00:01:40.000> you're<00:01:40.200> 10%<00:01:40.880> human<00:01:41.399> you're<00:01:41.600> more<00:01:41.840> likely best you're 10% human you're more likely best you're 10% human you're more likely about<00:01:42.399> 1%<00:01:43.040> human<00:01:43.399> depending<00:01:43.759> on<00:01:44.000> which<00:01:44.159> of about 1% human depending on which of about 1% human depending on which of these<00:01:44.960> metrics<00:01:45.360> you<00:01:45.479> like<00:01:45.680> so<00:01:45.840> I<00:01:45.960> know<00:01:46.079> you these metrics you like so I know you these metrics you like so I know you think<00:01:46.360> of<00:01:46.479> yourself<00:01:46.840> as<00:01:47.000> human<00:01:47.200> beings<00:01:47.520> but<00:01:47.640> I think of yourself as human beings but I think of yourself as human beings but I think<00:01:47.920> of<00:01:48.079> you<00:01:48.280> as<00:01:48.439> 90<00:01:48.759> or think of you as 90 or think of you as 90 or 99% 99% 99% bacterial<00:01:52.479> and<00:01:52.680> these<00:01:52.960> bacteria<00:01:53.439> are<00:01:53.640> not bacterial and these bacteria are not bacterial and these bacteria are not passive<00:01:54.640> Riders<00:01:55.320> these<00:01:55.479> are<00:01:55.799> incredibly passive Riders these are incredibly passive Riders these are incredibly important<00:01:57.240> they<00:01:57.439> Keep<00:01:57.640> Us<00:01:57.880> Alive<00:01:58.680> they<00:01:58.880> cover important they Keep Us Alive they cover important they Keep Us Alive they cover Us<00:01:59.360> in<00:01:59.520> an<00:01:59.960> invisible<00:02:00.600> body<00:02:00.880> armor<00:02:01.399> that<00:02:01.600> keeps Us in an invisible body armor that keeps Us in an invisible body armor that keeps environmental<00:02:02.719> insults<00:02:03.320> out<00:02:03.600> so<00:02:03.799> that<00:02:03.960> we environmental insults out so that we environmental insults out so that we stay<00:02:04.439> healthy<00:02:05.159> they<00:02:05.360> digest<00:02:05.719> our<00:02:05.880> food<00:02:06.560> they stay healthy they digest our food they stay healthy they digest our food they make<00:02:06.880> our<00:02:07.119> vitamins<00:02:07.680> they<00:02:07.880> actually<00:02:08.239> educate make our vitamins they actually educate make our vitamins they actually educate your<00:02:08.920> immune<00:02:09.319> system<00:02:09.679> to<00:02:09.879> keep<00:02:10.200> bad<00:02:10.560> microbes your immune system to keep bad microbes your immune system to keep bad microbes out<00:02:11.879> so<00:02:12.040> they<00:02:12.200> do<00:02:12.400> all<00:02:12.640> these<00:02:12.920> amazing<00:02:13.599> things out so they do all these amazing things out so they do all these amazing things that<00:02:14.200> help<00:02:14.440> us<00:02:14.680> and<00:02:14.920> keep<00:02:15.120> and<00:02:15.239> are<00:02:15.879> vital<00:02:16.160> for that help us and keep and are vital for that help us and keep and are vital for keeping<00:02:16.640> us<00:02:16.879> alive<00:02:17.560> and<00:02:17.640> they<00:02:17.800> never<00:02:18.040> get<00:02:18.280> any keeping us alive and they never get any keeping us alive and they never get any press<00:02:18.920> for<00:02:19.160> that<00:02:19.680> but<00:02:19.800> they<00:02:19.920> get<00:02:20.040> a<00:02:20.160> lot<00:02:20.280> of press for that but they get a lot of press for that but they get a lot of press<00:02:20.879> because<00:02:21.160> they<00:02:21.319> do<00:02:21.640> a<00:02:21.760> lot<00:02:21.920> of<00:02:22.319> terrible press because they do a lot of terrible press because they do a lot of terrible things<00:02:23.280> as<00:02:23.440> well<00:02:23.720> so<00:02:23.920> there's<00:02:24.160> all<00:02:24.400> kinds<00:02:24.640> of things as well so there's all kinds of things as well so there's all kinds of bacteria<00:02:25.480> on<00:02:25.640> the<00:02:25.800> earth<00:02:26.360> that<00:02:26.519> have<00:02:26.720> no bacteria on the earth that have no bacteria on the earth that have no business<00:02:27.440> being<00:02:27.760> in<00:02:27.959> you<00:02:28.200> or<00:02:28.360> on<00:02:28.599> you<00:02:28.879> at<00:02:29.080> any business being in you or on you at any business being in you or on you at any time<00:02:29.959> and<00:02:30.120> if<00:02:30.319> they<00:02:30.480> are<00:02:30.959> they<00:02:31.120> make<00:02:31.319> you time and if they are they make you time and if they are they make you incredibly<00:02:32.480> sick<00:02:33.480> and<00:02:33.560> so<00:02:33.720> the<00:02:33.879> question<00:02:34.160> for incredibly sick and so the question for incredibly sick and so the question for my<00:02:34.680> lab<00:02:34.959> is<00:02:35.120> whether<00:02:35.319> you<00:02:35.400> want<00:02:35.519> to<00:02:35.720> think my lab is whether you want to think my lab is whether you want to think about<00:02:36.120> all<00:02:36.280> the<00:02:36.519> good<00:02:36.720> things<00:02:36.959> that<00:02:37.200> bacteria about all the good things that bacteria about all the good things that bacteria do<00:02:37.959> or<00:02:38.120> all<00:02:38.280> the<00:02:38.519> bad<00:02:38.800> things<00:02:39.040> that<00:02:39.319> bacteria do or all the bad things that bacteria do or all the bad things that bacteria do<00:02:40.319> the<00:02:40.480> question<00:02:40.760> we<00:02:40.959> had<00:02:41.080> is<00:02:41.239> how<00:02:41.360> could<00:02:41.519> they do the question we had is how could they do the question we had is how could they do<00:02:41.879> anything<00:02:42.239> at<00:02:42.400> all<00:02:42.840> I<00:02:42.879> mean<00:02:43.040> they're do anything at all I mean they're do anything at all I mean they're incredibly<00:02:43.879> small<00:02:44.200> you<00:02:44.360> have<00:02:44.480> to<00:02:44.599> have<00:02:44.680> a incredibly small you have to have a incredibly small you have to have a microscope<00:02:45.519> to<00:02:45.680> see<00:02:45.959> one<00:02:46.360> they<00:02:46.480> live<00:02:46.720> this microscope to see one they live this microscope to see one they live this sing<00:02:47.360> sort<00:02:47.519> of<00:02:47.680> boring<00:02:48.080> life<00:02:48.280> where<00:02:48.440> they<00:02:48.680> grow sing sort of boring life where they grow sing sort of boring life where they grow and<00:02:49.200> divide<00:02:49.800> and<00:02:49.920> they've<00:02:50.159> always<00:02:50.400> been<00:02:50.640> to and divide and they've always been to and divide and they've always been to considered<00:02:51.640> to<00:02:51.760> be<00:02:51.959> these<00:02:52.200> asocial<00:02:52.959> reclusive considered to be these asocial reclusive considered to be these asocial reclusive organisms<00:02:54.519> and<00:02:54.599> so<00:02:54.760> it<00:02:54.879> seemed<00:02:55.159> to<00:02:55.360> us<00:02:55.560> that organisms and so it seemed to us that organisms and so it seemed to us that they're<00:02:55.959> just<00:02:56.200> too<00:02:56.560> small<00:02:57.000> to<00:02:57.200> have<00:02:57.360> an<00:02:57.599> impact they're just too small to have an impact they're just too small to have an impact on<00:02:58.200> the<00:02:58.360> environment<00:02:59.080> if<00:02:59.280> they<00:02:59.440> simply<00:03:00.080> act<00:03:00.400> as on the environment if they simply act as on the environment if they simply act as individuals<00:03:01.680> and<00:03:01.760> so<00:03:01.959> we<00:03:02.080> wanted<00:03:02.360> to<00:03:02.560> think<00:03:02.800> if individuals and so we wanted to think if individuals and so we wanted to think if there<00:03:03.120> couldn't<00:03:03.400> be<00:03:03.560> a<00:03:03.799> different<00:03:04.120> way<00:03:04.360> the there couldn't be a different way the there couldn't be a different way the bacteria<00:03:05.239> live<00:03:05.959> and<00:03:06.080> the<00:03:06.239> clue<00:03:06.480> to<00:03:06.720> this<00:03:07.040> came bacteria live and the clue to this came bacteria live and the clue to this came from<00:03:07.920> another<00:03:08.200> Marine<00:03:08.680> bacterium<00:03:09.599> and<00:03:09.680> it's<00:03:09.840> a from another Marine bacterium and it's a from another Marine bacterium and it's a bacterium<00:03:10.599> called<00:03:10.879> vibrio<00:03:11.360> fisheri<00:03:12.239> and<00:03:12.319> so bacterium called vibrio fisheri and so bacterium called vibrio fisheri and so what<00:03:12.599> you're<00:03:12.799> looking<00:03:13.080> at<00:03:13.280> on<00:03:13.480> this<00:03:13.640> slide<00:03:13.920> is what you're looking at on this slide is what you're looking at on this slide is just<00:03:14.200> a<00:03:14.440> person<00:03:14.760> from<00:03:15.000> my<00:03:15.200> lab<00:03:15.799> holding<00:03:16.080> a just a person from my lab holding a just a person from my lab holding a flask<00:03:16.840> of<00:03:16.959> a<00:03:17.120> liquid<00:03:17.560> culture<00:03:17.959> of<00:03:18.080> a<00:03:18.280> bacterium flask of a liquid culture of a bacterium flask of a liquid culture of a bacterium a<00:03:19.040> harmless<00:03:19.640> beautiful<00:03:20.159> bacterium<00:03:20.720> that a harmless beautiful bacterium that a harmless beautiful bacterium that comes<00:03:21.120> from<00:03:21.319> the<00:03:21.480> ocean<00:03:22.120> named<00:03:22.360> Vio<00:03:22.799> ferai<00:03:23.599> and comes from the ocean named Vio ferai and comes from the ocean named Vio ferai and this<00:03:24.000> bacterium<00:03:24.599> has<00:03:24.760> the<00:03:24.959> special<00:03:25.400> property this bacterium has the special property this bacterium has the special property that<00:03:25.959> it<00:03:26.120> makes<00:03:26.480> light<00:03:26.840> so<00:03:27.000> it<00:03:27.080> makes that it makes light so it makes that it makes light so it makes bioluminescence<00:03:28.360> like<00:03:28.599> fireflies<00:03:29.280> make bioluminescence like fireflies make bioluminescence like fireflies make light<00:03:30.120> so<00:03:30.239> we're<00:03:30.400> not<00:03:30.599> doing<00:03:30.959> anything<00:03:31.280> to<00:03:31.439> the light so we're not doing anything to the light so we're not doing anything to the cells<00:03:31.959> here<00:03:32.239> we<00:03:32.400> just<00:03:32.560> took<00:03:32.760> the<00:03:32.920> picture<00:03:33.239> by cells here we just took the picture by cells here we just took the picture by turning<00:03:33.680> the<00:03:33.799> lights<00:03:34.080> off<00:03:34.239> in<00:03:34.360> the<00:03:34.519> room<00:03:35.000> and turning the lights off in the room and turning the lights off in the room and this<00:03:35.319> is<00:03:35.480> what<00:03:35.640> we<00:03:35.760> see<00:03:36.680> and<00:03:36.799> what<00:03:36.920> was this is what we see and what was this is what we see and what was actually<00:03:37.480> interesting<00:03:38.000> to<00:03:38.200> us<00:03:38.400> was<00:03:38.599> not<00:03:38.879> that actually interesting to us was not that actually interesting to us was not that the<00:03:39.319> bacteria<00:03:39.799> made<00:03:40.040> light<00:03:40.480> but<00:03:40.720> when<00:03:41.000> the the bacteria made light but when the the bacteria made light but when the bacteria<00:03:41.720> made<00:03:41.959> light<00:03:42.680> what<00:03:42.840> we<00:03:43.000> noticed<00:03:43.439> is bacteria made light what we noticed is bacteria made light what we noticed is when<00:03:43.799> the<00:03:44.000> bacteria<00:03:44.439> were<00:03:44.680> alone<00:03:45.200> so<00:03:45.360> when when the bacteria were alone so when when the bacteria were alone so when they<00:03:45.599> were<00:03:45.799> in<00:03:45.959> dilute<00:03:46.519> suspension<00:03:47.519> they<00:03:47.640> made they were in dilute suspension they made they were in dilute suspension they made no<00:03:48.200> light<00:03:48.920> but<00:03:49.040> when<00:03:49.159> they<00:03:49.280> grew<00:03:49.560> to<00:03:49.720> a<00:03:49.879> certain no light but when they grew to a certain no light but when they grew to a certain cell<00:03:50.439> number<00:03:51.040> all<00:03:51.239> the<00:03:51.439> bacteria<00:03:52.000> turned<00:03:52.319> on cell number all the bacteria turned on cell number all the bacteria turned on light<00:03:53.360> simultaneously<00:03:54.360> and<00:03:54.439> so<00:03:54.640> the<00:03:54.840> question light simultaneously and so the question light simultaneously and so the question that<00:03:55.400> we<00:03:55.640> had<00:03:55.920> is<00:03:56.120> how<00:03:56.280> can<00:03:56.599> bacteria<00:03:57.280> these that we had is how can bacteria these that we had is how can bacteria these primitive<00:03:57.959> organisms<00:03:58.840> tell<00:03:59.079> the<00:03:59.239> difference primitive organisms tell the difference primitive organisms tell the difference from<00:04:00.000> times<00:04:00.200> when<00:04:00.360> they're<00:04:00.560> alone<00:04:01.159> and<00:04:01.360> times from times when they're alone and times from times when they're alone and times when<00:04:01.720> they're<00:04:01.840> in<00:04:01.959> a<00:04:02.120> community<00:04:02.799> and<00:04:02.920> then<00:04:03.159> all when they're in a community and then all when they're in a community and then all do<00:04:03.680> something<00:04:04.920> together<00:04:05.920> and<00:04:06.040> what<00:04:06.200> we do something together and what we do something together and what we figured<00:04:06.680> out<00:04:06.920> is<00:04:07.040> that<00:04:07.200> the<00:04:07.360> way<00:04:07.560> that<00:04:07.760> they<00:04:07.920> do figured out is that the way that they do figured out is that the way that they do that<00:04:08.360> is<00:04:08.480> that<00:04:08.680> they<00:04:08.879> talk<00:04:09.120> to<00:04:09.360> each<00:04:09.519> other<00:04:10.000> and that is that they talk to each other and that is that they talk to each other and they<00:04:10.280> talk<00:04:10.560> with<00:04:10.680> a<00:04:10.879> chemical<00:04:11.360> language<00:04:12.120> so they talk with a chemical language so they talk with a chemical language so this<00:04:12.480> is<00:04:12.680> now<00:04:12.879> supposed<00:04:13.239> to<00:04:13.360> be<00:04:13.519> my<00:04:13.760> bacterial this is now supposed to be my bacterial this is now supposed to be my bacterial cell<00:04:14.959> when<00:04:15.079> it's<00:04:15.280> alone<00:04:15.920> it<00:04:16.040> doesn't<00:04:16.320> make<00:04:16.560> any cell when it's alone it doesn't make any cell when it's alone it doesn't make any light<00:04:17.479> but<00:04:17.639> what<00:04:17.759> it<00:04:17.919> does<00:04:18.239> do<00:04:18.560> is<00:04:18.680> to<00:04:18.919> make<00:04:19.199> and light but what it does do is to make and light but what it does do is to make and secrete<00:04:20.160> small<00:04:20.560> molecules<00:04:21.199> that<00:04:21.320> you<00:04:21.440> can secrete small molecules that you can secrete small molecules that you can think<00:04:21.759> of<00:04:21.959> like<00:04:22.199> hormones<00:04:23.120> and<00:04:23.240> these<00:04:23.360> are<00:04:23.520> the think of like hormones and these are the think of like hormones and these are the red<00:04:23.960> triangles<00:04:24.880> and<00:04:25.000> when<00:04:25.120> the<00:04:25.280> bacteria<00:04:25.800> is red triangles and when the bacteria is red triangles and when the bacteria is alone<00:04:26.639> the<00:04:26.759> molecules<00:04:27.400> just<00:04:27.560> float<00:04:27.960> away<00:04:28.479> and alone the molecules just float away and alone the molecules just float away and so<00:04:28.840> no<00:04:29.080> light<00:04:29.840> but<00:04:30.000> when<00:04:30.199> the<00:04:30.400> bacteria<00:04:30.880> grow so no light but when the bacteria grow so no light but when the bacteria grow and<00:04:31.360> double<00:04:31.800> and<00:04:31.960> they're<00:04:32.199> all<00:04:32.600> participating and double and they're all participating and double and they're all participating in<00:04:33.639> making<00:04:34.080> these<00:04:34.280> molecules<00:04:35.160> the<00:04:35.360> molecule in making these molecules the molecule in making these molecules the molecule the<00:04:36.199> extracellular<00:04:37.160> amount<00:04:37.560> of<00:04:37.800> that the extracellular amount of that the extracellular amount of that molecule<00:04:38.720> increases<00:04:39.600> in<00:04:39.800> proportion<00:04:40.280> to<00:04:40.479> cell molecule increases in proportion to cell molecule increases in proportion to cell number<00:04:41.520> and<00:04:41.639> when<00:04:41.759> the<00:04:41.960> molecule<00:04:42.479> hits<00:04:42.720> a number and when the molecule hits a number and when the molecule hits a certain<00:04:43.280> amount<00:04:43.840> that<00:04:44.000> tells<00:04:44.320> the<00:04:44.520> bacteria certain amount that tells the bacteria certain amount that tells the bacteria how<00:04:45.120> many<00:04:45.320> neighbors<00:04:45.840> they<00:04:45.960> are<00:04:46.440> they how many neighbors they are they how many neighbors they are they recognize<00:04:47.240> that<00:04:47.400> molecule<00:04:47.919> and<00:04:48.120> all<00:04:48.320> of<00:04:48.440> the recognize that molecule and all of the recognize that molecule and all of the bacteria<00:04:49.400> turn<00:04:49.680> on<00:04:49.960> light<00:04:50.440> in<00:04:50.680> synchrony<00:04:51.560> and bacteria turn on light in synchrony and bacteria turn on light in synchrony and so<00:04:51.880> that's<00:04:52.120> how<00:04:52.320> bioluminescence<00:04:53.280> Works so that's how bioluminescence Works so that's how bioluminescence Works they're<00:04:53.880> talking<00:04:54.240> with<00:04:54.400> these<00:04:54.680> chemical they're talking with these chemical they're talking with these chemical words<00:04:56.000> and<00:04:56.120> the<00:04:56.240> reason<00:04:56.520> that<00:04:56.720> vibrio<00:04:57.120> fisher words and the reason that vibrio fisher words and the reason that vibrio fisher is<00:04:57.639> doing<00:04:57.919> that<00:04:58.120> comes<00:04:58.320> from<00:04:58.479> the<00:04:58.639> biology<00:04:59.720> so is doing that comes from the biology so is doing that comes from the biology so again<00:05:00.199> another<00:05:00.680> plug<00:05:00.960> for<00:05:01.160> the<00:05:01.759> animals<00:05:02.080> in again another plug for the animals in again another plug for the animals in the<00:05:02.320> ocean<00:05:02.880> Vio<00:05:03.360> fish<00:05:03.600> frry<00:05:03.840> lives<00:05:04.080> in<00:05:04.320> this the ocean Vio fish frry lives in this the ocean Vio fish frry lives in this squid<00:05:05.120> what<00:05:05.199> you're<00:05:05.400> looking<00:05:05.639> at<00:05:05.840> is<00:05:06.000> the squid what you're looking at is the squid what you're looking at is the Hawaiian<00:05:06.680> bobtail<00:05:07.280> squid<00:05:07.919> and<00:05:08.039> it's<00:05:08.199> been Hawaiian bobtail squid and it's been Hawaiian bobtail squid and it's been turned<00:05:08.680> on<00:05:08.880> its<00:05:09.120> back<00:05:09.479> and<00:05:09.600> what<00:05:09.720> I<00:05:09.880> hope<00:05:10.039> you turned on its back and what I hope you turned on its back and what I hope you can<00:05:10.360> see<00:05:10.639> are<00:05:10.880> these<00:05:11.120> two<00:05:11.560> glowing<00:05:12.039> loes<00:05:12.800> and can see are these two glowing loes and can see are these two glowing loes and these<00:05:13.280> house<00:05:13.720> the<00:05:13.840> vibal<00:05:14.280> feriz<00:05:14.759> cells<00:05:15.160> they these house the vibal feriz cells they these house the vibal feriz cells they live<00:05:15.479> in<00:05:15.720> there<00:05:15.919> at<00:05:16.160> high<00:05:16.400> cell<00:05:16.680> number<00:05:17.199> that live in there at high cell number that live in there at high cell number that molecule<00:05:17.880> is<00:05:18.120> there<00:05:18.440> and<00:05:18.639> they're<00:05:18.919> making molecule is there and they're making molecule is there and they're making light<00:05:20.120> and<00:05:20.240> the<00:05:20.400> reason<00:05:20.680> the<00:05:20.800> squid<00:05:21.080> is light and the reason the squid is light and the reason the squid is willing<00:05:21.400> to<00:05:21.520> put<00:05:21.680> up<00:05:21.800> with<00:05:21.919> these<00:05:22.080> Shenanigans willing to put up with these Shenanigans willing to put up with these Shenanigans is<00:05:22.960> because<00:05:23.280> it<00:05:23.360> wants<00:05:23.840> that<00:05:24.039> light<00:05:24.680> and<00:05:24.759> so is because it wants that light and so is because it wants that light and so the<00:05:25.080> way<00:05:25.280> that<00:05:25.440> this<00:05:25.639> symbiosis<00:05:26.360> works<00:05:26.720> is the way that this symbiosis works is the way that this symbiosis works is that<00:05:27.000> this<00:05:27.199> little<00:05:27.479> squid<00:05:27.880> lives<00:05:28.199> just<00:05:28.440> off that this little squid lives just off that this little squid lives just off the<00:05:28.800> coast<00:05:29.160> of<00:05:29.720> Hawaii<00:05:30.240> so<00:05:30.440> just<00:05:30.560> in<00:05:30.759> sort<00:05:30.960> of the coast of Hawaii so just in sort of the coast of Hawaii so just in sort of shallow<00:05:31.560> kneee<00:05:32.160> water<00:05:32.720> and<00:05:32.840> the<00:05:32.960> squid<00:05:33.319> is shallow kneee water and the squid is shallow kneee water and the squid is nocturnal<00:05:34.280> so<00:05:34.479> during<00:05:34.759> the<00:05:34.960> day<00:05:35.280> it<00:05:35.440> buries nocturnal so during the day it buries nocturnal so during the day it buries itself<00:05:36.199> in<00:05:36.319> the<00:05:36.520> sand<00:05:36.919> and<00:05:37.080> sleeps<00:05:37.919> but<00:05:38.039> then itself in the sand and sleeps but then itself in the sand and sleeps but then at<00:05:38.360> night<00:05:38.560> it<00:05:38.720> has<00:05:38.880> to<00:05:39.039> come<00:05:39.199> out<00:05:39.360> to<00:05:39.560> hunt<00:05:40.199> and at night it has to come out to hunt and at night it has to come out to hunt and so<00:05:40.479> on<00:05:40.680> bright<00:05:41.000> nights<00:05:41.280> when<00:05:41.400> there's<00:05:41.600> lots<00:05:41.759> of so on bright nights when there's lots of so on bright nights when there's lots of Starlight<00:05:42.400> or<00:05:42.560> Moonlight<00:05:43.319> that<00:05:43.520> light<00:05:43.800> can Starlight or Moonlight that light can Starlight or Moonlight that light can penetrate<00:05:44.520> the<00:05:44.680> depth<00:05:44.919> of<00:05:45.039> the<00:05:45.160> water<00:05:45.440> the penetrate the depth of the water the penetrate the depth of the water the squid<00:05:45.919> lives<00:05:46.160> in<00:05:46.360> since<00:05:46.560> it's<00:05:46.759> just<00:05:46.919> in<00:05:47.080> those squid lives in since it's just in those squid lives in since it's just in those couple<00:05:47.639> feet<00:05:47.919> of<00:05:48.160> water<00:05:48.880> and<00:05:49.000> what<00:05:49.160> the<00:05:49.280> squid couple feet of water and what the squid couple feet of water and what the squid has<00:05:50.120> developed<00:05:50.560> is<00:05:50.680> a<00:05:50.800> shutter<00:05:51.520> that<00:05:51.639> can<00:05:51.880> open has developed is a shutter that can open has developed is a shutter that can open and<00:05:52.360> close<00:05:52.800> over<00:05:53.039> this<00:05:53.240> specialized<00:05:53.840> light and close over this specialized light and close over this specialized light organ<00:05:54.440> housing<00:05:54.800> the<00:05:55.039> bacteria<00:05:55.960> and<00:05:56.080> then<00:05:56.199> it organ housing the bacteria and then it organ housing the bacteria and then it has<00:05:56.600> detectors<00:05:57.160> on<00:05:57.319> its<00:05:57.600> back<00:05:57.919> so<00:05:58.039> it<00:05:58.160> can has detectors on its back so it can has detectors on its back so it can sense<00:05:58.720> how<00:05:58.880> much<00:05:59.080> Starlight<00:05:59.639> or<00:05:59.759> Moonlight<00:06:00.199> is sense how much Starlight or Moonlight is sense how much Starlight or Moonlight is hitting<00:06:00.639> its<00:06:00.919> back<00:06:01.479> and<00:06:01.600> it<00:06:01.720> opens<00:06:02.000> and<00:06:02.199> closes hitting its back and it opens and closes hitting its back and it opens and closes the<00:06:02.720> shutter<00:06:03.280> so<00:06:03.479> the<00:06:03.600> amount<00:06:03.800> of<00:06:03.919> light the shutter so the amount of light the shutter so the amount of light coming<00:06:04.360> out<00:06:04.479> of<00:06:04.639> the<00:06:04.759> bottom<00:06:05.360> which<00:06:05.479> is<00:06:05.639> made coming out of the bottom which is made coming out of the bottom which is made by<00:06:06.000> the<00:06:06.160> bacterium<00:06:07.160> exactly<00:06:07.639> matches<00:06:08.000> how by the bacterium exactly matches how by the bacterium exactly matches how much<00:06:08.360> light<00:06:08.599> hits<00:06:08.800> the<00:06:08.960> Squid's<00:06:09.400> back<00:06:09.800> so<00:06:10.000> the much light hits the Squid's back so the much light hits the Squid's back so the squid<00:06:10.440> doesn't<00:06:10.680> make<00:06:10.840> a<00:06:11.039> Shadow<00:06:11.840> so<00:06:12.000> it squid doesn't make a Shadow so it squid doesn't make a Shadow so it actually<00:06:12.520> uses<00:06:13.000> the<00:06:13.160> light<00:06:13.400> from<00:06:13.560> the actually uses the light from the actually uses the light from the bacteria<00:06:14.280> to<00:06:14.520> counter<00:06:14.880> illuminate<00:06:15.400> itself<00:06:15.840> in bacteria to counter illuminate itself in bacteria to counter illuminate itself in an<00:06:16.199> anti-predation<00:06:17.199> device<00:06:17.759> and<00:06:17.840> so<00:06:18.039> it<00:06:18.160> so an anti-predation device and so it so an anti-predation device and so it so predators<00:06:18.919> can't<00:06:19.160> see<00:06:19.400> its<00:06:19.599> shadow<00:06:20.039> calculate predators can't see its shadow calculate predators can't see its shadow calculate its<00:06:20.639> trajectory<00:06:21.160> and<00:06:21.319> eat<00:06:21.560> it<00:06:21.960> and<00:06:22.039> so<00:06:22.199> this<00:06:22.319> is its trajectory and eat it and so this is its trajectory and eat it and so this is like<00:06:22.599> the<00:06:22.759> stealth<00:06:23.120> bomber<00:06:23.520> of<00:06:23.720> the like the stealth bomber of the like the stealth bomber of the ocean<00:06:25.440> but<00:06:25.560> then<00:06:25.720> if<00:06:25.800> you<00:06:26.000> think<00:06:26.240> about<00:06:26.440> it ocean but then if you think about it ocean but then if you think about it this<00:06:26.800> squid<00:06:27.199> has<00:06:27.400> this<00:06:27.639> terrible<00:06:28.199> problem this squid has this terrible problem this squid has this terrible problem because<00:06:28.720> it's<00:06:28.919> got<00:06:29.080> this<00:06:29.280> D<00:06:29.720> ing<00:06:30.199> thick because it's got this D ing thick because it's got this D ing thick culture<00:06:30.880> of<00:06:31.120> bacteria<00:06:31.639> and<00:06:31.759> it<00:06:31.919> can't<00:06:32.240> sustain culture of bacteria and it can't sustain culture of bacteria and it can't sustain that<00:06:33.360> and<00:06:33.440> so<00:06:33.639> what<00:06:33.800> happens<00:06:34.120> is<00:06:34.360> every that and so what happens is every that and so what happens is every morning<00:06:35.080> when<00:06:35.199> the<00:06:35.319> sun<00:06:35.560> comes<00:06:35.800> up<00:06:36.000> the<00:06:36.120> Squid morning when the sun comes up the Squid morning when the sun comes up the Squid goes<00:06:36.680> back<00:06:36.800> to<00:06:36.960> sleep<00:06:37.199> it<00:06:37.319> buries<00:06:37.680> itself<00:06:38.000> in goes back to sleep it buries itself in goes back to sleep it buries itself in the<00:06:38.280> sand<00:06:38.880> and<00:06:39.000> it's<00:06:39.160> got<00:06:39.280> a<00:06:39.479> pump<00:06:39.840> that's the sand and it's got a pump that's the sand and it's got a pump that's attached<00:06:40.360> to<00:06:40.479> its<00:06:40.599> circadian<00:06:41.240> rhythm<00:06:41.840> and attached to its circadian rhythm and attached to its circadian rhythm and when<00:06:42.080> the<00:06:42.199> sun<00:06:42.520> comes<00:06:42.759> up<00:06:43.039> it<00:06:43.280> pumps<00:06:43.639> out<00:06:43.919> like when the sun comes up it pumps out like when the sun comes up it pumps out like 95%<00:06:45.039> of<00:06:45.160> the<00:06:45.319> bacteria<00:06:46.199> and<00:06:46.319> so<00:06:46.479> now<00:06:46.639> the 95% of the bacteria and so now the 95% of the bacteria and so now the bacteria<00:06:47.240> are<00:06:47.440> dilute<00:06:48.120> that<00:06:48.280> little<00:06:48.479> hormone bacteria are dilute that little hormone bacteria are dilute that little hormone molecule<00:06:49.319> is<00:06:49.520> gone<00:06:49.759> so<00:06:49.960> they're<00:06:50.080> not<00:06:50.240> making molecule is gone so they're not making molecule is gone so they're not making light<00:06:50.840> but<00:06:50.960> of<00:06:51.080> course<00:06:51.240> the<00:06:51.400> squid<00:06:51.720> doesn't light but of course the squid doesn't light but of course the squid doesn't care<00:06:52.280> it's<00:06:52.440> asleep<00:06:52.840> in<00:06:52.960> the<00:06:53.080> sand<00:06:53.800> and<00:06:53.919> as<00:06:54.080> the care it's asleep in the sand and as the care it's asleep in the sand and as the day<00:06:54.440> goes<00:06:54.720> by<00:06:54.960> the<00:06:55.160> bacteria<00:06:55.680> double<00:06:56.120> they day goes by the bacteria double they day goes by the bacteria double they release<00:06:56.680> the<00:06:56.840> molecule<00:06:57.400> and<00:06:57.520> then<00:06:57.680> light release the molecule and then light release the molecule and then light comes<00:06:58.199> on<00:06:58.599> at<00:06:58.759> night<00:06:59.080> exactly<00:06:59.680> when<00:06:59.800> the<00:06:59.919> squid comes on at night exactly when the squid comes on at night exactly when the squid wants<00:07:00.599> it<00:07:01.520> and<00:07:01.639> so<00:07:01.840> first<00:07:02.039> we<00:07:02.160> figured<00:07:02.479> out<00:07:02.720> how wants it and so first we figured out how wants it and so first we figured out how and<00:07:03.440> this<00:07:03.639> bacterium<00:07:04.160> does<00:07:04.360> this<00:07:04.560> but<00:07:04.680> then<00:07:04.800> we and this bacterium does this but then we and this bacterium does this but then we brought<00:07:05.120> the<00:07:05.280> tools<00:07:05.560> of<00:07:05.759> molecular<00:07:06.280> biology brought the tools of molecular biology brought the tools of molecular biology to<00:07:07.120> this<00:07:07.280> to<00:07:07.400> figure<00:07:07.720> out<00:07:07.960> really<00:07:08.240> what's<00:07:08.479> the to this to figure out really what's the to this to figure out really what's the mechanism<00:07:09.840> and<00:07:10.000> what<00:07:10.160> we<00:07:10.360> found<00:07:10.759> so<00:07:11.000> this<00:07:11.080> is mechanism and what we found so this is mechanism and what we found so this is now<00:07:11.479> supposed<00:07:11.840> to<00:07:11.960> be<00:07:12.240> again<00:07:12.479> my<00:07:12.680> bacterial now supposed to be again my bacterial now supposed to be again my bacterial cell<00:07:13.840> is<00:07:13.960> that<00:07:14.120> vibrio<00:07:14.560> fishery<00:07:15.000> has<00:07:15.120> a cell is that vibrio fishery has a cell is that vibrio fishery has a protein<00:07:15.879> that's<00:07:16.080> the<00:07:16.240> red<00:07:16.520> box<00:07:16.960> it's<00:07:17.120> an protein that's the red box it's an protein that's the red box it's an enzyme<00:07:17.919> that<00:07:18.080> makes<00:07:18.360> that<00:07:18.560> little<00:07:18.800> hormone enzyme that makes that little hormone enzyme that makes that little hormone molecule<00:07:19.879> the<00:07:20.000> red<00:07:20.240> triangle<00:07:21.160> and<00:07:21.240> then<00:07:21.400> as molecule the red triangle and then as molecule the red triangle and then as the<00:07:21.680> cells<00:07:22.000> grow<00:07:22.360> they're<00:07:22.520> all<00:07:22.680> releasing the cells grow they're all releasing the cells grow they're all releasing that<00:07:23.280> molecule<00:07:23.800> into<00:07:24.039> the<00:07:24.199> environment<00:07:24.720> so that molecule into the environment so that molecule into the environment so there's<00:07:25.120> lots<00:07:25.319> of<00:07:25.520> molecule<00:07:26.120> there<00:07:26.840> and<00:07:26.960> the there's lots of molecule there and the there's lots of molecule there and the bacteria<00:07:27.800> also<00:07:28.160> have<00:07:28.360> a<00:07:28.599> receptor<00:07:29.160> on<00:07:29.319> their bacteria also have a receptor on their bacteria also have a receptor on their cell<00:07:30.000> surface<00:07:30.639> that<00:07:30.840> fits<00:07:31.199> like<00:07:31.319> a<00:07:31.479> lock<00:07:31.720> and cell surface that fits like a lock and cell surface that fits like a lock and key<00:07:32.400> with<00:07:32.560> that<00:07:32.720> molecule<00:07:33.280> these<00:07:33.400> are<00:07:33.639> just key with that molecule these are just key with that molecule these are just like<00:07:34.000> The<00:07:34.199> receptors<00:07:34.759> on<00:07:34.879> the<00:07:35.120> surfaces<00:07:35.639> of like The receptors on the surfaces of like The receptors on the surfaces of your<00:07:36.000> cells<00:07:36.840> and<00:07:36.919> so<00:07:37.039> when<00:07:37.160> the<00:07:37.280> molecule your cells and so when the molecule your cells and so when the molecule increases<00:07:38.240> to<00:07:38.400> a<00:07:38.520> certain<00:07:38.840> amount<00:07:39.160> which<00:07:39.319> says increases to a certain amount which says increases to a certain amount which says something<00:07:40.039> about<00:07:40.240> the<00:07:40.400> number<00:07:40.639> of<00:07:40.800> cells<00:07:41.599> it something about the number of cells it something about the number of cells it locks<00:07:42.199> down<00:07:42.440> into<00:07:42.680> that<00:07:42.919> receptor<00:07:43.479> and locks down into that receptor and locks down into that receptor and information<00:07:44.520> comes<00:07:44.759> into<00:07:45.039> the<00:07:45.159> cells<00:07:45.800> that information comes into the cells that information comes into the cells that tells<00:07:46.240> the<00:07:46.400> cells<00:07:46.919> to<00:07:47.159> turn<00:07:47.400> on<00:07:47.879> this tells the cells to turn on this tells the cells to turn on this Collective<00:07:48.599> behavior<00:07:49.199> of<00:07:49.360> making<00:07:49.840> light<00:07:50.840> and Collective behavior of making light and Collective behavior of making light and why<00:07:51.240> this<00:07:51.360> is<00:07:51.560> interesting<00:07:52.039> is<00:07:52.240> because<00:07:52.440> in why this is interesting is because in why this is interesting is because in the<00:07:52.840> past<00:07:53.120> decade<00:07:53.520> we<00:07:53.639> have<00:07:53.759> found<00:07:54.000> that<00:07:54.199> this the past decade we have found that this the past decade we have found that this is<00:07:54.479> not<00:07:54.680> just<00:07:54.840> some<00:07:55.159> anomaly<00:07:55.639> of<00:07:55.800> this is not just some anomaly of this is not just some anomaly of this ridiculous<00:07:56.440> glow-in-the-dark<00:07:56.919> bacterium ridiculous glow-in-the-dark bacterium ridiculous glow-in-the-dark bacterium that<00:07:57.879> lives<00:07:58.080> in<00:07:58.199> the<00:07:58.319> ocean<00:07:58.960> all<00:07:59.120> B<00:07:59.840> have that lives in the ocean all B have that lives in the ocean all B have systems<00:08:00.520> like<00:08:00.720> this<00:08:01.159> so<00:08:01.400> now<00:08:01.560> what<00:08:01.680> we systems like this so now what we systems like this so now what we understand<00:08:02.400> is<00:08:02.520> that<00:08:02.720> all<00:08:03.000> bacteria<00:08:03.520> can<00:08:03.759> talk understand is that all bacteria can talk understand is that all bacteria can talk to<00:08:04.159> each<00:08:04.319> other<00:08:04.800> they<00:08:04.960> make<00:08:05.240> Chemical<00:08:05.680> words to each other they make Chemical words to each other they make Chemical words they<00:08:06.319> recognize<00:08:06.919> those<00:08:07.080> words<00:08:07.639> and<00:08:07.759> they<00:08:07.919> turn they recognize those words and they turn they recognize those words and they turn on<00:08:08.599> group<00:08:08.919> behaviors<00:08:09.520> that<00:08:09.639> are<00:08:09.840> only on group behaviors that are only on group behaviors that are only successful<00:08:10.919> when<00:08:11.159> all<00:08:11.319> of<00:08:11.479> the<00:08:11.599> cells successful when all of the cells successful when all of the cells participate<00:08:13.080> in<00:08:13.280> unison<00:08:14.159> and<00:08:14.240> so<00:08:14.400> now<00:08:14.560> we<00:08:14.680> have participate in unison and so now we have participate in unison and so now we have a<00:08:14.919> fancy<00:08:15.280> name<00:08:15.560> for<00:08:15.759> this<00:08:16.159> we<00:08:16.319> call<00:08:16.479> it<00:08:16.639> Quorum a fancy name for this we call it Quorum a fancy name for this we call it Quorum sensing<00:08:17.759> they<00:08:17.960> vote<00:08:18.319> with<00:08:18.479> these<00:08:18.720> chemical sensing they vote with these chemical sensing they vote with these chemical votes<00:08:19.759> the<00:08:19.879> vote<00:08:20.159> gets<00:08:20.400> counted<00:08:20.879> and<00:08:21.039> then votes the vote gets counted and then votes the vote gets counted and then everybody<00:08:21.800> responds<00:08:22.319> to<00:08:22.479> the<00:08:22.720> vote<00:08:23.720> and everybody responds to the vote and everybody responds to the vote and what's<00:08:24.080> important<00:08:24.440> for<00:08:24.599> today's<00:08:25.000> talk<00:08:25.360> is what's important for today's talk is what's important for today's talk is that<00:08:25.599> we<00:08:25.720> know<00:08:25.840> that<00:08:25.960> there<00:08:26.080> are<00:08:26.400> hundreds<00:08:26.800> of that we know that there are hundreds of that we know that there are hundreds of behaviors<00:08:27.520> that<00:08:27.720> bacteria<00:08:28.280> carry<00:08:28.520> out<00:08:28.720> in behaviors that bacteria carry out in behaviors that bacteria carry out in these<00:08:29.039> Collective these Collective these Collective Fashions<00:08:30.479> but<00:08:30.560> the<00:08:30.680> one<00:08:30.840> that's<00:08:31.080> probably<00:08:31.400> the Fashions but the one that's probably the Fashions but the one that's probably the most<00:08:31.720> important<00:08:32.080> to<00:08:32.320> you<00:08:32.919> is<00:08:33.120> virulence<00:08:34.080> so most important to you is virulence so most important to you is virulence so it's<00:08:34.440> not<00:08:34.640> like<00:08:34.839> a<00:08:34.959> couple<00:08:35.279> bacteria<00:08:35.760> get<00:08:35.919> in it's not like a couple bacteria get in it's not like a couple bacteria get in you<00:08:36.279> and<00:08:36.360> then<00:08:36.519> they<00:08:36.640> start<00:08:36.880> secreting<00:08:37.320> some you and then they start secreting some you and then they start secreting some toxins<00:08:38.080> you're<00:08:38.479> enormous<00:08:39.399> that<00:08:39.479> would<00:08:39.680> have toxins you're enormous that would have toxins you're enormous that would have no<00:08:40.240> effect<00:08:40.560> on<00:08:40.760> you<00:08:40.959> you're<00:08:41.320> huge<00:08:42.120> but<00:08:42.320> what no effect on you you're huge but what no effect on you you're huge but what they<00:08:42.680> do<00:08:43.279> we<00:08:43.440> Now<00:08:43.959> understand<00:08:44.279> is<00:08:44.440> they<00:08:44.600> get<00:08:44.760> in they do we Now understand is they get in they do we Now understand is they get in you<00:08:45.480> they<00:08:45.680> wait<00:08:46.240> they<00:08:46.399> start<00:08:46.720> growing<00:08:47.200> they you they wait they start growing they you they wait they start growing they count<00:08:47.800> themselves<00:08:48.080> with<00:08:48.240> these<00:08:48.440> little count themselves with these little count themselves with these little molecules<00:08:49.360> and<00:08:49.480> they<00:08:49.680> recognize<00:08:50.200> when<00:08:50.320> they molecules and they recognize when they molecules and they recognize when they have<00:08:50.600> the<00:08:50.800> right<00:08:50.959> cell<00:08:51.279> number<00:08:51.720> that<00:08:51.880> if<00:08:52.080> all have the right cell number that if all have the right cell number that if all of<00:08:52.399> the<00:08:52.600> bacteria<00:08:53.120> launch<00:08:53.600> their<00:08:53.760> virulence of the bacteria launch their virulence of the bacteria launch their virulence attack<00:08:54.880> together<00:08:55.519> they're<00:08:55.720> going<00:08:55.800> to<00:08:55.920> be attack together they're going to be attack together they're going to be successful<00:08:56.760> at<00:08:56.959> overcoming<00:08:57.640> an<00:08:57.839> enormous successful at overcoming an enormous successful at overcoming an enormous host<00:08:59.000> so<00:08:59.440> bacteria<00:09:00.040> always<00:09:00.640> control host so bacteria always control host so bacteria always control pathogenicity<00:09:02.760> with<00:09:02.959> chorum<00:09:03.600> sensing<00:09:04.600> and<00:09:04.680> so pathogenicity with chorum sensing and so pathogenicity with chorum sensing and so that's<00:09:05.079> how<00:09:05.240> it<00:09:05.360> works<00:09:05.680> we<00:09:05.839> also<00:09:06.120> then<00:09:06.279> went<00:09:06.480> to that's how it works we also then went to that's how it works we also then went to look<00:09:06.839> at<00:09:07.000> what<00:09:07.079> are<00:09:07.240> these<00:09:07.519> molecules<00:09:08.040> so look at what are these molecules so look at what are these molecules so these<00:09:08.320> were<00:09:08.480> the<00:09:08.640> red<00:09:08.880> triangles<00:09:09.560> on<00:09:09.760> my these were the red triangles on my these were the red triangles on my slides<00:09:10.600> before<00:09:11.240> and<00:09:11.320> so<00:09:11.519> this<00:09:11.600> is<00:09:11.760> the<00:09:11.880> vibal slides before and so this is the vibal slides before and so this is the vibal fisheri<00:09:12.800> molecule<00:09:13.320> this<00:09:13.440> is<00:09:13.560> the<00:09:13.720> word<00:09:14.040> that fisheri molecule this is the word that fisheri molecule this is the word that it<00:09:14.320> talks<00:09:14.680> with<00:09:15.079> and<00:09:15.200> then<00:09:15.320> we<00:09:15.480> started<00:09:15.720> to it talks with and then we started to it talks with and then we started to look<00:09:15.959> at<00:09:16.160> other<00:09:16.480> bacteria<00:09:17.320> and<00:09:17.440> these<00:09:17.560> are look at other bacteria and these are look at other bacteria and these are just<00:09:17.839> a<00:09:18.079> smattering<00:09:18.640> of<00:09:18.760> the<00:09:18.880> molecules<00:09:19.440> that just a smattering of the molecules that just a smattering of the molecules that we've<00:09:20.040> discovered<00:09:20.680> and<00:09:20.800> what<00:09:20.920> I<00:09:21.079> hope<00:09:21.279> you<00:09:21.440> can we've discovered and what I hope you can we've discovered and what I hope you can see<00:09:22.240> is<00:09:22.360> that<00:09:22.519> the<00:09:22.640> molecules<00:09:23.079> are<00:09:23.279> related<00:09:24.040> so see is that the molecules are related so see is that the molecules are related so the<00:09:24.440> leftand<00:09:24.920> part<00:09:25.079> of<00:09:25.200> the<00:09:25.320> molecule<00:09:25.800> is the leftand part of the molecule is the leftand part of the molecule is identical<00:09:26.600> in<00:09:26.920> every<00:09:27.279> single<00:09:27.760> species<00:09:28.200> of identical in every single species of identical in every single species of bacteria<00:09:29.240> but<00:09:29.399> but<00:09:29.480> the<00:09:29.640> right<00:09:29.880> hand<00:09:30.040> part<00:09:30.200> of bacteria but but the right hand part of bacteria but but the right hand part of the<00:09:30.399> molecule<00:09:30.839> is<00:09:30.959> a<00:09:31.120> little<00:09:31.360> bit<00:09:31.640> different the molecule is a little bit different the molecule is a little bit different in<00:09:32.320> every<00:09:32.600> single<00:09:33.040> species<00:09:33.920> and<00:09:34.160> what<00:09:34.360> that in every single species and what that in every single species and what that does<00:09:34.839> is<00:09:34.959> to<00:09:35.200> confer<00:09:35.920> Exquisite<00:09:36.839> species does is to confer Exquisite species does is to confer Exquisite species specificities<00:09:38.160> to<00:09:38.399> these<00:09:38.600> languages<00:09:39.440> so<00:09:39.680> each specificities to these languages so each specificities to these languages so each molecule<00:09:40.600> fits<00:09:40.920> into<00:09:41.200> its<00:09:41.440> partner<00:09:41.920> receptor molecule fits into its partner receptor molecule fits into its partner receptor and<00:09:42.839> no<00:09:43.120> other<00:09:43.640> so<00:09:43.800> these<00:09:43.959> are<00:09:44.320> private<00:09:44.959> secret and no other so these are private secret and no other so these are private secret conversations<00:09:46.800> these<00:09:47.120> conversations<00:09:47.880> are conversations these conversations are conversations these conversations are for<00:09:48.399> intas<00:09:49.079> species<00:09:49.640> communication<00:09:50.640> each for intas species communication each for intas species communication each bacteria<00:09:51.440> uses<00:09:51.760> a<00:09:52.040> particular<00:09:52.560> molecule bacteria uses a particular molecule bacteria uses a particular molecule that's<00:09:53.440> it<00:09:53.680> Lang<00:09:53.959> its<00:09:54.160> language<00:09:54.760> that<00:09:54.920> allows that's it Lang its language that allows that's it Lang its language that allows it<00:09:55.440> to<00:09:55.760> count<00:09:56.240> its<00:09:56.480> own it to count its own it to count its own siblings<00:09:59.000> and<00:09:59.079> so<00:09:59.399> once<00:09:59.519> we<00:09:59.640> got<00:09:59.760> that<00:09:59.920> far<00:10:00.120> we siblings and so once we got that far we siblings and so once we got that far we thought<00:10:00.399> we<00:10:00.480> were<00:10:00.640> starting<00:10:00.920> to<00:10:01.360> understand thought we were starting to understand thought we were starting to understand that<00:10:01.760> bacteria<00:10:02.320> have<00:10:02.519> these<00:10:02.720> social that bacteria have these social that bacteria have these social behaviors<00:10:04.000> but<00:10:04.200> we<00:10:04.320> started<00:10:04.640> what<00:10:04.760> we<00:10:04.839> were behaviors but we started what we were behaviors but we started what we were really<00:10:05.200> thinking<00:10:05.519> about<00:10:05.680> is<00:10:05.800> that<00:10:05.959> most<00:10:06.120> of really thinking about is that most of really thinking about is that most of the<00:10:06.399> time<00:10:06.640> bacteria<00:10:07.079> don't<00:10:07.360> live<00:10:07.640> by the time bacteria don't live by the time bacteria don't live by themselves<00:10:08.560> they<00:10:08.680> live<00:10:08.839> in<00:10:09.040> incredible themselves they live in incredible themselves they live in incredible mixtures<00:10:10.079> with<00:10:10.320> hundreds<00:10:10.680> or<00:10:11.000> thousands<00:10:11.440> of mixtures with hundreds or thousands of mixtures with hundreds or thousands of other<00:10:11.920> species<00:10:12.360> of<00:10:12.560> bacteria<00:10:13.440> and<00:10:13.560> that's other species of bacteria and that's other species of bacteria and that's depicted<00:10:14.160> on<00:10:14.360> this<00:10:14.519> slide<00:10:15.200> this<00:10:15.360> is<00:10:15.480> your<00:10:15.680> skin depicted on this slide this is your skin depicted on this slide this is your skin so<00:10:16.560> this<00:10:16.640> is<00:10:16.880> just<00:10:17.399> a<00:10:17.560> picture<00:10:17.880> a<00:10:18.040> micrograph so this is just a picture a micrograph so this is just a picture a micrograph of<00:10:18.760> your<00:10:18.920> skin<00:10:19.279> anywhere<00:10:19.600> on<00:10:19.760> your<00:10:19.920> body<00:10:20.200> it of your skin anywhere on your body it of your skin anywhere on your body it looks<00:10:20.560> pretty<00:10:20.760> much<00:10:21.040> like<00:10:21.279> this<00:10:21.720> and<00:10:21.880> what<00:10:22.000> I looks pretty much like this and what I looks pretty much like this and what I hope<00:10:22.320> you<00:10:22.440> can<00:10:22.600> see<00:10:22.800> is<00:10:22.920> that<00:10:23.079> there's<00:10:23.440> all hope you can see is that there's all hope you can see is that there's all kinds<00:10:24.000> of<00:10:24.240> bacteria<00:10:24.839> there<00:10:25.399> and<00:10:25.480> so<00:10:25.640> we kinds of bacteria there and so we kinds of bacteria there and so we started<00:10:26.079> to<00:10:26.320> think<00:10:26.640> if<00:10:26.800> this<00:10:27.000> really<00:10:27.320> is<00:10:27.560> about started to think if this really is about started to think if this really is about Communication<00:10:28.519> in<00:10:28.760> bacteria<00:10:29.560> and<00:10:29.680> it's<00:10:29.880> about Communication in bacteria and it's about Communication in bacteria and it's about counting<00:10:30.600> your<00:10:30.760> neighbors<00:10:31.279> it's<00:10:31.560> not<00:10:31.800> enough counting your neighbors it's not enough counting your neighbors it's not enough to<00:10:32.279> be<00:10:32.480> able<00:10:32.760> to<00:10:32.959> only<00:10:33.320> talk<00:10:33.760> within<00:10:34.120> your to be able to only talk within your to be able to only talk within your species<00:10:35.200> there<00:10:35.399> has<00:10:35.560> to<00:10:35.720> be<00:10:35.839> a<00:10:35.959> way<00:10:36.160> to<00:10:36.320> take<00:10:36.480> a species there has to be a way to take a species there has to be a way to take a census<00:10:37.200> of<00:10:37.399> the<00:10:37.519> rest<00:10:37.720> of<00:10:37.839> the<00:10:38.000> bacteria<00:10:38.519> in census of the rest of the bacteria in census of the rest of the bacteria in the<00:10:38.880> population<00:10:39.839> so<00:10:40.000> we<00:10:40.160> went<00:10:40.399> back<00:10:40.519> to the population so we went back to the population so we went back to molecular<00:10:41.240> biology<00:10:41.720> and<00:10:41.839> started<00:10:42.200> studying molecular biology and started studying molecular biology and started studying different<00:10:43.000> bacteria<00:10:43.880> and<00:10:44.079> what<00:10:44.200> we<00:10:44.399> found<00:10:44.800> now different bacteria and what we found now different bacteria and what we found now is<00:10:45.160> that<00:10:45.399> in<00:10:45.600> fact<00:10:46.000> bacteria<00:10:46.560> are is that in fact bacteria are is that in fact bacteria are multilingual<00:10:47.920> so<00:10:48.120> they<00:10:48.279> all<00:10:48.680> have<00:10:49.000> a<00:10:49.279> species multilingual so they all have a species multilingual so they all have a species specific<00:10:50.360> system<00:10:50.720> they<00:10:50.839> have<00:10:50.959> a<00:10:51.120> molecule specific system they have a molecule specific system they have a molecule that<00:10:51.800> says<00:10:52.120> me<00:10:52.760> but<00:10:52.880> then<00:10:53.000> running<00:10:53.399> in that says me but then running in that says me but then running in parallel<00:10:54.079> to<00:10:54.279> that<00:10:54.480> is<00:10:54.600> a<00:10:54.839> second<00:10:55.200> system<00:10:55.560> that parallel to that is a second system that parallel to that is a second system that we've<00:10:56.120> discovered<00:10:56.639> that's<00:10:56.920> generic<00:10:57.680> so<00:10:57.839> they we've discovered that's generic so they we've discovered that's generic so they have<00:10:58.120> a<00:10:58.320> second<00:10:58.639> enzyme<00:10:59.040> that<00:10:59.320> makes<00:10:59.480> a<00:10:59.680> second have a second enzyme that makes a second have a second enzyme that makes a second signal<00:11:00.839> and<00:11:01.079> it<00:11:01.200> has<00:11:01.360> its<00:11:01.519> own<00:11:01.839> receptor<00:11:02.519> and signal and it has its own receptor and signal and it has its own receptor and this<00:11:03.079> molecule<00:11:03.720> is<00:11:03.880> the<00:11:04.040> trade<00:11:04.399> language<00:11:04.839> of this molecule is the trade language of this molecule is the trade language of bacteria<00:11:05.959> it's<00:11:06.120> used<00:11:06.399> by<00:11:06.560> all<00:11:06.800> different bacteria it's used by all different bacteria it's used by all different bacteria<00:11:07.839> and<00:11:07.959> it's<00:11:08.160> the<00:11:08.360> language<00:11:08.760> of<00:11:09.040> inter bacteria and it's the language of inter bacteria and it's the language of inter species<00:11:10.440> communication<00:11:11.440> and<00:11:11.519> so<00:11:11.760> what species communication and so what species communication and so what happens<00:11:12.639> is<00:11:12.760> that<00:11:13.040> bacteria<00:11:13.560> are<00:11:13.760> able<00:11:14.120> to happens is that bacteria are able to happens is that bacteria are able to count<00:11:14.920> how<00:11:15.040> many<00:11:15.360> of<00:11:15.519> me<00:11:15.959> and<00:11:16.120> how<00:11:16.240> many<00:11:16.440> of<00:11:16.600> you count how many of me and how many of you count how many of me and how many of you and<00:11:17.200> they<00:11:17.399> take<00:11:17.680> that<00:11:17.880> information<00:11:18.600> inside and they take that information inside and they take that information inside and<00:11:19.320> they<00:11:19.560> decide<00:11:20.320> what<00:11:20.600> tasks<00:11:21.040> to<00:11:21.240> carry<00:11:21.519> out and they decide what tasks to carry out and they decide what tasks to carry out depending<00:11:22.320> on<00:11:22.519> who's<00:11:22.720> in<00:11:22.839> the<00:11:22.959> minority<00:11:23.720> and depending on who's in the minority and depending on who's in the minority and who's<00:11:24.079> in<00:11:24.240> the<00:11:24.399> majority<00:11:25.000> of<00:11:25.240> Any<00:11:25.560> Given who's in the majority of Any Given who's in the majority of Any Given population<00:11:27.720> and<00:11:27.800> so<00:11:27.959> then<00:11:28.160> again<00:11:28.320> we<00:11:28.440> turn<00:11:28.639> to population and so then again we turn to population and so then again we turn to chemistry chemistry chemistry and<00:11:30.079> we<00:11:30.279> figured<00:11:30.560> out<00:11:30.760> what<00:11:30.920> this<00:11:31.160> generic and we figured out what this generic and we figured out what this generic molecule<00:11:32.079> is<00:11:32.240> so<00:11:32.399> that<00:11:32.519> was<00:11:32.680> the<00:11:32.880> pink<00:11:33.240> ovals molecule is so that was the pink ovals molecule is so that was the pink ovals on<00:11:33.800> my<00:11:34.000> last<00:11:34.279> slide<00:11:34.880> this<00:11:35.000> is<00:11:35.200> it<00:11:35.480> it's<00:11:35.600> a<00:11:35.880> very on my last slide this is it it's a very on my last slide this is it it's a very small<00:11:36.720> five<00:11:37.079> carbon<00:11:37.480> molecule<00:11:38.320> and<00:11:38.519> what<00:11:38.680> the small five carbon molecule and what the small five carbon molecule and what the important<00:11:39.200> thing<00:11:39.360> is<00:11:39.519> that<00:11:39.680> we<00:11:39.800> learned<00:11:40.240> is important thing is that we learned is important thing is that we learned is that<00:11:40.680> every<00:11:41.000> bacterium<00:11:41.639> has<00:11:41.959> exactly<00:11:42.440> the that every bacterium has exactly the that every bacterium has exactly the same<00:11:42.839> enzyme<00:11:43.320> and<00:11:43.440> makes<00:11:43.920> exactly<00:11:44.480> the<00:11:44.639> same same enzyme and makes exactly the same same enzyme and makes exactly the same molecule<00:11:45.560> so<00:11:45.720> they're<00:11:45.959> all<00:11:46.200> using<00:11:46.639> this molecule so they're all using this molecule so they're all using this molecule<00:11:47.279> for<00:11:47.519> interspecies<00:11:48.440> communication molecule for interspecies communication molecule for interspecies communication so<00:11:49.600> this<00:11:49.720> is<00:11:49.920> the<00:11:50.120> bacterial<00:11:50.920> espiranto so this is the bacterial espiranto so this is the bacterial espiranto and<00:11:53.720> so<00:11:53.920> once<00:11:54.120> we<00:11:54.279> got<00:11:54.519> that<00:11:54.680> far<00:11:54.959> we've and so once we got that far we've and so once we got that far we've started<00:11:55.480> to<00:11:55.600> learn<00:11:55.839> that<00:11:56.040> bacteria<00:11:56.440> can<00:11:56.680> talk started to learn that bacteria can talk started to learn that bacteria can talk to<00:11:57.000> each<00:11:57.120> other<00:11:57.360> with<00:11:57.480> this<00:11:57.680> chemical to each other with this chemical to each other with this chemical language<00:11:58.560> but<00:11:58.680> what<00:11:58.760> we<00:11:58.880> started<00:11:59.360> think<00:11:59.519> is language but what we started think is language but what we started think is that<00:11:59.800> maybe<00:12:00.040> there's<00:12:00.240> something<00:12:00.600> practical that maybe there's something practical that maybe there's something practical that<00:12:01.279> we<00:12:01.399> can<00:12:01.560> do<00:12:01.839> here<00:12:02.079> as<00:12:02.240> well<00:12:02.680> so<00:12:02.880> I've<00:12:03.000> told that we can do here as well so I've told that we can do here as well so I've told you<00:12:03.320> that<00:12:03.519> bacteria<00:12:03.959> do<00:12:04.160> have<00:12:04.320> all<00:12:04.480> these you that bacteria do have all these you that bacteria do have all these social<00:12:05.040> behaviors<00:12:05.639> that<00:12:05.839> they<00:12:06.399> communicate social behaviors that they communicate social behaviors that they communicate um<00:12:07.519> with<00:12:07.680> these<00:12:07.880> molecules<00:12:08.440> and<00:12:08.560> of<00:12:08.720> course um with these molecules and of course um with these molecules and of course I've<00:12:09.160> also<00:12:09.399> told<00:12:09.639> you<00:12:09.760> that<00:12:09.880> one<00:12:10.000> of<00:12:10.120> the I've also told you that one of the I've also told you that one of the important<00:12:10.720> things<00:12:11.000> they<00:12:11.120> do<00:12:11.600> is<00:12:11.720> to<00:12:11.959> initiate important things they do is to initiate important things they do is to initiate pathogenicity<00:12:13.480> using<00:12:13.800> corm<00:12:14.120> sensing<00:12:14.839> so<00:12:15.000> we pathogenicity using corm sensing so we pathogenicity using corm sensing so we thought<00:12:15.519> what<00:12:15.639> if<00:12:15.800> we<00:12:15.959> made<00:12:16.279> these<00:12:16.519> bacteria thought what if we made these bacteria thought what if we made these bacteria so<00:12:17.399> they<00:12:17.639> can't<00:12:18.000> talk<00:12:18.399> or<00:12:18.639> they<00:12:18.839> can't<00:12:19.120> hear so they can't talk or they can't hear so they can't talk or they can't hear couldn't<00:12:20.279> these<00:12:20.519> be<00:12:20.800> new<00:12:21.079> kinds<00:12:21.320> of couldn't these be new kinds of couldn't these be new kinds of antibiotics<00:12:22.519> and<00:12:22.680> of<00:12:22.800> course<00:12:22.959> you've<00:12:23.199> just antibiotics and of course you've just antibiotics and of course you've just heard<00:12:23.680> and<00:12:23.800> you<00:12:23.959> already<00:12:24.279> know<00:12:24.639> that<00:12:24.920> we're heard and you already know that we're heard and you already know that we're running<00:12:25.480> out<00:12:25.600> of<00:12:25.800> antibiotics<00:12:26.600> bacteria<00:12:26.959> are running out of antibiotics bacteria are running out of antibiotics bacteria are incredibly<00:12:27.800> multi-<00:12:28.399> drug<00:12:28.680> resistant<00:12:29.240> right incredibly multi- drug resistant right incredibly multi- drug resistant right now<00:12:29.560> and<00:12:29.720> that's<00:12:29.959> because<00:12:30.279> all<00:12:30.440> of<00:12:30.560> the now and that's because all of the now and that's because all of the antibiotics<00:12:31.480> that<00:12:31.600> we<00:12:31.760> use<00:12:32.440> kill<00:12:32.880> bacteria<00:12:33.600> so antibiotics that we use kill bacteria so antibiotics that we use kill bacteria so they<00:12:33.920> either<00:12:34.199> pop<00:12:34.440> the<00:12:34.600> bacterial<00:12:35.079> membrane they either pop the bacterial membrane they either pop the bacterial membrane they<00:12:35.760> make<00:12:35.959> the<00:12:36.199> bacterium<00:12:36.639> so<00:12:36.800> it<00:12:36.920> can't they make the bacterium so it can't they make the bacterium so it can't replicate<00:12:37.639> its<00:12:37.839> DNA<00:12:38.600> we<00:12:38.760> kill<00:12:39.120> bacteria<00:12:39.600> with replicate its DNA we kill bacteria with replicate its DNA we kill bacteria with traditional<00:12:40.240> antibiotics<00:12:41.000> and<00:12:41.160> that<00:12:41.399> selects traditional antibiotics and that selects traditional antibiotics and that selects for<00:12:42.279> resistant<00:12:42.760> mutants<00:12:43.560> and<00:12:43.680> so<00:12:43.880> now<00:12:44.079> of for resistant mutants and so now of for resistant mutants and so now of course<00:12:44.480> we<00:12:44.639> have<00:12:44.800> this<00:12:45.160> Global<00:12:45.760> problem<00:12:46.399> in course we have this Global problem in course we have this Global problem in infectious<00:12:47.120> diseases<00:12:48.079> so<00:12:48.240> we<00:12:48.399> thought<00:12:48.639> well infectious diseases so we thought well infectious diseases so we thought well what<00:12:48.920> if<00:12:49.040> we<00:12:49.160> could<00:12:49.360> sort<00:12:49.519> of<00:12:49.680> do<00:12:49.959> Behavior what if we could sort of do Behavior what if we could sort of do Behavior modifications<00:12:51.360> just<00:12:51.519> make<00:12:51.800> these<00:12:52.079> bacteria modifications just make these bacteria modifications just make these bacteria so<00:12:52.920> they<00:12:53.199> can't<00:12:53.480> talk<00:12:54.079> they<00:12:54.240> can't<00:12:54.560> count<00:12:54.920> and so they can't talk they can't count and so they can't talk they can't count and they<00:12:55.240> don't<00:12:55.480> know<00:12:55.760> to<00:12:55.959> launch<00:12:56.360> virulence<00:12:57.360> and they don't know to launch virulence and they don't know to launch virulence and so<00:12:57.639> that's<00:12:57.880> exactly<00:12:58.240> what<00:12:58.360> we've<00:12:58.560> done<00:12:58.760> and so that's exactly what we've done and so that's exactly what we've done and we've<00:12:59.199> sort<00:12:59.320> of<00:12:59.440> taken<00:12:59.760> two<00:13:00.079> strategies<00:13:01.000> the we've sort of taken two strategies the we've sort of taken two strategies the first<00:13:01.440> one<00:13:01.720> is<00:13:01.880> we've<00:13:02.079> targeted<00:13:02.560> the<00:13:02.760> intras first one is we've targeted the intras first one is we've targeted the intras species<00:13:03.880> communication<00:13:04.600> system<00:13:05.120> so<00:13:05.279> we've species communication system so we've species communication system so we've made<00:13:05.720> molecules<00:13:06.240> that<00:13:06.440> look<00:13:06.720> kind<00:13:06.880> of<00:13:07.160> like made molecules that look kind of like made molecules that look kind of like the<00:13:07.480> real<00:13:07.800> molecules<00:13:08.480> which<00:13:08.600> you<00:13:08.760> saw<00:13:09.279> but the real molecules which you saw but the real molecules which you saw but they're<00:13:09.560> a<00:13:09.680> little<00:13:09.880> bit<00:13:10.120> different<00:13:10.680> and<00:13:10.800> so they're a little bit different and so they're a little bit different and so they<00:13:11.120> lock<00:13:11.399> into<00:13:11.720> those<00:13:12.000> receptors<00:13:12.600> and<00:13:12.760> they they lock into those receptors and they they lock into those receptors and they Jam<00:13:13.720> recognition<00:13:14.440> of<00:13:14.560> the<00:13:14.720> real<00:13:15.000> thing<00:13:15.639> and<00:13:15.760> so Jam recognition of the real thing and so Jam recognition of the real thing and so by<00:13:16.199> targeting<00:13:16.720> the<00:13:16.880> red<00:13:17.160> system<00:13:17.800> what<00:13:17.920> we<00:13:18.040> are by targeting the red system what we are by targeting the red system what we are able<00:13:18.440> to<00:13:18.639> do<00:13:19.000> is<00:13:19.160> to<00:13:19.320> make<00:13:19.720> species<00:13:20.360> specific able to do is to make species specific able to do is to make species specific or<00:13:21.240> disease<00:13:21.920> specific<00:13:22.720> anticor<00:13:23.360> sensing or disease specific anticor sensing or disease specific anticor sensing molecules<00:13:24.600> we've<00:13:24.839> also<00:13:25.079> done<00:13:25.279> the<00:13:25.440> same<00:13:25.720> thing molecules we've also done the same thing molecules we've also done the same thing with<00:13:26.079> the<00:13:26.240> pink<00:13:26.600> system<00:13:27.240> we've<00:13:27.440> taken<00:13:27.720> that with the pink system we've taken that with the pink system we've taken that Universal<00:13:28.480> molecule<00:13:28.920> and<00:13:29.279> and<00:13:29.399> turned<00:13:29.680> it Universal molecule and and turned it Universal molecule and and turned it around<00:13:30.120> a<00:13:30.199> little<00:13:30.399> bit<00:13:30.600> so<00:13:30.760> that<00:13:30.880> we've<00:13:31.079> made around a little bit so that we've made around a little bit so that we've made antagonists<00:13:32.320> of<00:13:32.480> the<00:13:32.639> inter<00:13:33.199> species antagonists of the inter species antagonists of the inter species communication<00:13:34.320> system<00:13:34.959> and<00:13:35.199> these<00:13:35.480> the<00:13:35.680> hope communication system and these the hope communication system and these the hope is<00:13:36.160> that<00:13:36.360> these<00:13:36.480> will<00:13:36.639> be<00:13:36.760> used<00:13:37.160> as is that these will be used as is that these will be used as broadspectrum<00:13:38.160> antibiotics<00:13:39.160> that<00:13:39.279> work broadspectrum antibiotics that work broadspectrum antibiotics that work against<00:13:39.920> all<00:13:40.240> bacteria<00:13:41.160> and<00:13:41.279> so<00:13:41.399> to<00:13:41.600> finish against all bacteria and so to finish against all bacteria and so to finish I'll<00:13:42.040> just<00:13:42.199> show<00:13:42.399> you<00:13:42.560> the<00:13:43.000> strategy<00:13:44.000> and<00:13:44.160> this I'll just show you the strategy and this I'll just show you the strategy and this one<00:13:44.440> I'm<00:13:44.560> just<00:13:44.720> using<00:13:45.160> the<00:13:45.399> inters<00:13:45.760> species one I'm just using the inters species one I'm just using the inters species molecule<00:13:46.600> but<00:13:46.760> the<00:13:47.000> logic<00:13:47.320> is<00:13:47.560> exactly<00:13:47.959> the molecule but the logic is exactly the molecule but the logic is exactly the same<00:13:48.800> so<00:13:49.000> what<00:13:49.120> you<00:13:49.240> know<00:13:49.480> is<00:13:49.600> that<00:13:49.880> when<00:13:50.040> that same so what you know is that when that same so what you know is that when that bacterium<00:13:50.720> gets<00:13:50.880> into<00:13:51.160> the<00:13:51.360> animal<00:13:51.759> in<00:13:51.959> this bacterium gets into the animal in this bacterium gets into the animal in this case<00:13:52.440> a<00:13:52.600> mouse<00:13:53.199> it<00:13:53.320> doesn't<00:13:53.680> initiate case a mouse it doesn't initiate case a mouse it doesn't initiate virulence<00:13:54.920> right<00:13:55.079> away<00:13:55.680> it<00:13:55.880> gets<00:13:56.120> in<00:13:56.440> it virulence right away it gets in it virulence right away it gets in it starts<00:13:56.920> growing<00:13:57.320> it<00:13:57.440> starts<00:13:57.800> secreting<00:13:58.440> its starts growing it starts secreting its starts growing it starts secreting its corn<00:13:59.120> sensing<00:13:59.480> molecules<00:14:00.279> it<00:14:00.519> recognizes corn sensing molecules it recognizes corn sensing molecules it recognizes when<00:14:01.360> it<00:14:01.560> has<00:14:01.759> enough<00:14:02.160> bacteria<00:14:02.759> that<00:14:02.920> now when it has enough bacteria that now when it has enough bacteria that now they're<00:14:03.240> going<00:14:03.360> to<00:14:03.560> launch<00:14:03.920> their<00:14:04.160> attack<00:14:04.600> and they're going to launch their attack and they're going to launch their attack and the<00:14:04.920> animal<00:14:05.399> dies<00:14:06.199> and<00:14:06.279> so<00:14:06.440> what<00:14:06.560> we've<00:14:06.720> been the animal dies and so what we've been the animal dies and so what we've been able<00:14:07.120> to<00:14:07.320> do<00:14:07.880> is<00:14:08.040> to<00:14:08.240> give<00:14:08.480> these<00:14:08.720> virulent able to do is to give these virulent able to do is to give these virulent infections<00:14:09.800> but<00:14:09.920> we<00:14:10.079> give<00:14:10.240> them<00:14:10.440> in infections but we give them in infections but we give them in conjunction<00:14:11.399> with<00:14:11.519> our<00:14:11.800> anti-m<00:14:12.519> sensing conjunction with our anti-m sensing conjunction with our anti-m sensing molecules<00:14:13.399> so<00:14:13.560> these<00:14:13.680> are<00:14:13.880> molecules<00:14:14.399> that molecules so these are molecules that molecules so these are molecules that look<00:14:14.839> kind<00:14:15.000> of<00:14:15.160> like<00:14:15.320> the<00:14:15.440> real<00:14:15.680> thing<00:14:15.920> but look kind of like the real thing but look kind of like the real thing but they're<00:14:16.199> a<00:14:16.320> little<00:14:16.480> bit<00:14:16.759> different<00:14:17.120> which they're a little bit different which they're a little bit different which I've<00:14:17.440> depicted<00:14:17.839> on<00:14:18.040> this<00:14:18.199> slide<00:14:18.920> and<00:14:19.040> what<00:14:19.199> we I've depicted on this slide and what we I've depicted on this slide and what we now<00:14:19.560> know<00:14:20.000> is<00:14:20.120> that<00:14:20.240> if<00:14:20.360> we<00:14:20.480> treat<00:14:20.759> the<00:14:20.920> animal now know is that if we treat the animal now know is that if we treat the animal with<00:14:21.480> a<00:14:21.680> pathogenic<00:14:22.279> bacterium<00:14:22.839> a<00:14:23.079> multi-drug with a pathogenic bacterium a multi-drug with a pathogenic bacterium a multi-drug resistant<00:14:24.240> pathogenic<00:14:24.800> bacterium<00:14:25.759> in<00:14:26.199> the resistant pathogenic bacterium in the resistant pathogenic bacterium in the same<00:14:26.600> time<00:14:26.880> we<00:14:27.079> give<00:14:27.360> our<00:14:27.720> anti-m<00:14:28.519> sensing<00:14:28.800> MO same time we give our anti-m sensing MO same time we give our anti-m sensing MO molecule<00:14:29.800> in<00:14:30.040> fact<00:14:30.480> the<00:14:30.639> animal<00:14:31.040> lives<00:14:31.680> and<00:14:31.800> so molecule in fact the animal lives and so molecule in fact the animal lives and so we<00:14:32.120> think<00:14:32.360> that<00:14:32.560> this<00:14:32.720> is<00:14:32.959> the<00:14:33.120> next we think that this is the next we think that this is the next generation<00:14:34.000> of<00:14:34.199> antibiotics<00:14:34.959> and<00:14:35.120> it's<00:14:35.320> going generation of antibiotics and it's going generation of antibiotics and it's going to<00:14:35.680> get<00:14:35.839> us<00:14:36.120> around<00:14:36.560> at<00:14:36.639> least<00:14:36.839> initially<00:14:37.399> this to get us around at least initially this to get us around at least initially this big<00:14:37.959> problem<00:14:38.360> of<00:14:38.600> resistance<00:14:39.600> so<00:14:39.759> what<00:14:39.880> I<00:14:39.959> hope big problem of resistance so what I hope big problem of resistance so what I hope you<00:14:40.399> think<00:14:40.680> is<00:14:40.800> that<00:14:41.079> bacteria<00:14:41.639> can<00:14:41.880> talk<00:14:42.079> to you think is that bacteria can talk to you think is that bacteria can talk to each<00:14:42.440> other<00:14:42.880> they<00:14:43.040> use<00:14:43.399> chemicals<00:14:43.959> as<00:14:44.160> their each other they use chemicals as their each other they use chemicals as their words<00:14:44.959> they<00:14:45.120> have<00:14:45.240> an<00:14:45.440> incredibly words they have an incredibly words they have an incredibly complicated<00:14:47.079> chemical<00:14:47.480> lexicon<00:14:48.079> that<00:14:48.199> we're complicated chemical lexicon that we're complicated chemical lexicon that we're just<00:14:48.720> now<00:14:48.959> starting<00:14:49.600> to<00:14:49.759> learn<00:14:50.120> about<00:14:50.920> and<00:14:51.079> of just now starting to learn about and of just now starting to learn about and of course<00:14:51.519> what<00:14:51.680> that<00:14:51.839> allows<00:14:52.320> bacteria<00:14:52.800> to<00:14:53.079> do course what that allows bacteria to do course what that allows bacteria to do is<00:14:53.600> to<00:14:53.880> be<00:14:54.839> multicellular<00:14:55.839> right<00:14:56.000> and<00:14:56.120> so<00:14:56.360> in is to be multicellular right and so in is to be multicellular right and so in the<00:14:56.759> spirit<00:14:57.040> of<00:14:57.199> Ted<00:14:57.560> they<00:14:57.680> are<00:14:57.920> doing<00:14:58.320> things the spirit of Ted they are doing things the spirit of Ted they are doing things together<00:14:59.240> because<00:14:59.519> it<00:14:59.680> makes<00:14:59.959> a<00:15:00.199> difference together because it makes a difference together because it makes a difference right<00:15:01.040> so<00:15:01.639> what<00:15:01.800> happens<00:15:02.120> is<00:15:02.279> that<00:15:02.480> bacteria right so what happens is that bacteria right so what happens is that bacteria have<00:15:03.199> these<00:15:03.519> Collective<00:15:04.079> behaviors<00:15:04.880> and<00:15:05.040> they have these Collective behaviors and they have these Collective behaviors and they can<00:15:05.440> carry<00:15:05.720> out<00:15:06.040> tasks<00:15:06.480> that<00:15:06.680> they<00:15:06.800> could can carry out tasks that they could can carry out tasks that they could never<00:15:07.519> accomplish<00:15:08.040> if<00:15:08.240> they<00:15:08.440> simply<00:15:08.880> acted<00:15:09.440> as never accomplish if they simply acted as never accomplish if they simply acted as individuals<00:15:10.839> and<00:15:11.199> and<00:15:11.320> what<00:15:11.440> I<00:15:11.519> would<00:15:11.720> hope individuals and and what I would hope individuals and and what I would hope that<00:15:12.120> I<00:15:12.240> could<00:15:12.600> further<00:15:13.000> argue<00:15:13.360> to<00:15:13.560> you<00:15:14.040> is that I could further argue to you is that I could further argue to you is that<00:15:14.440> this<00:15:14.560> is<00:15:14.680> the<00:15:14.839> invention<00:15:15.360> of that this is the invention of that this is the invention of multicellularity<00:15:16.560> bacteria<00:15:17.079> have<00:15:17.199> been<00:15:17.360> on multicellularity bacteria have been on multicellularity bacteria have been on the<00:15:17.639> year<00:15:18.120> uh<00:15:18.279> on<00:15:18.399> the<00:15:18.560> earth<00:15:18.839> for<00:15:19.160> billions<00:15:19.519> of the year uh on the earth for billions of the year uh on the earth for billions of years<00:15:20.240> humans<00:15:20.800> couple<00:15:21.120> hundred<00:15:21.440> thousands<00:15:22.240> so years humans couple hundred thousands so years humans couple hundred thousands so we<00:15:22.600> think<00:15:22.880> bacteria<00:15:23.600> made<00:15:23.839> the<00:15:24.000> rules<00:15:24.519> for<00:15:24.720> how we think bacteria made the rules for how we think bacteria made the rules for how multicellular<00:15:26.160> um<00:15:26.320> organization<00:15:27.279> works<00:15:27.800> and multicellular um organization works and multicellular um organization works and and<00:15:28.360> we<00:15:28.519> think<00:15:28.720> by<00:15:29.040> studying<00:15:29.480> bacteria<00:15:30.160> we're and we think by studying bacteria we're and we think by studying bacteria we're going<00:15:30.440> to<00:15:30.560> be<00:15:30.680> able<00:15:30.880> to<00:15:31.079> have<00:15:31.319> insight<00:15:31.800> about going to be able to have insight about going to be able to have insight about multicellularity<00:15:33.160> in<00:15:33.279> the<00:15:33.440> human<00:15:33.800> body<00:15:34.319> so<00:15:34.519> we multicellularity in the human body so we multicellularity in the human body so we know<00:15:34.880> that<00:15:35.040> the<00:15:35.199> principles<00:15:35.600> and<00:15:35.720> the<00:15:35.839> rules know that the principles and the rules know that the principles and the rules if<00:15:36.279> we<00:15:36.399> can<00:15:36.600> figure<00:15:36.959> them<00:15:37.079> out<00:15:37.240> in<00:15:37.399> these<00:15:37.519> sort if we can figure them out in these sort if we can figure them out in these sort of<00:15:37.839> primitive<00:15:38.279> organisms<00:15:39.160> the<00:15:39.279> hope<00:15:39.519> is<00:15:39.639> that of primitive organisms the hope is that of primitive organisms the hope is that they<00:15:39.839> will<00:15:40.000> be<00:15:40.199> applied<00:15:40.600> to<00:15:40.839> other<00:15:41.360> human they will be applied to other human they will be applied to other human diseases<00:15:42.240> and<00:15:42.399> human<00:15:42.720> behaviors<00:15:43.440> as diseases and human behaviors as diseases and human behaviors as well<00:15:45.160> I<00:15:45.240> hope<00:15:45.440> that<00:15:45.600> what<00:15:45.720> you've<00:15:45.920> learned<00:15:46.399> is well I hope that what you've learned is well I hope that what you've learned is that<00:15:46.759> bacteria<00:15:47.199> can<00:15:47.440> distinguish<00:15:48.000> self<00:15:48.360> from that bacteria can distinguish self from that bacteria can distinguish self from others<00:15:48.839> so<00:15:49.000> by<00:15:49.160> using<00:15:49.519> these<00:15:49.680> two<00:15:49.920> molecules others so by using these two molecules others so by using these two molecules they<00:15:50.639> can<00:15:50.759> say<00:15:51.040> me<00:15:51.560> and<00:15:51.720> they<00:15:51.839> can<00:15:51.959> say<00:15:52.279> you<00:15:52.800> and they can say me and they can say you and they can say me and they can say you and again<00:15:53.240> of<00:15:53.360> course<00:15:53.600> that's<00:15:53.720> what<00:15:53.880> we<00:15:54.040> do<00:15:54.319> both again of course that's what we do both again of course that's what we do both as<00:15:54.759> mole<00:15:55.199> in<00:15:55.519> in<00:15:55.600> a<00:15:55.759> molecular<00:15:56.279> way<00:15:56.519> and<00:15:56.600> then as mole in in a molecular way and then as mole in in a molecular way and then also<00:15:57.079> in<00:15:57.199> an<00:15:57.360> outward<00:15:57.839> way<00:15:58.279> but<00:15:58.440> I<00:15:58.560> think<00:15:58.720> about also in an outward way but I think about also in an outward way but I think about the<00:15:59.160> molecular<00:15:59.680> stuff<00:16:00.160> this<00:16:00.279> is<00:16:00.519> exactly<00:16:01.000> what the molecular stuff this is exactly what the molecular stuff this is exactly what happens<00:16:01.440> in<00:16:01.600> your<00:16:01.839> body<00:16:02.319> it's<00:16:02.480> not<00:16:02.639> like<00:16:02.759> your happens in your body it's not like your happens in your body it's not like your heart<00:16:03.160> cells<00:16:03.440> and<00:16:03.560> your<00:16:03.720> kidney<00:16:04.000> cells<00:16:04.279> get heart cells and your kidney cells get heart cells and your kidney cells get all<00:16:04.560> mixed<00:16:04.880> up<00:16:05.079> every<00:16:05.319> day<00:16:05.600> and<00:16:05.759> that's all mixed up every day and that's all mixed up every day and that's because<00:16:06.360> there's<00:16:06.600> all<00:16:06.800> of<00:16:07.040> this<00:16:07.319> chemistry because there's all of this chemistry because there's all of this chemistry going<00:16:08.120> on<00:16:08.639> these<00:16:08.839> molecules<00:16:09.399> that<00:16:09.560> say<00:16:09.959> who going on these molecules that say who going on these molecules that say who each<00:16:10.399> of<00:16:10.600> these<00:16:10.759> groups<00:16:11.000> of<00:16:11.120> cells<00:16:11.519> is<00:16:12.000> and each of these groups of cells is and each of these groups of cells is and what<00:16:12.319> their<00:16:12.560> tasks<00:16:13.040> should<00:16:13.279> be<00:16:13.839> and<00:16:13.959> so<00:16:14.240> again what their tasks should be and so again what their tasks should be and so again we<00:16:14.680> think<00:16:15.079> that<00:16:15.319> bacteria<00:16:15.880> invented<00:16:16.440> that<00:16:16.680> and we think that bacteria invented that and we think that bacteria invented that and then<00:16:16.959> you've<00:16:17.240> just<00:16:17.440> evolved<00:16:17.839> a<00:16:17.920> few<00:16:18.079> more then you've just evolved a few more then you've just evolved a few more bells<00:16:18.519> and<00:16:18.680> whistles<00:16:19.319> but<00:16:19.480> all<00:16:19.600> of<00:16:19.759> the<00:16:19.920> ideas bells and whistles but all of the ideas bells and whistles but all of the ideas are<00:16:20.680> in<00:16:20.959> these<00:16:21.240> simple<00:16:21.639> systems<00:16:22.160> that<00:16:22.319> we<00:16:22.639> can are in these simple systems that we can are in these simple systems that we can study<00:16:23.839> and<00:16:23.920> then<00:16:24.079> the<00:16:24.240> final<00:16:24.560> thing<00:16:24.720> is<00:16:24.920> again study and then the final thing is again study and then the final thing is again just<00:16:25.240> to<00:16:25.440> reiterate<00:16:25.959> that<00:16:26.079> there's<00:16:26.319> this just to reiterate that there's this just to reiterate that there's this practical<00:16:27.079> part<00:16:27.360> and<00:16:27.480> so<00:16:27.680> we've<00:16:27.880> made<00:16:28.120> these practical part and so we've made these practical part and so we've made these anti<00:16:28.920> form<00:16:29.199> sensing<00:16:29.920> molecules<00:16:30.440> that<00:16:30.560> are anti form sensing molecules that are anti form sensing molecules that are being<00:16:30.959> developed<00:16:31.440> as<00:16:31.639> new<00:16:31.880> kinds<00:16:32.079> of being developed as new kinds of being developed as new kinds of Therapeutics<00:16:33.240> but<00:16:33.360> then<00:16:33.480> to<00:16:33.639> finish<00:16:33.920> with<00:16:34.079> a Therapeutics but then to finish with a Therapeutics but then to finish with a plug<00:16:34.480> for<00:16:34.680> all<00:16:34.839> the<00:16:35.040> good<00:16:35.240> and<00:16:35.440> miraculous plug for all the good and miraculous plug for all the good and miraculous bacteria<00:16:36.680> that<00:16:36.920> live<00:16:37.480> on<00:16:37.680> the<00:16:37.800> earth<00:16:38.279> we've bacteria that live on the earth we've bacteria that live on the earth we've also<00:16:38.759> made<00:16:39.120> proor<00:16:39.800> sensing<00:16:40.160> molecules<00:16:40.639> so also made proor sensing molecules so also made proor sensing molecules so we've<00:16:41.000> targeted<00:16:41.519> those<00:16:41.720> systems<00:16:42.160> to<00:16:42.319> make<00:16:42.519> the we've targeted those systems to make the we've targeted those systems to make the molecules<00:16:43.199> work<00:16:43.519> better<00:16:44.040> and<00:16:44.160> so<00:16:44.319> remember molecules work better and so remember molecules work better and so remember you<00:16:44.920> have<00:16:45.160> these<00:16:45.440> 10<00:16:45.800> times<00:16:46.240> or<00:16:46.399> more you have these 10 times or more you have these 10 times or more bacterial<00:16:47.160> cells<00:16:47.560> in<00:16:47.720> you<00:16:47.839> or<00:16:48.000> on<00:16:48.240> you<00:16:48.480> keeping bacterial cells in you or on you keeping bacterial cells in you or on you keeping you<00:16:49.079> healthy<00:16:49.680> what<00:16:49.800> we're<00:16:50.040> also<00:16:50.319> trying<00:16:50.600> to<00:16:50.800> do you healthy what we're also trying to do you healthy what we're also trying to do is<00:16:51.480> to<00:16:51.680> beef<00:16:51.959> up<00:16:52.160> the<00:16:52.360> conversation<00:16:53.040> of<00:16:53.160> the is to beef up the conversation of the is to beef up the conversation of the bacteria<00:16:53.880> that<00:16:54.079> live<00:16:54.360> as<00:16:54.560> mutualists<00:16:55.279> with bacteria that live as mutualists with bacteria that live as mutualists with you<00:16:55.800> in<00:16:55.920> the<00:16:56.079> hopes<00:16:56.319> of<00:16:56.560> making<00:16:56.920> you<00:16:57.120> more you in the hopes of making you more you in the hopes of making you more healthy<00:16:57.839> making<00:16:58.160> those<00:16:58.360> conversations healthy making those conversations healthy making those conversations better<00:16:59.600> so<00:16:59.839> bacteria<00:17:00.279> can<00:17:00.480> do<00:17:00.720> things<00:17:00.959> that<00:17:01.120> we better so bacteria can do things that we better so bacteria can do things that we want<00:17:01.560> them<00:17:01.720> to<00:17:01.959> do<00:17:02.560> by<00:17:02.720> in<00:17:03.240> better<00:17:03.639> than<00:17:03.839> they want them to do by in better than they want them to do by in better than they would<00:17:04.199> be<00:17:04.400> on<00:17:04.559> their<00:17:04.799> own<00:17:05.799> and<00:17:05.959> then<00:17:06.160> finally<00:17:06.880> I would be on their own and then finally I would be on their own and then finally I want<00:17:07.160> to<00:17:07.319> just<00:17:07.439> show<00:17:07.600> you<00:17:07.799> this<00:17:07.919> is<00:17:08.039> my<00:17:08.280> gang<00:17:08.600> at want to just show you this is my gang at want to just show you this is my gang at Princeton<00:17:09.199> New<00:17:09.360> Jersey<00:17:10.160> everything<00:17:10.520> I<00:17:10.640> told Princeton New Jersey everything I told Princeton New Jersey everything I told you<00:17:11.039> about<00:17:11.400> was<00:17:11.799> discovered<00:17:12.120> by<00:17:12.280> someone<00:17:12.600> in you about was discovered by someone in you about was discovered by someone in that<00:17:13.039> picture<00:17:13.799> and<00:17:14.000> I<00:17:14.120> hope<00:17:14.319> when<00:17:14.439> you<00:17:14.559> learn that picture and I hope when you learn that picture and I hope when you learn things<00:17:15.199> like<00:17:15.400> about<00:17:15.640> how<00:17:15.839> the<00:17:16.000> natural<00:17:16.439> world things like about how the natural world things like about how the natural world works<00:17:17.199> I<00:17:17.319> just<00:17:17.439> want<00:17:17.559> to<00:17:17.959> say<00:17:18.199> that<00:17:18.360> whenever works I just want to say that whenever works I just want to say that whenever you<00:17:18.919> read<00:17:19.199> something<00:17:19.439> in<00:17:19.520> the<00:17:19.640> newspaper<00:17:20.240> you you read something in the newspaper you you read something in the newspaper you get<00:17:20.480> to<00:17:20.600> hear<00:17:20.760> some<00:17:21.039> talk<00:17:21.280> about<00:17:21.760> something get to hear some talk about something get to hear some talk about something ridiculous<00:17:22.720> in<00:17:22.880> the<00:17:23.039> natural<00:17:23.480> world<00:17:24.120> it<00:17:24.240> was ridiculous in the natural world it was ridiculous in the natural world it was done<00:17:24.640> by<00:17:24.760> a<00:17:24.959> child<00:17:25.559> so<00:17:25.919> science<00:17:26.360> is<00:17:26.559> done<00:17:26.880> by done by a child so science is done by done by a child so science is done by that<00:17:27.319> demographic<00:17:28.039> they<00:17:28.280> all<00:17:28.400> of<00:17:28.520> those that demographic they all of those that demographic they all of those people<00:17:29.200> are<00:17:29.400> between<00:17:29.840> 20<00:17:30.240> and<00:17:30.440> 30<00:17:30.840> years<00:17:31.039> old people are between 20 and 30 years old people are between 20 and 30 years old and<00:17:31.520> they<00:17:31.640> are<00:17:31.840> the<00:17:32.039> engine<00:17:32.799> that<00:17:32.960> drives and they are the engine that drives and they are the engine that drives scientific<00:17:34.440> discovery<00:17:34.919> in<00:17:35.120> this<00:17:35.320> country<00:17:35.919> and scientific discovery in this country and scientific discovery in this country and it's<00:17:36.160> a<00:17:36.360> really<00:17:36.600> lucky<00:17:37.039> demographic<00:17:37.679> to<00:17:37.840> work it's a really lucky demographic to work it's a really lucky demographic to work with<00:17:38.320> I<00:17:38.440> keep<00:17:38.600> getting<00:17:38.880> older<00:17:39.160> and<00:17:39.320> older<00:17:40.000> and with I keep getting older and older and with I keep getting older and older and they're<00:17:40.400> always<00:17:40.760> the<00:17:40.960> same<00:17:41.280> age<00:17:41.760> and<00:17:41.919> it's they're always the same age and it's they're always the same age and it's just<00:17:42.440> an<00:17:42.600> a<00:17:42.840> crazy<00:17:43.360> delightful<00:17:44.039> job<00:17:44.559> and<00:17:44.640> I just an a crazy delightful job and I just an a crazy delightful job and I want<00:17:44.919> to<00:17:45.120> thank<00:17:45.280> you<00:17:45.480> for<00:17:45.720> inviting<00:17:46.120> me<00:17:46.320> here want to thank you for inviting me here want to thank you for inviting me here it's<00:17:46.679> a<00:17:46.960> big<00:17:47.160> treat<00:17:47.520> for<00:17:47.679> me<00:17:47.840> to<00:17:48.000> get<00:17:48.120> to<00:17:48.280> come it's a big treat for me to get to come it's a big treat for me to get to come to<00:17:48.640> this

conference<00:17:54.760> thanks


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