Làm xanh khu ổ chuột-Majora Carter

Greening the ghetto - Majora Carter

Greening the ghetto - Majora Carter


if<00:00:16.470> you're<00:00:16.680> here<00:00:16.890> today<00:00:17.039> and<00:00:17.460> I'm<00:00:18.029> very<00:00:18.060> happy
if you're here today and I'm very happy if you're here today and I'm very happy that<00:00:18.779> you<00:00:18.900> are<00:00:18.949> you've<00:00:19.949> all<00:00:20.070> heard<00:00:20.250> about<00:00:20.430> how that you are you've all heard about how that you are you've all heard about how sustainable<00:00:21.420> development<00:00:21.990> will<00:00:22.170> save<00:00:22.470> us sustainable development will save us sustainable development will save us from<00:00:22.680> ourselves from ourselves from ourselves however<00:00:24.480> when<00:00:25.380> we're<00:00:25.529> not<00:00:25.680> at<00:00:25.859> Ted<00:00:26.130> we<00:00:26.910> are however when we're not at Ted we are however when we're not at Ted we are often<00:00:27.510> told<00:00:27.689> that<00:00:27.900> a<00:00:27.990> real<00:00:28.199> sustainability often told that a real sustainability often told that a real sustainability policy<00:00:29.820> agenda<00:00:30.240> is<00:00:30.330> just<00:00:30.570> not<00:00:30.750> feasible policy agenda is just not feasible policy agenda is just not feasible especially<00:00:32.160> in<00:00:32.250> large<00:00:32.730> urban<00:00:32.969> areas<00:00:33.510> like<00:00:33.719> New especially in large urban areas like New especially in large urban areas like New York<00:00:34.050> City<00:00:34.230> and<00:00:34.500> that's<00:00:35.130> because<00:00:35.520> most<00:00:35.820> people York City and that's because most people York City and that's because most people with<00:00:36.690> decision-making<00:00:37.320> powers<00:00:37.800> in<00:00:37.980> both<00:00:38.129> the with decision-making powers in both the with decision-making powers in both the public<00:00:38.430> and<00:00:38.760> the<00:00:38.940> private<00:00:39.149> sector<00:00:39.719> really public and the private sector really public and the private sector really don't<00:00:40.770> feel<00:00:41.040> as<00:00:41.250> though<00:00:41.280> they're<00:00:41.550> in<00:00:41.670> danger don't feel as though they're in danger don't feel as though they're in danger the<00:00:43.020> reason<00:00:43.320> why<00:00:43.440> I'm<00:00:43.770> here<00:00:43.800> today the reason why I'm here today the reason why I'm here today in<00:00:44.610> part<00:00:44.910> is<00:00:45.149> because<00:00:45.690> of<00:00:45.809> a<00:00:45.870> dog<00:00:46.079> an<00:00:46.700> abandoned in part is because of a dog an abandoned in part is because of a dog an abandoned puppy<00:00:47.820> I<00:00:48.000> found<00:00:48.329> back<00:00:48.510> in<00:00:48.539> the<00:00:48.750> rain<00:00:48.930> back<00:00:49.200> in puppy I found back in the rain back in puppy I found back in the rain back in 1998<00:00:49.920> she<00:00:50.579> turned<00:00:50.789> out<00:00:50.940> to<00:00:51.090> be<00:00:51.210> a<00:00:51.239> much<00:00:51.449> bigger 1998 she turned out to be a much bigger 1998 she turned out to be a much bigger dog<00:00:51.989> than<00:00:52.199> I'd<00:00:52.289> have<00:00:52.410> anticipated<00:00:53.000> when<00:00:54.000> she dog than I'd have anticipated when she dog than I'd have anticipated when she came<00:00:54.360> into<00:00:54.510> my<00:00:54.600> life came into my life came into my life we<00:00:55.469> were<00:00:55.620> fighting<00:00:55.829> against<00:00:56.219> a<00:00:56.340> huge<00:00:56.640> waste we were fighting against a huge waste we were fighting against a huge waste facility<00:00:57.449> but<00:00:57.870> planned<00:00:58.260> for<00:00:58.410> the<00:00:58.620> East<00:00:58.800> River facility but planned for the East River facility but planned for the East River waterfront<00:00:59.690> despite<00:01:00.690> the<00:01:00.840> fact<00:01:01.079> that<00:01:01.199> our waterfront despite the fact that our waterfront despite the fact that our small<00:01:01.680> part<00:01:02.070> of<00:01:02.219> New<00:01:02.370> York<00:01:02.520> City<00:01:02.760> was<00:01:02.940> already small part of New York City was already small part of New York City was already handled<00:01:04.290> more<00:01:04.439> than<00:01:04.619> 40%<00:01:04.920> of<00:01:05.309> the<00:01:05.369> entire handled more than 40% of the entire handled more than 40% of the entire city's<00:01:06.119> commercial<00:01:06.420> waste<00:01:06.750> a<00:01:07.049> sewage city's commercial waste a sewage city's commercial waste a sewage treatment<00:01:07.740> palletizing<00:01:08.640> plant<00:01:09.090> a<00:01:09.270> sewage treatment palletizing plant a sewage treatment palletizing plant a sewage sludge<00:01:10.110> plant<00:01:10.830> for<00:01:11.520> power<00:01:11.760> plants<00:01:12.270> the sludge plant for power plants the sludge plant for power plants the world's<00:01:12.840> largest<00:01:13.080> food<00:01:13.500> distribution<00:01:13.799> center world's largest food distribution center world's largest food distribution center as<00:01:14.670> well<00:01:15.030> as<00:01:15.090> other<00:01:15.360> industries<00:01:15.750> that<00:01:16.080> bring as well as other industries that bring as well as other industries that bring more<00:01:16.439> than<00:01:16.619> 60,000<00:01:17.490> diesel<00:01:17.790> truck<00:01:18.570> trips<00:01:18.780> to more than 60,000 diesel truck trips to more than 60,000 diesel truck trips to the<00:01:19.020> area<00:01:19.229> each<00:01:19.409> week<00:01:19.700> the<00:01:20.700> area<00:01:20.939> also<00:01:21.150> has<00:01:21.420> one the area each week the area also has one the area each week the area also has one of<00:01:21.659> the<00:01:21.750> lowest<00:01:21.900> ratios<00:01:22.470> of<00:01:22.500> parks<00:01:22.920> to<00:01:23.070> people of the lowest ratios of parks to people of the lowest ratios of parks to people in<00:01:23.490> the<00:01:23.610> city<00:01:23.850> so<00:01:24.600> when<00:01:24.720> I<00:01:24.750> was<00:01:24.960> contacted<00:01:25.350> by in the city so when I was contacted by in the city so when I was contacted by the<00:01:25.680> parks<00:01:26.009> department<00:01:26.549> about<00:01:26.790> a<00:01:27.030> $10,000 the parks department about a $10,000 the parks department about a $10,000 seed<00:01:28.170> grant<00:01:28.439> initiative<00:01:28.890> to<00:01:29.220> help<00:01:29.340> develop seed grant initiative to help develop seed grant initiative to help develop waterfront<00:01:30.210> projects<00:01:30.689> I<00:01:30.869> thought<00:01:31.290> they<00:01:31.439> were waterfront projects I thought they were waterfront projects I thought they were really<00:01:31.829> well-meaning<00:01:32.280> but<00:01:32.670> a<00:01:32.729> bit<00:01:32.939> naive<00:01:33.180> I'd really well-meaning but a bit naive I'd really well-meaning but a bit naive I'd lived<00:01:34.380> in<00:01:34.470> this<00:01:34.530> area<00:01:34.710> all<00:01:35.009> my<00:01:35.189> life<00:01:35.400> and<00:01:35.670> you lived in this area all my life and you lived in this area all my life and you could<00:01:36.390> not<00:01:36.570> get<00:01:36.780> to<00:01:36.840> the<00:01:36.960> river<00:01:37.229> because<00:01:37.890> of could not get to the river because of could not get to the river because of all<00:01:38.130> the<00:01:38.280> lovely<00:01:38.490> facilities<00:01:39.150> that<00:01:39.240> I'd all the lovely facilities that I'd all the lovely facilities that I'd mentioned<00:01:39.780> earlier<00:01:40.100> then<00:01:41.100> while<00:01:41.280> jogging mentioned earlier then while jogging mentioned earlier then while jogging with<00:01:41.820> my<00:01:41.970> dog<00:01:42.150> one<00:01:42.420> morning<00:01:42.780> she<00:01:42.930> pulled<00:01:43.619> me with my dog one morning she pulled me with my dog one morning she pulled me into<00:01:43.890> what<00:01:44.040> I<00:01:44.070> thought<00:01:44.280> was<00:01:44.460> just<00:01:44.640> another into what I thought was just another into what I thought was just another illegal<00:01:45.450> dump<00:01:46.280> there<00:01:47.280> were<00:01:47.369> weeds<00:01:47.610> and<00:01:47.850> piles illegal dump there were weeds and piles illegal dump there were weeds and piles of<00:01:48.210> garbage<00:01:48.390> and<00:01:48.720> other<00:01:48.869> stuff<00:01:49.200> that<00:01:49.229> I<00:01:49.380> won't of garbage and other stuff that I won't of garbage and other stuff that I won't mention<00:01:49.799> here<00:01:50.280> but<00:01:50.610> she<00:01:50.759> kept<00:01:51.030> dragging<00:01:51.540> me mention here but she kept dragging me mention here but she kept dragging me and<00:01:51.840> lo<00:01:52.229> and<00:01:52.350> behold<00:01:52.470> at<00:01:52.920> the<00:01:53.009> end<00:01:53.189> of<00:01:53.369> that<00:01:53.490> lot and lo and behold at the end of that lot and lo and behold at the end of that lot was<00:01:53.970> the<00:01:54.000> river<00:01:54.299> I<00:01:54.570> knew<00:01:55.259> that<00:01:55.439> this<00:01:55.530> forgotten was the river I knew that this forgotten was the river I knew that this forgotten little<00:01:56.100> street<00:01:56.520> end<00:01:56.700> abandoned<00:01:57.479> like<00:01:57.600> the<00:01:57.719> dog little street end abandoned like the dog little street end abandoned like the dog that<00:01:58.140> brought<00:01:58.380> me<00:01:58.530> there<00:01:58.740> was<00:01:59.100> worth<00:01:59.280> saving that brought me there was worth saving that brought me there was worth saving and<00:01:59.939> I<00:02:00.119> knew<00:02:00.329> it<00:02:00.479> would<00:02:00.600> grow<00:02:00.719> to<00:02:00.840> become<00:02:01.049> the and I knew it would grow to become the and I knew it would grow to become the proud<00:02:01.590> beginnings<00:02:02.130> of<00:02:02.250> the<00:02:02.399> community<00:02:02.820> led proud beginnings of the community led proud beginnings of the community led revitalization<00:02:03.570> of<00:02:04.020> the<00:02:04.170> new<00:02:04.350> South<00:02:04.680> Bronx revitalization of the new South Bronx revitalization of the new South Bronx and<00:02:05.430> just<00:02:06.090> like<00:02:06.240> my<00:02:06.450> new<00:02:06.600> dog<00:02:06.840> it<00:02:07.380> was<00:02:07.530> an<00:02:07.649> idea and just like my new dog it was an idea and just like my new dog it was an idea that<00:02:08.039> got<00:02:08.310> bigger<00:02:08.580> than<00:02:08.819> item that got bigger than item that got bigger than item imagine<00:02:09.490> regarded<00:02:10.180> much<00:02:10.360> support<00:02:10.810> along<00:02:11.020> the imagine regarded much support along the imagine regarded much support along the way<00:02:11.350> and<00:02:11.680> the<00:02:12.040> Hunts<00:02:12.250> Point<00:02:12.310> Riverside<00:02:12.850> Park way and the Hunts Point Riverside Park way and the Hunts Point Riverside Park became<00:02:13.450> the<00:02:13.570> first<00:02:13.810> waterfront<00:02:14.410> park<00:02:14.620> of<00:02:14.830> the became the first waterfront park of the became the first waterfront park of the South<00:02:15.160> Bronx<00:02:15.310> it<00:02:15.610> had<00:02:15.760> in<00:02:15.880> more<00:02:16.090> than<00:02:16.180> 60<00:02:16.600> years South Bronx it had in more than 60 years South Bronx it had in more than 60 years we<00:02:17.440> leveraged<00:02:17.860> that<00:02:18.010> $10,000<00:02:18.850> seed<00:02:19.060> grant we leveraged that $10,000 seed grant we leveraged that $10,000 seed grant more<00:02:19.780> than<00:02:19.930> 300<00:02:20.470> times<00:02:20.680> into<00:02:21.010> a<00:02:21.040> 300<00:02:21.670> million more than 300 times into a 300 million more than 300 times into a 300 million dollar<00:02:22.120> park<00:02:22.690> and<00:02:22.960> in<00:02:23.650> the<00:02:23.680> fall<00:02:24.220> I'm<00:02:24.580> actually dollar park and in the fall I'm actually dollar park and in the fall I'm actually going<00:02:25.300> to<00:02:25.390> exchange<00:02:25.930> marriage<00:02:26.470> vows<00:02:26.710> with<00:02:27.040> my going to exchange marriage vows with my going to exchange marriage vows with my beloved<00:02:27.990> thank<00:02:28.990> you<00:02:29.080> very<00:02:29.230> much

that<00:02:35.050> same<00:02:35.290> pressing<00:02:35.680> my<00:02:35.770> buttons<00:02:35.800> back<00:02:36.340> there
that same pressing my buttons back there that same pressing my buttons back there which<00:02:36.730> he<00:02:36.850> does<00:02:37.030> all<00:02:37.450> the<00:02:37.690> time<00:02:43.350> but<00:02:44.350> those<00:02:44.560> of which he does all the time but those of which he does all the time but those of us<00:02:44.920> living<00:02:45.160> in<00:02:45.370> environmental<00:02:45.940> justice us living in environmental justice us living in environmental justice communities<00:02:46.750> are<00:02:46.930> the<00:02:46.959> canary<00:02:47.410> in<00:02:47.560> the<00:02:47.590> coal communities are the canary in the coal communities are the canary in the coal mine<00:02:47.890> we<00:02:48.670> feel<00:02:48.940> the<00:02:49.120> problems<00:02:49.510> right<00:02:49.750> now<00:02:50.020> and mine we feel the problems right now and mine we feel the problems right now and have<00:02:50.530> for<00:02:50.800> some<00:02:51.010> time<00:02:52.320> environmental<00:02:53.320> justice have for some time environmental justice have for some time environmental justice for<00:02:53.800> those<00:02:53.890> of<00:02:54.100> you<00:02:54.160> who<00:02:54.280> may<00:02:54.400> not<00:02:54.550> be<00:02:54.760> familiar for those of you who may not be familiar for those of you who may not be familiar with<00:02:55.240> the<00:02:55.450> term<00:02:55.630> goes<00:02:55.870> something<00:02:56.290> like<00:02:56.320> this with the term goes something like this with the term goes something like this no<00:02:57.640> community<00:02:58.090> should<00:02:58.180> be<00:02:58.390> saddled<00:02:58.900> with<00:02:58.930> more no community should be saddled with more no community should be saddled with more environmental<00:02:59.980> burdens<00:03:00.340> and<00:03:00.459> less environmental burdens and less environmental burdens and less environmental<00:03:01.660> benefits<00:03:02.050> than<00:03:02.170> any<00:03:02.260> other environmental benefits than any other environmental benefits than any other unfortunately<00:03:03.970> race<00:03:04.480> and<00:03:04.720> class<00:03:04.840> are unfortunately race and class are unfortunately race and class are extremely<00:03:06.400> reliable<00:03:06.550> indicators<00:03:07.390> as<00:03:07.540> to extremely reliable indicators as to extremely reliable indicators as to where<00:03:07.840> one<00:03:08.110> might<00:03:08.290> find<00:03:08.500> the<00:03:08.680> good<00:03:08.830> stuff<00:03:08.860> like where one might find the good stuff like where one might find the good stuff like parks<00:03:09.820> and<00:03:09.910> trees<00:03:10.180> and<00:03:10.420> where<00:03:10.600> one<00:03:10.750> might<00:03:11.110> find parks and trees and where one might find parks and trees and where one might find the<00:03:11.440> bad<00:03:11.590> stuff<00:03:11.890> like<00:03:12.070> power<00:03:12.340> plants<00:03:12.640> and the bad stuff like power plants and the bad stuff like power plants and waste<00:03:12.910> facilities<00:03:13.390> as<00:03:13.570> a<00:03:13.840> black<00:03:14.080> person<00:03:14.440> in waste facilities as a black person in waste facilities as a black person in America<00:03:14.590> I'm<00:03:15.190> twice<00:03:15.640> as<00:03:15.670> likely<00:03:15.970> as<00:03:16.209> a<00:03:16.300> white America I'm twice as likely as a white America I'm twice as likely as a white person<00:03:16.570> to<00:03:16.930> live<00:03:17.230> in<00:03:17.530> an<00:03:17.680> area<00:03:18.010> where<00:03:18.160> air person to live in an area where air person to live in an area where air pollution<00:03:18.850> poses<00:03:19.060> the<00:03:19.390> greatest<00:03:19.840> risk<00:03:20.050> for<00:03:20.200> my pollution poses the greatest risk for my pollution poses the greatest risk for my health<00:03:20.590> I<00:03:20.769> am<00:03:20.920> five<00:03:21.489> times<00:03:21.850> more<00:03:22.090> likely<00:03:22.150> to health I am five times more likely to health I am five times more likely to live<00:03:22.870> within<00:03:23.140> walking<00:03:23.440> distance<00:03:23.650> of<00:03:24.070> a<00:03:24.160> power live within walking distance of a power live within walking distance of a power plant<00:03:24.730> or<00:03:24.850> a<00:03:24.910> chemical<00:03:25.330> facility<00:03:25.780> which<00:03:25.930> I<00:03:26.080> do plant or a chemical facility which I do plant or a chemical facility which I do these<00:03:27.790> land<00:03:28.090> use<00:03:28.239> decisions<00:03:28.690> created<00:03:29.260> the these land use decisions created the these land use decisions created the hostile<00:03:29.800> conditions<00:03:30.220> that<00:03:30.400> lead<00:03:30.550> to<00:03:30.610> problems hostile conditions that lead to problems hostile conditions that lead to problems like<00:03:31.300> obesity<00:03:31.660> diabetes<00:03:32.019> and<00:03:32.470> asthma like obesity diabetes and asthma like obesity diabetes and asthma why<00:03:33.340> would<00:03:33.519> someone<00:03:33.730> leave<00:03:34.000> their<00:03:34.209> home<00:03:34.390> to<00:03:34.570> go why would someone leave their home to go why would someone leave their home to go for<00:03:34.900> a<00:03:34.930> brisk<00:03:35.080> walk<00:03:35.410> in<00:03:35.620> a<00:03:35.680> toxic<00:03:35.920> neighborhood for a brisk walk in a toxic neighborhood for a brisk walk in a toxic neighborhood our<00:03:37.269> 27%<00:03:38.200> obesity<00:03:38.620> rate<00:03:38.769> is<00:03:38.890> high<00:03:39.040> even<00:03:39.070> for our 27% obesity rate is high even for our 27% obesity rate is high even for this<00:03:39.670> country<00:03:40.120> and<00:03:40.239> diabetes<00:03:40.690> comes<00:03:40.959> with<00:03:41.140> it this country and diabetes comes with it this country and diabetes comes with it one<00:03:41.680> out<00:03:41.799> of<00:03:41.830> four<00:03:42.100> South<00:03:42.370> Bronx<00:03:42.610> children<00:03:43.120> has one out of four South Bronx children has one out of four South Bronx children has asthma<00:03:43.510> without<00:03:44.350> asthma<00:03:44.590> hospitalization asthma without asthma hospitalization asthma without asthma hospitalization rate<00:03:45.670> is<00:03:45.790> seven<00:03:46.090> times<00:03:46.299> higher<00:03:46.510> than<00:03:46.750> the rate is seven times higher than the rate is seven times higher than the national<00:03:47.049> average<00:03:47.380> these<00:03:47.980> impacts<00:03:48.430> are national average these impacts are national average these impacts are coming<00:03:48.820> everyone's<00:03:49.480> way<00:03:49.720> and<00:03:49.989> we<00:03:50.290> all<00:03:50.470> pay coming everyone's way and we all pay coming everyone's way and we all pay dearly<00:03:51.040> for<00:03:51.220> solid<00:03:51.730> waste<00:03:51.760> costs<00:03:52.299> health dearly for solid waste costs health dearly for solid waste costs health problems<00:03:53.049> associated<00:03:53.320> with<00:03:53.680> pollution<00:03:54.190> and problems associated with pollution and problems associated with pollution and more<00:03:54.430> odiously<00:03:55.120> the<00:03:55.720> cost<00:03:55.959> of<00:03:56.110> imprisoning more odiously the cost of imprisoning more odiously the cost of imprisoning our<00:03:56.709> young<00:03:56.950> black<00:03:57.190> and<00:03:57.220> Latino<00:03:57.459> men<00:03:57.910> who our young black and Latino men who our young black and Latino men who possess<00:03:58.720> untold<00:03:59.380> amounts<00:03:59.769> of<00:03:59.860> untapped possess untold amounts of untapped possess untold amounts of untapped potential potential potential 50%<00:04:01.570> of<00:04:01.840> our<00:04:01.930> residents<00:04:02.410> live<00:04:02.560> at<00:04:02.680> or<00:04:02.920> below 50% of our residents live at or below 50% of our residents live at or below the<00:04:03.250> poverty<00:04:03.580> line<00:04:03.760> twenty-five<00:04:04.390> percent<00:04:04.630> of the poverty line twenty-five percent of the poverty line twenty-five percent of us<00:04:05.049> are<00:04:05.140> unemployed<00:04:05.620> low-income<00:04:06.370> citizens us are unemployed low-income citizens us are unemployed low-income citizens often<00:04:07.510> use<00:04:07.660> emergency<00:04:08.200> room<00:04:08.440> visits<00:04:08.739> as often use emergency room visits as often use emergency room visits as primary<00:04:09.489> care<00:04:09.580> this<00:04:10.239> comes<00:04:10.510> at<00:04:10.630> a<00:04:10.690> high<00:04:10.870> cost primary care this comes at a high cost primary care this comes at a high cost to<00:04:11.380> taxpayers<00:04:11.560> and<00:04:12.190> produces<00:04:12.820> no to taxpayers and produces no to taxpayers and produces no proportional<00:04:13.600> benefits<00:04:13.959> poor<00:04:14.200> people<00:04:14.530> are proportional benefits poor people are proportional benefits poor people are not<00:04:14.769> only<00:04:14.920> -<00:04:15.100> still<00:04:15.280> poor<00:04:15.519> they<00:04:15.910> are<00:04:16.060> still not only - still poor they are still not only - still poor they are still healthy<00:04:16.600> unhealthy<00:04:17.940> fortunately<00:04:18.940> there<00:04:19.239> are healthy unhealthy fortunately there are healthy unhealthy fortunately there are many<00:04:19.510> people<00:04:19.720> like<00:04:19.989> me<00:04:20.229> who<00:04:20.380> are<00:04:20.410> striving<00:04:20.709> for many people like me who are striving for many people like me who are striving for solutions<00:04:21.609> that<00:04:21.700> will solutions that will solutions that will compromise<00:04:22.510> the<00:04:22.720> lives<00:04:22.930> of<00:04:23.110> low-income compromise the lives of low-income compromise the lives of low-income communities<00:04:24.310> of<00:04:24.430> color<00:04:24.580> in<00:04:24.820> the<00:04:24.880> short-term communities of color in the short-term communities of color in the short-term and<00:04:25.480> won't<00:04:25.870> destroy<00:04:26.230> us<00:04:26.380> all<00:04:26.560> in<00:04:26.950> the<00:04:27.040> long and won't destroy us all in the long and won't destroy us all in the long term<00:04:27.490> none<00:04:28.180> of<00:04:28.270> us<00:04:28.360> want<00:04:28.630> that<00:04:28.810> and<00:04:28.900> we<00:04:28.960> all term none of us want that and we all term none of us want that and we all have<00:04:29.290> that<00:04:29.440> in<00:04:29.560> common<00:04:29.590> so<00:04:30.190> what<00:04:30.310> else<00:04:30.460> do<00:04:30.580> we have that in common so what else do we have that in common so what else do we have<00:04:30.700> in<00:04:30.850> common<00:04:30.970> first<00:04:31.780> of<00:04:31.930> all<00:04:32.020> we're<00:04:32.169> all have in common first of all we're all have in common first of all we're all incredibly<00:04:32.740> good-looking<00:04:35.730> graduated<00:04:36.730> high incredibly good-looking graduated high incredibly good-looking graduated high school<00:04:36.910> college<00:04:37.450> postgraduate<00:04:38.350> degrees school college postgraduate degrees school college postgraduate degrees travel<00:04:39.160> to<00:04:39.250> interesting<00:04:39.639> places<00:04:39.790> didn't<00:04:40.660> have travel to interesting places didn't have travel to interesting places didn't have kids<00:04:41.020> in<00:04:41.200> your<00:04:41.290> early<00:04:41.560> teens<00:04:41.830> financially kids in your early teens financially kids in your early teens financially stable<00:04:43.000> -<00:04:43.360> never<00:04:43.540> been<00:04:43.750> imprisoned<00:04:45.300> okay<00:04:46.300> good stable - never been imprisoned okay good stable - never been imprisoned okay good but<00:04:48.700> besides<00:04:49.120> being<00:04:49.419> a<00:04:49.510> black<00:04:49.720> woman<00:04:50.080> I<00:04:50.230> am but besides being a black woman I am but besides being a black woman I am different<00:04:50.770> from<00:04:50.889> most<00:04:51.010> of<00:04:51.220> you<00:04:51.340> in<00:04:51.460> some<00:04:51.669> other different from most of you in some other different from most of you in some other ways<00:04:52.360> i<00:04:52.690> watch<00:04:53.260> nearly<00:04:53.650> half<00:04:53.889> of<00:04:54.070> the ways i watch nearly half of the ways i watch nearly half of the buildings<00:04:54.610> at<00:04:54.730> my<00:04:54.880> neighborhood<00:04:55.300> burned<00:04:55.510> down buildings at my neighborhood burned down buildings at my neighborhood burned down my<00:04:56.500> big<00:04:56.710> brother<00:04:56.890> Lynn<00:04:57.190> he<00:04:57.280> fought<00:04:57.490> in<00:04:57.610> Vietnam my big brother Lynn he fought in Vietnam my big brother Lynn he fought in Vietnam only<00:04:58.480> to<00:04:58.630> be<00:04:58.750> gunned<00:04:58.930> down<00:04:58.960> a<00:04:59.169> few<00:04:59.470> blocks<00:04:59.680> from only to be gunned down a few blocks from only to be gunned down a few blocks from her<00:05:00.070> home<00:05:04.590> I<00:05:05.590> grew<00:05:06.040> up<00:05:06.220> with<00:05:06.460> a<00:05:06.490> crack<00:05:06.730> house her home I grew up with a crack house her home I grew up with a crack house across<00:05:07.810> the<00:05:07.990> street across the street across the street yeah<00:05:10.690> I'm<00:05:10.930> a<00:05:10.990> poor<00:05:11.350> black<00:05:11.560> child<00:05:11.770> from<00:05:11.980> the yeah I'm a poor black child from the yeah I'm a poor black child from the ghettos<00:05:13.320> these<00:05:14.320> things<00:05:14.620> make<00:05:14.830> me<00:05:14.979> different ghettos these things make me different ghettos these things make me different from<00:05:15.490> you<00:05:15.640> but<00:05:16.479> the<00:05:16.570> things<00:05:16.810> we<00:05:16.990> have<00:05:17.169> in from you but the things we have in from you but the things we have in common<00:05:17.430> set<00:05:18.430> me<00:05:18.580> apart<00:05:18.880> from<00:05:18.940> most<00:05:19.240> of<00:05:19.360> the common set me apart from most of the common set me apart from most of the people<00:05:19.600> in<00:05:19.780> my<00:05:19.930> community<00:05:19.990> and<00:05:20.590> I'm<00:05:21.220> in people in my community and I'm in people in my community and I'm in between<00:05:21.520> these<00:05:21.880> two<00:05:22.180> worlds<00:05:22.600> with<00:05:23.020> enough<00:05:23.290> of between these two worlds with enough of between these two worlds with enough of my<00:05:23.590> heart<00:05:23.830> to<00:05:24.010> fight<00:05:24.220> for<00:05:24.400> justice<00:05:24.729> in<00:05:24.850> the my heart to fight for justice in the my heart to fight for justice in the other<00:05:25.860> so<00:05:26.860> how<00:05:27.040> did<00:05:27.190> things<00:05:27.370> get<00:05:27.520> so<00:05:27.700> different other so how did things get so different other so how did things get so different for<00:05:28.120> us<00:05:28.180> in<00:05:28.510> the<00:05:28.870> late<00:05:29.050> 40s<00:05:29.470> my<00:05:29.680> dad<00:05:29.919> a<00:05:30.220> Pullman for us in the late 40s my dad a Pullman for us in the late 40s my dad a Pullman porters<00:05:31.240> son<00:05:31.419> of<00:05:31.510> a<00:05:31.600> slave<00:05:31.840> bought<00:05:32.169> a<00:05:32.200> house<00:05:32.410> in porters son of a slave bought a house in porters son of a slave bought a house in the<00:05:32.680> Hunts<00:05:32.890> Point<00:05:32.950> section<00:05:33.370> of<00:05:33.640> the<00:05:33.700> South the Hunts Point section of the South the Hunts Point section of the South Bronx<00:05:34.060> and<00:05:34.479> a<00:05:34.690> few<00:05:34.870> years<00:05:35.020> later<00:05:35.200> he<00:05:35.440> married Bronx and a few years later he married Bronx and a few years later he married my<00:05:35.890> mom<00:05:36.040> at<00:05:36.640> the<00:05:36.729> same<00:05:37.060> at<00:05:37.270> the<00:05:37.360> time<00:05:37.570> the my mom at the same at the time the my mom at the same at the time the community<00:05:37.990> was<00:05:38.320> a<00:05:38.350> mostly<00:05:38.710> white community was a mostly white community was a mostly white working-class<00:05:39.460> neighborhood<00:05:40.210> my<00:05:40.660> dad<00:05:40.900> was working-class neighborhood my dad was working-class neighborhood my dad was not<00:05:41.350> alone<00:05:41.710> and<00:05:41.979> it's<00:05:42.310> others<00:05:42.550> liked<00:05:42.850> him not alone and it's others liked him not alone and it's others liked him pursued<00:05:43.510> their<00:05:43.840> own<00:05:43.990> version<00:05:44.350> of<00:05:44.410> the pursued their own version of the pursued their own version of the American<00:05:44.560> Dream<00:05:45.190> white<00:05:45.700> flight<00:05:46.060> became American Dream white flight became American Dream white flight became common<00:05:46.960> in<00:05:47.020> the<00:05:47.169> South<00:05:47.350> Bronx<00:05:47.620> and<00:05:47.800> in<00:05:47.919> many common in the South Bronx and in many common in the South Bronx and in many cities<00:05:48.430> around<00:05:48.610> the<00:05:48.880> country<00:05:49.979> redlining<00:05:50.979> was cities around the country redlining was cities around the country redlining was used<00:05:51.460> by<00:05:51.580> banks<00:05:51.940> wherein<00:05:52.510> certain<00:05:52.750> sections used by banks wherein certain sections used by banks wherein certain sections of<00:05:53.440> the<00:05:53.500> city<00:05:53.560> including<00:05:53.979> ours<00:05:54.669> were<00:05:55.240> deemed of the city including ours were deemed of the city including ours were deemed off-limits<00:05:56.229> to<00:05:56.350> any<00:05:56.530> sort<00:05:56.890> of<00:05:57.070> investment off-limits to any sort of investment off-limits to any sort of investment many<00:05:58.270> landlords<00:05:58.570> believed<00:05:59.229> it<00:05:59.440> was<00:05:59.560> more many landlords believed it was more many landlords believed it was more profitable<00:05:59.979> to<00:06:00.370> torch<00:06:00.760> their<00:06:00.970> buildings<00:06:01.360> and profitable to torch their buildings and profitable to torch their buildings and collect<00:06:01.810> insurance<00:06:01.990> money<00:06:02.380> rather<00:06:03.250> than<00:06:03.520> a collect insurance money rather than a collect insurance money rather than a cell<00:06:03.820> under<00:06:04.240> those<00:06:04.360> conditions<00:06:04.950> dead<00:06:05.950> or cell under those conditions dead or cell under those conditions dead or injured<00:06:06.340> former<00:06:06.669> tenants<00:06:07.090> notwithstanding injured former tenants notwithstanding injured former tenants notwithstanding Hunts<00:06:08.740> Point<00:06:08.770> was<00:06:09.070> formerly<00:06:09.490> a<00:06:09.520> walk<00:06:09.760> to<00:06:09.940> work Hunts Point was formerly a walk to work Hunts Point was formerly a walk to work community<00:06:10.570> but<00:06:11.289> now<00:06:11.500> residents<00:06:12.130> had<00:06:12.250> neither community but now residents had neither community but now residents had neither work<00:06:13.390> nor<00:06:13.419> home<00:06:13.870> to<00:06:14.110> walk<00:06:14.320> to<00:06:14.560> a<00:06:14.770> national work nor home to walk to a national work nor home to walk to a national highway<00:06:15.789> construction<00:06:16.510> boom<00:06:16.690> was<00:06:16.900> added<00:06:17.260> to highway construction boom was added to highway construction boom was added to our<00:06:17.410> problems<00:06:17.950> in<00:06:18.640> New<00:06:18.760> York<00:06:18.940> State<00:06:19.180> Robert our problems in New York State Robert our problems in New York State Robert Moses<00:06:20.050> Speer<00:06:20.470> had<00:06:20.620> an<00:06:20.740> aggressive<00:06:21.070> highway Moses Speer had an aggressive highway Moses Speer had an aggressive highway expansion<00:06:22.120> campaign<00:06:23.020> one<00:06:23.440> of<00:06:23.530> its<00:06:23.650> primary expansion campaign one of its primary expansion campaign one of its primary goals<00:06:24.400> was<00:06:24.520> to<00:06:24.669> make<00:06:24.789> it<00:06:24.910> easier<00:06:25.360> for goals was to make it easier for goals was to make it easier for residents<00:06:26.020> of<00:06:26.050> wealthy<00:06:26.380> communities<00:06:26.830> in residents of wealthy communities in residents of wealthy communities in Westchester<00:06:27.940> County<00:06:27.970> to<00:06:28.660> to<00:06:29.440> go<00:06:29.590> to<00:06:29.650> Manhattan Westchester County to to go to Manhattan Westchester County to to go to Manhattan the<00:06:30.640> South<00:06:30.849> Bronx<00:06:31.090> which<00:06:31.360> lies<00:06:31.570> in<00:06:31.780> between the South Bronx which lies in between the South Bronx which lies in between did<00:06:32.320> not<00:06:32.470> stand<00:06:32.770> a<00:06:32.919> chance did not stand a chance did not stand a chance residents<00:06:34.180> were<00:06:34.270> often<00:06:34.570> given<00:06:34.870> less<00:06:35.020> than<00:06:35.200> a residents were often given less than a residents were often given less than a month's<00:06:35.560> notice<00:06:35.770> before<00:06:36.340> their<00:06:36.490> buildings month's notice before their buildings month's notice before their buildings were<00:06:36.909> razed<00:06:37.770> 600,000<00:06:38.770> people<00:06:39.099> were<00:06:39.190> displaced were razed 600,000 people were displaced were razed 600,000 people were displaced the<00:06:40.270> common<00:06:40.659> perception<00:06:40.990> was<00:06:41.320> that<00:06:41.440> all<00:06:41.560> a the common perception was that all a the common perception was that all a pimps<00:06:41.979> and<00:06:42.070> pushers<00:06:42.550> and<00:06:42.970> prostitutes<00:06:43.599> were pimps and pushers and prostitutes were pimps and pushers and prostitutes were from<00:06:43.930> the<00:06:44.050> South<00:06:44.229> Bronx<00:06:44.500> and<00:06:44.950> if<00:06:45.490> you<00:06:45.640> are<00:06:45.820> told from the South Bronx and if you are told from the South Bronx and if you are told from<00:06:46.300> your<00:06:46.539> earliest<00:06:46.990> days<00:06:47.430> that<00:06:48.430> nothing from your earliest days that nothing from your earliest days that nothing good<00:06:49.030> is<00:06:49.210> going<00:06:49.330> to<00:06:49.390> come<00:06:49.479> from<00:06:49.750> your good is going to come from your good is going to come from your community<00:06:50.349> that<00:06:50.470> is<00:06:50.590> bad<00:06:50.860> and<00:06:51.159> ugly<00:06:51.460> how<00:06:52.210> could community that is bad and ugly how could community that is bad and ugly how could it<00:06:52.630> not<00:06:52.659> reflect<00:06:53.470> on<00:06:53.710> you<00:06:53.919> so<00:06:54.849> now<00:06:55.030> my<00:06:55.360> family's it not reflect on you so now my family's it not reflect on you so now my family's property<00:06:56.169> was<00:06:56.320> worthless<00:06:56.760> save<00:06:57.760> for<00:06:57.970> the<00:06:58.060> hope property was worthless save for the hope property was worthless save for the hope that<00:06:58.240> it<00:06:58.419> was<00:06:58.510> our<00:06:58.630> home<00:06:58.840> and<00:06:59.050> all<00:06:59.169> we<00:06:59.289> had<00:06:59.530> and that it was our home and all we had and that it was our home and all we had and luckily<00:07:00.430> for<00:07:00.610> me<00:07:01.140> that<00:07:02.140> home<00:07:02.409> and<00:07:02.650> the<00:07:02.710> love luckily for me that home and the love luckily for me that home and the love inside<00:07:03.220> of<00:07:03.430> it<00:07:03.550> along<00:07:04.150> with<00:07:04.300> help<00:07:04.450> from inside of it along with help from inside of it along with help from teachers<00:07:04.780> mentors<00:07:05.560> and<00:07:05.740> friends<00:07:06.280> along<00:07:06.460> the teachers mentors and friends along the teachers mentors and friends along the way<00:07:06.810> was<00:07:07.810> enough<00:07:08.110> now<00:07:09.010> why<00:07:09.220> is<00:07:09.280> a<00:07:09.430> story way was enough now why is a story way was enough now why is a story important<00:07:10.240> because<00:07:10.599> from<00:07:10.840> a<00:07:10.990> planning important because from a planning important because from a planning perspective<00:07:11.940> economic<00:07:12.940> degradation<00:07:13.300> but perspective economic degradation but perspective economic degradation but gets<00:07:14.550> environmental<00:07:15.550> degradation<00:07:15.760> which gets environmental degradation which gets environmental degradation which forgets<00:07:16.720> social<00:07:17.260> degradation<00:07:17.789> the forgets social degradation the forgets social degradation the disinvestment<00:07:19.210> that<00:07:19.630> began<00:07:19.870> in<00:07:20.050> the<00:07:20.140> 1960s disinvestment that began in the 1960s disinvestment that began in the 1960s set<00:07:21.159> the<00:07:21.310> stage<00:07:21.610> for<00:07:21.640> all<00:07:22.030> the<00:07:22.150> environmental set the stage for all the environmental set the stage for all the environmental and<00:07:22.930> justices<00:07:23.440> that<00:07:23.470> were<00:07:23.710> to<00:07:23.830> come and justices that were to come and justices that were to come antiquated<00:07:24.880> zoning<00:07:25.330> and<00:07:25.450> land<00:07:25.510> use antiquated zoning and land use antiquated zoning and land use regulations<00:07:26.380> are<00:07:26.500> still<00:07:26.950> used<00:07:27.310> to<00:07:27.520> this<00:07:27.550> day regulations are still used to this day regulations are still used to this day to<00:07:28.570> continue<00:07:29.020> putting<00:07:29.169> polluting<00:07:29.650> facilities to continue putting polluting facilities to continue putting polluting facilities in<00:07:30.250> my<00:07:30.370> neighborhood<00:07:30.820> why<00:07:31.539> are<00:07:31.630> these<00:07:31.750> factors in my neighborhood why are these factors in my neighborhood why are these factors taken<00:07:32.349> into<00:07:32.680> consideration<00:07:32.830> when<00:07:33.550> land-use taken into consideration when land-use taken into consideration when land-use policy<00:07:34.330> is<00:07:34.419> decided<00:07:35.020> what<00:07:35.500> costs<00:07:36.010> are policy is decided what costs are policy is decided what costs are associated<00:07:36.430> with<00:07:36.789> these<00:07:37.000> decision<00:07:37.570> and<00:07:37.720> who associated with these decision and who associated with these decision and who pays<00:07:38.409> who<00:07:38.830> profits<00:07:39.580> does<00:07:40.210> anything<00:07:40.510> justify pays who profits does anything justify pays who profits does anything justify that<00:07:41.800> look<00:07:42.039> what<00:07:42.220> the<00:07:42.340> local<00:07:42.640> community<00:07:43.030> goes that look what the local community goes that look what the local community goes through<00:07:43.510> this<00:07:43.900> was<00:07:44.110> planning<00:07:44.710> in<00:07:44.890> quotes<00:07:45.580> that through this was planning in quotes that through this was planning in quotes that did<00:07:46.419> not<00:07:46.539> have<00:07:46.840> our<00:07:46.870> best<00:07:47.169> interests<00:07:47.590> in<00:07:47.680> mind did not have our best interests in mind did not have our best interests in mind once<00:07:48.640> we<00:07:48.820> realized<00:07:49.180> that<00:07:49.300> we<00:07:49.720> decided<00:07:50.080> it<00:07:50.260> was once we realized that we decided it was once we realized that we decided it was time<00:07:50.470> to<00:07:50.530> do<00:07:50.740> our<00:07:50.890> own<00:07:51.070> planning<00:07:51.580> that<00:07:51.909> small time to do our own planning that small time to do our own planning that small park<00:07:52.450> I<00:07:52.570> told<00:07:52.780> you<00:07:52.930> about<00:07:53.080> earlier<00:07:53.409> was<00:07:53.770> the park I told you about earlier was the park I told you about earlier was the first<00:07:54.099> stage<00:07:54.310> of<00:07:54.460> building<00:07:54.640> a<00:07:54.820> Greenway first stage of building a Greenway first stage of building a Greenway movement<00:07:55.570> in<00:07:55.659> the<00:07:55.720> South<00:07:55.930> Bronx movement in the South Bronx movement in the South Bronx I<00:07:56.409> wrote<00:07:56.950> a<00:07:56.979> one<00:07:57.220> in<00:07:57.340> quarter<00:07:57.610> million<00:07:57.789> dollar I wrote a one in quarter million dollar I wrote a one in quarter million dollar federal<00:07:58.360> transportation<00:07:58.810> cramp<00:07:59.409> to<00:07:59.530> design federal transportation cramp to design federal transportation cramp to design the<00:08:00.640> plan<00:08:00.849> for<00:08:01.060> a<00:08:01.120> waterfront<00:08:01.479> Esplanade<00:08:01.990> with the plan for a waterfront Esplanade with the plan for a waterfront Esplanade with dedicated<00:08:02.650> on<00:08:02.830> Street<00:08:03.070> bike<00:08:03.250> paths<00:08:03.520> physical dedicated on Street bike paths physical dedicated on Street bike paths physical improvements<00:08:04.930> helped<00:08:05.080> inform<00:08:05.320> public<00:08:05.560> policy improvements helped inform public policy improvements helped inform public policy regarding<00:08:06.550> traffic<00:08:06.970> safety<00:08:07.210> the<00:08:07.720> placement regarding traffic safety the placement regarding traffic safety the placement of<00:08:08.320> waste<00:08:08.590> and<00:08:08.770> other<00:08:08.890> facilities<00:08:09.250> which<00:08:09.820> if of waste and other facilities which if of waste and other facilities which if done<00:08:10.120> properly<00:08:10.150> don't<00:08:10.750> compromise<00:08:11.140> the done properly don't compromise the done properly don't compromise the community's<00:08:12.000> quality<00:08:13.000> of<00:08:13.090> life<00:08:13.270> they<00:08:13.690> provide community's quality of life they provide community's quality of life they provide opportunities<00:08:14.169> for<00:08:14.650> to<00:08:14.979> be<00:08:15.099> more<00:08:15.280> physically opportunities for to be more physically opportunities for to be more physically active<00:08:16.060> as<00:08:16.210> well<00:08:16.750> as<00:08:17.020> a<00:08:17.050> local<00:08:17.740> economic active as well as a local economic active as well as a local economic development<00:08:18.610> think<00:08:19.030> bike<00:08:19.210> shops<00:08:19.510> juice development think bike shops juice development think bike shops juice stands<00:08:20.050> we<00:08:20.500> secure<00:08:20.830> 20<00:08:21.130> million<00:08:21.430> dollars<00:08:21.729> to stands we secure 20 million dollars to stands we secure 20 million dollars to build<00:08:22.030> first<00:08:22.330> phase<00:08:22.570> projects<00:08:23.110> this<00:08:23.169> is build first phase projects this is build first phase projects this is Lafayette<00:08:23.740> Avenue<00:08:23.890> and<00:08:24.880> that's<00:08:25.539> redesigned Lafayette Avenue and that's redesigned Lafayette Avenue and that's redesigned by<00:08:26.289> Matthews<00:08:26.710> Neilson<00:08:27.099> Landscape<00:08:27.460> Architects by Matthews Neilson Landscape Architects by Matthews Neilson Landscape Architects and<00:08:28.090> once<00:08:28.750> this<00:08:28.930> path<00:08:29.140> is<00:08:29.320> constructed<00:08:29.890> it and once this path is constructed it and once this path is constructed it will<00:08:30.159> connect<00:08:30.460> the<00:08:30.550> South<00:08:30.760> Bronx<00:08:30.969> with<00:08:31.240> more will connect the South Bronx with more will connect the South Bronx with more than<00:08:31.510> 400<00:08:31.990> acres<00:08:32.260> of<00:08:32.380> Randall's<00:08:32.770> Island<00:08:32.890> Park than 400 acres of Randall's Island Park than 400 acres of Randall's Island Park right<00:08:34.060> now<00:08:34.209> we're<00:08:34.360> separated<00:08:34.959> by<00:08:35.079> about<00:08:35.169> 25 right now we're separated by about 25 right now we're separated by about 25 feet<00:08:35.680> of<00:08:36.010> water<00:08:36.219> but<00:08:36.430> this<00:08:36.520> link<00:08:36.760> will<00:08:36.849> change feet of water but this link will change feet of water but this link will change that<00:08:37.390> and<00:08:37.599> as<00:08:37.839> we<00:08:37.990> nurture<00:08:38.140> the<00:08:38.380> natural that and as we nurture the natural that and as we nurture the natural environment<00:08:38.829> its<00:08:39.400> abundance<00:08:39.940> will<00:08:40.120> give<00:08:40.300> us environment its abundance will give us environment its abundance will give us back<00:08:41.110> even<00:08:41.500> more<00:08:41.530> we<00:08:42.130> run<00:08:42.280> a<00:08:42.310> project<00:08:42.820> called back even more we run a project called back even more we run a project called Bronx<00:08:43.750> and<00:08:43.839> mycological<00:08:44.530> stewardship Bronx and mycological stewardship Bronx and mycological stewardship training<00:08:45.670> which<00:08:46.030> provides training which provides training which provides job<00:08:46.720> training<00:08:46.959> in<00:08:47.350> the<00:08:47.620> fields<00:08:47.920> of<00:08:47.980> ecological job training in the fields of ecological job training in the fields of ecological restoration<00:08:48.579> so<00:08:49.329> that<00:08:49.449> folks<00:08:49.660> from<00:08:49.750> our restoration so that folks from our restoration so that folks from our community<00:08:50.410> had<00:08:50.560> the<00:08:50.709> skills<00:08:51.040> to<00:08:51.279> compete<00:08:51.730> for community had the skills to compete for community had the skills to compete for these<00:08:52.149> well-paying<00:08:52.540> jobs<00:08:52.899> little<00:08:53.500> by<00:08:53.589> little these well-paying jobs little by little these well-paying jobs little by little we're<00:08:54.100> seeding<00:08:54.550> the<00:08:54.579> area<00:08:55.000> with<00:08:55.180> green<00:08:55.480> collar we're seeding the area with green collar we're seeding the area with green collar jobs<00:08:55.990> then<00:08:56.980> as<00:08:57.100> both<00:08:57.279> the<00:08:57.459> people<00:08:57.610> that<00:08:57.790> have jobs then as both the people that have jobs then as both the people that have both<00:08:58.120> a<00:08:58.209> financial<00:08:58.750> and<00:08:58.870> personal<00:08:59.050> stake<00:08:59.500> in both a financial and personal stake in both a financial and personal stake in their<00:08:59.800> environment<00:09:00.339> the<00:09:00.940> started<00:09:01.240> an their environment the started an their environment the started an expressway<00:09:01.720> is<00:09:01.990> an<00:09:02.110> underutilized<00:09:02.529> relic<00:09:03.220> of expressway is an underutilized relic of expressway is an underutilized relic of the<00:09:03.430> Robert<00:09:03.699> Moses<00:09:04.029> era<00:09:04.209> built<00:09:04.899> with<00:09:05.079> no the Robert Moses era built with no the Robert Moses era built with no regard<00:09:05.709> for<00:09:05.829> the<00:09:06.069> neighborhoods<00:09:06.610> that<00:09:06.759> were regard for the neighborhoods that were regard for the neighborhoods that were divided<00:09:07.389> by<00:09:07.540> it<00:09:07.600> even<00:09:08.350> during<00:09:08.500> rush<00:09:08.800> hour<00:09:09.009> it divided by it even during rush hour it divided by it even during rush hour it goes<00:09:09.310> virtually<00:09:09.819> unused<00:09:10.300> the<00:09:10.630> community goes virtually unused the community goes virtually unused the community created<00:09:11.829> an<00:09:11.920> alternative<00:09:12.370> transportation created an alternative transportation created an alternative transportation plan<00:09:13.300> that<00:09:13.480> allows<00:09:13.750> for<00:09:13.930> the<00:09:13.990> removal<00:09:14.290> of<00:09:14.529> the plan that allows for the removal of the plan that allows for the removal of the highway<00:09:15.480> we<00:09:16.480> have<00:09:16.630> the<00:09:16.750> opportunity<00:09:17.230> now<00:09:17.380> to highway we have the opportunity now to highway we have the opportunity now to bring<00:09:17.740> together<00:09:17.889> all<00:09:18.250> the<00:09:18.399> stakeholders<00:09:18.610> to bring together all the stakeholders to bring together all the stakeholders to re-envision<00:09:19.420> how<00:09:19.720> does<00:09:19.899> 28<00:09:20.259> acres<00:09:20.529> can<00:09:20.740> be re-envision how does 28 acres can be re-envision how does 28 acres can be better<00:09:20.980> utilized<00:09:21.459> for<00:09:21.639> parkland<00:09:22.060> affordable better utilized for parkland affordable better utilized for parkland affordable housing<00:09:23.170> and<00:09:23.290> local<00:09:23.589> economic<00:09:24.069> development housing and local economic development housing and local economic development we<00:09:25.000> also<00:09:25.149> built<00:09:25.480> the<00:09:25.690> city's<00:09:26.589> New<00:09:26.920> York<00:09:27.069> City's we also built the city's New York City's we also built the city's New York City's first<00:09:27.579> green<00:09:27.819> and<00:09:28.029> cool<00:09:28.269> roof<00:09:28.449> demonstration first green and cool roof demonstration first green and cool roof demonstration project<00:09:29.649> on<00:09:30.069> top<00:09:30.370> of<00:09:30.519> our<00:09:30.639> offices<00:09:31.089> cool<00:09:31.569> roofs project on top of our offices cool roofs project on top of our offices cool roofs are<00:09:31.990> highly<00:09:32.350> reflective<00:09:32.500> surfaces<00:09:33.310> that are highly reflective surfaces that are highly reflective surfaces that don't<00:09:33.670> absorb<00:09:34.000> solar<00:09:34.269> heat<00:09:34.600> and<00:09:34.750> pass<00:09:35.230> it<00:09:35.410> onto don't absorb solar heat and pass it onto don't absorb solar heat and pass it onto the<00:09:35.769> building<00:09:35.949> or<00:09:36.190> atmosphere<00:09:36.699> green<00:09:37.209> roofs the building or atmosphere green roofs the building or atmosphere green roofs are<00:09:37.600> soil<00:09:37.870> and<00:09:38.110> living<00:09:38.290> plants<00:09:38.620> both<00:09:39.250> can<00:09:39.519> be are soil and living plants both can be are soil and living plants both can be used<00:09:39.639> instead<00:09:40.180> of<00:09:40.569> petroleum-based<00:09:41.199> roofing used instead of petroleum-based roofing used instead of petroleum-based roofing materials<00:09:42.190> that<00:09:42.250> absorb<00:09:42.370> heat<00:09:42.940> contribute<00:09:43.750> to materials that absorb heat contribute to materials that absorb heat contribute to urban<00:09:44.079> heat<00:09:44.230> island<00:09:44.560> effect<00:09:44.829> and<00:09:45.040> degrade urban heat island effect and degrade urban heat island effect and degrade under<00:09:45.850> the<00:09:45.970> Sun<00:09:46.180> which<00:09:46.420> we<00:09:46.569> in<00:09:46.660> turn<00:09:46.810> breathe under the Sun which we in turn breathe under the Sun which we in turn breathe green<00:09:48.100> roofs<00:09:48.279> also<00:09:48.459> retain<00:09:48.819> up<00:09:48.940> to<00:09:49.060> 75%<00:09:49.569> of green roofs also retain up to 75% of green roofs also retain up to 75% of rainfall<00:09:50.440> so<00:09:50.680> they<00:09:50.769> reduce<00:09:51.100> the<00:09:51.250> city's<00:09:51.430> need rainfall so they reduce the city's need rainfall so they reduce the city's need to<00:09:51.940> fund<00:09:52.149> costly<00:09:52.630> end<00:09:52.779> of<00:09:52.930> pipe<00:09:53.110> solutions to fund costly end of pipe solutions to fund costly end of pipe solutions which<00:09:54.100> incidentally<00:09:54.490> are<00:09:54.730> often<00:09:55.089> located<00:09:55.240> in which incidentally are often located in which incidentally are often located in environmental<00:09:56.170> justice<00:09:56.290> communities<00:09:56.860> like environmental justice communities like environmental justice communities like mine<00:09:57.130> and<00:09:58.089> they<00:09:58.959> provide<00:09:59.380> habitats<00:09:59.980> for<00:10:00.130> our mine and they provide habitats for our mine and they provide habitats for our little<00:10:00.430> friends<00:10:00.760> so<00:10:03.000> so<00:10:04.000> cool little friends so so cool little friends so so cool anyway<00:10:05.350> the<00:10:05.769> demonstration<00:10:06.490> project<00:10:06.880> is<00:10:06.940> a anyway the demonstration project is a anyway the demonstration project is a springboard<00:10:07.510> for<00:10:07.720> our<00:10:07.839> own<00:10:07.990> green<00:10:08.260> roof springboard for our own green roof springboard for our own green roof installation<00:10:09.069> business<00:10:09.190> bringing<00:10:10.029> jobs<00:10:10.300> a installation business bringing jobs a installation business bringing jobs a sustainable<00:10:10.990> economic<00:10:11.139> activity<00:10:12.010> to<00:10:12.190> the sustainable economic activity to the sustainable economic activity to the south<00:10:12.490> cross

I<00:10:18.030> like<00:10:19.030> that<00:10:19.240> too<00:10:19.510> okay<00:10:20.700> anyway<00:10:21.700> I<00:10:21.910> I<00:10:22.120> know
I like that too okay anyway I I know I like that too okay anyway I I know Chris<00:10:22.750> told<00:10:22.960> us<00:10:23.080> not<00:10:23.290> to<00:10:23.440> do<00:10:23.530> pictures<00:10:23.860> up<00:10:23.980> here Chris told us not to do pictures up here Chris told us not to do pictures up here but<00:10:24.310> since<00:10:24.490> I<00:10:24.550> have<00:10:24.700> all<00:10:24.820> of<00:10:24.850> your<00:10:25.000> attention but since I have all of your attention but since I have all of your attention we<00:10:25.900> need<00:10:26.050> investors<00:10:26.530> and<00:10:26.830> a<00:10:27.190> pitch<00:10:27.400> it's we need investors and a pitch it's we need investors and a pitch it's better<00:10:28.000> to<00:10:28.120> ask<00:10:28.270> for<00:10:28.480> forgiveness<00:10:28.660> than better to ask for forgiveness than better to ask for forgiveness than permission permission permission anyway<00:10:36.930> okay<00:10:38.580> Katrina<00:10:40.560> prior<00:10:41.560> to<00:10:41.710> Katrina<00:10:41.860> the anyway okay Katrina prior to Katrina the anyway okay Katrina prior to Katrina the South<00:10:42.460> Bronx<00:10:42.700> in<00:10:42.880> New<00:10:42.940> Orleans<00:10:43.150> Ninth<00:10:43.600> Ward South Bronx in New Orleans Ninth Ward South Bronx in New Orleans Ninth Ward had<00:10:44.350> a<00:10:44.380> lot<00:10:44.620> in<00:10:44.740> common<00:10:44.770> both<00:10:45.640> were<00:10:45.850> largely had a lot in common both were largely had a lot in common both were largely populated<00:10:46.450> by<00:10:46.990> poor<00:10:47.230> people<00:10:47.530> of<00:10:47.590> color<00:10:47.650> both populated by poor people of color both populated by poor people of color both hotbeds<00:10:49.000> of<00:10:49.180> cultural<00:10:49.600> innovation<00:10:50.110> think hotbeds of cultural innovation think hotbeds of cultural innovation think hip-hop<00:10:50.590> and<00:10:50.980> jazz<00:10:51.040> both<00:10:51.790> the<00:10:51.940> waterfront hip-hop and jazz both the waterfront hip-hop and jazz both the waterfront communities<00:10:52.960> that<00:10:53.350> hosts<00:10:53.560> both<00:10:53.770> industries communities that hosts both industries communities that hosts both industries and<00:10:54.490> residents<00:10:54.910> in<00:10:54.970> close<00:10:55.240> proximity<00:10:55.450> to<00:10:55.930> one and residents in close proximity to one and residents in close proximity to one another<00:10:56.110> in<00:10:56.830> the<00:10:56.890> post<00:10:57.340> Katrina<00:10:57.520> era<00:10:57.970> we<00:10:58.210> have another in the post Katrina era we have another in the post Katrina era we have still<00:10:58.660> more<00:10:58.960> in<00:10:59.230> common<00:10:59.530> we're<00:11:00.160> at<00:11:00.280> best still more in common we're at best still more in common we're at best ignored<00:11:00.940> and<00:11:01.210> maligned<00:11:01.810> and<00:11:02.050> abused<00:11:02.440> at<00:11:02.620> worse ignored and maligned and abused at worse ignored and maligned and abused at worse by<00:11:03.610> negligent<00:11:04.240> regulatory<00:11:04.960> agencies<00:11:05.530> Pranita by negligent regulatory agencies Pranita by negligent regulatory agencies Pranita zoning<00:11:06.580> and<00:11:06.700> lacks<00:11:07.240> governmental zoning and lacks governmental zoning and lacks governmental accountability accountability accountability neither<00:11:09.400> the<00:11:09.610> destruction<00:11:10.150> of<00:11:10.210> the<00:11:10.300> Ninth neither the destruction of the Ninth neither the destruction of the Ninth Ward<00:11:10.600> nor<00:11:11.230> the<00:11:11.410> South<00:11:11.590> Bronx<00:11:11.860> was<00:11:12.250> inevitable Ward nor the South Bronx was inevitable Ward nor the South Bronx was inevitable but<00:11:13.630> we<00:11:13.780> have<00:11:13.960> emerged<00:11:14.290> with<00:11:14.500> valuable but we have emerged with valuable but we have emerged with valuable lessons<00:11:15.280> about<00:11:15.370> how<00:11:15.970> to<00:11:16.270> dig<00:11:16.690> ourselves<00:11:16.840> out lessons about how to dig ourselves out lessons about how to dig ourselves out we<00:11:18.100> are<00:11:18.250> more<00:11:18.520> than<00:11:18.820> simply<00:11:19.180> national<00:11:20.140> symbols we are more than simply national symbols we are more than simply national symbols of<00:11:20.650> urban<00:11:20.980> blight<00:11:21.190> or<00:11:21.520> problems<00:11:22.360> to<00:11:22.480> be<00:11:22.600> solved of urban blight or problems to be solved of urban blight or problems to be solved by<00:11:23.170> empty<00:11:24.070> campaign<00:11:24.520> promises<00:11:25.000> of<00:11:25.210> presidents by empty campaign promises of presidents by empty campaign promises of presidents come<00:11:26.020> and<00:11:26.170> gone<00:11:26.320> now<00:11:26.800> will<00:11:26.950> we<00:11:27.040> let<00:11:27.130> the<00:11:27.280> Gulf come and gone now will we let the Gulf come and gone now will we let the Gulf Coast<00:11:27.670> language<00:11:28.120> for<00:11:28.270> a<00:11:28.330> decade<00:11:28.630> or<00:11:28.660> two<00:11:28.840> like Coast language for a decade or two like Coast language for a decade or two like the<00:11:29.110> South<00:11:29.290> Bronx<00:11:29.530> did<00:11:29.830> or<00:11:30.010> will<00:11:30.430> we<00:11:30.550> take the South Bronx did or will we take the South Bronx did or will we take proactive<00:11:31.420> steps<00:11:32.050> and<00:11:32.290> learn<00:11:32.470> from<00:11:32.710> the proactive steps and learn from the proactive steps and learn from the homegrown<00:11:33.280> resource<00:11:33.820> of<00:11:34.000> grassroots homegrown resource of grassroots homegrown resource of grassroots activists<00:11:35.230> that<00:11:35.290> have<00:11:35.410> been<00:11:35.500> born<00:11:35.740> of activists that have been born of activists that have been born of desperation<00:11:36.280> out<00:11:36.730> in<00:11:36.940> communities<00:11:37.330> like<00:11:37.510> mine desperation out in communities like mine desperation out in communities like mine now<00:11:38.260> listen<00:11:38.890> I<00:11:39.040> do<00:11:39.190> not<00:11:39.580> expect<00:11:39.940> individuals now listen I do not expect individuals now listen I do not expect individuals corporations<00:11:41.140> or<00:11:41.650> government<00:11:42.100> to<00:11:42.220> make<00:11:42.370> the corporations or government to make the corporations or government to make the world<00:11:42.670> a<00:11:42.790> better<00:11:42.910> place<00:11:43.030> because<00:11:43.630> it<00:11:44.080> is<00:11:44.170> right world a better place because it is right world a better place because it is right or<00:11:44.650> moral<00:11:45.180> this<00:11:46.180> record<00:11:46.450> this<00:11:46.510> presentation or moral this record this presentation or moral this record this presentation today<00:11:47.200> only<00:11:47.820> represents<00:11:48.820> some<00:11:48.970> of<00:11:49.090> what<00:11:49.270> I've today only represents some of what I've today only represents some of what I've been<00:11:49.450> through<00:11:50.050> like<00:11:50.200> a<00:11:50.260> tiny<00:11:50.590> little<00:11:50.860> bit been through like a tiny little bit been through like a tiny little bit you've<00:11:51.400> no<00:11:51.700> clue<00:11:52.060> but<00:11:52.330> I'll<00:11:52.930> tell<00:11:53.140> you<00:11:53.290> later you've no clue but I'll tell you later you've no clue but I'll tell you later if<00:11:53.590> you<00:11:53.650> want<00:11:53.830> to<00:11:53.890> know<00:11:54.120> but<00:11:55.120> I<00:11:55.740> know<00:11:56.740> it's<00:11:57.220> the if you want to know but I know it's the if you want to know but I know it's the bottom<00:11:57.700> line<00:11:57.910> or<00:11:58.390> one's<00:11:58.660> perception<00:11:59.380> of<00:11:59.470> it bottom line or one's perception of it bottom line or one's perception of it that<00:12:00.010> motivates<00:12:00.490> people<00:12:00.580> in<00:12:00.970> the<00:12:01.060> end<00:12:01.210> I'm that motivates people in the end I'm that motivates people in the end I'm interested<00:12:02.320> in<00:12:02.410> what<00:12:02.530> I<00:12:02.560> like<00:12:02.800> to<00:12:02.950> call<00:12:03.130> the interested in what I like to call the interested in what I like to call the triple<00:12:03.640> bottom<00:12:04.090> line<00:12:04.120> that<00:12:04.300> sustainable triple bottom line that sustainable triple bottom line that sustainable development<00:12:05.620> can<00:12:05.770> produce<00:12:06.390> developments development can produce developments development can produce developments that<00:12:07.450> have<00:12:07.600> the<00:12:07.720> potential<00:12:08.080> to<00:12:08.740> create that have the potential to create that have the potential to create positive<00:12:09.760> returns<00:12:10.150> for<00:12:10.900> all<00:12:11.110> concerned positive returns for all concerned positive returns for all concerned the<00:12:12.130> developers<00:12:12.700> government<00:12:13.690> and<00:12:13.840> the the developers government and the the developers government and the community<00:12:14.650> where<00:12:14.890> these<00:12:15.070> projects<00:12:15.640> go<00:12:15.820> up<00:12:16.000> at community where these projects go up at community where these projects go up at present<00:12:16.960> that's<00:12:17.230> not<00:12:17.500> happening<00:12:17.980> in<00:12:18.100> New<00:12:18.220> York present that's not happening in New York present that's not happening in New York City<00:12:18.840> and<00:12:19.840> we<00:12:19.960> are<00:12:20.080> operating<00:12:20.380> with<00:12:20.680> a City and we are operating with a City and we are operating with a comprehensive<00:12:21.730> urban<00:12:22.210> planning<00:12:22.720> deficit<00:12:23.170> a comprehensive urban planning deficit a comprehensive urban planning deficit a parade<00:12:24.310> of<00:12:24.580> government<00:12:24.970> subsidies<00:12:25.720> is<00:12:25.810> going parade of government subsidies is going parade of government subsidies is going to<00:12:26.170> propose<00:12:26.470> big<00:12:26.800> box<00:12:27.040> and<00:12:27.310> stadium to propose big box and stadium to propose big box and stadium developments<00:12:28.270> in<00:12:28.330> the<00:12:28.390> South<00:12:28.570> Bronx developments in the South Bronx developments in the South Bronx but<00:12:29.480> there<00:12:29.660> is<00:12:29.780> scant<00:12:30.050> coordination<00:12:30.830> between but there is scant coordination between but there is scant coordination between city<00:12:31.430> agents<00:12:31.820> agencies<00:12:32.480> on<00:12:32.630> how<00:12:32.660> to<00:12:32.810> deal<00:12:33.020> with city agents agencies on how to deal with city agents agencies on how to deal with the<00:12:33.230> cumulative<00:12:33.530> effects<00:12:34.430> of<00:12:34.610> increased the cumulative effects of increased the cumulative effects of increased traffic<00:12:35.120> pollution<00:12:35.900> solid<00:12:36.590> waste<00:12:36.800> and<00:12:37.040> the traffic pollution solid waste and the traffic pollution solid waste and the impacts<00:12:37.760> on<00:12:37.940> open<00:12:38.210> space<00:12:38.330> and<00:12:38.690> their impacts on open space and their impacts on open space and their approaches<00:12:39.620> to<00:12:39.650> local<00:12:40.160> economic<00:12:40.760> and<00:12:40.970> job approaches to local economic and job approaches to local economic and job development<00:12:41.660> are<00:12:41.900> so<00:12:42.620> lame<00:12:42.950> it's<00:12:43.370> not<00:12:43.580> even development are so lame it's not even development are so lame it's not even funny funny funny but<00:12:44.600> at<00:12:44.950> because<00:12:45.950> on<00:12:46.190> top<00:12:46.340> of<00:12:46.400> that<00:12:46.580> the but at because on top of that the but at because on top of that the richest<00:12:47.150> the<00:12:47.360> world's<00:12:47.990> richest<00:12:48.320> sports<00:12:48.620> team richest the world's richest sports team richest the world's richest sports team is<00:12:49.100> replacing<00:12:49.910> the<00:12:50.090> house<00:12:50.300> that<00:12:50.540> Ruth<00:12:50.690> Built is replacing the house that Ruth Built is replacing the house that Ruth Built by<00:12:51.170> destroying<00:12:51.650> two<00:12:52.400> well-loved<00:12:53.060> community by destroying two well-loved community by destroying two well-loved community parks<00:12:53.840> now<00:12:54.230> we'll<00:12:54.470> have<00:12:54.590> even<00:12:54.710> less<00:12:54.980> than<00:12:55.130> that parks now we'll have even less than that parks now we'll have even less than that stat<00:12:55.520> I<00:12:55.550> told<00:12:55.820> you<00:12:56.000> about<00:12:56.090> earlier<00:12:56.510> and stat I told you about earlier and stat I told you about earlier and although<00:12:57.320> less<00:12:57.530> than<00:12:57.710> 25<00:12:58.100> percent<00:12:58.280> of<00:12:58.580> South although less than 25 percent of South although less than 25 percent of South Bronx<00:12:59.000> residents<00:12:59.210> owned<00:12:59.660> cars<00:12:59.990> these Bronx residents owned cars these Bronx residents owned cars these projects<00:13:00.980> include<00:13:01.280> thousands<00:13:02.060> of<00:13:02.270> the<00:13:02.450> new<00:13:02.570> of projects include thousands of the new of projects include thousands of the new of new<00:13:02.810> parking<00:13:03.410> spaces<00:13:03.500> yet<00:13:04.340> zip<00:13:04.940> in<00:13:05.150> terms<00:13:05.480> of new parking spaces yet zip in terms of new parking spaces yet zip in terms of mass<00:13:05.840> public<00:13:06.770> transit<00:13:07.160> now<00:13:07.580> what's<00:13:07.760> missing mass public transit now what's missing mass public transit now what's missing from<00:13:08.090> the<00:13:08.240> larger<00:13:08.570> debate<00:13:08.690> it's<00:13:09.170> a from the larger debate it's a from the larger debate it's a comprehensive<00:13:09.790> cost-benefit<00:13:10.790> analysis comprehensive cost-benefit analysis comprehensive cost-benefit analysis between<00:13:11.450> not<00:13:11.810> fixing<00:13:12.230> and<00:13:12.380> help<00:13:12.530> unhealthy between not fixing and help unhealthy between not fixing and help unhealthy environmentally<00:13:13.850> challenged<00:13:14.300> community environmentally challenged community environmentally challenged community versus<00:13:15.230> incorporating<00:13:15.890> structural versus incorporating structural versus incorporating structural sustainable<00:13:17.870> changes<00:13:18.290> my<00:13:18.650> agency<00:13:19.070> is<00:13:19.160> working sustainable changes my agency is working sustainable changes my agency is working closely<00:13:19.640> with<00:13:19.940> Columbia<00:13:20.450> University<00:13:20.480> and closely with Columbia University and closely with Columbia University and others<00:13:21.680> to<00:13:21.830> shine<00:13:22.040> a<00:13:22.070> light<00:13:22.160> on<00:13:22.430> these<00:13:22.520> issues others to shine a light on these issues others to shine a light on these issues now<00:13:23.450> let's<00:13:23.930> get<00:13:24.170> this<00:13:24.290> straight<00:13:24.710> I<00:13:24.740> am<00:13:25.070> NOT<00:13:25.340> any now let's get this straight I am NOT any now let's get this straight I am NOT any development<00:13:26.420> hours<00:13:26.690> as<00:13:26.810> a<00:13:26.840> city<00:13:27.200> not<00:13:27.590> a development hours as a city not a development hours as a city not a wilderness<00:13:28.220> preserve<00:13:28.430> and<00:13:28.820> having<00:13:29.480> and<00:13:29.810> I've wilderness preserve and having and I've wilderness preserve and having and I've embraced<00:13:30.290> my<00:13:30.620> inner<00:13:30.890> capitalist<00:13:31.550> and<00:13:31.790> but<00:13:32.300> I embraced my inner capitalist and but I embraced my inner capitalist and but I don't<00:13:32.960> have<00:13:34.540> probably<00:13:35.540> all<00:13:35.690> have<00:13:35.900> anything don't have probably all have anything don't have probably all have anything you<00:13:36.440> haven't<00:13:36.590> you<00:13:36.860> need<00:13:36.980> to

good<00:13:40.949> so<00:13:41.759> I<00:13:41.790> don't<00:13:42.149> have<00:13:42.269> a<00:13:42.329> problem<00:13:42.839> with
good so I don't have a problem with good so I don't have a problem with developers<00:13:43.920> making<00:13:44.129> money<00:13:44.429> there's<00:13:45.300> enough developers making money there's enough developers making money there's enough precedent<00:13:46.170> out<00:13:46.259> there<00:13:46.470> to<00:13:46.589> show<00:13:46.769> that<00:13:46.800> a precedent out there to show that a precedent out there to show that a sustainable<00:13:47.670> community<00:13:47.970> friendly sustainable community friendly sustainable community friendly development<00:13:49.410> can<00:13:49.829> still<00:13:50.129> make<00:13:50.399> a<00:13:50.610> fortune development can still make a fortune development can still make a fortune former<00:13:52.769> fellow<00:13:53.309> tedster<00:13:53.519> bill<00:13:53.970> McDonough<00:13:54.149> and former fellow tedster bill McDonough and former fellow tedster bill McDonough and Amory<00:13:55.139> Lovins<00:13:55.290> both<00:13:55.619> heroes<00:13:56.009> of<00:13:56.129> mine<00:13:56.279> by<00:13:56.459> the Amory Lovins both heroes of mine by the Amory Lovins both heroes of mine by the way<00:13:56.699> you<00:13:57.629> don't<00:13:57.720> have<00:13:57.809> shown<00:13:58.050> that<00:13:58.199> you<00:13:58.290> can way you don't have shown that you can way you don't have shown that you can actually<00:13:58.559> do<00:13:58.829> that<00:13:59.009> I<00:13:59.369> do<00:13:59.670> have<00:14:00.059> a<00:14:00.089> problem actually do that I do have a problem actually do that I do have a problem with<00:14:00.629> developments<00:14:01.230> that<00:14:01.350> hyper<00:14:01.649> exploit with developments that hyper exploit with developments that hyper exploit politically<00:14:02.730> vulnerable<00:14:02.850> communities<00:14:03.600> for politically vulnerable communities for politically vulnerable communities for profit<00:14:04.170> that<00:14:04.350> it<00:14:04.679> continues<00:14:05.279> is<00:14:05.490> a<00:14:05.759> shame<00:14:06.149> upon profit that it continues is a shame upon profit that it continues is a shame upon us<00:14:06.720> all<00:14:06.990> because<00:14:07.649> we're<00:14:07.800> all<00:14:08.040> responsible<00:14:08.279> for us all because we're all responsible for us all because we're all responsible for the<00:14:08.999> future<00:14:09.149> that<00:14:09.449> we<00:14:09.540> create<00:14:09.899> but<00:14:10.559> one<00:14:10.679> of<00:14:10.709> the the future that we create but one of the the future that we create but one of the things<00:14:10.980> I<00:14:11.100> do<00:14:11.160> to<00:14:11.309> remind<00:14:11.579> myself<00:14:11.819> of<00:14:12.149> greater things I do to remind myself of greater things I do to remind myself of greater possibilities<00:14:13.230> is<00:14:13.379> to<00:14:13.769> learn<00:14:13.949> from possibilities is to learn from possibilities is to learn from visionaries<00:14:14.699> in<00:14:14.850> other<00:14:15.029> cities<00:14:15.329> this<00:14:15.929> is<00:14:15.959> my visionaries in other cities this is my visionaries in other cities this is my version<00:14:16.589> of<00:14:16.829> globalization version of globalization version of globalization let's<00:14:18.029> take<00:14:18.240> Bogota<00:14:18.689> poor<00:14:19.470> Latino<00:14:19.980> surrounded let's take Bogota poor Latino surrounded let's take Bogota poor Latino surrounded by<00:14:20.850> runaway<00:14:21.389> gun<00:14:21.629> violence<00:14:22.050> and<00:14:22.170> drug by runaway gun violence and drug by runaway gun violence and drug trafficking<00:14:22.949> a<00:14:23.100> reputation<00:14:23.939> not<00:14:24.089> unlike<00:14:24.389> that trafficking a reputation not unlike that trafficking a reputation not unlike that of<00:14:24.600> the<00:14:24.779> South<00:14:24.959> Bronx of the South Bronx of the South Bronx however<00:14:26.459> this<00:14:26.699> city<00:14:26.939> was<00:14:27.149> blessed<00:14:27.449> in<00:14:27.720> the however this city was blessed in the however this city was blessed in the late<00:14:28.199> in<00:14:28.499> the<00:14:28.619> late<00:14:28.769> 1990s<00:14:29.459> with<00:14:29.519> a<00:14:29.579> highly late in the late 1990s with a highly late in the late 1990s with a highly influential<00:14:30.329> mayor<00:14:30.869> named<00:14:31.410> Enrique<00:14:31.949> Benny influential mayor named Enrique Benny influential mayor named Enrique Benny Lusa<00:14:32.999> he<00:14:33.809> looked<00:14:34.019> at<00:14:34.139> the<00:14:34.199> demographics<00:14:34.889> few Lusa he looked at the demographics few Lusa he looked at the demographics few Bogota<00:14:35.910> knows<00:14:36.119> owned<00:14:36.300> cars<00:14:36.629> yet<00:14:37.139> a<00:14:37.170> huge Bogota knows owned cars yet a huge Bogota knows owned cars yet a huge portion<00:14:38.249> of<00:14:38.399> the<00:14:38.519> city's<00:14:38.790> resources<00:14:38.999> was portion of the city's resources was portion of the city's resources was dedicated<00:14:40.050> to<00:14:40.079> serving<00:14:40.199> them<00:14:40.709> if<00:14:40.860> you're<00:14:41.399> a dedicated to serving them if you're a dedicated to serving them if you're a mayor<00:14:41.699> you<00:14:42.029> can<00:14:42.179> do<00:14:42.300> something<00:14:42.629> about<00:14:42.689> that mayor you can do something about that mayor you can do something about that his<00:14:43.559> administration<00:14:43.879> narrowed<00:14:44.879> key his administration narrowed key his administration narrowed key municipal<00:14:45.629> thoroughfares<00:14:46.199> from<00:14:46.410> five<00:14:46.649> lanes municipal thoroughfares from five lanes municipal thoroughfares from five lanes to<00:14:47.160> three<00:14:47.189> outlaw<00:14:48.119> parking<00:14:48.689> on<00:14:48.809> those<00:14:49.019> streets to three outlaw parking on those streets to three outlaw parking on those streets expanded<00:14:50.490> pedestrian<00:14:51.059> walkways<00:14:51.540> and<00:14:51.869> bike expanded pedestrian walkways and bike expanded pedestrian walkways and bike lanes<00:14:52.379> created<00:14:53.100> public<00:14:53.220> plazas<00:14:54.110> created<00:14:55.110> one lanes created public plazas created one lanes created public plazas created one of<00:14:55.259> the<00:14:55.410> most<00:14:55.649> efficient<00:14:56.189> bus<00:14:56.369> mass<00:14:56.639> transit of the most efficient bus mass transit of the most efficient bus mass transit systems<00:14:57.629> in<00:14:57.809> the<00:14:58.019> entire<00:14:58.439> world<00:14:58.799> for<00:14:59.339> his systems in the entire world for his systems in the entire world for his brilliant<00:15:00.149> efforts<00:15:00.720> he<00:15:01.350> was<00:15:01.379> nearly brilliant efforts he was nearly brilliant efforts he was nearly impeached<00:15:02.749> but<00:15:03.749> as<00:15:04.290> people<00:15:05.040> began<00:15:05.910> to<00:15:05.970> see impeached but as people began to see impeached but as people began to see that<00:15:06.389> they<00:15:06.480> were<00:15:06.509> being<00:15:06.749> put<00:15:06.959> first<00:15:07.170> on<00:15:07.379> issues that they were being put first on issues that they were being put first on issues reflecting<00:15:08.399> their<00:15:08.519> day-to-day<00:15:08.699> lives reflecting their day-to-day lives reflecting their day-to-day lives incredible<00:15:10.019> things<00:15:10.230> happened<00:15:10.679> people incredible things happened people incredible things happened people stopped<00:15:11.490> the<00:15:11.670> littering<00:15:12.059> crime<00:15:12.569> rates stopped the littering crime rates stopped the littering crime rates dropped<00:15:13.379> because<00:15:14.040> the<00:15:14.220> streets<00:15:14.519> were<00:15:14.639> alive dropped because the streets were alive dropped because the streets were alive with<00:15:15.329> people<00:15:15.569> his<00:15:16.410> administration's<00:15:17.129> attacks with people his administration's attacks with people his administration's attacks several<00:15:17.850> typical<00:15:18.449> urban<00:15:18.569> problems<00:15:19.110> at<00:15:19.259> one several typical urban problems at one several typical urban problems at one time<00:15:19.829> and<00:15:20.100> on<00:15:20.339> a<00:15:20.399> third-world<00:15:21.059> budget<00:15:21.509> at<00:15:21.660> that time and on a third-world budget at that time and on a third-world budget at that we<00:15:22.439> have<00:15:22.649> no<00:15:22.889> excuse<00:15:23.399> in<00:15:23.549> this<00:15:23.639> country<00:15:24.059> I'm we have no excuse in this country I'm we have no excuse in this country I'm sorry<00:15:24.509> but<00:15:25.170> the<00:15:25.439> bottom<00:15:26.069> line<00:15:26.100> is<00:15:26.189> they're sorry but the bottom line is they're sorry but the bottom line is they're people<00:15:26.790> first<00:15:26.999> agenda<00:15:27.329> was<00:15:27.959> not<00:15:28.170> meant<00:15:28.410> to people first agenda was not meant to people first agenda was not meant to penalize<00:15:29.160> those<00:15:29.519> who<00:15:29.879> could<00:15:30.149> who<00:15:30.389> could penalize those who could who could penalize those who could who could actually<00:15:30.689> afford<00:15:31.049> cars<00:15:31.379> but<00:15:31.920> rather<00:15:32.129> to actually afford cars but rather to actually afford cars but rather to provide<00:15:32.549> opportunities<00:15:33.449> for<00:15:33.480> all<00:15:33.839> Bogota provide opportunities for all Bogota provide opportunities for all Bogota knows<00:15:34.889> to<00:15:35.040> participate<00:15:35.639> in<00:15:35.790> the<00:15:35.910> city's knows to participate in the city's knows to participate in the city's resurgence<00:15:36.869> that<00:15:37.439> development<00:15:38.100> should<00:15:38.279> not resurgence that development should not resurgence that development should not come<00:15:39.029> at<00:15:39.360> the<00:15:39.629> expense<00:15:39.809> of<00:15:40.290> the<00:15:40.379> majority<00:15:40.769> of come at the expense of the majority of come at the expense of the majority of the<00:15:41.069> population<00:15:41.279> is<00:15:41.970> still<00:15:42.420> considered<00:15:42.869> a the population is still considered a the population is still considered a radical<00:15:43.139> idea<00:15:43.589> here<00:15:44.100> in<00:15:44.189> the<00:15:44.249> US<00:15:44.549> but<00:15:44.999> Bogota radical idea here in the US but Bogota radical idea here in the US but Bogota is<00:15:45.509> example<00:15:45.839> has<00:15:46.079> the<00:15:46.230> power<00:15:46.410> to<00:15:46.499> change<00:15:46.799> that is example has the power to change that is example has the power to change that you<00:15:47.939> however<00:15:48.389> are<00:15:48.809> blessed<00:15:49.439> with<00:15:49.679> a<00:15:49.740> gift<00:15:49.949> of you however are blessed with a gift of you however are blessed with a gift of influence<00:15:50.669> that's<00:15:51.329> why<00:15:51.569> you're<00:15:51.749> here<00:15:52.139> and<00:15:52.259> why influence that's why you're here and why influence that's why you're here and why value<00:15:53.130> the<00:15:53.280> information<00:15:53.400> we<00:15:54.270> exchange<00:15:54.750> use value the information we exchange use value the information we exchange use your<00:15:55.440> influence<00:15:55.830> in<00:15:56.220> support<00:15:56.880> of your influence in support of your influence in support of comprehensive<00:15:57.540> sustainable<00:15:58.350> change comprehensive sustainable change comprehensive sustainable change everywhere<00:15:59.190> don't<00:16:00.150> just<00:16:00.420> talk<00:16:00.600> about<00:16:00.840> it<00:16:00.960> at everywhere don't just talk about it at everywhere don't just talk about it at Ted<00:16:01.490> this<00:16:02.490> is<00:16:02.790> an<00:16:03.030> a<00:16:03.150> this<00:16:03.180> is<00:16:03.660> a<00:16:03.690> nationwide Ted this is an a this is a nationwide Ted this is an a this is a nationwide policy<00:16:04.740> agenda<00:16:05.400> I'm<00:16:05.520> trying<00:16:05.850> to<00:16:05.970> build<00:16:06.180> and<00:16:06.390> as policy agenda I'm trying to build and as policy agenda I'm trying to build and as you<00:16:06.810> all<00:16:06.960> know<00:16:07.170> politics<00:16:08.040> are<00:16:08.280> personal<00:16:08.940> help you all know politics are personal help you all know politics are personal help me<00:16:09.960> make<00:16:10.200> green<00:16:10.500> the<00:16:10.680> new<00:16:10.800> black me make green the new black me make green the new black help<00:16:12.150> me<00:16:12.300> make<00:16:12.510> sustainability<00:16:13.170> sexy<00:16:13.890> make<00:16:14.460> it help me make sustainability sexy make it help me make sustainability sexy make it a<00:16:14.700> part<00:16:15.000> of<00:16:15.120> your<00:16:15.390> dinner<00:16:15.660> and<00:16:15.780> cocktail a part of your dinner and cocktail a part of your dinner and cocktail conversations<00:16:17.220> help<00:16:17.700> me<00:16:17.850> fight<00:16:18.060> for conversations help me fight for conversations help me fight for environmental<00:16:19.290> and<00:16:19.410> economic<00:16:19.980> justice environmental and economic justice environmental and economic justice support<00:16:21.120> investments<00:16:21.630> with<00:16:21.720> a<00:16:21.750> triple<00:16:22.140> bottom support investments with a triple bottom support investments with a triple bottom line<00:16:22.440> return<00:16:23.010> help<00:16:23.520> me<00:16:23.670> democratize line return help me democratize line return help me democratize sustainability<00:16:25.590> by<00:16:25.770> bringing<00:16:26.040> everyone<00:16:26.820> to sustainability by bringing everyone to sustainability by bringing everyone to the<00:16:27.360> table<00:16:27.750> and<00:16:27.900> insisting<00:16:28.440> the the table and insisting the the table and insisting the comprehensive<00:16:29.190> planning<00:16:29.610> can<00:16:30.000> be<00:16:30.030> addressed comprehensive planning can be addressed comprehensive planning can be addressed everywhere<00:16:30.840> I'm<00:16:31.260> glad<00:16:31.830> I<00:16:31.860> have<00:16:31.950> a<00:16:31.980> little<00:16:32.130> more everywhere I'm glad I have a little more everywhere I'm glad I have a little more time<00:16:32.400> listen<00:16:33.300> when<00:16:33.570> I<00:16:33.630> spoke<00:16:34.320> to<00:16:34.470> mr.<00:16:34.650> Gore<00:16:34.920> the time listen when I spoke to mr. Gore the time listen when I spoke to mr. Gore the other<00:16:35.430> day<00:16:35.640> after<00:16:36.000> breakfast<00:16:36.450> um<00:16:36.660> I<00:16:37.020> asked<00:16:37.770> him other day after breakfast um I asked him other day after breakfast um I asked him how<00:16:38.100> environmental<00:16:38.850> justice<00:16:39.030> activists<00:16:39.780> were how environmental justice activists were how environmental justice activists were going<00:16:40.290> to<00:16:40.380> be<00:16:40.470> included<00:16:40.980> in<00:16:41.450> his<00:16:42.450> new going to be included in his new going to be included in his new marketing<00:16:43.230> strategy<00:16:43.740> his<00:16:44.400> response<00:16:44.850> was<00:16:45.540> a marketing strategy his response was a marketing strategy his response was a grant<00:16:45.870> program<00:16:46.080> I<00:16:47.270> don't<00:16:48.270> think<00:16:48.570> he grant program I don't think he grant program I don't think he understood<00:16:49.110> that<00:16:49.170> I<00:16:49.410> wasn't<00:16:49.710> asking<00:16:50.370> for understood that I wasn't asking for understood that I wasn't asking for funding<00:16:51.390> I<00:16:53.450> was<00:16:54.450> making<00:16:54.810> him<00:16:55.110> an<00:16:55.350> offer

what<00:17:05.450> troubled<00:17:05.870> me<00:17:05.930> was<00:17:06.650> that<00:17:06.920> this<00:17:07.700> top-down
what troubled me was that this top-down what troubled me was that this top-down approach<00:17:08.660> is<00:17:08.870> still<00:17:08.959> around<00:17:09.790> but<00:17:10.790> don't<00:17:10.970> get approach is still around but don't get approach is still around but don't get me<00:17:11.180> wrong<00:17:11.209> we<00:17:11.510> need<00:17:11.630> money<00:17:13.060> but<00:17:14.060> grassroots me wrong we need money but grassroots me wrong we need money but grassroots groups<00:17:15.200> are<00:17:15.620> needed<00:17:16.370> at<00:17:16.550> the<00:17:17.120> table<00:17:17.630> during groups are needed at the table during groups are needed at the table during the<00:17:19.130> decision-making<00:17:19.730> process<00:17:20.330> of<00:17:20.630> the<00:17:21.700> 90% the decision-making process of the 90% the decision-making process of the 90% of<00:17:22.760> the<00:17:22.880> energy<00:17:23.240> that<00:17:23.270> mr.<00:17:23.690> Gore<00:17:23.930> who<00:17:24.380> reminded of the energy that mr. Gore who reminded of the energy that mr. Gore who reminded us<00:17:24.950> that<00:17:25.010> we<00:17:25.160> waste<00:17:25.550> every<00:17:25.970> day us that we waste every day us that we waste every day don't<00:17:26.690> add<00:17:26.930> wasting<00:17:27.500> our<00:17:27.709> energy don't add wasting our energy don't add wasting our energy intelligence<00:17:29.540> and<00:17:29.710> hard-earned<00:17:30.710> experience intelligence and hard-earned experience intelligence and hard-earned experience to<00:17:32.660> that<00:17:32.810> count<00:17:33.140> I<00:17:38.260> have<00:17:39.260> come<00:17:39.970> from<00:17:40.970> so<00:17:41.210> far<00:17:43.240> to to that count I have come from so far to to that count I have come from so far to meet<00:17:44.420> you<00:17:44.570> like<00:17:44.780> this<00:17:46.120> please<00:17:47.120> don't<00:17:47.870> waste<00:17:48.350> me meet you like this please don't waste me meet you like this please don't waste me by<00:17:51.110> working<00:17:51.320> together<00:17:51.560> we<00:17:52.130> can<00:17:52.430> become<00:17:52.820> one<00:17:53.060> of by working together we can become one of by working together we can become one of those<00:17:53.270> small<00:17:54.190> rapidly<00:17:55.190> growing<00:17:55.430> groups<00:17:55.880> of those small rapidly growing groups of those small rapidly growing groups of individuals<00:17:56.960> who<00:17:57.290> actually<00:17:57.620> have<00:17:57.980> the individuals who actually have the individuals who actually have the audacity<00:17:58.430> and<00:17:58.760> courage<00:17:58.910> to<00:17:59.390> believe<00:17:59.690> that<00:17:59.870> we audacity and courage to believe that we audacity and courage to believe that we actually<00:18:00.170> can<00:18:00.590> change<00:18:01.100> the<00:18:01.280> world<00:18:01.750> we<00:18:02.750> might actually can change the world we might actually can change the world we might have<00:18:03.110> come<00:18:03.320> to<00:18:03.410> this<00:18:03.500> conference<00:18:03.770> from<00:18:04.100> very have come to this conference from very have come to this conference from very very<00:18:05.090> different<00:18:05.540> stages<00:18:05.720> in<00:18:06.050> life<00:18:06.100> but very different stages in life but very different stages in life but believe<00:18:07.430> me<00:18:07.930> we<00:18:08.930> all<00:18:08.990> share<00:18:09.410> one<00:18:09.710> incredibly believe me we all share one incredibly believe me we all share one incredibly powerful<00:18:11.060> thing<00:18:13.150> we<00:18:14.150> have<00:18:14.330> nothing<00:18:14.660> to<00:18:14.930> lose powerful thing we have nothing to lose powerful thing we have nothing to lose and<00:18:15.710> everything<00:18:16.160> to<00:18:16.610> gain<00:18:18.310> job<00:18:19.310> bellows

Majora Carter, ghetto, green, activist, MacArthur, environmental, justice, urban, policy, TED, TED-Ed, Ed, TEDEducation

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