Lặn biển sâu … trên xe lăn-Sue Austin

Deep sea diving ... in a wheelchair - Sue Austin

Deep sea diving ... in a wheelchair - Sue Austin




[Music] [Music] it's<00:00:16.560> wonderful<00:00:17.080> to<00:00:17.279> be<00:00:17.640> here<00:00:18.439> to<00:00:18.680> talk<00:00:18.960> about it's wonderful to be here to talk about it's wonderful to be here to talk about my<00:00:19.480> journey<00:00:20.240> to<00:00:20.480> talk<00:00:20.760> about<00:00:21.039> the<00:00:21.199> wheelchair my journey to talk about the wheelchair my journey to talk about the wheelchair and<00:00:22.080> the<00:00:22.279> freedom<00:00:22.800> it<00:00:23.000> has<00:00:23.160> brought<00:00:23.480> me<00:00:24.439> I and the freedom it has brought me I and the freedom it has brought me I started<00:00:25.039> using<00:00:25.359> a<00:00:25.519> wheelchair<00:00:26.279> 16<00:00:26.800> years<00:00:27.080> ago started using a wheelchair 16 years ago started using a wheelchair 16 years ago when<00:00:27.960> an<00:00:28.240> extended<00:00:28.960> illness<00:00:30.000> changed<00:00:30.439> the<00:00:30.560> way when an extended illness changed the way when an extended illness changed the way I<00:00:31.039> could<00:00:31.359> access<00:00:31.800> the<00:00:32.120> world<00:00:33.120> when<00:00:33.280> I<00:00:33.440> started I could access the world when I started I could access the world when I started using<00:00:34.280> the<00:00:34.440> wheelchair<00:00:35.440> it<00:00:35.559> was<00:00:35.680> a<00:00:35.920> tremendous using the wheelchair it was a tremendous using the wheelchair it was a tremendous New<00:00:37.000> Freedom<00:00:38.000> I'd<00:00:38.200> seen<00:00:38.480> my<00:00:38.680> life<00:00:38.920> slip<00:00:39.239> away New Freedom I'd seen my life slip away New Freedom I'd seen my life slip away and<00:00:39.680> become<00:00:40.079> restricted<00:00:41.000> it<00:00:41.120> was<00:00:41.320> like<00:00:41.600> having and become restricted it was like having and become restricted it was like having an<00:00:42.039> enormous<00:00:42.559> new<00:00:42.960> toy<00:00:43.960> I<00:00:44.079> could<00:00:44.280> whiz<00:00:44.640> around an enormous new toy I could whiz around an enormous new toy I could whiz around and<00:00:45.280> feel<00:00:45.559> the<00:00:45.680> wind<00:00:46.000> in<00:00:46.199> my<00:00:46.440> face<00:00:46.840> again<00:00:47.640> just and feel the wind in my face again just and feel the wind in my face again just being<00:00:48.160> out<00:00:48.399> on<00:00:48.600> the<00:00:48.800> street<00:00:49.320> was being out on the street was being out on the street was exhilarating<00:00:51.239> but<00:00:51.520> even<00:00:51.840> though<00:00:52.120> I<00:00:52.320> had<00:00:52.559> this exhilarating but even though I had this exhilarating but even though I had this new<00:00:53.199> found<00:00:53.680> joy<00:00:53.960> in<00:00:54.640> Freedom<00:00:55.640> people's new found joy in Freedom people's new found joy in Freedom people's reaction<00:00:56.879> completely<00:00:57.440> changed<00:00:57.960> towards<00:00:58.399> me reaction completely changed towards me reaction completely changed towards me it<00:00:59.160> was<00:00:59.320> as<00:00:59.440> if<00:00:59.600> they<00:00:59.719> could<00:00:59.920> couldn't<00:01:00.199> see<00:01:00.399> me it was as if they could couldn't see me it was as if they could couldn't see me anymore<00:01:01.600> as<00:01:01.719> if<00:01:01.879> an<00:01:02.079> invisibility<00:01:02.960> cloak<00:01:03.399> had anymore as if an invisibility cloak had anymore as if an invisibility cloak had descended<00:01:05.519> they<00:01:05.680> seemed<00:01:06.000> to<00:01:06.159> see<00:01:06.479> me<00:01:07.200> in<00:01:07.360> terms descended they seemed to see me in terms descended they seemed to see me in terms of<00:01:07.920> their<00:01:08.159> assumptions<00:01:08.799> of<00:01:09.040> what<00:01:09.200> it<00:01:09.360> must<00:01:09.600> be of their assumptions of what it must be of their assumptions of what it must be like<00:01:10.479> to<00:01:10.640> be<00:01:10.799> in<00:01:10.880> a like to be in a like to be in a wheelchair<00:01:13.119> when<00:01:13.320> I<00:01:13.560> asked<00:01:14.080> people<00:01:14.840> their wheelchair when I asked people their wheelchair when I asked people their associations<00:01:16.400> with<00:01:16.600> the<00:01:16.960> wheelchair<00:01:17.960> they associations with the wheelchair they associations with the wheelchair they used<00:01:18.560> words<00:01:19.119> like<00:01:19.799> limitation<00:01:20.799> fear<00:01:21.759> pity<00:01:22.479> and used words like limitation fear pity and used words like limitation fear pity and restriction<00:01:24.439> I<00:01:24.680> realized<00:01:25.560> I'd restriction I realized I'd restriction I realized I'd internalized<00:01:27.720> these<00:01:28.079> responses<00:01:29.040> and<00:01:29.200> it<00:01:29.320> had internalized these responses and it had internalized these responses and it had changed<00:01:30.159> who<00:01:30.320> I<00:01:30.479> was<00:01:30.759> on<00:01:30.880> a<00:01:31.040> core changed who I was on a core changed who I was on a core level<00:01:32.960> a<00:01:33.200> part<00:01:33.439> of<00:01:33.680> me<00:01:34.079> had<00:01:34.320> become<00:01:34.799> alienated level a part of me had become alienated level a part of me had become alienated from<00:01:36.000> myself<00:01:37.000> I<00:01:37.119> was<00:01:37.320> seeing<00:01:37.759> myself<00:01:38.640> not<00:01:38.880> from from myself I was seeing myself not from from myself I was seeing myself not from my<00:01:39.680> perspective<00:01:40.680> but<00:01:41.079> vividly<00:01:42.079> and my perspective but vividly and my perspective but vividly and continuously<00:01:43.799> from<00:01:44.000> the<00:01:44.280> perspective<00:01:44.880> of continuously from the perspective of continuously from the perspective of other<00:01:45.360> people's<00:01:45.920> responses<00:01:46.600> to other people's responses to other people's responses to me<00:01:48.439> as<00:01:48.560> a<00:01:48.799> result<00:01:49.799> I<00:01:49.960> knew<00:01:50.520> I<00:01:50.640> needed<00:01:51.040> to<00:01:51.240> make me as a result I knew I needed to make me as a result I knew I needed to make my<00:01:51.799> own<00:01:52.240> stories<00:01:52.799> about<00:01:53.159> this<00:01:53.719> experience<00:01:54.719> new my own stories about this experience new my own stories about this experience new narratives<00:01:55.799> to<00:01:56.079> reclaim<00:01:56.719> my narratives to reclaim my narratives to reclaim my identity identity identity I<00:02:01.000> started<00:02:01.520> making<00:02:02.240> work<00:02:03.240> that<00:02:03.479> aimed<00:02:03.840> to I started making work that aimed to I started making work that aimed to communicate<00:02:04.960> something<00:02:05.799> of<00:02:06.000> the<00:02:06.200> joy<00:02:06.479> and communicate something of the joy and communicate something of the joy and freedom<00:02:07.560> I<00:02:07.799> felt<00:02:08.599> when<00:02:08.879> using<00:02:09.800> a<00:02:10.000> wheelchair<00:02:10.840> a freedom I felt when using a wheelchair a freedom I felt when using a wheelchair a power<00:02:11.480> chair<00:02:12.000> a<00:02:12.160> power<00:02:12.480> chair<00:02:13.200> to<00:02:13.440> negotiate power chair a power chair to negotiate power chair a power chair to negotiate the<00:02:14.599> world<00:02:15.599> I<00:02:15.800> was<00:02:16.160> working<00:02:17.280> to<00:02:18.519> transform the world I was working to transform the world I was working to transform these<00:02:19.800> internalized<00:02:21.040> responses<00:02:22.040> to these internalized responses to these internalized responses to transform<00:02:23.280> the<00:02:23.560> preconceptions<00:02:24.560> that<00:02:24.720> had<00:02:24.920> so transform the preconceptions that had so transform the preconceptions that had so shaped<00:02:25.840> my<00:02:26.040> identity<00:02:26.640> when<00:02:26.800> I<00:02:27.000> started<00:02:27.480> using shaped my identity when I started using shaped my identity when I started using a<00:02:28.120> wheelchair<00:02:29.120> by<00:02:30.080> creating<00:02:31.080> unexpected a wheelchair by creating unexpected a wheelchair by creating unexpected images<00:02:33.519> the<00:02:33.640> whe<00:02:34.120> chair<00:02:35.000> became<00:02:35.599> an<00:02:35.920> object<00:02:36.599> to images the whe chair became an object to images the whe chair became an object to paint<00:02:37.239> and<00:02:37.480> play<00:02:37.959> with<00:02:38.959> when<00:02:39.200> I<00:02:39.400> literally paint and play with when I literally paint and play with when I literally started<00:02:40.599> leaving<00:02:41.400> traces<00:02:42.400> of<00:02:42.599> my<00:02:42.840> joy<00:02:43.120> in started leaving traces of my joy in started leaving traces of my joy in Freedom<00:02:44.599> it<00:02:44.680> was<00:02:45.000> exciting<00:02:45.840> to<00:02:46.040> see<00:02:46.599> the Freedom it was exciting to see the Freedom it was exciting to see the interested<00:02:48.040> and<00:02:48.239> surprised<00:02:49.000> responses<00:02:49.680> from interested and surprised responses from interested and surprised responses from people<00:02:51.360> it<00:02:51.519> seemed<00:02:51.879> to<00:02:52.400> open<00:02:52.720> up<00:02:52.959> New people it seemed to open up New people it seemed to open up New Perspectives<00:02:54.319> and<00:02:54.599> therein<00:02:55.040> lay<00:02:55.360> the Perspectives and therein lay the Perspectives and therein lay the paradigm<00:02:56.159> shift<00:02:56.840> it<00:02:57.000> showed<00:02:57.440> that<00:02:57.599> an<00:02:57.760> arts paradigm shift it showed that an arts paradigm shift it showed that an arts practice<00:02:59.000> can<00:02:59.239> remake<00:02:59.920> one's<00:03:00.400> identity<00:03:01.400> and practice can remake one's identity and practice can remake one's identity and transform<00:03:02.720> preconceptions<00:03:03.720> by<00:03:03.959> revisioning transform preconceptions by revisioning transform preconceptions by revisioning The The The Familiar<00:03:06.480> so<00:03:07.120> when<00:03:07.280> I<00:03:07.440> began<00:03:07.799> to<00:03:08.040> dive<00:03:08.480> in<00:03:09.040> 2005 Familiar so when I began to dive in 2005 Familiar so when I began to dive in 2005 I<00:03:10.120> realized<00:03:10.640> scuba<00:03:11.159> gear<00:03:11.640> extends<00:03:12.080> your<00:03:12.239> range I realized scuba gear extends your range I realized scuba gear extends your range of<00:03:12.760> activity<00:03:13.640> in<00:03:13.879> just<00:03:14.080> the<00:03:14.239> same<00:03:14.440> way<00:03:14.599> as<00:03:14.720> a of activity in just the same way as a of activity in just the same way as a wheelchair<00:03:15.440> does<00:03:16.159> but<00:03:16.319> the<00:03:16.519> associations wheelchair does but the associations wheelchair does but the associations attached<00:03:17.760> to<00:03:17.920> scuba<00:03:18.480> gear<00:03:18.920> are<00:03:19.120> ones<00:03:19.360> of attached to scuba gear are ones of attached to scuba gear are ones of excitement<00:03:20.239> and<00:03:20.680> Adventure<00:03:21.680> completely excitement and Adventure completely excitement and Adventure completely different<00:03:22.640> to<00:03:22.840> people's<00:03:23.319> responses<00:03:23.879> to<00:03:24.000> the different to people's responses to the different to people's responses to the wheelchair<00:03:25.239> so<00:03:25.519> I<00:03:25.760> thought<00:03:26.760> I<00:03:26.879> wonder<00:03:27.280> what'll wheelchair so I thought I wonder what'll wheelchair so I thought I wonder what'll happen<00:03:28.439> if<00:03:28.599> I<00:03:28.799> put<00:03:29.000> the<00:03:29.159> two

together<00:03:33.000> and<00:03:33.159> the<00:03:33.319> underwater<00:03:34.280> wheelchair
together and the underwater wheelchair together and the underwater wheelchair that<00:03:35.480> has<00:03:36.040> resulted<00:03:37.040> has<00:03:37.200> taken<00:03:37.560> me<00:03:37.760> on<00:03:37.920> the that has resulted has taken me on the that has resulted has taken me on the most<00:03:38.599> amazing<00:03:39.200> journey<00:03:39.680> over<00:03:39.920> the<00:03:40.120> last<00:03:40.400> seven most amazing journey over the last seven most amazing journey over the last seven years<00:03:42.000> so<00:03:42.239> to<00:03:42.480> give<00:03:42.640> you<00:03:42.840> an<00:03:43.080> idea<00:03:43.959> of<00:03:44.200> what years so to give you an idea of what years so to give you an idea of what that's<00:03:44.760> like<00:03:45.400> I'd<00:03:45.640> like<00:03:45.879> to<00:03:46.080> share<00:03:46.519> with<00:03:46.720> you that's like I'd like to share with you that's like I'd like to share with you one<00:03:47.159> of<00:03:47.360> the<00:03:47.560> outcomes<00:03:48.319> from<00:03:48.599> creating<00:03:49.120> the one of the outcomes from creating the one of the outcomes from creating the spectacle<00:03:50.519> and<00:03:50.760> show<00:03:51.040> you<00:03:51.400> what<00:03:51.560> an<00:03:51.799> amazing spectacle and show you what an amazing spectacle and show you what an amazing journey<00:03:52.799> it's<00:03:53.040> taken<00:03:53.400> me journey it's taken me journey it's taken me [Music]

on on [Music] [Music] [Music] for for for [Music]

all all [Music]

[Music] [Music] oh oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music]

wo wo it<00:07:30.759> is<00:07:31.039> the<00:07:31.360> most<00:07:32.120> amazing<00:07:32.919> experience<00:07:33.840> Beyond it is the most amazing experience Beyond it is the most amazing experience Beyond most<00:07:34.879> other<00:07:35.199> things<00:07:35.560> I've<00:07:35.879> experienced<00:07:36.560> in most other things I've experienced in most other things I've experienced in life<00:07:37.440> I<00:07:37.680> literally<00:07:38.360> have<00:07:39.039> the<00:07:39.280> freedom<00:07:39.840> to life I literally have the freedom to life I literally have the freedom to move<00:07:40.360> in<00:07:40.639> 360<00:07:41.479> degrees<00:07:41.840> of<00:07:42.199> space<00:07:43.000> and<00:07:43.160> an move in 360 degrees of space and an move in 360 degrees of space and an ecstatic<00:07:44.319> experience<00:07:44.960> of<00:07:45.120> joy<00:07:45.400> in<00:07:45.879> Freedom ecstatic experience of joy in Freedom ecstatic experience of joy in Freedom and<00:07:47.039> the<00:07:47.280> incredibly<00:07:48.240> unexpected<00:07:49.159> thing<00:07:49.720> is and the incredibly unexpected thing is and the incredibly unexpected thing is that<00:07:50.199> other<00:07:50.599> people<00:07:51.240> seem<00:07:51.560> to<00:07:51.759> see<00:07:52.080> and<00:07:52.280> feel that other people seem to see and feel that other people seem to see and feel that<00:07:52.960> too<00:07:53.720> their<00:07:54.039> eyes<00:07:54.520> literally<00:07:55.000> light<00:07:55.479> up that too their eyes literally light up that too their eyes literally light up and<00:07:56.199> they<00:07:56.360> see<00:07:56.800> things<00:07:57.159> like<00:07:57.879> I<00:07:58.039> want<00:07:58.319> one<00:07:58.479> of and they see things like I want one of and they see things like I want one of those<00:07:59.080> or<00:07:59.599> if<00:07:59.759> you<00:08:00.000> can<00:08:00.199> do<00:08:00.520> that<00:08:00.840> I<00:08:01.039> can<00:08:01.240> do those or if you can do that I can do those or if you can do that I can do anything<00:08:02.840> and<00:08:03.000> I'm<00:08:03.319> thinking<00:08:04.319> it's<00:08:04.639> because anything and I'm thinking it's because anything and I'm thinking it's because in<00:08:05.840> that<00:08:06.120> moment<00:08:07.039> of<00:08:07.319> them<00:08:07.520> seeing<00:08:08.039> an<00:08:08.280> object in that moment of them seeing an object in that moment of them seeing an object they<00:08:09.039> have<00:08:09.280> no<00:08:09.560> frame<00:08:09.919> of<00:08:10.120> reference<00:08:10.520> for<00:08:10.759> or they have no frame of reference for or they have no frame of reference for or so<00:08:11.800> transcends<00:08:12.800> the<00:08:12.919> frames<00:08:13.280> of<00:08:13.520> reference so transcends the frames of reference so transcends the frames of reference they<00:08:14.120> have<00:08:14.319> with<00:08:14.440> the<00:08:14.599> wheelchair<00:08:15.560> they<00:08:15.759> have they have with the wheelchair they have they have with the wheelchair they have to<00:08:16.120> think<00:08:16.400> in<00:08:16.520> a<00:08:16.720> completely<00:08:17.280> new<00:08:17.800> way<00:08:18.800> and<00:08:19.000> I to think in a completely new way and I to think in a completely new way and I think<00:08:19.879> that<00:08:20.159> moment<00:08:20.759> of<00:08:21.039> completely<00:08:21.639> new think that moment of completely new think that moment of completely new thought<00:08:22.960> perhaps<00:08:23.560> creates<00:08:23.919> a<00:08:24.400> freedom<00:08:25.400> that thought perhaps creates a freedom that thought perhaps creates a freedom that spreads<00:08:26.199> to<00:08:26.400> the<00:08:26.639> rest<00:08:26.840> of<00:08:27.039> other<00:08:27.360> people's spreads to the rest of other people's spreads to the rest of other people's lives<00:08:29.280> for<00:08:29.520> me<00:08:30.520> this<00:08:30.800> means<00:08:31.520> that<00:08:31.720> they're lives for me this means that they're lives for me this means that they're seeing<00:08:32.599> the<00:08:32.880> value<00:08:33.240> of<00:08:34.039> difference<00:08:35.039> the<00:08:35.279> joy seeing the value of difference the joy seeing the value of difference the joy it<00:08:36.039> brings<00:08:37.039> when<00:08:37.320> instead<00:08:37.719> of<00:08:38.080> focusing<00:08:38.560> on it brings when instead of focusing on it brings when instead of focusing on loss<00:08:39.120> or<00:08:39.839> limitation<00:08:40.839> we<00:08:41.080> see<00:08:41.959> and<00:08:42.519> discover loss or limitation we see and discover loss or limitation we see and discover the<00:08:43.599> power<00:08:44.039> and<00:08:44.440> joy<00:08:45.440> of<00:08:45.640> seeing<00:08:46.160> the<00:08:46.320> world the power and joy of seeing the world the power and joy of seeing the world from<00:08:47.200> exciting<00:08:47.800> New<00:08:48.360> Perspectives<00:08:49.360> for<00:08:49.560> me from exciting New Perspectives for me from exciting New Perspectives for me the<00:08:50.040> wheelchair<00:08:50.760> becomes<00:08:51.120> a<00:08:51.320> vehicle<00:08:51.680> for the wheelchair becomes a vehicle for the wheelchair becomes a vehicle for transformation<00:08:53.720> in<00:08:53.959> fact<00:08:54.360> I<00:08:54.519> now<00:08:54.839> call<00:08:55.240> the transformation in fact I now call the transformation in fact I now call the underwater<00:08:56.040> wheelchair<00:08:56.760> portal<00:08:57.279> because underwater wheelchair portal because underwater wheelchair portal because it's<00:08:57.839> literally<00:08:58.360> pushed<00:08:58.680> me<00:08:58.880> through<00:08:59.640> into<00:08:59.920> a it's literally pushed me through into a it's literally pushed me through into a new<00:09:00.320> way<00:09:00.519> of<00:09:00.720> being<00:09:01.399> into<00:09:01.720> New<00:09:02.079> Dimensions<00:09:02.720> and new way of being into New Dimensions and new way of being into New Dimensions and into<00:09:03.160> a<00:09:03.320> new<00:09:03.560> level<00:09:03.800> of<00:09:04.279> Consciousness<00:09:05.279> and into a new level of Consciousness and into a new level of Consciousness and the<00:09:05.680> other<00:09:06.040> thing<00:09:06.360> is<00:09:07.000> that<00:09:07.279> because<00:09:07.640> nobody's the other thing is that because nobody's the other thing is that because nobody's seen<00:09:08.760> or<00:09:08.959> heard<00:09:09.279> of<00:09:09.399> an<00:09:09.560> underwater seen or heard of an underwater seen or heard of an underwater wheelchair<00:09:10.920> before<00:09:11.600> and<00:09:11.839> creating<00:09:12.320> the wheelchair before and creating the wheelchair before and creating the spectacle<00:09:13.440> is<00:09:13.640> about<00:09:14.079> creating<00:09:14.640> new<00:09:14.880> ways<00:09:15.240> of spectacle is about creating new ways of spectacle is about creating new ways of seeing<00:09:15.839> being<00:09:16.200> and<00:09:16.440> knowing<00:09:17.440> now<00:09:17.839> you<00:09:18.240> have seeing being and knowing now you have seeing being and knowing now you have this<00:09:18.800> concept<00:09:19.279> in<00:09:19.480> your<00:09:19.680> mind<00:09:20.640> you're<00:09:21.320> all this concept in your mind you're all this concept in your mind you're all part<00:09:22.040> of<00:09:22.200> the<00:09:22.360> artwork



Sue Austin, sea, ocean, wheelchair, disability, ability, TED, TEDx, TEDxWomen, TEDWomen, TED-Ed, TED Ed, TEDEducation

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