Lịch sử thế giới của Chúng ta trong 18 phút – David Christian

The history of our world in 18 minutes - David Christian

The history of our world in 18 minutes - David Christian


first<00:00:16.400> a<00:00:16.730> video<00:00:24.070> yes<00:00:25.210> it<00:00:26.210> is<00:00:26.390> a<00:00:26.420> scrambled<00:00:27.050> egg
first a video yes it is a scrambled egg first a video yes it is a scrambled egg but<00:00:29.570> as<00:00:29.720> you<00:00:29.870> look<00:00:30.140> at<00:00:30.320> it<00:00:30.470> I<00:00:30.740> hope<00:00:31.190> you'll but as you look at it I hope you'll but as you look at it I hope you'll begin<00:00:31.760> to<00:00:32.029> feel<00:00:32.300> just<00:00:33.020> slightly<00:00:33.800> uneasy begin to feel just slightly uneasy begin to feel just slightly uneasy because<00:00:37.010> you<00:00:37.670> may<00:00:37.820> notice<00:00:38.180> that<00:00:38.210> what's because you may notice that what's because you may notice that what's actually<00:00:38.949> happening<00:00:39.949> is<00:00:40.280> that<00:00:40.460> the<00:00:40.580> egg<00:00:40.699> is<00:00:40.730> on actually happening is that the egg is on actually happening is that the egg is on scrambling<00:00:41.480> itself<00:00:41.809> and<00:00:42.050> you<00:00:42.530> will<00:00:42.680> now<00:00:42.860> see scrambling itself and you will now see scrambling itself and you will now see the<00:00:43.129> yolk<00:00:43.489> and<00:00:43.760> the<00:00:43.879> white<00:00:43.909> have<00:00:44.239> separated the yolk and the white have separated the yolk and the white have separated and<00:00:45.050> now<00:00:45.589> they're<00:00:45.830> going<00:00:45.920> to<00:00:45.980> be<00:00:46.100> poured<00:00:46.400> back and now they're going to be poured back and now they're going to be poured back into<00:00:46.760> the<00:00:47.180> egg<00:00:47.540> and<00:00:47.989> we<00:00:48.620> all<00:00:48.830> know<00:00:49.100> in<00:00:49.309> our into the egg and we all know in our into the egg and we all know in our heart<00:00:49.699> of<00:00:49.820> hearts<00:00:49.879> that<00:00:50.479> this<00:00:50.750> is<00:00:50.989> not<00:00:51.379> the<00:00:51.680> way heart of hearts that this is not the way heart of hearts that this is not the way the<00:00:52.280> universe<00:00:52.309> works<00:00:53.120> a<00:00:54.309> scrambled<00:00:55.309> egg<00:00:55.370> is the universe works a scrambled egg is the universe works a scrambled egg is mush<00:00:55.729> tasty<00:00:56.510> mush<00:00:56.720> but<00:00:56.960> it's<00:00:57.140> mush<00:00:57.379> an<00:00:57.680> egg<00:00:58.280> is mush tasty mush but it's mush an egg is mush tasty mush but it's mush an egg is a<00:00:58.550> beautiful<00:00:59.089> sophisticated<00:00:59.809> thing<00:01:00.050> that<00:01:00.350> can a beautiful sophisticated thing that can a beautiful sophisticated thing that can create<00:01:00.800> even<00:01:01.010> more<00:01:01.129> sophisticated<00:01:01.519> things create even more sophisticated things create even more sophisticated things such<00:01:02.930> as<00:01:02.960> chickens<00:01:03.500> and<00:01:03.949> we<00:01:04.760> know<00:01:05.030> in<00:01:05.210> our such as chickens and we know in our such as chickens and we know in our heart<00:01:05.570> of<00:01:05.690> hearts<00:01:05.750> that<00:01:06.560> the<00:01:06.680> universe<00:01:06.950> does heart of hearts that the universe does heart of hearts that the universe does not<00:01:07.159> travel<00:01:07.640> from<00:01:08.270> mush<00:01:08.720> to<00:01:09.229> complexity<00:01:09.860> in not travel from mush to complexity in not travel from mush to complexity in fact<00:01:11.120> this<00:01:11.870> gut<00:01:12.320> instinct<00:01:12.920> is<00:01:12.979> reflected<00:01:13.490> in fact this gut instinct is reflected in fact this gut instinct is reflected in one<00:01:13.700> of<00:01:13.760> the<00:01:13.850> most<00:01:13.940> fundamental<00:01:14.600> laws<00:01:14.780> of one of the most fundamental laws of one of the most fundamental laws of physics<00:01:15.380> the<00:01:15.619> second<00:01:16.009> law<00:01:16.159> of<00:01:16.189> thermodynamics physics the second law of thermodynamics physics the second law of thermodynamics or<00:01:17.420> the<00:01:17.840> law<00:01:17.990> of<00:01:18.020> entropy<00:01:18.460> what<00:01:19.460> that<00:01:19.610> says or the law of entropy what that says or the law of entropy what that says basically<00:01:20.360> is<00:01:20.780> that<00:01:21.560> the<00:01:21.710> general<00:01:22.159> tendency basically is that the general tendency basically is that the general tendency of<00:01:23.060> the<00:01:23.240> universe<00:01:23.570> is<00:01:23.930> to<00:01:24.530> move<00:01:24.710> from<00:01:25.280> order of the universe is to move from order of the universe is to move from order and<00:01:26.060> structure<00:01:26.979> to<00:01:27.979> lack<00:01:28.219> of<00:01:28.250> order<00:01:28.789> lack<00:01:29.479> of and structure to lack of order lack of and structure to lack of order lack of structure<00:01:30.200> in<00:01:30.409> fact<00:01:30.979> to<00:01:31.250> mush<00:01:31.490> and<00:01:31.850> that's<00:01:32.450> why structure in fact to mush and that's why structure in fact to mush and that's why that<00:01:33.320> video<00:01:33.710> feels<00:01:34.280> a<00:01:34.430> bit<00:01:34.549> strange<00:01:34.909> and<00:01:35.259> yet that video feels a bit strange and yet that video feels a bit strange and yet look<00:01:37.609> around<00:01:37.939> us<00:01:38.710> what<00:01:39.710> we<00:01:39.859> see<00:01:40.070> around<00:01:40.159> us<00:01:40.640> is look around us what we see around us is look around us what we see around us is staggering<00:01:41.840> complexity<00:01:43.000> Eric<00:01:44.000> pine<00:01:44.210> hotter staggering complexity Eric pine hotter staggering complexity Eric pine hotter estimates<00:01:45.020> that<00:01:45.140> in<00:01:45.469> New<00:01:45.950> York<00:01:46.130> City<00:01:46.399> alone estimates that in New York City alone estimates that in New York City alone there<00:01:46.880> are<00:01:46.909> some<00:01:47.119> 10<00:01:47.479> billion<00:01:48.049> skews<00:01:48.649> or there are some 10 billion skews or there are some 10 billion skews or distinct<00:01:49.219> commodities<00:01:49.640> being<00:01:49.880> traded<00:01:50.179> that's distinct commodities being traded that's distinct commodities being traded that's hundreds<00:01:51.829> of<00:01:51.950> times<00:01:52.250> as<00:01:52.549> many<00:01:52.789> species<00:01:53.329> as hundreds of times as many species as hundreds of times as many species as there<00:01:54.079> are<00:01:54.200> on<00:01:54.229> earth<00:01:54.490> and<00:01:55.490> they're<00:01:55.670> being there are on earth and they're being there are on earth and they're being traded<00:01:56.149> by<00:01:56.929> a<00:01:56.960> species<00:01:57.229> of<00:01:57.409> almost<00:01:57.770> 7<00:01:58.100> billion traded by a species of almost 7 billion traded by a species of almost 7 billion individuals<00:01:59.149> who<00:01:59.420> are<00:01:59.509> linked<00:01:59.810> by<00:01:59.990> trade individuals who are linked by trade individuals who are linked by trade travel<00:02:01.310> and<00:02:01.700> the<00:02:01.759> internet<00:02:02.270> into<00:02:03.020> a<00:02:03.049> global travel and the internet into a global travel and the internet into a global system<00:02:03.770> of<00:02:04.130> stupendous<00:02:05.170> complexity<00:02:07.030> so system of stupendous complexity so system of stupendous complexity so here's<00:02:08.270> a<00:02:08.360> great<00:02:08.569> puzzle<00:02:09.310> in<00:02:10.310> a<00:02:10.729> universe here's a great puzzle in a universe here's a great puzzle in a universe ruled<00:02:12.050> by<00:02:12.500> the<00:02:12.560> second<00:02:13.069> law<00:02:13.250> of ruled by the second law of ruled by the second law of thermodynamics<00:02:14.420> how<00:02:15.290> is<00:02:15.650> it<00:02:15.860> possible<00:02:16.400> to thermodynamics how is it possible to thermodynamics how is it possible to generate<00:02:17.330> the<00:02:17.510> sort<00:02:17.690> of<00:02:17.750> complexity<00:02:18.230> I've generate the sort of complexity I've generate the sort of complexity I've described<00:02:18.980> the<00:02:19.370> sort<00:02:19.550> of<00:02:19.610> complexity described the sort of complexity described the sort of complexity represented<00:02:20.750> by<00:02:20.870> you represented by you represented by you and<00:02:21.750> me<00:02:22.350> and<00:02:22.740> the<00:02:23.400> convention<00:02:24.000> center<00:02:25.400> well and me and the convention center well and me and the convention center well the<00:02:26.520> answer<00:02:26.760> seems<00:02:27.000> to<00:02:27.120> be<00:02:27.210> the<00:02:28.200> universe<00:02:28.680> can the answer seems to be the universe can the answer seems to be the universe can create<00:02:29.880> complexity<00:02:30.630> but<00:02:31.530> with<00:02:31.710> great create complexity but with great create complexity but with great difficulty<00:02:32.790> in<00:02:33.770> pockets<00:02:34.770> there<00:02:35.220> appear<00:02:35.640> what difficulty in pockets there appear what difficulty in pockets there appear what my<00:02:36.030> colleague<00:02:36.540> Fred's<00:02:37.080> vehicle's<00:02:37.760> Goldilocks my colleague Fred's vehicle's Goldilocks my colleague Fred's vehicle's Goldilocks conditions<00:02:38.880> not<00:02:39.780> too<00:02:39.990> hot<00:02:40.200> not<00:02:40.500> too<00:02:40.920> cold<00:02:41.070> just conditions not too hot not too cold just conditions not too hot not too cold just right<00:02:42.480> for<00:02:42.750> the<00:02:42.840> creation<00:02:43.110> of<00:02:43.290> complexity<00:02:43.920> and right for the creation of complexity and right for the creation of complexity and slightly<00:02:45.000> more<00:02:45.150> complex<00:02:45.540> things<00:02:45.870> appear<00:02:46.320> and slightly more complex things appear and slightly more complex things appear and where<00:02:47.010> you<00:02:47.100> have<00:02:47.250> slightly<00:02:47.520> more<00:02:47.640> complex where you have slightly more complex where you have slightly more complex things<00:02:48.420> you<00:02:48.930> can<00:02:49.140> get<00:02:49.380> slightly<00:02:50.010> more<00:02:50.220> complex things you can get slightly more complex things you can get slightly more complex things<00:02:51.030> and<00:02:51.180> in<00:02:51.480> this<00:02:51.690> way<00:02:51.990> complexity<00:02:52.950> builds things and in this way complexity builds things and in this way complexity builds stage<00:02:54.030> by<00:02:54.360> stage<00:02:55.310> each<00:02:56.310> stage<00:02:56.850> is<00:02:57.420> magical stage by stage each stage is magical stage by stage each stage is magical because<00:02:58.590> it<00:02:58.920> creates<00:02:59.310> the<00:02:59.580> impression<00:02:59.670> of because it creates the impression of because it creates the impression of something<00:03:00.240> utterly<00:03:00.900> new<00:03:01.740> appearing<00:03:02.640> almost something utterly new appearing almost something utterly new appearing almost out<00:03:03.480> of<00:03:03.510> nowhere<00:03:03.660> in<00:03:04.140> the<00:03:04.260> universe<00:03:04.290> we<00:03:05.100> refer out of nowhere in the universe we refer out of nowhere in the universe we refer in<00:03:05.520> big<00:03:05.670> history<00:03:05.790> to<00:03:06.120> these<00:03:06.240> moments<00:03:06.690> as in big history to these moments as in big history to these moments as threshold<00:03:07.080> moments<00:03:07.830> and<00:03:08.510> at<00:03:09.510> each<00:03:09.720> threshold threshold moments and at each threshold threshold moments and at each threshold the<00:03:10.890> going<00:03:11.220> gets<00:03:11.490> tougher<00:03:12.000> the<00:03:12.600> complex the going gets tougher the complex the going gets tougher the complex things<00:03:13.500> get<00:03:13.830> more<00:03:14.040> fragile<00:03:14.900> more<00:03:15.900> vulnerable things get more fragile more vulnerable things get more fragile more vulnerable the<00:03:17.430> Goldilocks<00:03:18.000> conditions<00:03:18.230> get<00:03:19.230> more the Goldilocks conditions get more the Goldilocks conditions get more stringent<00:03:20.190> and<00:03:20.430> it's<00:03:21.330> more<00:03:21.660> difficult<00:03:21.690> to stringent and it's more difficult to stringent and it's more difficult to create<00:03:22.650> complexity<00:03:23.960> now<00:03:24.960> we<00:03:25.709> as<00:03:26.070> extremely create complexity now we as extremely create complexity now we as extremely complex<00:03:27.270> creatures<00:03:27.920> desperately<00:03:28.920> need<00:03:29.130> to complex creatures desperately need to complex creatures desperately need to know<00:03:29.490> this<00:03:29.700> story<00:03:30.090> of<00:03:30.390> how<00:03:30.780> the<00:03:31.200> universe know this story of how the universe know this story of how the universe creates<00:03:32.040> complexity<00:03:32.820> despite<00:03:33.720> the<00:03:33.900> second creates complexity despite the second creates complexity despite the second law<00:03:34.470> and<00:03:34.890> why<00:03:35.690> complexity<00:03:36.690> means law and why complexity means law and why complexity means vulnerability<00:03:38.340> and<00:03:38.670> fragility<00:03:39.270> and<00:03:40.220> that's vulnerability and fragility and that's vulnerability and fragility and that's the<00:03:41.490> story<00:03:41.790> that<00:03:41.910> we<00:03:42.120> tell<00:03:42.360> in<00:03:42.690> big<00:03:43.020> history the story that we tell in big history the story that we tell in big history but<00:03:43.950> to<00:03:43.980> do<00:03:44.220> it<00:03:44.250> you<00:03:44.459> have<00:03:44.580> to<00:03:44.640> do<00:03:44.760> something but to do it you have to do something but to do it you have to do something that<00:03:45.209> may<00:03:45.360> at<00:03:45.450> first<00:03:45.480> sight<00:03:45.870> seemed that may at first sight seemed that may at first sight seemed completely<00:03:46.380> impossible completely impossible completely impossible you<00:03:47.430> have<00:03:47.550> to<00:03:47.670> survey<00:03:48.030> the<00:03:48.480> whole<00:03:48.780> history<00:03:49.740> of you have to survey the whole history of you have to survey the whole history of the<00:03:50.430> universe<00:03:52.040> so<00:03:53.040> let's<00:03:53.220> do<00:03:53.400> it

let's<00:03:56.459> begin<00:03:56.640> by<00:03:57.330> winding<00:03:57.780> the<00:03:58.110> timeline<00:03:58.800> back
let's begin by winding the timeline back let's begin by winding the timeline back 13.7<00:04:01.470> billion<00:04:01.680> years<00:04:02.160> to<00:04:02.730> the<00:04:02.850> beginning<00:04:03.000> of 13.7 billion years to the beginning of 13.7 billion years to the beginning of time

around<00:04:12.980> us<00:04:13.099> there's<00:04:13.610> nothing<00:04:14.290> there's<00:04:15.290> not
around us there's nothing there's not around us there's nothing there's not even<00:04:15.739> time<00:04:16.579> or<00:04:16.940> space<00:04:18.100> imagine<00:04:19.100> the<00:04:19.310> darkest even time or space imagine the darkest even time or space imagine the darkest emptiest<00:04:20.720> thing<00:04:21.049> you<00:04:21.260> can<00:04:21.590> and<00:04:21.979> cube<00:04:22.940> it<00:04:23.120> a emptiest thing you can and cube it a emptiest thing you can and cube it a gazillion<00:04:23.660> times<00:04:24.020> and<00:04:24.770> that's<00:04:24.860> where<00:04:25.130> we<00:04:25.220> are gazillion times and that's where we are gazillion times and that's where we are and<00:04:25.610> then<00:04:26.600> suddenly<00:04:27.699> BAM and then suddenly BAM and then suddenly BAM a<00:04:29.150> universe<00:04:30.050> appears<00:04:30.410> and<00:04:30.620> the<00:04:30.680> entire a universe appears and the entire a universe appears and the entire universe<00:04:31.430> and<00:04:31.610> we've<00:04:32.000> crossed<00:04:32.240> our<00:04:32.419> first universe and we've crossed our first universe and we've crossed our first threshold<00:04:33.139> the<00:04:33.620> universe<00:04:33.979> is<00:04:34.160> tiny<00:04:34.460> it's threshold the universe is tiny it's threshold the universe is tiny it's smaller<00:04:35.240> than<00:04:35.360> an<00:04:35.540> atom<00:04:35.600> it's<00:04:36.110> incredibly<00:04:36.770> hot smaller than an atom it's incredibly hot smaller than an atom it's incredibly hot it<00:04:37.460> contains<00:04:37.940> everything<00:04:38.510> that's<00:04:38.870> in<00:04:39.020> today's it contains everything that's in today's it contains everything that's in today's universe<00:04:39.290> so<00:04:40.040> we<00:04:40.130> can<00:04:40.250> imagine<00:04:40.550> it's<00:04:40.729> busting universe so we can imagine it's busting universe so we can imagine it's busting and<00:04:41.870> it's<00:04:42.020> expanding<00:04:42.740> at<00:04:42.830> incredible<00:04:43.310> speed and it's expanding at incredible speed and it's expanding at incredible speed and<00:04:44.120> at<00:04:44.720> first<00:04:44.960> it's<00:04:45.260> just<00:04:45.530> a<00:04:45.650> blur<00:04:45.860> but<00:04:46.370> very and at first it's just a blur but very and at first it's just a blur but very quickly<00:04:47.120> distinct<00:04:47.750> things<00:04:47.990> begin<00:04:48.350> to<00:04:48.380> appear quickly distinct things begin to appear quickly distinct things begin to appear in<00:04:48.830> that<00:04:48.860> blur<00:04:49.300> within<00:04:50.300> the<00:04:50.419> first<00:04:50.600> second in that blur within the first second in that blur within the first second energy<00:04:51.560> itself<00:04:52.220> shatters<00:04:52.789> into<00:04:53.210> distinct energy itself shatters into distinct energy itself shatters into distinct forces<00:04:54.080> including<00:04:54.860> electromagnetism<00:04:55.729> and forces including electromagnetism and forces including electromagnetism and gravity<00:04:56.120> and<00:04:57.080> energy<00:04:58.070> does<00:04:58.220> something<00:04:58.580> else gravity and energy does something else gravity and energy does something else quite<00:04:59.060> magical<00:04:59.330> it<00:05:00.020> congeals<00:05:00.639> to<00:05:01.639> form<00:05:01.880> matter quite magical it congeals to form matter quite magical it congeals to form matter quarks<00:05:03.680> that<00:05:03.979> will<00:05:04.280> create<00:05:04.490> protons<00:05:05.150> and quarks that will create protons and quarks that will create protons and leptons<00:05:06.199> that<00:05:06.530> include<00:05:06.919> electrons<00:05:07.550> and<00:05:07.760> all leptons that include electrons and all leptons that include electrons and all of<00:05:08.000> that<00:05:08.030> happens<00:05:08.419> in<00:05:08.510> the<00:05:08.600> first<00:05:08.750> second<00:05:09.169> now of that happens in the first second now of that happens in the first second now we<00:05:10.100> move<00:05:10.550> forward<00:05:12.250> 380,000<00:05:13.250> years<00:05:13.660> that's we move forward 380,000 years that's we move forward 380,000 years that's twice<00:05:15.080> as<00:05:15.139> long<00:05:15.650> as<00:05:15.919> humans<00:05:16.400> have<00:05:16.490> been<00:05:16.610> on twice as long as humans have been on twice as long as humans have been on this<00:05:17.060> planet<00:05:17.270> and<00:05:17.810> now<00:05:18.470> simple<00:05:19.160> atoms<00:05:19.669> appear this planet and now simple atoms appear this planet and now simple atoms appear of<00:05:20.360> hydrogen<00:05:21.289> and<00:05:21.500> helium<00:05:23.139> now<00:05:24.139> I<00:05:24.169> want<00:05:24.440> to of hydrogen and helium now I want to of hydrogen and helium now I want to pause<00:05:24.650> for<00:05:24.919> a<00:05:24.950> moment<00:05:25.780> 380,000<00:05:26.780> years<00:05:26.810> after pause for a moment 380,000 years after pause for a moment 380,000 years after the<00:05:27.229> origins<00:05:27.650> of<00:05:27.740> the<00:05:27.830> universe<00:05:28.099> because<00:05:28.520> we the origins of the universe because we the origins of the universe because we actually<00:05:28.849> know<00:05:29.300> quite<00:05:29.330> a<00:05:29.599> lot<00:05:29.870> about<00:05:30.260> the actually know quite a lot about the actually know quite a lot about the universe<00:05:30.919> at<00:05:31.370> this<00:05:31.580> stage<00:05:31.990> we<00:05:32.990> know<00:05:33.139> above<00:05:33.410> all universe at this stage we know above all universe at this stage we know above all that<00:05:34.070> it<00:05:34.160> was<00:05:34.280> extremely<00:05:34.820> simple that it was extremely simple that it was extremely simple it<00:05:35.900> consisted<00:05:36.380> of<00:05:36.470> huge<00:05:36.830> clouds<00:05:37.220> of<00:05:37.550> hydrogen it consisted of huge clouds of hydrogen it consisted of huge clouds of hydrogen and<00:05:38.389> helium<00:05:38.479> atoms<00:05:39.110> and<00:05:39.500> they<00:05:39.919> have<00:05:40.130> no and helium atoms and they have no and helium atoms and they have no structure<00:05:41.210> they're<00:05:41.930> really<00:05:42.139> a<00:05:42.169> sort<00:05:42.410> of structure they're really a sort of structure they're really a sort of cosmic<00:05:43.039> mush<00:05:43.930> but<00:05:44.930> that's<00:05:45.229> not<00:05:45.440> completely cosmic mush but that's not completely cosmic mush but that's not completely true<00:05:46.330> recent<00:05:47.330> studies<00:05:47.840> by<00:05:47.870> satellites<00:05:48.740> such true recent studies by satellites such true recent studies by satellites such as<00:05:49.160> the<00:05:49.280> W<00:05:49.849> map<00:05:50.060> satellite<00:05:50.389> have<00:05:51.349> shown<00:05:51.620> that as the W map satellite have shown that as the W map satellite have shown that in<00:05:52.220> fact<00:05:52.460> there<00:05:52.639> are<00:05:52.669> just<00:05:53.030> tiny<00:05:53.599> differences in fact there are just tiny differences in fact there are just tiny differences in<00:05:54.680> that<00:05:54.800> background<00:05:55.250> what<00:05:55.760> you<00:05:55.880> see<00:05:56.150> here<00:05:56.720> the in that background what you see here the in that background what you see here the blue<00:05:57.710> areas<00:05:58.250> are<00:05:58.639> about<00:05:59.270> a<00:05:59.300> thousandth<00:06:00.139> of<00:06:00.289> a blue areas are about a thousandth of a blue areas are about a thousandth of a degree<00:06:00.410> cooler<00:06:01.370> than<00:06:02.150> the<00:06:02.300> red<00:06:02.510> areas<00:06:02.960> these degree cooler than the red areas these degree cooler than the red areas these are<00:06:03.260> tiny<00:06:03.590> differences<00:06:04.220> but<00:06:04.520> it<00:06:04.639> was<00:06:04.760> enough are tiny differences but it was enough are tiny differences but it was enough for<00:06:05.330> the<00:06:05.570> universe<00:06:05.930> to<00:06:06.380> move<00:06:06.530> on<00:06:06.650> to<00:06:06.770> the<00:06:06.889> next for the universe to move on to the next for the universe to move on to the next stage<00:06:07.310> of<00:06:07.460> building<00:06:07.669> complexity<00:06:08.419> and<00:06:08.599> this<00:06:08.840> is stage of building complexity and this is stage of building complexity and this is how<00:06:09.080> it<00:06:09.199> works how it works how it works gravity<00:06:11.539> is<00:06:11.780> more<00:06:12.590> powerful<00:06:13.039> where<00:06:13.880> there's gravity is more powerful where there's gravity is more powerful where there's more<00:06:14.300> stuff<00:06:14.979> so<00:06:15.979> where<00:06:16.490> you<00:06:16.729> get<00:06:16.910> slightly more stuff so where you get slightly more stuff so where you get slightly denser<00:06:17.479> areas<00:06:17.900> gravity<00:06:18.650> starts<00:06:18.949> compacting denser areas gravity starts compacting denser areas gravity starts compacting clouds<00:06:20.270> of<00:06:20.599> hydrogen<00:06:20.750> and<00:06:21.229> helium<00:06:21.289> atoms<00:06:21.710> so clouds of hydrogen and helium atoms so clouds of hydrogen and helium atoms so we<00:06:22.400> can<00:06:22.520> imagine<00:06:22.820> the<00:06:22.909> early<00:06:23.120> universe we can imagine the early universe we can imagine the early universe breaking<00:06:23.930> up<00:06:24.050> into<00:06:24.289> a<00:06:24.349> billion breaking up into a billion breaking up into a billion and<00:06:25.590> each<00:06:26.039> cloud<00:06:26.400> is<00:06:26.639> compacted<00:06:27.240> gravity<00:06:27.960> gets and each cloud is compacted gravity gets and each cloud is compacted gravity gets more<00:06:28.319> powerful<00:06:28.889> as<00:06:29.069> density<00:06:29.430> increases<00:06:29.659> the more powerful as density increases the more powerful as density increases the temperature<00:06:31.169> begins<00:06:31.409> to<00:06:31.560> rise<00:06:31.830> at<00:06:32.099> the<00:06:32.190> center temperature begins to rise at the center temperature begins to rise at the center of<00:06:32.550> each<00:06:32.699> cloud<00:06:33.000> and<00:06:33.270> then<00:06:33.750> at<00:06:33.900> the<00:06:33.990> center<00:06:34.259> of of each cloud and then at the center of of each cloud and then at the center of each<00:06:34.409> cloud<00:06:34.740> the<00:06:34.949> temperature<00:06:35.340> crosses<00:06:35.729> the each cloud the temperature crosses the each cloud the temperature crosses the threshold<00:06:36.530> temperature<00:06:37.530> of<00:06:37.710> 10<00:06:38.190> million threshold temperature of 10 million threshold temperature of 10 million degrees<00:06:39.139> protons<00:06:40.139> start<00:06:40.830> to<00:06:41.039> fuse<00:06:41.310> there's<00:06:42.090> a degrees protons start to fuse there's a degrees protons start to fuse there's a huge<00:06:42.659> release<00:06:43.080> of<00:06:43.289> energy<00:06:43.740> and<00:06:45.050> bam<00:06:46.050> we<00:06:46.830> have huge release of energy and bam we have huge release of energy and bam we have our<00:06:47.069> first<00:06:47.280> stars<00:06:48.229> from<00:06:49.229> about<00:06:49.530> 200<00:06:50.220> million our first stars from about 200 million our first stars from about 200 million years<00:06:50.789> after<00:06:51.090> the<00:06:51.449> Big<00:06:51.659> Bang<00:06:52.280> stars<00:06:53.280> begin<00:06:54.090> to years after the Big Bang stars begin to years after the Big Bang stars begin to appear<00:06:54.629> all<00:06:54.870> through<00:06:55.500> the<00:06:55.620> universe<00:06:55.740> billions appear all through the universe billions appear all through the universe billions of<00:06:56.970> them<00:06:57.150> and<00:06:57.419> the<00:06:58.199> universe<00:06:58.530> is<00:06:58.650> now of them and the universe is now of them and the universe is now significantly<00:06:59.430> more<00:06:59.699> interesting<00:07:00.449> and<00:07:00.569> more significantly more interesting and more significantly more interesting and more complex<00:07:02.629> stars<00:07:03.629> will<00:07:04.199> create<00:07:04.530> the<00:07:04.889> Goldilocks complex stars will create the Goldilocks complex stars will create the Goldilocks conditions<00:07:05.610> for<00:07:06.449> crossing<00:07:06.629> to<00:07:06.960> new conditions for crossing to new conditions for crossing to new thresholds<00:07:07.889> when<00:07:08.849> very<00:07:09.270> large<00:07:09.569> stars<00:07:10.110> die thresholds when very large stars die thresholds when very large stars die they<00:07:10.699> create<00:07:11.699> temperatures<00:07:12.330> so<00:07:12.629> high<00:07:13.050> that they create temperatures so high that they create temperatures so high that protons<00:07:14.430> begin<00:07:14.759> to<00:07:14.909> fuse<00:07:15.150> in<00:07:15.449> all<00:07:15.690> sorts<00:07:16.020> of protons begin to fuse in all sorts of protons begin to fuse in all sorts of exotic<00:07:16.289> combinations<00:07:17.069> to<00:07:17.490> form<00:07:17.729> all<00:07:17.909> the exotic combinations to form all the exotic combinations to form all the elements<00:07:18.780> of<00:07:18.930> the<00:07:19.050> periodic<00:07:19.379> table<00:07:19.889> if<00:07:20.250> like elements of the periodic table if like elements of the periodic table if like me<00:07:20.729> you're<00:07:20.909> wearing<00:07:21.120> a<00:07:21.330> gold<00:07:21.599> ring<00:07:21.990> it<00:07:22.650> was me you're wearing a gold ring it was me you're wearing a gold ring it was forged<00:07:23.340> in<00:07:23.759> a<00:07:23.909> supernova<00:07:24.419> explosion<00:07:25.159> so<00:07:26.159> now forged in a supernova explosion so now forged in a supernova explosion so now the<00:07:26.370> universe<00:07:26.789> is<00:07:26.819> chemically<00:07:27.509> more<00:07:28.110> complex the universe is chemically more complex the universe is chemically more complex and<00:07:28.979> in<00:07:29.490> the<00:07:29.580> chemically<00:07:30.150> more<00:07:30.330> complex and in the chemically more complex and in the chemically more complex universe<00:07:31.229> it's<00:07:31.680> possible<00:07:32.159> to<00:07:32.250> make<00:07:32.400> more universe it's possible to make more universe it's possible to make more things<00:07:33.090> and<00:07:33.630> that<00:07:34.380> starts<00:07:34.800> happening<00:07:34.949> is<00:07:35.400> that things and that starts happening is that things and that starts happening is that around<00:07:35.819> young<00:07:36.270> sons<00:07:36.840> young<00:07:37.800> stars<00:07:38.479> all<00:07:39.479> these around young sons young stars all these around young sons young stars all these elements<00:07:40.110> combine<00:07:40.590> they<00:07:40.740> swirl<00:07:41.009> around<00:07:41.159> the elements combine they swirl around the elements combine they swirl around the energy<00:07:42.210> of<00:07:42.389> the<00:07:42.509> star<00:07:42.779> stirs<00:07:43.319> them<00:07:43.560> around energy of the star stirs them around energy of the star stirs them around they<00:07:44.340> form<00:07:44.729> the<00:07:45.270> particles<00:07:45.930> they<00:07:46.169> form they form the particles they form they form the particles they form snowflakes<00:07:47.039> they<00:07:47.250> form<00:07:47.490> little<00:07:47.699> dust<00:07:48.449> motes snowflakes they form little dust motes snowflakes they form little dust motes they<00:07:49.050> form<00:07:49.289> rocks<00:07:49.680> they<00:07:50.130> form<00:07:50.370> asteroids<00:07:50.880> and they form rocks they form asteroids and they form rocks they form asteroids and eventually<00:07:51.150> they<00:07:51.539> form<00:07:51.750> planets<00:07:52.289> and<00:07:52.469> moons eventually they form planets and moons eventually they form planets and moons and<00:07:53.669> that<00:07:54.330> is<00:07:54.599> how<00:07:54.900> our<00:07:55.199> solar<00:07:55.590> system<00:07:56.039> was and that is how our solar system was and that is how our solar system was formed<00:07:56.550> four<00:07:57.120> and<00:07:57.270> a<00:07:57.330> half<00:07:57.360> billion<00:07:58.050> years<00:07:58.409> ago formed four and a half billion years ago formed four and a half billion years ago rocky<00:08:00.840> planets<00:08:01.409> like<00:08:01.590> our<00:08:01.889> earth<00:08:01.919> are rocky planets like our earth are rocky planets like our earth are significantly<00:08:03.569> more<00:08:03.840> complex<00:08:04.740> than<00:08:05.159> stars significantly more complex than stars significantly more complex than stars because<00:08:06.029> they<00:08:06.150> contain<00:08:06.449> a<00:08:06.509> much<00:08:06.870> greater because they contain a much greater because they contain a much greater diversity<00:08:07.740> of<00:08:07.830> materials<00:08:08.009> so<00:08:08.669> we've<00:08:08.819> crossed diversity of materials so we've crossed diversity of materials so we've crossed a<00:08:09.330> fourth<00:08:09.599> threshold<00:08:09.900> of<00:08:10.259> complexity<00:08:12.229> now<00:08:13.759> the a fourth threshold of complexity now the a fourth threshold of complexity now the going<00:08:14.940> gets<00:08:15.240> tougher<00:08:15.620> the<00:08:16.620> next<00:08:16.889> stage going gets tougher the next stage going gets tougher the next stage introduces<00:08:18.060> entities<00:08:18.449> that<00:08:18.930> are introduces entities that are introduces entities that are significantly<00:08:19.710> more<00:08:19.800> fragile<00:08:20.479> significantly significantly more fragile significantly significantly more fragile significantly more<00:08:21.719> vulnerable<00:08:22.289> but<00:08:22.889> they're<00:08:23.039> also<00:08:23.250> much more vulnerable but they're also much more vulnerable but they're also much more<00:08:24.120> creative<00:08:24.779> and<00:08:25.110> much<00:08:25.770> more<00:08:26.009> capable<00:08:26.490> of more creative and much more capable of more creative and much more capable of generating<00:08:26.940> further<00:08:27.539> complexity<00:08:28.139> I'm generating further complexity I'm generating further complexity I'm talking<00:08:29.310> of<00:08:29.430> course<00:08:29.460> about<00:08:29.870> living<00:08:30.870> organisms talking of course about living organisms talking of course about living organisms living<00:08:33.089> organisms<00:08:33.719> are<00:08:33.839> created<00:08:34.199> by living organisms are created by living organisms are created by chemistry<00:08:34.860> we<00:08:35.159> are<00:08:35.310> huge chemistry we are huge chemistry we are huge Edge's<00:08:36.469> of<00:08:36.589> chemicals<00:08:37.389> so<00:08:38.409> chemistry<00:08:39.409> is Edge's of chemicals so chemistry is Edge's of chemicals so chemistry is dominated<00:08:40.010> by<00:08:40.039> the<00:08:40.130> electromagnetic<00:08:40.610> force dominated by the electromagnetic force dominated by the electromagnetic force that<00:08:41.479> operates<00:08:41.599> over<00:08:42.050> smaller<00:08:42.349> scales<00:08:42.680> and that operates over smaller scales and that operates over smaller scales and gravity<00:08:43.339> which<00:08:43.820> explains<00:08:44.420> why<00:08:44.810> you<00:08:44.870> and<00:08:45.200> I<00:08:45.260> are gravity which explains why you and I are gravity which explains why you and I are smaller<00:08:45.860> than<00:08:46.070> stars<00:08:46.430> or<00:08:46.760> planets<00:08:47.230> now<00:08:48.230> what smaller than stars or planets now what smaller than stars or planets now what are<00:08:48.470> the<00:08:48.529> ideal<00:08:48.800> conditions<00:08:49.370> for<00:08:49.430> chemistry are the ideal conditions for chemistry are the ideal conditions for chemistry what<00:08:51.139> are<00:08:51.260> the<00:08:51.320> Goldilocks<00:08:51.769> conditions<00:08:51.860> well what are the Goldilocks conditions well what are the Goldilocks conditions well the<00:08:52.730> first<00:08:53.029> you<00:08:53.570> need<00:08:53.779> energy<00:08:54.310> but<00:08:55.310> not<00:08:55.550> too the first you need energy but not too the first you need energy but not too much<00:08:55.940> in<00:08:56.300> the<00:08:57.019> center<00:08:57.260> of<00:08:57.380> the<00:08:57.500> star<00:08:57.769> there's much in the center of the star there's much in the center of the star there's so<00:08:58.220> much<00:08:58.339> energy<00:08:58.579> that<00:08:58.970> any<00:08:59.149> atoms<00:08:59.630> that so much energy that any atoms that so much energy that any atoms that combine<00:09:00.139> will<00:09:00.350> just<00:09:00.529> get<00:09:00.649> busted<00:09:01.040> apart<00:09:01.370> again combine will just get busted apart again combine will just get busted apart again but<00:09:02.389> not<00:09:02.540> too<00:09:02.720> little<00:09:02.930> in<00:09:03.800> intergalactic but not too little in intergalactic but not too little in intergalactic space<00:09:04.550> there's<00:09:05.029> so<00:09:05.149> little<00:09:05.180> energy<00:09:05.810> that space there's so little energy that space there's so little energy that atoms<00:09:06.800> can't<00:09:07.130> combine<00:09:07.750> what<00:09:08.750> you<00:09:08.870> want<00:09:09.019> is atoms can't combine what you want is atoms can't combine what you want is just<00:09:09.500> the<00:09:09.680> right<00:09:09.829> amount<00:09:09.860> and<00:09:10.279> planets<00:09:10.670> it just the right amount and planets it just the right amount and planets it turns<00:09:11.029> out<00:09:11.300> are<00:09:11.510> just<00:09:11.750> right<00:09:12.199> because<00:09:12.500> they're turns out are just right because they're turns out are just right because they're close<00:09:12.829> to<00:09:13.040> stars<00:09:13.279> but<00:09:13.760> not<00:09:13.910> too<00:09:14.089> close<00:09:14.589> you close to stars but not too close you close to stars but not too close you also<00:09:15.829> need<00:09:16.370> a<00:09:16.639> great<00:09:16.970> diversity<00:09:17.329> of<00:09:17.600> chemical also need a great diversity of chemical also need a great diversity of chemical elements<00:09:18.440> and<00:09:19.149> you<00:09:20.149> need<00:09:20.389> liquids<00:09:21.139> such<00:09:21.380> as elements and you need liquids such as elements and you need liquids such as water<00:09:21.560> why<00:09:22.339> well<00:09:23.329> in<00:09:23.510> gases<00:09:24.310> atoms<00:09:25.310> move<00:09:25.579> past water why well in gases atoms move past water why well in gases atoms move past each<00:09:26.000> other<00:09:26.240> so<00:09:26.449> fast<00:09:26.750> that<00:09:27.290> they<00:09:27.410> can't<00:09:27.680> hitch each other so fast that they can't hitch each other so fast that they can't hitch up<00:09:28.190> in<00:09:29.000> solids<00:09:30.160> atoms<00:09:31.160> stuck<00:09:31.490> together<00:09:31.850> they up in solids atoms stuck together they up in solids atoms stuck together they can't<00:09:32.630> move<00:09:32.839> in<00:09:33.279> liquids<00:09:34.279> they<00:09:35.180> can<00:09:35.389> cruise can't move in liquids they can cruise can't move in liquids they can cruise and<00:09:36.649> cuddle<00:09:37.370> and<00:09:37.639> link<00:09:38.600> up<00:09:38.810> to<00:09:39.320> form<00:09:39.529> molecules and cuddle and link up to form molecules and cuddle and link up to form molecules now<00:09:41.209> where<00:09:41.449> do<00:09:41.540> you<00:09:41.600> find<00:09:41.839> such<00:09:42.079> Goldilocks now where do you find such Goldilocks now where do you find such Goldilocks conditions conditions conditions well<00:09:44.149> planets<00:09:44.720> are<00:09:44.899> great<00:09:45.170> and<00:09:45.500> our<00:09:46.490> early well planets are great and our early well planets are great and our early Earth<00:09:47.329> was<00:09:47.720> almost<00:09:48.410> perfect<00:09:49.269> it<00:09:50.269> was<00:09:50.420> just<00:09:50.630> the Earth was almost perfect it was just the Earth was almost perfect it was just the right<00:09:50.779> distance<00:09:51.140> from<00:09:51.290> its<00:09:51.500> star<00:09:51.589> to<00:09:51.890> contain right distance from its star to contain right distance from its star to contain huge<00:09:52.579> oceans<00:09:53.120> of<00:09:53.329> liquid<00:09:53.449> water<00:09:53.690> and<00:09:54.290> deep huge oceans of liquid water and deep huge oceans of liquid water and deep beneath<00:09:55.100> those<00:09:55.490> oceans<00:09:55.940> that<00:09:56.120> cracks<00:09:56.510> in<00:09:56.810> the beneath those oceans that cracks in the beneath those oceans that cracks in the earth<00:09:57.019> crust<00:09:57.440> you<00:09:58.370> got<00:09:58.579> heat<00:09:59.029> seeping<00:09:59.810> up<00:09:59.959> from earth crust you got heat seeping up from earth crust you got heat seeping up from inside<00:10:00.620> the<00:10:01.070> earth<00:10:01.190> and<00:10:01.399> you've<00:10:01.699> got<00:10:01.790> a<00:10:01.820> great inside the earth and you've got a great inside the earth and you've got a great diversity<00:10:02.390> of<00:10:02.690> elements<00:10:03.079> so<00:10:03.500> at<00:10:03.620> those<00:10:03.769> deep diversity of elements so at those deep diversity of elements so at those deep oceanic<00:10:04.339> vents<00:10:05.829> fantastic<00:10:06.829> chemistry<00:10:07.100> began oceanic vents fantastic chemistry began oceanic vents fantastic chemistry began to<00:10:07.820> happen<00:10:07.970> and<00:10:08.300> atoms<00:10:08.690> combined<00:10:09.110> in<00:10:09.260> all to happen and atoms combined in all to happen and atoms combined in all sorts<00:10:09.769> of<00:10:09.800> exotic<00:10:10.070> combinations<00:10:11.440> but<00:10:12.440> of sorts of exotic combinations but of sorts of exotic combinations but of course<00:10:12.850> life<00:10:13.850> is<00:10:14.120> more<00:10:14.480> than<00:10:14.540> just<00:10:14.980> exotic course life is more than just exotic course life is more than just exotic chemistry<00:10:16.519> how<00:10:17.329> do<00:10:17.390> you<00:10:17.690> stabilize<00:10:18.170> those chemistry how do you stabilize those chemistry how do you stabilize those huge<00:10:19.730> molecules<00:10:20.480> that<00:10:20.810> seem<00:10:21.079> to<00:10:21.260> be<00:10:21.290> viable huge molecules that seem to be viable huge molecules that seem to be viable well<00:10:23.120> it's<00:10:23.269> here<00:10:23.779> that<00:10:23.959> life<00:10:24.380> introduces<00:10:25.339> an well it's here that life introduces an well it's here that life introduces an entirely<00:10:25.940> new<00:10:26.480> trick<00:10:27.399> you<00:10:28.399> don't<00:10:28.790> stabilize entirely new trick you don't stabilize entirely new trick you don't stabilize the<00:10:29.750> individual<00:10:30.319> you<00:10:30.980> stabilize<00:10:31.699> the the individual you stabilize the the individual you stabilize the template<00:10:32.690> the<00:10:33.260> thing<00:10:33.440> that<00:10:33.620> carries template the thing that carries template the thing that carries information<00:10:34.310> and<00:10:35.149> you<00:10:35.329> allow<00:10:35.540> the<00:10:35.600> template information and you allow the template information and you allow the template to<00:10:36.230> copy<00:10:36.410> itself<00:10:36.860> and<00:10:37.100> DNA<00:10:38.029> of<00:10:38.209> course<00:10:38.420> is<00:10:38.750> the to copy itself and DNA of course is the to copy itself and DNA of course is the beautiful<00:10:39.470> molecule<00:10:40.160> that<00:10:40.730> contains<00:10:41.389> that beautiful molecule that contains that beautiful molecule that contains that information<00:10:42.040> you'll<00:10:43.040> be<00:10:43.160> familiar<00:10:43.339> with<00:10:43.670> the information you'll be familiar with the information you'll be familiar with the double<00:10:44.060> helix<00:10:44.600> of<00:10:44.839> DNA<00:10:44.959> each<00:10:45.860> rung<00:10:46.370> contains double helix of DNA each rung contains double helix of DNA each rung contains information information information so<00:10:48.470> DNA<00:10:48.740> contains<00:10:49.250> information<00:10:49.550> about<00:10:50.030> how<00:10:50.330> to so DNA contains information about how to so DNA contains information about how to make<00:10:50.740> living<00:10:51.740> organisms<00:10:52.310> and<00:10:52.900> DNA<00:10:53.900> also make living organisms and DNA also make living organisms and DNA also copies<00:10:54.590> itself<00:10:54.950> so<00:10:55.430> it<00:10:55.520> copies<00:10:55.820> itself<00:10:56.000> and copies itself so it copies itself and copies itself so it copies itself and scatters<00:10:56.900> the<00:10:57.140> templates<00:10:57.710> through<00:10:58.430> the<00:10:58.670> ocean scatters the templates through the ocean scatters the templates through the ocean so<00:10:59.330> the<00:10:59.450> information<00:10:59.900> spreads<00:11:00.740> notice<00:11:01.400> that so the information spreads notice that so the information spreads notice that information<00:11:02.270> has<00:11:02.390> become<00:11:02.540> part<00:11:02.900> of<00:11:02.960> our<00:11:03.050> story information has become part of our story information has become part of our story the<00:11:04.520> real<00:11:04.820> beauty<00:11:05.240> of<00:11:05.270> DNA<00:11:05.810> though<00:11:06.080> is<00:11:06.380> in<00:11:06.710> its the real beauty of DNA though is in its the real beauty of DNA though is in its imperfections<00:11:07.490> as<00:11:08.030> it<00:11:08.180> copies<00:11:08.510> itself<00:11:08.660> once imperfections as it copies itself once imperfections as it copies itself once in<00:11:09.770> every<00:11:10.250> billion<00:11:10.700> runs<00:11:11.090> there<00:11:12.080> tends<00:11:12.410> to<00:11:12.560> be in every billion runs there tends to be in every billion runs there tends to be an<00:11:12.830> error<00:11:13.100> and<00:11:13.460> what<00:11:14.000> that<00:11:14.210> means<00:11:14.420> is<00:11:15.110> that<00:11:15.170> DNA an error and what that means is that DNA an error and what that means is that DNA is<00:11:16.310> in<00:11:16.640> effect<00:11:17.090> learning<00:11:17.930> it's<00:11:18.500> accumulating is in effect learning it's accumulating is in effect learning it's accumulating new<00:11:19.670> ways<00:11:20.030> of<00:11:20.360> making<00:11:20.720> living<00:11:20.990> organisms new ways of making living organisms new ways of making living organisms because<00:11:21.800> some<00:11:21.950> of<00:11:21.980> those<00:11:22.160> errors<00:11:22.340> work<00:11:22.700> so<00:11:23.330> DNA because some of those errors work so DNA because some of those errors work so DNA is<00:11:23.780> learning<00:11:24.080> and<00:11:24.440> it's<00:11:24.740> building<00:11:25.220> greater is learning and it's building greater is learning and it's building greater diversity<00:11:26.540> and<00:11:26.750> greater<00:11:26.960> complexity<00:11:27.500> and<00:11:27.890> we diversity and greater complexity and we diversity and greater complexity and we can<00:11:28.130> see<00:11:28.310> this<00:11:28.460> happening<00:11:28.700> over<00:11:29.060> the<00:11:29.150> last can see this happening over the last can see this happening over the last four<00:11:29.600> billion<00:11:29.840> years<00:11:30.190> for<00:11:31.190> most<00:11:31.460> of<00:11:31.610> that<00:11:31.640> time four billion years for most of that time four billion years for most of that time of<00:11:32.240> life<00:11:32.420> on<00:11:32.630> earth<00:11:32.780> living<00:11:33.530> organisms<00:11:34.040> have of life on earth living organisms have of life on earth living organisms have been<00:11:34.250> relatively<00:11:34.850> simple<00:11:35.300> single<00:11:35.840> cells<00:11:36.200> but been relatively simple single cells but been relatively simple single cells but they<00:11:37.160> had<00:11:37.370> great<00:11:37.400> diversity<00:11:38.270> and<00:11:38.600> inside they had great diversity and inside they had great diversity and inside great<00:11:39.620> complexity<00:11:40.160> then<00:11:40.880> from<00:11:41.090> about<00:11:41.300> 600<00:11:41.930> to great complexity then from about 600 to great complexity then from about 600 to 800<00:11:42.140> million<00:11:42.620> years<00:11:42.950> ago<00:11:43.360> multi-celled 800 million years ago multi-celled 800 million years ago multi-celled organisms<00:11:44.930> appear<00:11:45.350> you<00:11:45.920> get<00:11:46.220> fungi<00:11:47.000> you<00:11:47.240> get organisms appear you get fungi you get organisms appear you get fungi you get fish<00:11:47.840> you<00:11:48.410> get<00:11:48.620> plants<00:11:49.430> you<00:11:50.000> get<00:11:50.300> and<00:11:50.570> figure fish you get plants you get and figure fish you get plants you get and figure you<00:11:51.260> get<00:11:51.410> reptiles<00:11:52.100> and<00:11:52.550> then<00:11:52.910> of<00:11:53.030> course<00:11:53.240> you you get reptiles and then of course you you get reptiles and then of course you get<00:11:53.630> the<00:11:53.900> dinosaurs<00:11:54.560> and<00:11:55.870> occasionally<00:11:56.870> there get the dinosaurs and occasionally there get the dinosaurs and occasionally there are<00:11:57.530> disasters<00:11:59.530> 65<00:12:00.530> million<00:12:00.980> years<00:12:01.010> ago<00:12:01.310> an are disasters 65 million years ago an are disasters 65 million years ago an asteroid<00:12:02.750> landed<00:12:03.380> on<00:12:03.470> earth<00:12:03.500> near<00:12:04.280> the asteroid landed on earth near the asteroid landed on earth near the Yucatan<00:12:04.610> Peninsula<00:12:05.290> creating<00:12:06.290> conditions Yucatan Peninsula creating conditions Yucatan Peninsula creating conditions equivalent<00:12:07.310> to<00:12:07.430> those<00:12:07.550> of<00:12:07.610> a<00:12:07.760> nuclear<00:12:08.120> war<00:12:08.360> and equivalent to those of a nuclear war and equivalent to those of a nuclear war and the<00:12:09.140> dinosaurs<00:12:09.740> were<00:12:09.860> wiped<00:12:10.010> out<00:12:10.780> terrible the dinosaurs were wiped out terrible the dinosaurs were wiped out terrible news<00:12:12.080> for<00:12:12.500> the<00:12:12.830> dinosaurs<00:12:13.600> but<00:12:14.600> great<00:12:14.930> news news for the dinosaurs but great news news for the dinosaurs but great news for<00:12:15.950> our<00:12:16.130> mammalian<00:12:16.940> ancestors<00:12:17.480> who for our mammalian ancestors who for our mammalian ancestors who flourished<00:12:18.920> in<00:12:19.310> lanisha's<00:12:20.270> left<00:12:20.840> empty<00:12:21.410> by flourished in lanisha's left empty by flourished in lanisha's left empty by the<00:12:21.980> dinosaurs<00:12:22.310> and<00:12:22.940> we<00:12:23.510> human<00:12:24.110> beings<00:12:24.500> are the dinosaurs and we human beings are the dinosaurs and we human beings are part<00:12:25.310> of<00:12:25.640> that<00:12:26.210> creative<00:12:26.900> evolutionary<00:12:27.620> pulse part of that creative evolutionary pulse part of that creative evolutionary pulse that<00:12:28.190> began<00:12:28.490> 65<00:12:29.450> million<00:12:29.840> years<00:12:29.870> ago<00:12:30.110> with<00:12:30.650> the that began 65 million years ago with the that began 65 million years ago with the landing<00:12:31.040> of<00:12:31.130> an<00:12:31.250> asteroid<00:12:33.310> humans<00:12:34.310> appeared landing of an asteroid humans appeared landing of an asteroid humans appeared about<00:12:35.060> 200,000<00:12:35.900> years<00:12:35.990> ago<00:12:36.110> and<00:12:36.740> I<00:12:36.830> believe<00:12:36.890> we about 200,000 years ago and I believe we about 200,000 years ago and I believe we count<00:12:37.820> as<00:12:38.150> a<00:12:38.210> threshold<00:12:39.050> in<00:12:39.680> this<00:12:39.920> great<00:12:40.190> story count as a threshold in this great story count as a threshold in this great story let<00:12:41.150> me<00:12:41.240> explain<00:12:41.480> why<00:12:41.890> we've<00:12:42.890> seen<00:12:43.130> that<00:12:43.310> DNA let me explain why we've seen that DNA let me explain why we've seen that DNA learns<00:12:44.750> in<00:12:45.200> a<00:12:45.260> sense<00:12:45.530> it<00:12:45.860> accumulates learns in a sense it accumulates learns in a sense it accumulates information<00:12:47.390> but<00:12:47.840> it<00:12:47.960> is<00:12:47.990> so<00:12:48.440> slow information but it is so slow information but it is so slow DNA<00:12:50.720> accumulates<00:12:51.560> information<00:12:52.130> through DNA accumulates information through DNA accumulates information through random<00:12:53.060> errors<00:12:53.450> that<00:12:53.600> just<00:12:54.050> some<00:12:54.500> of<00:12:54.620> which random errors that just some of which random errors that just some of which just<00:12:55.010> happened<00:12:55.400> to<00:12:55.460> work<00:12:55.750> but<00:12:56.750> DNA<00:12:57.200> had just happened to work but DNA had just happened to work but DNA had actually<00:12:57.650> generated<00:12:58.130> a<00:12:58.220> faster<00:12:58.640> way<00:12:58.760> of actually generated a faster way of actually generated a faster way of learning<00:12:59.030> it<00:12:59.390> had<00:12:59.480> produced<00:12:59.660> organisms<00:13:00.440> with learning it had produced organisms with learning it had produced organisms with brains brains brains and<00:13:01.970> those<00:13:02.329> organisms<00:13:02.750> can<00:13:03.139> learn<00:13:03.350> in<00:13:03.649> real and those organisms can learn in real and those organisms can learn in real time<00:13:04.540> they<00:13:05.540> accumulate<00:13:06.139> information<00:13:06.680> they time they accumulate information they time they accumulate information they learn<00:13:07.070> the<00:13:07.790> sad<00:13:08.029> thing<00:13:08.420> is<00:13:08.690> when<00:13:09.560> they<00:13:09.709> die<00:13:09.949> the learn the sad thing is when they die the learn the sad thing is when they die the information<00:13:11.209> dies<00:13:11.449> with<00:13:11.810> them<00:13:11.959> now<00:13:12.769> what information dies with them now what information dies with them now what makes<00:13:13.130> humans<00:13:13.670> different<00:13:13.760> is<00:13:14.540> human<00:13:15.230> language makes humans different is human language makes humans different is human language we<00:13:16.670> are<00:13:16.820> blessed<00:13:17.149> with<00:13:17.420> a<00:13:17.690> language<00:13:18.019> a<00:13:18.320> system we are blessed with a language a system we are blessed with a language a system of<00:13:18.709> communication<00:13:19.310> so<00:13:19.610> powerful<00:13:20.149> and<00:13:20.329> so of communication so powerful and so of communication so powerful and so precise<00:13:21.350> that<00:13:21.740> we<00:13:22.310> can<00:13:22.490> share<00:13:22.820> what<00:13:23.060> we've precise that we can share what we've precise that we can share what we've learned<00:13:23.269> with<00:13:23.750> such<00:13:24.320> precision<00:13:24.589> that<00:13:25.160> it<00:13:25.550> can learned with such precision that it can learned with such precision that it can accumulate<00:13:26.180> in<00:13:26.570> the<00:13:26.660> collective<00:13:27.110> memory<00:13:27.320> and accumulate in the collective memory and accumulate in the collective memory and that<00:13:28.459> means<00:13:28.880> it<00:13:29.329> can<00:13:29.389> outlast<00:13:30.170> the that means it can outlast the that means it can outlast the individuals<00:13:31.250> who<00:13:31.699> learnt<00:13:31.970> that<00:13:32.269> information individuals who learnt that information individuals who learnt that information and<00:13:33.170> it<00:13:33.470> can<00:13:33.500> accumulate<00:13:34.220> from<00:13:34.430> generation<00:13:34.519> to and it can accumulate from generation to and it can accumulate from generation to generation<00:13:35.959> and<00:13:36.170> that's<00:13:36.920> why<00:13:37.220> as<00:13:37.279> a<00:13:37.430> species generation and that's why as a species generation and that's why as a species we<00:13:38.149> are<00:13:38.209> so<00:13:38.360> creative<00:13:38.630> and<00:13:39.139> so<00:13:39.230> powerful<00:13:40.190> and we are so creative and so powerful and we are so creative and so powerful and that's<00:13:40.850> why<00:13:41.269> we<00:13:41.630> have<00:13:41.839> a<00:13:41.870> history<00:13:42.339> we<00:13:43.339> seem<00:13:43.550> to that's why we have a history we seem to that's why we have a history we seem to be<00:13:43.730> the<00:13:43.790> only<00:13:43.910> species<00:13:44.600> in<00:13:44.839> four<00:13:45.170> billion be the only species in four billion be the only species in four billion years<00:13:45.829> to<00:13:46.550> have<00:13:46.760> this<00:13:46.970> gift<00:13:47.269> I<00:13:47.660> call<00:13:48.560> this years to have this gift I call this years to have this gift I call this ability<00:13:49.600> collective<00:13:50.600> learning<00:13:51.199> it's<00:13:52.190> what ability collective learning it's what ability collective learning it's what makes<00:13:52.699> us<00:13:52.910> different<00:13:53.019> we<00:13:54.019> can<00:13:54.139> see<00:13:54.350> that<00:13:54.529> work makes us different we can see that work makes us different we can see that work in<00:13:55.310> the<00:13:55.459> earliest<00:13:55.910> stages<00:13:56.209> of<00:13:56.449> human<00:13:56.660> history in the earliest stages of human history in the earliest stages of human history we<00:13:58.190> evolved<00:13:58.670> as<00:13:58.820> a<00:13:58.850> species<00:13:59.149> in<00:13:59.510> the<00:13:59.600> savanna we evolved as a species in the savanna we evolved as a species in the savanna lands<00:14:00.170> of<00:14:00.380> Africa<00:14:00.829> but<00:14:01.639> then<00:14:01.820> you<00:14:01.940> see<00:14:02.180> humans lands of Africa but then you see humans lands of Africa but then you see humans migrating<00:14:03.529> into<00:14:03.860> new<00:14:03.980> environments<00:14:04.130> into migrating into new environments into migrating into new environments into desert<00:14:05.600> lands<00:14:06.019> into<00:14:06.170> jungles<00:14:06.769> into<00:14:07.010> the<00:14:07.160> Ice desert lands into jungles into the Ice desert lands into jungles into the Ice Age<00:14:07.670> tundra<00:14:08.449> of<00:14:08.660> Siberia<00:14:09.290> tough<00:14:09.709> tough Age tundra of Siberia tough tough Age tundra of Siberia tough tough environment<00:14:10.730> into<00:14:11.180> the<00:14:11.209> Americas<00:14:11.750> into environment into the Americas into environment into the Americas into Australasia<00:14:12.560> each<00:14:13.399> migration<00:14:14.269> involved Australasia each migration involved Australasia each migration involved learning<00:14:15.230> learning<00:14:15.380> new<00:14:15.860> ways<00:14:16.160> of<00:14:16.430> exploiting learning learning new ways of exploiting learning learning new ways of exploiting the<00:14:17.089> environment<00:14:17.690> new<00:14:18.050> ways<00:14:18.290> of<00:14:18.470> dealing<00:14:18.620> with the environment new ways of dealing with the environment new ways of dealing with their<00:14:19.010> surroundings<00:14:19.579> then<00:14:20.240> 10,000<00:14:20.930> years<00:14:21.079> ago their surroundings then 10,000 years ago their surroundings then 10,000 years ago exploiting<00:14:22.610> a<00:14:22.850> sudden<00:14:23.510> change<00:14:23.750> in<00:14:23.990> global exploiting a sudden change in global exploiting a sudden change in global climates<00:14:24.860> with<00:14:25.040> the<00:14:25.100> end<00:14:25.220> of<00:14:25.339> the<00:14:25.430> last<00:14:25.610> ice climates with the end of the last ice climates with the end of the last ice age<00:14:26.120> humans<00:14:26.779> learnt<00:14:27.110> to<00:14:27.380> farm age humans learnt to farm age humans learnt to farm farming<00:14:29.329> was<00:14:29.720> an<00:14:29.839> energy<00:14:30.350> bonanza<00:14:30.889> and farming was an energy bonanza and farming was an energy bonanza and exploiting<00:14:31.970> that<00:14:32.000> energy<00:14:32.540> human<00:14:33.050> populations exploiting that energy human populations exploiting that energy human populations multiplied<00:14:34.399> human<00:14:35.300> societies<00:14:35.839> got<00:14:36.019> larger multiplied human societies got larger multiplied human societies got larger denser<00:14:37.220> more<00:14:37.430> interconnected<00:14:37.910> and<00:14:38.600> then<00:14:39.440> from denser more interconnected and then from denser more interconnected and then from about<00:14:40.220> 500<00:14:41.180> years<00:14:41.510> ago<00:14:41.949> humans<00:14:42.949> began<00:14:43.069> to<00:14:43.399> link about 500 years ago humans began to link about 500 years ago humans began to link up<00:14:43.760> globally<00:14:44.300> through<00:14:44.779> shipping<00:14:45.290> through up globally through shipping through up globally through shipping through trains<00:14:46.310> through<00:14:47.300> Telegraph<00:14:48.050> through<00:14:48.529> the trains through Telegraph through the trains through Telegraph through the Internet<00:14:49.069> until<00:14:49.399> now<00:14:50.149> we<00:14:51.110> seem<00:14:51.410> to<00:14:51.440> form<00:14:51.889> a Internet until now we seem to form a Internet until now we seem to form a single<00:14:52.510> global<00:14:53.510> brain<00:14:54.079> of<00:14:54.529> almost<00:14:54.949> 7<00:14:55.370> billion single global brain of almost 7 billion single global brain of almost 7 billion individuals<00:14:56.300> and<00:14:56.600> that<00:14:56.990> brain<00:14:57.350> is<00:14:57.620> learning individuals and that brain is learning individuals and that brain is learning at<00:14:58.430> warp<00:14:59.209> speed<00:14:59.449> and<00:15:00.100> then<00:15:01.100> the<00:15:01.160> last<00:15:01.310> 200 at warp speed and then the last 200 at warp speed and then the last 200 years<00:15:01.819> something<00:15:02.269> else<00:15:02.389> has<00:15:02.569> happened<00:15:02.690> we've years something else has happened we've years something else has happened we've stumbled<00:15:03.440> on<00:15:03.680> another<00:15:04.100> energy<00:15:04.870> bonanza<00:15:05.870> in stumbled on another energy bonanza in stumbled on another energy bonanza in fossil<00:15:06.470> fuels<00:15:06.500> so<00:15:07.190> fossil<00:15:07.670> fuels<00:15:07.970> and fossil fuels so fossil fuels and fossil fuels so fossil fuels and collective<00:15:08.690> learning<00:15:08.720> together<00:15:09.310> explain<00:15:10.310> the collective learning together explain the collective learning together explain the staggering<00:15:11.149> complexity<00:15:11.720> we<00:15:12.230> see<00:15:12.470> around<00:15:12.560> us

so<00:15:17.990> here<00:15:18.990> we<00:15:19.110> are<00:15:19.140> back<00:15:19.530> at<00:15:20.460> the<00:15:20.550> convention
so here we are back at the convention so here we are back at the convention center<00:15:21.360> we've<00:15:22.020> been<00:15:22.200> on<00:15:22.320> a<00:15:22.350> journey<00:15:22.470> a<00:15:23.040> return center we've been on a journey a return center we've been on a journey a return journey<00:15:24.620> 13.7<00:15:25.620> billion<00:15:25.830> years<00:15:25.980> I<00:15:26.490> hope<00:15:27.330> you journey 13.7 billion years I hope you journey 13.7 billion years I hope you agree<00:15:27.810> this<00:15:27.990> is<00:15:28.050> a<00:15:28.170> powerful<00:15:28.530> story<00:15:29.040> and<00:15:29.400> it's agree this is a powerful story and it's agree this is a powerful story and it's a<00:15:30.060> story<00:15:30.090> in<00:15:30.660> which<00:15:30.900> humans<00:15:31.500> play<00:15:31.860> an a story in which humans play an a story in which humans play an astonishing<00:15:32.940> and<00:15:33.180> creative<00:15:33.690> role<00:15:33.900> but<00:15:34.680> it astonishing and creative role but it astonishing and creative role but it also<00:15:34.980> contains<00:15:35.610> warnings<00:15:36.980> collective also contains warnings collective also contains warnings collective learning<00:15:38.460> is<00:15:38.640> a<00:15:39.090> very<00:15:39.570> very<00:15:40.080> powerful<00:15:40.410> force learning is a very very powerful force learning is a very very powerful force and<00:15:41.520> it's<00:15:42.300> not<00:15:42.660> clear<00:15:43.260> that<00:15:43.530> we<00:15:43.950> humans<00:15:44.580> are<00:15:44.940> in and it's not clear that we humans are in and it's not clear that we humans are in charge<00:15:45.630> of<00:15:45.810> it<00:15:45.960> I<00:15:46.670> remember<00:15:47.670> very<00:15:47.820> vividly<00:15:48.060> as charge of it I remember very vividly as charge of it I remember very vividly as a<00:15:48.510> child<00:15:48.930> growing<00:15:49.410> up<00:15:49.560> in<00:15:49.680> England<00:15:49.890> living a child growing up in England living a child growing up in England living through<00:15:50.640> the<00:15:50.760> Cuban<00:15:51.030> Missile<00:15:51.510> Crisis<00:15:52.130> for<00:15:53.130> a through the Cuban Missile Crisis for a through the Cuban Missile Crisis for a few<00:15:53.490> days<00:15:53.990> the<00:15:54.990> entire<00:15:55.350> biosphere<00:15:55.860> seemed<00:15:56.850> to few days the entire biosphere seemed to few days the entire biosphere seemed to be<00:15:57.060> on<00:15:57.180> the<00:15:57.210> verge<00:15:57.480> of<00:15:57.810> destruction<00:15:58.470> and<00:15:58.920> the be on the verge of destruction and the be on the verge of destruction and the same<00:16:00.120> weapons<00:16:00.660> are<00:16:01.050> still<00:16:01.710> here<00:16:02.160> and<00:16:02.370> they're same weapons are still here and they're same weapons are still here and they're still<00:16:03.450> armed<00:16:04.050> if<00:16:04.680> we<00:16:05.430> avoid<00:16:05.670> that<00:16:05.910> trap<00:16:06.230> others still armed if we avoid that trap others still armed if we avoid that trap others are<00:16:07.350> waiting<00:16:07.680> for<00:16:07.710> us<00:16:08.070> we're<00:16:08.850> burning<00:16:09.240> fossil are waiting for us we're burning fossil are waiting for us we're burning fossil fuels<00:16:09.870> at<00:16:10.170> such<00:16:10.350> a<00:16:10.380> rate<00:16:10.680> that<00:16:11.370> we<00:16:11.520> seemed<00:16:11.730> to fuels at such a rate that we seemed to fuels at such a rate that we seemed to be<00:16:11.880> undermining<00:16:12.570> the<00:16:13.140> Goldilocks<00:16:13.860> conditions be undermining the Goldilocks conditions be undermining the Goldilocks conditions that<00:16:14.970> made<00:16:15.150> it<00:16:15.300> possible<00:16:15.510> for<00:16:15.750> human that made it possible for human that made it possible for human civilizations<00:16:16.830> to<00:16:17.010> flourish<00:16:17.370> over<00:16:17.640> the<00:16:18.180> last civilizations to flourish over the last civilizations to flourish over the last 10,000<00:16:19.350> years 10,000 years 10,000 years so<00:16:21.000> what<00:16:21.180> big<00:16:21.450> history<00:16:21.840> can<00:16:22.080> do<00:16:22.320> is<00:16:22.740> show<00:16:23.490> us so what big history can do is show us so what big history can do is show us the<00:16:23.880> nature<00:16:24.420> of<00:16:24.450> our<00:16:24.750> complexity<00:16:25.380> and the nature of our complexity and the nature of our complexity and fragility<00:16:26.190> and<00:16:26.460> the<00:16:26.610> dangers<00:16:27.210> that<00:16:27.420> face<00:16:27.720> us fragility and the dangers that face us fragility and the dangers that face us but<00:16:28.440> it<00:16:28.530> can<00:16:28.650> also<00:16:28.800> show<00:16:29.160> us<00:16:29.310> our<00:16:29.490> power<00:16:30.330> with but it can also show us our power with but it can also show us our power with collective<00:16:31.410> learning<00:16:31.590> and<00:16:32.060> now<00:16:33.200> finally<00:16:34.970> this collective learning and now finally this collective learning and now finally this is<00:16:36.240> what<00:16:36.750> I<00:16:36.960> want<00:16:37.500> I<00:16:39.080> want<00:16:40.080> my<00:16:40.470> grandson<00:16:41.100> Daniel is what I want I want my grandson Daniel is what I want I want my grandson Daniel and<00:16:42.180> his<00:16:43.140> friends<00:16:43.470> and<00:16:44.220> his<00:16:44.430> generation and his friends and his generation and his friends and his generation throughout<00:16:45.780> the<00:16:46.050> world<00:16:46.340> to<00:16:47.340> know<00:16:47.700> the<00:16:48.120> story throughout the world to know the story throughout the world to know the story of<00:16:48.840> big<00:16:49.110> history<00:16:49.140> and<00:16:49.860> to<00:16:50.340> know<00:16:50.490> it<00:16:50.640> so<00:16:50.940> well of big history and to know it so well of big history and to know it so well that<00:16:51.720> they<00:16:52.380> understand<00:16:53.190> both<00:16:53.700> the<00:16:53.970> challenges that they understand both the challenges that they understand both the challenges that<00:16:54.780> face<00:16:55.050> us<00:16:55.080> and<00:16:55.530> the<00:16:56.040> opportunities<00:16:56.850> that that face us and the opportunities that that face us and the opportunities that face<00:16:57.420> us<00:16:57.690> and<00:16:57.930> that's<00:16:58.890> why<00:16:59.130> a<00:16:59.160> group<00:16:59.460> of<00:16:59.670> us<00:16:59.820> are face us and that's why a group of us are face us and that's why a group of us are building<00:17:00.570> a<00:17:00.810> free<00:17:01.170> online<00:17:02.000> syllabus<00:17:03.000> in<00:17:03.330> big building a free online syllabus in big building a free online syllabus in big history<00:17:04.440> for<00:17:04.650> high<00:17:04.800> school<00:17:05.100> students history for high school students history for high school students throughout<00:17:06.030> the<00:17:06.210> world<00:17:06.470> we<00:17:07.470> believe<00:17:07.890> that<00:17:08.730> big throughout the world we believe that big throughout the world we believe that big history<00:17:09.330> will<00:17:09.780> be<00:17:09.900> a<00:17:09.930> vital<00:17:10.290> intellectual history will be a vital intellectual history will be a vital intellectual tool<00:17:11.520> for<00:17:11.910> them<00:17:12.120> as<00:17:12.360> Daniel<00:17:13.350> and<00:17:13.590> his tool for them as Daniel and his tool for them as Daniel and his generation<00:17:14.360> face<00:17:15.360> the<00:17:15.900> huge<00:17:16.320> challenges<00:17:17.160> and generation face the huge challenges and generation face the huge challenges and also<00:17:17.910> the<00:17:18.180> huge<00:17:18.450> opportunities<00:17:19.320> ahead<00:17:20.010> of also the huge opportunities ahead of also the huge opportunities ahead of them<00:17:20.370> at<00:17:20.640> this<00:17:21.230> threshold<00:17:22.230> moment<00:17:22.800> in<00:17:23.010> the them at this threshold moment in the them at this threshold moment in the history<00:17:23.550> of<00:17:24.120> our<00:17:24.570> beautiful<00:17:25.350> planet history of our beautiful planet history of our beautiful planet I<00:17:26.820> thank<00:17:27.510> you<00:17:27.660> for<00:17:27.780> your<00:17:27.900> attention

cosmos universe big bang, history, of, the, universe, David, Christian, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, Ed

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