Đón nhận bản phối – Kirby Ferguson

Embrace the remix - Kirby Ferguson

Embrace the remix - Kirby Ferguson


we're<00:00:16.359> going<00:00:16.440> to<00:00:16.600> begin<00:00:17.240> in
we're going to begin in we're going to begin in 1964<00:00:19.359> Bob<00:00:19.600> Dylan<00:00:20.119> is<00:00:20.359> 23<00:00:20.880> years<00:00:21.080> old<00:00:21.680> and<00:00:21.840> his 1964 Bob Dylan is 23 years old and his 1964 Bob Dylan is 23 years old and his career<00:00:22.600> is<00:00:22.840> just<00:00:23.039> reaching<00:00:23.359> its<00:00:23.560> Pinnacle career is just reaching its Pinnacle career is just reaching its Pinnacle he's<00:00:24.599> been<00:00:24.760> christened<00:00:25.480> the<00:00:25.599> voice<00:00:25.800> of<00:00:25.920> a he's been christened the voice of a he's been christened the voice of a generation<00:00:27.000> and<00:00:27.119> he's<00:00:27.279> churning<00:00:27.760> out<00:00:28.119> classic generation and he's churning out classic generation and he's churning out classic songs<00:00:29.240> at<00:00:29.359> a<00:00:29.480> seemingly<00:00:30.080> possible<00:00:30.400> rate<00:00:31.359> but songs at a seemingly possible rate but songs at a seemingly possible rate but there's<00:00:31.679> a<00:00:31.880> small<00:00:32.360> minority<00:00:32.960> of<00:00:33.280> denters<00:00:34.280> and there's a small minority of denters and there's a small minority of denters and they<00:00:34.800> claim<00:00:35.800> Bob<00:00:36.079> Dylan<00:00:36.640> is<00:00:36.800> stealing<00:00:37.440> other they claim Bob Dylan is stealing other they claim Bob Dylan is stealing other people's people's people's songs<00:00:40.520> 2004<00:00:41.520> Brian<00:00:41.879> Burton<00:00:42.440> AKA<00:00:42.800> Danger<00:00:43.200> Mouse songs 2004 Brian Burton AKA Danger Mouse songs 2004 Brian Burton AKA Danger Mouse takes<00:00:44.399> the<00:00:44.520> Beatles<00:00:44.879> White<00:00:45.120> Album<00:00:45.480> combines takes the Beatles White Album combines takes the Beatles White Album combines it<00:00:45.879> with<00:00:46.000> Jay-Z's<00:00:46.399> The<00:00:46.520> Black<00:00:46.760> Album<00:00:47.120> to it with Jay-Z's The Black Album to it with Jay-Z's The Black Album to create<00:00:47.760> the<00:00:47.920> gray<00:00:48.199> album<00:00:48.960> the<00:00:49.079> gray<00:00:49.239> album create the gray album the gray album create the gray album the gray album becomes<00:00:49.680> an<00:00:49.800> immediate<00:00:50.160> sensation<00:00:50.600> online becomes an immediate sensation online becomes an immediate sensation online and<00:00:51.239> the<00:00:51.320> Beatles<00:00:51.680> record<00:00:52.039> company<00:00:52.680> sends<00:00:53.039> out and the Beatles record company sends out and the Beatles record company sends out countless<00:00:53.960> cease<00:00:54.359> and<00:00:54.520> desist<00:00:54.960> letters<00:00:55.719> for countless cease and desist letters for countless cease and desist letters for unfair<00:00:56.559> competition<00:00:57.480> and<00:00:57.680> dilution<00:00:58.399> of<00:00:58.559> a unfair competition and dilution of a unfair competition and dilution of a valuable<00:00:59.280> property valuable property valuable property now<00:01:01.320> the<00:01:01.399> gray<00:01:01.640> album<00:01:02.000> is<00:01:02.160> a<00:01:02.440> remix<00:01:02.879> it<00:01:03.000> is<00:01:03.160> New now the gray album is a remix it is New now the gray album is a remix it is New Media<00:01:03.879> created<00:01:04.239> from<00:01:04.439> old<00:01:04.720> media<00:01:05.360> it<00:01:05.479> was<00:01:05.720> made Media created from old media it was made Media created from old media it was made using<00:01:06.479> these<00:01:06.680> three<00:01:07.119> techniques<00:01:08.119> copy using these three techniques copy using these three techniques copy transform<00:01:10.040> and<00:01:10.240> combine<00:01:11.080> that's<00:01:11.240> how<00:01:11.320> you transform and combine that's how you transform and combine that's how you remix<00:01:11.840> you<00:01:11.960> take<00:01:12.200> existing<00:01:12.640> songs<00:01:13.360> you<00:01:13.520> chop remix you take existing songs you chop remix you take existing songs you chop them<00:01:13.880> up<00:01:14.000> you<00:01:14.119> transform<00:01:14.560> the<00:01:14.680> pieces<00:01:14.920> you them up you transform the pieces you them up you transform the pieces you combine<00:01:15.320> them<00:01:15.479> back<00:01:15.680> together<00:01:16.040> again<00:01:16.720> you've combine them back together again you've combine them back together again you've got<00:01:17.000> a<00:01:17.119> new<00:01:17.360> song<00:01:17.960> but<00:01:18.119> that<00:01:18.240> new<00:01:18.400> song<00:01:18.640> is got a new song but that new song is got a new song but that new song is clearly<00:01:19.280> comprised<00:01:20.040> of<00:01:20.200> old<00:01:20.720> songs<00:01:21.720> but<00:01:21.880> I clearly comprised of old songs but I clearly comprised of old songs but I think<00:01:22.159> these<00:01:22.360> aren't<00:01:22.720> just<00:01:22.880> the<00:01:23.000> components think these aren't just the components think these aren't just the components of<00:01:24.040> remixing<00:01:25.040> I<00:01:25.119> think<00:01:25.280> these<00:01:25.400> are<00:01:25.520> the<00:01:25.640> basic of remixing I think these are the basic of remixing I think these are the basic elements<00:01:26.479> of<00:01:26.600> all<00:01:27.040> creativity<00:01:28.040> I<00:01:28.119> think elements of all creativity I think elements of all creativity I think everything<00:01:28.640> is<00:01:28.720> a<00:01:28.840> remix<00:01:29.479> and<00:01:29.600> I<00:01:29.680> think<00:01:30.040> this everything is a remix and I think this everything is a remix and I think this is<00:01:30.240> a<00:01:30.400> better<00:01:30.759> way<00:01:31.200> to<00:01:31.439> conceive<00:01:31.960> of is a better way to conceive of is a better way to conceive of creativity<00:01:34.640> all<00:01:34.759> right<00:01:34.920> let's<00:01:35.119> head<00:01:35.360> back<00:01:35.600> to creativity all right let's head back to creativity all right let's head back to 1964<00:01:36.920> and<00:01:37.079> let's<00:01:37.280> hear<00:01:37.560> where<00:01:37.880> some<00:01:38.040> of 1964 and let's hear where some of 1964 and let's hear where some of Dylan's<00:01:38.600> early<00:01:38.920> songs<00:01:39.560> came<00:01:39.799> from<00:01:40.240> going<00:01:40.399> do Dylan's early songs came from going do Dylan's early songs came from going do some<00:01:40.680> side<00:01:40.880> bys<00:01:41.040> side<00:01:41.200> comparisons<00:01:41.759> here<00:01:42.280> all some side bys side comparisons here all some side bys side comparisons here all right<00:01:42.520> this<00:01:42.640> first<00:01:42.799> song<00:01:42.960> You're<00:01:43.040> going<00:01:43.119> to right this first song You're going to right this first song You're going to hear<00:01:43.399> is<00:01:43.520> nman<00:01:44.040> town<00:01:44.280> it's<00:01:44.360> your<00:01:44.520> traditional hear is nman town it's your traditional hear is nman town it's your traditional fol<00:01:45.240> tune<00:01:45.799> after<00:01:46.040> that<00:01:46.119> you'll<00:01:46.280> hear<00:01:46.520> Dylan's fol tune after that you'll hear Dylan's fol tune after that you'll hear Dylan's masters<00:01:47.200> of<00:01:47.399> war masters of war masters of war in<00:01:50.600> not<00:01:50.759> a<00:01:51.000> soul in not a soul in not a soul look<00:01:53.560> not<00:01:53.680> a<00:01:53.880> soul<00:01:54.280> would<00:01:54.520> look<00:01:55.240> up<00:01:56.240> not<00:01:56.399> a<00:01:56.600> soul look not a soul would look up not a soul look not a soul would look up not a soul would<00:01:57.320> look<00:01:57.600> down would look down would look down come<00:02:00.240> your<00:02:00.479> masters<00:02:01.039> of come your masters of come your masters of War<00:02:04.360> he<00:02:04.560> they<00:02:04.759> build<00:02:05.240> the<00:02:05.479> big War he they build the big War he they build the big guns<00:02:08.720> here<00:02:08.879> the<00:02:09.119> build<00:02:09.399> the<00:02:09.679> death

Plains<00:02:13.040> here<00:02:13.200> the<00:02:13.440> build<00:02:13.800> all<00:02:14.080> the<00:02:14.760> bombs<00:02:15.760> so
Plains here the build all the bombs so Plains here the build all the bombs so that's<00:02:16.160> the<00:02:16.319> same<00:02:16.599> basic<00:02:16.920> Melody<00:02:17.599> and<00:02:17.800> overall that's the same basic Melody and overall that's the same basic Melody and overall structure<00:02:19.239> this<00:02:19.440> next<00:02:19.599> one<00:02:19.879> is<00:02:20.239> the<00:02:20.360> Patriot structure this next one is the Patriot structure this next one is the Patriot game<00:02:21.040> by<00:02:21.200> Dominic<00:02:21.519> Bean<00:02:22.160> alongside<00:02:22.720> that game by Dominic Bean alongside that game by Dominic Bean alongside that you're<00:02:22.920> going<00:02:23.040> to<00:02:23.160> hear<00:02:23.319> with<00:02:23.519> God<00:02:23.680> on<00:02:23.879> our you're going to hear with God on our you're going to hear with God on our side<00:02:24.400> by<00:02:24.879> Dylan<00:02:25.879> come<00:02:26.319> on<00:02:26.920> you<00:02:27.319> young<00:02:28.000> ra side by Dylan come on you young ra side by Dylan come on you young ra and<00:02:31.080> list<00:02:31.599> while<00:02:32.160> I and list while I and list while I sing<00:02:35.120> for<00:02:35.720> love<00:02:36.239> of<00:02:36.519> one's sing for love of one's sing for love of one's L<00:02:38.760> is<00:02:39.599> a<00:02:40.560> terrible L is a terrible L is a terrible thing<00:02:43.720> oh<00:02:44.120> my<00:02:44.400> name<00:02:45.319> it<00:02:45.599> a thing oh my name it a thing oh my name it a nothing<00:02:49.200> my<00:02:49.560> age<00:02:50.040> it<00:02:50.239> means nothing my age it means nothing my age it means less<00:02:53.760> the<00:02:54.080> country<00:02:54.760> I<00:02:55.159> come less the country I come less the country I come from<00:02:58.080> it's<00:02:58.360> called<00:02:59.120> the<00:02:59.280> Midwest from it's called the Midwest from it's called the Midwest okay<00:03:00.800> so<00:03:01.000> in<00:03:01.120> this<00:03:01.239> case<00:03:01.400> DL<00:03:01.640> the<00:03:01.760> midz<00:03:02.080> he<00:03:02.280> must okay so in this case DL the midz he must okay so in this case DL the midz he must have<00:03:02.560> heard<00:03:02.720> the<00:03:02.840> patri<00:03:03.159> game<00:03:03.360> he<00:03:03.480> forgot have heard the patri game he forgot have heard the patri game he forgot about<00:03:04.000> it<00:03:04.480> then<00:03:04.599> when<00:03:04.680> the<00:03:04.799> song<00:03:05.000> kind<00:03:05.120> of about it then when the song kind of about it then when the song kind of bubbled<00:03:05.599> back<00:03:05.720> up<00:03:05.840> in<00:03:05.959> his<00:03:06.080> brain<00:03:06.319> he<00:03:06.480> just bubbled back up in his brain he just bubbled back up in his brain he just thought<00:03:06.760> it<00:03:06.879> was<00:03:07.040> his<00:03:07.239> song<00:03:08.239> last<00:03:08.400> one<00:03:08.560> this<00:03:08.640> is thought it was his song last one this is thought it was his song last one this is who's<00:03:08.959> going<00:03:09.040> to<00:03:09.159> buy<00:03:09.280> your<00:03:09.360> Ribbit<00:03:09.599> it's who's going to buy your Ribbit it's who's going to buy your Ribbit it's another<00:03:09.959> traditional<00:03:10.319> folk<00:03:10.599> tune<00:03:11.080> alongside another traditional folk tune alongside another traditional folk tune alongside that<00:03:11.720> is<00:03:11.920> Don't<00:03:12.120> Think<00:03:12.280> Twice<00:03:12.599> It's<00:03:12.720> all<00:03:13.000> right that is Don't Think Twice It's all right that is Don't Think Twice It's all right this<00:03:13.519> one's<00:03:13.760> more<00:03:13.920> about<00:03:14.080> the this one's more about the this one's more about the lyric<00:03:15.799> used<00:03:16.720> to lyric used to lyric used to sit sit sit now<00:03:22.599> darling<00:03:23.599> and<00:03:23.799> it<00:03:24.000> ain't<00:03:24.239> no<00:03:24.599> use<00:03:25.319> to<00:03:25.680> sit now darling and it ain't no use to sit now darling and it ain't no use to sit and<00:03:26.680> cry<00:03:27.680> now and cry now and cry now well<00:03:30.760> it<00:03:30.920> didn't<00:03:31.159> know<00:03:31.599> you<00:03:32.040> sit<00:03:32.319> and<00:03:32.640> wonder well it didn't know you sit and wonder well it didn't know you sit and wonder why why why baby<00:03:36.080> even<00:03:36.400> you<00:03:36.640> don't<00:03:37.040> know<00:03:37.360> by baby even you don't know by baby even you don't know by now<00:03:39.640> and<00:03:39.799> it<00:03:39.920> didn't<00:03:40.120> know<00:03:40.480> youed<00:03:40.879> to<00:03:41.040> sit<00:03:41.319> and now and it didn't know youed to sit and now and it didn't know youed to sit and wonder<00:03:42.159> why wonder why wonder why bab<00:03:45.040> it'll<00:03:45.400> never<00:03:45.760> do bab it'll never do bab it'll never do somehow<00:03:47.959> okay<00:03:48.200> now<00:03:48.400> there's<00:03:48.799> a<00:03:48.959> lot<00:03:49.120> of<00:03:49.319> these somehow okay now there's a lot of these somehow okay now there's a lot of these it's<00:03:50.080> been<00:03:50.239> estimated<00:03:50.720> that<00:03:50.840> two-thirds<00:03:51.400> of it's been estimated that two-thirds of it's been estimated that two-thirds of The<00:03:51.599> Melodies<00:03:52.000> Dylan<00:03:52.280> used<00:03:52.519> in<00:03:52.640> his<00:03:52.760> early The Melodies Dylan used in his early The Melodies Dylan used in his early songs<00:03:53.599> were<00:03:53.879> borrowed<00:03:54.599> this<00:03:54.720> is<00:03:54.840> pretty songs were borrowed this is pretty songs were borrowed this is pretty typical<00:03:55.360> among<00:03:55.519> folk<00:03:55.760> singers<00:03:56.560> here's<00:03:56.760> the typical among folk singers here's the typical among folk singers here's the advice<00:03:57.120> of<00:03:57.239> Dylan's<00:03:57.599> Idol<00:03:57.959> Woody<00:03:58.239> Guthrie<00:03:58.840> the advice of Dylan's Idol Woody Guthrie the advice of Dylan's Idol Woody Guthrie the words<00:03:59.200> are<00:03:59.360> the<00:03:59.439> important<00:04:00.040> thing<00:04:00.439> don't words are the important thing don't words are the important thing don't worry<00:04:00.840> about<00:04:01.000> Tunes<00:04:01.560> take<00:04:01.720> a<00:04:01.879> tune<00:04:02.400> Sing<00:04:02.680> High worry about Tunes take a tune Sing High worry about Tunes take a tune Sing High when<00:04:03.040> they<00:04:03.159> sing<00:04:03.439> low<00:04:04.200> sing<00:04:04.560> fast<00:04:04.840> when<00:04:04.959> they when they sing low sing fast when they when they sing low sing fast when they sing<00:04:05.360> slow<00:04:06.120> and<00:04:06.239> you've<00:04:06.400> got<00:04:06.519> a<00:04:06.680> new

tune<00:04:11.159> and<00:04:11.360> that's<00:04:11.879> that's<00:04:12.000> what<00:04:12.159> Guthrie<00:04:12.519> did
tune and that's that's what Guthrie did tune and that's that's what Guthrie did right<00:04:12.959> here<00:04:13.239> and<00:04:13.360> I'm<00:04:13.480> sure<00:04:13.640> you<00:04:13.840> all right here and I'm sure you all right here and I'm sure you all recognize<00:04:14.599> the

results<00:04:20.919> we<00:04:21.040> know<00:04:21.239> this<00:04:21.400> tune<00:04:22.080> right<00:04:23.080> we<00:04:23.199> know
results we know this tune right we know results we know this tune right we know it<00:04:24.120> actually<00:04:24.400> you<00:04:24.560> don't<00:04:25.400> that<00:04:25.520> is<00:04:25.639> when<00:04:25.759> the it actually you don't that is when the it actually you don't that is when the world's<00:04:26.120> on<00:04:26.280> fire<00:04:26.720> very<00:04:27.040> old<00:04:27.440> Melody<00:04:28.199> in<00:04:28.320> this world's on fire very old Melody in this world's on fire very old Melody in this case<00:04:28.680> performed<00:04:29.000> by<00:04:29.080> The<00:04:29.160> Carter<00:04:29.440> family case performed by The Carter family case performed by The Carter family Guth<00:04:30.479> re<00:04:30.639> adapted<00:04:31.039> it<00:04:31.240> into<00:04:31.720> this<00:04:31.880> land<00:04:32.039> as Guth re adapted it into this land as Guth re adapted it into this land as your<00:04:32.440> land<00:04:33.280> so<00:04:34.160> Bob<00:04:34.680> Dylan<00:04:35.680> Like<00:04:35.840> all<00:04:35.960> folk your land so Bob Dylan Like all folk your land so Bob Dylan Like all folk singers<00:04:36.560> he<00:04:36.720> copied<00:04:37.039> Melodies<00:04:37.600> he singers he copied Melodies he singers he copied Melodies he transformed<00:04:38.360> them<00:04:38.800> he<00:04:38.960> combined<00:04:39.320> them<00:04:39.440> with transformed them he combined them with transformed them he combined them with new<00:04:39.759> lyrics<00:04:40.240> which<00:04:40.360> were<00:04:40.520> frequently<00:04:41.240> their new lyrics which were frequently their new lyrics which were frequently their own<00:04:41.680> concoction<00:04:42.520> of<00:04:42.720> previous own concoction of previous own concoction of previous stuff<00:04:45.280> now<00:04:45.440> American<00:04:46.360> copyright<00:04:47.039> and<00:04:47.240> patent stuff now American copyright and patent stuff now American copyright and patent laws<00:04:47.800> run<00:04:48.120> counter<00:04:48.600> to<00:04:48.759> this<00:04:48.919> notion<00:04:49.199> that<00:04:49.360> we laws run counter to this notion that we laws run counter to this notion that we build<00:04:49.800> on<00:04:49.960> the<00:04:50.080> work<00:04:50.240> of<00:04:50.440> others<00:04:51.360> instead build on the work of others instead build on the work of others instead these<00:04:52.320> laws<00:04:52.800> and<00:04:52.960> laws<00:04:53.240> around<00:04:53.440> the<00:04:53.560> world<00:04:54.240> use these laws and laws around the world use these laws and laws around the world use the<00:04:54.880> rather<00:04:55.160> awkward<00:04:55.560> analogy<00:04:56.320> of<00:04:56.639> property the rather awkward analogy of property the rather awkward analogy of property now<00:04:57.880> creative<00:04:58.199> Works<00:04:58.440> May<00:04:58.560> indeed<00:04:58.800> be<00:04:58.919> kind<00:04:59.039> of now creative Works May indeed be kind of now creative Works May indeed be kind of like<00:04:59.360> property<00:04:59.960> but<00:05:00.080> it's<00:05:00.280> property<00:05:00.759> that like property but it's property that like property but it's property that we're<00:05:01.080> all<00:05:01.240> building<00:05:01.600> on<00:05:02.280> and<00:05:02.440> Creations<00:05:02.919> can we're all building on and Creations can we're all building on and Creations can only<00:05:03.440> take<00:05:03.720> root<00:05:04.120> and<00:05:04.360> grow<00:05:05.080> once<00:05:05.320> that<00:05:05.479> ground only take root and grow once that ground only take root and grow once that ground has<00:05:05.840> been has been has been prepared<00:05:07.919> Henry<00:05:08.160> Ford<00:05:08.400> once<00:05:08.560> said<00:05:08.759> I<00:05:08.880> invented prepared Henry Ford once said I invented prepared Henry Ford once said I invented nothing<00:05:09.639> new<00:05:10.199> I<00:05:10.320> simply<00:05:10.600> assembled<00:05:11.000> the nothing new I simply assembled the nothing new I simply assembled the discoveries<00:05:11.479> of<00:05:11.639> other<00:05:11.840> men<00:05:12.400> behind<00:05:12.800> whom discoveries of other men behind whom discoveries of other men behind whom were<00:05:13.320> centuries<00:05:13.720> of<00:05:14.120> work<00:05:15.120> progress<00:05:15.440> happens were centuries of work progress happens were centuries of work progress happens when<00:05:16.280> all<00:05:16.400> the<00:05:16.520> factors<00:05:16.800> that<00:05:16.919> make<00:05:17.080> for<00:05:17.240> it when all the factors that make for it when all the factors that make for it are<00:05:17.560> ready<00:05:18.199> and<00:05:18.479> then<00:05:19.000> it<00:05:19.240> is are ready and then it is are ready and then it is inevitable inevitable inevitable 2007<00:05:24.080> the<00:05:24.199> iPhone<00:05:24.520> makes<00:05:24.720> its<00:05:24.919> debut<00:05:25.840> Apple 2007 the iPhone makes its debut Apple 2007 the iPhone makes its debut Apple undoubtedly<00:05:26.840> brings<00:05:27.080> this<00:05:27.240> Innovation<00:05:27.639> to<00:05:27.759> us undoubtedly brings this Innovation to us undoubtedly brings this Innovation to us early<00:05:28.560> but<00:05:28.720> its<00:05:28.919> time<00:05:29.120> was<00:05:29.280> approaching early but its time was approaching early but its time was approaching because<00:05:30.120> its<00:05:30.280> core<00:05:30.600> technology<00:05:31.280> had<00:05:31.400> been because its core technology had been because its core technology had been evolving<00:05:31.919> for<00:05:32.120> decades<00:05:33.039> that's<00:05:33.240> multitouch evolving for decades that's multitouch evolving for decades that's multitouch controlling<00:05:34.400> a<00:05:34.600> device<00:05:35.240> by<00:05:35.400> touching<00:05:35.720> its controlling a device by touching its controlling a device by touching its display<00:05:37.000> here<00:05:37.160> is<00:05:37.319> Steve<00:05:37.680> Jobs<00:05:38.000> introducing display here is Steve Jobs introducing display here is Steve Jobs introducing multi-touch<00:05:39.120> and<00:05:39.280> making<00:05:39.639> a<00:05:39.800> rather multi-touch and making a rather multi-touch and making a rather forboding<00:05:40.960> joke<00:05:41.840> and<00:05:41.960> we<00:05:42.080> have<00:05:42.280> invented<00:05:42.960> a forboding joke and we have invented a forboding joke and we have invented a new<00:05:43.520> technology<00:05:44.520> called new technology called new technology called multi-touch<00:05:46.560> you<00:05:46.680> can<00:05:46.800> do<00:05:47.000> multi-finger multi-touch you can do multi-finger multi-touch you can do multi-finger gestures<00:05:48.319> on<00:05:48.840> it<00:05:49.840> and<00:05:50.039> boy<00:05:50.360> have<00:05:50.520> we<00:05:50.800> patented gestures on it and boy have we patented gestures on it and boy have we patented it it it yes<00:05:54.319> and<00:05:54.479> yet<00:05:54.800> here<00:05:55.000> is<00:05:55.479> uh<00:05:55.600> multi-touch<00:05:56.120> in yes and yet here is uh multi-touch in yes and yet here is uh multi-touch in action<00:05:56.479> this<00:05:56.600> is<00:05:56.680> at<00:05:56.880> Ted<00:05:57.240> actually<00:05:57.600> about<00:05:57.759> a action this is at Ted actually about a action this is at Ted actually about a year<00:05:58.039> earlier<00:05:58.759> this<00:05:58.880> is<00:05:59.039> Jeff<00:05:59.280> Han<00:05:59.840> and<00:06:00.280> uh<00:06:00.479> I year earlier this is Jeff Han and uh I year earlier this is Jeff Han and uh I mean<00:06:00.680> that's<00:06:00.840> multi-touch<00:06:01.319> it's<00:06:01.400> the<00:06:01.520> same mean that's multi-touch it's the same mean that's multi-touch it's the same animal<00:06:02.280> at<00:06:02.400> least<00:06:02.919> let's<00:06:03.080> hear<00:06:03.199> what<00:06:03.360> Jeff<00:06:03.560> Han animal at least let's hear what Jeff Han animal at least let's hear what Jeff Han has<00:06:03.960> to<00:06:04.080> say<00:06:04.280> about<00:06:04.520> this<00:06:04.880> new<00:06:05.160> fangled has to say about this new fangled has to say about this new fangled technology<00:06:07.319> multi<00:06:07.680> touch<00:06:07.840> sensing<00:06:08.240> isn't technology multi touch sensing isn't technology multi touch sensing isn't anything<00:06:09.120> isn't<00:06:09.400> completely<00:06:09.800> new<00:06:10.039> I<00:06:10.120> mean anything isn't completely new I mean anything isn't completely new I mean people<00:06:10.440> like<00:06:10.560> B<00:06:10.759> buckson<00:06:11.039> have<00:06:11.160> been<00:06:11.240> playing people like B buckson have been playing people like B buckson have been playing around<00:06:11.599> with<00:06:11.720> in<00:06:11.800> the<00:06:11.880> '<00:06:11.960> 80s<00:06:12.639> the<00:06:12.840> technology around with in the ' 80s the technology around with in the ' 80s the technology you<00:06:13.919> know<00:06:14.280> isn't<00:06:14.720> isn't<00:06:14.960> the<00:06:15.039> most<00:06:15.199> exciting you know isn't isn't the most exciting you know isn't isn't the most exciting thing<00:06:15.840> here<00:06:16.120> right<00:06:16.240> now<00:06:16.440> other<00:06:16.639> than<00:06:16.960> probably thing here right now other than probably thing here right now other than probably it's<00:06:17.400> new<00:06:17.599> found<00:06:17.880> accessibility<00:06:18.840> so<00:06:19.039> he's it's new found accessibility so he's it's new found accessibility so he's pretty<00:06:19.599> Frank<00:06:19.840> about<00:06:19.960> it<00:06:20.120> not<00:06:20.240> being<00:06:20.440> new<00:06:20.759> so pretty Frank about it not being new so pretty Frank about it not being new so it's<00:06:20.960> not<00:06:21.120> multitouch<00:06:21.840> as<00:06:21.919> a<00:06:22.080> whole<00:06:22.720> that's it's not multitouch as a whole that's it's not multitouch as a whole that's patented<00:06:23.680> it's<00:06:23.800> the<00:06:23.919> small<00:06:24.199> parts<00:06:24.400> of<00:06:24.520> it<00:06:24.919> that patented it's the small parts of it that patented it's the small parts of it that are<00:06:25.520> and<00:06:25.639> it's<00:06:25.759> in<00:06:25.880> these<00:06:26.080> small<00:06:26.400> details are and it's in these small details are and it's in these small details where<00:06:26.960> we<00:06:27.080> can<00:06:27.280> clearly<00:06:27.560> see<00:06:27.880> patent<00:06:28.160> law where we can clearly see patent law where we can clearly see patent law contradicting<00:06:29.120> its<00:06:29.240> intent contradicting its intent contradicting its intent to<00:06:30.560> promote<00:06:31.080> the<00:06:31.319> progress<00:06:31.840> of<00:06:31.960> useful<00:06:32.560> Arts to promote the progress of useful Arts to promote the progress of useful Arts here<00:06:33.720> is<00:06:33.919> the<00:06:34.160> first<00:06:34.440> ever<00:06:35.000> slide<00:06:35.360> to<00:06:35.720> unlock here is the first ever slide to unlock here is the first ever slide to unlock that<00:06:36.880> is<00:06:37.039> all<00:06:37.240> there<00:06:37.360> is<00:06:37.560> to<00:06:37.720> it<00:06:38.160> Apple<00:06:38.440> has that is all there is to it Apple has that is all there is to it Apple has patented<00:06:39.000> this<00:06:39.240> it's<00:06:39.360> a<00:06:39.520> 28-page<00:06:40.160> software patented this it's a 28-page software patented this it's a 28-page software patent<00:06:40.960> but<00:06:41.120> I<00:06:41.240> will<00:06:41.800> summarize<00:06:42.360> what<00:06:42.479> it patent but I will summarize what it patent but I will summarize what it covers<00:06:43.560> spoiler<00:06:44.160> alert<00:06:45.160> unlocking<00:06:45.599> your covers spoiler alert unlocking your covers spoiler alert unlocking your phone<00:06:45.919> by<00:06:46.039> sliding<00:06:46.400> an<00:06:46.560> icon<00:06:46.880> with<00:06:47.000> your phone by sliding an icon with your phone by sliding an icon with your finger<00:06:47.919> I'm<00:06:48.160> I'm<00:06:49.000> I'm<00:06:49.160> only<00:06:49.440> exaggerating<00:06:49.960> a finger I'm I'm I'm only exaggerating a finger I'm I'm I'm only exaggerating a little<00:06:50.240> bit<00:06:50.599> it's<00:06:50.680> a<00:06:50.840> broad<00:06:51.199> patent<00:06:51.960> now<00:06:52.240> can little bit it's a broad patent now can little bit it's a broad patent now can someone<00:06:53.039> own<00:06:53.400> this<00:06:54.000> idea<00:06:54.960> now<00:06:55.120> back<00:06:55.240> in<00:06:55.319> the<00:06:55.400> ' someone own this idea now back in the ' someone own this idea now back in the ' 80s<00:06:55.840> there<00:06:55.960> were<00:06:56.160> no<00:06:56.360> software<00:06:56.759> patents<00:06:57.120> and 80s there were no software patents and 80s there were no software patents and it<00:06:57.319> was<00:06:57.520> Xerox<00:06:58.360> that<00:06:58.560> pioneered<00:06:59.000> the it was Xerox that pioneered the it was Xerox that pioneered the graphical<00:06:59.599> user<00:06:59.879> interface<00:07:00.879> what<00:07:01.000> if<00:07:01.120> they graphical user interface what if they graphical user interface what if they had<00:07:01.400> patented<00:07:02.120> popup<00:07:02.560> menus<00:07:03.560> scroll<00:07:04.000> bars<00:07:04.680> the had patented popup menus scroll bars the had patented popup menus scroll bars the desktop<00:07:05.680> with<00:07:05.879> icons<00:07:06.319> that<00:07:06.440> looked<00:07:06.680> like desktop with icons that looked like desktop with icons that looked like folders<00:07:07.639> and<00:07:08.039> sheets<00:07:08.360> of<00:07:08.680> paper<00:07:09.680> would<00:07:09.840> a folders and sheets of paper would a folders and sheets of paper would a young<00:07:10.479> and<00:07:10.720> inexperienced<00:07:11.440> Apple<00:07:11.960> have young and inexperienced Apple have young and inexperienced Apple have survived<00:07:12.960> the<00:07:13.120> legal<00:07:13.440> assault<00:07:14.120> of<00:07:14.240> a<00:07:14.400> much survived the legal assault of a much survived the legal assault of a much larger<00:07:15.360> and<00:07:15.560> more<00:07:15.720> mature<00:07:16.080> company<00:07:16.800> like larger and more mature company like larger and more mature company like Xerox<00:07:19.280> now<00:07:19.520> this<00:07:19.720> idea<00:07:20.000> that<00:07:20.120> everything<00:07:20.360> is<00:07:20.440> a Xerox now this idea that everything is a Xerox now this idea that everything is a remix<00:07:21.000> might<00:07:21.199> sound<00:07:21.479> like<00:07:21.639> Common<00:07:21.960> Sense remix might sound like Common Sense remix might sound like Common Sense until<00:07:22.960> you're<00:07:23.280> the<00:07:23.400> one<00:07:23.919> getting until you're the one getting until you're the one getting remixed<00:07:26.039> for<00:07:26.280> example<00:07:27.080> I<00:07:27.160> mean<00:07:27.360> Picasso<00:07:27.840> had<00:07:27.919> a remixed for example I mean Picasso had a remixed for example I mean Picasso had a saying<00:07:28.360> he<00:07:28.520> said<00:07:29.000> good<00:07:29.160> artists<00:07:29.720> copy<00:07:30.400> great saying he said good artists copy great saying he said good artists copy great artist<00:07:31.440> steal<00:07:32.440> and<00:07:33.280> we<00:07:33.479> have<00:07:33.840> you<00:07:33.960> know<00:07:34.240> always artist steal and we have you know always artist steal and we have you know always been<00:07:35.360> Shameless<00:07:36.000> about<00:07:36.160> stealing<00:07:36.639> great been Shameless about stealing great been Shameless about stealing great ideas<00:07:37.560> okay<00:07:37.800> that's<00:07:37.919> 96<00:07:38.440> here's<00:07:38.680> 2010<00:07:39.319> I'm ideas okay that's 96 here's 2010 I'm ideas okay that's 96 here's 2010 I'm going<00:07:39.639> to<00:07:39.879> destroy<00:07:40.360> Android<00:07:40.919> because<00:07:41.120> it's<00:07:41.240> a going to destroy Android because it's a going to destroy Android because it's a stolen stolen stolen product<00:07:43.800> I'm<00:07:43.960> willing<00:07:44.199> to<00:07:44.319> go<00:07:44.639> thermonuclear product I'm willing to go thermonuclear product I'm willing to go thermonuclear war<00:07:46.039> on<00:07:46.599> this<00:07:47.599> okay<00:07:47.720> so<00:07:47.879> in<00:07:48.000> other<00:07:48.199> words<00:07:48.520> great war on this okay so in other words great war on this okay so in other words great artist<00:07:49.159> steal<00:07:49.759> but<00:07:49.919> not<00:07:50.080> for

me<00:07:53.919> now<00:07:54.039> behavioral<00:07:54.440> economists<00:07:54.800> might<00:07:54.919> refer
me now behavioral economists might refer me now behavioral economists might refer to<00:07:55.240> this<00:07:55.319> sort<00:07:55.479> of<00:07:55.560> thing<00:07:55.680> as<00:07:55.800> loss<00:07:56.080> aversion to this sort of thing as loss aversion to this sort of thing as loss aversion we<00:07:56.800> have<00:07:56.879> a<00:07:57.120> strong<00:07:57.360> predisposition<00:07:58.039> towards we have a strong predisposition towards we have a strong predisposition towards protecting<00:07:59.159> what<00:07:59.680> feel<00:08:00.000> is<00:08:00.280> ours<00:08:01.039> we<00:08:01.159> have<00:08:01.280> no protecting what feel is ours we have no protecting what feel is ours we have no such<00:08:01.639> aversion<00:08:01.960> towards<00:08:02.280> copying<00:08:02.639> what<00:08:02.800> other such aversion towards copying what other such aversion towards copying what other people<00:08:03.280> have<00:08:03.759> because<00:08:03.919> we<00:08:04.039> do<00:08:04.240> that people have because we do that people have because we do that nonstop<00:08:06.440> so<00:08:06.560> here's<00:08:06.720> the<00:08:06.800> sort<00:08:06.960> of<00:08:07.039> equation nonstop so here's the sort of equation nonstop so here's the sort of equation we're<00:08:07.520> looking<00:08:07.759> at<00:08:08.639> we've<00:08:08.800> got<00:08:08.960> laws<00:08:09.199> to we're looking at we've got laws to we're looking at we've got laws to fundamentally<00:08:09.720> treat<00:08:09.960> creative<00:08:10.240> works<00:08:10.479> as fundamentally treat creative works as fundamentally treat creative works as property<00:08:11.440> plus<00:08:11.680> massive<00:08:12.080> Rewards<00:08:12.599> or property plus massive Rewards or property plus massive Rewards or settlements<00:08:13.319> and<00:08:13.440> infringement<00:08:13.960> cases<00:08:14.720> plus settlements and infringement cases plus settlements and infringement cases plus huge<00:08:15.199> legal<00:08:15.479> fees<00:08:15.720> to<00:08:15.879> protect<00:08:16.120> yourself<00:08:16.400> in huge legal fees to protect yourself in huge legal fees to protect yourself in court<00:08:17.360> plus<00:08:17.720> cognitive<00:08:18.159> biases<00:08:18.960> against court plus cognitive biases against court plus cognitive biases against perceived<00:08:19.840> loss<00:08:20.680> and<00:08:20.800> the<00:08:20.960> sum<00:08:21.639> looks<00:08:21.919> like perceived loss and the sum looks like perceived loss and the sum looks like this<00:08:23.159> that<00:08:23.280> is<00:08:23.479> the<00:08:23.759> last<00:08:24.280> four<00:08:24.720> years<00:08:25.039> of this that is the last four years of this that is the last four years of lawsuits<00:08:26.280> in<00:08:26.440> the<00:08:26.599> realm<00:08:26.840> of<00:08:27.440> smartphones<00:08:28.440> is lawsuits in the realm of smartphones is lawsuits in the realm of smartphones is this<00:08:29.599> promoting<00:08:30.039> the<00:08:30.280> progress<00:08:31.000> of<00:08:31.159> useful this promoting the progress of useful this promoting the progress of useful Arts Arts Arts 1983<00:08:37.080> Bob<00:08:37.320> Dillan<00:08:37.800> is<00:08:38.000> 42<00:08:38.440> years<00:08:38.680> old<00:08:39.640> and<00:08:39.800> his 1983 Bob Dillan is 42 years old and his 1983 Bob Dillan is 42 years old and his time<00:08:40.279> in<00:08:40.399> the<00:08:40.519> cultural<00:08:40.959> Spotlight<00:08:41.560> is<00:08:41.719> long time in the cultural Spotlight is long time in the cultural Spotlight is long since<00:08:42.360> passed<00:08:43.120> he<00:08:43.240> records<00:08:43.599> a<00:08:43.760> song<00:08:44.279> called since passed he records a song called since passed he records a song called Blind<00:08:44.839> Willie<00:08:45.160> mctell<00:08:45.920> named<00:08:46.200> after<00:08:46.360> the<00:08:46.440> blue Blind Willie mctell named after the blue Blind Willie mctell named after the blue singer<00:08:47.640> the<00:08:47.800> song<00:08:48.120> is<00:08:48.240> a<00:08:48.440> Voyage<00:08:49.279> Through<00:08:49.519> the singer the song is a Voyage Through the singer the song is a Voyage Through the past<00:08:50.240> through<00:08:50.399> a<00:08:50.560> much<00:08:51.000> darker<00:08:51.440> time<00:08:52.040> but<00:08:52.160> a past through a much darker time but a past through a much darker time but a simpler<00:08:52.680> one<00:08:53.519> a<00:08:53.640> time<00:08:53.800> when<00:08:53.959> musicians<00:08:54.440> like simpler one a time when musicians like simpler one a time when musicians like Willie<00:08:54.839> mctell<00:08:55.399> had<00:08:55.519> few<00:08:55.720> Illusions<00:08:56.160> about Willie mctell had few Illusions about Willie mctell had few Illusions about what<00:08:56.519> they<00:08:56.880> did<00:08:57.880> I<00:08:58.040> jump<00:08:58.320> them<00:08:58.440> from<00:08:58.640> other what they did I jump them from other what they did I jump them from other writers<00:08:59.600> but<00:08:59.800> I<00:08:59.959> arrange<00:09:00.320> them<00:09:00.720> my<00:09:00.880> own<00:09:01.240> way<00:09:02.240> I writers but I arrange them my own way I writers but I arrange them my own way I think<00:09:02.519> this<00:09:02.600> is<00:09:02.760> mostly<00:09:03.079> what<00:09:03.200> we<00:09:03.360> do<00:09:04.000> our think this is mostly what we do our think this is mostly what we do our creativity<00:09:04.880> comes<00:09:05.120> from<00:09:05.360> without<00:09:06.040> not<00:09:06.279> from creativity comes from without not from creativity comes from without not from within<00:09:07.440> we<00:09:07.560> are<00:09:07.680> not<00:09:07.880> self-made<00:09:08.399> we<00:09:08.480> are within we are not self-made we are within we are not self-made we are dependent<00:09:09.480> on<00:09:09.720> one<00:09:09.880> another<00:09:10.760> and<00:09:10.920> admitting dependent on one another and admitting dependent on one another and admitting this<00:09:11.440> to<00:09:11.600> ourselves<00:09:12.240> isn't<00:09:12.519> an<00:09:12.720> Embrace<00:09:13.640> of this to ourselves isn't an Embrace of this to ourselves isn't an Embrace of mediocrity<00:09:14.560> or<00:09:14.760> derivativeness<00:09:15.240> it's<00:09:16.079> a mediocrity or derivativeness it's a mediocrity or derivativeness it's a Liberation<00:09:16.959> from<00:09:17.120> our<00:09:17.440> misconceptions<00:09:18.440> and Liberation from our misconceptions and Liberation from our misconceptions and it's<00:09:18.680> an<00:09:18.880> incentive<00:09:19.800> to<00:09:20.000> not<00:09:20.200> expect<00:09:20.480> so<00:09:20.640> much it's an incentive to not expect so much it's an incentive to not expect so much from<00:09:21.000> ourselves<00:09:22.000> and<00:09:22.160> to<00:09:22.519> Simply from ourselves and to Simply from ourselves and to Simply begin<00:09:25.040> thank<00:09:25.240> you<00:09:25.399> so<00:09:25.640> much<00:09:25.880> it<00:09:25.959> was<00:09:26.120> an<00:09:26.240> honor begin thank you so much it was an honor begin thank you so much it was an honor to<00:09:26.600> be<00:09:26.839> here<00:09:27.440> thank<00:09:27.560> you

thank<00:09:33.839> you

Kirby Ferguson, Everything, is, Remix, Bob, Dylan, Steve, Jobs, art, create, art, creativity, TED, Ed, TED-Ed, TEDEducation

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